!''' the body of Colonel Crutchfield, command: l 'ing a Rebel diVrision. Ho was killed on Thurs- . 1 day last in the light at Sailor's creek . ! oPETEnsnuno, 2d April, 1865. Uoenrral Ewell—Move your command tol the south side of James river CO-night, cross ing ou bridges at and beloW Richniond; eakei the road with your troops to Branch Church,l via Gaulle bridge, to Amelia Court House.' All wagons from Richmond will take the: Manchester pike and Buckingham n:ad, via Meddersville to Amelia Court House. The, movement will cothmence at eight o'clock—t the artillery moving out first quickly, infantA ry following, except pickets. who will Li witlidram.n at three o'clock. (Amend Stevensf; will indicate routes to you and furnish guides. t 'The cavalry lIIIISt I . OIIOW, (1 , 4 roy j lig bridg,..4 under the superintendence of the engineer t officers. Theartilicry not heeded by I lie troop ; :v will take the road prescribed for the winzo.is,4l or such other as may be most convenient. at W. H. TAYI.OI "Offleinl—R. Cleary, A. A. Cr." iNsTitccT lONS TO COLONEL CRUTCH F I EU/ —'l7lle :111.11jor tietteral t'ommand ag directs that you at (mee move oui by the (lurk along the nettre , t roll to 11 iltwu Imi,l4e. You kill cross it, march a sufficient `ll4ffinco to allow for the \\ hole division n he other side of the road. If practicable I Mill send an engineer officer to guide pm. soon you commenee moving notify me atn, Colonel, very re:1,0(1[11y, your obedient servant, It. Ci.E.kaY, A. A. (t. "Color el S. (:ruteldieltl, comma:l4l'ldg I)i vision." (El:4lm itab County, glattcrs APPII ENTICE WANTED —A stout buy and !po'd ii tal ellar octet, will lw triken at this ( Ali, Printing buhini.ss. ApitilTTEli) Ti) 17ill inst. )liintlay, \V. :11. l'etirii-ii tier titled to the court that 11 ut. Penn I.liiyil had road law under his tlireclions, and moved that a committee he appointed Or es 11111i110 Into. .‘rt , l'ilin,u;ly, A. 13. Sharpe , Iluntrieli and 11. Netvsliam Ivor appoitittid, mid iin'Tue , ilay morning repilibid.l through their chairman, .1. IL Sharpe that they hind examined him in the 1 . 011,1. 1 manner, and that he tvii , tvell In lilied tel l practice; upon which Lo \ NVe learn through the ,uunnitt •,I that 111 r. I,loyd pa ^uul a highly credit:dile examination, and inter- the legal tinder very faviiralde circumstance-. IsteX,,l'nong the tuany tastuf. liy dceorn ted Dual In•ntitiktlly ,:t, Tlittr , lny In-A•wet.,k \Vc w,r.• till hy . the (li:Tlny ma to Lc Mr. .\ I;. \ I. largo bow window, of hi , l'urnitor , tun were betnitifull.y . arno.l , ll N'CP,II rtprostattatimis c“Hiaa t,•,1 t% it li tan. Avar for tho [Ilion: lit tlto Ea-t Nt in dow was a taint:llan. gan-ltoat nal:110 tl is a' tullcautplcnn•nt 1.',1 t-oroal; nprescat , d fl ,t4atittilitl, tl ivn 11H• or \Vatta',." )ii tic haul: \%.t- a rrI , J. hattcry lirin iip ii tii !2,t;i11, , ..it • 1;1' t:Lr, rt . -p.[1 , 1 111 , NVIIII kill : 11, r• i•-1 tiag-Stilir SIIOt, 1111:1y, and tlwir r:IL; 11 .!l the duet The “thcr % fig 1 \vf, cs 6 ' , lit' r(l)cl 11N41 NO ill \\ :LX ,•:1111(11c , , th , :t• \llll n most striking viroct tile l:1-1.. Nt It ;; ~Phiclt 11 r. ENVing 1.•-liiii . oi i r,i, tr ~ b • 1,4 the git,l•6lll, .10,111 - ilia n :” . 111•4 :11 to Nvokild 1 . - ii.nt lip (11`11111p4 (.0111111C1111;11 , 1i; ;PAIL , 1.)11;111.• , S ; '1,1 , 1i11 , 1;. , 11 It , •111 lISIIIII,IIt .I . -:!2,11t . : and cur, I\ll w.., 11111111 :11111111Lilli•II L • II - 1)11 Tlitirs(lny night v c S.. Proceedings in the Coo to of ()N and Turiiiiiivr, Intrat (,f prti rill 171. qt n'e,/—('iut,f 7'•, ( . 4);nrh. vs. llom,ard lit•my and li"p"" 111, - 18(;.), True 1;i11. lhovard I;tip• I“iiild guilty intird,, in lit, 011 d I,•\\ 1t111.1 . 1t itilolll.r in tho -11..1H1 11Cgi1 .0 . III•pb111 . 11 nntl P•1111.` ,. )lill,l - and rut sent...nce(l. C.onlll. vs. I', t,i• April True bill. („:. tit v,. ;Ind Itemlen pr,l 12, INir, True Itoadczi cmiml Hilt uud' ( wit guilty. (;ill4 fur? Conulionwcaltli, Iloruitut 6•1- Cu,! Georg , : Itet.,(‘ unl l't•ti r Row, Stipervisors—Not repairing 1863. Ignored—County t pity Coint'll. vs. Ivry .1($1111.06.-1,:trepity. April 11, 18(1.5. 'Prue Bill. Ignored.— C.tunty pays custs. v.s. Henry Ibtivinan.—Nuisance' nbAructing public roads. .llu 11, 1611 - t. Trbe Bill.—Dcfendant plcad, guilty and bubrnit.4. C01111:11. vs. Nlary Lainont.—Foreiblo en try and Detainer. April 11, ltlu,r). True Bill. Defendant acquitted and William C. Houser to pay costc "CARLISLE SOLDIERS' AID SOCIETY."' —Contributions sent by tlii• :-lildicrs' Aid Society of Carlisle, to the W. 111 1 .1 1 ., Pt•lllut. , Branch U. S. Sanitary Commission, 1. . 111 : .- ick11 end wounded soldiers at Aiintp:ilis vii.: f 8 blankets, 2 bed sacks, 2 ii .:-s rigcown,,ii, VII woolen shirts, 18 pairs drawers, 1:I pair • . stockings, 12 pairs slippers, leap, 1 pair Wit) . ,tens, 18 handkerchiefs, 21 housewives, 21. towells, 1 package cough drops, 5 Ibi. dried hpples, 10 lbs. peaches, 7.1 lbs. elieries, 2 lbs. blackberries, 17 Os. tomatoes, 2 cans peach es, 3 cans blackberries, 1 can pine apple, 11 can salmon, 2 cans currant jam, -1 jars jelly,; 1 box prunes, 0 paper.s con' starch, 1 paper: farina, 811 lbs. P. barley, dl lbs. rice, 1 piece! ,dried beef, 7 bottles jainaica. ginger, 2 jars ; pickles, 2 gallons apple butter, 1 bolt le rasp-1 berry syrup, 10 bottles wine, 1 bottle bay 'rum, •1 bott escatsup, 2 bottles lemon extract, ;• i box concentrated beef, 1 barrel eggs, inus.. jin, lint, bandages, reading matter., &c.