MOIIMI NEW GOODS' AT REDUCED PRI( ! NOW oper ine at Ogilhy's Cheap Store, !owe; aasortinunt of dew and desirable Fall and - Winter Goods, .. which fbr style, equnlity and lowness of prices, cannot be surpass. d to the tk,unty. flaying purchased this stock dui lug' the great reduc tion in prices witch tasmwl hot two (Lays in New York and Philade , poix. we are enabled to null tlo or priers than teller Ilou,t a. who pulehesed their entire st ck - at - a - llini ,- ,ctivir Mel erl TY I tie — Dry - Om Els - litre wore at their highe,t prices for the 1214 silt toottats. A fuli 111.0 , 4 'Slack and Colored /qtr....NCH MNiti NOS. BLACK AND CJLORED ALPACCAS, COBERGIS.' FRENCH PLAID, • ALL WOOL POPLINS, Black nod Colored Wool Delnines. Figured boialoes. Bbephertra Plaids. Black silks, Uumbncluer, and n am, other Goode soltoldc fol Lndle+' wear. Cloaks, Cloaks, ( 1, ales, all the new st,t le of Cloaks which for quaLty excel hues, of mak nod of t•r re the surpassed SHAWLS, SHAWLS. All the lat. st not e tles lu thdo i+ that are in the Mar ket, Child Long and Squire Nlourni , g. ail sizes of Chtic tons' shepherd fl Shawls, Uenuantow ‘%wl knit chawis oi all colors and shades. Men and Boy's Wear, • large end full assortment, consisting of BLACK CLOTHS, FANCY CASSI'II FRES, BATTIN ETTS, KENTUCKY JEANS BEAN' Bit CLOTH, for Men's Over Coats, Cloths for Ladies' Cloaks, Slack and Colored. Domestic Goods, Such ne Muslim.. Calicoes, Gingllama, Canton Hannah. Checks, t 1 t, Ito, h, d a t.d Ye low \%, ul Flan 111318. n full ass,ttnent tu , d all Chet ir Lecte.sary is to hear the vices of mime to convince a❑ that the) are lam er than the luweet. NOTIONS. French KI ' Oloven, bent, yeadt..‘. hoick end colored. a full It 0 , f Ladles, Ilebts ano t.1,11,1,en a t,lotoc, U t ton, Aleritto Ilusu Iltop r,. ins Sere niyie Dress frlunoltr, 1,1 1n ti s. ILuW6erel,ietx, iittu Jinn Muds of ',mall Isnry attic ox 300 BALMORAL SKIRTS, all sla aa and p, it es Ladloa and Chi prep. FA 'CY N.;SS IsU In Ituttiins natl.,. tha ii•etilli.d Ona look will con vi••tie all. t% hive rsery ntyle, et liir .Shape and lick° that E'en ne FANCY WOOLEN GOODS. Proakfast ,liawls. Sontag, Tv , nights. :k Mind, nterf..l. t ottl Coati. and tapsle vy K. I Seai la, Chlldren's 111itts.iind 11 is.. l'ulaie NS el Inere.enti many lithar Woo en ar dant S a I slut 11l end Fi.leni OIL Cl,) I Os, tll widths pottoros. A now lo wl , h border for Under eo Al o Thhie mrl I 0 0,00 I 111 BL ANKE TS, BLA NA - E all PUPS and f U:1 I for I rus. Ctadles and Cr!' F. All we ask Is e call and I y 0.14 1, ,F and be can - vie...l that the abol e is not ier.l, talk hot realty 11e will he happy to snow ur Lloode Is all at.d u.•t he offended It wo rnnuut cult eveu the 11l Si partdcular Itent ,, lnher the place opposite the 110.1v:dist Church, Weht Ala n rAleet. October c, 100 GRAND OPENING DAI Greenfield & Sheafer's. NiThavn now ready for inspection v the roost benuliful IIFF• I of Dress (hind ever exhibited in Carlini., nt pikes within Lb red. h of alt. As roe were SO iortuialte nn to be in Tow York during the I lie GREAT PANIC which rust. d ...Iv two days. have d ter...lord to give om euNtoiners the r d v 111.111,0 ill Hi dud rig the Leo .hus that g, ode w•e• e sold at the low est prices. btecl•a •,t DItESS GOODS I • Pr.plf ns Plsin In C!,.lors, Plaid Poplins, :-tilpe do. I.lloc.ide 1...p5. Foulard Pop in,. ,Inpre s louts, 11 oil P.iills lute derinoes. in MI odor-. Coburg, of every• •11:010 end cnior. Silk PI l t''r pos Satin i Poi! de Che• l'elmiite, ali 11,111 , di•shins 111 N1)411(3011 t.l 1111 . n 1.4 1' 111111 1 1 1 1.0 11 /1 11 Oh nr Goody Ureenlield S -hi lull like of DOMESTIC GOODS, ift priers kjyit.dely V 1.1110410, W 0 Cu Uall MIISLINO, CALICOES, GINGHAMS, Inner ths.olliel nnirchat•ts !nod Joe Owes.", Uoudx tuu ds, se. 11. . mho esi, a 16. x• for their 1.3 101 l tO es]. and oNHOlitic our toark. p to wind the place, South I ad miler hh,rkrl Slll.l Cc. xrond d"or. Ths n kh.l for the post ron age wo rerpoetrnlly xe licit u coo lulu., of tin. x.,111• OILEENFIELiD & SHEAFER. • October Il i I Silk. PIANO-FORTES. 