CUMBERLAND VALLEY A N _CAW it A. IIL ROADS. CHANGE OF HO CR N. 0N and after MUNI/AV, A Pail, 4th 1801, Paasonger Trains will run daily, au roii.,w iklunday excepted): FOIL CIIAMBERSBUIRI .91) 11 Itt; 101 Leave Llaitomtowtt, 7:00 A. M., 2:45 P. " Greenman°, 7:37 " 3.35 '• 1 Arr at 8,17 Chamborieg, LoaTo 8:30 " Lear(' Shlpponaburg 0:00 '. Nowvilla 9:31 " Carnal() 10:10 Meohnalcpburg 10,12 " 3:12 6 ! Arrive at Ilarrisburg 11:15 " 3:10 FOR CII A MI11:311.8 II URO AND HAG 1:11:3131WN • Lertve Hat rlshurg 5:0.5 A. M , 1:35 " Maehaniesburg 5:37 2,12 '• " Carlisle 0:27 " 10.02 •• " Shippensberg . 10:38 Ohambers's, { I AL v n e t 1 1 1 1 :1 1 1 ( 1 ) Leave (lroencastle 11:55 Arr. at Haorstowu 12:35 ti:10 " The Carlisle and Ilarrisbur; ACC0101) V TION 'MAIN will leave AS (ollmve Leave Carlisle " Meehan', shurg Arrive at Harrisburg Leave Harrisburg '• Mechanicsburg Arrive at Carlisle making close con4ectio is at IlarrleluA;: a ith 'l'rcin: for l'hiladelphla, New Vorlc and Pa t4hur r , alt' Trains for all pointy 11 ,t. 4^.3e. The 'Crain lr•iving Hari isbul:: -it 4 . runs only an liir as Cal lista. ir. N LULL, r'up't Superinti}ndent's ()nice, Chatub'g. July 1, 156.1. Carpets ! Carpets ! VVE have just, returnc,l Iron' Ow with tt full supioly :111 ..frolet: roof lo I:iti , Carioq., front the Iletnp toil „ I,o• .114.11 its of Tlireo I'ly. WHO, .•I .)i I. I. ItS VVlll , l4 , iv Shndrv, Root. NI • All persons hl the Lim cam_ big smisou, will ,la tu I. , ,ive us s \t,• take ~Tesit pleasure in , 5 it ill, t ,:1-I , lla. Anti del:r conmelition in this market. rernen.her thq RiAnd. thi• 3far , ,et : , ,itiArv, Jlrer tly I l ilit.. I lln s A :411. MEM February 10, 1065 SECOND ARRIVAL 04 DIT4IO -1 12 4 i7 (GrCZlftCD:otdi...), T the Clieep :)t(e)a ()I' 11' l'. ti;nrtcr Main "110 dokli• I h 010 returnod with OF \VI (;0(n).-, such am latest, sty]. Dre.s tb.ods, and \13,1t1. -.111 k of Shawl, FURS! FL'II:; A lArizil lot from A 'l'.:t , nurtk, very cheap. All kin Is of Mourning Anode, .11,..1 1 .,-hire 6.- .01.1 Clnnk intt Cloths. Sul Inns of ever v kind, 11 1 orkle/1 Cat p,•l , in I 011 riot' s. I=l ILI I +1 . , , 4"lipply I 1141,-. n,. 0., 11,011 • !Toot , oaf!. you i'l 111,1 lIIN 11110 1. , 11 ~ the W I 2 , I. 1),c1.1111,er F you want anything gu to Haven-tick', t.nd The }louse Cleaners Friend. ,S L I.LEN & CO., havb a Back saving 1.), and it It F r )1 E it Y, , ruic And MPORTANP TO ALL SUFFERING ROM DEFECTIVE EYE SIGHT. j . [t ( ):-/ l' ' JN 1 ) % I/I . :, "Ctdi,t ( )11! i,.i p • iti 110, , iwillin .. •.' ly ',o t,t, f L t . .. 2., \. tl, 2,1 11Alrisholz. l'.‘ I 11•l:illi, ..'i , iL•. L'idi 1110 .1) th. 1.1 , .1. ..I ~ , , ,111, ..ho• ' u-o. :1,1 1811;. h A..• _o ~ I.'o - • iN)rt Vlktlg to thldr 3•lr 4( till, I•,C ,II i , h.“, 111. l!,.• 4,1 Or sq It.. ol I. II 11 , ll I I 'II Il of •'.t /III: Or M .1 . 11 i• • ,i'1,1,•• • i.... 1, to of l ' r• . :1 , 1 I. • 111, I •; •• I 1 . • 'I , I' 1,1••• I • 1 any longtit ot !no- tt . t . ; h> d I}•. to 110 Itt .1• 1 tt., , o, I H olt, ,II .lltto ••• i0.0. , 1t Ills l•r. .1 . a I. 'l'l,, tat." It al - .0,1., • I:I t, I .I. vent tr rAt I:1 ..• ,•111.14 Vlows. J a 111111 N STOUI In Eby's Old I;I•;!;\II \ I; I N 1.% )!(.1! rh, (•ir 1/, viemit. (Ica =ME First Chiss and lientl.• Fl 5 te: 1,, p u I Coats, Pants atilt Vests, for tioods , the .I:l.Cut =1 ()Vert.° tf, V:krit., C(111.11,, 61th t- 1,, P 1 ,11,1 1 I ' , IS ell til/ in 9i• and Vurniqin ~.• 1.1 , 1 .11t1... Dilll . l. pid `LI. I ijr. 11:1111 Ne‘v 000( i s ! Nev croed, Ful t wiNTH; \1•1•;•11 I5.1.1(1 IA VI \ (;: - .l'()N a unffitrices it •• I ,•' rro.!, ntl.ll . ltll,l.lplll‘ A:. 1., turthJed.,litnlo.• 1,1 r .111 , r) lines, icA,5131E)?1,7,,,, 11,01 , In t I.:\ 1••;;Ii ; c I.; =II Suits oi' Clothes I= RUM. 1;4., Mill (),•,•Cllfil. FURN I ;11l NCI i iut)118, wnsistlog of Shil t,, Drswers, itnekloirs. ls, II:111d kerchiefs. Collars. o k • kept always 1.11 lurid Call at the old stallOi. next door L.. 11.11L1,1 art SLOre. SMILII Hanover lit , Carlisle, l'a. I=Ellllll DRY GOODS. " To Whom it May Concern." Greenfield Si Sheafer ARE happy to informthe public that thby have just roturmal flout NEW YORK with a new and denirablo rtoelc olgoods—bought at arently reduced paces, which will be sold on the original and popular princlplo of QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS. R 4)=-6 (1 00 1) , Bcotch Plaids Wool Zoplr)r Plaids, Empres Olothn Plaid 3totinlrn, Callum Cloths, Amours, Barra thoas, Alpacas in all colors, Etub..llparas, Wool Ile lalura kc., At, Balmoral Skirts, A fun ruolortmont for Lndion and Childt en CLOAKS and FURS! A. largo and desirable stock of Cloaks and Furs, bought In New York which will be sold lower than elsewhere. •-• • D 0,; . M E 8 'l' I U 8, De LetheeS...lieelgiaieil.ilialine,Olngluunso-lanton annals and tlckings, all to be sold at great bargains. NOTlONS.—Hosiery, White floods, he. GENTS' AND' • BOYS' WEAR. Cloths, Caselmeres, Satinekts, Jeans, d: A full no sortmont Magorle'e colebr.l tett Mute-Mode Goods, al wieyei cu hand: '" • 'P Conti, buy .exty kind 01 goods until you have fIrEL called on OIthENKI E 14/ k SIICAFER, to note the great difference between thd prices asked for goods thorn and else syhere. Goods received daily from New York and Philadel phia. " GREENFIELD ‘t SIIEJLFEE, ' East Main d tract, South !ado, ' 2d door, '2d' door, 2d door from corner Nqyal, 180. . gupelings •an Mattings. I have just opened an assortment of all wool Ingrain Carpets, Cotton Chain ditto,llerap and Bag ditto, bought at the largo auction sales last week. which I will soli at astonishingly low prices. Aho and or 4l Matting. 