—• - Value, $850,00. - . The following contributions sent to the , # , Ladies Aid Society" York Pn. fur the Hos: pitni nt. Una plitey:April (I, 1865, viz: g , covered buckOts, 26 towels, 2 pair pillow gases, 1 shirt, 4 pain 3 stockings, 4 pairs slip pers, 2 bottles boiled cider, 1, ottlc Currant,. wine, 1 bottle blackberry, cordial, 2 bottles lemon extract, 3 enha.:Peaches, 2 can, tows- Pee, 2 cane curaint jam, 1 can black berries, QI10: barraeggs, muslin, lint, bandages, road- . ling mutter, .tic. Value $50,00. Collections from the citizens on 4th•S,-; sth post.; jn answer to a special appeal sent the. Christian Commission at Philadelphia $185,66. • 7. .3', CLEW), President lira.. J, W. El3c,f3tewnrdcms. ' , accordance with the go'neral ,--feeling.of-tbe-nationi-therlteformed-Cengre , :, gatipn of this place meet for public worship's, ~at:l2 o'clock Oh Wednesday last, when after z appropriate services; the followin gpreasubW • :and resolutions Imo presented and nrutni-: Inously adopted; r; Winsumis, at this •time of °Ur. titional; ; trial; the. Chief ;Executive of our beloved' ponntry has suddenly aturipost inhumarslY been taken from the stage of action, by the iiitioro than fiendlike hand of an assassin ; and; ;whereas, the whole country is thus suddenly, ,the very hour apparently dawning with !,'hope and promise, thrown into the deeisest' kale of sorrow ; ave the members of the Con-i 7,istory and Congregation of the Reformed' iJhurch nt Carli,le, hereby desire .to givel expression to our feelings in the followingi ;resolutions; iTi /icsotred, 'flint in Ow (loath rif AllitArlAN `l, LINCOLN, Into l're-idem of the United Stales lour Clovernment, und ,, ,i10 , .. 11y ordained of lIGod, ha,: lit, : \\ HI :t `,41 and ni , ..-t sore cal $. amity. $j R e .,„/,.,,,/, Ti,it our fernier Chief' Exc•cul litive by hi, firm and unyielding devotion t, f . , hi s se ,,, e or the ril.lii, hi, faithful tlisehargt ot' the ,Intic- of hi' dlice, iliade doubly mmooed gby thou* iwellibir trbil., by his groat i n t,.. gr i_ Itv "t 1"" . 1"'e , "I way" rl'i. "g" l4i "g II "' "''''- 'ill' of (livinr• imerp,, ,, ition, invoking Ills .• .. tund and the prayers ot His people everywhere tli J—and in the hour or hi, apparent trinpli, by li is great magnanimity of heart, and truly, conciliatory ,pirit of I:indin , -. 8 and forbear - 'oilier , toward the enemy in arm,. again , t his 1 •ountrv—lia, endeared hittim•lf to Mil' heartq' c' • kind in our iillect ion-, not only c.- iiii liow,ti !patriot and a reliable State-ratan. but its a: . christian ruler, wli,, , e example is worthy of ~ iinjbajlin, and whose life and characier must; 'ountiniie to have a ino-t happy influence in' the future 16,1mA' ~f our couktry. t) Thal xv, depro- , nl flilly Hitt. cx ncir t , f th , hmir, ha\ c ,, lrthh•riev Ale ever It-biding =( rely bowed dmvn VV! . ' 11 , 1 1 . 4.:1.-,11 to (11`" , -: pori(1; but m the,dll,•r Mill ;Hale thi the oecn,i.rl ftll . 1 , •11" or di.: Votion to t . o ini I i••, that in . his rnt . roy, pr“.p.•rity Iltlly hi l'011(11S:lrl•t1 Rt' , ./ , ‘l, Th:11. lIMV, it lweoies, 1,:orio! nti(l 1111111, 1,,,, „I . id 111 ,, 1*.1111:11, p:11 elpkri-11-; ig the warn,. -t forlwnr ono for 1 W.% ott, nll 111,• iv. , or 11,k:irt :111 , 1 milk! 1,, Hi, pk",. :111.1 t 1 . -1;11kli,11111011( dti our ow ai-tra, 1 , 11 , 1111 , 11\ I.ll'll' —On t ( .. ..... , Ilil'l .. Be it etnii tell by tiro Town ( l on in . il the iliir, utili l 11 ...I' 111. IIII '• It r'' , thi - t I. ll rpt . - 0 iv° NViii I' i I I : 'I ll ' : i I . I i :ii i t ' i I I ii nulli:t i t ' l i ci. l . ll. l'7 ' ii i,ll l ' d{:i l t ' ri t it t li l t. ),Y ti t 'i t i e i i i' i ' • I I ; I I I : I I L I SO T t: ii"t "i I . 1 ., " kr , iii iii ailitr . . , Wit . iiiiijos ti- , itini.Lion nMt the rioanne Uointnil , i 0 .il tlio It 1111Cii, ;Him.: n,, ;..; ci! Ih :deli', hot ti- 0 t•lt Is i -11,111 pin,- Il , I ' ‘ l , 1 1 " , ... I . , 1 , 11 ,, } l i i il , r n et i i . :‘ i i :P ,, L , li ; l L, i ,, l ': iil i i ; ' ,, l ,, l , I r: I : I ii I i I : I ' d . i , n ,, 1 , I I "' P i I I I " I lI IIII , ii 111 IIII,"I'I.III to III.:i (ii,! di , " "lir rilloN. ~ • ii nip , ion nt l i- ail ' iton, l iii, ,I 1 (,;. Vh I 11: 14 t; ‘ ;:.! 0 , i ' , n r i 1 I ' , t .i :iii ,l 0-10. ,,,, 1y .tir I'llit'r :\ltufi,tr:lto. ill, l v 1 ) , .•,0 1 .01, 0000 , 0,1 it, th , 10. IllUt t •f the ilJti 1 , ` , 11 ~,,, , d,, \\ „I \, , ;1 , t h,, ~,,,,,. i , ,i i i.. ; 0 ,,, , i 1 i a; ; ; „,. , ..ini allll.llt, Ilt 11, Unil.S;. O. ptl.a. Binh. 1111111 t.' , auti truly 1;;;I riut;;. ;;H; it it. i.i,,i, lie „linisi, : ._ I ,i ). , , , , , t t c i l i n t, v ut .1 taly, 1 . 7 ~, 1 111. 1 .3 tj n i tin. ip , 1..1.:11 , c m.tdie i 1,1 . 1... , ,i . ii1iii ii li, II:, j,l-1 ~..,,,,„ 1„.;,,.. ~ ; ~,,,i 1 ; 11,0 11,11 i ., ,111 Iii hi. sinned by the Pr• sident,..•6lllltl.l . - thIN \Vltil,llt 1 , •:11 . ii lii 11.. coalliiii IMP lioliiV. • -Winn' 1 , ) tile :- . .. - tolory ot ilit.iin polation„ :toil at teActi oil inillii I I'V Into Ili . lin lid- ~I ,; (Cl„ I ~,, 1. , ,,t i t _ 11 r y . ' l !' ( l i . i rl i.i.ii ; i , i ' in . i . iii i i , i" , i.! .. t l iiii ! . .11i ( i. , ..1 ., . i . ti l ato !ion, awl! i•l i i ( ;"ii III” Siql. oliii ( i .., i lii III,!.: ( i it , i- 1 , ;'b I • II I I i.. I !II I ! ',l i ' t l iii l . l lI I I I I I i ' n ..i.L III i::::1 - i I iri I I I I I ,•ip I ii I I . 1, 1 I n:ill:I I,' i l i l ii ' ti r s e} :i ' . illoilitor iliniiii,liii, 11.O* I j . -II :triloi;. hilt Ilia; in Ili- they 1.1 " .111111 . 111111 ti\vii ~,.. ni l I IIIW itHliiill._- -Iniii \\ . 0 .1, 1,,,,,•th..r. --'''''''''l I , t'''. fttr L , ,,001 t t nil Ili. Cl!. 1 - T . /,',-..t , 41 'l . llOl 110.,. 1•1.-ilintilill: :Hi d I ,rl' :am id, Ill• rt., ,0,1,1 In t!h• 10.10th•1,,,, , k ,If Hite iClut" .ll, i'''"'l Ii- 'tit t'”' l'‘'ll'tt "" '' `t :',,tt -11,0111, 0001 itithit,io,l in mitt- tilt', 0 par , r-. alli init a- a lIII . Lit a . "s.l.''. -I. It or lall . 1 . . 0i11i.2,-, wir ("IIII:. !I rt liiitili .1, apo I fin' :It 1 , •11-i (hip! \ iiii%..i. S. II 1.111 . 1 . :.it, I. \VI. r„ .1 l' II 11:11 :•i I,jr, ti l';',',l it'l 1,,,,,. , ~, I ~ .1 ,.. 1: , 1 , t , , ..• ~, i ,t• • 1.1 t. ' l \ \ •••. : - I• ' ' I . ti l l'' , :I, ' !l i i:, • - t 1,1 i . 7 .• .t } 'tit t t' tI 1 MEI = :or 111. .I , ' \\ K 111.1 1...• %\11..:1 I 1 . ..] -; =I 1. ii)i. I 4 1,• 11. I t I:• • i.,11 I • V, I 1:11. I t.t \I 01,11 ,1 H be1. ,1 111 . 11.L tii . .111;1 . 2,111!„1\ :tt 1:1.t 1:1111:11 I:11 • ikj V%ili II \ t . iii 1;I , • 1:11•:11H•\ 11- HO' • :1 . . i• .1 , 'H.' tt•ttr tot-, t•iittint.t .:t ..I II lil rlt. And 1/, \ . : \VIII II \ :111 „ tillIt•. =1 flip llrk i" 7\l I Ii 11..icLr \ it 1 ,, ~111 1 , 1 h , in it a1,t1,1‘,111 , 11,,,, n 111111. All Illat is, 1.1 11 , ITC- . I , i ,,• 1 i•N ; it 1, , 11,0 1,`•1111, ,•11;,11,•.•, 111111,1 115 and let u• i• and that 11„ Nvill iri - ur• ru h. Dark: a. tatty LL the day, 'condor by thi, calant.ity, let as not; 'forget that it 1, tile 111.,P\ ince td . ILL th to '•lru.,l' (1,1•1,. - i:410,10,ed I, y such , . ri•turn,ll, \tillboili,r it. llenc(•„; i . ,,,,po•tif .1) 11, let our con oi 1 Imi inerea,. ft i,n will I'.auul tin-Tcal.ably a. Wit Inlay ri,l tho oi cm to Lc, lot II Lot de-pair— lot it- Ill•;11:11'111.1 ‘ , l,ll , c4 , lll'agt`li ; Lut Lc I 1_:11111 NIA 111111 unit 1J11111:11;, uu,l 11,111,;111 : NVe tarentikt tlwiroughl\ coot inckl and fully per - Limited that our l•a11,1' k came, pre-' eminently caws truth and r)ghtcomin invoking (d . ( I, tres t man - and, 111. 11111,1 au l trill ,LICV.4II: 1111c1 it may. than \ll. 1111 w ,urp,,,o. Thu murder or our l'reiod,nt, an art: diLtLuli 1, to lad another evidonee of the hell-born !origin clmiact.l•l' the i•Hwilit)ll; anti 1.1,11 . .J1111‘11 . ‘" welll:ht tragic. NV, 1,1 , 111 thi . a;11110 ILu,c llunugly and ir ,t-ttblv let to helteve that it will inkten the oath .1 : OR , tTbeili, , ii-O-hy licrving :tddition :illy the ',yid boart of Om nation to (101111 with becoming severity, with a faithless antic 'nor( foe, tlwl Mtn boon .tri vino; for yearsi ,to overthrow the bo-t ,01 ands iis justly rosponsible for the fearful expentli-1 Imre of blood and treamiiti and all the iniserfl l iociev,iiihicil by the protracted c-t I Al the (Alight US, as a govern Imola and ln , ulilo, by this tnelltitelmly bp properly undorstood, fully uppre !elated, wisely and praet ieally improved. The, Lora overrule it t' lli, own glory and our, incroascd good, and to 11 is mute ;all the praise., And lot n, not cease to pray for our 1:n110111.- . 1 ) (A l'resiciontls successor in edict', that the Lord would ever guide-, protect, and assist Winn in the wny in Which heshould go—tell ?,.!jerti4hini fully equal to the clinks and ro , o sponsibilities of his elevntr , sl and important firosition, Abraham Limot needed our loanyers, so does Andrew Johnston, and he r it must have them. GOll. Lel. , al I'lll (1 in RIC illllolld 0,l Wearies ids . ). told pi odt d uni,,odistoly to his home 'rho fl,rlttal Chamber, an Essay of Kotula and I nstrUction liar Youlis Aten—published by the lionrard ASSOC1110)11, and 6011 t 11 , 10 "r *charge In sealed .involopes. Ao , n-ess. (toward Association, Phila. Feb. 10-c-ly at taps. In this - place, nt tho Reformed Piirsomiice on the Mtn Inst., by . Rev. Samuel Philips, Dir. it AIdUHL 1i1715115, of Dickinson Township, Fo .nits, SSIITII of Boiling Springs, this county... On Tuesday March 7th, at: tdni. 'reiddo"ne . o'of, the b r ion 4 s lather, In Penn Towneldpe.iiyitay.' , B.- if. S. Liallandett, Mr. DAVID S. MARTHA '.l,l,,doughtor of /lop. William Harper. ';,". , IS .11... ~ ,I 1•• .\. I I .t , ll l ' 1.• - ..1.•1.11. , i1 \\ ME =I =IS , ;' I.; . hi .1;11; . Inc =II I , !t1 \.l =I 1 , 1. 11.1 \\l 1. I.(' MEI ablices. •• • ••• ••. • eatts. At ten residence of hie mother, In South Middleton top., WM. If. A LBIITGIIT member of the 17th Penna. cavalry, aged about 21 years. [Written am n tribute of respect, to a schonl=mnt'a`n 11'. 11. Atonfolor, who tiled of disease contracted while! a prisoner in the hands of nu inhuman and traitorous toed Sleep, youthful patriot sleep, Your work on earth is Bono ; In heaven, where angels keep, A holier task you've begun. n stead of the ramp-fire bright, I nst, a i of the bugle call, 1,1 e 001 y night 'Jr the filthy prison wad, You are blest with the Fight of it ha, It here the 0, nsie sounds so sweet; 11 ith angels you are akin. And yon malt you're friends to greet. "i{ The rause )nu tbught to sustain. The nag which you proudly born, sI Will In Union and pence again :non ware es it did of me. But you irate 1:11.011 up all Luse life, in its Very 11100111, A gift to your eohntry's rail, Y ha, born° you I. the tomb. You have suffered nobly, hut now Yea deep and are at rest; 1 A oil lle• bun rids that' twlke your brow, Are the bri,0102,11 and tent. Farewell. yet I hope to son In Itch Mane prepared for thew', lin here gone like thee, .11 arms to rep, v. yl Aux 111100 n. PiOTIOE. 0 . 11(1.; is hereby given that an dee L t rnu e 111 I. id 0, Nioeilay, Vidy Ist, he Count ((in,'.' ie I ete On the bents lel 4 ii': Led, I' \ I . dat . Iw elect. Preside:li ted five :ilatin g er; of the l'arlinle 11it ter Cum-. A pr il 21, ic,65--:21. An Ordinance. I()l'iii.: it EDEN! pTioN ()F ( ISOltut Gli 13()N1)S. )17 - 1 11 bo , n( d ls „. of , jithe Now 1r.0..1r,,,. 11,1 %, s thr.....liont Ill....otrutry lorvo,zonerallyrtgreetr, .''''''',. e.q.,..1 . ; , ..'71 f..} . lo roor.lvo ,11. .1110,os .11 pnr. SOL:, i1',51 will Sl•lect, l .11r7 r 4,1fr 0 '...rr`,".".9_4^ -1 Er..., =•, +l;•'` 1 :::.C , r1-- ,r, _.,,,,,....,..„,,,,,.....-.. their 1",11 P:t.:, , .,. 111 1 , 11 , J111 HIP) . 11,1! cOtifide.:ll•o,lll:d il ~,,,.._..,,, , 3..1:;e1 ", :;1 11-----1„ -''' . ' , ;T - .:,•. f , ' i., , , , ------ -- - ----",--,- ' - -c. - --'t- -•;,-`•-•, „:„:>.1. - 7 -- -- - T, who "nis . ~, to iso ~,1 -1, i 10.' for 11o+ clulivery of thei ~..,,e ------ .1 ------ F, - .1 7 L :l,.l, z ,qii - tk,,,t1., r,. st-. i.• , t t lo.r r0....i , e , V10r5. 1 ali ' , I tiiilarwe 1111 , 701.1 r, .fI. p. il, '.7 . , it i iffii , ...... ' 1.., ,' , ..x , ,, f ..., ~.1,..i : , ••,...c, 0 1 1 . , ~,,,,,, ‘,, 1 ,. , 11..,, N 0. ~, 0. ~ 1 f,. .1. 1 I'l ... ,, ,.. 7 ,.. 1„ J ,,. 1 . ±k . , ,- . ,..: „.;, ,,c ,, ,,...2, ,,, ,, ~.-„ z,.. ,, ,,,,, L i, • ,... 'f.,., , .., :••.,..:.,.,1 i ~, \.l, ii,.., ` .1 ... A .wc. i (L IIe n . IK. T.:, .1 W D (111.1.E1 ES, 'Ar'll o I'l,o-flout .1 (...r... il. 5:4 J011:\ '.A ' 1 ,'' ''• I - il '''--_-,-!.'" • P‘ - ' - 's . rialla . lg -.- -. ” .-..-- " ' Ai '-- -• . '''''''' ' ''l".-." ' r h'il -.... - rtc ,- . - - 1 e ,i. < l. . ,%:=. : 1... .• . , ,i1:1 , _Le, ~ , .. ~ ,....„, „ i :,u‘ , ,• .i i ,' ion Agent. l'll:l,l.lrlphin. 1 , ~- - „...1.,...'",- )?, _ ~,..z_,_., . (P. 51 — 1 ~ ;,. VI- v,i,! . .„-,.., 61 re'. '24. 1 ,, .-.. .tty... 1 C.'.1..........1. ..II; -,,,,,, - .. c, . - E -P- . •:',..,_ Q.. .- ~, ‘‘,,.,.. v , I t ce ' _ 1. THE CORCEOU3 PROCESSI011 1 ? ,-,. Tc) TIIE runrAc. LET 1T,!,, rd...,1.,1:\ IM; t \i'l,.\l\ll.ll lAt ForTo , l r , ~t 1 . .r., ,, 4 ' 11.- , 1 . I N1,.'10.,0 ,11.....,1,,,. ~„ h., h,. 1,,...., , ~,,, ~ ~, , ~,, 1i...h., :,;,,,.t,. ,0 1 , , ~,,,\l_ I li In splc0,1•0 ~,)•• .r• • J 1!.. 1.,0 t s ..1,•••11 iir ll', n: (':11'11 •11 , ..\1;lr' • 11 ' 4 l , 15;;:1. c 11,.11 . 3. It , l'i z• r• ,1,,1 1 ) the 0/ , t:I.111.t, 111 , :_ ,, LI: C.. 2, til .\ pill k" , :,. itl d, i'l T l'' I' ' 1 , ' , r,' k,OLOSSA LC: 0 LL. , :::l\l CHARIOT 4ilii o l ' '''' n " "''''"'' I l'ad!'''• ' 1 " 1"1 . ir ii i L......, ';•,; ;.;;!,11,. ni) . ) . o; tii, , L. 1,11,1- , . til,./ .. f . ,-, „ „ ,k'' Or, My - , ,e1c.-.1( ar of the Iviuses. e g „,• ~„ -,,..„, „,—,,,, ...,,,, -.J-, ~ , i , ii ,, .1.1. , "I ","-. ~ ....1 1. , .. - ~,/, " , ! , '''' fr, Dr..., rL I y l'_. :•10+ 111 I, 101. IIN I ,11P,',1 ;',, ~,,,,,,,,,,,,, 14 1 , , - ~. , ~,, „ , „,.., ~,, ~. ' " -11111 ' . ht:l \'' .11t• '1 I rt• t'l till' 10 I, :MO, l';'\ t...,' t . 01ir.",:‘4 I . 2 0 , 1' 0.! , • I '.' 11.;. prof. TOM CAl`4l-iAIVI'S BAND, ci.l,' ..,. , •.: 1 ,- i , ,--, I' - I.- i : ~,,,, ~,,,,• I 1,,,. „Ili,. ~,,. ,-,..',. I' , .‘• . -.I ll.\ VI 1r r.. Nl , t '•.' ii .l I,•. ~...1 ~I the I..chly lit! • •„, ~ i ' „ . ,•,... ~' ,:i 1 , ,.. ~, ~ rIN-Ii 0, ct•III. 0 , Illy 1 , c...1 Lcllt t 10,,, t •. ifil .• l• I:II ./I : \\ , I' . : , i . sll lIti• g.r •'0ol•:• . V \ \ ..,11,1 l'.• .11 Iv. ( I,'J ;111 `. .01 I, ', t! • 1114, 1..1), L.11C.11,-' ,11. I ~ , ..11t. II II Aillt,il.a. t , ll ' . .!• 1 I oI r. ~. II I' tI jr", \1,.....: .-. '.ll. 1 11 Iro `,. 11 'll. , \\ li , .--; 1r; II ' , 1 ~ _ 1 •1. , -, I t ' .. S \ .\'l 1•111 - I'.l , •l'''l,l V 1,11!,1,', :'''illl. i'l . . ..if 4. 1 ri...' ‘ . 7.3 ...' ~. c.":. .fitktl:','Nfi, , erli!..l_.•. 1':...1. ._ .\11..1-1 , ii. 11.,11 , 1 ` tfl .t. ' - ':'1711,.,t,i,,,,,,,• • ,\l., ;.,. I ,\l. r 1.„ .\\ 1,,i,,0r 7,1 t' - ' - ' 4 " T '''''r. ,- '. YR h . :l s iN".''''%i s' . •..6t 1; ., 1 , 1 „ :„. .1. \.. ~ i ii, ~• ,i, 1,,,,,,i. (s) 1,,,;,..f-kk..-ii.::-:y.t,4',1 , . ...„tx '11: ' l 4 l',.' -. 11. 1\ :q .„ „,z4i, , „ , ,, , „„-L., r „ , y1,,:-_,.. ; , ,0 , ~t , ,,,,, -,, ii „i,„,.„..„ ~.......,..,, .\,. ~..... ~ .1. t .j.. 0, \l., --,..--7;;).9',‘,.;A,''1,''..i, '" r: .o • k it .:J '. , or, .„ : .11...1.. (.. )1.1 , 1.1..1,1.:.;.. 11 . it\\*.4o4..7;)>' 1 1%)=ti?tl.. / 33.r , ). \\, b 1, .:r1 ..1 . :1: L. L. l . \\ 111. N1,1 • 1'. \, ', VI 111 't:. tr- - - ,, ,,, t 4,4.,,, T .,47 , ; , N , k Illy_i , ,e, --:: , 6 , 11 , ..,,,.. ',l ral, s - - 111":1) .\ :\ 1) :-111 ' \ I:l ' ' ' Vb . -\ l. iii :e1; , , \.l - t , -5 .. „,„!„ , .~ -.- \ ..,, -4 . 4.; ‘. '......,-J-0.y.1F:7:-.,„r- pp!! S, '',III 111 i. :I, .\\ 1.1. ~, ) , .-.-..- -:..,,.... ?.i . _, ,-.: at_'-,-;,,:::- , - - !.;.. - - ..t. ”. ' ":;• c 2,! ',...., , 1.,' , ....., 4...., _.....,_ ~,, r-Jf:•-• 4: -- 3 ,, ist. ' ' ''' • ,• 4.,r. u, /..1. 1 ~. • I , —) 1' , " , • . 1 ". ”•\ • r't.'l.. THE PER.1. 7 01 - ', I ,\IING ANIMALS 1 ,V( ,- ~.., I , 11 , , , 1t••.,... II: li ,' . l :-. '1 t;6 J 1,. t 4r 4 ,, ',Join,. TJ: 4 -,l'.s 6711(1, it('OPet) . els 1 :-. 01 jill• II I '.*I'1II)o111.11.'1 1.7' . 1i• L- .1 )1. )1, Apt!! 3C \. MIMI MEI I 11: , % .\ MI Al.trx t II I . \nii .11 1 11,1111-. it:1.11/1.111 1 , 11, \\ fl r. i•. 1/.1. MOE ,1 ti-. , I. 1:1111. , •;1. V$ NI. \\ Ill!, \ II 11. I \\ 1111.11. y, 111'-..(il;!--t1 '-- I I EMI cdpl, h!l-L 1111 MEM 11111=111 • lii, It 141-1 , 1,,I) 4 1\. , i,, i J 1,.. .1;1, , 1, V. 11 .:•_-, 4 . , 11 ... .\ ;In.( 1 ~ 1 ; k„,,, n r . (~.\i. \\ 1 ,1,,,,,,,,, i ,, A . .1 . 1, , ii,,;\ , \Li, NV,II-, I'. J.--." j' : 1 , '[.1) \\ ng'-;''''''' , M:" V \\ 11 , 1 , 1 , -. (i‘ ,, . .1. \\,,mid, Mi f i- .\ • NV:11-,11, ChM:AI:III \\ al 10•1', )hi I 114!,1 , „,i,,,, , Ah .,. S. . 1. -\\ i , u ,,, , ,„„.. i . , A „ iia ,i , i 1,1,1 NV;ill., i., I'im , l , - :111., .1;i111,...; AV,;. , ,1-,. Eli 4.11./Ct 11 I Illit•Il r )1 I'S. C:lth- /..,•igh.r, A:iii E. ...ntz, , 1 , 61 , 1) ,0•11 v, SIXTH Q JARTERLY REPORT or rna 11. Si Naliona Bank - of Carlisle Pa A prn 1865. IBMIEME otos and Pisc,uuts, . Duo from Banks k Bankers, 1'2).726.23 Specie k Legal Tendor Notes, 151.47 , 1.31 Notes nt other Banks, 17 521; .mil I ono., cal 1111.1 unit ltie urn, I I,...x.penSei and TaXv6, I= )uo iu Baoks, inrouqt, and Pr.'llllUlllS, urplulit4,uutl, TREMENDOUS Reduction in Prices OP Dry'Goods at Ogilby's Cheap Cash ;•lore , I mu now receiving 'mother lot of Goods bought at: he pr ehost redneoll City, prices, find will run them oil. it very moll profits. Caih•oea from 124 to-20ete. f.om 12;.; to 2ticts. titurhaom kc, at the ray covert figures HOSIERY AND GLOVES much form than former prirea. MOURNING 0 01:1Si , -% , ,111 open pox I wool( a full assortment or oil Glamor !Oyles of Mouri log Goods. As my stock of goods 'was easy GOO solo, Lisa declino In prleo took piaci), I 005. .„„w pn q ured offer greAt Inducemonta to wallas :ors. All In want of good nod cheap DRY GOODS so lll Ido well to call at t ho Cheap Cash Stern. CHAS. OtiltalY t Trustoe;• Aprlll3 C 5. A_ D MINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.— Let. erg 'l'egtritneri tary on the want° of Neerga Menu, doc'd., late of the borough of Now Cumberland, hove boon isbued to the subserlhoro residing iu the 5111110 pineo. to whom all debts duo said dm:what will ; be paid and all claims prosuntod. - 3N0,0, 'KIRK , .JACOII HESS, • April 7,1565—* Administrators' --- ' . - • I . have just opened an nsportmant"of. ; ill wool lagrala Carppts, Cotton Chain cllttoOlump and , i Rag ditto, bought at the largo auctltin sales last 'yeah.' which I will Foil at astoutshlogly low priers. Allql 4w4 ',lnd (b ., 4 Nlattlng. CHAS. OCIIhIIYI Trutitoo. Ap'l '05., p c ?Ril WFiting Desks, Bach ict i Ti r;i r o u a g, T , j a u ra. c 9„ aulei,of,all dosorllitipo. itt Ilav y and. Cook Storo. (.:J. ISE, Se•A'y. 1:1111111,Ph. \il .‘I. 11 • " Signer Victor," . 1 , 1 r. Vh GRAND OFZIcNTAL ENTRE , 1 -, , , 11 - - :; , LI INT C I_, - I , .S -- A 1 , ..,1 A. I\T _l:3 ID T C_. IN_ . t.l Cl,l,;ii LO 1_ 1 , 1.11 . 1Jid FOR 18e5. r A: , :V...% , ~...,.. '4-4,, t, , ,••,,, ~ . 4 r ~..) i t, i ,,P,% '% V , • ~ r :' i,*..; , ,'.=-• -- Fr . , w „, , ~, ,,, h ," ', /• %' '' , ,v, 41 -- ---- ..); ,? ?";' , ::J ,-,t.; ,Ati _- ~ / d.lf--z- E" , e.." . !- ,, :.. , .nr .'',,,4,:.. --- , , 1 , -- ..”, : , ,i':; - I.s 4 ,;','',',/ ~i ' - , - 7'-- ; ,V.',/lr''' , l; . :_:;- - -,,-t - •:.' ril ri 'ffs - "Y''::•' -, 5 .,1,, , ,, ill '7 , 1 /i 1 '''' 7=.;e 1 .,:; ;e. ,1.- . - -, - - ~, iA , , _:', . ';',.,-, N:::' ,- ' , '1 , ,,_ ,- ; - * " -1, -,,-, t. l •.';'i.';' , Ai.,;.1 rt...Z. , ' ',..W- , 17: - L 7V-1 - "42: ,Z„, , - 1,` . :.-.%-f , r,' , .1 , 9 1,4 , _,-- 'L ' rt4.. 01 ,,'''',Z . ,• , '-,"`'.--'Ar - ---.: , c •- , --,..._ , Y v , -' , ",, ,, : , .=,• 1 „,, , ,,mi1l 1 . r t II (S. , ',- .- -• .- tlr:'' " c , 7 1..1‘. M • I i 1 : I ". '' .V. , ' it t'; ) I V?) ii v 11 ?,i p., k 'i, ri T,l r' c ; lisf If Q fp.' ~ F' 02 II i 11:3 l't t, .1 1 1.17 ',. int' LI l),; , s:'' ' ' it - 1 .1 it 11 .., ;.IIIL. a • I d L2o C 0 c (...; tit"' q ., i\i A_l - VIT/Irirlli MENA GERIE I ,' ,i. , • t, I \it 11 IMME Mlll =MEI =I 61111INE MEESE ', ri, our ( ~ .r.,,, i i'tttt•—•ll•:ttitttlt.l., , ,t, t't•mrintles::ti n I.x!t!itt,,,_•• Itt tt:, •'I • •. 1 t••t• t• t ". pm,. Lq . .31 " i ''' 1t A 0. 1 :11 , 1011. ' - II Wlll 1.1 1 1,111111 s Si.on 1 , ) to must superlleinl 4 ! 0b . . , N 4, t Litt I' , (•1 1 11 I , llll l lla II 01 1\• ~ Sllell Os- ~ ,' tahil• 11111v111, Ili 11 , 1 r,:• h I 1 1 11 an tilSrlith'e NS' Ilieh it I,tl Wl l lll , ll , 1.11 11 1101,11 1 11 111 I-11y 1,,,it1y other par..lit p.' - 4. 1 %: , •-: k 4kv,, , • ' .4, • ? 1 , b,5 , %::; \ X 4vtltt'qit t. Zi''' • `irgAt ', 1 AOR ,CO: . V,,,,,*,z,1ji.\' '%q,V,fi irk CO:, W•A04,,Y0.t...1') , 0 1 ,4: i ' 2111\`V'44'4N'N'''''XPWi4V•O' .j. ) 'kV.':l'',lAit,4%o7trip•\%4:44'l43( 1 '9 ~ i V A, , ,r y,:: 1 1 ', . it . ~V. . ,,,,A. 4 .4„,- --. 0-,-.k... ki\',-, _- ---7- ' ;- :- : • 1'1.4' 'ilb . t 14 1 :t. , n -, .."A , : , - , , ,- ...,:-1 , 10 ,• t ---. i . 2'' --'-'l ll '? L',J' EIIIIME ;IVAN A1 1 1111114 ..r_ , , ~ ... ;311•_71 11 li , 0 =BB 76.241 i fq 0, , J69 I 0 79+0 Ilh I ~~a.~,tii ~ ai 50,000 1 00 I 0_ S K Nl2 i 2; 11,fi02.03' ,bou 1:W411,81'1.51 .1. 0. 110 FF THE MONSTER WILL EXHIBIT 11. Pt Mai , On FRIDAY, April 21:4, 181;5. A tin at 1' 2 , : ind Evening 7A M Admission 450 ets, Children under 10 years or agn, • - •011 ^'l - I " il 11 I II IJ 0 ( Mil 61 AYE & IM OYES' gTATH THE FINEST THOU PE ('F :NIA LE AND FEMALE Equestrian and Gym 71 aslic Artists,.,, In the contniry, 14,eillor 111111 THE MOST SPLENDID STUD PERFORMING EIORSESTI ~., ...., ... „ ... . 41.11.; P, , Ir. that a Ise qadar an :ids ratar„es w 111 nralio it the i In the averld 'I he . D Brilliant Arenic Performances ' G I Lai, 1 opular Loan or the People. /111 I S ()Id tm(.l popular lintel is lneatec 11,, 1),,. i,,,wii 1 i. 1.• t.,/ iII. of tra.dor sq • end to pot Will be under the rellordllate Itinenion of 1, ss then ~1,.. ; o nlO,OOO of the 1.1/311 nutherind by a .....na, vi-gunst lie ['try V on matters of llarte or ple.,are DR. JAMES L. THAYER,I , !. C,!,,,, al 0 I Ml' Oa Edo. market. This amount it I- 0110 i.i (11, 11111.1. tieNit'lll/10 ii , .tOIR it/ Pilli.l4o:plii,‘ The favorite Son of :Item us, 11.er:reale d Ilun (dist of tho 4. th- I .. It . Is , . c.., , l.v . r i n . ient tu . ell the . Ite , illtna t d . Ur, vi I . .urily Age, : od / et the lel.• o . wlt la h it j:, 'whiz a le:or bed, will ell ha rt , 1 .. t. 4 7 ,,, , 5 1:: . , a ,.‘ , .1 , t , ..5 ,, e , tr e s p t , r ,. .; ,.. ? I ,, prr . i s h , , , , . ( 1 ,,.. 1t ; ‘ ,.. .. 11 It.. MR. CHARLES W. P.IOYES, •=50,,,-.; ea fnr unilhin four luenthq, when tiro odes unexrept loutdde -in ..,era rerneet. The I,runger as- Tho most succesqllll her, I r ;1 , r 1 iv i 1 ,.., w h o at ~..m h .,,,. t ~, ~, a„,,,.‘,.,,,.,.,,, ~..., ~,._ ~ u.,.,,,i,,,,. :„, fur, In .. purrs the pal:11 • ttl . at. 11, en, i t• 1 . 1.11111i•C 111 \I 11 11.trOtil., a ~ ~ ... i ; . . , ‘ p. I' t. tll 1111 1 0 tlre Iraqino,ton Roane, In ell respects, (-',,, Id,. y le, A(il, E, J 12., 9 1:•.,,,i. 1 / 1 ,11 010 I . :1 , 1. 4111 ,l o si hg th e ,h,,,.,i i ,th,„, to . .11:encell. end err:n. l 4l,l. to Li, guests. nail he will lie hd,•es,el 10 S.,' hls ol 1 rrterola end former patrons of "the The boat 'Crick Horse in Ihe world :\ 'dn., 'Thayer & 1 ~,,,,r ~,,,,,, •• r.ltetes Ful-tz.” 1 . 1.i1a n•lphia, and to n e'...11111. men:, Noyea V 111 1 0 supiedted I y , lu•tr "IIJ , yi r. L. It. Y••...leq. tlu• former °Nee clerk ll' MR. JAMES COOKE, 'l. ~,' lr. , ii".'• 0 .1 ' • '''' (.I eve t0 , v , 1 ." , I se' . tion ,' oi 1, ,sto, . Union.,, ill I, .had to 111. 114. Old II p....1:i 1 The erdehretrnl Idnali,lt Clown end di •1r r, an.' the Ili. country 111 ty he nide-le:I fa •,litans fo.• taking, the, rho 511 "' Win, ''''' 11 '''''• ); CHAS. .M. ALLIOND . , MOST COMPLETE CIRCE.i.B COMPANY:4o ~ rern. the :1.1 null 11.1111,q, State Bents, and Privet° ( 1 li 1 Pei 9-1 =MI ly out of tlr got—ipto Thi• ,tiphatically THE Mo.-:r 4 ( , 1.(J•.5.11,0F •t'HE TV.NErEENTII t lINTI.TI Y. 7 ho pro , or , t ! , eagn.lenzallit.ri TELE GItE.I.TEST VARIETY ET E RA R PAt R.R,S:t 31 To he found in nny enllt e!ien I,stanl, includine several Species nevPr before Exhibited At ono apt° is .krty Zoole.ne 11 In., elion ie Europe or Anluricd. lhene Worn all secured under Ulu personal super,,, ,n of the Great Van Amlyuroh himself. b ( . 0111, LOO; 1111. i ; eleittig ether • RE AI:I;A. 11 LI: Z. 001.( I.'I:ATURES THE WAR ELEPHIJIT, HANNIBAL, ; Th. lii rope Or ; the only Two-Hitmperl 13(ictrian Camel Thal has been seen in country 14ir thirty-dx years 1 the only label, or ( ....„„70,,,,, ,, r, - 7 , c7 -, ,, ,, „: „ ., „ .. i Iv 110/0/,v,„,40,---, 1 qi i / , „ ( Ilor l - 11 0 t i i 1 11,.6 , /, , i , il i/, ,,, , * , Oiil x1.,,\4.-/, •I 1 , \t i 0, P i / il ,:--;`, ."7,=1 fillit AC I A4V'V4VP .' Ai i ll 'e jfri ''' . 'ii3Ovoirm.),p t ((k,: , : ::-;_, ii i - ..=• --, 1-'a •-- - .1.,-,:.-7,-,._.- _ - ,g,-,, , -_-___-_-,...--__-_-_ . ~ - ...., w rita1l 'i ti WHITE HIMALAYA BEAR f '.Ever seenin /mortal, and the -second nno. over exhibited in any country; the only'South American Tapir, or. t .'E3.'E3t ii X 3L z " 4 ::: 1) 2e C:P 7c7....a. Ii ZAC MT p ri Of the New World in the country; the first , t POONAH, OR SLOT.H..6E4RS;. P, That haveheen in the United Status far liftoop . yearat the Li . first. _ S TTED_ ACTS DEER Ever brought to thi4 country, with an Infinite number oP ah,r LIVING WILD BEASTS =MCI RARE AND CURIOUS BIRDS ' The whole forming ngrand . • , • EXPOSITION OF, ANIMATED NATURE . Without parallel ou thle ctintindat ' U. 5.:.7-30. LOAN. 1)1 7 authority of' the Secretary of the juTro.sury, Cho undmidgned has assumed the Gen oral Subset liltlon Agency for tho sale of United Staten. ['reentry Notes, bearing scroll and tlrce-tenths poi cent,in Wrest, per annum, known an the SEVEN THIRTYLOA 'chest)Votes aro troll"! unarr data of Juno 15th 805, and am payable three years from that time, in nrrency or are convertible at the option of the he! =II U. S. 5-20 Six per cent. GOLD-BEARING BONDS. The., bonds are o ortb a prom lum wh HI Ili, east be aiduol profit on the 7 :el 10:111, and its exerniiLkidi: front Ftnle rind muuirip,il Inxtttion adds from ono to: brie per rent. more, ne,ording to the rote toiled on ~ t her property. The interest Is payablr In currency I tem' annually by coupensattlched to each note, which may he cut oft :Intl sela to any bank Or banker. • Th Io forest amounts to One cent per day on a 950 note Two cents " $l.OO " Ten " " ‘' " $5OO " 2) " " " " $lOOO $1 " " " " 95 000 1 , :olos of ill t hu druominntims be ptompt furnis , ,,l upon ro,,ipt. of subct IptionN, and the ;not' , f0r ,, ‘r.1 , ..1 1 . 0 to 13V.3 Jurn. nns Cm ill Is. paid in ntivatire. 'Vas is 'THE ONLY 10AN IN' MARKET oiro,d and It k conliatmtly Tviag - niii,_tont Sale (cf.; 11.!. k.:: ol 1 ~ .:1 p 0- -1. O tt, .r.. 1 . N t 0 ......f. • -_„1 , '• n„": ~..„ ! ••• ._. , • ~ ,, ,, 4 ,„ 1.,i.'. , . •, ~ lir., 1 iV1..1. '... — 1'•• .0 .. • • '1 '.. ''''''' .. 0,1. E1.•l: 11 , Illy \N' 1 i ( )1, l', . , , .!, ~ ~ 1 . • .I.• i O l I ...l• .r .‘ rinti —• ' ' ' I , I inot. ,tt. rt.. 1.., ci..l ...•tct t‘ • I,c —'.. ;•,.c.l Lt. t ••• ' A 1• • • • , w••.• nlll •••.•, it I . in , v.). t I ~ or.:1,1 r ~,,,,. I • 1,• , pi ~- .1 ~t,. hi, , ,t.... 1,.• • ,c. i',.•—...6 lit — I:. .., • ~, ...I ,c, ;.. tc. ;1. t . ... ••• l' .• •••rLzti kyr :111;', IV, f 1111 , :•`!1 , 1' 1: . ! ' . 1 011 - •! I , ( 11-a;,•10);1 (;t,:.1 ri :ul,l )1.:1;t r, cil.posc pf st liL (1 i.pa: c.lt 11 !kir! ' U 1) TO CO:ii IMIIIIIIEIIIIII MEM lEEE 1!i is l `: it () 1) )1,1, \ It MEE Till: =I W. a:. I sc, i. 11.1 ,1 .• I , i 11 itt e.llll • .111:1, 111.1 r 1111,111 t,g` A 1, 1 /4 , 1,1 .1 H . { 'all, :till , lc t , f In ti pit I'III.II 11,1, jPI 1 , 111,1 t I ‘ •1, r., 1.11 ll^ VOllllllO P Lilt. , p ee it is more X.lllllille 111 it' IC WA DEPARTII!•NT Gt•nl,' l'atitta !lout Ltvc l'.t t.l ko tie.,t.: Ihtt, '5 . 11 1..,v, ti lid II u.L., ; L.:IA,: 4, -171 i ,t.. t;eut,' 5 , 51,1 I; Phi lIIIIILitI4 r4t,e, ;; ) - It/(11 k ' 2.o , 1.1110, ' (I,lli :Intl Ellyllit , rti Iltltaill, Case, :il; - tit 1 4'ii Goat,' Patt,tl,-ver Sit., 111111L111, ( ,I-11, :it). Itt) 1.10 i;eats' Dot I•t, or : 4 11vvr Hooting 1.,,, ::, - i,F, .1 :.,1,1 llent,:' Pvt. Isle r Sllvi.r Oirt.ll I ti•-•, :1 hl liellio Paten t I.lnor Silvt r Upon-:!.•o, ft.',1 , 0 Ueutr: ,Slvi, Si. vrr. .. JEIV E Lli 1: 1) E l'A 11'1' 1 0 I/I:tm I,a n,nc $1 I to zi2l : . All, 01'1104' lii:, , lla Pins. 20 Inn , 31,0 in./ntinl Pins. 34.4 i Gent,' (':slit.. ni.t Itidniundy.. ~1101) Ge ni; Gott sud .10 KJ Gents' (toll l est • .0100 Palr Gents` told Sleeve Buttons, 400111 1 4ir (lent s)4•111 Ell,ll Slrure BllttollS 1411s1 Sets (len (44,1 Studs. 000 ilettls l sod - 121 SOU° St011t! Set 0 Signet 1•41001 ti tugs 4 - 1. lin) 0 Laillos Hold No, limn) >- (,U 40,0 thud 4te.C.-1.4.0 Pra,elets, - 10 1;•)t1,1 ,11111 Jet, licavelelq. 8 - 150 ' 5 , 100 and h -15 r .s _ 3 3 • li o I . luttot I l i q, tton, 10 tt 111/ 11/ 'l.li. I t. Burl 1.1111:1 I• 11 lira o hos, ',mu I'v tt I I.ar-11, 70 , 19 •. I ot, , AV.) .1 'ri o,t , 1,11111 'l . h .00,0 Coral, Ui'al nod old Eat-Drops. 10000 I aro I,ut 1:4.1q. 100 , 0 NI i :Oat Ott 1.1,-1114;1'1r tpring, ,T= 11;.0 0 Sets Latlie,' .1;1, °ley, 001;11111/i Jet. 5 • 20. '10; 0 t ;uts I,:ttliost Jewelry, Cants, pearl. &e 5 - '2O 111t1U0 :tild Jet, Ileavulet .1 - 17 10000 I, •tlltsj olt slid Jut I let buttitorters, 2 - 12 SILVE It PLATED WARE 101100 Cups. 0000 lioirletx, = Yt O Card Ila•:lcats, •1 - •1000 Castor Franam —complete With bottles, 5 - 20: 2000 lee - 20 0000 Pair Rutter KniveF, ==l 1000 Eller/wed-He Ku free, 71 - py)00 Dozen To Spnone, per dozen, 5 - 6000 Dozen Table Spoonn, per dozen, 8 - 6000 Dozen Desert Potts, per dozen. 8 - 'GOLD PENS AND PENCILS 12000 Gold Pons, Sili,er L xtension Holder, $3 to i" , ,10 120001101,1 Peng, Silver Mounted (folders, - 8 8000 Gold Pens; Gold Mounted Llo:devs, 3 - 0000 Gold Pens with Gold 15xtonsion lioldets 10- 25 6000 Gold Pons, Gold Holders nod Pencils ; 10 - 20 6000 Gold Pencils, 6 - 20 REMEMBER THE PLAN. In all cases, We charge for forwarding.the Certificate postage, and doing the business, the sum of Twenty five Cents, which must be In the order. Fite Certif calm; will be sent for :$l.; eleven for $2; thirty lb $5; sixty-five for $10; one hundred for $l5. AG E NTS 'ARE WANTED • Throughout the Country to operate for us A huge eUmpeosation will be paid. Send for terms, &c., et, closing, stamp. NEWBORN &, ------ -- 51arch 24, 18,15. 1 .6 Fult - ou-Stroet,-N. Y HISKE'RS I WIIISiCE RS ! llopou want Wb!skarn or 11Ionstacbcs1 Our. Ore clan Compound will (bre° them to grow ou the smooth • lest face cr chin, or hair on bald beads, lu Six 'Price $l,OO. Sent by mall anywhere, closely sealed, ou receipt of price. Address, WARNER & CO., Box 130, Brooklyn, N, Y.* , Ma;clx Tarshish. .Mining Go. CAPITAL, $1,200,000.' 1:2,000 SHARES, AT $lOO EA(7II Six Thousand Shares in the Treasury, to he sol 1, an i.•quired, to raise the ueesssary working IA The mine is now being partially worked with Ithr most promising rosolCo . T WO Ti/O USA IN I) SIIA gliti of the Company's Stock, or so much thereof as has no: ,beady been been sold, are ,)lured for sale, to raise. money for the linnlediat 0 111111'113W Or Cho in,st up 1,1'01,1 11113Chthery. l'r i,•r• 1-"(% Shrt Full ' , nib, and not subject to assessment. No more than this amount In for sale below , par. rltis stork Is (dien . ll in the utmost confidenre: That we have one f the richest mines In Nevada . That every share of the Company,: Stook will be wort it its tire in gold e it bin Ono year from this time: Th..t lie shall he paying large monthly dividends in• gold before the end of fl, year. That there I. nothing offering' at the procant time h capital can lin.l a more sure or profitable Invest moot; and That the fuods to he raised will be ample for the full klovelopment of our ntnolutely Inexhaustible mine !leaving two-thirds of the Company's stock still in tIM !treasury. The inanag . einent of the Cc , mpnny has been Commit !tent to n Board of Trustees. composed of enorgetie 11111. ill 11110111 Cho public may re 'pose (ho most Implicit confidence. All desired information will ho furnished upon per ;;nnal or written application. either by the President, ri.l. S. Brown. at his. Biro. 117}runt .=t root, by the See rptarr, A. A. Bost, Gadder of AlM.rie:lll National Bank. .in nod 4n Broad,ay, or by Herman Camp, at his cities Ili, ad, ny. `torte tor sale :it lit • American National 11 . 1111.. ('ll iti,llS ~.. BROWN. ' Al.Fitl:l) A. rosT..S.,y. and Treats. March 31, Washington House No. 709 Chestnut St., above 7th M.it. -1 um THE .PIRENIX PECTORAL \VILL CURE YOUR COCCI. Oa' ' - r:;•-_ - -T4S-Ys - Z - ,, , ±Z;J: - V - fOi#E64lC4kT5 - f - -1.. THE 1'11(14:NIX PECTOR.IIJ; . • /:`,, (%) . 111 . 01'N1/ S !Iv Nll CHI:WIN' AN' fs s \ NVIII rtlrt• i LUNGS, r tj l'!•!!••.1), S •. I!, t.,11.4-1) c.i sill ro!•‘.•!it, 11 1 1'; 1,.1/ ( / ' l7 (),Y IMES El •r. • ‘I• ,/ MERE i \1 g Ig g, g =EI I=l -1.:1 )I.lr K I, :Irtii 11111 - 11) E 1,1 ' 111 - 1 . " th.; ",,,1 I." l and variMy ;1.) \ NET \I %\ l' %NW; En.; S FLOW ER S. RUCHES, LACES od °OH r urt , rb, rtquitrd by the experie,we and IT i,lattuntion L 01.1114 ranch 'I bull, ern cu rl aril ul y, I. Hatter our,olvi, that otkr iti %Ats, quallly notler to pri,--1,,c tflllllll. The at- $ i ter 2O' • . ration of MILLINERS and lIERCIIANT6 is ',poet .I:treh 121, lARLISLE & PHILADELPHIA li DAILY FILEIG lIT LINE. I 1,- 4 40, 4 I Sll MARKET STREET PH ILA D E LPL] IA J. & D. itrioADs, ruaN RTIt E I T, C.IIII.ISLE, I'4. az-Car, I , lthlq Linn have the Depot till Market St Ai d 0 . e1,,ck, P. M. lAal Carlisle, Dally, at 7 o'clock, 4. Si. iondS iotelnied for this Line should be marked C. I'. Daily Lino, and nent in by 4 o'clock. July 1, Dun. tr arttp , - - 11:EAT Trunk Line from the North Ail - anti North Wo,t, for Philadelphia, Now Yorh .iteadinv. i'oLlss llie. Lebanon, Allentown, Eagton Ac leave Ilarribburv; for ?New as '\tl and 15 it M and Ida P. lug at New York at Iu A. M and 2.43 ard 10 P. M. EOM] V • . . . _ .. Tin . .11101 . 0 cunne t With s' itilar trains on Ponnsyl ,vania [Call Itnad, and Sleoping.Cal ~acetunpany the first t.,,, it trains u ithout erstueu. $2 to r_n f f - for !tending, l'otis‘l!lo. Tamagni, 311bersvills A114,1[10%1;11 and l'lllludelphia at 8.15 A 31. and 1.45 P. .11., stopping at. I..vbanon and pl ineipal stations only, 11=1 1 Way ' Trains, htepplog kt. all Hui, at 7.35 a m. and 1.40 p m. Iteturnjug c Leave NVW York at 0 a. m., 13 Inoon, and 7 p. tu. Philadelphia at 13 a. tn. anti 3.30 p Im.; Pottsville •tt 0.50 a. m and 2.05 p. m.; Tamaqua at ;5.10 an. in. and 2.15 p. an.. and Heading at 12 midnight, 7,1,5 and 10.44101., 1.25 and (1,00 it tn. An Aecom Paesentter train leaven Readine 'at 6.30 A. 4., d ruturus from Philadelphia at 4.3 P. 51. Columbia Railroad trains intro Reading at 6.40 and Ira. tn. for Ephrata, Lititz, C..lumblet, &e. On Sundays, Loavo New York at 7 p. tn., Philadel phis at :1.16 P. 71., Pottsville at j.:10 At M., Tumult:. at a. fn., Harrisburg 0. 16 u. tu.llltd Reading at 12 mid night Ow ilarrizburg„ t Commutation, Mileago,Settson, School and Excursion, Tickets at reduced rates to and from all points. Baggage checked through. 60 Pounds Luggage a lowed each Passenger. Nov. 25, 1864 Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co.Plilla Itife Ins. Policies Grant& on Favorable Terms 1I o .board of Trustees have declared a ' , Mum Pre.' miMit Divitletiil in, Scrip of Fiery Mit 'CENT. upon ;the cash Pi.otniums received In 18C4 on all policies in: ;force December 30th 1891, and have decided to rudely() the Certificates of the Extra Scrip Dividends, of eoptem: !bar 1859 inpayment el Premiums. The .undersigned Is rcatly to deliver Certificates to' ignites entitled to rocerve Mai at theCarlislo agency , at his °Mee on Main Street at any time after the date of this notice. . • . . . . • Pamphlets, tablo of rates, appllcalonp and every in formaliou fornisheil Nvlttiout, charge. A. SPONSLEB, tigt Carlislo Ap'l 11, f 65. Bwkr .., • . PHILADELPHIA ME u flit , I e, MEE "I 11 "I IN , ' 1 , 11. : • IMEMEIIII i I.!.;. i~,i~ , i.t f u.,i =I =ME It•t 1.1 tti.llr it ! f pT.; irr I .• I 111,' IMMIIMII v I .Ith i! lt 1 i Ell MEI lEEE in = 3! LiANEibl" (;()t)DS. It OSENIIE \LE I)EALEI Millinery Trade FREED, WARD & FREED, READING RAILROAD. 171 erkr 3 _FM I WINTER ARRANGEM ENT G. A. NICOLL% General Superintendent ASSETS 1,465,685,32 _ WM. JH lii ,. & scw, Corririit Hanoiroiarid South Sta. NEW WHOLESALE AND RETAIL . . Grocery and Queensware Store. YU S T opened with fresh and good p p 00011 N, n choico variety of every thing usually kept in a first class store. Particular attention given In the selection of nice sets of China and Granite Ware, :Cl/OICE TEAS, corvEN. , , SEG A RS. SYRUPS, SPICES PLAVoiIINg I XI IiAC'N, • Canned and Nah' h all:, Worcestershire, Cumber-, land. 1111 ii other SAW, : emai'kerri, and every hilt g else In our line tha di' rlmiue tine public man requirt. Full assort mcnts ot 11 itin; Npers, Coal (111 Lamps. Queensware.. Willow, Cedar, :Anna and Earthen Wares, • SAL(', FISH, OILS, • IRON _!NI) NAILS, kept constantly on hand. Goods will be replenished frequently, kept clean and tiler, sold at the lowest possitlo prices, and delivered. • it any part al Clue town. Please glen na a call Cash paid for Country Pro iduce. WM. BLAIR A SUN. CarlisW, March 3, lid;s. m _ . Devihte iii Dry G.0(1. nt Clwap Ca-h AM now openin g and selling Calicoes: Shootings. :Table Dinpe 111, 1111 d ull kinds of Dom.-air Doi:cle. al the: ire: rnt re•taPerl rat 1 , 1. , o,tmt ,11,.b [Oro;r. MIII der-et iiitioes it Dry thaela tho very lute :;it 1 , 1 i II; O.ISII. C. th. 11.11 Y. rola Inn ry 17, 1: 6. - 1. Tru,tee. Browning's Excelior Coffee IVhilst '1 ino I' , I all tho 1:1I . 1011f: ill oo .I.xcelsio t "—at tho head i r.ttols h'o not, 111, of hors that aro ' St,l4 er) 'A Aso sIl good good., ion raoil hna r, " , (11ut 2i stretch liht• this—"sold ovoryMiers”--iA vor apt to toar ) V'cov, I e•in , afoly say, thout any ho•i tat ion. L'hera's nine. like lit - owning s Ext•el:4," in this lightened rhoinists hrt. not ft ond a l'olive Gem any shin N.ssessi no. the s.IIIIO 111,1 L, nn•‘ Iris 1.. " 1 or hi t heir a•iy rnie. in ur nut of tia,lo, :Rho 'snows iss iirtivies Irian ,hi.ll .• Tiro, Ling 8 Ex , eel.-I•'r made. . .. • tan 110 ICS 11 . 0111 1.11"10y, r o , o , „heat. Leans, and pea,: . Nauie n ihotnalad other t he One it' you pina•-e. !But „Ills the (:I'oe-ow n I till) not hold contention for the I,+nn 111,1) they i•ay— ton nuitiernna ini 1; nlOl 1 10E1. I‘Tili/Ooot th1.) . 1 1 2111,711,,11 in ru•uning rnunit fr .111 Ft...01e to. tottoll• TO 111111 . 1 1 riot forrvl.t. pt j,• 4 . xon!inr.," I I.IIoW my 14ives pet rest Its forma.i a plan by witieh they hi pr to a quirk 1 . re.intinn. race--'LL- with a raw. no doubt 'to ill be tnore -11../ ninon tin ir ( - nth, atter mine, 1 i1,11,11110g 1,0 okil 111.• nty t ti.e ta.llol :hat , i .tail I a 1.-n.l, 1 tx-L. ii==l t.illl, r f"r, ; ht.:- I .1 )t,lll . ii'l poi: ll l' I vi 111..... I 4.:,., : i: , ,t .i:l4 I ,4 , 1‘. iir :• i . • 41. 1.. 1.1,41-1111, 1 1, /0: :I no It, .1 hy - r,r)11,12.. ' - ,• , ;:1eui,3,1 1 , re A Iri I:: 11, this I ti not r" ihh; the Onit t r. I I • lttliii ttl l'''l. i... t I '4l. 1 ... ,,, ' 1 Il ri y tridi• 4: im•t F . :, relyy lar,-; :till I think I have in ut. 'h i . , ' .:7o, 1 uti,t,l ,- 1. re•. ' ill'iiffir turi tt , 4- 4 ( ,:ii.•'43 the write.r, .(4 1 G1'.111;(;1 . : 1,. I; IZi) \ V :\'.l N (;r, :\ 0.120 )1:111,:t St., 0.111,1i•ii, 5..1. . 1., 1 .4..... 1.4 1 . .,0 rtt ,. .111 CO i. I Of . it... TM., lit 1.12. , . II . iittt.• ,, lt 11!1 Itt.i hit ili•leli'li.:11, twiny pi•r