Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, November 24, 1865, Image 1
, , .......," '. ' .:1: : ' . . '..'' . " . • . . ".-- - ..... . 'M1i1iM1.1.1............ or ADVERTISING .• . • .. ~! . • .. ... , . . . .•.._. , • , . , - . TER I , ne lustirttp, • - • 81 U 0 ' .4.-- '',. , • A Ip, .. . . . .. One :• 1 / 4 1' , In.:Trion, 50 . , . Asa./ ~ , F ,r vac' ` rye Adver trainnents, 25 uu . . ' 1 .. 1 ... \\ f ... 1' L. ( iti 1 (l i . , - ~. .. . F,.r n ;ea '4 00 11 X\ .„;•:', ( • ' L. 01 . .., •: ' ,l ` .\ : I . :::: .. 'Ail , . C ', ' , l, ''', \ ~ , ~ , - , . ' Lep! ail •/prda without paper, 7 tO 1 '''''' . • . ...f , ' ‘ 1 .. Prof Aot .us an Ou :mot,: , Ob • rid Mug o .nett,t, nol prl TtAff :1 - .... .. . t.l i titurelts al •ne, 10 cents per , .?4• ' , ' , I, :7 OL : ~''' L- L • ,491. H, . . ... I I it, '''). .. • • • , T :',..% ' , / , .3..• .03 Plit ': MO )ur .lob Vrlntlng Office Is the 1 ) ' ~ \,.... . "rzdet a .1.1 in i,,t, e °owlet,' o tatilliffinieut in th. . . 'olia,:y. t" oic 4,,0n Pretifida, and a general variety 0, ~ . , • it r , ,,irlut ',tilted for ttl.tin:tnd Fancy iyork co ever) ' In I, ea 0.0-'4 ,13 to du lob I'i-intim; at the mho ter•t ,nt co, tad em NC reaqeonble tonne. l'ereon, In via mr !Mk, U anks. or Anything In the jobbing, ;1n.., %fill ti,tl It illtorelil to give us a call. gelvrral ',-1111',oruurtioll. U S. GOVERNMENT oadnut—ANDßEl,* .Imissos, Lent 1 , 0 .1 . 61 t. —Wm. 11. , K,, , ,111., •ref,-..$ of (otvi for- 4. , II • , 12 , .•r0f try of Vr. , ,orV- 1 117olf Ile I 1.1.11C11, I tVar—rifsvf, 31, ,;..c.f.ttry of NIlVy•- 1 / 1 “,, f'o•t. yI t •tor (lilt ••rtil— , \ x 1.4.NN15. , N. 1•r •7eiseral—.l 'Ott, S. 'l , :11 ~ 1.1.1to•tiot• t.lcht. • 111 0 1 't:I ,O I.—' , O.MON (1113 s STATE UoVERNAIENT ANDREW U Cl RTIN. :or, 4‘f Surk., tiun•rAl— I . •' Joy t &Outdo liinorel—A I. It UN,I.L, Vretsurer-11,,11y 0. Minnie. Curt f l ti, .if the supreme Court—lle). W.Woot. COON ['V OFFICERS. pr.,llu a .1 Jamos II (Ingham. /.• la e .114,140:5 . -1 Mietm,l Cocklin , Ile l] • u 411 L0rn0y....-1. W. O. Mllelen. noel •llllreman CI • rI, u 1 It •e.clor — Ephraim COrlitllllll. ist —Ol9O 11'. ,Nrir4l/ 11.1.;'1 • il,ilT—Jolll n 1 ti I • o , iqurer--11Pliry 11111 or. ~,or. Sa Gl.ll Korn,. Jul)! \ ' , lto grit, ea .r I fou-r•—llcklyv Snyder. I'liy-leivo t id] —IIr. `, 1 Halo l'hystol to Jo 11.11,,-1)r halo. Butuwwi m:ricEßs Chiof Iturve•s•--.1.4”1 =I n I 'olllll'll-1 .'t GI 111 0 11 . I dr,•“ 13 Lh•r.l;t.., 33. Tz..l. B or „, 11 , 11 - mtin. 1•• (1 - .3 1311 v[11..3. hti 110, 'NI ISI 4,1,. 0 11 H111111:111 ICI 3:1-. II k131(11,11:1111111C1 Itttrctit t .th Dm, t ttstit (Ittnsttitti, I.m ”ttt•l •tv r z. k% N.- t f Itlttst (I ant. Itt .itt, 11,4 11/n ti. ,(.tout( =I I=l r— IViird Cl+ 10wt0,....-1•,. ll ard, Jtie hi,oud. oar II f,t • rtrtl. it It 11111,,,.. SUcrt Coot r. Pat irk .1 Ili ie, I 110 t..• . David .the •11 , 11 Lamp Alex leek. Levi clit:ucitEs Prosltvt ttri.tti tl ch. North west melt ofi t. trn :y Lire. I V. 31 P..% over) 611.11.1 Ly at II o'et.teli. A NI .and u'clott., Seetui Prilsll% ur,b, ,orn, t•touth uvor .111.1 itev .littin I. Bile . 1 . 11.14 .‘ LII 0 A NI.. 110,1 , 'noel, P. CI. S. Icrllll ., 'hut ,Pt , t nor:ht•ast tin :41 of ,',..1Cr0 - via; 10, 1. .1 • it, •Cor. it•I• It I o'ilk,.•ls , 7 elm I 1 . :NI. 1.1 , 1:1141i utlisrl.l .11 11 1.11 I r -Lr .11/1 i`lo 1 . I. , votl Vitt. mut I Pll 4 l, h 'lrst rll tr,o.)‘l,li) 1110 11 I I 1 zti.d 7 it', locl. \I. char '.--, I. hur. ti a , 1 IME=IIIEI II I t II tin , l at I i t I li .;.• I h t 01 11 eNt. St , ..t •t II I. •‘.1,11,•• 111111 ro.ur Ettgt st ..v ,y "filet :sal, It s It! 1.1 \ , .tt I'. ‘I r.w.ier r I I:; ' ' x ,ll t 1(•': I'. _ , ii , •'l . l'l 111. :1 . . 1. 3111 Hr. 1 1 1' 4 4ctry ilt r4l• •4 cc 4 rtc• .11• .1•4111. 11 /1' lii: 11, 1)ICKINs(1\: 11 1...1 /11 LI! I) J. Itilti Pro ‘,l it.i.etqfghd ii.11j.,) I /I:.r , 1 A.lll I . 11. trl lu nut F' t•tir•ll 1.1 n_ll.l_ 11.1 I I /1 , •• I F ILw t ‘l, :. 1,1. I, 1.1 11 0,. .\_.i Mealy C. A rl ip I “I tit • ( 11 , Pr Ilkoiral th I' \, 11,1 =1 1 kkl" I'l IT I I I r PI ZOZI 'II, I. I. \N. I 11 • I. I Po, I 111 .$ll, • $. it .q tlsls• .11. I'. .$ $ ,1 1 • 'f llg, 1111,1 1 . slsllis g 1 sss 1.1 , $1.1.1• II .$lll /P,N..hl. IRD ui iu 1, uIILECTURS ; prom ,L 1 •lINT' , It C. VIO l' , 1•41.1111 .1. I , :n, 41,1 nge• \l t t Ow 1-4 A not t, each )1 1,t6 et, n . AL ~./L11.1:.1111 (' )RI I)K.\ I'lll\S Vltl t. 'O , l• It 1: N., .011, • 1.1. r I , L 111.111 .k t!..S: 1:111 Illri t II II• I'reNtari.i. I, si..ward. •lObli 11. lior II I Jr o.ln 11" , 1,. :311,itt , 11 11•o0.1:1“,,i. .1 .1 1...ga11. 11111 Is, NI nip, srr —11,11,14 1 3 :3 31.'1 Ilepliurt• it Pk. .s Al3lll, t; gOr. •.:he I VIII 1)11I/ up. itich'd IVO IS, s lic ii,1111.•111311, ;itOrrtitt Thur.., 0ft..., ors l'11 , 111.:aL,0 41,1.1,1' It ‘11.111,1, C,oll,Nr. Frei trick Watt.: v.e..rotar and l'ierauror. I.4lnald 51, au 111 o: pet in to .dent, 0. N. train, three Lit., a day Carlisle Ael , ollllo /UR", Ii L.t Ird, I,Lvex Cirll-10 5,5 .1. 11.. arriving at Car Halo .521 I'. 11. Phrou..lll train, a Ara, 111.11 , A N. an 1 2 42. )1. 11 ea ,V 411,1 at 917, A. )1 ,:nut 2.55 I'. M. C OtLISLE - thg AND Cu3ll, NY.— PrOfti.lC nt. 1.4.11, on! 1, : Crolti.ll yr, A L.,pon-ler ; Sup. hate en, Ueonco DireetLrl, F. Watts. 55 tn. M. lieetetnt E. H. Ul idle. Henry Sexton. It. Iluodtvard, J 55. Patton, finer and U. EL Crolt. SOCIETIES Cumh,rland bodge No. 197, A. Y. M. moots at Marlou 11311 on the 1 ,d and At h• of ever, month St John's hodgo N 260 A. Y. M. Moots 8d Thurs.. dty nl each month, at , larloo flail. bodgi. No UI I. 0 of tJ F. sleets Monday avo.ting at I rout's building Lpturt, I. I) oI O T. every Thursday evenlhg in I lion Ilull, hi story. FIRE COMPANIES, Tho Union Piro Company wa• organized In 1780 Mole In Loather botween Pilt and Hanover. Tito Cumberland Fire °menet. V 101114 instil uted Fob 14. isuo. ittuoo In 13 ad ford, botneen Main an. Polo frat. Che (10 , , d %VIII Fire Onmnany wax Instil utod In M vch. 1855. [Joust, In I.olllfro. ncar Hanover rho Pltoptro 11 , .0k and Lattder Company woo Ina to tol la 1850 IIou..• In Piet. near Vain. RATES OF POSTAGE. Poutaae on all totters or one half ounce weight or u otter. 