B Private Sale of Town Property. I ANT now offering for sale the follow ing property in Carlisle: Z.lo. 1. A two story Brick House on N. E. corner of South and West Sts., now lie- •., " fi cupled by me. No. 2 A two story Brick House with Brick Back-building on W South St. °crib plod by W. W. Chenoweth., N 0.3. A two story Mick House on W. South st. now oecupred by Frederick Voliner. No. 4. A two story Belch !louse oil West St. occupied by Samuel Albert Nn. 6 & 6. Two two story Franco Holism; On N. West St.. oecupi.d by Henry Ilughes and Jamb Albert. For terms and oilier particulars enquire of the sub serlbor. .-OAIIIVEL CHAMBERLIN, August 4,18135-11 n. DICKINSON COMMERCIAL COL LEGE. rpH S Institution, late known to the X public, as the "Lthamberthurt; Ceuunercinl Col lege," is now pertuant.ntly 10V11 test iti Carlisle. Pet. Youu,men dots runs or prepay theinsell'l`o for the actual duties of buslnet.s lite, in the shortest p sal.de time, and at the lean exnense. will fad this Int.titu tion, (the deign of u blob Is to nopavt a sound 1 , 1,1- 110Aq ed •eat.i.ta to yeautz men of thus' COUII try), particu larly adapted to II(• •ompllAl that de,irattle oldt, t BRANCHES TAUGHT in a.I its i b rms and epplh•atioris: Com mercial Calcuttaruns, l'nnnm•rrial Low, /termini,.lilp . Practical arid Orriad,nrittr, Business I'urresooudeure. Forms. l'inoire_rraphy, nr by cmnid, Jar. 111 r.rler, t • fully illustrate Line prioriple.s of the seve ral Intairelies, thoroughly impress thorn open the 011011 01 lb, student, a •s ,tone 01 11•1.111111•11saloso trnin ing, tirrouvii the establishment of re;ritrirrate rdlicest and luariting liuusos, repriderntin.r. derrartineid.s of Trade and Commerce, and a regular 14ri.k of Deposit and Issuo, into been instituied; thereby alTordilLr all advantages of any similar In‘dotriti 'Ti ill the o uu Lt,. None but ruugn•trut 'l ' rru•hrrs emp'uie I. oral a stall -110111, 11110.11 nor. to guarantee individual instruction I, all, a m itt or no nimtll iniphrrani•e, rind seldo a rever sed at (4111,1111 rd lldrals Owing t the oDtd er 'setts • f the Seloud, to in Or. der to tiecointood •to our 1111111013slis lippi33lllt3 fruit lin psiriss the i ,,,unt r y last rooms hint. ju.••t been fitted sip, 03 1/lekins 41 College). its supet istr style, 3 d sulffriently vo.noto,lioirs to aceote• modal,• rout tiro to three hundred students. .1 'Went' dedu tints Ina le ill fu ,•,tr ale ddt••rr mot wed or (lists bled In defense of our country find flag. }' , rut rt tier 'dirt leulars call at tpe College, West 3laia la=l=3 =I k0.4uA4,1563 ST BAY BULL vi\,)lE to the premises of Ike subseri t., In Noel h gild lotnn top , miles west • f Cur tile, near ilms i idge, nut tie 25th of June lest. n 14d Bull, with red and whit,. 1:11 . 0, 1111(1 About two yea. old, Toe ,Amer is notified to collie forward, pr,ve pi "plots*, pay 'banes, and Lake tutu a wa3 , other a:l,e ho whl he dh.yew.ed of ns the taw diverts. iA)I LI EL EPP LEY. A ugh st 4. 18111-31. A_ MOST IMPOR I ANT DISCOVERY ! INT Elt r.sTi Ti) AoENTs, 1 , Alt \I MIS, AN D =ln E are making a single machine which romhim the rluotto•st pint:tide wine and elder l'ie's i.e d, pest (lutist, 11 tutee - , nod the most powerful lofting Jock in the wo, Id. It tile only pr-os ads pled to making App e ..bampoittn, which Is now,e /Inletl asn eofthea „ etinipmloutd,senr,- les the ;ore. A Vod wall tell fu i• very e•ott,ty, to whom no will hold out •nell Inducement , no to io sure slond before Chriotinas The first pie nothing ail pllentlon from nny eonnty shill lhne the e.,oluoi, teensy. Full part wolary, ICI ins eio., In l'i,enl:v Address 41,I„I/ . .N.. 55 1,0,,,t) rr , N. V August -I, st;s-3t. SPECIAL SALE Government Mules PHILADELPHIA rfl HE UNITE 1) STA INT 11,1, SELL, I A' PLUIL:C AUCTION. •11 B r ush (vim, During the Month of Aug. 19G8, 900 RI LES. Thee )luleu are all ,ervieeable. and sold uu v fir Wail] nu) er, , are invited to ,xatoine them at any and every twilite will be giv., for is du, (web loaner lie. Henley sheds are provided fur pro top tion ()um sun and rain. 100 MULES 1P 111 ho Sold on EACH' WEDNESDA V and SA T 1: RDA TB RVL•(I Hi )1!1"1‘11E MONTH OF ACti U.: common ring at. 10 n'vlook, A. M. Terms rash, in Government. Funds By order 1 Brig. lien. ERIN. ALBERT S. ASII Mil , . A tan and A. It MI . ()Moo No. Market St., Phllian. A uguid. 4, AUCTION SALES. G REATBALE OF GOVERNMENT 11ORSLS AND MULLS 25,(1 I) AN I A I,ti E S 01.1) 1)U RI N(; I'llE ()Nl'll () t•G us , In the Stotes of Now York l'ent,) Ivan!, I hog. I 1.- 1) loware. )lar3 Into!, mud Jettey. 111 Id the Dist, ‘rt . nt. QI•AkI ERNI SC, On 11.1, AnIIINI• toN, duly Will bo sold at pd lie auction, to the 111_11,4 lAdv.r. and the time :”.d places named helow, SIX : MENEM Now York city, Toesdai and Friday of well wuek 200 iloities etiVil day New 11", , t It city, I', eclue[!/13 . of 0,1,11 week, U Mules eau city , 'rue•dny, August 8 lieU Ifni ses Lamm Tuesua,y, ouU Mules. I•riley, A uoisl 6 5110 ‘lult.ti 55ecluemclay, ii, suo Mulls I= Philadelphia, Thursday of • itch ‘voolc, •2‘,0 II nee s co h day. Phil. driphia, Wednesday and Sat urday feed, wool., 10u ,s each day. Pittsburgh, Thursday of each'svnalc, lfin Maio efieh day. Pottsville, Tuesday, August 1, 200 Mules. Miftlintown. iday, A u4tist 4. 210 Mules. York, Friday, August 4 200 II roses en , vll,o, N eduesday. A ugusi 0. 100 Horses Newv.be. Thursday, A ugust lu, It; 31111C15. Iteadlug. Filday, August 11, 500 lio.lo-8. Slllppeiiburg, 19,:lnes lay, Au;ust 10, 100 Horses. Krie, buisday, August ,7, 200 lint son. Shipp tusburg ilduraday, August .7 100 Mules IS illitinispurt. Friday. n ugust Ig i.O • 11. rses. Indiana, Monday, Augus, 21, 1 0 nurses. Cbambersburg, 11 eunesday, August. 23, 100 llor,es Chambersburg, Thursday, August 34. lOU Mules 3111 ton, .1. ridny, August 25. 20ii 11,3,es Carlisle, I) eunesilay, August 30, WO Horses Carlisle, 'I buisday, August 31, lOU Slake. MEM Columbiana Tuesday, A uAlst 1, 100 11, rst, &thin, ednemlay, August 2, 100 Corse, Alliance, Tburtday, August :1.1510 11..0 :es Canton, Be,tu rday, A ugunt 5, 200 110,000. Cleveland Tue,day, A ugust 0 , 1.0.0 Mules. Massillon Tuesday, August 15. 200 llorses. Orestline, Th urEday, A °gust 1;,500 :klub! , Cleveland. 3londai, August 21, 200 Horse, 131IIIME Fort Way n, Thursday, August 24, 1,000 Mules I= Wilmington, Tuesday of each week, 200 Homo week day. Wilmington, Friday of each week, 200 Mules each day. NEW JERSEY. Trenton, Thursday August 10, '2OO gulon Trenton, Thursday, August 24,203 2 , 1 ules I= 13001110 re. 15'eduesday, Auoust 11, and Wednesday of each week thereafter, 200 llorses e eh day. A6IIII , WTOS. 1).0 Each Vr cult t.lny, 4PO halos CIESI3O/10, 1). C. Each week tiny except {Veda...lay, 12(10 nurse, An opportunity .to Tut chase n superior class Of sad dle and draft animals, at far less than their trot, value, la now offered to the Though the majority of then: are sound end service able, they are no longer required in the army, and 11111811 be sold. Many of the mules s eve bought. in the beginning of the war, when young, secOmpanled the armlet; in all their marches and camps, and are thoroughly broken;' hardened brextecise, gentle and familiar from being SO Inn surrounded by the sold leas. Atkimals will be sold singly. !, Sales to commence at 10 A. M. Terms--ettflil, in United Staten currency JAMES A 1111,IN, ltrev. ❑rig, (100. In charge Ist Div. Q. M. O. 0. MEE READING RAILROAD -,L SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. (2 BEAT TRUNK LINEFROM TH If; North and North-West for Philadelphia, New Voris, Reading', Pottsville, Lebanon, Allentov n. Ens. ton, ae.. R c. Trains leave Ilarrisburg for Now York, as follows: At 3 00 7.25 and 8 16 A. 51., and 1.46 I'. 51.. arriving. at New ' York at 10.00 A. 51 and 3,00 and 10.30'1' 51. The above connect with similar Trains on thu Penn. sylvania HMI Road, and clasping rare accompany the 300 and 8.16 A. 51. Trains, without acing°. Leave for Heading Pottsville, ' !'omen 1111 , 6lmorevllle, Ashland. Pine Wore ' Allentown, nod Philadelphia, a. 016 A. 61. and 1 46 P 'M., slopping at Lebanon and principal Stations only. Way Trains, stopping at all points, at 7 25 A. 31 , and 4.40 P. M: Ecturning : Leave New York at 0 A. M., 12.