1311IGGS' NEW PATENT. AttE the folly I to-itiolicnts con-t , nen 11 on a truly sid,rltt. pri..ripa• •I hey Ittee C e I or a trrn_th at d ail r. uwln lair en I, othor e.. 1 Nro.l 0.4 is I untuml =MIN 1/14 1 111 1H tiltpirlkf l Vll . likr. tout 31k• Me/ •• t..'1 1 ntrt.oti (11111k . 1? it, 1 11111 4 .113, II t• tilt hoilt Iblelt torn ‘l..lilt tkilt• 11• I.k .1 1.1 k 1: 1 mll'll,lllo. 11111101 1 , H. 111,11,1 t• ci i•ri 1 itt.6•p ittl ettt , of hrrnnu. titer. 1.) di-1.01. , t : It i, 1... .11.1 bt. f , rm of mtrm.ettnr, hr , nl—ilto in p o 4 , 01440 444 the 44 114.• t (too 41 , 44• ,4 r 441 , 1.4- ,0414 , 11 ' , lr. 140 :04 i , 4144 14 v 4 4444 r. 1.44 444,p. .r..V It II wine time pe en Ing .11 iii li1•y .t.. 1 ii hr tuna. 'they have revelved I,i,tliest test in Pre.l4;a t And all the 1)100411i Hrt,, , t • lit Ira w.ll uwoug ‘i bleb +u,.; iiarr) aaersaa, Max %larelzdc. The , duro I,6llt•ltt, flu h tupt, Francis 11. Brown, 11 in. Iletiry Fry, Mr. trEillr.S ‘IUND Tit iLIi F,ItU, the gr nt piarrisi, says:-1 hate examined your new Ignia t Ild I Cordially approvr of Ito P.) bleat df r•ollm.ructioni pr inciple, by which great Increase of vibratory power i• obtained, being very slwpie and perfectly ph Merriam cal. 'The 1011 U is gratin and noble; it has great capa.• Ivy for snot fining the sound or olognig, nod its irl nine of or power I have never heard excelled tae depth. purl• y. and ii)mpathur In frwuetnes It tn. Fir Y, lute musical critic of rlto N, Y. Trib,..ue says have eXantioed your newly "tuvuntrei Piano-Fortes. 'I hey merit ail the praise given to them by Messrs Tbalburg. Uouschalt, Straerrosch, Mason and others. An, regards Hu future, th i iiy me original and philosvphitral; tu purity, volume, anti enutinnii:, of tone; in vocal verfrimilitude, that crowning urtlel. lea u which enables the plat, I,to to '• sing" on the if otrument, your Pianos over deserve the 10.thest rank Your invention, in my opinion, to destined to wort. a radical change in the manufacture or Pianos through out the world. Freya the N. Y Gerald, I opt. 6.—Upon a careful ex animation of Priga's Plano-Forte, we find the iesulte obtained are a very fine singing tone, great i urity and brilliancy Throughout the entire Instrument, not often. found In Pianos an structed upon the old plan. The N. Y. Times, •tuly Id says:—We have now a u lnettument without en equal. It can sing with a smooth delicacy, perie,tly übuttaluable on any other Insirutoent : an'ordlnury player obtains with no earn. than, e fullness of a Grand l'iane•Porte, and they must speedily supersede the old Myles. Gewritststi:—llaving thoroughly examined and tested the Piano-Fortes inset ted and patented by Mr. `. B. Maris, 1 am of the opinion that the toner. suit • ep from his improvements, as exhibited in the in. ramgrits under• examination, In point of richm rpth a•d brilliancy, ennuis that of the beet - Grand I lane Fortes. and excels them in pure, musical Inton ation and actual tone, power thus approximating closer co what 1 considet perfection in the instrument than hail yet bean aehieied by any other Hy stern of mannfaeture. Yours rei , peotfaßY, L. M. GOTTSCHALK WM. HALL. & SON, 608 Broadway, • . NEW YORK, Before purchasing, wind for a descriptive catalogue with Wee. Juno •• tr, MONEY f...1,10111EY Nancy Saved 'is. Earned ERS, I)l . 6 . 