Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, October 13, 1865, Image 1

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One Nraare 'one insertion,
For each su , quint luSertion,
For tie tactile Advertisements
Levi Notices
Prolix In ,a 1 t.iardH Without paper,
Obituary Not,. All tie uleV
rel ring o .nn rte ,ot prl
v.itu intoresta al .ne, 10 cents par
101 l s:11 —Our Job Printing Office to the
tr_test 3 , 14 molt t,tablishulant in tho
:nun y. Four good'Pros.s'•s, and a general variety 01
material nulled for pine and Volley work oh every
tin I, en ad es us to do Job Printing at the oho. test
unt.ce, tot] oat to • neat rettsollllblo Wins. Pursuits
In wen of 13111 s. I; .inks • or anything in the Jobbing
line, will find It to thulr intent:if to 1:0V0 us a call.
igortxal a (I:sulati.on.
Vice President —L. S. Fe,ran,
Soeret•try of State-11'o. lI.SEWARD,
Secretary of traerlor—JAS. II ,st,ag,
Secretary of Truax ury—ll coo MC , 'ELLOCII,
Secretary o I Wer—l meet/ M. Sroro:v,
gecreiary of Vary- GIDEON WELLES,
Post Master Getieral—M m. DENNISON.
it.tornay degieral—JAMES S. oreso.
Chief the of the tolled States—SameoN P. CHASE.
oovernor—ANDßEw G. CI ItTI: 4 1,
Sacra ary of r•tato—El.i SLIFF.II,
Surveyor Gen:ral— JAMES . Kenn,
General—lßkar Su:NEER,
Att , roOV General—lSO. 11. MEREDITH.
ljatant General—N. L. Rus4Et.i..
State Treasurer—HENßl' D. NionnE.
Chief .Tu tic of the Supreme Court—ii re. W. WOOD
President Judge—Tlon James 11. Graham,
Associate Judges—ilon. 511chael CorkUn, lion.
thigh Stuart.
Dist rlceA t torney—J. W. D. G Mel en.-
Pr,,th.tnotary—Stitnuel Shireinan
CL•rk an I Itu , orthu—Ephrehu Corn ppm ,
Hog:llitor—Cleo North.
TO4h iheriff—John Jamb,
County Treasurer—llonrrS. flitter.
Coroner—David Esu,ith
County Cointaissionors—lienry Karns, John 51
oy, Aitcholl McClellan,
Superintends TI t of Poor House—Homy Snyder.
Physician to Jail—Dr. W. W. Dale.
Physician to Poor ilouse—Dr. W. IV. Ca 10.
Chief Burgess—Jl/110 Galnplu•ll,
A•slatant Burgess—William Cameron,
. .
NV...LI—J. W. D. (1111vIen, An
drew B. Z.•i): ler, (leo \lbtz.•l. ('hls. U. lion-r, Barnet
Hoffman, V‘ es.t s% rd—A H It been], John 11a) 0, ttobt.
I). Millman Ulerk, ‘lnsouhatniner
IS'll,lllOl l'ellS , Ihn id Cornioan.
High Constable, Elll3lllJel Ward Constables
-,East, Ward. Andrew Martin. 11 out Ward, James Wid
Ahsertsor-11 ill bon Noaker.
Tax Collector—A talrea Kerr. \Valli Collectors—East
Ward, Jra I lioodyear 11 cot ''• II rd, it It %llllittots,
Street Cumuli ...1S" r, Patiick Madder,
,f 111 11,08 Of he do I,d h. L. Sponaler, David Smith,
:term Dab tiff 111 •haul Holcomb
Lamp Lighters—Alex. MITI:, Levi Albert. •
First Presby tot its Church, N tlovest angle of Cell
re Square. Rev C .11 way iog .. , tor
every thanday Morning at I 1 o'clock, A. M., and 7
(Yam, M .
6twon I PreshylPrizin 1'ilr,11,1•01111.1. r.f . South Ilan
ON ;tnd quirot ,trects Rol .Itain
.lt I I 0 ' 1 • 11,,,, ,1 awl 7
nt I,llln'i •11 Kpki.plll) 11,1111-L..1 angle
of k.entre F .1 Clt•re, I.eclat. Sort
it II , ' clovk \. 2loFi fi , ..( . 101.. M.
1:11411.111 bet,.•en lai
1, I 1,11t11., ti•eti i.. 311 I t
i..•. it II .\ 11 . Coloolc I' 31
. ler” nn Ilan:
itior an I Pitt rents
•, at I I I. \I
'l..t /11. t. (0,4 ritargs.)
Y.ll I Pitt •tr Ater ,t.l . loclt, Parts.
it I I 11 . 5 . 1 , .nk A. ;10(17 o'l , loel. I' V '
1 • is list Church .svcooll rltar_e.) hnvS I.
Ito rat t n. 1,04 , 10 I.:100r) M 1.1 hart+ aI I
t'elnek aid .151 M.
Church Ilt .II'l u,uh ‘‘ oat I . or u l I% eat
ICu tpql 1(e. tit,. Li. Bork, Vast,. .
at II a, in.. and 5 0 us
t l'strick••• Ch eh henfrat near I.:natal
r‘i,v3e, every other :7,01
bath at 10 o'rico•lt. V,•spvrs at 3 I'. H.
, tur,utn Lutheran Church. v,ner of Pomfret And
Oa Dor 1 Atr,e.s. Kee G. Vrita.e, l'astor. Sere ices at
1 ,','belt
ortn... in LI, are ne, canary thi
rotor per.a • fi are reque.t,a to niotlf)
Rev li, 3 NI. Johnson, D. Presid and Pro
essor at St r J Seieutn.
Wi tVllson, A. M., Professor of Natural
,34:11.11elt 4,1 / Curator o the .1111,entn.
