IS YOUR LIVER OUT OF ORDER ? IT is n -difficult thing to keep the liver in good order in this ohm freebie climate. it Is sotto- times too act vi'. and 'Sometimes ton indolent. In either case a disordered s3metn is sine to le theconse 7 qUence. Your liver must art with regularity if you enjoy health ; urn/ to rest, re thin regularity aro tlon when lost, there is 80 hing so effective as Radway's Regulating PI.I R. A disordered live, lends to quite a nutolur of serious disorders. '1 jaundice, the rhou tho fever and ague, and many other bilious afflictions all accompany such it condition of things. Resort immediately io the use of itadway's Reguiuting Pills. 'they I ever fail to remove the cause of all such trouble. '1 hey are con pounded of the rarest mettles. merles It nown to pharmacy, the very essence of which, and not their coarser substances, an, employed by Dr. Rathsay. Hence, his Regulating Pills have a peculiar ly subtle pot or In thoroughly searching out disease, •nd ospoldem it f the sphere of every embarrassed organ. Tine tie not distress the delicate coats of the stomach. OCCIIRIORIng gripes, pains, tenestuus, and so on, by their irritating operation, as too many other pills do. They purge ently, regusarly. and without straining. They leave DU weakness behind them. They are pleasant to take, and cost but '25 rents a box quantity which ma> last you for six months. and will Le found useful In many —of the ills that gosh is heir to," be•ides liver is mplitints. Your biliousness will vanish as snout on ou take 8 dose two. Yollr disord red liver oHI be rok.tozed to a proper sense of it duty. You stilt be a well man or wk mini. Sold by druggists. 2 weeks. r 1 1 11. EAI a ,un & I a inlin Cabinet, Organs, I forty different st, col adapted to saered /nod secu lar music. tor .5,1.1 to SOUO each. 'MIK I V-Fl V E OULU or al LV Elf M ED A Le ' or othi, first premiums award• od them. Illustrated Catalogues free. Address, MA• SUN A lIAMLIN, BOSTON, or 31Az..0.N tiltUTilEitS, mow YORK. Sept. 22, 1.8115-Iy. OT C E —We the undersigned eiti urn- of Dickinson township believing that the destruction of Birds is injurious to the interest of the fdrming community, take this method to Inform GUNNE4S AND SPORTS 11 , ..'NT that we will not permit, hunters to trespass upon our pictures either to shyot birds or othel game, but 5, ill enforce toe law against then, in all (Wt. , . Emanuel Line. Jr.; , Peter Zinn, Peter :hot eon. Ilenry : broiler, Samuel :quart, jr„ Phllnp Reighter, Walter ,Luart. Day id Center, William A Cat., Robe t Donakon, {VII lam Iten.z. tieorge P 1131 into tqwatier. • Jahn DulToy, ?ilattheW Unlbtnitb, William 11 Hoffman, Samuel Spangle , r, Samuel :Lintel, or., Fllllll.l-1 EN ADS, NN i haul Line, Ake:Main rp• tts, John W. ilusten, William Uwe. Jobe Peffei. George Alai tin, sr., George Phillip ,pang er, Thee. NI. spAngler, .I.e.eph Si raw, .i,llll Joel nhealter, W. W. :pAtigler, Abel L. Line, Charles Bessuer. William Ilal.aughlhi, John %Vailowi.r, William Clalloa th, Henry Joseph ibilbraith, Adam Fishbu rn, A. Karts Vishburn, Ueorge . Rot btxer, Eli Bushman, Fop'. 21, Ihfs-11in PROCLAMATION ! • wUEREAS, I, \V A. MILES, Car -1 I , le. rtt having just ret urtted from the i'nn Oi 311 rX tun,hu tif,Orlllll9(t. 4)1 thu most tositionutto. and ht Minot colors 01 1)R ES G 0 ) , Preneil Merinos, (Vl•d W AM DeLanee A murk te do, I.lg imed Alireas, FlllllOll (.11,ii 111 erns, lilac]: do . Poplins, livp Vialn (:01.1.1111b, Fi;,ur d d o Therefore purchaser,' 0111 tied it ti their akirantrtge to gIVe we a eall. Also, h. - 11.4.0111CA as , ortment of I)IiESS in Psi Uvular aittention given to )loussisiNci Goons. 11 NI. A CI I LE:. Drreetly 'lie Mansion I tools. uud one door most of the Vie“ tittles. I, UNITERSITT OF PENNNYLVANIA E1)1 CAL DE PA itTm EN 'I A7Ol, .` red °bore Cloc.sholt, /'lrilmlrlphirr,Prr ANNOUNCEMENT UNIT 111 NIAMI,TII ibSOll, NI. D., ICtneritus Proles;" of Surgvry. unorl;r li \lood. 11 1/.. L 1111,11( LIS 1 . 1 , 1, ,yor of Theory and Pic t ieu Medivi Samuel ,llovksun , U., Emeritus Proft.snr I ustitutea of Nlmlivlttu. Hugh 1.. Bodge. )1. D.. Emeritus Prolesmr of Msfettirs and the Otll,ll and Children. Joseph Carson, M. 1).. I' ofa., or of Mater In Medlea and Pharmacy. Robert E. Rogers . , M IC, I'r,G•ennr of Chemistry. .1 'neph Leidy. M. It . Prinensor of Amitoniy. Ileory II ,ifith. M Proleshor m eur¢ery. Frlalnit Seth h. M. It ,Profu•sur I,:tit utts of Mod- IL A F l'enn•se, M. D , Prole or of 01,,,tetries and tho Disensen of ,‘ onrm fttel Chlldro Alfred off Ile, rl. 1., Prelehsor of I hr )ry l'ettetive of Aledirtne. 11. Hayes , gIIOW, 1) Drmens• rut or of A tttomy, and A.t.lsLtitt Lecture roll Cittucal ourgery. The Lectures of the SesAiuu tIBOS-60) «ill holin on the secou , t M omit) , of/etcher nud r lobe on the thst ul Nlarvh One I n ttod uctnry will Ito delivered to the Conroe Clinical It ntruntion is given thrttunitout the inettsion. In the Aledienl hull, by the I'nth••ears. And at the hi°, Otitis. At the I'llll..l,lphi, Hospital, containing (41 bet, histruetitin in tree. ilitaey and Hygiene will la. fully taught by the appropriate chairs. The Dl-seeting Rooms. under the superintend.), of the Prob of A mammy and the 14,1.o:tent r. are upon thiougho at the year, exeept. la July and August. me Roma for oppratiVo Purger V and the App:katkui of Bandage, .oe. l open llirnughuul th • Se4sitou, uII der the nun ,i 1 the l'ruieNNor ut .Cu gory Fees for the L m.uine trh Professor f,15) Nig trivolnti. hi Pee ipsol once c,uly ), = It. It D., Dean of the Med , eal Farults tint vele'. Building ESTEVSCOTTAGE ORGANS, IMMO Cottage Organ ARE not only unexcelled, but they are absolutely unequalled, by any i tiler Reed Instrument In the em nry 11. all("ed exprosaly for Churches ;And Schools. the) are found to be equally set ll adapted to the parlor and dra %vim: room. For sale only by E. NI DBUrII 3 No. IS Nol th SEVENTH 5t.1.001, PHILADELPHIA. 5I AI-o. BRADBURY S PIANOS 0 do rowploto Os sortmont of I' Kit MSC L' MELUDEuN. F opt. 22, I bpb—ly LADIES FANUY FURS ! Gent's FurrGloves and Collars. I um enabled to dlspove of my goods at very renenn able prices. and I would therefore solicit a call fr, m my friends of Carlisle and vicinity. Remember the Name, Number and Strtret; JOHN PAR PIRA, 718 Arch Street, above 7th, south side, Sept. 23, 1865-4 m Philadelphia. 4RPI have no partner, nor conneetien with any other store in Philadelphia! ITCH I ITCH I ITCH I SCRATCH! SCRATCH! SCRATCH! Wheaton's Ointment ' Will-cure-the . ltch in4B Hours. LSO cures SALT RHEUM, Pb. CERS. CUILIILAINS," and all ERUPTIONS OF LIE SkIN. Price 61 cents For sale by nll Druguil.ts. • Sly sending al cents to WEEKS & POTTER, Sole Agents, 170 Washington street, Boston, Mass., It will be forwarded by mall, free of postage, to any part of o United States. " Sept. 22, 1866—Cm. .RARE_ INDUCEMENTS 1 - - _ TEiE undersigned:purposes going East In five or six weeks. and In the meantime, wishes to sell his stock of Notions, FANCY DRY GOODS, Wagon, Horses, Routs, Good Will &c , to any person desirous of gulag In the business. W. SCOTT COYLE. Sept. 15, 16135—at: 13(9„. Perry Adi. and Franklin Rep. copy lt, send bill to this office. AUDITOR'S NOTICE.- The undersigned having been appointed by the t.,r,,...ans Court of Cumberland Q.unty un Auditor to inarshail & distribute the asse , s to the hands of Fain not Dillor Administrator of the itsta to of William T. Kennedy late of Frankford Township dec'd, hereby gives notice that ho wit attend to the du.les of his appointmonto at his aloe in the liorough of Carlisle on Thursday the 6th day of October next' t 10 o'clock A. 1. when thosu having claims on Said estate will attend. ' o,l'. IlUsiltloll. dept. 16,1806-3 t. - STRAW WANTED. TRE subscribor wishes to buy, 500 TONS ofgood Rye, 11 hooter Oats Straw, Mr whinh Seven Dol lars por, ten will be paid if delivered at the thin in good condladn. 