- 00 noon, and 8 I'. M. Phhadelphia itt 800 A. 51, and 3.30 P. N 0 Pottsville at 8.15 A. 61. and 2.35 P. 61'; Ash land at 6.10 A. N. and 12.30 noon. Tamurlrm n,t 1.16 A. N. and 2 15 P. N., and Reading at 1:01, 7.31 And 10.45 A. M. 1 33 and 0.116 Reading A ccoMmodyt ion' Tisdk : Leaves Reading at 0.00 t. 51, returning from Philadelphia at 6.00 P. M. Columbia hall Road Tralne leave heading at 600 and 10.65 A. 61.,and 0.16 P. M. for Ephrata, Lltlz,Columbia, Ac On Sundays : Leave Now Vor at 8 00 P. M.. Phila delphia 8 18 P. M., POtiqville 780 A. M. Tamaqua 7,00 A. M , Ilarrieburg 8,10 A AL ALId headingut 100 A. M. for Harrisburg. Oeutroutation, Mileage, Season, School and. Excur sion Tickets to and from gll pninta, at reduced ltates. Baggage checked through : 80 ppunds alloy od each Passenger.O. A. NICOLL% 'General Superintendent. July 10,1806. • ' • , NEW YORK SILVER MINING do OF NEVADA. OFFIG,E. No. 80 BROADWAY, NEW C.P 1144) , :;), 1, 00,000; ;41.nek fig; 'do at $4O ;Mare We ore oreetin,, our ill 'lt the in to. lYe know pOgi. iVely that o• he uia rich Hitt, 11, no. A few thousand doltera t o r, viii I ring Os Int , n p sitirnl that we shall pay monthly dividends t all r;y tale ad Vfloinge if j,r. oont law rates: A few g,,od Agents rvnntod. August .1, 186,1-3 t. (aril le, PI VIKOINIA , E A ciTy, NVAD. Cli 142,000.000—::0,0q0 Shur., each fr.bio shares In the 'l•ransuryr to he sold, 01.10 much 118 is rk juts cu, to raim: the necessary Irorkiwz uipitnl, th • 1111110 I:0W being woi keit with the meet pton,l hog re sults 2000 Ala ens of stock. 01 Sc, 111lIch Ilarla,ins ban not her n sold, are (lA.-rail tor sale to Valhi, 0101103. 1.1 1111101111vry. aid CO extend toe WOl l , 01 develop lug ; he 1111100 Forty Iknlars per share, for full raid, snd not subject to as:assinent. It Is lof expected that more Ilan tins 111011,111 t, 01111.11,4 .1,1 ',VIM,' par, thus ultra i.g gi vat ad VailtAgss to 111 st put enaser, of Ills stork b. offer. ed In luoit entire ronlidinn, tit t We hat .• the rlche+t In the O m Id, and that svi ry chaos 01 slis-lt 0111 th Itr h o e 11, 4'd tll r e Seal' 110111 this toes. Ihot 0i holds nlll hr paid Into.lllly t1..1 c It. ,11q nIn.II vat hol ism 110.1• I tie sod 1,411.111.0 thd thatthe l• • 1 , I .11,0 „1,1 lie so.ple Ito , hr 101 l clei el It, iiii,ll,io,lllll , nli, e. 1, "101: two c 1 the -1, still In tin. Tre/ noel, by the -t..olillo:ders or held lot flirt: 1101,,,,,i Thu 141:111ryg , m 1•111 of (Ito C.. 0 pwl lots hoot. commit , le to it oil it tit I rt•to, do t wdl 1.i0.w11,.011- et et i.• in Wil lis (Iry lip' o Hopi, it 4'. ofideoce. kil r(Tattling. IN s il I i•nip I/1 , 01,i n pergrintil or writt,o oli ito : idiom( 111150. of New Viwit, (' MI Delllart•St R Italdoln, 171 \ V.. 11' 11111011, Fro t stn tit, N. 1 DA .N'iJ 11. VA UU lIA Pre,•l. kM , ON [•A , 'ON, cc. nud Ti ens. Ith, e. road say, N. V. iztoel; lur qmle .f the Amerman Na , lonal Ila u 4. No. hn rood ,‘ ny. Cr,,1./a° tAllre of Ow Cc.mpany. A o ~,N; I Ic, A H. THIN! NI Citt..1.1., 1.11 II F . ; Ihco .1 of School I)irect of Al tat E. ilit)e 6111 - iltes 01 \ 1./A V. the hof Au 011, :it :1 11 . 1 1.. h A 31 . the .1.1 . % fill by the l'etltry h.! el, dvnt. t 0 00 011:1 I . 1000111 1 0, uhelr allpr .111111yine firi soi t townshlp. e 111 idea, to I lse pre,on 1. The 110 to“. 011 ip ; ene 1 varnr , tly i ullleq h. ait .. I a “ i 1• OW I 0111i1111I I II 11l I I..tober d, to I 1.• de:e lll. rnline,l :ea 1, 0 ,•1wr (11:11 t 11 011 1 1 110 Inl :11 1.0 1 , 1 1,11! Proclamatiq'n-- \ J I t it V.+. s, the I 1 n .j.\ Nil,: 11. (f{4111%1. t •I oda+ the ,everal Cowl, et C 1.111111.1 flea , of .11e e..11,1!1.•s of Cure! erlo ry. 311 , 1 .111 , 11:1'.. then-relal t l.urlr, 11 ityer mt.,l Tel r ntelhula .I.lillllThply in paid h rl ( - l e . s ef the l'etitts of r net! 1 eriame! ardl ,ht,l l!eliv !ixe er, Cu the. Ili, it aII capital ate] ether .0.1,,,0he1a. ill the ~ f their t,, 111 F. Iliteete 1. 01.0...1 tle! I 0 h 1111 11 , 011, Is!.:',. have r.r deretl the l'ed! ,0, ,Lrel Tere!ide, mud ial .1,111 !Jenne, le• I,le et, the 1111 `‘l• 111)11V /.1 I. • 2 , 0) .t 1, it, the he, red.,. Ir. e. et; 11. .•, the learn. Iwt.hir.d lh.it tht, il , Im 111., I ollo•1 roll) 110 , to do rhos thin, t i;1 nit in Ii 1t..1 1 / 1 1 mito 1100. (lot to , I. 1 I 1.,t0 I.J•oo•olo tt th ..•!1111 ILI .111.1 N .1 1 AIN Public Sale of Vain:lMO WWI Esfale. •.\; tlw 2 ;tll du) of .1 tiglist )•, Sirhie • I it, 0r.1..1 II: = thy 0001.0, the' 010 ir 1 't •o• ' t I I • o ' 11.1„: to Hi, , 1'l••...11' . tto• Lot 11:11. , o•.',] , I lo:111v imprnvra latr,ostoo, hand. I,ols of A bratos. F.li l'r•ttt.dt, S:1111110i L, I,rl nud PI( .\11: t!: , ViTCYA,t. 1 . . 1,11, :r. I' . it A'sl; A ittlf arit nth, 0111-I.tiOdin fs. A Itt, )nun;;heon st.rte•cl tiocl/Vll.l 61, 1,1•11tly litn'•l. V e rmws do.irm“ 14J e,andne the y all on the tenant 111 Sale is ( . 111111311 , TX • :It 2 o'clocl; when tPr ill In made L.n,wn 1!EBIEM=11 B'a luo.ble Farm at Public Sale. Executor of lleore lust, late of JVpitet All t,t wepitie, ettinti wlll 1 , 141 at TIII 11.-1,11% the :11,t .51l I I.etniere lit le d, het in II e .1 6 , ltit le tin Ind lattl , Mleintel SAl:i iNt't “Iltnitimg of first .04n11,‘ Lhoo-trop io Ib.- sha, of are A 11,1 ,:,to A tw., , ,oty I IL1)11.; 11;0 ,I: .4111:111 ti7,...._.. , ,. ~.„. r,.. ..,..at,,,.i „11„ . „ . ,•, A 1 I/II % irini , ~-1.-- o r Ui , .l, ,t I.'lllll , 't :11,1, El I . 11, 1v111,.111 it.eptiit u.,...1 ~,,` ' , ous , + ll , l Larti Th.. , 1it,,1 , • ' ' l. , _ ' ,..' " " l ~, ,vitrg . i:•.:, vlt 1,,, I. ,-, AAti Clp.tp. ”Aii. I I,e, iiii..lll..ilt `ix Aert•• ~: ..., N 'lily• lIINIV, 1 . 1111),, , iii , 1,t,,..1,,,. ' I t t rths Ol NA n—l. o Ir, I' I•Ilt ••f the thi rtt:lse 11 t , •e t y to In otthl Alt th h • Id . 'pet tt itt stri.dten ti ..vtt 'I he AVIAIIn rent/tin ii thr Lind arld t rt 41 clue 0.1 the pot, rth met • L. I e 1,11.1 nu thtt , •1 nr April 11.1111, hr to hlaid• ists •o- •itth Oren Tux. , I t 16111 to he wild 1,0 the 11.1,11 The tens ht• e reserved 2110 to 1 . 01111,11, At 0 0 . 4 . i1,1, A NI on the prethd se, sh.tut '2 11,11, 800 . 11 l'Age of ttleshut ! hit the .stato road tending front Itettpd•org =I Valualde Farm al Private Sale f off, for soh' II Vlllll.llO lium oil Ullll.ll wiflllll f,vo rollrs f Car kl.•,r mtaltd 171; acno; or Mad(( Land, of N, 01 I I IlereS art. meadow and set NllOl Ti nnthy • Th u imprnk ementH are a NEW ~;4; B It N 7i by4o feet. a TWO STOItY •..inc I . I,ASVER /.1) lIOUSE and out-Build fl ing4 The ld an i.. It. good mute of oul Rje ... :41 .. r ; t471 about S ota. bush. Is of lion, ha•ing boon applied during the In6t fie" ; under goy d tenet's and i.s woll motored Tormx to snit r.orclut-ors and no. /q.lou given on 11.1. Ist April A. 1. Ih. 0. 'or further jou - Haulm, In quire of or allure '''' July 20, 1,0:.-2 mouths PUBLIC SALE OP Rena. rrHE heirs of John .11cElheney, dce'd., win offer at Pub:lo Sale on ,Saturday the 9th September, 11i113, on the promises situated in :Slunc.e Township, Cum berland County 2 1 /. miles west of Meehanier.l.nte. ad. joining lands of t> o vl l 1,. Clara. 3liehael liarver, Jacob Kornhaus and °then , . rnntainlnu 119 ace!, and 1. II perrhe, 0f..1,11,ne stone Id nd, In a 1,1,h state eultiva• Ilan, and undorr goo ter, O. with lentil 2! to 141 .1c.1 . 011 01 gaud 11110 ' 01, d h.&a 11111 . 1 . 01111(1 01 ppl e and other fruits. A large Aii, I j - 'l., STONE 110 US E, ti l lil -) b„ .• 1, .0'4. '.v... 1 ,‘ ah „ ,0,1 Cellar no, ~ 1 ar,h Ceroir ..- -_ . a ne, Pr falling Well of wet anti els t. to.„ at the loooe, FRAM E ((A EN, ,Ith Wi1, , ,,0 nhed. and Coro f4l ha nod ell other 111,1,F/113 for o kb a good 61ttm sill he given. Sale to rnmmnnce at I o'clock D. M.. on Kahl when tern, of sale will ho noble known by TIIOM AN MeELIIEN EV. DAVID MeELIIEN Any person wishing to view the pi motto , : .ab on roe. Enos MeLlheney, 1 (adding on the hires .Inly 21. 1865—t VALU A I:l4E.Presents (or all at Haver stick's Drug Boots and Pitney Storm. I• 1 - ' - F you want anything gc to Haverstic Drug and 11001 i Store. LIVERY A NI) S ALE STABLE S,. -----A - 1 1--- PRI - V - ATE — SAWI -- ; HE subscriber intending to trove to the city of Baltimore; offers et Private Sale., his LIVERY AND SALE BTABLES, ln.ti e Borough Hanover, York County, Pa. His stook Colltnflt9 of twelve good Saddle and Carriage Horses Ts may Carriages, consisting of • • 13 UGG IRS, FLACKS, single and double seated Germantown wagons, to. &c. One Dozen Sled Harness. Puddles. Bridles, Belli, Ste. &e, Ilir stock Is In complete order. Pei-irons der Irons of engaging in the business will ilnd this li l are chance of °loathing it gond situation. The Livery is no old an z elf entuhliblied one, having - been In op, r .t lon Ike the last II yearn, Maier the con trot 01 LII Veers, 01111,01, The Stills 010 note, Mud WI I ace= MO ato th. Iv horses, There is also a containing nil t_..e noctais..ry tools connected with the . establiihnion'. It will be cold entice, or In lots to suit the purchasers. Tim Borough of Hanover con tinue a population of twenty-fiyalluadred Inhabitants. a rich and thickly settled neighborhood Fur rou ndlnw It. lieu numarounenteller towns within ndletouro,of ten or twr;lyt. nil es; within less littler of the fii4tyt.- burg Bottle field, and it bring the only Liv_ile In the town, the ovelrolile'ness of the . dealro to vow ye to the 01. y, the only reason which Induces the eubs'criiiiirlo dlsparo of isle stock,. ' J It. WIMP:, Proprietor. July 23, F AMILY COLORS, ' AT , RATATON , F .•. , PERFUMERY, Cosmetics, &c., at Baveratick's brueand Book Bt6ye. 1 0 lIK $lOll par vala. SILVER! SILVER! SILVER! CODINONIVEALTO MINING CO WANTED: 17 Mal , and /•} v ualr Tear4ri.s I= MI Containing 18' Acres =I 95 Acres, more , or less, New Bank Barn, =I C. 111))1/11C11. rtirlisle, Buildbigs, BLA 01178311771 8110 P, Samaritan's Gift ! SAI4IiiRITAN'S GIFT ! 'l'll E AEOSI' C ERTAI N REMEDY EVEfI TISED. "Yes, A Positive Cure.' Contains no Mineral, no Balsam, no Mercury Only Ten Pills th be Taken to Effect a Cam riIHEY are entirely vegetable, having no moll nor any unpleasant taste. and trill not In any Ivey Injure the stomach or bowels of the mast Curer In tram two to feu, days, unit reCOrlt, eases in "twentr-thor holm!" - Primaryll by a patlunte of the Unlvri sity of Pennsylvania, one of the most eminent Dertor9 /and Choral:Ps 01 the present day. N') PN1'0: 4 1.;I:1:, NO TIMUULL, NO CIIANOB W II Al KVEIt. t who hove despdrod of got.iug cured, or 01:o hat. , Leon , IntgEd with Balsam, Mercury, try the tiIIE J A lIITAN'S GIFT I.v nmil Inn plain envelope. Pyle,- 'ln Iv pat tinge, f.. 2. Found° $3 BLOOD! BLOOD! BLOOD ! SCROPW.A, ULCERS, SORES, SPOTS, TETT EH!! SCA I,KS, BOILS, OR VMN ER L DISEASES, &e SAMARITAN'S R 0 0 r HERB JUICES Is offered the pablie as a positive PUN'. TIM SANIARITAN'S IDIOT AND lIEDD .11:TCI:S. IS the 1110.4 !Intent, rertAin and ofinetu%l remed% oVor pees, ihed—it rearh, nod erndirates every particle of t rt.it'nn, so that the cure is Ihnrnutth and petrnanont Take then of porlfylnq rnmody And d a pled, end do ni.t trnncmit to your posterity that Irahich you may repent In nflor years. DO NOT DESTAI R ! although Ann unity be penmen need hleurahle, th e SAMARITAN : :e; ROOT & HERB Ji7lt'ES will remove every vertigo of impurities from the syo 10111, as well us all the had effects Of Slrreury. FEMALES In mnny affections ulth which numbers of Females the HOOT & HEIIII .11'TCF.:-Y, Is most h•ipplly Iphtptetl. In sChearboi. damn. lhoc ol the ktionlll. Uehility, :ind for nll effinpla tuts ;...ILlont to the sex. Sent by px press Priro $1,25 per vot SAM A RITAN'S WASH, is obv,l in conjunction with thy Hoot and iierbjut,, I , nll tilt hire routs The ellivary et these It...Aire IS :11•1(nt,NVIedged hp phs siohme wktieuts 'they ate et ! t o h e 1'140,1 t•tel, thus resh.ring the health 111:111,1 01 I oUr ht:tVe ;From the 1111thonre Sun What the Surgeons say of the Sa maritan's Remedies. POST 110,1T11., For MA/I,IIA Itnitimor,, Mkt.. I , ‘ 4. ; •'1 e great sati•lat 11011 in , tatil/T, ueed th.• ranhi e it. tz] h.,' 1 , 1 Venereal Itit.er,t , In /1,. , u,t...ar. 1..1 rns that I nine used the. Pit jutl,,ient, olis 1011, ha, t I ahtl.q.atint, ;1151 1 ellc ten, in,t e. , inv.—ition. I has. , the I.lidt,i' in Is: hit a. toy 11•.• I (11,11 tend,. 1 re^otomentl them st,,,”gly, `• lon% EltS. I , ,istmllt. /t 1) Neu' l'otk I. !wt. it In orider.toiat that these are a' ree• 0 • inewled, null ail] potit.iveiy euite the ilise.l.4e, inn 1 , 11011 I her are• ffor.,l IC 1131 el . ,Lio•L'n I/111g : 4 L ll ll',Vl.l'Strl'vt C.irliqle. =I 1,11. I , r\ll J. I 0 .1111 . , 21, FINANCIA L Tietcy Fr, , in Monday 186-1, :i, 181;5. I. W. EIIY, Trea , iirer, in it1 . 1 . “11111 Nvith the sch.o.)l nireeows 111...A2E11'1A. 1)11. 'to balance In ham's of Treasurer, et Lest settlement, 075.2 to imastnneline tax., of 1 , 1, 1.12:s fe; A moon; M 11 It 'Monte of 10111. 7,1.21 21 l'e , ccets ol sale of 0 ,1 Lou 1111 Cart Lot, 7! Mt Price of Inclmlenn received of I'. Qultt e.'N estate.. 18 00 State 1.1.1100 i appropriation, 4:,7 Lens of teceivrd from (leo. Cart. bU nu '1 ntli-n feet. receives) ter dm,t 87 I= Ity 4411rr14. , the yvar, .So to l !41 141.p.its. 4044. I.Ntul4.s, r 94h 53 \444“.1 /I 49U 41 11.4,4 , 4 on Itl4l4 , l.totltlens t 4,4 4;4, mtrv, M,•ssengnr, and il:videidil pensPS, Cush expen4lft,ures. r , :ti US I:• nHowol 1 , 11 111111111.11 t, 0,1 lerr dupileate natclnent W 4tx p.,• 0, 1M , 4, 4 . 0 0 s 1 . 4ii 1 1,•ti , . , 1 1 ,0 4, Ballince iu • I'r,•anurul • s bands, sth CI June, 1845, All of n hkh Is ro.pevtfully sulaolt'ed. %% (10E/W A It U, Finlndol • e:r etal. July 17, 18t15. rineredal report read. twin , %ed, r d oruere 1 to he pelt i-l e •J In Ihr papers of he District. By order of the 800 rd, July 2L 1865-3 t LYNCH & FOOTE, Plumbers & Gas Fiiters The subscribers inform tbe public that they still eolitinue the OAS FITTING AND PLUMBING buslnes nt the Old Stand In Gm basement of the Find Methodist Church. 'fhey will atteml promptly In all basin , EN In their line. Lo.td and Iron Pipes. llydrnnta. llot and raid ,s7lowEß BATIIS, Water Clowls, Fin re 11,1 Litt Pump, Wi Wt. Welded Tubes lion Sinks, Bath Tuhs, Bath Boilers, Wash lia Fins, HYdraul c Hams, Aer, , and every description o. cocks and fittings for gas, steam water, Ac. Superior cooking rail tze , . heatera and gas fixtures put up in churches, • tures and du r Mugs, at short notice. In the most modern st3le. All ,aterlals and work In our 1111 e at low ratry • 1111 11:1 6 rtin' nAk_Counlry x orlt and ko l o.ltnr, u-,raptly attended to July 1.1864. U NOTICE Tho undersigned haring been appointed by the Com t, toot hot ',MS County an Auditor to 100,1101 xOO dist rlimle the rivets tho banes of Jamb lihoads, Adnumstrator of Jo( oh 11. Nlekey, Into or owl poi-in:dins° tow iiship deed. , lie, vl /3' el V. 41 notlen that he 0111 attend to the duties 01 his appointment at his Milt, In Carlisle.nu Petunia" the kth day of Au gust, 18116, nt lii Wel, - 001 %. M., When. 11040, Interested may attend If they sett proper. C. I'. lICNIItIcif, Auditor•. July 11, 18135-3 t. N°TI CE._ 00 mot lon of %Vials 0 Corker, A tty'x 01 Win. Graey, Executor of Jamison Bannon, deed., a rule was granted upon the help fl at Law of 'He maid Jamison Hannon, dee'd , to appear at the next Orpheus' Court of CunAberland County, l'enna., on Tuesday the 16th of August, to show MIMI why the mold Win. Geary mhOuld not be dlsclutrged by the sold Cam t from his Executorship, Ile having_ mottled neatly hum AdMilli/1. tratlon account, which notice is hereby given. .101 IN JACO,IIB, High Sheriff of said County. July 14, 1866—it. SIR JAMES OLARKE'S --e-BLE-BR-Ari4D - FRIII - A - 17E - PIIILS7 Propated from a proscription ofEir J Clark, D., Phyrtcinn Exiraordinary to tile quern). /FINIS well known medicine is no im position, but It 'Bare and tufo remedy for Female Dittleultien and Obstructions, from any calla° whatever and although a powerful remedy, it rootlike nothing hurtful to the conetitutlon. To Married ladies it Is peculiarly suited. It will, in a short time, bring on the monthly period with regu larity. In all rases of Nervous and Spinlel Affections, Pain In the Bach and Limbs, , heaviness, Fatigue on slight exertion, Palphatidu of the heart, Lowrie s of Spirits, hysterics Sick Ileadachp. Whites, and all the painful -dlscaes occasioned by n disordered system. these Pills will effect a curt; when all other means have felled. These Pills have never been (mown to fll'whero the directions on tile 2d page of_paniphiet are well (Amery. ed. For furlhei parilcularo, get a pamphlet, free, of the agent. $1 and 0 postage stamps enclosed to any authorized agent. will insure a battle. containing over 60 pills, by return mail, W. 13.1.10TT, Dec. 2, 1801.. Aoent; ffarlisle. 