4anies and laboring 1 men look to yogi'lnt,weets. if you'wlsh to siQo money. buS )our - - '" Boars; WOES, HATS AND CAPS, ' at PLANK'S't,itOre. W4•St coro.:r . ,:f :North — l.l.anover St ,ant' L'ortitst Alley: toldivay bet weoU Thie dif tun's 0 - 1.5.1 Wait; Pl' .Cn rllnln, Whore lloorl4 fih eii..liats nod 4lita4'en n la had tr. - Jui , the 001111P0111 , ,t article to the very be•kqual IV. r . atich prices' that def,daitipi iii' nod see than.- . • Romem 6..uth Nest corner, of North Ilanover ' end Locust ;My,. teldway between Thu- diUttea and We. zel'a Ltotele. Odder o,lB66Aitti MEE Asithinding Revelation! THE PEOPLE ASTONISHED I CARLISLE rig A N UPROAR! SIAYER. or -1-Jor'ristiorg lulu in s connection with Lie ttore.,in that city, er, tatilished a new MILLINERY STORE In the borough of C'artisie, nest di or to Pr. Pale's. North Ilan our street, and in prepared to offer large Ind. ements to the Ladles of curl ts:u and %kinky. - Ilelog emititiottly in receipt of the Intent •lairs a. d fashions. from the eking of New York. Philadelphia -at-d-itnitimoraphoils - prepareditoi . x -- mid alt`itiv 'tattoo to the ladies in general visit him,at his plane of but-biers. where they can juiege tor I heniselVee, as t•. then twins lay of 111. goods. the style and fashion of the •+as and riitulity p.l ceiru ihitt t artiste is up twain .larger cities and that no longer the necessity exist ut travelling to our tiolghlairing cities for the pinpoint of obtainintr fashlotiable ladies uo.r. Mr Mayor, keeps nottglantly on hand Ladies' Bonnets, In Straw, Silk. t elvet, o lib the tidiest. Trimmings, and latest sti Ladies and Misses Hats, In Ftraw, Volt. Ilk and Volvo,, trimmed with birdF, foathurs and Mi.+ richest ortmment.R. • Old Ladies' Dress Caps, In styles and quoin lett ton a tmornus triebllna. 11.11 Not , antrilea I itrovses. Witter Palls nnA Ilvir Itnlln Silks. Velvets, Itiblitins. [Sonnet anti lint Frames. and all articles belonging to the Itlitleory line. CLOAKS, CLOAKS, such an Cherterfield i•oats. Loom Sacks. Circulars. ehort n, %Vaticloc Sacks L. all qu dittos of Bearer and Broad Cloth. light and dal k colored SHIM LS, SHAWLS, all pa tlerns and fit) lra , doubl - and tingle. for Fall and It inter Rue) aq Itroat tzt•+t CII pug ScarrN. 111,0 th, in 'calicoes Ft) le s, not) n ILK 00 ,en Foam 11.100 Twilight Hood. &c , &c. Fu , ll as Tiatiifr,lla s all, plain linen nil hewn, if xti f 11,1 II ut.,l:xrvhh•ll Nnundnc c..10r. &t . TIS• 1 1. 0111 - 1 e Novi, "ItiN 1011 I it' Muir ;11,1 Jinx lint FOR TRI M M INGS, n I tv , • n hand n lot ..f (131 i and DteFli ornamen and Trlnani lo 1t a.laoJr.olton,Qb , r.•s 11 I, ir, lhu•.i , >h „ .t F.t loath hoe, rl promVtr • r , to 11, -t , ie I rr•lmt iti I• , •1 11 , .(I it I ii.• p,%t ronay. 01 it lies. And , •nr 11, It• w 1 , 1 lm T 1.101 ) ,, 11.1 " =MEI OrS y y. (Su trelo ys eXf epi ed New Boo!, Shoe, Hat & S:or6 'l‘lll.l sub,olibor would ie-pee loll) ii,fot in the It of 1 tl.ll sLifittttl enttlar , 'that 11.1 11... n. just r Cur 8,, until , anal Tut ~ok s • bib nt Ilin 11.-W fi :Intl 5 ,latt MOMMM=9 CHARLES Mai', Ti u•tc~ =MEM 111 wh ch hr •sou , ill.l, it,• the 1,1”1. ii,” ur porehAse Ilex ,E.,eh cow i• rlh hurt. of Nlett . .. 1103 :ihtl Yout FINE CALF BOOTS, Kipll itrkmq li.. ts. til/d caluce Kid I el, Ail nn•a 1,1, oil gn,,s Sllppl•rs Al, LADIES WEAR. (11.;re 11t1. 1 1 el.;.11 awl L 11,11.11 a, , lng finite .V 1 .1,,11 n att.l t0.4e1.1 i t n 1;11 . 2.. n-s •Ittnietlt •nv)' Bouts 111111 11 110.111..1.11111,1 I; ;11e. of all do,trl pt .t., F. ,m1r21,1.1, fill.' I%ld and I 11S , /111, I. a r lad IN id tots m.O Ili 113orktl, Cad Ulll.l lilt, I It 0 .1001,, OP. Ihit,;,:.d Clip"; 111 great variety, for Men 6nos dotl lou NV eta. Fr Ito co II JlOlll,l IL) the VI.1) Le,t lit jow pl nes. ut,i IL cl lin 111t0t..1 , Sltl2lll ps,Pli , ll 411 LI till 1 I. SIIHN, 111111.1,11;- • , 1,1111,11i0 , LI`IS 11. • ,1J.1.1 1,1 1 Slll. 11111 1:1% , r 1,1111 1111,11 shut p.l in.