Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, October 27, 1865, Image 2

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    tiq *raid.
4 •
„FRIDAY, OCTOMER 21. 1865.
NU. 37 Park Row, Now York, and 6
State Bt. Boston, are our Agents for the HERALD
n those el , les, and are authorized to take Advertise
ants and Suneeef "Ale.. tor ee ieweet eeeee.
The result of the late election in this coun
ty is as gratifying to the friends of the Union
as it is mortifying to our opponents. With
the Democracy, it was wetting to be cansid
cred a sure thing that each succeeding year
should increase their majority. This year
they counted confidently on 1000. and at the
commencement of the campaign we feared
their expectations would he realized Our
County Convention, however. placed a first
class ticket in the field ;—every 'name of
which commanded the respect and confidence
of the men of both parties, and our friends
throughout the county then went faithfully
and earnestly to work The consequence is
that -weiirtve reduced the Democratic major
ity to 411 At the October election last year
their majority was 711. end NicClellaii's me
jority was 753. Here is a reduction of their
majority at the State election of last year of
about 300. This result is es surprising ;is it
is encouraging. In a campaign in which
there was nothing of importance directly in
volved. we would have been well comen•ed
by holding our own, and hardly hoped
make any perceptible gain.
Our opponents claim that their decrease in
majority is owiAg 10 the fact that their vote
was not fully out, and compare this result
with the voting at the Presidential election
last year. Then their total vote wr5.4013:
now it is 3710, and they claim that whilc
their full vote was not out this year, finis
was oat to a man. The unfair ness of this is
apparent. Every one knows that in a Pre--
idential election the vote is always consider
ably greeter then at any other time No
other election is so important, and cense
quently at no other is there so great a turn
out. Let us compare the voting wiAt that
done at the October election of last year
Then they polled 3735 votes just 25 more than
they polled this year Their poll this year
is, therefore, not unusually small, and their
lose is owing less to thelathire of the voters
to attend the polls than to the tact that ninn
bers of them left their ranks and voted our
ticket Last year our vote eta 3024, now it
is 3289 Does any one b•lieve that our or
ganization was more complete our interest
greater, or that our votes were more fully
out this fall tharclast. Gentlenren, you will
have to account for your luese• ou some oilier
ground than those you have been giving.
But even were it true that the mere
eence of Democratic voters from the polls.
was the cause of the decrease of the Demo-
erotic majority, there must be some rertston
for this apathy and lack of interest among
them. The Democracy do n• tas a general
thing slay at home on election day,ond when
they do, there is something more than mere
dissatisfaction with Localnominstiousat the
bottom of the affair The truth simply is.
that they are about tired fighting on the los
ing side. TI e satisfa,tion derived from mere
local triumphs is n poor compensatirn for i Le
mortification thuy feel at being constantly
defeated in all Stale and National contests
Their old spirit and enthusiasm has depart
ed. The approach of an election, instead 01
filling them with eager expectations of vie
tory, annoys with gloomy forebodings of de
cent. Their glory ha- departed from them
Their day of power has passed away. Here
after. unle•s their opponents wil , ingly all ,w
power to slip from their grays, through care
lessness or dissensions, the Dertmeratie party
can exist only in name.
Nose we appeal to the friends of the Union
throughout the county, and especially to the
energetic young men of the party to whom
so much credit is due for the present gratify
ing result of the lam election. to continue
their efforts unceasingly. Much has been
done but.much more remains to be accom
plished. We owe it to ourselves and to our
friends in the adjoining counties who have
rolled up such handsome majorities for the
Union cause, that the political complexion
of our county be changed. We have heel,
under Democratic misrule here much longer
than is either pleasant or profitable. We
have the remegy in our hands and if we fail
to apply it we can blame no one but our
selves. One year more of earnest effort will
give us a majority in the county. Let us
then commence even now, and leaving noth
ing undond to accomplish so des gable.a re
sult. 'We should see to it that loyal docu
ments and papers are circulated freely in
every portion of the county, and particular
ly those portions where the cloud of De
mocra4:is the dat kest. Let our friends in
every locality see that all questions now at
issue are fair and temperately discussed as
often as practicable. Give all waVering . ,9l:
luke-warm Democrats the benefit of all the
information concernirc , the actions and de
signs of their leaders that can bo 'Obtained.
Let their disloyalty in the hour of our coun
try's greatest danger be shown up in bold re
lief, and finally let appeals to reason and
judgment take the place of slanders and
coarse abuse. Our . principles commend
themselves to the judgment and conscience
of men and not to their passions and preju
dices. Vituperation and falsehood is the
complete armor of our opponents and how
ever serviceable it may be to thorn it is use
less to us. Let us then work earnestly, hon
estly and fldrly to redeem our emmty and
one year More will crown us with success.
Hon. J. 'S. BLACK promised'that in case of
a Democratic success in Pennsylvania "ho
would take the, result to Washington and lay
41717rairlaiiiibletiqb = tialitilia feet Of -
dent` JOll2 4 801 q," What this venerable cop.
intended to do in case of a Democratic defeat
he had not the kindness to inform us: We
suggest to the party that have been employ
ing ,him to stuinp the State that they keep
him at work making speeches as his pilgrim
age to tho White House has been indefinite
ly postponed. The Democracy - can' succeed
in killing itself even in Ptnnsylvania if it
wilLonly use the.proper moans and we know
no better plan of accomplishing that very desi
rable end than ley keeping the ex chief jus
tice on the stu mp. Homo& speeches through
out the Shitte•last year and ldr:-Lirmenx car--
ried 'Mcenxianres native State against him
by 20,030. This year JxnEmrAn tried it
again this year and HARTRANFT'S Majority
will be 21,000. By 'all means keep the Judge,
before the ileople. The more sight of ain mil
beref BuoltAr i .Atc's-cabinet will shame more
meirout of the Democratic party than the,
best orator we havepuld:persaude to leave
it if ho talked it, whole Month,
The Pennsylvania Legislature.
The following is a complete list of the
members elect to the legislature of 1 . 8661
The only possible variations may be in Clear-.
field, Elk and Forrest Assembly distrid,
where there was a triangular fight, and we,
have no returns, but we guess that Dr. Early
is chosen, and in the 19th Senatorial district;
where there is some hope that the army vote
may defeat Duncan and elect IWConaughy.
Last year the Senate stood 19 Union to 14
Democr ts—the now Senate, conceding Dun:
can's election" will stand 20 Union to 13
Democrats -- a gain of ono in Luzerne county,
where young Woodward is beaten. The
Union majority in the Senate is therefore
certainly 7, and may be 9. In the House
tho Lltilon majority was 24 last year, and we
gain ono in Adams, ono in Perry and one .in
Armstrong, which makes the majority 3J,
and 37 on joint ballot.. Wo Subjoin the list
of members. Those marked with a star ( 5 )
were members last year, and those marked
with a dagger (j-) were members previous
ly' : —Ow m tiers . Rep.
1. Jere Niel.)bi, U. 17. B. Chaco neyn, U.
2. J. ll:Ridgway,* U. J. M. Dunlap, U.
3. C. M. Donovan, 1).18. A. li. Glatz,l - D
4. Gen. Connell,* U. ' 10. C. M. Duncan, D.
6. W. M orthiegton, U. 20. G. W. liontieholder, U
Horace Royer, U. 21. Louis W. Gall, U.
6. Oliver P. James, P.. Kirk Haines, U.
7. Geo. B. Sandi, D. 22. Gen. 11. White,t U.
,8. lleister Clymer, D. 23. W. A. Wallace,* D.
0. W. M. Randall, D. 24. John Latta, D.
10. 11. 13. Beardnlev, D. 25..1. L. Graham,* U.
