CIL% Na w UI? WEATHER, —The change f the season, is now setting in, has its effect a greater extent upon the health of our tizens. Accustomed to go about in their tithes without under clothes, &c., during te warm summer season, we forget t h at the 'tinge in the weather requires also it change garments and hem... , colds, fevers and thiir sickness, is much heard of. We would lerefore advise our friends not to forget to lake that necessn'y change in clothes which If! weather so much r quires, and thus pre- Tye their health which they have hereto ire enjoyed. Thii.te needy of clothes will oil it to their adValltne,g' to call at the store Mr. J t•Litt N EI • W AM., between Dr's. .eiffer & Zitzer, North Hanover Street, till le, who has just return,. from the ties with the largest stock of goods, such ()vr , reoa , s, pant,q, \. t>, NV . O4 , 1"n Shirt;. 130 y; A: Vont h'sel,thing. Got) rn hi (;,,t)(1,3, '&e., that }III, OVIT 1/1.1.11 1'..t1411t to wh" --I, bargains t. wh" 14icv hitrt I)on't forgot to try hint when laying A ‘•,,ur vi tf. For good, cheap and fashionable cloth- na call at JuLic.s NErwAm.'s, between KeilTer & Zitzer• Vnrlh Hanover Street. Pit A Cough, Cold, or Sore Throat, EQUI RE, INIAI EDI ATE ATTENTION AND sHOHLD BE CHECKED. IF ALLOWED TO CuNTINUE, ;rritation of the T ungs a Permanent •ihroat Affectlon, or an Incurable Lung Disease I= Brown Bronchial Troches k.NPG A 111 E1""1 IN I I UENI I TO 'III P la-, GIN P. I NIMI IL R:onrhitis, Asthma. tive nn•i Throat Disease, I xnrl ES Alt E USED \V I , II A I,IV AVA (h)ID Aug I I.: S,§. SIN( ERS .1NI) PUBLIC spEAKEIIs hill d Tr" 11 , •• tkii ;r • rill., till Tli.•T• abrll T.TI IN. lli•rokt T. or Sp in, ,1,011111 1.. 11. - 111 1 o.‘, I i TI I.T hi ..11 I hi . TlTTelloo turrl :111i I I . l• , rile , d I.t 1 1 11 , nrol Hit o htid It Lint .11.10 TI .111 ..1111111.1.1 Ilir• 0.211. , 10 th, 1,111 I 1 .0 ”r , kip "I 111 to I•I i 1 0 , , t nil by II IFL 1111111 1 . 1 1.11, 111 , In 114', el 11 11• T. 1 •11..1.0 of I It.• 8.11 .1 .Ind 'I nkcllv 111.1. er kr, pr. 11 .. 10 , 1, 1 111 111 11 . 11 , 1, TIll• 11\ .11 1 1 • 11 , I k ITIkT T .1 II I It TTIld I 1.1. no) 111, N 1”, ILit , .F 111.1t:111.,, (lint IIIt•y hi, .ind in For u pi, ill, =BEE ITCH! I'FC'll! IT(11! SCR 21 TC II 'RV I ! BATCH Wheaton's Ointment Will cure the Itch iu 48 Hours t LS() cin S.\ 1:1' li 111.:1' '\ 1. 1' 1, nu,\ 1.1,11 , 111,N , -K IN. l'r /• DI,. t I l'ra tott o li , l o tti •1 I eti ,, 11 ..11m.t. 1 hII t 11 , , it tit 1,0 tomalt. 11... , ot po tt tat o t00t... part t, 11,4. r"111.1-t.+11.•F II ll' s l it 11 1ik1,4•,, 1110 , 1;11'h, " 1,111 nti.l• h in , • oPi II i• It. r chin, ..n 11.11 , t itentlS, X 1% PI,- nnIII In, Inn°, Iv :ea led Adds.., MII=NE=III IB=ME=II ) 1 , - larriaqcs I=l=l ETU . ; --hi i 110 11th 'Mit •at t F Shllii•lt • 1 go! • 11. 11,•rre, lan . forta.rls thy I loth l' tlnflan I Lon., Cap' k K I ,aor \ l'a :}l~rnccts. CARLISLE o D 11.1 11-L E 1 , 110)ot 26, 1,41.:, FLoUß(Supertlne) do. ( Extra ) ti" RYE,. WUITE .. RED RYE ...... ........ CORN MIN CLoVERSERD.. TIN! TRYSEED DUCE MARKET gw,. GENERAL PRO 1 n %CtIN ITE )IEI 2 I' 1111 I) pEl,Cri UNPAItI , ,I) PEACHES )4{ll D APPLES, Uwredeil 11LTTEB L 1). Tki LOW 'k". P-79 BEE—WAX B kcilN HAMS Philadelphia Markets l'iOLAilLi.j:llll, 01 t. 25. I luny i. itiarttve and in i. ',des 1.. Inn,. trod.. 21....; ,14 75 tt.t. t... 1.10.11110.. . ,.. 00 , 075 Olr ex 77 In I• 11 fur N1.,1.0 . 1. extra 00003, and I/1110 dirt,. null 212 25.1:1 00 itincy t.. ilt 7.0 0 I. inn , Is N..rt rt. .•stra (10.01, 11 m,P1.1 011 snit. ran, In rp. and I 1.- 1.01 - 0..1. Ir. 11 iF,1.11,1,11 ..1 tt 11,0 1).-AA _ . :,111 2 115, :=2 ..r... .1 10 .01.1 n = ()Hie, : small sEtleN nt r.Ofd: - de. ne•vgl ecaiti ntos Sc•At :1111i 1 , 11101/111 , k MI , 1,‘,111.1. Tim , - Ills nt s:l2:Cri !ii). Flax Heed is Heflin:: in : - .^ 3 1 0 . No. 1 14 , dt.n(ly ?:141,0. p r „ vi ,i,,,, jr.]l fleitive : old ry of ,rud u ut :17(n itt OLD 111 5 1,. and , o,,,st;s. ha, advuu,.,l tu $2 :inn, 1 1 , 11'0,1 nlrt 23. 1865 r1 1 111+; annul] elf.cri,m fnr ninc ilireetws of this anh. a 111 be hid at I' e bnu4e on the third Nlmulay GOt h of No. ember next, bift worn the of 10 A. M., and 2 P .1. I'. HASSLER, Cashier Oct. 2`,65-3t • °TICE —The paitnership hereto. , fiVe existing etween .1 A Kauffman and II It. Wehbert, undo, the a y.e 01 11/tulip:4h k kl 00441, h been t hue dice, lied by Inl , unl -onment Ti'.' firm books ,111 le L. the horde n1 1 .1 A llnufin.n. until .lai,uniy la IMO, before x out h timeu li accounts mmt b. eel lii ThP blifirlCFß bo continued. by 11. It. Webbert Oct 9 .7, I 8 G—lit* • DR. J. C. K NK I.E. (late actin g Surgeon in the 11. S. )1. Hospitals) 1S resumed the , prttetiee or his pr••- fession In civil Ills, at Carlisle and respectiully voli•nt+ if t so public a Sri ire .1 oltronage Dr. appointed by the l'eosioa, slop Examining mirgeoli for GsrliHi•' nod adj. cot country will promptly ex.ernitre all applicant , : Err pensiona, as well as rua , o the u :nal examinations of pensioners Dr ItinKle inv hr I.und at his office in Introit's Building," south east corner of Market totrare. or al the Nation-it 111, tot Uci. 27 ISIIS. LETTERS REMAINING UNCLAIMED in the Post Unice at-Carlisle, State, 01 Pennsyl vania, the 26th day of October, 1865. Published by official authority in the pa per having the largest circulation. p 6 To obtain any of these letters, the applicant must call for •' advertised tellers' give the_ date of the list and pay two rents for adveriiSinit. If not called for within one month, they will be sent to the Dead Letter Office. GEO. ZINN, Osburn Herman bks Pour , —C m C ii HOWati COM inothire - S Boss James Rice Win Snyder Henry Snyder John J Strohm Win Swartz Jdeob K Spahr Mr cooper Statibon John Snell P A 4 Smith A H Stevens Thomas Smith V A . 'Henry \V SkYleil Thomas Smith Matilda ;Thompson Rev J Trout M , Thrush Wm Thoullson- Mary .Nref Varner Mary. i'vaggoner J S pi Dy Waggoner David Williams John Wajzon Snean. Wallace. Wm ,Zinn John - • • • Bruner James Bre!:Willi Black Francis A Baker Mary J Bauer Idagdalena Crouan Edward - Cooley Wilson Conn Thomas T Cornman Leander CorniffJames'tbks) Honer zsamuel A Echo Michael Fludley A G. Frantz Mar hi • Gordon Robert Gilmore Sallie Hikes Sorel/ Holler Win It . Howard Joseph Hughes Tillie Johnson James Jackson Toinsou Keefer'sAT Konman Mires MdiuiteMarla, AkPotiel Mary Mayry Slither • Munch Franklin Mordurt dt.rabam Mini& L Jack Proclamation \V S, lion, JAMES TT. onAii reddect ludeeot the SPVOIIII Couitt , of COmMon Pleas of ihe coun'tes of uniherland l'or rV.aud Juniata ust lop of the everal Courts of oyer and Terminer end Ow Mil Jail Delivery in paid 0 , 11. k tleß, and'll, h of Coellia cud ninth 'quart Judges et the Courts r and mother and .1:1(1 Dollvery for the Irk of ill oa,ital and ruttier ofTernhok. In the said county of eutberland, by their prooepts to me directed. datod the 2S h day of August Miro, have or der-d the Court of oor and fermi lou and flo, oral Jail Delivery to be holden /It Carlisle on the 2d Ilouday of NU, nmbor, 18(3.5. (',deg the 13th day,' at 10 O . VIOOI in the fiwonoon, awn mutton. two weeks. N riC Els hereby given tn. the ("owner, dust tees of the Peace. and Conslables of he said county of Cum herland that they sr. , by the said resort commanded to he then :ind there In thei• pr,per pers,,s, with their rolls. record,. and Inqulsitlebsexaminations.and all other rem tolnances. to do those things which to their (dikes apt ertain to be and all those ['sit are hound 1, , re, ,aldsanees. to n prl.,seute ,gdost the pri•oners that re ol then oh xll he to the .611 el said county.:.. - , to lt , ' these T prosecute them as thrall he jos , . .10EiN J October 9. I, Valuable Town Property at Private Sale., -• fl If E Nll rril er ~ffers at private sale the dhoti valuable neat ENtate , illl4- tvd on No, th s , ,eet, two doors north of the Cot Ilvh , Deposit , t ul nod late the property of Arnold. .1 1 „11:(4 E T WO-STO R.l" !a=S TO N I - DWELLING : ::;;;,I,i with In r.r and vomm.tltrmn STORE ROOM on sl 11, r. A ,to,y FRAME HOUSE, 00 Illt..ear of the kit, The soh.criber will be In on the Dill of No vein tenni, will be Wilde known and • thor given In the ineaullin- any in ... man .0 can to lii ,v calling upon Isaac I.lvingliton • Ailininiatrator of Philip Arnold VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY I= o 2-17.7 - ,atat ill fidluwing v•iltuthle plopwr , y eitto,to.l etrota. Twirls op o .ei Id d \n I.`Y I "d"..d ih'Pdt• "ddre.l ~‘ to ut,l on reas,lBll. Lertor• i'0r , .ni..11:14,1,,t. in root 1.3 . '24 I lee: th •1, e, 1001. RIO [Pt) ,turn Brick Store House, “jrh l vvo .t r Irta.V.llll the tilst 11 , or nt,di nrgr ahol 4.. A tv. - tory Frame I)\velling Ilon e, oP•lvr•pp•p: Is r:.• pd I . p P pr 'port) . - k pm. V I . Pt,. 1, ,11.0 ..•I. t•1.11,j..• I I, =I , IN \ r i . 0 Pt :F3ELIc- - - 4 Li, I, 11, I pr. 1 , %\ 11()1.'-) Pr7;l,;(' IMMOMM=I PERIM . • , . ~ : . /1'.:, -, : ;. ; ••• •••:: 1.. • ...- .... ; 0 :y .1•, !, • '„? ; i •-•!•- •:''' C - • ''..f . ...;',.'''' • • • : •i-f:l';';';',' Wheeler & Wilson and Howe LOCK STITCH SEINING iIfiAtHINES. 'Et] F.; NVilson .dt, r ted t. find!, nee it, iud eIl up II," nod Cotton goo 1.. tot ton and bread, MIA Ii•I both sides llf •irt sewed. 0111' W pn No. 3 machine plain, •• 1,1,11/(.. .•1 .• ,-,syttr plated, The Howe Sewing Machine I hr allt•hti-u , 11 ,, i11181,11, and , arringo Tlllll,Pr. ix rdi loot Ui this—thu hat- Ile So he IleKt 111 hip I,r It•allor 0.0, or toil, 11,4 ever liven lii th• 11111 o• of II or Loll, A not 'Moo 1•• tr , ••••o•le1 f••r .eo ink; •r /toil Gal ••r LeLler II tlial•AlIllt I, °ht. niZOi. thin A ninchi., h; t, I,rt•vr . C. ll9 Ii 19, i 45 vr , 11.111•11 11-1 1 , 1 ho Ivy 'Uttil , .ring It n , II t=hnt, 91111 tiinuniug It runs fight • r tut 110 hue u•nrl; Iv, I 11,1 11119 amu It Itu„. I hub turn: th.. 91119 11 r luarluu f. ic.ol I' s l 1.•11.g.p1t .11.1 . l'a. =II Music ! Music ! i r ~r. re WICIO t Mil • I: ay 111.11. wt. 11111 W•tl .111 1 , 1 /I,OllNi/1, 10,, o Nil, p II 11.111.11' =EMI z. 1..• i , lit MEIN A. 1,• .1 t. 11,1.1 411th.11 lII,' lan]. 41,? a i I I , I, tir, , 11`,.1 I It, =MEI FOlt SALE ()It I{F,NI". 11 I . : Iwo ry l>ricl< 11,111,',e (,9 the ....rue, ;;; 0. ; ;;,;; -L.. 0.111 h in,tl an Ft ; II i, i, 'O4l h,, %% It h 7 ,\ (' It ES OF LAND, i),thn.d,T••l:l-11,1.' /11,. nt p \ :1,111 t d 1.1.0 used as 11 nun. pn rtion. 11 011 on iht Ilr. L Aptd, i,llllh . LLi Z.% B 1;1 II F1)1A N I). Ortotrt,:f.i) 1?105—:.1,. Ni ICII FO R SA L E I valnaLle Ilowqe and Lot on Pomfret Street. hot,. yen IIAnov• r nod Vitt, nos, tJecupned kielnird uwr O. The lot r0111:111 , 0 :;55 fet In front end 240 in depth, his I 1/g 111. I) ere. (.1•d Li tAVO htory RAMS 1101:S E. ;; ; :1 1,, irk t„,ck , I'l,lllll . et • - Tilli wow lord Stunt auto on (Alain.' A Loy. NW' 112.1 . 1.1VV12.: app 1. to C. P. Il UMIIICII, AtVy. at Low. Oct. 111, 181 C-31. FARM' FOR SALE ONE of the very tioest and 'host hand somely MI mited fare.s in the Cumberland Val ley, five miles tve.t carto..lo on the Cniub. \ allay 11/al Wind: containing One Humlred and Eight Acres more or le Ns• Limestone Soil, slmooth and easily tilled, Improvements In the way of fences n,.d bu lidin,s first 1:141S8. nu Cke.,llol3t, Tenement House. thereon, live or tun acreAsf wosci lai h d attached if do keel by Mu purch:sxer, good walls ~ cisterns on the prennues --Also, ...Coral Mouses ail' lotteof-gtoucatin. mats lornllty. For further in ferinatiert inquire of JAMES A. DUNBAR, Att'y. at Law Office south erector, house October 20. 1865—tf, Farm for Sale. HE subscirber offers at privatesolo, f a first-nail LIMES PONE FARM. nltuato In Woo' l'ouusbnrougn Toivoship,Cumboriand cn , one in 110 oust 01Nowvillo, on tho pu bib road lea ling to l'alinmonvri, and a 'joining farms or John Laughlin, Jams loch laid Roy Mr McOaelm. Tho farm CONTAINS 102 ACRES,. and the inprovements 'consist ore huge two story BRICK tlc STONE , : ROUSE trash House, Stone Bank Barn Wagon Shed, Corn Cribs, &b.. Tho load 19 I n high state of cultivation smt u ueer good fence. The land lea!! cleared except about In acres which la 04 rimed w , th good 'limbos. Persons du Icing to parchaso can 'View the farm by 01111111 on the tehant. or the subscriber residing in Oardsio. .JAlthB :MARSHALL. Octobor '20,1865 I)pYSIMANS will' find it to their iLd 1, yitutaie to Nal anthpurchaso their lit edici • ~es' lit July. , 8611, ItALSTON'tI. REAL ESTA . I E ! On Thursday, November, 9th, 1865. ti TILL be t oini„theb.ptt•etwis'es aerl h in Sil l; miles northwei.t of leehaniesburg, and one and sue four h miles southeast of New Kingston; on the Onui Lorlanil Valley 'tail Road, a va'n hie containing about 7 'acres metro or loss. The improvements aril it two atoll: 4, 1 80 , ItOUSE and a stone Bank 7 horn with Wagon Shed and Corn ;'ii .Cribs, „Cribs. a brick h ash llouse, and all liar u he. necessary outbuildings 'rho.. Is a og, .trAard nod a well of never 'falling water oin the premises There is also a stream of run ning water In ono of the fields. A 1 nelsons desirous ,if vituving the property can do so and obtain all necessary inf.rmation by calling on (leo. Longcdort, Ilviteli'Zin the adjacent 'arm Nnle to e-nlinence at 10 o'clock on said day, when will be made known by lEEE Oct. 20, ]0132-2t MONEY! MONEY .Ilan!,!/ Samd is None!" horned ~_\lL I ERS, M echanics and laboring men Inuit to your Interests. If you wish to sayo money. buy pair 13(nirs, SIWES, HAT:" AND CAPS, at. PLANK'S Cheap Store, South West corn. r of North Hamner St , and Locust Alley, midway between 'rho- Mum's and Wetz. Hotels, Car where Roots, Sh es, flats mid Caps can he hod from the commonest article to the very boot quality. al such pricer. that &iv eonipeti inn. Go and see them. 1:onnn• er the 4 tand, Snoth West corner of North Hanover at ,and Locust Alley, midway between Thu lium's and Wetzera Rotolo. = The First Premium, FOR THE BEST PHOTOGRAPHS. 