'For Ityo.otrow In bunfroo Eight Dolton , per ton wll be paid. BTOUVIlltit tlTit WILLER!. • bliddlose* Bottid - A1)118. • Sept. /84—tf. . , SEALED proposals will be received a this office until 3 o'clock P. M. Monday, Sept. 25th, 11.15; for furnishing the troops at and near Carlisle Barrack l's., with good for one year, from and after the first day of October, 1805, or such less time. Le Commissary Gene( a. of oulisistenco U. S. Army may direct. Proposals must be in duplicate, and endorsed •• Pro posals for Frost, Hoot." and 1111113 L NIA tut the Dames of two r. spoosible persons who will sign the band and become responsibm for the lalthful perf.irma ace• (if the contract Personx who bid are request.' to be present at the opening of the proposals, The tiovernment re,.orres th sheit to reject any or all bids which they may con eider unreasonable or for ~ n y m her etlitletent .000. Tilo3tA ;h. MA 1.1,1", lot bieut.bth U. i.i.(lavalry, A A C. S. Office of A A . C S. U. S. A , o ilarinclo., I a., Nla) 29, IFtio. Sept 15, 1565—'21 NO. C H RAH AM , tiornry n 1 Lall , tY l'a. Oflleo formerly oeou Owl by .1 nth: - litrklutm, South damn or 01 root. Soptembei EMPORIUM. THE Subscriber- having removed his n0:,e84 Shoe -tore from North Ilanover street to 11 est Main steps n tee , doors below the burnt copper. °pros{ I 0 Merlon 11,61. Is prepared to accommodate the public with the vel r hest assortment ,d BOOTS AND SIIOES, _HONE MADE WaRA ,f all hinds eors , autly op hand and made to order :it the shortest not b•e. IWe nothing but the bent rnut, - mil and employ none but the bent baud, hsp,elal at tenthm given to the manumeture of If you wont it neat fit that won't pinch give me al. Fine Calf Boots iv m R 7 to $13,10 Conr,o Boots from 6.2.30 to $8 50 U41101:5 t•boi 1, from SIM to 60.00 CHILDREN'S ,','llo ()PALL .1i 1N D.', 1 finer n 44 of It t id Women's .`l , .hoefi the t : am selling at Cull and a \ atoino ' el,. e purolinAng olsowhe F. C. FL Ntk. Nt oat Unit. Streit. September CLOTHING. Jvv. sr\IILEY, has just rcceived a I tri.r.ti and It ant tiSSOrtillen tof superfine and medium lualilf I it'll ',NIA' AND 1001 AN lILNUIi AM) CAS AND V. Si a general as..ortnient of Union CASSINI S S, .1 LA , all which 1 will inttnufaeture to order. it) superi r nt!. 1,, at moderato prices, or sell t, the yard I Sir,e , ored nit) herVi.•ittit 411 TII , iN 6,11 e lITEft al :in piipu Tailiirs, whll WIN sh i n's iii the sire to rut and the mariulari ming ud he 11,01,3 itivitea his old lust naffs hind the public hiin IL call. A. large aosta talent of Ready Made Clothing. of MO' own 111313111 fiir uuni a [ pt lam ) , at pikes 10 suit Ills times, a 111 alila nu lie tiund sit our shehon. I sill let no linin nil dersell ..e. My stook 4,f prime Kip, I.‘ Mei Proof ('t II 15,1 1,11 boots &c,,, for men and very large and logetileisleli rod 11 5 4..1 t meta of 151.1111 1 11 ' 15 .111.1 mill ti ren's a lid 01'111'5 11115 Stsar. all of tv hirh 511 1 5 ill find ',fling nt the silly 100 est pilot, pusiMoe 1 1111. see tint hr satisfied. 'l'ntvelling-Bags &C. it li.s pi iitt. Un iiiit fall Li. gi...111..n c3ll, as I will ttlway , ' . 0 pat. and feel that I 1,0 stit. ; t;, ill] as guod, well mall. turd C1..th114, 1i ts, lists, kr., at ran Lr f .111ili in the 111,111,0 1 I hiuk at Imre,. Litres. Sm th I hitlo vi FLrvaet. !AIL ri 00 ri .ad !Albert's corner, C:u Bali. Soptembor S. P.1.5-3E.1 Public Sale of Valuable Real Estate. IN pursuance of the decree or 'he t Curt or c,aa.a ad County, /I nut mill In• !odd at puhiie sale hy the d Trustee, ~.. nu 1 e n the 12th of h A. C. Inn:,, al t•loseu o'cluelt A in 11 ilshor,"roo to:hip in saidty. 11 the 1,01 Road 0., 11111 rs We•f. Of Llilll , l • 1/01.111 .0 I tol,d tll,ll.ils .1.1“1111 11. tt t•aver. 11111 and Ellza Loth Candliers, U.\'7:4l.\ s A C7I'ES.3 - I I.", PER CHEs I•11' Or 10S , 111,1114 thoreon erected a LA 1:(.; ISU I ',DING, Suitable an anti l Italy oi•rupiiii.l as finch together with a Dwelling House, And other VA 1.1:A 111. E ItUILDINGS AND IMPROVI , M TER \IS —thin thoe,ted by the purehii-er on the otuifiro,a ion of the cute.. five hundted dmhu theret !ter ywuty with or cash ei the Al of the purchase', end to hr a len oil the preuiiiii, uu ii fully pal F. HEPBURN, Tru.iee. Fulit Valuable Town Property at Private Sale. r 1 111 1 , ; sul)!,cril.t•r (ders nt private ::!e the I ,lesirable town pry i rty siLuati.i on Vl., !I in OP. Tou,h, Vie A 'l' NV 111' • BItICK 110118 E, 4a4 ,Ith two-stop with all other coo, lent nut-bolhlio./s. The )ca iN.ntatm, .vit (root by 240 ler( toit , pill Mil Also, Three Ilyiek Houses situated on South 11;•,. street. Two and n half -I. I les each. rr ith I:Aelc Buildings. These louses at, eltlently arranged Ule I'l,o to .410r11 Ft le. NA I. h ec ery uh.dern and are enduentiv nut the early att.t.u , purrhabt l rs. Fur terms and further particular; apply to J . N. AII.MSTIIIIN ; . Sept 15, 1855—Ct. VALUABLE FARM AND TIMBER LAND 3E"' 4o) ar Eta .a. rrIIE undersigned, Executors of Ru dolph Miller. dee'd . NV Sale, at the MIIDSIOII House, In Monroe townt.h In. on the road load leg from M echaulenbu rg to Dill Flint. about two wiles east of Churchtoitn, and thur miles southwest of Mechanicsburg, On Thursday, September 28, 1865, )11N FA.REIRA'S ld established It MAN I)R V o. 718 Arch St. ,ove 7th, Phila. a first rate Limestone Farm, containing 71 ACRES and 87 PERCHES, all under a high state of cultivatim , except about 8 acres of Timber Land. The improvements are a Double Lob . House, 4 Weatherboarded, Bank Barn, and all 9171; ° • 8 •iT other necessary tat l-butidingli. There is a pump of never tailing water at the , fc LN.,7IX door, and a good Apple Orchard and other fruit tioes Olt l ho premix, s. No, 2. Also, at the name time and place, it tract of It Acres and 107 'Belches of good Oak and Chestnut bovo now in htoro of own Importation d Manuotetum one tbo Largest and moat autilul soleetiumi of FANCY FURS, Ladies and Chlldrons Al' In tho city. Alsn Timber Land, lyif gat the foot attic Mountain in York county. near the Hoe 01 Monroe township, bounded by .ands of Solomon Hoke, John Momper, and others. Sale to t contnroce 'at 1 o'clock, P. M.. on the above day, when terms will be made known by 1841. AU MILLER and DANEL MILLER, Exectert. orltudillph Miller. der'd. Sept 8 'l3s—lts sT AT E Nur.' c Lettors of Admhdstratio❑ on tho estate of Mra. bitzaboth kgolf, luto of the Borough of Curllslc, dua'd, hove boon grunted by the Register of Cumberland Co.. to the uubscriborr, residlng in said Borough. Al) per sons having chums against said estate will prosont them for settlement, and those Indebted to the same will make imm thato payment to C. P. 111.1111lICII, Adm'r. Boptember 2,1.865-6 t Govermiten - t, - Mules •AT AUCTION IN PHILADELPHIA. At Champion's Bazaar, 1126 Race St. 100 M..7.17...1M5, Will be sold each Wednesday and Saturday; Commencing September 20th, nt 'lO o'clock A. M., and continuing every week until fur ther notice. These Mules are nearly all first class and in good condition, being sold only fur want of use. Every facility will be afforded for an ex atnination on , the part of buyers. ° Terms Cash, in Government Funds." ALBERT S.