week in their leaving the place in high dud—. geon, mnch to the gratification of every loyal person in the community. - The supreme insolence and audacity of these persons—whose every hour of liburty is an evidence of the gracious cleinency of our government—in thus insulting the glo rious flag Whielipfetects them is almost be yond e..ncoption. It would seem as though gratitude was an unheard of virtue with them, and mercy an attribute - they have no conception of. We are well rid of their presence. t*A.,.We are glad to learn that Dr. JOHN Bucscs.s.aof Baltimore, a very distinguished medical gentleman, has arrived at Mount Holly , Springs. Dr. B. visits this popular summer 'resort for the ptiriatse of recovering his health which has been much unpaired by close attention to his very numerous profes sional engagements. The feet that so emi nent a physician should visit Mt. Holly for his own benefit is about the highest recom mendation that could be given the place as a resort for those who leave the cities seeking health. We hope Dr. B. may speedily re- BEM The rush of visitors to Mt. Holly this sea son. has been unprecedented: We are in formed that the Hotels there are unable to accommodate one-third the number to that has arrived. A movement is now on foot to hdve the large hotel extended or a new one built and we understand that the visitors offer n very large sum for that purpose. We would he pleased to hear of this being ear r.ed out and hope ere long to announce it. Should the South Mountain Iron Co., build it- railroad through Holly which is now con sidered 'almost curtain. and suitable buildings be erected for the accommodation of visitors, the Springs will be the rust popular as they certainly are the most Ideasant,sumnier re sort in the country. NEVER YET EQUALLED.--" Johnson's .1? heumatal Compound," for the effectual cure of Rheumiffistn, Neuralgia, &r. It is the "GREAT 1.:,T ERNA L EM EDT, acid every way superior to any LINIMENT or EXTERNAL REMEDY ever offered to the public, bs hun dreds of persons can te,tify. Read the fo]- lowing : "It is it medicine of decided merit, and one the afflicted should try. I have been afflict ed with Rheumatism more or less for over twenty years. Tried everything within my reach to remove"it, but found nothing until I tried your "INTERNAL REMEDY." After using throe bottles 01 it, 1 - was perfectly cured. had neither PAIN Or Ater:. I bislieve your Rheumatic Compound the best medicine ever offered to the public for the cure of Rheuma tism. Jon N T. LOCK HART, Pitts. Ps. Prepared by R. E. SELLERS & Co., Pitts burgh, Pa. Sold by Druggists everywhere. alarlats. CAII.LISLE PaO.I.)UCH MARKKT - Carlisle. July Ist FLOUR (Superfine) do. (Extra.) ... do E I.' WITITE 1Y If EAT RED ILY CORE .• • • ..... OATS • • •• CLO V EICSEED TIMoTti YS E El) . GENERAL PRO Corre,led Weekly by Win. Bentz BUTTER 18-22 BACON SIDU, IS WHITE: ItEANS. 17 PARED PEACIII:S EUUS, LARD. = MBE EMI J-. 1 2) 25 S9AP, BEESWAX, BACON HAMS LETTERS REMAINING UNC the Post Office at Carlisle, State vania, the 27th I, of July, I Published Py official nuthori per having the largest circuital rie_To obtain auly of these etters, the applicant must call for :‘ (1(1).4 used letters' give the date of the 11,1 and to • two rents for advertising. If not called for within one will be sent to the Dead Letter Anthony Wm P Kitty Ilan• Adams John Q Earlier Ph Barnes Sidney 3 Lean Mary Buckingham Peter Leidig SN . Bugler William Longsdort 13reatley Laura Maurer li Burkholder Lydia Mathe‘, Coleman Catharine I,l*Donal Clapper Susan Myers Ciirra n G T Morison WI Cornman William MeNtimer 1 CleHand Lemuel Miller 13 A Coury Samuel Nell Carol Compf Elias Maltz Lice Culbertson Samuel ' , Behold al Dill Susan A Rouderban Erwin Charles Russel Sus Ewing Maj. 0 11 2 Reed Nanr Edwards Annie Stevens Jo Fertinhaugh John A Sheffer A Green Ann R Smith Ads Graham Ace Snyder Ja Guest Lucretia Sterrett A Gairy Rachael Swngard L Greene Otis R Smith Nan Griffith Dr D S Shughart Goldring F CIAO Spottswoo, Green Oliver M Thompson Idopple Abraham Toomey D Helices George Thompson Henwood D A Turner MI Henwood K Thompsor Mocker Adam Wells Lib Hileared Gustan Wells Lie Hosser James Weidnieu Herman Christiana Wi!ii3O.lllB Hoover Anna C Israel Mary Zeitler hr Jones Lizzie Zug Sams King Amelia Zeigler Js Public Sale of Yalta Estate. (AN Saturday. the 26th day kjlBos, by virtue of an order of the of Cumberland county, I will oxpose to then premiere, the following described ale in .Upper Alleje township one mi chanicsburg on tlitrooad icaillAg Iron, to ShopLardstown, late the rosidonco year, ilee'd , a tract of highly login. Land. adjoining lands of Jacob Abram. Samuel Echols and - Seifert Containing 18 Acr The irnprovtrinonts t "."' story FIUME lIUU Back building, a r It DARN. end othor Oat .A tine young Ord :darted and the laud has boon cceutly Persons desiring to examine the plop the tenant In p054%3.91011. , Sale to comma:ma at 2 o'clock when made known by July 28, 1805L—ts"i, D. 8, GOODY] Valuable Furth at Pub . THE - .Ekocator of George -- Upper Allen township, Cumberland w sell at public sale, on THURSDAY; AUGUST,II3OS, all that valuable place ted in the said townsldp,•bounded by la Yost, Sitnil Mohler, John Miller and oth . 95 Acres, more. or. le of prat quality of Limestone land, liitito of 'oultiration,. Tho Improvements ore it New 'Bank Barn;' • •• • 'A two story FltAlg.pllo the necettaaryOutjellid 1." fling streatmef navel* :',7,{trT,i "the hou - se and funFing, is,nearly all Lo . heatnut Hail. There are-about Elx Acre eery Timber still standing. •• "2 I Terms of sale—Ten pnr cant of the' bo.'pald when the property is strieken idow's interest to remain In the landi.,a lue of the perch:ire money' to be riatiV ipril, 1860, when deed will be made an. Ivan. ;Taxes for 18136 to be mild by th": • `he tommin shire of the cop to reserver, , ale to donupetierr at 10 o'clock A'.lll,nn es. about 2 mules, sou h east of : l ieehtenlred tate mad leading frhin'Oettyebterg to liar 1 ' LT Ye July I 28, 1865—,4* - 1 STATFMOTIOE.- pLettere Testamentary, on the estat, late of likalith f.itiddletortTownship. d en im a g o hy.ll/1 ot Ma Com baesthei 0400141 a said t , olroshlp, All, t 111464 A -to mid fiend, are. required tti Oats payakut, andpase having c alms tdi it, tes: aeligs p, wEA WANTED! 17 Male and Female Teachers. ruHE Board of School Directors of South :Middleton township 'will meet at Boiling, Springs on SATURDAY, the tab of A mrust, at 9 o'clock A :11 , the day cppointed by the County Superinten dent. to exatffine teachers, where all persons applying for schools lit said township, will please to be present. The protons of the township are most earnestly invited tea tend and witness the exeminatl •11 of tear heir. as the Minot Ilre determined not to employ any teacher that is not qualified. The most literal scares will be giri`h to competent teat-hers JAMES ('FOYLE, July 111, IFIIS-31. . Proclamation. NV 11 EAS, the Hon. JA mr.s H. - y o amour, ITesideYl iTudgeoi the several ott ts of i'1 , 1:1,11011 fleas of the counties of Cumber bu rl, l'er ry..ind Juniata. and of the several uo is id Gytir an. 1 Terminer and Get-en-al Jail Delis r n in said roue the, and yl i. 1. el Cedilla) and Hugh Slum! Judges of the Cr arts of IVer and Terminer and Delivery for the trill of all capital and other °Beetle's in lb.. said count, of Cumberland, by their precept., to are direeto I, dated tine 10 h day of April, 1804:, have or. tiered the Court of Us or and Terminer and (lenient! Jail Delivery to be it olden !treat-lisle on the 4th M. n day of Augast, t ping tha 28th day.) at 1U o'clock In the Ilurnoon, to continue one week. Nit ricE Is hereby given to the Coroner..lostiees of the P": 1 ,1.. 