11. Gen. Landon,tu. T. J. Bingham, U.
12. L. D. Shoemaker, U. . 26. Wm. Llopkins, D.
13. Copt. W. Cowles, U • 21. Rev. R. A, Brown, U.
14. John Walls, 1/. 28. 'noun. liege, U.
16. D. Montgomery, D. 29. M. B. Lowey, U.
18. D. Fleming, U. •
1 Ct. IV. Gliegttn, U.
Z. IV. 11. 12,51,1151 an,. U.
3 5..15,5105.1,' , D.
4. W. NV. Wittt,* U.
5. J. 'l'. Thonlah;* U.
6. Jetties Freeborn,* U.
3111110, Stiber,, U.
8..1. N. Kerns,' U.
li. (1, A. Quigley.. 11
10. E. W. is,d I'.
11. F. D. Sterner, , U.
12. Alex. Altair, U.
17 J. Donnelly,* D.
14. FraIIVIS 1(00(1,' , U.
15. U.
16. D. A. NI °Dal r, U.
17, Edward U. Lee.* U.
10.,lalnes N. Marks, U.
Alfred Slack,* 1 , .
Julln Masi,'"
G. Y. 111 - liee,. U.
llerron,* U.
J. D. Dank, U.
Dan id Shailer,U.
Lion:. IA S. Houck, U.
Lienl. F. Welding, U.
Fred Hariner, , D.
my IS. Illioadeb,* D.
John D.
Adluln. , U.
/t/ . /./ . /et/.(1 roil lvo n.
L orene, Gririnel.* U.
F. W. lc holey, U.
Littler Cahill,* D.
G. W. Headman. , D.
Cyr. 1,. Perßli Inc.' D.
(1/ rbon /yid ./110//roc.
Allen Craig. D.
' , refill: Kurtz, D.
N J Sharplems,'` U.
N. A. l'entlyhacker,'l U.
IV. 11. IVaddell, U.
Clarinn and Jejfmrson.
IV W . 11 rr.* D.
Clearfield, Elk an d For-
Dr. R. C. Earlyj L. D.
Clinton Cameron (I n d
E. B. ELlrt,L* U.
0,11,410.1 and.Montour
W. 11..1nrolly," - D.
Ora wfurd. Jllllll S. 5110111, U.
I. C. Stunk, ant,' U. Venernpu and Irarren
0 Po. 11. Iteninti,* U. W. D. NI Ilan, U.
Cumberland. Col. 11. Anon, U.
Philip Long, I).. Washington tf• BeaUeT
Alt/phi/1. Jlllll., It. Ellly,* U.
Hen r y B. Hoffman, U. Joseph 11. Nt elsll,. U.
Dr..l. Sell,r, U. M.S. Quay," U.
/if /aware. Waylic and l'ike.
El IWOOII TyP.oll,' U. iVrn. N Nelmm,.. D.
Erie. Fork.
Clo. D. 13. 3.l.'ereary, U. lamer Camoruu.. D.
1, ol 0. S. 11 1 II 111 Ward, U A. S. Lawronve, D.
The Cliiengo,./?epub/ican sa3s the follow
log the best es - lmate that can he made of
the political complextot) of the next House:
Two.. y-four Northern State have •
ekrital 140 41
1' elect in Northern States, 3
k.lavtt Sontlivrn Stitt,' have elia•tvri 7 4
elvet in S , lnthern State 9. 47
0,1 • 160 02
1 majority 50 in a Hon c of 212
A, re peels the Senate, should the nine
Southern and unrepresented St.tes all elect
Democrats, and should they all be admitted,
that body would stnu t :
Union 4i
Democrats 27
Unio tmtjority
The Victory in Pt3nnsyllania
The 1:111tIll State Central Committee of thi.
State, have issued a congratulatory addres.
to the Union party of the State, in whiel
the result of the Lau election is reviewed, a,
f :
A nothor political contest has been deter
mined by the I . venom of Pennsylvania. The
union clots. , has again triumphed at the hai
Official returns have been rt ceived
from sixty-t we counties of the sixty-six in
the State. Of these, fifty•four show gains
for the Union cause over the vote of 1862.
The aggregate gains over all losses are nearly
twenty-five thous - inn& This will give to our
candidates on the home vote a one majorities
exceeding that given by the army and home
vote to our late lamented President, ABRA
Of the seven Union Senators whose terms
of office expired. we halve not 10. s t one. The
home vote has gained us one from the Oppo
sii ion in. Limerne, and• the army vote will
gain us another in Franklin and Adams. In
the lower House we have retained all of our
sixty-three members of last session. The
home 731 P: liaS - added three to this number,
Ilnd the at vote - will, one inore._
TheiSenw e will stand twenty-one to twelve,
2nd the House sixty-seven -to thirty-three.
For these results, so gratifying to the
friends of our cause in Pennsylvania, and to
all patriots- throughout the nation, we are
deeply indebted to the returned soldiers of
the late Union army, who have taught their
friends an their foes that they know, as well
how to vote intelligently for the pause of the
country as they know how to fight bravely
and heroically for the same cause,
Cum.—The Union Executive Committee
of the State of
.Ohio have issued an address
to the Union voters, in which they announce
the gratifying result of the recent election....
Although full official returns 'have not yet
been received, and little is known as to the
vote of the soldiers still intthe field, the Com.
mittee are already enabled to state that the
Union State ticket his heen, a
majority ranging from 28,000 to 30,003,
without the soldiers' vote. This gives_ to thQ
Stetea Union Governor, Lieutenant Gover
nor, State Treasurer, two , Stipreme Judges,
Attorney General, S'chool Commissioner,
member of the Board of Public Works, and
Clerk of the Suprome„Court.
The Legis'Awe of Ohio stands as follows:
Of the 37 Members of the Senate, 25 are
Union, and of the 105 members of the House,
68 are Union, end the election of at least two
more by the soldiers' vote is confidently ex
pected, malting 70 Union members in the
House, and giving the Union party ;two
thirds in each branch, and C. majority .on,
joint ballot of 48 1
A correspondent at Edgelield, Teiihessee;
describes the ibecnt session of the Tennessee
curifeyepc9of the Motile ist Episeopatelierch'
I3Outb in that place. It • was a, mclanchely
meeting... BrothQr . Secretary 'of the'
.Miiiionary 'Society, asked .Brether McFer
the,,Treasurer, how much mousy was in
'the triauSuryln " Sixty thousand dol
lars Iry , Confeoeritte bouda,". wa.' theyeply..
No reorequesiitins were asked:. , .
Charles E. Boyle, I).
Tilolllafl Ruse," D.
Ilantingdon, ,Ifidlin and tt..7
Ephraim Baker, U.
.lumen V. Brown, IT.
Indiana and 'rev/more
.1, R. WAree,*
3111/1”8 M'Elroy,. U.
(Ivo. ge E. Smith,. U.
3,1)0. H. W. Shenk,' U.
Capt. I'. Dennes,*
Day Wood,' U.
.1011 n NI. Si,'), U.
('tipt Juruh Nlvily, U.
Weiser,` P.
.lalocm F. Wine," 1).
Anthony ITratly,' I).
D. F. Se) bort,' I).
D." i.l S. Emu,' D.
.7.llrommy, Ca ion and Soy
', dr,
S. C. Wingarcl. U.
Capt. 1). - A-. Irwin, U.
Ur. I. Roth ruck, U.
,(!weer, La evrenee and Bed-
Jotiab 31. l'herrin, U.
Samuel M Ki,rlr U.
John 11. Ne•gli.,,*
Dr. A. D 31an Inv, I).
Ell. Sattert D.
, Northampton.
Oliver 1.1. M 3 cr.., 11,
T. D. 80rrh.,14., I).
North umber/and.
Charles Inn 1),
I •erry and
Col. F. S. Si und.augh, U.