• ASHMEAD, Capt., & Asst. Quartermaster• Sept. NOTICE." "FRESH BEEF," BOOT and SHOE French Calf Hoots, BooTs, sHoEs AND ILLTs .I.w. SMI I.; 1 All that Tract of Land, PUBLIC RALE Of very desirable real estate in Upper Allen ' Township. rr HE undertigned attorney in fact of Iv F. ,htnitin and Eliza his wife; will expose to public sole on the prOmisee, on FitIDAY the 20th day of September A. D. 1865. That very valuable ♦ deco of land, situated In Upper Allen Township, clove to the borough of Mechanics burg. bound d by lands of Jainev Graham. Moses Mil ler, Coover's helm Levi Kauffman and others, Containing 80 Acres More or Less This hunt la in the higheat state of cultivation and will be tried as a whole and In pieces of ton acres cach, ,so as to alfotd an opportunity for the purchase of tracts for raising market \'ege'nhleij and productions. San to commence at I o'clock of the day above mentioned when terms will he made known by Soptember 8,1885-8 t AIMITOR'S L NOTICE. The undersigtod having Mien appointed by the Orphans' Court of Cumberland county, an Auditor to distribute tee balance In [holt:lnds of Wm. L. Craighead, Administrator of the efitate of John O. Weakley, lute of of 111111 , 0ek county, Illhads, deceased, to and among those entitled thereto by}aw, berek, gives notice that he u - ill attend to tlowdfdles of his appointment on Saturola, the Ith day of October hest, at 10 o'clock A. M., at his ollieu in the Borough of Ctolisle, N‘lien and where and where those interested may attend if they think proper. C. P. 111 . MBICII, Sept. S. liiiC—it Auditor. NV. C. SAWYER, ,NO. A. ItuKE, JNO. E BuitliiiuLDEß NEW FIRM 1 have taken Into partner,hip..lno. E. Burkholder and .I no A. Duke (clerks to my store) for the purpose at continuing the Dry Ooods business under the title Or W. SA try, Sz CO. Our Store is now open for business where a 'aro stock of. SEA SONA BLE GOODS may he found, we w ill he receiving. NEW GOODS. every day and intend to keep up the reputation of tint S ale, fur activity liberality, anti lor al ti ays having the Lunt i,toik 01 voods in the Vallty. tieing very thankful for the !argil patron age civet, [no 1,1111,0 UM public. IrespocUull, itch a condn tou., of tire slum; to the New Firm We will endeav or to utter the limn I those who will Ave us it NAIL The bucks of the late tt nor me Mr for settlement and persons indsloted ale revue ted to make settle• Men!. East Main door berme Martin's W. U. tA 11 Eli Sept. 8,1885. F SA DL EH, Attorney at, Law, «. Carlisle N OM, to Volunte, South I la.tovet Street. HoniE Insukance Company OI NEw y () RK . (y/ire Cant Capital 2..110 , 1.0m1,00 .v.syuts .1 uly 21st 1565:1.714 ttti,uii elt A . .1. )1,1 It , 1 Plesitlent. A F. tS 11.1.\1.1 1(9'11. Vice front. .Ii)IIN i:E, Secretary. The attention of !arm , ra and business m n generally Is invited to the superior advantages afforded by the n lino e r,potisibleStoc•i: Co. 'rue insured gives DO no'ex ill o assessments; and the rates are :melte:lp ns i< wi h the la , s l,nrp,msnlion. • Poli cies 1 , 44,11+11 and losses en ultably adjusted anal pr. :aptly paid by the undersigned who is apeointed the outline. zed agent for Cumberland County. 1..1. W. Fitl:l,K, Carlisle Pa. Sept. 1, 18116. CARLISLE FEM ALE COL- L E.G I4_; Rev. T. Daugherty, President. FOR 80.1 le in Aw ru F SCUOLA RS. r 1 1.1 IS Setninnry which includes the Weis under the charge tit Mazy g ill he pen kinder Ow T Haugh erty. as President. With a lull crirps of able instructtirs, 14“ a , to give to the louue lir. lisgeU h eat/Cation iu English and st tidies in the Freliell Man laingUve,, ill , lue.e. faintihg. 1111 d tither orna mental In :inches I xpe•ri/I ell, WI!! be pit en to 110/11 1 / 1 •I sin the tile A primary nenttrtinent for the yminger heholam will 1... had in VI onertlon uith tho cmllettlato depaldnient The session Is 11l open uu t 1 oilesdal .I 4 eptenitam in the frelegatit Selosil 1,111[11 4 , 105i4111.11 ftli; 11501 pur and .ttarlted to the Emory Flr terms apply to the President. A .•g. 1.4, Music ! Music ! r 1111 F., subscribers teeling, the, necessity of an estll,ll,ltutont whore Shoot ran ho purohtt.rd still, ttt the tIola ) and IbPt lit ell it. 11 1 .1. ur it `7 the ma I, pot I tltt-tt hee t tin t , a hue and yarirtl •eierl t .,” ,•1 the Leal musk ot the en t .at Itteir 11l te, t ry store. on the earn. r of thtnr,t.r and i.outher stre,t ‘. PerKolls 6••+11.l av illy ratisi we may net [wive oulland an lei avewuln.late I al thy shot tea j, isiulr hotive. 11 A I.ltEliT h Illtt). A tigtl.t 4. Strike While 'I lie Iron Is Hot! NEW STOIIE, NEW (,001)K. II II AVE just received a large ass,ort mont of New (hook, such as Calicoes. DeLaines, 'baffle , . Lawns, Alpacas, tI hanihross. Flat.nels, Linens trown and nlearhod ,hee itlo, Brown and Bloacht d Alro, a roll a , s olnient Men's Goods, tich li , slineles Satiinetts. Jean., U rt. St, Che, ks I ilclutling all qu a city bit styli, of Ulitler•hitts anti Urn,, ers. Ure.s Shirts. l'l,ll4irs, Neck Ties, Obires. and All other good.; .ertnining ton Ocntipubi l.'s Wardrobe. All which will be hold at lower pliers than they u selling ulnewhere in Ct lisle. IVM. A. :MILES, Nex t ileor NVest of the toot Oflire, Cu rl Isle. G,P May 2t;, IStIS TT NOTICE TO TAY PAYERS TEN PER CLltl'l SAS ED BY PIIMI PT P A BENT. 15th I iollection District. Penn'a. Celle, titire tiflice, nechanicsburgg, Pa. J I )11'11.S1CL\ NT to the provo ti a,,s of an not entitled "Au act to provide Internal Revenue, Ae. notice la hereby given to all perAtim, liable to pay duties or toes under sald art. in the 15th deon'a.. log the counties or York. Cumberland nod Perry, that II u Collector of said Distriet has re ceived from the Assessor thereof, his Annual Collection List, consisting of Taxes fur Licenses. Carriages In come, Ac t that the Duties and 'taxis asseestnl by said Assessor, have In come due and payable, and that the said Collector r his Depuiy will he at the following places to reeeive the F/11119 . 11=i9 At Oatchelyille Hotel, in Oetchelellie, Sept.lB, 1885 At Jll.O. I in Lowe, Ch4ncelord, September 20 At Brogue lintel, In A hanceford, September 24. At Z S. Shetw'e Hotel, in Dalle,.towu, Sot 23. Et the Olen lock 11(4,1, Wen Reek, Sept 25 and 28 At the Aset. Askesenex Office, Hanover, Sept 28 & 28 At Flo et National Molt of York, in York, October 3, 4,5, littml 7. EDWARD SEATON, Deputy Colt'r. CUMBERLAND COUNTY. Augthlubsugh's hotel, Shipponsburg. Sept. 18, 1865 Bursh's Hotel, No Station. Sept. & 20. Lunbat's uflicu, Carlisle. Sept 21, 22 23. coneetor's office Aludianiesburg, Sept. 25 & 26. Erb'e Hole), Bridnepert, Soptoun or 27. 111.'YER YORK COUNTY. Shelly's Hotel, Goldsbbro', Septembor 29. Nelson's Hotel, I) ilsburg, Lepteniber 21). It. IL THOMAS, Deputy Colt'r. PERRY COUNTY Blain, Tel sday September 12 I stir,. Lnudisburg, Weduesday, September 13. New Blomolleld. Thurbday. September 11 Newport. Friday, September 15. ;tlonday. September IS. Liverpool, Tuesday, September 15. Duneannon, Wednesday, Leptembur 20 JESSE KENNEDY, Deputy Colt'r. All persons who shall neglect to pay the duties and taxes an aforesaid assessed upon them, at the tints above specified, must pay ten per cuntum auditional upon the amount thereof. Persons remitting by mall must nd Postage :stamps to pay return postage. AU remittances by 'mail meat the rich of the persons send lug. United States Currency or National Bank Notes received in payment of Taxes. Office hours front il o'- clock, A. Si., to 3 o'clock, P. 51. KAUFFMAN, Collector, 15th District, Penn's. Mechanicsburg, Cumb. Co, Pa. August 25, 1865-71 Twenty-Five Salesmen WANTIED IMMEDIATELY ! ACTIVE, ENERGETIC MEN, wanted to do business in this and neighboring buocs. None others need apply. To such a fine chance is uttered. Persons experienced on salesmen not neces sary: Apply personally and at once, to KINNEY tic WALIVIN, - - Market figtiare, - Haerlsharg, opppsitil - Juices' Rome; 4EO-Entrance one door East of Boyer et Keeper's Gra• eery Store. September 1,186 t. - Horses, Hulce, Ambulances, Har ness, Sze, AT PRIVATE BALE. THE subscriber has on hand and of fora for sale, at tho Carlisle Springi+, a number of Fine Horses and Mules, Fivo Hundred" Botts of Wheel and Load Ambolanco, and ti Mel and Lead Wagon Harness, which will bo sold cory low. 'rho subscr 'bur will remain at tholtinno place for a fow %rocket only, Fo that persons wishing .bargains In them articles would lie well to e,.11 soon. A. it. WIN WOOD. Ammar IP 1805•—it J. T. DELAORCIX, No. 37 South SECOND Street, above Chest nut—lPlllLAD'A. CARPETING'S' 1 CARPETINGS 1 Having received by late arrivals, alLthu newest and most attractive !Styles of Oarpellings,—l AM PREPARED TO OPER at the LOWEST CRIOES, WHOLE-ALE & METAIL John Or msley & Son's En4llsh Tapestry Brussels; Lowell &. Dartford Three-Ply and Extra Super liturain Carpets, with a large nasertmont of medium pod low priced OAIWET/ , 08, WINDOW OIIADES, OIL CLOTIMI, J. T. Dela croi.x. , No, 87 South 8E )OND Atreet, betwooll Iblieetnut & Attu% kat, PIIILADEVIIIA. • `A.ISMINITRATORS' SALE-OF Valuable Real Estate. 