1l the tale ettmhrrlund C,ltnty Fair, lots !w r , rrrrvu•rlr-rl to C. L. LOCEI MA N.. Ai he pleasure to an• y flub rti••• t, the 'midi.. that he has re-pur,hiFed hi• id ro,n rruw ‘l,. \llll,m in qrs. 'Nen s 1.11110,i Li' the First National 11.tuk, and guatanu., U h Pill/TOG PliS, A Itl'ES DE VISITE, A3I B ItUT P ES, &c. thn•„ na sup••rior, and in t nn, finkh and elearin.s-, sk,rp.n. pirt uric pn•dho od. Ile ,Ivor Id • pers,, , , a it to the in.dn. :snd Leith the moot r , v.•,1 u, Liu men Li and appi lane, Warr ate th , • n , •nt iennl 24 A tinge meld, Of hilt 111111 Rose 111.11 n, lura tie yeti; C'ii•ap 'oplos Iu t•agnrrreot., p.•s in We In s t ho nlOl4, penfoct 21, 18,5. PG I:.', kk' tE AND IZ LTA I I HAIRLES SO NA, CONTINENTAL 'HOTELt ;;ye n,w aspen their 111.,e splen ME ct. ,i .i .i. • ~r I . Uq r A (' A I{S. )10'1. Al , ' ••st •t' •ti' F \ Flit FAMES •'- I. /111 It 1, pV et', le tin :ill it Si V 1211111.1 t., nopres..ElL- SHIPPING FLlts BOUGHT IME CEO.. W. 0; 1b„,.1.,/,„, w , p,,„„. ft. lIMi/0/ . /./P, (// StOr Lit u• ) ttornev-it Lary Ilnd Claim .I ,, ent. j ik . 1111•11141i1 . 1,; I :111111 , nil' :II I l'tll , Of pa). 111111 tp, a`,; ) . 0 1 )I,4lln:ton, I). C. Athlr...t, 2. L.:. II Cil 3'. , ~f the 11,111,t, of tit Ice,. II.;11 oi I.tints Pm utrl Jl , l iLln. tilts)' • .111h . 1 ,tate \ ;4.11C, )I':isi;) ll4 t„,,,,D I NN at t.. 4, , 1415, S'l' .I'l' 1 , 1 N ( 1 - I(' 1.0 on the o t iif T. A 1 , 1 \l6 litis 1.1 ,4,511111 Mili4lllllll. rWp., CIIIII - I 010 1 TN% p. 1 . 0 , N(lt givi,pers ( A i pit)uets mitt ditty nu theutfrn 1,1 lir sett 1•1111 . 11 t. to I=l 1A ST ATE NO I C Letters Testamentary hue been issued to the tatie-criber residing iu the Borough of Carlisle on the es ate of James lioller Into of raul Borough dee•il. All p rsuus Indebted to utid t:1410 Will therefore riOlke immediate payment. and those ha , . ng dation will pro f,nt thin for settlement. • GRAND CENT RA L 3MM -1 114.1-1:331- 1 31. 1 r)321 1 . At tt Th•cons . (1. LESIIE 1 , it h e NG'S 13uiiding, sow!) east corm r \ Square, 1.1 1.1, Like pict Lire, e , n , kting rf trnoTwir , A I' A:0141011'1 . 1'ES. I,L A \ ,'F\ PES ltu all MA lot a it ,i/'+. from 1,1(0 l,z • to thu Ntuntaloro ououor hroutql. ping pirLut. saro wan antuol u•op..1101 . tO any tuuku, in thou ellui l ty cur lo•uo. In, nuaterual 4.1 the hos", and lilt au now , " u•nrpt,sul et ho on,••••• and triunes ud• lull s from .11 • riellost Gil, alp! varvo.l t 0.01,0 d to el.,,Oett. Ili , prices ar • tun to to suit al. 0in. ,, 0• ;toll u , oolutoola It., III:1.'011i tot 101'4. lut , ne II lit ll , ks s eontlntiation of MI Oa, ii, Ihtls—Cano Valuable Town Property at Private Sale. sul},zerilwr offers at privat6 Ade thy t,,,wn properly al I. isAtiqf on 111;01 htruot , In the In rou,ll. of Ciir linle viz! A T WO-STORY • 01 1 BRICK HOUSE, t , . • with tun-story back-building. wit b all other couvell out-boildiurs. The loteentai;le tot frot.t. by 241 feet in depth Also, Three Brick Houses, situated on south West street. I'wo nod a half Wriss slth two-..t.3ry Back Buildings. •1 hest, houses are e•mveliiently art anged built in the most m..dern St IS Wi h every n..dern Impro. em. tlll4l are eminently w-rthy of tia: , ,harly attention of l'"' : h' t7;r7.l B ii • Iu ' r : nod further pa rtlru'a r, npply to J. N. A 1016TRON.1, ,- Sept lb 18135-6 t F SADLER, Attorney at Law rarnge Ila 011141 u Volunpo,r Building S •uth tln °rut Street U Elt.M AN, Attorney at Law, Nest dour to Chu Ilyrald (Ale,' July 1, 18114-Iy. TAMES A. DUNI3A It, Attorney at Law. Carlisle. Pa. Office on the south side of the Court 'louse. adjoining the -American Printing Office." July 1, 1864-Iy. M. WEAKLEY, Attorney at Law PT. office mt snuth Hanover street, adjoining Ih taco of Judge Graham. All professional businemi on trusted to him will be promptly attended to. July 1,1861. QAMU EL 11 • BURN, Jr., Attorney kjat law. Oilleo with Ilon. Samuel pepburn, Malta St. Carlisle Pa, • July 1, 1864. AW CARD.LICEi ARLES E. -MA AGLAUGHLIN,, Attorney of Law, Office In 'Winn' building, Just oppoultc the Market House. July 1, PBl4-Iy. P. lIUMERIC.II, Attortiey at, Law g A Office on North Hanover street, a for/ 'doom north of 11111's Lintel. All buslnese entrusted to him will he promptly attended to. July 1, 1864. TOSIOR RETNIM, Jr., Attorney at II Law and Surveyor. Mechanicsburg, Pa. Ornee on hull Head Street, two doors north of the Bank. pM.,lluelness promptly attended to. • July 1.,1864. FE. BELTZHOOVE.R., Attorney o at Law Office In South Hanover etrllet, oppoelte Ilentz'a dry good wore Car Hide, Va. • September 5, MA. I NO. C GRAHAM, Attorney. at Law, vy Carlisle. Pa. 0111c'e formerly occupied by Althea graham, South Hanover st root. September R. 1805. • • IDIPES, Tobacco, (avaoking.and chew I lug) and Sews, at !Inventlok's Drug uud 800 Store. . I)111 R.l? UMERY, Cosmetics, &c., at, I)rug and' 116ok Brom 1)41 YSIIIIANS will 'find it to their ad • vantage to can and purchase their Medicines a PUBLIC BALE, OF VAL UAB LIMESTONE FARM) . WM. H. WisIOSPORF B. PLANK I I_ Rti PHILADELPHIA 01, iN MEM= WILLI AM WETZEL, E.ecutor L EMIEBII PROCLAMATION 1 IIEREAS, I, Wm. A. MILES, Car lisle. pa haeinfrjust returned from the Eno ern cities with an.eitonsive assortment of the mom ashlonahle and brilliant colors of D 1? ES s 0 0 ODS, Such ns trench Marbles, French Cnssinieres i CoP.I W ul Mark do'. American do; Plain Poplins,. Figured do.. Rep do., Alpacas, , Plain Coburns, Figured do. Therefoxo purchasers 'will find It to their advantage to give II 0 oil I. Also. the he ndsomest assortment of PLAID DRESS GOODS. In Car lyle. Particular attention given to MOttaNmo (loom WM. A ‘I ILES. I . 4ectly opposite 'he Mansion 11011FC, and one door west of tho Post Mike. Sept. 21. IFiO5 ANEW STORE In Eby's Old Stand, Main St, L. BERN H A - RD & SON, I NFORM the citizens of Carlisle and vicinity that they have just opened in the above poptiffir stand, an Immense stork of First Class Clothing, and lienflonlon's Furnlahnnt Goods. Thoir stork con slats In part or ' Coats, Pants and Vests, for civilian oi soldier, made alter the latest patl erns, et Goods the quality et which cannot he questioned. Overcoats of all varieties.. • Trunk, Carpet Bap: and Valises. Neoi: r 8 , ScarlB and Calla P Shirt, Drawers and 6toekings fitnry (jowls 0:1' rill (lescrej )(ions. In fact a Complete and entire assortment of Clothing and Eurnlshin4 (bowls. Don't forget .he place, Eby's Old Stand, •, Marion Hall." Math Street, Pa; 1,. BERNHARD l SON. Deeeihber 2a, ISBI. II Ai? 13 1 1,V ff STORE. - ri 111 E old hardware stand of I,e‘c is F. I Lyn, h„,, pe-sed Into rho hands of W. E. Mill or A Bnwers. who arr now trinqmeting hut-111 , 45 1111- der the ii,tlllo Mid style i.f M LLER Sa BOWEES The new firm have ju , t rein, od foam the city and 111 now prepared to turillsn 1.1.1 1110 1,111/110 at the loweet prices. all kinds nt FORE/G ..IND DOMESTIC /h. ,‘ are, Cll,ll Trinthlg, l'aints, oils GLASS, VA ItNISEI, A Itv Ic inrn th.lrs , ,ro wih ennvilweall'that they 11/IVP 011011 , 411 tally supple the demand ni Chi- mar et, Persons wittiflag 4 , 0118111 011 r •iiii raid it to Lilt II .1 , 1 , 1 , a, t.. ,ivot ”a e,all. All orders pers., 11. 