•meniber thu Stand S 1 ,1 c ri t'r of North Ihtoon , . , mil. 1.t7, 111 v, . 10.1.1 way 1,..e0Li I lAI .Imi; at”. trz I h s_n,L, le, I= NV• ( '• . SA wrER• A. I)ir. e,iN"• ri-itn.r.lun )119. I': 1111:',11-.11i h, I III; I,r he punt. • ill I' ilillllllll,l 1.1 y .111 .1.1!, 11,811 e, LI till 111 ,n;,u) SLort, a too‘s cpeil lor Linn i.> w or a lar "t aily ht. s, , 'I i ipf• IIIL! vory ria •• an ' ,1 IP V re'nnt 11i n1.1(111 , •ie I.r n•AV..3 li I tilt , ai.d ar• ;11)s li.l, in, Lin• 111,1 1. , It o• 1•il- 111 111. \ 11 • .1 til'lrl 2 t.I“.JiN it ,r 11, ;11 l• 410 uls 1111' y I.oltht• I rt 1 11,10% Ie n.ntit• L., the .% h rto ouu Inv .1 1 1114,i• 111 u- Tlt.• tlo• ~Ill` i,r , .11t• r lor, por,u, tipel•ilue Lod to 0 1,0 t, ttlr UNIV6LIVAI V Of (NIA. =Eli 1111111= =EI MEI= I. \1 D., 1., r5t....t.t.,f ,;(.. I y 11 - 11J1t 1, 11 II' v 1 I 11. 1 • 1; I! 111. Wes II A I. 5, )I U 19otrs rof oltst,tres 41. d =MEI NN ul u. I) A. It • rt I Chas. P 01 Al,(110100 I) I hit us goow, \I 11. 1h.11.000 , r \ 1.1101 Asti•l.olL Lrr ur4 rOO (210,c .-064vry. lie Si' LIM SeR•100 ,I8.11)-66) bu_ln nu the 3100E14) 01 ~C hal, is La cluro uu the 11,61 01 March, One Intv.ductory wit; Le d. livered t I.' o Course 111.,11.a 1 strunto giveh llu• tito vbs.), in the, dical 1110, 11 the 1.r010.s r. nod al 1110 Ito At, the hu.rdrl,•hLr Hospital, ~, ul.liniug 6;1 ‘,0.10 innirn•th+o 1n Oren \ , lllinry ruru^.y of d Ilyglene will be l'uly taught by tbr Appropl SAL.. ribll 00. T,no DlN..oetiog /looms. under , ho Rlll , VritetrUdebre ,I UPI Pr, i s-or of A Wit,ilny awl lhu num-bvtt.t r lii open 11.ouglidu6 tho oxvvyt, in July /Lilo A.uguftc. Nu, Roam for Operative Surgery and the A pp:le:alt) or Bandage., AC. ie open, throughout th • ere...slop, uu ter the nue. rr Woo of the Proloe•or geryr,r- Foos ror Ih • L teach Vrotessor $Ol, •lotrieulati.,, Coo (paid URIC° only h ; • ll 11 f tiiit.Oli Fri), r 3 It. It ItuU LACS, 11. D., Dean of the Niel:Veal 'Farolt3 ESTEY'S COTTAGE ORGANS, • •I+' you want anything 'go to Etavorstiok'i Drug and !took Store. • B. PLANK. EU Knitted Woolen Cools, EMBROIDER [ES, IN HOSIERY, GREAT AIOIII7ANCE FREE Ilt,ots, Shoes, Hats S, caps, llisses awl G'lli/f/ren's Ware, L'rr.i;n I. I' NEW FIRM SE.ISON .1 13 L ; b EIV GOODS. us! %in e t ue,lrur be my II tel 11 . A• It. INIL:oicAL • iris rt.:, AE - .:. , ourlcuylENT 11=1 =MI , itii- Pr •It. ,tr 3utt•lnt IMMI or 11 0111 .0 :11:4.1 .in 111 . dit 1).. loNsur 1 , 1 lies) hid Prnvtlr I , • surf 4 V As - „ )Cottage Organ. a., - 1'Aiiii...... 2: 9.... . _ - 1.,,W. , , , • 4 .:2:„` -,:,.---.:,' ARE not only unexcelled, but they urn absolutely unequalled. by any i thug' Reed Instrument In the .huntry I). elicited expreettly for Churelteauudechoola. they are found to be e natty w.ll adapted to tun prior and drawlo4 moth. Or halo only by E M. 1111121011,. No.lB North S 'VENTII Street, PIIILADLLPIII k. Ane , A I .o ' BRA DitllltY '8 PI A Nu, ti du cOinploto in. 6Ortnlent of the PllttitEUV MELODEON. . Sept. 22, IbUb—ly. .tt 1--r, LADIES FAIIVIr FUItS! -- • AT JOHN' FAREIRA'S Old established FUlt bIAN UFACTURY • Nu. 718 Arch 81. %boy° 7th, hero how in store 01 ty own Imporlatton ocr 11laou1acture, one t the Laram,t audition kuutilul aeltetlons of F ANON 0310, • r nadirs and i'hildrens Wear ‘n the city. Alto a 'flue at•sort ma of. Gent's Fur ifi,,v(N /11111 0 llnrs., , ..10 Pnobbnl to dlerotmo of my tramb3 at 14 1 11 rras•m able prima+. nod t would thin Pr Ina halt a call from 'flY rib•l000f t'arltsl• nod th'lnitY Remember:Lilo:Nam. IStnhor