3 cents Dv. PAN. / itagi on Ibn 1,1) n Rhin the County. (refl. to 13 cent, pc,: ill)-1111111 ano part ltatun - 2frennts Pof.tafre on all run cents per ounce. etdvertlned lottery to '.ll coot of advertlalnft. M RS. U. A. SMITHS Photographs, Ambrotypes, lvorytypeB Beautiful Albums ! Byaril#o Frames! Albums for Unitas and Gentionnin. Albums f r M It d for Children. Pocket Albums for Soldiers end Civilians! Choicest Albums! Prettiest Albums! Cheapest Albums! FOR „OH RISTAI AS GIFTS 1 Fresh and Now from Now York : , nd Philudolphia Markets. IT you Want satisfactory . Matures and polite attention call at Mrs. R. A. Smith's Photo graphic Gallery, :tooth bast orner of Hanover Ettrent` and Market dilnare, opimalto the Court ammo and Post Offleo, U.rlittle, Ita. ' Mrs If A. Smith well known as Mrs. R A. Hoyt).lda, and no well known as a ,Utaguerrean Artist. elves per en nal' attention to.l.tidies and tiontlenten visitina her Gallery, and. having the best of Article and polite at tendants can Baldly prontitio that In no other Gallery eon thoso who favor her with a ,all got Picture, sup. - lor to hors, not even in tivit York or ebilndelphin, or wltti to tr hind and prompt attention Ambrotypes insetieti.ln Rings. Lockets. Preaat Phis, tto. Perfect copleS of Magtiorrotypos and Aniltiolypet mode of decomisti Neville.- Where copies ate defaced, II 0-1110 platures'Aly Wills+ had. either for 'frames r 11,1* cards.' All to - Astivott presurvollone year and otden by mall or otherwisepromptly attondutl to. -, December 23, 18114—tf . . - DR. VIVI. IL COOK, ' i , HONIOEP,PA'III,IO Pll YSICIAN, , Surgeon and 4cconcisour gIMIUE at his - residellee ' t in Pitt i;'nrar iti tianig tlin hleth6clis!. Obutoli... .., At the Odd Fellows' Celebration in Lees burg. on .12riclay, November 3rd, 1865. lit/ , u th, "rd,,noid in m”,,,t, evil 1111;111111,011-1V 11, .1. lit• wrell \l2,i• .• • ...1. or. Clot I. "ief Nr,/I ' ll.l ..11.• I ..111 .1(1 1. 111.1.1/1111 d (oh -E., It.:• lii I. itll,ll t 2.11(1 ..t Ft•i,,•\% -hip .I. ijx . ,•,..(1 1,114)n. it, 0, Pn-1 (;ruil , l li Ii 1. tl\ , Hint .11 111,• iwr- 111 ( 111111.1 . i1:11i , 1 ri.llllly 1., 41111,11•11 11/ 1.111 , 11-11 Ili.. II ow- I.•.• 11..,,.u' 1 , 11 , 111,-1 IL 0.1.\ 1 1 111 , 11,111..11 I 111 , i.l ILL (•..11111y, 1 / 1 . 111 , 111.!. 111.1111, 1/11 1 / 1 11•W 1./11 Will 11., 11.11111 1.1 th,• in %\ hi* h c , al 1112.1 1111 11- ,11.. ' 11 St 1 1,..1. 11l- =MBE hi ip, P tts i. 11 1 . 1.111'- 111 "FI*11•111.1 , 11111. I,l\ ,1 1111(1 111'11111 t•V I"- , I ;Intl 11(11 ITEM= =11! I' Lind I,n,4l , ll;ttlt•ritut, i t tott, cto t t tt rt•titit -IctJo t 0t,1 1 •,•., t l.•l l ‘t it.d It ti•tt l I -1•11114 Ht•ltra uttn. rt , tt pittilttittitut. tr:rJnit tt.tct.ti . ,,l, 1 (Itt hid tit• 1,t -.t intt t•-t Ili ill, t•ttil•tt ti () ( 1 4 1 rHit. \V,lllp. hurl Il lt thi, 1101.1,•,l tviur 11 Itittottithttl ill In 11,1111;1 11(11,11t lliCh :•11 , 011,111,•1•1 OW ft I vt• t tnitt, ethj,•,•tittnt, t t r, : t II ti t _tlttn-1 111 nruur• 1 11c1,11 ill] 111:1,0 ;I/Id (halt grtlll l tt- , 1 It pm! . ex I .,,int Hp!, : 4 —.1 11V,, , 111 1 ,1-11,1 Iry M 11.11,111,11 1), f•N,II 1110111 MEE= Ormcme: AND 1110 , 1'11ER , LAME, AND GLNTI.I, I•.] n• NV , rt. hi , well “1114. D , - whojour.- my , d t,\‘ 101,, by 1111- N\ H 1 -Idt•. WlOllll. ir tv, of grateful and tie it wa ter-, whet , • temples had 1,, en ,•r, cied ,n thl nauu 01 the G,41 tt,Jr.hippul. 111 , • du o \ 1 , 1 1, -1 ;Jai I po,', :111d ho \t , ,,t11111.1 Molt ,1,111111111i1,11 ‘ , 1111111,11' 1 , 1 , 111 1 , 11 of the I.lth Who w,+ o pietio wing the sle , sarred inota tem of then' exionpie, iv' to day hate turn ,41 aside limn the tough I,iliway of lite, glad toeseape the t ode of the world, and the cares tool cr,, , ses of forget While wo mingle 111 001111111111 On hero Where theoe brethren 01 .\ liaVe I,ll'lll a liviog temple in the i , arts of 1111'11 and dedicated it to diriendship, lots and truth. - As the hearts of those pilgrims were touched with live coals from „ir the altar, their spirits rejuven ated and tlwir great souls tired with new en ergy r thetoilsome pilgrimage before theln; 60 may we lento this 'dace to-day with new zeal burning in e eh breast. With renewed faith in humanity. and with a lit flier resid re to surmount all obstacles in the way of our grist work of benefiting :Ind viinidoing man kind. 1 know you all feel Ilia it is good to be here to day. You realize that there are a thousand moneless 'ties, a thousand kin dred thoughts and kindling sympathies, which only those who Mel them 'know. and which bind your hearts and mine together With at chain whose charmed links Call never be broken. These ties and thoughts and sympathies selove to make this occasion pre Chain to us, bejond what other s late fe e l o r know. Believe toe, then, it is with no or dinary emotions that I welcome y o u to this reunion of the , •bre . tl ren of the ant stint tie." You know and I know Unit the welcome of an Odd Fellow has none of the hollow-Iteurt,— edness of the world about it., Recognizing the brotherhood of Mum it is the we,conie of B tto'l'U Mt TO BROTH ER, and partakes of all the sweet, tenderness of the hunk-circle. welcome you het e, then'to day, not its dis tinguished visitor; and guests, bat simply us BROTH ERs. . There is One greet truth written on the hearts and in the faces of men everywhere,' and that truth is that this life of ours, with ail its happiness and its hopes, is i.continued 'struggle. I see it written on the brawny arms and bronzed theca before me. They tell of "ceaseless toil and endeavor•, ' of days and nights 3 :11:- labor and sweat. They pro claim that the decree which in the begin ning doomed man to labor its,his,lot, is still remorselessly enforced. Those, same faces tell me that man must suffer as well as work. They bear 'traces of sorrow and disappoint ment. They tell of hours of anxious solid tude, or perchance of r putationa clouded, of health impaired, of ruined fortunes and of prospects blighted. I venture the assertion that there is scarcely II heart in this large as semblage which has not, at sonic time in its history, been wrung with anguish until it seemed almost ready to burst: there is scarce ly a life here which has not Maths night of clouds; lid thick darkness—lA darkness which might almost be felt: We hear sounds of sorrow ud lamentation ail around us; and , them there sorrows too sacred for the ear of the world, •'there ore killing, griefs which dare not speak." ➢lan must not only liih,or and suffer, Lit'' it is appointed unto all Men once to die." We, see the solemn truth writ- Atm in the rapidly eemoterics, in the habiliments of mourning which throng the street or fill the sanctuary ; z iind it comes sighing past its in the Voices of, dip itiretie, - frOni- every corner' of rho'world, us "the' vOiee7of tliaehel,mourning for ter children.." VOL. 65. RHEEM &'WE4KLEY, Editors & Proprietors THE INDIAN SUMMER Thr•rr Is n time, just ere flip froql, Prepares to pave old IVinter's way When Autumn, in a reverie (4 , t, The ittellmv day-thile dreams 'ma) Whi.ll S11111111(.1' firllloB, ',dud To glue (wee 11101, on hill and dell, T., !nark limy 11111 11yr:heaves they hind, And see if ill is ripoleti moll With allny breath she whinier., The dying flowers look up Owl give Their sweetest incense ere they go. For her who made their beauties Ilse She enters ' nenth the woodland shade Her no byre lift the lingering And bear it gently where lire laid The hired and lost lines of ite grief. She seeks the rilloro. old Ocean 11(.11,, In glniloos4 huge his inig.loy Prisons his wild Whole Iu tllO C(ll . l`S, And basking In her smiles, is At last oil Autumn, riti'nf. takes Again his iititiptte and his throne. IVilit hand the tree he shakeii, Inteiit on gathering :11l 1119 MVII. Sweet Sunimuir, sighing, ill'', the plain— waiting IVniter, gaunt and grim, Set, 1i1151 , 1 . .11111111111 hoard it- Awl smile, to think it', all for him! ~~~:t:~ r.P.~~.~r`~r:~:~J:ir~> The Mission of Old-Fello us hip AN ADDRESS i \\ \\l 1\ COE ESP( )N DEN(I lIALL OF 31-INOR LEI,III. NIP N t•t . - W. A.Sliti•tt•r.l:litHwilni l il 1,,t1 L ;c.. :\;,) .1. S. 1).mg..1, ,, 1. N S. P of 17.1 1). Nalol.. llurt nt.•l f1:111\ . \ I 1.1.1 A \I K EN\ El/1" AD ii a i• SS There is another truth in God's Providence which it is well to consider hero: that truth is that there is no ill in life which in reality does not come to us with its hands full of blessings. The used undo• of this truth hero , is to prove that this very labor and suffering of life and certainty of dell h is a blessing, in that it teaches man that he needs help and sympathy. it forms the great bond of hu man brotherhood. If it were otherwhe—il life were not a seeme of toil 1111(1 suffering there would be not tie which co old be called common among men—no chord which when touched would vibrate in one sympathetic ..train from heart to heart no gnat d stage upon which men 'could meet, and forgetting minor differences, remern her only that they were men. Not only man's necessities, but his inclinations also impel him to seek the society of others. He feels that without good con many even the dainties of life lose their reli-h. We do not like to lie left alone. Sod ride has few charms for any of us. Alan is gregari us animal. and companion-hipseems mhe o oof the Incas of his being. In con firm:lo,m of these truths, history tells u- dint, tinder the pressuge of these coonmon want, and inclinations, and recognizing this com mon lirothorhinnl. men in every age and country have associated themselves t get her for 11111111111 counsel and relief' It is the feel ing of dependence, this consciousness that man always needs help, advice, sympath% ',ono] companions) ip !non his fellows, wluieh lies ut the Inundationit such societies as hir tvnilo arm, it left to labor and suffer a lonr. is l'o -rand weak and Otis r.oble, tats nev ertlicles, as true too-day o 8 it Wzi, When thept't )I , pritg,,llwry wilt it, that : , Whon triend.hip, lore unit truth almond A thong u b and mil Brothers. Ti”. cup 01 Inc goes gaily round, Nlutres the cares ot others : Sweet rose./ grill, the I hot 11 3 Way Along this role ot TI i• ihm orb that ,hetltlteir leu‘ to-dry, Shull Noml ago] tt to-morro,.- Atu ni these sm•irtir, n.ow ha Ihr lii•rii•tirviit ()Id ndi , viiii! and , 111T(I \\., in giviii• a- i-trnicq and rnnn of tii mid in in i•vi•ntiwz Inn rrty and I) ttSl<l.ll 'hill lI'I d I ui,hrrn'li,lonrrot'ill' Athenian- IT lig hi , IffiTHl nut t.vt.r the v11 , ;1.• Lt. (i , rt,up hrr rll nit-iv h. IVh,.m sho f,wo , ho IrPod ,, 111: - iviih o(iii , f11•11ntilkIll , (•011 • ly h , thr , tv ,, r1,1: t tifir I, lip t•nt••• tutus I:trlty II I ni r tt hoth..r mir (. 1 r ch.!. i , iv..rthy (.....lith•mtp.' I tl, n ,, t =Amu' lwr. , tt , day h. Inl nJ Ih • c1111:', ()1,1 Thl,lt , In ~:111, • . 1 mt.,) 0.11h•ilt mill 11l 111 , >luiilr fact that t,tir bt•tit , fi.t•ti..l), in WM it Id 11j. c 4/.. 1111 - y 1/u' unnllnllp. ;u1 l that 111.• r t, art. tht..ll - 4d' \‘l(l‘,xt.,. ;ill 4,\ br.,11,1 ( • hilrity. ../ 4/I'l.llllll , 1/1•111/4 4 . 4111,1N/11 in 111,• 11,11)://j4/..1x111(.11 W/.1/”Vi• 4,1 ,1 /1/ 11 , 11,1 in dilr,lolll o r f ulighl llit• ( , 111 . )1 . (1,1 in - ( ~ tititry )11141 11///k tuu 1, Tito N.r it. A - third , p 1 it (.4.tlttiry 11:t , "c:1"oi\ (..) , 1,1 111•/11'1 . % 1111 , hurl 11,11 0 / //11 ' 1 / 111 / 111 / .1.14 '1111 , NV4/I',llll,ut 11- :/111'1111/. .\t 1111/ 1 • 4/4 , 111 I , nl //1 . 111/• (il • /11111 1../1.1/.!, it 11 , I 1111,1 St rubtLin ru t.tir, •i , • V l' lrnnl 1.11/ . iill/ . 1,/ !It 111‘;ruilig .11L1 1 . 1,/,-/-4,11/f4,01 1110 1 / 1 114/ ll'/11/ . l' , 4/r In I hr. din \ , •• wlH•re 1,11- Oh. 0r , •tf,,•11. 111.. tr, •Iwti dun l~ ihi- rnllitl itiorpa-1 , Citllll , o L' I'l , llll ni iterid.•llt li,ll-0,111.•11, 4.1. ai.•t• would I.llg linvo. i•xpentlod 1.11,11. 1,0• 0 (.. 111 \\ 1 , 11a.1* wac, tH.II 11111 V, II ttrr , nult G.l it thitii L n,lui uut that 1,. ..x.•..11..11.,i,t -it In,- I.ll.titt A ,•,,rmtitt t r.•.• 11 ,, t hriu nnl Inuit. Tt) VI-11 (hi' I , lll'y ti , :id,t , ir(ll.l( . :llo Iri,b;111, iiiid thy ‘\ tin lii nun unit 1:11„w flint 11, 11111111111 9‘ . Intro nil happi SII 1101.4' it- 111.111 11 , •1!. 1 `(,) lifilg it , 11111111111 11°1111', 1 , 11...111,1 1,, stiller. )111 , 1 of Ini~ 1118.jr ,t) art• 11 , 11r1, /Ind NV.III 1,1•0(1 11 , Iw o tilt.ll' 10111111.41 t.. 11,,r mglllll, ”f)!1 thcr , 11.••• ti f; ...kWh till V1•11. , W..1611. NVII , II 12,1t,11.11,,a to /11Jilli(1. II mir linve W“HIld 0 , h , nl, Own, lind 11441i11 hcli Will odd 1 ll ,, \r,hll,llllVt• zict , lllllll,ll 1,1 It, 1111,-I',ll. It nni>t 11 4 0. 1,.. 1111 , 1•Nbmti. wlllO 11:1- 1 .•1 . 11 •/1111. that ().111 \V III!. I , 1111.1 . t•Iy Ia ih'hiry It 111111,11 tiJ ill thy. oti.tgellt.les of hr.% and nre brnad its't Ito world. It has unit talsen the ta-lt nr elevating and taninltling human chanwter, and it:t. be 1 . 111. lIL ItS which are awn are simply the ialtruring:, ils inner .lil , —tlwoulAvard mani6,taiMa, 4 its vitel energies. Itecegnizing the wan hntl f limn, we tithe lii e by the hand end speak him words of good cheer. IVe help him out Or the unrr , if to fall b 3 1111• wad•, 111 Id toil 111111 to be it wan its his God de-igned him to be. \u e recognize it us true everywhere tunotigA !Hen that The drying up a mingle tear, has more 01 honest fame, than shedtlifig semi ol gore." And we conid.anily inculcate the lesson that he who coves a single fel.ow being from suffering, ruin and death. and starts hint on the road which leads to virtue and happitiess, .brighter chaplet than that which iToWfisltlie' bra :est of wur's he roes."- Li s croin consists the real vital.power of our oitler,,above and beyond all selfish or mercepary considerations ; and yet, in this respect, our influence is scarcely visible to the-world, for the world looks for dollars and cents in eve, y thing. You must become as Odd Fellow and take your Wave in din inner sanctuary, to know and feel what it is. you can readily see the power of the roiling river end the seething ()even. and yet the mist that rises in the morning's sun along your mountains, to fall again in Lb dews of night, covering - the earth with verdure and, tiling it with fruitage, is a greater power than either of them. It works noislessly nod ceaselessly, and till nature feels its bene ficent influence. So this silent, secret, elite trio influence of Odd Fellowship pervades ell classes and cond.tions of 111C11. It is pro gressive, and likewise retroactive, for no mite is happier or better 11//111 when he is doing good. The very ell'tirt to ennoble others is ehnobling in itself, and, like mercy, "it blesses him. that gives as well as hint that takes." There aie some people" who think the name of our society is singular and inap. propriate. They desire to k; ow in what respect we are udder fellows than other fel lows. To such I reply that the nit is not ct* our own choice, nor is it of modern coi nage. It cimies to us wnerable with an- tiquity and sanctified by the glorious deeds of benevolence and philanthropy done un der it. It is a good enough came for us, and we woold , noechange it if we could. But a few centuries ago the name of Christian was a by word and a reproach, and yet what mithlul follower of the Cross would new exchange it, with all its holy memories, for the proudest title given among men. A Itttau reflection will convince you that our name may not be so inappropriate after all. for to be an Odd Fellow in spirit and in tru li, you must be an honest man, ,and this requisite, if nut an oddity, is at least a rari ty in the world. But what is there in a name? We judge of a man by what he is and' what he if) cooing • for the mee t and it Makes' no" differenee Whether - this' • nen' bei Smith; or Jones, or Jenkins. -'We simply its )r to be judged by the Seine rule; Mid will never emulate that snobbish' spirit which' Wadies men to be asshanned of the 'mimed their fathers 'gave them.. There iire.some'peopleitr the WorlVvilio have un icrusiati:'lu impulse to `pry into thitir Carlisle, Pa., Friday, : "'November 24, 1865 , neighbors' aflitirs, and We 1114V0 consequently :neurred the scandal of. these Paul Prys and tea-drinkin gossips, because ours is a sccPet ..rganization. Yet tt can be safely asserted thKt we ire only secret in regard to our personal lath's, as the family is secret, as the church is secret, as every association among: men is secret. We are only secret un regard to - ratters about which noon:, out side of the order has any right to know anything. Our Constitution and By laws, our tones and places of meeting, our princi ples and objects, are known and read :ti' all :nen. Rut our personal affairs are our own, and no One lots a right to pry into them any' mon than lie has to go eaves-dro, pi lig among his 11 , 1w:hors. Those who complain or our secrecy forget that secrecy is one of the im mutable laws of soui •ty. What would be said of the attorney who would betray " the confidence of his client, or the physician who would tell what he sees and hears in the house of his patient, or the clergyman who would divulge the penitential admis sions of the confessional, or the wife, who would reveal the rocret intrusted to her by her husband ? Would you, then have us publish the poverty of those whose distress es we relieve, and boast of our charities to the world ? Q:al orkid Rather let us ttrsite the u: ost.: stations course it' the true humaniturian, and not corntantly proclaim our good deeds in the ear,' °I Melt. Bankers 4111,1 Inert or htniness 'have sig. - .s and tokens 1,1 which they ~now whether the draft, pre sented them is gout and is it tint equally just that we should 11,,V0 nur signs and tok il, dint we Way I.ltow W, ether he w lb. asks relief is entitled to it, whether he is a broth er or a hypocrite, whether lie is a trues: oh. ‘ , l' a Spy 11l the ranks, whether he is it gout note ~r 11 counterfeit Those who comphin of our secrecy, to he consistent wan them se:ye-, should have no secrets of their own and should keep none of those confined them. 'limy should never bestow Secr.• clionly, or breathe the secret prayer to tin God Win, loud,. Illetn. For it sec esy wr n:_: . 0.1.1.nm all these . things are evils. There are those will, Claim that w: 111'0 100 i•Xt•11/ , 1 Vl.' in our It 11'110 ill:It our field ill labor is small mup,r ed with the great work to be done, but ,11,•n slit tuns , -1 renteiliber Illot out' !neon" , tire unut d. Were to bet-I.'lV , 'tar brontleust 11110 , 11 Iho 110 , 1ly we Would soon ilipovernh ourseht-, i . V . 1•11 till tilv 1,11111 1 , 1 1111.1 alas weal l L. ill !ICI i, L L!,' injw•lice ill Lilo, Lli•pl'Illir1/1 1 4 , 11 its. As tt IV,' LI. , till' old ikon than lIMM Ily c, , uritry I, ,h,,ng. Our chlaity tl,glll, 11. , t1),, 11111 it lbw, I ut 1•11111.1101 . 0, t %VII 1111.11.•11 )4 ) Lilo I liul liV 1./1 1 , 1 ,. ...111. ILIA. Ll:,e tilt• gm.d 1.i111:111.1111 11' 1b.., 11 , 4 J 41 , ,, by 1111 , 11111”1 . 11111/11 , ' I 11.• but 11/11‘1 , Llp Ole Wiallld , 1/111 , 11 ,11'11114,1•, II iui 1114 111 kill 2111k1 1 1 1, . IL 1111 . 0-1 1.), 11).)11.•))11.1)y, 1.1 111.1,1 , 1111., aro .1•. 11.1 Ic , niW I'l' 11 C. , 11'1:1111. 11111 . 01 ,. 11 1111'1 1 / 1 11111g 1111••1' 11111/18 'l,i LI, . 1 1 k‘l' 111 1 1 gllarli 1114%1111 , 1 011,, i , lll-F1 111 P- W W. l lllll I 1 1111,11 Cy c./11,1:11.,11 111111 Ili VIIIIdS I t IS 111111011'0 011111 L Oka IV II u a 0111111Ib 11.1114 bnnhrr II I 1• 11111 . 1111 1 111114• r0,...,vi• 1,11,1 t.. 11111 W•• kill 11,11 1 , •11 , r , 11'1111 th....111 , tt1.. .6.10 1,11 . 111; 11 1 , 1 it 9 1 1, 1 I) , Sill , S bill Ills., %Viol ure 1111.1, 1/ 7 •1, •'l . f "Mi . !' :II 0;11 1111.114 lit. 11.-1 (11.• ‘,..P11, “I I.llUrii . % II it th,i11111h112:. iht..l, 1 11.• l'ost,ll I, lit !hot 1111.1 1111,l 014., Wiigo ten.-tirt• ••..t ilg 1 , t1I• 1 / 1 .11 11 L\ 1)11 , •Vi•ryl•mly, 111 th.• vory „ n,•- 1\ In. 1.11•2111,'1N't ., givo I L. 1,1 OW:, idltor 111,11 ii:ixt• It ~ tll,•rs 1 II d. , ing so tlicy ,1u , 11.d do ,oini.thiti ; 2, I, it 131.1 t ulluut, 1./.' a 1111.111,111, that tho c Ilrt• “Pli:V ,, ll , 1 . /11111, ; yt•t. It Wtqild I,e inr trtmi 1-0 1 , 11 011 . - llCCtoislli to abilllllllll “rg:Lth zahoil, 1,, othwts Impe l f,et, urel It i- within t bt.und, ut pr, b mlet her .