1Y virtue of an order of the Orphans' eotirt of Cumberland, county the undersigned, Administrators of the estate of Wm. M. Beetem de ceased, lata of the 13c:rough of Carlisle, will expose to public sale on Wednesday, October 4,18115, at 10 o'clock, on the premises, the following desirable and valuable Huai Estate: No. 1, That • VALUABLE FARM in INlonree township, Cumberland County. about 8 m les south lust of Carlisle. Known OS the Williams Farm. bounded by lands of Jacob Mumma, Jacob Ceck lin, John Bra uglier, nod the Yellow Brooches Creek CONTAINING- 142 ACRES JAMES ArilJEltBON, Attorney In fact and 149 Porches of the bunt duality of Limestone land all under good fonco and in a high staloof cultivation Tho imprivinnantv are a large Brick Dwelling • House, a largo BANK. BARN, WACION CORN CR IBS and other noce,sary a ~ buildings, a Well of god Waler and Cis tern, and n bogy Apple Oreha El of Choice N nut. Tons 'is a handscnne property, situate In the midst of, that ton rile part of the valley bordering on Yellow Brooches Creek. No. 2. Also at the same time and place, a tr et of situate near the above tarot In Carroll township, York omnty, containing 12 Aeres and 12 Pvrcht.s, bounded hoods 01 Benjamin Niesly. Wldiams, Rudolph Miller and Jacob Neisly. Also at taw same Limo and place 50 Locusts Poqs. A so on To ursday the sth day of October at 11 o'clock a. in. at the Court llou'iS In the Borough of Carlisle: No. 3. That 'Valuable HOTEL PROPERTY, On the north-west corner f ,ho Pubbc Square. bmind ed on the north by blehlocon alloy east by Public 6tuare, HOW h by MAI street, west by bliss Campbo ithd A. It ,harpo. , Containing lit front on hi Igh htl Oct :Wont 44 met and running ark et an Irregular width 'dealt 24U met to Diel.lown alley. The front t•ul.ding ns destro)ed by fir, tho walls of which are ,tiii xta adiUg tin the of her part of the lot is a rowel nrlck nuildings suitable tor Dwellings, till os nod Shop, also a large new brick Stable for a Hotel or liv ery. No. 4. Al,o ut the same time and place, a Lot ut Iliainod situate eu Ninth Pitt sl wet, lioui.d , ll un the west by Pitt ~triait, south by Miss Diihso.l.l,rth by Mrs. Lamb rtil. uu.d east by 12 feet alla), c tit:till ing 24 feet in trout and 112 b In depth to the alley, theraen tweeted a gi od two story Brick Dwelling House, .„,ef . - - ,sta no w 0,,,, t p1 e d by Mrs. Prattler. ,r,4 t g Nu. 5. Alto at the sarti , time t and pine, it Lot of Oround tdttntte on 44 4 ', , ,;Z" , :.;-;':' the Harrisburg Turnpike, hounded oil We north by Fold turopdie, nest by a 20 10,1, street, roulh by a 12 feet all y, and root by another lot of ground belonging to estate of W. M. Motteal dec'd, containing in trout ea the till nplke lint feet, extend ing 120 t Cl back to the alley, Liming thereon erected good !orgy clean for stock, h.ty and teed, Office, Corn nh. sod Hydlaat ,Veter on the gronud. (100 purchased no SIX ado of ground 2t3 fn. t I front each, nad 111Xy be sold separately or together.. Will halt pun eh:l,4 vs, and if deemed expedient the buildings will be Fold sepainte from ine Lead. I{. Also at the slime time and phico lel of 111,111,1 ailjohlititt No n. cootaining 18 feet in trout Loa the t C tipike 001172 feet 111111111, at the 1,0011 on the alley, 120 feet deep oo one Side Rod 1'22 belt the ih her toile to the Riley, ha, ith2 thereon erected a 'Argo 11211. and ha, a cellar and nearly No. 7. Al, 1. at Ow saint. tin', 1111(1 place, an out lot. bounoed by lands of IN in. Lords, und rinds h•llding to till,pike, containing 3 MEI Nu. S. AI-0 i)it the ••:11111. , lny, it I•_' t•'(.1(w1:, on the promise, In North Meitileton t, wnshlp , to o 11101,1 north of Carikle, cm the road loa,ltn to Stet reii's (Imp, A Farm of Good Slate Land hounded I , y Imid , or 'Win D. i 4 ponsivr. .lolm Stook, ell's heirs, Vim 11. Henderson, and other la odqof Cnulaioln :trier /IIII14t) P..rvbes 'I lie i-..provements are a vorl I) \\ ELIA 11,11131.: o It t>li BAJO:. and other ow-building.. II Al1p1111,11 . 11:11 , 1 A well of enter near the 111111 , 111,S all under gar it 1,11 t• and in is high , n,::11 of el/0.1,11.1011 nud has all t. 1•1•11 ~. 9. Al,l, I , n the s:tme.lay, at 2 p in., on In, prtoniss, timt VALUABLE FARM, bnown as the "Noble Farm, - situate I Mile ea‘t of etny. fis u, :sort ton toe whip l'annlee land eonntit,y hounded by lands of 11 nu .11. Ilentilel , u. ‘{ 111 U. 1101 lands ef 111 u. NI Brett: an i anti the I etre t spnyl , row:tiring 17,, leers and loft g‘sel fence anti in the Inbthrst slatn , of ouit.iva t fi. 'I hr intleerennen us are 1, I,.lltti Brick Dwelling House, '('\sU Bilk K TE ANT lb A4' LA MI It.k b ISA RN, lit /OD 1. IIA k I'.l it LI,. Al agon Cot II Cribs lID a r •out I,lllolllg, all .4 pple and Peacholl..4hll . l.l. a r. el' 4.r ~•02 a / 1 1.1•1,1111.1 a riStal a—Che i etort epring pas,hot olohg the I-outh enslern boulidory"rhe loon to MI 11,1 Iwy, stnt,,.Li ths. 1.1111 11111. 11101. t deSiral v Inest monto ottered to ealiblllisl This Is robsetered out, ol thin Inney flu ms of tee volley. At, edebee will be givmt and lei MA made known by JO,EI'II .10SEI'll A. ATu 111 T, Administrators ol Wm. ME. Ileetool, Sept. I. Ihtif, Situutu on Pomfret f.treut. near the corurl of Pitt Ic • 1,,t c.uttaills 3.1 feet in front and tau cn in dept.) 'the Improvements ntwo ,ttuy 111-21( HOUSE with, other c c,ceunl, nt out building, The Li kt In nc ii r. ,°red with fruit trues and gll-111.-11 most choice .election Ihe I ration is n desitubie turn pc Ivntc rtuidoneu and Sc 11l be dirpostul-f upon ad Vauta _emu, tern.' Fur tennis mid further pool icularK enquire c•f A. I, s-1 . 1,:5.51..E1t, Beal Estate agt. Curl Isl.. A ti.; 12, IS63,—Q. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE At Private Sale. L !lAN 1)50 ' , IE Suburban Residence ./ situate no the York }toad, one half mile East of t allltiio sillki Wahl. ti, Borough llluda, crunp r i s i ng a bout two and a-half acres of I and finely Improved. har ing thereon crested a ~ TWO STORY ‘ ,4714 , BRICK HOUSE. 1014 1 ;4*,...4 I A •,' i nearly new, :3TAIILK, CAIIRIOiIi MUSE, ICE HOUSE, and othe, convenient eat Building:s. Arid a :mood B ell of Water and CBtern. The grounds 11113 taStfUlily !a .I..ut and beautifully adorned with &hada tree, lb:, ers. shrub!, ry. togs her with au bundance of fruit ol all kinds The •,ouse is beautifully Inca ad in an elevated position wl Is a lawn in froul doping gradually to the road. Also, an odegant BRICK PRIVATE RESIDENCE on )1010 St. Carlisle—the lot containitur 30 foot In f net and ;NO foot to depth cell covered with holt trees and floA era. a tine stable at the the lot. 'I ho build ing is conveniently and substantially constr.:U.l and contallic all tho modern Improvements. Arrangements can be mudu to give the porch..., initnediAte pose-1 11 It deal, ed.—For terms and further partieulain et•quiru of A. L. SPONSLER, Real Estate Agt. Carllhlo, Auguxt, 11, 1865 .1)17 virtue of the last will and testament ) of William Hopwood, decoosed. 