TERNS OF ADVERTISING One Square ono insertion, . For each subsequent insertion, For Me candle Advertisements, Legal Notices Professionalflards without paper, Obituary Notices au Co unsunic, tioni rol ting to matte sof pH , vete interests alone, 10 coots per line. • 108 PItINTLNG.--Our Job Printing (Oleo is the OrgOat and most complete ostabliabwent In tho oun y. Four good Promos, and a general variety, of lnalerlll suited for plain and Panay work of every onables un to do Job Printing at tho ahotteat notion s and on Lion most reasonable tonna. Parsons in Want tit Hifi% Marl i(B. or anything in the Jobbing line, will find it to their lutanist to give us a call. ginuval Oatinalatiou. U. S. GOVERNMENT !•resident—ANDßEW Vico q'rosidout--J.. S. FOSTER., Secretary or State—Wiii.ll.Sawsria, Secretary of Interior—Jas. Secretary of Troasury—HOO u MCCULLOCH, Secretary Ot War—EhVlN M. STANTON, • secrotitry of Navy—Gioeos WELtas, Post Master Goner:ll—Wm. Ditaxisos. • ttoriaJy thineral--3 Shwa S. SPNED. LihiofJustice of tho Un cod States—Ssi.sios P. Cu SSE STATE GOVERNMENT. (4overnor—ANoei w (i. CeimN, Beeratery. of st.te—E. eLIF t, ,Surveyor (le AMES . BARR, uditor.General—lekke Attorney Ocoferal—Wm. M. 311: OEM . Adjutant Gonerol—A t.. nowtem.. Stet° Treasurer—lit:Nor D. Moon e. tThief.lwtie - of the <uprem , , Court--01:o. W. Worm. %i Ann COVNTY OFFICERS. Prosident vile —dibn dnmex IL. 0 rdbaut Jegoolata Alan.) Cockle, Urn II ugh Stuart. District Attorney—J. W. D. ciiiiek„. Prothonotary—Samuel Shirr elTifln. t.ljerk and Recorder-4h 11111, Uorurnan. Register-000 W. North. High zihorift—John Jacobs. County Treasurer—Henry S. Mlle,. Coroner—David Smith County Commissioners—ifenry Karns. Job. )1 !oy, Mitchell NicCielian t Suporintendent.of Poor iloure—henry Snyder Physician to Jail—Dr. W. W. Dale. Physician to Poor house—Dr. W. W. Dale. BOROUG II OFFICERS •Chief,Burgess—Johu Cempbell, Assistant Burgess— Wilßem Cmithron, Towti Council—Fast ,W. D. Ili Helen, An drew 13. Zeigler, Geo, Wetzel, Chas. TI. Iletree, Barnet Hoffman, West Ward—A. K It beete,dolirt Hass, 4 , 113. M. Black, S. D. lllllmmu,. Clerk, .la, 31. 31tootrItatontee. Borough 'Cresson, , Das lit ettsnoot High Constable, Emanuel Soristz, Ward Constable, Fast Ward, Andrew 1 fart in. West Wind, Jeanie SPId• nor. Assessor—Wllllate Noakes. I=EMZM Tax colieetor—Aiplemv Herr. 1 Vat d Ward, Jae I, Ooodyear. • West NI, ard, tl It Williams, Street Connot laFfsner, Patrick Madden. Jusle, of Ihe L. Sponslor, David Smith, /Worm Polialt, Michael litilCocati. Lamp DOI tors— A ley. 'Meek, Levi A 11.01 t. CHURCHES First Presbyterian Ch ut ch. North wost angle 1.1 tro Shuare. Ron. 0.)o way P. Wing Pastor.--tiery ovary Sunday Morning ;it 11 o'clock. A M., and o'clock P. M. Secant Presbyterian c urch, corner of South llan• over and Pomfret streets. key. John C Li lies. Pastor Sol vices cowmen, at 11 o'clock, A. M., and 7 ) . e.tlt o‘ P. M. I.:pisropal)nnrth.,,t t 01,410 uCt7entlt. Nuare. Itov. I; .1 Clore, hector. At 11 o'clool: 1. %1., and 9 ' 1:1111 . K. 1? Al. Ent;loth I-lain:ran Church, Bedford, hataven llain nil Louth., stroat, IG c Sam'lSpro.:nn.r. Sor .l. M.. and 6 !,4" ! Louther, hetwee., Ilan .v,O ain't I'l[4. ,hracts. ltot. S annul Philips, ~ in•s at, I and 6 o'c•ln.l, P oh ...Ind, k:llriroh (first charge) (•orlier ut Maiu old iter.'rhornas 11. Sherirok, Pastor i Att it "'dock A. M„ and 7 o'cluel. I' )1. ot.i3 olist I•:. Church (second Chace ) Itry. F. 1, 1 ervires it Emory )1 I.:. Church kI 1 o'clock 31., and 3 1 , P. 11. Church ot : - :.outh Wert cot . . of West St. and Chap,•l Alley. IS, Beck, Pasta Serare. at 11 a, w., lucid 5 p.m. t, Patrick's Catholic Church, Pomfrut near East st Rev Paster. Services every other Cal, Lath. at In o'clock. Vespers ut P. I. liertlllll 1A11,1101'21,1 Church, comer of Pomfret and ttediord stratus. Rev C. Rr,ltze r Pastor. Sari ices at I o'clock P. 01. !R.when changes I s tho above are neeePsary tb moor per,' •s are requested to notify no. ICKINSON COLLEGE Rev H•'r ]w 11..lohnson,i5. D., Presid Liz and Pr ossor of M rlf gefelieo. Millar/1 Wilson, A. M., Professor of Nat or Solonee ea a Curator o' the Museum. Rev,. WuhanW L. It wiwe.ll, A. M. ProfosNor of 1.11 G rook and (7 011113.11 Lou g nage, S...taulet D. Uttlomo, A. M., Prof° our of Matheumt. John K. Staynt an, A. )1., Professor of the Latin and ire nch Languages. lion. laraes 11. ()roll:Lot, LL. D . Professor of Law. Itev. Henry C. Cheston, 1. It , Principal of the Oratinnar John hood, Assistant In the Grammar School THE MARY INSTITUTE Cinti.ORAUON : Th ai Jells ,Ind Vestry we of St. Joint', l 'ho 3 113 Iter. Cie,. Ii 1,, fleeter awl Treasurer Pi h.,. Liked. 311ss A E. lhad,t.rplt v. 11,It ucLut iu 1,11.1g1111K1, L el, tor, Ln tor in Ilathenuttick, and 1, , val Must, )11"o. !I. !I . Ego, 'foal, her of Nlibs Tca,;.ci ul I i.,rliug and l'aluting, L i e Pnihps, Lectutcr on El,,cution and Psychul BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS E. Cornman, President, James darnitton, U. Saxton li. C. Woodward, Ilonry Sowsham, C. jP. liutnorich Saet.'y , J. W. Eby, Troasoror, John Sphar, Messenger Moot on tha let Nlonday oloach Month at 6 o'clock A M., at Edueation lla I. CORPORATIONS OVRLIBLE 1)E111IT IS k: , K.--I'reAdent, It. M ilunder son, W. M. lectern Cash .1 P. Hashior and C. B. Prable Tellers, W. M. Miller Clerk, Jna. Underwoo . Mon conger. Directors, It ,11 Henderson, President Ii C Woodward, Sanas Nlroodburn, Moses Bricker, Joh. Zug, 55'. W. Dain, John D. (largos, Jonoph J. Logs (1, Jno. Stuart, jr. FIRST Ntnl MAL It kNK.—Vrosiii.irit, Samuel Hepburn 4 Ca , hior, Jos. 0. Hoffer, Teller, Abner C. Brindle, :lies so oger, Jesse Brown Wm. Ear, John Dunlap, ltich'd Woods, John 0. Duni.ip, .0:140 Brenneman, John S. Sterrett, Sarn'l Hepburn, Directors. Cl/3111EItIAND VKLLEY It COMI'ANY.--Prosldetil, Frederick iVatts, Secretor and Treasurer, Edward M. Biddle: Snipo,lntentleitt, 0. N. Lull. Paseenge, trains throe thnrs :t day. Carlisle Acanthi:oo 'Atkin. Etstward., leaves Carlible 05 A, M., arriving at Ca, lisle 5.`2.4 P. M. Throti4ll I,nlno Esstward,lo.lo A, NI. an d 2.45, v. 31, W..a.,ward at SI 27, A. 11 , and 2.55 I'. M. cunung GAO AND {{'.At EP. COMPANY.— President, Lem uel Todd; Treasurer, A. L. Spon , ler ; superiuttiecen, George Wise : Directors, V. Watts, Wm. M. lliaitenit Biddle, floury Saxton. B. O. Woodward, Patton, B tlardoer and D. 9, Uroit. SOCIETIES Cumberland Stu Lodge No, 107, A. V. Al. moots al Marlon Hall on the ~Ad nod JLh Tueralays of every month. St. John's Lodge No, 2CO A. Y. 51. Meeta.3d Thura day of each month, nt Marlon hail. Carlisle faulgo No. Ot 1, Uof 0. Moot Monday evening, at Trout's building Letort Lodge No. (M. I. 0. nt 0 T. Meets every Thursday neenlog Itt itheem's Hall, ad story. FIRE COMPANIES, The Union Piro Company was organized In 1780. House ill bout or Pet woe', Pitt and Hanover. The Cumberland Piro Company was instituted Feb 18. 1800. [Longo (n Ito d fort, !,etw eon Main and Pom fret. The Good Will Fire Company was luiddlutod In March, 1855. [loupe in Pomfret, near Hanover. The Emulra Molt' and LaddurCompany was Instltu tad In 1851). 1111LINP n t near Main. RATES OF POSTAGE Postage on all lettors of one' half ounce weight, or ,under, J cents pro pald. Postage on the 11 is`7lA Lb *lain the County, free. Within the State 13 cents par annum. To any part of the United Status, 20 cents Postage on all Iran Meat papers, 2 cents per ounce. Advertised letters to ho charged with cost of advertising. MRS% R. A. SMITH'S Photographs, Ambrotypes, ivorytypes Beautiful Albums 13eautiful Fratnes 1 Albums kir - Ladies and ( ontiomen, _ AmumfLt.r_mbus,.aue-for Ohildront Pookot Albums for Soldiers and,Civlau.l Choicest Alnnms I Prettiest Albums! Oildepo'st Albunw4l FOR OHRISTAIAS GIFTS I Fresh and Now from Now York ~nd Pkllndolpbin Markets. • I I? you wont satißiliotnry Pioturos and l_polito attention call at Mrs. It. A. Smith's Photo graphic Oallery, South 'East Comoro( Thanover Street and Market Square, opposite the Court Ilouse and Post Wilco, Carlisle, Pe. Mrs: lt. A. Smith WWI kIIOWII as Alma A..lleynolds, and so well known an a Daguerrean Artist, gives per sonal attention• to Ladles and Gentlemen visiting her Oallory, and h.tring the best of-Artlets and , ppolito• at tendants can' safely promise that. in no 6Gier Gallery can those who favor her .with a call get pictures impe -1 for to here, not even lu Now York or Thiladelphia, or uteet, With more kind and proMpt attention. ! Atibrotypes inserted In Rings, Lockets,,Dreast Pins, Ac. Perfect copies of Daguerrotypea and Atobrotypos. made 'of deceased friends. Where copies arp'.dofacod, Ilia-like pictures may , still I, bad; either for !Waco or for cards. Ali negatives preserved one year and orders by well or otborwibopromptly-attooded to. Docomboe 23,1814—tf ' DR. WM. H. COCK, ' • HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIAI4, • Surgeon and Accona.hour ' • QuFFIOE at hie residence lb 'Pitt itrest, - addolning the ilithodist Char& ly 1, arm. • . • 01 OD 60 25 00 4 00 7 CO VOL. 65. RHEEM & WEAKLEY, Editors & Proprietors fs~ m~~~~~z~o POOR FELLOW lie sat by the way, as the careless crowd scattered Oh, pitiful vision to reel A poor crippled soldier all battered and shattered Both legs taken Wet the knee! Awl I : " Noble fellow! How little is left hitt No bless ! mg will come at Ma call: The terrible bullet which cleft him beroft him Of strength, hope, love, beauty—of all ! Yet stny! should he wish it"—my heart throbbing faster— "Pll be Ills (urn true-hearted wife; With no by his side he may master Master Act build up n beautiful life. • Ills sorroo - , nipped oas ly—hle joy shall bloom biter And I shall be proud of his sears ; 'his huro, thus marred by a traitor Is greater Than any in gold•Inco and stars th Sister"—a times voice Efltd at my shoulder “Mistakenly kind, Oh, beware! Lip mam with a load for one older and bolder Already hoe all be ran hear!" c• IRE TWO PRESIDENTS." ORATION OE MR. JOHN W, FORNEY, Before the Literary Societies of Dick inson College, Carlisle, Pa., June `2B, 1865. CORRESPONDENCE CA It LIST:V., 28th June, 18G5 ii e : In behalf of the Literary Societies of bi c kinson College, we have the honor to ex press the high approbation elicited by your oration deli\ erid before them this morning, and reSrect.fttily reilill`St a copy or the SAllle cl , r publication. Very re. ,, pectfully, or übedient i , ervants, .1011 N 11.1 XS, ,tif/.llll', (S .»e n iifjee T o n on . j u n N W. riMN EY. C Alt LisL E, .1 in 1865 )1 - r. Forney places the note, iii burrie tiddresi, l ronounecd thi,ntnru ink he incite lion of the literary si.cietie , Cidlege, nt t 1 disposition of Ow e4,ll)mitte( ORATION WENTLEMEN Tlll5 LITERARY DIcK IssoN CAUL LEW. Plutarch, the Greek, wrote history by par- OH and compnratiN 0 biographies of the phi losophers, statesmen, conquerors, and emper ors of his own country and of flout' ,. . These delightful memoirs, equally adinNVin his own and in succeeding. ages, read in every language, and translated into our, by some of the noblest English scholars - one edition h ie i ng e dit e d by John Dryden hill's:dr—ow e d their popularity not simply to the style in which they wore written, nor to the great characters they described, ner to the won derful evert , they' 1 . 1111M11111,1 in eternal re membrance, but because the author extracted from the materials so industrimis'y collected and digested, as moral and a lesson t'or the guidance and emulation of the youth his own and of succeeding generations. Not content with his portraits of the men, and incidental sketches of the Welllen of two great republics, he delineated with marvellous grace the manners and customs of the people themselves; and, although several of his hookB have been lost, I ho , c which remain to us are cherished among the classics of an cient literature. subject I have selected is entitled to a solemn and a peculiar consideration. It is a comparison between lhe character of the il lustrious victim of one of the most terrible tragedies in Ininnin recollection, and the character of his immediate . constitutional succesur:—Both of them representative men —the one the most conspicuous personage in the n,or years which Saw a rebellion of un exampled dimensions culminate and frill, and the other destined, in the providence of God, to complete the stupendous mission left in his keeping by a calamity as dreadful in its incidents as it must be interesting and con trolling in its conscquencus, While what I may have to say must no cessarily be compressed within the decent limits usually set apart for such a discourse, the main subject would tax the energies and the intellects of a college of Plutarchs. They would not only be called upon to compare and to contrast the two great citizens ; to understand the political and personal ante cedents of the fathers of the American Gov eminent and Constitution ; to trace with exact and conscientious rectitude the mar vellous adaptability of the various provisions and clauses of that great instrument,' in times of profound pence and extended war ; but also to take up the , new issues evolved in the growing greatness of the people and the increasing dimenSiona of their territory. Such a student called upon to examine these events, and to study these characters, would realize that before the Amer' ean people had advanced far beyond one-half of the first century of their existence as an organized government, they had passed through u`Ser les of civil revolutions, and emerged from a state of semi-barbarism into almost imperial civilization ; and that just when the whole world looked upon their experiment with amazement, vudden and bloody rebellion, which, for nearly three years threatened to destroy what had been so splemlidly and_ sa rapidly erected, broke upon the land, and' called forth en amount of military genius, affluence, energy, and originality ) never equalled in any age; and not less marvellous than the magical development of the Repub lic itself. The fall of the Rebellion, con summated after the grandest battles of mod ern times, was terminated by it deed of such unutterable horror, and productive of such Inconceivable results, that it will require years for the statesman fully to understand and for the historian faithfully .to describe them. It is interesting to note hoW Providence pi•epared us fdr the events which rescued the casket of liberty from the strong grasp of slavery, just as slavery was the strongest,— You have read a thousand times how the South broke; first the Whig, then the Demo °ratio party, and compelled the formationof a Northern organization, ,as if to fabricate an excuse, for rebellion against the section alism created by itself alone, Row easy to ' -:------ - , ,:::-, iv tii.,„,. ,i, ._ 4 ( .4,Jlkt. 4 !,,.:.: - ) v s 1 trace the hand of' Providence in these fren zied follies 1 A few weeks after Mr. Lin coln's election, the last session of the Thirty sixth Congress assembled at Washington. The conspirators came, hot with hate and fierce with a fixed resolution. They plotted daily and nightly. Wrought up to the pitch of a desperate resolve, and not for a moment awed by the fact that they were about to force a war without pretence of right or reason, and that they must start with the whole burden of provocation on their souls, they opened the conflict with violent insults of the friends of Mr. Lincoln. Take up the Congressional Globe, and you will find that not a moment was lost before the conspira tors showed their premeditated purpov.— Congress met on Monday, the 3d of Decem ber, 1860. On the next day, in both House and Senate, the work began. Notoriously preconcerted, there was no effort to hide the object, or to heal the breach. They were so eager to precipitate the actual conflict, and to terrify the majority into submission to the minority, that they no longer made a show of loyalty. Clingman begun the de -bate. He had been the most moderate of his school ; and yet he transcended truth and history in every word he uttered. He echoed the most ultra opinions, and deman ded the most decided resistance. In the House, on the same day, Hawkins, of Flor ida, declared that " the day of compromise has passed." Miles, of South Carolina, as serted that his State ' , was already withdrawn from the confederacy." Wednesday, the next day, Lane, of Oregon, followed in the same strain of abuse and ridicule of the friends of Lincoln. Then came Iverson, of Georgia, Brown, of Mississippi—Jefferson Davis, whose very first words included the threat that '' before a declaration of war is Made against the State of which I tun a citi zen, I expect to be out of the chamber ;" Wigfall, foul and malignant—and so on in regular succession, including nearly all the conspirators to the 'irtith (W December,. In this long and acrimonious discussion, with the exception of sowe short speeches by Sen ators Hale, Wade and Sumner, nothing had yet been boldly said in favor of the Union Icy a single Senator. Mr. Seward, the great leader of his party, sat silent in his seat.— Already chosen Secretary of State by the l're,i , lent elect—a fact know'. to but one or Iwe saw through the schemes of the traitors, end implored his friends to let DEM the tempest rave. The object of Davis was " to lire the Southern heart ;^ to arouse the people of the slave States to war ; to give him and his associates, when they left their seats, an army to lead against the Govern- meat of their fathers. If the friends of Mr. Lincoln could be goaded into bitter retorts, tie -first work of the traitors would have ..bti-n more than half done. It was not for Mr Lincoln's friends, however, to engage in this pleasing pastime. And as the fiends of treason—how well they proved their claim to this title in after years I—scoffed, and domineered, and shrieked in very agony of rage, they got no ribaldry and anger in re turn. At last, however, the champion ap peared. Not the unknown knight who en tered the lists to do battle for Rebecca, the Jewess, as described in the dazzling pages Or Ivanhoe—not the faithful Damon, after be- g eagerly waited for by the true frien whose life had been placed in pledge for his return—was more rapturously welcomed,— He had made no noisy demonstrations be tween the cont nding parties. The champion was horn in the South, and held a Southern Senator's seat. fie had no tics binding him to a Northern party or a Northern men.— And yet Andrew Johnson offered himself as the irresistible foe of the scheming Southern eatalines. Seated in Mr. Seward's parlor, some evenings ago, und listening to the wise awl patriotic sentiments of that wonderful man—in my judgment now unapproached by any statesman on earth, and recalling all at we know of the most eminent publicists of other nations—l reminded him of the ap pearance and - tho7pecch of Andrew Johnson on the 18th and tho 19th of December, 1880. ' said Mr. Seward, "he came in happy season. It required a Southern man to say ECM what he said. It needed a Southern Demo crat to expose the efforts of the ball men who were leading our country to ruin. A Re pt: lican, and a friend of Abraham Lincoln, would have only added fuel to the flame, had he given expression to such thoughts; and an Old-line Whig, even born and roared in the South, like John J. Crittenden, created the slightest favorable impression. When Andrew ohnson spoke, however, the trai tors themselves felt that a voice had gone forth which would roach thoinnermost hearts of the people they were hurrying into rebel lion, and would there keep alive a religious devotion to the Union, and that a power more potent than armies had been given to the duly-elected Chief Magistrate and the Administration soon to enter upon the re sponsibilities and dangers of the Govern- ent. "lie who bell yes," said Mr. Seward, that there is a special Providence oven in o fall of a sparrow, cannot doubt that the and of God was visible in this opportune championship." When it became necessary to nominate a candidate for the, Vice Presidency in notwithstanding the general belief that Mr. Hamlin had proved himself to be wide and faithful, the fidelity and constancy of hun dreds and thousands who had opposed Mr. Lincoln in 1860, in supporting his adminis tratibn of the Government in the prosecution of the war, impressed' manylwith the idea that the common cause would be greatly strengthened by giving the Vico Presidency to a representative Democrat; and when the Haltimoi;e Convention 'assembled in Juno of that year, Andrew Johnson was nominated as the candidatis; and it,stands to the credit of Mr. Hamlin that no one endorsed the nomination more heartily than himself.— Here again we must trace the presence of a superintending Providence; for While the destinies and the interests of, the people would have been safe in the hands of any, loyal citizen, does it not seem to'have been ordained that a Southern man like Andrew Johnson should take•up the lines when they had fallen from the hands of , another South ern man like Abraham LincOln, and'ilytt the wont having been hegun by the Whig, ix should be completed I)Sr the old-line Democrati No living man is ,better adapt ed to meet and Master the questions of thO hour: than - Andre Johnson.. 4aving suf. CARLISLE., PA., FRIDAY, JULY, 14, 1865. fered more than human tongue can tell, or human pen describe, at the hands of the rebel leaders, ho is probably bettor qualified to determine the extent of their punishment, and to forgive those they forced into the re boDion. Now, not only can Andrew Johnson deal with the crime of treason with a boldbr hand than if he had been born and reared amidst the party prejudices oftlie North, but he can bring to the solution of the questions arising out of the military and constitutional aboli tion of slavery, a practical knowledge ac quired in the experience of a life-time in the midst ore'lavery. Understanding far better the relations between master Mid slave than if he hfid been reared in the free States, and, by consequence, better qualified to organize a system of compensated labor, I am dispos ed to entrust to him all the resulting prob lems. The man who did not fear in the face of a tempest of calumny and prejudice, which bore down thousands and tens of thOugands of the bravest spirits in the South, to grapple with treason; to hazard his own life and property and all his personal and political hopes, and to act with those with whom he had never co-operated, will not fear to grap ple with the difficulties of the new situation. I know that apprehensions are entertained in some quarters that he may be too tolerant, or that he may not be willing. to, go to the uttermost extreme on the subject of universal suffrage. To those who entertain such fears, I would say, ho cannot be disqualified for the imposition of a severe sentence who has him self suffered the severest ; nor is he apt to startle at the bestowal of the right of suffrage upon his fellow-man, whose whole life has been a battle for the largest individual and political freedom. Andrew .Johnson is a practical, not a theoretical statesman. In his frequent allusions to the power of the people he must be understood as indicating not simply his confidence in them, but his knowledge that a nation whiek . iS periodically disturbed, or rather exercised and purged by popular elections, must be governed with strict deference and reference to the judg ment and the interest of the masses. A des pot, whose actions were not subjected to re vision, would strike off the head of every one of his enemies, and take froidor give to mul ti tudes of men the most precious of franchises; but here, where the intelligence of the mas ses is as pervading as it is vigilant and jea lous, that rule is the mo-t lasting which is the nest judicious. Could there be'any ea- lamity so vast as that the final adjustment of the great questions growing out of the war should be left to men who did not believe in the necessity for crushing out the rebellion? Hence the superior obligation of so disposing of these intricate subjects as that they will defy intelligent scrutiny, satisfy the require ments of the immediate present, and prepare the way for the highest contingencies Of the teeming future. The individual man may insist upon his peCuliar opinions. They aro his own, and he may proclaim them freely. How different with the same individual when selected as the custodian of the rights and interests of others! It may shock the sensibilities of those who contend that a po litical platform should guide a great ruler, and that the rapid utterances from party hustings should bind a public servant when the disposition of the highest interests is ,p:aced in his hands. But the chief of a peo ple spread over a domain of different cli mates, divided into different populations, swayed by different opinions—political, so cial, and religious—such a chief, however wedded to certain fixed opinions, ceases to be his own master when ho becomes the guardian and the trustee of the rights, inter.- ests, and welfare of millions of human beings. It has been said, and truly, that power is conservatism—not that conservatism which trembles before wholesome innovation, and rejects reform because it may unsettle old abuses; but that which does nothing in haste, which deliberates before it strikes, and which, once decided, is fixed and unalterable. I know of no living statesman whose life is a butter illustration of this quality of conser- Vatisna than Andrew Johnson. With hist strong, impulsive, and daring nature, had he lived in Pennsylvania or Now York, ho would have led the extremest radicals; but born in the South, warring from boyhood against intolerance and bigotry, and con tending with poverty and with ignorance, and the bitter hates and envies of caste and class, he was constrained to pause and take his reckoning before he acted. had lie al- owed his own reaentments or his own desires o control him, he would have been in a per- petual and pitiable minority. He compro mised where ho could not control; and so, by degrees, but marvellously rapid and sure, because previously well deliberated, he rose, step by step, to the proud height he now oc cupies. It is in this school that the present Chief Magistrate has been educated. Now we might have had what is called a better anti-slavery man—taken, if you please, from Bangor, Maine, or Boston, Massachusetts— one who would have carried a strong, inex orable purpose to Washington, and enforced it without looking to the right hand or the loft in the Southern States, and in doing so might have pleased his constituency and ex hibited to posterity the'character of a states man whO discharged his duty as he under stood it, without reference to consequences ; but I fear such a leader soon would have been the loader of a forlorn Napo; and before the termination of a year the fortresses of civil liberty would have been roconquered, and --the--enemies- of- constitutional'fieedom practically restored to the positions from which' they have been driven, as well on the .battle field as at the ballot-box. Note the extraordinary similarity in he character and the * career of the two men, Abraham Lincoln and Androw.lohn- son. They, were nearly the same ago Johnson was born on the 29th of Decem bber! 1808 ; Lincoln on the 12th of. Fe- ruarY, 1809. Southern men both, they .were the children of hard working and needy parents. Lincoln's biographer says : " What Robert Barns has proverbially been to the people of his native land; and to all lands, as a bard, Abraham Lincoln has become to us as a statesman and f a , patriot,, IV his intimate relatioils .witkthe t humbler and higher milks of life The experiences of the toiling millions, er of gladness or of sorrow, have ,been,. his eiperienees." Johnson's biographer says : Andrew , Johnson's position in the community was of that character which naturally - pude him ichnical to what ever would give power and wealth to the few, at the expense of the many ; and thanks to the tuition of his wife, and to his own natural powers, he soon became known as one of the most able exponents of the views of' the work ing men in Greenville. He talked with them, and to them, and by their influ ence, and power suceeded in crushing a powerful aristocratic sentiment, which had until that time ruled in th. 2 town, and bad prohibited honest citizens, who labored for their daily bread, from occu pying even the most trivial political offices." It was natural that two men whose be ginning was so similar should agree in their hatred to every form of tyranny over the mind of man. It is, true they belonged to adverse political parties, but their opinions were singularly alike en vital questions. Andrew Johnson when he removed from North Carolina to Ten. nessee, became the great exponent and champion of the liberties of the poor whites—a race nearly as much impover ished as the slaves themselves, and in many instances equally ignorant and des pised. Abraham Lincoln, after he had removed from Kentucky to Indiana, and then to Illinois, soon became the leading opponent of the enslavement of the blacks. And it is noticeable that while Johnson was fighting the great battle of his own class in the Southwest, Lincoln was unconsciouly helping him in the Northwest. Now, in all the bitter con tests in the slaves Statesagainst what have been called the Abolitionists, Andrew Johnson neversoughtor wasassigned a pro scriptive prominence. But when his State Constitution was to be removed ; when the basis of suffrage Was to be broadened and deepened ; when the people were to be educated or the press to he made more free—he was sought out as the leader and the organ of the masses. Johnson and Lincoln sat together in the same Con gress from 1847 to 1849, and though they did not agree on the Mexican war and Texas, yet did they cooperate on the homestead bill—a measure never aban doned by Andrew Johnson. Even when it was crovrned With success, be continu ed to - watch. over it. This measure show ed where Johnson stood on the question of emigration. If slavery has hated any one thing more than freedom, it is the annual addition of thousands of hardy men, women, and children trom other lands to the bulk of our population, so essential to the redemption of those mighty expanses which, as they are covered with industry and thrift, protect and push forward the flag of the Republic to the shores of distant seas, and obliterate heretofore savage, inhospitable, and illimi table wastes. But below this question, having, if possible, a closer relation to yet more sacred destinies, was undoubt edly the consideration in the mind equally of Johnson and Lincoln, that if we in vited emigration to our new territories, and offered homesteads to the brave men who have fought for the liberties of the country, the day was not far off when that aristocratic system, copied and in herited from the feudal times, by which :vast bodies of land were held in fee aim ble by a single individual, would be broken, up and that false and illegitimate nobility, which has subsisted upon slavery and upon the land monopoly in the South, be succeeded by a host of farmers, own ing convenient homesteads, which each might till comfort ibl e and profitably for himself and his It would seem as if it was intended that these two men should be brought closely together, in the last few weeks which made the oue a glorious martyr and the other the chief of a great people. When the day of the second inaugura tion of Mr. Lincoln approached, Gover nor Johnson was at Nashville, engaged in his efforts to reorganize Tennessee and bring her back into the Union. Ile tel egraphed me, asking if his presence was absolutely necessary, adding that his heart was in his .work, and that he would rather aid in sending his adopted Com monweAh back to the hearthstone of the old Uhion than to bo Vice President of the United States. On conshlting tv.tli mutual friends, and especially with Mr. Lincoln, it" With decided to insist upon his presence. Row warmly the departed sage regarded "Andy Johnson" a butt- dyed-instances - might be cited- to illus trate. His knowledge of the citizen, th'a Senator, and the military governor nos sufficient to inspire confidence ; and the terrible sufferings of the hunted and out- Jawed ,refugee made Andrew Johnson the object of his keenest sympathy. They were at Metimond almost on the same occasion, and 'reached Washington' a few hours apart from each other—in time to hear the great intelligence that closed tho rebellion. I am not of those who who think that, when , two men, whom God seemed to have made almost coßiea or oeuntorparts,whoee livee were eo tink l e d and whose patriotism so equal and so genial—are suddenly severed by the bolt of death, it is a dispensation to be received if not with something like sat pfaction, at least with a very ready res. ignation. T accept the decree. it would tt\ rt L • be most impious to quarrel with the in scrutable fate that permitted it, encl..' thank Heaven that we have, in Andrew Jol , nson, a patriot so tried and so true, and so ready for the fierce etnergenoice of the future. But the loss of Abraham Lincoln cannot be replaced. It ,was as if some great orb had fallen from eternal space into everlasting chaos, jarring the whole earth, and making the very pillars of the skies to tremble. Our country is not destroyed, but he who saved it died in the effort of saving it, and can no more be replaced than the mother who gives her owl) life for that of her offspring. And how beyond all price is the exam ple of Abraham Lincoln. It has almost revolutionized forties. Not one strong word that Mr. Lincoln said when he en tered office, and maintained when he was most violently assailed, has ever• been mollified and explained, but rather itera ted and strengthened ; yet is it true that long before the assassin stole away his life, he bad almost conquered antagonism, and dumbfounded envious faction itself. I may be answered that, "Success wins sometimes more than virtue ;" and this is true of vulgar minds. But Lincoln's victory was in this : he never let go the helm. Dark, thick, and tempestuous were many of the heavy hours of the past four years; but the star of hope shone ,steadify on the altar of his heart. The darkest month of the year 1861 was the month of April ; the darkest part of the year 1865 was the middle of the month of April. The rebellion broke upon us in the first and ended in the last. The 'earliest martyrs to the cause of liberty gave up their lives in April, four years ago ; and the most illustrious martyr of the century gave up his life in April of 1865. We were unprepared for war in April of 1861 ; we were prepared for Peace in April 1865; and when the faithful recorder shall come to compile the materials for the illustration of the close of this mighty struggle, he will be overawed to note that a month which commenced with such • fair prospects should have so gloomily ended. Early in the month, the first fruits of Grant's masterly strategy were gathered. On the 2d of April he announced the trium phant success of our armies, after three days' hard fighting. On the 3d of April, he sent word to the President that he had taken Petersburg and Richmond, and was in full pursuit of Lee's retreating army. On the 6th of April Sheridan, and Humphreys and Meade and Wright reported the continuous triumph of their conquering columns. On the 9th of April General Grant telegraphed the Sec retary of War that Lee had surrendered the army of Northern Virginia upon the terms proposed by himself. On the 11th of April, full of gratitude to God, forgiveness to his foes, and love for all, Mr. Lincoln spoke from the win dows of the Presidential mansion those words which, precious as his last on earth, sound like the syllables of inspira tion as we read them now. The rejoic ing thousands bad called upon him the evening before, but that he might weigh and condLtise his opinions he asked fur time to deliberate On the 12th we had another day of jubilee, and on the 13th the night was set apart for special illumi nation. Never did the political capital of the nation shine more resplendently in the roles of light. It was as if Peace and Reconciliation had joined buds over the graves of the illustrious dead—as if war and woe had fled to the extremest shades. The next was Friday, the 11th of April—another morning of happiness. But what a night ! As Igo bacicto that dreadful recollection, I go back to the frightful agony that made millions mourn. was in Richmond when it Wail announced that Mr. Lincoln had been murdered.— It seemed to me as if Nature had taken a pause—as if, between the fading night of war and the dawning blushes of peace stood our farewell sacrifice—as if having jiist learned to love, to revere, to depend upon him, to place our cares and hopes iu his keeping, as in a sacred repository —he should bo called away. As Elijah was swept from earth to Heaven, so was our deliverer taken from us. If there is a solace for such a calamity, it is that he died without shame, in the midst of his glory, and at the very threshold of the temple of a rescued and purified Repub lic. Nothing is more wonderful than to see how the President gone, and the Presi dent here, agree on the questions of the day—the very issues, in fact, which Mr. Lincoln may be said to have died in the very act of solving: Long years ago An drew Johnson denied the right-of any. State to secede from the Union. lie in sisted that rebellion could not, destroy a State government. This doctrine, uni. versally accepted• by loyal men from the first day of the war, is now oheapened by some who would hold it in abeyance to secure, an imaginary party advantage. As it is the very kernel of - the nut—the very . .old of the mine—in fact, the.vital spirit of the Government —for whioh our sol• - diers 'fought and • our statesmen deliber. ated—it is worth something to know ex actly where these two repitsentative char lidera stood iaregard to it. Mr. Lincoln, on Tuesday evening, the 11th Of April, 1865, in the last speech •he ever wade; TERMS: I -$2,00 in Advance, or $2,50 within the year thus met the question, in terms substan tially identical with the words of John son in the Senate, in 1860 and 1861, and in the Presidential canvass of 1864: "We all agree that, the seceded States, so called, are out of their proper practi cal relation With the Union ; and that the sole object of the Government, civil and military, iu regard to those States, is to again get them into that proper practical relation. I believe it is not only pc ssible, but in fact easier to do this, without de ciding or even considering whether these 'States have ever been out of the Union, than with it. "Finding themselves safely at home it would be utterly immaterial tvhether they had ever been abroad. Let us ail join in doing the acts necessary to restoring the proper practical relations between these States and the Union ; and each forever after innocently indulge his own opinion whether, in doing the acts, Ile brought the States from without into the Union or only gave them proper assistance, they never having been out of it. The amount of constituency, so to speak, on which the new Louisiana Government rests, would be more satisfactory to all, if it contained fifty, thirty, or even twenty thousand, instead of only about twelve thousand as it really does. ' "It is also unsatisfactory to some, that the elective franchise is not given to the colored man. 1 would myself pr,:liT that it were noir conferred on the eery intelli yenl (71/(1 on those who sem, fm I. reillSi . ar SONirl'S. Still the question is not wheth er the Louisiana government, as it stands, is quite all that is desirable. The ques tion is 'Will it be wiser to take it as it is, and help to improve it; or to reject and disperse it?' Can Louisiana be brought into proper practical relation with the Union sooner by sustaining or by dis carding her new State government?" Referring to his former views the new President who succeeded Mr. Lincoln, said, in his speech to the Indiana dele gation, on the 22d of April, 1865 : " Upon this idea of destroying States, my position has been heretofore well known, and I see no cause to change it now, and I am glad to hear its reitera tion on the present occasion. Some are satisfied with the idea that States are to be lost in territorial and other divisions; are to lose their character as States.— Pot their II:le-breath Aran been only sus pended, and it is n high constitutional obligation we hove trt secure each of these States in the possession and enjoyment rf a re/odd/eon form of Government.- 4 1. State may be in the Government with a peculiar institution, and by the opera tion of the rebellion lose that feature • but it tras It S(taf' lc/u'7l I( 10'11 t into re bellion, um/ ',Atmm it comes out met . fhout institution, its still a State." The question of colored suffrage, which Mr. Lincoln would give to " the very 'intelligent," and "to those who serve our cvuse as soldiers," is thus wet by Presi dent Johnson, in his address to the south Carolina delegation, on Saturday last : " I will again say to you that slavery is gone. Its status is changed. There is no hope you can entertain of being ad mitted to representation, either in the Senate or House of Representatives, till you give evidence that you, too, have ae cepted.and recognized that that institu tion is gone. That done, the policy adopted is not to restore the supremacy of the Government at the point of the bayonet, but by the action of the people. While this rebellion has emancipated a great many negroes. it has emancipated still more white men. The negro in South Carolina that belonged to u man who owned from one to five hundred slaves thought himself better than the white man who owned none. He felt the white man's superior. I know the position of the poor white man of the SOuth, corn pelled to till the barren, sandy, and poor soil for a subsist( pee. You cannot deny bow he was, in your eyes, of less value than the negro. Some here in the North think they can control and exercise a greater influence over the negro than you can, though his future must materially depend on you. Let us speak plainly on this subject. I, too, am a Southern man ; have owned slaves, bought slaves, but never sold one. You and I understand this better; we know our friends are mis taken, and I tell you that I. don't want you to have control of these negro votes_ against the vote of this poor white man I repeat, our friends here are mistaken, as you and I know, as to whore the con trol of that negro vote would fall. When they come to talk about the elective fran chise, I 'say let each State judge for it self. I amr—for free Government; for emancipation ;and I am for emancipating the white man as well as the black man." It will be seen, therefore, that Presi dent Lincoln, while recommending that "the very intelligent" negroes, and those who have fought for the flag, should vote, does not once propose that Congress shall' take charge of the subject. All is left to the. States; -- President johiikiiiritikeit the -same ground in stronger ‘languege. * He believes if Congress could confer the right of inffrago upon the' South' Carolina ne groes, their former masters would control them; 'and he qmpbatically del:dares that be does not desire thin . to be so, used as ;, 'these votes would be against 'the whites,of the State, .and for the benefit of the_ariatneraoy of the sell. I might add Many other sustaining thoughts. The danger of giving to Congress the right to regulate suffrage - firm is . that it may be used hereafter to enable a mere party ma jority to oppress a State orseetion. In all the 66.i:tailed Heeding States, save two, the white population egeeeds the colored ; and in most of them largely so. The white people of those. States, with almost entire unanimity, are intensely hostile tp the principle of negrosufirago. However • unreasonable or unjust this hostility may be, it is a fact which stares us in the face, and with which the Government is com pelled to deal. If, in reorganizing these States preparatory to their full reinstate ment in the Union, the right of the ne. groes to vote should be guaranteed to them by the interposition of the General Government, would it not have the effect of so uniting the white voters, in all elec tions, upon candidates of their own ex-- elusive selection that the colored voters; being in the minority, would be render ed utterly powerless? Even in the States of South Carolina and Mississippi, where the blacks are in the majority, it is by no means probable that at aftrst election they would 'be able to rally to the polls in suf ficient numbers to out-vote the more in telligent though less numerous raoe. It would take time for them to learn that they had the right to vote; and even if .aware of the right, they would scarcely have the intelligence necessary to its ex ercise in any effective manner. If the effect would be so to unite all white voters on the same candidates as utterly to nul lify the political power of the negroes, would the men elected under such cir cumstances, probably be of the class most favorable to the amelioration of the con dition of the colored population ? These are practical considerations which it will not do to wholly ignore in our eagerness to establish abstract principles of right NO, 28. and justice. But let us leave the question to time— to the care of a loyal Congress— to the vigilant fidelity of a devoted Union Presi dent who proclaimed himself the friend of the masses of the colored race of Ten nessee, and will never allow them to be oppressed by their recent masters. It will not be many days before these latter realize, by the best evidences, that the only way to secure the admission of their :Senators and members to Congress is to adopt the amendment of the Constitution , abolishing slavery, to provide for the edu cation of the colorid population, and for the payment of colored labor by a wise and generous plan, and to repeal the odi ous penal codes made necessary by the accursed eystew of slavery. Till these things are secured, they will be kept out of the hulls of the nation's legislature. When they are secured, the American citizen of African' descent will have a chance to fit himself for that sacred -citi zenship which ought never to have been bestowed upon ignorant or lazy men, white or black. Both Lincoln and Johnson a gree, therefore, that there can be no de struction of State sovereignty by seces sion—that fhe question of suffrage be longs to the States, and not to Congress —and that slavery is dead by military success, by Executive proclamation, by Congressional statute, and by the acts soon to be completed by three.fourths of the States, ratifying the amendment of the National Constitution forever abolish- WEI When the impulsive Romeo, eager to propitiate his love, would have hurried the philosophical and tranquil Friar Lau rence, who promised to aid him in his suit, the patient priest exclaims : y and slow; they stumble that runfast." Let us take the axiom and the moral to our own hearts. The swiftand dazzling panorama of war, which flashed its meteor changes before our astounded eyes, and achieved reforms that could not have been wrought by centuries of peace, should not tempt us into a spirit of fatal imitation. The fabric of free Government saved in the shock of battle will soon resettle into the regular grooves of law and order. Institutions necessarily set aside, that trea- son n.ight be punished, and Government be able to put forth all its energies'in the struggle for its existence, will soon re blithe there wholesome influence. Time, reflection, system, aro the essential auxil iaries. Nor, indeed, need we Lil 3 in haste. Least of all should we apprehend failure, because of,present doubts and contingent dfficulty. "Behold the catalogue of won ders on the page of the last four years, history—wrought in the progress of this triumphant war for human freedom. In an age that compared with the last gene rations, seems like an age of miracles, the overthrow of the rebellion was the grandest and most sublime of miracles. The malignant prophecies of our enemies everywhere, which they aro now so anzi ens to forget, glare upon them froni " the page offlistory, like so many reproaotes of their ignorance and their hatred. In war, on land and sea, in finance, in statesmanship, in diplomacy, in the inex haustibility of our resources, in our in ventions„ in the wondrous prosperity'and comfort of the loyal people, in the de liverance of four millions of human beings rom Slavery in the disbanding of a mul- titudinous army, and the dismantling of a navy larger than that of any of the nations of , the earth, we may find not only the material for felicitation but for a superior and solid consolation. There is no lion in the path of our future• Bo fierce as those which have -been subdued and slain the paths of the past, _rot us„ therefore coifide - our destiny to the - to:mail; tuted and , constitUtional agencies of the Government,ind . to that benio.l!rola- donee which his wato4ed 'over usfrom he perilous hegiUs irig,to the victorious close • jgerLauoseet defi,pec pliotogicpby to: be justice without mercy •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers