'Valuable Steam Planing and Saw Mill for Sale. DY virtue of an order of the Orphans' I_,Court of Franklin county, the undersigned, Ad• tanktrator of the Estate ~1 Rev. Joseph Clark deed will expose to sale by public out cry, so the protases of the ilsning slid Saw-)till, to Tfl llits tin 1, TII t•LVENTLI DA 1 OF Sc.PTr.Arlallt next, at one o'clock 00 said iioy, the following *alma 1.. property: lot Thu until vioed ONI"-Tii IMr It, TER IST In ft lot of : round 11/ I 1 1 / 1 11110001 luor. ti, tiro t 1./Oberland VO.ICY it II cvltt,, tra 0,1111 o filch is erected a Fraine PLA .‘1: at AND SA W MILL with air the Sect ssary machinery for mall icacturlng all art ides usually 111:11 , U1OCtIltell lu satin Ont:ILIO11.110 to, and good KLO3III-pee or ea pal.lo of driving all the inachincry In the mill arra a oft I—ail JO gond order 2odOvlll Well tom third intei est in all the Worked and an worked briber and material on-hand. fir LI. The uudivithd or o.thira part of a Lot of Oround, adjoliang the mill property, lion tir gun Ifr..ad street and runsing to the Cumberland Valley Railroad, cor taming about sue sere. tab. The-undivided olio-third of a tract of 'PI MBE'It LAND, pun !LAM fr, m Mr. tteo. IV. 11.11.11 adj bring lands 'chins, darob Lehman at a oanruer linger, In C Wilma o•wrs.hip. about three macs from Chamber,burp, containsng 20 acres HMI 95 perches. P.r. of tract in cot urea wit ii very fine (Ink timber. i the 'rho undivided one third par t of a tract of land porch:m(lr oat Michael I /eh!. oil wit, In Antrim town ship. adjoining lauds of M. Diehl. Col. b O. liehr and Mrs. Beaty, coot:thine liftettll acres. This tract in coo erect with very stiparisroAK. TlNlttliit and in very val uable. 9th.lhe undivided pee-third interest In eight horses. three wagons, gears. chains a c.. complete. ttri) - Po.pes.hu will he given .I'oll the above proper.. ty immediately stisoi the purdmsev or purelni , eva rose. ply log with the tertllli of stile 4,6 - Til o 4. tire haslnese portion of Chauthersburg was but tied by the rohelp Itbd is now bring rel.nilt tepidly and in vuty good style. it .if rs the be-t ope. lug for enterprising mechanics or Imliders to conduct the him looms of a Planing and Raw-Hill of any town in the plate. tr ill be mule known en (lay Cl tale by A. K. Web!' RE. Arlur'r of .leteph ( lark, (We'd; undersi.therl. on °cr . • 1 /1110 her 1.,s tr, VIDE') ON E-Tll lIID of all Ira , alroNe described property. tEI also offer his luter.nt for tale at the 0:11110 time and place, and upon tune teems, nod potsetslon twirl be 10 tine purchater rrr purr haters iilllll,ll/Itilly 011 compliance with the terms of rule Ybe 'modulo un did 0.1 orre-thir t in Owned inn prlrtical nut eXperi- Vileeti mrc•h:utie in the buxiurtn. alai the nem purelut nor or purchasers can go at once into a VERY I, and ABLE I,I),INES. dug 18 I Stis —tk .1.-... le - .. 2E3_481.i..t....3m-se - dsgc 0czt...910 QUADRUPLE COMBINATION ENLARGED, IMPROVED AND RE-ORGANIZED Being at present the largest Traveling Establish ment in the country; consisting of I AM! , ;,!- 4 Ors GLLAND cilicris, and WOll , l-1 , 11“Writ•d Tl , t,lll', I.'l , lllpri,ill` 1111.I:idor=Or b o th h ein i T h e r e , D 1 IESH . ACII%-i EXTENI lENA(3ERIE! a BEASTS :mil I:ll:l'TlLES,—ammig i which will rillaherti, &C.. 13;1(1, L L 11 iit lII_ SANDS, NATHAN 'k\CO'S PERFORATING ELEPHANTS! ~~ The Gigantic iiipopoiamus THE CIRCUS TROUPE Ls the largest and most complete ever combined in one establishment, being composed of most popular, skillful and accomplished performers in the profession, having been selected from the first establishments in Europe and America. Among the principal Artistes are the following MA DA ELV I LLE, the A H.q./id/an Equestrian, the most beautiful and accomplished Lady rider in the world .1 A NIES MELVILLE, the AUSI Y(I Perforiocr, who stands without a pcOr in the Arena. The distingul , hwl Ausiridian family, whose Equestrian and Miscellaneous Performances have won a would-wide reputation. MASTER FRANK .MELVIL LE, the Youthful Equestrian. MASTER SAMUEL MELVILLE, a wonder in perfection in all he attempts. GEORGE MELY ILLE, the Principal Equestrian. PIIILO N ATI' ANS, an artist wince praise is great in mouths of wisest censure, whose performances on one, two, thr t :e and four horses are excelled by no mite in the world. / \ WM. KINKADE, the man of a hundred Sum ersa tilts, and the renowned representative of . the ceentrie Pete Jenkins. :4llAPPEE & WHITNEY, the Acrobats par -,--..- . excellence of the United States, the most (but .ort.e-ti , •in g end thrilling Trapaze perftirmers ever '- i'tt seen. ', 4,r . .v .1 I M \V A RD, the funniest of Clowns in Comic e t . Stin.g; , , Sayings, Dances, black Itopo Enorcr ' -, l'lme-Spinning, Tumbling, never filing m create a big fuss generally. PROFESSOR LANG WORTHY, maitre du ..,2, _ ,t• cirque and Lecturer, who during t lie exhibi tion of the Ilipcpotamus, Will entertain the audience with an ekeeedingly accurate and very interesting description of the animal, which he has compiled from the- most reliable sources. B. WILBAN BS, the great Gymnast Rider from California- J. Withers, Ryan Noonan, Solomon Pratt, George Jones, Johannes Pomeroy, Frederick Avery, Mlle Frivoller; Miss Rosa Tremain, and a host of .others, comprising gymnasts, acrobutsiVitulters, &c. em MI J. WITHERS' Famous Washington Brass Band. THE STUD OF. HORSES is composed of the finest English, American and Arabian thorough breds, highly trained and magnificently caparison ed:; and the programme of the or.. an )yell comprise all the elegant, sensational, thrilling, comic and entertaining novelties of the day Tho wholo of tileSe magnificent attractions• will be exhibited at , . Carlisle / Monday, August , 28, .1865. -1 c. Under ono enormous .pavillion, for one - price of admission, whieh, notwithstanding the enormous outlay attendant upon such an unprecedented combination, is fixed at the very low price of -: . , • • FIFTY .GENTS! •..nErThe GRAND PROCESSION will enter the town at 11 o'clock A. M., preceded by the GIGANTIC IfIPOPOTAMUS drawn by a TEAM OF ELEPIIANTS,' (four in nynaber,) followed by l Withers' Washington Opera Bend, the grand MENAGERIE, the extensive CIRCUS an&Troataidf".A.'rtistes, together with the gorgeous paraphernalia, of 4etropcilittin.Coafbination. ' J. AtELVILLVA, Director of Areair:" N, C. H. FARNSW,ORTH, _Agent. • ' , ;;Ilyill cabiblt at Shippcia3burg Tuesdays Aug 29th, Chambersburg;Aug. 80th, Valuable Tract of Land at Pri vate Sale. , QITUATIII in Middlesex township:im kjumllmoly 41 dird 11 inv. the Carlini° Suiphor Springs, consisting of abow one-half pnvel and the other Slate Lands and con taioloc 175 act on, about 30 of s hid) are covered with !zoo(' timber. '1 he improvements are a large T 0-STOII Y LOG HOUSE, and pla , tered. large Loa *WI [lay House a Gl:idled, tog...ther wit other roarer/ twit out httildln!:. ;to and never 1.111.,0 well of k‘at, at the door. and ei htreani or row, h. , 1%11 er on the farm 111,1 r the taihtlo.s. - I he la' in is in a hid.h 01 etch Iratlon. in. II t‘• Ith rh,Fer and grips and nick, good II of which IN t and I Ali. and the Improvements in want eontlltlon and hand• somely totaled TIM above Farm could .tso eon vor.lently divide I Into two tracts, tied it the purchaser should de-ire it, lOil or 126 acres h.cluding the bu.:dings, would be hold nod [hel,' sue oliaae,v i.r dicposod of Fur terms and further ortioulars enquire of A ug. 17, 'lts - Gl CARLISLE FEMALE COL LEGE , Rev. T. Daugherty, President. Don BOARDING 4. DAY . SCHOLARS. rg" 111 S Seri,inaly which includes the tal.n tat,r rixarge of ;111ss. Mmy Mt 111 II rvn 1111110 r Ow dircctl, II of T ugh• crty, as Pro•idout al n full corps of able in , lructors, so u. m gite to th, young at, thornswiuovtion In Engli.ll and 1:1rv...,,t1 0111011 , s in the Cor m:in languag,,, u, Niustr, and other °rue ineutal h , mulles mre ~ : iven to hoardv, h. the tandly of the l'l,ldont. A printery thwart:nen t tor Zhu younger : , dlrdao , wilt Im Ina I la cnrnte , •tlot: with the Collagiate &part/11011r. ' Phi, SeSSIOII will 01111 ii Oil Wedlleaday, P , •pteodwr 5Lli, iin the elegant school room dosmnerl fur that purpose and • I taehed to lino timory Church. Fc,r termq apply to the President. A .