1 will oxpo,o to public. Nolo on Friday, Octobur 11th, at la o'clock. a. tno premises. [HE MANSION FARM of William Ilenwood, dec'd, lately of" the township of Mld how: in the County of Cumberland, adjoining the "Carlisle Cm Inge" pry pertytontainina eno hundred and ninety i we acres and fifteen perches: , /13}ki upon ivideli la aWO 11A and ••• a other improvements and through which WO 1 1 0 • hero is runulmi Wotor Also, -at the I S eaten time and place, I will soil Five Mountain Lots of Land, ' which adjoins the aboye farm on the north and which contain each about tell acres. Terms will be made' known on day of Halo. A BRA lIAM Executor of William ilonwood, deed. September 6, 1865. On Wednesday, October 18, 1865. rp HE subscriber will expose to Public Sale,.or the promises, a Valuable Form, situated In Lower Allen township, adjoining Town Lots of Lisburn on the North, Yellow !trenches Creek on the South, land , of Loyd's heirs on t bu Beet, and road lead ing from Lisburn to Andel sontown, York county, on the Welt,' CONTAINING 75 ACRE, • , all cleared, and threo Town Lote. upon which the build- Inca are erected The improvements are an excellent double IVEATHER-BOARDED HOUS E r • and a nover.failing Well of Water, near the door: a '`double Log Barn, and an apple chard of euporior quality. On said . day, there will also be offered for sale, a Tract of Woodland, situated in York county, about of o mile and &Malt from the termer plantation, CONTAINING ABOUT 45 ACRES;, 10 of which are partially cleared and. tho.reskluo cov= crud with fine th. lying Umber, a great proportion of which is Chestnut. This woodland will bo sold in lota, or otherwise; to suit purchaers. Solo to commence at 11 o'clock, .A. M., when terms will bp made known by • . lIVOTI CRAIG. For rho Holm 13 opt. 8,1885-8 t Choice Chesnut Timber Land Valuable Town Properly AT PRIVATE SALE. SA LE OF Real Estate . YAL 4 EIBLR. FARM AND LARGE TRACT OF WPODLAND - 1 FOR SAI.E. . Orphans' Court Sale. On Saturday, October 7, 1865. vvILL be sold by order of the Or . plume' Court or Cumberland county, on iho promisea, A Lot -of - Ground, late the property of William Campbell deed pitman in the borough of News it le. lidi Ol fling lots of ,lames Lewis, and the Lutheran Congregation and street, con: taming 50 feet in fronCand 170 feet in depth, having thereon erected /Crum Story lilt Cl( ...,._•N, s 3* 'DOUSE a STABLE and all necessary PA ij A. olt-bu ldiugs with a good assortment 'f,."/ ~ I. ii. of fit nit trees. 4 i ." ' , Mk 6.., :' TERSLIi or SALE: — Too per cent, when • ...... '-..Wr4 the prop , rty is stricken down, the residue of one.f urth on the confirmation of sale, and the balance on the lot of April, MU when deed will be made a •,d possession given. Taxes for 1516 to be paid by the purchaser and also ono-half of cost of stamp and making deed, - Sale to comer rice at 10 o'clock, p nr. itoisma 1100 D, Administrator of Win. Campbell. doe'd. Sept. 1, 1865. Valuable Town Property at Private Sale. Q - PrEJ ATE on North Pitt, Street, in the 0 11 ,,, 0 , of Cop) ho lot contains 25 foot In I out and 120 feet In depth, N, ith an ell, y In the rear. Thu Iniprovtruenis ere a two story • Brick House. two atom, pack h n iidi ug . , I 4 . ; with other convenient Out-buildings; Fruit Trans, Flowero and Shrubbery in . the lot. and II vdrant In the yard. the property Is In gond order and the loca tion a very desirable ono. For tetras and further par ticulars enquire of A. 1,. SPONSI,EIt. August 20, I SD —lit Reel Estate Agat. Valuable Tract of Land at Pri vate Sale. ITTIJATE in Middlosex township, itn• kitnNlintely adjoining tin, Cririlide Suipllbr Springs, consisting of olsu one-half gravel and the otbokjiate Lands and containing 176 aeres. about 30 of whin are Covered with good timber. 'Phu ituprovemenis nro a large W U-STO ty_s, LOG HOUSE, weatlie.•b air-led end plastered, large Log Barn, whit Ile) , !louse attached, t.ottether will other relive,' lent 1104 bolltlipge eXI,OIIOI/t and cover filllog well I watcr at the door. and StrOATO Or runs, tl Wll , et on he In nn near lha 1 OildirOZß. ri3O farm is in a hiult stste ni cut ivetion, well set t . iti . V.lo,er 2,ldgratis 1,11.1 utider goo.i tenet. At laree.portiAn of which fq rail. And the improvement., in got d crindition and hand, 1 , 01111.1 y located The2ll.vo Farm could be conveniently divide I info toe tract, and If the purchaser should dc• Ire It. lon or 125 acres Including the buddings, would In. sold and the residue of her, Ise tilsimsed et. For terms and further particulars enquire of A. I, SP‘IN,I,EIt. Heel 4:ntale Agent. • " • A u;; IL'65-fit Valuable Farm at Private Sale I olTer for sale a ooluahlo farm sit ualed within two Carlisle, eon tai 176:irreg. of Black Slate Lana. of whirs An aeree are meadow and set witl; Ti.ntty The improvements on a N ENV 13 Nit ogcr . it %RN 7 by 111 foot. in TWO g ItbAsrisitl g g togs. The I/111.i is le good stato of eel ji;~~,ti:3.y Oration. ;11,0111 8.000 bushels of limo busing been applied during the last fdw years; under good lenees and is sol'ii watered Terms to suit purelut-era and posoe“.ion given on the lot April A. D. ISts. For fa; titer pot( leulars he gwrrc of nr addrons July 2., ~ r,-2 mouths Valuahle Farm for Sale j_E Heirs of Robert deed , late of SouthAmple') town,lffp, Cumberland Cllllll - a ill golfer al pelflfe rale Fridn4. Ihe 22,1 rltty ~1 Septt,tll),T, 1 SIIS, Oil the premises. satinted iu Soutlnunplon township. on the turnpike. three rnilee past of r.hippnnshurg. ad joining 131.1111 1.1 Nl/1.11.1 . IWSIIIIIId 1 1 1.11 1, .. 1,1111111111.111.! 1 9 r; ACHES (iF L,I.MESTONE LAND, nioro or less. in a 1601 Stair' I and undo,. good Ins all of willrl is dossed twelve urns of timber land 'flu. illIprOVt$1111•11iP are ttlergs I) 4." IMF, II( (USE. N.. II $ leek buildings, Franca Tentint liouso, a . large `tsar liank Wagon rind.l I IF Coro ('ribs. Cal r age llouso, and tiler nnry t 411.5. Then. Is a fine A PPLC ultell Alt 1) Ulm (lug promises, and nAlter Fruit frees. Al , n at the , tune um, HIM place Will lae sold a tract of valtntlde i Inettnnt Land. el.ollt 1111•~ , 11111th of the ntftrlle , n Ittrnt. and 2 Miles sloth I,,shorg, Containing 12 Acres, which will 1,p.5,,111 togvth, 01" ill to 0 Intn as parch,. err may tl,he: Any person wishing to vit•tr the preinkii. van On)] on Young. rrnnhug nu HIP tall!, (Jr tliti ninlereign en, rr.iding mini Carlisle. gale to commence at- I I o'clock, A. M., nr - said tiny, n hen tct WS seiii he nuolc known I.v .I , IIIN F Sr. A It1(3 If olrA of It. ilee'd 11!IIIIIII=111111 ATALu A I:LE Pre,:ents for allat Haver k's Drug Book null Fancy 'Store. Samaritan's Gift ! SAMAIi I PAN'S GIFT ! rm.: mos r cEirri EDY EVER 1 ',II 1) Yes, Po,itive Cure ('ont)tins no :NI inc•ral, no 13:11,11m, no .Mercury Ty Ten Pills in be Tn4en to I,lireel n Circe. rirlIEV are entirely vegetable, having tin ,:nnwi our any uoplessnot taste nod will pet In nut' wsy iojure the stomach or bowels of the monl il.•llrate ( ' uMl•p lu trio two to fine days. 1111(1 rvia.ot rases in •I, elm -I..ur hours" l'reparvd by a pad unto of flit 111dVVIsity of PennsylVa II la, 0110 id . the roost 4211600,J liovtors and C.,hendsts ..1 0, 0 prosont = I= Let those who hIVP desp tired oh get 4 ing eured. or who have been gorged with Bakatn Mtneury, try the SAMARITAN'S GIFT, ion L by ;nail in a plain envelope. pau huge, $2. Female $3 BLOOD! BLOOD! BLOOD! SCROPUI A, ULCERS. SORES, SPOTS, T-ETTERS, SCALES, IPA LS, Olt V ENEIt EA L DISEASES, SAMARITAN'S R 00T & 11 ERB ,I ICLW Is offered the public as a positive cure. THE SAMARITAN'S ROUT AND ❑EED JUICES, IS the most pr.tent, certain and °Gaud remedy ever prescribed—it reaches and eradicates ovary particle ci the ventral poison, so that the cure is thorough and permanent Take then of this purifying remedy and ho healed, and do not transmit to your posterity that for which you may repent in after years. DO NOT DESPAIR althouph Sou may be pronounced ineurnble, the SANIIVRITAN'S Rou•r & II ERB JU WES will remove every veatige of impurities from the eye loin, no well as all the bad efforts of Moreory. FE M A L ES ! In many niTectiont, with which numborg of Fonotlos Huffer, the ROOT & lIEBB .1 tr ICES, le most beppily adapted, In Whit OR. In bearing down, Falling of the Womb, Debility, and for all complaints Incident to the WC. Sent by express Price $1,25 per bottle. SAMARITAN'S WAS El, IS UFOII In conjunction With tho Root and HerbJulcou Foil dircetionn. Price 25 man. The efficacy of thee" remedies is alilto acicnnudedgch by physicians and patients. 