011 A S. CC7ILn Y , 'trustee. AVI 13 'O5, • DORT Folios, Writing Desks, Back AL Gammon Boards, Gamas of all dosorlptlon at 1.1- Prstlelc's Drug, Vanoy and Book Storo. , /111,0I0E iiiWARS:&_TORACCO, • . AT ItAUTON'EI. FRANKLIN QM 1 '.")5 as 1 I 11110 GEMEMI 4 I )I DIME BM= A. , al lIEEMO=I =I 114 , , I = I=l =I =EMT =I 4 I =1 Great Bargains in Jewelry. IV FORSYTH ,42& 44 y Nassau 6t., New York. coliol• lot; the Post OffierOoffor for mita the tol lowing Niagniiii`ellt 1.114 of Val utgl ut ifJO.OOOO. EACII Alt 11(1.1.: ONE DOLLAR, nod not to he paa rot ulll you know what you to got. lOU Gold and 011, r Watches, from $l5 to $lOO earl, 200 Ladles' Gold Watches, $35 00 each. 500 Ladies and (lint's Silver Wa . ches, $l5 01 each, 3.500 Vest and Neck Chains to 00 to 10 00 each. 0 000 Gold Band ltrayeleja,,,,,, 300to10 04 each. • 8,000 Come, Jet Brochus 4OJto 0 00 each 4.000 Lava 004 Florentine Brochea 400 to 000 each 4.000 Campo Ear Drops, 4 00 to 0 00 each. —l o ot 0 -Itavet - Jefklorentivre - 1 , ,r - ftrows - , --- 40 1 0 to 0 Oil each 4,0,0 Coral oar Do ps, 4 00 to 8 00 each. 0.000 Masonic and Gen Ca Pins, 2 50 to ft 00 each. 3.00(1 Watch Keys. 2110 to 0 00 each. 3 .1020 Fob and It ihl.t 11 2 50 to 11 00 each. 3'500 setts of Bosom `t ads, 250 t 0 00 uncit. 11 . 500 Sleeve Buttons. 2 50 to 0 00 core. 0 . 000 Plaln and Chased II liws, 2511 to 5 0(1 ear It. IS' 000 Memo,, IC and Stone'tset Binge, 2 50 to 10 ((0 each. ll' 000 Locket,,, 2 50 to 0 00 each. 5 000 Califeen Dimond l'lns A Rings 1:0 10 000 each, 3 000 Ladies' Gold Penults, 3 1/0 to 5 00 each. 2 000 Ladies' Large Belt Buckles, 200 to 400 each. 10,000 setts Ludt.' Jewelry, b 00 to 10 00 each. 10,000 Gold Pens, silver nit'd holders, 4 00 to 5 00 each 10,000 Gold Pens. silver ext'n Cases and Pencils., 4 00 to 5 00 each. The articles In his stock of Jeweiri aro of the neatest, itd most fashionable styles. Certificates of all the va• e taus articlos'are put ili sealed envelopes and mixed, thus giving' all a air chance, and sent by mall for 25 cents each; and nu the receipt of the certificate, it In at your option to send ONE DOLLAR and take the ar. tide named In it, or not. Five cettificatea, VI; eleven $2; thirty, $5; shay-five, $00; one .hundred, $l5 Cortilleate money to Itt enclosed e nth the order. Car respondence promptly answered. Wp wish It distinctly understood that our buSiness is no Lottery. Thu object of this moiler of sollinglis to give purchaser, the opportunity of buying Jewelry at the wholesale prlcoa, with the chance of getting a Watch or some other valuable article; and all goods sent, not satisfactory, can be returned and the money will be refunded. (AGENTfi wanted In and regiment. Bend 'or Clrcillar. Address, Every Person's Interest. SAWY regpectfulP'calls T o the attention of every body to WA Im— mense St, rk of Winter woods just re...dyed. 14nght or rash and all at ho rodure 1 prices front A C ist.owart e . 4 CO , Arnold Constable. ok Co NI Ut phy a Harris Minor S fort ester, Note York. :,1•,.;e1 West ei Irvin. 31. 1,. (talloo' 4 , Thos. W I:rans Co .:111,1••ther p 1.., es Philadelphia. Composing the latk • 0 01) it, at Fin Mioll. ek kin.h. in plain rolot s, hatred, figured ter. or. All I. Inds “I Mourning Goods, Ftyles of hrre 01)011 311. In my. lIIIM=IIIIIIIII trade „t nrll , 31.0 otl I,,,wght A . T , C vii cdkedil I.t,hear times BRAWLS, Wain Bat, I. 11.1 111. •,,q, II .1 h i 1 h I I It 'l' S 11,1..ry Allot iiik . o,lllPlr , ..lN Cm,iilEr'l,llld VI II .111. r.! 1 In flit - , at Pin at Ind L i , •71. :S. 111.51, earl. on,l 'flo• The 11,41,t stoel, of Its nir , : lie (lends in the enu Ithte . .et4, awl every othet v Iv of t;00.11: kept inn fire. rise. 1 , 4 111, aria Dreg, hi. v,• u ill he the .11: .1 , 11! o,llllilli s 1 D 111!1” I 1114. t.. 1..• Itputeallt, tLr t /..I`t 11111.• 111111.'1,10W W • C. \ I: z , ----- z ~.,....„........ (Klf27/1/41, COMMERCIAL COLLEGE 'Highly Important to Young Men ! - ''ST( )1 !Nt N! EN who are ma (.1 empl v,.1•N,, \II: ,r! 1.1,1,11, =I “j 1,4 1111 , 111111 i t , l il, 1:1,1 :It' ni11,111,. ,I 1.. i• I'l :It '••1 -111,• rt,r• t , liN , ; .\ I \ I'll itlllll v• ,1 I .t,• I 11.•ir t,wn , Lr 1 iug Itt I lit• 11/ YOU (/ ,111 rnp.i. if tt/s of ( . MI1111(.11'1.11 A r re I . o t. I ItAlt 1,1 1,111.0 ri , Iti.ulan lIIIt II tier,: 111 /1/1.7. . / .. r,. k I' \ 1:%. IVINES AND 1,1(-1L,!) Snnl Tfl :z•ri(r.r.r E undersigtied, succe,,,,r t,, !). • tho ' ,Hi •1 , • 1••• •••1-•.11.- •111•111. L11•••113in• l••!' • I (It. 1.,. •. I, ••. •• .• 10•••11 • ••11,t./t111.6- iI. n I I 14, ••••• • 1. r• 1 I URA NM I Nn4. .11d) I:.N 11 . 11r11 , 1 , . II it u I : • . :1' t'. ly Owl! U Lvi7.,. 1.;y! II I . I The Great '_:nglish I,emecly =I \ 1.1') ",I I , , , B i =EI MIMI f': - V:'' '',', Nc,Y - .i'• .n... 4- -- . , r ,5'4....1! : [g-1,1 t. ' 1; ol „ ~, , ...... MEM IMEMM=II 61,111! to Gr oral Depelt,•N, 1; I: =MU MI ME .:. :.,. i b: :'.. ,-... /: • -r 11•111 MIMI lIIMMIIM=IE I'l LI 1).•; •t NII r.I. IMIII IMMIIIIII=I • 11.•', l't;.• 1;nott• y ettintl (In ',and.. Oi th.• ‘‘,,t-e• Illlatlan.l It ten;littn; Plies I; gl‘ns inunntllttlit 1111.1 Viil•CtS perattattoott cute Tty It It i., narrattlotl ht. urn. For Ity all Ilrlit:n1•1.•. I p ;I, ti i:tnt Four It .•trunt, Clunk pat I It. YSPI nt PSI A. F LA -(.e van roi. 11101.11.1 I tins-Suit rine with loon of Appotito. ludi•t r ion. or 1))-Sp1•p, Nervioisnoss and Neel,. Debility. to too'h Tonic It in /I Vettebible Ir• e Iliplipen; It strengthens tho wholo nor woos yyston, It create good appetite, and Is war ranted to 'more 1/)spepshi and Nurytilllt FOr sale by Druegilgs generally, at $1 per bottle.-- l'reparod by D. A. Strielthi oil, 6 Fast Fourth Stroet, Cincinnati O. Doe. 2, I h. 4 ('/,tins, .1( Pre//',, W. leon2relf dt• CO., ._, 422u1a 44 Nassau g.,.Z10w,Y0r4 nos umo. • . • • , Par Volute of Each. Share, One• nollor .\Il tax(,: thic the Citinittmtwealth will be retained in the Treasury-Via , I' 'rt I: I '1)11i11- "'lliPt I i11 . ,1141. 10. :N 121'1-21. in 11 I 12)1... Th,11.14 Pw. 1;1,1,0 city. II 1111” , \Not., It I,' hams 1111 MIMI EMI In 3 • al-t) ^.41, 1111 M \4. I :I oliv•sin Li 0..1.11 nor kin, 1,11 ... ill. \llllllll.ll 1 . 11 1 1 11,• 1 1 .1. 1 ./1 11 .1. 1 1 , 1 1 , 1- S l . l . , IL ha , ;Jed •I. j. ••11, I e • 1 111, I; .1:t L “...• ii.p y ‘ , ll II e 11, 101 1 1 .1.1 1 1 11 , 1k It . 1 ... Tlll. :11. rlll. I. . • / , 1 1 -..7111.11 . ;.• 1 . hl• 1 nil .• Illy I,I I IIIIV. .1:111111:• • lit, I. Wk. , . I. ~ It I ,•1 I lit,pll.l‘ sh n ohi ` l l ltt • 151 , I; t;, k. .14 ll` h i ki tr..' .1 11. 151:1110 1,1 , 5115,. tIl 1 ,1, i. Lll 01101 `.•••tilltii•.- • lAkt•11 1..1:.1.•..1 4!.. MINI.VIIIItE WORM) OF 31E CANTILE Ti: r IIIE lesion of Institution is to afford first class facilities tin a thorough practical business education. Cosomodlous Rportments In Dickinson College, Car lisle. In., which are now being put In must excellent ilondltion, will he opened tor Students the NINE- E r.NTII of .11 N A 1865. The various departments will be Until, the sumo vi sion of most compulent instructors Fur particulars Inquire If Pro,..idont ~.tolinson or the uudersigoed. Send for a Circular. January 6, 1865 Ho ! For the Holidays ! 4 1ANCY Goods of all kinds at Haver ffivles Drug, Book and Fancy Slur°. U'l'S, Confectionary and Fruits, a ihkven.tkiox. CARPET,! CARPETS I ! Ihave received from New York, all kinds and qualltias of CarptLx, Oil Clotho, Mattlngs Looking Glassna, Curtain Materials, Tablo Covors, COUllterpanos, Wldo Shootings. Pillow• Musli r os, Towelling)+, crash and all. kiwis of k00,,0 rusnishin g goods. Also, a largo st.) elc geuurd hons In want of any 01 the Ithovu Bonds, are ro hp,ifully Invited to call. lloods sold al the lowest market, value. Additions it in he made It the Season advances. • • Illghest rash prices paid for Carpet Rap. East Mello Street, 01113 door below Mertlß's Hotel. Fob 4,1666 W [ILSE ERS ! WHISKERS ! no you want Whiskers or Moustaches ? Our ()re arm Compound wlllforeo thorn to grow on the smooth est face or chin, or heir on bttld heads, In Six Weeks Pyle° $l,OO. Bent by mall' anywhore, closely sealed, on receipt of price. Address, AuAnNyat & CO., Box 139, Brooklyn, N. Y. • tota eh 31, 1805-Iy. ‘4st. jLL the leading, Patent Medicines of libatty at liaverstlck'ibrug and Hook Stoll,. VINETY• Volumes of Noirels twith r.lousotbu Artiolos? t. r saloi l ehr i g9l3l4,pro of YOWL, •Ap U 88,1805-80 • , - No. 8, irvino's now., BEST WHITE LEAD BEST ZINC! DUBE LIBERTY LEAD, Unsur i paimA for Whiten 0., 'Floe Olom Durability, Firm lions, eVOIIIICSS I/ I two. PURE LIBERTY LE.ID-L-11'arroototl to rover mo surl:u•r too same weigh! than ally.othel Lend— ii and . you trill have no other ! MIRE LIBERTY ZINC, scl• tad %inf. 1;1'0111111 ill 1{1.1111(,1 IA eel 1)11, tine 1.11110,1 lu quality, always tho Fame. PUICI , : 1,113F,1i."1'Y ZINC, Non, rantod h. dt, n o :Ind bettor work at a given to) tivui any othor— thalle,w ! olutaetured at Peurowl yank PAINT A. COLD WlO. KS. o ex , eutool prowptly hy. ZEIGLER & SMITH, Dr ity, Paint and Wass Derrters ••. RN.° 'llllvo. 137 Noah Till RD Street, I=l =9 Inpriani to Millers and Mill Owners yler's Improved Iron Water Wheels Patented July 1855-50-58 fidlowing are sonic of the advan nthor wheok: ‘lll lug the host pereentege of pow°, fee the %%ate used. Ils :Ind it Is not Moly ro •Jot out of r pair. It runs In so- well as out w„ ter " Illi the ,„,„ It by anchor Ire nr ulhrc:o.stti net , ,titablo Tarlc. It Oittlltto,l to II Lth as Wl.ll t Is 010 t•te.tltit'St I 'in wing and a aslost regulated whorl In use, It i , suilnul for all kinds ol•nnt te.s Ills. .1 Tliv silk,. Patent. I, fight for I:41111h, Ati.l rit a -nil 1 . , rcri mil:toil thotilsel • urth i 1. p to lily age:lts. lie. .lobs E Oh. I Spri ka,,k .h i,lt• lndoram has put In a large utuulS, it •-• wunt.!, and 111/111,,thIlliS how to put lima.: it. s. •• v !Len, the most power t;,l twi.l Co. are at rill that. , Li .mlOl la lor I. !ow s. tt. :-.1.211* , 1 - AK Ell, York. \kir II lol•k. PUBLIC PE'fi' ROLE 31 M A- INT "'SP Venanp.o and ( . 'molt}, Penna I)/ 17!71/) INTO -11:0,000 Nu' Lei ipt I'll,: 25 ;41,11.1 11"().1Z1i I N(4 c.\ VITA I„ iS2:,,otA) lIIMIE MIME I • I , Its;,: iit 1. i;,i, I t 1,•• =lll3 =1 El •t ):.• ‘,11•. MET I •,; 1:,;11N, =EMT ~~ ~ i.i QM lEEE ECM lIIE =I IMMIEIII ME MIME I / V. • I i I I • • I till, I / • • / • t I =MEI N , I I t 1 1111:1• MIME • /I 111" ~411 it 11 ll' I ..11 ilt r - o• ojk•tJ! t 111 1 fll II kl [hl\l 1114:1:'N lii I `II. I . 4 . ..i‘ 1...1 . 1 il,tcr.••l I 1,1, F., .•t II nn4 El I.E.•f • 10. t.•IIP .1. 1 !WI, I=l GEO. YOUNG, Il ill Wi. 1• 1.1:II 011.1 . 1 . / . 10`111 . 1•1. :11‘11 1,1 usiness Department --Dickinson College TII 1.:01tY eNu 11. A. CURRAN, Principal lIMCM SEO,APS& TOBACCO, i~ =E . 1 1BieclIANDI8E. FOR SALE. e r u i n tf i e t n h e d, respectfully our e iubn,, are hare opened a In the new second story over the frame building: located 4 few doors south of the Post (Mien, and near opposite A. W. Hun ten store, South Ilanovur Street: 15 a hav, roust, ucted this ilallery according to 01 taste, and Hatter ourselves In saying we have far tl test arranged light In town. To sted, infirm and del Vat, persons. we will sly this flattery Is much ea,l, neress then any In this place, being located on tl sesond story, and the story beneath being low, the : Is not su.h a LIMO,' Of Atop. , to ascend. flaying procured the :Isslst utce of An ("pecial. operator, and purehes,d the best end latesrimproy, appoint ad. we are prepared to produce pictures to any other establishment, not excel ltd by Nen a Philadelphia. Such as Ertr,t 117Mie Phrutfourh ssps, CUries Ain hrutilpcs (Intl Ferrol/8w:: IVo shall also lotrod use a now tdeture to this ty In such unbounded demand In therillrx, calk GEM PII()9'()(11:A .t sittina . at the low pr' $1 top, down. Plot tires Illsorted his Lockets. 110,114ns copied or elllalarad traits old I°agu typos A till wet view, ‘t: e . A Iso, ror ~ale a this, Pi,t," • Pram, and Albums We hope, by a stri len tido to hunlness and a desire to please, Our slim, of the public pals/1111y0. Do not Hui plus. a few doors south of the Punt 11111 rn. Street. 11. II 11IPIVEA.Ii NOT 11 C J. BOAS'S Sior e, opposite the Carli,le WOlll.l V.,a huy yat, ILA,. r 1 ,1,11 Pleaso call at 111,u.' ,tort, In North IlAttooor Rtroet. h 10 , 141 lilt 1131111. is CM llt d. "r. Titers Ladles, )ion and Child 11.0 Ln. Art fitted all the while, Ills hats are good. and liar. , 1,1111,! G o No hotter in Col lisle. Caps nt, Boy,. You All it,,, hero oltialit. For ',mhos ttnti ti , 1111 - 1.11,014 tut , You need not esk I. vain. Fur caps, Fur collars hod I.'lll t All toolly mode alol Nt Finn 1 , ...0te.• For efrelklet it/ this. sinollll. Vests, Jecicols, Nee . ,tles end e'call All these lie keeps to ...enterts, ruio< end Toe m1E111.1,11, to Lull. A 1, KO . , :ttc!,l.l. 1;21t.1,1 , I 2 1.1 I 2n.ti od• n - tint,' t•I Flttnl, I vl,r :;t k •11 , 1 14 n. A In., vnt toi.) • •611, :It 0; It +1.21, N'eghtts I ai..l tork g aln .1 Ili) 4,', N0v..1111...r 4, 1ht41.-3g, IMIIIMIIIII N E 11" S ! ! N E NV S ! ! I El 1)1111 A: :1111,1,E1l are ju,t 1_4,1[1 ing At their And cl,p !In' , u corner tr. I. Own la , t sup] 11 I Fall and Winter Goods, which they spvclal ti•otiu.. person In want of ,Inotlm dr,lnit/le h.. pIAAA .it . ['cuffing So[o,ll. , t4.,•1. 1 , .111pri , •.• Nun ietn..,ot I) It ES. S ii O O I) , 1..i.t• -. 1.1.0 u ....I ch cl`l.:11t . I•I • 1.. t all Ail 1 ....• 1 I.llin „,t • n:. 1..1.1..•.: • N. MIME =EI 111MIIIMI I=lllll MI 111 k I tl. yin. I il• C,)lt/i1 rns. 0.11 1111,111,.:‘ N , 1,101 \%,• L 111.1 , 111 . 11, 1 ,,tt • •.. 1(1. .11,1 1:1Iti . d gy p, It;Jl , d PI 'I =II =II . ( ;:ticcl, (re N .% NI) 13( ) \\ • rl t•) I 111.:. I I I U i I. U 1\ It )Ns i c, EAT \ A I • • - II I 1,• \I. • 1, 1 I . • 111111 .1• . - 1 •. 1111 • t/•1 1 1•11111•1 , .1 11 t lt,t , n I 11 , 1,, ~•11:t,.. . 1 1 ~ 11 ,; •1 'ili ,• k1”1,1 I 111 [III 1,11111, kr i% • 1/1' nit: tI t) , 1 . /t 111 I tt:..i.l ME Pleaso .1, I:c.t 141.7.• t wit Igon th,.. din, ..111k.r•itv I r j••••s ,:, , pt 1,1,61 ;Intl acid 14. ' 6 . '11 S :111 , 1 relitll,lt. art 11, t1e,t1,9 I 1r..11 , r• I Ir) 111 pr, .113 trtrulrlir,l ‘,llll • irr L p ,, t-t II 1 . 1.1" ~ .01 C:11 11 , 1 r• r Itirrt• .. Ui it., -irr II r 113 • rr. I! rrrl Stirtr• nrul Ir, r' 11.,1 , 1r0t, r 1,, irr Prrririr•tr, / II l'lrilrr Ir I Irrr r t:s/r• Nov .1. l•r I. I, N 11" I.' llt 'l' (' I, \ GROCERY STORE. V VIII Public can find, at our new lirovery hot e, •11 the Building lately oeenpled by Ph lip Arnold, dee'd., and taxi 4001 to tine Carl I•le Ito posit Bank, a vet y large and freak assortment or all the different kinds and grades ul Teas, Coffee Esseneen, Coffeea. Soaps : y runs, Candles, Molassex Salt, Spleea, Mehl., Sugars, Preserves, Prepared Canned, Coffee in Fruits, . ...... Papers, Jerks, Vegetab'es Cr:, II herrieS, an I Meals, I:aisles, Prepared In led Mustards, Cut re. ts, Sa urea, Dried Fruits. ' Note, Sugars. Snuff. Cr cLur,, Clutho, Sweet Cakts, AT It A LSToN'S TOBACCO, PIPES, &c. A LSO—R lee, Burley, Starch, Farina, Coln St aryl], Core al Mee, Ma zelna, Macaroni, Vermicelli, A zurnea, Prunes, Concentrated Lye Bologna Sausage, Table and other Oils, Nutmegs, llhtcltlug, Bueselix„Checolate, Cocoa, Tle Yarn, Lamp and Candle Wick, ilath k, Cl , theei Lines, Bed Cords, Spice Buren Paper and Saveloys, Al atohu s, Per, ter Sand, :Am, polish Flio erring Extracts Spigots, Pens, Inks, Brimstone, hhieltural. Shad, Salmon, him , hug and Codfish, ALSO—the celebrated Ex celsior hams, Dried Beer and Tongues, Rugs, and Matte, Shot and Loud, rushes, Brom. and Whips, GL A SSL iLDliaNlSL___ls' We ank the public to call, oxamluo and Price our largo and carefully solectcod Mock of FINE YANILY Wo buy all Moth: of Country Produce. JAMES M. ALLEN k Co. Oct.ll, ISOI--ly (SUM BELTING_! N loot ,ocoved n largo assortmout of all Flees— Gum Belting, Gum (loan, Gum Packing, &c., and for solo cheap at the Itardware &aro of HENRY BAXTON. 0. 8A WY ER Juno 25, 18Ci1 • trAMRS:-500 pairs Humes on hand of all kinds. Bliza k othtown pattorn, Loudon do., Corninan do., with ali'd without patent ihsionings rboapor than osier at 11. SAXTON'S, East Ma'rust. July 1. 1804. niAT THE PARIS MANTILLA 01- pmuum, No. 920 Choutnut A t., .tllll,l4olphla NOW OPEN—ParlfirMado • • MANTILLAS and CLOAKS. Also SPRING and SUMltlit GARNIH - NTS, of our own V M anulitoturo, of tho TANA Styiom,and in groat variety. .J. W. PROCTOR & Co., The Paris Mantilla Emporium, NEW PHOTOGRAPH AND AIOBROTYPE GALLERY. NewSk i g h 1 5 1(34'1FRE GAE,LERY NEWS ! Mourning Goods Domestic Co ..tls; =I tto 1..1,111:11,r1 tit I Ivi•nlit.l,) HILLER 8t1 . , j, W A R E. 920 011gSTNITT Street PHILLIDELDIIIA. A LIA)TUIIIi .1 out published tn a Sealed Envelope. Pelee S i ts Cents LEJTuit IN THE NA I.'U ,tit It:ATM - 111NT AND It 114 CA I. Cure cd Spermatortimea or'etuinal Weak,. ness, Involuntary End sins, Sex nal Dshllity,asd Im pendimeots 11:11 . 1 . 111ge 1.011101,11 y. Noreemaness. Con sumption, Epilepsy. and Fits; Mental nail , hyN . V.II itrepticity. resulting trout Self-Abu e. ,t,:e By Oirr .1. CU ‘t D., A tailor the '' D ice,, it "et," iV 'l'hu world renowned author, in this admorable her. tar"' clearly proves from hie own experience that the awful consequences I Sell Abuse may he effectually rem( veil without Intel:rine, and without d.titipiroatt surgical operatienN, liollgit•N, 111 F trUltl. ate, rings, or cor 'lets. pointing oat n Lamle of rune at rale° cart', in and effectual, Icy which every sufferer. no matter what his rendition lily be, may cure himself cheaply. W yatt ly. and raillotlly THIS 1,1; 'PURR WI LI, PHOVE A IttiON TO THOUSANDS AND TID it'S.ll\ DS Sent under to tilt Irres, lu II plain, . envelope, on the receipt of six rents, nr Uro stamps, lip sildroosi in; I'll lP .1 0. KM:sr h 157 Bowen'. Nen' Yorl;, Bits, o,t. li , 15th. qua' York , Tor pt•ctiliar taint or infoidion which we cull f. ,*!• Sco t• ur r„t lurks in • . c 41 ' the constitutions DI . , 4 multitudes of men. It 1 . 0 either prodiu•es or is ..- , :‘ , k, produced hr no en _ , - - .7 -- -k..1 7_ -.,...,. teohlf il, VIII:110,1 .1:0o r,A, r,.,...; , ,.. 7 rtg..' 1 ' 1 ,1.!..?... ; F : %,41 - 31t . 11,,,11i11t fling! he, Milt . lt. ,ikff - Al,llllll , eit ;11' 1, , ,Il r"Ft.I , '''. t' rt . ...7i: ...11. o \ it;I: I'4o o. j!i F ..ry.„....„..)... 1 , 717 -7, t . „.t.;,.:1„ t , t., :.,:::: .1.•:i“.., it: ' ,tfrrt.C...... - 7 - ... 4 . 41 ,..;;k... 7 . II N• • 1' I. ..,y ,I I -.a._.' .._..,..= , , : lilts' living, di ordereddi ; . unhealthy food, M hnbits, the titTres.ite it c •.iel, :dee, the V(11011..111 IS' it is hereditary in the s ote-ritittiott, de—, listing "from parents to elsittd, a unto e third anti fourth generation ; " indeed. is •eettt- to he the rod of Him who sacs " n ill visit the iniqui ties of the fathers upon their children." The diseases \Odell it originate , tal names, according to the organ- it num ks. In the lungs, Scrofula proditees tuherci, •;, and v Consumption; in the glands, swell:no,: Whirls suppurate and become alecrons .ores ; iii the stomach and boNrelt.t. derni;;;;l neat: who It too duce indigestion, dy , ltel , M, liVet COM on the skin, et-HO ive eel cutaneous affections. 'fliese all has ing the same n require the stone remedy, viz. anion and invigoration of the blood. l'urifv the Hood, and these dangerous distempers leave you. With feeble, foul, or corrupted blood, you ;sail not have health ; with that •' of the flesh " healthy, you cannot have serolulomt disease. is compounded from the mo=t effectual anti dote: that medical science has discovered for this afflicting di,temper, and fur the cure or the disorders it entails. That it is far ,uperior to spy other remedy yet devised. i. Istam 11 by all who have given it a trial. That it does com bine virtues truly extraordinary in their effect upon this ela:s of complaints, indi.putably proven by the great multitude of publicly known and remarkable cures it ha, made of the following di, : King's Evil or Glandular Swellings, Tumors, Erup tions, Pimples, Blotches and Sores, Ery sipelas, Rose or St. Anthony's Fire, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Coughs from tu berculouS deposit, in the lungs, White Swellings, Debility, Dropsy, Neuralgia, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Syphilis and Syphilitic Infections, Mercurial Diseases, Female Weaknevm:3, the whole •ric-.. of complaint, that Ini , e from impurity o f the blood. Minute repot. of individual c:t.t. , found in ,\i nit's .1\ N1F.121C,% N .\ 1.11 Nt Hill I , 1111'1'1,11.1 at the drugg'ists Gar ;frittitit , un • (li,rrilition :may he direetion , for 1 , .• rive, and some of the remarkable cure, ti lull It it Int , made when all other remedies hid failed to afford relief. ca , es ;ire purpo,ely taken fount all sec tions of the i.outdry, in order that et-ery -cutler way ha \ at,e,.. to •onte one into Call speak to 111 of it, benefit , 1 - ront personal (..xperience. Senifitla depre- , e, the vital energies. and thus leaNe: its victim , far tours' stihjeet to disease and its fatal results than are healthy con•titu tions. Hence it tends to shorten, and does greatly shorten, the average duration of human life. The vent importance of these considera tion: has led it , to spend years in perfecting a romody which is 11,11,111,1t0 10 its cure. This ate 11”, v offer to the public under the name of .\ 'Cs SARSAPAItII.I.s, although it is corn. d hf itu4redients, sonic of which exceed the hmd yetrilhi in alterative power. By it , cid .‘ pi it t yourself from the suffer .l7l! disorders. Purge out I:, ;' ..,.•n ti, el.. that rot and fester in the 1.;,, i , eduses of disease, and ll_ lit 1011. W. BY its peculiar vi ui• this rented% •timulates the vital func, 111.1, e‘i,el.: the distempers which 1011, tli stem or burst out on any .n! .4 it hale been deceived by. St,, , tpu/iiht, that promised n I, 1 , I inchnft, ; lull they will neither he , n.n. ,h, .ppointed in this. Its virtues • is I y ahundant trial, and there un..n , . Tie. 15,11 of it: stopte,,ing excellence ke. 111 c urc Ow diseases it is in tended 1 , 1 11,11 h. Although under the same 11:11111', 11 1 , a different medicine from any other 1l nit 11 11., 1/t.,111 before the people, and is far 111111 . , cllco 111.11 111/111 any other which has ever been available to them. ~, I, li Mil I 1 I x t CHERRY PECTORAL, Tho World's Great Remedy for Coughs, Colds, Incipient Con sumption, and for the relief of Consumptive patients in advanced stages of the disease. This lots been su lon_ used and so univer lly knot n, 711:11 We need (I() no more than sure the 'midi , that it. quality is kept up to 1.)-t it e 1.... heel), and that it may be lied 071 to Eio - I! it has ever done. Prepared to IM. J. C' Ay ER & 'ruchrwl anti A milythia/ C l / 2 emists, Lowell, Mass. Sold by all everywhere. 5,.141 In• .1. \V. ' , .l.l.turr, l:nrli 1. , riddelk .• a ttorney Law l;111 July 1, 1664-Iy. T MMES A. I.) UNI3 A It, Attorney at IP; Lnu•. Carllt.le, Pa. Office on the ,oath Fide of t h u Cuurt llouse. adjoining tho "Ametiman hinting Office." 1,1861-Iy. M. WEAK LEY, Attorney at Law, oak. on south Hanover street, adfulnlug the often ofJudge .Judgel I ahatn..ill proftuudonal buslnogs trusted to him will be promptly attended to. July I, 186.1. ( I Q AMU EL [1 1; 'BURN, Jr., Attorney t Law. Itlllre with lion. Samuel Hepburn, Main St. Carlit.le Pa, July 1,18(11. A W CA RD. -C [IA REES E. MA IA( u, lIILI N, A ttorituy at, Law, Officein Inhofr building, just opposltt the Markot flume. July I, 18ttl—ly. P. HUMERI() 1-1 , Attorney at Law I. Office on North Remover strett, it few doors north 010111's Hotel. All business entrusted to him will be promptly tatemled to. July 1, 1861. Dr. 1. C. LOOMIS Pomfret St...eut few doors - ^• An, bolow South Ilitnovor st -July 1, Ittll. fOSEPH RITNER, Jr., Attorney at ity Law stud .;Ml:voyor, Mechanicsburg, Pa. Office on Roil Road F trout, two doors north of the Bank. tlll-Buttlnoss promptly attendod to. July I, 180. EO W. NEID[CLI, D. D. S.— uita Damoustrator or Operat Ivo Dentistry of tho ' , ultimata Dollop' of gre,ttia , ""-----g - '' Dental Surgery. V , Votl. Wilco at Ills ratthluncti apposlta Marlon Hall, West, Main atreot, Cot Hale, Pa. July t, 1854. I R. GEORGE S. SEA JILJEIGLIT, Dontist, from the . more Coll:Igo of Dental Surgery. tra.Ofileil at tho residonco I.f his mother, East Loullier street, three doors boloiv Bedford. July 1, 1864.. . . j._ YSIOIANS will find it to their ad vantipm to ',Miran(' iouteLnoo their Atediolous nt RALSTON'S. July 1, 1864 FAMILY AYE COLORS, . AT It ALSTON'iI WRIT ING Paper of all descriptions, Envolopoo, VlEBing Cards, at Davoratick'a Drug and Book ptaro. TO YOUNG II N I Il ':i\ 1 Ayor's Sarsaparilla 23 - ‘,'_,Xt.'S CARLISLE FORGE. ~, NEW FIRM WEAVER & !BRICKER. r B' l ll b subscribers would respectfully ~,,,,ounco to Ore public, that having purchased the Canto]' Forge, formerlyNarned by gr..l. (loodyeor, we have commenced the manuto tort and will keep conetantly on hlnd all elurs of the best quality of BAR XROBT, We will give prompt at tonti ,n to all orders, whether from a distance or at home. The highest Cash price. pall for old wrought Iron SCR APS, delivered at the Forge. et the Railroad bridge, In Carlisle. WEAV ER A BRICK Elt. Uarliale, May 13, 1801-1 y Carpetings and Oil Cloths TOW reenvlng at o ,, ilbv's cheap cash Store, lot of Ingrain, N'inii , Lian, !lump, Itag, unit 'Stair (1 it I? E . Also, Finer MI, CI,)TIPA all whlthq, whleb will be old ror the ,aish at the ',meat rates. Cuss. CIQ rLnY, 'Prustee. March 4, IP6I Fourth Arrival o f Nov Goods I ha,r just mturtuul from tlu- vitit•v nith a largo additiou uf NEW SUMMER DRESS GO1)L)S All fibres qultnd fnr the :.el4Oll. A Inniutlin] line of Silk Mnulles.oliontin: and 131,Thun. I. nn., Pnlnl.s. II rout, dine, Shawls. Is.', \Mt, enl/4.1.n1....1 Kid l'arnsnlq, Sun I:11/buns, 1131 s Si Ladies :11111 :"kins.llll,/ goner:ll men t YO:1,11:1111, gOlldS MEN AN I) B 0 Y ' EAIt . Also dwap large ”101,1) nclell less prison t prices. .• ; d1 on , : below `.lArtcCs Hotel. E:e..t Mein eltreet Juno W. C. SA WV EH A. W. BENTZ SPECIAL NATIO Great, Reduction in Dry Goods 0 l \ I N: IN i( j flyer s o.y itottothvo g cot - n:pot:din ;wive jilt the prucioto, inot.ti midi to :milt, ,t ill Sot titor todth.t.tons titoo to ti tl i.l recioieg loin,. 31r on:et...lvo lll.tilliv 1.),* 'Will, (10 , goods I i• this of rt .t . (.110 MIMI.' t :tg I t.:t h Um to any Iron -to thit4l.lo (It.'Et. (11.1 South II loot 1...111 , ‘ thrl'ourt II Ow 7. Ish 1 1 IV. lIEN II 11 J.\ 1 , 1 1 1.1 , ,, .1. \ 1 , 1 1 , 1 .1 I c", I\ l l7 - 1i , d,,:i1,c mid re:•Hil De a l t :l. , : in F ut I ;./ N;;t . S;;: ••. ,;1 Nor an I ; 1 1.1.111.; t strrel. , 1 , ;; , t; r ,, -;;;•;•L:1111,. •• t 9 t the the, ills e j 1,4 ti•titrlied t•••el the t ; Lr 1 ,;•11 v .1,,q; ;I';;;;;.1., T;lt IH . t's'avto 11;;;;;.-. -1,3, 1 , . 1 1 1,1;,;;;;I, , t.t. , 1•14 it•• 1 1,1 1.;;11-; 'lola , 1' 11.ris. C.;;;Is. 111111,;;1.s. II;; .1; -1 1,1315. 1%w,, , 1 1 ,11 k. 1 • I'r i• 1111,1). Ci••.srs sr.,in i• a,ll I ptrticulal ••isti , .ll , l 11 r y lure :L nt s, t.. m i t. w,H iuip:l 1....11 pal wq: 1,j•::, this .e,l is our Inns mitt ruol,' our .11.• 0,1 lii :11,1 ahray• i:Vrl y ii ip•Llytt 1•,11 hi :113 1.1.,•t 111.t.1e with puirh,e, ~ 111,..•1 0.1 tlyern evory rlit I n ul , l sto , h. It 11, .1 \ IN C ,`..!. 11. 1 • New Stock of Hats and Caps AT KELLER'S OLD STAND, 11or-ver &rect. IN , ol'lllloill of 111 C new I ! , 11% h, ,t :41.1w II 1 1, I,11 , 0111'1111'11: trtlll, 111. !ti•— hats "I allqual 11.•,“ • t I 7N tittil. L“ the cheap ..1. ,itttl ol by mny lhiS 1.111,1,1101 i \ A ttt•l rs "NNE le ILI TS, Palm 1....4111J10 11/ :111. 11/ GIId-rOng I tool.' tt , . y ,t) lc IMO a 1,1 wlioal IL,ltor, 41!kolii.ten • Y1.111 CHAS. OQILIIY, Oct, 14, 18C4. Trude°. PRINCE & CO's. well-known MELO DEONS,- and lIAR S IONIOUS, introducing the a foot of pedal bass on every instrument. EARNEST OAULER'S, RAVEN & BACON'S and lIALLET. DAVIS, & CO.,.celebrated PIANOS for (mob at a liberal deduetion• ViEt,. Over 80,080 sold: • • • ' JAMES BEULAH. Solo Agent. . 270 281 8, FU street, abovepruee, 0431.14, 18124-omo. phnadoyhta Pa =MI= = I=l /I.IH ,I• 1. ,tit Ct-0,1'1 , 60.t..1. wk P•di , hotl, Full Case. 11 a • Full Ca... Ever) MarhiDes are Presser, New St,!. • Railroad and Telegraph Office, .hi s 1 , 1,1 . , . ' ,: _ •,.. . - • k ) ilt :c.t.,4' -..c...",. , --.. '''-':,',''' rritlE undersigned has just t ecei red, and iniends to keen. i . unistanntl) in hit,: in null its. SOrtallellt Of i 11 , 11111 . 111111111,1 1 . 1,111 L. 111.“11.1LICt MI il i.y Steinway Si Sons iit. Net, I'i.rlt. Each instrutnen , - will be el ally Neleetv,l In Ono Manufactory, and will 1..0 siild at the New York ijash. Factory Prices, with the idititiiin of loreitiht In, On, lisle. 11 written, L.',13111•1111tee of entire satitilinetion „ill be given by the •übseriber to ouch purchaiier. ' Persona dosing. to per-Inane are invited to call and or-amine then , ' unrivalled l'innos, i,i, It. E. Shapley's Jewelry Store, Main Street, 3,1 door °art of the Mansion house, near tt e Italln , ad Depot SECOND !lAN I) PIANOS received In rac•hange and kept for Hale and to rent. Carllxlo, May 22. 18t33—ly West High Street, Carlisle, Pa. (Premium awarded at the Cumberland County Agricultural Fair of 1857,) The SUi/0001h00 has Just reeeivtd the most splendid assort 110' ut of articles in his line, ever brought to this place—which he is determined to sell at prices the , duly competition. Parlo- Embracing every article used by (louse and llote Reimers, of the most approved and titshionablo deoigr and 110E11. Including also Cottage furniture In mats reception and Camp chairs, i‘lattraitaer, Gilt frames, pleturen, ty6l..l'itrtieular attention given as usual to funeral.; orders from town and country, attended to promptly and on moderate terms. my 1 1564 pAINTSAND OILS -- 10 Tony 11:1ilto..1,ond. 1000 01.111011 y or Oil. Just reeol vtui wl 11'n lurgU'Ulsorhuont of Turpentine, Japan, rutty, Litharge, Glue, Shellac ' Sperm Oil, Paint Brushes, Fish Oil, &0., Colors of every description dry, and Oil In caul and tubes at the hardware Store of July 1, 1804 Dec. 11,1803. DHYSICIANS find it to tl?oir ad j., _vantage to rail and purchase their idedlainos at ttALEITI)N,Li.,• FIRE INSURANCE. riltdE Allen and Eastpennsboro' Mu tual Fire [immure. t ronpany of Cumberland County. incorporated by an act of Assembly', in the year 1f4:1. and having recently had Itx charter extend ed Li the year ISB3, Is now lo active and t igortrux op milieu, under the superintendenc e of the bdlou Ina board or Menne, V. vier William It. florin.. Phristi Stay loan. Jamb Eber v I) Daily. Alex. J. it Coever, doh. Ki,.h e r h er . g e r, J. rrepl, Wlchorr.hroo. Sand Eberly., N Inse t : lb i, r ;er , Rudolph Martin, dare hC oon s , ritel I. C Dunlap. l he rates of Insurance are u low and fa any Company Of the Irlnd In the Slate. Pers o vo rans ble ,r as i ng t o il,OlllO members are In vits us.h d to real, applia tion to the ertenu.: of lho Company, who are willing c to with 01.11 I hell, y time. It M, It 001 DI AS , Preirldent, CII Cherly'r. N STA MA N. Vie,, President, Mills, P. O. M.chanieriburg, I'. 0. C DUN 1. 11'. eerily Mechanicsburg. DANIEL II:111N. Dill s h rog , york MEM Uninhveintlel county ~h errick. :\ lien Ilenry Zenrin4. Shirenntrininn u ; 11;:tyotte Petr.r, Dickinson; iinnr‘. Bow Mall. ( . 1111101(ml ti )I,fit! liriliiih. ~(111th )liddiettni; S:111111,1 1 ft.1)1:1111. ; ('or kiln, : , hopherdstown D. C0411,..1, Irpper Allen; .1. 11 Ihlxtrth. Sliver Sprlll. , ; John flyer, earlisle; Vnlentine Ferman, Ne,, .U 111111,111... land; .l ~, r '4 , 4:n11 , 1115b, Newrille. York ~./ttty—W. S. Plakttr. Dover Janlra Cri fill L, \ Val rinatow: Dvard n lt. \ Clan ; John IVllliataa Carroll 1),11)111 . 1 , nl,, r , I is] org Nh.fobers of 1.1.1. Comp.; nu 1,01if.1., :Wont expi,. Inn; foil, thou; .•11000.11. Arplioali :Ins f .11011f.v. July ;.I`,Gl. ?''s' , ' t , 1 t 4 II _ 11 1 1' '''l,l*(., ir ? . j 7ia. l --,, " . q r .: - 7-' ----- * -- ' 4 V i ' , 1: : : : '''' 14 . ;• "‘"i . " , j rst , l l i G 1 -041 , t, , i.r.-v____..-,,- .6.;.':,. 4 E E L IE . I.SO N 8,1;; Of' .7. G e; dr.;l' 8 AT itl , :1)1:(21.:1) I,'ES With Glass Cloth Pressor, Improved Loop Check, Now S'ylo Hammer, Binder, Cor et, Braider, etc. At the Railroad Office, Car Ihriuiu.ns at 111 1 , 11. I , IIIIIITION, 1.X1111,1T1..N. 111114, MEE 1. via ,t iru Penidxfilran t a sto, Fri ,pr,her, 1;161 : k•N • h I ‘l,l Ll,ll I ustil u 11.4.1..16c' tur al 1 , 8.1 i ilia , It, tit tilt., .1L :41:110 \4:, I'FIRMONT, CON N ECTIoI"r, NEM' .1 Ell. , EV, PENN: , I" I,V ANI A, VIIIOIN lA, )1 PP I )11: , SoU RI , IME INDIANA, lOWA. TI.:NNESSEE, KIi\TUC K V nil lii AN. The,• celehrit.• •1.1 rien lins to Illy 11 , •:•‘1. , I .ttltt ttt Itraitlin Lt. - hitt t nn Itttt,ll tidy 111111 IN 1:=11 Full in gratuit ,, o .t• II H.• I,vt. •Itt is •••••••I s ••••• •ili•l•ti • • •• i•••••• 1.. t! iti••••:,••••iont. • • •I•••• to. 1 ••• is Tii•• .I 11.1111 1. I{...ktla, alio! rvllru 1.1111 , -- • rip u. / ravel. mid Ii /111‘ I )1 rea I , 111 4. It , '51,111.... t .1,4 n !e,l finish. Si.lllsli,it‘ tit I th.q ., 11-115,-,“!.•• 7. Spe.,l, ~lient 1:1,1111,1. :tnd IMIIIIIIIIIII I.tll , I, No. I Nlachi:.••• it I) MIMI N. \ =MEM STEINWAY PIANOS. First Prize Medal at the World's Fair London, 1862. JOHN K. STAVMAN A. B. EWING'S U It NITU It E NV A lt Ell 0 0 A -3Pf..,..., (t v „ . _. ... + it,... , ..:, ~.. ~..... ..„0 . 5 ,..,...; „..7t., ~,r.., ~,,. ? ~,, , „---, Int i { PUR,NITURE i Firu Proof Pqinl, Florence White, Zinc, Colored Zinc, Bed Lend Boiled 011, J...ard_oll HENRY SAX:TON Bryarg Pulmonic Wafers, AT ItALSTOW,S • 'OAL AND LUMBER YARD.- v. , The subecrlbere have thin day entered i partnereblp to trade In COAL AND LUMBER, We Will have constantly On hand and furnish In der al ‘ l.klnds and nu ,Ilty of seasoned I.IJ M Mt, FHA .).1 tl'U Puling, Plash" in;, Lath, ..,14ingling, lathanti. oriatt and NI eatherboarding. Dad i a evet r article that belongs to ❑ Lumber Yard .1 li I:lnds of Shingles, to wit 11 hilt-pine. it, nod tiak. ut dillerent (tualities. flaying I cIWII Wt. ellll 1 . 11,111511 NHS to Order of any I, a ale.. the shortest Motley ar.J 011 ilie moat 1 . 4•41.., terms. liar li'l l irked boards w 11l be kept undi•r so they eau be furnished (by at all tin., IVe bare con,lantly MI hand all kinds of to Cool under cover, hich oar Neill dldiN or clean to a part oil the borough To wit ; 1171(er. 1: '''''Wl4l. ,err L.ol‘idci''t#NlTr.,!Or, MOU II LA 11101 o' pledge o to at the low privet. hest quality of a»11 B t , icA J 7111.1 CO(I1, tilwttls c 1 111111 i 1 whl, )1 WI. hill St il/WVAL fig , 11 . 11 N 1 n 1 tid. , .4 (; , ::13131.. {vi I. it Iva 11011.1.:1. Julc 1. IS Notice of (Jo-Partnership, r p. l lll. piddle :Ire hereby informed ti ( I„ •hae-Mhz day entered Into a under the 1,11114. the pl. poqe• Ot 1•111 , 11 the Coal and Lumber b s; and of Cdlver Indancy, near the :.- ail in their lino of btalnesx t tn!: wt :Ind will he promptly fined. ULIVER bELANCY, ANDREW 11. BLAIR. to•t 11•, 1:!•;;;•- t. • Dill 14r Hem, 1.1,• ; ; ; ;,, • . ; I.': E01('It ,Cs shoe A ;!, 1:1,;i•••• ••!,o),_ 141.:v.l 1 k ALAI . P. • !!!!!!!, ! i C! ,! r I o!!!!oli! it. tl thronpli !!!!••• !!• t••• ! I a...! 1!!!!!! !!!:itli• 11~. 11111. 1•!!•! t II.!!, !h. !! 111 UV d 113 , 00'1'S AND SHOES. 'l' the store of John Irvine, on t _LI I . N. 1. c.ele, of the pudic , guns,. is the place pw cha , e 1:... 113 i, Xlnl I epe. et prices t defy 4 , e,petitee. lle , hn , 31,1 nut 1., cd fl,lll the tel w ith the lat . rt 111e111 ..1 hoots. :laws, flat COP , I Ilat 111. llu ever esehliel to this eemmun /111 rivtt l'uOi.r.(l to sell lit the 101 l 4,t sii,li.l , :ioco. Ili. ‘.l k .11 1 .1:leco. cell) thing in line el h sinew, st,he, I;()Yti . FINE 13001 ratoo I Loather 0 ,114,1 Ties, and p.teet trill., I ;eite,s, tall Nullitiere. Calf trip thetcano. L A Li I E ' 1V E A B, Hue French 111111 1 1,11.11 I .ll , tll,.(raitOn. KiJ Boot , . rine iii.l Fa roovi . lINI lloskins. hr . Il `.ll all diiha 1•1111,1,It.g hay I. Ilutiim rroi•iiii I al I' lie,. 8 Of mil hi klash iit "vs II 'Cr: , I\ rn.Pur azol \Viol I all s. aka a laig,• ass, lama t , \ \V If AT s . t,tt t tt, Mg,' at 1 1 / I •FlStOrtl,t cir his :1101111) Hs- i tomtialitiii, lia tehisialfolly I 1111 :11.11,!”•: th.• I: thl. 4.. , ELM NG (Jr I , ' AT T ENl') . -11 \ dint\lr up .tl,. “ri %‘ M:tio strect, and hest WATCHES AND ,JEWEI,ItI i" " pel :"svpr that! :tt Ir. 'I ~ . 1 1,pr •L ,•r• up•ot. And 'T., 11.111LItt;: 1..1 .111 .4111,• sty'. (101,1.1 .I.\'l SILFE Li I A's :11/ , 1 •~1.. I i! h:!. Ilt 1.1 P,•?,.ind 1,r.01 1%,1 '(*( I)EONS :h.• oi hilts .1!••! a•- v•I.• • ..i;, ur ~•( let I IMOMIII=I lias d I, 4 r: .:tll 111 • II! • 0 11,,, usual, at, .i•clured II F. EL t I'4EY =IMMO NEW ARRIVAL OF DRY GOODS liv 11,1,at., 1 ,, t t.tttolt ot t•I 1..,1 Litr pt t'ttr, la tlaittl amt) anti ,t.nta,tl traat t Ladies Dress Goods. 11111,1( 1./ \ l' '\U 11 , ,, Cho I.• I 1!. 1111 ill N OI 1 1 .:.• /I N. 111.11,11 1:0NN ET 1:1 , t \ lN Thl• stmt c I Ntrl'hiN, •mtsitiv it 11.- Ito] (101 Ens or Ladles (114)Iikinag %An, Lt.,. 1. .1 ,I•tunff. , tl,. .I 1 IT .11d:till oil I 0..11, MEI I= 1 .1 It• , 1 1..• I :I,ll' 11. 1 k from All the All:mac, or the l; l'orluil'.lll , el alt.l I.) ire. OM 1;11, (1,i)111S, \I.ITI'INt:S .1%I) ,RIN .1 k Lacii and ,111, C \ N I • klt ..‘or from k,-I %I'M I ‘t..thely I prkos. 1,1.1 :sit •liti..te pii , ll. , •' F‘llll.l,l pllll. • • i l•, :1111i 2 I; 1:Is• 1;1 .z..!J1h:n 1 ,,,„.,, II! k•i•IL tlik• Into ddlan, d Itt I; I ! i; It()('E It I ,; p h st, i n main.•l. llpp. site II Santa,,', Ilar tq watt. tot• and I, leo, prepared. to •itititly 5k and the ituhlte, with all hinds of at 11 lowest market i it ilk st,t , eli ettotiteii.e6 COFFEE 6, S Ul; A It 6, SP It ITS. TEA,: mull, rpirrx. gmood, ungrotin , l, rtnekers. c' or' not.ll. Its tlklik•,. Tot. vco. ,SeorirS, Nati.llo,, 111 I li, INIO ;LASS AND STO N AV A 9 1 , /ldar•uvura. Nollnns. and all ntlnn art les u'u.ill, lola In a first class lirenery. u r Lard :0 pticos I &fermium! to roll good. so loss est 11, tire, BIT 'l' TEIt, E(3(3 S, ud all kin Is of Count y Produce, taken at tem k F.. Innis ana Itiiry inert partinnlarly Invited t ill anti err the 11 . /ehratt.ll PIIWN I X whin its been pr01101.111,.1 Ly e.sinisitniit judges the 1110 S Illeriur I 11111 a oi tilt 11:0. July I. 1564. rine subscriber infiirms the public ilia he still continues the GAS FITTING AND PLUMBING at the Old Stand In the baxement of the Fire Methodist Church. Ile is 111 attend promptly h. al Ituein , ss In his line. I,oad an d Iron Pipax , Hydrantx, Hot and cold \Vat or Closets, Furry and Litt Pumps, WI n't Weld., Tubes, Iron Sinks, Bath Tubs, Bath Boilers, Wash Ha sins, Hydraul e hums, kc , and every description 0. rucks and fittings fur gas, steam water, ,te. Superior molting rouge , heaters :Ind gas fixtures put up In churches, 'lures and du f dings, at short notice, in the most modern style. All ellterials and work in our line at low. rates . nd wa.rx's'•d. 11,n_Counlry nor': and jllo4l‘g u-,zuntly attended t July 1, 1864. HAT AND CAP EMPORIUM j_ n r 1 1-1 E undersigned respectfully announ ces to the public that he still continuer, the Hat t g Business at the old stand, In West High street, anti with a renewed and enHeut effort, prod ut 13 %rt. I. cies of Dead Dress of Every Variety, Style and Quality, that shall be stiletly In keeping with the InipieNe ‘inent of the Art, and fully up to the ago Irbleh no live. I have on hand a oplendlclii, asnortxnen t of BATS AND CAPS, ofall descriptions, from U common romnWed to the finest Fur 11.111(.. flats; and at prices that must suit every one who has an eye to getting the worth °lbis money. 'rho steel includes, MOLESKIN, CASSIMERD, DEANER & FELT HATS, of ovorY'stylo and color and unsurpassed for Lightness Durability and finish; by those of any other establish meet In the country. • . . • ... Men's, Boy's and Chlldron's Ilat's and Caps, of eves y description constantly on band. lie respectfully invites all the old patrons and as many new ones as possible, to givu him a call. July 1, 18(34 El= 1300 TS 4& SHODS. tLI-L-RILL assortment of iVen'and Boys' Boots and Shoes, suitable for the winter. Also, adios and Misses's Balmoral Bootees. Children's Boots of all kinds. Ladlegend Clentlenion'sGUM Ovor Shoes. My, old customores and all In want of good and cheap Boots and Shoos, will please call and (ENIIIIIIIIO the stock, before purchasing. Main street, nearly opposite the Depot. - .luly 1, ItT4 MILY,DITE COLORS, _ _ _ AT RALSTON'S July 1,1864 pTENV GOODS - • Every description and quality •of -Groceries, ueensware, Hardware, Pickele, Sauce, Pine Liquors, 'Macao, Began, Pipes, Fresh Fruits and vegetables in Carts,'Oysters do. Spices, Wood. and 'Willow ware, all kinds and of the best quality and to he cold at the lowest prices for bash by July }, 1861, IMIZEI SCANTLING, 1 41 1 IN IRVIN IMMEEIN 1)0_1.1 (;(Itil).,* MIME MEE= William P, Lynch 5110 IP 7 E I? BA T 1 , J 0 CALLIO CHAS. OGILPY, Trustee WM. BENTZ