•g. 14. 1 h 65. F you want anything go to Havorstick's Drug ntot ok L-tore. M ETROPOLIT A N ANI) Wonderful Feats suriae-s anythin4 aver before Witnessed, and aid Docility ntlruel , ti 111L,t untrd su , tt - i/f unil ,tudent, or Natural 11 istory IV'. Ell llnly Writ, of whom it is d e ,•lar e d 11" h 4 —Upon urth there is ma his like. Thi, rare ,peeimen at the brute I,,Lig , Ul 1 , ,e Aathilite cnidtH•pd hy the present keeper, ALI, the Egyptian. I y .u.der nt the V ieer.,y of E!.!;ypt. 000 !nib, the White Nile in Africa, and wa, irni Ned int. this caointry at .1 more than $40.0. G. C. Quick, , with whom .sneh arran:2enients hare been nnah enable the INlanagenient pr,-ent Inrn l“ the public itt eoujititeti.ai with h" filtrtaallal, whtoh laoht . Up hi ClallCly,lll of NV1a14(`I'me011110a:allg 0- Untie combination. • .f . :P . .f •°'" 5.145?1!* - - Children . wider tea years -Ofage, half pribe A. L. SPUN ,LER. It eal Estate go tit \N hose MEM • Is, t A,tA I r TEACHERS WANTED. The School Board °fairer Spring township desire erviece of 12'compntent Tendons. 1D 'Male and 2 Vomitlc to conduct the sehogis of said township for a pm mod of six mouths each, commencing In September next. I,lhoral wages will be paid. Exuminations to be held indloguemown, AUCIUBt 25th, 1665. By order of the Board. • • It. A. BUCIIER, Secretary. August 11th, 1805.—1 t , SHERIFF'S SALE. -/ IV Virtue of n,writ of I . euditloni kliponlis Waled out of the Court of common Pleas of Combo, land County, tied to me uireeted, I will en peso to Salo by public Ven• due or out.er3, at the Court Howie, In the Borough of Carliale. on Nonni:ly. the 26th day of August., A. 1). ISO, at 10 O'clock A. M.,, the following described teal estate viz. The nue undivided third part ale Lot of ground sit tome to the Borough of Ilechaillenburg. bounded on the ,South by the Cuc.iberland Valley Ball dead, Lingoes [Anvil Bead on the west, Allen Street oh the North and Ileuek's heirs en the Neat; containing. about 147 feet on tint Rail lined and 100 font In depth, having thereon erected a two story P'RASIIS dIIUP. :mixed and taken In execution as the property of 11. L. linveratick. Conditions: On all cales of $5OO, and over, 050 will be required to be paid when the property la stricken oil, tied $25 on all Haire under goo. .1510. .1 ACOBS, Sheriff. -Sheriff's Office, Carlisle, August oth. 1805. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE At Private Sale. HANDsotiE Suburban Residence sltuatv on the York Road. ono half mile Rant of ,moisie and within the Borough limits, comprising a bout two and a-half acres of rand finely improved. hav ing thereon erected a - TWO STORY .1„4 Mr 0 !MAK' BRICK HOUSE. licurly new, STATILE, LI‘RIll 400 HOWIE, ICE lluuae, and nthm convenient out Buildings, and a good Well of Wafer inns Cistern. Thu grounds aro tactfully laid out mAI beautifully adorned with shade (root+, flowers, ohruhh hy, toge her with an s hundauce. of fruit of all kinds Thu , iOI.IPo is beautifully lova od in an elevated position vri•h a lawn In' front sloping gradually to the road. Also, an elegant BRICK PRIVATE RESIDENCE on Alain St. Carlisle—rho lot containing 20 feet in f r nt mil 2/0 feet in depth null covered with fi ult trees and !lowers... tine stable at the fort of the hit. lhe build [ng to conveniently and substantially constructtd and ,ontains all the modern improvements. Arrangesnen,te mn be made to give tho purchaser immediate n f dean ed.—For terms anti funkier particulars el quire 3f A. L. SPONSLER, C •• heal Estate Agt. Carlisle, August, 10. • PUBLIC SALE. On Tuesday. the 22d day of August, 1865. NM he sold at publir sale, on the above day, In the 1,0.101 of Carlisle, the following valuable personal lroperty, belonefug to the 'estate a the into Mire. M leetevn. deeeased, viz : 17 howl of extra Kentucky Mule's. 1,, gr and won-N.0140n. never fn kloA,r,sneist 'WI, pail orsplondld tnnt,lied hot CARRIAGE 11 ORSES, 1 Fine Riding and Driving Horse, ONE FRESH MILK COW, all Pa , onsion top family Carriage. for two horses., two ilnvgies, one Sleieh. one Corm A tm.on. one sett double two setts si nitio Harness. rme double Fett ihtvuess riding While , ant gsddlett tour good Fly Nets. s lot of Horse Plat, kets and Covers, a lame lot or 11,11..,.,‘ and R'heoll•arurw. Se. Also, ' 300 Good Locusts Posts, tea t. , 1 91.1 iiiro , ised a lot of oal, posts hewed and mor. 100 t'l nnst, e-int.thle fir board fence. a lot of ('l, ,, nmt ' , di% 9114 fencing boards, tite., together with inlet :Miele.. too numerous to menti-n. •^nir to rnru• I, at 11 a. rn , when term,) will be nude known by dog. W. I'ATC-INI, Jug A STUA hT. Adminhdtato, August 12, 18115—to - - NEW YORK SILVER MINING CO OF NEVADA. uFFICE, No. SO I3HOADWA 1, NEW I Olilk pil al, i.1,50n.n00 for en In at $.lO per Share— slOkl par ,alu, We are et...CUM! elle .0111 int the in De. We ker,' p. si heir that we hare a rich rllt et . Mine A lee tie inaind datars More will I rine us into n p-sitian that we shall pay nionilll3 dividends t all early: take Aran .Itee , ent Irea rates Alt gl.nd Aevnt , wanted,. AU,,tlSt 4, 1 , 6, 3t. Music ! Music ! 1 1 11 E subscribe's the IleeeS,:lly , of tin est,blishinent %O'er° Short %lush ran br pnr,•ll.-rd nl5ll ui In° drlay and lovonvenionve orca the_ 1, purpntie Leeping n fine and luried • e1t . ..1 i• rll .Pt the Lustnnie ol t ltu. ny.nt looir oetly S oo,. on the e nu r of Ilanurrr and I.outher Ste,. L. ,I,—Lhing. Hoy m unie oe tufty not have on II:I lid eAn oeeonnnodeteJ at the Shot les. p .le.nole 11AL1/1...nT 4.t. 131;0. A ,g,St -I. Proclamation \%T IiAtEAS, the lion. JAMES an,e,m, Presider t Judaea' the seretal Cout is common Pleas of the counties of ('umberland. Per ry :pod Juniata and w the several Courts of nend 'termini, and Or. Vrlii Jett Deli, m y In said and tip h el Cock lin and Hugh Stuart. Judges of the Courts of ii)er and lei - miner and Jail Delivery hir the Irk- of all capital and other offenders-, in the said county of t timberland, by their precepts to me direetoil. dated the 10 11 day of April, tan:), have or. the Court oft). er and Terri , iner and General Jell Delivery to be holden at Carlisle on the 4th Monday 01 August, ( Aug the 2lith day.) at 1.0 o'clock in the tovenoon, to colt tlo UM 0110 WCOk. N. rICE is hereby given to the Coroner,Juslices of the Pence. atitt Cons) allies of the said county of Cum berlaod that they are by the said precept commanded to he then and there lit their proper persons, with then roils, records. and ingots' t ions examinations• and all other rent nibonees, to do those things ohich 1.0 their offices Opt te tali] to be one. and all thOSO that are bound hi rot ognhance., to prosecute not the prhimerfiSthat re of the') sh 111 be in the Jell of said fOtlllty, tire to be Unit,' to prosecute them as shall be jos,. N .1 ACtlitS, July 21,1865. Sheriff. Il i ', STATE NOTICI..