Cant O. A. SllllllllOl, U.
Dr. IC. Robinson, D.
John Crosland, D.
Pete! 1).
Somerset hiltral and lied,
.1" onl.
)tows A. riuss.. U.
D. B. A rumtrung• U,
Susquehanna, irsunning
J. T. Cameron, U.
Peter M. Ost edam
71011,1 1,11,1 PO( te .
Dr. W. T. Ilumpliery, U
. b.°,
The old Public Functionary
The : tinkindest,cut of all to James Bu
chanan, who served the Southern traitors
with a servility unsurpassed in the history
of the 'country., is given late letter of
Hon. Kenneth Rayner to De.' - Wm. Elder,
of 'Washington. Rayner puts his deliberate
opinion on record thus:
I must say that 1 - regard James Buchanan
as more responsible fort the disasters and hor
rors of the last four years/than any man in
the nation. The people of the South had very
kindly feelings for him. In (eel, he was more
popular with the ultra men of the South, on
cccount of his connivance at the Kansas out
rage, his dogma about having no power to
coerce is State, Sac., than he was with the
Union men. A remonstrance from him, a
warning, a declaration that he must maintain
the authority of the Government and see
that the laws were executed—this, coming
from a friend, would have induced the Se
cessionists to pause and consider, at least;
would have aroused and given eon tidencdattS
the Union element of the South It would,
in my opinion, have averted the conflict.—
But he stood st II and did nothing.
lion. JOHN C ESSNA, the Chairman of the
Union State Central Committee. of Pennsyl
vania, in an address in Philadelphia, on
Wednesday evening, said :
The next valuable reaSOn to be gathered
from our victory is the fact which our adver
saries have just learned, that the soldiers
cannot be hoodwinked or deceived. The
men who during the four years of war never
had a kind word for the Union soldiers,
could not obtain their votes by nominating
soldiers and pretending to be the friends of
soldiers. It is so. Political leaders and
p,u•tizan presses, which spent. much or their
time to persuade the people that t e war was
all wring, and that soldiers w re only the
01 a inilitary despot, could not con
vince them in four weeks that all they had
said and done in four years must be forgot
ten, and a different and opposite line or poi
ivy adopted. I r our adversaries are
wise they will earn that honesty is the List
and that lake theories will be detect
ed by an intelligent people.
The eorre,pondent of the New Yor
thir hotel,: were nearly filled over nuh ay
\dill loading Rohe's. I.ast evening t‘venty
or thirty of them congregated in the bar
room of \Villaßri, and attracted much at
tention. lien. lintaaleti, who tvas so long
the terror of the Shenandoah Valley, was
emiluction... (ion. Peck was another prom
inent military persmi in tin, singular collec
tion. 111 P t.,,11,• of con v,•Naiil)p among these
men was entirely ditlerent from taut. it used
to be in similar' gatherings previous to the
wax. Mr. linger, a white !mind. venerable
South Carolinian, tissuretl a Northe,n man,
Nvith whom he Coll VONt.d, that even in the
Palmetto State the rights of freedmen will
Le prot,•ted. lle asserted that the South
was )t Wing to recognize the total overthro \‘;
of ShiNery, lull Ircat till. c.,14,f.01
longer ri•,(11111•11 Nearly
ad the Southern men have talked iu this
vein, and evidently Intend to 'Halo: their
promises good.
Dispatches tri w Jack,iin State the election,
Oct. 20. by the Al Legislature, of the
lion. .1. L. Alcorn to the United States -
17te" (for the long term) on the fifth ballot
The following aro the State idlicer, rind Con
greshmen elect from the i-everal I i uicl :
(3., erne,. ...... 111111111IREV8
Secretary of State 11..1. Ilmott,
A.aliter . ....... 'l'. St% k
T 1 van., ...... . JOHN 11. E4;aol,
Attoraelenetal........C. E. Ifeett
.01,t ( '( )N(t It ESSM EN.
I. A. F:. It, yaeldg. 11. It. A. 11110,11.
111, Jame,. T. llarrt,on. IN. A. 'AI.
Dtst. V. F.. (I. Peyton.
Speech of President. Johnson
Ist Coltunhin colored rogi
ment notroholl from their quarters ie Camp
-1.11 liompit.l to ti.v ‘toto,ion to
be reviewed the Proiitlent. who toldr,,,od
thom ns I lil4 WS
)1 FRI : ta•j,ct in pr , ,nting
my-elf betoru sou on this 0CC114,11 is simply
to thank member:: 11c 0111' 1 1 1 ' (111' 01 1 1(0 . 0(1
regllllolll6 WlllOll has been in the service of
the country to sustain and carry- its 10111110 r
;111(1 its laws trittimphantly in every part of
this broad land. I repeat that I appear lu -
tore you on the present occasion merely to
render you my thanks for the compliment
u have paid me on your return once again
to ass'ociate with your friends and your relit
tions and those you hold most sacred and
dear. I repeat I hate but little to say. It
being 1111110101 111 this government, and in
most of the other gut ernment-, to have col
tired troop: engaged in their cause, t u In u r e
Wins forth, and us liveot, hate serv
ed wit, patience and endurance in the cause
of your country. This k your country tic
well as anybody ekics conntry. [t peers.]
This is the country in which you expect to
live and in which you should expect Li, du
something by your example in civil life as
you have done in the field. Thi, country is
Mended upon the principles of sodality, a nd
at the SHIM:- 111110 1110 stat.dard by which
persons are to be estimated according t.
their merits and their worth. You have
observed that for who does his duty
huthlully and honestly there is always a
Ju-t public judgment. that will appreciate
and measure out to him his proper reward.
I know that there is much well calculated
in this government. and since the late re
bullion tommenced, to excite the white
against the black and black against the white
1111111. These are diings that you should all
understand, and at the tunic time prepare
yourselves her what is before you. Upon
the return of ileme and the surrender tit the
enemies of the country, it should be the du
ty LA every patriot and every one who calls
himself a,Christian to remember that with
a termination with tire war, his resentment
should cease, that angry feeling should sub
side, and that every anm should become
calm and tranquil and he prepared fur what
is before him. This is another pan of your
t»issiott. You have been engaged in the
effort to sustain your country in the past, but
the future is inure iniportant to you than the
period in which you have just been engaged.
One grate question has been nettled in this
g4,vernineilL and that is the question of slay
cry. The institution ill slavery Waldo war
upon the United SpaLV,s, HALL the United
States has lifted its strong aria iii vindication
of the government of free government, and
in lifting that arm and appealing to the God
of battles, it has been decided that the insti
tution of slavery must go down. [Cheers.]
This has been done and the Goddess of Lib
erty, it bearing witness over millfy-of our
buttle,tields, Sine° the struggle commenced,
has made the loftiest flight and proclaimed
that true-liberty has been establisiied upon
a more permanent and enduring basis than
heretofore. [Applause.]
,But this is t of ail, and as you have paid
me the compliment, to call upon me, I shalt
take the privilege of saying one or two words
-as-I-um-before you: -- 1 - repeat - thatis not
all, now when - the sword is - moped to its
scabbard, when your arms are reversed itnd
as I remarked before, resentment and re
vonge should subside. Then what is to fol
low ? You understand no doubt, abd
if you do not you cannot u derstand too
soon, that simple liberty does not moan the
privilege of going ,into the battle-field or
unto the service of the country us a soldier.
It means other things as well, and now,
I when you have laid doWn your snob there
are other objects of equal impurtancebetore
you. Now that the government has tri
umphantly passed - through this •wighty. re
bellium . after the must _gigantic battles the
world ever's w, the problem is. before ydu,
and it is best that you should understand- it,
and I therefore speak' siMply and plainly.