fitrivtl • mmtv vAttion.A. '• • - '7lB Arch Btyent, vo 7th, aan l ll Shit ?A. 1805-1 m • d'lnladebehn 4474 hail° no Partner, nor connectien with hay Ober, ato, éln Philadelphia! • ' PROCLAMATION ! ACA 1 ItEREAS- I, '%l )1 A. NIILEs, Cart, IhIP. re having Just returned trout the I IS Use ettien with all extensive neeurtalout tit. the' Most nehionunie Au& nlllll4O. colors .11 DRESS' GOODS, • trench ‘lotine..,. :Cora W. 01 flaLanes, American dd, • , Vlgured do., Alpacas, French Caslnfores, Ihnek do . Plain Poplins, lisp do., Cohen no, Figured dn. Therefore purehniers will find it to their advantage' o pvu inuti Also, the handsomest assortineot of PLAID DRESS GOODS. Curll•le. Particular attention given to 'aloes:villa ()clonal' • 11. ‘I A 1111• Ra. Directly oppr.lte he Mansion House, and one door west of the .'net omen. eept. 21, 1805 NEW STORE 'ln Eby's Old Stand, Main Et, L. l3LliNlLAtill & SON, J NFORM the citizens of Carlisle and 1 v lel nits. that they 1111V0 just. opened le the above popular stand, 1111 111111111181.1,111011{ of First Class Clothing, nil Gord lemon's Furnishing Goods. Their stock con 'Ms in part or Coats, -Pants and Vests, . far civilian in sohlie,, 11101.10 titti, the hitast Winans, of Moods the quality of which cannot ha queeth nail. Overcoats of all varieties. l'runka Carpet nags and Va lises. Nana MB, Scarfs and Colin a, Shirty, Itrawero and atockinge Fumy 00(1S of • ull (1 e.qe In 'art a complete and entire llHROolliellt of Clothing roll ' , urn tiOodk Don't forget he place. Eby's Old stand. ' l Verne street. Carlisle, Pe L. l3rttNhlA lin & 90N. Darembor 24, 11114 lI:llil)WPiRI sTORE. iild II n ril ware Stunt) uI I,evk is F I, n1111:4 1k ,h A H • IM 1,, who an. nnw trahAteting tor the mho. s , ylo of MILLER S BOWERS Th.n•M fn.m bur , jo.t r. for rd fr , in errs opqr..i w. itir..lBl. CO Inc 1,1111)15 di Iil , • t p.irrs.ll.l 1.1 .Is 111 E01?E1C; N AND DOMESTIC (2, , 11:11 tl),•. IJ,\S", VA UN MMMEI kr. A In. I% Int, Lb it ,•ruAt kVII . ra, vinrr allthat t.ll/. nave enough of zo.d , hill) qupplv doillawl II l.roil, rt. Persi,os,Attift 111 lII' nu liud It t. , their wisnotal It, AIVY 11/4 A tall. All Ord.. pt•rattlldt ud pr.mipt.i) atteuclut.l .lii.) 7. Great Excitement ! ! IAS b II etetttated tit lie Cheap lity Jeet v trio boo. of h Lk. ‘I•1 Yr. Jo too• tt nit jtt • p t e ittrays!. sio k• I huh •11111 , 1% inter .1..4) • fl• lU Neo k an • - phin, lb .1 has yi h,Oll in Cll. 01l •1•1•11,i11/11,,11 .1 0:1,0- of goods to foe foutyl io a aril class -tyro LA 1)11:S' DRESS GOODS, 1.1. h +lllll F/1/11, C 1 lord Press Lks gilt , 112 tir d h riineh inn,. kin Nall! Ind Lrlpe l'opllns 1 . . dd.., I el, in Ills. . 1 t . 12 I , ' L. (1110 , 1 nl 1 . 1 titl v Clll4 11 1 11 , , 01S / 1 :111. a 1 111 1 OS, krllll l l, • ^ ll , Phi Av. A., Ac. t)u g Goods. Itupa ,jjk.. 1.111. AL, N. r rti.. h C+ , ll own, It I ‘V.,111 help.. NIHI Cowin , . I uld , and ivl lth 000 l llous. Delniue , ulls, A I. I' ACAS, Cobttr.s. Lon. Bu ichbel nod h I et - h,ov Is, rqmiry I,l.iui ri 01111 'I LOWE r‘har,ll,, , rave \'el s i r Ciapes. ves en. , re.14.11g.d and uslln I ' l,ll l l u • • lilit •. ('A STUN PL.! .V.V E ,\ t . roomel , . Fl/ttluti. •ille .11111. I ly F.!l/ I MK, F. 1 7 1 \l 7 l l 1,1C0i06, n e.~.ii. fool 131,.y.' 11', fir, DEMME 14 , nit, I laths I r .)v , r , f I" 1, r L odic, Cum{-, 111th :11,1 Pn .try t.trriilloo 5, 10-. - Ins...‘ r l • its , n list Ihr 1.4 ....le t , h t ice; CLOAKS ! CLOAKS'. flTii Lit:hr 1 wa . .- reeetv Furs ! Furs ! Furs ! 1,11- t .s- iil.l I 4 • 1 , , 1 , I. I re Al KO 1 , 1 •• 111 1% Oid and COL .o /..V. 1.. • Li. IS. 111111 , kkP Ot, .1 11,seey I e,trel, qtt,l.ll,,er , 1..,1 o.l , lirt II P. I , • i t 11.1,1, , er .. •1 ,•1 tele ...L.' 1 r =NM C A 1:1 . ::N ! C \ ETS .11/1/11111/ / 1/.1/ 11 / 1 /111 g.i ///// 1 vi /1./1 W. C. Sawyer. & Co 11 . ,•„1..-1. 1) J E. 11,t,•01.,1,1,, 112 V I Is br t,,tl 61( 1%111 am! Gods .;:.; Elt 111;.01.:(;,1 11l(;* 1; K .0, 1.1.1 11111 Ito I, so 02°1, 011.1 ~ Lt o .1.1 . • Z,111,t,t1 1,.2.,• 1 11_u et, 1 /0,1.1 i 1 • 11 „u., het, t., , .111 1 LI/ • 1 , 1,1, •11./•••1 111 •1) 111' .•I ,11, 111 . • 1 11 t 1.1.0 an..l 1,1,,Cuu and 1 Il.eL. Lii.uu and Lae , ' .1."1 . , ,1111 11.4,1..11.erub1. lIUI ui 1.1 ./..2 Lt. cou 11 4 , 11 . 00 eLs, Ituulu 1/1.1.10 /1 . 14,11,11..1 I alb, i(Lu, itud tirurvu I . In llllele. I.a 111,/..1•1.1 11, u /Colo,. Domestics in Quantities. 1411,110 8. br,Vii uud 614:11C1:13 ,1111,1 ,nt , 111.0, ,C. Colts' and Boys' 1{',.(12 14;1 II c. ,f Cuenlmor•, plain al.kl fancy Scarfs ems, at.LI shirts. . EuSIER V & GLOVES Totten and %%nal inr Ladlo3, U, nLo. :%litla a and Ch drew. FURNISII6:O 00 )DS of 410 kinds ucuully bept lu nn[eai, Uri 0, odb 1 , 101,5, au;r, aut,, Luehatig ,buttits..., , ptiipqiu, u,,- „,ets., We pay e cal attent I•u to MOURNING GOODS, and will 110 bin to all ell 01lirrel u r t Intends; Owl) tn. rn, .3 . . lroutlloh erOpd ulln, s , IM.sell MO Mlllithit , 04411., tallproSti, hop Poplin Aud alone llourninge; till qualitlee of 1 1 ;1%1 . 1,11 and French Crepes. 1111.1acitte, oc All orders carefully attended to, Fancy Di y (1 , 008, tstattietitle de., lieutu Nuur, I lottlery and Üb,v ex. Kid 11•4 white dud black, cal. are und all sizes, in UI dioxx vu let Iqx ttt SA %V YISR & Co.. e Dour-Below %taw's East Main St, Larttale, Pu. Fnpt. 20, ISOS BOOT and SHOE • EMPORIUM. r E Subeeriber having reiii , med hie Ito t k fguie .tore tram North Itantever Street to %oat Main litre° u low doors below the burnt turner. urrabe Marlon lIa,I. Io propured to aroomm c d.ite the public with the rory beet momrtinoot ni BOOTS AND SIIOES; BOfilE MADE .WORK "fa kinds ems aptly on hand and made to order at the ahertuat nutteu, 1 wolf...tint% but the beat mat, mat and tmplos not o but Ulu Wet Lactolnl a tendon uiren . to the ametwarture of French Calf foots, If you %rant a neat lit that non't pinch pivot:no a call. Floe Cull' Motto trim 4 , 7 to 01:1 ' 0 Co a rt,o peat,. from $H 00 Woutott'a ohotta from to oat 00 CHILDREN'S SHOES °PALL KINDS. ha, e a lot of Boy's and Women's Shoes that 1. utu malle t s at o Cali and examine befoi o purollaslflu elaewhe o. Plsll Slt, . , ' ,11'ukt Street. tortirlo. Soptombor 1060-Iy. S. SEA , _l_lllllllll . . DentlBl. from the Bala , SIM *lwo 1811180 of Ueutnl Surgery. urt)...o(llce at the • regilenee of hie inether, East Lout her 8 , rear, three tloure below Bedford 1,1814 111 l IiI 4 C HIPTION: , can °rid omn . pOUI4- •dua a rialaratioleu Drug auditookfitoze.• Domestic Goods. r.ll.,•ting , , ve , ) Ft) Iv .lity ii). NOTIOAS. r... 1 I Ott, Nl,l aod ; t-, Llot, IIrEARE=I =IZE • II r .10 I .0 1. 1 / 1 ti 1,. I ‘1 .1 fill jtii I. lit tl 111/1/ 22. 1!1EIMMMIllig LI i.. 1 :.( I I ,I i. a Ykk OErTy .'4At4; At the Rooths of , ZUG'S Building,— south enst come r Nart et Squire, of LIM Lilco pictures, sonilating of i'LiuTo6ll',Al'llB. A3IIIItOTYPES, SIELLANIOTYPES, LA ,TES DE VISTE in all st3ies a d sizes. from Life riz to the tiimature pin! are. ler rings nresst pills. ote Ills plethres are Wariatiled,SUpOrier to icy taken in thin rime ly or slot, hero. iii, material is of the hole, !end his srtisu -rannot be -. .urrinvgird P u ore emus and frefas of ail qUalith It from ih richest gill and carted rose.° al t o the pinions, e'uo dampestl ie Icita /Ira made to suit all class.. arid conditions of nen • - • • • • • . 111..114u] for poet tavors, and deice a continuation of he mint,. lEN= NEW GOODS: NEW GOODS! UR D opening ii u u riviilled goods . juFt rvesisnit•frnin the Eastern :W ro es: iwont er d ice nntl v th led seh•etions nr. .5 W. 11.01% . K ihol.vot st., I ho I.llllllllr and well Itin.iw stn. 11. Our lint of Dress Goods eninpri-es. BL AfiK SILKS, In grent varlet) 'deluding Ulu In•st goods imported 'Juliet/I. tiros du Won d A di.' nu and figured. I.Upin'r N erliinas in ail color prices. Plaid Nirrinnon and l'nplitla, EMPRESS CLOTHS - _ figured and Plain, Alpaeenu all shadeu, Cohurge, Pi i.ulnee or Elegant. Perigns. WHITE GOODS, Jaconots and Cam Iries. I lain arid Plaid Itarnsoohr LI'E'NS AND COTTON GOODS, ;Unroofing Counterpanes - very cheap. FLANNELS Every quality of .hlte and color. I (I , nutels. els e 0.41it,r81 shirts Ac, A In pt, I< of Cloths Cassiniere. Sot firtut is V. lvet o.d. Ilttlitt-titatle Je,t nu &c. I hat t, tt .upet Irr .00w rt m. lit of Millinery Goods, [l o an, t l'alvata 'tad ni d tlimming I,i ..i.g11•11 rap 1111, k 0 U RNIN G GOODS. Sipple and 1001 0 01 u I :diNVII../ In Lll/110'. Enl• 1,, ill S 1111111 O.IISI 11.11 1 i . • 111 HU' Ail 1010 A i t.C.ctt Il"II 1 1 ( . 1. to gm.. I It.. tdp 11i 11hn it .I 1•110:11-11 1 ro 0. r I 0.1 `11.1,1, rddlio r. Id 1 , .0.110•11;0g NOTIONS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION .11110. Ilttl '14:1 att.l II• .1, • II IR .A 1 vi". 3 an, • (11181 , . WO, 1111 ill• 111.1 . 1, t I Nl.t 3 1— A %V 11!.N I Z N ENV Flit ST CLAS S G ROCERY ST01( E. E l'ublie call find. it our ni the Isulldiu r late)) 111,11p11,1 le . ~tip %sl,old. deed and lio•xt. door lo tit. Cat 14.1, 0 ...II Bunk, m vor% 11,11 And Ir. rh.o.stotment...l till LI, lilt rent kiods and gtadt, .•I G AT h:sse !jeep lees 3 rup 4 . 111,,ia.ave uvarg, Prepure.l C.. 11...• In I's porn Vovetab en an Niel. B. Pr eparvd to rds, TOBACCO, PIPES, &e. Lsn_i; 11,1(11.3 . Corn rer , Itl;mie, la A znrona, Lyn lin 11,,3,, Notlnetzs, Itlneklng, bee. .• r, innenla 11. ent . nn. “rn, I.,ntp and,l li, I I In, Line, Ised Cord , :Tice PX.•A 1./111 , 1. 1111k1 I.; 10.•14011 , . 11 ,• t.,“r I-3 ve lolhh hlu vorin, Spitto's 'VHF 111i1'1, 11, ‘l,,hullll. ,1 1 / 1 11 Sllllllllll. 111,1 . 1112 .1 lid 1.-i) m• Itiwt and It , IZI I / 1 11 :1111 , ,11 I and Lrud. en,ht... IS, la , and ll ispe oil,. 6'l 1.1, 3 RATAN W A R E. tt - Lj i to rnll. exniolue nn cAr tuns -loch 01 FIN 1 .1,4).41i1t1H-. -11 t• I t ntl 1:11110 •If l'r...11)1•1• 1A 11 S 11. A1.1,6\ At Co Ilrat 18.'4-14 Cs ~ P irlj,k//1 1 ( 7 11 'l' *-- . a tj rt '-'.l ';-' ,• , ' -IA t "'' , '',-- s-; ,*F V,:i•• ~..,' *5. 1 1 . 1 11. 4 TE::,-,t , Pfs - ,?: v ,- : 4- -- - 7 ;'7,-,r. - r ,,, 'r;E: , :s; - -,; , ;z:f;,- ; .i, , , , „-iv:;:, li - : ,:',-N r) , t ': .: t .- tc -4 5 1. 4li t -A . 4 o.t:q ~ .ci fr:; ; , ...- 4)9( ,,, _,,,, , i y,i;tl37,.;,:',v' , :'.,' , ,-,,! .-,, : 1. f „ - ; - -$ . „ l , g ,!/-., ~ '• - -- - z-'; - -,; 4 , , wzi t ..,,-.„„...-./...,.... , ~ - -, , ,-, . .., , :,,, ~ ' , - e.e-- . , , _, : ~ .....,,-_, D , :...,, r Ii• , 11•11ifi.1011q ( . 011 KA kmlll . .1 II o , 01.• e u Ii • "I Nstho A n 1,11, , nrrf o , lllsu , optlt , i), and al. ••I , .it 11 h-% , 1r lii ,llrit 1k• 1,111 141.1, No 1 1 , I -tic el. tl, I) iv 4 t;',;,' / ME .1w) , .,11 111 '1.,11)1r• rt•. • • 111111V11.1 ) . 1... ) 11%.Pi1 1. Ili"I/ MEM • 1 •e' . 1. .11,1 31 -lU.d =I 4 ....;;;;;„ • 7,1 41 I \ • ,),..„ ;; . 4 p..1. , 1 n N wrew 11,.60.1111it 1 . 4,1.4 ii 111 1 ,111.1,1 1111.1111 , 1 I • 1It, 11 Ors, relist toil ellen,. a perniatiel.t ,•tire Try It I,rst It In r. arral‘teW to yuy r , als hy all Itru_lyb.ta. Uenrral DepA, 6 I asl far I. :beet, I titian ) S!1 Il it . Jill elf 1 . 4 N 11',c TI \ 111— We on n ris Hilt rind with lONS of A [met' a. 11.1120411 M. la !,.1, , •11. 4 1 , NI • r , "1,.1111 . ..111111 N.•rVi/11,1 no, • leql,imr a T ,of r It IN it ve,rerable pt ep.lratlo fr e rre t s Ilgoore; II PtrellgthetPs the s hole ter • .steal It era ttes a Iro .1 .ippetlte, an t Is war otsil ciao ''Nspspala abd Nervous Debility. Far 'ale by, Oru eglata wenerally at $1 per bottle - Prep kred by 1,. A. ,trickland, 6 East Fourth Streyt. •lanatl Dee 2. INA CA RPETS ! CARPETS ! ! • y hove received from New York, nil j id lON lind quwlltlae ofearpet“, on Cloths. MuttlngF Loolthig WINDOW SIIADES, Curtain Mat..rlals. Talde tlovera. adfli furl-eines. Wide Sheetinge. I llin v luslins, Trnvellllles, crash and all elude of house furnishing gentle. Also, a large at Ch of general MERCHAArDISE. Perfume In want ; , f any of the atter() good'', are re ;Tactfully In cacti to CAI that& bold in the lowe•t market value. Additl mP will to mask HP the thetson attival rem. Iligaust cash prlcus paid fur earpet Rags. East Mato trort, uao .your below Mu:11a 9 a Hotel W. 0. SAWYER. IEIIEI3 SEG ARS & TOBACCO, lJ Al It A I,STaIsPI4 DORT Folios, Writing Desks, Back Gammon Board,, Oarnoaar all deserlptlan'at Has , l•ratiek'a Dilag, pu nay and, tam CHOICE SEG A.RS & TOBACCO, AT RA LSTON'S I II)HYSICIANS will find it to their ad vantage to calLanu purchase their Nltabefratal at ItALSTON'd. =NM D E R F U M ERY, .Costmetics, &e., rug and Rook 8 ore. 11 17111 BELTING I • it Jaw recul red a largo nagortnient of all then— fl um Bolling. Gum !luso, CI um Pnek &c.; And for Bala dump at Ulu Hard alma Star.• of BY SAXTON. Juno '25. l WA . . II I A3l Ilk , —6OO pairs Homes unhand .oran (Lida hlizabut Mow,- pattern. Loudon do , 0..14.1111th du.. with and N Klima int. nt I'l4 l 'o.ll,gs l'hel4lllr time pear at 11. Eitet 11ain et. .111101 UTS, emiteettutittry and 31300 TM SAECOAEIS, A' FULL atmortnient of Alen and Bop.' fie,!, and ...11 , es. a uktablo fay ttar sviniar A leo, Llama owl anboOral ilootreP, lanut, at nil kinds. Ludlam and lientlonnCeo . l.lN! truer Slaws. NI) old ouatomores and all, In NI all 01 ' good Had., twap 1111.1 -110,4, a p' ya and Ocaoi[ija thr lwfoilt-purelvieltig, Alain aeu 'O) pn alt 1 . 111. .001.1 t ' 011 AS. UGILBY; Trustee.. July 1,1801, .1. O. LESICE.It runp, Candles, Prysorves, Cutups F, nit Cr, nt , errle - Dri«d Cul rptan, iii led Fruits. ut., `,IIIIIT. ..., ?~ - , ~,c;,1 4 4,7 • . 11E1 I=l The Great Internal Remedy For THE EFFECTUAL CURB OF RILE UNA NSA GOUT, NEURALGIA, TETTER, IS TRULY r 4, 5 1. Fin MAT I C COM ROU N Btioon PURIFIER _ _ a,'' ! IT STANDS UNEQUALED BY ANY 'MEDI CINES nave bofo,e the public for lint cure of the at ova named also/lees. the vast nurnikr of rub on mediclnee , hich formerly have been Wed fir the.,• diFOlses wore merely temporary in their effects and of doubtful rirtm•, but The Rh- umatie Compound Roach, the ',mil,. of all trouble. nod actually banish os db.toloo 'lOlll the 03 010111 by its itnlnedlate Actin, oln the blood. Johnson's Rheamalic o,»lpound TIIE SOLDIER'S TRUE FRIEND! =I P1111{ . 1...1 )1 Sit , ll 1I OIL 1110. 17 Is, 101:4. vnnrw.lnliNsov . Dear Sir: In Nnverntn.r. h ,Vo., I.llll.nuitistu. t.. Hell I ),” nn•brru ‘t.i•T I I' 111,1r1 . , 'hr... tt,u • Thu :0 tank r..,1 r r., nv to i• r , I 1 .milt ire sit I/ 411'1,1 If , our rrl i'siri , rr 01..1 I i i .r.• I 11 , 1 la ri. thlep rot. I, I C. , 1 'ph liar p 1.1. 1,11, 1 • 1 “11101 ,•11 , to 1,110• L .11111 r, I • 11111 NW. 111111Plili in All Tll, •1101 , 1,1 rvit v(1) Ll.t . I,4letlui (ism l ut et CIIIIIII=EI NI - IBlt IR PA TTEPSON. , ;efere"co P. T. Patters°, nn (I IV i I Ile/II DIIIII,III. N 7 (101. i strret. All who lIFV It roe. Ivo lament. It rmen , il.ll , all other reattoilve fail. It gives 1111i0,0:11 as Isou•ti,n. prre.r la n not. al undont. Ir rv . lb. , on I, sure yore f.r It hem.° t l