— ALette+s of Admiointration on the Estate of Wm. Beeteni, tioe'd , site of the lioromth mt arliele, have been granted by the Register of Cumhet hod County the cabs, Jinn s, the first 1131110 A residing in Carlisle, and the lost minted in South Middleton tarp. All mu st-Ms basing claims ti t talost said estate, will present them but settlement, and abuse Indehtod will make, im mediate payment to Jos. W. PAT ros, JOd. A. 3fIAIIT, August 4,1865—tit Adam FSTATE NOTICE ALetters testamentury on the estate of Robert Bell, late of south Middleton township. deceased, have been granted by the Register of Cumberland county, tp the subscribers, the termer residing in t3euth Nii dloton township, and the latter in the county of Adams. All persona knowing themselves Indebted to sold estate ,gill matte Immediate payment, and those haring claims will present theta properly authentien led for settle! ent to JAMES 11. WEAKLEY, ROBERT DELL, Jr. August 4, 1865-61 E ocutorti { /Gutters NOTICE._ liGetters alministration on thn estate of Joseph Livlepton, late of East Punnsborough lownehip, dec'd. have been granted by Ihe itegistur of Cumberiane co , to the subscriber residing in said township. All per indebted to said estat , are required to make im mediate payment, and those having c alms to prevent them to JOIIN SWEETS, August 4, 1865 —ht A ire'r. OTICE.- 11 On motion of Weida & Parker, Atty's of Wm. Gruel, Executor of.lamisou Hannon, dee'd.. a rulo wea gointed upon the belie at Law of inn said Jamison Hannon, due'd , to appear at thu next Orphans' _Court of Cumberland County: Penna., on 'Tuesday nip 16th of Augwit, to show cause why the told Win. Gravy should not be cilia:barged by the said Court from his Executorship, he having settled finally his Adminis tration areount, - which aottee Is hsreby given. JUAN JApoui, 114;11 Shuriff of soletleounty July 14, 1665-41. Valuable Town Property AT PRIVATE SALE. [ I IIE subscriber offers forst& that de slrablo residence, situate on North -Jtreet extend ed, west of West street. The Jot contains 125 feet in [rout nod too feet In depth. The house is built on ihe cottage style and finished in the best manner There are a number of choice fruit trees in the lot, and a cis tern. This is one of the most desirable private real deuces to the borough, sad will be sold low and on rea sonable terms: Apply to Dr. W W. Dale. Ceirlisle, August 4,1805-9 t Administrator's Sale of Real Estate order, of the Orphans' Court of Cup. j Jborlancl county; the undereigned 'Admlnlstratore of James ,Clarit, deeues'ed, late or Monroe Town-Lip, enuno aforeauld, will expope et publl.• *ale,, on the premiNes, 'on' FRIDAY, September 8,,,1805, u'raleable Farm, Containing 101•Aores,• • adjoining lands of Joseph Brandt and Moses, Bricker. Twelve acres et which is Woodland, and the reminder aloarod and In, a good"state of cultivation. The itn provementa„,therebtu 'story_ • ~ stone *louse, • • 01 Stone Spring &Ms°, ILIA'NE,RN, We- HI; gon Shod, and ether Ont4mildings. A fine stream of water runs through the Mod, forming a first r olling wider power.. The sceeeryln the vicinity ot the estate le grand. „Churches,. Schools, Id Pbysicitns; - &c., are convenient, It Is 0 miles cast of. Carlisle, and the ,amadistance west of, Alechaniesburg. The. els an 011 Mill, Apple and Peach Orchard,on the .premises. Terms 91 sale :—Fivo ilitodred Milers cash,. one-, fourth, I-chiding the five hundred cash, on, the confir matToniirtale by the Court, and the minded .r on the first of April, 111011, when a deed will be made and pos session given to the purchaser. 'Cron in the ground reserved and the umshaser to pay thelexes o'lBoo, Salo to commeilL4, at 0 o'clock on said eay: ' Mrs, MAiIUAIiET NELSON CLARK,' August 4, /805—ts !: • J. , . Admipistrotors. Lane. Ex. and Her. Tel : copy timtsend.blifie this efil. VALUABLE Preienta for all at Haver - I Otlok's Drug; no* and Fancy , ' ,1 Pr : ale of Town Property. , f AM nowfering for sale Abe, follow trig property 1 Carlisle: , 1. A two ory Brick Home on N. E. corner of Sou h and Wdst Sts., now. cc- I coupled by mu. ho. 2 A two story Crick House 'with ;; ; DriokilSclhbuildlng on W. South St. occu.. • „pled by W. W. Ohenowoth. N 0.3. A' two story Mick Musa on W. South st. now occupred by Frederick Wilmer. !so. 4. A two story I.4ilek House on west St. occupied by Samuel Albert. ho. 6 at 6. Two two story Frame 'Houses on N. West occupi dby Henry litmhes and Jneob Albert. ' Nor terms uhd other particulars enquire of the sub scriber. isAMTIEL en AM bitl.l . . Augusl 4, 18M-Imo, DICKINSON COMMERCIAL COL LEOE. tint S Institution, late known to the • public, as the "Chandansburg Commercial Col lege," is sow perinam ntl:. lecalut in Carlisle, l'a. Young men des rues of prepsr no themselves for the actual duties of..business ills, in the xhortest p set is thee, and at the least exiwose, will fluid this lo•titu tam, (the ile•ign of s bleb lx t I mpn t a sound buq auss ed cation to young men of the country), particu larly adopted to accomplish that desirable ohject BRANCHES TAUGHT Book-keeping, in &a Ito forms and applications; Com mercial Calculations, Commercial' Law, Penmanship. Prartival and Oman mita!: Business Corrospondeuce, `Forms. Ph ,nography,leleg aphlog by Sound, fir. In order, t. tally illustrate the prlnciplesof the seve ral hiatilehes, an...; thoroughly impress thorn upon the mind 01 the student, a system of actual business train ing, through tin establishment of legitimate Offices and Counting Houses, representing departments at Trade and Commerce, and a regular Dank of Deposit arid Issue, Las been instituted; thereby affording all advantages of any similar Anstitutinn in the coun.ry. Bone but competent Teachers employed. and a 811111- . lent nhinbor. to guarantee individual instruction In all, a nutter of no small importance, and seldom recei ved nt other Insii.titions Owing to ,the rapid growth f the Sellool, and in or der to accemoimi,te our numerous applicants from all parts 01 the country. new rooms have just been fitted up, (In OA South Doubling f Dickinson College), in super for style, a Li sufficiently commodious to aCelata. upstate rem two to three hundred students. A liberal dean lion made in ((Ivor of soldiers maimed or disabled in defense Cl our country and flag. For further pail 'colors eall at the College, West 3.lain St., or address SEND FOR A CIRCULAR Atyru , t 4, 1865. IA. ME to the pretuises of the subscri ber In North al iddiotOn twp , 234 miles west f ttarqsle ' nuar nays' Bridge, about the 25th 01 June last, a Red Bull, with rod and white face, and about two yea, s old. Toe owner Is notthed to come forward, prove property, pay charges, and take him away, other wise he will he disposed of as the law directs. :UMBEL. EPPL,BY. August 4,1855-3 t. A MOST IMPOR I ANT DISCOVERY ! INTERESTING TO AGENTS', FARM Ens, AND LADIES: E a re i l i n g s nes the hef t e d m i tch i_ o n t e which t comsbie Wine and Cider Press the drs,cst Clothes Wringer, and !he moht power ful Lifting. Jack in the world. It is the only press adapted to malting App e Champaign, which Is now retarded as one of the most Important discover ies of the HD. A rod agent wanted in every county, to whom we will hold out such Inducements as to in. sure $lOOO before artmtab. The Beet 0100 looking op pileatiun Irian :toy county shall have the excluthe /igerwy. Full pm tit Mars. terms, etc.. by Circular. Address „... August 4. 