1 - 3ELYSIOIANS will Lind it to their ad vautago to and purehnno their Medielnua at RALSTON'd. . . July 1. 1864 i^iHOICE SEGARS & TOBACCO, , AT RALSTON'S CA,III43I'INTO 8, Oil Cloths and Mat ./tinge, at Ogllby's Plump Canto.llora. . . 011 AS. 01:11.1.11Y. July 7,180. . A LL tbo leading Patent Modicinea of a tiLthe day at Daverstiok's Drug and Book Store. SEVENTH QUARTERLY REPORT [l2ll U. S. liondß, kpue from Molts sod Ilsokors 38.939 11 Legal Tender No tes, 70 799 89 Notes of of her taut lie, 0,081 00 Cash Items, 8,921 42 139;201 42 Real Estate anti I minimal, Furniture anti Fixtures. Protests. Current Expensos and To ,es Cltoul lion, Depiislts, Doti to Banks. Discounts and firm ium f 4 urulus Fund, Jul) 14, lend— t HARDWARE, STORE. rr I.IF, old fTrdware stand of Lewis F. 1 Lytle. has parsed into the hands of W. E. Miller S. A. tioreent. Who are now transited:llr business un der the nit 111 11 and style of The new firm .havojurt returned foam the rlty and Ire now prepared t, furnish to the public at the lowest prices, all kinds of• flnrd War,. enflell Trimlug, Paints, flulg GLASS, VARNISH, ,kr. A lor I: Into their store trill ran vines ail that they trove enough of ern rin to fully supply the demand In this market. Perm. wantlnu „node in our line `, ill dud it to their advantar , • In give UN n Qrclers personally and I,..mptly attondvil July 7, IRIIS. Df?,IGGS' NE W PATENT. k ftE the only Instruments constlueted on a truly scientific principle, They have gre t or stronAth . and wit remain lonper In funo thin any other Piano. The construction Is simple and natuial, all 010 I'lllll,la, Mt lumber In the hotly ef the In , tru- MOD I is diStlattatid With; 1110 Fan 1111 hoards are merely tw ,, arched planUs of thin w.iod , like the front and 1..1, (la t.t1111; the strings aye attached to a strong Iron Irame, Willett to Sella/a led and entirely tndepe nd eat of .ho ease, thereby digponqing .Ith the aid harp ha In plot ringing, by snlist itut straight taldder, tae , o l illy at the same tittle the nice Ftrune It on , o f unlink f. the Invent,. Hy these linideete In eat, d intuit mord viLnrtnn pou vr. at the vane tiuir pir.r,ving ell Its purity and richnrge of t,dte. FEMALES! "[hey hove leer•l veil the highe.t tectittentilals from the and nil the piinr•ipnl srte to ii; the r•cuntrv. I= ‘V,lll'mlia A. Prn t'd, 11. I:rms.t, :-Irnokml:11 lIIIMMI=I It, KS , I I NI tH ' I.lsl gto plat 1,1 t. , r,littl:) po,o• of Its eai. The tore is gratel 411441 4.141 e : it hat ..tteat 4 gale ity 50,111,51 ” iss f utnr oft, lie 4. 4 pnm er I Into netrr heard 4,:,dlyd in , I.• 11111. and s_t mit:1[11011e st 4 vet , It w. 11 I.:\ 11V 14 TV, late tofiqiettl titie et the N, 14;1.4.r:44 t4ay, —I hat e 444,44441ned ynurttext ly 110,1111.1/ 11 I . ; 10-1 , 1.111• F, .1 . 111! tllt it all the tutalse git en to them [toss,, 'I hail el g. 64 its: :414n.au and 4411.ets Asle ghrth• ,t, th‘ ale t rhQmtl end 1.1.4144.4 1,14i4:41, it, pill and continuity ttPfie V. tat ,et , ltnilitu4le. that en4wnittg 44%-4.1 hat 44 whitvita lees the Hat iTs to "sing' 1111 (i.e In Ohl omen t, your Piano. ever deserve the hitthe,t Your In Veltlioll. ill lily opinion, is destined 144 wen k a rad teal ehangs in the manufacture 4.1 Planet , through ont the world. FlOlll (ht . N. V. 111 lo!d, ; t gi careful op_ Imination of Prlgg'A Non. -Vol le. we find the ',tine of lained area Nary fini,lnitulv 1,1 a. great i urity nut Ilitougln , ut ti'. en tiro in,l,utnen(. not oily', found in Pinnes rnf attuned upon the old plan. Tho.N. v: Times, July 12, says:—\Ve hal a now an Intl unient without an equal It rag t 111 d. 'with a anna.tli tlelitao , perfeAly uLaltainal,:e en any other 11 NI rumen!: an n :(1111nr) pho r 1 ol tains a itli uo axe, thou.! e 1 a Gial.d le, and tin.). unrt ev• i LI j.11,,1n li., hi PH, ine 11101100/1V 1,1t11,1111,1 :11111 I tl and I,l..lttut! tq vo. jgg,, i tun ,i 1 the thnt !he tune et flat lug from his iniproven.ents, I in the In struments tinder exanilmilic n. 111 F of depth n 1 .1 htillLiury, .iunls that "r the heal Yu, tel... find 1,1.1.t0 them in pore, inuFleni Iritnu nliauand it. tool I.le, r thus iipprnximatiml MOM 1‘11:it ill Ibu i I.stt umt.tit Line tits, t I.• Iu n , Llr%lL 1C wig' cilor 0)0(0111 .1 EMI IM=l 1 ... I 1 4 S 4 9, 51 , 3 B rum] ‘vny, N ENV YORK. i.et.Pll. 1.0 '11a,11111., Felld 1 , I 0 ea tai Kue with 'wive. .lone 1I 16,0-- IY. I= MIMI Strike While The Iron Is Hot ! NEW STORE, C. P. 111JMIIICII, Secretary NEW (4 () 01)ti. HAVE just received a li 'urge asssort mynt of New Good-, Nuch no Coe,iiii, Perini Ilefi, 14111ko, 1./I W on, A !Immo, Cho ni Inicyo. Han nol,_, UllOl. BMW n and it itt tolled Slice Inge, Brown !Mil blended Hiltilln.iii. Ac. A Inn, a full a,s,,rt ment of Men's Goods, gum, as Cloths, Stittfeet*, ad., Denims. Stripes, C'herks Nein,ling all quality all] styles of Under,hirts and Drawers, Dre•ll aliii is. Shirt Ci , l l lll . S, Neel; •Ties, Gloves, and all other goods pertaining to a Oen tlernalA's Wardrobe. All nt Odell will be sold at lower prices than I hiy are selling elsewhere In Carlisle. %%M. A. :%111.1.:8 Next, doer West of the l'o6t °Mee, raribile. May 2.6, IS6t. rrlIE Duplicate of School Taxem for the present year has been delivered by the Sob , ol Directors..to t Treasurer for col:leclIon, it IS there fore main the duty of said Treasurer to give pollee to the Tex'able Citizens of the Borough of Carlisle that hu will attend st the County ('oust flu use (COMMIS chillers ' ttlllreJ on hin slay and Priem the lth end Nth of September ous.t. between the homs of fl and 12 in the foret.oon, :::l 2 and 1, in the etc etuoon for the purpose of lecolvin;_: the ..,ii Taxes. persons p” lug their 'nixes ea ur I.e'ore these days will teems a and u,tion of PER ( :V 'P. The Taxes In the meantime will ho received by the Trensuier at his dwelling In West Main 81. July 14, IBtIJ r'W STATE N °TICE. - j Letters of Administratlan on thu Estate of.lohn o.ealtley, late of Wantaw, Hancock County. , having hoot g ranted by the Register of thin Uttubtat,to tho subset Ilan. residing lu South Mlddlulon Twit. All persons having claims agninat said estate, will present them tier BO ttle1111311t; laid those Indebted wlll tualto immediate payment to Juno 1b65-6t FSTATE NOTICE, . 4 1 Letter4ofcAdministratiou ou the Esiale of Mrs. Nancy Myers, late or Lower, Allen Township, deeld., have tn•en granted by thO.bogloter of Cumberland County to the subscriber residing in Said Township. A II persons knowing themselves intlebttd to said estate will make immediate Doman t and three having claims will plesent them tor settlement to DAVID S. tlYlat , , July '2l, 18611-13 t. Adminlsti aloe. j sTATE N onas,_ ore of Admlnltdratlon on the estate of Stones Llark, Jute of lilonroe township, dalVd..,„havlng been grunted by the itegister of CutiAeriand County to the subscribers residing in the iv o township aforesaid • All parsons Indebted to said estate are hereby notified to make Innuedlate payment. and those having elation to presont Moro to hIARGAILIIT.OI.ANK, J.ll. umuc, Admluistrators July 21, 18(11,-6t* SUPERIOR REMEDY. 1- Ve ran.consclontlously recommend to thoSo suf fering from a distrensing cough, Dr. I.ltrlekland's Melli fluous Cough liabain. It gives relief almost inf•tali ta DeOUR, and in withal not disagreeable to.tho taste.— There Is no doubt but the Mellifluous Cough Balsam Is Ono of thoheot preparations In uso, and Is all that Its proprlotor Onion , for it We havo tried It during lbe pout Iveulc; and - found Wier from a niunt distressing cough. It:is prepared. by Dr. Ftrieltland, No. 0 East fourth street; Olualtinatl, 0., nod lor salo by drugaistu, .PORT Folios, Writiiv, Desks, Buck 11 Gammon Boardq..omnes of all dosorlptlon at Ma v eratlok's Ding, Yanox and Boy. Store. , OF THE First National Bank, Carlisle RESOURCES 11311E1 129 650 00 310,704 71 L]A BTLITIES .1. C. HOFFER, emibler MILLER & BOWERS FOREIGN .VD DO3/EST/C MIA-FORTES. MEE= =MEI MEE= = IM=I Ycurs ,spoet !tiny, I, M. Un 7TTSC I I ALK IIAJI &tioN 4CIIOO I, TAN. FOR 1865 EZE=I July 3, 186',. The Great Internal Remedy For THE EFFECTUAL CURE OF lEEE 7.990 00 708 45 12 8 8 788 00 453,450 40 60,000 00 "-' , 45,100 00 341,t49 72 7 071 44 1,0:34 :w 7,000 00 MEM STANDS UNEQUALED DV ANY MEDI CINES now befole the public for Iho cure of the above named diVOINPS. 'I he vast number of rub on medneinee which formerly have been used for those diseases. were merely Imo porn ry In their effects and of doubtful virtue, hut The Rheumatic Compound Reaches the source of' all trouble, and actually banish. ex 113 e disease from the system by Its immediate action on the blood. jolenNon's PhruMatie Compound THE SOLDIER'S TRUE FRIEND ! MIL ANoncw jolt NOON:—Dour Sir: Ih November lest I had n se V 4,0 attach( VI 1:111.10111:108111, to which I had not been subject fir nearly three 3 (.1, The attack (0,15 So SOVOre thit I Collid not tonne my head or raise my aim. Mier trying different medloines a ithout mall. I was induced to use your Rheumatic Compound and Blood Purifier. and before I had taken three hot. ties I was so completely cured that I could p”rreru, any duty to which my country might Pall mg I can glad• ly and confidently recommend it to all my fellow and diera as lii. qulesest and surest remedy for Rheuma tism I ever used. N()ICII IS PATTEN: 4 ON. IN.fi•rrura P. 'l', Pattl.rsou and William Dunran, No 7 \\ nod stf eot. All who 1150 IL roreive benefit. It rules when all other rruu fall. It gives old vol.! sal Ishietion. The proof is most abundant. It is the only sure cure for Itheunottlffm It is the greatest discovery of the ago. No other record, has heron. , en 01111111 r. It jo proscribed he physlebuis It is recommended by nhssiries In truth, It is a perfeet benelltrlor R. E. SELLERS & CO. sOI,E PROI'ItIETURS lit=l I,y 11,01,,wny k 0,, den, l'ltitadel and VII) It.11,.!1ON. ,Vct. 2.-774,.rt-- v 1064 °Tl'.; , - f 6. • • ~nly Truo l (: entlitlo) Iles stood f.n. Irt ytotret a Staple Heine , ly. n 1,). our medicine I.leon the cure of Liver 001n laint Ile:ine/1v end Ittliouq ned ilotev.l for the whole class of disease, origl toil Inc id dilimty dermtwelnents. rl Lirr, t ieurini I. s 01 - appetite. nr the , tionneh. pain, in 1b , .0111..0. con'.. al willsl. el Her, co,tiveno., of howelS, tollio.e.lsome e:ees n , 100-oev: slight (Iry enngh. low (ph wIl disineloottionr lo every duly. lire inotninent •ytnptonin lit n thseaged ,t/tte of the Liver. Tile ill often mtiell tiermnged when the on , t tnhi•thle innt e daily out of or.lvt belore it I. known. Great Cure of Liver Cornp:aint, th, ttted l: r~ruinry LIVER PILLS tlr. R. E. Slf.t.tuis: Dt!or iii-1 think !L is a duty I uwe to )0n mod the noldn• gene:ally. to 01 I t that I he brrt wit It Lis,' 1' mild:tint. Inr it Ions; tune mod i, Ladly. 111:Ir 31/ //:///13,/ Inmed 111//1 i/1311,e, %ill, hlm t. L.s its% 1 UV ..- 1 / 1 1.1.. II:omit heard 1 , 1 14 , 111/ Ltrit,Ll Liver l'l / Ills. toting Jrn umle by A. It. Ship. II rut Ltherfy.llll(l rocontiendetl to we he toy I! ,miLlt. I enneluded 10 mite them it tab tnal I tatteltused one hom mod romn, them to he j‘ , t , what they are teuoinweLlied, the Les:, Liver fill et er used : nod !diet taking four homes I nod the dls• 1/3, 11/1S 1/111 /11.11 1111/, /1011 3111 1:111V perlretly well. N.3/1113/LlLlily 101113// I eel title that 1 ton per,hoottl A.4ol:flitted vith Mr. Colruhath, nod VII 11 I, car testithiony L 4, the truth oh the 00 , 1 C I aril Halite. " GEN ERA I. SATISFACTION Gt.:I:NV]) it . , Floyd Cn, Ind., Oct.. 27, ISSB qtr 11, P. ; Sir: I am out of your I•iyer and nlinuld lu glad to mcel,, n supply, as ) g,neral nut kraf•t Heusi; :wild F,llllO Sooll BEST FA MIL Y LL ALEXANDRIA, Lick'. g Co , V , lorcl, 1, 15511 Mr. D. S ( a iry: Dear Sir: I hnvo used SELLER'S LIVER I'll LoyAult and lo u,y fauttly, nod must my, lIS an alterative and COMIIIOII !ninny physic, I ronsider a very desirable pill. They are plump!. but wild in their effect: arouse a healthy action ,it the Liver. en rry off the morbid secre tions, and leave the system in a healthier condition than any ph> sly i have ever taken or administered. Very t, Illy and re-pectfully ' " SAMUEL PARR. TlI b. P 1; BLI C. 'origiurl, only Li no and genuine Liver Pills, are pre t Ai ed by 11. l' and bah his name In black vl,l34pidi the lid varb and his signature on the Our mde wrapper-11i ethers are ronntmleite or lindie Imitations. IL E. E1,1,14:1tS Prop'n;, P ITTsm. RIM, PA, wile Holloway 4: Cowden, !lade] pldo end DAVID [IA I,noN, Carlisle Jul)• 7, 1861 IN LARGE 'BOTTLES, J. W. 103 Y, Treaaurer Is particularly recommended for use during the Spring and Summer, when OM Blond le thick and Circulation Mow end retarded by unhealthy secretions Title per fectly safe, though powerful, Purifier Cleanses and re rupee every portion of the system. it Is the only gmm trim and original BLOOD SEARCHER, which for nm) , Years ball peribruied the most wonder. ful, yet permanent cures: In confirmed canoe of Scrofu la Old Scres,ffetrllmuuts,_l3ollsoyad-011-kinds-of - Bcrofulous Eruptions. It Is also a rollable remedy for Salt Rheum, Ring Worm, Bcnld Head and Itimire.l dis eases. - . As a general Tonle its effects tire most benignant and cannot Mil to benefit where used We make uo claim to having discovered 11 "than/Wm" or . Unlverml Leeway" ll,r all the ailments to lehlch iingil in heir; but we de claim what countless facto hare fairly and fully established, that In the BLOOD SEARCHER, The afflicted wlll find it "Standard Medicine," ono upon which hey con rely Ile 1 sure specific for the diseases fur tvtlieli it is lerenttneutted . _ • I have this day, Oelei.er 711), 1864 disposed of my entim tbreat In J. M. Llndsey'a Improved Blond- Searcher, to It E. PA•liers'k Co., together with the right to urn my name In its preparation. • The only genuine artlele will hereafter be prepared by them oxcluelvely. .1. Nt. LINDSEY. R. E. SELLERS •St SOLE PBOPIIIIETORS, Pittsburgh, Pa PRICE $1 PER 'BOTTLE., For salo by Johosori,Hooray - A Cowden, PhiWel phla, and DAVID RALSTON, Carlisle. • July 7. 1865-4ai: R lllsl TI 6'31 NEVI? \ LGIS, TT .; I'TI,R, RINGWORM, &I. TRULY =1 PROV(tpT OrvivE. P1 , T51111 , 611, Dec. 1701, 1814. =II pirrqtl . ll4.ll, lII=II D.ll. COLEMAN = A. B. SHARP IN= according to tllroctiooo PREPARED BY PENNSYLVANIA AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, rrHE Pennsylvania State Agricultural Society will hold Its Exhibition on September 26, 27, 28, and 2.9, 1865, at fiIIJJANISPORT, LYCOAIINO COUNTY. Any information desired by poisons desiring to ox hildt, applications for premium lists or posters, or by members of the Society, will be given by the under-. signed, or A. BOYD HAMILTON, President, Harris. turg. A. BROW ER LONG AK Nlt, cretary. July 14, 1865-9 t. U. S. 7-30 LOAN. THIRD 'SERIES, $230,000,000 By authority of the Secretary of the Treasury, the undersigned, the General Subscription A4ent for the Falo of United States Securities, offers to the public the third series of Treasury Notes, bearing seven and three-tenths por cont. interest per annum, known as the 7-30 LOAN These notes ale Issued under date of July 15, 18115, and are payable three yearn front that date In currency or am convertible at the option of tbe holder Into U. S. 5-20 Six per cent GOLD-13EAR1NG BONDS These Bonds are now worth a handsome premium, endure exempt, as Are a❑ the Government Bonds, from State, County, and Municipal taxation, whkh adds front ono to three per cent, per annum' to their value, according to the rate levied upon other prop erty. The interest is payable semi-annually by cou puns attached to each note, which may be cut off and sold to any bank or I anker. One cent per doy on n $5O note. Two cents " " " stoo " 'Pen " $5OO " " " " " $lOOO " $1 " " " $5OOO Notes of all the denominations named will be prompt ly furnished upon receipt of subscriptions. Ihe Notes r•f this Third Series are prseleeiy eimllar in form a• d privileges to the Seven-Thirties already sold, except that the Government reserves to Itself the option of paying interact in gold coin at 6 per cent., In stead of T 3-10th,v in 'eurtency. Subscribers will de duct the interest in currency up to July 15th, at the time win-11 they subscribe. The delivery of the nwtes of this third series of the Seven thirties will commence on the Ist of J one, and will be made momptly and continuously after that that.. Me slight change made in the conditions of this THIRD SERIES affects only the matter of interest.— The payment In gold, If made, will be equivalent to the currency interest of the higher rate. The return to specie pa) merits, In the event of which only will the option to pay Interest In Gold be availed of, would vo reduce and equalize prices that purchases made with six per cent. in gold would be fully e I nal to these made with stor en and three tenths per not, in currency. This is THE ()N LY LOAN IN NI ARKET Non• offered by the Government. and Its superior ad vantages mnke It lho Great Popular Loan of the People Less than $n ),eOO,OOO of the Loan authorized by Con gre.ss my now on the market. This amount, at the late at which It is being absorbed, 'will all be sub .toilet f.,r within sixty days, when the notes will un doubtedly I,llllllllnd Is premium, as has uniformly been tie , CAR' on nosing the a llbSeriPtiOnS to other Loam; f n e.t.d., that Vili7.ollS of eve ry town end section of the country may be all' riled facilities for taking the loan, the National Banks, State Banks, and Private Bankers throughout the coun try have generally agreed In receive subscriptions at par. Subscribers el 11l select their own a, , ,renta, la whom they have confidence, and who only are to be responsible for the delivery of the notes for w) irh they receive orders. Fur sale et the First Nat. Hank and Carlisle Deposit It trik.Carll,le, And First Not. Ilank,,Newrille. JAY COOKE, Suhseriptl,,n Agent, Philadelphia =I SELDON & (20. MA NI I FAI ;TURING JEWELLERS, Y 7 CoIIRTLAN DT ST N EW YORK 100,000 WATCHES, P II A INS, GOLD PENS, PENCILS, &c. &c. &c. &c. 0 It T II $500,000 ! Co BE SOLD AT ONE DOLLAR EACII WITHOUT REGARD TO VALUE. IMM2=i3I I= Splendid List of Articles. All to be sold for ONE DULLAE Each 300 Gent's Gold Hunting Case Watches, go to $lOO Ad Ladles' iinid and Enameled Case atches, 35 " 70 400 Gent's Ilua tiug Coa Oliver watches 35 " 70 Doinulhol IS bagn, 3.0 0 Uvld lest /tad Neck Chains, Ovid 41vr1 Band Bruceluta 4 000 l'lmsed 410141 titazolos, 2 00 Chatelaine Chains and Guard Chains, 6 " 60u0 :solitaire and nuld Brooches. 4 " 10 2,1)00 1.00 a and Florentine lit ouches, 4 " 0 20 Gt.rai, Opal and Emerald Brooches, 4 " 8 2,500 :Mosaic, Jet, Lava, and Florentine Ear Drops, 4 " 8 4 560 Mira], Opal, and Emerald Ear Drops, 4 " 8 4,000 Culitornia Diamond Breast plus, 2 50 " 10 3.000 Gold Fob and Vest Watch Keys, 2 50 " 8 4.000 Fob and Vest Ribbon Slides, II " 10 4.000 Sets Sleeve Buttons. Studs, etc. 3 It 8 3.000 Gold Thimbles, l'enclis, etc. 4 " 7 0,000 :Witham licckets, 5 " 8 4.000 Miniature Lockets—Magic Spring, 3 " 20 4,000 Gold Toothpicks, Crosses, etc. 2 8 5,000 Plain bald istngs, 4 . 1 11 fi.ooo Chased Gold kings, 4 " 11 7,000 Stone Sot and Signet Rings, 2 50 10 5.000 California Diamond Rings, 2 " 10 7,500 Seta .h•welry—Jet and Gold b " Ib 0.000 Sets Ladies' Jewelry —Cameo, Pearl, etc 4 " 15 5,0 0 Gold Vans. Sliver Extonsionllaldors and Pencils. 4 " 10 6.000 Gold l'ons and Gold-31c..untod Goldoni 3 " S 5 000 Files, Goblets and Drinking Cups 6 " 10 1,000 Silver Castors, 2,1(10 Silver Fruit and Cake Baskets, PER DOZEN 1,000 Dozen Silver Toa Spoons, • sin to $2O 1,600 " '• Table Spoons and forlcs 20 " 100 MANNER OF DISTRIBUTION CERTIFICATES naming each article and its Value, are placed In SEALED ENVELOPES, which are well mixed. Ono of these Envelopes, containing the certi ficate or Order for some article, (worth ut least one dollar at retail,) will be sent by mail to any address, without regard - to choice on receipt of 25 Centro The purchaser will sue what Article it draws, and Its val ue, which may be from One to Five Modred Dollars, and can then send Ono Dollar and receive the Article named, ur uuy &lel. on the list of the same value and after 600111 g the article, if it does not give perfect sat- Infection, we desire it to he immediately returned and the amount paid will Le refunded. Ily this mode we give selections froma varied stock of fine goods, of the best make and latest styles and or Ititrinsie worth, at n nominal price, while all have a chance of securing articles of the vary bigtost value. In all MOH we charge for forwarding the Certificate, postage and doing the business, tile sum of Twenty live Cents, which must bo enclosed in the order, lieu Certificates will Lo sent fur $1; eleven for $2; thirty for : sixty-five for $10; one hundred for $l5. -Parties dealing with us may depend on having prompt satiny+, and the article drawn will be hnme dlately sent to any address by rolurn until or express. En tire FlltiHilletiOlt Ouarantued in all cases. Agents wanted, send for circular. Write your Name, TOW'S, County and state plainly, and address. & CO. 27 Courtlandt. Street, June 16, 1861—Onto, Now York - 10 AL AND LUMBER YARD.- kj• •Tho subscriber having leased the yard formerly occupled_by-Armstrong-!krid-IfofferTanci - purchased - thir stoeh of COAL AND LUMBER, fn the veld, together with an immense new stock will have constantly on hand and furnish to o der all kinds and (plenty of seasoned LUMBER, BOARDS, SCANTLING, FRAME STUFF. Paling, Plastering Lath, Shingling, Lath, worked Homing and Weatherboarding, Posts and hails, and every article that belengs to a Lumber Yard. All kinds of Shingles, to wit: Whitopine, Hemlock and Oak. of different qualitlea—*llaving cars of my own I can furnish bills to order qapy length and size at the shortest notice and op the most reasonable terms. My worked boards will be kept under cover so they can be furnished dry at all times. I have constantly on hand all kinds of Family Coal under cover, which I will deliver , clean to any part of the borough. To wit: Lvkons Valley, Broken, Egg, Stove and Nut, Luke Fiddlers J A M ,Tfevorton, Locust Mountain, . Lohbory, which I pledge my 111, sell to soil at the lowest . prices.- . . ^ Bust quality of „ .. . . . - Limeburner'a and Illacksinith'a Coal, always on band which I will sell at the lowest flgare Yard ',void side of Grammur Pehool, lilain - street ,:., • - ANDREW IL BLAIR. • .Tune 6, 1865. tt. . 'W.IIO .Na. Piqiei of allld,l3,Criptions, - y y DrivelopeNVlslting Cards, at Daverstletep Drug and Book Fitch-a., COAL Oil Lamps, Shadesq4ncl °Mtn ILlnoya at yaveratick's Drug and Boolt;13tqa. Pulpit alai Rostrum Pamphlet Serial, cSONTAINS Reports of the best Ser mons, Lectures, Orations, etc. Twelve Numbers ; 0; single Numbers 15 cents; Double Numbers 25 tents. The object of this Serial is to preserve In convenient form the best thoughts of our most gitted men, Just as they come from their lips; thus retaining their tresh nese and personality. The proofs are always rorrected by the authors. Great flitter has already been shows the work. The successive numbers; will be issued as often as Discourses worthy a place in the Serial ran be litund. Thirty-six numbers have already been pule Debts). A complete list will be sant when applied for with stamp. List of Numbers Already Published. I.—Christian Recreation and Unchristian Amuse mont, by Rov. T. i.. Cuylor. 2.—M on tal Culture Inc Women, by Rev. 11. W. Beech er and Ron. James T. Brady.. 3.—Orandours of Astronomy, by Prof. 0. M. Mitchell 4.—Progress and Demands of Christianity, by Buy Wm. H. Milburn. S.—.IOFAIS and the Reenrreetinn, by Rev. A. King man Nett. t 3 —Tribute to Humboldt, by lion. Georgo Baneroft, ev. Dr. Thompson, Profs. Agentlz, Lieber, Beebe, and Guyok i.—Coming to Christ, by Itey. Henry M. Scudder, D D., M. D. B.—Daniol Webster. Oration by lion. Edward Ever ett, at th. inauguration of !ha statue of Webster, at Boston. D.—A Cheerful Temper, n Thanksgiving Dlscourso, by Rev. Wm. Adams, D D. 10.—Death of Washington Irving, by lion. Edward Everett and hey. John A, Todd. IL—Ocorgo {Washington, Oration by Urn. Thotnati S. Babcock, at the inauguration of the t tattle of liitsh ingtou, February 22d. 1500. 12. Travel, its Pleasures, Adettntages,and Require meats, by J. 11. eiddons. 13.—Italian I ndependenca, by Rev, Henry Ward Beecher, lien. Henry W. Ilell, we, D. D.. Rev. Jos. I'. Th - Onipa , n, D. D. and Prof. 0. M. Mitchell . 14.--Surres'= of our Republic, Oration by llon. Gd card Everett, In Boston, July 4th. 10(10. 15 and 113.—(Two In ono. 25 runts) M'obster's Spooeb In the United Staten Sonata. on the • Force 11111, and Jackson' , Froelamal lon to South Carolina In 1833. 17 and 18--(Two In one, 25 conts.) Webster's Reply to Rayne. 'W.—Lafayette, Oration by Ilnu. Charles Sumner. 20.—The Causes of tbo American Civil War, by J. Lothrcip Motley. 21 and 22.—('1w0 in one, 211 cents.) "The Questions of the Day." The great oration of Edwa, d Everett. 23.—Providenco In tho War. A Thanksgiving by the Rev. S. D. Burehard. D. D. - . 04 —The sout , ern Rebellion, one the constatu• too al Powers of the Repubtic for Its Suppression. By the Hon. Henry Winter Davis. 25 —The War for the Union. An Address by Wen dell Phillips. 20 and 27.—(Two in one, 25 cents.) Three Unlike Speeches, Thu Abolitionists and their Relations to Ulu War by 51m. Loyd Garrison The War not for Emancipation or Confi.cation. by lion. Garrett Davis. of Kentucky. Also African Slavery, the Corner Stone of the Southern Confederacy. by lion. Alex. H. Stevens 28 —The War A Slave UM nor a Free? By lion. Martin F. Conway. 29 —Oration by lion. Oeorce Bancroft, before the citizens of New York, on the 222 of Februery. 1882, to which Is added Wa.hington's Farewell Address. 3I —The Sabbath, and Its Relations lo the do• Iverld before one of the largest religious audiences ver assembled In Now York. 31 —A Sketch of Parson Brownlow (by Theodore Tilton), and his Speeches on the SlllTerinvs of (1,,i0n men at the South. urd,t,be Irreligious Character of the Rebellion, fully and car'eefly reported, with the ap plause and obsersations of the hudience Inserted, giv ing a life-like view of the enthusiastic reception which the "Parson" received for his unconquerable devotion to 'he Union. In these Speeches Mr. Brow nlow narrates in his most eccentric and graphic style, many and various in. oldents of the Rebellion, which came to 1341 personal know led.re. As a record of the thnes, these speeches are worthy to be read and preserved by every patriot and historian. 32.—" Signs of Promise." A Discourse by Iter..l. B. Thompson. 33.—Rier. honey Word Beecher's Fort Bumpier Ora tion. April 14th, 1865. 34 and 35.—Hon. Oeorge Bancroft's Oration In New York. April 26. at the Obsequies of Abraham Lincoln ; the Funeral Ode, By Witham Cullen Bryant; The Emancipation Proclamation, Jan. 1, 1563; Mr. I,ln. coin's Last Inaugural Address; A correct Portrait of the late President. (25 ets.) Memoriam, by lien. 11. P. Thompson. SCIIERM 81111011 N, BA NCROFF A. CO. P. Bib:hers. MI) I I rand Street. New York. June 1865-2 m PRICES REDUCED ! A T Ogilby's Cheap Cash Store. Tam now solling off my entire stork of su.mor iloods at greatly reduced prkes. Some new styli, Press (Mods, Lan Tom.. tin ro. Chalks, Grenadiriv, Poplines, Barred Lustres, DeLnines, .tr., very handsome, and at low prices. Calicoes, Musllns, Ginghatps, kr,, Cheap• er than can he bought in Carlisle. A large assortment of Gloves and Hosiery at reduced prices. CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES. very cheap. Now is the time Ow Bargains. .7uly 7, 18511. HIGHLY IMPORTANT. cIALESIVEN WANTED to do busi ness throughout Pennsylvania, New Jersey and neighboring States. Previous experience as salesmen not necessary. No part hilly disabled or discharged soldier or active Intuit gent person need be without permanent and profitable employment. Apply personally and at once to W. 8. WALTON, North East Corner Market St., and Market Square, Harrisburg. Juno it, 1365 —fanov. NEW STORE In Eby's Old Stand, Plain St, L. BERNHARD & SON, INFORM the citizens of .Carlisle and vicinity that they have just opened In the above popular stand, an immense stook of First Class Clothing, and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods. Their stock con sists In part of Coats, Pants and Vests, for civilian or soldier, made after the latest patterns, of Goode the quality of which cannot he quest', nod. Overcoats of all varieties. Trunks. Carpet Rags apd Valises, Neck Ties, Scarfs and Celia A, Shirts, Drawers and Stockings Fancy Goods of all descriptions. In fact a complete and entire assortment of Clothing 0011 Furnishing Goods. Don't forget the place, itby's Old Stand, "Marion Hall," Main Street, Carlisle, Pa L. BERNHARD & SON. December 23, 18r4. 60 ' 101.1 lo 30 4 " R b " 10 '9991 L Sint '.1111141 oisliatro oissoddo tpueu 4 1S .110.10UVII qi/oN 6:1116INIIV 'SS; y,rlo . spulu Ilu Ju 94 uAP"II(1 OpSattlo4l puu ulip.tod u! 611 HU WA 17NA 7 L oi saosNddmis, `S 11.1 MOH. Ilarlrf 1 IARLISLE & PHILADELPHIA igs.4 54 , --, kjitt'A`' 15 . 50 10 ' 50 DAILY PREIG liT LINE FREED, WARD & FREED, 81 1 MARKET STREET PR ILA]) ELPII I A J. & D. RHOADS, MAIN sTur.r.T, CABLISLE, PA. 4.W - Cars of this Line leave lho Depot 811 Market lit. Dolly, at 4 o'clock, P. M. Leave Carlisle ' Daily, at 7 o'clock, A. M. Goods Intoned for this Line should ho mark 0.1 C.& P. Daily Proluht Line, and sent in by 4 o'clock. July 1, 1864. CUMBERLAND VALLEY AN 11 FRANKLIN. HAIL ROADS. CHANGE OF HOURS. /IN and after MONDAY, APRIL, 4th, _71864, Passenger Trains will run tidily, as rollows, (.Uunday excepted): FOR OVIAMBERSBURU A Isl 1) 11AR1tI,1111RO . Leavo llagaratown, 7:00 A. M.. 2:40 P. M. ' 44 Greencastlo, 7:37 " 3,35 Arr at 8,17 , , 4:20 4, Chamber:4'g, - --- . .. rema MUFF — we 13N1rWsburg 4. 0:00 n 1:28 4 4 4. New villa 0:32 " 1:28 44 . " Carlisle ' . 10:10 44 2.42 " 'Mechanicsburg 10:42 " 3:12 . - Arrive at Harrisburg_ 11:15 44 3140 4 , FOR °HAMM:MUM! AND 11A01•;m'rowN : LOW° Harrisburg • 8:05 A. M., .1;35 P. 71 Mechanicsburg 8:37. 44 2:15 4 4 " Carlisle ,- 0:27 ' . 2155 44 Newville •• 10:02 . 3:20 4, 44 Bhlpponsburg 10:83 44 4:00 44 Chambores, Arr at 11:10 4 4 4:30 4 4 -, Leave 11:10 44 4:40 Leave Oreencast t 4),...• 11:55 . - - 5:30 . Arr, at Hagerstown • 12:35 . 44 . . . 0:10' 44 The Carlisle, and Harrisburg - ACCOSIODATION TRAIN will loon as follows: . • , , ..• . . Leave Carlisle. - ,„tte,e,' - A. N. .. "Mechanicsburg ,„ '11:25 " - Arrive at Harrisburg •.. . .G:55 _ • 44 Leavollsrrisborg • 4:20 P. 111 44 •-Menhanicsburg ,4 4 54 44 , • - Arrive atOarllsle .•• 520 • "' . making close cori4.ectiols . at Harrisburg. With Trains for Philadelphia,NeW York ,and Pittsburg ;.arid with Trains for all points West, ~ , Air - 7: he 'Train leaving Harrisburg at 4:20,, P. 51., ,rune only, as far as Carlisle. o.' N. LULL, Bunn.. ; oUperintendent'S Omer, • I . •• Charub'g, July 1, 18114, J CUMBIMAND, VALLEY HOTEL. • N. E. ( pi :Wain and Bedford.Sts. ' CARLISLE, P. JNO. G. 11.EiSER,' REST 4.1.1 R ANT in . basonient, which fe furnfahedVith the ierybeet of liquors., and edibles o'4ll Vatletlos.' • • lime 16,1808 - 1 y - . • Iron, English liefined, 41 CENTS lb. Nitiis, $5,50 Hors, SHOES, 57,25 and everything (ONO In proportion at HENRY SAXTON July 7, 1405 NOTICE. r he subscriber would respectfully in form the public that he has purchased the entire stunk of COAL AND LUMBER, heth.,th g to the late firm of ARM STItONO AND HOF. E'ER, and leased the real estate for n series of yearn, whore he Is prepared to accommr date the community with LUMBER of every variety, and on the most rea sonahel terms, {raving purchased hie now stock at the head of the market with great rare, by the aid of nn expel lenced lumberman, he in enabled to compote with the rive• market In prices. rim im relluquishmi thu tanning business; and will devote my entirgattention ;:o the LIDI Mt Sr, COAL trade. I have also secured the sent coo of Mr. George Zuloff, an experienced hand in the trade, who will constantly be on hand to accommodate all who may favor us whh a call. .----i, A largo quantity of Coal, also Ile 0 A 1.,, ii, O'roal of all kinds, under cover, fossuliii a........•T, a::11 \ ~.:,, kept constantly on had. CI.- tl, mars can ho supplied on short notice, at the lowest pbssiblo rates. fly a strict attention to business and a dosiro to do right, we hope to secure a liberal share of public patronage. June 9, 1865 N still retain the name position In the Firm of Dollocy & Blair, which will be carried on as ener getically as ever at their o'd stand near the One [louse, as our parches s will be road,, together at the head of the market. we feel confident by so doing to ho able to accommodate (air customers and the public, on the most reasonable terms. MACHINE SHOP. ther subscriber now manufactures and keeps con lastly on hand, on Nor:h Strut t, east of f houdium's Iletel, a Imp, ass rtmout. of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, such as Horse Powers, Threshing Nhuhlnes with iFq~. raters attuchoti, ()toyer Corn :;traw and Fodder Cutters, till k Si which :me the latest and tho beat lr improvemeots. 'tit Particular attention paid to Repair ing of ail kinds of A gricultura Implements at short notice and reasonable prisms. Thankful fur former favors I fespeetfully solicit a share of public patronage. Richmond h a s Fallen ! AND SO HAVE DRY GOODS. fact that is proven to every person nt the Cheap Store of ieldieh & where They me just, rev icing a large supply of Spring and Summer liO.lllS, pUI ChaSed Ch., the great decline In gold The stoel: embraces In part LADIES" DRESS GOODS, such as Black and Fancy Silks of .111 colors and quali ties. new styles Poplins, Mohan F, Lustres A Ipaccas all colors, Mozambique., Lameriques, Valendas, lie Lail. , Challios, &v. SPRING ('IRCULARS, Basques, Sacque,, SIIIIWIS, Are , kr MOURNING GOODS of erpry kind, consisting of Ilnurning Slik v. A Iparcas, fluntbazlnes. :Itoltairs. Poplins, single and bulb width DeLaines. Tatrilso Cloths Crape Yells, Collars, hand• kerchirfs, lialtnoral Skirts, a nag . style, black and white I.linghamq. kr. DOMESTIC 0001)S, bleached and unbleached 311011 ins from rents up. A large a,ortitient of Calicoes from emit,. to hlem hrd and until vac and Ht opt I tig, Pillow Oise Muslins. Tirlclmrs. Cottenados, Gindhams, Nankeens, Table diaper, and a great many falter goods not men tioned but always on hand ,ter 11“ti..11 emapletd., enthriving Cotton 11,,,d,., 3 for ladies, gentleined, nihd-es, boys and children. moves if every description. Linen, mid ffing,llntl, 11.in,11:vrchlvf , , French C,,, , ett5, Hoop Skirts all NAM , nil 51,111- all :dm , . Italomr.l Shirts. Neel, 'lies, Suspenders. Trimming and Mantua Rif.bons, fiend Netts, Sin, Uniloella,, Parasols. .11e)/ ntn l M 1 . 1/8 117/1” • . wayt, a full assortment of ..nory description at the very lowest 'mirk et. priers. Clothing 1.11:1110 at very sln , rt make by a Pont class tailor I? E S, TAPPET,, a full llno f every description and quality, Matting, Floor ()II Cloth, Looking 1110000 s, OD and Paper Win don Iliinds, Tahle nil Cloths, Stair. Oil Cloths, and many other house furnishing goods for the season. Feeling very thankful to the generous community for their kind anti liberal patronage so far extended to the firm, we en rnr't ly and sincerely ask a continuance of the same, 00 emitomers know that is a great pleas ure to us to exhibit our stock, besides proving that we always study the interest of our customers. as ‘‘o are determined not to he undersold by any merchant In the count, V. =I Please telt onto, the well ititritvu stand south ,sat corner ).Inritet square, directly oppositu Irvin's foot end Shoo Store. A prll 2S, 1555. WM. BLAIR & SON, cornev or Hanover and South Sts. =ll Grocery and Queensware Store, THST opened with fresh and good 0 emls. a choice variety of ove ry thing usually kept Ina 11,t clags store. Particular attention given In the selection of nice seta of China and Granite Ware, CIWICE TEAS, COFFEES, SUGARS, SYRUP 6, SPICES FLAVORING EX lIOACTS, Cal/ nEd and Pick led Fru i te. Worcesterahlre, Cumber land. and other Chore. Crackers, and k. ery thi Ir !Aso lu our lino that I.ll,rlminatlng üblk may require. Full assort ment. n 1 Writing Papers. e..,11 Oil r amps, Queonsware, 11 it Cedar, .tone liar th+,l3 Wares, SALT, FISH, orLs, AND NAILS, IRON kept constant , y on hand floods will be replenished fl equeut.ly, kept clean and nice, sold et the 10we,4 possible prices, and delivered al ally part al the town. Please give us a call Cash paid for Country Pro duce. NV3I. BL AIR & SON. Carlisle, March 3,1865.-1 m NEW AND FRESH ~,- r c) 4o 4e r 1 is es .0 EALBERT & BRO• TAVING j ust returned from the Emuern ci les,lesire to inform their pats, - no that toe ; 1. V.' lit id in a bailie and varied stock of New and e,h prods at the est cash prices. 'I heir ao,ortm Alt 1., ltiorotnch a ad complete, contalu• ing everything necessaay to constitute a First Class Otocery TEAS, COFFEES, S ITO A RS, In greatest abundance, and at lowest rash figures.— Syrups. Spires, Canned Fruits, 1.113 ENSWARE and Crockery. Salt and fish, Ileum. Choose, Crackers, Brushes, Baskets and Willow Ware. gars and Tobacco, of the choicest brands. Brooms, BucketF, and a com plete assortment of FATIIILY GROCERIES. Don't forgot the old stand, South East corner of Danover sarcets. Feb. 24, 184'4 The Long Looked For Has Come ! DR. COLLINS' ,C,RE:AT MOM f !PSC INDIAN Pain Killer.—Por the quick Relief of Hemlitcho, Toothache, Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, fain ha the Stenutch, Back or Side, Painter's Olutlic;Cramp, Frosted Feet or Ears, Burns, Fresh Cuts Sprains, Bruises, Diarrhea, Sore Throat, and all end- Mr complaints. Toothache relieved in eight minutes. Earache relieved lb ten minutes. Burns relieved from smarting in fifteen MilltlloB. Cramp or Cholla cured in ten minutes. Sprain's relieved In twenty minutes.— Sore Threat relievedin thirty minutes. I have spent yearn In selecting the herbs from the vegetable kingdom, to find out the kinds beet adapted to suit diseases of tholuman family, and now I have It complete. Every r tottle Warranted. Try it I Try It I These things we prove on the spot, and bifm•f_t_yo .yetrronly - hring7t,burratteST — Dr. COLLINRhas also far sale his Syr.PP of Roots BARKS AND HERBS, ", Indian Eye %Vasil and Powhattan Salvo. This Syrup cures Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Croup, Bronchitis, Asthma, and all similar complaints. Also, purifies the blood. The Salvo heals Sores or Brookings Out In the Face, draws tiro from Burns; 'warranted to euro Healed or Sore Breasts. The Kyo.Wash cures Sore or Inflamed gyms, Av. 'Valley Herb Pills, For the cure of Slob or Nervous Headache, Female Ir. regularities, Dropsy, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Dis eases of the Kidneys, Fever and Ague, Sc. - Dr.t:OLLINS can be consulted at his °Mee, on eases of various kinds. These tk ledlelneu are prepared and Fold by SAMUEL COLLINS, Indian Medicine Man, . Near the Corniir ol Third St. and Strawberry Alloy, Also, ter sale at IIAVERSTIOWS Drug- and:1100k Store, Carlisle. All orders shoit'd ho addressed to D'. B. ~eollinat Iforrisbiirg. These Medicines are Purely "Vbgetablei,.' Juno IS, 1365. , . , .„.. - . ' BARGAINS:' ' - • . • ' TIIST reoeivecl from the great New CI York. Auction .lala . . . .30t0 yards Calicoes. - ' • 2600 . - • White .Nimitus. 000 " Spring Widnes.. • sow Brown Idublina. ''• ' . . • .. . 'BOO " • 0 loghatna. - 0000 " Carpets. ' ' ' ' 011 Cloths, Looking Glosses, Shades, ,ho.. . Great Domains tu [loon Skirts, Linen llantlkerchlofs, Spring biantles, Boaqulnos, diress Goods, Press (Anode, Am Twill sell the above Goode and many. othtirs at a .stnall advanco ongrist until .tho lab of, A pril. , ,,'.l.leatai Call. ono 'door ,hclowildttrtin's lintel; Wain street:' March. 10,1806.. . - ' • IY: 0. SAM YI3IV . . . ' . • • . ANDREW U. BLAIR ANDREW 11. BLAIR A, J. KUTZ, Agent =1