'They are% ed in the United States Hospitals, thus restoring ihe health of many of our bravo soldiers. [from the Baltimore Sun.] What the Surgeons say .of the sSa- marituu's Remedies. • "PiAT - riOAPIT - Ali, FORT MtataiA - Un Baltimore, Md., Feb. 20, 1014. "I have great satisfaction in stating that T have used the Samna item's Remedies' for Venereal Disease in its most customary forms; that I have used them with judgment, discretion, and ptoperly, and have found them respond to my anticipations promptly and effectually. Knowing their composition, I have the fullest confidence in their efficacy and as fa; as my use of them extends, I recommend, them strongly. - . "ALFRED 0. BOWERS, "Assistant Surgeon fith NowNork Yds." Let It bo'undor•tood' that these remodlea aro as roc• enneudoLL:and will pooltively curs too (Mums for which they aro offorod. For, a Is at Elavoratlelt'a Drug Store, Hanover Street .earllslo, Da. DIiSSIOND & CO. I'rnpriotor9 ' • , 916 !taco St., LOOladelplila duly 91, 1865-6 m. IPSTRTISI NOTICA Lei tern o' Adminietration on the estate of George Allen. late of North 1511'1(0013n township. ettinberlend county; Pa.idoe'd.,bavo boon issued by the Register of said county to the subscriber residing in Middlesex township. All persons indebted 'td' mid estate will mous hatnedhuo payment, and those baying claims against it will present, them 'newly authenticated lot settlement to, - • •, SAMUEL ALLEN; Adm'r August 25, 1805-6 t ALL the leading Patent Medicines .of tho duy at IlavorstloWu Dru6nd Book Storm: F you want anything;go - to linvorstiok's JLDrug and Book More. rinus Institution, late known to the public. as the "Chambersburg Commercial Col lege," is now pertdare ntly located to Carlisle, Pa. Young men des4ous of propar ng themselves for the actual duties of business life, In the shortest posslhle time, and at the least expense. will find this In , titu- Mon, (the do-ign of a hleh Is to impi , t, a sound bu4l - ed en ti-at to yelling Mee of tile country), particu larly adapted to"SecOmplish that destrable'Oluect.." Book-keeping, In a.l Ito forms and applications; Com mercial Calculations, Commercial Law, Penmanship Brrictkal and Ornamental; Business Correspondence, Forms, l ii mographv, 'fsi,'o aphieg by Hound, ..4c. In oder, t fully illustrate the print:inlet:of the seve ral blanches, an' thoroughly Impress them upon the niltril al the student,p, system of actual bnsiness train leg, through the estoblighment or legitimate Oftlees and Cm, t ing I louses. representing departme,to ul Trade aunt 0 , 111111,00, and n regular liar,k of Dely)alt and IN•ne, Ing. been lostitured; thereby affording all advantages ()Lally , Imilar l tiqtrtuti m in the r , un ry. tune but competent Teadmrs emp'oye4l. and a euni t lent number. to gurountee individual Instruction to all. a matt, of no small importance, and,soldom recei ved at other Innti talons On ing to the rapid growth f the School, and in or der to aceommod •to our numerous applicants from all parts 01 the country. now rooms have just been fitted up , (In the South Hull dm; • f Dickinson College), In sum. Mr style, a d sufllrlm , tly vommodlous to accom modate rOm two to three hundred students. A liberal dedu tion made in favor of soldiers maimed or disabled In defense of our country and flag. For further particulars call at the College, West Win St., or address SEND FOR A CIRCULAR Augu-t 4, IRO. • bffet4 SUMMER ARRANi.EMENT.. d E 1."1 HUNK I, INE FKO T E J North and North-West for Philadelphia. Kew Ytalif*haohn.s, Pottsville, Lebanon, Allentown, Ens ton, .e.. n c '1 rains leave II arrisburg fir New York. as follows: At 1100, 725 and 8 15 A. 31., and 1.45 P. M , arriving ant New York at 10.00 .8. NI. and :ton and 10 30 I' 31. The shore connect with similar 'Praline On the Penn. 57 Tannin 'tail Road, and ch•eping Pars accompany the lull and 8 1., A. M. Trains, mm ithont cirtaige Leave 11. r Pea 'ing. Pottsv Tamaqua. 31 1 11.1:v111e, fine iin re, and Philadelphia, in 15 A. II and 1 .15 1 1 :NI., stoppling at Lebanon and principal Stallons only. 81.ay I•iaine slopping at all points, at 7 25 A. ',Land 1.10 P. 31. I:stun - ping : Leave s ew l urk mill .8 12.- 00 noon, and I'. NI. 10111a0101pliin nit •e 00 A 11., and :1211 I'. 11,; P.ttsville at a to A 31. 511(1 2.35 P. 31 ; Avh laud al 0.10 A. M. anal 2An noon. Tamaqua at 7.15 A. II and 218 I'. NI., and eading al 1010, 7.35 .aid 10 45 A. 31. 1 35 and d ink I'. M. Reading Accomm, dltion Train : Leaves Beading at Om retut sing from Philadelphia at 0.00 31. Columbia - Rail nova Trains leave Reading at ti OU and 10.00 A. M., and n.151' M. fur Ephrata, Linz, Columbia, Ith Sundays • Lenvo New Vor at BUU P. M.. PhIln (I( Iphia. 3 P. 11.. Potts , . ille 73U A 'A1.'1'11111.01;1 Tall A NI , 11:trri,hUrc H I -, A M and Itoading at lOU A.M. for Ilarrkhutv. Conlin utatlrm, SI,ISOII, School and Excur /den Th kete to and heal alt p •Int,, at reduced Rates. liagga , xe checked tinmuch • Sn p , unds allowed each Passencer. U. A N ICOLLS, Superlnherldent. Iteadinv. Pa., July 19, 1865 P. lIUMInCII. Carlisle,Pa RAIL ROADS. ell:t.vofi; 0./1' 11ouns. 4] awl alter NoNDAy, A PRIL, 4th, 1784, Passongar Trains will run daily, as ittllows, (Jtutitla . i excepted): Fidt CIII3II3EROIILIIKI AND HAIM' BURG. e ( l i i r agorstt. w eonca,t le, 700 A. Nl_ 727 2:48 P. II 3.25 4 , Ara. al 7.17 • 4:20 0 Chainlters'd, Leave 0:30 ° 12:2.1 " Leave UOO t• 1.20 " •• New vine 1:28 10:10 " 2.42 " >lerllsvl,:alturg 16,12 3:12 Arriv,•n 1 Ilarrit.lurd 11.15 3:40 " FOR ( 11 , t1111;11I.411.1)ti ANt. iiitaERSTOWN : Leave Hart is' urd ts:o2 A. 71., 1:32 I'. 31 " )1.•1343,1,311, .3.47 '• 2.15 " •' • 331 , 113.1 e 0.27 " 2:53 10 02 "- .3:20 " " Sb ppeils4”•2 10,33 " 4.00 •3 Arr at 11:10 •• 4:.50 .• Chnmbers'33, 11 : 10 4:40 " Leav33•lre.•••el33.tle 11:55 " 5:330 • • Ar . r. 1121 2 ,erstown 12:3:3 6.10 " arlmle and 1 Int E ishury CCOM3i ATION TR 1 33111 leas en. 13311033.3,: 1.033ve • 'arlisle 0t55 A. M. NlerlyinielThurg 6:25 " Arrive at ilarrisburg 6:65 " ',Ave litiril.tmr,2 4:20 " Nleetuiniesburg 4.54 " Arrive at Carlisle 5:20 " making 0,101141 evtio it at Harrisburg with Trains for Philadelphia. New S ort and ll,ttsburg; and with Trains all points West 4•6 - - The Train leaving Hari isburg at 4:20, I'. Nl., runs duly no Insan(lirlisle. O. N. LULL, Sup't ,uperiniendent's I.lllee, Jul, 1, 10514 1 lAItLISLE & P 1111, A DELI' II IA . ZPelit , .l 10* , DAILY FREIGHT LINE 811 MARK ET ST RE ET PHI LADELPIIIA J. & D. RHOADS, MAIN STREET CABLISLE, PA. 216-Cars of this Line leave the Depot 811 Market St. Dalt). 11 , 4 o'clock. P. M. Leave Carlisle. Daily, at 7 o'clock. A. M. tlts.ds lotetmed tor this Line should be marked C. & P. Daily Frei ht Line, and sent In by 4 o'clock .luly 1, 1804. r lie subscriber would respectfully in form the public that.he has purchased the entire stock of COAL AND LUMBER, belonging to the late firm of ARM mos (3 AND nor. Fhlt. and leased the real estate for a striee of years, wl,ere /30 is prepared to areiitom dais the eolllllll.lllity with LUMBER of every variety, and on the most rea iiiinabel terms, Having, purchased his new Welt at the head of the ma,ket with great care, by the aid of au experienced lumberman. be Is enabled to compete with the river mar hot lo I have relinquished the tottering business; and will devote any entire attention la the LUIt DHit & COAL trade. I have also secured the services of Mr. George Zuloff, an experienced hand in the trade, who will constantly be on hand to accommodate all Mho may Inver us with a call. 14 A large quantity of Coal, also If e.„ l ° 11 - 11111% ' , oat of all kinds, under foyer, Kept constantly on had. CUR. to fliers can lie suppiled ell short notice, at the lowest pbssible rates. By a strict attention to businera and a desire to do right, we hope to-oecure if liberal share of public patronage. Juno 9, 1865 N IL-1 still retain the same position in the Firth of Delaney & Blair. which will ho carried on as ener getically us ever at their old stand near the Gee House. no our amebas s will he math, together at the head of the market. we feelconfldent by so doing to ho able to accommodate our clfstortiors and the public, on the most reasonable terms. FEMALES! MACHINE SHOP. r ho subscriber now manufactures and keep oonmtantly on hand, on North Street, east of thoudlnnes !WWI, a large a!5 rtmont of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, such as Horse Powers, Threshing Machines with Sop - rotors attached, Ciovor flutters Corn Shelters, Straw and fodder Cutters, all of which are the latest and the best Improvements. Particular attention paid to Repair hut of all kinds of Agricultural Implements at short notice and reasonable prices. Thankful for former favors I respectfully solicit a Ware Qf thiblic patronage. A. J. KUTZ, Agent. Grocery and Queensware Store, U-S Ts opened with fresh and good • P Goods, a oholco variety of•every thing usually kept In a first class storo. Particular attention given In the selection of nice sots of • China and Granite Ware, °FUME TEAS, COMES, SUGARS, SYRUPS, SPIOES • FLAVUBINU EXTRACTS, Canned and Flailed Fruits, Worcestershire, Cumber land, and other Saueos, Cheese, erneltnrs, and every thlog else In our line that a discriminating nubile may require. Fyn assort ments of lVriting Papors, Coal Oil I amps, Queensware, Willow, Cedar, tone and Ea, then Wares,- SALT, FISH, OILS, IRON AND NAILS, kept constantly on baud, Goods will be replenished frequently, kept clean and niee,-sold' at the lowest possible prices, and delivered at any' part of, the town. Please; give no a call. , Cash paid for Country. Pro duce.'. • , WM. BLAIR B BON. .' Carlisle, March 3,1805.—1 m , WRIT NG Paper of. all Idegicriiitions, , litlvelopus, - 11stti..0ardp,atliayoreClek's , Drug .40 nook Starr _ COAL Oil Lamps, , Shades and Chim neys at I.ltworatick's Drug and Boots Store. DICKINSON BRANCHES TAUGHT A M. TRINIMPIi, Cardsle. I'a READING RAILROAD (.:LIMBERLAND VAJA,EI A NI) FRANKLIN. FREED, WARD & FREED NOTICE ANDREW n. BLAIR ANDREW R. BLAIR W.M.,113 IA A IR,&_=SON Vornor of Ilauovpr-and South Ste. NEW WHOLESALE AND RETAIL SILVER SILVER I SILVER! COMMONWEALTH MINING. CO. VIRGINIA eth; NEVADA. Capital, $2,000;000-20,c)00 Shama, £l(R) each 0260 shores In the Transury to he sold. or so much so Is requited, to raise tho necessary working capital, Or. mine now being., worked with the most pronsi,inq re sults. 2000 shares of stock, or so much thereof no has not boens6ld, are offered for sale to raise mono) to pur ebase.macitinery, and to extend the we It of develop ing the mine. . , Forty Dollars per share, for full paid, and not subject to assessment. It Is tof expected that more than this amount will be said below par, thus offering great ad vantages to trot purchasers of his stock which is offer ed In most entire confidence that we liar , aria of the kite t Silver y, Inc. In the world, maid that ovary share of aloft will he worth its lace in gold In one year irons this time; that di, blends will ho paid smoothly within one year . that there ikuothing offering whose capital can llfa' it more safe and profitable investment, and that the funds to be raised will be ample for the full development of our inexhaustible mine, leaving two thirst; of the stock still in the Treasury, to he divided by the stochboldors or Laid. for their benefit. .. . „ The management of the Con pany has been commit. ted to it r 031 it of Trustees composed of well known, on ercetlc bust n Pot nu n. in whom the stockholders truly repo,. implicit confidence. All clotored intbranktlon regarding I hie Company will bo lurniFhed upon pyraonal or v. ritten application to the Pr, ident, Dantel IV, Van.,han (Vive-rreNulYnt A tari h•au Whoop Baud:). of Now York, C. S iron. hO Broadway. henutreht & Baldwin, 171 Broadway, N. V., or to IV Itoron, Ecq.. 117 Pro. t Arcot, N. V. DAN'L IV. V A 1.10 WIII.I 01300 BACON, roe. and Tr,ne. 081,. SO Broadway, N. V. Stock for sale .11, the American National Bank, No.Bo Broadway, or at UM office of 00 Company. August 4. l805—:It. CUMBERLAND VALLEY 110 TEL , E. Cot. Main and Bedford Sts. CARLISLE, PA. JNO. 0. IIEISEH, Proprietor. ESTAUIt \NT in the busein, nt, hivh is furnlsh,d with the very best of liquors, and edibles 01,111 varieties. ono lii, 1565-Iy, R /RE STORE. THE old Hardware stund of Lewis F. Lynn. has te.sed Into the hantts of W. K. 'Miller .-.. A Bowers, who .re now transacting business un• der the name and style of MILLER & BOWERS. The new firm hare jukt returned from the city alai are lily prepared to I urnisit to the public at the ent prices, all kind,: of FOE EIG N AND DOMESTIC Llard,tre, Coach Trim'ug, Paints, oils GLASS, &r. A lock Into their store will convi ore all that they have enough of goods to fully kupply the demand lu niarLet. Persons wanting goods In our line Will Sind it t.Li their to give us a,all. All orders porno tally and promptly attended to. • .11,15 7, iron, English Refined. 41 CENTS lb. Nails, $5,50. horse till()ES, ti 7,25 suit ever) thing else in prnp,tiou at HENRY' SA \TON'S .July 7. 1 , (6 Richmond h a s Fallen ! AND SO HAVE DRY GO3DS, V . fact that is proven to every person . .t . calling nt the Cheap Store of Lehlieh ili. Miller. v. here they are jui.t roe, cling ni large Fupply of Spring and Summer fluid, purehamel since tho great d , .rllm• in gold The st4er'; emhraree in pert .11/E.V I) UP:SS 1; OODS such lilac, awl Valley S.,llis .1",11 voloils and quail t.lus. nets sty los LusCres Alp... vas all colors. Nlozawhiqu....l.:llllori lurs, Valenelip., I/411,mm. Si SPIZING Basquos, Stinwls, &r. MOURNING GOODS of carry kind. erfosisting of Mourning ,Ilks, Alp:teens, It umhazinvq. Mohairs. Poplins. siueir nno double width Taluir.t. Cloths l'rapr, Vvll.l. Collars. Iland -I:t•rehi. fq, Balmoral a TIC,' s(3 Ir, 111/Vk nod white: It in ;bans. 1)()11h . 3TI4 (iO()DS, bleached and unbleached )Iwlio, Vona 1.2 h,:, colas up. 4 largo 4... lament of 11,111 Pont. to '2,4. I'o 4 bleu. hod :kn.' until' nut'.! Casa Muslios. Tlohlto:s Cottravolos, Naultooto, Table I.i.iper, awl a areat many llther goods not tool, tinned but al, acs Ilauo. untie notion Is coroploto, oslo 1 .; Cotfoi, 110,heev titavi•ry qua it, h.r heir., g, raloniou, misso , , boy and el ihlren, 0111,, l/I ev+ry d.•setiption. and Ingham Ilaudkorebief-, F n.lnh l'ors,ttf, 11. sop SKI! Is .nil :kilt all eize , , :I,irts. Nook Ties. s o . lo od or , T r i,„„,h, g u,lll Man Uw 1(11.111.11F, Ilead Netts. Sun I:hal...Abe, 1 . 31'1151 la lleit um/ Ilv's always a full assortment of every description at the r pry to west market prices. Cli.thillg Made ut vety short noilev by IL first class tail, ( ' R .11; (' A R I'E , full lhue c f I'very description and quality, Nlattinv, Floor oil Cloth. Looking, Masses, nil and Paper N\ in .low Minds, Table nil Slair tell Cloths. and 11111113 . olue, hound lurni.hing R' for the season ling very thankful to the pr r., rvws i•ontmunity fir their kind iitol liberal patronage so o . e‘temicil to the tiro,. we earto.. , lly avit 'rely as. a continuance of the salli”. 4 . 11 ,, ,111erS know that I. a great pleat— ure ta our wock. bi•st cs proving that v artist., stud the Intuit-4 of our eustioners as ere 1110 determined nut to he undersold Iq any UW1( . 11,111( * lli the copula, V. LEI UICII & \II I,LFIR 111,11:11 rPt11•1111., the well lieu,,, tt Fined s,lith et e+l estrum Nlarlt et square, eetly eitputej:e Irs Boot anti •line et-re April 2S, 1`.1,5 i 0 .11,AN 1) 1.1.1)1 B I' 1).-" 'Fhb ,ultscrib, haling leat.ed the turd bqmorly occupied by AI mstrong and Hoff,. and pin chased the st,dc cif COAL AND LUMBER fn the yard, together With 4 inintniqii new stork will hare ,onstantly On hand and turnish to o der nil knots and qu tits of seasoned LUMBER, ITEMM SCANTLINO, FRAME Paling, Plastering Lath, Shingling, Lath Worked rb oring and Weatherboarding, Puks and hulls, and every article that belongs tb a Lumber Yard All kinds of Shingles, to wit t Whitepitim Hommel, and Oak. of different qualities flaring ears of my awn 1 Min furnish bills to order of any length and MD at the ‘lntrtest notice and on-the most reasonable terms. My wseined l cards will he kept under cover so they ran lie furnished dry at ell times I have eon.tintly au hand all kinds of Funnily Coal under rover, which I will deliver clean .to any part el the borough To ait : I.)kt:us Valley, Broken, Egg, .7.tove and Nut, Luke Fiddlers °Va g -, lava, ton, Locust Mountain, IP -San' Lobbery, which I pledge na •1 • l= sot sto soil at the lowest prices. Bost quality of Limebu mner's and Blacksmith's Coal, alwaya ou hums] which 1 will soil at the lowest figure Yard west ride Cl elrannnar Bchool, Main street AN DREW 11. 111,AL It. June 0, 1505. M. NEW AND F RESIT 1 4r 1 . CD , CO 4e , 1 . 