BASS SARA ISLE. th a previous nolice, z.d Ult•let the atwve name. oftkers. NI 0(1111.11Y, t. 11 DIX oN, SP„ • L. ER, Esq. FIN OMNI! We respectfully ash the aid of the Ladies nod Geo ot ur d br,o;lt a'os •-or .mu. try Irlrmo In ur un 1ert.t..1.14. end p oullke in rearm t, spare 1.0 pt.... , to Wake the —.1,10.'1 , 11" n fi j CC clneC 11l Respectfully IV. 11. IV I W.: ER. 44.‘,. 1111L111.11T, C 1 1 ,• A. 4141::. 'IAN, 15 IS ~ itut,or., NV ILL 11 .1.14,11 , , .1.30. r A 1. 5.,..1%, IL 'lll met: kit t:\ 4.Y • .1,. 11l ~. 4 Li.. r , II ~. I I Cri.ii .1. LI ~ C.AIVi N 111, I% I LL 31. , (:I Llll, 1%. li. 1%.. t. I ./.. W II ll (..K.%. ~.,,. .I C 4,111.:.14.11.3N IV T. It. I) .X 0.3., L. a LI, c... CII .6. II v Kt , 1-, .1.‘,. 1tr..31.11.:11, Nor. 24. ISG.3. A Cough, Cold, or Sore Throat. Equ It E , lNnl t: -Hol - 1.1 , BE EK El. IF 1.1.“ W ED TO =IEEE Irritation of the 1 ungs a Permanent •throat Affection, or an Incurab,e Lung Disease OFT :N TIIE II Es I: I.T Brown's Bronchial Troches 1.1,11 o DI..E I 1.. - Tt) i 111. P 1:11'N. 11)11 otATI: hEI II I' Fo- It:otichitis..\ stitinn, Cousinup- live an•l Throat Disease, TR WIN. , AGE 1. r,U N% l 11l ALM Air; GOOD SUC OM SINGERS AN D PI"E D B' SPEAKERS ;sin . rro I,s u. rto elo•rlie_ the voin wheu to krxi I Sinaing: or Sp.:o.'lla ai.d . reherlna tin throat al,: an nusoal it of the v• cal argot The rrochn• are! r0c...11111'11. 011 and preserilo.d by Phy and I.a re had te-tiot .•nan. Jr ren!uellt threq,),..ut the 11.ene an :uncle TU. merit and their offi•ar) 6y a t4.F.t MElli sbrl u. pnn. oi the ,01 d And the mite are Out Ter.:ol, 11, non d LI at. ho•r lt,i ~1 Ti: , 111 MEIB=II v. , t k.• t 9.0 IMIIM 1 •11,1 in For =!=110 1i I , =MI ITCH ITCH ! ITCH ! .C/ MIT I 'II R.171'11 Wlteaton's Ointment Will cure the Itch in 48 Hours. t LSI) c,nr• - • wit.:[- \i. nll 1.:111'ItTION, tit T. 1.: -K 1• . l't -al , I, NJ Isl,l • 1.1 , . t K P II r, II:••••.•. A et , 17. NV,,=htttvt. , str•• t . ''a4s it .01 r 1...1 ti.• • ••1 - t,t2i..t.. to I -- • to U sREi S MEMO f • r • i; \ F. 'I rr:is EMI MIME •• ,•,11 , ,,,, . . rt 1,1 ; ni nli , , nr v , u n v P ire Cho ,142,* I t ~ .:v)l.t_ A I= ISSEM MEM 7. I •I.i \V I i,! ' A lIIIMEI=I 11. ; • t 1.1 T.I rat b ‘Nt; 'INTIM:fiII. ~n th" Ithh kughi: I.att_th ,emr... II aal.l 2.. 41.1,= 411arhas. CARLISLE PRODUCE MARKET. Carl tile, Nur ember 23. IR. 5 r FLOUR • Sup,rfi t , do. ( tn. do RYE.. .. WHITE WHEAT. RED d 0.... Y E ..... CI j ...... OE, E , :Srt.r.O . UCE MARKET GENERAL PRO g 1,,1r . Bo ti Curred,.il .0 4% lIITL '2. \ 14 , II ,I. MIMI =D EINEM 111=1 X N. B 01)); HAM, Philadelphia Markets be:1•1114. t , ns tin,. 