.0 ...y,—an air very much .cy, with which the South ,ite the arm of its consort, the She saw there was no longer any ,eance for another flank movement. One vindictive glance she turned on the dapper Mr Glide, as he stood guz zling Champagne, and looking the picture of meek fidelity ; and then she couragd ously walked up, kissed her daughter, shook hands with the Captain, curtsied condescendingly to old Jr. Penrose, and smothered her astonishment as she best could, on being taken up to a lady or rare elegance of person and demeanor, whom she had set down as the with of the Gov ernor-General at least, but who, on pre sentation, she learned was the mother of her new son in-law. Ladies and gentlemen," said Mr. Uarver,—and at his voice the buzz of conversation was hushed, 1. believe we have none here who will not readily comply with the request I have 110.)v to make Since all's well that ends well, I ask it as a favor that no'person of this company. who may happen to be ac quainted with the peculiar circumstan ces of this tuadriage, will mention them outside of the circle here present. Will you all say ay to this proposition ?" Amid smiles there arose what s ounded like a unanimous assent; but a close ob server might have remarked ilt•it the perfidious Mr. Glide, instead of moving his lips iflirtnatively. simply lihied his Champagne glass, and in the act raised his tbrefinger so as to cover the side' of his nose. To this individual. no doubt the boon companion or ;,011.1C rascally re porter, we probably owe the circumstance that a garbled and incorrect account of this affair appeared in the Baltimore and Washington papers. The present writer has consequently felt it incumbent ott him to place on record a version which whatever may be, said of it, cannot be stigmatized as exaggerated GRAN D PENING DAI Greenfield & Sheafer's. vvr have now rt•tvly for inspection y Ito too.t. la•autifol , oe it of Dri 8, 0 , 011 4 eahilottalin at prices ithin ti. rea. of all. A. We Pa-tut.ott. ar• to la. York tturatia the late GREAT PANIC u high I,tott s Iwo days. et. have d. tto mined to give ou l eltst r olnors tt, s ante,. io all waels Caught during the IWO de,n that s tood, tows so!.1 et lii low• est prlt.eq :itect.s ot - -- • I)ItESS 001)S Poplins Plain in t'idors, Plaid Poplins. ,trope di'. s Cloths. Nkoid Piitlds French , lerhines. it every ,ha do and it'll , : I'llll trip's Plat l Poll de (110,re., Iwl.nines. ali non. dititlizils. 11/ the alit se iniit en, ek of Pte, Ovid, tirtiontield n bhrtil'r have 111811 Pile ORIESTIC GOODS, t 7 ertt al• pi h,'N that 41.11 V • NIISLINS, CALLCOES, GINGHAM'S, lower than taller r nit! 8.11141 lihOti , ton day, ttg, Tloi-o• t liar the, eyeS should .1..1 tail 11•. , 1 ..tir in wlllll~n,th I'l •t mruk, %H al tiltiltrot it for th , 1,,r ih•lt a 4, II 114111114 , [h. • :In :•111'..krER PIANO-FORTES. DitIGGS' N E NV PATENT. t the [n-tru !wilts con•tructed .1 11110 • .1.11• have gre t el .tren.,t tl mein eelnue th n any 7:11 - 1., IIIY if simple And natural all the ,t1::111: lun,ber in the el the leetru Int ..t I"ttinlni . .rl e ilk. the ,0111111 1.0.11ds are 111 1 . 111 IV I,like the !lout and 31 • I.v. 1 pi tlik, loch •111; ; thr` At; .tit.tAt,tl t ,trt.ng ilYr; ;r r s t• '• 0-11 1,1 nii not .0 Ito n,t n ith OW 01 p =ME rd•l.: n (1.e.., (11111..ne ~ V er V. 1., 0 th IF yollo,r. By Lliy , e improvo ITIMMINEU ur •', o• :1111 111.11 11101, 111,11.,‘ 1,0•1• r a , the I.•near pu illll,, all iI Ir It N. +41.4 lLo4urxx .t . 0.,•'.1 fr.pin tho 1 1..1 ,, qnl ei,11.1.- .1 , Ow ~..m.try =MET =I ‘V.s 1,11.3upt Fraincl. 11. !q.t.,. Hew . ) Fl 5. Ali.e-De1..8 , 11...\ le lit 11,141,1tt1. the gnat pianist, seep.:-7 leaves seetehlueet our new Piano-lovers. e led I cord app r ,,, ,31 , 1ein round faction. Ste inriple, Icy with great vilgrattoy power in &deified. Lela„ wen and pet hotly ph Joseph:- cal. rt,,• grat] and noble; it has great vaptie. ity tog saA, doing the sound or singing, and its vol tile or power I have ovum braid excelled in depth, poi I e. and t.) nipeithet to•ge Wad hY l• I. Y, gate musical et i ig•al she N.Y. ne says -I hive exagolg red your id•wly invented ne-I ged es g he) metit the lire: , the/11 Ly !lii—sre I thig biog. Idge inched< 8tr....c061•11. Marina ono ~titers g. ti yards tLt ug lulu, I be) me original and pligioe. phi.]: iu putity, volume, Mitt continuity of Pate, In vg eel veislirdlitude,•ldnit erggisning eiteeti Ira e which enables the piaidg to to •• out 1110 in ynite vet, .leSeliVii the highest rank Your la ventinn, in my opleion, Is destined a work a radical change in the titan o (glans° of Pianos through out the world. From the N. Y Herald, : ept. s.—Upon a careful ex amination of Prigg's Plann-Forte, we find the i exults obtained are a very tine singing tone, great purity and brilliancy throughout the entire instrument, not often found in Pianos comitructed upon the old plan. The N. Y. Times, July 12, says:—We have now au instrument without an equal. It can sing with a smooth delicacy, perfectly ulaittaluable on any other Instrument: an ordinary player obtains with no alter Con, the fullness of a -Grand- Plano•Forto, and they must speedily supersede the old styles. a EFITLEMEN r—llnvin g thoroughly eXllllli non and tested the Ittano-Fortes inreLted and patented by :Ur B. B. Briggs, I am of the opinion that the tone result lug front WS lroprovdnonts, as exhibited in the in struments under examination, In point of riehners, depth and brilliancy, equals that of the beet Grand Piano Fortes. and excels them in pure, musical Into°. Mien and actual lonft, power thus epproxilenting closer to what I conehlei perfection in the Instrument ---tban-baa-yet-been -- aebtoired - by — any — othor - system' 0 - meonfaeture, WM. HALLS 411 SON, 608 Broadway, 'NB* YORK. Before purchasing, send for a descriptive catalogue with price: June 16, 1865-Iy. STRAW WANTED. frllla subset+ er wishes to buy 500 TONS • ofgood.Ryo, Wheat or Oats iitraw. for which Seven Vol. Lira-per, ton 1011 ge paid if delivered at the mill in good condi ionN For nye atraw.ln bundle; Eight Dollarrper tort, will be paid. STOUR!! Nit k• oT.t 10K Lk; it, : - Illiddlesex - Board 'Millis. Sept. 15.1865—tf • • -. • • B Y . will'find it to .their. ad `rdotaue to eall and purchase their Medicines at. RALSTON% j1i1i..1,1864 AIM° .41.. Din of one who w make the best - - SUMMER ARRANI,EMENT. R Al! IRONIC LINE Ii'ItOATHE A North and North-West for Philadelphia, New York, Reading, Pottsville, Lebanon, Allentown, Hag. On, 00.. tic. frail - . leave Harrisburg for Now 'York, as follows: At, 3 011, 7.28 and 8 15 A. 71., and 1.45 P. M., arriving at NIA' York at 10.00 A. 11. lino 33krand 10.30 I' The abo,t , younoct with similar Trains on the Penn. sylvanis 11011 'toad, and :I,•oping rare Accomplitly the ' 00 040 ti.in A. 71. Trains, without cl“nge. Leave i,,r 'tea 'ins, Pottsvill,,,,Tatnaqua, 71'norsvillo, Ashland. Vino un vu, Allontown. and Philadelphia, a 15 A. .11 and 1 45 P Al , stopping at Lebanon and principal Station , : only. IVav Trait, stopping at oil points, nt 7 25 A. 714 and 1.-10 11 neturning Lem, sow York at OA. 11.. 12.- 0o noon. and 8 P. N. Philadelphia at 8110 A NI., and 339 P. .11., Pottsville 4..8.12 Al. and '2.35 P. AL;-Ash laud at 0.10 A. In,. and , 2.30 noon. Tamaqua at 3.15 A. 31 and 215 I'. M., and Heading at 1:8o, 7 And 10 45 A. 31. 1 34 and 0.05 P. 71. It oath ,g A ccomm , Mation Train heavis Heading at 000 0. U., 'et n.l on from P.k01:0101pt0a ar 5.00 P. AL ' Columbia Hall Hold Trains leave iteadlogia 0.00 and 10.1,5 .8...., and 6.15 I'. . fur Ephrata, 'At m, Columbia, (In Sundays I,avo Near \or nt ft 00 P. M.. Plain driphin 3 10 P. 71., Pottsville 730 A. M. Tamaqua 7,00 A m , I larrishurg 11.1' , A M. and heading at 1 30 A.M. for liaril-lotra. Conitnota Lion, \lii.lls . Denson, School and Exam /41011 11,•10.t. to jtoai all p Aot, At reduced Rates. Itagga, .-heeked through SO pJunds alio. ed each Passenavr. A..NICOLLS, Oeneral Superintendent. Readlna, Pa., July 13, 1005. s „ ON and utter ,MoNDAY, APRIL, 4th, 1804, Passenger Trains will run daily, as follows, (t.unda:, excepted): • FOR CH A M BERBBURG AND HARM BURG. Leave Hagerstown, 7:00 A. M.. 2:45 P. " 0 ‘• Greencastle, '7:37 " 3.35 Arr at 8.17 ' 4:20 " Charnbers'g, ---- Leave 8:30 ~ 12: 2 ' 5—_ " heave ribippousburg 9nu " 1.28 New vine 9:31 " 1:28 ~ •• Ca, lisle 10:10 " 2.42 " ‘leehaolesl.urg 10:1 1 ''• 3:12 " krtiee a 1 11/(11-1111/11rg 11:15 • 1 3:10 , F , ll I'll ‘2.114E..., , .8U1.G AND !LAGERS - I'GB N. lo.,••• 11,irrls' ere 0:W A •I ~ 1:3:1 P NI 11,e11:111j,,),u4r. x:37• . 2:1:• ` .• arils:" ',I:117 " •::.:'‘• " New% PI,. in 02 " 3':)' " " 1 . .. 1 11 pp.•nsburg 17: '5 " 1,0. 5 r •• I.lsralairs'g. { ; 0" ". 1 . 1 , : , () .. .7 Lease 11:1 , ) " 4:4.1 •• Lonve ' l re , • , t ca , t le 11:.15 '•(0 0 •• Arr at Ilrkerstov.n 12:35 " 6:10 Th.• ' ar tl.4ll. :011.1 Ilarrhd,or, ACC.)Mt.PATIGN rit ,1 \ will ;,,,ven. to 11.•,,: 'wave • nrllple 215:1 A. )1 " Mechanicsburg 11:25 rrive at lltirri,l•tirg A t1:55 I.t•lr • 11,r1i , h0r..2; .1:20 I' M. " Menhanli,burg . 154 .' ;on ectio :I , iirishorg with Trritle. r New fork unit l'Altsourir ; Awl with I t\ Th, 14',111-fr Im nr I'ttilde. u. N. IX haint'g dui, I. Magnificent Sale. 6(11,1) AN i) I,\' WATCHES One Gold and Silver Watch Manufacto ry. 'I wo Immense d eweiry Est abli,h mws, One Silver Platin , 11 arehouse, One , ;old Putt and Pencil )lakt,r, 'Fo br cll6posrd of wlt lc dikpittull W T UGUT REGA RD 'lO COST ! 'l'l,l. th. .1 , are 4.1 fa,hiort.ll,le /401., at.,l 111,t. exi I/1- lept 1,111.111.. hip. anl are Ohl , man. or the ‘.1...p frolin Oeezi alcniptl lrly s .11,..‘ ra,.thla viv,l War It I.e hrunit pen tly that Ole) art' of t c i 1_ • , I-111 ••• 1 h rg EMBE= =SU 1110=1 Frwtvl Yours respectfully, L. M. gOTTSCLIALIS READING RAILROAD " !ktAt. UMBEItLAND VALLE'i AND :t.k FRANKLIN RAIL ROADS. cmixqE OF UU 1? S. qTeweli - zr, f:!ic4a. ON Tin: ONE DOLLAR PLAN The Entire Stock of .111';111('AN 1:1NUF.1("1.111111; nil I I liiiiel“re tii the Ito. it import,' iitektit nn lin ellietpest ever simple duty 1.1,111 till 011 I.:; hills lire thenthe i•I m.un et tin vi tick— (n) the pt., in. ONLY ONE DOLLAR I lignzoid tin . any nitric nn stir list. sod this ha la.l. pay 5111 1 ,11 he 10 ha , s I,t tat t . ~•i "rt.i. Ws. alt.. the 'nets od re s . laipatar ‘ll , p at 11111,165..1. . 1 1 Ir, at ii sitisnikr-rt,duct ions. THE I'I,AN SI 11,t1111. of l•it••Ii artio:c I.lTered lot' sttle—ax ‘• Goitl ji "U , .1l lIV .1 it 2,1111 llnd l U.I I 1,11,111‘,11.• ,•.1, t,' rat., on it cat.] ..1115•Cp.• thc-rt .tro• 111 . ,s 1 •1 and ell ccuocc,l; Llieu an 111, , .1 r. ,1i .1, 1 1,11, 11 , cv J .. 1” fur ..couutu tall , 1 1 1 11,11 • 110 11 ,1 , 111 , , cu. - O cur up 1 til•• Lu 1.11,,, .It leiri Owl tuutcl. I,\'lccu-; 111c1ii to t c;cer, cvccuu 01 Quuuc .ut 111,ee 1111,1 111 1,11/ get I 1,, m Hit , ort .roll la . I Ilr LI .e Peri iti prlit. It tin. artl , l.• N ard, in.•,•, st.• =II =Ern 1111,1, ...a, a :It -1)1,p,- alit! pin pang tl•• .111 , 1 imt %,•••:1.• (.11,11 /1114 h.IA II•1 0111. tO t• 110,. utlia .1r ti• ••Ii 1.••._1,11 11 •• [Ol , r• hi 1,1) 1••• lit (1.11 • r It, Ii•I Mt/ •••,• ••• 1•1 V•••• t ill •• lur ltur lit t 1••.1 I.•• 1. dr 1, wll tY it .utna.• r 1n111„ liriully ' NV .1s Cli I ,1 11.::\ T. Pat—t 4..11 1111.0.111._Writrr . tO 31 - •;tr-r 1 . .. 3f.k.-.. , 1 Case. 3 , • r. rrt tt- o . Irrri I ‘r ,iIN,•I 11111.11 , Ise - 5. 2.1 . 1 • .0 DEM Ni-~ rt ~~•rr Jl;\l' o d (I • . r..i. .; - • I: C 1,., - IU , j l;.•',ls \ 1,4' to"„ J .• :1 • lo o;.•id itutt. , u, 3 - It I;..nts' li 1.1 Slu•ls • 3 - h . . II I. I), : 4 1 AO . ii•l 1111.1 Sig.loil. 1:111 Ls, 3- 1., i.,, , ,.. :` 0110 :et, ~. :ig....t. t Willi Illiags 1 li. .1.. 0 1...diu.'11,,1.1 Neck Ilttia , 1.. a. ., 1101,1 t It t .t -1010.1 Ile at.,•1..15. 3- 10 toott .i.... 1 anti .I.A. ISt...veleta. a - 1'... 50th, 11, En ~ . .el.l tiold 11” 1.3 eV" Itutt U. 3 4,10 Pair ca tt latot, - to *KM rulltaliu /Old Vroovii,j. ;$ - 15 6.i.. C,rni, , %la; nod Itatittr.l LI Ilya„ lies, 3 11: ,tiottit 11,1,1 l'..tiotti and l'ittinl ittlir-Dr. ps, 3 - t• 7,t00 \lot.ltt. lot, )tiv.i & Flterttnillitt 3,(1 . drip:-1 t 10 It'''. 4 011 Titituttle, it, lit (0) 0 tt t r,l, itpat wit( h:inititild Etir-l)rtipti. 3 - ii, twitt( Mull tu.t, I, wl,t, 4 • II) 1311.11‘4‘liti1. - "•• ILL le t.priti.4 IP It. iioq 0 0 -let. idoties' :ea.: ft'', (:1.1 , ) and .le'. 5 • '..:a 0,0.1 -../1-1.441i.•. .1.,...r5, . 4 apla , . Peari...l.• 5 - 20 0,,,, Lailtv, ~ 03 a .5 .114 Ittvl=ls. -I - 17 "Uo i'r , ilvl*' ll %!r, Ap,..l.Z.Dt 11 a 1.46 upportent, 2 - ly, SA, 1 ,. )_ tgi.:, filet t.'X ' I.' E.D \V Alt E. 0000 Cupa.,, ,, , '• ''°'' ' ' , l $2 to $2O 800.3 Goblet., 3 - 12 , t 0 30 Pair N mph it, ll i ego. 2 - 10 2000 Ctiril lia.kets, 4 - 16 .1010 Creator or:taws—complete with bottles, 5 - 20 2000 lee Pitcher., 10 - 20 0000 Pair Butter Knives, 3- 8 8000 Soup t)yster and Gravy Ladles, 2 • 8 1000 Eneraved Ile 'Salves, 3 - 0 8000 Dozen Tea Spoons, ' per dozen, 6 - 15 0000 Dozen Table Spuons, per dozen, 8 - .24 0000 Dozen Desert Forks, per don n, 8 - 30 GOLD PENS AND PENCILS 12000 0 ,01 Pens, Silver P xteooion Holder, $3 to $lO 12000 fold Pens. Silver 31 , anted holders ' , 2 - 8 8000 Gold Pens, ()old honnted Hondo+n, 3 - 10 0000 ,loid Pens with Gold Extension holderslo- 23 6000 Gold Peno. Gold holders and Pencils, 10 - 20 6,000 Gold Pond's, - 20 - REMEMBER THE -PLAN:- In all cases wo chargo for forwarding the . Certiflcate postage, end dolug tho business, the sum of Tiventt, five i onto, which must he lu the order. Five Certifi cates will be sent for $l.; eleven for s'2; thirty for $0 ; sixty-five for $10; one hundred for $15., AGENTS ARE WANTED Throughout the Country to operate for Ue. A huge compensation .will be paid. Send for terms, k . 0., en; closing stamp. NEWBORN & CO., 76 Fulton Streot, N. Y March 24, MO MPORTANT TO ALL BUFFERING 11.0 M, DEFECTIVE EYE BIGHT. J - ROSENDALE,. OcaliBt Optician, .18 now permanently located at 20 North 2d St., Uarrieborg; Pa. 4 °. J. R. respectfully solicits Ladles and Gentintern who are In the habit of wearing the Glasses now in common use. (and which are generally so Injurious to the night owing to their attracting heel and drawins the oyes, or who may have bad their eight Impaired by the use, of such Wastes; wealtnet.e, opacity to any other do uct tern - tali° a trial of the TM PROVED PP:IOE 4 OOW LENS These qpeetacles will enable aged persons to'elt fot any length ot Mate at minutestemployment. either by day m candle light, and will not require the change 'to greater tnaitttifying pmvi.re en frequently as the Glasses in common use .They are manufaetUred by machinery on ta new construction, peculiar to the in. Venter Alwaj% on band w.large assortment of Microscopes, Telescopes, Opera and Field Masses. Thermometers...Ea *rometers. alagnete. Magic Lanterns. Dissolving_ Anpa• "rattle,' Electrical Machines, Therescopee, and line Views.' Cataloguessent 'January2. o , lit6s—ly FAMILY' DYE COWES,_ ' NIA AItSTUNI _ . -- • Ihe'Lmig Looked FOr Has • Come I • DR. COLLINS' ' EREkT INDIAN 11E11E0113x INDIAN Pain Killec—rot' the quick k Relief of II eadache, Rheumatism. Neu• reigia, PRI. iu the Stomach. Back or Side, Paintot'a (Biotic, Cramp. frosted feet or care, Burns, fresh Cuts Sprains, Bruises, Diarrhea, Sore Throat, ant alt Kith'. Jar complaints: Toothache relieve& in eight minutes. Caracho relieved in ten triluntes. Barns r. Based from Smarting In fifteen minutes. Cramp °rebel's cured in ten minutes. Sprains relieved In twenty minutes-- Sore Throat relieved la thirty Minutes. have spent years 111 select hag the herbs from the vegetable kingdom, to find out the kinds best adapted to suit diseases of the Isettfaft tamtiy, and noir 1 Imvo It complete. -Every little Warranted. Try •t I Try it 1 These things we prove on idle spot, and before your et et., only bring 3OW rases Dr. COLLINS bus also inr sole his Syrup of Roots BARKS AND HERBS, indinn Eye Wash and Powhattan Salve , MP. Syrup cure, Coughs, Colds, Sore hroat, Croup: [lrenehltls, Asthma. and all similar complaiots. Als > purifies ;he Mood, The t-alro heals Sore ,, or s imt in the !Nee. Urn V.% fire from Burns: oarrauted to rum Beal d ur Sore Breasts. The Eye Wash cure) Sort or Inflamed Kyes, Sec. Dr. Collins Vnllov IT(n.li Vet . the cure of Sick or Nervous Ileadarhe. r,snnie Ir regulalittes, Dropsy, Liver Complalnt, Dysprpsia, Dis eases tit the Kidneys, Fey, :11141 -1,110, Sr. Dr. , DMA NS con be consulted at his office, on Dis eases of various kinds. These Medicines are prepared and sold by SAMUEL COI.I.INS, Indian Medicine Man, Near tha Corner 011 bird St. and Strawberry Alla'. Also, for sale at HAY EittMICK'S Drug and lloA Sire. Carlisle. All orders shou'd be sddressed to Dr. t... 4 Harrisburg. These Medicines are purely Vegetable. JllllO 1u 1,65. 13 I.I',ST \V I - lll' PI I .1 4 ',,A1) REST ZINC ) LIBERTY LE A 1), nsur paot•d for Whiten , ,, Vine OloNs, Durability, firm TIC I.E. IMO el PitUWE' Or RI, Glee. PUNE I.lllEltlY Li AD—Warmuted to corer more surtace for Collie than any otbel Leal— Try it and you will hare no other PURE I,IIIEII PY ZINC, selected %inv. vround in itefinvd Liu•eed Oil. une quvled i t , q uality. alv.ays the sant, PURE Li lIERTY ZINC. I V. 11 , Mt.? t• null In w,,rk gut it 0,01114. Other Ot the rit•rt I . CLUII . II nt I'vlolsy'.vanix I' AI ST A COW: , order4,e, cut od prompt ly by ZEIGLER & SMITH, NC II Yall than any NI hull %1 I 1 • Wholesale Drag, Paint and Glass Dealers N,. 137 North 11111th tqrtoo. 1,1,1,P111 A )111,11 21. -ly Important to Millers anti Mill Owners I yle 1. 9 S improve:l I rzak Water Wheels Patented July 1855-56-58 folickwing are •-(pttle (,t . the ndvart _ tag,- ol her nn., ing h,.-t psreenla,• used. Ile durahitil,p, null II Is not Ilksly ro gel out of re: pair It rims in as NV VI! It ,, , 111 (Lavi . ator with tlit.,inie head. It is not //list/ wird by:II/dist . other gut/stances With 11 .111thilig I net; it In .1/ It is I he •ts /,1111• nr/iei./t shell in 11 IL i 1 ,./ for all /.lil , l , tit is whin/ I). , ut tin Ind onlrn t•.•Tsyn . he The sti l i ,, rib , . 11,1114 11./ Patent n.r rtin lin land /Intl Peri , p itive pnsier sin reilse , te/I to ',form 1.11//sis./Ire in th t,/ t, Ilillu/last ..)//CO C 3 ,11510. M I \ 11,1, b/h1 in a 1, igi• • In. , • w ~ n/./1/... Ind 1111.1v .. .4 , 111 , k 11./, put then! In so it t.,, v Ihi in the pis er Nle,r, li/tn./tier lit all dim , prepared to I'm ;link iI/ si 11.4 1/ r 111.- r I. , 1K 1.11, Mar , h !4, WINES \N I) I lal )1 A NOV El STIf E ET CA r in E sume„„ ~ I). friends and the public iriterd , to maintain the eharitetor ••I and will hip constant') 011 hnuti ii 'nu , assortment of NI I ES. . .31 NV. • lII , K HU 111. I:,. he rani “tip, t•-c.thliFlin),•nt in • al - Hsi, it ii t .•I,•e per tter 1,•;;I find hir thr place te buy their. Ji'LVES A .V.O LiQr()/t'..‹, ItOth re,z.ard :11,d It; ire Ills ahn•lt , larto. tttnt eel. i, h rted, nett he incur a ran tetf.,te tttltto,,,t -I-eu IP re I:en/etel er the 'Aeon. Sooth 11,..0v.q.Le , ,, , , , 11,0 I, .•ppnsl... the -• Vol ..ntee. I nt tetet't. eht ntatet to`nrltele Novetnher 1, Intl I --tt •r. J. Elt. 1.0(111I AN & BR ETZ'S NEW I'IIOTOGR.\ GALLERN IN 1 , , \V V I LI )( l I \{ \..:‘;, It+ilr" ). I.ly . 1 th .ulary I llilnse I With ‘lr. U. %I n•ttup] 1 . 1/./1 l i.i . il l 1, L.ll 1110 l'ho r , t•, rlntad Tltt•tr .55 .1; ti•ts...‘ all 1 voillpicte ,t 01 the }..14 1/111 :11111 ,upi,lor I.It:11 r 11.1‘ t 41 I other su i•tr w. , 1 - 1 , sip rm \ I I,' A`1111:'.:1"1., e't,l•ll..S 1 . 1 , t• i- it',l All ,v..rlt :412:tr.t0 It I• 11 L.. 111,1,, =MI= ', 1 1, 4 z.l t to ,g •r 111111f11101.1 ,4 • 01U01 lotoil,itia In a. 3.,t. ti on, C•'.lliVitt. I oils. IIIkIirSOIILINS. Asthusli. to °ping I'ouglk .tole Throat COTlsumption, and all I11•rlic us of thn I unjust and Longs. For solo hp .1111)ro__ KtFl Oel ern!, Depot, No. B. INfa rt,t.t rtrrui. , Ancilol.ol. 0. I' Th ag rRld L ":" : : . -V , I, h i k 30 111 the 1 helical mon and the l'rel:a recommend 11r Stalcklalorr nii-Cholera Nlikture as th. , nuty certain rued for hie rrtmea and Dysenrary. It le a comldna -11on \etring'nts, Absorbents, Stimulants and C.ur min.l,il eq add tr avn era n led to effect a cure after all nth, moan, flare felled. 1%, 4.11 e by Drdee:lsts. General Depot, No. 0 - East r• et. Cincinnati. 0. BM D r . tondo Pilo Iteanimy has cured thousands Of the oret cositti of Blind and Bleeding Plies. It gives linineillate relief and effects a permanent cure Try it directly. It is warranted tocure. Fo r eale by all Druirghits. General Depot, 0 East Fourth Street, Cincinnati, 0. DYSPEPSIA. , D I . ST It ICK LAND'S TONIC—We can recommend those suffering with loss of Appetite, Indigestion, or Dyspepsia Nervousness and Noryous Debility, to use Stricklaud's Tonic It Is n vegetable preparation, fr• from alcoholic liquors; 11 strengthens the whole tier setts system It creates a good appetite, and Is war ranted to cure Itsspepelti and Nervous Dabllltg t T.Sr sale by Druggists generally, at $1 per bottle.— prepared by 0. A. Strickland, 6 East Fourth Street, Inetnnutt 0. Dee 2, 18134. 1V UTS, Confectionary and Fruits, a 1 V Ilaverstleles: CARPETS! CARPETS!! Ihave received_ from New York, all [kind ;1 nod qualities of Carpets, OH Cloths. Mattings Looking Glassem. . . • . _ _ • • TVINDOW SHADES, Curtain Materials, TOW Covers, Counterpanes, Wide Shootings. l'iliniv Mullins, Toivellings, crash and all• Made of house furnishing goods. Also, a largo st• ck of general ' MERCHANDISE- ' Persons in Want of any of the above goods, dre re sportfully Invited to mill. Maeaskold id the lowcwt market value, Addlthns will ho made as the Season ddminees. . •"Ittebest edsli prices paid for Carpet Rags. East Main Street, ono door.holow Martin's hotel. If. O. SAWYER. • Feb 3. 1805. CHM% SGARS,& TOBACCO, AT RA'LI.TOIY'S Yolios,,, Writing Desks, Baal Clinntoou'lloarlq. (lii,ineauf all ilowriptioriat ilnq erstlek's Drug, Sten, t (VOICE .914;(1) , ‘ BS & TOBACCO, , , RALSTOSP;4 . . )41YEil_CIA . N w ill find it. to their ad vaq~n6o, to eta' a:a'a'pitrebasO ilielisredlainee a /-40arN'S. • July 1, 18C4 :IiW . 'PIIOTOOIIt'4I ). '4. AMBROTYPE GALLERY. WE, the underingned, respectfully in, form our Moods and tro public gemirally, that we have opened a• „ PICTURE GALLERY In the now second gory over the frame buildings located a few doors south of the Poet Office, and nearly Opposite A. V Bents s store, South Hanover street.-- o have constructed Chit; Gallery according to our taste, and flatter ourselves lu saying we have far the best arranged light ii. town. To aged, infirm slid deli cate parsons, we will any this Gallery Is much easier of access than any In this place, being located on the second story. and the story beneath being low, there is not sue h a tower of steps to ascend. Having procured the assistince of an experienced opirrator. and prirchaa.d the best and latest improved apparatus, we are prepared to produce pictured equal to any other establishment. not excelled by New York nr Philadelphia. Such as Erlra Whole Size Photorlrnph.s, Cartes De Visite, Ambrolfjpes and Ferrotimes, We skill also Introduce a new picture to thin vicini ty In quell unkundeel demand in the eltlea, called the GEM PHOTOGRAPH. [lee dozen taken at one sitting at the low price of $1 Cop r dozen. Pikures Inserted in Lockets tangs, and Pins. and copied or enlarged from old Daguerree iv pee. Amhrotypes, kc., to Also. for sale a tine lot of Pieta, Prairies and Albums We hope by a strict at tention to business and a desire to please, to receive one, share of the public patronage. Do not forget the plat, a few doors south of the Poet Office. grain Hanover Street. 11. 11. fIRO tVt k SON. Dec. 2. THE PRO :NIX PECTORAL. WILL CUR , YOUR COUGH. THE PII(ENIX PECTORAL; Oil, COMPOUND S' RIIP OF I,‘ ILD AND tIt..NEK.A SN AKI•) RoOT, curd the Diseases of the TUIW 1' .1 LUNGS, Such rv , Colds, 0. nulls, Croup AsOnno, Brunehlt.s. Cs , errh, -ore 'flirna Ilubrsoness. N hooping Cough, ke. Its timely use will prevent /J 1 ONA R Y CONS UNPTION. And e, en where Chia fearful (thaw... bon taken hold It will alf.trd greater relief 'lmo nay otter medicine Mkt , Kate Vandersli. e or soya: 1 wit. beoeflit d more by usimt the rhumix eetoral than nny other lir•..licltte 1 over used " Ish is then olt zer...f lion CheNter county, a rure.l nt crush of 1111111% y0:1111' standing 61 timing Ihi Phrettlx net. malt Joseph Lukens. ol flail str , at, l'lnenix vine. err' ifie that he was cured of 11 01.3- h 111 , 3 en 1,1 . 1 4 / 1 11d lug when a I other inedieines had filled, by the Plicetti. etoral p o w,r, ,ertitlos 11 I tI h.t Fold lidndrtidx bettlier o the Pines ix a), And thut All Sk ho used it is,;; test; I;; of its wonderful effects in curing coughs ionti linyor. editor of the •• ludepenoent Plaurnix." 4 for the ,k rater used it. has 11,i 11.4 tiliiOn In prnnnuneli•g it e .mpl.•te re oily for cou,rh, h Hrseness And hrltaltio In the throat. The 1\ rat .letiers4 .r•inn" say* known Ir Oberlinltier pore' nally a nt:lllher of years aid it gives us the greater pleasure to recommend his medicines lllnsilitleh as the pohlic rarely line the ben• ti of enmity MOH. Ines prepared hl a ph)sleian is leg n err ore rite and ex perienee Dr. "het balkier Is a 1110110 W of the Alumni of the Medical Departio,t M the Univmsi y of Pennsyb a- Oa at which Institution he gradtialed iu 18(14 The Reading • Oaxette — gals: "finis cough remedy Is made up ho Sr L. r lberhollz,..d Pldanixvillw , rind h his acquired an unsurpdased reputation In cuc- Mg, coughs .t ear. fully unit skd,fuliv prepared Ire tin 5% lid ('berry Bark and Serie/in :NMI, Runt lir (1,. It. Wood Prof ss dof the Prat:lice of Medi cine in the University of l'enuse WU by Physician to he Penngylogoin Hospital, and one of the authors of t h e u n it e d snakes Uiipo se tory, says of Seneka Snake Boot its action is special's directed to the lungs •' T..e proprietor of this nh divine hes su much coati its •urative powers from the testimony of I hundreds who have used it. that the moue) will be paid back to any puichaser who is not .atAsfied with its effects. It is co ',lessen , to take that children cry for ft. It costs only Thirt coots—large bottles $l. It Is intended for only one class of di.eases. namely, (lime of the Throat and Lungs Prepared only by Lt V'l 011.E.111101,1''/.11), M. D., Vhcentxville, Pa. Sold by all Druggi=ts and Storekeep Johnston. I tollos,ay &. Cowden, Ni' 2:1 No th Sixth Street. l'hi adelphia. deneral Wholesale Agents 1). W. Oro,. & Co., Whele•ale Agents Harrisburg. Ilaverstics's Drug Store. agency t', ("aril le s II —lt :your nearest drugll4 or storekeeper does not keep this medicine 410 not let him put 2., aorr with tome other medicine, hers .F.• he ntasll , More 111“114 . y on it but send at once tootle of the agents for it. March 10. Istls—ly . _ Richmond has Fallen. . ND with the f.II of 'Richmond, we ItioAt happy to :100011,e 10 the people, the 0t.011..c In Our entire stook It u to correspond with price, in thy• IMESS Wi()Ds, 1' LA I !IS, DIMAIN ES, Z. M ISIQU A I, l'A (' A S, :-...;('UTCII GINGHAM, &L. CA LI(US, 1,.)( II .1 N 4 It II F:l'Z === up 2.11 , 111.1 give us a I all an We are deter Willett tn. veil tip. ver) I Jwt•st nick. e all the mat • 1;11,1.:•1•IE1.1.,4 SIIE.II , EWS E rnrucr Uarilei. Square. 2.1 D.,. 7 iurt's Rat and I\louse, Roach and Bud E' 11 1S popular ilea reliable article for dente) lung reralihe nthodld he used by. all par , ouc troul.led u ith -rub pests. IL at ver fah, mild re Car lb-le at 1.111.4: s Ora ; t... 0 114 eat aLlek R. rug a Book 6tore and b . , u. Ralston, I>rtoggist. K. 31. 111.111', Proprietor 13 North hlev en :q..reet. Philadelphia. Prke '25 ct• per bo, (Large Size ) Non 4. Ih. 4.-1 y r( 1 1114: Public can find, at our new firocery Store. u the Building lately orcupifid by Philip A riudd, deed. and next door to the Carll-le Die p.isit Bank, a very large and fresh assortment of all the different kinds and grades of fees, CO flees. ) Molasses Spire Suture, Prepared Cbffee In pore Vegetal,' WI an Meals. Prepared DI us tardm, Sauces, Orecaers, Cheese, Sweet Cakes: Coffee Essettees. soaps Candles, Pickles, Preserves, Canned, Fruits, • Jel les, Cranberries, Itaisins, Dried Currents, Dried Fruits, Nuts, oegaro, Snuff. TOBACCO, PIPES, A LSO—Rice. Barley. Starch, Farina, Corn Starch, Care alione, Mazeina, Macaroni, Vermleelia. Azurnea, Prunes, Concentrated Lye Boiogno, Sausage, Table and other OM, Nutmegs, Blacking, Beeswax, Chocolate, Cocoa,. le Yarn, Lamp and Candle Wick, Bat i I.lrl k, Cinthes Lines, Bed Cords; Spire Boxes Paper, and Envelops, "Sta t STW ofl Pewter Sand, stove polish Elm lowing Extrlicta Spigots. Pens, Inks. Brimstone. !decimal. Shad, Salmon, Mem lug and Codfish. ALSO—the celebrated Ex-, celsior llama, Dried Beef and Tongues, [tugs, and Matte, Shot and Lead, rushes, Broom,, and Wisps, GLASS, QUEEN'S, WOOD, WILLOW & RATAN W A E. AND Now Sky-Ligh B I N E,s DUNE: A (iffi,i) BASIS GOODS AT PANIC PRICES (1 I MAL AMS, CHECKS, BLEADDEDAND UN BLEACHED: Utig Destruyer N E I , ' I It 8 . C L A S S GROCERY STORE. We reapertfulty ask the public to call, examine and Price our largo and carrfully aelectced stock of FINE RANIWI 0 imEitizs. We buy all Mode of Country Produce.- JAMES-,11,,-ALLIM & Co: — Oct. 14,1864-1 y fi UM BELTING ! Joel received a large aceorttnent of. all clue— O Belting. Guni bone, Ontn Pachink, - . and for sale cheap at the Hardware Store of HENRY SAXTON: June 26, 186,1. • lAMEB.-500 pairallanioa on hand of all hinds. Eliaahothtown• pattern, Laudon do., Corninan do:. with And without patent faalenibp cheaper than over at EL SAXTON'S, ,Eatt 5141 n at, lall4. . ATTHE PARIS MANTILLA E.M PORIMI. Na, 920 Chestnut St., , Philadelphla NOW OPEN—Paris-Made.. MANTILLAS and CLOAKS Also, and SUMMilly 0 A ItSIENTS, (106. ea) of the Leeest Styles and In great yerlety. ' ' --WAiROCTOR- & CO The Paris Illautilla Emporium, 920 PHESTN Sfreeti; • .PHILADIMPIIIA: The Great Internal Remedy For TIM EFFECTUAL CURE OF RHE UMA T 1 SM. GOUT, NEURALGIA, z : • -• '`' Y. CiOHNSON -- S RHEUMATIC COMPOUND I; i- • ••••, 1 BLOOD • ". IER PURI F . IT STANDS UNEQUALED BY ANY MEDI CINES now before the public' ibr the euro of the above named diseases. The vast number of rub ou medicines which formerly have been used for these diseases. were merely temporary In their effects and of doubtful virtue, but The Rheumatic Compound Rouelisit the source or all trouble. and actually banish as the disease tram the system by its Imlll,ollate rtstiO on the blood. /Oh 778071 . .4 Rhellmotir C.mpolind THE SOLDIER'S TRUE FRIEND! RP.AI) THE'. FOLLOWINTI ANnninv RIIINAON :—Dear Sir: In November mat had a Rove., attnch nl Ilbooroatisn, to oldrdi I =IMOV=I ==l my. arm. After try og dlarrent mn.iirines olthmtt avail. I way Induced to use your Rheumatic. Compound Mood Purifier. anti before I hud taken three Pot, to itlii,h my ~untr, Tule+ t roll tie. T ran ffirt V and Nukflolently rtes nimenfl Ift"rel l ow Tiers 40 Ili j lirtrrst and surest rometly ft , r Itheum low I ever used. =I NORRIS PITTFMSON. Reference P. T. Patterson and William Dunea.p. 77 Wood street. All who use it receive benefit. It riu OP Will', a ll nth.. r r••nu•'ll,•s till 11 gives oinit el sal sTlslactlnn. The rm.