BASS SARA ISLE. th a previous nolice, z.d Ult•let the atwve name. oftkers. NI 0(1111.11Y, t. 11 DIX oN, SP„ • L. ER, Esq. FIN OMNI! We respectfully ash the aid of the Ladies nod Geo ot ur d br,o;lt a'os •-or .mu. try Irlrmo In ur un 1ert.t..1.14. end p oullke in rearm t, spare 1.0 pt.... , to Wake the —.1,10.'1 , 11" n fi j CC clneC 11l Respectfully IV. 11. IV I W.: ER. 44.‘,. 1111L111.11T, C 1 1 ,• A. 4141::. 'IAN, 15 IS ~ itut,or., NV ILL 11 .1.14,11 , , .1.30. r A 1. 5.,..1%, IL 'lll met: kit t:\ 4.Y • .1,. 11l ~. 4 Li.. r , II ~. I I Cri.ii .1. LI ~ C.AIVi N 111, I% I LL 31. , (:I Llll, 1%. li. 1%.. t. I ./.. W II ll (..K.%. ~.,,. .I C 4,111.:.14.11.3N IV T. It. I) .X 0.3., L. a LI, c... CII .6. II v Kt , 1-, .1.‘,. 1tr..31.11.:11, Nor. 24. ISG.3. A Cough, Cold, or Sore Throat. Equ It E , lNnl t: -Hol - 1.1 , BE EK El. IF 1.1.“ W ED TO =IEEE Irritation of the 1 ungs a Permanent •throat Affection, or an Incurab,e Lung Disease OFT :N TIIE II Es I: I.T Brown's Bronchial Troches 1.1,11 o DI..E I 1.. - Tt) i 111. P 1:11'N. 11)11 otATI: hEI II I' Fo- It:otichitis..\ stitinn, Cousinup- live an•l Throat Disease, TR WIN. , AGE 1. r,U N% l 11l ALM Air; GOOD SUC OM SINGERS AN D PI"E D B' SPEAKERS ;sin . rro I,s u. rto elo•rlie_ the voin wheu to krxi I Sinaing: or Sp.:o.'lla ai.d . reherlna tin throat al,: an nusoal it of the v• cal argot The rrochn• are! r0c...11111'11. 011 and preserilo.d by Phy and I.a re had te-tiot .•nan. Jr ren!uellt threq,),..ut the 11.ene an :uncle TU. merit and their offi•ar) 6y a t4.F.t MElli sbrl u. pnn. oi the ,01 d And the mite are Out Ter.:ol, 11, non d LI at. ho•r lt,i ~1 Ti: , 111 MEIB=II v. , t k.• t 9.0 IMIIM 1 •11,1 in For =!=110 1i I , =MI ITCH ITCH ! ITCH ! .C/ MIT I 'II R.171'11 Wlteaton's Ointment Will cure the Itch in 48 Hours. t LSI) c,nr• - • wit.:[- \i. nll 1.:111'ItTION, tit T. 1.: -K 1• . l't -al , I, NJ Isl,l • 1.1 , . t K P II r, II:••••.•. A et , 17. NV,,=htttvt. , str•• t . ''a4s it .01 r 1...1 ti.• • ••1 - t,t2i..t.. to I -- • to U sREi S MEMO f • r • i; \ F. 'I rr:is EMI MIME •• ,•,11 , ,,,, . . rt 1,1 ; ni nli , , nr v , u n v P ire Cho ,142,* I t ~ .:v)l.t_ A I= ISSEM MEM 7. I •I.i \V I i,! ' A lIIIMEI=I 11. ; • t 1.1 T.I rat b ‘Nt; 'INTIM:fiII. ~n th" Ithh kughi: I.att_th ,emr... II aal.l 2.. 41.1,= 411arhas. CARLISLE PRODUCE MARKET. Carl tile, Nur ember 23. IR. 5 r FLOUR • Sup,rfi t , do. ( tn. do RYE.. .. WHITE WHEAT. RED d 0.... Y E ..... CI j ...... OE, E , :Srt.r.O . UCE MARKET GENERAL PRO g 1,,1r . Bo ti Curred,.il .0 4% lIITL '2. \ 14 , II ,I. MIMI =D EINEM 111=1 X N. B 01)); HAM, Philadelphia Markets be:1•1114. t , ns tin,. 11..11. ell I .1 time rattt colts s ry Imlay": are teit ol.spose.l t ne. rP 1 tier pants Ihe ttl, sna, tie hear I are lit , the retailers met Liken , p , ti-es ran,- ir o lor tuna bite. ts, et..l2:t tet ex tra . -110: I• 1 Nort ett t t.r,tra I twit: t '1 'J.:, tot relit, 1t...1 (o,a, anti r-(•, 0 itia ler fate Inds. t ns t tlit •qyt. is see inn in cm.;,tsat. "2: (es Cern Meal in rather dtt nt nit ut tern., r..te h.. u 1 [ dor j, ter, little dedina for Wheat nod in, 4el is , 1,11, r no'di• - odf r ins - er p c s atr ut 00 bits sold at 21-m , .1 r Sr - new rood. f .1 . id do the liner e r.inbor and 2 Sr 7 fl u lur whits.:l , 3o3lo:city itio 0tb0..1 sal.. nr. ...Line:.[ linlawsro, and •Snt.l2. I bu for l'eniss) In in Coin is vlenly a. dal I ni hue r..ld „4,it NIO S B , for e 0 ,001014 10 pa°, mid ..L.: , r+ horn eu are a ro•lull; Brun 1 saiii•. are making at tram b2o}.(iir 0, btr for nutl . l°.•nub) man in. CQ-t.A_RTNERSHIP NOTICE. rll P: Cu-l'it'ahernhl p heretofore exist • in,: In the 1,1 Delainy Al Blair is it), din e. red b) 1111311111 e , sent All persinis d Paid lulu. are n lo wale pan Duels[ t. obi et 3.10 with tillian Lute 10001nol List, firm have lest 1.. r Ctl ection EXAMEM PIANO FOR SALE A new and very go,,d Piano, is on rel.o r i [lug ll,rouglkollend I. I essouable terms, :9 HENRY F. h. Penn Sire. t !MEMO Goods Suitable, Bor Ho/1(1(w Presents HENRY HARPER, 520 ARCH STREET PIIILADtiLPUIA. y WATCHES, FINE JEWELRY, SOLID SILVER WARE, and Superior Silver Plated Ware Nov. 2 I`lF m . d • REGI3I ER S NOTICE y given to till per il &MIS interested. that the follow', g aCeolllitS been. hied,,. this nice. by ti:e accountents therein named for examinatl n and win. b • presented to die Orphans Court of Cumbertand County fbr confirms tion and allowance, on Tuesday, December 19, A. D litS6.s, ;viz : . . • 1 kind and final account of Durid Celli. Guardian of Ricotta Hilneffer, &tn.:liter of John hrford, tete nt East l'ennsbotonsh trwnshir deed Nimt and finat account of havl,l and Isaac Lefever executors of Hon. John I,feter. late of Penn town ship deed: 3 171.- fimt account of David W. Sterrett. one of the administrators of David nterrett, Into of Mifflin town ihrp dYed 4. The first and fital account of Robert Moore. ad ministrator of the estate of Benjamin Butler, late of korough of l'arlisle, deed. ' 5. mount of Janet W. I.eldlg. Guardian of Andrew F. Brown:Lot 11 a mi .or child now dec'd., of John known:trail deed. ' • 8, etre, Ana float account of Illsey Brenneroan,md aninistmtor of Jacob Brenneman, dec'd., late of Linn county. lowa. • ` - 7. Flr-t and final account of Titer Y Herman. exec utor of the last Wll, and testament of Jacob Herman. hoe of Silver Soling township. dec'd 8. The first account of Thomas C. Scoull r, ttxo Igor 0 the last Wilt and Testament of Mamuel Umtata, late of s.llfilin township, deed. Nov:24. 1g65-46.. rAMILY DYE ,COLORS; • •-Al ItALSTON'2 JEWLTT . PATENT LEG CO ! r4i is 0 .nipatly i•ti fate! or!, 04t , 0, r ru. r nt , . et,. t% tt.hltigtor.. 11 0 , un a gov..nituont et,taract."her., Inal,y it brat, hn laaa..o•t his dell, hes heel. fitted La a le t L, hien p•as fir rye:tle - 41s Haiti r... LI) tt on tylv, bus, o m 10f: a pealed of a few Inimtlis, can batdly b.• neloeted pa nli,auons craw''. 'I bti, 1121st: call the ecu tsLa,,,o p.,ver- air poi, debilente..l , IlLir orie l., al Has a• •Itbers he t. e I fir ituti e, L ) be tit .e!I a aaa Luna on appivanta. nSF nbuwirt itheut cost (1 - 1 / Cif pa l t, The pr,v lue.l for the nu,e Noy. :4 I as a. {Will, II \ •1 311 1t1171,11. 'l l ll E.. suLscribt.r will offer at public fain. u tne pre.nis,,, in Molina, tnwnatnp, SrII it I , IV 0, canaher nnol .rate it. the property Morr•tt, dee'd . e/nalatina at . a LOT OF (4 HO UN D. c .utainin,t :u.