1865-3 t. SPECIAL SALE Government Mules PHILADELPHIA. TIIi+;UNITEDSTATES WILLSELL AT AUCTION, Champ;virs City Bazani Fattersalls, Rel'rr St. heltecen 111/1 12th Sts. During the Month of Aug. 1865, 900 MULES. These Mules are nil serviceable. s•dd oThr y for W 111) t use. Ito3ers are to 1,1,011111 V them at An , / 11111, and ev ,ry Ito giv , n for :I th,,r. cough tow, lon Roomy sheds are provided fur pro tection from sun and rai l,. trill be Sold cm EAGII EDNI.:SDAY ' , ATURD,II" Tint , ,t,olit , uurf E NIOATI.I (A' AUG T, 1.11/1111.11 rlog iit lU 0 cluck, A. M. Terms Cast►, in Government Funds Brig. LiCli, EKI,N. A.LBER l' 8, ASLI)I EA L, C11 , 1:1111 and A. Q M. Office, No. 7.:V Mlrhet 5t., 'hilutt.'h. A ueuld 4. 199.6-4 t AUCTION SALES. GitErxT SA. LE OF GOV ERN MENI hoits v ANDAILL 25,0 :0 ANIMALS TO BE SOLD DUR1.1. , ;(1, THE NTa OF A ITG US , lu the. Stet. of Now York I',•nun)ltnnbt. 1.114), In. dims, U lawn re, > i ar,) land, and New Jersey, anti the Disto ict of Culutet 1111A1(71:101t6Tlilt HEN ERA L'S OFFICr, , July Will be sold at pu' lic auction. to the hig.hestblderr, and the Slate and places named helots, viz NEW Yd Li. Now York city, Tuesday and Friday of each week, 2uo Horses each day. New York city, 1l odnesf ay of °nab week, 2ao Mules each dny Tue,day, August 8. 200 Horses Tuesday, ,ugutd. it, duo Mules. Alfauy, I rldny, August 23, 50 N Ws. Buffalo, WeclueAtiy, August du. 500 Nules Philadelphia, Thursday oft sch 'Nook, 200 hares s est'h day. l'htladelpitta, Wednesday' and ;tat urda . t, each week, 100 Il u es each day. Pittsburgh, Thursday of each week, 100 Mules each day. Pottsville, Tuesday, August 1, 200 Mules. Mlllitutown. Friday. August 4. 210 Mules. York, Friday, August 4. 20u 'bases :Now villa, Wednesday. A uguat 0. 100 Horses. Nowville. Thursday, August 10, 100 Mules. Reading, Friday, August 11, 000 Horses. Shippensburg. Wednas lay, August 19, 100 Horses. Erie, lhuisclay, August 17, 200 Horses. Shlppeusburg, Tuursday, August 17. 100 Mules Williautsport. Friday, August 18..04 11. rams. Indiana, Monday, August 21, 1. 0 Horses. Cluunbarsburg, Wednesday, August 23, 100 Horses. ChantberBourg, Thursday. August 21. 100 Muhs Milton, Friday, August 25. Dal Hera es. Carlisle, Ii odnesday, August 311, 100 Horses. Carlisle, 1 hursday, August 31, 100 Mules. • 01110. Columbiana Tuesday', August 1, 100 11orses Saistn, r, oduesdlty, August 2, 100 Horses. Alliance, Thursday, August 3. 200 Horses ganton,daturday, August 0, 200 Horses. idevelasd Tuesday, August 0, 1,01 01 ules. Massillon Tuesday, August 15. 201111orses. Crestline, Thursday, August 17, 000 Mules. Cleveland. Mouday, August 21, 200 nurses. INDIANA. Fl.rt Wayna, Thursday, August 24, 1,000 11f ules Wilmington, Tuesday of each week, 200, Horses each day. Wilmington, Friday of each week, 200 Aluics each day. NEW' JERSEY. Tretarm. Thursday August 10, *2OO Mules Trenton, Thursday, August '2l, 201 M ules Baltimore. NV ettmenday, Au,ust 0, aad Weilueaday of each week thereafter, 200 Horses a eh day. ASDINGTON. D. C. Baal week day, £OO Mules tusaono, D.C. Each week day except Wodniisday, 200 tforses, An opportunity to purchase_ a superior class of sad dle and draft animals, at far loss than their true value, in now offered to the public. Titsitagit the mejorlti of them are sound and service ibis, they ate no longer required in the army, and must be sold. Many of timmllll3B 11 ure bought In the beginning of the war, when young, accompanied the armies in all their marches and camps, and arc thoroughly tymkom, hardened by sluil else, penile and familiar from being so lon eurroundad by the - soldims. Animals will be sold elegly. Faies to commence at 10 A. M. Teresa.—Cash, in United States currency JAMES A EKIN, Brov. Brig, Oen. In charge let Die. Q. fa. G. 0. • Angust 4,1805—1 a. READING RAILROAD • ...ra • ,-, Mar - 3 . 8. LABII SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. RE AT TRUNK lAN E FROM THE VA North and Werth-West for Philadelphia ' 'New York, Reading, Pottsville, Lebanon, Allentown, Pas tan, t 0.. Ao. - Traina leave Harrisburg for Now York, as follows: At '" 00, 7.26 and B 15 'A. 111., and 1.45 ,I'. M., arriving at New York at MU A. 51, and 3.00 and 10.30 P. Ai. ~ The above conneet with similar-Trainaorethe , Penn. sylvania Wall Road, and eiceping Cars accompany the 8.00 and 8.16 A: 111:3'rains, without c h ange. Leave 'for heading, Pottsville, Tamaqua, hPneraville, Ashland, 'Pine Orove, Allentown, and Philadelphia, a. B 15' A. 111. and 1.45 P 31., stopplug at Lebanon and principal Statlons only. Way Trains, lamming at all points, at 7 25 A. 51.,and 4.40 P. M. Returning: Leave Wow York at 0 A. M..42:- 110 noon, and 8 P. M. Philadelphia at 800 A. 514:and 3.30 P. M.; Putts Ville at 815 A. M. and 2.35 P. M ; Avh land at 6.10 A. M. and 12.80 noon, Tamaqua at 3.15. A. .81. And 216 P. M., and Heading at 1:00, 7.85 and 10.45 A. M. 138 and 0.05 P. al; Reading Accommodation Train : Leaves Reading at 0,00 A. M., returning from Philadelphia aT 6.00 P. 51. ~Ecdunitda Rail Road Trains leave ng at 0.00 and 10.56 A. M., and 0.16 P. 51. for Ephrata, Litiz, Columbia, •On Sundays: LeaVo Not Vor 'at ' 8.00 P. 51„ Phtla delphia 816 P. M. ' Pottsville 780 A.' 61. Tamaqua 7,00 A. 61 , Ilarqsburg 8.10 A 81. and Reading at 100 A. 31. for,Harrisburg.' , „• , . commutation, Allihage, Season, Scheel and Exam"; Sion Tickets Co and trout all pniiits; • at, reduced Rates.' Baggage checked through : 80 •pundsallon ad' each Passenger. O. A. picou,o, - • , aernera stiodotaiident' ' Beadlnk, Pa, July 19080 Carl! le, Pit A M. TRIMMER, Camel:. In STRAY BULL, 11A1,1„ 111•.1Si) k CU. :No 65 Liberty St • N 100 MULES IR By Order oaf 13=EME ll=l AIARYLAND 'Pll?, t6 Y" ) l rublie Sale efiraluable Heal Estate. ON Saturday. the 26th day of August, 1 8 65. by virtue of an order of the Orphans Court of Cuinberland county, I will expose to - public sale, on the premises, the following. described real estate, sit eta in 'Upper Allen township one mile south of ido• chanicaburg on the road leadlint from islechanicsburs to Shephordstown. late the - residence of Levi tiood• year s deed, n tract of highly Improved Limestone 1.1110. ojolning lends of Jacob Abrams, All Brandt, Samuel Enkela and Seifert., Containing 18 Gores THe Intprovrmonts consist of a two ~? .4%2' stnry PRA ItIB Ili iIISB and r rime e),Beck 'building. a II It A 111 le 11 A Nlt jOctinT BARN. and other Out-buildings. fine young Orchard has been started attettut land has been i ecently limed. Persons desiring to eiamino the property cap call on the tenant In possession. , Sale t, commence at 2 o'clock when terms gilt be madUl..nown - by July p, 1865-0 D. S. GOODYEA:R, Adm'r Valuable Farm at Public Sale. THE Executor of George Yost, lute of 1, Upper Ails:: township, Cunthorlund county, den'd will sell at nubile solo, on TlilitittDAY, tint :3lst dip of A 1.1(11181',1111 1 5. all that valuablo pieco 01 mood, situa ted in the sidd township, hound, d by lands of Michael Yost, Snintl Mohler. John Miller and others, containing 95 Acres, more or legs, of first quality of Limestone land, In the highest state of cultivielon. The Improvements area first rate New Bank Barn, A two story iltAlllE 110U8C, with all 6 ,_ . L i ' the necessary Out buildings. A run r -, ; 7_.,.._,-, ring stream of never failing water at ~ 1 . - ;'Ti the house and barn. The cutaide ?... 