111111 11,111p113 atteialeit in. .lint 7. P.a.:, Great Excitement ! ! I' L IN 1 Ati b creat;ited ;it be cheap Illy. 111.1 V iriety • t , .11.1.1 I eioli-h \1111.1.111 -1 . 111 11C1 eirjtl , ; p e !ere - est. k F,.1. .;.t1 . .111 0, 1111 11•IC p111:1, 11.1.. tvt, 1.0 th.. t..%v11, .1., I 1). , I. 1 , 1.4 . 1 . 0111 Lin hrl ts. • to! e Lib 11: DIL'ES.`.; GOODS ' it h • sf lila '• 1.1,11 1 at , a •I r a 1t1..;.,•• rill:hat I 1 . 1.111, it l In I I 11. , I I tI. .r rd • tt , tillit, il r h .I •air, • li r•lr I•I MEE ioii nng Goods I:1, , 11 iv , I 1 11, I 1, , { in, t 11.1.. •141. 5t w“I.11 4 jowls. Cloth AI, ACA : 4 , 1,1 ”.. 1,, Is. 1,14141 A ' rApt• t r Iry t'ittlat t lit, Nlottrttitt c•ltit•t; Domestic Goods. 11!IIII=!!! 1x 1' .V , 4,41, ,% limo I inoint.:%. Immelq =I lb It's find lif,ils I eN'l.l'. .01111i(V k !Icy ls' , • hat , • ;, • iaa ,I . .ta.te. vat ,vita a fittl •I:wn t Ch.( laid, It I 11,11, t• CLUA Kti ! CLOAKS of the lutist ht.i. Si) lee Nlwas I, on 1.1.1 and rooeiv Furs ! Furs ! Furs ! Lhe large•L ttns, Llntilit inel ery nt2. lit an L 1 I ~ tlity Lalllo,, 3lisses and Ch Idn n. NOTIONS. Freneh 1141 111 nen, nllk, 11.4 lit, ('1 ,, t,11 IVonl and C,t lon l'hild• 11.,..0 all grad , s n.. 1 qualitit, \lnn a II sic,, B.11.11;1 . 1.1 Ilandkerade r 15,11111 11g , . V ,• qq. IWO'S TIM,' inni”gs, Ilut I,lls. i ' 111; , 1,11 a Ii .ml Ilreakingt, CARP ETS !CARP ETS ! 01 n 1111.11110.0. lour Vin I I 1,11.,,q. V.., 1;00.1S 111:11 IP. el .1111 t •11 it 1111 i ilg been tel With spee,al cite, nod helm tleteitelued b , be undere , ll. eeavid :deal. take itha rune 10 :dee I,l'ol l• that .1 . 1,11,1 . } the 111 - teie,t or 0,, =ME II Pie nse reznewher the well kn.,. 1.4/11.1.1 nu is, S.Jul sivr ~t Mat hut q.reeti, upp. list h .14 else W. C. Sawyer & Co. Ir. C. Set •1 E. r 1 In 1111 nIIV i e (1 ~, I I ( v, 1u I'lllink.ll.ll/1. lice Int6t,t, 1. tl ll louni ntcctk ol Pall and Winter Goods EVER 13110U011l"1'0 AiAIiKET Pinatas. 1 and 1,..11111:10 our hustresstsLs stook ..I and sash 1.0 ) I u,la s Iguleu I ill/ 1. 1:11.1 :LI Iputi 111 V./ l;luth•, 1 I /I /1 and r laurnd I sens.ll ner.ssu-, kept, 1111,111 x. 81,1 n•, } .1111 sassiosta • I 611-, 111008 /1)0/1 11/ 0/ t I) tor:l4y oi /11, le., I.llllo' n lsnaisso Clssill and Mantles, :Lod la I ‘ sL I saids hs A\l La, 4111408, I' aid Unseats and l islet, Ll 111/I1 nod Luca olsaro, ale.• Von and llatalherchhlo. our litl/ik of \1011:0 Uss do thinisrlous. Mau rta, /101110 1.11:1 , /0 11 In•r ‘lll/1, lted and Oro., ts lel II 1,10, 1,1 11101 ash In asl Domestics in Quantities. l)nLain B. tat•wn and Ideachu Ulughath,, Tickingh, 111(1W e. Gents' -tuirl--.:Ziogs' Rear. Full lion of Glottis Cassilnura, plain nod fancy Scarfa, 1:108, IlaodloircLill anti chirta. _HOSIERY & GLOVES. Cotteti ' ,nfl %Soul fur Ladles, Gents, Miss B ttrUl Chi] &cu. FURNISHING GO )DS of all kin& usually kept lu 6,1 o DO lit,OUS,toi rx, Wl] ua earp.aa. U I ,lothA Rug, lasaos, ,Inotax Lorap,rio-, get., au. Wu pay N c,ot NtLonit,u.t.o MOURNING GOODS, awl will la, to till all ...den; u r I unorals; Cush UI r• 9, z`.11,111.11111., Glnu It Is, Crap, fulls,9, Illaclt Mu 1111;14, lothu, rauprouu, hop. roptta and aAlgell Alourunotu; all qualltiuu Engli h and French Crayon. Tlllibone, ac All ordurs carelully . atlended to Fancy Dry Goons, !anneal° do., (Junto %I oar, lloitiory and Glnves. Kid Olovoti whitu and black col ors and All sizes, In tontlosti vat intim at W US A 15' YER tk Co., • One Door Belo.* Martin's East Main St., Larlislo, Pa. .Sept. '29, 1595. BOOT and SHOE EMPORIUM. - , Subscriber having reinove,4 his Boat & Shoe ,tOro from'_ottikLlttnover stlTot to —Wess-Ailltirr-stretoors below tlitiThrtol l nes, opposite Marlon thin, le prepared to aceommodste - tbo intbite With tha - rory of- BOOTS AND SHOES, 110 ME MADE WORK ofall kinds constantly on hand and rondo to order a the shortest notice. I use nothing but the bunt mate vial and employ none but the best hands. Especial attention given to the mlinuiatture of French Calf Hoots, If gnu want•a neat fit that won't pinch glee mo a call. Flee Calf Boots from $7 lo 4tla,t 0 Co.trno Boots from 82.011 to $8 00 WollloleB Shoeo from s2.uo to $O.OO • CHILDREN'S SHOES OF ALL KINDS. I have a lot of Boy's cant , Women'x Shoea that 1 01 soiling at coFt. - Call and examine before purchasing elsewhm o. F. C. FL. SLING. Wont Slain Street. Cordele. tOopteraber 8, 1885—ly TAR. GEORGE S. SEA MORT, Dentist, from the Dalt! a Ili Jai - a more Collage of Dental Surgery. ' • inj„.Dttice at tbo residence of his mother, East Lowlier street, three doors below Bedford duly 1,1864 tiItESCRIPTIONS &irefully coinpowi ded at Ilayaratlales Drug and Bookßtora. • l‘ I. I =MI = W = BEE . . BOOTS, AND S HOES 1 At Ogilb3 , B Cheap store. . V 0 \V *tied and ready for sale. 50 Ca fie mion'e and filoy r 's Bents for Winter Wear, Ladli a Isalmoials Rialto and Gaiters. Boots with and without 11005, Pegged and Sewed. Ladlea sewed Due- Nlieses lialmiitals, Guitars. Farley Shnus. a thin Shoes, an endless Variety from smallest to hugest sizes, all of Best Make, 11 Ulises celabrated make of Shoes eonstatitly reeelving• tttt 20 Ceses Gum Shoes, 100 Pair Hon's Qum Over Shoes end Sandals all Nlzes. 100 l'air Ladies Gust Over Shoes all sizes. 10ii Pair Ladles Gum Sandals all sizes, 100 Pair I adios Gum Lined Itu.drins n 1 sizes; 100 Pair 1111,ses and Obildrens Gum Over Shoi a all sizes, Please call anti examine the above before purchaeinch Main street opposite the Alooloelist Übureb. OH ARLES- OUILBYi Tr usteo Oct 6,1865 Tuscarora Fema e Seminary. Academia, Juniata County, Pa., W I NTER SESSION OF THIS INA ;Tun , : will commence nn Werblewlay, November Ist, 1865 Thu undersigned having obtained possession of the nitric° Institute, invites the patronage of all young Indies who wish to niggle a thorough educal lon. Best advantages given in ail branches. Partieular opportu nities afforded in liu•ic. Painting and Languages.— Competent teachers will take charge of the different departmetits. Address • CARL F. ItOLIIE. Proprietor, Academia, Juniata County., Pa. September 29, 18011-6 t. Bedding & Feather Warehouse. No. 44, North 10/// St., above Markel, Phila pEDS,. FEATPERS, MATTRASSES, BLANKETS, BED QUILTS, &c. Tuo.or's , eleiwittod 'T:orine• Bed. Eve,y nrifele In the Bedding line. et lowest Market prices. AMOS 1111.1,1101tN, Sept 29. 1 R 65 —am o Business Men—Mechanics—Every- body Silo - ULT.) INSURE AGAINST ACCIDENTS! DIIE" ORIGINAL Travelers Insurance Co., OF ARI I. Olt D, (JONN., Insures against ACCIDENT- OF A LI. KINDS, Causinglv grOury or Loss of Life, =I S5tH.l) iu rn,v 4.f f“t515(..•i,101C, or i; 25 ,1!,51.11t, itl.ut it, pr r yvnr. TIN FlllVt • Ffi”. , T ( I" 0. 1 11, Frith I , p opOrti r.ate late l'•.!i. itli 11 I, =EZIESIE it.,11.—• 0 rills:0 n'.l Is“rtggir is) .•1!.., Liws tut. it, tr.,lr. 110• .1 . )11 the t s's g 1111111iir , 1.1,• .t , ~u , p t r.,ls poi+ .1 thr• I 1,1,1 41,1 and p 111111 , VI. Ow sr, d Ili. irpsortrilet• I ~Ile! .1 LI t..lle•t L, nil chos:ses. 01 0001 I jell I I 1,0,0 EE=l , Int 1.• 1,11 , - t itt 11 ce 'qt.,' tit • ,:,L ti i t l 0/1 oil It 1,, t--11.(1 mitt.) ill LI post lytl,ill,ll,ll rt Will I , /111 Its I. /1 • attlltlt. I.' a,..t II 113% over hvlt v is tLr Hvstnetit. 1.110,4, 11, x.‘ vro j\ u1,01:110,.1, I.•e 031 , 3 iv v6C.I itt , u, a 111 13 . i.(133 - 0 t.• olp• 3iti 11!.3 -It•• 103 r. =1 \ 11. , M..NT. rum), “: 1 .1 l', 'ep'l•m' -i.l--f[ 1 , 11 II (ir ffa r, 11.1•1101 , 11 10 s:1,1,11 11.1 I ll' 1111 ,1e TII lit y.viv E Ili) I,I) ..r nit NI i.,11 , I, .., z 1., vt prom Innis 3% , :tr.f 1;11,11:o...1 Addy: NI ri IN .v II \NI N, NIA: , IN Ult.iTit I,lts NEN% ept_ —ly. (Yri('V, —lVe the lindersiuned eiti i or Diehrnson t, unship I.lleving t h at the ,p 1 t,, th* utteTe,t of the toittio, o.111111tmit). tak.• thi, method I,llllolin AND SPoIiTSAIEN that t‘t• 4111 not tuu tmt lu trt-pant. uptut our itt uuti,ett twit, Lo ttt I.llA> oltne. came!, but. witl ttot Its :114111114 In all VHS 'S • Eninn UOP Lint, jr Pet z-hei 1'ot• i Zinn, 111'• aver. 103 , 1,1 L (Irorgr P Pilo onnrrt,y, ‘lllliiiin II Ilan - man :quart, :atlim-1 It tins, WI Ila m Lino. St, 1 , 1).11.4. .li.lin 1%%, ilustan. iiliain Ries. retie!, lieorge )1.0 tin. Sr.. t, ltitt, 11 llll:l111 A t .114.1., IN II lam Oen!, It II Into Iloairror Matthew tlalia,iLLl, Smoot I Na 10,41. r. Jae! L•heall,., Ia ALm 1.. Lilo-, liessoar. oltam U, Latigillio lohn a:IaL, U ,0,0 It , 11,h, Phillip pnug Or. ! , f . Til , %I , p.tinglur, ).oph JAM 1 , 1 , 40,” o, .1 H. z•ollenl,,ixer, Ilrnry u-nul Allum Kishhurn, A. K • n•lilpurn '.'.1~ ISI.J-:'lii UNIVERSITYOU PENNNVELVINIA )1E1)1('.1.1. DEPA ItT.ll ENT Nintrit rheduld, Phil (id el ph im Pa ANNOUNCEMENT 111'NDItElall iID4III D., r of s ur ,,y. It NI I) f•SOIut Tht,ry a lid Prll , llr.• alli IDA .1,1. I \ , I.nn situ. 1'1 , 11,,01 . 11114 alai ‘le it 1,, Iltlgti L. lluklg. I=l 'arid the .01.0“... of VlOlllllll 2111111 .los. Cat 2 , 221 M.',, uf.o 2.l of Nlati, id .Nledica find 1'113,111.10 ll , Lert r, , ..hers, ?I D., l'r.fesm.i. ol ..11 Lai ly • 'I II .It.ntAdtly, Ilr ly II - 111111 i. )1 U. Fstn M. 1) ul l al.-Mutes of Ned It lee It. A F Peer, se, I). Profess, of 01,stetries and the I , iseaseri of duns.o an , i 1 I'll .10 %Wed NI leb,or of bury and Prttrtlet• NI U, IN,lnons ruor of Nnatoiny. . and Abdm.,nt us, on Chide :urgery. hn Li•iituroB ul lho ties,ion (18ii5-613) m ill bo.lo on Um 800011 , . 1 101,1111, 01 , c6i,11., it •d 1:10131f 011 Old his' ut ‘111,1,111. One luhed erteryll I,e d, livered to ti , e Course. I lit, unto• is given the , u,...hunt thu esirlon. in the Al, thee! flail, by the l'u•re• , l', nhll at Ole lieu pitals. :It the uonteining 671 he , . lunl rug the, Is Ire. ilitur3 y ui d Hygiene will be fully taught by the appropriate chairs Tee hist.erting heel e. under , be superintendence f the Cr, •1 . a• Cro of A nat,uny and the Defueustmt r. u open ill:my:hunt the year, usrept, in July and A pg ant,. Pto• Itoom for Operative Surgery and the Application of .te 1,. open tiltauv.hout tho sobsion, tot der the rvisi.eli 91 the Veo eii3Oe 01 cu. gory. 1"eoo fn. tio.t,etueeA trnch Profeii,.ur $lO atriculati o hce (pall once ouly), aduat.ou i,'e, so It. N. ItouEll.6, AL 1)., Dean of the Nledical Parult3, Uutveish). 1401,111. g WrEY'S COTTAGE ORGANS, ..f . " , I, CottaL, 1. , ..... ARE not only unricelli waao.l , aro absolulely unequalled, by any other Prod lustrumont 111 the country I) signed expressly for Churches and Schools, they are found to be equally wrll adapted to Um parlor and drawlm.; room. For sale only by El. l‘l..l.lltUoE, No. 18 North SEVENTY' Street, PIiILAICELPIIiA. /lh-p•Alqo. intnniluives PIANOS a da complotoas- Ilortment of the PERFECT MELODEQN, - ' 1t1iii. r .'22,1685-IY. - LADIES PANOYaFURSI Romig at very reneari iiiPn ., l l ;a eTtail , :',n - a - vicinity .'" °''" " " from mF • Remember the Name, Number and 'Street 1 . ' JOIIN PAREIRA, 718 Arab Street, above 7th, sonth Plata- Sent. 21 1805-4 m. •. - . Phtladelpber . gar' have nd partner, nor connection with anyntber store It, Philadelphiall - 1 ' ' ' . ATALUA4LB Preathita for al I at Haver '. *WWII 'Drug, floiik An Ong Astounding Revelation! THE PEOPLE ASTONISHED I . CARLISLE IN AN UPROAR! I SAYER of Harrisburg has i in n n u o fteti on with bi Store that in at ety, es tablished cOl a w 'MILLINERY STORE in the borough of Carlisle, next dror to Dr. Dale's, North Ilan ver street, and it prepared to offer large inducements to the Ladies of Carlisle end icin ity. Being constantly in receipt of the latest styles tied fashions, from the cities of New York. Philadelphia hod Baltimore, he is prepared to ex , end an invitation to the ladles in general ; to visit him at his place of business, where they ran judge or themselves, as to ahe alporlority of 131. goads, the style and fashion of the •iay and readily p,• calve that Carlisle la op to our larger cities and that no longer the necessity exist of travelling to our neighboring cities for the purpose of obtaining fashionable ladies wear. Mr Mayer, keeps constantly on hand • Ladies' Bonnets, In Straw, Silk, Velvet, with the richeet Trimminge, and latest styles. Ladies and Misses Hats, In Straw, Felt. :ilk and Velve‘, trimmed with birds, fisithers mad the richest minim/miss, Old Ladies' Dress Caps, iu styles and qualities too numerous to mention, Ilair Nets. and Head Dresses, Water Palle and flair Rolls. Velvets, Ribbons, Bonnet and flat Frames, and all artieles belonging to the Millinery line. CLOAKS, CLOAKS, moth as Chesterfield Coats, Looso SIICICS. Clrenlara. Nhoro or Wa!klng Socha In all quolitlea of Beaver and Broad Cloth, Ilgtrt-and dark colored SHAWLS, SHAWLS, all patterns and at} les, double and single, for Fall and {Pinter. such as 13roalfast Capon, Scarfs, Hoods in various styles, known no the Sal Foam Hood, Twilight Hood. Re., &c. ENIBROIDERIES, such as Band., Cyllais and tisses, Handkerchiefs, alto plain linen nd benuncd stitched flantlkerchiefa, Mourning ettors ttc , Vella, In Laco Tissue and Crape. 'Settings. Puelcles. Nock Laces, Coral Sets of Breast Pins altd Earrings, Fancy Hair Combs and Pins, But. tone, FOR TRIMMINGS, f•II hand alot of Cloak and Dross ornaments and Trimmings. Ladles and Misses lloso In on) and Cotton, Gloves kc tiering thus, In short. sot forth the Intuit prominent articles ',lit:tined In the Store I respectfully request and s•dirit the pstronaoe of the Indies. and our motto will he "liat.hl. nable, 'Pasty, and to I'lettse " MENEM GREAT i XIIIBITION! Doors open crery day, (Sundays excepted.) New Boor, Shoe, Hat & ('ap StOre. sulh,c•l iber would tespeu. f ully 11,1,11 ink, and surtow.ding c.,ulitiy, Clint to hamju3L r.-tur,ud num tht , city, nod tam Itll, a I . NI/111 1•II/ tII s H •LILIL osL N , a . la lians or :1 and I,,,cust Alley, n la.rge ahNoLnleal I Boots, Shoes, Hats & caps, 0. h, 1 , •,‘ it,- the at Let, Ito. or . iturehttseet, ~t•, A e , 'met Ilf 31,1 ' 1. I10)N 005 louthet liip and \tat r Cali and ,:lova lilt tluit els. Call ga:,s. Slippers nc. LADIES WEAR. Fh..