Younow, when you hive return d front .
the army, of the United &ants and taktls the
Position of the citizen, when you have ,re
.turned to the avocations of peace, will you
givO evidence to the. world °that you 'are ea
pa . ble and comp.-tent togoyern yourselves;
That is what you ,will have to do.' . ..Liberty
is m - t it ,there Idea,-a mere vagary: -It is an
idea, -or-it is :reality Lmnd warm_ you-come
to examine this question of .lieerty,you
not mistake a mere idea for the reality:. -It
does not consist, in idleness. Liberty dues
not . coilidet in, being worthless. Liberty
does not consist in doing in all things as; we
please, and there can bet no liberty without,
law. In, a gaVernment of freedom and 'of
liberty there must be law, and think! must be
obeduencOnesilbniis,ion to the law without,
regard titieolor. [Cheees.]
Liberty . (and may I tot coun
trymen) consists in the g orioas privilege of
freed m—consists in the glorious privilege
o: work, of p •rs ghe ordint k,vecations
of peace with energy, w th ludas ryand with
economy; and that being deny all those who
have been industrious and 'economical are
permiited to appropriate and enjoy the pro
ducts 01 their latior. [Cheers.] This is on'e
of the j - reat blessings•uf free tom, and hence
we might ask the qt estion and answer it hy
stating hat liberty means freedom to work
and enjoy the products of your own labor.
You will 'soon be mustered on , of the
ranks. It is for you to e-tablish the great
fact that you are fit and qualified to be free
H en ce freedom is not a were, idea, but it is
something that exists in filch 'Freedom is
nut simply the privilege to lire in idleness.
Lir.erty does not mean simply to resort to the
low saloons and tne other places of disre
putable char. icter. F..edom and liberty do
not meat, that the people ought to live in
licentiousness, but liberty moans simply to
be industrious, to be virtuous, to be upright
in all our dealings and relatlons with men
And those now before me, members of
Ist regiment 01 colored volunteers from Dis
trict t f Columbia nod the cniiital of the Uni
ted States, I have to say that a gi eat deal
depends upon yourselves. Yyni must give
evidence that you are comile en' for the
rights that the gore nment hits guaranteed
to you. Hence each and all of you must be
measured according to his merits. If one
man i • more meritorious than the other
they can not be equals, and he is the most
exalteu that is the most m ritoroliS•, , without
regard to color , awl the idea of a law
passed in the morning that will make D white
man a black man be.folm night, and a black
man a wit". te man before day is absurd, 'III it
is not the standard It is your own con
duct. It is yourow timerit. It is the de\ el
opment of your own talents and your own
and moral qualities. Let this
then ne your course. Adopt systems of mo
rality, abstain Iron) all licentionsuess. And
let me me say one thing here. for I am going
to ialk p am. 1 have Ined in a Sou hero
Butte 011 111 . 1 life,lid 1 know wh t has too
(Men 1..0 tit. case. There s one th lig
that you snould esteem higher and more
supreme t au tilmos all others, lino that is
the solemn con race, Wllllllll pl . ll/11111-9
111 111 , /19,7061111011, 0 110111'11,1111V. Ml'llllll , l
SllOlll,l from tho-e qualities
and li.hiisthat um ft equeni ly I„I loll' a r.
Inctileite among your cioldreti and am ng
your associates, notwithstanding you are
hist !ruin the army of the Uml,d Sta
tes, that virtue, that met it, that inteligence
are the standards io he observed awl those
w.,ich you arc determined to maintain du
ring your future lives. This t, the way to
make white oleo black awl I,l;tek men white
LiTheers. j Ile o rslneritorious and virtu
.u,, in tell, chin' and well informed, must
,tand highest without regard to co or. It
is toe eery bass upon whien heaven yes s it
s, It. Each individual takes his degree in
th e sublimer and more exalted regions in
inoportotti to-his merits :intl his virtues.-
11,1 l say Oct this ot citsitm, in returning to
your homes scud firesol , •s, utter teeling con
scittas and proud of having faitithilly
charked your ditty, return with the tlyter
ininatiou you will nerforin your duty
ni the haute as
. you have performe.l it in the, io Crum all 1[1,,812 bickuriii2s and
jealuitsie and revengeful feelings which too
of,eii up between I elf ret,t',States.
There is a great problem before us, and,
u ay as well allude to it here in this connec
non, and that Is, whether 1.111:, race call be
Incorporated and mixed with the people of
the Limed States, to be made a harmonious
and ill rillalleilt ulgmdient of the p.puhtt ion.
I Hi, I , a problem not settled ; but We are in
the right line to do so. Slavery raised its
head against. tee goVrrninent and the
ernment, raise. it, strung arum Itll , l It
Lo Lhe gr o und. Ileac,' teat part of the pro
blem is settled. The in, of ,iavery
is o 1 ertll:4,wii. him another part reillain , to
be solved, and Unit in, can four millions of
people, reared, as they have been, with all
tile prejudices of the ‘vhttes—ean they take
hate in the coffin unity and be made to
monk harmoniously and congruou.iy in oar
system is a problem to be considered.
tic dtgc,livu poi+, era of Ow A tileritlin
601'1'1'11111,1a ,litnelclit to receive till- element
In a hew shape, and digest and make it work
banal alit in .11e stein
to be deter
imiled Let us 'mike the experiment and
uutke it in gaud lath. IC thlti emin.t
tact, i' 1111,11er problem bt•lort. us. If
we lute to Itet . t.lllV It thntlliet pt.oplt.—al
ttiollgli 1 trust, that the system can tic made
liarnionam-1% and that the great. pro-
Wein Will be settled without going any
tiler he-u tbttl tWo races can
not agree,hurl live in peace and propriety,
and the laws of provid,..lee require that they
,could be separated—in 1.11111 event, looking
to the far dequitt future told tru , ting in God
flint it limy never come—it it should come,
.Crovidem,, that works iny , terniusly, but
unceasingly and cer,ainly, will puw6 out the
way, mat tirri' - inode, and the manner by
coach the people are to be ~, ,,p aratett tool Lu
lit•Likkrli Mild of inheritance full pro
lor stall it tulle Is Irel.Pro them. 11 , 11 Ce
lo wake the experiment. ilehee let
,nipre.,, Upon you lee
Lt./11111A year
. )'olll'
telit•cL alal 01 apply 1114 your pnysical powers
to tile interests of the enuntr . t ;
and 111111 I, the ti tie prnees , by which I In,
yucsuuil Call lin
and forbearing and you Will help to
salt e Loin probtelir and make tor your,eives
a reputation iii tins can:* as
. you have won
. ),(11',011 it 111/Malkin ill Lilt, cause fur
Which you haVe het ir
spealillig to the iii,inuers of this rAgi-
mem, 1 111tiit them understand that so tar as
I a m concerned 1 du not of course, ttauwe
or pretend that I out wiser than ProVidenee, •
it I, our duty lo try 'and discern What 1,11e2,e
great laws are. Wince are at the itallitialere of
ail Lulugs and, but tag discover, d what', they
tire, comorin our action and our conduct to
them, and to the will of (dud, who rules all
things. Ile holds the destinies of nii.nms In
tile palm of his hand, and Hu will solve the
question and rescue these people Irma the
4 ./1111 , 1111 , Wa111111,11,10112. su lung surrounded thew.
lien let its he patient. industrious and per
6.,Veritig. Let, us develop our iiiteliectutil
and moral worth. 1. trust what 1. have said.
may be understood and appreciated. Gu td
your humus and lead peaceful, prosperous,
happy lives -in peace with all wen. Give
utterance to no word that would cause
that which will be credita
ble to yourselves and to your country—to the
officers whu lathe led alai SU nobly coin intuid
ed In the
1 al:o return my thanks for the compli
ment you have conferral upon ate. The
troops then returned to Campbell Hospital,
Mien they partook of the abundant imspi of their colored friends.