0 ~.....--.-"" ~fenring is nearly all Locust Pest and Chestnut Mill. There are about Six Acres of very fine heavy Timber st 111 standing. Terms of soh —Ten prr cent of the pu.ebase money to be paid when the property Is stricken dawn. The widow's Interest to remain In the land. and the resi due of the purchase money to be paid on the Ist of April, 1806, when deed will be made and possession given. Taxes for 1660 to be paid by the purchaser. The tenanls share of .be wmp Is reserved ale to commence at 10 o'clock A. M. on the promi ses. about 2 miles sou b east of Mechanicsburg. on the State road leading from Gettysburg to Harrisburg. July 28, 18115-16. Valuable Farm at Private Sale I olle for sale n valuable farm situated within two miles or Carlisle, containing 116 acres. of Black Slate Land, of which 40 acres are meadow and sot with Timothy. r The Improvements are a NEW BANK : y,,A i Bt RN 7 , / by 40 feet, a TWO STORY ~•0..; :!'s PLASTItRIOD ROUSE, and out-Build •:1 ... '414; , .f, Rigs. The land Is to good state of eul- A1i , ...., : :k z , r y tivation, about 8,000 !maids of lime haying been applied during the Mat few years ; under good fences and in well watered Terms to suit purcha.ors and possession given on tno Ist April A. D. 11165. For fut tiler particulars In- quiro of or nddrepf, July 20, 1565-2 months PUBLIC SALE OF .I : Zienta M l Sitint(e rr TIE heirs of John AlcElhonoy, dec'd., 1 sill offer nt Public Sale on Saturday /be 91h (t September, 1865, on the premises situated in Mourne Township, Cum berland County 2% miles west of Mcebnnicsburtt, ad jOillitlT, bind, of David 1,. CI:Wt. Nikita& (larver, Jacob ii-rnhauQ luoi others. et , l/i3iffilla 119 111,11, and 1, 0 p”rotie.l of Lime stone land In a hi, h state of cultiva inn. and tinder goe, fen,. with from 20 to 00 news of ~0041 t mthered Lend, a finer•bard of Apple and other fruits MEM AN --- ranFa 1674.1, .. . 0.. STONE HOUSE, with a go , d Collar rind ar h Cellar. it net err ntilliez well of Wllter and els tent at tile hou 0, 491.131 Ft BARN, with Il'Aggen shed, and Corn II and all other nerossaiy (ui- Buildings, for whirl, a VOl.ll title will Lr Oren. Sale to 1,1111111•11( e at 111'r 11/CM P 31., en said day when torn, of anlr ,n ill lie mule tints n by THOM 31cELIIR1sEY, bAN 111 McEI.IIIN EY. Any Ilorsni; wishing to t !IP pientirer., rail call on me. rh" , tlri Ilisnoy, residing en the farm. " July. 21, lif4- t s" Valuable Farm for Sale rl`ll I I eirs )ITunc., dee'd 1at,111,,,ni, 1I nnp , on tow rland coun t s tt 111 • llor al 101 l f.it On (la , fhr 22(1 rhty of ,Cept e her, 1865, on the po situated in township. on the till t,:i•t i t ,hippensburg. to j. Sil s c• staining 126 ACRES OF I,IIIESI'OIsTE LAND, more Or le., 111 a lii,ll r col Hagan, and under oml to I/1 1., ail of ,s Welt in eltaled rxrrpt same twelve ~ f litl ul • lo t mho: la 1 ill: improvements are a large S'"oN 111$1:S1 , .. rtlth aloe Tenant II 'use, 4,0,r1) 1.,r,41. • t,...0 lo.uk u, t u. 11 azon .r.trjr 111 C ur . Vic r, aAo R 005... and othOr 1n,., 1,1 r) 01it - i.5.11,a, * Flit ei• is a (11(t2/1.1ol, on the pneu Ist,. and other Fruit Trees. th 4. SAlla• lline and place will be sold n Inlet of N 401.1461,3 t IU.NIIIIII Land, ul nut 4 utiles writh 01 the 111,11.1‘ , 11 1 . 1,111, and Y 11111e1 .111t11 ,if Leesburg, Containing 12 Acres, which will het multi tugvtlivi Or iti two lots HS 01, An) log to View the premlees, ran call oil lirutl Youog, re,..ldln f r o t line lane, Or the inoler,lgn ,. ro , hling neat Carlos 0. til Cl.lllllll'll, /It . A. NI , said day, 11 ll+'ll tiaras iv II }lv 111:111.1. h Ilt,\ [I Iry J MN STUART, Jr., F. ‘%.,'.. 4 ” Al:14;11T, Hein; of U. M'Cuno„ dec'd =I Samaritan's Gift ! SAMAIIIPAIVS GIFT ! I'IIEMOS CERTA IN 11\18EVER USED. Yes, A Po.sitive Cure Contains no 711ineral, no Balsam, no Mercury Only Ten Pi /Is lh he Taken to F.:lTert a rure. are entirely vegetable, having no smell nor any unpleasant taste. and will not in any way Injure the stomach or bowels of the most &heat°. Cures In from two to rout days, and recent eases in "twentf -four hours " Prepared by a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, one of the most eminent Doctor?. and Chemists of the present day. NO EXPOSURE, NO TROUBLE, NO CIIANOE WRATEVER. Let th.PPO who have deßptired of paling cured, or who humo bon gorged with Balsam Monello', try the SAMARITAN'S GIFT, Sent by Man hi a plain envelope. l'ilre—Nialo package, 4, - 2. Femalo BLOOD! BLOOD ! BLOOD ! SCROFU LA, ULCERS, SORES; SPOTS, TETTERS, SCALES, BOILS, OR VENEREAL DISEASES, Ar. SAMARITAN'S HOOT & HERB JUICES le offered the public as a positive cure. THB SAMARITAN'S ROOT AN!) JUICES, IS the most ',elect, certain and Weal, II remedy ever prescribed—it reaches and eradicates every partitlie of the tumoral poison, so that the cure is thorough and permanent. Take then of 'bin purifying remedy and he hinted, and do not transmit to your posterity that for ankh you may repent in after yearn. DO NOT DESPAIR I althotub you may bo pronounced Incurable, tho SA NaitITAN'S ROOT & HERB JUICES will remove every vestige of tmpuritlns from the sys tem, as well asall Alm bad effects of Mercury. FEMALES ! In many ' affections with which numbers of Female,' suffer, the ROOT & HERB JUICES, SP moat happily adapted, An Winites. in bearing down, Falling of tho Womb, Debility, awl Tor all ample 'lite incident to the sox.. Sent by e7nresa Moo .sl,2h par bottle. SAMARITAN'S WASH, Is usca In con unction with tho foot and Ilorb Juices ,Fultdtractions. l'rlco 25 cents. The efflcacy'of these remedies ie alike acknowledged by physicians and patients. They aro u ea In the IlnitedStatoit hospitals, thus restoring she' health of many or our bravo soldiers. [From the Baltimore Buti3 What the Surgeons say of the So . marltun's Remedies. , "POST HOSPITAL, Foca , 51ABSIIA LL,I Baltimore, Md., Feb. 20, 18C4. ; "there great sathdlictlon in statlnk, that I have Amid the Samaritan's Remedies' for Venereal Dhcase twits umet.customary forms; that 1 have used. them whb Judgment, discretion, - and' properly. and have foncul them respoiid to my anticipations promptly and effectually. Kritiwing their composition, 1'; have the fullest confidence In their s efficacy and as far as toy , pee oftlieni extends;l recommend them 'strongly . . • "ALFRED I). BOWERS, "Assistant Surgeon 6t.11 Now or Vclo." EAU ha under , tood that these raraddlos ;aro as Tar: ouiniendott; and Oositlvoly duru trui 'illeases for .which 00.17 . araofforqcl. Tor Bela at IlaierstiolCi.Drtig Stara, Ilanever Street Carlisle, Pa. r ?, -1 0();:ribprlotors • 015 Baca 0 ,6„Plillado)pl4A, . ;; / - 111010 k •.13GAIH.S & - TOBACCO, AT AMATO/VA rphe subscribers inform the public tbat they still coutlnue the GAS PITTING AND PLUMBING buslnea at the Old Stand in the biteement of the Flret Methodiet Church. They will attend promptly to ell busireas in. their lino. Load and Iron Pipes, llyaranto, lot and cold Water Closets; Force a-d Litt pumps. Wro't Welded Tubea. Iron Sinks, Bath Tube, Bath Boilers, WaabLia ales, Hydraul c Rams, 90, and every description b. cocks and fittings for gad, steam water, &o. Superior cooking rnnge• heaters and gas fixtures put up in churches, ~fores and do rillngs, at short notice:in the most modern style. All rasterials and work in our line at low rates nd werran'sd. Im.Counl ry work and j1k41.413 o , mnptly attondod to July 1. 1864. CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS prepared from a prescription of Sir J Clark, M. D., Phyticlan Nxtraordloary to the queom THIS well known medicine is no bri t p..sltlon, but a sure and safe remedy for Female Dloleultles mid Obstructions, from any cause whatever nod although a powerful remedy, It contahts nothing hurtful to the constitution. To Married Ladies It is peculiarly suited. it will, in a short time, bring on the monthly porlod with regu larity. In all rases of Nervous and Spinial Affections, Pain In the Rack and Limbs, Heaviness, Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpitation of the heart, Lowne• a of Spirits, Hysterics Sick headache, Whites, and all the painful illseai.es occasioned by a disordered system. those Pills will effect a cure whon all other means have failed. These Pills have never been known to CH where the directions on the 2d page of pamphlet are well obsorv• ed. For further particulars, get a paroptlot, free, of the agent. $1 and 6 postage etimps enclosed to any authorized agent. will Insure a battle, containing over to pills, by return mall. W. ELLIOTT, I ec. 2, 18114. Arent; - nYSPEPSIA. j_ What every body mays moat be true. We have heatd Dr. Strickland's Tonic spoken of so frequently. by those who have been - bonelyted by It, that at last we are compelled to make It known to the public that we really believe it effects a cure. lb every case; there fore, we say to those who ate suffering with Dyspepsia or Nervous Debil.ty, to go &their Druggist and get a bottle of Dr. Strickland'a Tonic. El.l YOST, Ex'r. PIANO-FORTES. DRIGGS' NE W PATENT. ARE the only Instruments constructed on a truly scientific principle. They have great er stren,ith . and will remain longer in Tune than any other Piano. The construction in simple and natural, all the extraneous lumber in the body of the Instru ment lo dispensed with; the coned boards are merely two arched planks of thin wood, like the front and back of a violin ;,the [strings toe attached to a strong Tron Ironic, which Is separated and entirely indepond. et, t of the case, thereby dispensing with the old harp form 01 stringing, by substituting straight bridges, preserving at the same time the Over Strung Bass, of which Mr. Briggs is tho inventor. By these improve ments we gain much more vibratory power, at the same time preserving all its purity and richness of tone. MMMI ( arliele, Pa 'I hey have roecived the highest testimoniala from the Prega, and all tho principal artiste in the country, among v lalulvare Ilarry h7undorhou, Max Maretzek, Theodore Eh:field, Harman Wotlenhaupt, Francis IL. Brown, Wm. Henry Fry, Mr. BEOEBIII_IND TIIALBERO, the great pianist, sn),-1 have examined your new Plano-fortes, and I cordially apprOve of its system of construction. Its pr ineiple, by which great increase at vibratory power is obtained, being very shale and pi rfoctly ph.losopl cal. The one is grand and noble: it hus peat ea) an ity for sustaining the sound or singing, arid Ito vol ulna tone or power I have never heard excelled in • depth puti y. and sympathetic sweetness. nt, 111.15 k hV, late musical tittle of The N. Y says:-1 have examined your newly Sul anted Piano-Fortes. They merit all the praise elven to them ti) Messrs Melberg, Gottschalk, Strackosch, Mason ur d others. A. rteards It; ucture, they ate original Nutt pbilosi pineal ; in purity. volume, and continuity of tone: itt viral versimilltude, that en nit tag excel bleb enables the pirmit is to o sing" MI the In tan cut. your Pianos ever deserve the hl,4hest rank or invention, in my opinion, is destined to worff. a radical change in the nAttufactureot Pianos Vtrough• out the world. re 111 the N. Y. Herald. f ept b.—Upon a careful ux andeolt ion of tripe's Plane-Forte, we find the results nl tained are a very fine singing tone. great 1 urity and la II ha nay throughout the entire instrument, not often Otii,tl in Pianos co, structed upon the old plan. 'llea N. Y. Times, July 12, says:—We have now an hest, uneent without en equal. It ran sing with a smooth delicacy, perfectly unattainable on any other ins , e ement an ordinary player obtains with no axon t' a fullness of a Grand Plano-Forte, and they must fl.redlly supersede the old styles. (iENTI.F,II , N log thoroughly examined and tested the l'ituo -Fortes invented and patented by Mr. S. 11. In lggs, I am of the oplulon'tlmt the tone result ing front his Improvements, as exhibited in the in' struments under exenelnatinn, In r oint of richness, d, pth and brilliancy, equals that of the best Grand Piano Fortes, and. excels them In pure, musical inton ation and at tual tone, power thun approximating closer co what T consider perfection In the instrument than tins yet been achieved by any other system of ma u n fart te re. WM. HALL & SON, 508 Broadway, NEW YORK. Before pu chasing, send for a descriptive catalogue, with price. Juno 16, 1665-Iy. pHysialANs will find it to their ad vantiew to call and purchase their Modlcluos at ItALSTON'S. fIARPETINGS, Oil Cloths and Mat tinge, at baby's Cheap Cash Store. CIIAS. 001LitY. July 7, 1805 Strike While The Iron Is Hot ! NEW STORE, HAVE just received a large asssort i ment of Now Goods, such as Celebes, Detaines ? Cballier, Lawns, Alpacas, Chambroys, Flannels, Linens Brown and Bleached Shootings, Brown and Bleached Shlrtlngs, As. Also, a full assortment of Men's Goods, Filial no Cloths, Cassimures, Sattinetts. Joanp, Cotetn atlas, Denims, Stripes, Checks. Including all quality and styles of Undershirts and Drawers, Droll Shirts. Shirt Collars, Nook Ties, Gloves, and all other goods pertaining to a Gentleman's Wardrobe. All. of whibh will be sold at lower • priers than hey ore sulling - olsewhero In Carlisle. • WM. A. RILE% Next door West of the Pofit Office, Carlisle. May Di, 18135. ' • - FH I,'; Duplicate of School Taxes for the present year has been delivered by the Schrol Directnre to the Treasurer for collection, it is there fore made the duty of said Treasurer to give notice to the Taxable Citizens of the Borough of Carlisle that he will attend at the County Court House (Connote sinners' Otlice,s on Thniaday and lerlday the 7th and tith of September next, between the hours of B and 12 In the foreneou. and 2 and bin the afternoon for the purpose of eceivlng the said Taxes. All persons paying -their Taxes on or before these days will receive n reduction of FIVE PER CENT. The Taxes 1n the meantime will be received by the Trenton er at his dwelling in West !dab Bt. J. W. )1111f, Treasurer. FEMALES!! July 14, 1865 F4sTAT,NOT ,I Ok.I. . . tettera or Administration on the estate of David W. hours, late of Dickim.on township, dece.,sed, have been granted by the Doubter of Cumberland "county, to the subscriber..rmiding in said townebip. All per. sons,Daving claims against said estate 'will present thent'lni settlement, and those kodobtod to the same' NOO make imtm (hate payment to .. JOI.IN MORRISON, Miner. August 4, 1866-70 t ST ATE NOTICE.= , J Lettere of Administration on the Estate Of Mrs. Disney Myers, late of Lower Allen Township, • doed., bavu boa granted by the iteglater of Cumberland County to the subscriber' residing in said Townships All persoturknowing themselves Indebted to said estate make Immediate payment and those having claims will esent them for settlement to • ' DAVID 8. MVERA, July 21, 180f)-11t,' Aden Mist, ator. ' 1418 TATE NOTICE.- 4 , Lot ore of Admlnistrntion tho ootato ofJeIIOSS Clark 4, hit° or Oloniqe township, dec'd.. having Imola granted by the Register of Cumberland County to tho subscribers residing In the aametownsblp aforosald.- All porno,' Indebted to mid estate aro hereby notified to matte Immediate payment, and thostatarleg ruling to present them to ' July 2,1', :16667-6t*-- • • "DORT „Folios, Writing Desks, Back Gammon Boards, Games or al desaripttoliat Thor:. oratiok's Drug, Bono) , and Book Store. LYNCH & FOOTE, Plumbers & Gas Filters. SHOWER BATHS, SIR JABIES'OLARKE'S L. M. ttottschalk Thalherg, Wm. Mason. A. Burin, M.Stmelmach, Chas. Fra.del. Yours respect fully, L. M. GOTTSCHALK OEM NEW GOODS. SCHOOL TAY FOR 1865 ITGARICT OLAIiK t J. : dduilalotratore The Great Internal Remedy For THE EFFECTUAL. OUHE — OF RJIEITMATIkS'M. GOUT, NEURALGIA, TETTER, RINGWORM, &c., IS TRULY ' - ....' ' ...,, ~.,...,.,,:::.,.•..,,,,„,,,.„...„:„..., r 1 . ,..• i''‘I6.:HS . :SOISFSO'K:;!. • .....,.... , ........ ~.. RHEUMATIC' Qp,mppoNp i :;:_•.......,.....•:. ....•„,,,,.,......,:„..,.....t.:,...,-,„„,,,.,,..f. k „. BLOODI - FURIFIER .„.....,...,,..„.„.„,..,....,.,. ~..,.,,,...,.:......,:„.......:,.,...,...,.„ IT STANDS UNEQUALED BY ANY MEDI CINES now before the public for the cure of the move named diseases. The vest number of rub on medicines which formerly hare been used fir those diseases, were merely temporary in their effects and of doubtful virtue, but The Rheumatic Compound Reaches the source of all trouble, and actually banish es the disease from the system by its immediate action en the blood. Johnson's Rheumatic Compound THE SOLDIER'S TREE FRIEND ! READ TI;E•FOLLOWINO PROVOST MARSHAL'S OFFICE, 1 Ma. Anneaw JOFINSON:—Dear Sir: In November loot I had a severe attack of Rheumatism, to which I bad not been subject 'Cor nearly three years The attack wax so severe that rcould not move my bead or raise my arm. After trying different medicines without avail. I was Induced to use your Itheutnatlc Compound and Blood Purifier, and before I had taken three bot tles I was so completely cured that I could perform any duty to which my country might call me. I can glad ly and confidently recommend it to all my fellow sot diem as the quickest and surest remedy for Rheuma tism I over need. Your true, frlopd „„,INORRIS PATTERSON. Reference P. T. Patterson and William Duncan, No 77 Wood street. All who use It receive benefit. It cures when all other remedies fall. it gives universal satisfaction. The proof is most abundant. It Is the only sure cure for Rheumatism It is the greatest discovery of the age. No other remedy has become so popular. It is proscribed by physicians. It is recommended by ohysicians. In truth, it le a perfect benefactor R. E. SELLERS & CO. SOLE PROPRIETORS, WIIOLESALE DRUGGISTS, For sale by Johnson, Holloway It Cowden, Philadel plan, and DAVID RALSTON, Carlisle. July 7, 1805, EIROPIELS* (The A-rig-in-ai r only- True -k °ermine) has stood for thirty years a Staple Remedy. unequaled by any medicine known for the cure or Liver rom plaint enstlveness,sl,k Headache and Itllinus Disor. dere. and Inchs•d for the whole class of diseases origi nating In binary derangements. Symptoms of a Diseased Lire/ General loon of appetite, sickness of the stomach. pains in the head. shoo'oa rs. back and sides, sense 01 weariness., will) n eepless rights. restiveness of bowels, f dlowed In some cases by looseness; slight dry cough. low spirits. with disinclinations to every duly. me prominent •ympcoma of a diseased state of the Liver. The liver is, however. often much deranged when the most formidable synintm me arc absent, and heroines daily out of order before it is known. Great Cure of Liver Comp!aint, By the Original, only True and GCllnine LIVER PILLS. SkLV EU ell ZEIT, Oh to Co., Va. Mar. '2O, '49 Mr. E. E. SELLER, Dear Sir—l think.it is a duty I owe to you and the public generally, to state that I have been afflicted with Liver C oriplaint for a long time. and so badly. I hat an abscess formed and broke, which alt the in a very low state. Having heard of your celebrated Liver Pills, being for sale by A. R. Sharp, West Liberty, and recommended to me by my physician, Dr. F. Smith. I concluded to give them a !Mr trial. I purchased one box and found them to he just what they are recommended, the best laver Pill ever used ; and after taking four box, s, I find the die. ease has entirolv loft me, and am now puriectly Respectfully yours. WEST LIBERTY, March 20, 1848 I certify that I am personally acquainted with Mr. Coleman, and eel hear testimony to the truth of the above certificate, " GENERAL SATISFACTION." GREEIVILLE, Floyd CO., Ind., Oct. 27, 1858. Mr. R. E. Smola; Sir: I am out of your Liens NMI, nd should be glad to receive n supply, no they give oneral satisfaction. Please send me Rome noon. BEST FAMILY PILL ALEXANDRIA, Licklog Co., 0., March 1, 1856 Mr. D. S. Owes: Dear Sir: I have used 'SELLER'S LIVER PILLS myself and in my faintly, and must say, BA an alterative and common family physic, I consider a very desirable pill. They aro prompt. but mild In their effect; arouse a healthy Action of the Liver, carry off the morbid were tionn, and leaVe the system In a healthier condition than any physic I have over taken or administered. Very truly and respectfully. SAMUEL PARK. TO THE PUBLIC The original, only true and genuine Liver Pills ' are prepared by it. E. Sellers, and has his 'name in black w.ix upon the lid of each box, and his signatnre on the outside wrapper--111 others are counterfeits or hose Imitations. R. E. SELLERS & CO., Prop'rs, PITTI3III7ITOII, I'A For sale by Johnson, Holloway .b Cowden, Pblludel phis, and DAVID RALSTON, Carlisle July 7, 1665. • LINDSEY'S BLOOD SEAFCHERI TN LARGE BOTTLES, Ix particularly recommended for use during the Spring and Summer, when the Blood is thick and Circulation 81017 and retarded by unhealthy fecrutions This per. foctly safe. though poweiful, Purifier Cleanses and re news every portion of the system. 11 Is the only gen uine and original BLOOD SEARCHER, which for many years tins performed the moat vronder , ful, yet permanent cures, In confirmed cocoa of &tofu. la. Old Sores Tatter , Tumors, Bolls, and all kinds - of, Scrofulaus'i ruptions. It is ale', a fellable romody,for Salt Rheum, fling Worm, Scald Head and kindrs4 die-: eacaLl. . - . -Asa general Tonle its Weds - .. are most benignant and ..; . 'cannot faltto bene fi t where used accordlog to directions. We make no claim to having discovered a "Panacea" or "Universal Remedy" frr all , the ailmentk to will& flesh is heir; but we do claim what countless. facts have fairly and fully established, that In the ' •, •'BLOOD:SEARCHER I ' • The aillleted "will find a "Standard ,Idedleirep ono upon which l boy can rely Ana aura Ppoclfle for all the dlseaseatbr whlch.lt le seconnnended. , , • I have thia day, October 701, 1864 dispeaed of my entire ihtereet M. lAndacy's Improved Blood- Searcher, to It It. Sellers & Co., together with the right to use my name In Its preparation. The only genuine article 11 , 111 hineafter be propand by them exclusively. J. M. LINDW. • PILEPARED :BY R.E. SELLERS &' CO SOLE PROktIETOIRS; Pittsbip•gh, PRICE' $l, 'Pull For 8010 by Johnson, liollonqty k Cowden' 1141204.: phls, And DAVID DAIMON, Darnel*, duly 7.1806—0 m. AT Ogilby's,C,heap Citell Store. Into now selling oft my entire stock or Summer Goods' at greatly reduced prices. 801:01).1:101V style Dress (lords, Lawns, Tamartlnes, Citalies, grenadiers, Poplines, Barred Lustres, De[Aims, &c., very handsome, and at low prices. Calicoes. Muslim', &c., Cheap. er than can be bougbt In Carlisle. A largo assortment of Gloves and !foolery at reduced prices. CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES, very cheap. Non la the time for Bargains, 011-4:5. OGILI3Y July 7, 1850 SALESMEN - WANTED to do busi tie. throughnut Pennsylvania, Now Jersey and gbboring biota, IPrevioun experience as ealesmen not necessary. No pariially disabled or discharged soldier:Sm. active Intell gent person need be without permanent and . p r ofitable employment. Apply personally and at once W. 8. WALTON, North Mud Corner 31nrket Bt., and Market Square flarrisburg. - June 0, 1806-omo*. In Eby's Old Stand, Main St, L. BERNHARD & SON, IN FORM the citizens of Carlisle and I vicinity that thoy have just opened In the above popular stand, an Immense stock of First Class Clothing, and Oentlamon's Furnishing (pods. Their stock eon sista in part or Coats, Pants and Vests, for civilian or soldier, mode after the latest pate erns, of Goods the quality of which cannot be questioned. Overcoats of all varieties. Trunks, Carpet Tinge and Valises, Neck Ties, Scarfs and Cella , e, Shirts, Drawers and Stockings Fancy Goods 'if all descriptions. In fact n completo and entire nnsoriment of Clothing and Furntubing Goods. Don't forget the place, Eby's Old Stand. "Marion Hall," Main Street, Carlisle, Pa. stsravotixtro.a. loom Decomber 23, 1834 '49Bl`L_ , C(nf ..gava oienJuo oqj oliaoddo Linton 'TR qposi 'off S:4 '6STIO 'SI to`s,usuva ar o.umpxuna . opsamosi pan u2!cuo ! j a! suariva %.7:NA •d SDI. 3-7 nT ga ussaoans , `suamoa uarrinc, CARLISLE & PHILADELPHIA DAILY FHILIGI HT LINE FREED, WARD SI FREED, • 811 MARKET STREET PHILADELPHIA J. & D. RHOADS, Car of this Line leave the Depot 811 Market. St Dolly, ai 4 o'clock, D. M. Leave Carlisle, Daily, at 7 o'clock, A. 51. Gonda lotetiiied for this Line should be marked C. . 1 P. Dolly Frelitht Line, and sent in by 4 o'clock. July 1, 186,1. , PA 4 C) I—s 3E) SELI)ON & CO. MANUFACTURING JEWELLERS, 27 CoD RTLANDT ST NEW YORK. 100,000 WATCHES, GOLD PENS, PENCILS, &c. &e. &c. &c. W 0 H T II $500,000 TO BE SOLD AT ONE DOLLAR EACH. ITIIOUT REG A Rh) TO VALUE. AND NOT TO BE PAID UNTIL YOU KNOW WHAT YOU WILL ItECEI VE. Splendid List of Articles. All to be sold for ONE DOLLAR Each 300 Gent's (in ld Hunting Case Watvbils, $.)O to Ilbo LOO Ladles' hold and Enameled Case Nwttehes, 35 .‘ 70 -400 Gent's lin sting Case Hlfer watches 35 " 70 , Diamot.d 015 p, 00 •• 100 3.0 h 0 (i.dd Nest and Nerk 15 " 30 3000 6 :Lar) Bahl Oval Blind Bracelets 4 000 ClanSed Uuld 2 00 . 0 (iha Nltainu t hail. and Guard Chains, 0 " 20 olioo Solitaire and t•old ilroozlies. 4 " 10 . 3,000 La, a and Flo; on II: oodles, 4 " 0 2,,i 0 , U,,rai, Opal and Emerald 13rouches, 4 - 8 2,000 Mosaic, Jet, Lava, and Florentine Ear - Drops, 4 4 LC() (Aunt, Opal, and Emerald Ear Drops, 4 4.omy Calitomite. Diamond Breast Pius 3,000 Uold Fob and Vest Wjiich Keys, 4.000 Fob titia est, Ribbon Slides, 4.000 Sets Sleeve Buttons Studs, etc 3 WM Gold Thimbles, Pencils, etc. 0.000 :Mohawk, I,:lekets, Miniature Locl.els—Magic 4.utlu Gold Toothptekx, CiOßtieS, etc. 5.000 l'lttin Id W. 600 Chased Gold 7,000 Stone Set and Signet Rings, 2 50 10 5.000 California Diamond Rings, 2 " 10 7,500 Sots Ladles' Joselry—Jet and Gold 5 " 15 6.00 Sets Lade s' Jewelry—Cameo. Pearl, etc 4 •' 15 0,0 0 Gold Pens Sliver Extension Holders and Ponills 4 " 10 0.000 Gold Pens and Gold-slounted holders 3 " 8 6 000 Goblets and Drinking Cups 6 " 10 1,000 Silver Gaslors, 15 " 50 _ . A. B. SHARP 1 2,000 Silver Fruit and Cake'flaskets, EZIEMEI3 10 " 50 PER DOZEN 1,000 Dozen Silver Tea Spoons, $lO ' $2O " '• Table epoons end forks 20 " 100 CERTIFICATES naming each article and its Value, are placed in SEALED ENVELOPI.S. which are well mixed. Ono of these Envelopes, containing the real. fiesta or Order for,some article, (worth at least one dollar at retail.) svill be sent by mall to any address, without regard to choice on receipt of 25 Cents. The purchaser will see what Article it draws, and its val ue, which may be from One to Fire Hundred Dollars, and can then send Ono Dollar and receive the Article named, or any other on the list of tbo mine value and after seeing the article, if it does nut give perfof t sat isfaction, we desire It to be immediately returned and the amount paid will be refunded., By this mode we give selections from a varied stock of fine goods, of the best make and latest styles and of Intrinsic worth, nt n nominal price. while all have a chance of securing articles of the very high• st value. 10 all cases we charge ter forwarding the Certificate, postage and doing the business, the senior Twenty• live Cents, which n,nst, be unclosed In the order. Five Certificates will be sent fir $1; eleven for $2; thirty for g. 5: shale-five for SIB; one hundred for $l6. Parties dealing with us may depend on having prompt returns, and the article drawn will bo Imme diately sent to any address by return mail or express. Entire satisfaction Guaranteed in all cases. Agents wanted, send fur circular. Write your iNatue, Town, County and State plainly, and address. CYRUS BRADFORD J uuu 10 2 18435—Cana COAL AND LUMBER YARD.- Tho subscriber having leased the yard formerly occupied by, Armstrong and floiTor, and purchased the stock of COAL AND LUMBER, In the yard, ,together with an Itnroonso new stock will havo constantly on hand and furnish to o der all kinds and quality of seasoned LUMBER, . FRAME STUFF, Paling, Plastering Lath, Shingling, lath, worked leering and Weatherboarding, l'osts and Halls, and ovary article that belongs to n Lumber Yard All hinds of Shingles, to wit: R'hitoplue• Hemlock and Oak. of different qualities.' Haying cure of my own I con furnish bills to order of any length and size at tho shortest notlci , and on'the most reasonable terms. My waked twirls will lie kept under cover so they eau be furnished dry at all times. I hifve ennst.tntly •ut band all Muds' of -Fatally Coal under cover, which [ will deliver clean to any part of the borough. To wit: Lykons Valley, Broken, Egg, w ~ww 11 , , r o m v . e . :i t u o d . N i n o t e , u L 9 lk t . ? „ B u i n d i d a lt i i n re 111 14 h Lobbery, ' which 1 pledge Era ' sell to sell at the lowest prices. Dust rality of Lmeburner's and Blacksmith's' anal, always on hand which I will sell at tho lowest figure Yard west side of Grammar behest, Main street ANDItEW 11. 1114A.11t, Juno 0, 1105. tt, NEW AND PRESII • .• 3r b OD AP me . 31.. ere; . HALBERT & IRO HAVIN G just returned from the Eastern cities desire to Inform their patrons that tney kayo laid in a law and varlet' stock of New and Ewell Goods at the lowest cash prices. Their assortment la thorough and complete, contain• lag everything necessaay to constitute a' First Ohms Grocery. • TEAS; COFFEES, SUGARS',' • • in greatest abundance, aril at lowest cash figura - S.-- Syrups, Spices, ,Canned Fruits, • QUEENBWAItE. and Crockery, Stilt and Fish, llarris, Cheese, Crackers, Brushes, Baskots !Hui Willorr Ware,;.- • • • Segura and : - Tpbacca, :brae chniceet brands. Brooms, Duckets,..eind . a emu ,pluto nesortment of . , kAAriL Giloo.ol;kir.S. .. , o Don't, foiikit the. old ,etatid South .lEast ~corner of llsoover streets. 1reh.24'‘?.844. TIOXIi' linips,"Sliadds aike. ‘,./ileps at Haterstiok's Drug and Dolt PRICER' REDUCED ! HIGHLY IMPORTANT Nkikr STORE MAIN STREET, CARLISLE, PA CHAINS, MANNER OF DISTRIBUTION ELI)EN & CO. 27 Courtittralt Street, New York BOARDS, =I Mill 50 " 50 " 3 • 3' 4 :3 .23) 4 11=13