13 ERIGIS OF ADVERTISING' Olio Square one insertion, For each subsequent insertion, For. 11 e motile Advertisements, Legal Notices' Professlooal Cards without paper, Obituary Notices ao Cotoinunb, Mina rel Ling to TAM, Hof pri• veto Interests alone, 10 cents per line. 40,13 PRINTING.—Our Job Printing Offlee In the argent and mast complete establishment in the Joun'y. Four good Presses, and a general variety of material suited for plain and Fancy work of every kind, enables us to do Job Printing at, the oho, test notice, and on the most reasonable terms. Persons in want of Bills, Blanks, or anything In the Jobbing line, will had It ,n their Interest to give us a call. . — .P -- S,V3l,Vrili aill, &AMMO/2. U S. GOVERNMENT PreFldent—ANnnEw JonNsoN, Piro President—L. S. POYTKII, 4orrotary of State—WM. ii.SEWAIIn, Aeeretnry of Interior—Jan. seeretary of Troasury—Gron et :try t WiIr—PDWIN M. STASToN, ..:eoretlry of NaCy--OinnoN Post Motor General—WM. DEINV,N. ...01-110y 00111Mili—J1Mi. S. Seu.n. !del Justice Of the States—:,!Al.,l,, STATE GOVERNMENT tiovernor—AannEW Ii Cr. OTIS, Sccro:ary of State—EL, Z r iLIFF.II, Surveyor Oerlorel— tOriEs .. BA/01. A editor General—lssorr r . , 1.1.,K re, Attorney General—Wm. M. NI FtEl , ll. Adjutant 0 enoral—A 1,. R.. State Treasurer—lb:Nay 1). Moon,- CltilefJo tie of tho goproule Coln t - P.. t) Br COUNTY OFFICERS. Pr•-•itiont J tige—lln .lames 11. Gr.thant. 4,ociate Judges-110n. Nlicluo-1 Cock lin. .1, Hugh Stuart. District Aitornoy—.l W. 1).1/Melon. Prothonotary—Stormy! Shirenna n. Clerk an-I Itocordor—Sphroirn COI minan Itogister—Coo W. North. High Sheriff—John Jae()hs. County Treasurer—Henry S. Miter. Coroner—David Smith County Com mission era—lien ry IC o ns. .1 oh 'uy, Nlitchell McClellan, Suporinloro'dot of Poor llonge—lleor,, StoiLlut Physician to Jail—Dr. W. W. Dale. Physician to Poor ltouse---Dr. W. W 0.111, BOROUGH OFFICERS Chi Iturgess—John Cltoph.4l. AgFistsipt 131trges , — Cnu r •nn Towh Connell—East IVard—.l. W. U. (;111,10.n. Al drew IL Zeigler, Goo. 'Wetzel, Chas. U. 11,1fel, Hoffman, \Vest Ward—A. 1r M. Black, B. D. Hillman. M Slasouha :1111/, Borough Treasurer, Dot id Corn oral. High Constable, linulnnel Swarlz, C,nstahle.. East Ward, Andrew Marlio. Wok. Ward. James Whi nor. Assessor—\l•llliam Nook,:. I= 'rax Collortor--.%?1,11.1•W Kerr. IVard IN'ard, Jacob Go)(1, ear \Vest II ard, 11 It NVillininq I treet Comiolsi.nor. Patrick 1l adder, J uric, ul Ih, 1'1,1(.0—.1. L. Sponslor, Davit' Snit!) Ahem. !Muff, lobaol Holcomb. !Amp Lighters—Alex. Meek, Covl Albert. CH URCII ES First Presbyterian Church. North west angle of Cr try, Square. Rev. Con way P. Nying. --Service. every Sunday Morning at II o'clock, A. M., and 7 o'clock P. M. Socon.l Pre , hyterlan Church, corner of South lion ov er noel Pomfret streets Rot, John C Costar Seruins vonmenco at 1 A! M., and 7 o'r,ock P. M. St. Johll'S Church. (Prot F:rlitconal) northeast ant;le of Ct.n tro S1111:111`. iteV. 3ite,tor. Sin I, es n',•lo-1, 1. 11 , and I; I , M. Eit.4ll.iti I utlierne l'llur. It, bet n•ii Ind Louth, titreets Rev t'ain'lSpre•her, I'd. Viet, at II .1 NI.. ned t ' c lock I. CI. lerTrrn Itel.trineil Chill ch. Loather, 111111 urn Vitt -Ireelg. Ite.y. Pante, For, it H itutt I. V .111 , 1.. t V.. Church (rir:t charge) corner of lo I l'i It . l'houtes 11. Sherlock, Pastor. rzotelee,,t. I I o'eloek A. )1.. and 7 o'clock I' 71. mo.h.list B. Church fsecond charge,) Rec. S. 1. BOWIIIIII, VASIL, t ervicet-In Emory 31 E. Church al 1 o'clock A. AI., and P. M. Ohm In of liod. ChSycl South West cor. of \lest St Chnool 1110, . Nev. IL F. Beck, . Set, PH , at 11 H. M., I‘l,l 0 P in •t P (ThorelliPolnfrut near East. s t P•lst..r Services every other rah bath. at lo Vespers at 3P. 31. curlier of Por.dret and Be 11•Ird eirel..N. Rev C Fritz e, Pastor. den it "'cluck \ I. ...,rk.,.When changes In the ahy° are noces,acy the g are requested Li notify us. ,11;li1ls;SON COLI:EG Rev to M. Johnson. I) tl.. Presid nT and Pro ovsor of r - t 1 Science. ‘ViWant Wilson, A. M., Professor of Natural 4 olenee Curator a• the Mu.entn Rev. William I, Boswell, A .01 t) reek and I; orma n Languages. al ue.l D. Hi I Lula u, Prsite. aux_ uf -llathamal. .......\ John K. Staym ‘n, A. )1 , Profesvot 01 the Latin and Fr onch Lan!rna.f.,.. lion Jame, 11. Urn ham , 1,1,. II Prote,sor of Law. ‘......it,.. Henry C. Che4ton, A. II , I.rioripal of the llllitntnar ', 4 c.h00l John hood. Ass,..a . nt in tire I ( ruin 111 a r: 4 0100/ • ( ) TIIE NIAIZI INSTITI"N CORPORATION :—The. Ream., WarJeus and Vestryine St..l.,lin's Church Thu Itoni. F. .1. Floc. D. 1)., Ito tar and 'Froastirer Mrs. John 11.1,11.•.“1. Ih it•lpitl. 3Les E. Dotlhersli v. 1 hstru..t, in Langite,,, Nfifiu 1.. L NVel.t.er. 111 .11/101.113t10F VOCIII MUSIC. 31rs. I. 31. Ege. Tea,her of 1%1111 Hies F. ()rah am, Teat urr ui i rx,uug and Painting lev. S. Philips. Leant or on Elocution and Psycho! v. BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS E. Comm:to, President, James damilton, 11. Saxton, It. C. Woodward, Henry Newaharn, C. AP Ilumerich, Seet'y IV. Eby, Treasurer, John Sphar, M essenger. Meet ..n the lot Monday of each Month at R o'clock A. NI , at Education Hall. CORPORATIONS CvnusLE DEPOSIT 13 kllK.—Prosident, It. M. Holder. son, W. M. Buetem Cash.J. P. Hassler and C. B. Pfahler Tellers, W. M. Pfahler. Clerk, Jt, Linderwoo I Mee. sengor. Directors, It. M. Henderson, President, R. C. Woodward, Sidles Woodburn, Moses Bricker, John Zug, W. W. Dale, John D. liorgas, Joseph J. Logan, Jno. Stuart, jr. Pinsr NITIIN cL B ,Ng.—Presidant, Samuel Hepburn Ca- hie, Jos. C. (hirer, Teller, Abner C. Brindle, Mes senger, Jesse Brown. Wm. lier, John Dunlap, Itich'd Woods, John C. Dunlap, .saac Brenneman, John S. Sterrett, Saml. Hepburn, Directors. CUMBERIAND VALLEY RAILROAD GOMPANY.—President, Frederick Watts: tierrotar and Treasurer, Edward E. Bi:ldIe Sup, intendant, O. N. Lull. Passenger trains three tlun,s a day. Carlisle Accuninno Eastward, leaves Carlisle 5 55 A. M., arriving at Car. lisle 6.20 P. 31. Through trains Mastward,lo.lo A, !11. and 2.42, P, 51. Westward al 0.27, A. M., and 2.55 I'. CMILISLE Cis AND W it ER COMPA NV.— President, Lem uel Todd; Treasurer, A. L. Snow!, ; SuperintCllCOn lieorge %Viso: Diriietors, F. Watts, Win. M. lieetom H. M. Biddle, Henry Saxton, It. C. Woodward. W litttton, F. ilardner and D. 5, Croft. SOCIETIES Cumberland SW Lodgo No. 197, A. T. M. Lanett; at Nlarlon Hall on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of every month. Bt. John'o Lodge No. 260 A. Y. M. Maata 9d Thum; day of each month, at Mario,, Carlisle Lodge No. 01 I. 0. of 0. F. Meets Monday evening, at Trout's building. Lotort Lodge No. 63, I. 0. of 0. T. Nleets every Thursday evening in Itheem's flail , 3d story. 0 FIRE COMPANIES The Union Fire Company war organized in 1789. House In Louther between Pitt and llanover. The Cumberland Fire Corn pavy was Instituted Feb 18, 1809. Mouse in Bedford., between Main and Porn fret. The Hood \VIII Fire Company was instituted It sLareh, 1855. House In Pomfret, near Hanover. The Empire nook and Ladder Company WAR Institu tad In 1859. llnuse In Pitt, near Main. RATES OF POSTAGE Postage ou all letters t of ono half ounce weight or under, 8 cents pre paid. " Postage on the HERALD within the County, free. Within the State 13 cents per annum. T.+ any part of the United States, 26 cents Postage on all Iran• shoat papers, 2 cents per ounce. Advertised letters to be charged with cost of advertising. . MRS. R. A. kiviirors Photographs, Ambrotypes,, lvorytypes Beautiful Albums l Beautiful Frames 1 Albums for Ladles and Oentlemen, Albums fr r Minoan, and fur Children,- Pockot Albums for Soldiers and qvilians I Choicest Albums I Prettiest Albums! Chestiest Albums! FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS l Fresh and Now from Now York and Pldiadelphla •btarkets. IF you want satisfactory Picturts'lmd polite attention call at Mrs. R. A. Smith's Photo graphic Gallery, South Emit Corner of Hanover Street and alarlcet.Squaro, opposite the Court-House end Post Glace, Carlisle, Pa. Mrs. It. A. Smith well known as Mrs. R. A. Reynolds, and no well known an a Daguorrean Artist, gives per sonal attention to Ladles and Gentlemen visiting her Gallery, and having the best of Artists and polite at; fondants can safely promise that in no other Gallery can those who favor her with a call get pictures supe• nor to hers, not even in Nosy York or Philadelphia, or meet with more kind and prompt attentloo. ' Ambrotypes Inserted in Rings, Lockets, Breast Pins, Ac. Perfect copies, of Dagnerrotypen and Ambrotypes made of deceased Mends. Whore copies are defaced, lie-like pictures may still be had. either for frames or 'or cards. All negatives preserved one year and orders by mall or othorwlsepromptly attended to.' ' December 23, 1864-4 f . DR. WM. H. 000 K, ' t HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN; . . . - Surgeon and decouchour' QFElat 'at his residence in 'Pitt streets,djoining the Methodist Ohuroh. , V 1, HOC , $1 011 15 00 4 00 7 00 VOL. 65. For the litmtto Sing Your Pet Song Dearest• Fin:; your pet song. dearest, sweeter to we waiving of bird or horn ming of boo Th." sol,nd of the broolth is How. Or tones of the_dulcitner soft nod low. Than the solemn orgnn's swelling notes Pow,. Ow grand cathedral tislo that bats Smile votir pet smile dearest, bend those dear rarer beep in their blue as the distant skies. may droop but my heart ens stilt The 11,re that lights up , hy spirit for me, I can live thronah ille's darkest sight. If no shadow elonds their luslroug light Speak your pot word, dearnst, tl, how my twirl Thrills to its strand with a Joyru , start. And my pulses fly Ito n nighteried bird. To each tender tone of that dearest word, Itnpture (tI heaven 7 seem to hour. IVhile its musiral breathinzs 1411 on tut enr. Blended