Important Dispatch FrOM the President on
the War Debt of North Carolina -De
cided Expressions.
From The Raleigh Standard.
The following int, ortant atch was re
ceived troth the President di. the United
States, by Guy. Holden, and was at once for-,
witrded 11,y_ him to, timr_rusident_of_the..Uon-
We presume there is no doubt but the
Co volition wilt ut once act unanimously in
response to this messag.
WAsidrdrroN errY, Oct. 18, 1865.
W. W. HOLDEN, Provisional Governor.
Every dollar of the State debt created to
aid the Rebellion against the
.United States
should be repudiated, finally and forever.
The groat 11mA of the people should not'. be
taxed to pay a debt to aid in carrying on i
rebellion which they, in fact, if left,to Mem
selves, were opposed to, Let those who
have given their means for the ellligatiohs
of the State, look to that,power they tried to
establish in violation of law, constitutien,
and will of the people. They must meet
- their fate. It heir misfortune', and can
not be recognized by the people of any State
professing th, niselves loyal to the Govern
ment of the LI nited States and in 'the Union.
repeat, that - the loyal' people of North
Carolina should be exonetated trout the pity.
men Cot' every dollar of itidebtednesi created
co Md. in carrying on the Rebellion. (trust
and hope that the people of North. Carolina
will wash t air. bards of. everything,
pit mites ,in the slightest degree of the Re--
.whieh haa,boen so recently' crushed
by the strung um of the' Goyeptuteuti in
'carrying oat the obligations imposed by the
Constitution of the Union.
AND tracwJ oliNsox, President ofthe United
—There aro now 170-students at the Vir
ginia_ University at Charlottsville.
—ltis stated that 60,030,barrels of herring
have been caught on the coast of Maine this
A great flood has occurred in Havana
causing a suspension of business, and destroy
ing a largo amount of property.
The value of the t. tel grain crop of Illi•
nois at New York prices is estimated at
,--Elforts are being made in Richmond to
turn the Dutch Gap canal to the peaceful
uses of commerce and trade.
—Despatches from Texas report a great
amount of sickness among the troops and
heavy mortality
—A. young lady in St. Louis, by the name
of Mary Ann Ha'pen, died last Wed767,llliy
from the use of arsenic, which she had taken
to improve her complexion
—The Government sold 8,000 bales of Sa
vannah and Sea Island cotton in New York
on Tuesday. Middling brought 44:1 : cents at
gold rates.
—The rtldical wing of the Repub jean par
ty in New York have issued a manifesto a
gainst the .President and the Republican
State ticket..
—The duties on the cargo of the ship Ilyn
dale, recently arrived in New Orleans from
a French port, amounted to $115,000 in gold.
--The freight depot (t the Michigan
Railroad Company was destroyed b,
fire on Wednesday night. Loss nut ye
—The N._ W York Associatio:_ fur the ad
vancernent of science are discussing the ln•uo
ticabilit\• of burning water. We hope they
v, ill establish the laet that it can be dune.
—Delegations vontinne to knock nt the
door , or the Fenian Congress for admission.
The proceeding, are secre t. Th ere are b e .
twecn 6.0 and 1 , 00 delegates in attendance at
—The d, sks of the late Confederate Con
(;re,. have been ,old at unction in Richmond
They brought only twenty live cents a piece
ConfederacieN are its ungrateful as Republics
—Six thian i lind acres of land in Arkansas
I °longing to the ex rebel General Gideon J
Pillow, which has been held ne aliandonia
hr~op for ,01110 timr 1)104 by the (;overii
mem, has been restored to its original awn
—A Cork letter to a London pitper Bay's
there little loyalty to the throne in Ire
land ; that sentiment is confined to the
Orangemen; but there is lust pro,pect of
an insurrection. Tile Fenians in the south
counties are without arms.
—A number of English detectives have
arrived in 'this country to spy out the intim
tention, and movements of the Fenians, so
that the British Government may be pre
pared for the great invasion of Fenians from
the united States which it seems to be ex
pecting. •
- The testimony in the ease of Wirz, the
Ander,om ilk jailor, has all been given, and
the argument of the cotlllikd is 11 ,, W before
Ile court. One hundred and sixty witness
es wore examined on both sides, and the rec
ord of testimony covers 5.10) foolscap pages.
--Tim majority fur Paul Dillingham
Union, for govt rnor of Vermont is 1.6,716
—The Baltimore city election On the 11th
%VA, carried by Unimi cnlo no other ticket
being in the field
Republicans in the Sixth Congress
ional di , triet Alassachusetts have nornina•.,
tea Gen. flahlis for Congress.
—The majority in .10Wa. fur (4en. Stone
Stated Itt 15,000. re,t or the
lii•pailicein ticket ha, nearly 20,0,0,
--The election for State tied Congression
al officers tri, North Czirulinit has been fixed
for the liNt ThuNdav in Noveintier.
—The following are the names of the Vir
ginia Congressmen elect t lst district, IA .
11. B. Curtis ; 2d. L. E. Chandler ; 3d, B.
J. Barbour ; 4th, Robert Ridgway: sth, J.
M. Botts ; title, A. 11. fI. Stuart ; 7th, Rob
ert V. Conrad ; hth, D. 11. Dodge.
—At the Charter election held nt Newark
N. J., en Tuesday week the whole Union
ticket wits elected by it majority 4 ow, 1,-
800, a ['nom gain of 2,40 r. The Unionists
gion lour Aldermen. Every Department o
the it, turn., ent is Uluon for the first
time in six rear,
-Liu special d•spatch to the "Ti ibune,"
dated Ci linnbus, Ohio ; on the 15th says, the
returns from all the counqus give Cox (Re
publican candidate fur governor) 28,287,
while the Majority on the State ticket is
about )0. The Union majority in the
Legislature will be 48 un joint ballot. The
tioldkrs' vote will not be counted till next
—The census of New York shows a popu
lation of 722,5(19, a decrease of 91,0 A) since
1830. .
—Boston: has a population of 4'0,000
(with its suburbs,) and a pm:party valuation
of nearly $5 0,000,0..0.
—During last month NO) acres of land
were dmered for actual settlement at La
Crosse, Wisconsin, under tho Homestead
—The Da•partment of New-Mexico haA
been submerged in the apartment of. Mis-
—The average majority 'on thb Union
Territorial tielcet in Nebraska is about 60 ).
—Minnesota raises 1.0,000,000 bushels
wheat this your, and will have 8,..00,000
bushels to sell. She will also have
000 worth ofbats to sell.
—lt is now stated that it is Mrs. Henry
Giles, and not Mrs. Henry Ward Reacher,
who proposes to read her husband's lectures
to lyceums, associations, &c.
=Among - the ex-Rebels who called on the
President on Saturday were R. M. T. Hun
tor of-Virginia,-and Pierre—Soulo ,. of - lapuis ,,
hula, both formerly United States Senators.
A number of the members of the North
Carolina State Convention have asked Gov
ernor Holden for permission to use his name
us.a candidate in the approaching canvask,
He consents, and declares that ho belongs to
the National Union party.
—Work upon the Chicago lako tunnel is
to be carried on through the winter, mid p/o
-via-ions, coal and stoves have been 'carried
out in` tugsto warm and comfort the labor
ers in the cool depths. About thirty-llvo
men will winter in this crib.
. —Pittsburg has another terrible poisoning
case. A Mrs. Lewis. is under arrest, charged'
with mixing strychnine in brandy, and ad•
ministering it tu'three of her children, all of
whom died in it very short time afterward.
—A Woolen factory on a magnificent scale
is to 'be %toted in (Alit:ago, with a working
capital-of a million of dollars, and fical : ani 7
ty which will make it equal to a competition
with any other walla thu country. •
f Richmond, was garroted
and robbed o. s6o..ta few days since, be
tween Lynchburg and Fineastle.
—President Johnson has received a mem
orial, signed by , ,, 5,G0J Indies of Georgia, ask
ing for the pardon of Jefferson Davis.
—ln a few days General Grant will iS3UO
an order mustering out 1(0 general officers
arid their stuffs.
—The tomb of Daniel Webster has lately
beer opened and the remains found in per
fect preservation.
—Champ Ferguson, theguerril la, has been
sentenced to be hanged. The President has
approved of the sentence.
—The bride of Edwin Booth is a daugh
ter of Mr .Jules Hauel of Philadelphia.
They are now at Brooklyn, N. Y.
—Thos. E. Mittng, formerly editor of the
Hagerstown "Herald," is nominated for the
legislature in Washington emir ty, Md.
Miss Harriet Lane, niece of ex-Pres
ident Buchanan, it is stated, is to he mar
ried shortly to Henry E. Johnson, of Haiti-
—Captain H. 11. Hobbs, 12th U. S. In
fantry, has been dismissed the service for de
fault in not rendering account. and vouch-
—The President recently granted pardons
under the amnesty proelarOation to eighty
Persons, distributed among nearly all of the
States hate in rebellion.
—Mrs. Liiitioln lln, lieltnowleclged the re
ceipt of $3048, the contribution of the peo
ple of Rhode Island to the "Lincoln Testi
. —Captain John I'. AVitrd was fatally shot
at Lexington, Ky.. on the night of the 13th
by young Harm:Lit (a boy 15 years of ago),
brother of the girl whoa) Ward recently out-
—Brigadier General C. L. Kilburn, As
sistant C't n missary General Subsistence,
S. Army, has been announced in Goneral or
ders as bier rfontittit , -.ltr - or General ,\lttatle's
command. -
—Montgomery Blair ha , j ,, ined "yo Dern
ocracie," aril received from tlin't party the
right hand nil folluty hip. lie spoke at a
Dernocra it• ratification m e eting in New
York ~ 1 1 IVeli l•Stlity night du ma inck .d He .
gro st;lirage, and nk.onimended thl.t the
freeduu•u be colonized i,n Mexican territory.
—Humphrey NfArsh.lll i 6 in New Oilcan-,
practising !ntt•
11 , 1mpton is running- for Govenor
of on the inecliAnies' and
w. rking-tam's :itkut
—Secretory of the Navy. Welles e.:timme4
the expenses of his department, for the next
fiscal yet.r, at only $30.000,000
-llon. E. A. Ito Mils, Assistant Commis
sioner, has becn (I,6ll.ftlated to fill the
office of Commis ion, r of Internal Revenue,
in place of Hon. Wm. Orton, resigned
—Oen. W. 13. Franklin has been offi—ed
the position of President of the C'ult's Arms
Comp,,ny, with a nl i y or sSOuu and an in
terest, and is bout to resign his COIIIIIIISSIOLI
in the army to accept it.
—Gen. Turner, commanding the District
of Henrico, issued
permitting the orgmnization of the Richmond
city government. the of officers
having resigned.
—Jacob Harman ha been committed to
jail, in Lou aster, fur trial, ou charge of
kicking his Harman in thestum
itch, her dent in forty eight hours.
The parties resided in Columbia,
—The rebel General ;iinion Boliver Buck
ner.ha- t riled editor, assumed charge
of the New Orleans Crescent, revived b 3 the
rebel Colonel Nixon, who t'ormerly owned
—Dr. Burnett of daughter of Dr. Dulles,
of .'hiltulelphia,„and sevcral other
ries of the United Presbyterian Church,
;ailed in the Liverpool fi,ettiner ouSaiurdAy,
for Egypt
Lieutenant General Grant, alter consulta
tion with Generals Thomas, Hancock a' d
others, has recommended a plan for the in
crease of the regular arm to seventy-live
tuousand men. The plan has the 11.111,
nun or - eeretary ;Stanton and will probably
be adopted.
llulleek's words, " Nt,llt3 know thee but
t, ,tiVe Lllce, flolitt [lain: [llO bLIC L)
way be l'airly applied to
NO 0110, WllO t/IlieC 1I Cs
the perllline ever relinquisher, it, and
are never weary 01 eowin.•nd,itg and
re-commending it, B.dd evt.ry%,,
SHEFFIELD, S.•pt. 21, 1865
DEAR HERALD: The irrepre,,sit,h , Pat is
again in trouble. Fenianism has -come to
grief, ' and the siMeess of the "thrlann for
the Oirish" movement is indefinitely post
poned. The fol,owing extract trout a morn
it'r paper will explain the affitir.
About eight o'clock this evening a large
force of police proceeded from the thistle in
to Parliament street, where they divided in
to two bodies, one at either end of the street.
Soul detectives knocked at the door of the
Irish People office (alleged Fenian organ in
1 . 04114) but admission was refused. The
door was then broken - vn'and the police en
tered, taking po-ses'sion of the premises.—
Shortly after a party left tithing 12 or 14
prisoners; Said to not be compositors, to the
thistle, The house is still in posSession of
the police. IN o information is obtainable Ms
to the cause of die seizures, but there are ru
moos of concealed mins. documents with
names, and leaders, to which 1 callow, at
tach importance. A. body of imlice is en
gaged keeping the street clear of idlers.—
Government is supposed to be acting upcn
information. This (Friday) is the night of
publication of the Irish People.L-Tinzes COP..
DUBLIN, FRIDAY thomr.—To-night the
pc) ice broke into the office of the MO/ Pee
ple, the Fenian newspaper published in Pair
liament-street, and seized pa .ers and docu
ments, arrested several persons, and took
possession of the presses. The prisoners will .
probably be brought before the magistrates
SATURDAY MOB.NING.—Tho police are
gutting the premises, and removing the typo
and machinery, was dime with the
Nation office in 1848. ' The People was pub
No very great excitement.
DUBLIN, SATURDAY. The police are mak
indariests in every part of the city. A
number of young men connected with large
commercial establishments appear to have
compromised themselves in the Fenian con
spiracy. This moi mng,an individual, said
'to have !men a Captain in the American ar•
my, was arrested in the suburbs of Rath
mines, and there were found in .his lodging
it.uniiitary uniform and a box of dOcuments
principally addressed from Americo.
The arrests are proceeding, and already the
number arrested in this city reaches twenty
two. It is understood that arrests are being
made throughout the country.
With'Pq's usual' amount of "gumption,"
the whole proceedings of the brotherhood in
Ireland. wore carried on in a public man
ner,=although the British officials were'wata
ing them' like cats watching They
made no secretor drilling in broad day light.
and boasting of the 200,i40 men who were
coming from America to help them. I fear
those two hundred thousand 'are "men in
buckram,'/ gild the great demonstration has
dwindled a cduwn to a campaign sithilar to
that of
.1848, when Smith o.ltriain ; and the
redoubtable John Mitu ell.'of "aesesb"re
nown Burondured,,in 6wany tht,ll , , a fttw
tattered patriots, in widow M'Cormicles
cabbage garden in•consequenc, , of th strate
gical movements.of a serelaint's Marty.
Unfortunately for Pat he has no loader,
the days of Emmet and 0 Conned ur .on,.
by. and he great mass of Irishmen. though
good followers, ale very bad leaders.
It seems that an Au onean was amone.,t
those arrested,, the despatehe, from Dublin
state as follows:
James Murphy. one of the persons arrest
ed in the People office on Friday night, and
who Then described himself as an Aminlean
citizen, was discharged to-day from custody.
There bad previously been an interview be
tween the American consul and the authori
ties. Murphy is connected with the War
Department at Washington.
As stated yesterday, on the arrival of each
of the American steamers at Queenstown,
the passengers' luggage is searched by po
lic(N.for documentS and arms. S.ime arms
were nd in the tirggitge• orjkibitison
O'Ratferty, the man wrested arQueenidown
last night. O'llatfetty was lately in the
Confederate army. He was arrested on the
arrival of the City of Limerick, with trea
sonable documents and two revolvers. He
was remanded.
The minds of the Irish rolice seem to be
much disturbed on the subject of revolvers,.
lis appears in the case of the unfortunate
o'l mentioned above. If my bag--
gage had been examined, the police might
have arrested me for I had one pistol, and
think a Shia) copy of "Yankee Doodle'' in
m y pos,e,ion. Many persons have been
committed for trial mi. the most thmsey evi
dence. One unfortunate ballad singer is put
in durance vile, fOr sin ...Mg `•The Green
above the Red,' a well known song oft n
sung in London drawing rooms, another t in.
fortunate is -pulled up" for having a book
On —Rine Tneties" in his posinission. and not
even allowed to go out on heavy bail, a
third, woman this time, has been ar
rested for "null:lug use of a vulgar term of
viintempt. in connexion with the all MP of the
(2110011 Verily it Must be nn umnimihrt
able thing to be a magistrate in Kilu4stuwn
imagining Oily hear 1 F l e•II 111
War Cry borne on every breeze. that every
bush hides a bloiYv minded member o f th e
Brotherhood. nail expectini2 sour• lina• inurn
-1112: to red the Uentre" hini.e,lf pop
up. like in the box," to nvi•nga Ire
lolul's wrong,.
' NW Etll'llSll 11N' VOl'y Gaul 4,1
11121 t tLr 111,per chis,Sl , lir,. Myrti in Ire
1: , 111.1. /111 , 1 , 110 .nly the very I u I are en
-1_511!...:,.,1 in thi, Imt 1.1,4 'rho tipper
eal; iiii(l , ll 11; 111111 . 11 ;110.111.
they th. th , Queen M 1 lit.le•rm.c:ir,
they \v,int i , pence and quiet 1 n.r1,1 th , y
wl.l ,111.1.11 t thy g . ./vernment thltt Avill give
it them. _
Tlll. 0V 1111 1100 1111111i , 11P(1 Ily tho " Cllll
r.,niinj ,, jllll" make ,
"(Me S 1 n111:41' 111 , 1`11.111.1111•111: , kith r , L , aril h.
ndunntion amn, the lownr class s in tho
I anufacturing tll \\ 5,.111 0 id' the ,•I t it
(trot w , re aslind a n.w
thyir 'nothing ham' boy,
Of 1 . 1 , 011 eight to nairtaan y,•nr , t.4r. sho
a 1 , anantnt 1 , 11111'1111(.0. Ono
Loy had naval. oil of I,ontlon .11 Qttaen
Vtetoria, and an.alinr tliotnzlit lUI an , 4,1 was
nn image anti had t,•\ r 1101101 111 1:111' . 1-t, it
third tlnaivltt w a q It t ar ot r li . p
till . wnrihc 1011 6111 ell wish hi , (Inv.., 11 101111 11
1 1111111411 i 1•:111_1181111 (vas re ktul:
hr -tippo:vd P, i,rrr s 21/ e.r,,,,a! a.
amt yet ill Iliad that li, 11V1.11 in 1'.1112:,
1111111 111111 didn't 11111.11' 1110 1111111110 r 01 1111 y in
n Ivnnk ! thorn is rnmii ,choid
imott-r In•re.
(T, Olin anD Oratintn Illatvas
\\ e are glad to annuunee
the proalutiutt brevet nf Majur Wtn. It.
(hi Wedne,day Itt , t Ito received nutice frurn
the \\ar-deietrtinent that he had been bre
vetted Lieut. Cul. fur gallantry in front of
ltichinund during the uninifflign
and that, he had been further brevetted a.;
full Colttnel fur atalteat. , , erviee , in .-eeruit
ing the army of the I..nited State-.
StinDEN DEATIts —A 31r s. FltA
ri—iding in the Northern part of town, wi t ,
found (1,,,a in her garden on Tite , ilay even-
She had heel) in the lion , e but n
few moments before, and wait apparently in
ood health. An iiiqueig was held, and tee
learn that a verdict of l• death front di,ett , a
of the heart" WIIS rendered.
On Saturday !welling ht-1, Dr. .V. (EnnEs
BARR, or No WVille, 1111 .'stitn:kl)le awl prom
ising young physician. fell dead al the I.reak
fast table. Ile had been complaining- of
being slightly unwell. Ili: death was also
freni disea , o or the heart.
EItCA NTILE 11t. —()tir nitrvhank
1)11v, , all re,eivod tlwir \liutrrntili
ply of Dry (;.(4,(1 , 4; :moon:; tho rcst, Mr.
A. \V. lIENTZ, at the Imig. tabli•lled .)/,/.-
criterite I)epot. South Lirii,,rer, ,N fret,
, 111)1,11 , t1 to th an clog:int
IMP _t1,.(1. to hit'il 1'01.11,1 1 , 0 11,01 ft.l . ,•tl , ll
111 the 1.'illhltit•111111:1:11111
Alll , 'llg 11u•tn inn y• he lonlid Silks Satins,
Ittin-s l'atitittt F:un
tu•l•, Laitytis, ttittl lane,-.u , w, ll ua , •Verything
auituLlc 1 . 1,r 111 , '11S, girl.'
wear. As Bentz is dotorni'u,.d,u„t It, it oil.
civrsold, those wi.hin:r to ohtliin the t,t of
goods nt moderate prices, .....hoold call upon
him without civilly.
Bernhard S. Son request us to announce the
filet that they have changed their Imsiness
from /I furnishit g'sbwe to is first-cla.-s flier
chnnt.Tniloring establishment. They hate
secured the eon - ices of 11r. fioling , ,
fashionab'e cutter life olTower Hell, Phila.
who will worrnra the best or fits. Messrs
Bernhard & Son, will keep constantly on
hand a full line of the very best cloths cast- ,
metes and vestings, and will Make every en
deavor to give general satisfaction Their
new.advertisernent will nppetu next week.
SEWI NO M Arll IN Pei —We fully believ
in Sewing Machines, just as we d in out
door labor-saving implements of all kinds.
Indeed, we would advise a farmer, to forego
a machine, and thresh his grain with a flail,
rather than require his wife to wear out her
'health, vigor. and life itself in the everlast
ing stitch, stitch, stiten, early and late, with
a hand needle, when with a good Sewing
Machine she can do ten times as much sew
ing in a day, doing it better,
‘ and with far
less wear upon her health. TII E WHEELER
& l'Vt LEON is more extensively sold and used
as a Family Machine than any other in use.
The limos Shuttle. lifueltate is a good family
machine, but is more generally used for tail
oring purpose!, shoemaking, &c., and as such
has no superior,
The Agency for these Machines is at the
Railroad and Telegraph Office. Carlisle: We
advise oily friends to call, examine and pur
chase one at 'opco. See advertisement. A
PARTRIDOES.—Our country friends
complain wonderfully of the' scarcity of
partridges this season. We presume the
reason- is, the extreme cold of last winter,
-during which thousands of them must have
perished. This is much to be regretted, as
these delightful birds ; properly prepared,
have no equal on'the table or in the restau
rant. We would advise our sportsmen, how
ever, not to shoot any,of them this Stillf3cli;l:_.
.L g et the few that survived the storms of last
winter live, that they may accumulate and
multiPly,,and till our . fields and our moun
tain gorges as they have done in times past.