• h id. I re, It ail:lawing 17a1ters, all and 1.1.1 :I. mad I:al:at:rats, to..,ether ill 11 a larAertss, talent ' at heavy at, Buotti and ...L.'. MI Lt../ t r Cu:A.lly 111110. rt 101. Chi/(lren's (re, ~t .11 nil.rarioi, tin, hid and Lasting tat r• It and Is i t Louts 11.L1 /111, h pll , l hi'. flats and Caps In great variety-, far \ on ..d I , as h., N ear. Fr nu he 00511 .101111 St to 110 Vcl\ kl ly, at lk,oe Una a d Nee th,.ul. in, 111,thi 1 , 3.011111 wohis and qui 1. sales, Ildhi•nng s 1110,31. 1011001/10- let 3331 , i, 110 ,301i1 trim guns', 1 NW, :10,100 131/111,1: it /10 Wlll 1/1111 With 1111311 psi.- Ittdnendier the Stand S \AI e men of North 11,9.nover . and 1.1.1•118 Al lawny :..08110811 .111,11•8 anti 11,1.8 I s 11 , 1,18, kati/1:10. octol,tr li, IS65— t MANUFACTURING JEWELLERS, '27 RTLAN DT ST NEW YORK 100,000 WATCHES, GOLD PENS, PENCILS, &c. &c. &c. \V 0 It T 11 $500,000 ! TO BE SOLD AT ONE DOLLAR EACH W ITH OUT REGARD TO VALUE. AND NOT To BE PAID UNTIL YOU KNOW WHAT VOL' WILL RECEIVE. Splendid List of Articles. ;old for ONE DOLLAR Each 3 )0 Gent's Haiti ❑ unting Case Watch°, $l.O to $l5O anti Ladies' thud and El/Wlllolod C/1615 tt atchee, 35 " 70 400 Gent's 11 ulng Cone Sill matches 35 •• 70 200 !Barnum.' I. 00 " 100 Bold I not and .Neek Clmius. 15 " 30 3 11111) .• 4 " li :1,111111 Gold Oral Band Bracelets 4 " 8 4,000 Ch,laed Bold 'frau °lei:. 5 10 301.0 ih,tanduu l hait-s and Guard Chains, " 2U 6 000 solitaire and (lola !trench. e, 4 10 2.00 La , ,, Dud FIOIO.OIIO lire. ches, 4 " 6 2.010 Coral, 1. and Euler/Ad Bro.oltes, 4 " 8 2,1100 Ilmatic, Jet, Lama, and U lurontine Ear Drupe., 4 " S „.4,. 00 • - .rat, Opal, and Emerald liar Drops, 4 " 8 4,.5 California Dutmund Breast Pius, 25U •• 10 3, I 0 (told Pub and Ves tt itch Keys, 250 " 8 4,1 0 1.4.) and t cot 'Belton slides, 3 " 10 4,100 ,-ete sive% Button,.. S. uds, 3 " 8 3,11,0 Bold Thimbles. Peoeils, etc. 4 " 7 11,0110 Mini/ante L 6 8 4 11110 lllulotuto hoc, ms—Magle Spring, 3 " 4,111111 Gold Tootlipteks, Crotsos, etc. 2 .‘ 8 5.1100 Plain I . 4 •• 11 51.00 Chased B.Jd !Wigs, 4 " 11 7 .00 stem: Sot and Stgn et Itlngs, 2 50 10 15.0110 1;1011 .rnia Dlemoud mugs, 2 " 10 7,0150t0 1.11111..M1 . Jo, clry—Jet and Bold 6 " 15 (;,,,Q . "e.t.a Lad! El' .1. merry— ante,,. Peat!. etc 4 15 50 ti Bold !Nets Silver 1,0 tension lloldet 511 , d Pelt, Ile 4 " 10 1.000 Bold Pens and Uold-Iluunted Holders 3 " 8 511 0 • live. and Drinking Cups 6 " 10 1.000 61.yer Owl , ors, 15 60 2,. 00 Silver dl ult. and Calve Baskets, 10 " be PER Dozes 1.000 Dozen Sliver Tea Spoons, $lll to $2O 100 J 'Pablo r'pounß and forks 20 " 10,) C RTIFIO ITEB natnine ea-h article and its Value, aro placed is SEAI.s.II INN VIVL Pad. which are well mined One of these Invelopes, containing the cord- Orate (Jr I order fur some article. ;wet th at least one dol_ lar at td:1111.) 4111 be sent by mall to any address, with out regard to choice on r, celpt, of Cents Toe pur chaser sue what Ai tiele t draws, and its slue wid..l) May ne from One to Five iluttored Dollars, and c u then send Ono boiler and receive the Artie, named, or any other on the list et the same value and atter seeing he article, If It does not give perfect Sal i,tie; ion, we desire It to by immediately returned and the amount pal t will be refunded Ity this mode we give iblecti no from a varied stock of flue goods. of the best mak. and latest styles and in trial, to worth, at a nominal price, while all have a C.ll/I.IICO of securing articles of the very highest value. In 'id cases we charge for forwarding the Certificate, postage and doing the 1..U61111198, tie stun of Tweut five Cents. which moat be enclosed in the order, live Certificates will be sent inesl ; eleven for $2; thin y ter $5 ; sixty 11,0 for $10; one hundred f r $l5. Parties dealing with us may depend on having prompt returns, and the article drawn will be Mime. diately sent to any address by return mail or express. Entire satisfaction Unarm teed In all Lases. Agents wanted, send for circular. Write your Name, Town, County and State plainly, and address. SELDDIN & CO. f..'7 Courtlandt Street, June 16, 1800-6 mo: New York WILCOX Sr; 01313 S Sewing Mu chi. es. The perfection of Mechanien. Will FELL, HEM, QUILT, BRAID, BIND, CORD TUCK, -GATHER, • AND EMBROIDER, • with perfect satisfaction. Aro holsoless and simple, naa a short' straight self.adj us ing needo, and roc ommehded by all who use them. Can bo had for a 'qrs. 31. Di off's 311111nory and Fancy Store, Isle. AT 11N FAREIRA'S ld established . iR BIANUFACTOKY To. 718 Arch St: love 7th, Phila. I have now in etoro or own importation acture, .one tho Largest and, most .autifal sulectiona of FANCY FURS, , Ladlos and Childrens aar In tho city. Also fine assortment of NEW F\I . R taken into partneishiriJi o. E. liuritholdor and ino. A. Demi - (clorks in my slc t, re) for the purpose of continuing the Dry Goods bags oss under the title 1711, W. 0 Sawyar & Co. Our Store is now open 'for buslnesa where a large stock of . . SEASONABLE GOODS mu be found, we will be receiving NEW-GOODS. every day and Intend to keep up the repntatlonnf the 'S ore, for activity. liberality, and for always having the best stock of woods in the 'Valley. •.. ".- • . nelng.very thankful for the large Patron age given me by a generous public, I resentfully ask a conthih mince of the came to the New Firm., We will endear- merit thwlitvor .1 those wins will give us a: pall. ~ The books of the late, owner are here for elation:tint and persons indebted are callus ted to make , settle morn. - • East ?darn Strost one door bolo Martin's , Knitted Woolen Goods, IN HOSIERY, ADMITTANCE FREE FINE CALF' BOUTS, 4GI- 1 C:2 O -Ic-a 12) SEI.I)ON & 00. (' 11 A 1 N S , MANNER OF DISMIBUTION JNO. A. Duicr, JNO. E IMICHOLDER. GRAND 'OPENING DAY- Gretnfleld & •Sheafer's. wm Ilve now ready for inspection the meet beautiful assortment of Dress Good , ever exhibited in Carlisle. at prices within the reach of all. As we were so fortunate as to be in New York during the late GREAT PANIC which lasted only two days, wo have determined to give on, customers the advantage In all goode bought during the two ,le3 s that goods wale sold at the low. eat prices. Stacks Or . DRESS GOODS 1 Poplins Plain In Colors, Plaid Poplins, Stripe do. Brocade Reps, Foulard Poplins Cullom s Cloths; Wool 'Plaids. French Merlnoss, in ati colors, Coburgs of every shade and color, Silk Plaid Crapes, Satin Grisalles, Plaid Poll de Chevros, thilatiries, all now designs. In addition to the above immense stock of Dress Goods Greenfield & Sheen. have a full line of DOMESTIC GOODS, at prices that defy competion. We can sell liIIISLINS, CALICOES, GINGHAMS, tower than other merchants paid for the same Goods ten days ago. Those who desire a feast for their eyes should not fall to call and examine our Stock. Keep in ruled the place, South East corner Market Square, second door. Thankful for the pest patronage we respectfully so. licit a continuance of the same GREENFIELD & SHEAFER. October 6, 1865. NEW GOODS AT REDUCED PRICES! ! VOW opening at Ogilby's Cheap Store, 11 a large absortment of new and desirable Fall and Winter Goods, which for style, equality and lowness of prices, cannot be surpassed in the dminty. Having purchased this stock dui leg the great reduc tion inprices wt.ien lasted but two days in New York and Philadelphia, wo are enabled to sell at in . or prices than other !louses; who purchased their entire et ck at a time when all articles in the Dry Goode line were ut their highest prices for the last six months. A full line of black anti Colored • FRENCII MAKINGS. BLACK AND COLORED ALPACCAS, COBEROS, FRENCH PLAID, ALL WOOL POPLINS, 13 itch and Colored Wool Doininee. Figured belaluea. Shepherd's Piaide. 61dce ail les, hornbazi tIOE, and ii auy other lioods sultahle lot Ladles' wear. M. MAYFR Cloaks, Cloaks, ( a-ab~s, all the now sty le of Cloaks which for qualty excel knee of mak.: and le.. 11c., of prim cannot be surpassed SHAWL,, SHAWLS. All the latest noce!tles in Shawls that are In the Mar ket. . laid LAI{ and qourul .g. nil sixes of lul.,reos ,lienherd s I'l. Id Shawls, Uermantow,. SVUIA lout eh it Is of ali c.dolh and chairs. Men and B 0) 8 \ ear, a large ❑d full as-urtuneut, run gusting of BLt, K CL ill la. FANCY CA;SINIEREs, ,Arrl E rTS, r It CLOTII, for Mon'h ihrr Corte, Cloche fo. Ladles' Cloaks, Lilavk and k such 11 , .. MUSI,M autati hinds bucks. 11 its, nl,l Ve.lua of ...mouton. as full ass. clumuL s "il all I,et I. cco , .satr) in CO brae pi usca .1 paws to cuhvi owe all that. .1.1c3 arc linter \ hut\ 11\4 lUu eat.. . French Kia letle tqun,lr l b.ael< and c..lnred, a lull I Latin.s,i, t 1.11.1 t hildren I . 1- %%, , Pit.l6 011 d 3ivritlo Munn Iluvp 0 , 1. 18 .N. ,v etylo , Dr,. I runinlng, 111 bui,n, Ilantlkerchirla, aina Imu drala of wall !Huey a• tie on 300 IiALMORU all siz, n null p ' rb.un klt 110 S nud ~b. 1/1,11 IA \ DItI,SS If IJII , ;Nj In isutt.k.nri be exroLcd. on,• 10,,k will c v l'•Ce all. %%I- hive every sty 10, shape and pro.° that Von bo• FANCY 'WOOLEN GUQDS, Breakfast r-hawls, Oontags. T., (lights, ulda Hoods. nterloli Hods. Iland Knit Hoods, eel t oats and t ti,. a, kttll•ey li. it Seal ts, WIJOI M ILI a and Hos, Pulse Warmers. and many ether fancy PoLrou at ticles. a I shades and sty le.. FLO lii OIL CLO 'HS, all widths and patterns A new style with border for under Stores. Al-1.) 'fable and Window 011 Cloths. 13123311 BL A SETS, BL A NA - E TS, all slzea and lualities fur Reda. eradlea and CH , a. All Are ask Is to call and rxa aline for your -elves and be eenvineed that the /IbOVO In not Inert ly talk but reality Wu will be happy to allow pur_ ponds . to all n. d not ho offended if w e cannot suit even the in• at particular Itemrmber thn place , opposite the Methodist. Chursh, West Mtou L-treet, o,tober u, 186, S. Insitiution, late known to the I public, as the "Chartibersburg Commercial Col lege," Is now perman nth 101,1110L1 to Carlisle, Pa. Young mon des.reue of proper m• themselves for the actual duties of liminess life, in the ehorteq, p.,Rel le time. and at the (cost I.:CW(1AB. will find this I ii,titu tion. (the de-ion of w Well is t , impa.t a sound rd van in to young men of the 888 ntry), particu larly adapted to aceomplish that d• siralde object. BRANCHES TAUGHT Book-keepine. in ti.l its forms and - applications; Com mercial Calculations, Commercial Law, Penmanship. Pr lethal arid Ornamental; Business Correspondence, Pores. l'h nograpliv, 'I eleg aphlau by Sound, &c. In • rder. t fully illustrate the principles of the seve ral branches, ilt, thoroughly impress them upon the mind 01 the Si udent, a .y.tem of act unl business train ing. through the est:0,110111mm. of legitimate °tikes and Coulpting [louses repretemting departmonds of Trade and Commerce, and a regular Ira , k of Deposit and IsNue. ha• been institp , ed; thereby Miordind all advantages of any •Imilar In•tituti.m In the c..un ry. None but competent Ten hors einp.oyed. and a nuttt , , lent number to gun, anteo individual instruction to all a matt-r of no sundi Importance, and seldom recei ved ut nth , r l mul utlous icing t. the rapid or .wth .1 the School. and in or der to ..ccommod to our numerous applicants' from ad parts et the country now rooms have just been fitted up, tin the South (full lot • f blckins 0 College). in sup. stile, u d suflichto tly rommodious to accom modate rout two to three hundred students. .A Ilbernl Urdu tion made in fan rotsddicrs maimed...Jr disabled in defense or our country and For further par• iculars call at the College, West Main St., or address A. M. TRDINIRII, Cantsle, Pa. SEND FOR A CIRCULAR Augu-t 4, 1865 110111 E Insurance • Company Cash Capital, 2,000,000,00 Agents July 21st 18115 9,714 000,06 .CIIA. -. .1. lii Alt I 'l V , President. A F. WILLNIaitTII, Vice Preat. .1011 N M4l FiE, Secretary. The attention of lartno-re and business in n generally is invited to the superior advantages nfliorded by the ab.,llrespousibl e Stork Co. Tn., insured giro% no no , ea ts subject to e o lISPHRRUIOIItB ; and the rates are as cheap as is ronsintent wio h the la , sof compensation. Poli cies isauthl and losses rot ultably adjusted and pn mptly paid by the undersigned who is appoAntW the author -bred agent for Cumberland County. L J. W. FOULII, Carlisle Pa. Sept. 1, 1866. CARLISLE ,S ALE COL LEtiE Rev. T. Daugherty, President. FOR BOARDING 4- DAY SCHOLARS. THIS Seminary - which includes the school lately under the charge of Mies. Mary !M -oor, will be ..pen under the direction of Rvv. T. Daugh erty, as President. with a full corps of able Instructors, so as to give to the young at thorou h education in English and Classical studies in the French and Ger man languages, In Music, Painting, and othir orna mental branches; • - • r Especial care will be given to boar Jere In the family of the Precldent. , A primary department for the younger scholars will .`be had. In connection , with-the collegiate department nooselon will Open on Wednesday, 8441116er oth. lu the Our elegant School rooms designed for that put , pose and attached to the Igniory Church., For terms apply to the,,President. 'Aug.l.4,lBob. Strike While The Iron Is Hot 1 NEW STORE, NEW GOODS. . . HAVE just received a large assort mat of Now Good•, such as Calicoes, Detainee, bellies, Lawne, Alpneas:Chambroye, Flan nols, Linens Brown and Bleachod Shootings, Brown and Bleached Skirtings. do. Also, a full assortment of M . . • en'er GoOds, such as Olathe, Cassimeree, Sattltadts. Janet, Cott cia ades, Denims, Stripee, Checks' Including all quality and styluant Undershirts and Drawers, Dram Shirts, Shirt Collars, Neok , Ties; Gloves, -and all 'other goods ,pertaltdatto a Clentlemau'a Wardrobe.' .r 2 All of whirl' 'will be soldationer paces . than they are seUlng,elSenhere In Oarllile. - ' - ' • -- ' " 2 _i mt. A: Win; ': _ ~,, Nett door Wait of the Post OW% Carlisla. ' . . ILthe leading Patent Medtoines of t4adq at Ilaviiiatick,'a Drns and Hook fltota. =I D,mestic Goods, NOTCIONS. CHARLES OGILBY, ?raster DICKINSON OF NEW YORK. Office 135 Broadway . E Vt , i AND FRESH' - 4 Q" roce r3, es. _HALBERT & B It°. , - HAVING} just, teturned from the Eastern cities desire'th inform their patrr ns that tne . v have laid in a hum) and varied stock of Nets and Fiesh Goods at thecrest cash prices. Their assortm e nt thorough and complete. contain. ing everything Itemise ay to constitute a First Class Grocery TEAS, COFFEES, SUGARS, In greatest abundance, and at lowest cash flgures.— Syrups, Spices, Canned Fruits, QUEENBWARE and Crockery, Salt and Fish, Hams, Cheese, Crackers, Brushes, Baskets and Wilke , Ware. Segars and Tobacco, of the choicest brands. Brooms, Buckets, and a cam. plate assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES. Don', forget the old stand, South East corner of Hanover streets. HALBERT & BRO. Fob. 24, 18t4. RARE INDUCEMENTS! THE undersigned purposes going East in five or six wools, and In the meantime, wishes to sell his stock or Notions, FANCY DRY GOODS, Wagon, Horses, Route, Good Will Ate , to any person desirous of goi.ig in the business. W. SCOTT COYLE. Sept.ll6, 1 8 6 5-31. ro„. Perry Adv. and Franklin Rep. copy lt, send bill to this office. CUMBERLAND VALLEY HOTEL. N. E. Cor. Main and Bedford Sts. CARLISLE, PA. JNO. G. HEISER, Proprietor. 11ESTAU.RANT in the basement, which la furnished with the very best of liquors. and edibles of ull varieties. Juno 113, 1865-Iy. Iron, English Refined. 4i CENTS lb. Nails, $5,50. .Horse SHOES, $7,26. and everything aloe in proportion at HENRY SAXTON'S, July 7, 1885, 'VAR L Sint' •11 mm opipvo etn olisoddo SpliDU yß.zeeouvfl twee ' 0 .7 Sit lISINILVA 'I3SVID LO ' O Pu IP 09s01110(1 pue u! surd,ird - 3 TA 7 d Lit 3 7 oi 51151,1101 l ' 2 S' lIHTEIN CLOTHING. jr - W. S (LEY, has jte-t received a 1 rg. and legant assn-tin.•nt 01 superfine and d um quality 1 FL. AND Cll.ltNIANUI,o'fllr., 131.1C1i 1 sU F.A .\CI CAS I N1E1; ES AN DV 8.1 NOS a general tui•..rtulent .f U111..n CA5 , 1 1 11.1111.1 , , S Nl , S, ./ 1 , 1 . 1 1e , all of ‘‘ Well I oil to• nt.faeture to order 10 soperl r sty I', at looder..te prices, or null by the pod Iha e secure, the vi i•I TI1‘) •I PS .N 111,11111 T unit...f our meet ft hp-noble un popu 'fail re, Nth.. aye I.e t..und in the to cut I.od euperint..o.l the ma tithe UI lag .I,•partuleut, ~011 he h.-rely nvite, his old us and the public to giv. him a e.. 11, A large so' rtmelit of Ready Made Clothing. ort,ur oa u 1000 Uri, 11, for men and 10\5,.1 prires to Suit 0:0,0 0 I , 110,1 on aur 0101005. I nill iot. in 011111 a ',let - bell are. .11,0 BOOTS, SHOTS AND HATS. Myksch prane h iv. fi afee Pro , f (sat and hoary brad, itc., for midi dud toes Is very Lir., and c daldeto thiir with a lad a tide at af NC and chip dridi's aii.l es iiiy da ss y wair ail tit w hiefi yi.o Una tor) lowest pikes possifile. COMO MVO !tilt, Id! satisfied. Trunks, Travelling-flags Si.c ut p t wes Do and tell to glee nee n call, aa I will always he glad to Ntlk! you, and t el c , nlident that I can supply yr u with an geed. well made Mill deal able clething Boots, rh oc. !lats. Sr . as can be tinted in the market, mud I think at Inner prince. North linnoser strent.hetween Shreiner's hotel and Halbert's corner, Carlisle. J. W. SMILEY, September P. 1865-3 m. irST Al E Letters_a of Admiffistrittion on the Wattle of Mrs. kilizahe h FIgoIL late of tho Itorouirlt Cardsle. deed, have been wanted by the itegliter of Cumberland Co., to the sithaeritior flint lb said Borough. All per sons having (dnams against said estate will present them for settlement, and those Indebted to the canoe will make luau d ate payment to _ . C. P. 111DIRICH,Iner =I Samaritan's Gift ! SAMAEITAN'S GIFT ! THE MOS I' CERTAIN REMEDY EVER USED. "Yes, A Positive Cure." Contains no Mineral, no Balsam, no Mercury Ctaly Ten Pilly to be Taken to Effect a Cure. FrHEY are entirely vegetable, having no smell nor any unpleasant taste and will not in 'My way Injure the stomach or bowels of the most delicate. Cures In from two to (bin days, and recent cases In “twenty-four hours" Prepared by a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, ono of the most eminent Doctors and Chemists of the present day. N) BXPOSUIUN, NO TR , .ÜBLE, NO ORANGE WHATEVER Let those who have despaired dr 'eured, or who hare been gorged with linlmm Met cury, try the SAMARITA N'S GIFT, Soot by wail in a plain onvolopo. Price— Maio pat kage, $2. Female $9. BLOOD! BLOOD! BLOOD! SCROFU. A, ULCERS SORES, SPOTS, TETTERS SCALIA lit )ILS, OR VENEREAL DISEASES. Ac SAMARITAN ' S ROOT & HERB JUICES Is offered the public as a positive cure. TILE SAMARITAN'S ROOT AND HERB JUICES, IS the most potent, certain and effects .1 remelt, ever prescribed—it reaches and eraclicatex every particle of the rotten' poison, so that the cure is 'borough and permanent Take then of phis purifying. remedy and he healed, and do not transmit to your posterity that for which you may repent in after years. DO NOT DESPAIR I althou&th you way ho pronounced incurable, the SAMARITAN'S ROOT & HERB JUICES will remove every virtlge of impurities from the sys tem, as well as all tho had effects of Mercury. FEMALES ! In many affections with which numbers of Females suffer, the ROOT & HERB JUICES, is moat happily adrpted, In Whites. in bearing down, Falling of the Won b, Debility, and fir all compla Into Incident to the sex. Bent by eXpresa Price $1,25,p0r bottle. SAMARITAN'S WASH, is used In conjunction with the Root and Herb JUlces Full directions., Price 25 cents. The e ffi cacy o f these remedies fanlike acknowledged by physicians and patients. They are ued in the United States Hospitals, thus restoring the health of many of our brave soldiers. [From the Baltimore Bun.] 'What the Surgeons say of. the Sa maritun'S` Remedies. "POST HOBRITAL, FORT NARBII,IItI, 1 Baltimore, Md., Fob. 29, 1864. have great satisfaction in stating that i have used the Samaritan's Remedies' for Venereal Disease in its most customary forms; that I have used 4 ,them with judgment, discretion, and 'properly, and have found them respond to my anticipations promptly and. effectually. Knowing their Composition, I have the fullest confidence in their efficacy and as' far as my use of them extends, I recommend theia ,strongly. , • • "ALFRED 0. BOW us, "Assistant Surgeon 6th New York Ws." Let it be understood that theso'remedirs 'are se see• el:emended, and will positively once the diseases I'4 which they are offered. For sale at linverstiolc's Drag Rote, liaanyer Street . . . DESMOND & CO. Preprletora; 015 Race St., Philadelphia. July 21,1665-6 m:,; 'ONE"good Photograph is.worth a aoi. on poor ones. Who will tvo o ..poor. plOturo to a, irloadt All PIIOTOCIRAPnISmactiIia 1400.11tAN'S,BOOMS, are warranted to give matlsfaettoni or they will be re. taken. Oct, 20, 1805. • ' ' FOR, RENT. 4 * . . tA_ Furnished House for three months. In q uire of Elm. W. L. Elliott, MAO/ Street. 4 t i t4it 1805. , FEMALES I I