Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, June 16, 1865, Image 1

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$ 1 00
Ono Square one insertion,
For each subsequent insertion,
For No cantlle Advertisements,
Le 1. 1,1 Notices
Cards without paper,
Obituary N ties nn Chnumun
Lion , rel tang o matte. Bof pri
vate Interests alone, 10 cents per
JOU PRINTING.—Our Job Printing 0111,, Is the
argast ndd nt nit Cl , llll,ll't eStA hl Ish meu t In tho
;ounly. roar good Presses, and a gee Ural variety of
tnaterial nutted for plain and Fancy work of every
dad, enables us to In 3011 Printing :it the shapes!
entire, and on the most reasonable terms. Pergous
lu woos of !nil,. Blanks., x nythin.,t In the Johbing
line, will it 111 their interest to give us a call.
1 6,?Tt:tit111 Jil, (0 Tilln:ti.ol.l..
Vier) Plo.4llent--1,. S. I.),,Trn
SoeloO,ry State— . A . M.
of In tortor—.lk4 11,11,N,
oI Tri,Stiry-111.00 Mc! '1 . 11,1 11
'Fo•rr tvt altor—P IN NI. ; , ,c,ANToN,
,etttry ,d • Nary•—(IrDIMN
'.‘l2iNter Got.tooti —WM DI.NNI,ov
1/enpral.—.l SAS, S. SI.P.I'I,
hi ,. / , M th••
411.yortior -- ANDRE, 17, CI„STIN,
ar,y of •It.:1 t e•-1.:1 I SI.IrI.R.
'alryoyor Oonorni— 1 k:ai.ri 14h1t11,
"_Mar' I7eriaral-1 , 0, sr
lttorne., , tlonor.,l-- Wm 11. NI1•11rio 111
% , 1:1:11,1111 iliFunral —A
. - II•11•. It 0 14uror —llF,lty
110..1.1u tho •upronio Court /
J u ,i,r(Z - f - H o o .I.ttoos 11. Graham.
--;11). tl leha• I C,,-kilo, (lon
II ugh Sttml
Di tr7,•t .1/t"rtior—J. W. 11. iiine)"ti.
and "-dor—Ephraim Corn ma"
It"gist"r—Gv" \V. North.
~ h oriff—John Jaeobs.
County' roasurer—lltmry
C"ronor —David Sir.ith
~ v. '410 . 11011 Nle.1.31"11all,
-:,‘,,,,jah,dent 01 i'oor Ifousil—llenry vntdur
,john, NV . . W. Dal,
4,iati to 1.""t ll."age—Dr. IN'. IV, balf,
Henry Kai us : John :11
Iit)R0130 11 OP Plc ERS
;Li,•Y If urge.s— .D.llll Onuiplu•li.
Nsist:ott 11 . Cant, on
Town Counc•ll--Ea , t \l. 1). li Ilelon, .1 I.
tile, IL ZPigler, tzvl. lltns. U. 1114.,, Pont net
IVe,t \ Vat k. K 1:111 en, Joh 11,,„
'I k. D. ,1,11,401•11.11/i1:1,1.
}:•, , WAII , h:4V ( ~ 11..111
High Cons t.llll, I/. \ ant 1'..11.1“1•11,
A lidrot, i I
(',114., 111,h.,,v Ward _ Faust
Lt mt1..!.“..}, ear S ,
11'.'t COMM Vat] Irk )1.111,1.
• t , If t lio . L. Sll mo+lor, I)ani.l Sinit
'Oll ih•h ufl.
1.11)1F Livllters—Alex. Levi Alin t.
net Presbytet jail Church, ortliwest angle ot
Square. Itoo. Conway P. 11 i rug l'a,tor —Sorel ( . 11,
• ery Snndny )lorning at 11 ...god:. A. :11 , and
lerinn Chun h, corner of South
,vor Pomfret I..trvots R ev. John
•o,‘ i,•o. r nuclrnrn nt 11 o'clock, A. Al., 311,1 7 o'riOck
St. .1..11x Uhurell, I.:Fiscopal) northeast, angle
.1 1' t„;lerr, lio•ter. Svri ivos
t I I 0•,k. , •1: 1. SL. 3.1.1 1; m.
i..r) a:ll,A')lk, h.l,l•f l d. hrt Tho r ,
Loy P:1,1 r•r. -
N I tllii a [l,l
Itero:4l,l Clint cll. 1;.;tt.11,1.,
tin 1 Tilt ri•v
C 11•11 1 ,1 nt, et Mein
n is es it I I e'eleels A. mid 7 e'elork.
N 1,1,11 Chunk 1:1,011,1 ellitri.,, 4 )
Rev. S. I,
,U, en 1.;11101y :11. E. Chunk al 1
rlo .\ .a nd :0 , M.
chilt,•ll of South \Vest ror. of 11'ettt St.
1,1 .11Itty. Itet-. 11. F. !took, l'agt,o. - . Sitrvice.
• t.ttliolit , Chttich, Itt:tufrut !roar East st,
Past,. St•rviet, every other
tt:o. mt Yttsltt•rs at :t P.
! I'.
(Ain iiiinve are ne.aissary tin
d t n.,tsly un
-- 0
Ito , Ii er ain I..lolDison, D. D., l'resl,l ut ~H.l D r° .
or 01 ( ril Science.
Ilgoti, A. M., Pr.inesor (.1 Nat,. 41
Cur...tot the
Nt illism I, ItOSN,III, A 11., Profeinsor of the mad ( Languages.
! noel U 11 . 111111.111, A. )1., Prof• ror of Nlnthenrott,
,L•i.N'l❑ 71, .1. Prot - OS,, of Ow Iditin and
11-, .la. ,1•4 lILI, U. of Low.
n. II .rtt v C Ch..con. .1 Ii Priricipal of the
%.,1,1:.111, ill
1111.; I.\. IN: 4 ITM l'l.
I 4i,1 HON TII •• I •t • \ 0-11 yowl!
Chu"), l'ar',),:e
111, , F .1 l'it•rc. I) Ir 1 . 1 . 4,1, 1 / 1 ,
\I Pr iiht•lioal
k 11.d.ct,it!„ LIU:41_111:
%h., I. I, VI itt-trllt.t,pl 1,, Itlto nint,- :Ito!
. Enn•nt.l . Oi / lug and P.tlnt
Ital el On i lin•qi :11111 1.:411.1101.
t. hiiil . II . .1. I
I: amu Pro:ldent, .laeles •lamilton, Il ..*tome
..11i,l1d, I lonry.• aurqh•uu. 111111u:1.4.h
..1 6 Ehy, Treasurer, John Splar, )leBsenger
t n the Ist Olfmclay ur each Munth at 8 o'rluelc A
Dr.PoiIT BINIi.—PrOSILIeUt, It. lf. lielitier•
1, ISt•t•tolti 1..:101 .1 I'. Ilasslor and C. It. l'lnhlor
.11„r1 , , W. 'I. Pr ' liler Clerk, Jun
fifroctors, R. If. Ifontiorsop, Frusidellt.
oo k tward, SSIIOS !.losos Bricker, John
,z, IV. \V Usl, ~5 11. liorgai., Jo.:oph .1. logos.
It, Stuart, jr.
N ‘l. Il!lii.—Prosi.l4 631,,1i0l II t,pbUrn
..1,,, Ii! MPH
-411! • -smo Brown 151 u. Kor, Johl) Dunlap, 1(1.1' L l
C. Juln Ip, .tatat!. 111..11 , 111ml), John
.1 roll, Sri I 11, phitral. Dlrt..loll,
Al.l !.1" II ..11.41..t0
Walls . sv•rotat • and ! !!!!!.t.51,.... EthVIIN.I
i!.• (I. N. rAIII
111,5 Littias .1 day. Catlin!. Aee.....i talon,
hwurl, , /, at Cat.
\I. trait, d, 10,10 A. M.
,I . 2 12, I'. M. `d,'.. Lurch n l II . 27, A, I',
111.1,Le 1/A8 C.toll'ANY.-- Pt usident. hol7ll
- I'o.l 1 : Treasurer, A. L, S.pot, la r ; Supt , rlut
•, I , . Direviort, F. Watts, Wm. )1. livutuult
r 4 .,
ISltltfle.ll..nty C. %Vow! ward, 3. W.
I ii, F. , :ardiier t‘ild P. Croft,
%Ituborland Steil Lodge No. 197, A. Y. M. moo lx al
LI ion I on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdayg of or my
it. Jolia's I.otlgo Nu. 260 A. Y. U. Moutx 3I Th lira
y of ouch mouth, at Marion
arnalo Lodge No. 91 1. 0 of 0. F. Me.ote+ Alondny
, dog, fit Trourir building.
I.tttd,rt Lodge, No. 1313, 1. 0. of 0. T. Neat, ovary
ursday evening in It beenfti 11a11,3d story.
'lke Union Piro Company was omranlzed in 178 P.—
n:u lu Louther. between Pill and Hanover•
"ao CutniwrlAnd Vim Campavy was Instituted Feb
ISO!). !has!, In Ihdford, between Main and Pam
'he theel Will Fire Company wee Instituted In
rrh, H:l5, 110 \IVA, In )'auifrel, near Hanover.
'he Erni'', o !tool( and ladder Company waslusti ttt-
18 i louse in Pitt, near :Ninth'.
'ontago on oil letters of ono half ounce weight or
her, 3 cents pro paid.
~stage on the HERALD nithin the County, free.
thin the State 13 emits per annum. To any part,
.he United States, 23 cants Poatago on all trap•
it papers. 2 cents per ounce. Advertised letters to
charged with cost of advertising.
totographs, Ambrotypes, lvorytypes
:autiful Alburtis ! Beautiful Frames I
,ums for Ladles and Gentlemen,
Alhume for Misses, and for Children,
Pocket Albums for Soldiers and Civilians!
tenet Albums I Prettiest-A Ibunie I Cheapest Alhumid
eresh and New from New York and Philadelphia
F you want satisfactory, Pictures and , '
polite attention call at Mrs. It. A. Smith's Photo
phio Gallery, South East Cornesof Ilanovor Street
I Market Square, opposite the Court HOUI3O and Post
cc, Carlisle, Pa.
ire. It. A. Sinith well known no Mrs. It. A. ileynolde,
Ho well known earl Daguerrean Artist, given per
il' attention to Ladies and Gentlemen visiting her
iery, and having the best of Artists and polite at
dente can safely promise that in no other Gallery
thei e wire favor her, with, a call.get pictures supe
• to hors, not even in New York or Philadelphia, or
,t with more kind and prompt attention,
.mbrotypee inserted In it Lockets, Breast pine,,
Perfect:conics of Doguorrotypes anti Arnbrotypes
le of deceased friends. Where copies am 'defaced,
•like pictures may still be had, either for frames or
sortie. All negatives preserved one year and orders
mall or otherwleepromptly attended to.
°ember 28, 1861—tf
•', Surgeon and,Acfouchov, s
kFFIOE at his residence in Pitt
/Street ; the Methodist Church. A '
lilylBoM, ' '
25 00
4 00
VOL. 65.
Ye eee the ruse o h ood
.1 world or l udo
ou, I,,ed' e he•ntt it tides
H h o e than your srh o , luien trarh nvithio
alas, 1 kuorv, ,
dat It ye eurnl , ll paint the shin
101 4M:ill the morit
1 Inlw tiky I t , . tho aust.
I % , •il et,•K
od in t ronll.lin.t 11,t
I s:•.• t
I Joel llv , RIM svithin
I 11,1111Ith grnal, trxr.iil-nl
The 1 , 1 t•.•., its
}.•t, in I b.• tuktl.l,lin, pl
I !•1 ,tta mml
T. , ONO ilx,tl , t.slo. my sy:rit, clin, ,
I An. , w that 1;..,1
N“t mine to 1.41 k ttliett eill'llthil
S i i ,elaphs limy ntsee;
nt.thint: esti Ii good in hit.
irlttelt et ii is in net;
no. wrong Lk 1.1 OS my Inu holow
I dare ive thee,. ii ;
I h;e,sv net ol 111- 11,ite--I 'stem
~ 1 1;,m, and 111 , love:
I Iltully guess limn I , le,sings Is roe,
If gt eater nut of night.
.11,1 with the ilia -tetiett •,.
Il it , jullgweilts, ( , Uk, MI, iirfut
I /nog rt./ 11,1-,1/-1/1 I den , .
Por Itni.ll/n1 .11/ / Inns,
But GoII/nth 1/duly /lar nut-
Anil ii I, I
1•11 , ,IV and what tLo lut II
lit nutrvol hpr bill pn:u.
.....w,•d /dm.. that lit,• ;111d 1111:1111
All4l it Ilic 'Wart alit flesh are woak
'lO 1 eat an untilea
h.• ui gisrJ reea 11.0
nut , ttvitg , .lllll )1.1 ,uitliu
ot 0,, I hat
NOl eurl<s lily faith to provo
I but give the gilt. ho
pi If Is o tar 1„1,•
wait the mnlll, d oar
No lo tr to Him ;All Vl.oll'
I Lm, Dot. whvro 1..1Al lirt.
Their f t ,.n.lerl nihnu ill air.
I ;
1, 1 , 1 111. 1. 111,1)
I . lny I,' 1.11,t /IQII
TI ) c rc.curos as they be.
I ~ r gi,kt toe it too let:e I !PHI)
hwollll Thee.
The last dying cadenec,Kfil a delicious,
dreamy waltz, across whose wierd notes
the soul of Beethoven had poured out its
magic sadness, were floating over the
ball-room of the fashionable Washington
hotel ; there was the stir and murmur of
separating couples, and the ill suppressed
yawns of weary " wall flowers" that fol
lowed in the wake or every brilliant waltz.
Kate Elwyn stood in the recess of the
window, playing carelessly with the fa
ded jessamines ;old tuberoses of her ho
quet, while her blur, lovely eye, wandered
anxiously from one place to another, evi
dently in quest of sonic familiar counte
nance, which they could not discover.
There were few wore beau tifu.l fhees
than her own, even in that festive'crowd,
where half the belles in the Union had
brought their diamonds and bright eyes
to dazzle the grave politicians and the
law-makers of the land. Bather beneath
the medium size, with the fragile delicacy
of a fairy, her complexion had the trans
parent waxen bloom that you look for
only in children, while her heavy bands
of golden kalr lay over her somewhat low
forehead in rippling waves of amber.—
Very dark blue eyes, translucent as u Bali
phiro of the first water, and a little crim
son mouth, curved like Cupid's bow, gave
additional piquancy to her thee, and al
together she was as perfecta specimen of
the radiant blonde as one often sees, out
of a picture gallery, or a novel.
Suddenly her choLks blossomed into
roses, and her whole countenance bright
ened as a tall and rather elegant looking
gentleman languidly sauntered toward
" Charley, I thought you were never
coming !"
" I've only been down to_the supper
room for a few moments, my dear, I'm
sorry you have missed me. Anything I
can do for you 7'•
" get my shawl and fan and
we'll go - upienirs. It's after one o'oloell
and I am completely tired out."
" Couldn't, my dear," said Mr. Elwyn,
breaking a moss rose from his wife's bou
quet, and fastening it jauntingly into his.
coat. "I'm. engaged for three waltzes
and a'quadrille. Mimi Raymond would
never forgive me for deserting her."
Kate's lip curled haughtily, and a deep
er Bliaile of crimson stole into her °heels,
"Jealous, eh P' laughed her husbang )
patting her 'bright hair lightly . . "Now
• ~,,..„,.... ~,.....
;44,i .,: : : 7: :::
~...,..,00.,,, ,it .
~- -1 .
(...._ le
It:' ti 0 8 V ' 11 , '.. - A
i . . 4 p i ~,. 6„,
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, k . • tli *
t .. , , ,. P .11
A. - esq 01 1%,
. ' 5, ..,
' II I I II ‘‘ll.llll 111 4 11.1 , t have 'I ro‘i
The .01.4 rd.', of player.
clbolwitue,s U your zeal fop 1;0.1
1710 love of men 1 bear.
f trace your tit,e. oC mt ., ,tum , ut ;
VoIII lovje, lit11:0 , 1 and stlonv,
‘voigh cc aria II lin di r.ndl dissPtlL
A i.d Ills It lull Its W 1,1114.
But Still 111, !•11111111111211,1 . .
lo Id pd. Iron enred , :
Againel ti, words ye hl 1 me speak
U; heart , Ilhio me pleads,
ritiwiti , tilt! Et, rn a 'I hou _ht
IVII" I j Nino ili,lp1:111'
ho Lord is (lod 110 noo loth not
he pill, tot,.
I “311, a Itlf bare, ft,t, 1110 v,1 , {11/11
VI tll'lld Wit). ;
I tin,o h met, alit I ow,a
'rho mye 11.101 . 4.11h0d.
Sr ;mike Ilkjuedke; orun
His pill ing love 1 doom:
sook n king, I fain io , uld
The robe that ltath nn ,oain.
And prayer upon thr ,rose
przi3 .Ithout
s & Proprietoi*s
Kate, that's a little too silly of you.—
Don't you know that at a place like this
a man is expected to 'mike himself gen
erally agreeable to the ladies '? Pray my
dear, don't become so absurd and ri-dicu
lais as to —"
"And so interrupted Mrs. Elwyn, bit
terly, "your wife's wishes and conve
nience, ar secondary to Miss Raymond's
„ 'l'h, green-eyed monster has certain
ly invaded your peace, my , love ?.” said
Mr. Elwyn. "Upon my word I haveal
way:, given you credit tin• a little more
CO 111111011 Set-ISP,"
••('harles,'' said Kate quietly, and
without heeding the enreless sarcasm of
his tone, "1 ain weary of this round of
senseless gayety—l am sick of the tu
mult and vanities of Washington. Will
you take me home
" Why, Kate ! after all your anxiety
to pass a winter in this great centre of
social and political life ! You have been
teasing we ever since we were married, to
indulge you with a season in Washing-
"I know it, Charles," she meekly an
swered, trying to suppress the tears that
were brimming in her eyes; but I have
at last learned the foily of seeking real
pleasure anywhere but in the precincts
of one's hone. taste for gayety is
satisfied, and you can't imagine how
homesick I leol--,11 OW II X 1011 , to
,see the
dear little ones When will you
take me home, Charles?"
"Next week, porhap,, love—(o.
the wook after, if you ito,itively inSit
upon it '
why not go to-morrow ?"
"impossible, Kate. 1 atn positively
ettgar,ed 6ir every day this week - for
drives and excursicns in the neighbor
hood of the city."
"Ent agod !" nToati-(1
"I of
I - rralp; lIICIIiS
"N. , , my dear, I suspose im;" said
I.:lwyn, lazily. "Did you imaHne I was
going to came and ask your pernii, , sicn
every time 1 wanted to drive out with a
Indy c r smoke a cigar with two or three
1. -, ,entletnen
Kate': , lip quivered and she turned
Ir-tic-lily- away-. 44-h-ttrh-R-- --hook-eti
after her with an amused ex preFsion in
hi oho and half . :4inile on II:, lip
jo:fluuQ, nri I livo P mut
tered. "Jealom , -, or Aurora Itaymond
and the puctly widow. Well, let her
pout it out at her !lever
CIO to (1( . 01Jr1;ZO this SON' of a thilLr."
If 110aniLl lout ));IV( : , 0011 locr a too
inoinents afterwards, (just whin he was
whirling throtiiiii the waltz kith
llayrnond's midnight curls floating over
his shoulders,) sobbing in the silence of
her own dimly lighted room, the golden
hair all unloosened from hair pin and
jeweled comb, and her blue oyes looking
like inorning glories drowned in rain --L.
Well, perhaps it would have done hint
good, perhaps not. It is not always best
to lc' a man know the full extent of his
power over that miserable little captive,
his wife— it is astonishing how much the'
sex delights in tormenting his victim.—
There is one blessed avenue of relief al
ways open to womankind, however—a
good cry No wonder that Kate Elwyn
felt better when she wiped away the show
er of tears and brushed back lovely rip
pling, tresses from her fevered fin•ehead.
" W hat, shall I do: " '
she murmured to
herself, deluging or handket thief with
lose water, and trying vainly to cool her
burning eyes; •' what ought I to do? Oh,
I wish I had never crone away from home
—it's a judgment on me, for leaving my
dear little babes. in the hands of euld hire
lings I was so happy before I ever
thought of thi:, hollow, deceitful whirl
pool of fashion,"
he burst fitto fresh floods of tears, as
she remeniberid her husband's last words.
"It was cruel of him to speak in that
cold, sneering way to ine," she sobbed.—
"Have 1 lost all the spells he used to tell
we I possessed ! If he only knew how thes
things hurt me, 1 am sure he would treat
we in a different manner."
She sunk involuntarily back, as if some
rude hand had struck her, as Miss Ray
mond's clear, melodious laugh suddenly
floated up audibly through the closed door
of her room. And then she set her com
pressed lips together, and a new look came
into the liquid depth of her wet blue eyes.
The gilded minute hand of the carved
Parisian clock on the mantle had travel
ed nearly twice .around the circlet of en
ameled figures before Kato Elwyn lifted
her gaze from the bunches of velvet roses
in the carpet. What was she pondering
''Sitting up, eh, Kate ? 'Why, I thought
you Avere 'tired to death,' " said Mr. El
wyn, as ho entered the room, and his wife
laid down her book and welcomed him
with a bright, cureless smile.
"Yes, I've been so touch interested in
that delightful bOok," oxolaiired Mite,
enthusiastically. "I do wish I knew
Whether Sir Guy gets the property or
"She has got over her sulks ,atnazing,
quick,," was the husband's internal com
ment, as ho kicked off his boots and lazily
unfastened his lavander neck-tie.
"Oh, thank you, Mr. Elwyn, I've had
such a charming,
And Aurora Raymond sp - rang lightly
fr&ll3 the carriage step, one tiny gloved
hand resting on Mr. Elwyn's arm, the
other holding up thd folds of her violet
velvet mantle. Ile touched his hat, gal
lantly, as she trippedup the hotel steps,
all smiles and dimples.
tt I wonder if Kate would like a turn
round Jackson Square before dinner," he
said to himself consultin , his gold watch
" I'll run up and sce—Tioor little thing."
He sprang up the stairs, two steps nt
a time, and burst into his wife's room.
" Put your bonnet on, puss, and we'll
take a ride," he exclaimed. " Hallo, she
isn't here—what the mischiel does this
mean '
No, she was nut there—neither was her
blue velvet hat with the white ostrich,
plume nor the magnificent Cashmere shawl
that had been :ent over from India for her
wedding present just five years ago—and
\lr. Elwyn came, slowly down stairs again
h'eling much inclined get info a pas•
" Do you know where my wife is ?'' he
asked Mrs. Artworth, a lady who spent
One half her Linn! at the hotel wimlows
and the the half in eateehi!-ing the ser
vants and who consequently knew all that
was ,to be known Colleellling pe()file ' S out
goings and in-comings, generally.
" She's out riding in Col. Warrington's
baronehe--been gone ever since morning,
returned the gos , iping matron, with great
" Out ridiny. Mr. Elwyn's brow Clt•
1-:tirange—viry orange,'' he muttorvd
to drive out in that sort of wv without
:iv much as saytug a word to always
lanch.d that 11'arriii2.don a puppy. and I'm
irt U it MAY
lic. went down and (1 the
;Ind then returned to the irawing
noon,. ❑s restless :Is; the Avanderitw Jew
After "lie or Iwo moody tutus aCrOS: , the
Iti . tig al.:Arnim:lt, he sat H.,nily dowu iu
t 1 witolow recess. Ev:.n Aur ora tiny
petty ehatter.eoubl not
interest hull now. " Would Klatt , never
cows'?'' he thought, luz he looked for the
fortieth time at his watch.
She at last, ju,t i n tim e t o r un
_u_p_s.tair . .i for uukir-..
came smiling and lovely Ivith her hair
.-blown about by the fresh wind, and her
eves ratliently I.llwyn—
in time nian! , ,r that hn w , s—could have
knocked Coll', „,:in'ton down for the
involuntary gaze (d'adniirati, II with which
he looked alter his fair eomp.inion.
I'mesently Mm Rat re-appea le d, in a
nta.(niticent m 1 c,s (d' lustrous silver green
silk, lighted up by the flash of emerald. ,
at her throat: and frosted ',teen mosses
dropping from in r hair.
" Why have you put omm t h:lt (Idiom(
green dress?" tiAufd Elwyn, catching
at some slight pretext as an esTape-valve
fir his ill humor " You know how much
I dislike green."
"Oh, well," said Kate, nonchalantly
"you arc so fidgotty, Charles. What
difference c•an it possildy wake to you
whethei I wear green or yellow? It is
entirely Li hygOli e litshion for husbands
and wives to study one another's whims,
et he Darby and Joan. We dress entirely
to please the public, the gay world you
know. And 1 put on this sill: dress to
please Air. Garnett— he admires green so
much ?."
Charles Elwyn :-tared at his wife in
speechless astonishment. What did it
[nem' 7 She had 'always been the hum.
blest slave to his slightest wish or caprice
—and new she smilincly sot hint at de
fiance. What evil spirit had possessed
She never came near hint all the even
ing—never sought his approval by the
little shy glances of appeal or the ques
tioning looks that had been so inexpressi
bly dew• to him. No—she chatted away,
bewitchingly self' reliant, the center of an
admiring group, until Mr. Elwyn was
ready to rush out of the room in a trans
port of exasperation.
"Allow WU to congratulate you on your
treasure of a v,ife, sir," said Col. War
rington. "I have always known she was
a beauty, but I rievei appreciated her
claims as a wit."
Eltvyn glared speechlessly at, the polite
Col., who was evidently surprised at the
ungracious reception of his little compli
"Just what I might have expected,"
he muttered to himself, plucking fiercely
at his moustache., "What in the deuce
did I bring her here for, if I didn't want
every fool in society to fall down and
worship her '?"
"Would you-like a drive•after dinner,
Kate 7" he asked one evening, niter about
three days spent in this very
"I couldn't possibly this evening," she
said, adjusting the' reaths of ivy that de
pended from . her shining hair. "We've
arranged such a nice Moonlight party to
ride out to the navy yard."
"Well, what's to prevent me from driv
ing you there ?" asked Mr. Elwyn; anx-,_
"Our party is all made up," said Kate
coolly. "Ipromised to go in Mr. Garnett's
carriage. - Ile is so delightfully agreea
ble, and I like him so much."'
"The de," growled Elwyn,
his face elongaiing 'and :urowinE, dark.; , .
,P , , ,, .6. :
1 n d ";
. )4.4
"But I'll tell you what you might do,
if you pleased;" suggested Kate innocent
ly. "Mi.s Raytnond would like to go, I've
nn doubt, or Mrs: Everset, and there can
be no possible objection to an extra car
riage in the party, so that—"
"Hang Miss Raymond and Mrs. Ev
erset," ejaculated the irate husband.
'With all my heart, my dear," sab
Kate. "Only you see, it's quite impossi
ble for me to break my promise to Mr
Air. Elwyn's temper was by no weans
improved when he stood on the hotel steps
and watched the merry party drive orr,
their p.:ay voices and jubilant laughter re
echoiro4 through the serene moonlight,
like a mockery of his own gloomy reflec
tions. rte had never felt so utterly lone
ly and forlorn in the whole course if his
" I 'tar me, what. a beautiful evening fur
as ride," sighed Annuli Raymond., look
ing up from a volume of poems, as
Elwyn re-entered the drawing room look
ing no' unlike a man who had just had a
molar extiacted.
But he didn't tal,e the hint, aclin: , as
Miqs Raymond allerwardH indignantly re
marked, • more like a bear than a man,"
and si'fing down to the perusal rd the
new , pai.ers. for thnr-midnight
curls md oriental oyes--their :Tell was
I low long the slow creeping hours ~eetne
d holore Gate. came back f Long ere the
, ounit f carriage wheels orated on the
aveniis helore the doors, he went up to
hi- , own room and tried, uselessly enough,
to aces himself with hook, and letter
writing. All his efforts were unavailing ;
hetwcf a Liu' and every occupation 10
turnud, crept unc gloomy thou r . , ,ht
Sidc pang--to think that Icate was
happy ~.'ithout his society, that she never
inis,sed -.kb,ent voice and smile.
"1 v. old( r
t'd to 1..111,C11. "11 . 8 not an agreeable :-Cfl
_1 ut , ht, I woad r
fill So) whime,.., I ifirtc.l with .1111.ora
tho whiolv."
TI Wtt, , a nets , .ensatimi.
Would the time ever (mine when IK . ate's
howl wm d l estraiiged nom
USK \N lien her
Irwin rn>i it c nature would cease to re
spond Ilia tota' ? The very fancy wns
a V.Oll .
! C vas wrapped in
wlp it, the door opened, and his
bright little WOO tripped in looking very
much like a tr,a2;nitied sunbeam. Sloe
sh , pp s , ,titlenlv N'll.ll ! , 11n• sac his Lead
hewed 111) , ,11 hi,' ha
4 •Cllarll , , does your head fiche ?"
Th,n wi,:a matter
"My heart ache 4, Kate," he said silly
'it aches to Chilli: that my wife has (teased
to hive me."
She came to his side and put her arms
around hiq neck with cart ;:ein , aiieetion
• , (!barle, what do 37(1 mean?„
I mean, Kate. that vben you de-ert
me for the society of other :4, and emt,e to
pay any regard to my NVISIII'S, I can Come
to but ono eoneltniion."
"Charles," said Kate. sinfling archly
up into his face, "does it grieve you to
have we prefer the soe:ety f others to
your own
It breaks my heart, sighed
pas , ;ionately.
.Then, dearest, let 11:: wake a bargain
Let us ;Wow Mit,s Raymond and Mrs. I.:v
-ery:l bt console tht•in,t hies with Col. War
inp,ton and Mr. Garnett, while we are
happy with each other. Shall it he so ?"
"Kate, you have been playing a part
"Of course t have. Pict you suppose
for a thoment that I was in earnest ?"
The loving kisse's she showered upon
his brow di:olled every lurking shadow
from the husband's hen t, and he felt how
inexpressibly dear his wife was to him.
In the next day's, train Mr and Mrs.
Elwyn left Washington, mutually convin
ced that they had enough of the gay cap
ital. There were two untni.-itakably good
effects consequent on their sojourn, how
ever ; Kate tugs satisfied to remain quiet
ly at home for the rest of her life, and
Charles was completely cured of every
latent tendency to flirt!
The Value of a Bit of Knowledge.
In the course of our miscellaneous read
ing, we came across the following good
story, which illustrates the value of a bit
of practical information, when applied at
the right time:
In the Plaza before St Peter's at Borne
stands the most beautiful obelisk in' the
world. It was brought from the circus
of Nero where it had lain buried for many
ages. It was one entire piece of Egyptian
marble, 72 feet high, 12 feet square at
the base, and 8 feet square 4t the top, and
is computed to weigh about 470 tons,
and .is supposed to bo 3,000 years old.
Much engineering skill was required to
remove and erect this piece of art ;and
the celehrafed architect, Dotnincio Pen
tane was selected and engaged by Pope
Sextufl e,arry..out_the.operationz..A_
pedestal, 30 feet high, was built for its
,reception, and the obelisk brought-to its,'.
base. Many were the ingenious contri
vances preparegifor the raising of it to
its-last resting plebe, all of which excited
the deepest' interest among the 'people
At lerigth everything was in readiness,
I/1 1
111 Fv' -
f it t
" ) .Iqt
and .. 11 . day appointed for the great event.
A great multitude assembled to wit
ness the ceremony , and the Pope afraid
that the clamor of the people might dis
tract, the all cation of the architect., issued
an edict containing regtations to he kept,
and imposing the severest penalties on
any one who should during the lifting of
the gigantic stone utter a single word.
Amidst suppressed excitement of feelings
and breathless silence, the splendid mon
ument was gradually raised to within a
few inches of the top of the pedestal,
when its upward moti n ceaf•icil ;1t hung
suspended. and could not be got further,
the tackle was too slack, and there seemed
• to be no other way than to undo the great
work already accomplished. The annoy
ed architect, in his perplexity, hardly
knew how to act, while the silent people
were anxiously watching every motion of
his features to discover how the problem
would b 2 solved.
In the crowd was an old British sailor.
Ile saw the difficulty and how to over
come it, and with stentorian lungs he
shouted, "Wet the ropes l" The vigilant
police pounced on the culprit and lodged
him in prsion : the architect caught the
magic words, lie put the proposition in
force, and the cheers of the people pro
claimed the success of their great under
taking. Next day the British criminal
was solemnly arraigned belhre, his Ifoli•
ne..s ; Ili, crime was undeniably proved,
and the Pope, in solemn language, pro
noun(Td hi, sentence to be --that he
should receive a pension annually during
his lifetime.
These little fact, stored up from obser
vation, can never do the owner any harm
and may some day be of great utility;
and chi- stery only proves the valur , of le
membering small things as well as great
tines, for there is nothing that is too in
significant for men to know, and there
knot ledge that ha , not its LIC! "
THE 1141 1 . 111 V. —Thi , Jl.llli ,
~ f thi- unti , m,lly inter
-1.1.4.-olitin:4, in Ili se.po and variety
e . its 0r.11t , '111 , . Ilti
1 Vl' that. I.'lV will I , W 1111112: t. Inv it risidt^: ,
until tlCoy p•ru , al.--The noxi.
Itor will 1•.III1114.111, n TISIV V ,, 1111110. Prc , lll
tin Itich
ritivr(T,-- p:rltk , FuT pon
Jirt, we 11111: , 1110 i)dit)\ , l , l.2: \ TIO'
1. 51.1. i501ir ,,,, 111,111.1011141 fl- a t, ofIL.• p•trty.
"Lir t" H-1 , 1:111 \vb.
111 , P. 6111),, mt
ro t :,tilnr nrvly :
Visit of President Lincoln.
Among the memorable events el the
week was the visit of Pre•ident Ling nin
to the city of Richmond lie had been
tarrying at City Point. holding daily con
sultitions with (;eneral ()rant. visiting
the army and time iron clads at Aiken': ,
I,anding,—thug avoiding the swarm o
place-hunters that darkened the doors of
the executive mansion. •
On Tuesday noon a lug-boat belonging
to the navy was seen steaming up the
Junes regardless of torpedoes and nh•
structions A mile below (he city, where
the water becomes shoal, President Lin
coln, accompanied by Admiral Porter,
Captain' Adams of the navy, Captain
Penrose of the army, and Lieutenant
Clemmens of the Signal Corps, put off
from the tug in a launch manned by
twtive sailors, whose long, steady oar
strokes quickly carried the party to the
landing-place,--a square above Libby.
Thorn way no committee of reception,
no guard or hoo",, no grand di.-Tlay of
troop, no assemlding or an eager multi
tude to welcome
lie entered the city unheralded ; six
sailors, armed with carbines, stepped
upon the shore, followed by the Presi
dent, who held his little son by the hand,
and Admiral Porter; the officers followed
and six more sailors brought up the rear.
The, writer of this article was there upon
the spot, and, joining the party, became
an observer of the memorable event.
There were forty or fifty freedmen,
who had been sole possessors of them
selves for twenty-four hours, at work on
floating timber, under the direction of a
Lieutenant. Somehow they obtained the
information that the man who was head
and shoulders taller than all others around
him, with features large and irregular,
with a mild eye and pleasant countenance,
was President Lincoln.
" God bless you, Salt" said one taking
off his cap and bowing very low.
" llurrah I hurrah President Lin
k= hab come I" was the shout which
rang through the street.
The Lieutenant found himself with
out a command. What cared those freed
men, fresh from the house of bondage,'
for floating timber or military commands
Their deliverer had come t —he who, next
to the Lord Jesus, Was their best friend!
It was not an hurrah that they gave, but
a wild, jubilant cry of inexpressible joy.
They gathered round the President,
ran ahead, hovered upon the flanks of the
littlo 'company, and hung like a dark
oloud upon the rear. Men, women, and
children joined the constantly increasing
-throng—They- r oma—from --all-the -by--
stroets, running in breathless baste,
shourfrig and:hallooing and dancing with
delight. The men throw up their bats,'
the women waved their- bonnets and
handkerchiefs, clapped their hands, and
sang, "Glory to God I glory I glory I glory 1"
—rendering all the praise to god, who
TERMS:--$2,00 in Advance, or $2,50 Within the year
had heard their wailings in the past, their
moanin!rs for wives, husbands, children,
and friends sold out of their sight, had
given them freedom, and, after long years
of waitin g , had permitted them thus un
expectedly to behold the face of their
great benefactor.
" I thank you, dear Jesus, teat. I be
hold President Link= !" 'Was the ex
clamation of a woman who stood upon
the threshold of her humble home, and
with streaming eyes and clasped hands
gave thanks aloud to the Saviour of men.
Another, more demonstrative, in her
joy, was jumping and striking her hands
with all her might, crying,—'' Bless de
Lord ! Bless de Lord ! Bless de Lord !"
as if there could be no end of her thanks
The air rang with a tumultous chorus
of voices. The street. became almost im
passable on recount of the increasing mul
titude. Soldiers were summoned to clear
the way: how strange the event ! The
President of the Dolled States—he who
had peen hated, despised, maligned above
all other men living, to whom the vilest
epithets had been applied by the people
of Richmond—was walking their streets,
receiving thanksgivings, blessings, and
fromthousands who hailed him
as the ally of the Messiah ! How hitter
the reflections of that moment to some
ho beheld him !—memory running back
perhaps, to that day in May, Mil, when
Jelfetson Davis, their President, en
tered the city—the pageant of that hour,
his speech, his promise to smite the smi
ler, to drench the fields of Virginia with
richer blood than that :lied at ]iuena
Vista! How that part of the promise
had 11,2 en kept I heir sons, broth
ers, and friend, lied Gillen '--haw all chat.
piiitlicied had failed !—how the land had
bc'en tilled with mourning,!--how the
State become a desolation ! --how
their property, their hoarded wealth, had
di , appe:ned! They had beep invited to
a ;'olgetins banquet ; the fruit was fair to
the eye, of golden hue and beautiful ,
but, it had turned to ashes. They had
,ht en promised a place ;ininng the natiohS,
a position of u. nfloantlillg influence and
ram, , I: , _otton was the kin , of and
..En*Lud,...E/::,..4.c...4. a Lid. 11,14,11.0 14-1 ViliZQ
~snrld n'„uld hntis in hn ui !, uhmiss inn
in Ills niniesty '1 hat was the promise;
Ion; 1111 ii; 'heir king wnii dethroned, their
g.,,ve: [moot overthluwil, their President
and hiq eahinet vagrants, diiven from
hou,e and 11011;e to be wanderers upon the
earth. They had heea promised affluence.
Richmond wa, to he the metropolis of
the Confederacy. and Virginia the all
powerful State of the new nation. lion .
terrible the cheat Theit thousand
dollar L u ndy were not worth a penny.
million dollar.; would not purchase a
dinner. Their money was valueless, th e ir
slaves were freemen the heart of their
city was eaten out. They had been cheat
ed in ev.2rything. Those whom they
had trusted had given the unkindest cut
ed' all,—adding ar,on and robbery to their
other crinie. , . Thus had they fallen from
highest anticipation of bliss to deepest
actual woe. The language of the Arch-
Rebel of the universe, in " Paradise test,"
was most, appropriate to them :-
1, this the region lid, the soil the
Stlid then the poet Arehnogel, • this the seat
Mat wit :111,t e 11211141, holviitl. Ihi•
F'or tlint cvl,t al ii,-ht
Abraham Lincoln was walking their
streets; and worst of all, that plain honest
h carted man was recognizing t '• triggers"
as human beings by returning their salm
tations Thuowalk was long and the Presi
dent halted a moment to rest. May de
good Lord bless you President Linkuin "
said an old negro, removing his hat, and
bowing with tears of joy rolling down his
cheeks. The President removed his own
hat and bowed in silence; but it was a bow
which upset the lurms, laws, customs, and
ceremonies of centuries. It was a deat,h
shock to chivalry, and a mortal wound to
caste. Recognize a nigger ! Faugh ! A
woman in an adjoining house beheld it, and
turned from the scene in unspealiab ff lep
disgust. There were men in the crowd
who had daggers in their eyes ; but the
chosen as, was not there, the hour
for the damning work had not come', and
that great-hearted man passed on to the
executive mansion of the late Confederacy.
Want of space compels us to pass over
other scenes,—the visit of the President
to the State-II ousc,—the jubilant shouts
of the crowd,—the rush of freedmen into
the Capitol grounds, where till the appear
ance of their deliverer, they had never
been permitted to.enter,—the ride of the
President through the streets,—his visit
to Libby Prison,—the distribution of
bread to the destitute,— the groups of
heart-broken men amid the ruins, who
behold nought but ruins,—a ruined city,
a ruined State a ruined Cenfedoracy,
ruined people,—ruined in hopes and ex
pectations,—ruined for the past, the
present, and the 'future,r—without power,
influence, or means of beginninglifo anew,
—deceived, subjugated, humiliated,—
Poverty.strieken in everything. All that
-they-had -possessed- was-irretrievably- lost,
and they had nothing to show for it. All
their heroism, valor,
.courago, hardship,
expenditure of treasure, and sacrifice of
blood had availed them.nothing. There
could be no eomfOrt in their mourning,
no alleviation to their sorrow.
Forgetting that Justice mighti-
est power of the universe, that Righteous•
ness is eternal, and that anything short
of it is transitory, they planned a gorgeous
edifice with Slavery for its corner-stoue;
but suddenly, and in, an hour, their super
structure and foundation crumbled. They
grasped at doniinion, and sank in perdi
The Superstition of Sailors
All sailors, it is notorious, are supersti
tious; partly, I suppose, from looking out
so much upon the wilderness of waves,
empty of all human life; for mighty
solitudes are generally fear haunted and
fear-peopled ; such, for instance, 'as the
solitudes of forests, where, in the absence
of human forms and of ordinary human
sounds, are discerned forms more dusky
and vague, nut referred by the eye to
ally known type, and sounds imperfectly
intelligible. And, therefore, are all Ger
man coal-burners, wood-cutters, &c., Hu-
NO. '2'l.
perstitions. Now the sea is often peopled,
amidst its ravings, with what seem innu
merable human voices, such voices, are
as ominous, as what were heard by Ku
bla Khan—" ancestral voices prophesy
ing war :" oftentimes laughter mixes,
from a distance, (seeming to come also
from distant times, as well as distant
places) with the uproar of waters ; add
doubtless shapes of fear, or shapes of
beauty not less awful, are at times seen
upon the waves V fhe diseased eye of
the sailor, in other cases beside the some
what rare one of calenture. This vast
solitude of the sea being taken, therefore,
as one condition of' the superstitious fear
found so commonly among sailors, a se
cond may be the perilous insecurity of
their own lives, or (if the lives of sailors,
after all, by means of' large immunities
from danger in other shapes are not so
insecure as is supposed, though, by the
way, it is enough for this result that to
themselves they seem so) yet at all events
he insecurity of the ships in which they
ail. In such a case, in the case of bat
le. and in others where the empire of
'fiance seems absolute, there the temp
at ion is greatest to daily with superma
tral oraeles and supernatural means of
misulting them. Finally, the interrup-
ul habitually of all ordinary avenues to
6,relation about the fate of their dm-
relatives ; the consequent agitation
which must often possess those who are
re,:entcring home Miters-, and the sudden
burst, upon stepping ashore, of heart
shakim news in long-accumulated ar
rcars—these are circumstances which
dispose the mind to look out for relief
to signs and omens as one way of break
ing the shock by dittu
Hats Icaving a vessel destined to sink,
although the political application of it
as a 11:11110 Or reproach is purely modern,
must be, ranked amongst the oldest of
ifinuns.; and perhaps---the -most,---sober--
min.lA of 111(.11 might have leave to be
unwed NVlth any augury of an ancient
traditional order such as had won faith
fur centuries, applied to a fate so inter
esting. as that of the ship to which he
was on the point of committing himself.
Tice Kindness of Mr. Lincoln
The following incident, clipped from
an exchange, illustrates the kindness of
heart and the tenderness of our late Pres
ident. In November last, a small, deli
cate boy patiently waited with the crowd
which hail gathered in the room of the
Presidenc.—lle was noticed by Mr. Lin
coln, who said, "Come here, my boy, and
tell me what you want." The boy, tremb
ling and abashed, stepped forward and
placed his hand upon the arm of the chair
in which the President was seated, and
said :
"Mr. ]'resident, I have bee❑ a drum
wer in a regiment for two years, and my
Col. got angry with we and turned me
off; I was taken sick, and have been a
long time in the hospital. This is the
first day I have been out I came to see
if you cannot du something for me."
The President looked kindly and ten
derly at him, and asked him where he
lived. Ile replied that he had no home.
"Where is your father ?" said the
"lie died in the army," answered the
"Where is your mother ?"
"My mother is dead also, I. have no fa
ther, no mother, no brother, sisters," and
bursting into tears, the boy said, "and no
friends Nobody cares for me."
The scene was very affecting. Mr.
Lincoln's eyes filling with tears, ho said
to him
"Can't yen sell newspapers."
"No," said the boy, "I am too weak,
and the surgeon of the hospital told me I
must leave; and I have no money, and
no friends, and no plane to go to."
The scene was indescribably tender
and affectionate, and the President imme
diately drew from his drawer a card, on
which he wrote his wiffhes, that the offi•
cars should care4in his own affectionate
language) "for this poor boy."
When the card was handed to the drum
mer boy, a smile lit up his face, all wet
with tears, and he had at least one good
and true friend in Abraham Lincoln.
"Sic Semper Tyrannis l"
The following is Patrick Donavan's testi
mony boror - a - tho commission trying the as
sassins. His rendering of Booth's ejacula
tion is certainly original:
Q. By Judge Holt ;
Where were you on the night of the ltith
of April ? ,
A. At Ford's Theatre, your honor,
Q. Where did you sit ? Right forninst the
President's Box. Q. What did you see
while there? A. Well your honor, I heard
a gun. Q. •Whatidid you see then ? A.:Well
-your honor, -there-was a fellow jumped out
of tho box with a largo carving knife in his
hand, and as ho run across tile ; stage, I un
derstood him to. say, ‘‘., I'm sick, send
for McManus."
fairest work of creation. Th© enitio
being extensive, let no park be without
a,copy. • „ .