-,,eiety retiid I.p. 111,11(1 ea !rpm the 1'11111:1 Of (,)tl , l-F1 . 11..11'±11111, (,I/1 1 , 1 nm,; :di It, t irttle- nll I 110111. or 1t ,41 ti.. 111.1.11.•—• 'Ward 1,1 LllO W.11 . 1'1..1' It 11n 11;1,1 11 -Ilit•I,I of wdd pro,ent It %%21, Inn' 1,:1 In it .% nhitelin,, in 111,•„t It- ~r;,11- n,ilt. here 1V:IS Inalk• I,ke it 111 IL 1 L 11.• 13 Lit Inni..lllllnonil.,lllll lid ..11 t alt•c. , lint i , rdt•l'tql a L.) 1411111'0n:11 111111 Lll, Crin:ll.l.. lul,l l'ln•nll.l.l'nett,.4l Lu 11lIos \V It 1111110 a 11110 111‘/Itell and then !canned 111 (t.•,pair t fur the lin-L 111111. II lilt 111 111 , wt•re uhn• to ,•on-irtn tmico an,011,1. 'fear dt.vii til l'..iplm• of )./d Fri d,,ubtful whether poi vuu d iirld any who woold bt• ablo to rolatild its 1111,,IN't• tn , llllllll- ul 11111.11,!11' In•mi t The terrible writ which has jos clm-ed Rate con)incing proof 01 the Miro-ern powe, I the priori les on which thlrl-Felr-wslop is nosed. The genius or our order rose su perior to civil dlSSeiltiOrl, and sat in c Ina nenevrbence above the smoke and carnage rit boffin, tier ministering angels were seen in the the camps and hospitals or both coo ter, ding armies— watch' tig through t h e wear, eight hours by the bedside of suffering. blurting up the wounds or friends and frr . giving the hen !rug draught speaking, co I in nets to delirious ray.ngs," or'elosing the fed ii eye and bearing the last mess ,ge to the hived ones at home. At the recent session at the Grand Lodge of the Sot e , representatives kV re present front need.% every tote in the Uniop: and this at a time when churches have been rudely sundered, f,nilhles hove been broke, up, and the ten de est ties of earth have been severed by the war. This would seem to demonstrate th 11 the cohesive pow -r or Odd Fellowship is stronger than that of ei her the church or the family. True-for a while our inter error e was interrupted, but it was only the interruption which on island molies in this corProt of the stream. Toe waters have ol reorly come 'ogether, and are rol ing nn in their old majesty and power. As o'd Fel liVwship did much to soften the rigors of war so it has done even more to hasten the day of peace and reconciliation to our yet „bleeding country, When the crash and shuck of brittle had died awoy, and' when America stood before ns pole from the loss of blood on her hundred crimson field , some neutral ground was needed on which men could stand and hold not the ""and of fellowship to each other That grounri , was ruraish, o by 0 d-Fellowship. It was the first associ..tion wino% had the courage t,, face the altered condition of affairs. Presi dent Johnson, in -his letter t the recent .Baltimo o celebration, slid: 1 .1 rejoice in the reunion of your order throughout the United States, as an auspicious presage 0T restoration of order and. complete . pnlitical harmony throardMat the Union." May it noronly prove to be so, hut may our I labors nut cease til we shall have Inaugurated that' bless d epoch when men shull "heat their swords in'o ploughshares and their spears into pruning hooks, neither shall they learn war any more." . - If Odd-Fellowship he such an misociation as 1 have represented it to be, a solemn re sponsibitity devolves upon the members of the order. We must everywhere assert nor great purpose of human benefaction by deed as well as by word. If we would convince' men of the sincerity of our motives, our en tire lives .must bear wit ides to the trnrli of our professions. A Oreeinn maid, on being asked what fortune sha'wodlri. bring •Iter husband, replied :,','l bring. hinf•what. -gold . canamt purchase—a pure hmtrt,' and 'vir de . without stain," Odd-Fellowship lutist bring a Similar portion with her, Hahn , 'would- win the' hearts . of men: • Our: creed . recognizes "Lore tie • the. grand remedy fur - ,all. social evils" and we.must plant oursel , yds firmly en . that impregnable. truth, and Idt oft"O abetiiti .rem our position. It is a lamentable tact that there are Odd-Fellows who are no' what they should be—men who remain ex clusive and penurous 4midst all its liberal ity, revengeful and sensual though snrrunn• d,d by its atmosphere of purity and loving kindness. There always will be men who "s'eal the livery of dleav?n to serve the Devil in." 'that Snell 111141 should ft ;t1 their way into Odd-Fellowship is no more the fault of its teachings a d practices than it is the fault of the church that some professing Christians as hypoesites. Bnt that there are such men only makes it more imperative on the e who are NON] to stand by the faith. Stand up for humanity. Let the world he better and not worse because we have lived in it. I had rather a an were guilty of posi ive crime than t 'see him goring through the world, with his har•ls folded bellied his back, as if there was nothing for him to do. His station and talents call upon him to be a to en and not a mouse, to he e hero in the strife" and not a drone tied a coward. Life is real; lite is earnest; life is shot' ; and there is plenty of work for all ofn . •'Brave• thought of noble deeds beckon us all on a:A a " Oh; if there is icily sincerity in us. (et there tic 0 ~,,,,sprincling earnestness in the great work of life. Let us laborite sea son and out of season for the pnnei lea we profess. for t e poet tells us it is thus, "We can make our lives sublime, And departing I Ave behind us Footprints on the enrols of time— Footprints that, perchance, another, Sailing Wry life's troubled main, Some forlorn And shiprecked Brother, Seeing shall take heart again." As there tire elevated spots in nature from which we eitn look I ro t over till. crape. 1., there ire points in history from which the soul tan sweep the home ‘vitli its gdtss \Ve se , •in to litive re:netted , orli point in the history 01 Odd-relloAr-thitt• I)ttring, the best it niis .9 -, .ere Innis escaped frrent (bin gers, ; blot, 4t. ddy. Hope bends lovingly to w irds no its she ',tint,: to the ruttir;... LI . . ink) die rotitre, we cdon Qtie the . !mien skies lating thentsed c, and tilt. pro , - peel growiniz h under and br ghee. That prc,sprrt t , Slll'e+ 111.1 t [lucre .Sill t.\ Hied tri•er le fore it Never give 1 p ,N,ipe belief in the prin.:Nis; od the horn in rdee towtirtl.: the trot•, the twittittfol :toil the void. 11 t%e fi-to rittli, et cry 4.11 t, of yon, that the 11.1 r It. nil \Own ?tier. ever3,elieeii-In ill he ,n'ln nil l ht the dnrl tints 'lir order itiettle woett of ph net el' 10 tie-p in of ;11111.11g Ind sll he a+ I,iil\rr:lllc .ectignis.t.d I. la the 'lloilo of p ti,•‘,•• to he p I,r r ; irtiver of • Friend:oh , Live unit ' ii • ,t II It .111. 111 4111. k (hi , 11;41.11 ;11,,1 he ver, air ,11,11, he red-tdt•ot of frditirtilly owl pedee. "About ilie Ittte,4 toocli in the fa.bion of r nats—orgr , lit ,traw 1111 , re,1 -- .111 the lb•li the :Thal., tit I u iimeen-e pot -MI, will ju-t. I 11,• center b 1 unlit It a very -mull 1•111111, of lenerat tilt. I'lV I,lll' 111•• b, lllt a Is I till 1,1•11 Liii• and throligli tio,e-, and the thing Is cgitiplete. It i, not itite IS 111.1 ti- Iv umbrella but it of lihma toe, .t . alll,!nliape,. and to an-wet. 1.114/ • Iwtrilosi..s. proprietor- or I Llll.lLliiii , Will llnle Li) lie well ',pot ty , trong l'igLoll4, uI tll • 11'111.1 I 11•• XL Li•Wll-11111. lt. is said 11111. 111 • win, Which the Lull, iiliiii•ll tlii• 0.. V.' , kriiiw, 11111 is dime vory cleverly.) *,.114 out 111 . Thi, Ort•ci 1 ., •••/i6iier,i. its IL is called, is 110 11/11:401' 111 • %vitt) that 4 , 11111111i/twit 1•111,•1* of nullin,•rs lid 111 , (1111.1(t-111(1.,•r, the Empre, tit French. and aIL in doomed. Pah . null friz • 11 - 11 l be tho rll4e. and the ra-on as-i:{11- 1:,1 t , teat Engem, 1, getting - a lotte bald. (oft, tell It not 111 Gath Smite irr..ver,mt ea-t cal 1'1..1 1 mi the pre- I.iiling in head gear 111 thin ‘l ' e are ab.alt to ,av %VIII 11. %011,11 111 beg our lady frtendn not to read. It 1c not Imended tor them all - fwenty y I ' Puree Ia 11 , 1, 111 thn , u Words 1' year- ago we $, \‘' 11111 11,1 W. IL Ilia /ill ilicidi±lll lir Litigli•Li‘ . l,iint. Okir good 11111,11 IS 111111 11,1,1 111 fold to . 11IW' 111,1 L•ioiner,, II llllll,lal a 11,tit !ker. • and, pba 1114'it on tit,,r head, Ile the o,tior LW., 1,1 11.1's 1.111•11•1' 111, chill. It 11111de a c', Venlig l'iLr ilia 1111111 at eighteen brace. The pr,•veils day--ottiy there stt c• • ght difference. WI naw ye:4,l . day a little siiiiiiit 111114 LllilL 111'01••,•Li•LI laily a Ilea,l neither from rain, 11.•ilL 11 , 1 r co.d. It 11'115 ellarililllg—only 1.0,1 eoghlacit dutlars! A Wad of' 111111' d.•polldLiti trout she rear by a :quail pike pule, with it bomb-Moll on either end. :NIA • reitiarlced that nhe had named thin mud ern bombproof a "waterfall !" =II BA BING S - rneit..—Tic serious decrease in the number tit domesticnnlmuh in thiseoun lry during the last few years, is a subject that ,eight, to receive the careful consida a don of politiciil economists, as well as that very large portion of our people who are en gaged in , .i.griculturtki pursuits. 1 he great increase otthe consuming, as compared with the producing classes, may 00000 tit partially ter the diminished number of animals, while the, high prices that have ruled for the last two or three years unquestionably affect the raising. of live stock. An expetienoed and successful Bucks county farmer lately re marked to us that he could not afford to raiso. young stock. do gets nearly enough coney ion a good yell, six weeps old, to buy a two year old heifer from the drover or dealer.— The cost of raisin.; young animals un it they are two years old is thus considered money tnrowil away. So far as common stock is concerned, mit; theory is probably a correct one. One of its effects is that it has a strong tendency to discourage the production tlrim prov,ed st-elt, such as used to be the boast, of many of our intelligent and enterprising far ina s. Su long its prices of meat remain nt or near their present high standard, this must be the case. Nobody will riiise calves who can do selling t, em. and buy ing grown animalS brought from distant places. 'rho result must in the course of time be a serious deterioration of the quality of dairy and f eding cattle.—Bucks Co. _lntel. CIRCULATION OF NATION AL NOTES.—TI; A r liShiligtoll Citron cle, of a late date, says : It is frequently alleged that the issue of National Bank notes has inflated -the cur. rency of the 'country. 'Such, however, has not been the case, but their Issue hats caused, the State bank notes to be retired to such an extent, that on the Ist inst.•the whole hank note currency of the country—State and Na , tional—was several millions less than the amount of State Bank notes in circulation on the Ist of January, 1863. From the time that the national currency system went into operation in 1868 ) the State Bank note cir culation has b, en eon tinua By diminishing as the National Bank notes have been issued.• "JACK," said it ray young fellow at a bull to his cou,pauidn, "what. can induce those two old snuff takitig doWagers to, be here tonight? 1 ant sure they wit; nor add in the least to,the brill ancy Of the scene." Pardon' ute,: I re plied the other gravely, " for not agreeing th, you ; , inat for„iny' part, I really think thtit:'where there are so tuanji,lights of beatify, there maybe some occasion for a !pat r of an - offers." ..1. Wily. is love like tl?e letter RP—Be' oause'i a "Mary merry. TERMS:--$2,00 in Advanee,lor 02,50 within the yelir HOW JONES " POPPED THE Q rJESTION." Too bashful to " pop the question" in he usual way, Major Jones persuades his \veetheart to put up a stocking, which will hold a couple of' bushels, on the night that Santa Claus pays his visits. receiving her promise to keep forever what he gave her. In this the gallant and lovelorn Major contrives to intro duce himself at the " witching hour of night." But we will let the Major speak for himself': I remained up until midnight, and when they were all gone to•bed, I softly went, into the back gate and went up to the porch, find thar, sure muff, was a great big meal bag hanging to the jice. It was monstrous unhan ly to get to it, hut I was determined nut to back ou do I set some chairs on top of the benc and got hold of a rope to leNty,elf dow into the bag; but just as I was gettin in, the bag swung against the chairs, an down they went with a terrible racket. Hut nobody didn't wake up but !diss Stalliness' great big dog, and here he coin ripin' and tarin' through the yard like wrath, and round and round he went. , ryin' to find out what was the matter. 1 sot down in the bag and didn't breath louder than a kitten, for fear he'd fin toe out lite wind began to blow 'bon finable cold, and the old bag kept tort ing around, and swinging so as to mak 1110 sea sick as the mischief. I was alrai, to move for fear the rope would brew I and let toe fall, and thar 1 sot with in . teetlp rattlin like I hail the mrer. It ,eemed it would never e. toe d:IN 1 .1.. L.1..._.. \;i , :s :Vary powerful, I would hat froze ti death; for my lusart was the on spot that felt warm, an.l it didn't be. rn,re'n two liek , a winit. only when h 11.,w she would he :•tirpri,ed i the nt , trnin'. an 1 then it went ttn a eon ter Bintehy. ih cussed ithl tlttv: came ,1 the porch. Lean to smell abiturthe hit t :mil then hitrke I like thimirh he'd tree siimethin'. • Bow. wow. wow '. eez he Begone you 'lmminable old fool,' Sr and I felt all over in one spot. for 'speete I he'd nip me; and what made i worse. I didn't know where:Wont, he', take hnl l :13"ow 'wow, wow II Then tried coaxing • Come here. good feller sez T. and whi.tle.l a little to him. but i There he stood and kep I= I= the night I couldn't tell when dayligh was bre lkin. only by the chickens crow in and I was monstrous glad to heat 'em• fin• if I'd a had to stay one hour more. I don't believe I'd ever !rot out 01 that bag alive They 'got hint in the morning. covert!: with meal and almost frozen But Mary did not relu , e his pre,ent An , he says, I tell ynn what it was wort l hamring in a bag front one Christmas t. another to feel as happy as I have eve; WM SIGNS OF CHARACTER • Trifles wake up the sum of huma things,' and it is surprising how an experienced eye,ean read charactci from the slightvst and most insignifican Don't you believe it, reader ? Just allow us io give you u - few whisperi on (he sub j ect—a peep, throtii2h our own special opera glass, :it the world around us. When you meet a young man wit). plenty of bad cologne on his pocket handkerchief, and a stale odor of cigar smoke in his hair, you may be sure tha he was bold enough to contract a very had habit, and not bold enough frankly to take the consequences of it. In cigar t•s cologne, the plaintiff has the best of it When . you see a woman with her shawl fiistbned all awry, and unmended frac tures in her gloves, it is a pretty sure index that she reads novels and lies in bed late of a morning If you happen to be wife hunting, don't be misled by her bright eyes and Cherry cheeks A girl who cannot spend time to keep her• self looking neat, ought not to be trusted with the charge of shirt buttons and cra vat ends, to say nothing of the husban appended to these articles. W hen a gentleman' hands up your fare in the stage as politely as the', of the gorgeously dressed neighbor, without reference to the fact that you wear calico and cotton gloves, rest assured that he is lacking in no c urtesies to his own wife at home And if a lady-no,, a woman— accepts his politeness as n mere matter of course, with no "Thank you," nor acknowledging smile, then you may conclude that site entered into society on the bubbles of Petroleum—nat on any merits of her own. • When a lady—no, once ngain,a fe male--goqs to the , grocery in a rustling silk dress, and does her morning shOp ping in diamond rinirand a cashmere shawl, it is a sign of one of two things ; "either she does not know any better, nr she has no other place in which to dis play, her finery. When the"' nice young man," who is paying you particular attention, speaks shortly to his mother, or oinitsto ,Pay his niMers . the little attentions that come- so gracefully .from ,man to woman, is apt to be a sign Ant.his wife must, put 93 with ,the same system of stnibbing and neglect * as soon as the first gloss of the wedding suit is gone. VI, hen a lady finds " Macauley's His tory" a dreadful bore, and " . skips" the historical part of Scott's novels, it is not an unfair inference that her brain is not very fully furnished. • When a genteman cannot talk fluent ly on the great subjects of' ancient and modern interest, but polkas "charming ly," we may conclude that his brains— such as they are—have all settled down to his agile heels. Now we do not dis approve of dancing. yet we must confess to a preference for having the brains a .lithe higher up. When a girl entertains you with spicy ridicule of her gentlemen friends, by " showin g Hp" b..;r Lions and weaknesses, take your hat and go. If you need any comfort, there will be sufficient in the fact that you will un doubted y furnish your share of amuse ment to the next arrival ! Put riot your faith (speaking from a feminine stand point,) in gentlemen that wear diamond searf-pins, and spend their lei ..e time on hotel steps, fbr it is more — than probable they belong to the exten sive class of society fin. whom Satan is popularly supposed ‘• to find some mis chief still'" to keep their idle hands" in occupation. Better lavish your smiles on the sturdy young carpenter in shirt sleeves and overalls, who works by the day. It will be more profitable in the Lufg run When aNv oinan finds Sunday th ~Itge, t , day it) the week: . it is a sign here been smile worul dcfii•ieu(•\ IVhep a twin sia•ali, irreverently f at :liin L rs. let it suflit•e as a warnin_ tra,t lion in no er 11.,w I)r.liiant way he his tales' nnc tai r plait; thei e a c t() hi. metal I'ml% nal-) 1).111 '.— loolo 3 l‘ (r 1 Jou, Pal lOW DEACON SMITH COURT ED THE WIDOW. The I !eitenn', w”gun stopped nnc n,r before the NVidnw .Innes . dnr. ;tin , to gave the usual country sign that he yawed &.nniediing in the linuse, by drip iu the, r,!in , and sittinLr, dnuble with cis elbows nn bi . • knees. Out tripprd hr widow. lii ely as a ericket. with a tre• nendnus bla,k rildmu nit her snow whi c at) was said on hi,. ides, and the widow waited for 'wli :is further to he :•aid. •• Well, ma'am Jones, perhaps you on't wont to sell one or your eow , .. now, u• anything. anyway. do you 1"' •• Well• there. Mi Smith. you couldn't aye spoken rn3• wind Letter. A poor, me v,ontan, like we, doe, !tot know what do with so litany creaturs, and should be glad to trade, if we eau fix it." So they adjourned to the meadow Deacon Smith looked at lioan— then the widow; at Brindle--then at the wid ; at the Downing cow—then at the w.dow arain—and all on ihroti: , .h the whole f'orry The same call was made every day 11. r a week, hut the Deacon con d not decide which cow lie wanted At len ! , th, on Satoi day, n ben the \\ iduw .1"11 en 'Asa, in a hurry to got through her haking tier ,-;unday—and had " e'er so much to do in the house, ' as all farmers' wives and widows have un Saturday, she was a little impatient. Deacon ...•:ntith was as irreso lute as ever. ''l hat 'ere Downing cow is a pretty sir creatur," said he, "`but—" he stop. ed to glance at the widow's face—and len walked round her ; not the widow but the cow " That 'ere short horn Durham cow is not a' bad looking beast, but 1 don't know" another look at the widow "The Downing .. o9*J Jnew before the latOly, Jones bought 'herd ajor Jack Downing." Here he sighed at the allu sion to — the late Mr. Jones; she sighed. and both looked at each other. It was a highly interesting Influent. " Old Roan is a faithful old mulch, and so is Brindle—but I have known better.' A long stare sueeeede l d.this speech— he pause was getting awkward—and at ast Mrs. Jones broke out— '• Lord 1 Mr. Smith; if I'm the cow you la-tnt, do inY so 1" The intentions of the Deacon and the Widow Jones wore published the next day. • ' DON'T Fr --A cause is about to be pleaded before the Tribunal of tkinineroe of Bordeaux A person of that city gave a promissory not payable at sight. When it ntti presontcd the dhb tor had 4g enormous pair of green spec tacks on his nose ;.and having informed the messenger that his sight--was very bad, asked him - the nature of ,the bill. The messenger replied that it was paya. pie at eight. "In that case," said the debtor,- " I cannot pay it 'until my eyes get better; for I do, not see it." The' holder the bill not being satisfied with this view of the question, has commenced his action. ✓ . . A MAN named John- Bunyan vess-ye centkii summoned before a magistrate, because ,he would not move on. The lung,istiate retnarkekthut he 'wns e►l a mun,bearing the barna of Paula abould be waiting ib progress. A 1.11114 E; Too' RiPE.—As tunny of our rentleniti are dolibtless aware,' it is the custom for planters tit the South to purchase clothing for their qlaves by the whole , de; and 'as, of cOarie they have nut the eppditunityi4o — extrinine - closely each a?tiolarthey are sometimes swind led by a few bad ones being thrown among the good An acquaintance of ours tells us that on one occasion the laid in a box of shoes anti distributed them - among his net roes. A fews days altewards, Old atb, a favorite servant, touna taut me shoes that had fallen to his lot were NO, 47, burbling out. So going to his master, he raid " J9assa, where you buy dese shoes ?" " I bought t hermit) New Orleans, Bob," responded our friend. " Well, war did de New Orleans peo ple buy em ?" l hey bought them from the people up North. '1 hey bought them from the Yankees." Well, whar do the Yankees get ern?" persisted the negro " The Yankees?—why they pick them ,ff of the trees, Bob. W•w-w well," responed the darkey, holding up his shoes, " I reckio the Yan kee; didn't pick dese pair soon enough, inassa ; I nek'n he waited till—till dey wits a little too ripe." SA LUT A C N.VA L , --There recently lived at Palermo, Sicily an old priest who 11A passed for a little cracked—un poco , notto, us the Italians say. His name vas Dun Liberaturb. He had an odd vhim. Whenever a earriatze passed by dm he would bow profoundly. The idle v,ung fellows would laugh, and say • Don Liberatore, you have strangely ar stoeratic acquaintance for a man of your ration of life. Where in the deuce did , ou make the acquaintance of all those rds?" Bless dour heart, child, I don't :dote the lords; I salute their horses." • Their hors, s? A pray why du you ;duce their horses ?" "In the first place, hold beettitse I think :t very good natur d to dratz about people as they do; in he,tol plane, becau , e I leel I am un r pvr,onal obli:2ations to the horses, 010 nj thanltsje- •$ to them Phout, ,t hey would 1;e you nod we " 11 ,, W 1 , 1 TIII VINO =MEI \ ~id it utissi(u(ary. who jo , t r( tom( d flott, thv Eitt-t• r(( (1 ono b r It-lends aho had , a11,•(1 u, T,) he,r his lie (writ of thihjzs !hat land i i uu,r el I),•eR cure the elf .udet. of his unfortunate p open -men?" eagerly inquited philanthro pud." intvie-t in human beings was in exact ratio with their villanous 110 , A rcplied the thissiunary, •• I never F.,w the pum , htnerit inflicted ut nee I will tell you hew it was d.plic, awl then pm van judge for your -elf an to its reclaiming and converting p“wer,, put Ow culprit in a large un rrar, and //on nr. , him Arad Im-emost ,Ipiinst 0 glon , ICO/1 In thy tillage of K------ West Vir Lfinia, lives an old nun, known as Uncle Paul. noted fur hiseccentricities and fond ness for Neural History. Quite a crowd had collected at the ,Post office waiting inx iously fur the war news l'ncle Paul eutertttined the etowd by telling then' the Yd Kilkenny cat stor--how they funght ll nothin t was left of thew but the tips their tails. & . e A run,2ll looking spe- mien of hurmt 1r faun the eoutoTy seem d t drink a e very word the old wan ..:Oalmut the eats; and then, to be even, re-marked "Why, Uncle I' tul. that's a pretty good cat story, but it is nothing to what I saw ‘e-terday. I was cowing down.' he tout, main, and saw near a little brook a water -nake. trying to swallow a toad." "All right ; nothing strange about that.," replied Uncle. Just rend .yutural Ilihti:ry, and it will tell you that waterstinkes live on toads." "Yes, may be it will," said the country man.; but you see the snake, when I first saw it, Lad the toad's hind leg in his mouth, and the toad ,quirined around un til he got the snake's tail in his mouth ; .0 in less than a minute they swallowed each other, and you couldn't see a sign of them !" All enjoyed the yarn but Uncle Paul, who left for how , HAying it was a lie, and that there was nothing in Aruhu•al His- tory like it To Monaow.--On the Little Miami Railroad there is a station called slorrow. A new brakeman on the road, who did nut know the IladICH of the stations, was vproached by n strangei the other day, while wending by his train at the &put, 'who inquired : "Does this train go to Morrow, to-day?" "No," said the brakeman, who thought the stranger was making game of hint, "it g,iies to day, yesterday, week after next." ‘'.You'don't understand persisted the stranger want go to .31Orrow," "Well, why ,in the thunder don't you wait until to morrow, then, and not come bothering around today. You can go to morrow, or any other day you please!! "Won't you answer a civil question :civ illy. ? Will this train golo 'day, Mor row?", "Not exactly. It will go to-day, and conic back to morrow " As the stranger who wanted tl go to Morrow was about to leave in disgust,an 'other employee, whO knew the station al luded ;o, mune along and gaveliitn• the, required .information. Josh Billings, being dulysiforn; de-! poses'as follows ; ..; , That some nonliad_szather dew Milan tow deir . a good olio. That backsliding is,,a4ig thiug, l esposli; ullY on-the ice; • • ' , There iz 2 things in thie life for we are ue‘er fully prepared,,..titiditiailz twins. • Tl„ry r .b- tvnynFllll.l hi').l