(l NU i1:11113e thiirnn or,, Ft ry Kit,hea eli ,1111`1 a fioa 11, • Ly , ,I.llllll' I luof-a-111He t-hu,),; r a,l 1,1(11.1t; t tar .t•tj .mina pry, f entr, ;en I•l,her and folio I'hin4. I= Z . :lk t It 0 :it 1 trrl 1,1 II kt i” t.i. 1.., II try EMEMEM VALUABLE TOWN PROPEUTV -1 =11 11i1311(0 Oh SA TURD. I , i'ee Ili It, Itl I N t e alwee day mill be gild at the 1 , ennort tin the t•... i 1 .11 ., WI. g • . 5..11'14..1 11111.11., \ll el. E 1.1.1..., Sag II (Po' the c, Inner nnt Ild no ~ andander d .ninth stn.-pin , . inn O'N. IS, °ninth .•I' I L:nn ii-ne. nine pinde-n, in A. ii liar, dud linti nn ••Itintnr . • I . .tinn e. n: Ihe Lot ,d•tann , I 2nn\fn et IrOla 01. Hull,. I . • I by 21.. ti•ei in d• nd In nn ,inul In Ante.. tin, in, nh • dn:L n I d :le eh get I ,o--ntn•ny 131 i I Clir IZ ES 1 1).1..:N CE, a large Fr 11111 1 % , t,LI. N Li. a sm..' I do• • •utit Ftr••• 1. and all tit.• a, to,lo y . • 1.1111 01 is it h :1 I he hi tehir:ery r •• L.1all) E•it er• pert) ill L.. Irered ehlhe •r • • je• I, to •••iiii rih• 1,1,s % ••• 1.• et II•eh ht .51 • •• , ert, io• ••••• o • ti iipidteiit • • 111 L 111.1 I e nIl ph •Ileet • 1.1.•••• IL he •• til.l e 1 ..• II t sill, the ilih•r• to •• f • • to !hi- •i- "filo , 5.11 e IIi• Li ., 11-litheoL. I II hie l• hiloei••••• II . jirohi kit .II l_ • it f . =I .'“ati•p /hat ml) FOllt SALE: rt!il :He HI , III h 4 I ( 1 00 t ki' .1 I ir . '• h.l 111 , 1 1 / .11 N s . •I.•r Ail I II I Ir 1111=111 ni tin 1 , 1 , Ir. ,), \1•... .11 , 0 1,1.1( ful •Ul• 1,,•• t , ..• • (t, IIMIIIIII Lr 1! ,mt. ENE ICI 1 , , 01 ,1 •1111 .. , 1 r. 1. t f Cat =EI OEM =MI ETIMIIII I.lli , r• 11l err al, 1\ I LE* r.t. It. it I.' M , :t, 1.1 t -1 I l'h.tyn , Og I.':. NH 1U) GI:AND .11;1:1 WiNTEB, GOODS I , I, 11 . ha I•i iVt'd 'III fV:Jrk ‘ u, ,illlll,ll-a . r.t...C ' k .4 I.; .. , d. I. 13 1 _&-/- - ElSS 0-00j—*.P, J" "0 ~„ , ~,~ hi_u~~~i,y:. IMEIBMIIEMIIII lEEE= 1 stn.; .;14,..; lII= f tIL U t•lts r. a I pri ()ELJ II N It; GI (Ail)! uvPry •arkt•ly t,, •••• • • CA • 1 I.llt S th•• I; IN, N ;0.,. C. 1,•111..,E IV i 0 11l 1:1 . •-• 110 - 11 (.AI:P E 'l ' , =I I call .1 I ili• 1.12, • idl titl• V 6 • to, 11l terwit.•el 1., 4. or r.tu, 41. i 11 1 ,•h1111: ..ti 1c1) I • ctIA; it•l t ; lIIEMEM Carlislo •r 1 h,5 Mrl,l-. WA M A. B. I..wiNG AND 3 nu he I 11.1 e: to lit. , in MI t tin I mlert.teser has exclu , i ru pri • I he Ash and Cemetery r is It I.pett tcr us all. Vet y reqtecifukly, 0, IVER DELANCY, ANIOLE%I 11. OLAIIt I= Dear Sir: I n epl v to your note we would so,' that eAch b.t It hh•r b .)t, his lot and own,. t. we have nothl to do with the employment of to o un ert,k, Tim rests with oaeh Indo Id mil owner. Y.. 0 and all others In the burl sore have equl HOUR to lullna y ur employment and bon, or dhoti ter when the lot tie tiers see proper to employ you M e have 2i sexton and veneer but his hoe no control over the employment of tt•e Onderht•:er. Very respectfully yours, WM. 'l. A. 11 WWI , (1, .lAS M. ALLEN. N0v.24. IStIo LETTERS REMAINING UNCLAIMED in the Post Office at Carlisle. State of Pennsyl vania, the 23d d.ty of November, 18 5. Published us nflicial„authority in the pa per having the largest circulation. ge)„„To obtain any or these letterg, the aciplicant must call for advertised ratters," giVe the date of .the link, and pay two cents for advertising. If not called for within one month, they will be sent to the Dead Letter office. GEO. ZINN. P. M. Adams Capt J D(a c s)Low Peter Albert Jacob Lewis Annie H Butler Eliza m I'd Ler, , w Sir A Beard Ann E 11Tarlitod George Bowers Lizzie Mi.rdorf Abram 'Belt E Miller Amanda. Bushman Lizzie libielion Sarah . Cuddy John Pye Nnllie p• Conoway Rev J Robinson U E Crain Win ' Snyder C courles de Cuyper Seivell Rev H B .Dick Henry Shealfer John Engle Nancy Spain R W . Fothick It Sherman J 11 Goad Jo a Ji 'Sailor Limn John G,ardner Jennie F. 111 Thom son Mrs Nary 2 Hudson James Walker & Sanderson Hears It F Warfield IVia Ai Bubert. Caroline Wagg,o C It Holmes Kate Wright Jll.llO Heritc Maria White 8 A • Kutz,Mary A • Zeigler J (butcher) Latuatiyer A H • 0. W. NORTH, • Beglnter. PUBLIC SALE LOG HOIUSF;, YOUNG ORCHARD I= ili= STEA s T; INNERY, =IEEE STONE', HOU>E, I V El ILLVGI; OF II =I i In aI MEM IMIE I= =I II .1 11,11 , 1 M.: V. it), •. 1 • ,110 11.t1t, rINIIIIM Fll=ffl=ffl =ME ().1 ii ( 'OA Th ('U:I 7 FURS, FURS, FURS NVe ~..t ttu ..t, 4i../1 ASHLAND (EMETERY sl, 1465 Travelers' Insurance Company PROVIDENCE, R. I. CASH CAM'AL, FROM 9 !0 L A I seeule, a Polley for $1 000 e • p, , y.bie iU cnac 4 death 11.11 caret at for ii.ntoo, pn,)/inle In cage , of drat ro,w du..,t, nnrl ate inrury Lor pry cCo e VOilip2ll , 2111 0 1) ill Vase Of arenlent not cu of nag death. but I.ln.linng Irmo purpult ilnaal U.VOO-allot S t 5 DO,.i.A I; • It 1'.,1(e) for WI $25 per NVOOk • ULlgel.Satioll, o.ller slime: 111 like 'Donor len. IGLIIDr. TS lorlude Scalds. W"1I nds. 111Sikora L,ux SW, n-. 011.•CCS "f Ilrhni hi,: or rxpl , Drowning, or any accident result t•xl., mold CA tISeR ,SY:i II PA 17111 FORD. Preh't A,tional hank of North .11110,1,51. A li litIoA,,dDE, NI 'joy (lonora. U. N. A. .1. • Etkracr., Firm of Pilot] cono-o A Seagra‘e A i) al ta A aoset lnn, ill, sit 11. (1101.7111:1-1, I'd es't ManuCrg 3tutnal '<lre In- Z C Merchant 1 . 110)1 On rqUitable Ina CO. ALENANI)C,It F titNUNI. :Merchant. I..iitlS , • Ilatdic Im-urnoeo Co tl INK \ I lI.RAN, .x mei I. nu t-teatoboat o 1,. 11 1 , 1.11 %r:, 11itli A. N. Sprague rr, Finn al lot Wooden t o .1 II hl. M 01. F, Ih not Ault:liven I m.uren :0 Co. A MIN. II to Fll M, American Wood Paper 1 o a •Iriaeto. tog Juv,eller. HENRY 11. ORMSBEE. President. PARISH, Vice Pre.ikent H. Al. RAWSON, secretary. II()1,I,INKIINA1) L;RAVES, STATE .k GENTS, 230 Ir”lnt H. M. DO:NEI - 100, nretit Carikle• '• 'llllll/Uri:lQ" l•!, lii WYK, is:1 1 411 a silt • • , t1r•I•li•li Lilt lit-ill..tievCimipats,N. NI., ork top mite 5ui11,111,,,t,113 Itt the (tout raid o• I uve c..1111)..e , Ili et , ut.try. 102— 1,11.• . 21 1131/,',- 4.n "Etna Insurance Co. !mid in -16 0,0 0 ME FIRE AND INLAND RISKS i• • * I. it• 11 ;!i••••• vu•l'l' , wnv in IklicaLkot. V.l 1 1 , •• liPallpti) it Lend. II Vt 1/ , ‘N F.11.1(1, I'..\ 1 . 1111 11 . aeni ,tl-1 G r thr I Ile lit1:1,11:111 1.1, 111,11 11l 1r.1,11'1 1111 , l11.1111,Cl11111,1;111 1 1 111 Li Ili.•11:1••• 0.1,1q1,1111.111Nt” :11t...11,1011111 MEMO! I) 1,•,. th dt. tr per el• 111 1111 , lit-L 'IS I• ..r =lMill I M Put:T.INT D \"E RV 11‘.. I I,`: 111 , 11 111, , l'! .111 , r n 11, 2 It, I I v,- =1 rwl .M Aim 4111.•• Uruin. 'ro su I.• r.. 1,11 , 1t1v 1111 , 1111lic, =I '.I:J I. \I 3 0 3x1 - %r to I h rh , t , ~ . .r V 11.1, klV.lhit2 1,0.