To shoot thin now, ie• tilmOst'criminal to
say the leset of it. . It' may-result in' their
utter extertnination. Letour short-men con
sider this,, aid spare their favolite game fur
the pre4ent
TU E INDIAN SUMMER. The pletil , ant
weather which we are now having, is un
doubtedly the Indian Sumnier ; or, at :cast,
n foretwete of it. It is the most delightful
portion of the year, rivalling Spring in i
gorgeous) ess and beauty. At this. season,
the grand old solemn woods look particularly
beautiful, clothed in 'heir autumnal foliage.
The air is soft and balmy, the sky seiimp and
clear, the sun bright and warm, and all Na
ture seems glad and jocund. Now the merry
huntsman wends his way to copse and dale
in pursuit of the feathered game, and the
husbllndruan gathers in the rich yield of his
fields. Although its 'advent is hailed with
joy by all, its stay is but brief, and it glides
impere •ptibly away, to give place, to the
rigors of Old Winter.
WC , l. Jieve no other country on the globe
con Inn t ; to beautiful a season as our Indian
Sa;mpeer, and the foreigner, especially, un
ticenstorned t ,tielt a genial atmosphere in
his native land, views it with transports of
TH TR E MINli —Our readers will
be delighlrd cb hear that thecelebrated New
York Theatre Company of Messrs Harrison
Sh , rry. will be in Carlisle next week, and
give two performances in RGeru's Hall on
Monday and Tuesday evenings. Give them
betkefit—t hey deserve it.
& BROTH ER: 4 , Philiadelphia, will pub
li-h from itth : tmeesheets on November 11th,
OUR Mt - rt - AI. FRI EN D," Charles
New Novel. complete:lnd unabridged., with
all the i 10 , 1 rations to in hell their previous
ed.tion. thi , 1 3, tpultir Author's Writings.
\Ve •‘ Our :Mutual Friend . .". a
v,ry g4.lo•rmt, re, option Its it is une of his
fol:mvii);2:ica p.trti.ll , lt , eriptive clip_
tit)te, c.l' ocip,nulion:ll money I II:it I.:lVt.
m.i It• appear , 11,•e .inch (lie first
I , lllh
V. S. Cnoopcormi /a /errs/ An exact
Ih n :' , :;11,0 auto, twill xucuted
and cub. 111.0,1 in deceive any but tbt•
(•. ',. Trrn.u,;! , - Avul I executed
.1 1.1,4. 111)111 n now plate.
Le . wil 11.1e'r
nifiv- h,t v iu L.l, Choir n.ppv , '.tee. They
.11 iSv•i twit ition or 1 r g. n, iur.. s{ls
mid Bias [lie -au)
r t fl t r iht. loa _o
1,1.1 TitOy 11,N e .1 ill , 'l . l'.•ti a,
while the , Ignattire thrt, trif,re
pl ;mi\ Ihnn nn'IIIP Sul p
a- , •. 1 ,, right , tt.e slgnature of
I),,th It ;;i.-icr;tad'l'ri.n;urcrnn•uutln
; are ~d 1 d,,ne and enlcti-
1111,1 In uriw.try. nlUluugh viol:-
ti!ghlio the genuine, lia‘e fur n ti.Nig.
sprc.,l : e tgle ‘vitli 10 ou , ide; left
Aide i+ ' the porti,lit of Pre , ideut Lincoln. nn
the rig!), end a nni reinifile figure
.E. M '.4
the 0 the IZ-fli , ter is on he lower
right. rin: 24. in the genuine
50- the ,ig.laturc 01' the Register is en the
left. qtul the Tre.o , tirer oti the right ; in the
nitcr , d nnie ;Iry 1.011 (in the rig t end,
with Itvo of lath heltytten them. 11l
IIIIII:111011 gt . illlllll'. Tlir Grnrn ink 1
,oni,wl;:a that; Ihe genuine ; some
11111, 01'010 Mal' ore : , cratcheil. The head
of Ulm,e is d.irher. Pitt hill has it coat,.
('I on tipper left eerner.
Tender ..,Vote.'
the p,,rtrait on the right and the figure of
Libery im the left are rai her course, -11111
01 . 111 1110 Ladle , and Gent , of Carli,le and
,orrounding Country. that he has opened a
Lactic- and Gents furnishing and fancy no
tion -lore, in North Ihinmer ~ t rect, two
door,al,ve Leonard's corner, Carli , le. The
Ladies and Gent. , are particularly invited to
('null and see his, large and splendid assort
ment of Cloaks., Shawls, Knitt , Goods,
Trimming , . under garment-. Ilandkerchiefs,
Gloves and Notions of all kinds.
N. 11.—At the same time we would invite
the ladie,to cadland see A.liuTToN's
large and beautiful r? , ,ort mom of Bonnets
and . lillinery, jug opened al the sign of the
Big Bonnet. Where they I'llll ,et tile 1.11t1 . 4
Ils 11111 i 110 nclvlitilltu:o taken. North
Hanover titreet, P i ,. It
LOW , S DIO'AIHMENT ,if 1 lel;i n po n
Cwliiip.reild oiwn- )I , .nalty Oct. 3).
Pupils entering this department can pnr
su, with a certainly of -ncce-s any of the
I, rancltit_tp.ght.—viz. Single end Double,
Entry Hiatt: keeping. Penmanship. in every
style of the art. Pen Drawing, Card Wri
tinz,Plutuography. or Short Hand Welting,
Telegraphing, &e.
A Separate Room b s been fitted and fur
nished expressly for the accommodation of
1• or particulars call at the College or ad-
'O l , - Vr.ttron Ts . v r RCOATS, OVEitcoATS
at all prices and styles, very cheap at
.1 nulls NEuwAnCti cluthiniz store. between
Drs. Kei Wet. & Zitzer, North Hanover Street,
Ca'rljsle Pa. . tf.
Tin: LATEsT Di: cuvEnv.—The latest
discovery which has been made, is a new
planet which adds a new feature to the
many discoveries already made, bet while
astronomers are observing everything ap
pertaining to their interest, the ladies• of
Carlisle v cinity say that they have dis
covered the 1 /test star and are not to be
outdone by anybody. They have visited
and are vhd ing daily the STAR STORE of
Mr. M. Ma er, in North Hanover Street,
formerly o copied, and known as Mr.
Miller's hal ery, ono door North of Dr. Dale's
Carlisle, where they constantly find the beit
and cheap4t assertment of Millinery Goods,
0.4. iurßonne - ti,J_lLF.l,:iiiv,. silk and x_elmet,„
richly trimmed. Ladies and Misses Hats, in
straw. telt, silk and velvet, trimmed with
birds, feathers &-c., &c. A large tissokment
of Cloaks, such as the Chesterfield Coats;
Loose Sacks, Circulars, Short or Walking
Sacks. Shawls, Knitted and Woolen Goode,
Embroideries, Trimmings, &c.
By strict attention to his business, and by
constantly ri °Living - fresh supplies from
Now York, .Philadelphia and Baltimore,
.Mr t MaYdr::offers rare inducements, nnd'
respectfully, yequests the ladies of Carlisle
and vicinity to give him a call. tf.
BLATft & would
call the Particular attention Of Private
Families to the Superior Quality of their
Spices and Flavoring 'Extritots.
finis; Caps, Updi.rshirts4 and Draivera,
.Trunk 6 yedises,Corpet Bags,
.4.lhums 450
eon be' had at very luw price's atFuLzus
'N.tarwAtti,!s, North I,lonover Stied, tar
halo, P. , ,;, 'LE ••',
Lt)()k ()UT FOR O(itIVI'N.RFEITS.—The
i- llh tu;rr. hel—
\ : liii r porirai of
`niteled from 14: portrillt nY
Special Xotices
Tii E l'[.(irLE Al.l. Quirr-
- $2O
.1 r E-