11..11. ell I .1 time rattt colts s ry Imlay": are teit ol.spose.l t ne. rP 1 tier pants Ihe ttl, sna, tie hear I are lit , the retailers met Liken , p , ti-es ran,- ir o lor tuna bite. ts, et..l2:t tet ex tra . -110: I• 1 Nort ett t t.r,tra I twit: t '1 'J.:, tot relit, 1t...1 (o,a, anti r-(•, 0 itia ler fate Inds. t ns t tlit •qyt. is see inn in cm.;,tsat. "2: (es Cern Meal in rather dtt nt nit ut tern., r..te h.. u 1 [ dor j, ter, little dedina for Wheat nod in, 4el is , 1,11, r no'di• - odf r ins - er p c s atr ut 00 bits sold at 21-m , .1 r Sr - new rood. f .1 . id do the liner e r.inbor and 2 Sr 7 fl u lur whits.:l , 3o3lo:city itio 0tb0..1 sal.. nr. ...Line:.[ linlawsro, and •Snt.l2. I bu for l'eniss) In in Coin is vlenly a. dal I ni hue r..ld „4,it NIO S B , for e 0 ,001014 10 pa°, mid ..L.: , r+ horn eu are a ro•lull; Brun 1 saiii•. are making at tram b2o}.(iir 0, btr for nutl . l°.•nub) man in. CQ-t.A_RTNERSHIP NOTICE. rll P: Cu-l'it'ahernhl p heretofore exist • in,: In the 1,1 Delainy Al Blair is it), din e. red b) 1111311111 e , sent All persinis d Paid lulu. are n lo wale pan Duels[ t. obi et 3.10 with tillian Lute 10001nol List, firm have lest 1.. r Ctl ection EXAMEM PIANO FOR SALE A new and very go,,d Piano, is on rel.o r i [lug ll,rouglkollend I. I essouable terms, :9 HENRY F. h. Penn Sire. t !MEMO Goods Suitable, Bor Ho/1(1(w Presents HENRY HARPER, 520 ARCH STREET PIIILADtiLPUIA. y WATCHES, FINE JEWELRY, SOLID SILVER WARE, and Superior Silver Plated Ware Nov. 2 I`lF m . d • REGI3I ER S NOTICE y given to till per il &MIS interested. that the follow', g aCeolllitS been. hied,,. this nice. by ti:e accountents therein named for examinatl n and win. b • presented to die Orphans Court of Cumbertand County fbr confirms tion and allowance, on Tuesday, December 19, A. D litS6.s, ;viz : . . • 1 kind and final account of Durid Celli. Guardian of Ricotta Hilneffer, &tn.:liter of John hrford, tete nt East l'ennsbotonsh trwnshir deed Nimt and finat account of havl,l and Isaac Lefever executors of Hon. John I,feter. late of Penn town ship deed: 3 171.- fimt account of David W. Sterrett. one of the administrators of David nterrett, Into of Mifflin town ihrp dYed 4. The first and fital account of Robert Moore. ad ministrator of the estate of Benjamin Butler, late of korough of l'arlisle, deed. ' 5. mount of Janet W. I.eldlg. Guardian of Andrew F. Brown:Lot 11 a mi .or child now dec'd., of John known:trail deed. ' • 8, etre, Ana float account of Illsey Brenneroan,md aninistmtor of Jacob Brenneman, dec'd., late of Linn county. lowa. • ` - 7. Flr-t and final account of Titer Y Herman. exec utor of the last Wll, and testament of Jacob Herman. hoe of Silver Soling township. dec'd 8. The first account of Thomas C. Scoull r, ttxo Igor 0 the last Wilt and Testament of Mamuel Umtata, late of s.llfilin township, deed. Nov:24. 1g65-46.. rAMILY DYE ,COLORS; • •-Al ItALSTON'2 JEWLTT . PATENT LEG CO ! r4i is 0 .nipatly i•ti fate! or!, 04t , 0, r ru. r nt , . et,. t% tt.hltigtor.. 11 0 , un a gov..nituont et,taract."her., Inal,y it brat, hn laaa..o•t his dell, hes heel. fitted La a le t L, hien p•as fir rye:tle - 41s Haiti r... LI) tt on tylv, bus, o m 10f: a pealed of a few Inimtlis, can batdly b.• neloeted pa nli,auons craw''. 'I bti, 1121st: call the ecu tsLa,,,o p.,ver- air poi, debilente..l , IlLir orie l., al Has a• •Itbers he t. e I fir ituti e, L ) be tit .e!I a aaa Luna on appivanta. nSF nbuwirt itheut cost (1 - 1 / Cif pa l t, The pr,v lue.l for the nu,e Noy. :4 I as a. {Will, II \ •1 311 1t1171,11. 'l l ll E.. suLscribt.r will offer at public fain. u tne pre.nis,,, in Molina, tnwnatnp, SrII it I , IV 0, canaher nnol .rate it. the property Morr•tt, dee'd . e/nalatina at . a LOT OF (4 HO UN D. c .utainin,t :u.(l NU i1:11113e thiirnn or,, Ft ry Kit,hea eli ,1111`1 a fioa 11, • Ly , ,I.llllll' I luof-a-111He t-hu,),; r a,l 1,1(11.1t; t tar .t•tj .mina pry, f entr, ;en I•l,her and folio I'hin4. I= Z . :lk t It 0 :it 1 trrl 1,1 II kt i” t.i. 1.., II try EMEMEM VALUABLE TOWN PROPEUTV -1 =11 11i1311(0 Oh SA TURD. I , i'ee Ili It, Itl I N t e alwee day mill be gild at the 1 , ennort tin the t•... i 1 .11 ., WI. g • . 5..11'14..1 11111.11., \ll el. E 1.1.1..., Sag II (Po' the c, Inner nnt Ild no ~ andander d .ninth stn.-pin , . inn O'N. IS, °ninth .•I' I L:nn ii-ne. nine pinde-n, in A. ii liar, dud linti nn ••Itintnr . • I . .tinn e. n: Ihe Lot ,d•tann , I 2nn\fn et IrOla 01. Hull,. I . • I by 21.. ti•ei in d• nd In nn ,inul In Ante.. tin, in, nh • dn:L n I d :le eh get I ,o--ntn•ny 131 i I Clir IZ ES 1 1).1..:N CE, a large Fr 11111 1 % , t,LI. N Li. a sm..' I do• • •utit Ftr••• 1. and all tit.• a, to,lo y . • 1.1111 01 is it h :1 I he hi tehir:ery r •• L.1all) E•it er• pert) ill L.. Irered ehlhe •r • • je• I, to •••iiii rih• 1,1,s % ••• 1.• et II•eh ht .51 • •• , ert, io• ••••• o • ti iipidteiit • • 111 L 111.1 I e nIl ph •Ileet • 1.1.•••• IL he •• til.l e 1 ..• II t sill, the ilih•r• to •• f • • to !hi- •i- "filo , 5.11 e IIi• Li ., 11-litheoL. I II hie l• hiloei••••• II . jirohi kit .II l_ • it f . =I .'“ati•p /hat ml) FOllt SALE: rt!il :He HI , III h 4 I ( 1 00 t ki' .1 I ir . '• h.l 111 , 1 1 / .11 N s . •I.•r Ail I II I Ir 1111=111 ni tin 1 , 1 , Ir. ,), \1•... .11 , 0 1,1.1( ful •Ul• 1,,•• t , ..• • (t, IIMIIIIII Lr 1! ,mt. ENE ICI 1 , , 01 ,1 •1111 .. , 1 r. 1. t f Cat =EI OEM =MI ETIMIIII I.lli , r• 11l err al, 1\ I LE* r.t. It. it I.' M , :t, 1.1 t -1 I l'h.tyn , Og I.':. NH 1U) GI:AND .11;1:1 WiNTEB, GOODS I , I, 11 . ha I•i iVt'd 'III fV:Jrk ‘ u, ,illlll,ll-a . r.t...C ' k .4 I.; .. , d. I. 13 1 _&-/- - ElSS 0-00j—*.P, J" "0 ~„ , ~,~ hi_u~~~i,y:. IMEIBMIIEMIIII lEEE= 1 stn.; .;14,..; lII= f tIL U t•lts r. a I pri ()ELJ II N It; GI (Ail)! uvPry •arkt•ly t,, •••• • • CA • 1 I.llt S th•• I; IN, N ;0.,. C. 1,•111..,E IV i 0 11l 1:1 . •-• 110 - 11 (.AI:P E 'l ' , =I I call .1 I ili• 1.12, • idl titl• V 6 • to, 11l terwit.•el 1., 4. or r.tu, 41. i 11 1 ,•h1111: ..ti 1c1) I • ctIA; it•l t ; lIIEMEM Carlislo •r 1 h,5 Mrl,l-. WA M A. B. I..wiNG AND 3 nu he I 11.1 e: to lit. , in MI t tin I mlert.teser has exclu , i ru pri • I he Ash and Cemetery r is It I.pett tcr us all. Vet y reqtecifukly, 0, IVER DELANCY, ANIOLE%I 11. OLAIIt I= Dear Sir: I n epl v to your note we would so,' that eAch b.t It hh•r b .)t, his lot and own,. t. we have nothl to do with the employment of to o un ert,k, Tim rests with oaeh Indo Id mil owner. Y.. 0 and all others In the burl sore have equl HOUR to lullna y ur employment and bon, or dhoti ter when the lot tie tiers see proper to employ you M e have 2i sexton and veneer but his hoe no control over the employment of tt•e Onderht•:er. Very respectfully yours, WM. 'l. A. 11 WWI , (1, .lAS M. ALLEN. N0v.24. IStIo LETTERS REMAINING UNCLAIMED in the Post Office at Carlisle. State of Pennsyl vania, the 23d d.ty of November, 18 5. Published us nflicial„authority in the pa per having the largest circulation. ge)„„To obtain any or these letterg, the aciplicant must call for advertised ratters," giVe the date of .the link, and pay two cents for advertising. If not called for within one month, they will be sent to the Dead Letter office. GEO. ZINN. P. M. Adams Capt J D(a c s)Low Peter Albert Jacob Lewis Annie H Butler Eliza m I'd Ler, , w Sir A Beard Ann E 11Tarlitod George Bowers Lizzie Mi.rdorf Abram 'Belt E Miller Amanda. Bushman Lizzie libielion Sarah . Cuddy John Pye Nnllie p• Conoway Rev J Robinson U E Crain Win ' Snyder C courles de Cuyper Seivell Rev H B .Dick Henry Shealfer John Engle Nancy Spain R W . Fothick It Sherman J 11 Goad Jo a Ji 'Sailor Limn John G,ardner Jennie F. 111 Thom son Mrs Nary 2 Hudson James Walker & Sanderson Hears It F Warfield IVia Ai Bubert. Caroline Wagg,o C It Holmes Kate Wright Jll.llO Heritc Maria White 8 A • Kutz,Mary A • Zeigler J (butcher) Latuatiyer A H • 0. W. NORTH, • Beglnter. PUBLIC SALE LOG HOIUSF;, YOUNG ORCHARD I= ili= STEA s T; INNERY, =IEEE STONE', HOU>E, I V El ILLVGI; OF II =I i In aI MEM IMIE I= =I II .1 11,11 , 1 M.: V. it), •. 1 • ,110 11.t1t, rINIIIIM Fll=ffl=ffl =ME ().1 ii ( 'OA Th ('U:I 7 FURS, FURS, FURS NVe ~..t ttu ..t, 4i../1 ASHLAND (EMETERY sl, 1465 Travelers' Insurance Company PROVIDENCE, R. I. CASH CAM'AL, FROM 9 !0 L A I seeule, a Polley for $1 000 e • p, , y.bie iU cnac 4 death 11.11 caret at for ii.ntoo, pn,)/inle In cage , of drat ro,w du..,t, nnrl ate inrury Lor pry cCo e VOilip2ll , 2111 0 1) ill Vase Of arenlent not cu of nag death. but I.ln.linng Irmo purpult ilnaal U.VOO-allot S t 5 DO,.i.A I; • It 1'.,1(e) for WI $25 per NVOOk • ULlgel.Satioll, o.ller slime: 111 like 'Donor len. IGLIIDr. TS lorlude Scalds. W"1I nds. 111Sikora L,ux SW, n-. 011.•CCS "f Ilrhni hi,: or rxpl , Drowning, or any accident result t•xl., mold CA tISeR ,SY:i II PA 17111 FORD. Preh't A,tional hank of North .11110,1,51. A li litIoA,,dDE, NI 'joy (lonora. U. N. A. .1. • Etkracr., Firm of Pilot] cono-o A Seagra‘e A i) al ta A aoset lnn, ill, sit 11. (1101.7111:1-1, I'd es't ManuCrg 3tutnal '