• Tl,O I, 1..1. I ,1I , 11/.lt. 111.. 1 ME , 111 , 1 II .11 . ... I `II ...t 11'i . , 1..1.10111g .111..,• c•ccuirt,l .11 , 0 ibl' 1:V1' o.: In 1\ .•.t 1\ nr.l. Ar .l. 39 -1 cs) r 1 4 e r 11:I%Illy puteLzi•ed th, t, II 4,1 0-I ..11.• the n. t.. 1 lo“pvit) ~lira,h BRICK HOUSE, •, t 1,...t li ; t, 1, a l% den atol a variety of „,t1 f',.(:.,,.d I= 111111 , 11. F. Til • All 1 , 1111 /ind e hP , II 1,1 1,111t!I /0, = on tool I lint Imo tio•Wai, o f lii fo, 0 0lo•ro.igo, 0 00j t ,11,Le =OM= N v \ 1! \ I'l{i I.:1; N" Al' I'll I \ s F.l rem AN!) STE.I .1/ till thr( 11.”1, )-I.llrg:tod I 1: 1 Mi., I. I', 2111 A. It (.1 , ItED TE LAND, the larger poi cle(weil, picel 11.1111• 11111 11111 Mph ((t trig I mti,stem. to ell ((red, has ouog, (Jr( (I. Illtl K 10 1 1_ Fl: awl Kirm e ith running stir at vie h. A variety of fruit nl,d oh ,Jr I11•1... , 111•1,11,11 thi itu .•11 lug le(itse: good t.lll_ 1.1111(1111(4-. Thin Tatmery, 1.1,1,11 a 1.1,111111 gs 11111,1 . ) 11,11 huge doultho line holler, nud imglie• complete. loirli,see um. till huller roof:m(1 eole(triteted in looderii et)le. ,vllll till the late litil,rov, mom, convenient to 11,1111,, 11,11 tall' of the hest he ((time, ill the I ((min 1. lit ram, viion, ire 11111 LE UMW hill ELLIN , I 11111. SE `l, '2,01111 Aeree (it easy ofwill,nt with of her limhrr, fdoeirml thi•Tiitinisry. &1 . .. ill I,' .11./11, io.n, tern,. ,e., It A I.(STIN. REIM EMI= Orphan's Court Sale of Valuable 1111111 lhi :••fllt,ertay, berember 9th, 1865 y .1 tin order of sale issued , chy the in piin's con t f Cumin rlan t County, I 11 , pi4virditin of Oliver ell.: their I. It helm; the undivided w.. third, ie the log real eNtlite. No. 1. A lot of groom) in the village of •luieseuasoo-n linnioden Lie I,ship n j .11.Ing tiro Nip° 'he •sin street on the •outn, 1.11 .the, th rind Wl4 he on alley, , ontioning. Ud otet In it lit' nn 1200 feet hi depth, havllq4;th'erioni raced a tan story P LA'-sT E RED U9IJ-NE. St or , Ito Luc, %\ 11,e !comp :mtl Frame ~t,lllO, hultablu for it I.ualo. round. No. 2. A tract of limestone land in lower Aden town•hi no)hioloc -flopke.o . e Eurr) road on the N rth r rid to lieldenoio's nail on the Flint. by other property of 11,noo , C. Rotor deed., en the 4 outh sod ~o t r. %t PS' y h Ire of lot. r Atooer e,otelulog two turret , Ind 97 p rehe)4 he the sulfite more or IPps. I= No. 3. A tract of hind in sonic township ,log tra t nb , vn do,,erlb•d q.n the \ Ortil. oil tn. net by rood to 161 ..•mnu'e to .11, no tit., 5.,u.11 by noritle, on tint (Vest by Hoary ZoLrlng, contain n4 1110 i 00 perches. be tits tonne more or less. Terms at sale : tun per edit t. ill' put uhaso toontty to be pat I 011 1111) 01 si t u one third to rontaln In the land. the Interest I hen-of to be UAW 4111luilly to the widow on the first of Apt II of 'each year doting her mlllUral all I at her dotth the vino:pal to thin heir. at lam Of 114u11110 U euttio deed , o u-Italf the resitlit uon Ist of-April, 1806, who, deed will in toad. and te , sit-si at 00%1'1 1 . and the iitalllloll nu AprllUt. 1807, with tutor eta, frets Apt 11 let, 18110 to be set u sA by recottn zonee in this Orpliail l • U. urt. taxes asaut.sed In the year 1800 to he paid by purchaser. t:ttlt to bi tondo tot the pr.onisue. and Lo c mineneu at l o'clock P./1,0114dd day- Fin: further luformation opyl,y to BENJ. ERB, Guardian; ,vs, At tho .onie tinv , and place ahoy° natn..d, t ivill ox povo my inte•ovt in tin above doserlbed p oporty, it briag nu, undivided ono third, to public salo. and sell the name upou tho terms aforesaid TUOSIAB D ItEIIAIN. Nov. 17, 18 , 5.. • Wholesale Dealer in Tobacco; Snuff, Pipes; 'r c., and Manufacturer of Se,gars. No. 8 S. GEORGE STREET, YORK. PA. RECEI VE toy Tuimacila direct fri'qn I the Factory, and will ensure thorn good, and cheap or than can be bought 'in the city. My brands of CHEWING TOBACCO are no fellows viz: Navy, Cinz grcsß, Spun-Roll, Fig-Tivist,..Flounders, Hard end Light Pressed Virginia. Fine Oat, CHEWING and SMOKING TOBACCO at Factory Prices. Aloe, a largAiollortnient of PIPES. I have just received from Richmond some celebrated, SMOKING TOBACCO. Merchnnts look to your Intonate. All ordors prompt ly nttendod to . • 14.5vembor, 10,1800. - -3 me. . • OT Whl —The . partnership hereto . foie existing : etween J. A Kauffman and It. II; Webbert, undo. the o yn3 of Kaufman& AN ebbert, h,a been thus dissolved by mulual -onsent.: Thu firm books will be In the hands ofJ.. A Heitman. until January Jai , 1860, before which time all accounts ettn , t b' se and . • • The tmstnesit will be continued, by 'lt. It. Webber Oct. 41,-1806-ot. AGAINST ACCIDENTS - $200,000 INSURE AGAINST 'Loan OF LIFE oit INJURY I= BOARD OF DIRECTORS Just. 1, 18 , 3 ,:0; L 71. NOTICE! MENEESDE v.ur \111.1.; /1 =9 pizupEirr FRUIT ! 11111 =I M=11! Real Estate' FINE A ORES, JOHN C HERMAN, Unquestionably the best sustained work of tne kind in tile W orld." HARPER'S NEW.1110:1111ILT 111.1 G tZINE. Critical Noticee'y the Pre.s It Is the"Alugszln. .I"thu ,t.ty. 'the lira Ids hover lied A inure d0.1F,11.11.11 eullipaeloll. Ute the unl- Iluu a were enterpa teed, thou Ilarpoth, Uugu clue.—..6Telll-1 I'HOTHATAN r (11”1 , 1111010). he Slu,t. t'Optller Muutllly lu yle wend —NEW YORE unt•t roles in torte td eulogy to the high torp and ver ed excellences 1,1 tiarper'is Nlag•ntie - ft.j.•u• cal with isiouch I j clreolattouuf u out Liii 0 ~,o p p, Wtiono pug,n nro to lie ioulld nom. 01 Olt e•t. 11,110 tuW g-uor.l the day 11 o Spell 0 tl”r work me tin OVldel.ell Os till, n utortrnu Prop ; and tit popularli it - •ns . c.ppred is ineritel. barn ..\ umbel °entail, fully to • p tgenel roadie_ npu ler. Ipploprlat, ly dl..stfatud with good 111001 nits. audit tablet. u. toil the iney 11101 i. hly cud tom 10.00 1.1111. ts yuttturlt. Mended with th I.e. r tluros of the all ,tout till. It lath power In the Ji.s mlu. I nel .91, 01 pun- !Rum us...—TguNgifo 1.1.'11L TO Mgau'las Lllcoviglig Loudon. The v, Iwuos b flint copal. ute of t heinselves a Mira ry ..ftiiiseed-ineous reading ,Uell an en in tbe found to ths , SHIM! COnanefin In any other pa Ileation than hue Winn IlLider Out 110t,lnu --BOI3TON COURIER. SUBSCRIPTIONS 1860. The Publishers have pet footed a system of mailing by et blob they eau supply t u Ha./Arius and Weel,3 pr my' ,y these whu pester to receive their perlodi rain Uirectly from the "f" Pubheacian. p. stage 0 Harper H ' 8,17.1110 Is cent, a )ear. h musi be paid Nu Sri it een pest orlleo. TEE NI b HARPER'S NI AO ,Z,NG rno year $lOO An I,xtra ynl uitl r t,b.• )lavr tine or Weekly viii he f ti• I.‘ iV(` ,1/11141 . 11' hers at, z.,.1 un ea( 11. in one nr ni.e U,111,2. for Oil. Birk Numb., rim be Fupplieil at any time. A Complete ept, now econto ising Thirty-..he Volume., In neat a oti, hit.dinq, a 111 1.0 vent b) express, treigh tex pvner o pink Iver. for $2 at, per co, woe. Stogie volume, hy m .11, theitieil I. $3 or. Cloth vnoes, ter 1 . 1.1a5, 113 mail ree.toild Adoreon II lii• KR Se ERS, o, New lurk =MEE "A Complete Pictorial History of tho Timca.'' 'The hest, chenpe , t, tind in t successful Family l'aper in the Union... II Altl'E It ' NN' 1 , 1 I'l IC LY , SPI.ENIIIDLY I LIUSTItAT ED. Critical Notices of the Press. ••Tho hest Paper pta1,11,11,1 In tho Onllod .t. v"—NEW LoNnos A DVEi TINIIII • rho N •wspapt r ..r our rotuttry--Icontpkto in all the d..patt..e is sa an 1 .nerte..til 1 1 /tpt.y.- I lao pe,'s 111...41) 13, ,trt 041 (1, it-t.. 1 -1/ 1 . 1,11 t to 9n ti t o - 1 1 , •1_111'..11, Op CI V 11.1% 1 . 1 . 10. N • "—N. 11vEN ING PiNT. 'Obis I . prr tlrt.ishe. the Last illustra hits nn, futtlll. ell. kit thetn•el v.. 8 out ,1 Ilnt p•-r'.. SI .•els1) lo ,+lt:rartists atssl painters Ind l HIJ at to I ants it Li. Us 1:1.111.6 I.V Mi . Liar • \ i•,lty 111 r lery hot,. hold ' l 4- 9 , 14 , N rn,, -1 t„, , • , nod bishkri,l tlgti,l” 01 its ( . 11 , :. 111 ItO,ToN TRAVEL LEH. SU BSc P FlONs 1866. Tlir F-liors av • 1).• erled n Boni 1 , 1 stwp.y th I II. • NEI - .:lud , l 1. pl . t .11111 pr” r I •le, it, th prli " fr PIO I,r.iti rn.1.•1..11 .1 1..• t r••• t To. .up 11/I 1.,..upp1”..„1 "111, .1 11111,1...A11c p I prlal ,•111,p pi nn p I• 11 Cl3llll'l ‘,111..h must I.• 1,11.1 /V 11 I' 111,1 p. , e. e I 1111"' I nl.l. 51 1 6 Ar xt , ii iio I ,7,111 Ii 11 4 .. “/1111 . 1/ • i st•r, „f; Ii I ix I r,l_ll 1,1. is , U I , l• ,illllr/i 51 ,1 •11. • 1116 u.I \ 11.11,p t/ 11,.. S ve • y ix 'Prat /,,I, , I - 7 a, 0111.10 , 0I•l • o:lfir , ll,r 1. , 101111, 14 - V 1 , ./11.t I,ll'ol 13 21 pi•l lr , •i , x . iPt n~.ic•' .I , i•itt, N, MENEM P. . ick„ ctittt,t,rdiißir,,,,a--,,,,, At Carlisle, Pa flight !I 1,1, ,•hl,ll lool)fe1 _lb ), Yin's!, 11 EN out of ,znployniont NI EN a 1 ,1.111 oligaginu w I'11•11, YOUNG NIEN who hove . lllol -- linittva wlstoong.44 ..4111,111,11 I'M NE MEN ‘v.•ll other t 4,114,14. 1.11 111 hi• hl,lll , lii. ta,,ht iii II !h.? CI 1111..1111,S o,llrge• IV l l . \ ll )1 EN ail/ unnld p, r 111 , ‘ lii,lllq ILr for rii.iilN ;MCI 11111,11i,e , 1111.141y1111,1: v I. lit 1111 ~X pen, of from ?:100 to 1'....5110, II 111/ at 1110 t 011...h11.1 tho m,•rlMl thi+ Indirniun s‘lm h upuu pr“per inquiry :ttikl II 1., lOU 111 111 urt.,,tit t 3.111111, 111111 0cc101101i0.1,111, , n, and 1./ Intlnt 111 1111 11011111 \CTU.II, Iit'SINESs 1 1111))111 11:11 . 11111 . 11t logithadir tranNaction or 'ft ado and Fora, aro daily pracli, oil Lc tual:ing, actual orclooo, •.11,-+. in 11.. N „ dot P•tcoro, c0un0,[4.,1 aid, o• Colloge ANIIII -.1111111., of 1 1 1'N A g ular .F 1 Dvili.-11 :111.1 1.,111.. Nlllll :1W..1 . 111111)". 11)11:11 01 )F. 1111,11 111 Wlll.ll ) 1 111.11•11' , ❑till 1111111'11 'l, 11..11 of rnyin, nun lokvoiiing oant I het Is l'lork, BRA N('IIES mk.,id:.•, , ring in f'nnns C,,lr,•sd.lPltll4. Forme, )it oiIL regullir r' inn l'.•ffilint,hip i•,. rs , d31.•0f 111.• Its t. Ttdograiddlig hy rrgul:urm irrnis of Wiry nl Turn firth, hum tirldals A \I TRIM:\ I ER, Carliele, FOll 111WVI,A MEMIEE Always On Hand I.nr2e and varied stork of nroceries CA A' NED FRUITS, • &c &t . , tyltich I am nulling. at the ver) eat 'arl 101 e •te I a. blvd to the sollsoriter, and fetrtivtl!, 1, 11 , 4. i u art re, fin' IL 11 , 3 Fl h f i he. w ~• ,id tuompt y pa) up, as Italger to•Lt, 'ill m u tt lit tett to Nov. 3 186.) STO - V ES! STOVES!! 11 II E beet Coi,k St eves le the diet ed,, ho hni et 11 ni Fri lhtly 111.plwr En.t, ..ether St . Carl v•le a. the 51p..4 the ed Colluo Pot Isu parlor. and paling stoves of nil k Lod, :Nay. 3. !86 Dit. J. C. IRINKLE, (1400cting.Eurgeouin the- U Ilospitataj •; " 1. 1A S resumed the practice of his pr fiation in civil life, at l'arlbtitt and reftpeetnull) solieito nf the puidio a share ill 111G001)11gyi, Dr. IC10(1 -. appointed he the Pension Bureau, Pen .ien examining , lirgeoli lair , :111111 . 11" anti a-tja ea t country will pr. raptly t, ,nilair all fkr In valid pension:, Ito 0011 aP ntn e 010 u u el 0,(011111111t1 , 00. 01 pluslooolll Or lkiisk le may lao titunti at bin oifie 111 •1111101rx Bull ilntr." union mat corner 01 Mall:et Square. or ni cite National lintel Ito. 27 TRIM "STATE NoTic, 10_4 Li-tt i.sTo.tionontary on the sstnto of Elizabeth oi or. deed I to of Lower Al tun l'oui ushlo h ivlua boon Is-u d to the subsertlier the some woshlp notlie Is hereby given to all to•irsiois Itidela ed to said estate to nod.. p 11) 111001 1111 , 1 thiisti having claims to pfebent them duly dotheii ticoted for settle niobit to - Nov. 10. 1865—Pt I i `STATE NoTtcH Letters Testamentary on the rstate of tiuran• nah Garver late of Newton Town-hip, ()timberland I , ,,unt t , having been 'rooted by th. Regliter of s:ild (I.unty to the subscriber r..aldlou the "Town ship a Ire-old. All pen-oopi Ituowlnu h'm'elees in debts are requested to make Immediate payment aid those having claims to present then, to Nov.lo, 1800 —ot. " SAMUEL. G ARVER. STRAY HORSE. 'TAKEN up by the subscriber in the Borough of Carlisle ou Satuiday, morning, the th of Oidobor lust, a BLACK 110115E.16 bonito tdat , with a star In .the tiirrlipad, and a kirk mark on the loft h p When taken up ho had two hal ere on him. The horse can be seen at the stable of Mr iohn tian• non In Carlisle. The owner is i ennested to COMO on ward. prove property. pa' oh Lrgas and tabu him away, otherwise ho will be disposed of as the law directs. Nov. 10, 11311.5-3 t. DR, 17 ENRY LAN CFEHEINE ; PH YSICIAN AND S CI? G 1 Haying. returned 'from Germany, my oMeo will !monitor bo at.,my reshlooce, to South liaudv.rwt.rect ,1, the hounti.formorly occupied by, Dr. ilondor when, I Will tilWayei Ibund whoa not at.- aunt professionally. Nov. 10, 1„866-3trios.' . • DIVIDEND °AMIABLY. D eostx. mAri, Nov, 6, 03115.' A,- dividend of- Five of National'and• State Tax, has this ,day goon of clarod by this Bank; which will hr paid over to thin Stockholders or their legal renrossmatiYas, upon , do• •• N0i.101./806-2t. AT a meeting of the of (Jimmie. a counelitte of five (S) was iiyao.atid to theta.° f the Band Fire Engmc, uow own d hy thorn, and bald committee are empotv n. tut to ourctuice a 800 at hAMIth. %%13 th rct r. of or th at lie !Or mule. Arty Comm u urentions retail% oCr ux pm elms°, or tilt, ropacity of tut, t9u ;too, Way bo ittillrobeted to Committee J. U. WUNDERLICH, Chairman of Committee. • FOR SALE OR RENT. TWO st.,ry 11,1w.e and lar_ e z Back Building in rear 01 Dickinson College. Also, three Houses on the corner 01 Slain and that streets, • JACOB RifilE.ll. Nor. 17, 1865-3 t. Aetna Insurance Co. cA PITA L $3,500 ,Uoj. celebnit , d Compliny has long ranked first in this country. Ilas paid more losses, and insures more property than any other in Amertea. Macs reasonable. 11, M. 1)011E1100. Agent. Mansion House, Carlisle, Pa Nov. 17, 1805-3 mo. GREAT INVENTION. VEV BO 1)Y their own Brnom Xla ~her. Brooms made ft, live minutes by, tho too of Clarke's Patent Economy Wrapper, an in tick, that is warranted in every family. Hood Men WHllteti for the Nile of the Wrapper in every township. For particulars address DAVID ItALSLEY, Shiremanstown, Comb., Co. Pa. Nov. 17, 1865-3 t rp`j E Stockholders of the Morotritzaheltt htyk w ,' ph i'ompatty. are berths not:fie. bat a Illeorlitig the said ,etorkholde,a vviii ho h o ld ‘lln , oustabala 'ity. Wn.blogtoo t; 'not , Pa .on ,atur ay, to, II 180 to 2 o'elttek \i at tint houoe of Ntr t Harvey fal the purpose urrrOlgst. other Initial. Of 111- •rerrlog the Capital :Lock of a tiL mimny tr , a an II MOH] la'the eklillered east of mak), g such rx ”1.1". the said lin as nifty Le proplated nud aureeo upon at said meettog .IA M SR IW, Socrebtry Al non ogollohl City, N ov. 17, GRAND FillEi\lNN'S FAIR. UNION! E rps i ), , ctintly minomici. ;hat we in ) v of in, 0 \D FAIR in II LI,. et.mliwu t ot) olt.o.lto.rTbt.llll.l Y, rr, nith; .lantntr3 2114. IL 1, 1/1100 t •11.4 t• L e II t. to I. o tot i 1111.... of 1 . 111 I ISil• 1 0 t-sht.l,, 1111101 it • Gne roo.l r 11 1 iu,A,11,,, to udirl 11. g y•oir kind no to 011 i, ,11•VP11.1...1. Tho 'trot:tool- to o too to 1 to the liquidation of oh ott on ton 11011, ,tilt thl• purl 113,, 00 n ,dal.,nit II , . 3,11,1 II lllttottn. ett I, , Itottlot, A K In. Ititopton, It. ht. ,1, dor. It I/ /11110 015. i•11' I A I% ot tt De no, p A II IN tthx, .1. Itti ort-tiok, lot,v A In tII to ti L it t i, h. F ph NI to e I tl II 11,0-tothotood, 11,010,1 G. iii, 1111 .1 F It h.., .1 111. :I• 1111 • /oh [I 11, It b IleoLlto I, T 't I. F. . holt to to I t tototot 1, Vatuab e 'low') Residence at Pi 1- Sl . ll Vt • ( . 111112 , St if, It , ow. ft . I.'ll ff...., ho. r. ..1 . .1 , 111 tif elili r. i 1._.. t ft. :.• ff.f.f.ory eats K flO • IE, 4'4 tUtv:_t_a 'III 1111, I! I'i is . 1.1 v. lent off ..01 ,11111,, .11 , ;It Phi Ll , I ith I,IJI nnJr 21 , 1 r • •“It . 1 11 , 01 I aa,l toit ..” 4.1.2, •It I trim 111 • I It oil I. . ' • a I • • •Il , 1114 i 01. =I I I' ..1 ' • ,111.11 , • I il.ll t , :r .• I I-qt El= V , luable Ccruer Property at Private r ll]'. ,:tll,,wraber ofturs at private sal, th.• fidi tivserP.ed altial.l.• props, t It n .led nn thy °rt.!) Onrhur sit %Vest and t i uth .1 11, W 1 '111)1111, of iii sulowrilmr. ronlailllng (0 fort •tmlt. .0 loot In whirl ected a largo -SLOry • 41 , 14 c I , l,l,lll'llth' Yrl , lll' 'et, and it 1 , trill f..TI 1, ;1:s r illtim,!•:t;t•!!tsti lar t 1.1” !! hr test rib tt, !or. Tltitt IMIBMINI MIEMMI Li, that Brick lluua•. will lot 21 feel hont. by 110 foot in depth 1 , 1 1 11:Ate 1.) he 11,rtli e:1.1 Iwo - of S 11 , 11 and lVesl streets the ..r..t,11 .11 • si. I• le The pt..petty cu pnvennu)[v and :-.1/aile Trees. Tilt lot honteln. the ,1 all i•th-r all A vorloty kJ!' roit kiL.I a 1:111 1 $ AV 1ft.t,. , 1 at I'•ivn te• It 11,ill, lI e. 2il atAl II not, then dispos,d I. • 11 . ,.r..t1 at PUBLIC S.ILE, n the pronth—h on lint U s'. I Lot 1,111 &ii uppiy col the premiFes. 51111tRLIN lid. 1805—tn. ( )4 N It; of the very finest and tne,r hand qer..ll, hunter] forme 11, tin Ouml.erlarld I'lll Irt 11%, nil.. me.t,,f Carlisle 013 the Comb. lallvy ball Howl: Nmtaliiing One and Eight ...Iri-rs more rt !ern li= month and flaklly improxenee.ts in the way of ((ores m d h. I first 'loon ae exr Hunt thoroon, fire FM) acres or wo,o !Ind a' barbed If do trod by tl.o purrhest, trend wells and t lnr.-rne nn tho ❑lees Alen, N. v••ral Ilougoa and Lots of ,round reline locality for further io f rmatl..o Inquire of JAM ES A. IniN BA It. Airy. at law Office south of Court hotue October 20. 15f;,—t Cu LINLC P I:PeQJT ' I, NR 0,1.. 23. 1805. a E annual election fur nine directoi s of this nub. will be held et t e thinking. how.. on tho third Monday. 20tb 'o• ember next, between ho hews of 1l A. 51., and 2 l' M. =I F. SADLII.II{, Attorney at Law. N I V . Pa Office iu Voluntoor Building. S , util Ila Inver Strout. ®r• 0 lAN,EIEItI3 Attorney at Law, uariton. rtt. Next door to the herald OOtc . July 1, 18134-Iy. SAMUEL R. WEBER, A!lintoistra or. lAM ES A. DUN BA H, Attorney at v Law, Carlisle. Pa. omen on the south side or the o.,nat Ifoune adjoining the —.American Printing Office" July 1, 18114-Iy. ♦TI)SIiIPU It ITN E Et, Jr , Attorney at Law and Surveyor Meehaniesburg, Pa. 0111 cc on stall Road Street. two tfoore north of the Bank.. IVO.Businette promptly attended tn. • July 1, 3.864. • 1 - 4 1 E. BELTZ HOOVER, Attorney oat' ILaiV• Office In South Unilever street, opposite Ilentz's dry good store Carlisle, l's. September 9.180¢ y M. WEAKLEN'', Attorney at Law or• mite° ou south Unilever street. adjoininr flit duce ef.ludue ilraliam. MI profeAslonal buslnu,s an trusted to Wm: will-he prowptly attended to, drily 1864. THONIAB AlOultk) QAMUEL RH BURN, Jr., Attorney clat. Law. 01 with Hun. Samuel Hepburn, Main ;t, Carlisle Pa, July 1. 18(14. • AW CARD.-CffARLES B. MA• I Ant, AUMILI N. Attoruoy at Lew. 6111 C O. In , lnbotrp , ulldin ft, junt npposltt the Market - How. July 1. 1M6.11y. O. 0 GRAHAM. itorney at Law, 0 - Carlisle. Pa. ''OMea lormorlf..grcaPledW-Jijitig Graham , zoutla I ianover stmt. • September 4, 1R65. • • • UM ERTOII ttorikey at Law Mice on No . rth Hanover. street, fow door= north of 0111'N Hotel All Waltman ontrustod* to him will ho promptly attended to. July , l, 1864:, IE7 - ALIT A 1:1.$ Presents fbr all at Haver V stick'spruit; Book and Fancy Btoro. ' • J. P. lIASSLER: - Cps4lo. ENQINE,-FOR SALE. JOS IV. 0 ;ILIIY, JNO. 0. lIALDE.IO;!,, J. D. ADAIR, ' C. REICiLIMR. PUBLIC NOTICE• S TURD k 1 I:V EN DEC. .25111.1 it 5 vate as e Sale 1 COIL E'ER LOT, STONE HOUSE Va 1 u aid c 71, lea P,•upe 3P'c)yr ,i,a1,14e 2 DWELL' NG HOUSE, FARM FOR SALE Limestoze Soil, Tenement House J. P. TIAS , LER, Cashier GrOLI !.! - &ELDON & CO. MANUFACTURING JEWELLERS, 27 cpURTIANDT S I' NEW YORK. 100,000 WATCHES, Cll AINS, GOLD PENS, PENCILS, &c. &c. &e. &c. W U B 'l' 11 VOJ,OOO TO BE SOLD AT ONE DOLLAR EACH WITHOUT REGARD TO VALUE. AND NOT TO DE PAID UNTIL YOU KNOW WRAT YOU WILL RECEIVE. Splendid List of Articles. All to ho sold for ONE DOLLAR Each 3 0 Gent's Gold Hunting Case sVatche,, $5O to $l5O 300 Ladies' thud and Enameled Case 1 5 / 1 1.0108, 35 " 70 400 Gent's I u at' ng Case Sil %or watches 35 ‘• 70 200 Diamond Kings, Go " 100 , 0 ~add Nest and a oak Chains, 15 " 3t, 3.000 '• 4 " .1,000 Gold Oval Band liractdets. 4 " 8 4,000 Chased Gold nta..elet a, 6 " 10 ..01.0 hAtalaine 1 holes and Guard Chains, 0 " YU ti lout) .nian ire and Gold Brooch, s, 4 " It 2 000 I,a , a and Florentine Urn. elms, 4 " b Coral, opal and hul-r,,1,1 Gro. duo:, 4 ''o !0110 Mosaic, .let, Lava, and Florentine Ear Drops. 4 " 4 00 Teal, Opal. and Emerald liar Drop's. 4 " 4 , /0 011111111`tila Dlnmend 13riast Pios, 2 50 '• 10 3,0 (( Glald lob and Ves, I.satch Keys, 2 811 " 8 4,0u0 Fa and Vest 1111,00 n slides, 3 " ln 4,0110 set, .tose, 0 Buttons. St uds, etc. 3 " 4.011 u Gold l'him bit a. l'et.rils, etc. 4 " (1,000 311111114m0 I, ,ck-ts. • 6 " 8 4000 111,11.1ture Coe els—Magic Spring, 3 " 20 1,000 Gold Toothpteks, Crosses, etc. 2 " ft 000 Plain go Id , (eg o , 4 11 5 000 clmsed liold Rings, 4 " r. 11 7 000 Set cud Slgnot Rings, 250 ' 10 ..000 eslll wrint Diamond I.lno, 2 " 10 7 f,O I Sets Ladies' .le,elry—Jef and Bold 5 " lb ~160 ~.ts I.ndi s' .1-weiry— 'OlOOO. VOIIII, etc 4 " 16 ‘5,0 0 Uold Pct. Sliver Lxteuslon Holders and Pen, Its 1.000 (lold Pens sod Uold-Mnuuted Ilniders 3 •' 8 0 0 `live, (i, Nets and Drinking Cups 6 I= 10 " 51. PER DOZEN 1,000 DOZOII Silver Tea Spoons, flu to $2O 1,00 •• • lablo ,poons and forks 20 " I=l I= C ttTl FL; uatillnir ea •11 article and Its Value iro placed in VOL Pr.a, which are Wel timed tine of there his elopes, cotdali log the corti ovate rrtler fin inane article. (Nil:mill at leosi 0110 ;14,1 1:11 . at IC:rill.) it 111 be sent 1,3 Inau to oily address. will • ~ lIC le,orti to [halve out nrelpt id 15 Seu.e Tile put ill seo what Ai iliaws, idol lie • !due billylie I iltio to /ice iluu roil i odors, alit. t• II then send Ono Lollar and reecho the Artie e mimed. Or any o heron the list lit the se uoe VIIIIIO sw t Cul SI niuc hr article, if it duos not xive r•rliwt to 1-tic NVe LIVSP!! a to he Immediately outer old oils Ito emulnit poi • w II be ri untitled this mode iv give e l ei i no from a varied stool I' hest nods. and I 'test sr) le and id .iitriii 1.. wool, .it a ur.wlual price. oldie all have ill scouring articles of the ter) 11010.8[ Talle jiiet.m . tro for forward'. 12 the Ceriltici.(i• iittStilge omit dilitii Lilo • usi skint of I went - nye, Celt . P. tV1111•1) lIIIISt h enc•osed In the . rder Ihi 1 3-, divan, a 11l lie stilt 1.,. ; r lee.di for $2 ; thin 3 ; slot) fl• e for v 0; oni• hundred r 0.15. with us any d. petit tin lacir. pi (unlit returos. and the Si Lela drove a wily be 1111111 , .1,11,13 sent to :lid lid IV-, Ir) 1.1 Ul'll orlon Itl exipois irc s•ili-I lotion tioi to lo ail `vents •told I i • ocular. II tide 3• in, and State rid add, so ,E1.1)1.A I ourtJandt nn t. Jun , I IS. r•—nuno Non, YQrl, I‘ heeler S: Wilson and Howe. 0 L K. STITCH SE IFdG mAcniNEs. TI,. nip/ 't (7///ip , Nt 1 , 1 WI) Olt in whim r• ell up-11,. I I 'I %, Ilk “tt II 3,1 141 , 1,1%!1 . • n t /tiiLt• Irt, I ,% 11,1 k No :1 . achlne 111:11“, • •• •• "rnizitAtental • I •• min, r I.l.tieti, The llowe Sewing Machine It.. dtteht m,1,, Sud JI at.,l arriage Trim ',lied to t best or -h or le ,e • l , ❑n:1111 Intl In 11.11101 t,t d to • the 1,4 tii whim. f.,r 11 ,th , •r aor4 ur lail"ring reel th • pub I; t , ilrr /I I 11 m:n•hii, , .. Lefler A 1111011de tavinle.l Oo lainil3 sot, ing Tailoring. ,hoe in ling :mil lilll er ti Ling. Letter It iaarhitte $7O I• one size Faro, than A initelithe, suited to the •nie L U.rC nor !lino. $B5 • ree heavy 'rail ring IS h i a nd ph , ,. hr . . nd an lave tritinllll , ,r. It rut,Fight ...I rapia ad w• a l Ido nu.. w"1.1, I will lia a lea, h huger Shur tlia. the .-111:1 r mur h, n. • an 1. d I,lllllille at Intl Read reliigraph ulllce, rt. ale, Pa. Oct. 27, 1565—t r MiMMIEM FORWARI)ING AN!) COMMISSION HOUSE .FLOITIR & FEED, (()AL, n.AsTER iI3E Icr 1 , . NI & li hl) . l' I I M IS iriviw , I? • p.,..ehas.d of ~ i tytior .k N1.Wi•..111, I ',Mr en 0.11- AIVIt dart-how,. (Ilentletnon's.t.ld stand.lheallwt .11 , 41. tee le .to to intortn the puldir that they will .•011 , inu , tile Forwardin4 and C..uninieslon business 11,, .I 111 l'Oen i vest , v 5..1111.01 in ho, et , ore. 'I highest ilia: hut price will Le paid l'er Flour ll rain .titi 1* o lure 01 all I. Hoot and ietill. 1 . 111t1 • 1 . . Salt and liar. kept eon tantty on hand and tar .idle Gnat (iNil kinds riot, ring LYE: ENS VALLEY. L. 0,.. UST MOUNTAIN, LA WHERRY, &e., &c. Litnehurners' unt: Itlitolonni•lis' I oil retintantly for alum IL' n under cover. and delivered di yto soy part of tho tun it. Also, all kinds of LUMIJEIt cuustuntl3 di hand. A Daly, Freight Line vii I leave their \Varebeuso every mnrnlng at 7 &cinch. r$ lye at Hat - Tinian a. Ii , and at !lowa, d .51 I i nett ut.l n'a tt arehouse. b bU, and 010 Ilarltet sty et 'hlladelphia at b n'eloelt In the even ug of saute da, J. II E'r r; 01108. Nov 10. 1855. Bedding & Feather Warehouse. tiro. 44, North, I abate Market, Phila A EDS, LP FEATPERS, MATTRASSES, BLANKETS, BED QUILTS, &re. rue'. or's oniebratrA , 'prina Tied. Evety article in the Wilding line, at lowest Market prices. AMOS 11 , LLIIORN, . . Rept. on 1‘,,5-31no FURS. FURS. FURS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. CHARLES OAKI ORD & SONS, CONTINENTAL 11110tEll Ir a v.e now open their large and aplen did stoolt of . I ADZES' FUR OA FES,. COLLARS, MUFFS, • CUFFS, . U LOVES, AND lIIrDS Also tho finest assortment of FANCY FUR ROBES. OAP. NIUFFLERS and GLOVES ever before offered by thorn, all of which aro warraßted to be as represent- SHIPPING FURS BOUGHT . Oct. 20; 1805-4 mo. , TH E Nlaqun.&..Llanalin Cabinot Organs, eorty different arvlee adapted to Feared nod seen jar music. far pa to EN each. Tlllit't Y-FIVE BOLD or SILVER MPH/ r LS or other ilrnt pretulutne award• ed them. tlitt.trnte4 Octal .011.F1 fr.° AddrePs. SON & BOSTON, or MASON' BROTHERS, Now YOPK. Sept. 22, 1805-Iy. WRIT NO Puper of all deseriptione, Buvulonus, Vinitlug Cards, at Ilaverstl ea Drug. .and Book. Si oro: fIOAL Oil Lamps, Shades aiid jnoye at ttaeratfek's Drug and Ppoi. Store. . ALL the leading Patent Medicines of the day et Iluveratian'a Muir and Hook Store. 13 HYSIIIIANS'wiII tint) it to their Itd L vantago to nail and purchaso their Medici Us at .ItALSTON'ti July..l'll - 154` • ~ .47..1.44, 4 ),‘„kg ) Xi% , tte„. tc. 14 4 -' -.4 -7 PHILADELPHIA GE& (Of Harrisburg, Pehit'a, and formerly State Law Reporter.) Attorney -at Law • arid Claim Agent. Including (Wins for arrears of pay, bounties and poe inn .in the City of n aebington, D. C. Post inlet, Box 2 34, Washington City. It 61? EN CP:— on. Thaddeus SLO ',OUR Hnn. Thom as Williams of the House of Itepre‘a tiii Nils; Don. toseph Caney, Chief lus. ice ei Coart Mins. Viand Joidan. Pennsyl.anla state Agent, Washington, D. C. Lion. Frederick Watts, Carlisle. lid. 20. DP 11. The First Premium, FOR THE BEST PHOTOGRAPHS. At the late Cumberland County Pair, has been awarded to C. L. LOCHMAN. A R Lochnian has iho plessure to an 0.1 'now., to the public tiny he has re-purrhased ho. , W rthito , rem Mr. NPNIIIIno lu Alm “ build log. opposite the First National Bank, and guarantees thsi his PHOTOGRAPHS, CARTES DE VISITE, AMBROTYPES, !lave no superior, and In t •no, finish and clearness, ..orptss met pictures produeod. Ile aheßib,b , person a at cotton to the roan. rind With Chu best sod matt nnprnved iri ti uments and appliances warr tits the inest resells A large asset, Men tof Gilt and Hose owl Fronton, and splendid libitum. for sole verp cheap Copies of Uagnerreotypes made In the most perfect Oct ill, 1865. I. E. WALRAVEN, -MASONIC HALL 719 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, line now open LACE CURTAINS, 11=111 BROCATELLE CURTAINS, DAMASK PURTAINS, WOCIL REP CURTAINS. SATIN LUNE CURTAINS, NOTTIN , M CURTAINS, NIUSLIN CUR. ATVS. Cloth, THIIIII and PIANO COVERS. Col•stantly rovelvlng NOV ELT' VA in 1111=21 CURTAIN MA7 EI?TALS, omhrnelog the l'eLhratod SV Ylt A curril an.l MODE WINDOW SHADES In every D,h1r.1. , 1 ) 11 St.) le Color or l'rlee I 'S I. LIZ AVI .V. No. IS C,lirstnut. ~ Phllndolphla, Novr-mloor - :Iro AGENTS IVANTFD! To ,Invto, ay. new qtenl ongrnvings of Woman's llission, Lincoln F • anli ly, Early Pays of Washington, &c Fer my mph Ca lcs dr ri,iteAlhiem Pie- At p,nt'y 0 , 1 p, I, TruNis To S 1.1)11..1 5, d ft, l 3t.ilt, %% It lern,. .I.c. JOll 1.) I Y, Publi,hor, 1 S. SirVo Phlbidetkilit.i, rt 1112EMEEM l'onm,)l\ ania ro:oi 1\ to II 1,,t, ' Lc,,/ I I, 1. I'l' ' ro•I I f . -An • I t. , thAll .113 i I it , 11,1 II 1 , II.• =ME T I.) 11'! I. ),1•r t, d I II `I hr,, ,b,•rtv coy 11`.1 1,1% ik 1, 1 ). 1 , Ii ~ t hor iss r sins]l litl3' till. BEST, II I , II c I'lLs - EA E Matitllactdr. , l I:. I s led t,) & S3lllTiil, \VI-101,EsA LE • Drug, Paint, & Glass Dealers, 137 \ mcril I I II) .I It 4:T, Is , . E W GOO %I'(&)( i f ll{ ) uni ;„:00,1• NJ( Jn”.t fr.. the F. nst,n My "1 111 11.11.'il tt•ti , :tt I . S.aith et Ct., t h.! I ell known sta. d. ~o r li.t of In - t.H. (Mod. comp kes. BLACK SILKS, In great varlet) i hiding. the 1)6,4 go,l, harried. do ins lalletit tiros de tiros d' A Irtide and flplll . l.ii I 111.111 . 4 , 101110,... iu •L I rtilnlS pares Plaid Morino., ai d Poi E .11P le ES..' C 1,0 TII . 4i. I Palill. ,Lattes, et,litiNs, all., 01 1.1,q0111 WHITE GOODS, Jai•tilictS nuJ Calll,lt, I lain /111.1 1 . 1.1 d 1::1111%0411:P, L NE.Ns .I.\'l) co TTO G ()cps otnit,rpn. Ver) FLANNELS r.rCr • , guiltily uY xlilt. nod tkimols, think nisirtn A , .1 In lc of Cloths Cassintere:4. It. t. ui l 114,111,in:1de Jeans KA. I have I. V. .t supvti,.iii rttnotit of Millinery Goode, ton net Velvets and ?ills, Ittql nut owl ti homing 1,' 14 ,4 us. 1;1111.e. , . r.i.glisit 'apes arid i.,11‘.1,1 OURNING GOODS Single and Uoubie %mall nil 1v0.,1 DeLaine,, En, prt as Uloti.s. I.ui l'aahniel Erich Nlerinia•s, X °lour hips, \', lour time. A Ipacea. t rapt. Ul.,th.QUOrti Loh, lip d Prin a, 'lllll,l Long Shawls, Crap° Veils Ilandlsar, Idris nod (tilting NOTIONS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION leloor and Titbit, Oil cloth Vl Ind t.badett. U, Itredus. and 11u..p d. lrts. All vu-y low, anu t onsitito tblv owner the market. prison. MINIM • HOME Insurance Company OF NEW YORK. Olicc 135 Broadway. C.shc7ll)ititi 2.00 6 ,000,00 Agent': July 21st 1865 3 714 60,06 CH A ..1. M Alt"! A F. 11 11.1.711 llt Tll. y Ice l'rest. = 'rho attention of farm. re and business in- 11 generally is invited to the Reporter advantages it ITordrd by the above respot.sible Stock Co Tn.. Ineured girt snu tun' es le subject to I o fiSeitSentent St ,111.1 the rates are as cheap as is ettne6tent wi b the In s ttf eompenea Me. lamett and battles en Muddy tot} tutted anti pr mptly paid by the undersigned who k non tint d the author Pied agent tor Cumberland County. L J. IS'. FOU LK, Carlisle Pa. Sept. 1, 1866. CARLISLE FEMALE COL LEGE Rev. T. Daugherty, President. FOR BOARDING 4- DAY SCHOLARS. 'THIS Seminary which includes the setae I lately under the eharee Cl MIAs. :limy lilt ner will be • pen under the direct' , nof v. T Aaugh• arty, as President with a full corps of able Instructors, so as to 040 (4 the 3outhl a'. thorou h education in English and Viassical to utiles in the French and Clor mamianguaitcs, in Music, paieting, and other orna mental to anches. ••• • • Fspeclal care will he given to boarders in the fatally of the Pre.ddelit. A primary denartment for the younger scholars will be had in connection , with the collegiate department The session will open on Wednesday, September 6th. in the thurelegant School rooms designed for that pur pose and ttaelied to the Emory Church. For terms apply to the Providuut. Aug.l4, 1.800, Strike While The Iron Is Hot NEW.. STORE, • NEW 'GOODS. HAVE just received u large assbort t mprit of Now Goodq, such as Calicoes, Detaine% Lawns; A leucite, Chambray% Flannel% Urania Brawn and uloached Shoo Inge] Drown and illeacknd c•hirtin.:a &o. Alto, a fall aNsart moot of Men's .Goods, , ; Ruqb as ODAIIIh.Ca fliiittlla PL. Eattinetts.Jeany-Cotton udes,:Denlois. Stripes, Cheeks Inoludlng ail quality nod styles of Undershirts and. Drawers: Dref.s Shirts, Shirt Collars, Nook Ties, Oloves,.•and 'all other goods pertaining to a Gentleman's Wardrobe. All of which will be sold at lower prices than they aro lolling elsewhere in'Carlisle. writ. A. MILES, Next door West of the Poet Wee, Citille May' 28, 1805. , • Tobacco; (smoking and chew, lug) and negate, at Ilaveratter's Drug and Doak cora. . of his own Impot tattoo 1111121113111231 WM =EMI 111 Y 11 I=l E= BOOTS AND SHOES! At Ogilb3 9 a Cheap store. VOW op'ened and ready for sale, 60 0,0118 MOD's and Boy's HO t, for Winter Wear, s Ila'morals Bunts and ()alters. Boots with and without Heels. Ptinged and Seaed. Ladles Sawed Bus kins, Misses Ilannerals, (Jailers. Fancy Shoos. e lids Shoes, an eediess Variety from smallest to laratot sizes, all of Best Make, B Ulises celebrated make of shoes smstantly reeelving 2.1, C.'s.. Own Shoes.loo Pair Men's Gum Over Shoes and Sandals all sizes, 100 Pair Ladles Gum Over Shoes a.I sizes. 