(' Is must alumtlntirr It Is the only sure cure P , r Itheumntkrn It is the , Trearcsl disr , n•.ry or the s.re Na other reined liar 1), , 0vn, so popular. It is presrrilua I. physicians It is recommended by / hytdeMns. In truth. it is a perfect benefactor DIE R. E. SELLERS & CO SOLE PROPRIETORS, =1 For sale by Johnson. !Tollownv ro w d,,,, Pih ad and RAL3rON. July ",taus ) „„ Plain' and lingar Coated. (The Original, only True and Genuine IT AS stood for Thirty years a Staple Itenv , (lv, unequnlerl by ar.y.rnetilelne ttnnw, fn. the en re nl I iv er e•••npl4InI, etwtlvene , .. clek fiend- Rvhe end 111111 ins Iliflorlorg, end indeed fh- the whnle class of nriginatlntr In bllhiry tlerinmnanto. Symptoms of a Diseased Liver fieueral Inc. of appetite. s‘eknenc nt the stomach. Mit , c in the head rho •Iders hack and .1.1 e.: rm., or wearimet. with sl ephwt• nick a eoslivenes.of how ola. followed In err... , by dr• Plll,lOl 1 0 . Crlll'itti with disinelin te every dniv. ay. erervileent symptom• of a Onsea.ed .tuts of th- Lint r The liver It. however Or• Oil (11114 . 11 wboo Ilulll, , form I lAN- rvmptnnut nrn lihro•nt and 111 . ,01110. dulls out of order heforn It is kn,vn. Great Cure of Liver Complaint 8, / the Oei r p)iol "rly Term J• (7, ion'', Sp can rrtrFK.. ) hio VA • r, 20. 18.19 Mr It ci r —T ih t , it d„tv t„,.. t ont l th o of...orally to atato that with f ra Inns time, an that an 0 ib , ..SS f 01,19,1 an 1 h.nke. wh...h nip inn vora Inv Ifavina hoard of anar gel, Israind 11vot Pill. brit. for t., To. ha i, 11 1•n, NV.. t.ihrartw• tat re ,”, ro a•"d d to nn• ha al , ph. viol In I. R . S n ot., I t.nnniuda tto •iv „ t Iran a lair trial t tin on.. line and f...,11 'hon, in to. 1.10 what th —t hp bec , f;r•-r Pil' over uncut an toin q ha t • It vaa t tin I Cho 'liana... hat Pllti,l lent tnt.. and am its torraativ tecll W,T V., - .11 0 0 1410 epttlfr that I am t . a.,•ttaliv aNtllint ,,, l with rnl~•I nn All Cog Pear t...Sti 1110 n V to l'tv , trttl.l of • TIcKINGs =MIMI "GENERAL SATISFACTION." 41 , nes MI E. Flnvd C,. 111 , 111mr. (let 2 . 7 I` Mr. It II0'1. , •P • nt, not ,•1 num- LI-, ed ghoul t he, vto,l to rer..l%, n .apply as the. rieral krart Inv 81= BFST FAMILY PILL. A „ s,', Is, I IA tog Co Ohio, 11,0,1, I. ic,o NI, 1 , I• 91r—I )11,0 11.1.1 i 4 EI 1 , 1 1 S: In 1,11 it , o, foolls 1 1,1 • no nit 1111 , 1 ,1,1/111011 fin" ly pi1 . .511 . . I I' o,i 1,1% de-irthh. 1.111 pr , mpt hot mild In t to•ir .mTnvt or no 1 . a. L•on of the liver ear ry filo oinrh,l in nod loan , sysi too Inn in bov'tOlor P" 01 0 r.Y.•r t,lkso or adolioint,r , d Very II oly 01,1 Renpn ttu7l, • ot"IURI. PARK. TO THE PUBLIC. (Whig to the Into ear , d dent:lntl titrou,bout t country for Su:tar Coated the propriotor has co cncsd the procors ot Stitt tlt co ITI Tlt CBl, Bit t'f Mit LIVE n 'beroby'pliteing thorn ben the public. both 81,A I N and F.'11(3 Alt I' , IATED It F. Si Ll.Eltd 811111.818310R5, Pittaltur 11 Pll. net. 211. 11415. BLOCei:SEARCHE La particularly recommended for uoo during the Spring and Summer. when [lto Blood lo thick and Circulation slow mint etarded by unhealthy t.coretions This per. fectly plait. though pm,. ful, Purifier Cleanses and re news every portion of the eyetont. II is the only . gont• wine and original Which for many years has performed the most wonder ful, yet permanent cures, in confirmed ca.en of Scrofu la old Sores, Totter, Irumbra, Boils, and all kinds of Serofuloua Eruptions. It Is Mae a reliable remedy for Balt Rheiain, Ring Worm, Scald Ilead and kindre,i dle eaaUa. • • Ax a general Tonic Its effects are most benignant and cannot fall to benefit whore used • according to directions. We make no claim to having discovered a "Panacea" erl.lwiversal Remedy" f all—the-ailments to---whieb flesh Is heist MA we du 'claim, what countless -facts have fairly and fully established, that in the .13LOOD .SEA RIMER, Thu afflicted will flail a"Standard Nicoliclue," , one upon which hay can rely as a aura specific for all the diseases for which it is sconnuendetl. I have tblo day, October 7ih, 1864 disposed of my entire interest in J.' M. Lindeey'llimproved ' Blood- Searcher, to It• B. seiiere & Co., together with t' e right to use my name in Its preparation The only genuine. article-seillzhereafter - buprepardirby - llieut Mt-elusively. R. E. SELLERS & CO., SOLE PE OPE lEl'O RS, Pittsburgh,' Pit PRICE til PEE BOTTLE. Lour little 1.3 Johnson, Holloway & Cowllon, Phltalie phla. pond DAVID un.i.slyi, Carlisle, July 7: 1805-.--80, I . I AMILY I.)YE Co,l.oitS, AT RALSTON'S 'July 1, 1804• ' yauensw :GOODS , •',,: ,F.very diaicriplion and quality. a (irocerks, viate,.l - hrdwurn. taugge, Plug I,lquoys, Tolgiam. Sepia; Ilipas. Fro Ii Frult4 and oyster. do :plays, Wood and Willow 1,11 h ,, ,all !dodo nod f the bubt qualtty and, in bo , sqlli at,,tho 'loatafit,Pricgifor'cash -;,1 i3ANTZ. •Tuiy 1,.4804., • _ • • - TETTER, / RINGWOAM, IS TRULY PROVOST MAllBll,L's OFFICE, / PITTs111111(111. Dee. 1711), 1864. MEM E=IMMEII LIVER PILLS. Itl.ipOetfll , l , 7 vOll r•e I= MEM I=l IN LARGE BOTTLES, BLOOD SEARCHER, IME=M PREPARED BY YO i A LECTURE TO\YS , RING MEN 1 Just published in a aualed Pf !CO. Conti I.,EUTIIitE ON TUE NATURE TREATMENT AN I RADIUM., thrill of Bperumtorrho..a or Setaittel IVeak mess, iovelut.tary Emil Mona, Bexual Debility. a. d lui pendiments to Marriage generally. Nervousness, Do, sumption, Epilepsy, and Nits; Mental and viva rap Incapacity resulting Iron Self-ahut.e, Ac By atilt' I .1. OULTERWELL, M. D., author cf the "Greet, IttiOlt," ite. *Me wi.vidrenovrned author, in this admorable Leo tun.' clearly proves Hem his own experience that the awful consequences I Sall Abuse (nay be effectually rent, red wihout medicine, and without dangorow surgical operations, bangles, lustrum. eta, rings, ei Cro lull, pointing out a made of cure at once corteii. and effected, by which every suffet or, nu mutter %viral hir,vnridition my be, may cure hlrcself cheaply, pri vately, and radically THIS LH TORE WILL PROVE A BOON TO THOUSANDS AND THJVSAN DS Sent under seal, to any ad.irms, In a plain, sealed envelope, on the receipt of six coats "or two iMstag, stamps. by addressing CHAS. J C. KLINE & CO. 157 Bowery, New York, Post-Oftlice Box, 4585. Oct. 147 1804. tiOAL AND LUMBER YARD.- The subscriber having leased the yard Edmeriy occupied by Armstrong and Hoffer. and purchased the stock of COAL AND LUMBER In the 'Yard, together with an luomenso new stork will have constantly on hand and furnish In o dor all kinds and quality of seasoned LIS MBEit, - BOARDS, SOANT,LI NU FItAII PI STUFF . Paling, Plastering Lath, Shingling, lath. wortod shoring and Weatherboarding, Posts and naus,, t ro every article that belongs to a Lumber Yard. All kinds of Shingles, to wit: Whitegine. Hemlock and Oak of different qualities Having rare r.r. - my own I can furnish bills to order of any length and size at the shortest notice and en the moot reasonable terror. My worked boards will be kept under cover no they eau he furnished dry at all times I have constantly :on hand all Moth , : of Family Coal under cover, which I will rieliver clean to any part et the borough. To wit: frvltens Valley, Broken. Ego, • ' , tore and Nut, Luke Viddlerg II . . • • . r o e l yo rtnn )I . ou , 1 Lain 111 ,— - 0.... O ' nl b l e o r) ' eel 1 .4 "1"4. 1 lowestinns prices Best quality of •Limeburner's and Biacksmith'3 Coal, Always on Banff:Which I ivil I Soil st tlie lowest figure Yard wont aide of Grail:mar eetiool, Nlnin mtroxt ANDREW 11. ISLAM June 9,1895. tt A. W. BENTZ. SPECIAL NOTICE. Great Reduction in Dry Goods, [NO to the recent heAvi tall in JLtle price or thlid 1 have detertnined to r• line.. every in • y nottienve stmm hr) tit •ds t e cerrespoodine price ‘vi , h the preelous inetM :tot' intend to make still Maher reductioos from tome to hoe a • . .1 to recede, lu pl •My exleusire stock too, heoi mainly purehas of st low prices /111/1 bet c. the• en( tdrance in pus Is I to• e Ibis opportuoity ul calif!, the 'ltte•ttfloo ul the puhlo. to the 11//t0• . as I Call • 111 .ull I ,Vel than nay t. 1 0 4, ,, ell and I.:%arninti fur • ..ut sel v.•S. Itrou ether the slang 4 outli 11am...street be tow Oor 7. Iti(i.4 A W. lu•.\'l••L. B. R. JAMESON, S. M. COYLE, J. M . CANDLISH B. R. JAM ESON & Cu. , wholesale and retail Dealers in Fan ey try Ootrds, 'Proninings.Ntalohs kc, We, corner of linilVVer AU I rollirrt , t streets Carlini, Pa, would respectfully announce to the l'uldie that they hare just returned f•oni the rusteru e It 's wt.!. a has,, old well selected stock of 1:00.10 [...di:tin,: in p.rt 11.1slery. ifinves, dots, V 'tic, I:tapes, iiravalf, N ulnas, .•bawls, Ifitoilkort•hi.•ll ,, thirty. Urn sat, Brits. I. idles n Oents Cnllars, cord, (initials. Combs. Needles, Sewing silks. lop Skirts, Paper, Pens, 1 1 °11'mm:0, Cl,,lrs ke . Rr wool' particularly i , titr the attention of Country Merchants, to "Lir 30111 the Ol itter 111 prices, Its I' •th r impel/tut particulars, we enjo, this great ati- Van LIVO, 011 . cow or.inch ,l our louse and uletalter ot our Inn, are located Vlliintlelphii. and a1.,19.), pre p. ed la' 1.• a,lv attain •,t' every llurtuatl.o, in the r'eet Liberal terms made with %Olt/11,31e pui clot srr'. gun unusual ind uromeuta otlered sayers of every ela,a, Ca I ,aid xatnine uur stock. c o Ort. 14. 11(14. r,',* New Stock of Hats and Caps AT KELLER'S OLD STAND, North Hanover Street. splendid assortment of all the new ~tylos of Silk Moles .in. Slouch. Soft & Straw v open of city and horns wen IlnetUrti wh oh I sold at he lowest cash prices. snit hats of all goal. ities Coin iho finest Beaver and Nutria. to the cheap est ww.l. and of all colors Imstlt ptssmi h? +uiy this silts Philadelphht. A large stock of i eeffili - Palm Leghorn Braid, India Panama, and Otraw• Childress fancy be. AIRO a fu•l assortment or Mt as 13oys and children' , caps 01 every description and style, rho subscriber ioviles all to ,owe nod examine his rtock ❑,•lot o pewit-bed hatter. he feel:, iiiinfident sqti.factimt Thankful for the liberal patron age hertitoPire ht•.+towed tie solicits a eolith-inane , 01 the .vane Dint f rget the stand. two do.•re Shrluer's Ilmeland next In Corman's shoo , tore. JOH b A. N. B. Hats of kinds made to order at short mdt-e. AI GE ARRIVAL OF FREtill • _4 alffirEltlES-1 , 1:11 , )1.' ALL KIAD: , Amonglief] in a large 1,1 of rent 41.1,111111 HOU ❑r. .1, HER Itl\ti, csoi burrek, ),lAci Aif t prim. t Itnt is rosily :tnt,,nishiligly low.- rießeln 01 II !-.111.1, SA U C ES, j ) RESE RV ES, and a good tleoo, lit TOBACO AND SEG ARS, . . at tha lowest 'MA's toe CASII or Country Produve. tt'M. RENTZ 1, IHd4 DISSOLIJUON illl It: partnership heretofore existing lirt Nut, t atPl Crap r.rd hair d h5 , ,1% ell by watUßi copriitil Th. I.O•PhS 1,/ ar,owits are 1. , the hlllldn U Mr Ifni brrt usal) oarsiest,y li•gaiists all part es :tying :ircoupts the hit, lira] to end and thou,. 11111ain [LON.: t. Jr. haVlll.4 eitterod ut6 , part...ship WILh hlOth..r, 11,t Jos lialhort. the buriiiiirs trill hop,torth bin ...Led Under OW NG) tent I flu tuna ill 111 »Mllll rosprurtully rah atteutioh to ~! New and Fresh Groceries vht . h ‘,... - e l eti t t id with Ltit. , are and will he sold at the lon est prices fur cash It ~.n, slots is part 1 lino old ,nverUment Jaya •.7.014'EE, Print , Prime 11 fu koastt-d -y,.lll3B.—New York. :1 -Flo...tad Philadelphia Sy rupl nt he very host qualities. {MOWN -,01,1 - .4115.—Tt.. heal the markt, tlfurds.— Lovering s best Crushed. -and, and Puiverited , ugars Also. his A IS. and C Sugars. which cannot be our passed. Rico. Corn Starch. F rrina. Dandoline online, Salience of Coln°, Concentrated Lye, ~ c ap. Candles, He. - - ie. CHINA, G LASS, AND QUEr.,NSW ARE. A large and ,voll selected stock ot the very latest pat— terns and sty en. lover than over in price, and hotter In quality. than was ever offered before In Carlisle.— Call and sue Wooden and Willow Ware, such asTahs Buckets. and ('horns. Baskets of evert• description; Children's CA BRIACIIS, Stoneware. Cream l'ots, But. ter Jars. Preserve Jars. Jugs, all sizes. FlBll—No I, 2 and 3 Mackerel. No. I 111 ESN `MAD No. 1 11 - orange - A large quantity f the celebrated 81xceisior lIAMS. SALT by the Sack. Dairy and 0, A Salt. Thu subscribers respedfully ask the patronage us their friends and the public generally, and Invite them to call and oxitinine jheir dew stock. at the old.stand, corner ot Hanover and Lowther Streets lIALBERT & BROTHER. Carlisle. April 22. 1804. - Flour and Feed Store. FPFlE•subscriber wishes to snooty oe to Um people of Carlido and vicinity, that he has opened a FLOUR AND FEED STORE, on the South East Corium of Main and West Streets, in the Warehouse owned and formerly occupied by Jacob itheem The bet brands of FAMILY FLtitilt, kept constantly on hard and delivered to aoy part of the town. !laving perfectol arrangements with some of the first male in the neighborhood, I can assure my customers that they will be furnished with an article of Flour which I can voucltforl. Iwiil keep constantly on.liand - Fhiell OF - A - LITIIINDS, such as orn, Oats, Bran, Shorts, Potatoes, &c. The highest cash prices paid t'r Grain of all kinds and Flour. Don't forget the old eatablished stand: .11.1118111fAll GIVLEIt. Carlisle, Mao 26,1864. Importfnt Notice. Reduction on Dry Good, AtOpilby's Cheap Cash StorO. • - fIAVING to the reduced price° of gOoils , in theelty,,lum now running of mayentito stock of dry goods at greatly reduced prices for ..ash. Matvattieles having boon purchased before tha ad vatic° in price, I am enable to sell ibr less than Ity prices. All In a nut of bargains will do well to call before purchasing chamber°, l:113A13, OGILBY; Trustee, CARPETING.—SeIIing of balance of my Varpots at roducutt prlens. OIIAv, 01311.11 Y, o.et, 14,18114. . Trtuteo. The House Cleaners Friend LL EN & 00., have a Btek saving LA article for cleaning Floors. 011 era', NYlnaows, 11, worth an examlnntl.ot by the public. Call and see lb. ' BOOTS & SHOES. . A FULL atisortment of Men and Boys' 2 - 4.ltHtgaud Slioes, molted.) I the winter AlsO. Ladies and Nliosesea Balmoral ilootees Childrep's Boots of all kinds. Ladiesand Cientlemen'eGUM Over Shoes. My old eustemerea and all Ip, want.of good and heap 'Bets and Shatid, , wllll , ,pleaso call And!opiatlne the eteeh,,berozm poiclkwitug,. !Main street, nearly optima!, the Depot. - 01Itta. 09palltattatee., July 1. 1864.- ~. • . . U MAI E R 11A TS, FIRE INSUKA.NCE. T HE Allen and Eastpennsboro' Mu caul Pint user:nice Compemy of Cumberland aunty, Incorporated by an act 01 Assembly, in the tear 1b43, and having recent!) bad its charter extend ed to the year 0,83, Is now In active and vlguroue op eration, under Ova sunerintendunets of thu following board of Managers, viz: William It. (forges. Christi:Az Staytuan, Jacob Eber'y 0 Bally. Alex. Cathcart, J. H. Coover, John Eichelbor ger, Joseph Wiekershem, Semi Eberly, Moses Bricker, ititdolph Martin, Jac b Coover, and I. C. Dunlap. , The rates of insurance are se low and favorable as any Company of the kind In the State. Persona wish ing to become members ate invited to make applica tion to the egen co of ;ho Company, who are willing to wait upon then: at a 4 y time. NYM. It DORCAS. President, Mberly's Nina, P. O. CHRISTIAN STAYMAN, Vice President. M4elianlesburg. P. 0. JOHN C DUNLAP, Sect'y. Mechanicsburg.. DANIEL GAILY, Dlllsburg, York Co, AGI , NTS Cumberland couuty.—Jobri Merrick. Allen: floury ?mitring. 8111,0131.110V111 I'olTor, Dickinson; Ilenr3 Bowman. Churehlue ; Mode (111(1101. South Nliddletun; S4lllllllll Graham. WeQtrouns' nre'; Samuel Coover, :11eella • leaburg : .1. W Conklin, lib opherdet,own U. CODY yr, ~p per Allen; .1. 0 Saxton. Silver Spring; John flyer. Carli ale; Valentino Feeman. NOw Cumber. Ian!; James MeCandllsh, Non vllm York rouuty-15. S. ricking. Dover: James Griffith, Warrington: J. I , Dvart ll'ashington Richey Clark. Dillsbura : D. it titter. Fairview John WlMama Carroll Pauphfn co —Jacob Hower. Hart istmcg. n embers of the C. , m pan \ haring policies about to expire. ban have them renewed by making, applieation to any of the Agents. July 1, het LYNCH & FOOTE, Plumbers & Gas Fiiters rilhe subscribers inform the public that th, , y',•tiu rotithlue the ii AS FITTIN(/ AND PLUNII3INO hisineg nt t:ktcll in the baseineut of the Itlrci Nlothutlict Church Thoy will attend promptly to all uusto NH In thou lino Lt , ndllllll Iran Ily•lrnntn. lint :tint raid Silo WE BATHS W iter Pot co a- 41 Litt Pumps IV o't NVeldisi Tab's [roil Sinks, [lath rubs, [loth Boilers. Wash Its slos, warm] c Rams Or. nod ovary lasvripliou o. torus sad fi Lt I ags st , aun water, 8, SUperlur Aoolctua minx, la,.at,•i< and gas ti, tart, put up Ili church's. snd d , v '.lingo at short aothe I. the roost mod,•' ,C, le, Alt and wort: iu •mr line 01 low rates 11,1 ENSMMIIiiiiiIMI =9 CELEBRA TE D FEMALE L Lti I.,Nrod "I ~.1• .1 , 1: . l'hy icilt LAI/I,lllllas yto the siussap I I.IIS Well Ilsedlellie is no lin p but -us , la I vat' ralreil l'atat 3 .,s •floreutti and .sla..ts fl.ssa an, its vs, and nit la , st-Is it sans .Iy. 1 • 0111:II 4 twill" `last ultss vons.tstati s.. i•pssatillasly +uitesl. It will In ..sh , a'L , risss ootl /14,11 •:31111% perisal wit Is re .s 1 In an Asa , s.t NProlll, and t-tot tit I lir N't ioll‘. Cl-'I It o to•L 411111 Litlltof s lens, iss,sa Fangs... " 3, 'II , " asart jots. L'alpal tom sst Lha 11. strL, of Spit tt, .sari. , islacha Whitan. Nit pal arssl by a Its. ,dental sy-t as, the II all, t N • t. Ni I oot lot's 11.1,11 f h o iso• t 'rhea° Si 'l.' :iv, st, as brass iconnsvn Lis f it a here the dire rtirn. n , • It 2.1 pa ,s• •si pans phast at' „ w II al..ary • si fsis 1 - „•r pars vs L n plsssphle , . Iresi. nl alit nd p ' , Lace stamp ei ttoauLlsariza at n inuans. tsattla.,nt,sinissa aver i 1 , 1115 s s are snail. ye 2. 155.3 A •a•st• nraiale. 4'm. BLAI IL & SON, (or Ile•f ot Ilan .0, and Si Ut it 8( 4. NEW V, 1101,ES kLE AN I) I:NT.1 11, Grocery and Queensware Store, gp US 1' opened with Irk--11 and good Goodq. variety of nv ry thing ueuAlly kept iu a firqt, , :or t.. At. laiou 0%011 lu the eeleetion of 1.1,, `W ES .11 China ani Granite Rare, St!ti \ ! FS =I Canned awl Pi klod Fruits. Won e,:t o , s hire. Cwnlrr and ether :Nona s. Cher e. and rt ery Chi g rl.o in our line that a diaerintinating • OM) require. Full a.sot (- meta,: ui tt, 11.14,4 C•sii 011 • snip, Q uget n t wa t e, Willow, Cede. tone end Eat then Wales, SALT, FISH, OILS, IRON AND NAILS, Icept econstant'y on !mud. floods will be f moonily. kept clean and rstev. sold at the h0v1.3,t posslblo price-, aad delivered at any path:ll.o tow o ?lease pc so us a c,ll Cash paid tic l'outttry l'ro duce. IV ti Itt,allt k SON. Cartisl e, Hatt I, 3. I..‘'.fi It" J. T. D.ELACIIC IX, N. 3T ?..4otoll. 516.20 N I root. nhovr Chrqt- I LA D'A C:1 R1'1: r pi: lat.- arrivalr all rbe newest and isllsaei s eV. , . of risrpelisn I AM IM,PARMI , 10 Orr El . ht. EFT Ii lr 41.1:A IttTvlt ' , s •'. I.inzlists I opeistry ussels I Thri,l'ly a old r In rain carpel 5.,111 ars, iss-ortinent 1 mrdium anti low is.l Co:err, NVINDOW MP-. 11 it, Al', Delacro,ix, N o 'troot. bot,u, ... ;sllll,\ l'nper orall \i , ll ivit it liztvc,lirk's Drtw =I 1 C).% 1. 11i1 Lamps, Snide: ('Lieu 'n.•y• 11110•11-111 . 1• 1 •1 1 1 1 I._ 1111.1 STEINWAY PIANOS. First Prize Modal at the World's Fair, London, 1862, 04( 1:4 ' rid.; undersignod ha- ju , t ecet veil, .Ltl L .o.u, Lt. kg,.V01,1310.1 , 011 /NI,: 11 lull tt: •Il ,•I L 1111- tutql y ot Au, 1 oft. nlattu be cart•lteW 6 te`o. toil in the 11.auutiteLt.r. ,11a LL ill lit, ',old at [dot New York Dash Factory Prices, who, Lim oititLittit F. rolglO to Ca lit-to A wilLtytt 1.11.111 .tio• .•litile n.u,t tc too .1111 lie Lilo talberil,or -utit'LL purelot,t, l'eriot,t .I,vtr - t.u. to are ills itt•ll Lo Call and ahrivt thql at R. E. Shapley's Jewelry Store, Main :Annt, a.l dwr ;east of the Maesion new t' a lialin•nd Depot SVCONtt 11.011 Pt ANor, reeeived 113 e'ettan.e end kep for -ate Ittikl to rent ('nrl lu. 11av 13. 1803-1 y A. B. EWING'S U N . 1 .1 11 RE WAR E-R 00 31 , West High Street, Carl - Isle, Pa. Premium awarded at the Cumberland County .Agricaltural Fair of; I 857, ) The subscriber, has} ust recelvt d the most splendid assortment oakicles In his line, ever brought to this placo—which he Is determined to sell at prises that defy competition. Parlor. Chamber, Dining=roomi, FURNITURE. litiohen and Odle° Embracing eve,y article used by (louse and Hotel keepers, of the most approved and fashionable design and finish. Including also Cottage furniture In setts, reception and Camp t hairs, Mettresses, Gilt frames, pictures. dm.. I c. us.Partieular attention given as usual to funitral4; orders from town and country, attended to promptly and on moderate terms, July 1,1864 PAINTS AND OILS --- if, Tl/114 White Lead. 1000 Gallons of Oil. Just ionised wit h a large agsortment of Varnishes. Fire L'roof Paint, • Turpentine. Florence White, Japan, 'White Zinc, Putty, ." Colored Zinc, . Litharge, - lied Lead Whiting, boiled 011, . Glue, Lard Oil, ~. e . Shellac, Sperm 011, ' Paint Brushes, -Fish Oil. &c., Color.. of every description dry, and 011 in cans and tubes at the hardware Storu'of duly 1, 1861 Bryaras Pulmonie Wafers, AT 11.0,8T0V8 Dee.lt 1363 IF you want ant king go to Haveratiok's Drug and Bonk Rom. r. NE good 'Photograph is. worth a doz- U. pooonon. Who vIII % ivo poor t 'ploturo . to trlorld7 All PHOTO° It Ar 1.12 mode at. ' • ..-LOCIIM.AN'S MO Q 1118; arcs warranto4.,to give ontisfaotiou or t„ikey' re- . • Opt. 20, 1805. 500,00 J MORE MEN WANTED. TO PURCHASE THEIR Spring and S u m m e r Clothing of ISAAC LIVINGSTON, _LvA T Ills cheap Clothing .Establishment ay. North 'Annoyer street, Carlisle, from one of the lergest and bust stocks of READY MADE CLOTHING, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, ANL EATS, ever brought to this place Ilavinp, just returned fro the Campaign, he aelteowledges his gratitude to the elliz ns of I arlisie and Vielnily for the extensive pat ronage they have begtoeed upon him. and hikes the present opportunity to respectfully solicit a .contlnu anre et the seine. file tork of ready made SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING, Is not surpassed In this place, el.her lu quality or In extr,ine chvapne,s itemendids,that he also makes clothing in order; having In his employ at experi enced cutter From lily extunslvA purcbase In the ea tea ti cities, 1 Prof confident that I cannot be under. sold by ally nth", volebillohment., ail hoe Y.aat . N oat, North or Soot hirings. on has always been the first to supply Oti With clot lug, twent).five per coot. cheap,. and 0110 11111.dr. d doe eent bolts/ than you Mtn pui •e vlwwilere COMO 111111 exantloe his stork when von want to en, 4 .. .1115P clothing. ISAAC 1,1 VING, , ToN, North Hanover Street. April 2R, ARLISLE & PHILADELPHIA r tviio= DAILY FEEIG H'l' LINE FREED, WARD FREED 811 l'Allltrr STREET PH ILA DELPH IA .J. & D. RHOADS, MAIN STREET CARLISLE:. PA. ii&j—Cars of this Lino leave !he Depot All 'thicket Ft Dail), to 1 dc b 'ck. I' Leave Carlisle, Daily, at 7 o'clock, A. M. ten. , ed tor this Line should he marl. ed C A P. 110113 Frei lit Lino, and sent In by 4 Wets, k July 1, 1854. MACHINE SHOP. T r h,! 81/ bScri he r ii“sv mailututitures and i Ii -cp. con lan tly 011 il kllli lITI Nor h .titryt t, y.. 4 of I 1,3.11 utti's I lotel. a LINO 111 , 0 rtno nt of AG B. ICULTIiit .‘ I, 131 PLEME NTS. anvil lIS 11(11F1` Pt w. Iri..llll,ilill.X ‘ialili, , wiLb Fq, , . ~,,... 11 , 01, !ILl:gelled. riflV, MM.'S C,ll rtip.,p,,,,,, t ...,,, 1.e . r0, ,t ra o . and Todd r , tit! era, all e il2 ,--, .. : ... ~ of a h ieh ary the Intent nllli the lits t , it i • Cd u t lint r 4.% yaw i, 1.-. _ l'arti , ,hirart..llll,ll Repair istii d. Of Aar. a , l oral I la: I/ 00-11 N dl 1.1.01 11tive ni.d t.as“..alda 1 , rig s TbanLful mar t:0 ii licit a share 01 pUbli , rat:. 0,02. e BuOTS AND 111(11:s. t On. dk,lit, ‘ltie, on Ih corm', -film lin lihe SqUal t. In Le lle. ti lit. olome !tent.. Shoe, Iletr and t zips ht mitts tint defy eempetitiiiii, Ile hit , jo , nom the Unit ‘i Ith tie hope. and ml,l nein rtutelit 1,1 11, tile. :lig es I Jilt- .1 enpS tint he ilu.. rer pornellted to this v. II; lI.UI. il . hien he is determined to sn.l al thi 10,e,t sit it prices Ills stock einlime,,m. in tie UM' 01 b SUOI its MEN'S & BOYS' FINE CALF BOOTS, Kip Buots and Patent Leather t , xl,,td Ties. l'no and 13Let,t L. nth, GalLe.s, I. nil Cult ni..l ,lippvrs LADIES' IV H 11 e F1,1101»11111, La , Ling (Jake, n. 'Morocco 0111 Id liu,.le Hite hid ,-, 1,111 y Mt, rare:. and Kid liadzinf., tt;:tt A 1) Cllll,ltH It: 'S I%I:AR of all desrtlp lions tuttl.rarittg tum Ittisting (tutlitts :11orrot rt. and Last itut; liutttot Boots. Nlot rut, I boos at ItilkittltS fa -horn of alippl•rs. de. HAT: , A: CA uttsiu•ertt. Fur aid N't rol Hats of all qualitlrs ant/ rtyl,•s, akt. It Illige tuotortment rtf A It' HATS. r o ot, ebni F nmdo to ot,ll, at the shortest notlee tit of his ability to p1,•.a.0t alb ins es .01'1,1.111, lie respectfully Invitee the to give him it cell lit plate,.. I: rifler of the Public TOE= L!ELLING OFF AT TWENTY FIN' I PERCENT. It EI.OW 0,1;1" Al the ,it," •.I the ( , old le, — Idi orc ni , ove thu ('umlellnl.d Val Ivy 1521111., rnd tow cli ore I cloy.. the Ole q“c,h, ('Lurch, or, 11 rot Male street, the largest nod I.oef rylref ed ,tork of 11' A "I'( ' I 111:S :1N I) .T Ell' E 1.11. in tho tOWn, will 1.,. o.Jd 31, I,or rent lowor than at an: plaro in tho -late stork row pi ises v Itirpoti`,..ll inont Id I 101 l and Oily', hunting tasK “atl'ill's Level. Lownt s, ~a ddles. and all other Lind , al 0 4)1.15, 01.1t1 Pens and Joivelry of nll Itimig.S , orttv'm (7.,1,1 and -liver, Hinted nod ailoer It o. MUSIC UOXES ACCORDE;Ns, Ul,ll Val let) 01 entire k nto1111,:11., tool, cost, large Jit and ,••• holesale or retnil ma t lb.. ,Isiest term, Having saleettal ta,t cI& warl•tonn all kinds repalrla, will ...a. ns onnal, at redutaal pia vs. .L. , , 1, •t,4 NEW A aRIVAL OF Drill GOCDS =IMES The under,gnetl ,pening the urge t and meet de•htt.le stork ut gooda . nor olTlded to me p e opl e of Cumbei laud County .•• ,nplete 4 t,neral asso tment et Ladies Dress Goods. immenst•..).., Invitt .01 ADII, MOI t\ INO rind , ND I NO Oc m fr..in Lhr l'elel.rn 1,0 11 ltt ninq S. ore oi Iletson Son, H 1.13 btrgo i..)rtnlent of \ 1)11.:, PLAIN 13 , IVN T lII' AND I)Ic1;:4; The.laralst ntock of NOTION: outshlo of the rnslton (MO, I= for Ladies Cloaking L' nand kie,. w.dtr in endless varn.ty, •d Falle) and plaice I. nazimerea I u ~•d5,.1,111q, and IR= In illlllll.lli , a5.r1,110 . 1 ) 1 5: 7,1t 0..4;11111.i, rat, plt.te mud varle.l 011 n 'I 1 , .111., It; Sl'lt 1 sti rISIItI sod twin all the rel,-brut ;1 111:mut/wt. it ro•r, 10 the U 0 1 y grade .1,1 prier, CARPET: 4 , Ull. C 1,01119 N vi - risw , Asa) Li,towm A large stock 01 Ltd PES. N It If -vet' Inuit laNt twast•ll, 1,111 told tt,t prlces. I nit nth,. paid 11/ “Funera. order," I all kinds prompt!) nud imuctuall num n id to. All or wrikh will ho Reid Lever then eitk prices hni inz Lein pmrhe,se•J heh•re the lute ailvatiee ! ! UltUt 1, It ! ! kir (i I' NIT i.RS has opened a new Grocery Stop In )leln Street.."farlisle oppcsitc II Hard ware Store and to nou prepared to supply Ma friends Intl the oululc, unit all klods of Chomertiou t is, at the lowest market rat 1. Ills eta ek comprises COFFEES, SUGARS. SYRUPS. TEAS, Salt, Spice, ground. It:sound ; Crackers. Thecae, Coffee Essences, Fish lay wholetutle or retail, I rooms, lirushes. Tobacco, Sugars, Snuff. Matches, Blacking, Heti Cards, JOHN K STAYMAN GLASS AND STONEWAitE, QIII,IIIHWHro, Codamyarc.Notiolm, aid all other arti— cles usOlilly kept iu a first class thoecry. In regard to pricer, lam dbtormined to sell goods at the lowest 11.1 urea BUTTER, EGGS, • and all Itiude of Country Produce, taken at market, prices. Farmers and Dairymen are particularly invited to call and ore the celebrated I'llllN IX CUUIiN, which hae boon uronou need by competent judges the moot supoinc. , horn of the 11,:e. July I, 18114. Carpetings and tit Cloths NOW receiving at Ogilby's cheap cash Store, a lot of ingrain, Venetian. Hemp, ling, andStelr CARPETS. Also. Fleur OIL OLOTII'B all widths, which will be old for the cash at the !sweat rates. 011 AS. 0011.11 Y, Trustee. lilareh 4, 1864 HAT AND CAP MPORIUM. T HE undersigned respectful') announ coH to the public that he still continuer, coo flat ting ilusine‘s St the old stand, In West High mreet, and with a renewed and efficient effort, produce arti cles of head Dreis of - Every Variety, Style mid Quality, that shall be strictly in-keeping with the impieve niont of the Art, and fully up to the ago which we _ live. have-otr-hnuda-mplendid— assorttueut of * HATS AND CAPS, A. B. E ofall descriptions, from the et mn on 1V(.01 to the finest Fur and bilk nets; and at prices that must atilt ,every one who has an me to getting the worth of his money. The stock includes, MOLESKIN, CASSIMERE, BEAVER & FELT 'BATS, of awry ttylo and culor and unsurpassed for Lightness Burahilily and finish; by those of au) other establish went in thnoountry. Mee' s; itOy's and Ohildren's Hat's and Caps, of every dmeription r.toustently on hat d. Ile tespeetfully invites all the 'old patrons and as. many now .ones tie possible, to give him a call. 0 OALLIO. July 1, 1814: HENRY SAXTON Dr. i..c.,Loomis Preeft et Street few &ore ""qlitrl" below south liftuovir at ly.ln 1. 1664 (Z.1?.0- W.. NEIDICI-1, D...D. • Lnte'Dooannstrator of Operative Dep,tlntrkoftlio Pattlmore College of, — Dental iaurv.ry. CPL. 011Ico at' bta reddonre .°P MarlB64 ion flail, Molt Main street, PaAlloe, Pa. ril l y tl i, . A J K LIZ. Agent ll= (Jou) ANn savER mtiNs. =1 1= 1)0.1IES7 Ir GOODS. DM= =MEM