1.4.1 Othrhibleff. of it., Mild county i.f tam bet land the/ are by the said precept eidau.a titled to he then :11141 there 111 Ulf& proper porous, with thiir rolls. re.,.tds al d itiquisif ris..snd all other rent tab a err, to die thOhe thin, r hint 111 Lhl (roil ies .o t.nro t•i bo nr,6 , t •,it are bound In re. og.olza Oft,. prosoeu to • gllnst the grinners that re en then sh .11 be in the .1,11 of said county. are to be there to prosecute them 05 =hall be JtjtlN .1 AC r US, Jun'y 21. lift. Sheriff I offer for nv lea valuable farm sit unted n uhin Leo miles, r c ar ti s r.., e,mt,ll,,jimz 170 nenv of Mark e hind, of which 41 te-res lire Mee dew and het enh n.. 1113. ;Is Larlhif b in npl !it. , l during the In it flw }pare: under pr d lel el,' nod it well watered Terms b rust p:.1 , 113.ers and p”sFogsion given nn the IF-1 April A. D. For ft, ther pirtieulars in quire of or IlthlreFF. C. C. M It tell. Carlisle, Pa. ,Itrly TILE heir: , oLluhti )IcElliuney, offer :It l'ul :i.• 5,11.• vn Col/ 010 11,111i,e• f ituAted in Trim tieriniiil Count ,- milt, west ui NI( chan ir.shorg, I , lth: Nliehnel lin...lint, (inntilitiltitz 119 niiiiis nod 110 porch,. of Liine n hi.h Sit iii• in I I Olt liipn, Slid tir.4, ;r frurn, with trim, :Jo o f wind timbervri laud. n hni relined lit A pplo ft nits. A 1.,1 ; te • al. de, 11()USE, p.l i t,?,[ f ihr,„ "c. :t good Cellar and ar 2. .a.s4 ,Int% a not or fatting well c,f water tern nt the Fit All E It ti RN. with Wituiton shed, and Corn Crib' , nnd all other neeessnry fi no - iil, 4 ,0 1 70 I to r ehieh n goad titlo nil I , o‘ given. COIIIIIIMICe :It I t:',•1:11•k P. M $2llll 101011 of on! I. Will be inn J. I, now n by An) person wishing to View the prerniseit, con cal 011 MO. Ch i n; 31.4,1heney, residing on the July 21, IRlis—t BCE _MARKET Jut s 27, 1 565 . l'El? Y A NI) .'A LE. STA I? LES AT PRIVATE SALE HE subserithr intending to wove to the city of Baltimore. ~ ffors r.t Private Sale, his LIVERY AND SALE STABLES, iu t r Ramesh of llanovea, York County Ps. Ills eutisis rs "veil good saddle and Carriage linrees. TA only Earring., consisting of BUGGIES, Il ACKS, single and double seated DermanLown wagons, Sr. de. Gas Dozen Sleighs, l larness. Saddles. Brieles, Bells, Sr. do Ills stork is in complete older Persons desirous of engaging in the business will find this a rare rimier, of ontaini 11!: 11 good situation. The Lavery is at, old an V:1•11 established one, hosing been in operation tor the last Leo:a }oars, under O. control of the Ii sears. Garber:, The Stables ale new, and aid encomia° ate lofty 1101101 F. There is Sits, SIIO.P. LAIMED in' . of Penosyl- in the rt- onth, th rt containing all t swills tools connected is Rh the estalishoien . . It will Cold entire, or in 1 .ts to suit the purchasers The Mirough or Hanovtracts talus e isipulation of twenty-hve hundred Mimi toots, a ride and thields ,ettled neighbor. ood his nuualn< it. AIM icielerne , similler towns within a iPaiance of len or to els . ° tni art oithin ten miles of the e: tyi.- hung 13,4t1,e field. and it Lying the only I.iv iv in the Lewis, the doe.irehlelleee of the lovell II is apparent. desire to dm v• Le the Ci y. is Om only meson which inclines qie nubs rifer to dispose of hit kid. .1 It. WHITE it , for. July NI, P. M GrO / REM Co orge W AT E .\k() 1 . 1 C E - 1 A LOLIVI, t•Ht.t (II of) Latry 141 tit.. Ett bile ill l•LIL A1.....t001er, •I Le hay bee° graisl,l ' tho• r 411 C 4 !WWI itd t tot the haler t••sitligN I. Va. AI. I • ',on hay tug rlaini,• ttl• St. snid 4•l 4 trito will •..t 1/Al mr set Llemet.t . tho , e io.debted will I. tic. 111111, paymtni I ilitil t lill .) ;t1 E 1 Jut o 30, 1865 1 1 11 E Doplieute of School Tuxes for the present year luta been delivered by the Say el 01.ecturs to the Treasurer for eJliection, It Is there tore made th. ditty of said 'frvasut-r to give notice to the 'lax/tole CI ic,es 1 , 1 the no...ugh if Carlisle that he will attend at tine County Conn (Conools seaters' itihee;) on thors , ay and lirl ,, tty the ith and nth r ueSt. between the hours of n and 12 in the turenor,.. 11,1 2 Milli 5 In tint afternoon for the purpose of receiving the rnhd TAXCIL lIDE3 . . All p-rsons pl.‘ing their Taxes on or before then , Jays v.lll receive. s reduction of MEI PI l'E PER CENT. The Taxes In the meantime will be received by the Treasurer at Ids dwelling in West 11Ialn St. J. W. Env, Treasurer, ancy col BR nrad ns C (Bks in IN (Elks July 14, 188.5 ESTATE NOTICE.- Letters of Administration on the Estate of.lohn (i. vbeakley, late of Warsaw, Hancock County. Illinois deed , having been granted by the Register of this County to the subscriber r.iding in South Middleton Twp All persons having claims against said estate. will present them for settlement, and those indebted will make itrunedlate payment to Mil August, I num' Court rule, on estate, sit nth of Me haniesburg Levi Good -1 Imestone , _!11 Brandt, Juno 23, 18115-11 t Dissolution of Partnership. The undersigned having sold their ~tnek and good w ill, and leased their aid to Au drew 11. Blair, hereby gave notice t at the pal tuership heretofore existing between them is this d 4) dissolved by mutual consent. The books of the tine will lie kept at the residence il l John Armstrong on Muhl et roes, two doors est of the railroad depot, where both part ners will be hi attendance to settle accounts. It in obsoletely necessary that the firm books be settled in the shortest possible time, and we now call upon all persons knowing themselves indebted to us eall at once and make payment either by cash or note. ARMSTRONG AND IIOFFER. Int of n two and tram BANK Wings. has bean Juno oth, 1565 cud' call on Strike While The Iron Is Hot I $ will be A dm'r NEW STORE, Sale. , lato of ty, deed. Ist d y of nd, Michael iontalulng IHAVE just received a large asssort mem, of New Cloods, such as Calicoes, DeWoes, Opalllos, Lawns, Alpacas, Chanibroys, Flannels, Linens Brown and Bleached Shootings, Brown and Bleached 'ehirtings, de. Also,a full assortment of Men's Goods, such as Cloths, Cassicueresi Sattinetts. dean,, Cott on-, ades, Desires. Stripes, Cheeks.. Including a,ll quality and stylus of Undershirts and Drawers, Drera Shirts. Shirt Collars, Neck't'ies, Glover, and ell other goods pertaining to a - Gentleman's Wardrobe. All of which will be sold at lower prices than t hey are selling elsewhere In Carlisle. ihest state • rate ', with all Arun. water at • outs! , e Poet and cry fine • WIlt..A. MLLES, o> . . Next door West of the Peat Office, Carlisle. May 211, 1805. money n. The he reel . o let or ..Feeelon reliever. H LUNGS. -,---The cold and change able weather tells• terribly on . those who have weak and diseased lungs. litany are Buttering at this time with affections of the throat and lungs. Drat. chills Is becoming a very common affliction. Those who are pridisposod to Colds, Coughs; inouchills, should avoid the night air. There era many props . rations recommended for these diseases, . but them . he not a doubt but that Dr. Strickland's SiellifluousCough - lials...mds the beat remenly. 13 . 1116.6 known it to eft feet cures In iho worst.caSes of Coughs, Colds. Dm chills, Asthma, and primary cases of Consumption. Dee 2, thed p gn roi t t rg• E'er. Robert axing to the who kg, Im• 'anent 1 4 1 AMILY DYE CeLoRS, AT RALSTONT I • , T).t RF.U3IBILY, Cosaleiies, Ste., Ilairmilok's Wog and Book Stare. -- • V tor, MiiM - - ' ,STATE NOTICE.- . Letters of Administration on the Estate of Mrs. hency Myers, late of Lower Allen Township, dec'd., have boo granted by the Register of Cumberland County to the subscriber residing In said Township. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will make immediate payment and these liavin4 claims will present them for settlement to LAUD 8. MYER 4; Admielstiater. July 21, 14 1 8 TAT E NOTICE.- 4 Lot ern of Administration on the estate nt,lnmen Clara, late of Monroe township, dee'd.. having boon granted by the gegister of Cumberland County to the subscribers residing in the some township aforesaid.- - All persons indebted hi said estate are hereby notified to make immediate payment, and those has log violins to present thorn In MARO ARET CLARK, J. N. CLARK, A dmlnistrntorK July 21, 11416-6 t. Valuable Farm at Private Sale are n NEW Ili, NE 11%1 - IN 7 by .10 feet n TWO FEORY 1101.1,1-: nnil inn , The lan, ft G• gnrel slate of s inn. 3101.1 t 8 0(8) hushelf ni Hine PUBLIC SALE W. rf y the !Ith 0 : 1 Seplemhep, 17,1;:J 11„f-1 ;,ilrliltq.c Till )M AS 31rELIIENEY DA VI lk NIvELII EN EY. I{ lIENI/YR , ON. 11 M. U. ALEX sn•'ii. cut‘ SCHOOL TAX FOR 1865. 1% ILLIANI L. GIIA.IGLIr AP NEW GOODS ..0 4 ME SAAAJIIETAN'S GIFT! • SAMARITAN'S GIFT ! THE MIS I' CERTAIN REMEDY EVER USED., "Yes, A' Positive Cure." Contains no' Mineral, no Balsam, no Mercury Only Ten Pills to be Takeo In Effect a Care. entirely vegetable, having no small nor any unpleasant taste. and will not In any way Injure the stomach or bowels of the most delicate. Cures In from two to four days, and recent cases In "twenty-four hours." Prepared by a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, one of the most eminent Doctors and Chemists of the present day. NO EXPOSURE, NO TROUBLE, NO CIIANOI• i Let those who hare desirilred of getqug cured, or who hare been gorged with Mercury, try the SAMARITAN'S GIFT, Sent by mall In x plaln envelope. Price—Male pneknge, $2. Female BLOOD! BLOOD ! !LOOD ! i4:ROPULA, ULCERS, SORES, SPOTS, TETTERS, SCA LES, ISOILS, DISEASES, !kr SAMARITAN'S ROOT d'• ERB .7UICES Is ()tiered the public ns a positive cure TUE RA MANITAN'S ROOT AND HERB JUICES, IS the most potent, certain and efferte ii remedy ever prescribed—it reaches and eradicates every particle of the veheral poison, an that the cure in thorough and permanent Take then of .his purifying remedy and he In nied, and do not trant.mit to your posterity that fur which you may repent in after years. DO NOT DESPAIR I Ihouph you may he pronounced Incurable, the SANIA_RITAN'M ROOT at HERB JUICES 111 remove every vegthre of impurities from the sys , m. ,to .011 as all the bad effects of Mercury. FEMALES! In many affections with which numbers of Females •uffer, the ROOT & HERB JUICES, most happily adapted. In Whites. in bearing down, Ding of tho Womb. Debility. and for all complaints cidont to the sex. Sent by oxpror.s SAMARITAN'S WASH, iFFod In conjunction with the Root and herb Juices Full direct UP.. 1 Hee QA . . The efficacy 01 these remedies is alike acknowledged by phssicians and patients. They urn u od in the United Stales Hospitals. thus restoring the of many of our leave soldiers. I , mm the Baltimore Sun.; That the Surgeons say of the Sa- maritun's Remedies. 'POST 110 , 41TAL. FORT NIARMIIA I.L, Baltimore, IBM., VO/1..2.9, 1614. ; ''l have great satisfaction in stating that I have uNsd the :,'lllll,llltan's Remedies' for Venereal Ifh.ease In its most customer, forms; that I have used them with judgment, discretion, and properly, and hare f;mod them respond to my anticipations promptly and effectually. Rnowlng their composition, I have the fullest ~mildence In their efficecy and as fai as my use 8.1 them extends, I recommend them strongly. "ALFRED C. BOWERS, At.sl.tnut 'uritt,n sth Now York Vt lo." Let it Le under fond that those remodkx are as rye. o , monded, and will positively cure the (licenses for which they are offered. For sile at llnverstich's'"Drug Stare, lintL:Jer Street Cnruisle, In DES)IOND & CO. Propriutors, 916 Hare St., Philadelphia July Yl, I 'NUL —ln FINANCIAL EXHIBIT LISLE SCHOOL DISTRICT, .Reom the first Monday Ij . Jun() 18G4, to June L , 1865. J. W. EBY, Treasurer, in account with the School I)iiectors of Carlisle, HECHT!' I S. lilt. To balance In hands of Treasurer, at loot anulnmenc , $782 40 Outstanding taxes or 13t03, 1,238 50 Amount of duplicate of 181:4, 7,801 21 Proceeds of sale of old house ou Cart Lot, 74 00 Price of melodeon received of P. Qulg'to's estate, 18 00 State school appropriation, 437 38 'tent of Property received from lien. . . Cart, Tuition fe r n rural red fur noi.-11. , 1 dent snlulara. EX PEN DITUR By Teachers' e.alarles for the year, *0,490 94 Repairs, materials, fixtul es, Or. 970 93 Wood and coal, 199 41 Interest on indebtedness to let Jan ua rv, 1805, '206 00 Printinn, Messenger, and incidental expenses, 383 17 Cash expenditures. $8.618 08 ont.ra I ions allowed ou duplicate ..1 Ise3. Collert;on fees, lisourrot ions on duplicate of 18114, I hateinent to tax pa) ord 1801, ~ r col luetion. tSi 4, tta lan., in Treasurer's hands, 6th of Juue, 1806. All of which I Is respectfully submitted. It_ C. WOODWARD, Finain la! t'e-retary. July 17,1865. Financial report rend, appre. int ft d ordere i t.. ha pubDilied lo the papers ot he District. By order of the hoard, C. P. July 21, 1885-31. Secretary. LYNCH & FOOTE, Plumbers & Gas Filters I l he subscribers inform the public thu they still vendetta the GAS FITTING AND PLUMBING irmalnela at the lid Bland In the basement of the Firs tletlandim Church. They will attend promptly lo al busin-ss in their lino. Load and Iron l'llma, Hydrants, Hot and cold SHOWER BA THIS, Water Closets, Foice a• d Litt PuMps. Wro't Welded Tubes. Iron Sinks, Bath Tube, Both Boilers, Wash Ba sins, nydraul c Rams, , and every description o. cocks and fittings fur gas. steam water, &e. Superior cooking ranges. heaters and gas fixtures put up in churches, tiaras and do-filings, at short notice:-fn the most modern style. All materials and work In our lino at low rates nd svarmn'sd. Is Counlry 0 ork and )1 1,1 1i , ,a o•emptly attended to July 1. 1804. AUDITOR'S NoTic - ill The undersigned having been appointed by the Orphan's Court of Cumberland County. an Auditor to marshal and distribute the assets In the banes of Jacob Rhoads, Administrator of Jacob B. Nickoy, late of West Pennsboro township dee'd., hereby gives notice that he will attend to the duties of his appointment at his °Mee In Carlisle. on Saturday the Pith day of Au gust, 1865, at lU o'clock A. M., *here those Interested may attend If they coo proper. C. P. lICNIRICII, Auditor. July 14, 1866-3 t OT ICE.- ~.., On motion of Watts & Parker ' Atty's of 'Wm. racy, Executor of Jamison Hannon, dee'd. a rule WaH granted upon tho hobs at Law of the said Jamison lianuon, dee'd ' to appear nt the next Orphans' Court of Can umberld County, Penna., on Tuesday the 16th of August, to show cause why the said Wm, , °racy should not ho discharged by the said Court from his Executorahlp, he having settled finally his s Admlnla• trktion account, which notice is hereby given. .1011 N JACOBS, _High Sheriff of odd County. July 14, 18645-4 t SIR JAMES OLARRWS ' CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS Prepared from a prescription of fir .1 Olark, M. D., Phpician Mxtraordloary to the queen. rc 11 IS well known medicine is no itn poslttou, but a sure and safe remedy for Female Dlcultlee and Obstructions, from any cause whatever `and although a powerful remedy, it rontal..s.nothing hurtful to the constitution. To Married Ladles It Jammu tarty suited. It Will, In a short time, bring on the monthly period with regu larity. In all MOW of Nervous and. Spittle! AtTections,Pain In the Back and Limbs, ilenviness, Fatigue on alight exertion, Palpitation of the litart, Lowne.smf Spirits, Hysterics Sick Headache, Mates, and all the painful diseases occasioned by a disordered system, these Pills will effect a cure 'when all other means have failed. These Pile have never been known t0 . f.11 where the directions on the 2d page of pamphlet are well °Wort , ed.' For further particulars, goka - pamphlet, free, of the agent. .$1 and 0 postage , stamps enclose 4 to any . authorised agent, will insure a battle, containing over to pills, by return mall. ' W. ELLIOTT, , Dec. 2, 1804. . Arent: oar' lale." DHYSICIANS will find itto their nd vaptagro to call and purchase their Medicines at July . 1,1864 C U°l°E. SE . GABS &' T A ?l 3t VC? , GRATIPYING..L-It is Certainly very great In keow that twn orate bent Rolf eal- ing F R UIT C A NS te and JARS 'ln the United &gee, S can be had at Wm, ffeldley's Shop; sat Lotither ear two. fflgnthrthe Red Coffee Pot.' • ~ Ri m r , - ;.' SEVENTH QUARTERLY REPORT RESOURCES.. , Lonna and Dlscounta, 1F4114 71 U. S. Bonds, 1.28 650 60 Due from Drinks and Hankers 38.939 11 Legal Tender Notes, 76 769 89 Notes of other minks, 9,681 00 Cash Items, 8,921 42 130,201 42 Real Estate and Insuraws, Furniture and Fixtures, Protests, Current Expenses and Taxes Capital. Meld Aim!, Deposits, Due to Banks, Discounts and' Premiums Surplus Fund, July Li, HARDWARE STORE. ~I3PI old Hardware stand of Lewis F Lyna. has passed into the hands of W. E. Mille & S. A. Bowers, who are now transacting business 1171 der the name and style of MILLER & BOWERS. The new tun have just returned torn the city and are now prepared to furnish to the public at the introat prieea, all bifida of Qn~dwnro, Comeh Triming, Palntß, 01lit. &r. A lock into their store will convince all that they have enough of goods to fully supply the. demand In this market. l'orsons wanting goods In our line will find It to their advents p, to tirvo . us a Loll. All orders personally and promptly attended to. July 7,1865. U. S. Revenue Notice of Appeals UNITED STATER INTERNAL REVENUE, FIFTEENTH } CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT, OF PPNNAYLVANIA. Comprising the Counties of York, Cumberland and Perry,_ NOVICE TO lIE tly RIVEN, That the annual lists of Valuations and Enumerations of property subject to tax under the act entitled '•An Act to provide Inter nal Revenue to support the Oovernment, to pay Inter est on the Public I) bt. and for other purposes;' op. proved June 10th, 1511-4 and amended March Ntl, Ma. made and taken by the several Assistant Assessors of said district, iv ill remain open at my office. in Wilt Pa.. for the exatnimition 01 all persons concerned, for the space of ten days Dom the date hereof (e elusive of Sunday July 113th). At the expiration of said ten days I %ill sit at the folMwing named times and place. to hear Hod determine sppeals, relative to any. etc. e olls Or e•eesslan vnlvG ion, enomerallons or RESeSr 'menr tendered on sold annual 11,11 On the 2 tth and 25th do] s oI July at my office in Centre Square, York, Pa. On the 27th day ol July, at the office of Assistant Anse son Qanrt, in Newport Perry County, PR. Do the 28th and 20th at the othee of James A. Dun. Nsq , Cu Aisle, Cumberland County. to. Notice is further given, that no appeal will be al lowed to any party after he Fluid hale been duly as sessed. and the annual list containing the assessment ham been transmitted to the Cal lector of this District. All appeals must state the particular cause. matter or !him:, respecting which a decision is p quested. and the groundnr prineiple off rror complained of. HORACE BONHAM, U. S. Assessor 15th District, in. Dated at York, Pa., July 12, 1005. FEMALES!! PlAi'-'O-FORTES. DRIGGS' NE W PATENT ARE the only Instruments constructed on a truly scientific principle. They have gre,t er strength, and wit remain loner in . one than any other Plano. The construction is simple and natural, all the extraneous lumber in the body of the Instru ment is dispensed with; the sound hoards are merely two arched planks of thin wood, like the front and beck of a violin; the_etritigs are attached to a strong Iron trame, which Is separated and entirely independ. on of the case, thereby dispensing with the old harp form of stringing, by substituting straight bridges, preserving at the some time the Over Strpg- Bass', of which Mr. Drlggs is the inventor. sly tilde Improve ments we gain much more vibratory power, at the same time proses sing all Its purity and richness of tone. • They have received the highest testimonials from the Pres., and all the principal artists in the country, among which are IhArry Saundargon, L. -11. Gottsalialh, Max Marotzeh, S. Thalherg, Theodore Elsfield, Wm. Mason, Herman Wollonhaupt, A. Beriß, Francis H. Brown, M. Straekoseh, Wm. Henry Fry, Chas. Fradril. Mr, S6:OEB%I(7ND Ttl ALIIEItI3 , the great plants says :—I hare examined your new Piano-fortes, e nd cordially approve of Ito system of construction. It pi inciple, by which great Increase of vibratory power i obtained, being very simple and perfectly philosoph cal. The tone is grand and noble; it has great capon ity for sustaining the sound or shriging, and its vol unto of tone or power I have never heard excelled In depth, puriv, and sympathetic sweetness. 60 00 67 53 $lOOl9 11 m. li Nt. lIY PhY, late MUNIC/11 critic of the N. Tribune says have examined your newly invented Piano-Fortes. They merit all the praise given to them by Messrs lhalberg, Gottschalk, Strackmch, Mason and others. As regards structure, they urn original and philos, Went ; in purity, volume, and continuity of tone; in veral versinalltude, that cmaning ten's which enables the plantr , ln to "sing" on the In st, omen t, your Pianos ever deserve the hMhest rank Your Invention, In my opinion, Is destined to work a radical change in the manufacture at Pianos through ont the world. 227.16 273 72 162 • 1 271 69 281 98 OM $10,519 11 Irons the N. Y. Gerald, l opt s.—Upon a careful ux. animation of Prige's Plane-Forte, we find the tesulto obtained are a very fine singing tot...groat 1 urity and brilliancy ihioughout the entire instrument, not ofteu iound in MOOR col structeci upon the old plan. The N. Y. Times, July 12, says:—We have now an loots anima witio,ot an equal It can piing with a smooth delicacy, perfro tly unattainable on any other rUnlellt : an in dinory player obtains with no exer Mon, ti e fullness of a Grand Plano-Forte, and they must speedily supersede the old styles. (.31;NTU311.N:—Iinving thoroughly examined and tested the I lan. -Fortes inveottql and patented by Mr. B. It. Griggs, I ani of the opinion that the tone result ing from his improvements, as exhibited In the In struments under examination, in point of richness, pth nod brilliancy, equals that of the best Grand Plano Fortes, and excels them In pure, musical Inton ation and actual lone, power thus approximating closer to what I consider perfection in the Instrument than 1111 s yet been achieved by any other system of manufacture. WM. HALL & SON, 503 Broadway, • NEW YORE. Before pu , l4llllllllV, send fur a &collative catalogue with prloo. Juno to, 1005-Iy. COMMERCIAL COLLEGE Highly Important to Young Men I -YOUNG MEN who are out of employ moot. NO MEN about engaging in business. YOUNG MEN who havo had limited means of education YOUNG MEN who hove failed to improve their tim at.common schools- , _ , YOUNG MEN well educated in other respects but lack ing a knowledge of business affairs, YOUNG MIN of fortune who would know how to nm ago their own affairs'. YOUNG MEN withoutfortune who would possess the best means of rising in the world. YOUNG MEN of skill, enterprise and capacity, who lackn thorough knowledge of any of the branches embraced in a complete course of commercial instruction. . , Aro requoated to call at this Institution or send for a Circular giving full particulars. Instruction in ' Boole-Keeping, pennzanehl:p, Phonogra y, Aiithmetie, I?EMALE DRPARTMENIT. For the accoMmhdation of-Ladies wishitm to .purPtie either Pfmraanahlp br Book-keeping. a separate depart ment will beopenod an soon as a sufficient number o applicants shall have been recolvcd. Persons' wishing to orator this department aro requested to apply Immo, dlately. Nor furthoryartioularsaddress, - December 10, 1.004 'mu 't stnr '3lnva 'opipuo etn owroddo Alma - en/ Joionvi! qp* . .ov.sattenitivn. i esvrio!stto'saktiA — . !ludo o i uAguiM l CE opsatti9a pad tt opiaba suariva wkA grAirm-oz 6:10:999 ' 3P76 , • `SMAiOII Ilarlrllltt • ItALSTON'B D . ORT .Folios, Writing Design, Bank . Gammon Dowdy, %manor all deecrlptlon at lbw eratlck't Drug, Piney and Rook Store. • . • • • IF you want anything go to liavoratiok's Drug and Book Store. - .. . . . . . , . . . .....,..,,,.... 7 , . ., 1, ~ . ••••.....,: : .4,..',,..,.,-..4., , , ,,...... , -....:,....:".......,.. ,. .. 2 .: , ! .......4:45.4j..ii...4i.;,1,..t.,:,,...........;.,....- 4 .,::.,..... ..4.,. OF THE • First National Bank, Carlisle. July 8, 1335. LIABILITIES .1.0. 110PFKR, enghler FOREIGN AND DOIIIES'TIC GLASS, VARNISH, Yours respectfully, L. M. GOTTSCHALK xak, , _add A, M. TRIMMERi Carlisle, Pa. TIM Great Infernal Remedy -Po NIE EFFECTUAL CURE OF MEM RIM; UMA TiJI. GOUT, 7,080 00 ,08 15 NEURALGIA, 12 88 788 00 453,455 46 50,000 001 45,000 00' :141,00 72' 7.071 44 1,034 30 7,500 00 • T. , ••:, 8 : 14 ,ms fy l ';!•?,:i : ve-,' ,:1V,•:::•:1.: z PH EUMATI Ct „ iCOM liatlNl) ; :: , 11:t:.24414 3 !•4‘A%1Wt, LOOD 7- PURFFIER , • .“04d‘7 ME= IT STANDS UNEQUALED 33Y ANY MEDI CINES now before the public for the cure of the above named diseases. The'tftst number of rub on medicines which formerly have. boon used for these diseases. were merely temporary ;In their effects and of doubtful virtue, but The Rhfumatio Compound Beaches the source of all trouble, and actually banish• es the disease from the system by its Immediate action on the blood. Johnson's Rheumatic Compound THE SOLDIER'S TRUE FRIEND READ THE FOLLOWING ANDREI% JOHNI4ON:.--Dear Sir; In November lest I bad a severe attarlt at Rheumatism, to which I had not been subject for nearly three 3 ears The attack woo so severe tit It 1 could not more my head or raise my arm. Attar trying different medicines without acalt. 1 was induced to use your Rheumatic Compound and ttlnod l'uritier. and befbre I had taken three Init. ties I was so completely cured that I could perfbrui any duty to which my country might rall.me. I can glad. ly and coutidemly recommend it to all my fellow sot diem as the guleitest and surest remedy for Rheuma tism I ever need. Yom• true friend NOR It IS PATTERSON. Reference P. T. Patterson and William Duncan, No 1. 11 nod street. All who Use it receive !tenpin. It cures when all other remedies hill. It gives unlrmsl sat Islaction. The proof is most abundant. It In the only sure cure for Rheumatism It is the greatest discovery of the age. No other retnnd, has heroine so popular. It Is prescribed by physicians. It is recommended by rhyslclans. In truth, it is a perfect benefactor R. E. SELLERS & CO SOLE PRO PR I ETORS WHOLESALE mtuoaisTs, Tor gale by Johnson, I 7 of k Cowden, Pilllnde phis, nod DAVID RALSTON, Carlisle. my 7, I `.I , A, - , f- -,‘" ''' 4 " , . 7`,...:,p1';*‘,..3. ?. ? .:., ...f--..c.,"„v . cr. ,.. cvt-Nr,.4 . N . .td ''' y.. - q.. :,........c 4 .i ..-• , .—o k • —• k . 17, ,... .... , 4,.. - Syt'izi-'. 4 .,. .ft.,,,,, ..t.,c,,,,„..*,-,-,y4,77...pp.i. 7 , `...1Ar.,-;'." .1,..,:tf,tV: ~,,:t'4.-ic, 4.'- ' , ' -, --'"'„,,, ptrt. - -- . sq' ~,,i i v 4: ,.., z..., ®,4. , , i ‘,.. v . , .., ‘ ..,L. --..,1 ,tt t ~ ,.9.,k,..1",..,., r rezNaid (The , _riginnl, only True & Genuine) has stood for thirty yenro•afitaplo Remedy. unequaled by any-medicine known for the euro of Liver Com plaint Costiveness, Pick Headache and Bilious Disor ders, and Indeed for the whole class of diseases origi nating in Hilary derangements. Symptoms a Diseased Live) general loss of appetite, sickness of the stomach, pains In the head, shoulders, back and sides, sense of weariness, with s cep/en nights. restiveness of bowels, followed In some eases by looseness; slight dry •cough, low spirits, With disinclinations to every dilly, are prominent symptoms of a diseased state of the Liver. The liver is, however. often much deranged when the most formidable syinpb Ins are absent, anti hero.i.g doily out of order before it. is known. Great Cure of Liver Complaint, By the Original, only True and Genuine LIVER PILLS. SIISEL CRELR, Ohio Co., Va. Mar. 20, '4O. Mr. lt, Setters: Dear Sir—l think it, is a duty I owe to you and the public generally, to state that I hose been afflicted with Liver C.lmplaint for a long time, and se badly, that an chores, formed and broke, which hot toe in a very low state. Having heard et your celebrated Liver Pills, being for PlllO by A. It. Sharp, West Liberty. and recommended to me by my physician, Dr. P. Smith. I concluded to give them a title trial. I pa abased 0110 hes and found theta to ho just what they are re,ontmencled, the best Liver Pill ever used ; and after taking four boxes, 1 find the din. ease has entirely left me, and am now perfectly well. Respectfully yours. WEST LIBERTY, .11/lECII 1848. I certify that I am personally acquainted .Ith 51 r. Coleman, and van bear testitoooy to the truth of the above eernlarate. " GENERAL SATISFACTION." GIMENVILLE, Floyd Co, nd., Oct. 27, 1858. Mr. 11. i SELLERS Sir: I am out of your I.lver Pilhe, and should be glad to receive a supply, as they giro general /ditlefactlon. Please send ms some soon. BEST FAMILY PILL ALEXANDRIA, Llckl, g Co , 0 , March I,IBA. Mr. D. B. OWEN : Dear Sir: I tilve used SELLER'S LIVER Pit LS wyoult and In my fmhy, and must my, AR an alterative and common Slimily physic, 1 consider a very d.edrahle pill. They are prompt. but mild in their effect; arouse 11 healthy action of the liver. rarry off the morbid secre tions, and leave the system In a healthier condition than any plQ.i.le. I have ever taken or 11111111DIRtured. Very truly and re•peetlully TO THE PUBLIC The original, only true and genuine Liver Pills, are prepared by li. E. :tell. ts, and has his name in black WAX upon the lid of each box, and his signatnre on the outside wrapper-911 others are coanteratits or base imitations. R. E. SELLERS & CO., Pi•up'rs, PITTSBU ROB, PA Nor sale by J o,lllB oll ' Holloway & COl4'lloll, l'bilade phis, and DAVID RALSTON, Carlisle Jul) 7, 1805 IN LA . RGii: ,BOTTLES, Is particularly recommended for use during the Spring and Summer, when the Blood Jo Welt and Circulation slow and retarded by unhealthy secretions This per foully safe, though pone; fill, Purifier Cleanses and re. news every portion of the system. II Is the only gen uine and original BLOOD SEAROHER, Nt,lllcli fur-many-years-has-performed-the-most-wonder ful, yet permanent cures, In confirmed cases of licrqfu la Old Sores, Totter, Tumors, Polls, and all kinds of •Scrofulous Eruptions. It la also a reliable remedy lb. dolt ltheutn, Minx Worm, Heald Mad and kindre I Ms -011000. As n general Tonic Ito ()Recta lare most bottiguaniaand cannot fall to benefit wham ti ad according to dirt ctions. We make no claim to having discoverod a "I': omit" or - Universal Remedy" for all the aliments to, ivideb flesh hi heir; but we do claim what countlese facts hnvo fairly and fully established, that In the l, t , • BLOOD SEARCHER,. Thu afflicted will find a "Standard sledlcine," ono upon which tin* , can rely as a sumo specific for all tho diseases for which it is lecornmondod 1 have this day, October 7th, 1861 disposed -of my. entireAnturestin-j. - 51;* Lit isuy'slmproved Blood- Searcher, tolt B. Sellers h, Co., together with the right to Hap my name in Its preparation. Tho only genuine, article will hereafter be prepared by thorn exclusively. - J. Id. LINDSCY.,. PREPARED BY R. E. SELLERS & CO., SOLE PEOPITIETORS, Pittsburgh, Pa PRICE $l. PERK BOTTLE. ' • For solo by Johniqui,liollowoy k Cowden, l'hlladol pbla, and -DAVID RALSTON, Car - • July 7. 18,81.-ouk: TR,T I FR, RINGWORM, ,gte IS TRULY PROVoNT )IAII/511AL's OFFICE. Pr Tsnvuvn, Dee. 171 b, 1804 PITTSBURGH, PA D. El. COLEMAN A. B. SHARP CYRUS BR AI DFORD SAMUEL PARK FRAME 'sTupp, Paling, l'iastering Lath, Shingling, Rath, worked Flooring and Weatherboarding, Poets and Rails, and every article that belongs to a Lumbar 'Yard. All kinds of Shinglee,to wit l._Whitoplue, hemlock and Oak, of difforeo; qualities. Ilaviog cars of my own I con furnish bills to order - of any It:math and' size at the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. My worked boards will bolkept under - cover so they - can - be furnish Odd at all times. I; have Conotautly on hand all kinds of Family Coal under cover, whiiih I Will deliver clean to any, -part of the borough. To wit:, ' • _ Lykens Valley; Broken, 4.‘ , Stove and Nut, Luke Fiddlers Ttevorton, Locust Mountain, al & p a iiww Lohbory, which I pledge 'my -411" self to sell JO, the lowest prim pest quality of Linieburnetr and Btacksmith'a Cool always on . hand which I will sell at the lowest figure Yard west side of Oramuwir School, Main street ANDREW 11. IMAM WRIT NG Piper of all descriptions,. Envelopon;Thiting6ards, at navorstlota Mug 41141 Hook Btor . rfOAL 'Oil LamliEi, Shades. nod xjzieyt at liovaratlolea Drug and 800 dtora. ' PENNSYLVANIA AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY I I HE Pennsylvania State Agricultural Society Avill bold Its Exhibition on September 20, 27, 28, /And zD, 1865, at WILLIAMSPORT, LYCOMINO COUNTY. bll Any intbrmatioddeslred by pm sons desiring to ex. epplientillne for premium lists or posters, or by members of thAl Society, will be given by the under signed, or A: BOYD ILA MILTON, President, Harris. burg. July 14, 18115-31 U. S. 7-30 LOAN. THIRD •SERIES, $230,000 5 000 By authority of the Secretary of the Treasury, the undersigned, the General Subscription Arent for the sale of United States Seeitritles, oilers to the public the third nodes of Treasury Notes, bearing seven and threo•tenthe per runt. interest par annum. known no the 7 - 3 0 LOAN Thto.o notes aro hooted uudor date of July 16, 1865, and are payable three yearn from that dal" In currency or are convertible at the option of the holder into U. S. 5-20 Six per cent GOLD-13EARING BONDS These buds are now worth a ittndsome premium, and are exempt, as me all the Government Bonds, from State, County, and Municipal taxation, whloh adds from One to three per rent, per annum to their value, according to the rate levied upon other prop erty. 'the interest to payable semi-annually by con pone attached to each note, which may be cut offand sold to any bank or t maker. One cent per ttayi on a SLO note Tlvo cents " " '"'. $ lOO " Ten 2) " " " " $ThOOO „ Notre of a I the denominations namea will he prompt ly furnished upon teeeipt pf subscriptions. 1 lie Notes of this Third Series are prt cisdly simile n form a d privileges to the ft even. Thirties already - old, exetYpt that the Government ntserves to itself the ption of paying Interest in gold coin at II per cent., in- .toad of i 3-loths lu curiency. Subscribers will d uct the interest in currency up to July Itth, nt th Imo when-they subscribe. The delivery of the notes of this third series of the Seven thirties will commence on the let of June, and will he made promptly and continuously after that date. Ihe slight change made In the conditions of this multi) SERIES affects only the matter of intetest.— 'he payment In gold, If made, will he equivalent to he cu, reney Interest of the higher rate. The rei urn to specie pa) meats, In the event of villa] only will the option to pay Interest In hold be veiled of would so reduce and equalize pikes lbw purchases made with six Jn- cent. in gold would be fully e 'nal to those made ulth seven and three tenth per cent. In currency. This is TUE ONLY LOAN IN MARKET Now offered by the (lovernment. and Its superior ad =I Great Popular Loan of' the People. Less than $ . 23).000,000 of the Loon Authorized by Congress are DON , 01: the market. 'llllB amount, at the rate at which it in being absorbed, will all be sub scribed for within sixty days, when tho notes will un• doubtodly command a premium, as has uniformly been cuso on closing subscription, to other Loin ordai that cillzuns of evvry town and sectio country may be off.‘rded facilition for taking loan, the National Banks, State Banks, and Private Bankers throughout the country Intro generally agreed to receive subscriptions at par. Subscribers will select their own mteniii, In whom they hare confidence, and 0 only are to be lenponsible for the delivery of the notes for wl (eh they reecho orders For sale at the First Nat. Bank and Carlisle Deposit Bank. Carlisle, and First Nat. Bank, Nowville. JAY COOK E, Subscription Agent, l'htlarielphi. June I i , 18G5-2nio ID) ! sELDON co. MANUFACTURING JEWELLERS 27 CULT HTLANDT ST NEW YORK. 100,000 WATCHES, r 11 A 1 N S, GOLD PENS, PENCILS, &c. &c. &c. &c. \V 0 Ii T H $500,000 ! TO BE SOLD AT ONE DOLLAR EA( WITHOUT REGARD TO VALUE. AND .NOT TO BE PAID UNTIL YOU ENO WIIWT YoU WILL RECEIVE Splendid List of Articles. 1.11 to be sold for ONE DOLLAR Eac 300 Gent's Gold Hunting Case Watches, $5O to $l6O 1,00 Lad let Gold and Enameled Case 0, :itches, 35 " 70 400 Gent's limiting Case Silver watches 35 " 70 20 ' Dillllll/ad Rings, 60 " 100 3,0,0 Gold Vest and Nork Chains, 16 " 30 3 Wm ' 4 ', 6 .I.OUo Auld Oval Band Bracelets, 4 " 14 4000. Chased Gold 010101010, s'' 10 2 000 Cliwal..l,ll, t balus and Guard Chains, 0 " 20 0 mi.' bolltaire and o old iiroozlivo. 4 " 10 1 001 l I.w.it and Florentine Brooches, 4 " 6 2,1 U Coral, Opal end Emerald Brooches, 4 " 8 2,000 Mosaic, Jet, Lava and Florentine Ear Drops, 4 " 8 4 DLO (;Oral, Opal, and Emerald Ear Drops, 4 " b 4.1100 CalltOrola Lhamond Breast Plus, 26U " 10 3 tem Gold Fob and Veat Watch iteve, 2 6t) " 8,. 4 uud Nob and b cot Ribbon Slides, 3.' 10 4.000 Sets Sleeve Buttons Studs, etc. 3 " 8 3 MU Gold Thimbles, Pencils, etc. 4 " 7 6,000 Mlnlat Diu L 'ckets, 6 ~ 8 4.000 Miniature Lockets—Magic Spring, 3 " 20 4.000 Gold Toothpicks, Crosses, etc. 2 .' 8 5 000 Plain 041 d a lugs, 4 0 11 0.000 Chased Gold Rings, 4 " II 70100 :Hone Set and Signet Illogit . , 2 50 •‘ Is 5 600 Call (score Diamond Binge, 2 " 10 7.1100 der. Ladles' deoulry—Jut and Gold 5 " 15 6.000 bets Lados' .I..welry —Cameo. Nall, etc 4.' 16 6,0 0 Gold Pens Silver EXtuUMOD Holders and Pun, ils 4 " 10 6.000 Gold Pons andllold-Mounted Holders 3 " 8 5 000 Silvio Goblets and Drinking Cups 0 " 10 1,000 Sliver Oasiors,. 15 " 60 2,000 Sliver Fruit and Cake Baskets, 10 " 50. PER DOZEN 1,000 Dozen Sliver Tea Spoons, $lO to $2O 1,000 " " Table Spoons and forks 20 " lob MANNER 01? DISTRIBUTION OERTII?ICATES naming each article and its are placed in SEALED ENVELOPES, which are well mixed. Our , 01 these Envelopes, contathing the certh dente or Order for some article, (worth at leant one dollar at retail,) will be gent by mail to any address, without regard to choice on receipt of 25 Conta. The purchaser will see wino Article it draws, and Its vat .ne, which may be from One to Vivo Hundred Dollars, nod call then send Ono Dollar a r nd receive the Article named, or any other on the list of the same value and after seeing tile article, If it does net give perfe,t Sat isfaction, we desire It to be immediately returned and the amount paid Will be refunded. . . by this mode we give selections from a vatted stock of fine goods, of the best melte and latest styles and of it:trierie worth, at a nominal price, while all have a eintnee of securing articles of the very high. st value. In all cases we charge lbr forwarding the Certificate, postage and doing the business, the stint of Twenty five Cents, which must be enclosed in the order. Five Certificates will be sent liv $1; eleven for $2; thirty for SU: sixty-flea for SIU; one hundred for $l6 : Parties dealing with us may depend on having prompt returns, and the article drawn will be dialely rent to any address by return mall or express. Hutire satistitetlon Guaranteed in all cases. Agents wanted, send for eireuldr. Write your Name, Town, County and State plainly, and address. BJ.LDEN & CO. Courtlandt Strout, Amu 10, 1805-61110 eOA-1,--AN-D-12U-141 BE II Y A ltD.==-• The subscriber having leased the yard formerly occupied by Armstrong and Hoffer, and purchased the stock of COAL AND LUMBER, fn the yard, together with an Immense new stock will have constantly on hand and furnish to O der all kinds and ausllty of seasoned 1,11111111,3 t, BOAItDS, SOANTLINO, Juno 9, 1865.1,1 A. BROWER LONGAKER. crotary. $5 00 " $lOOO 31 —A Sketch of l'ark.on lirowninw (by Theodore Tilton), and his Speeches on the Sufferirws of U' inn men vt the South era e Irreligious Character of the Itebellion, fully and cuereclly reported, with the op obtuse and OilFerVAr in, of the hudience inserted. lifediko view of the enthusiastic reception which the “Ilaririn" received for his unconquerable devotion to 'ho Union. In these peeches Mr. Brownlow narrates In his most e , centric and urn phic style, many and various In cideots of the Rebellion. which came to his personal keno I ed2.e. As a rtword of the times., These speeches are worthy to be read and preserved by every patriot and historian. :12.--": 4 lgns of Promise." A Discourse by Rev. J. B. Thompson. 33.—Her, Henry Wnrd Beecher's Fort Sumpter Ora tion. April 14th. 1305. 34 and 35.—1i0n. !bombe Bancroft's Oration in New York. April 25 at the Obsequies of Abraham Lincoln; the Funeral Ode. by William Cullen Bryant; The Emancipation Proclamation, Inn. 1, 1503; Mr. Lin. coins Last Inanamral Address; A correct Portrait of the Tale President. (25 rts.) Alemeriam. by Her. 11. P. Thompson. SCHERMERIIOBN, BANCIWFT & CO. P Ushers. 135 Orand Street, New York. Ogilby's Cheap Cash Store. Taro now selling off my entire stock of Summer Goods at greatly reduced priers. Some new style Dross Goods, Lawns, Tamartlnes, tarred Lustres, DeLaines, Arc., very handsome, and at ow prices. Calicoes, Muslins, Ginghams, Ac., Cheap. •r than can be bought in Carlisle. A large assortment !Moves and Hosiery at reduced prices. QALESMEN WANTED to do busi ness throughout Pennsylvania, New Jersey and neighboring States. Previous experience as salesmen not necessary. No purl tally disabled or discharged soldier or active in tell gent person need be without permanent and profitable employment. Apply personally and at once SC. 9. W A LTON, North East Corner Market St., and Market Square arrisburg. June 0, 180—thun* NEW STORE In Eby's Old Stand, Blain St, L. 13I:RNIIAR1l SL SON, I NFORM the citizens of Carlisle and vicinity that they have just opened in tho above popular stand, an immense stock of First Class Clothing, and Gent lemon'n Furtilhhlng Goods. Their sleek con Mete la part or Coats, Pants and Vests, for civilian or soldier, oracle after the latest patterns, 6 lloods the quality or which cannot be questkned. Overcoats of all varieties. Trunks. Carpet hags and Valls , ,s, Nees Ties, ScarSu and Cella e, Shirts, Drmwen , and Stork I ego Panty Goods of all descriptions. I. 'het a complete and entire assortment of Clothing and Vurtibthing floods. Don't forget the place.'Eby's Old Stand • "Marion Hail," Alain Street, Carlisle, Pa. L. 111MNI1ARD et SON. December 23, Dint f , , , ARLISLE & PHILADELPHIA. ;• *t, 7 ...ar t. 1 DAILY FR CIO HT LINE. FREED, WARD Si FREED, 811 MARK ET STREET PH ILA DELP 111 A J. & D. RHOADS, MAIN BTIIEET, CARLISLE, PA. A/Fir-Cars of this Lino leave lb° Depot 811 Market St. • Debby, a' 4 o'clock, P. M. Leave Carlisle, Daily, at 7 o'clock, A. M. Goods hammed fer this Line should be marked C. & P. Daily i'roiuht Line, and sent in by 4 o'clock. July 1, 181i4. li_REAT Trunk Line from the North and North West for Philadelphia. Nov York Reading, Pottsville. !lbano)), Allen toil rt. Easton Ac. rains leave flarrisbuig tier New York an follows: At 3,arid 8.16 A M and 145 P. 61.,riving at Nov Yorla nt 10 A.:11 and 2.46 and 10 P. 5. The above coons t with similar trains on Pan syl vania Rail Road, and Sleepingparsticcompany the.firal two trains without change. Leave for Reading, Pottsvillo, Tamaqua, Miutirsvillo, Al lentioivn and Philadelphia at 8.15 A 61. and 1.45 P. AI., stopping at Lebanon and principal stations only. Way Trains, etopptng at all points. at 7.25 a in. and 4.40 p. m. Returning: Leave Now York at oa. 12 noon, and 7 p m. Philadelphia at Ba. tn. and 330 p. m.: Pottsville at 8.50 a. m and 2.35 p. m.; Tamaqua at 8.10 a. m. and 2.15 p. in.. and Reading at 12 midnight, 7,h5 and 10.95 a. tn., 1.38 and 0,05 p. m. An Accommodation l'apsongop train leaves Reading at 6.30 A. M.. and returns from Philadelphia at 4,30 51. Columbia Railroad trains leave Reading at 0.40 and 11 a. in. for Ephrata, Lititz, Cylumbla, &o. On Sundays Lenv - eNew York at 7 p. no., Philadel phia nt. 3.15 P. M., Pettey'lle at 7.80 A. 81., Tamaqua at 7 a. m., Harrisburg 8. 10 a. no. and heading at 12 mid night for Harrisburg. • Commutation, Mileage. Ronson, School and lbccurelon Tickets at reduced rattle to and from all peinte. • • Baggage checked through. 80 Poanda Baggage al, lowed each Mummer. ' - G. OLLS, General Superintendent. N0y.25, 1804 VALUABLE Presents For all at Haver. etlek'e Drug. Book and Fancy Store. Pictures that should be in every Album! IDIMSIDENT LINCOLN, and his, son j wink 4 Photogranh , fronf life. Price 20 cents. Catafalque at the Mato house in -Ilarrisburg, repre senting the body of the President lying In state. Price 25 cents. ,Tho same Ins largo size Photograph 18x14. -Price 1,60. Ihe same for the Stereoscope 60 cents, Soot to any direction on receipt ofi price, and a thitie cent stamp. The trade supplied at wholesale rates. Address, .1 _-110SiiiNDAL11; Optiodan, 11lay-48t. _ IlarrisbuKi, Pa.. ' CUAIRERLAND VALLEY HOTEL. N. R. Cor. :71.4"ain and Bedford Sta. CARLISLE, PA. JNO. G.' HEISER, Proprietor. I),ESTAtIRA.NT in ..the • basement,' "A m nia, in furnisb.ll with thd very Intro/ DOM. cud edible,, oral! varletior. Junirid,odd-1y„. • Pulpit and Rostrum Pamphlet-Serial,. c OS IONTAINS Reports of the best Ser mons, Lectures, Orations, eto . Twelve Numbers $ 0; dingle Numbers 15 cents; Double Numbers 25 rents. • The Oilect of this Serial is to preeerve in convenient form the beet thoughte of our most gitted men, just as they come from their lips; thus retaining their dreeh ness and personality. The proofs are always corrected by the authors. Great favor has already been shown the work. The eueeessive numbers will he issued as often as. Diseoursee worthy a place in the Serial ran bo found. Thirty-six numbers have already been pub. lishod. A complete list will be snot when applied for with stamp. List of Numbers Already Publishe I.—Christian Recreation and Unchristian Amuse meat, by Rev. T. L. Ouyier. 2.-=.Mon tat Culture for Women, by Rev. 11. W. Beech er and Hon. James T. Brady. 3.—Grandeurs of Astronomy, by Prof. 0. M. Mitchell. 4.—progress and Demands of Christianity, by Ilvv. Wm. 11. Milburn. s.—Josus and tho Resurrection, by Rev. A. King. man Nott. a —Trlbuto to Humboldt, by Hon. George Bancroft, or. Dr. Thompron, Profa. Agassit, Llobor, nacho, and 7.—Coming to Christ, by Rev. Henry NI. Scudder, D. D., M. D. B.—Daniel Webster. Oration by lion. Edward Even ott, at th inauguration of the statue of Webster, nt Boston. 9.—A Cheerful Temper, a Thanksgiving Discourse, by Rev. Wm. Kthims, D. U. 10.—Death of Washington Irving, by lion. Edward Everett and Rey. John A. Todd. 11.—George Washington, Oration by Hen. Thomas A. S. Babcock, at the inauguration of the statue of Wash ington, February 22d. 1860. 12. Travel, its Pleasures, Advantages, and Require ments, by J. IL Sltidons. I3.—ltalian Independoneo, by Rev. Henry Whrd Beecher, Rev. Henry W. Bell, we, D. D.. Rey. Jos. P. Thompsrn, D. D.. and Prof. 0. M. Mitchell. 14.—Suceeo' of our Republic, Oration by Hon. Ed ward Everett, In Boston, July 4th. 1800. its and 16.—(Two in ono, 25 cents) Webster's Speech in the United States Senate. on the Force Bill, and Jackson's Proclamation to South Carolina in 1839. 17 and 18—(Two in one, 25 cents.) Webster's Reply to Huns. D.—Lafayette, Oration by don. Charles Sumner. 20.—The Causes of the American Civil War, by J. Lothrop Motley. 21 and 22.—(Two In one, 25 cents.) "The Questions of the Day." Th.. great oration of Edwat d Everett. 23—Providence In the War. A Thanksgiving Dis course, by the Rey. S. D. Burchard. D. D. 24 —The Smut ern Rebellion, and the Constittrion. :II Powers of the Republic km its Suppression. ily the lion. Henry Winter Davis. 25 —Th. War for the Union. An Addres2 by Won. doll 26 and 27 —(Two hi one, 25 cents) Three Unlike Speeches. The A bolitinnists and their Relations to the War by to m. Loyd Oarrlson The War not Mr Emancipation or Confiscation. by lion. Garrett Davis. of Kentucky. Also African Slavery, the Corner Stone of the Southern Contbderat.y. by lion. Alex. H. Stevens 28 —The War; A Slave Uni nor a Free! By lion. Martin F. Conway. 25 —Oration by Hon. floor. Bancroft, before the citizens of Now York, on the 222 of February. 1802, to which is added Wa.hington's Farewell Address. 3 t —The Sabbath. and its Relations to the itate: livered before one of the largrst religious audiences ever :m44,01101.4 In Now York. J II n 19ti5-2rn PRICES REDUCED ! chalies, Grenadiers, Poplines, Cl,ol7llti AND CASSLICERES, cheap. Nov Is the time for Burgaino July S , lho HIGHLY IMPORTANT READING RAILROAD ;;:i4; WINTER ARRANGEMENT eMIEMS:MIZZ= Iron, Epiligh Re 4i CENTS lb Nails; $5.,56. Horse 5.110E5 1 7,57j25, and ovaryttd4blan tn , piopcnilon at " iihNILY. SAXTON'S, July 7,1865 • NOTICE The subscriber would respectfully ill form the public that he has purehaSed the entire stonk of COAL AND LUMBER, „ belonging to the late firm of ARMSTRONG AND HOF FER, and leased the real estate for a series of years, where he is prepared to dccomm, dale the community with LUMBER of every variety, and on.the most rea sonahel terms, Having purchased hid new stock at the head of this market with great caro, by the aid of au experienced lumberman, he is enabled to compete with the river market in prices. I have relinquished the tanning business; and will devote my entire attention to the LUMBER & COAL trade. I have also secured the services of Mr. - George Zuloff, an experienced hand In the trade, who will constantly be on hand to accommodate all who may favor um wit h a -call— _ -•— - • •• A large quantity of Coal, also p.O 0 , A if . ',„ ktM„ coal of all kinds, under cover; %-" 4 44' kopt constantly on bad. Cns. to mere can be supplied on short notice, at the lowest pbssible rates. by a strict attention to business and a desk° to do right, we hope to secure a liberal share of public patronago. June 0, 18tifi N. still retain the kerne poaltlott' in tie Firm of Delsocy & Blair, which will be carried on no ener getically as ever at their old stand liter the GaillOuve, as our purchas a will be made together at (be bead of the market, we feel confident by so doing to be able to accommodate our customers and the public, on the meet reasonable terms. -. MACHINE SHOP, rrhe subscriber now manufactures and keep,s coti%tantly on hand, on North Street, east of Pheudiuna's WWI, a largo ass' rtment of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS; such as Horse Powers, Threshing Machines with Sep . . . raters attached, Cover Hullers Corn hollers; Strew and Fodder Cutters, all of which are the latest and the beat ivanrol amen ts. Ji• Particular attention paid to Repair ing anti lc ii,ds of Agricultural Impleatente at abort notice and reasonable prices. Thankful for former favors L respectfully solicit, a share of public patronage. Richmond h a s Fallen I AND SO HAVE DRY GOODS. A fact that is proven to every person calling at the Cheap Store or Leldlch & Miller, whet e they are just rem Icing a htrgo supply of Spring od summer Goals, purchased since the great decline n gold The stoc!< embraces In part LADLES DRESS GOODS, such as Mach and Fancy Silks of :ill colors and quali ties. now styles Poplins, Mohairn , Lustros Alparcas all colors, Mocambiques, Lamoriques, 'Volticlas, Do Laines UsHies, Aic. SPRING CIRCULARS, Basques, Sacquer, Shawls, SC , MOURNING GOODS of every kind, consisting of Mnurning .1114 s, Alpaceas, flutulrizin vs. Me ha us. Poplins, single and double width Del.:tines, 'rands° Cloths Crape Vella, Collars. hland rorenhfs, 'Balmoral Skirts, a new style, black and white Gingliams. &c. DOMESTIC GOODS, bleached and unbleached Mullins from 12 1 . 7,1 canto up. A large assortment of Calicoes from 12X cents to 25.- 104 bleached and unb/eactied Sheeting, Pillow Case 'Unsling, 'Pickings Cottonades, Giughauts, Nankeens, Table Limper, and a great many other goods not men• tinned but always on hand. Our notion deparlment is complete, embrscing Cotton Hosiery ot every quality for ladies, gentlemen, misses. boys, and children, Gloves of every description. Silk, Linen, and Gingham flandkerchlefe, French Cornetts, Hoop Skirts all Azes, Balmoral Skirt• all sizes, Balmoral Skirts. Neck 'Pies, Suspenders, Trimming and Mantua Ribbons, Head Netts, Sun Umb.ellas, Parasols. always a full assortment of every description at the very lowest market prices. Clothing made at ;cry short notice by a first class taller CARPETS, CARPETS, a full line cf every description and quality, Matting, Floor Oil Cloth, Looking Masses, Oil and t'aper Wln• dow Minds, Table Oil Cloths, Stair Oil Cloths, and ninny other house furnishing goods for the season. Feeling very thankful to the generous community for their kind and liberal patronage so far extended to the firm, we earnestly and sincerely ask a continuance of the same, as customers know that is a great pleas ure to us to exhibit our stock, besides proving that we always study the interest of our customers, as we are determined not to he undersold by any merchant in the county. CHAS. OW I,ISI LEIDICII & MILLER. Please remember the well known stand south emit wner Market square, directly opposite lrvin's Root id Shoe Store. April 2S, 1805. WIVE BLAIR & SON, Corner of Hanover and South Ste. NEW WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Grocery and Queensware Store. I US T opened with fresh and good P Goods, a choice variety of °wry thing usually kept in a first class Store. Particular attention given in the selection of nice sets of China and Granite Ware, CHOICE TEAS, COFFEES, SUGARS, SYRUPS, SPICES FLAVORING EXTRACTS, , Canned and Pickled Fruits, Worcestershire, Cumber land, and other Sauces, Icgese. Crackers, and every thing else In our line that yliserlminating public may require. Full assort ints el Writing Papers, Coal Oil t amps, Q.ooaswaro, . illow, Cedar, :tone and Ea, then Wares, SALT, FISH, OILS, IRON AND NAILS, roods will be replenished ft equently, kept clean and nice, sold at the lontont possible prices, and delivered at nny part of the town. , • • - - . . ?lease give us a call Cash paid for Country Pro duco. WM. BLAIR & SON. Carlisle, March 3,1866.—1 m r , icts so rla s; . HALBERT & BRO HAVING just returned from the Pastern cities desire to inform their patrrns that too) have laid in a Web anti varied stock of Nuw and Fresh Goods at the merest cash prices. 'their assurtro,nt Is thorough anti complete, contain. log everything nccossaay to constitute a First Ohm Grocery. TEAS, COFFEES, SUGARS, In greatest abundance, and at lowest cash figures.— Syrups, Spices, Conned Fruits, QURENSWARE and Crockery, Salt and Fish, llama, Cheese, Crackers, Brushes, Baskets and Willow Ware. &gars and Tobacco, of the choicest brands. Brooms, Buckets, and a am plate assortment or FAMILY.. Don't forget the old stand, South East corner of Isnover streets. Feb. 24, 1824 The Long Looked For Has Come ! R VAT' . INnark RiEILEILESN NDIAN Pain Killer.—For the quick 'Aiello' of Headache, Toothache. liheurnattim, Nett. raigia, Vain In the Stomach, Back or Side, Paintoes Chelic, Cramp, Frosted Foot or Ears, Burns, Fresheuts Sprains, Bruisea, Diarrhea, Sore Throat, and all shut lar complaints. Toothache relieved In eight minutes. Earache relieved in ton minutes. Burns relieved from smarting In fifteen minutes. Cramp or Mlle cured in ton minutes. Sprains relieved in twenty minutes.— Sore Throat relieved in thirty minutes. - • I have spel'it. years In selecting the herbs from the vegetable kingdom, to find out the kinds best adapted to suit diseases of the human !amity, and now I have it complete. Ivory Bottle Warranted. Try it! - Try These things we prove on the spot, and before your eyes, only bring 3 out cases. Dr. COLLINS has also for sale his Syrup of Roots BARKS AND HERBS, Indian Eye Wash and l'owhattan Salve. This Syrup cures Coughs, Colds, Sore 'Throat, Croup, Droll - chine, Asthma,' and all similar complaints. Also purifies the blood. 'rho Salvo heals Seim or Brealtinas Out in.the Face, draws fire from ; warranted to cure Healed or Sore Breasts. The Eye Wash cures Sore or Inflamed Eyes, Re.• . . , Dr. Collins Valley Horb Pills, For the cure of Sick or NerVous Headache, Female regularities, Dropsy, Liver Coujefidnt, Dyspepairt,'Dis- , eases of the Kidneys, Fever an Ague, he.., •_. Dr. uOLLINE3 can be consulted at his Office, on Din- . eases of, various kinds. These Medicines are prepared and sold by SAMUEL COLLINS, Indian Medicine Man, ' Near the Corner of Third Stand Strawberry Alley Also, ter sale at IIAVERSTICK'S Drug end Store, Carlisle. All orders should .he addressed to Dr. Collins; Harrisburg. l'h . ese Medicines ore purely Vogetable. June 10, 1805. BARGAINS t A • • UST received from 'the great New JYork Auction Salc 30t 0 yards s , 2500 White ~Buslins:, • • ' 600 Spring POG,6 O s, • • • • • • ' 8060 Brown thulium. .• • 800 " 01l Clothe, Looklog Glapses, Bitados„lAs; ••, Great Bargains In floop Salto, !Anon ilandkitrohleft, • spong Shuttles Isoaqutuea, Brnsalooda,..Dreas 0t104,11. Ac • will avll 'the above Goode and laaay,pttiarig at a ~ small adVanco on cost until_thoi Sit of Ai til.„' , Allesita ,-• • call, one door below.Martinta Ilotal,' , ldain tit: • • ' Alarthlo,lB6s, frAWY,IOI; ' •Y`•,, o M=ERM ANDREW 11. BLAIR ANDREW ILDLAIR A. J. RUTZ, Agent Men and Bay's Wear kept eot.tant , y on hand NEW AND FRESH HALBERT & DEO DR. COLLINS' lIN