100 Pair Ladles Gum Sandals all sizes, 100 Pair ladles Gum Lined ftu-kins a 1 rises, WO Pair Mi-son add Ohildrens Gum Over Sho. a all size. Plrnsx Bull and examine Lb. aboi I): , f,,re purchasing, street opposite the Meelhdlist hureh. 00.11,13 Y, Ustee. Ort 0.7965 NEW AND FRESH 4 C* l ' eD) C , M . 1 0 iS; . I - 1 A LB ERT & B IW., lIAV ING just returned from the Eton ern cities desire to In term their patrrns that tau) have laid in a Mr lie and varied stock of New and Flesh Clouds at the 'so est cash prices, Their assortm •nt Is thorough and complete. contaln• log everything necessary to constitute a First Class o rocery TEAS, COFFEES, SUGARS, In greatest abundance. and at lowest cash figures .Syrups, Spices, canned trolls. QUFENSW Alt E end Crockery, Salt and fish. Hams, Cheese, Crackers, Brushes, Basket, and Willow Ware. &gars and Tobacco, of the chdicest brands. Brooms, Buckets, and a corn- Mete assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES. Don', forge: the old stand, South East corner of annoyer str• ets. Fir lIA LBERT & BLIP. Pb.N 24; I6CI, RARE INDUCEMENTS ! r r HE undersigned purposes guing East in fire or six weer s and in the meantime, wishes to sell hix stoe • of N.41011P, FANCY DRY GOODS, Werton, Horse' Route, 0,,0d W:II &e ,to any person desirous of itot.,g In the business. Sept. 15, 1855-3 t nerry Adv. and Franklin Rep. copy lt , Fend till w [lda office CUMBERLIND VALLEY HOTEL N. E. Cor. Main and Bedford Sts CARLISLE, PA JNO. G. HEISEit, I'roprri'tor 1 )11 !..ST A \NT in the basemc nt, hirh furnish d with the very best of liquors, edibles of all varieties. ti VI. T H 65-1 y Iron ) English Refined. CENTS lb. Nails, $5,50 horse ;SHOES, , $7,23 and ver I ilia.; propartina at July , 1',65 , inr ryuull well oqi .rwmido 5r.../ .4s .1•1,111111 41.1 UN S'llo aL\IFJ ) ! ;,:a(11. , (1 pun W7E : l.lud II! :.;}l:fiVs,lll/41 Ar..(l .S'1.((:/1 SKI.I‘MI CLOTHING S 1 11., 1.1. 1%, ,1 a ty J g\ L... 11 •.1 .•11,11 . 11111. rti TA 1, 1. \ t. 1: 1 . 1...1 Is 1 .1. rI S 1 . N. , 1 1%1.1 , 1 ` \ l / 1 11 1 .1, ... 1.11 lltrout t t . J .1, t vl .•5 1 111. 1 1 I's 1y - 5 1 1. 1. • ti r , • .1, •ay - e uttu tlit.,t Cr eut al -up. t t , t u ota tae Ott re i••• „,t;,• Vitt' t,3: d tilt pull n' V. hi, .11. _ , .1 large So lllll,llt of Ready Made Clothing. II 111 11.uf 111 . pii to Ill• /1,,. :111, e ,110.1 ~111 she, eq. 1 n .1' itL 11.. 111,111 BOOTs. SHOES .1 Sri H iT.S 11, rltht• al.. l't.o•.f Calf Itt,‘y oittt it tit I I vol., Ittt,.t. andntitlt•to w 1111 it lull of'S .11 11 - ad 1 .1, us: 1,. a11"1 ellirh )t.O bill 111,1 at pont:1111e. Cumo It it ,a11,11e(1. Trunks, Tra yell i ug,-Bags b‘c 1 1 0 E 1... I.lli 1... $11,• 111, .1 21 , Iltalw,t)s I, v glad Le ..1.1• t,tl, and I e nlnlvet !hut I eon supply ). u ith as 0 ).1 uhnle und ahh•l'lethin4 Beet-, .11 os Huts, us eau he nalhll the antrltet. and I ut leave pl th htleet. bet. eet rhrriner's hotel and Inl Lei ['no4 ; ru,t , arils!o Septembes Samaritan's Gift ! SAMAIcIIAN'S GIFT! LIE MOSP CERTAIN REMEDY EVER USED. 'Yes, A Po,itive Cure." multi?), no )1i neral, no Bal,am. in) Nlereurr 12/ Pills 'a be 'Alan to Effect a Cure. 0 1 HEY are entirely vegetable, having I, no ....II .0, any uopleasvnt taste sod will riot ni a,) iojure the st,o uch Cr, bowels of the kl• Cores in lerno two to 1100 days. and revert Irafaeß to eat, -r.u, hours Vrepared 1,3' a paduata of (ho loiveisity of IlunnayiYatila. (hie of the most eminent ioctorn and l hernial!, at the present any. =1 I= Om, who have de9.ired of get.log cured. or Ao hare been gorged with it.,lstun Meleury, try the SAMARITA N'S GIFT, 'ant by nail In a Wahl envelope... patkage, naiad(' $3. BLOOD! BLOOD" BLOOD! •SCROFUI A, IJLCERS SORBS, SI'OTS7,''I'EtTERm SCALES, BOILS, OS VENEREAL DISEASES, Se SAMARITAN'S ROOT & HERB JUICES Is offered the public as a pusitiq cure. THE SANIABITAN'S ROOT ANT) HERB, .11/10ES, the mint le lent, curtain and effectu'l remedy ever prescribed—it roaches ao3 eradicate,' every virticie of the vrm•ral poison, PO th3lt. the Core Is 'borough and permanent Tube thou of .his purifyins remedy and t o , healed, and do not transmit to your posterity that for which you may repent lo after years. DO NOT DESPAIR I altbourh you may be pronounced Incurable, the SAMARITAN'S ROOT & HERB JUICES will remove every vevtige of impurities from the sys. tem, as well as all the bait effects of Mercury. FEMALES ! In many affections Avith which numbers of Females suffer, the ROOT & HERB JUICES, . --• • Is moat happily adapted. 111 Whit os In bearing down, Falling of the Womb, Doldllty, and for all complaints Incident to the sox. Bent by express Price $1,21 per bottle. SAMARITAN'S WASH, hi used In conjunction with tho Root and-Uorh Juices Full directione. I rico 25 mita. ti The efficacy of three remedies 1B alike acknowledged I [ll, i p t l eq B L e a l l n e: i t i n o ‘ s t plUl i s i . v gu e' s r U e . a h t e o y rin a g r° ilellea ti ltlt h o e f many of our brave soldiers. [From the Baltimore Bum] What the surgeons say of the Sa- maricin's Remedies. POET IfiN:PITAL. FORT ATARSIIALL, ➢nitimnru, Nth, Bob. 20, IK4. "1 have great satislaction in stating that."( have used t,he Same, ituuts Remedies' for Venereal hifease in its most customer forms; that I have used them whh judgment, dlScrotion, and properly. and have found them respond to my antielpationa promptly and effectually. Knowing their compoeition, I here the fullest confidence In their efficacy and as fai as my use et them. extends, I recommend them etn, , ngly.. , • ttALFREICOJKAVEKS: ''' ===lsl Lot It be under.tood that these remedies . are as roe og.raenderl: and will positively cure the diseases for which they are offered. ." "' For s.le at Ilaperstiok's Drug Stara, .11anover 13trect Carlisle, Pa, ... " DESI'dND',4CO: taco BC, I.l3llacialilli.,. July 21.180-6 m , ~ ~ will DEI YST.C.I ANS ll . fi tid it to tiwiritd.. i ,vaniage to call-and purl:bean 'their si.dicitro at :!- , 8.AUT011 11 4 ,-, . ... . . , . . W. SCOTT COYLE II EN R 1' XTON'S =I FEMALES
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers