T 5 , 11: ft E'R I) One gaparo •ono insertion $ t 00 , Feneh t 'in sor tion, Fol' 4l o -nngtii-Atlvot tia ntn ents, L^g"ti . Xoticos ' i'neitairiloaal Garda without paper, Obituary . No ti an Coin al mile I. tion. eel ting' t n motto• nor pri • vatii iutereats *ilia, I coots por .TOR , PRAN rrx(l.—iobr Job Printing mince In tho arg9at ,aud znost complnto-.4,,tablistlmont in the ,k o out ,T , Qsl Ut;;•tiNti, anti a general variety o m,ttorial ,41.1ta , 1 P.tr pl.tin ae l ran , y work of every , titi"i;oirbtaa on' :0 - 10 °rob Prlntlntr at tho =hottest notl,o, and ot C.l O 111,-4 r1,It11.1)111 . lernlM. POTSIOIIS to want. of iltll4, ilotolte, or oitytiting lu Lilo Jobbing lino, will Ilati it to choir Interest to give tut a call. Grurral i aumation. U. S. GOVERNMENT Provident— ANDTIEW .TOTINsOk, Vico Pro AI Po•rcn. So•ratnry of State—Wm. I.I.SEw :ierretary of interior— if L N, gonrAtary of Tromnry— II 0011 110 '01.1.000 p Sqcretdry 01 War—i 11,VIN M. STANTON, BeCrOtlA:ry Of,N{lVy - Irli:0•1 PO it ni.4tel" (..4 . 0 ., 01,11 5t NI,IOO. •totnoy •ienoral—.l vv.,: :4, Chief J ut;tice'of the 0 f atal,•o—,ALtoor P. Owner STATE 00 VE I{ N ENT. Oovernor—ANDttEW G CI RTIV, Filter° try of tAnto—Ell Surveyor Oetteral— JAMES . BkHr., A. ClClllglll—lo ,•1./.`i 01.11, At tOr.loy --,N31. U. \lKl,vpir,i. o tent genet-lI—A 1,. StAto Trertinfrer--1 at no ChiefJa tic ut tin a pnlino Coon-- , IRo. IV. WUOD WAILD COUNTY OFFICERS. • P roll don t Judire—lion James 11. GrAhain. A9,100 , 11:0 .111.1goS— lion. Michael Cocklin, lien. II ugh Stuart Dist Het A , tornay—.l. IV. P. 0111elon. PrOthOOOL3ry—Sauffloi Shirainan. Clock an I Dec ir.lar—lipliralp Commits, Register—Oco W. North. High Ahoriff—John Jatiobs. County Treasurer—lienry S. Ritter. Coroner —David Suith County COUllflir pry Karns, John 31 lay, Mitchell Metlellan, Suparininniant of Poor linuae—flenry Snyder. Physician to Jail—Dr. W. W. Dale. Physician to Poor Ilouse—Dr. W. W. Dale. BOROUGH OFFICERS (Thief Ilutgepg- 2 1.,hri Campbell, Anistxtant Camoran, Town Colmn— I,:nst W.,(1—.1. W. D. (Illielon, An drew D. &Nips, 1 . ; en, WOVI, I. Chas U. Itarnpt Hoffman, M'cist Ward—A. K Il twool..l.ll.,Aeve, .0.1)t. M. ISlftek, F. I), Milt:lnn, Cirri:, In, M. Masouhannnor. • 11•11 , 112, C.•,111:111 !Ugh .z, 1S .1(1 Constables Enid Ward.Andrvw lort in, Nest N'orti, Joinuo Wid nor. \''a her. =I Tax 011 tect,r— ntirt.w Icerr. IVard rffileclnig— Dist. Ward, Jar..b Go , alyen. Wept ard, It It ;% Street C 01111111,51,11. r. Madden. .rav'era of the l'o,ico —l. 1,. Sponslor, David Smith, I) , •huff. 511011.+,•1 Tloknmh. Lamp Llghterr Alex. Nock, Levi Albert. CIIURCIIER First rresbytart,” Chute . , No r th woo an o, o f (- 0 ,, tro Square. Itny ay I' Vi In.; 12,41 or -- , erv,r•r , every ue qday .1pr.11,1-2: at II o•clo0c, A. I. and 7 o'clock V. M. Seron 1'7,777 , 3 i.. 7 7,7 r .7-7 - 7rr th 11,1- 0,, and l'-ratrrt 7171 - 7 U 11th... Borvlcos commence At 1 t A. 11., and 7 (.'r.ock P.M. northeast ,tlg!c ^f Cent,. , 17717 P. 7'..r..71t0 tor. Ser,ri , o, PA 11 o'oloolt. 11., 77.7 d a„'010.01;, 7' M. English Luther,. hetv.t.en )lain Ind LoutlP, !ivyl'a-tor. I. , er- Cfres at , A 1 . 1.. a, 10. 7 P Oprman (!hunch. I.4,uth,r, het Wee., Iran °roc nut Pltt orr.es, lie,. t.n,u,,l Philips, l'avtm Servi,s 11 A. Al.. and 6 1. ii. .•11.kv "tg 11, .1. 11., aslfl 7 . 1 1 )1. v~d Pi LL ,Ir ervit•eF I I Moth., Lab 1:. I' t , tor. , • • o'rinck t. 4 . d Ch‘l , oll l l Wect of and Chapel ilael.. I ,-Lt at It a, hi.. `t Roy I'd •t. bath. at to VO,ll, "t ttt 11,4 It V,' .1 . ..vory other I' fret a,/ tritttr t liortn I,lh , raz. ' it 110 . 11 r, I rr •.4 II L. • • ii•; rite pruper p 11 , .. r, f"j.l L—lt is tip tn. 1)IC :[ : i\ CilLLEhi• 3r , n. D. up.,l pro ,vor U. A,luua, A. >I ,Nwturn 6.7l , thce And h'•Nill-4•"111. lire. VVilltale I, ll,se ell. A ,1 . Prof , ssr.r of Lhe Greek ana aurin,.l I.le,cee44em. Sialuel D. hill ion, A. M„ l'refe nor of Mathemet- Jobaft. Stsyra ,ti x A. \t., PrnD•ss )r or the Latin and Fronch letrigual;or. lion .1 tint's EL Ur3lnttn, LL 1) , Protesxor of Law. Ko v. 114, ) , Y Q. Ches•.ou. A. U . Prlncipal ,if tht• Gramm., :ch.."l. John llorA, Assfutant In tht• GrAturnor EMI B 0.1121) OF 10 it ECT()P,:i B. o,rutnati .1.1 rue, um, II -a R. C. I‘'ood ward. tich Sact'y ~1 11'. ror. .10,1 -ph,. 'I cs-•• 11- Mout on Cho Ist *.imiddy o I ,101 .'•1 .utu at t , o'lllll4. A 31., at Education FIIIN6 C,RLISi.': I) :r ~ : 7 hr.a -Lout. It 11 !lender rOrl. 11' . 11 rash .1 I' C. 11. 1 . f.,111, Tedors, NI.CIor, 114, songor Illrret a NI II -11, , m , l'r,...l,letit II C. IVon hvarth lit Irkor, John JllO SI uart jr FL8.31 . N ATI /.74" U. B% Sam mil II epburu Ca.blor. J.. C floffor, \l n -gor, Je4nn Brown NVm .1.11171 IVoOds, dethri C. Dunlop, n to liree u emu 11, John 0. k(terrett, Sa.m.l CUMBERIAND VAT.I.I.:Y R sr ('oMPlNY.—Preqirieisl. YruliOriek IVat : , .e,ratar and Treasurer, krlaard lLddlo : Supellutuadent. .1. N. Lull. l'ass,ng.. trains tbred timrs a (lay.J'Ar'lßla A.•commo atom Eastward, leaves (Jul Lie a:4, A. M., arriving at Car lisle) 20 P. It, Thromli trains F: Est ward, i 0.1 , 1 A. Si end 2.42, M. M est o and ul 9.1:7. A. M , and 2.60 I' CARLISLE p to COMP CSY.— President, Lem not 'Cremiurer, A. L. Spon• to ; Superin too , en, George tt Ise: Direct Ir.+, V. tt atts, %%m. M. Ilentellit R. M. Biddle. Henry onz ton. It. I'. Wondward, .1. W. Button, k', tiarduer andl). S, Croft. SOCIETIES °timberland Sts Lodge No. In 4, A. Y. M. meets at Marlon Hall on the +l.nd 4th Tuesdays of osety month. Bt. John's Lndtztt No. 260 A. V .td 'rhurs ()Ay of each moat It, at Mario u Mt 11. ettrth , lo Itto l 4' , No t“ I. I) of 0. V. Meets °ironing. at 'I rout's building.. Letort Lodge No. 0, I. rt ti T. Mrtets UN (try Tbursdkty ovening, In It berm', Hell, tla story. t' FIRE COMPA N I ES 'Ma 'Union l'ird Company wa , orq°niu•d in 1760 lintiko In Leather I).t.wern Pll [And II mover Cumberland Fir° eompar v wits instaluted FpL IR, 1909. nous° la Bedford, bet worn Main 1(1111 Porn frit, • pond Will Fire Clottipit.): watt instituted in rmtdii;lBss. Murat in Pomfret, nittr Iltinover The .Empire 1100 l d - huldorr , _otaparty wan 111Stittl ted. In 1859. llnuse in Pitt. :t., \loin. RATES OP-POSTAGE Pnstagu on all letter, of ono half ounce weight or under. 3 (..onto pro pail. - Postawt no the HERALD a I thi n the County, free. Within the State 1.3 coots por anoits. 'Co any part of the United Statro,. 26 cents Posta,e on oil it nu elect Papers. ii eenta per ounce. Advertised letters to ha charged east of advertising MRS• lw 4, SMITH'S Photographs, Ambroty p es, ivorytypes Beautiful Albums Beautiful Primes! Albums tm Ladles and Gentlemen, ' Albums fir Misses. and 1, Children. rockut Albums :or Soldiers and Civiilatu., Choicest Albums! ['ruttiest Albums: Chen pet.t A Ibu FUT: CIIRISTMAS GIFTS )fresh and :New from New York and Philadelphia Alarkets. you want satisfactory Pictures and x panto attention call at Mrs. R. A. Smith's Photo araphie Cal tory, Small East i'ornor, of flan/ever 'troet. ,ontl Market aqttare, 'opposite the Coat t douse and Vote „Offlep, Pirtleleo , . rs IL A. 71trs. B A. Reynolds. . anfloo well ,krttlirn as 11)aituttrraan , .Artlat given per ,oonal atleuitOn to Ladit , O ?WA liontlemen hen. " 'Oalleilr , and hnv'lnn , thO .bont'nf Artists. and polite so- ,tpnthmts . ea(); gaO;l3:,proculm, that ln no talterflailort ettif Wan - Ide) P roe It sr with zi 1611-got -pi tint, cup 170ti'Vfi'n votis- r meet wltlmetor hind and prompt tordlon A i iii ) , o l'yip.p l fit fleet eil in Itingit. ; Look e . tttd, I.le, l'fa•febt copies of...l)nguarrolypt.s and Aunladip 7liballa of tlifeetated friends, Where • copies o defaced, f' , llo4lao pfeedrelentay , sta dm bad/ 'olthe for 'fraiues r or cards. MI nogativoa c preseriNd imuyear nod of dues 139' mitil.or oilidrwinepromptly'atteadod to. ' -NtokbPE• 4HA-4ft, -• L'' . 0 ' • RW A IWITsld , i) (3 , 11: , ‘ FN W 8611189 IbrnittilY r uonduatbd by Unit, dhJrr • Cf9l , , I $l l P7 carP. o4 ,? , ) k?.9 Jroy, 29: 504,..-tr DR: *M. H. 'UCION' ' ....EI.OMOIcOPATEIIC ;.qurgepn. Aron tit . .rQsirii.nee 'Pii ••ntrOiit,,;tdiMaiipg'ihts3l(•ibri,ll4 .1d4J111yn1,11864. ~,; 1 ;.„ , -, rt; P.- - • 4-1 - r hou)ff's' ALotllllli-4, theC;ii,trp 4.4tuaro purtla . b,lnt hpol .), J. VOULIC, • • .Tanttarq 6,1866. 25 00 4 00 IBM I; 1. 11,11 1. 11 , 1 It is weii known to all in any degree la n hal with the history of Mexico, that a regular ..:iysieni el highway robbery c lets tit every seetien of that wisetaloy govt.rrell cuuntiy: and that through want of into lurenee ut the awhouties, this 6a grown up into teach a regulat and formidable shape, that every traveliet must he prepared to put his hre in haz zard at every stage, ur be provided with auitilble eonirh,ution for Inc rebel ere, cancolo (the knyhte, of the road,) who, in the event of finding you plc paled and willing, will make their levy with a politeness wily equalled by the sinking lambent. when he rLeeiv.s yin .iuiehorgid Lure for tree last night's eh terianiment. Why -tick a 14p...tumuli. boldness of robbery is adowed—if nut with tie C,AiVelllellee. at least with rarely any interfeimiee, of the government to state authorities—is one ut those mystt cal matters which aiming ethers so puz zica and perplexes the intelligent foreign ers, but that such is the disagreeanl truth, every traveller through that. wry t,ch ed Jountry can bear ample testimony. Sono years ago, having business which drat called cue to the Capital of Mexico, and hence through the interior of the country to the northward, I met with several thiilimg adventures, which 1 re corded fur the benefit of whosoever may take an intereat therein, omitting only the.dutes, they t eing nun-essential to the interest of the narrations themselves. 13111111 The fir.t of the series oceurred on th, route between Veta Cruz and the city ul '.lexico. In the regular diligencia run ning between the places just mentioned, I had taken passage, and had passed through the beautiful city of Jahipa. atm entered the gloomy town of Perute, with out meeting with any unusual incident, though being' continually warned to be on my guard against the dangers of the roa t. At Perete, where we halted for a relay and refreshments, all icy fellow pas sengers took leave of me, very solemnly assuting me, that it assailed by thu drones, or robbers, it would be much bet ter for me to take matters quietly, and suffer myself to be generally plundered, than to run the risk of having my throat cut for resistance, as I had somewhat boldly prowaimed it was my intention of doing. I thunlied them fcr their advice, and r. plied that I would take the Matter into my r• emus consideration. At l'arotb, 1 repeat. all who had'boati wy . cowpamons from Vera Cruz took leave of pa,this,boiug the cud their • • J u al:uu) .tuttt,utruativu,, but there Was oao•oow plalsoitgar to whom to:ms , -tgreeabla surpriqy 1 l'eund tube alb, au yquag lady suave twuntyy Cara t . 