Rev. 11 'll L liaswell, A 11., Professor of the
(lreek and Unman Languages.
Sala and D. Ililltaan, A. )4., Prole or of Mathemat,
John It. Staym an, A. NI., Professor of the Latin and
Fl ouch Languages.
Una. .h.los rl Ire ha nn, I.L. D , Professor of Law,
Rev, Henry C. Cherdon, A. II , Principal of the
Grammar s•chool.
John Hood, Assistant in the Grammar Sch.].
)1.11t1" INSTITUTE
CORPORATION: - Tho Rector, Wardens and Vestryinon
of St. John's Church Carlisle.
The 11ev. F. J. Clem U. D., II twtor and Treasurer.
Mrs. John R. SIIIIStI, Principal.
Miss A. N. Donk ersley, I .structor in Languages.
Miss I. L. Webster, I n,dructor in Mathematics nod
oral Music.
Mrs. M. U. Ego, Toachot of Piano.
Miss E. Oran an, 'feacherof I r, wing and Painting.
ROW. S. Lecturer on Elocution and P5ych01,..,..,
ug) •
E. Como., President, James Aarnilton, 11. Sexton,
K. C. %Vol] ward, Henry • ewsham. C. 1' Humerlch,
S.ct'y .1 W. Eby, 'lre.isuror, John Sph,. :11essengor.
)itiet, on the lot Monday 01 each Month at 8 o'clock A.
SNI Education Hall.
OrD.LISLE DEPO,IT It kNK.—PrOSitlotit, It. M Homier
son; Cabbie, J Hassler. lollet 0, L. A. :tmith and ti
A. Cox; Niessenger, .duo. Undertroo ; Directors, It. M.
Ilenderbou, President It C. Woodward. John D. Oor
gas, Jolla St mart, jr., A btu. pester, Usury Saxton,
Sidles Woodburn, J. J. Logan, IN tn. It. Mullin.
FIRST N w 9 iN SL li*NE.—Prosida at, Samuel Hepburn
Ca hler. Jas. 0 Huffer, Teller, Abner 0. Urind,e, Men
em gar, Jesse Brown Wm. tier, John Dunlap, Itich'd
Woods, John C. Dunlap, !mac Brenneman, Johp S.
Sterrett, Sam'l Ilepburn, Directors.
Frederick Watts: Secretor and 'treasurer, Edward
M. diddle: sup! intoodent, O. N. Lull. Passenge:
trains three times a day. Carlisle Accommo talon,
E tstw trd, leaves Carlisle 5 55 A. M., arriving at Cur.
lisle 5.20 P. 51. 'through trains Eastward, 10.10 A. M.
and 2.42, P. NI. Westward at 0.27, A. M., and 2.55 P.
; 'Treasurer, A. L. Snowier; Superiutuo. en,
George Wise: Directors, F. Watts, n u ete th t,
E. M. Biddle, Henry Saxton. It. U. Woodward, J. W.
Patton, P. Alarluer and D. 9, Croft.
Cumberland Stet Lodge No. 197, A. Y. M. meets at
Marion flail on the 2ad and 4th. Tuesdays of every
Bt. John's Lodge No. 206 A. Y. M. 'Meets 9d Thins
day of eatiti month, at Marion
Carlisle Lodge No. 91 I. 0 of U. F. Meets Monday
evening. at 'I rout's building
Letort Lodge No. 93, I. 0 of G. T. Meets every
Thuredity evening in II initintie Hall, 3d story.
Tho Union Fire Company wn= organlzoll In 1780.
(Longo In I.ouchor hotwoon nntood Hanover.
The Cumberland Fire Company WOK instituted Feb
IM, 1800. House in Bedford, between Main one Porn
The Good Wlll Fire Company was Instituted In
March, 1855. (louse In Pnmfrnt. near Hanover
The Mrnpire 11,,011. and Ladder Company wooing to
ted In 11359 (lowa in Pitt. near !Alain.'
Postage on all letteis of one half ounce weight or
under. 3 cants pro paid.
Postage on the iIEItALD within the County, free.
Within the State 13 cents per annum. To any part
of the United States, 26 cents Postage on all Iran
ale it papers. 2 coots per ounce. , Advertised lottorsto
bo charged with coat of advertising.
Photographs, Anibrotypes, Ivorytypes
Beautiful Albums Beautiful Frames I
Albums for Ladles and Gentlemen.
Albums 6 r Miffiea, and for Children,.
PocketAlbume for Soldiers and Civilians!
Choicest Albums I Prettiest Albums I Cheaposi Albums!
Fresh and Now, from Now York and Philadelphia
I F you,want . satisfactory Pictures and
polite attention call at Mrs. it. A. Smith's Photo
graphic Gallery,. South East t'orner of Hanover Street
and Market Square, opposite the Court /louse and Peat
Office, Carlisle, Pa.,.
Mrs. It. A. Smith well known as Mrs. It A. Reynolds,
and 110 well known as a Daguarrean Artist, aim per
sonal attention' to Ladles and Gentlemen visiting her
Gallery; end hiving the best of Attlets and polite at
tendants can safely promise that in no other Gallery
tan those, who favor her with a call get pictures sum ,
sloe to berth not even In New York or rhiladelphia, or
meet with more kited and prompt attention.
AtilbrOtypeB inserted in kings, pockets, Breast Pine,
Ac. Perfect copies of Deguerrotypes and Ambrotypea
madc, of decease f riends. Where copies are defaced,
11 alike picture, ay still be had. either for frames
fbr cards. All mi,utives preserved one year and orders
by mail or otherwisepromptly attended to.
December 23, 1864.—=tf
Stirgeow and 4ccouchour ,
QFFICE 'at: bis 'residence in Pitt
u lrool i k e tining the Merdist Church.
. .
26 00
4 00
7 LO
VOL. 65.
RHEEM & WEAKLE3e, Editors & 'Proprietors
In the saffron tinted morning,
With Potomac's anthem swell,
Where our honored Chief is sleeping,
Mingles deep the passing bell.
Slowly glides the gallant vessel
By mount Vernon's hallowed shades,
And that mournful, mellow cadence,
Echoed through the dewy glades;
''lie Columbia's tender tribute
Offered to her noble son;
"Ns the fete heart's fervent homage.
At the grave of WARRINGTON I
In the slumberous hush of noontide.
With Potomac's anthem swell,
Where our honored Chief is sleeping
Mingles deep the passing hell.
Never marble mausoleum
Might mull nutfesty impart,
Nor the loud acclaim of millions.
As lithe homage of the heart
Columbhis testier tribute,
Offered to her noblest HO.
Tie the free heart's fervent hostage.
At the grave of wAsmsoToN!
In the rosy hush of evening,
With Potomac's anthem swell,
\Vhere our honored Chief is sleeping
Mingles deep the passing bell.
Never King In reg,nl splendor
Won a tame so true and pure,
Yoe his name shall be a watchword
While his (ountry shall endure;
'TisPnt:is tender t ibute,
Offered to her noblest sun :
'Tis the free heart's fervent homage,
At the grate of WISIIINCITON
In the• blue and starry midnight,
With Pi,domac's anthem stroll,
%Vilely out- honored Chief is sleeping
Mingles deep the passing hell.
Dear the spot to patriot pilgrims—
What a thrill hie name creates:
- cis the signal of the Union !
'Tis the Met ea of tle• States !
Mete such true and tender trib u te
To Columbine noblest son
'Tie the free heart's noblest homage
At the grate of WASHINGTON
~~~~z:i~~ r:~'l1 ~rrs~:~~c~o
Why The Piffiers Lost Their Return
What on earth did you bring the here
?' any friend Chariiiy Cheiwynd said
to nie as we stood together in 16etirawiitg
loon] of Clayerley Court, apart faun the
dancers, and li.tenin , to tI;L. ' Lutliue
' You are an ungrateful duffer,' I re
joined, politely. You are also a gentle
manly•looking man and a strange'r in this
neighbourhood, with not hint; to do. And
it was from these two latter reasons that
I introduced you here '
But 1 want a pretty partner, and 1
can't find one,' said my friend, taking
down his eyeglass, in despair. ' There's
nothing in the room—
' if you will look in the direction of
the doorway,' I rejoined quietly, '
be reduced to proving your rule by an
exception.' .
Charley's eyes followed mine. 'By
Jove!' he exclaimed—so loudly and sud
denly that a nervous young gentleman
in spectacles, who, by dint of a senior
wrangler's concentration of mind, had
almost piloted himself through a quad
rille, was now'starticd, and losing his
esence of mind in the moment of vie
tory ; ignominiously plunged La Punic'
in to con fusion
hush ! Charley,' I remonstrated.
Your spiting habits are a drawback,
in many ways, to your otherwise duly
subdued and refined bearing and conver
' You be
_hanged,' answered Charley
I don't think yonder bright " exe4tion"
looks as if she would like a man any the
less fur his being able to discriminate
between Blair Athol and butcher's
Very likely not,' said I ; ' the nccom
plishaient, in itself she would admire, no
doubt, to the extent that it deserves.
But if Lintroduce and recommend you— .
1 havelsn 4 6ivn Maud since she was a girl.
your attention must be more refined' than
those of the hard•riding hero of a sport
ing novel.'
Chetwynd was quite indignant. and
was colon cueing aQretort ; but his new
divinity as, like a light, growing larger
and clearer,' she approached, seemed to
absorb anger in admiring worship.
With a foil in the person of .a not over
young and very stout lady, who hung
heavy on the other arm of her escort,
himself, a man of aspect rather round
than romantic, she seemed, my fancy told
me as I gazed, a stately Olivia of the
'Twelfth Night' by the side of a Sir To
by Belche and an older but not less vi
vacious Maria.
I admired my own idea so much that
I did'not at first hear my friend eagerly
iquestioiling me, Who-is she—and
... who
is that smirking, fat fair and forty George,
the Fourth style of woman, and the poor
iA-looking fellow between them
You ought to recognise the man,' 1
replied. He is Gumbreton—don't you
n.colleet him at school—always ,talking
about cricket, and couldn't ? The
women aro his fiancee and her aunt.'
Well,' said Charkiy, 'l've left off
being surprised at anything these twelve
vears—since I was-fifteen.' Charley had
a bad habit of' applying to ordinary, life
the phraseology of the turf. ' But to
,think,' he went on, 'of that splendid,
figure and' thCroughbred style of action
being wasted on who's ,built like
a bisi op's cob I Why the. aunt.there
—look how she's giggling--ought to be
ashamed of herself, tt• woman,of that age
and size she'd 'suit him to a T,' said
Charley, carefully' handimpping her, as
he milled it, With the aid of his eyeglass.
‘ What the deuce are you laughing ay?'
, A
' At your way of expressing yourself,
I suppose, or at the frightful mess mild
party in spectacles got his seat into in "La
Poule," over there,' I rejoined.
Well, I can console myself with a
flirtation, perhaps. Look ! she's silting
down, and the other two have left her,'
exclaimed Clietwynd.. 'Now's the time—
introduce me.'
I complied with his wish, and saw
little more of my friend that evening.
Chdrlgy—he's conceited enough about it
—is a clever fellow. He seemed to in
sinuate himself into the good graces of
Maud Yarsten with remarkable quick
ness; nor was his flirtation impeded by
Gumbleton who, not being an adept at
dancing, devoted, himself chiefly, with
intervals of attention to his other charge,
to potations of sherry in the supper
Beneath the stars, still shining hut
with somewhat of the look of Aassce beau•
ties, and while the world was waiting fir the
dawn, we drove home, Chetwynd and I;
and all the way Charley poured into my
ears a tale of sudden passion and con
comitant difficulty and despair thwarting
the course of true love, he wildly corn-
Plained with obstacles more difficult even
than those usually thrown across that
much-vexed current.
11cr eyes,' he rhapsodized, 'are like
the sea in summer when the lights on it
are always changing, and the changes
are always lovely.'
assented, and struck a vesuvian upon
the splashboard.
he's far away the finest filly I ever
asw : and as lor her marrying that tat,
guzzling, gorwandiz
lug Ganibleton, why it's my film belief
that she det e sts the idea as much as 1
do. How she enjoyed my quizzing her
aunt—Maud's Aunt as I would keep
calling her relative, fur the sake of re
pvating that exquisite name She's full
ul humour. What the devil are you
laughing at 7'
1,,,n doll ,loclety
• 1-1 was thinking of the ignominy
of that wild party in spectacles. Certain
ly,' 1 added. Miss Marston has an in
finite fund of— mischief.'
Well,' said Cbetwynd, ' the long and
short ul it is t hat lam desperately in love
with tier—the ideal, almost, of my dreams;
and you may sneer, but love dues, some
times, como, not with the gradual groWih
of yonder, slow-brightening dawn ;'—he
pointed, tightening the reins as he spoke,
to where the pale blue sky was beginning
to hilit of the coming daybreak—'but
swift as its peer of the glowing tropics.'
' Well,' pursued Charley, returning to
matter of fact, tell you what, Jack, I
shall write to tier this very morning and
propose to cut the Gordian knot of aif
6culty by an elopement. Of course, in
requital for my honoring you with so
important a .confidenc.e,,,you'll help me
it need arises.'
' Of course,' I answered, sniffling.
All the rest the way home, while
the world around us was waking to its
summer day's lite of' light and flowers
and shining Woods, Chetwynd was silent,
ever and anon taking from and replacing
in his mouth, an extinct cigar.
lle wrote his proposed letter from my
lodgings, and, after despatching it, sub
sided into a state of nervous anxiety, an
intense abhorrence for anything to eat, a
decided partiality for anything to drink,
and a most destructive fancy for a well
filled box of my particular Havana cigars.
I paid little attention to his proceed
ings, being engrossed myself with what
1 considered a very important task '1 his
was no other than the getting up of an
eleven toc,optend against the well-known
cricketingitown of Battington, by which
I, at the head- of my club, the Peripatet
ic Pifflers,' had belt, much to my chagrin,
already worsted once this year.
The P. P.'s were determined upon re
venge. Battington had been blatant upon
the theme of its vcitory ; and the main
cause of Chetwynd's being now my visitor
was the fact of lay having desired to se
cure his assistance—he . had been a
" Varsity' bat bcwler—in the second
otruggle And now deep despair seized
my soul, when I reflected that this sud
den escapade of my friend's would pro
bably be the cause of our second defeat,
by dt priving us of the aid of the famous
Charley Cam b ridge, such Was Chetwynd's
wont de thterre in the cricketing world.
But Fotune, who is said to delight -in
overthrowing the proud, seemed, about to
prove herself a consistent goddess by her
behaviour to- those conceited 13attingtoni
ans. To do this no doubt, she so man-
aged matters that Charley, within twenty
four hours from the despatch of his let
ter, received a reply whibh, to use his
own expression,. derived- from a reminis
cence of one otioorjeeob's pictures,
hung a board round his nook and tink
led him, thus disabled, with the straw of
perverse misfortune.'
But . be did not make this discovery un
til arriving at tho. end of the letter, of
which, in his oostaoy during the first pe
rusal, ho favored me with extracts
"Ills like the strangeness of a dream.'"
qubied . Charley; g "so short has been our
abiidintanoe, so sudden the growth of
love between us,--('of love between us,'
repeated my friend delightedly,'and hur
rying on), J. fear, like ,Juliet, lest you
should consider me too easily. won, if I
consent to an elopement. ('Bravo.:!' oiied
Carlisle, Pa., Friday, Oetober 13, 1865
Chotwynd, jumping up from his chair.)
I am like Lydia Languish—l long for
the excitement pf a runaway marriage,
and hate the idea of the ordinary formal
and ceremonious one. I should prefer
abandoning my home by means of a rope
ladder.—('So you shall, and prettily your
sylph's ankle will trip down it,' put in
Chetwynd.) My niece knomis that you
have written to me ('niece—niece I' said
my friend, pausing. 'She means aunt—
she's agitated, poor thing !') She thinks
we ought to see each other—best in some
public place—to arrange matters. ('Quite
like a mother to her,' remarked Chet
wynd ; romantic in her youth, no doubt,i
she looked, or rather smirked it') I send
you a kiss" (my friend raised the letter
rapturously to his lips), "and sign myself
by the name which your dear lips have so
playfully conferred on me,
"P. S. You never would think we were
in that relationship, would you ?" '
I do not know which of us, my friend
or myself, underwent, at the close of this
letter, the most violent change of counte
nance from the respective causes of a
mazement and amusement.
'Why,' gasped Charley, 'they're the
same name, and the aunt's got wy letter.
But it's absurd. Why, I dwelt through.
out it upon her engagement to Gumble-
1 articulated an answer with some dif
ficulty : 'lt is the eldest who is engaged
to Gutubleton.'
'What r said Charley, scarcely com
prehending me; and then h 2 added,
.'Well, that explains all. But I remem
ber distmedy, you said it was the niece
who was engaged to him— I recollect your
words—"Gumbleton, fiancee, and her
aunt." One of your confounded pieces at
chaff, I suppose, or a slip of the tongue
aq you'll say. I see now how it. was, you
were always laughing at in that unreaSon
able fashion."
'Du you?' I answered. But Charley
was by this time reperusing the letter
with disgust equal to his former delight
"Shortacquaintance," "sudden love,' "
he commented. 'Scarcely spoke a work
to her; was introduced— didn't even catch
the name ; handed her a chicken at sup
per or part of one "Easily won,"—should
rather think so. , "Elopement,"—not if
I. know it "Lydia Languish,"—why
she's five and-thirty if she's a day—dare
say forty. "Rope ladder." That's the
best thing yet;—fancy me wiiiting at the
bottom of a rope-ladder for a woman of
sixteen stone ! "Have informed my niece
of your letter." That's the unkindest cut
of all. I think I see the fun in Maus
large eyes: What an utter fool she must
think me!'
'Well,' he enned, breaking off. see
nothing for me but to run away from this
Falstaffian female. I can't possibly have
the face to meet her, especially as it's my
mistake, and there is,' observed my friend
rising and complacently looking at himself
in the mirror over the mantelpiece—
'there's some excuse fur her proceedings.'
'Now, Jack, I'll tell you what—l'll
write an explanatory letter to the real
Maud; and you, in atonement fur your
sins, must manage to delver it—can't
trust the post; for I don't see how to pre.
vent the letter falling into the hands of
the other. 'Meantime, for the present,
I'll wake myself scarce."
'On one condition I'll help you,' was
my reply. 'You must play w'th us to day
against Buttington ; .it's five miles away,
and you can get farther off to morrow;
it'll do you good too—distract your mind.
It's nearly time to start now.'
'Well, you must do your best for me,
then,' returned my friend. 'Five miles is
far enough I suppose. Gumbleton's fu
ture'aunt doesn't play cricket, I should
think, and there's no danger of my meet
ing her.'
'No,' I said, 'but Gumbleton does—
plays against us to-day. You can have
the satisfaction of bowling at hip.'
'That would have decided it, an hour
ago,' said Charley. 'But, however, I
will go.' •
He went, and at the moment of his set
ting foot upon the Buttingtou cricket field,
Charles Chetwynd the lover in difficul
ties, vanished from o•tr sight, and orick
eting Charley Cambridge took his place.
Buttington went in first—the watch was
a one innings affair—and whoa
ton came to the, wickets, I saw a little
extra 'devil' in the eye of Charley, who
was bowling from the other end. Gum
bleton, before commencing operations, al
ways spent five minutes in beating down
imaginary hillooks between himself and
the bowler, taking objectless constitu
tionals round his wicket, and staring at,
each fieldsmitu in turn, as if he wanted
to identify him aftertvards upon a crimi
nal charge. 1 had, therefore, a good op.
pOrtunity for obtaining moderate odds a•
bout his retiring in the first over, and,
thereby, paid my travelling expenses.
Charley's fist, ball did not realize 'my
expectations it shot ..on tho legside, and
smiting' poor Gumbleton on• the 'ankle
bone just below , a rather inefficient, pad,
caused hink:to limp during • the remainder,
of the day. But the second whirled his
leg-stump a yard into , the air, and caused
of course, the adipose•batsmanto return
inglorious, to the tent. When' , the last of
tyo Battingtonian wickets, fell, the' chi
sttuotion of seven was credited to Char.:
tl \
ley, and Vic, total score was little over a
hundred, a 4ory small one when we con
sidered the run-favouring state of the
ground and the strength of batting talent
arrayed against us.
We—the Fifflore —began our innings
with much hope of victory. But' from
the effects, perhaps, of dinner beverages,
the P. P.'s, with one exception, came ,t s c
the wickets, some but to remind us of tire
fate of Gumbleton, others to lead a pre
carious life with the reward of an occa
sional 'single,' and sooner or later retire
without having attained any mastery over
the bowling. Charley alone, having gone
first i remained. By elegant d.Tence
and forward play, by showy and almost
inevitable mits, by frequent leg hits lung
and low—as leg hits and bunters should
be—by a six and a coupb- of fours, the
result of an unluckily-tried over of slows,
he rapidly brought pp the - score, till, with
the tenth wan at the opposite wicket, and
Charley facing the beginning of the over.
it was within one of that of our oppo
nents. Even at this exciting moment it
flashed upon my mind how thoroughly
English was the scene, and how worth a
painter's while to portray.
The horizon, at its most distant point,
was ridged by a faint contrast of blue hills,
(the waves, 'as it were, spellbound in their
motion, of a giant's sea,) and nearer, more
boldly countered by dark lines and mass
es of wood, that, except where they gave
upon that distant range of sum wits, ran
like a fringe round the prospect. Flow
ing down the sides and from the feet of
those far eminences. came a stream of rich
and shining acreage, which, at the gorge
that broke the en cle of the woods, de
so us to truggest.a comparison
with a lake of green and 'golden waters
And these, where the undulated nose a
round us, who wi re the ceatre.point of
the scene, became waving wheat and tfil•11-
dotted grassland. :Summer and sunshine
had made everythin g their own; while
distant hills and sp res, and, clustering
nearer round its wide church tower, the
irregularly built village of Barrington,
told far and near of the life of the land
scape ; and we ourselves, a ring of sitting
or standing groups amidst the white tents
of the cricket-field—our faces riveted up
on the picture. its finish
of human interest.
The last fieldsman had just reached
his place for the new over, when I heard
the trampling of hoirien o❑ the sward be
hind me, and looking round, saw the cup
of triumph, so to speak, dashed from the
expectant lips of the Peripatetic Pifflers.
For at this moment there rode into the
field, late spectators of Gumbleton's
prowess, his finanrce and her aunt. I
glanced back at Charley, and saw that
they had caught his eye just as the op.
posing bowler started to deliver the first
ball of the over. The ball came straight
as an arrow, and Chetwynd, excited by
the sudden appearance of his dreaded
bete noir, did not wait to play it. Rush
ing out for a blind swipe: he hit, us I ex
pected.: ' over' the ball, and lost his mid
dle stump; to the accompaniment of a
shout of victory, to which every Batting
tonian on the field contributed his long
est and loudest.
By the device of dodging behind the
tallest, men, he attempted, amdist the
subsrquent confusion, to reach the tent
unobserved by the object of his alarm.
But Battington we. , generous, and insist
ed upon making him conspicuous by
cheering him, and I saw, with an inter
nal convulsion, the stouter of the two
ladies on horseback beckon him with her
hand td'approach them.
Hastily donnieg an outer garment
brought by an officious admirer, poor
Charley obeyed the signal. I observed
him approich, ruefully enough, the fair
invader of h.s r resence; .I,saw her greet
him with wreathed smiled, while, ever
and anon glancing at him from the other
side of her relative, the real object
of his passion gracefully reined in her
impatient bay thoroughbred.
' You see after all it is /who city oblig
ed to seek" yon. But you expected, of
course, that we should be here. Would
you like to kiss my bond ?' and the elder
lady half extended to him that number—
nct a very shapely one.
( Charley shuiddrred. ' A little too. pub
lic,' he faintly gasped, and encountered
at this moment, to add to his confusion,
the arch gaze of the owner's lovely com
.paaion.. '
When is the elopement to.talcd-,Place,'
continued his interluoutor,'' and timic'you-
brought-a-rope-ladder ?'--
Charley was stammering some inco
herent reply, when up 'tame•Gunibleton,
still limping from the efficts of his casu
' See, dear, this is Mr. Chetwynd's
doing,' he said to the speakiiig lady.
' Mr. Chetwynd!s returned the latter,
suddenly changing her tone address
to the bewildered Charley. Chet
wynd him t 0 yOu cruel, heartless, ugly,
tnalevoleni creature
At this Meinent-1. i3tepped - forWard with
my friend's letter in,my hand, and was
in the aot to - present 'it to 'Gumbleton's
eympathizer.. •
• What arc you about?' exclaimed Char
ley, rushing - at me. ~
' All right, man,' 1 rejoined. . This
letter is for the niece, is it not.?''
':Of ootyse,' repliedlpy friopd.,
I (it
Then I'll give it to the I in
terrupted, handing it up to Charley's fat,
fair, and forty tormentor.
Berea, that lady'S fairer companion let
her horse have his way, and rode of4o a
more distant position.
If Mr. Cbetwynd,' said the receipi
eta of the letter to Charley, -who stood
more confounded than ever—'if your
second letter is meant to recall your first,
you had, better, since it has fallen into
my hands, state the fact verbally to my
aunt ;' and. she pointed with her whip to
her friend ; by this time distant form her
What exclaimed Charley, a light break
ing on him, you don't mean to say that
you aro the niece, after all, and she not
the intended Mrs. Gumbleton.'
But amidst the laughter' of us bystan
ders, he *as off before the question could
be answered.
This time, Charley Chetwynd evinced
reluctance rather to depart from, than to
approach Mi , s Yarston. Long time they
stood together, till the cessation of crick
et practice, and the darkness that came
over the wide landscape round them, gave
warning of departure. Explanation was
probably being given him of the series
of mistakes in which, by, in the first in
stance, taking, naturally enough, the
wrong rersons for aunt and niece, he hac
become involved. With the old look of
mischief in her large, now loving eyes.
his partner of the past and of the future
told him how, in the first instan., she
had amused he, self' carelessly enough
with his error, and how, to punish hi b
for some rude remarks up m her niece,
she - had c irried on the delusion with ihe
aid of her mirth.loving senior. Her
fat , er, she told him, had married very
young and she was the yo.ingest daughter
f his second wife, while Gumbleion',.
r was the eldest offspring of th
eldest son of the above n 'no I parent
. you forgive me' she ended. •
To you:of course,' was Charley an
-wet, ' 1 forgive anything,: if you derive
pleasure from teasing me, pray tease no
;I!rilin ; my revenge for this will he wreak
ed elsewhere ;' and he turned his eyes
towards me
My explanation, however, of having
taken part in the joke only during the
first Flush of its absurdity, and afterwards
doing nothing more than watch its course,
mint hay.e been found satisfactory ; for
Chetwynd's claret and cigars have till ,
very evening blended their influence with
that of pretty Mrs. Chetwynd's mirthful
reminiscences, and inspired me to tell
the story of the unexpected defeat which
little more than a year ago, made smaller
the prestige of the Perambulating Pifflers.
The Effect of Getting Married
Doubtless you have remarked with sat
isfaction, how the little oddities of men
who marry rather late in life are pruned
away speedily after their marriage. You
have found a man with a huge shirt col
lar flayed at the edges, and a glaring silk
pocket handkerchief, broken of these
things, and become a pattern of neatness.
You have seen a man whose hair and
whiskers were ridiculously cut, speedily
become like other human beings. You
have seen a clergyman who wore a long
beard, in a little while appear without
one. You havp seen a man who took
snuff copiohsly, and who generally had
his breast covered with snuff, abandon
the vile habit.
A wife is the grand wielder of the
moral pruning knife. If Johnson's wife
bad lived, there would have been no
hoarding up of bits of orange peel ; no
touching all the posts in walking along
the street ; no eating and drinking with
a disgusting voracity. If Oliver Gold.
smith had been married, he would never
have worn that memorable and ridiculous
coat, 1% henever you find a man whom
you know little about, oddily-dressed; or
talking ridiculously, or *exhibiting any
eccentricity of manlier, you may be tol
erably sure that he is not a married man.
The little corners are rounded off, and
the little shoots are pruned away in mar•
ried. men. Wives generally have much
moi'e .sense than their husbands; espe
cially if they are clever men. The wife's
advices are like Ballast that keeps the
ship steady. They are like the whole
some though painful shears, snipping off
little growths of self-conceit and folly.
BEAUX -" I have always been aston
ished," said Miss Smith, "at the anxiety
6f - y(Tlin - ylit - diei - or s •aux; at I never
'pitied a female more than when that Miss
Mountflathers left my school. Seeing
her gazing toward the sky, I asked her,
what she was looking for. 'That beau,'
said she, 'which is told of as being , ,set in I wish he'd come down.' '
ly joke that Lied:enant General Grant
was ever knon to perpetrate, wee , one
day during his'campaigh in Mississippi,
when the rebel Gen. Winter was coming
up•to attack One of the wings of his ar
my, where' the• Commander in-Chief hap:
pened to tie-himself present. ,. "Gentle
then," said Grant, quietly knocking - the
_ashes froth his cigar;' apdlooking,around
at the, officer§ near liim, !lz,,you•see' a se
vere'inter, approaehiag, .libel'l :advice
, f Lhe boys keep zip a :9:004 fire!"
TERMS:--$2,00 in Advance, or $2,50 within the year:
I BEND and say with earnest glanco
(iler falling hair my whisker tickles),
" Ah, were my life list ono long dance
With you I" She answers loudly, "Pickles I"
Upon the balcony we lean,
I nigh, "Carina! how I suffer;
Bo thou my JOLIETI Be my queen!"
She only says, "Shut up, you duffer!"
In Itotton-row she takes delight,
I lift the darling to her saddle,
And whisper, "Sweet! you're fairy light!
Says she, "0 bother, let's skedaddle!"
We go to ROO the new biwlesgo,
She's a decided taste for punning;
And laughing at a dance gToteequo,
Her lips of coral murmur, "Stunning!
We've Leen to where the Fried sang,
lint she considers Norma folly,
And very much prefers "Slap-bangl'
Which she declares is awful Jolly
I seek the garden's shadiest place,
She lightly o'er the lawn comes trippin',
And offering a dainty case,
Say's, "Will you have a weed, my pippin' 7"
It seems the strangest thing to we,
She's had a famous education ;
Her father is a sage H. P.,
And helps to rule the British Nation
She - talks of "bloke." and "cad." and "
And those are not mendacious stories;
So with a Avon-known classic swell,
I say, " 0 tempers, 0 mores!"
What We Owe to the East
We forget how many contributions to
cur own comforts are of Oriental origin
Their commonness hides them from our
view. If the American wishes to know
how much he owes to the Asiatic, heifas
only to cast a glance at an hour of his
daily life. The clock which summons
him from 'his bed in the morning was
the invention of' the East, as also were
clepsydras and sun-dials. The prayer
for his daily bread, that he has said from
his infancy, first rose from the side of a
-;yrian mountain. The linens and cotton'
with which he clothes himself. though
hey may he very fine, are inferior
those that, have been made from time im
memorial in the looms of India Th.
-ilk was stolen for his benefit from China
He could buy better steel than that wilh
which he shaves himself in the old city
of Pamascus, where it was first invented
The coffee he expects at breakfast was
first grown by the Arabians, and the na
tives of Upper India prepared the sugar
with which he sweetens it. A school-boy
can tell the meaning of the .Sanscrii
words " sacchara eanda." If he prefers
tea, the virtues of that excellent leaf wer.
first pointed out by the industrious Chi
nese. They also taught him how_ to make
and use the cup and saucer in which to
serve it. His breakfast tray was lac.
quefed in Japan. The egg he is break•
ing was laid by a fowl whose ancestors
were first domesticated by the Malaccans,
unless she may have been—although that
will ,tot alter the case—a modern Shang
hai. If there are preserves and fruits
on his board, let him remember With
- , thankfulness that Persia first gave him
the cherry, the peach, the plum. If in
any of these pleasant preparations he de.
tects the flavor of alcohol, let it remind
him that thap substance was first distilled
by the Arabians. A thousand years be
fore it had occurred to him to enaot laws
of restriction in the use of intoxicating
drinks: the Prophet of Mecca did the
same thing, and has compelled to this day
millions to obey them. We gratify our
taste for personal 'Ornaments in the way
the Orientals taught us—with pearls,
rubies, sapphires, diamonds. Of public
amusements it is the same. The most
magnificent fire-works are still to be seen
in India and China; and as regards the
pastimes of private life, neither America
nor Europe has prbilided an invention
that can rival the game of chess. We
have no hydraulic constructions as great
as the Chinese Canal, no fortifications as
extensive as the Chinese Wall; we have
,Artesian Wells that Can at all ap
proach in depth some of theirs. We have
not yet resorted to the practice of ob
tainipg coal gas from the interior of the
earth ; they have borings for that pur
- pose. more than 3000 feet deep.'
LITTLE CHIC DREN.-1. think them 'he
poetry of the world—the fresh flowers of
our hearths and homes—little conjurors,
with their " natural magic," evoking by
their spells what delights and enriches
all ranks, and equalizes the different class
es of society. Often as they bring with
them anxieties and cares, and live to oc
casion sorrow and grief, we should,wit on
every badly without them. If there was
never ahything anywhere to be seen but,
great grownrup_men .and_women, low -we
should long for the sight of a little
child 1 Every infant comes into the world
likea delegated prophet, the harbinger
and herald of good tidings, whose office
it is " to turn the hearts of the fathers to
the children," and to draw " the disobe
dient to the wisdom of, the just." A.
child softens and purifies the heart,
warming and melting it. by its gentle
presence ; it enriches the soul by nevi'
feelings, and awakens within if what is
favorable to , virtue. It is a beam "oflight,
a fountain of love, a teacher whose,lessons
few can, reaist. Infants recall us - froni
-much that engenders and encourages sel
fishness, that'freezes the affections, rough
ens the manners, indurate!! the heart;
they ,brighten'ihe home, deepen love; in: .
vig,orata.,exertion, ;infuse courage, •and
vivify, and itititapi charities 'of life.
Parqiever try to', joke after it
is Cracked. -
Life 4“he Arotio
Veld, lir a lettei to 616Lett.
don 7irnes, gives
_the - show,
that life may be sustained for a long time
in the Arctic regions,l and that Sir John
Franklin and . demiispions may still
survive: •
"In the year 1743, four-Rum:llan sail
ors, forming-part of:a crew of fourteen
wen, went in a small vessel to fish for
whales'on the East coast of Spitzbergen:
By some unfortunate accident, the ship
sailed away, leavin the above 'fdur men
nth -
NO. 41.
at dreary Their entire Stock,
the tith of this disaster, consisted of
a small balj of Meal, a musket, a powder
mon, twelve charges of aniwunition,*, an
aye, .a knife, a _small kettle,_d_ stove,: a
piece of touchwood, a tobacco-box, atid
four pipes. The men were not over
whelmed by their calamity, bur instantly
,et to work to provide for their future
wants. The *reek of a ship which they
iound on the shore - supplied them with
fuel, and the twelve charged of powder
and ball pm:lilted them as - many reindeer,
which were numerous on the island.
With nails extracted from a piece of 04-
timber, they made three lances, where
with they 'killed a bear, and with the
strong tendons of the bear they strung
anmetrengthened a piece of orooked delft
wood, which they converted into a bow
With this, and the arrows which they
easily made, they killed, during their stay
of six years on the island, two hundred
and fifty reindeer, ten bears, and a vast
number of foxes ; and when they were at
length relieved by a vessel which witch
ml unexpectedly on • the island, they were
able to pay for their passage home with
wo thousand pounds of deer fat, and
many bides of the animals they had slain.
One of their number, a very indolent man,
who, from the beginning, bud eschewed
almost every kind of exertion, died from
-curvy, while the other three found health
in their daily active employments."
A singular incident occurred at Caron
delet, Mo.' A Mr. G. four years ago
went away to the wars with Gen. Price
leaving a wife and two children. Hear
ing nothing from her husband, the NVOCII
in, after a time, yielded to the sympathy
and love of a neighbor, a Mr. Turner,
and married him. Fresh olive buds were
added to the familLwreath, and every
thing went smoothly. On Monday last,
however, the original Mr. G. entered the
domicil of the happy Mr and Mrs Tur
ner. After the first surprise was over
he three calmly seated themselves to
consider the anomalous position - of the
parties towards each other. After a full
ixposition of their sentiments the two
lien started down the street. leaving the
lady of their desires to her decision
uninfluenced by either. When the two
returned the lady announced that she hail
chosen to cling to her last love. Mr. G.,
hough evidently disappointed acquiesced,
oily claiming his children as blood of his
blood. This claim could not be contro
verted, and the father and children qui
etly and sadly bade adieu to the woman
they had known as wife and mother and
departed for the South.
Gen Sherman was in Gen. Howard's
tent one day during thr Georgia cam
paign, the medical director, who knew
that the former liked a "glass" occasion
ally, while Gen. Howard was total absti
nence, told Sherman that he looked weary
and ill, and if he would go with him he
would give him a eeidlitz powder. The
General acquiesced in the proposal with
alacrity, but Gon. Howard opening his
valise begged him not to leave and pro
duced a powder which he mixed and gave
o Sherman. The latter, though a little
chagrined at the losi4 of the ardent, was
much amused at Howard's ruse and drank
the cup manfully. The by-standors who
saw the joke smiled as loud as was prop
er uudtr the circumstances.
in everything: Short wo ds, short sen
tences, and short stories. These make a
writer popular with editors and readers.
The strength of the Saxon tongue lies in
its shortness. No writer can be popular
who is pollysyllabio oftener than occa
A THIEF took a fancy to a valuable
mare, in a pasture, about six miles from
Bridgeport, and attempted to steal her:
She had a way of showing her ankles to
strangers— and in the morning the thief
was found in the pasture in a helpless
condition, from a broken leg, the result
of a hearty kick. We think the farmers
in this vicinity would do well to teach
their mares that trick.
THE most agreeable of all companions
is the simple and frank person without
any high pretensions to an.oppressive
gentleness; one who loves life andrunder
stands the use of it; obliging alike at all
hours, and above all of-tt golden temper,
steadfast as an anchor. For such done
we most gladly' exchange the greatest
genius, the most brilliant wit, and the
profoundest thinker of the age.
jA gentleman nained Dunlop being
present at a party where one of.the
pang had madeseveral puns'on the' names
of persons prosent,yemarked:that licyhad_
never heard his name punned upon; unit'
did not believe it could be-done. "There
is nothing in the world.mpre easy, sir," . ,
'replied the punster, "just lop off half,
the name and it is Dun." .T. .
For a long time it has-batlled„the med.
imil authorities to aocouli.i.'l4'-the.,ferott
with which the waves beattigiiiist the
shore and it has recently ,
4 •that it arises from the f46t, 91,40're belng4
"muscles" in the pea:
Woman is said to be a mere 4c)i t itit*..r.
but it i sometintekipleasant:wit,,,Y,
Most men who coMplpiq.4.
nothing to do, are just ttbei l ittpl.ftp , ..b,,ty- , ,.: . ;
task. •
He that wool)] bE4 , l4.ilti-kentilekut
world must not be
“Gooa 131904 AvilV"a”Vil tt'OVNWEY:s , ('.
as the, old lauy.salur w ue q''"" wrsjirMle
by the redness: of. her
I , `-',