THE DEAD soLthER. AND HIS CHILDREN. The following narrative will touch the heartof every reader, and awaken their cu riosity to see the portraits of the three pretty children, whose orphanage has so interested the people of Philadelphia. The sketch is copied from the Sunday Seidel Times of that city; and some of the portraits referred to have been deposited in Carlisle, and may be had at the store of Mr. 11. S. R4TTER, at 25 cents each. It will be seen that the profit of their sale goes for the benefit of the little or phans, Mn. EDITOR:—One of the most touching incidents of the war, and coo that has arous ed m the Christian public the deepest sym pathy and interest, will be recognized in the story of Sergeant IlumfsToN, and his three sweet-faced children. whose picture was found clasped to the dead soldier's heart, on the bloody field of Gettysburg. A fuller history of this tender providence will interest a'l your readers. It is from a local paper of Cortland county, New York. Sergeant ilumiston lived nt Portville, N. York, an upright and industrious mechanic. ln the summer of 1862 he offered himself on the altar of his imperilled country, and en listed in the 154th Regiment New York Vol unteers, on the assurance of citizens that his dependent family would be well cared for. The testimony of his Captain was that Hum iston made one of the very best of soldiers. The 154th regiment was in the 11th corps, and suffered terribly in the first day of the Gettysburg struggle, only a handful of men reporting themselves after the battle. I t was here that Sergt. Ilumiston fell. News came from one and another that went from Portville, until all were heard from except Humiston: no tidings came from him.— Some four monlbs had elapsed, and hope had well nigh died out in that poor wife's heart. And here occurred one of those remarkable providences, had it not been for which the fate of Sergeant flutniston would have ever remained a mystery—one a those beautiful illustrations ot the kind care of our heavenly Father, who watches over the humblest in dividual. Dr. J. FRANCIS BOURNS, of Philadelphia, a very eminent physician and kind hearted gentleman, went to Gettysburg after the battle, as a volunteer• Surgeon, and delegate of the U. States Christian Commission; and, completing his duties, he started for "•the front," on the Potomac. In crossing the mountains, he and his fellow-traieleni were forced by an accident to stop at the lion-: of Mr. SCIIRIV ER, late Sheriff of Adams county. While there, one or two of the travelers ex hibited relics of the hustle Held which they had with them. when M r. tichri vet- remarked that he had a relic that he should prize more highly than all these. He then produced an ambrotype, the picture of three children, which he said was found clasped in the hands of a dead Union soldier, on the field the day after the battle. It aopeared from the nature of the wound that the soldier !night have lived some time after it was received. coat and hat were gone, and there wa: noth ing found upon hint by which it could he known who he was, or to - what regiment he belonged. The unknown soldier died. Oh to him how precious must have been tills picture! how his thoughts tiara have wan dered hack to homc, wile and children, as he gazed upon it I Dr. BOURNS, on returning to Philadelphia, related the incident. The p111 , 11.::7'1,1,2111111! deeply interested in it, and the doctor con ceived the idea of identir yiug the soldier, and discovering his family, by means of the pic ture. He procured it from Mr. Sehriver, and had it noticed in the Philadelphia pa pers. The stur•}' woe e1,11i1.(1 by other paiwrs all over the country. A holy at Port dile saw the notice; the thought. occurred to h e r that it might be a pictOro of the llniniston children. It was ascertained that such a picture had been sent to their father a while before- the brittle of Gettysburg. A letter was sent to the doctor. lie immediately sent a copy of the picture, and lo I the lost soldier was identified. Dr. nointNs had previously been turning this touchin , incident to material advantage. He had the picture photographed, and the copies exposed for sale, the proceeds to go for the benellt,of the finnily when discovered; and with the aid of many kind people of Philadelphia, it became a decided success.— People from abroad began to inquire for them, and soon he could not get them print ed fast enough to supply the demand. is hoping now not only to provide a good home, maintain the fmily, , and educate the three orphans, but to proAc for the orphan children of ether soldiers who have piquidied in defence of our country. This is trulY a praiseworthy and Christian object. May the hearts of the people be inclined toward it., and may no soldier's widow and no help less orphan be forgotten in the prayers and alms of patriots. Soldier's orphans are of right the children of a grateful country. Sunday School Times. TRIBUTE OF RLSPECT —At a meeting of the officers of the 209th Regiment I'. V. held April 17th, 1895, in reference to the death of Capt. J. P. McCullough, Co. 1), and of which Col. 'l'. 11. Kaufman was Pres ident, and Adjt. A. It. Davison secretary. the following preamble and resolutions, were adopted : Whereas, Captain James I'. McCullough, Co. D. 209th Regt. Penna. Volunteers, lost his life while bravely rallying his men dur ing the attack on the enemy's works before Petersburg, Va., April 2nd, 1865, therefore, by the officers of his Regiment it is Resolved, That while the Country has lost a braveand noble defender, and his Regiment an efficient officer, we, his brothers in arms, have lost an egreeablecompanion, and a kind and trite friend. Resolved, That his qualities of mind and heart endeared him to all ()I' us; but, that al though we deeply deplore his loss, ,till we could not wish Mr him IL death more glorious than dying bravely in defence of his Country while victory was crowning our arms. Resolved, That the example of los deep and undying devotion to the catt,e vr his Country, is worthy of imitation by the bra vest who are breasting the storms of battle. Resolved, That we truly and d (ply eym pathize with his bereaved family, and the large circle of his friends, to whuni his kind nature and cheerful disposition must have endeared him. Resolved, That a copy of these resolution:: be sent to the family of deceased, and that copies be forwarded for publication in the several papers of Franklin and Cumberland Counties. In pursuance of the last resolution we sub mit a copy for publication in the columns of your paper. JNO. B. LANDIS, Capt. A Co. C. F. HINKEL, Ciipt. CI CO. JACOB WEIDLE, Capt. K Co. NOALI KUHN, Ist Lt. D Co. W. 11. BIGLER, Ist Lt. F Co. Committee 2pcial Paco. The Bridal Chamber, an Essay of Warning and Instruction for YOUIIK Rion—published by the Howard Association, and Root free of charge in sealed envelopes.. Address, Dr. J. SKILLIN HOUGHTON, Howard Association, Phila. Feb. 10—ly alarriagts. CEISNEI On the 25th ult., et the residence of the bride's fath er, by the Rev. J. V. 11. Miller, Mr. JOSEPH D. HAL, BERT, formerly of Carlisle, Venn., to Miss CARRIE: BURTON, of Indlampolle. Oa the 7th inst., by nor. 0. P WI ng, P 731. LEE Mc rnionN, to ELLA. ILEBBOCA RDLOWES, both of Yolton Co. Pa.. . I'bUL Papers please copy. gleaths. On April 20th in N r nithampton,PeorlaCtiunty, llll mole DAVID BELL, aged 80, years. ,Ir. Bell was a resi dent of this county until April 1853, when ho removed .to Illinois.. In douth Idfddleton April 10th, JOHN BLISS infant son of. W.:P. and Lizzie O. Stuart aged 9 Months and 2 , 1, days. ' In this borough, of consumption, on Tuesday even. log last, the oth inst., Mrs. MARGARET ANN EtV I NO, wire of Mr..l. IL Ewing, aged 32 years, 7 months and . 12 . days. . Bha slept away In the arms of Jesus. In this borough, on the Bth ult., Mrs. MARY, 'wife of Mr. David bandoo, and daughter of the late Patrick McCartney, In the 62d year of her age. • . In this City, on the 24th loot , after, along illness. THOMAS CitAlbillbAD, Esq., aged 76 years, and 4 months. The deceased was born In Cut/Merle lid co Pa., 9th Dec. MO. He was married to Martha Sterrett. in 1817, by Whom he had flue children, two eons and three daughters, of whom the three daughters i•urvive him. no removed to Canton in 1862. Mr Ortugliessi was a a:insistent member-of the Presbyterian Church, .warmly attached to her doctrines and polity ;as un. tomprototeing opponent of the system of American. Slavery, and earnestly devoted Co the cause of Civil and Religious Liberty. True patriotism characterised him—Ho has never failed to cast his vote at every eleo• sion since ho firer enjoyed the right to vote. No man in the community has boon more ear eat in support of the government in the great struggle with rebellion than Thomas Craighead. Though weak in body arid on a dying bed, his eyes kindled with joy, and His heart filled with gratitude to Uod, when he hoard of the fail of Richmond and the surren ter of Lee; arid he participated in the universal sorrow, when the sad in telligence of the murder of President Lincoln was brought to him. His end was peace. lie has gone from the trials' and conflicts and suffering, of this mortal state, to an eternal honie of light and peace and joy.—Canton (.'hio) Repository. Itiarltets. CARLISLE PRODUCE MARIII:T. carlislo, May 11, 1885. 8 50 8 25 00 1 80 1 70 FLOUR (Superfine) dn. (Extra.) ... do ItYF WHITE WHEAT RED do RYE OATS ~ . .... BARLEY FALL BARLEY SPRING,.. CLOVERSEED TIMOTIIYSEED GENERAL PRO .n.reeted 20-25 I BACON SIDES, 1 7 18 WHITE BEANS, 2 5 0 17-20 PARED PEACHES, 35 12 UNPARED PEACHES 20 0-12 DRIED APPLES, 260 50 RAGS, 6 22 BUTTER EGOS, LARD. TA I.L9M r , SOAP. DEE,VA X, BA , ;ON H AMS NOTICE. rrHE Carlisle Gas & Water Company has this day declared a dividend of Fifty cents on each share of the capital stock of said company, payable to the stuckholders, on and after the 15th inst., on ap plimtion to the Treasurer. " A. L. SPONSLER, Treasurer. May VI, 7865-3t.' NOTICE. rrlIE Stockho!ders of the Cumberland X Valley Rail Road Company, will meat at the Com pany's ntlice in Chambersburg, on Wednesday. the 31, day of May. a t 12 lurk NI. to take into conaideration the subject of consolidating their sold company, with th.• Rail Road Company. By older. M. BIDDLE, Secretary. May 12. ISOS-2t. DI VI DE ND.. Fir,t .\ u t malß a nk Carlisle, Pa 1 1 11 E Directors have this day declared ,hvhithid I, the hi SO SIX 11101/UIS I of Lon per tetet c•tlqt r of NUttOlitti tax. =1 A 1.)11,S IS'UItATUR'S NoTicE.— Letters of Idlntnlstrtit ion Ott the rst ate of Abram tete of li int Vett ',shot °ugh two , having hues it,tirtl to tie° N. us-well of East Pen uststrougni twit , watts, is hereby Oren to all puree us Indebted to sett eNII3IO tool tit el) WO,llll Vlaims to present then. for -etitetnebl to Ü bU. 11. t; t sstl r. I 1,. 1N ORDINANCE iinciiilatory of former ordinances, and iel, mg to par: ial pa 3 men ts of lit r,Jui,ll Bowl ly rillnm 1 111 ,, 5r , valthor 17th Jul% , Inl2Sth 1,041 reht:ing t.) , p 1 lit,ll,lK ;pi InHlly f.l t l a, tileut r.f thr•,rom . a , !It: , I NlO,O 01. Ci 1111111111.11 , 1 01..roinMinn mt log 11 , 1111,1'1 , 11 for partial pa) t:nno, find: I‘lll , l , a`, 010 net of 1,e , ,,1,htr0 , regliiro bond, tib he ro teemed n l hiii t.. 0 yen, from •In ii J i Li,: Thcrrtnre, for thu morn convvlitent pad wont i f Bald Be it enacted, and ordained by the Town Council of the lirerrir,ll ill Lin Isis rind it is hereby r nar ted and ordained by Ole autirreTy or lie saint, 'That the /londe to lie To.tiod ter Bounty purterees 6c iin tit rya bin in sums Lii cult the purcll/1 , 018. in each year begin. ing„nith January' lot thud and that lire Pre.Trent of tiro Cn.tnrii he and is hereby authorized to Issue said boucle err that three theterand and litty deletes of them trill tall duo on the lst tier or Jatliwiry or each and every year, Iregining Jenturry Pile', zed ex- Lelllllll4 it inner ho'. Iti i. And Said 511(11 1 •lutt.• , l I.y t. n President and tiirsnrn d by the Cho). id Ili,. t • U Chi an,l toteutad by tha C.. p rate I. A n.l the eller... !renal. io sand loop, of the lii.tonith i 1 l'arliela are hereby pledged In, the pas noint he ..roripal and interval 1 . 111111 as they respectively 1......d0e one. ed int.. an or onato a the sth day of 11.13• one thousand hundred and six 3 -live. EMS .1 M. MI4 , IIIEIMER, Secretary !day 1565 A SUPPLEMENT. rilo an ordinanc , r relating- to nuisances and 4,lher cft.nscs passed to May Ise it enacted I.) the Ttmn Council of the liormtch of Carl lots, and it is hmehy enacted and I r clamed by thu ant h-rity ha same. That hereafter it xhnll. ho unlawful for grain or oth er amnia :it lurge in line street. lane or alley, NA ithin ihr populated parts 0 the Borough. or upon the I'nld u• :woo o, unoor the stoic penalties that are hieneril.eit to the ro nolo, ut largo in said Toddle laresoi. said Borough of gene. links, swine and t-heop,•in the uct to utile,. thin is n siippliinieriL. AtteAt—J. \I. MASONTILINI :Soe'y of C.rporn tine 3lity 12, ISCS li ILI IT TILE ES, G RAPE VINE, ,m A LI, FRUITS Ac, Ac., Sold chimp at the CUMBERLA ND A GIiSERIES, .As the stock in 1 no and will ho ,01111091.1i,Trons will be sold at greatly reduced prices. A largo lot of Grlilie 1 ;rug, G,rnscberry, I - errs-1)1)er , y, Blackberry. Rhubarb, Strawbony, lowering plants such BR Spirnuaa, llonesuckles. Pali/idea, Ac. , Ac , Al. u ill Le cold very low. An !rumour.. stack of A I'I'LE ANT) PEAR TREES, priers to suit Ireha•ers Prompt attend-ore and per fect satisfaction given, 1 - all at the .urea, V. HENRI' S I. U Proprietor, successor to David Sillier. Slay 12, 1865-It, LOCIIMAN & BRETZ'S NL W PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. TN NE WVILLE, PA. CL AN, long and favora i. lily known 00 01111 of the boot Pholographers in the rouotry has assisnated hirnsuif with Mr. Gen. SI retz, an eminent Phot•ieriphor, to carry on the Pho togiarhic 11 11'40,S Io 2P1 . 11 , ,i11e, 1%111111,11,nd Co Pa. Their skill as arti-to, uith in complete set of the best Ins' urn lots, and o super ror eirostrit , too SKY I,ltillT, gr.a thew ittiva,tdges over all r-tiler galleries Sir cu p--I for work in this county. 1 . q.t rib riII:TURES. A M Ii ID) IVIES AND COPIES. The pohlic Is cordially invited. All work guaran toed to please. LOCLI lAN A BRETZ. Mac 12. 1865—tf. CUMBERLAND COUNTY Agricultural Society. 1 1 11 E rebellion is now over, and we are again rrot'red to our peaceful avocations. We cannot bet ter mark this era. than by making prepara• tionsitureturn to the arrustoined full exhibition of our Society. and that we may have the most extensive the best and 111051 Inieresting that we have over had, lot us begin to prepare for it now. The season is lutist propitious and promising of fruitful results, and our appetites 'or the enjoyment at such an exhiblticn on we w ill have, have born sharpened by the disappoint ments of the last three years uy order of the President, D. a, (Atm, Secretary. May 12, 1805-3 t Internal Revenue Notice. IWILL meet those citizens of Dickinson township liable to Revenue tat onjlecomes, Car rie res, Watches, Pianos, and Aulodcous, who shall not have previously made their re' urns to me, at the Stone Tavern, on Thursday May 18th. 1 will meet those sirizons or South Middleton tap.. who shall not have previously newly, their returns, at Mullin's held, - Mount Holly 'springs, ..n Tuesday. May 23d, and Boiling Springs Hotel, on Thursday, May 25th. 1 will meet those citizens of Middlesex township, who shall not have previously mado their returns, at Middlesex, on Saturday, May 27th. I will meet those citizens of North Middleton twp , who shall not have previously made their returns, at Deecher's Tavern on Tuoeday. May 30th. Those'returns must he mode to me either at my of flee, previous to the above demignated days, or on those days at the respectively :buried places livery Carriage, Watch, Plano or Idelodeon,'must be.roturnod, and no person can determine for himself whether or not ho le suldect,to an Income tax. Am, arch hound to make re turns and the assessor gill decide ' from such returr a, whether or not the person making them le, subject Failure to comply with the above notice . Wlll suillobt the patty to an additional tax of twenty,flve per cot. lAMBS' A. DUNBAR, Assistant smear, oth Division, 15th District, Pa. May 4, 1a65 CARLISLE DEPOSIT BANK ADIVIDEND of , Five per cent and Five extra, free of National Mid State 'roses, has been declared by the Hoard of Directors of this Dank, which will be paid over to the atoc lc-holders, on demand. W. M. LIAP,TEM, Cashier. May 2nd _ Ice ! loe !! Ice !! ! The subscriber is prepared tq furnish GOOD, CLEAR ICE. • In large or small quantities Contracts for the season will be made cud ice delivered to any part'or town. ice House ou'Locust alloy. Apply to flto. win um: 12 00 3 00 UCE MARKET Al AY 12,18115. =OM Ben tz turtty, at the option of the holder, Into U. S. 5-20 Six per-cent. GOLD-BEARING BONDS. Which are always worth a premium. Free from Taxation. The 7.30 Notes cannot be taxed by Towns, Cities Counties or States, and the interest is not taxed un- hundred dollars a year. This fact Increases thou: value the rate at a Mali it is Laing absorbed, will all he eta .scribed for within two months. when the notes. will uu douldedly command a premium, as has uniformly bass the ease on closing the subscriptiumi to other Loans. yond the presont i.erles will bo offered to the public ho cou o try luny be uff , Yrdod fad I itlos for tok jug the, =I oan, the National Banks, State Banks, and Private 13aulturs throughout thecountry hat, generally agreed to receive subscript ions at par. Subsrribers their own :14entx, in whom they have rontiLlonvo, and I=l For onto at thu First NaL Bank and (2arlisle Deikndt. Bank, (darnele, and FlrEd, .I.IY CW)K E. Sulkdpi.l.n Agent, Phdadelphia. May 12, ISBS. LETTERS REMAINING UNCLAIMED in the l'o.t Unice ut Czirli,le, :it/0m or Penusyl ania, the 11th day of Mity 18. 5. ILtALTO ohiatn any OI the.e letters, thp anidie,nt must call for advertised Letters' giNe thr date of the In.t. 11111.1 pay one cent lor adt If' not called or within one month, they will be sent to the Dead Letter Office. GEO. ZINN, l'. M. Armstrong &WagnerMecue, Nancy Alexander & Molten Morrison, Scott Ambrose, Sallie :Mcßride, John lilts Barrett, Jame , Llem, Eliza Barn-, ..Mrs Sidney'_' ..Munich, Small Ann Bak , r, Albert Marlin, ALUM klutz, Ge,irgo Nieholas A Beatty, Amos J .11 yers, G Buck, Stir:ol,lmm Mountz, Sylve , ter Bradley, Margaret Win Scott Barber, Annie (0 , 1'11,01:MI11, Gr,, 111 , W11, Jam: Miller, Peter Butler, Mrs (care of 'l' Joseph Weilkley) Mathews, \1 tilinm Cree, Alexander Melianny, Elmira Chislian, William Neal, Nancy 2 Gorman, Amos Newcomer, Caroline Clouser, Sarah E Ocker, Wm Coil, Miss Bell 1' J Clemes, Mrs Martha I'ye, Sarah Carra Preillel, Francis Comp!), Mrs Mary - Ritchie, Swum Cornwall, iNlargaret Haber, Mollie J 2 ('orbit, John 11:1111,, Jane Clark, Lizzie E. gore, Urlando 2 Cooper, ti NV (Camp Biddle) Dai Lowiq It inch\ \ ine, Ale In•iv Dean, Thom.- B Ith Jiieob 11 rliui 1, .\-Lary 2 It4ifer, W Cainp Devinnv, William Biddle Itrivis, * Robert Bevil, Theodore Camp Davk„Alexander Biddle (Jannis, Caroline Strickler Fannie Ii Davis, Elizabeth Stoller, Fisher, Samuel Stumpli, M Finkenbinder, Wm Soils, _MAI) . - Fisher, William 11 Stouffer, Kato Fisher. Sarah 50,te11, E Frank, Mr or .Mrs Scott, M. J Five, Mrs II J Stougle, Mary Fisher, John Swartz, Annie Graham, Ebenezer Smith, Elizabeth Graham, AV A Strickler, Greer, Wm 1' Sponsler, Eliza Graham, Annie S 1) U Graces, Alf,a Stumph, John Hager, Sergi Adam Sheatrer, Samuel Haines, W A Simlrin, Henry J Hauser, Joseph Shock, Samuel Hollond,John F Sites, (Basket Maker) Holler, Kate K 3 Hour, Jacob Hess, Jacob 2 Scott, Hotly Herbst, August (Car-Smith, Win K lisle Barracks) Stahl, Abraham J. 11. I). 6I I,I,ELES Prosi.lent "I Council J. CA M I ll ELL, Burgess W. ti I .1011. N C 011'14E1,1.. Chlet Uurgru. Hood, John- Stonier, Lizzie Hess, Samuel ' Stoulier, William II Heminger, Chester AStewart, Robert C Hefeltinger, Sarah A Stoner, Franklin sal- Harmony, 'Mrs Mary dier Hoover. Eliza Thesler, \Hsi Ann Hawkins, Mrs Ann Thomas, Martin Hall, Sarah I'.l Tnompson, William Hall, Mrs E..::.1 -Teo pier, James Hook, Eliz bcti, L t immi, in, Robert Harringtom L i.y D -, Ih S Halbrer, ilenra w _ I mine Hoover, Mrs. S A. V, HAlMOri:!EnZahetii M Weall • Jones, George S 2 Wobi Jones, John \V Welsh Jones, Mrs Rebecca Walker Johnstoi , Mrs Mary Wetzle, \‘' Jenkins, Mrs Eliza'tiWaggoner, Jones, Mrs Eliza'eh 2 Williams, 0, , 1: Kosht, Jacob Welsh, David Kennedy, Wm F Williams, Lynfi.rd King, Reesan Whitmoyer, Gilbert, Keller, Widow Wolly, Jacob Kyner, Miss Elias Weber, Peter Knisely, William Weitzel, Emanuel Luodon, Mrs Sarah Waggoner, Benj. Linthurst, Wm A Waxham, James Leidigh, God W Yenger, Caroline Lucas, Warren Yenger, Jacob LueaS, Anthony Yohst, Levi Lightner, David P Zeros, L M Leidig, Rev George Zeigler, Levi Miller, Ellen Zeigler, Lizzie A-2 More, Margaret Pictupes that should be in every Album! I )RESIDENT LINCOLN, and his son J. wun”, n Photograph from Ilfo, Price 26 cogs. I.ltafaigne nt the State [louse In Harrisburg, repre sentleg the body of the President lying In state. Price 2b cents. The sarno In a large size Photograph 18x14. Price 1,50. lho same for the Stereoscope ' 60 dente.. Sent to any direction on receipt of price, and a three cent stamp. The trade supplied at wholesale rates. Address, J. 11.031.1NDALE, Optician, • May 5,1 t. liarrisburv, Pa. FOR SALE. NINETY Voluoies of Novels (with va t rloue other articles) f, r eel° cheap, at the store of N. L. e , Irvine Aprlj 28,1886—St* . No. 3, Irvine's Row. FAIR! !S HE Empire Hook & Ladder Com . pany, will hold a FAIR in RHEEM'S HALL, to commence on SATURDAY; tha 10th of MAY, and continua for ono week'. Contributions are respectfully solicited for the citizens of the ii rough. Tlckete for the FIRE MORN may now be purchased of John Campbell, Esq. Price 26 canto. JAMES B. STERRETT, President. April 28, IBo6—tf. • AT' ALUABLE Presents for all at Haver v stick's Drug. Book nod Fancy Store. FE.' BIibTZITOOVER, Attorney -e h at Law Wilco in South Ilauovor street, opinalto lionts's dry good store Carlisle, Pu. BOptealber 0, /1164, U. S. 7-30 LOAN. The sale of the firdt Bodes of $300,000,000 of the 730 Loan was completed on the 81st of March, MS. The sale of the second series of Three Hundred Millions payable three "years from the 15th day of Ju❑e, 1805. was begun on thO let of April. In the short space .1 thirty days, over One Ilundred Millions of this series have boon sold—leaving ibis clay less than Two Uun drod Millions to be disposed of. , The Interest is paya bin eaml•nnnuelly hi currency on the IGth of Decam bor and 15th ofJune by Coupono attached to each note which are readily cached anywhere. It amounts to One cent per day on a 850 note. Two cents $lOO Ten " " " " $5OO " 20 " $lOOO . " 01 " " " " $5OOO " More and Vlore Desirable. The Rebellion le suppressed, and the Goverittnent has already adopted measures to reduce oxpoedit ures no rapidly" as possible to a peace footing, thus with drawing from market as borrower and purchaser 1 his is too ONLY LOA NIN MARKET now offered by the Government, end constitutes the GREAT POP ULAR LOAN OF THE PEOPLE. The Seven-Thirty Notes aro convertible on their ma oss on a surplus of tho owner's Income exceeding six out ono to three per cont. per annum, according to tho ate levied on other property Subscribe Quickly. Loss than $200,000,000 of the Loan nuthortzou by the st Cong.°. aro now on the market. This amount, at L now seems probable that no considerable amuunt be In order that eitizenx of every town and section of ho only Jr, to hr I expousible lor the (I. liver, I :liv , tes for Iv 101 l they revels orders „ OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE, THURSDAY, June la; 1865. - DY virtue ofan order of the Orphans' _L./Court of Curnip land County, I will expose to unpile sale on the prim:ulnas on Thursday June let, 1805, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon the one undivided half of a situated In the townships of South Middleton and 3liddlesox, on the Trindie spring mad, about two miles east of Carlisle, adpining lands of David Rings all, John ilartzler, Jacob Ringwalt and rotor Albright, containing about This lan'd will be Fold subject to the ono half of a Widow's dower, amounting to three hundred and thirty three dollars and thirty-three cents. rEums 011 8A bll—Ten per cent. of the purchase money to be paid on the dey of tale, the balance of ono fourth on the confirmation of the sale, by the Or• phan's court, and the residue on the let day of April, A. D MO, when the deed and possession will be given. MARGARET A. RING %V ALT, Administratrix of howls lilngwalt, dec'd. April 28, 1860. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. virtue of an order of the Orphan's kycoart to me directed. I will sell at public sale on TUR,DAY, Hay 27; 1805. on the premises a docirablo HOUSE AND LOT OF GROUND, situate In the town of West Fairview. The lot Is 35 feet in front end 13.1 feet in depth, and has erected thereon a Two Story Frame H0v,3," with Kitchen ntiachnd, Stable, Solola , ll4l3USO and other necessary buildings. The property ittyin good re pair nod is the Soma of which Levi liapp lately died seized. - . 'rho terms of sale are 25 per cent of the purchaSe money to be paid when the property Is 'stricken olf. ihe balance'on the confirm:vimn of the sale by the Court when n deed will he lectie and possession given Taxes assessed for the present year to be paid by the purchaser. Sale to commence at 2 o'clock P. M. of said day. THOMAS McCLUNI, April 2S, IM-3t. A dministrator. 500,000 MORE MEN WANTED Spring and Su in m o r Clothing of . ISAAC LIVINGST ON, AIT his cheap Clothing Establishment L or. North Hanover rtreet, Carlixlu, from ono of the largest and hest stoolin of READIT AI A D E CLOTHING, GENTS' FURSLSIIING GOODS, AND II A TS, err brought to th place, Ila eine. 3ust returned for he Cantpugu. he an 6.u „ le , l , zoe hi , gratitude to the eitl7: n= ..r artist and vieihhiy or the exton4tee put ,unen they have to up r. up., And tzdte, the present 41.11,111,Hr reqe , Hull) solicit it contitlu t t • t , e made SPIIING CLOTIIIN(:, Iw nut annpastaa.l in this pl.ter, ei 11, in quality Sr in I.emembet Ling he also mate's th•thin.., te rr•l‘ , tug in his etnplo) nt expell eurest cutter 111, purv'eso In the tern n te-, i.n•l ennfitlent that I rennet he under any r estahlislnurnt, either East Rest, ete:hLivitn:2.. on son always. bOtill Like first t w Ith 11)g. tiv,ilL) fileprr rent. eheapel, a.I One hnhdn tl per rent better than vial put 'h., I. el.rwherr Come and rsamitte hi s s t ac k when )nu want to purrhasa cinthlna. April e. 16C5 TO THE PUBLIC Carlisle, March 20, 1865. unlit r 1 1 Ladies do here th,sln :: l e e rl ( tr nality Of the ttltlver Sprint; Flour. notoul otturetl by Hagl•tr k 1(.1111.g:or Itlg spring 'lit s !anti I_ n rut i aabi by Salmi,' )1. I lam rrnf CI, prier of Floor having rotor tb turn t•ttnot sup ot,uttl n hi,: all pttisons to give this a till lov It rail not be shrp 1,r.1 Nlre mrs. \V liretem. Mrs. !therm. Ell7,ll,etlt .k baulen. \lr, 11. It 1i,,/,ver, Mrs. A Ho lover, Miss E. Rent ley. )fre. I.,by. Mrs. II Miller. Mrs. S. A Sent, \lt's K It h. ais , Tre IrinOr'lnc. Mrs urns T,l: 11,r, 31 re I' It. (:„, n r or t, N),, , ;12, 1.. torn . Mr. level) Bener, )Ls A.ll. Ewing Mn It. (JO:l.y, Mt,s E Miller, 31re. 4 . A. puttee. Magnificent Sale 1,01,1) Tce,N7creiTrzr. {Eria. ON 'FILE ONE DOLLAR PLAN Ono Gold 'and Silver Watch 'Manufacto ry, Two I rumens° Jewelry Establish ments, One Silver Plating, Warehouse, One Gold Pen and Pencil Maker, To be ilhipottril of with dispatch WITHOUT REGARD TO COST! I . ), floods are of fashion:title styles awl Inost oxecl feet wo, kat:tot-hip. tn.! are •af•l'llif rd in i hi , matt., to rill eve the ftr .p.lettors from ottttetasttatettt orea slotted by a tlistrac [lna civil unto It should lin proml nuotly Slated. also. that they are mostly of AMERICAN ANIT EA ()TIT E anti therefore et - Patty superior to the gate imported from alitoad and itawkial chant as the rho:quoit ever ,olti Tim simple duty on importedfie the hielt preolieni I n(told (All foreia, bills aro pionitio in geld.laintiont to ninon than the entire cost tit many of the articles attired by us to tho puthic. To tacil)teto the sale ONLY ONE DOLLAR will lir rharged fir any artielo on our lint, and this soot the potion ed not pay until hi, what he to get! This pla ne n Records with the ineViod re heroine s u popular for disp,%lng, of large stocks i 1 Jewelry st d similar productions. 'l'llE PLAN IS SIMPLE! The name ol each article offered for sale—as Gold Ilooting 11 tch," " old Ov.d Band Bracelet," '• Pearl Iheaktp.” and,," •• d — ills. Plated Cake Ba•ket," etc , Is written on a card and enclosed In a smiled euve;cpo ; theselenvelopes are then placed in a drawer and a ull mixed; thou as an and, r is recelVed, with twenty five cents for rut urn postage awl ocher char es, • 110 of the cards or c rtitt rates Is taken at random and sent by liret mail to the customer, Who Will sett at 011 CO what he call got for One Dollar. I. he Is pleased with hls fortune be can for ward the money arenading to directions Oil lho curt ltt cats and seem, the prize If the article awarded should hr unsuited to ti•O purchaser—se for smirople, a set of Pearl Ear-Drop. and (ireasi plu ton young man who could not wear them, and had noon° to give them to —we will send any otheroartlcle on the catalogue of equal prim which may be pr ferred if, for any put turn no further. the.. let t amt tvr drip , thr•re It Is and Spend el/ MOT, 0 e irefully our Ca ..loguo 1 WA l Ull 1) 1,1'.1 LIT EN T. .10 .lent.. Patent Lever IlllLl Ilu tin!, t:ruol S5O to 200 31.t13 .iti ,:use 40 175 400 • .ruts' .1d ihlllti 11.;(`11111,, - 20.1 L. 04 .es' kluld and lAninerd 1l mit.lN: Case, 31) - 80 Oeldn' Patent Lever Silver Ituutlnd Clo.o, 30 - 90 400 tient& lot 1., ver :olver Hunting Case, 31. 85 300 Oen ts' Lever Silver Open face, 20 - 50 300 dents' Pai out Lever Sliver Open-face, 25 00 300 Gent.' ....who. SI vor, 18 - 40 MEM ME FMB JE \ ELRN." DEPA RT XI ENT. 3t 0 Dlam 0,1 Itinvz $4O to $l2O 300 Ueuttf 110000,01 l'ins, 20 • 100 300 J lients' Etiliforida 111 Pins, 3 - 15 3000 Gents' California Diamond 111 .gs, 3 • 12 5000 (lon ts' Gehl and Enameled Fob Chains, 3 - 40 Gents' Uot.l Vest ( Indus. 5 - 40 4000 Pair lbot LS' ti..h.l Sleeve Buttons, 0 • 10 4000 Pair Gems Geld & Enam. Sleeve Buttons 3 - 10 0000 Sets Gents' Gold Studs. 3 - 8 800 Gents' Stone Sot and Signet Rings, 3 - 12 8000 Gouts' Stone Sot az Shoot Enani Binge 4 • 16 60(.0 Ladles' Gold Neck .lhailo, 6 • 50 4000 Gold Oval-Band Bracelets, 3 • 10 0000 Gold and Jet Bracelets, 8 - 12 5000 Gold and Enameled Bracelets, 8 • 15 3000 Gold Cliskulain Challis, 8 - 30 5500 Pair Ladles' Gold SI, ova Buttons, 3 8 4000 Pair Oodles' Oold Enam. Sleeve Buttons 4 - 10 8000 Solitaire Gehl Brooches, 3 - 12 0000 Coral, Opal and Emenod Brooches, IF- 12 5000 Gold Cameo and ('earl Ear-Drops, 3 - 8 7000 Mosaic, Pot, lava & Florentine oar drops 3 • 10 50011,,01d Th ImbloQ, 5 10 10008 Coral, Opal and ilinerald Ear-Grope, 3 - 10 10000 Mini taro Lockets, . 4 • 10 10000 )habit ore bockets—to tgic spring, 8 - 26 10000 Plain Gold Rings. 4 - 12 It 0 0 Sets Ladies' Jewelry, Gold and Jot, 5 - 20 1000 i Sete Ladies' Jewelry, Comes,Pearl, !Le. 5 - 20 10000 Ladies' Gilt and Jet Bracedto, 4 • 17 10000 I. dies' Gilt and Jot Oat Supporters, 2 - 12 SILVER PLATED WARE 10000 Cups. $2 to $2O 8000 Goblets, '3 - 12 10000 l'rdr Napkin flings, 2 - . , 10 2001 Card Dashots, 4 - 14 ,4000 Castor Fratnes—complete with bottles, 6 - 20 2000 Tee Pitchers ' , . 6000 Patr IluttorlCnlves, 5000 Soup. Oyster and Gravy Ladles, 2- 8 1000 Ennrered Pie lEntree,• 3 - 0 8000 Mann Ten Spoons, per dozen, 5 - 15 8000 Dozen Table Spoons, per dozen, 8 - 24 6000 Dozen Desert Yorks, . per doz..n, 8 - 30 GOLD PENS AND PENCILS 12000 Gold Pens, Silva. I xtonsion Holder, $3 to $lO 12000 field Pena Sliver Mounted Holders, 2- 8 8000 Gold Pens, Gold slounted Holders, • 3 . 16 6000 dold Pens with Gold Extonst holders l - 20 6000 Gold Pons, Gold Holders and Pencils, 10 - 20 6000 Gold Psi:tells, 6. 20 REMEMBER THE PLAN In all cases we charge for forwarding the Certificate, postage, and doing the busiooss, the sum of Twont%- five k.ents, which must be In the order. Five Certifi cates will ho soot for $1; eleven for $2; thirty for 15; slity.five for $10; ono hundred for $l6. • AGENTS ARE WANTED Throughout the Country to operate ter us. A large ccimponeation ivill be paid. Bend for tortes, &c., en. closing stamp. NEWBORN & CO., March :4, MS, 75 Fulton Street, N. Y PUBLIC SALE TRACT OF LAND, 47i ACRES TO PURCHASE THEIR ISAAC, LIVINGSTON, North Hanover Street AND SILVER WATCHES The Entire Stock of NEW STORE AND NEW GOODS I HAVE - just received a large Lamson wont of New.Gooda, such as Cvlicoes,, DeLainos, °baffles, Lawns, Alpacas, Chambreys, Flannels, Linens Brown and illoached Sheer ingso Brown and Bleached Bhlrtlngs, &o. Also, a full assortment of MEN'S GOODS, such as Clotho, Cassimores, Sattinetrs. Jeans, Cott on ades, Denims, Stripes, Cheeks. Including all quality and styles of Undershirts and Drawers, Dross Shirts, Shirt Collars, Neck Ties, Gloves, and all other goods pertaining to a Gentleman's Wardrobe. • All of which will be sold at lower prices than they are selling elsewhere In Carlisle. Will. A. MILES, Next door West of the Pont Office, Carlisle. 28, 180. Grant 1 Sherman 1 ! Sheridan ! !! Richmond has Fallen. - A ND with the flll of Richmond, we are moat happy to announce to the people, the great decline in goads. BUSINESS DONE ON A GOLD BemsL GOODS AT PANIC PRICES. Our entire stock reduced to correspond with prices in the cities. DRESS GOODS, PLAIDS, DELAINES, MOZAMBIQUES, ALPACAS, SCOTCH GINGHAM, &c. CALICOS, CHECKS, TISKINGS, MUSLIMS, BLEACHED AND UN- ll et greatly reduced rates. Every ono in want o .heap goods. should give us a rail.-as we are doter pined to soli goods down at the very lowest nick. Bargains will be all the rage at GREENFIELD & SHEAFER'S. S. E. corner illarket Square. 2D DOOR, 2D DOOlt, 2D DOOR. April 7, 1865. THE PHGENIX PECTORAL WILL CURE YOUR CnUGFI. PIIOEN IX PECTORAL ; On, COMPOUND S% 111.11 3 np tt 11,1) CITIMRY AND . - 3EN Ihh A SNA I(T1 nowt', cure t hu Dise.i.:es of IL.' •Tll LO LUNGS, Such aq Colds, erm q , Ag , htl, lirouchlhs, Ca'nrrh.••ore Therm . I) Looping Cough, Or Ito Ulnely 11 , 1. Will prevent PULMONARY CO A'S P TIoN, .And "yen where this fearful disease has token hold It will afford greater r' lief than any other medicine 'sill, Kate VainietoLlo o or Port , ville. ssys I was bemlitto d more by 1..13 11.1 PII3CIIIX ....COM! than any., ther mood Iciro e Isola. Überl oltzer, of Lionville, ''hector county, Ives cured Of com.di of man, year s' stauding by using the phonnix Pectoral. Joseph Lukens. of Ball "tr. et, Phoenixville, certifies that he ac cured of a coo,h two Sean' standing. when a I other medicines bad foiileol, by the Phreolx Peetorfol. .liiroh Powers certiflooß that he has cold hundreds of bottle , . n• the Placerils Pe.•tooal, mod that all who need It bear testimony of its wonderful effects in curing couch I. Boyer. editor of the i'lndepenoont Phoenix," having used it, has TM heSI.I.IO. In pronouncing it a coo pieta en , tidy r, coo,or, U arnioness and irritation In the thro it. Tiro Ifect CheLtrie to Jeftersnnlan" says • "Wu have known Dr. toherhoitzer pors pally a 113...1b0r or yours, sod it ale, us 010 1433•11t..•r tr. re...M.111.1d Ilk medicines I'm-mooch sc tha public rarely loot-to the bow, fit of !wooly onoolicillooo prepared by a phi sielan of Ills acquirements and experience. 10, uherhooltzer in n mouth, of the Alumni of the 11,11,1 Pooparin,ott of the 1'f1iV1..11.3 . of Pennsylia nla at which Institution he grad eared in 183.4" 'I loi Ile.roling - Gazette" sore: ' conch remedy is insole up to Dr. 1,. iMetholtzer, of Phoenixville. l'a 311.1 I 1113.3.1111111.1 CU'- 1111. r e 311,115. It Ic Vael.fliliy 3.d skillfully prepared tr. in 11113. 311 , 1Sonek,, Suahc hoot Dr. 'le,. it. Wool. Prod; onor of the Practice or Medi ci', I o the Unlvero-ity of PI...NV Col in t Physician to he Penoßylegoolor I loe.pital, and one of the authors of the United :Onto, no.pousatory. Rays of Senekti Snake Root: " Its olooloon i , sporially directed to the Toe promote', of thiß medicine has no much rrinfi ol nee in Its . uratile powers. from the testimorty or haindrools who here used It, that the money wilt he paid hack to any purchaser who is not satisfied with its effects. It Is so pleasant to take that children cry for It. It coats only Thirtvdive cents—large bottl e s $l. It in intended for 0n1y... class Of di eases, namely, thore of the Throat and Lungs. Prepared only by LEVI 013EltlIOLTZEII, NI. P.. Phoenixville, I'a, Sold by all Dr and Storekeep. roor. jorlo,,tow, Ilullmvay A: Cowden, Ni 23 No th Sixth Street. lobLoodooliollia, General II hoolesoile Agents. D W. tiro, .1: Co., Whol,alor Agents litorrieburg. Iluverstleia'R Drug Stu , e, agony for Carl' le N Ii —lf :your nearest, dro,rodst or storeheencr does not keep th, moorlielnot do rood let loin) put off with Rome miler medicine, loon...lose'e Mates mono money on it loot send at 111,10 Of the agents tor IL )harp In, Isoof,— ly MILLINERY GOODS. BROOKS & ROSENHEIM, WHOLESALE DEALERS,. Nu. 431 MARKET Street., north side, PIII LADELPIII A, 11:,‘. now Open Owl , usual 11:01.iFOI110 vanity of II I ISBONS, N N M A T ER I A LS, STRAW E.: FANCY BONNETS LADIES' & M I o,Eo' CATS, FLOWERS. RUCHES, LACES, and all other articles requit ed by the Millinery Trade fly long experience and sit let attout lon to this lihanch of business exclusively, we flatter ourselves that we can oiler inducements, In variety, sty lea, quality and ,nod orate pri,es—Wit 1,10 y whet e to I e found. at• t.•ullon of MILLIS MIS and 11B1tCILtNr is respect. fully solicited March 21, 1865-3 me. , ARLISLE & PHILADELPHIA 'VAT" litakt.', • DAILY PREIGI Hl' LINE FREED,. WARD & FREED 811 MARKET STREET PHILADELPHIA J. & D. RHOADS, =I 4-Z-llors of this Line leave the Depot Sit Nlarlirt St Daily, a , 4 ~'clock. Leave Coiled°, Dolly, of 7 o'clock, A, M. Goods loteoded sliould he morkod C. Al P. Dolly FroL IA Lino, nod tone In by 4 o'clock. July I, 1864. READING RAILROAD - 46, WINTER ARRANGEMENT - IREAT Trunk Line from the tSlorth jrand North West for Philoftelphla. NOW York Reading, ['otter Ilk,. I,eiriorth. All, ntowo, Easton &c. rains !nava Harrisburg fin• New York, as f011uu,,,, Al 3 and 8.15 A 111 and 145 I' :11., arriving at Now York at 10 A. :11 and 2 45 and 10 I'. 31. Tho above conno t with similar trains on Pon syl cants. stall Road, and i,looping,earsaccompany the tlret two trains without change. Leave for 'leading, Pottevillo, Tamagni, Millersville, Allen tiown and Philadolphia at 8 15 A 31 and 1.45 P. 31., stopping at bebauon and principal abalone only. Wily Tr.:los, mopping st r Ii point!, at 7.25 a m. and 440 p. in. Returning: Lonvo New York at 0 a. m., 12 noon, and 7 p ni. Philadelphia at Ba. M. and 330 p. in.; Pottsville ut 3 1 - 0 a m and 2.35 p. m.; Tamaqua at 8 10 a m. and 2.15 p. m.. and Reading at 12 midnight, nod 10.45 a. to., 1.35 and 0,05 p. m. An Accommodation Pa,songer train leaven flooding at 0.30 A. 31., and roturno from Philadelphia at 4.3 ) P. 71. Columbia Railroad trains leave -Reading at 0.40 and 11 a. in. for Ephrioa, Lititz, 11..1 , ambla, &c. On Suodaya 'Wave New York at 7 p. Ea.. Philadal. phia at 3.15 P. 51 , Pottavlllo at 7.30 A. 51., Tamaqua at 7 a. in., Ilarrlzburg 8. 15 u. in. and Reading at 12 mid. nightfor Elirrisburg. Commutation, 5111erigo,Sonaon, School and Exoursion Tickets at reduced rates to and from all points. 1381.63aga checked through. 80 Pounds fluggago al. lowed each Paesonger. _ . Noy, 05, 1804 10.- 20 3- 8 Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co. Phila. ASSETS 1,4854085,32., Life Ins. PoHalos' Granted oh Favorable Terms. The board of Trustees have declared a , eturn Pro mium Dividend In Serip of FIFTY PER CENT. upon the cash Premiums received In 18C4 on all policies in force December Seth 1884, and have decided to receive the Certificates of the Extra Scrip Dividends of Septem• her 18511 in payment of Premium. The undersigned le ready to deliver Certificates to pattl , a - entitled to receive them at the Carlisle agency at his oMce ou Main Street at any time after the date of this notice. Pampblote, tablo of rates, applientons and ovary formation furnished iv ithodt abarge, A; L. SLIMMER; agt. Carll Edo 4'111,'65, 3whis tollmsTßANowg — NOTro - Letters Testamentary on the estate of George tett, deo'd., late of the borough of New. Cumberland, have been issued 'to the subscribers residing In the game place. to whom all , debts due p sald decedent will be paid and dams prcsontad. MO. O. KIRK, ' - JACOB lIESS, Adadnlatratorr April 7,1865-,4! 13 LEACHED O. A. MOLLS, General Superintendent Richmond h a s Fallen 1 AND SO HAVE DRY GOaDS. fact that is proven to every person calling at the Cheap Store of Loidich & Miller. Iv e they are just receiving a large supply of. Spring 4er and Summer Goods, purchased since tho great decline In gold. The stoolc embraces In part LADIES' DRESS GOODS, such as Black and Fancy Silks of all colors and quali ties, now atyloe Poplins, Mohairs, Lustros, Aipaccas all colors, Mozambiques, Lamoriques, Valonclas, Do /411306 Wmlllos, &c. SPRING CIRCULARS, Banuoe, Sacques, Bbasels, &o , MOURNING GOODS of ovary kind, consisting of Mourning Silks, A Ipaccas, Flumbasines, Mohairs, Poplins, single and double width DoLainos, Tam's° Cloths, Crape Veils, Collars, Hand kerchiefs, Balmoral Skirts, a pew style, black and white Ginghams. &c. DOMESTIC GOODS, bleached and unbleached Mullins from 1234 canto up. A large assortment of Callcdos from I*4 cents to 25.- 1U 4 bleached and unbleached Sheeting, Pillow Casa Muslins. Tlekings, Cottonados, Ginghams, Nankeens, Table f;lapor, and a grant many other goods not men tioned but always oh hand. Our notion department Is complete, embracing Cotton Hosiery of ovary quality for ladles, gentlomen, misses. boys and children, Moves of evory description, Silk, Linen, and Gingham Handkerchiefs, French Cornetts, Hoop Skirts all sizes, Balmoral Skirt , . all sizes, Balmoral Skirts. Nock Ties, Suspenders, Trimming and Mantua Ribbons, Read Netts, Sun Umbrellas, Parasols. Men and Boy's Wear. always a full assortment of every description at the vary lowest market prices. Clothing made at very abort Della° by a first class tailor CARPETS, CARPETS, a full line of every description and quality, Matting, Floor 011 Cloth, Looking Glasses, OR and Paper Win dow Blinds, Table Oil Cloihs, Stair Oil Cloths, and many other house fUrnishing vods for the season. Feeling Tory thankful to the generous community for their kind end liberal patronage so fir extended to the firm, we earnestly and sincerely ask a continuance of the same, as customers know that le a great pleas ure to us to exhibit our clock, besides proving that we always study the Interest of our customers. as we are determined not to bo undersold by any merchant in the country. Please remember the well known stand south east corner Market square, directly opposite lridn'a Boot and Shoe Store. April 28,1866. WM. BLAIR &'SON, Corner of .llanover and .Suuth 'Sta. • NEW WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Grocery and Queensware Store, U T opened with fresh and good P Goode. a choice variety of evt ry thing usually kept In a first cm:l,, store. Particular attention givan In the selection of nice seta of China and Granite Ware, CHOICE TEAS, 1 Eris, Sf iOA ES. SYRUPei, SPICES FLA VOltiNti EX I It ACTS, Canned and Pickled Fruit,, Womesterahlre, Cumber land. and ether B.turhs, Cheese. Craters nod every thing el 4f, In our 1100 that a discriminatlng cublb; may require. Full assort ments La kt riling Papers, Coal (ill mpg, Que0 ug „,,,,,,, , Willow, Cedar, r tone and Ear then Wares, SALT, FISII, OILS, IRON AND NAILS, kept constantly on hand. floods will be replenish. I I) mown tly, kept clean and nine, sold at the lowest possiltde prices, and delivered at a ay port of the Own. P MIMI give 118 a call Cash paid for Country Pro duct, 11)1. BLAIR & SON. Unrlivle, March 3,1665.—1 m Browning's Excelsior Coffee Whilst • ruing rotten et all the various brands. Remember '• Browning's Lxcelsita"—at the head It stands. True. not like ethers that and Sold K. , ervwhere." A lit , In stretch, we all • u know, good goods will easily boar, (But a stretch like this—"sold everywhere"—is very apt I. tear Now. I can sandy say. w thout env he , itat Thorn's num. like I:row nlng's En colsi. r" In this en. lightened °Hon Skilled chem.', hare not Pond n Coffee from any store Possessing the 0,1018 ingr.,lients as Browning's Ex• celsior " nr Is there, any one. in it nut of tho Coffee trade, Who knows the articles 'rum which •• Browning's Ex celsio.'s" "Jae tohl male from barley, r; a. wheat, beans, and peas: Name a 'housantl other things—hut the night One It yon please. Itut with the COITOO-111011 I Will not hold contention For the many, many thimo they say—lon numerous to mention. Whilst they're engaged in running round from store to store To learn the current wholesale prico of " Browning's Excelsior," Seine who-know my Coffee gives perfect 'satkfaction, Dave formed a plea by which they Impel° minute quick reaction. The case—'tis with a few; no doubt 'twill be more— To name their Coffee after mine, tllrow ning's) Excelsior. Some say their's the only brand that will stand a ready test. Now, try a little of bloom all—see which you like the best. Three years have passed away since I first sold a store; Never have I In your paper advertised before: Nor would I now, or ever consent to publish morn, If like sonic used by •• everybody," •• sold everywhere," In "every store." A trade like this I d not wish ; the orders 1 could not till: The factory all .1 orsey's land would lake—leave not a foot t. till. My trade is nut so very large; still I think I have my share, nut, reader, you may rest ast.ured, 'tie not soil every sv In re." nII fart ured and sale by tho writer, GEORGE L. BROWNING, No 20 Market tit , Camden, ti. J. This Coffee Is not emopcsed of pofSonous drugs, it renter TIP nothing de101,1011,; 111110 y persons use this Coffee that cannot use the pure coffee: takes hut one and a half ounce*, masa a quart of good strong cof fee, that being just one-half the q nantity It takes of Java Coffee, and'alwal s less than 11.411 - the price. Retail Dealers may purchase It In less quantities than ton gross at my pi ices from the 15 'holesale Grocers. Orders by mall from Wholesale Dealers promptly at tended to. February 17, 1865-3 m NEW AND FRESH 4G,- is HALBERT & 1311,0 .1 HAVING just returned from the !:astern cities desire to Inform their patrrns that they have laid In a late° and varied stuck of Now and Fresh Goods at the lowest cash prices. 'their assortment is thorough and complete, contain• ing everything nocessaay to constitute a First Class Grocery TEAS, COFFEES, SUGARS, In greatest abundance, and at lewost rash figures.— Syrups, Spiess, Canned Fruits. QUI HNSWAIi E and Crockery, Salt and Fish, Hams, Cheese, Crackers, Brushes, Baskets and Willow Ware. ,S'euctrs and l'obacco, of t h n chMenst brands. Brooms, Bucket., and a corn pl,l„c sabortment of FAMILY GROCERIES. f Don't forgot the old stand, south Eeet corner o Hanover tdrouts. Feb. 24, 1874 LUNGS.—The cold arid change able woathor tolls terribly on those who have weak and diseased lungs. itlany aro suffering at this tints with affections of the throat and lungs. Bron chitis is becoming a very common affliction, Those who are prodisposed to Colds, Coughs Bronchitis, kc., should avoid the night sir. Thorn era many prepa rations rum:amended for these diseases, but there is not a doubt but that Dr. Striolchtnd•s Bellitluous Cough Balsam is the best remedy. We buys known It to of feet cures lu Ills worst cases of Coughs, Colds. Bron chitis, Asthma, and primary cases of Consumption. Doc. 2, 1064. BARGAINS JUST reoeived Fromthe great Now York Auction &tics 3010 yard!' Caliroos. 2WD White 000 " Spring Thilxilon. 8000 " Brown Muslim 80D " 5000 " Carpets. • Oil Olot he, Looking ()lasses, Bhadca , &c. Great Liargaius in Hoop nants, When Handkerchiefs, Spring Mantles, limulues. Dress Goods, Dress Goode, &c. I will sell thninfeve Goods and tunny others at a mall advance ou cost until the let of aprll. Platten, call, one door below Martin's Hotel, Main street. March 10, 1805. W. 0. SAWYER. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE.— Letter s of Admioistration on the estate of Levi iaouuyear, into of Upper Allen twp., baying been issued to the subscriber residing in Oburchtown Notice it hereby given, to all persons lutlebted to make payment, and tbOso biolug claims to present y .em for settlement; to D .5. GOODYEAR at. Administrator. NOTICE. Great Attr ictioa / Great Attraction! 1 DRY GOODS. At A. W. Bentz's Emporium whioh has always been admitted us being the cheapest bturo in the County. Wo have recently received from the Eastern Cities Heleatioue of the cholcuel goods, at such you low figures as will surprise the purchaser.— We will as usual replenish our stock with the most 'soasouable goods, such as cannot fall to gratify the most fastidious Our Domestic goods are greatly re ductal in price, lower than can bo purchased in town. W.I3.IIINTZ. March 20, 1865. BLINDS AND SHADES. B. J. WILLIAMS, -N0.16 NORTH SIXTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, - .- MANUFACTURER or VENITIAN BLINDS AND WINDOW SHADES. The largest and driest assortment In the city at the hornet. cash prices. STORE SHADES MADE AND LETTERED. • March 31, 11385-21ne.s.. GEO. DEMERIT & CO., 303 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, LEIDICTI & MILLED Challis, Gold Pens and Pencil , TO BE SOLD AT ONE DOLLAR EACH, WITHOUT REGAIIIPTO Awl not to he paid until you know what you S'PLE,VDID LIST OF ARTICLE All to be Sold for ONE DOLLAR Each 100 Gold Hunting Cases Watches each $lOO.OO 11.0 Guid Watehes 60 00 200 Ladies' Watches 35.00 500 Silver Watches $15.00 to $25.00 000 Gold Neck and Vest Chains 12.00 to 25.00 1000 Chatelain and Guard Chains 6.00 to 15.10 3000 Vest and Neck Chains 4.00 to 12.00 4000 Solitaire Jet and Gold Brooches 4.00 to 8.00 4000 Coral, Lava, Garnet, Ste., Brooches 30t to 8.00 1000 Gold. Jet.. Opal, &c., Ear Drops 3.00 to 8.00 5000 Gents' Breast and Scarf Pins 3.00 to 8.00 8000 Oval Band Bracelets 303 to 800 2000 Chased Bracelets 6.00 to 10.00 3500 California Diamond Pins and Rings 2.60 to 800 2000 Gold Watch Keys 2.50 to 8.00 5000 Solitaire Sleeve Buttons and Studs 2.00 to 8.00 3000 Gold thimbles 4.00 to 0.00 6000 Miniature Lockets 2.00 to 700 3000 Miniature Lockets, Maglc 4.00 to 0.00 2500 Gold Toothpicks, Crosses, ke 2.00 to 8.00 3000 Fob and Ribbon Slides • 2.00 to 6.00 5000 Chased Gold Rings 2.03 to 6.00 4000 Stone Set Rings 200 to 6.00 6548ets Ladies' Jewelry-Jet and Gold 6.00 to 15.00 8000 Sets Ladles' Jewelry-vtried styles 3.00 to 16 00 8000 Gold Pens, Silver Case and Pencil 400 to 800 4000 Gold Penn, Ebony Holder and Case 6.00 to 10.00 8000 Gold Pens, Mounted Holder 2.00 to 0.00 All the goods in the above pet will be sold without reservation, for ONE DOLLAR EACH. Certificates of all tho various articles are placed in similar envelopes sealed and mixed. 1 here envelopes will be sent by or delivered at our office, with , ut regard to choice. On rer'elving a Certificate, you will see what article it rep• resents, and It is optional with you te sand one dollar, and receive tire article named, or eny•other in the list LIALDERT @ DRO, of Fame Valk.. By this mode we give seleetlons from a varied stork tof fine goods. of the best make and latest styles, and of ntilosic worth, at a nominal price, while all have a chance of securing articles of the very highest value. In all traneaetions by mall we charge for forwarding the certificate, paving pestage, and doing the buslneas 25 cents each Fire certificates will sent for $1; Elev en for two •2; Thirty for $5; Sis_tyBve for $10; and One Hundred for $l6. We should supply your wants ; our facilities are unsur passed; our work of unrivalled measlier' ce ; our promises punctually observed. Our central location brings us near the most remote points. Our goods are now from the manufacturers, and of the latest and most desitla bk. styles. The goods must be sold, and the terms are unequaled. All articles oredred aro forwarded by retur n mail. We guarantee entire satisfution iq every Instance, and if there should be any person dissatisfied with any article they may receive, they will immediately return en!t . tbe wins will be refunded. AGENTEL—vire allow those soling WI aselett)ratt Cents on each Certificate ordered, provided tbeirremit tattoo amount to One Dollar. They will eoHecit 2S cents for ovary Certificate, and, retaining 10 cents, rinolt to us 115 canto for each. • GHO. DEMERIT & 00., 808 Broadway, Now York. Address, Mar. 3.-Bns JEWELERS, (CORNEA DUANE STRERT. 100,000 WATCHES, WORTH $500,0001 VALUE will receive! REASONS WHY BEST WHITE LEAD! BEST ZINC I. PURE LIBERTY LEAD, Unsur passeq for Whiteness, Fine Gloss, Durability, Firmness, and evenness of surface. PURE LIBERTY LEAD—Warranted. to never more surface for same weight than any other Leath— Try it and you will have no other PURE LIBERTY ZINC, selected Zinc, • ground $n Relined Linseed Oil, une gimled in quality, always the seine. PURE LIBERTY ZINC, warrittltod to do more and bitter work at a given enit than any other—Oet the Beet I Manufactured at Pennsylvania PAINT & MIMI WORKS. Orders executed promptly by ZEIGLER & SMITE!, Wholesale Drug, Paint and Glass Dealers. t'Ae Store & Ofil , o, No 137 North THIRD Street, PHILADELPHIA. , Mareh 24, 1805—ly Important to Millers and Mill Owners. 1 yler's Improved Iron Water Wheels, Patented July 1855-56-58 THE following are some of the advan tagn“ over all other wheel, 01ving tho best nercentago of pownr for tho . :Arator used. Ite durability, and it Is not likely ro get ant of ra pair. It tuna in ao well as out of back water with tho flame head. It is not obstrunted by anchor leo or other Fubstancgs ndth a suitable rack. It is adtipted.tu high heads as well as low. It is the steadiest running and easiest regulated wheel In use. It Is suitable for all kinds of machinery, cotton and woolen textures, 0 rkt, Saw and Paper Mills, &r., The subscriber having Ili" Patent Right Tor Camber land and Perry Counties, pat ties In want of a valuable motive power are requested to inform themselves urth er by applying to may agents. Mr. Jens ANDErtsorr, Nil II w ight, Bid ling Springs. or Messrs. Gairrugen & Cy- Carlisle. Mr. Anderson has pot In a large number , of these wheels, and underatands how to put them In no an to give them the trini,t power. Messrs. Gardner & Co, are at all times 'prepared to furnish Gearing suitable her the Tyler wheels. R. S. SLA I'M AKER, 1 - tag:, Pa. March 24, 1665 PUBLIC PETROLEUM CD CI) .1 :1 ' DaT -5?" Venango and Clarion County - , Penna DIVIDED INTO 400,000 SHARES Par Value of Each Share, One Dollar Ful•seript ion Pt ice, 23 Colas por Shore WORKING CAPITAL, $25,000 g !, All taxes duo the Commonwealth will be retained in the Tretviuryija Pre- ',lent, F. Scot. II Tree ry, , .1, 1. 1 , +,lll 1 1..1 Ti,ron, It. (;• I.drn,lFfll, of 011 ity ERIE 0111 re of tho rnotp , ,,y, Nt. \kat...tit Ft rf,t No 11. Phil, Cul 1 Pre II rttt •11 (.1 =1 TER L'UbLIC, ift-LEUM CO:%•IPANy nett a, ,1 play. !"van ,, . ^t wavi th k rAy rya, MUM TWO %,)%l both-of ,10 , 11 :ro c,itildet :Ind afire os-o r y i n . .1 , 001011,f 'N. \ \ z 1;, 11A1 N yk It 1. dellt ly 41 1.11,1 t Obit. t 51 Flo lb rODliginy be .•ir I.; I. th It it tt tattle that i i, Is cote•tt Le seemed titter the first a nrut re, , t tea t t,th t y ru, ruin , loving but a 10 Lle ,•tur t Itt,rea het Lobe taken. The Isnd~.vnd pr f Iht, Pr• t y vro 1 , .1,1 111 th• l .ki the nit return of Vtnrltit, Ilnnr, • (the WCii , (l,l),ll :III: kI I.: -L ltr,o , Citotrt, 111111,1 hen t. Tr, Run, the r' ,, r turd ScLulrs Run, htt •v under oi nu el . ,:1111 VIOL, EAST SANDY CI; Eri: No I consists or a trot t of 11/0 acres. In lea Pliltple, known as the ricrrnrth Farm. nut 113 , •11 I not rnmly Creek. 'Plena Er,, two runs, 14,111 trilol to-ie. , of Past Sandy Creek passing through it .1 grit t portion of It I , fiat boring terrltore, an•l then• I.: room enough for over one hu robed tells. 'I his tiaek i s (itt a short di,tance from !he Past Study sr, 11, a hick is tail to flow two hundred horrels per dot'. 'there ore two largo coal n•ins opened on this pronto to. Mid fifty acres is heavily limb red with oak a:d ch,tuut. A well Is to he r,auk hninedivtelar on this propel ty. I= No 2 ear sista n. 124 arres, lu foe Hill1)110, in Ttoelcinua town , hip. c.,uety, I . a.r It is a t ,e a t t d a t.ti miles from the Allettheni river. 'lll4. farm has an abundance if bithiniccut.e 411 au it. 'ili: F renter part al it is flat hartns te,riterc. Sehuli'v !: lats.:ea di rectly through tt. v oral vil cruel ar.le , are tynnired near this firm, Milt are urn del el, Tina . their laeda On chi, taut t aa 4 a , eau I a ;;icon re , p,l-114e pal ilea, 8114 senVerill welly wili to seal, IIIIII11.1.11:Itely without capon., to the Ganpany. CLSRION RICER No 3 vonsloto (,1" four acres, In ten cimplo in tl•epreat Oil Basin t,t 1110 Ili or, ribout !Me mild blow the Peet t OA. 311.1 a •hurt distance tax's° thu Alum Rock well. ‘.r, holt, ..r land, and it I, all 8118 ceptllde of being operated ote.ll Wells are to be t.nok iOOO ddifuly on this proportr Cil ERRY 111JS No 4 conqlsts ern one-sixteenth waking int artist In a lease on the kami. I arm, t ficrry Run, Volllarlg° Co. Pa., on which there I, one well going down It has already rea, lied the depth (4350 wet, and has struck :woe tine )41ov. nt nil. Thole is no doulit but that this will be a good w 11. .1111 tI 0 inotipaky, in a short time, lei tueinving oil from this lot ere, The Lamb ['arm is let wen Ii lin,nl will and the Tiumbolt Refinery, and is the best ten, irony en Cherry Run. I= No 5 consists of a one•sixteouth working intorent in a loose toz Cherry -Irue Rum lemma() county, l's, ou which there is one wet, going down. It Las reached the depth of three hundred feet. Au di promises to be a good well. In s short time the Company will be re. coining oil from this Interest also. Thole are good pro ducing wells both aLrre end below this lease. The books for subscription Open at the office of the Company, No. 582 Walnut Street. Room No Subscriptions. by letter through Post Gflice, should be directed to the office of U WIN E YoUNCI, No. 48 South Third Street, and sill 1 , •,1% 0 'malt pt attention. Remittances can be made by draft. es pre... or rogis• tared letter. Government fonds and Securities taken In payment for stock. GEO. YOUNG, President J. HARRY SCH RACK, .incretury Tieuburor. Marcia 24, 1805---13 t. Great Bargains in Jewelry. FORSYTII & CO, 42 & 44 Nass,u , tif.w York. (“Jjoi , lug tho Post Otllce,joLtor for e.alo the ha lowing Ntuguili,ent List or Watches, Chains, Jewelry, &c., Valued at {,500.0000. EACH ARTICLE ONE DOLLAR, and not to be paid fin util you hoow what you are to got. , 150 Gold and Sliver Watches, from $l6 to $lOO each. 200 Ladies' Gold tv,,,,,h,,, 6415 SO each 500 1-11111, uott llent's ^Lver 11,1 , hes, ,i:..4 each 3 500 Vest and pet, 1113i1,11 .f . u. 10 10 Oki pueli 0 006 Gold ha od Jr teclets, 300 to 10 00 each. 8,000 num., , Voss lc 0 Sc) Pt nr•hen 4a,to 0 00 each 4.000 LLD aat d Fiorentino Pearlier 4 li. t o 600 oath 4.000 Cameo Fat Drops, 4 i 0 ;0 6 00 each. 4,000 Lava & [Goren flue Ear Drops, 4"0to 0 00 each' 4,0 u. Coral Ear Drops, 4 00 to 8 00 each' 6.000 Nlasunle auu Gent's Plus, 2 50 to a 00 each 3,000 Watch Keys. 2 9 . 00 to 0 00 each 8,50d0 Fob and Bibb( n Slides, 5O to 0 00 each 8,500 setts of Bosom Studs, 2 50 to 0 00 each . 8.500 Sleeve Buttons, 2 60 to 0 00 each 6.000 Plain and Chased Rin2s, 2 50 to 6 00 each * 6.000 Marton is and Stouo Set Rings, 2 00 to 10 00 each' 0 0 0 Loclit-ts 2 50 to ti 141 each 5 000 Utotiot a DIIIIIIII,I PIUS & lt lugs 3130 to 6 tat each. 3.000 Ladles (told Per.clis S nO to 6 00 each 2,100 Ladles' Larce Belt Buckles, 2011 to 4 00 each. 10,0110 sett a ad les' ./ ewelry. 500to10 00 each. 10,000 Gold jr' us. sllvet InCtl holdms, 4 00 to 6 00 each 10,0110 Gold l'elili. silver cit'n Cases and Pencils, The articles In his stock of Jen dh . area the neatest and most fashionable sti lee Certificates of till theta. r out; art {0101: Ito put i t soiledenvelopes — and mixed, thus each; and O ugivinr oila Lair c ;e h4neett"l' and suet by until for 25 celit of the certificate, it is at your option to send ONE DOLLAR and talto the am Mitt mimed It It, or not., Five certificates, $1 ; eleven $2; thirty, 55; sixty-five, $10; One hundred, $l5 Certificate money to I e enclosed s ith the order. Cori. respondence promptly answered. We wish it distinctly understoorthat our business Is no Lottery. The object of this manner of WILIAM to give purchaser* the opportunity of buying Jewelry at the wholosain prices, with tho chance of getting a Watch or some other valuable article; and all goods sent. not satisfactory, can be returned and the money will lie refunded. AGENTS wasted in every town and regiment. Bond' for Circular. Address, W. FORSYTH & 00.. 42 and 44 Nassau St., New York Feb. 24, 1865-3uto. DRESORIPTIONS carefully compourt dod at liareratiok'a Drug and Book Store. •agolaud .10(1 quo., og •Bartqatort dPIS ' O l O O 'EI '0 falql. lll o 0 ,11 0 !11111t 1 pIOS •sanoS aoj ogn ut uooq ogq 7nct Spatuga mau ou g! T.!.T1 0 A9 .714.493R,tj;_ 'AaNITO 1101100 SZLOITIa IPES, Tobacco, (smoking and claw ing) and Sapra, at HaverstleVe Drug and Dank 1 IL I /113IM 07; - 11 TV), mptly 13 Ord 1.111.. c;, 1“ , nr le to 1,,11 4 00 to 5 00 (melt