0t age &n:orita Paula. as •1 Subsequently as iier;ained ,ber naine to be, was tn. indeed one iif r. nse rart beauties seldow let %VW 1 , 1 Wlll tiot in us on of long, black tong, dark eyee-,a+ ire thud - muds of MI ntugAsr) . . ar,ropo.l,l. =I tvi p li. 11,1 'lig p_fijori CM ' ..l/1.; of . 1116 , 4)1p1. 6.4 Joe '*,l 'tog: dui quitha t, Ellie O j is iiit . y.ioiy . Uf 'At3o.l,itilis. wci• ! au l o d away froti the town, t took ~:libei.V.,•;l4, VOL. 65. RFIEEM & WEAKLEY, Editors & Proprietors. tulinll. A NOVEL vol. I Moat.lldht ore:ling.—shady grove— young peoplo much in lova ; woh great w,altli endowed, hors hetoult 'toe poor and proud : Truth I . ternal—hearts unit ed— N chai; doss passion plighted ; Kisses—quer, el.—sighs—caresses, Malden yields ono of her tresses; Mat eel, to be surmounted, Ilapm hours pass by 111;Cr/UllItod, Ugly riv I, of l and stale, °verb-ars I hr to•iider CEEB Mei plug ju the Fe-t looks ruddy : rew•-1'• nu; lady's father's study, Item, wadi his hat in hand, Comes her ditto to demand; A ugry parch t aturms—ahuses A n d at once consent refuges; Malden feints beneath the blow— Mother intei cedes—no go; Shi leks—he tderics—protes'ations, Mixed with old man's execrat/ons, Exit lover midst the dln— Ugly rival en' erg in. EOM@ Time—A moonlWht night once more, 5e..00-I , utldJe , be liwy'e door. Lover. half-broken beast, So ears he'd rother die tb.,11 part, Gardea—flowers—uatbra;aous shad"— Manly neeents--seresode. ( bomber INlndoss , (opens wlde— Indntt al Lrl i. ; Lltt , ,) dm{ [soot kindly mute— Indder—lliat—pursuit Clallont steed--ton late--• iglo to screen- Triumpli—marringo—liretne Green. Old man's rop.---disowns /Ore:VlM+ Ugly rival—searlet favor. OEM= Old mnri sickly—solids for child— All I,, , lcon—rlcolldied ; rna•3 making Money Snot Old tnnll's 6h• ,, 10g dies et Inst. r.th!ul coup:o rrio, prol.ate— Gtot tioc n0 , t0.3 loc. in ,t , tte— Famiy ,oauflon—jetsvin, plate. mIR:Jo'h ith joy not.turs -n S,•-1 it t bOy. 1 illlO undear— h):lte I,l,nrolos year by poir. on I 4 ' ,ond tal. g1,111.4,--11101Ai STies,L7s - ;la.tiftiz., THE BEALTIFUL DECOY. [From Cho Guluhlinh,•d hrofficln of a 7rale::or.l „ . . . 'l 3l 1 s , 11( : : P • • opening a conversation. " They tell me," said 1, "that the route between hero and Mexico is a - very dangerous one to travel." 'r There is little to fear," she replied, with a sweet smile and in a melodious tone, " except. from the professional rob bers, and they seldom harm any one who makes no resistance." "It seems strange to me,'' I rejoined, "that you Mexicans should take such things as a matter of course, and deem resistance a very impolite way of treating the knights of the road, itisiedd of boldly asserting your rights, nod abating the evil by a manly spirit of resistance. For myself, I must consider it the ttJost cow ardly of proceedings, for any respectable party to set out prepared quietly to grat ify the cupidity of the ladrove, and un- , prepared to treat them to their just de: ecru)." " Every traveller, Senor," she replied; should before setting out, oount the cost of his journey, and as of course it is natural that he should value his life bieh ly, it seems to me natural that he should pay a certain sum for positive safety rath er than put that life in jeopardy. For instance, in traviliNg from Vera Cruz to Mexico, it he will first reason that so much is the fare by the diligencia, and that so much will he required for enter tainment on the way, and so much for the contingency you speak of, he will then have the exact cost between two points ; and if he will look at the whole as the sum total of his journey, he will nut seem to be robbed by any one party nurse than another." ‘• That," I replied, " way be, I.hclieve the ‘;exican [node or doing huAinesq, but does not tally with the preconceived ideas of us foreigners " But every one," replied the fail speaker, “should eonfoi in to the cuAonis of the etiuntry he visits." And do you then go prepared for this hi g hly;iy rob! cry ? and hay,!)tin 1 , 0 ft ar in j , )tnan‘yin. i,v ytir-411'?" 11c11, :-!, , nor, what can t d ? n, you perr•eiec an unprot. cie.l lady ; td`' , atil to I Ito j.mritey bt twein I erne a:,d the t'apital somo twice or thrice a year. ;tml - you eertainl, could - not - expellr - the ro Lt ., prepared to re;Nt an a mod hand ! Ac to fear I will no: deny I have my :diary ”I that ; but so far, I never have wet with roiy rough treatment, and of course. I. trust to the saints that my fortune will be ever as propitious." " And have you really been robbed on p•ur j•mi hey back forth ?" 1 inquired. " I think I have paid 116; slia'e to the i‘vin. , ;t,'.; for mv tram-it throtyli their omit ry !' ,die laughed. " And gnu expect to continue a repeti .im of the bathe through Li.: root of your %flit) known she tcplii J. " I 1,,} 1 e. l lily be alsvii ) s And y,Jur fellos travellers F.aid `• hive ped never Fein nay dlspored ro resist the:e unlawful acts'.' Once ;:cnor, ;in • nieriemi and lin Etc , libmtin elm Wi ri• iii Sa n c tlih- getteta with we, LittA upon tilt! killing one and wounding two." " And did the rubbers foe back ?" " Yes. but fled immediately, and fortu nately injured none of our harry." "As I should have expected," ro turned 1. " You were not ribbed on that -a•Casiou, I suppose Y" '' We were itot, S-nor; but the two tore•grrer;s subsequently paid dearly for their resistance; for in journeying back and forth, both were killed, separate and at different times, near the same spot.-- You • ei• thn.e eros,es by the side of the road, Sr nor ?" " 1 have ( bra ,c. i ILrin frrr l uent,y but here they seem to be much more nu rnerous," I replied; looking forth from the vehicle. " Each one stands on the spot Where some one has met a violent death," she rejoined ; " and as we go along, I will call your attention to the planes where the foreigners not, theirs." "Du you know,' said I, that I a t m re solved to emulate their example, let the consequenees bowhat they,may ?" " Holy saints defend us," she exciaina ed ; " you aro not in earnest, Senor ?" ".Seriously so, I assure you." " You would only bring certain death upon us both." " tiay rather," should licrliten the ex penses 'of the journey—fur your knights of the -road--understand, retreat as well as iith , ance-- and you yourself ha,'ve aeknowl edged that firm rebista»ne put tholl to 'fligh! at once:" " But there were nutobersiopportecl to ! t hew, Sonori.and youlure cnly' one " " ButA . ortunately I have a couple of revolvera, iVhidh; good hands, atnount.tOsome ten oe".a dozen .Itots. and ruy iyiends have repetitedly told we that hiA,';;4oUt a bad Joarke.tuln.!.'' "'A h'Stinta i4lnria l you will think het. ter of thia, lienor 7 —Alw very idea of .re• sititiined'terriftea'-nie • Bot.rmt th9jdeFi. ptrobbeiy T.';• " Because I littre , nove: met with Ipric i e." • We: continued to converse in a .simi; atrtiiMie time • ;longer-my fair companion .gradually :changing the ,sab .seeming =MU ME i myself. I learned that she wtts unmar ried, that her father and brothers • were °Beers in the - tirmy; and go'fortli, and so on; and in return I gave her my own name, stated something of my history, business and prospects, and altogether. became more communicative than I would advise any friend to be with any strati.: ger of either sei in a strange"' country.• s we continued our journey_, the con versation gradually changing from one thing to another, Senorita Paula sudden ly brought it back to the point where it first opened. " are corningpipo'n a dang,erorl part ()I' the road,' ; are yon still resolved to defend yourself if assailed "With your permission, Senorita?" "I don't think it advisable," she re plied, "but, still if such is your inten tion, I think it no more than right that you shoald give•me a chance to take a part in my defence, since my risk of danger will he as great as yours !" " And have you really the nerve, after all, to defend yourself?" " If I had the means, Senor " " I have two pistols," said I; will accept one of' them, it is at your ser vice !•' " You are very kind, Senor—but ran I fire it ?" " With ease. Senorita;'' and produc ing one of my revolvers, T explained to her the manner in which it was to be used. ' And this, ',ou say, will shoot some half a dozen times ?" I think it safe to calculate that five charges out of six will explode, Senori- " A very formidable weak on, indeed ?'' ,be rchlic l ; '• and such I can almost limey we are safe. You have another you say like thin ?" I produced it. `• What a beantiful invention' I" :.he oh: erred, rea , hing over and taking it front lily hand. Then extending her hatli, one or revok era in each, she eontlnned : .l rare'] like this, one might idino,t count hini , .2.:i'iode agnin2;.:l ho,t Von ray this i‘ fire l in this Inanner r :,roceetled, cocking one of the wea l ): -he , pn,o, and pointing toward the " .'lace a Care. or you will 11;, , cliarge it !" The word , wets scarcely uttered when her finger pressed tl:6 trigger, and one of the barcls exploded with a sharp report A minute after, and while I was gently chiding her, \ye heard a lord• (ioick tramp and several sharp, rapid exela mations. The next moment our COII Vey :llWe Tped suddfmly, and we saw our rive, surr,,unAtd by sorer cj •lrt or ten nomoted “.011 one or rinse in a lurid cxelaitin.d prisltwr. or Q sail I. eXtelidilig : rl ii Ic !in Ili•r:ven•;i ! tio• wow Inc lime for docisiVe ' Nny," 1 . ,e ti•,; 27 bulim d hcr. "100 ti e Lim li es ty Let 11)(•;e ,uppos, we ) tel , l—;er !heel ()re:, i he doer. ' ()I), nu! u. will tl en lie too lat.; l" As I -p,.l“.thv &Kir wassuddunl% thr.wo open and three or lour swarthy, heavily beardtd men presented themselves to wy ME Quiok, Senorita, for the love of God!" I cried grasping at her arm " fluid she exeln . iiieci` prk spilling one of my r volyers a , my head Resistance is useless you are our pi icon er " Groat nod !" I exchime.l pc-rfo, fl n0f)1111,1, , d ; our pris, , ripr Inl gin. !t 1,• ; ,H)t• our,kid. ie 1:1 nub :,.hour r f;t11/t 1."': '1 with these banditti." " It is evens(? ) Scour, she replied, with one of her most bewitching . ' smiles, still keeping Xne ref , my own weapons turned against myself, and significantly pointing tfie other towards the door. " You will oblige us by 'Stepping, forth and giving yourself into the care of of 'those good gentlemen, who will see that you are treat• ed as a bravo man should ho bnt who will 'trouble you meantime for any little change , end valuables you may have to. • spare !" There seemed to be no help for it—the be %idiot Senorita Panla Valorde was a t•py and accomplice of the 10111'022C:I She had entered the 'dilligenuia ut Peroto for CO ,ther purpose than to ascertain tl - 0 exuer condition of things. inside. and be `able to sigioi iF,o'her asti,neiates as she pasp• ed .along so•t that they might know exactly iu what. maliner (0 conduct themselves end make their woth sure without risk, ,ty a simple stratagem she had obtained m titan, just at the p Ant where she knew the pttallit would be made' and, her discharge of the 'Pistol as if, 65i accident, was the sign to show t! em that all was secure, "I doknowtedge tnyself 'conquerod li y being outwitted 1" said I, bowing 'to, la Senorita. . , . Then turning to The' robberii, who .land now collected in a body, in front of , the ' 'd oor , o r the (liligenCia, I eorifinucd,_ o : .S; • ' :' 'r Geptlnnieni• will, you. permit •;in , to ' ntii:lht.and tptike you fiotu,ti, iraluialide 'pres ents ?' In the lanoliage' it youtoourit:ry :all -I.lnlve it!, youre." ., ..'„;Thti:leilder oe•tbo party .bowed pokltely CARLISLE, PA., FRIDAY, MAY 5, 1865.- " if you MBE ti,. , . D:- ...:~.5 Jr Li ~ =•u •. . in ,return, and said with, a, gripl smile . . "Si, Senor, we would be most happy to r i ceeive anything which to disting,uish etijt traveler may,have to bestow." With this I quietly stepped- from the vehicle; and one eptiCke searching glance put mo in pos.es , inti of the whole state of affairs. The dilligencin had been stop• ped in a wild gloOmy place, and the dri ver was sitting carelessly on his box, taking everything as a matter of course. Ile might also be an accomplice, of the robbers, or he, mi:o.ht, not, but in either case there was little• hope of assistance flow hire—any attemptof the kind would certainly bring upon him a severe punish ment, sooner or later. I glanced up and down the road where it wound between dark, overshadowing trees, but discover ed nothing to give the any hope. The rob bers, some eight or ten in number, and all weld:wined, were collecti,•g arotind me port of them mounted, and the others standing on their feet, holding their . mus : tangs by the bridle. Looking upon my ease as a desperate one, so far as being plundered wac concerned, I still retained ley press rice of ~,ind, and did not wholly despair. True I had been outwitted and disarmed, and now stood sinvly between nu ebers , hut trio yielding to this 011traZe Wl5 , repu g nant to my very nature and) re=o!ved ro put the 1..-a-t favorable opportunity for defetice and retaliation t. 111.1 sirorri.esNteNt. • y.)u accept this purse?" said I, pr“dw.i.) Lf orio that held several gold coins old handl o, it to theehieluf the laclranes " Tloink you, Senor, you aro veers kind,'• , aid. as he took it in his band and chinked the money. This diamond pin oily prove neeep tal.!e toyour fri.nd," I added , as I quie.- iy removed it from the bosom of my shirt and handed it. to the gentleman on his left• who meeived it in the same polite manner. Thi4 diamond ring I trust vu will retain as a keepsake," 1 eutitio „ tied, drewing the jewel twin toy finger p . re , entiirg it to a third. " I be_ oar pat d,n, ;-:en , rita," I pursued g oc• iag at the :-4eitorita Paula, who, with toy pi , tolsm her p.“.session. wasquietly !-tand within the dili•encia, regarding the er.ote es with one Of her sw-cel tnitli s .1, - tuut, rtrger beau tiful lady ! I leave here," I went en, at the same prodoein 4 the article, " a very beautful gohl snuff box—set as, you per ceive, with diamonds—will your ladyship how,- me 14 'netepting this, a slight token of my regal d for the pleasure afforded we by your company and conversation ?" You are a very g +Haut gentleman, ;,he ta]sing the two re volvers it. one fair hand, and presentin o the other I rettehe , l the box towards her— hut no; ita , )(l tr(o,:kh i a little arid jw..t n, the }arc e , o t.) l!er fin,rrs, cliff , 1 a ?pi \vec r ) nv tii•lq3!),l Irinl env Srm.rita, f as l rent cio\rn t() up N,,w was the all ittiportant thoment of 'if,. and de ith ! All were in a ttlemtire off rh , it ...rnard an one (pock, furtive Blanco 5 ;,,, w . 11 12 that the girl .611 held tuy WP.lptil.S catel,,ly in one hand. with theot her remainitn: ex.ended for the prize. lifto I the box. emir f tidy hot a 4 I ibis,d , ;.11. , (2 a wild startoQ yell ; and tie the Senorita started back, 1. with the qniektie , a4 of liv.htnin 2 , seized both wrap ons, and wr, netted them from her \ bout six weeks ago the ether I we owo ors of the [arid having ,one on to develop ti.etcrritory, a foxy barrel ‘.7011 was S!rl!Cii, mil she was at once off rcd 10 tlf.o tor her interest, one acne of ;and 'Tice Li intimation the family IA here sic is 11 had of her good fortune was la,t, week. when the gentleman, who, by the way hves in one the finest hon„r in the up rt r • t ‘vl ~ .L.! •11,(1 c. it ,ic•nct. firinz upon the part., wa, num uun'uy the ‘vork of n no wont. Thu. fir,t fortunately,stretoh el out, tho chief ; the , -.coond touk effect on lure t. Hitt ; nll.l hr DEM ;., ,„ !) t had no disp si m. to iol'ow thern however, anoth. er minute they might rally and turn Mpen WV and springing forwaPd 1 grasped the reins of a freed mustang and vaulted into the saddle. One More glance al °nod show• ed the B,:norita Paula upim the body ,of the chief, her laughter changed to' grief and some of thesoattered cowards bearing their weaponso to bear upon we. " Adaios, Senorita and Senores !" said I, bitterly, " he laughs best who laughs last!" The next moment I was dashing away down the road the half rallied robbers pouring alter roe a volley, but fortunately not touching their mark. They would doubtless have followeerne in hot pursuit but for the wholeSorne dread .they ;had of my still undischarged , Weapons. , As it ;Was I escaped,. an •I. 'tMtered" f Puebla in triumph . ;'where is is. almost needless to add anarrative•of toy exploits made me a noro , and- lion for the time, [lore I 'gold 'my ' captured inutitteng and trappings for, enough to idetenity me for ,w)nit . l. disposed of .in the way of presents and the next day saw too an inside passer]. gera the same' diligenoia„ etrrouto for whoreblexie larrived in safeiY, , ,Withi out any tardier event worthy of note, That beiaiue of the reblierS' and 'their beautiful,acootoplide .1.-nmmy learned.; but 'the; 10.8 S 0 Ili, i r have never, forgotte n an4 , ,diitsing the iitrainder.of - stityle r . that'eOnittry;, no vet 'NO :0 6 !Ocir . •eo . : 4113, : businekeenadrinte,i;r , 'of getting.pea.: sehamn,of my trusty and unfailing:rovu l. ;: ; . . . . 9ne,of the hardest trials of those who fall. from affluence e nd honor to pov,erty, ancl-obscurity. is to find that the attach ment of; o many in whom - they confided Vi'LLS'a Mask, to gain their own ends, or was a miserable shallowness. Some times, doubtless, it is with regret that these frivolous followers of the world de sert those upon whom they have fawned ; but they soon forgev-tilMt:- , Flies leave the kitchen when , ' fhe dishes are ‘:mpty. The parasites that cluAer around the fa vorite of fortune, to gather his gifts and climb by his aid, linger in the sunshine, but scatter nt the approach of a storm as the leaves cling to a tree in summer weather, hut drop off at the breath of I winter, and leave it naked to the sting ing blast. Like ravens settled down for a banquet, suddenly scared by a noise, how quickly, at the first sound of ca lamity, these superficial earthlings are mere specks on the horizon. . But a true friend sits in the centre, and is for all times Our need only re venis him more fully, and binds him more closely to us. Prosperity and ad versity are both revenlers, the difference beimz thnt in the 4 ,)lurr r.ur irierplq know, us, in the latter we kiiow them.— But notwithstanding the insim!ority nod greediness prevalent among men, there is a vast deal more of esteem and fellow yearning than is over outwardly shown. There are more examples of unadultera ted affection, more deeds of silent love and magnanimity, than is usually- sup posed. Our mislhrtunea bring to our side real friends, before unknown. Be nevolent impulses, where we could least expect them, in modest privacy enact many scenes of beautiful wonder amidst ' plaudits of angels. Some tea ortwelve years ago a boy and girl, as is often the ease, were..amon,y• the , eliultirs going to school in cue of the townships a few miles east of Meadville. The boy, as boys always are, was rather dull and stupid. 12,ettiriu, tl9ll. natural eon nu,•nce, many a sc.,! lir., while the Hrl was very apt, and ho:ped him with Id. les6uns. as Mil I, always will. Ile was vely grateful, of course, an 1 promised to repay her some day, "when begot to be a man Notwithstanding this strange promise, time passed on as usual, and when he got to be a man the war broke out and he en listed. In the meantime the parents of the girl that vita.i the woman now, having. be come very poor, she was Obliged to sup port herself, so obtaining a place in a good family, she came to Meadville to work. Last summer the young man Vt.:: wenn& d ana earn,. buture his retort, to thew illy, h he told her (hat i.e no .1.1, owner own ; ;In loot ilt-,1•1, , :p , ?1cri h •r , 11' . ,' 1 ,, 111 h s 111 1, he now wt , -.lied !,er in fulfil it; thaw 1111 had u./t. IllUeh to off,.r ; oul3 the third interezd, ut three acres of 'Jul.(' on Oil Creek ; that, he could not, tell whether it would ceer lie w o rth I t n yip itg , hut whether it. was or in,t she might h,, N it and welcome. The gift tvtis ,iced, c , , and ihe rapers prorpoly 10.1de out belLn, he left. s prt) ,:L 0.14 p 1 fcl y, ct,ta very tuuelt astotusht d w she made hin t the same (Ater, and ui 1 u . the house was sold she was wanted to buy it as a home for her plrents. Thinking surely she must be "daft," ho made scone inquiries, when the facts wore found cut as stated above. if she doesn't "put on airs," and par ries the soldier boy when he 00W OS back flow the ware, the story will be finished in a good old-fashioned way, and we will duly notify our readers of the-sequel. When the Richmond papers announced, a few Bays before the 4th 01 March, that an event was about to transpire winch would send a thrill of joy throughout the South, and startle the world,,it.probably had Tefor once to the tragedy which has since startled tho whole country by its, enormity. It is known that Booth intended to assassinate the President oh that day, but the want of cooperation in those who were to assist him doleated the pldn. His own Jotter shoves that he had boon brooding over the matter for months, r and artful men in Richmond no doubt encouraged him in that design, in the hippo that it Wonld shvo Richmond from its[iinpendirq Sate, by 'the confusion:mid ifi4l .it • would ;cause.. for a. tine,whi oh would irustrato the well doPignedmovornonts of 'Grirt and Shermhn. 'the 'firlme had 'been - Perpetrated on the' 4th - of Marish, be, fore Richmond fell ittmight: - have - :gtvon new lcpsopf life tii . thonsurpatiop at ;Rich mond; hut. Blehtnorldhcing,talmn, and Lee's areriy stliitindered; " what was meant as a , sitricilsO of policy or Strategy, ; became only arY petiof:vindictivonesa, ;hr ving.,no object ,hut,tho grotilloation ofr:PersonallyttrPtl:. 'lt 'wPS,'a great bbilider-its-well as a great epithet • andit shOWni thidif wap *originally coneoeted by Men of Saperier to -Booth: . • .•They, hadletfor r reaehing' purpose, and Itise - d m• its a prep& tool gor•work chop darey-tiot,appea. in themselves. Re saw only UM 'fact, and did'pot compriiliend — the' ,paypes'e. ;13y do-; 'lay . the r ciithoredoila'ppOir the base 'plotters lot , ' assassination., Tim' wcitid hasi'.been.;!star.: tle(V' .t.1tP.: 4 1 of;joy which was be.telt , throgghl:Mt 1 4 0 , •P9,0 1 , - .. , is" , 119 -w 7,n ' paling Orfelir for the.ebtisecoeneesof their, Migerahlo' .tctlidt, • • ‘''"';',-; • ME .7:- Iv ' i, . :. ~,,,..„...„,-,....:ip . . s::. , :.' ..,.. 7 1 . 0 • - •• . .• - 'l3' -' • ' ; ati.l —2,- TERMS:--$2;00 in Advance, or 82,50 within the year Friends in Rrosperity. An Oil Romance What it Motuat ENE ME A TbIICITING''II4(SIDE.• very in teresting and,touohinginciflentpeeurred at York, Pa,, during the stoppage of the train there with the remainsiof the Pres ident on Friday last, which is described as follows by a correspondent; While, we are taking in water the crowd opened a passage from the station, and a half doz en ladies in black came through the cars. Generals Townsend and McCol lum meet them, and in a moment a sol dier brings down a large wailer, around which is a wreath of white roses, came- Has, and the most delicate and fragrant exotics. To the centre of' the wreath is, a flag, the blue field made of violets, the stars of white violets, and the red stripes of geraniums, mak•ng,' one of the most beautiful natural pictures ever prepared for such an occasion. The ladies of York sent it, and General 7.ll6Colluni broke over the rules, and allowed them to enter the sacred car. They carried it to the coffin, and as the tears chased one an other down their fair cheeks, they left it upon the cold bier Not a ward Wit spoken There were hall a dozen pres ent who had gone wi;h them, • . "nu, dry eyes came out The fragrance from • those violets seemed like no ituse from Heaven. A neat tribute, plain but com ing from the heart. will weigh against the costly decoration= of the millionaire; a starry flag of violets laid upon the corpse by the ladies of York. Old men tottering to their graves, with rain pat tering upon their bold heads ; wounded soldiers hobbling to the roadside to show their love for him who sleep; before them; old women sobbing as though they had lost their first born ; fair maid ens brush sway the tears, and men hold up their little ones to see the car th a t contains the remains of the people's friend. "He was crucified for us I'' ex claimed an aged colored man, but the shrill whistle sounds, and we leave a scene thqt, can never be forgotten by those who witne-,-sd Y:A:.:1 - 16 W.; MONEY.—The art of liv ing easily as to money. is to pitch your q, , ,d e of living one degree below your moans. etruf , rl and enjoyment depends more upon co-sine=s in the detail of ex penditure than upon one degree's differ ence in the scale. Guard against false associations of pleasure with expendi tare—the notion that because pleasure can be purchased with money, therefore money cannot be spent without enjoy ment. What a thing costs a man is no true measure of what is worth. to him ; and yet how often is his appreciation governed by no other standard, as if there were a pleasure in expenditure Lit feel a want before j ou proviiiit aza . ii,t it. You are mote a:isureil that, it is real want; an.l it is north while to feel it a little. in ordor to fissl hr. rel:er ti-em it When you are undecide as t ) which of two cour , ec vent would pursue, choose the cheapest This title will Te.t only save n:orny. but alto a deal of trifling indecision - Too much leisure leads to expense; be cause when a limn is in want “f4.ject , - it oortirs to him that they arc to be ;111,1 he cyp!;,clH]rt is or.ler [0 pa.:43 the !tale.— The youth that has the ra.?ra courage to say I will not do it, be cam a.• it, is wr,nnz. is brave enough Mr a t.,en oral If It • i•aa., oven Though t muted. relinke his fellows for evil acts, he b truly brave. Such a character alway moulds the elements of Mind :r Inn carrying, almost n nli in it e I ~tv:iy an respected by even the w••rat, of pia) mates. It requires an effort to wan fir the right at times, hut, if it in sic ce.;.Fully done GU: road to liner a•tcl truth is easy to travel and by h:s exam ple many are induced to walk in it This kind of bravery gives every boy a con§cience that stamps in bold charac ters, purity of thought, highness of pin: pose and integrity of heart, upon his open brow. One of the world's re nowned, one of whom we love soil cher ish, George Washington, was a brave boy. Aar Dr. Johnson used to say that a habit et looking at the best side of every event is better tharka thousand pounds a year. Bishop nail quaintly remarks; " For every bad thing there might-be-a worse; and ivlren a man breaks his leg, let him be thankful it was not his nook." When Penelon's library was on 'Are," " God be praised he exelairootl, "that -is not the dwelling. of some -poor man. I'? This is the true Spirit of subroWsion ; ono of the most' beautiful traits- that can pos-, ~ sess the' human heart: B,eao,ive' to see this ivarld ea' ha sunny side, auil, you have' almost: oat half won 'the' trails, ,of life at, the outset, • - " SCIIOOI.B AND •NEWSPAPEILS:— :TO schools and newspapers oiviliza"tion'owes its crowd of intelligOnee: . •':l l hisile ao:the chief hutwarksof 'free soc iet • thanaiolit lest, /3 ebular agencies .of Ohristeadoin :Both edueat'orannii,dissomintitor6;lkheit_ 'f,nrcctionii Are stilrtnessnrahlydiffernnt- r = the solioels laying !the •beeis.of•hanNyledge With .t; unparalleled : speed univerintily;. 'trim. •. 4 .; , •••; Ile"as easy yen 'Willi in this' 'World; pinvided' yen take' care 'tto; . he'',haiP3r:' in' 'the unit.' • ‘!,l •• iDT,o4l! . ipxof,ql,l9l3oCll *:•• that drummed for a' it Fort Federal' Hill: 'lli'esqiitine is Henry Czarnoweryi ihiq parents et No. 664 Welt r ThiTtibi ore - - StresV- 7- Whcce:thrit ' reginn riti'parti4titea 1 . 12 7 03'1; r iret 3Orooniii of inaugurating the eathetery at Getty}i-_ burg, henry l e d th e .d rum 4 : 4 1 . 4 0," an df . 14 , 1 hie , superior performances—attreered,Ahe attention'cif Presideht*Tiinee-lniirtiOl7up on ;c i Vtivrisil3llwith tie . , lady iran;,muah" pleised with him: and 7eairni4i l tifie , . parents were in, Jingible:, oirippiltcpiFetiy. ho immediately gave dire.itiois•that: 141, shot be pl gped in - the llliiitnry College - at Allentown, .. ) emia.ylvpnia, wlie,r hi now receiving an eduention.—b . a/Limoris • American. =EI '1 ME NO. 18. young mother, an the importftnt occasion of making her little boy his first pair of colored trousers, conceived the idea that it would be more. econernienl to make them of thr smile din r nqioutr L iYi rin4 •p thH: toy rni,;ht le - nit end tsr ar , IV -1 !1,1 ) 1.,t311. rt:C . (l them. Their effect when d.earrul by the little cloth , was ludicrous ih the extreme. Papa, at the fiat eight of the baggy garments so "fearmllly end won• derfully made," burst into arear of laugh-. ter, and exelairrt(d, ''Oh, my de:ir. how emild you'have the heart to de it Why, ihe.,poer rttle fel nw wm't know w' ether he's going to school ,Jr CuLLINg home." GALI ANT PFDLF.R. -- A° nlrtdy or :re3 t pelsoonli:e.uty wa s crri :;long moTow lane, Ole pt let :.r.Ld jo,t I,:.wke! of ~ , a !tlhn•lr.ac. u , s, with two ptinniflf. htipo wi lt 1:1,1:n ek trnrle. vivo 11 , e 1 ro it I.ii 1. I .ly ppel , :0.1 utt dimliey that be 'an s owNy, and hs i n ,t pioeveded iar ;Then hp I 1 1 . prt nt r‘t thf' er ,, (kory w lo:oktTnn ;;,13 - i. in hnr t nr., 1.4('(•;1;1..2 ( 1 , !rot r• man ; :r tui• La. I it yZ- C aimed, “Sevei mind, ma'am; liblaaat'3 IT;is frTl;;Pc.ed I ; SOLD. Bob, that's r fine hurt e _you there, wharti he rt•r! Throe litu,dre.t sort; (I(,ihtr?.;." No, Dot 5n 1:11.101 ai 111. a." "Yes, ovttry cent unuthcr fifty on the top of dot." "Are you sure "Yes, I'll swear co it." "All right." ‘ , ll, btu arc you so darned inquisitit , a ft:,r ?" ~ , Nlere;y for nrsonsing purpose:, I ntn the B,se,,,er fur t/ili ward tu.d ot know \Cl',:tt suu, rated ypiir 1.1): 4 _, at." PnovEttits.—Bette.l•Epare at the brim than at the bottom. . Better half a loaf than no bread . . Beware of the geeEe when the fuz each es Better stiffer a great evil than do 04- do ono 130 reannble, and you will bo happy. Bear andstorbeur Is short and good phil- osopliy. Beware of little expenses. Buy ',That ih u ha=t no need of, and ure lung thou suit tliy IlleCtieLti ICS. Buld and bilaniiileas men are inasicrs of nalf the world 1;e ready wi;h yoor hat, hot Flow with yut/r .purst i d u w give. Ili vice, toady to do any =EI .13,,th anger and' god (-out]. PI 'mak irg a flu't, may Icarn to do b tier. b) .e.‘fli to LIU in ) ,, zir web, at al lauu uui r‘tipply , U V WI I llTTaki I,rtuk the lie,ttlZy 11lid f,.!ly ilu Nel ont.ll p.lif cor. NM cr to ride on en n Chet ehrrieet me hat, a hut:4. t' - NI—dUI)• Toore ilwo nxerT 13.. Fitt tt, ha-I', to otrllift u u her j;et ter I,r 6 , d :41 1 1 t 0 e u ueta CURSES WIIICII CAME 110 M 1 TO Jt;y rcr.ton. ers the prOpilec,C.; a Chu 1,4a1 iut,LLai/aUzi in iSGO —6l, that, if the North tltuuld at•cuipt to resist the will of South Ca:ohne, the grass would grow in the streets of New York, and 'cows would be pisturecl in. Proadway. The fire eaters spoke with careless glee, of this utter ruin and des olation, which they intended to bring upon the people of the North. Well, the southern correspondent of the Loii. don 'Thrum, writing from Charleston, on Jan. 14, 1865, says of that city I em told that in the height of sum mer, when the grass in the streets af forded, pasturago to many wandering cows, and the wild fennel shot np eight or ten feet high, turning the .city. into the semblance of assjungle, the ~.sense,, , uf , desolaition:was:far '.4h eadY the lien inn. tiftitelaeki6iifeiliid nestling with ber"tro:64::Ainelii!':l4;e ,critinhling ruins. AlresAy the - s ok !been, beard .fro boot. by ,oight .from the Bpirea of .oe,demolished'oburehos:": I:k3taisilaintB,Whkst the • longest, -and-yet- the_ ehoFteat - thingilt• the Itror.ld.; itheqiniiftest anti 'the meet 14(4'; the 111014 rind' the most extended',, the' Icaet viilneo.in4 the most regretted ; out which 'nothing can he ; iy:llh?h devours -e'VeTythfllgitroweyrt“);mallhow "epr gre4ty...NnkvEir r7 `Tio,R. -7—Why-As -.playing- obv?s , Alliqro, ,e,x011)- . incouptit ion than play ieg reards 77,13 - cauae, you ay at ?hcE with two bTliOps, W , ' tip : 4 f i t t, arqa - 31 itt' Mai na;'o4 • When Jogs ,n, scroll:" .o.4l , ..reseulktle„ci obrilliafitlileal NV bout it cozies intAy'otte'i "-;•'• ' ' =II