4E, sa HALBERT & BItO ., 114.,VieINGrn itio j l us i t e t o lr returned: n,oir th t te the they have laid In a Italie and varied stuck of Now t e h i l u a rt Fiiish (limits at the lowest refill prices. Their assortinont is thorough end complete, rontiiin log everything neeemuty to enniititinte a FirFt Close G oeory TEAS, COFFEES, SLO A ES, In greatest abundance, and at lowest rash figures.— Syrups, Spices, Canned Fruits, QUEENS WARE and Crockery, Salt end Fish, hums, Cheese, Crackers, Brushes, Baskets and Willow Ware. &vacs and Tobacco, of the cholcost brdnils. Brooms, BucketS, and a corn [dote assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES. Don't forgot thu old stand, South Emit collier of Ifttuoves. 'Ascots. Feb. 24,18£( n= In Eby's Old Stand, Blain St, L. BERNEIARD & SON, INFORM the citizens of Carlislo and vicinity that they hue just crooned in the above popular stand, an inunouso stork of First Class Clothing, and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods. Their stock con sists in part of Coats, Pants and Vests, for civilian or soldier, made after the latest pat' erns, of Goods the quality of -which cannot be questioned. Overcoats of all varieties. Trunks. Carpet Bags and Valises,.bNck.Ties, Scarfs and Collars, Shirts, Drawers and Stockings Ancy Goods of till descriptions. In fact a 'complete and entire assortment of Clothing and Furnishing Goods. . Don't forget Gm place, Eby's Old' Stand, "Marlon Hall,"-Idain Street, Carlisle, Pa,. ' • L. II NEEILIED * a SON. DecoMber 23, 1804. -• • 'OOBl. 'L Sint oru plksoddo Stivou , 10 armonan tlaol,l ' 3, 1? sausisinve. 'SU ' ..4puln , 414 , 44p1una opseuma pun u2p.tod 4- u l StI9.IVU. 'H,ATA Id S .1.41. PT 'I ,°4°°s ""S i sliaeloa ua!riiiii The Great Internal Remedy Fe) C: 0 t 'l' , 7, ll "4 . 44;V:flekilicAlrVia em,slakpFdilAtaitjMi rz.o; F?fr . ! rHEUMATIO:.,:COMPOUND BLOODRPYRIFIER IT STANDS UNEQUALED BY ANY MEDj- CINES now hofgre the public for the cure of the above named diseases. The vast number of rub on medicines which formerly have been used for these diseases. were merely lemporary In their effects and of doubtful virtue, but Honchos the source of all trouble. and actually banish es the disease from the system by its immediate notion on the blood. THE SOLDIER'S TRUE FRIEND ! \ln. A Nntil..w .fotiNsos s—Dear Sir: In November lost I had n severe attack of Itimomatisto. to a hick I had not been subject for nearly three years The attack was SO severe th a I scout not more my hedd or raise my arm. After trying different nnebeines ulthout avail. I W. led need to use your Rheumatic Compound and Blood l'urltier, and beloro I had taken three bot tles I was so compb tely cur rid that I could perform any dirty to %%Nell my country might call me. I can glad• ly and efefflden fly rerommend it to an my fellow sot dims as lite qulraest and surest remedy fur Rheuma tism I eves used. NORRIS I'ATTERSON. Itrieronve P. T. Patterson and Duncan, No 77 IA cod street. All lie use it reoeise lamefit. it runes n lien all oilier remedies: r.,11. It g ives unit el sal MI iStarqdoll. The proof is nest 111 , 1111d2,11. It Is the truly sure rune for Rheumatism It IS the Brea lest lineovery of the ago No oilier rellloth has be1•0111e SO popular. It is preserila d by phi ielans It is rt,,lnmentivri by i hysieianr. In truth, it in a perfect henefaetor R. E. SELLERS & CO. WHOLESA 1)11 UOO ISTs, I'or Oslo by 3 ohn.m. II "limy ay A. Cowden, PI, iladol phis, and DA Vlil RA 13 l'4lN, Carliqle. July ", I' (The k riginuil, only True S. Genuine) has stood for thirty yearh 3 Staple Remedy, 1111115111111011 ht ~1y 1,,,0e II I , r tho rare of Liver Corn- Ilradeche 1111 d Bilious Disor ders, and iodocd for the whole class of diseases orig.l -11:11itl, in I , iliacv tleningt-Itit-nts. or appetite, eirl. uers or the p.c., hi ilio h•a.t. , 111 , 111.14. rs. bar lc and Of Nll,ll iur tt 1 h t• 0 . 111,44 of bowels, by alight dry i it .Ikincileal 11 , 11 S to every dilly. are • t wpnnun el 11 .1,1,1sP•11 state the Liver. The liver is, ho. , ever. erti•ii leu,ll deunogeii e hen the neist fill to illalde sy mat aLaeut, And /11,0111. 11,,j1) oat et crier jt Is I< hull ti. Great Cure of Liver Comp'aint, IN the Or lama!, (all/ 7'ina. and Genuine lie. R. E Sri I.Eu, Door Sir—l think t is a duty I owe to you and the public venerally. to stole that I 11/1,• lieu 1111111'1.1A 1,111.1 i Liter C ,mplalnt Por n time s, lolly, 110,1 1111 111,, es. tbi nod and hrohe, w holt le tme lu 11 I'llll' 11,1, `l,lOl. Ilniinv heard of ntr,e Liver , being for ~wle by A. It. Sharp \1, , • 1,11,,:my. and 1,1111111110,1 rd 111 me by coy ph) nil 11 ), Dr. P. ,niith. coin ludod :dye them n !ail [tin E. I 11111hm-ed one Iwo. and 1 . 1/1111., them to he Ju.d. of it the)e leeommended. the le-, Liver Pill r eveloo .1 . and after takmg four bo). s, I find the dls e:,se ha, entiret, [err, 11i/1,11011 /1111 11011 panne tly well. Respect fully . 3 ow 0. roe, tif, thel I out iooponoll) o.quolutrtt ,ith Mr. Coh nun;, and con tear t,sthoony to Eh° truth of tho rie=i=l Fir: I am out of your Liror-,1 , i11u, and riOiOiti hr glad to receive av supply, es they give general i•litislitetion. send toe nou n • turn , 11. Mr I). 6,....f1ear Sir: I have used SELLER'S LI V ER I' I I LS tnyßell and in my tami,y, and uluht say, no 311 al lenitive and conunon family physic, I consider a very &skald,. pill. They oro pnnupl. Lut wild In their effect; arouse a healthy action 01 030 Liver carry MT the morbid ',mere limns, and leave the system in a healthier condition that; any physic I have ever taken or administered. Very [July and re-pectfully. SAMUEL PARK. The original,,only true and genuine Liver Pills, are prepared by It. IL tlelb , s. and has his name In black nix upon the lid of each box, and his signature en the outside wrapper—•ill ethers ore eounterleits or baser imitations. R. E. SELLERS & CO., Prop'rs, P ITTSBU ROH, PA For sale IT Johnson, Rollaway k Cowden, PhDade! Olin. and DAVID ItA LBTON, Carlisle duly 7, IRI,I Is partleularry recommended for use during the Spring and Summer, when the Blood Is thick and Circulation slow and i chatted by unhealthy rot:rations This par foctly safe. though powerful, Purifier Cleanses and re• noire every portion of the system. 11 le the only gen uine and original HALBERT & 13110 which for many years bas performed tho most wonder ful, yet permanent cures, In confirmed cases of Scrofu la. old Sores, Totter, Tumors, Bolls, and all 'kinds of Scrofulous Eruptions, It Is also • rollatdo remedy for a Ineuraf fling tv ;nud'ktn3firddls— oases. As a gonoral Tonle its effects are most bonignant and cannot fall to benefit whore used according to directions. We make no claim to having discovered a "Panacea" nr Only areal Remedy" 1;m all tho ailments to which Flesh Is heir; but we do claim what countless facts ,have fairly and fully established, that In the 'BLOOD SEARCHER, Tho afflicted will find a "Standard Medicine," one upon which they can rely ilea euro ' , pacific for all the diseases for which It is I ecommoudod. I have this ;lay, October 711 F, 1864 disposed of my entire interest to .1. M. Lindsey's Improved Blood. Searcher, to It Sellers & Co., together ,wlth the right to usu my name in Its preparation. 'Mimily genuine artiMe will hereafter be prepared by thaw exclusively. R. E. - SELLgItS .& CO.,- SOLE . 'OIIOI*IET9IRS, Pittsburgh, pa t. :: • PRICE $1 PER BOTTLE . For sale Johnson, Holloway & Covirden;.4b.asdol.. and DAVID IIALSTUN, -- ' July 7. THE EFFECTUAL CURE OF RTIE 17'11:IA17SM. A, 'I F,TT ER, rtiN G \V 0 RIU;' Szc IS TRULY The Rheumatic Compound Johnson's Rheumatic. Compound READ TILE FOLDONING PROVOST MIESIOL'S OFFICE. t DA. 17111, Your true friend SOLE PROPRIETORS, PITTBP unolf, PA (' Li yr, LIVER PILLS SIEVE!: 01110 Co., VII. )tar. ^_o,'4o =1 I= A. B. SHARP " (;ENEtc..u. S.‘Tisv.cTioN Ind., Oct. 27, 1858 I=l REST FAMILY PILL ALEXANDRIA, 1 hhl g Cu , U., Much 1, 1856 TO TILE PUBLIC IN LARGE BOTTLES, BLOOD SEARCHER, J. M. LINDSEY PREPARED BY Li
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers