Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, April 14, 1865, Image 1
TERIII..-01F, AD V E RTISI Ci• Cu. 800.ara 006 101111eUen, .1 00 ffer each subsequent insertion, 60 Vor ide. Cyan. /Ideas thements, 26 00 Legal Notices 4 00 Profeaslooal Cant; without paper, 7 00 Obituary No an Comma nice. Vona rel Ling to matte. eof psi interests alone, 10 cents par Mae. 1911 PRINTING.—Our Job Printing Wilco Is the iirgoit Mad most completo establishment in the Ootin y. Four good Presses, and a general variety of material suited for_plain and Fancy work of every kind, enables us to do Job Printing at the - atortest notiCe, and on the most reasonable terms. Pomona In Want of Dins, Blanks, or anything In the Jobbing ,t,ine, will find It to their Interest to give us a call. goal /information. U. S. GOVERNMENT President—AßßAULll LINCOLN, Vlee President—Mumma HAMLIN, Iflocretary of State--Wss. H. SEWAND, 8 watery of Interior—Jew. P. Mama, Secretary of Treasury--Wu.P FEREENDEN, Secretary of Wer—Rowitt M. STANTON, ScOC/OLSTy of Navy—GmeoN Viremas, Post 'Master General—WS!. DENNISON. / ttorney General-JAMES 8. SPEED. Chlof Justice of the United States-BALuo X P. Cuess, STATE GOVERNMENT. Govortior—AmmEw G. CURTIN, Secretary of State—ELl SLIFER, Surveyor General—James r. BARR, RCiitOF 001:10FRI- 1 / 8 A10 SUCRE ER, Attorney General—War.lo. DI V REDITR . Adjutant General—A L. Itosszu., State Treasurer—Many D. atoona. 0h1.3(.3 . 1141c of the Supreme Court—Ozo. W.Woon W6l). COUNTY OFFICERS. President Judge—Hon. James El. Graham. Associate Judges—lion. Michael Cocklin, Hon Hugh Stuart. District Attorney—J. W. D. °Melon. Prothonotary—Samuol Shireman. Clerk and Recorder—Ephraim Common, Reglater—Geo W. North. High Sheriff—John Jacobs. County Treasurer—Henry S. Ritter. Coroner —David Smith County Commissioners—Usury Karns, Jobs DI toy, Mitchell McClellan, Iduperiniendrat of Poor House—Henry Snyder. Physician to Jall—Dr. W. W. Dale. Physician to Poor liouse—Dr. W. W. Dale. BOROUGH OFFICERS. • Ohisf.Durgess— Andrew B. Ziegler. Assistant Burgess—Robert Allison. Town Connell—East' Ward—J. D. Rhineheart. Joshua P. Dialer, J. W. D. Glllelen, George Wetzel, Waist Ward-•-Gee. L Mtirray,lhos. Pair.tdo, A. 'Cath tart, Jno. D. Parker, Jno. D. Gorges, President, of Council, A. Cathcart, Clerk, Joe. W. Ogilby. Borough Treasurer—Jacob Itheem. High Constable Samuel Sipe. Ward Constable, Andrew Martin. Assessor—John utshall. Assistant Assessors, Juo !dell, Gino. B. Deotem. Auditor—Robert D. Cameron. Tax Collector—Alfred Ithluebeart. Ward CoHee tors—Bast Werd, Chas. A. Smith. Wont Ward, To eo Common, Street Commissioner, Worley B. Matthews Justices of the Peace—A. L. Sponger, David Smith Abrm. Debut!, Michael Holcomb. Lamp Lighters—Chas. B. Mack, James Spangler. CEIURCHES. Pirst Presbyterian Church, Northwest angle (Wean ire Square. Rev. Con way P. Wing Pastor.—Services. every Sunday Morning at 11 o'clock, A. M., and 7 o'clock P. M. Second Prembyterlan Church, corner of South Man ors, and Pomfret street'. ite•. John C Bliss, Pastor. Services commence at 11 o'clock, A. M., and 7 o'clock P. M. St. Jolla'. Church, (Prot. Episcopal) nortEeast angle of Centro Square. Rev. J 0 Olerc, Rector. Service. at I t o'clock A. M., and 6 o'clock. P M. English Lutheran Church, Bedford, between Main sod Loather streets. Rev. Jamb Fry, Pastor. Ser vices et 11 o'clock A. M., and 8% o'clock P. M. dermal Reformed Church. Loather, between Han. aver and Pitt streets. Rey. Samuel Philips, Pastor Services et Il o'clock A. Mr., and 8 o'clock P. M. Methodist O. Church (rivet charge) cornet Of Main and Pitt Streets. Rev. 'Mom). 11. Sherlock, Pastor. Services at 11 o'clock A. M., and 7 o'clock P. M. Methodist E. Church (second charge,) Rev. S. L Bowman. Pastor. E ervicea in Emory 01.11. Church at 1 eiellock A. M., and 3% P. M. Church of Cod Chapel South West cor. of West St. and Chapel Alley. key. H. F. Beck, l'aeto . Services at 11 a, in., and 0% p. m. rt. Patrick's Catholic Church, Pomfret near East at. Esc p s sw r . Services every other eab bath. at 10 o'clock. Vespers at 3 P. M. Berman Lutheran Church, corner of Pomfret and Bedford streets. Rev C. Ntitae, Pastor. Bon Ices at 11 o'clock P. M. wa_When ehangeg In the above are neemary the proper persona are requentott to notify us. DICKINSON COLLEGE Bev. Harman DL Johnson, D. D., and Pro *nor of Moral Science. William 0. Wilson, A. M., Professor of Natural Selene* and Curator al the Museum. Rev. William L. Dolmen, A. M., Professor of th • Greek and German Languages. gamuel D. Gillman, A. M., Profo-sor of ðernet Jahn H. Storm in, A. M., Professor of the Latin and /ranch Languages. Hon. James Li. Graham, LL. D Professor of Law. Rev. Henry C. Cheston, A. 8.. Principal of the Grammar Pchool. John Hood, Arcriztant In the Grammar School 4 BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS. EL Coalman, President, James tiasnilton 11. Easton R. C. Woodward. Henry Newsham, C.iP. Humerich Beet'y ,3. W. Eby, Treasurer, John Sphar, Messenger Meat on the tat Monday or each Mouth at 8 o'clock A. EL, at Education Hall. CORPORATIONS CVILLISLE Divosir BANlL—President, R. M. Hender son, W. M. Beetem Cosh. J. P. Hassler and C. B. l'fahler Tellers, W. M. Mahler. Clerk, Jno. Underwood Me. stinger. Directors, It. M. Henderson, President, R. C. Woodward, Stiles Woodburn, Moses Bricker, John Zug, W. W. Dale, John D. Harps, Joseph J. Logan, 4120. Stuart, Jr. FIRST NATMAL B atm.—President, Samuel Hepburn Ca•hisr. Jos. C. Hoffer, Teller, Abner C. Brindle, Mes meow, Jesse Brown. Wm. Ker, John Dunlap, Rich'd Woods, Jelin C. Dunlap, .erias Brenneman, John S. Sterrett, &AWL Hepburn, Directors. OWILIERLAND VALLOY RAILROAD COMPANT.—President, Frederick Watts: Secretor. and Treasurer, Edward If. Biddle: Superintendent, 0. N. Lull. Passenger trains throe times a day. Carlisle Accommo •ation, Restward, leaves Carlisle 5.55 A. M., arriving at Car lisle 5.20 P. M. Through trains Eastward, 10.10 A, M. and 2.42, P. M. Westward at 9.27, A. M., and 2.55 I'. OAZUSLI OAS AND WAISR COMPANT.—President, Lem uel Todd; Treasurer, A. L. Spotwler ; Superintencen George Wise; Directors, F. Watts, Wm. M. Bootees! B. M. Diddle, Henry Saxton, K. C. Woodward, J. W Patton, F. Gardner and D. 8, Croft. SOCIETIES Cumberland Star Lodge No, 197, A. Y. N. meets at Marlon hall on the 2ad and 4th Tuesdays of every month. Bt. John'a Lodge No. 200 A. Y. M. Mode 3d Thine day of each month, at Marlon Hall. Carlisle Lodge No. 91 I. 0. of 0. Y. Meets Monday evening, at Trout's building. Letort Lodge No. 63, I. 0. of 0. T. Meets every Thursday evening in Rheem's Hall, 3d story. 0- FIRE COMPANIES. The Union Fire Company was organized In 1780. Houle la Louther. between PI tt and Hanover. The Cumberland Fire Company was Instituted Feb. U. Mg. louse In Bedford, between Main and Porn fret. The Good Wlll Fire Company was instituted in March, 1855. House in Pomfret, near Hanover. The empire (look and Ladder Company was lustiest iled In 3,859. Howse In Pitt, near Main. RATES OF POSTAGE Postage on all letters of one half ounce 'weight or wider, a cents pre paid. Postage en the 1111 RA LI) within the County, free. Within the gtate,l3 cents per annum. To any part ofthe Milted States, 20 cents Postage on all Iran 1411.1 i papers, 2 (fonts per ounce. Advertised lettere to be charged with cost of advertising. MRS. R. A. SMITH'S • Photographs, Ambrotypes, lvorytypes Beautiful Albums Beautiful Frames ! Albums for Ladles and Gentlemen, Albums Cr Nines, and for Children, Pocket Albums for Soldiery and Civilians! Choicest Albums I Prettiest A Ibumsl Cheapest Albums! FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS! grosh,and hew from New York end Philadelphia Markets. • XI/ you want satisfactory Pictures and polite attention call at Mrs. R. A. Smith's Photo . n rani t g r a k tl i Tz ;ar Sz o t p k p E o : i s t t e trcg o cc u o r f t lil ic e , lze a r n tltf :s e t 111cer, Carlisle, Pa. Mrs. R. A. Smith well known as Mrs. It A: Reynolds, and so weil known as a Daguerrean Artist, gives per papal attention to Ladles and Gentlemen visiting her fiallery, and having the best of Artists gg4 polite at tendants can safely Promise tbst jo nooihar Gallery VW those Who fever per, with i s mill get pleturee aupe slor to hers, not even in New York or rhiladelphia, or inset with more kind and prompt attention. 4mbrotypes inserted in Dings, Lockets, Breast Pine,, Ato; "veiled ova errhiperrotract and Ambrotypes wide or deceased Mends. Where poplev are &tomb teaks plettutes may still be Itad.either fpr frames or or cards. AU negatives preserved one year and orders py mail oyotherwisepremptly attended to. Desemher 411,186 s—tr. . . 141E1 FORWARDING AND GRAIN hitless' 'fbrnterlY eonditeted by 00, Gout A c0..1a not carded on by • • •L ~ , JouN °MIAOW, Jilyili; Dlitit:,--if amnion, Dumb. Clo. - .1 DR.. WTI. H. 000 H, * E IO MOEQPAZIEEIO PHYSICIAN, StirAeon and 4ocoudiour ()PPIOE his repidenae in Pitt street, adjoining the bletilndlet Church. my • 1, /EOM. rOr . 110 , 10. TWO Law Mimi in Mr, Inboff Building, on the Bouth-east Corner of the Centre ultra Of Carlisle. For mticulate apply to Th w• V Ol l l , Jantntry 6, 1885 . M.V3'. at Lew. VOL. 65. ; ' • 'tors ;St Pro • rietors. :Pulite,. From the N. Y. Tribune. " THE DAY WE CELEBRATE." Bad luck to the man who is sober to-night He's a cowld-hearted bodhagh, or saycre Secesher, Whose heart for the Ould Flag has n!ver been right, An' who takes in the fame of his counthry no pleasure. Och, murther I will r.ono o' yez hould me, me dears! Or its out o' me shkin wid delight I'll be jumpin' ; Wid me eyes swimmin' round in the happies tears, An' the heart in my breasht like a piston rod thumpin' I Mucha, glory to God! for the now you have sint, Wid your own purty fleth, Misther Presi dent Linkin I An' may God be around both the bed an' the tint Where our bully boy Grant does his atin' an' thinkin' I Even Shtanton, to-night, we'll conflas he was right, Whin he played the ould scratch wid our have-you-his-ea r kiss ; An' to gallant " Phil Sherry" we'll dhrink wid delight, On whose bright plume o' fame not a spot o' the dark is! Let the chapels be opened, the althars illumed, An' the mad bells ring out from aich turret an' shteeplo; Let the chancels wid flowers be adorned an' perfumed, While the Sogartha—God bless 'em!—give thanks for the people! For the city is ours that " Mac " sought from the start, An' our boys through its streets "Hail Co lumbia " are yellin' ; An' there's Payee in the air, an' there's pride in the heart, An' our Flag has a fame that no tongue can be Gallia! To the diott/ wid the shoddy-contractors, an' all Them gold speculators, whose pie is now " humble"! The cost o' beef, praties, an' whisky will fall, An' what more could we ax—for the rints too will tumble? On the boys who survive, fame an' pinsions we'll press, Every orphan the war's med, a home we'll decree it; An' aioh soldier's young sweethart shall have a new dhrcas, That will tickle her hayro, returnin' to see it! Oh, land o' thruo freedom! oh, land of our love, Wid your ginerous welcome to all who but seek it;,- May your stars shine as long as the twinklers above An' your fame be so grand that no mortial can shpeak it! All the winds o' the world as around it they blow, No banner so glorious can wake into mo- tion; An wid Payee in our own land, you know we may go, Just to settle some triflin' accountso'er the ocean! So come, me own Eileen I come Nora an' Kate Come Michael and Pat, all your Sunday duds carry; We'll give thanks in the chapel, an' do it in 8 thate, An' we'll pray for the sowle o' poor Mur tagh an' Larry. Woe's me I In the black swamps before it they shleep, But the good God to-night—whose thruo faith they have cherished— His angels will send o'er the red fields a- sh weep, In aich cowld ear to breathe,—'Not in vain have you perished!" So bad luck to the man who is sober to-night! lie's a cowld-hearted bodhagh, or saycrot Secesher, Whose heart for the Ould Flag has nivor been right, An' who takes in the fame of his counthry no pleasure! Och, murther I will none o' yez hould mo, ma dears I For its out o' me Elkin, I'm afeard, I'll be jumpin' ; Wid me eyes shwimmin' round in the hap piest tears, An' the heart in me breasht like a piston rod thumpin' 1 New York, April 8 1865. ioxidintsso. THE LOST CHILD. In the heat of the last French war, some forty years ago, we 'were under the necessity of removing from the North to make our residence in London. We took our passage in one of the old Scotch smacks from Leith, and wishing to settle down immediately on our arrival in the great metropolis, we took our servants and our furniture along with us. Con trary winds detained us long upon our passage.. Although a mere child at the time, I well remember one eventful morn in, when to our horror• and alarm, a French man•of--war was seen looming on the distant horizon, and evidently bear. ing dawn on, us. • . A calm had settled on the sea, and we made but, little way, and at last we 'law two boats lowered from the FroneliMen's dna, epa epeetiily nearing us, This oo• ourred shortly-after the famous' and he• role resistance made successfully by the crew of one Of -the vessels is the same trade to a Fiench privateer. With this glorious autecedent before our eyes, both passengers• and . crew _were disposed to EMI V .. b - tf:'''..l:',•l:::• . J - I.'t make no tank, resistance. Our guns were loaded to the muzzle, and every sailor was bared for action. Old cutlas ses and rusty guns were handed round about, and piled upon the deck. Truly, we were a motley crew, more like a sav age armament of lawless buccaneers than bloodless denizens sof peace. But hap pily these warlike preparations were need less, for a breeze sprung up, and though we were pretty smartly-chased, the favor able gale soon bore us far froni danger, and eventually wafted us in safety to our destined port. ' My mother was somewhat struck, du ring the perioll'of our short alarm, by the fearless and heroic bearing of our servan t Jane. A deeper feeling seemed to per vade her mind than common antipathy to a common foe. In fact, at various times during the previous service, when any events connected with the French war formed, as they ever did, the all-engross ing subject of discourse, Jane evinced an interest in the theme, equalled only by the intense hatred toward the nation which she now displayed. On the present oc casion the appearance of the foe awak ened in her bosom a thousand slumber ing but bitter recollections of a deep do meatic tragedy connected with herself, and so far from showing the natural tim idity of her sex, she even endeavored to assist in the arrangement of our murder- oils preparations Even a shade of regret appeared upon her face as we bounded over the spark ling waves when our tardy foe seemed bnt as a speck upon the distant sea. Du ring the remainder of our voyage she shrank into a dreamy melancholy. With her head almost continually resting on the bulwarks of the ship, she gazed upon the clear blue depths below: and, had we watched her closely, we might, per haps, have seen some of the round tear drops which gathered on her eyelid, and fell silently, to mingle with the waters. But we heeded not. She was a singular girl, and seemed evidently superior to her present station ; yet she toiled on with the drudgery of thu house, listless and indifferent, but al ways usefully engaged. My mother was not altogether satisfied with her work, and still found a difficulty in blaming her, She seemed to dream through her whole duty, as if her mind was wrapt in some strange fancies, while her hands mechanically did her task. At last, af ter long solicitation, she explained the mystery by telling us her history. We must throw our story back some twenty years. tier family at that time occupied a respectable, if not a wealthy position in our northern metropolis. Her father was engaged in a lucrative busi ness, bad been married about six years, and was father of. four children. Ilis youngest daughter had been born about three months previous to this period of our tale. She was a singularly lovely child. A sister of his wife's who had had made a wealthy marriage with an officer in the French army, was at this time on a short visit to the land of her birth. Madame de Bourblane was child less, and her heart was yearing for those blessings of maternal love which Provi dence denied her. She was unhappy; no wonder, for her home in sunny France was desolate. A little while soon passed away. Mrs. Wilson and her father were seated at the parlor fire one cold November night—the one contemplating the blessings she pos sessed, the other brooding on her far dif ferent lot. The, children prattled mer rily beside) them, and waited only for their father's evening kiss, before they went to childhood's innocent sleep. But their father came not. His usual time had long since passed, and his wife be trayed some symptoms of uneasiness at the unwonted delay. At last they heard a hurried knock, and Mr. Wilson entered the apartment. There wore traces of anxiety and grief upon his countenance, but as ho spoke not of the causes, his wife forbore inquiries in the presence of her sister. But Mr. Wilson was extreme ly unsocial, nay, even harsh ; and when his wife held out her babe, and the un conscious infant seemed to put its little lips for its evening kiss, he pushed the child aside, and muttered something au dibly about the curses of a married life and the inconvenience and expense of bringing up a large, increasing family. The babe was sent to he'd, and the mother spoke not, though a bitter tear might be seen rolling down her cheek.— She was deeply hurt, and justly so. But Mr. Wilson bad met with some heavy losses during the course oL the day . .— These bad 'soured his heart and embit tered-his words. Perhaps he meant not what he said; it might have been but the passing bitterness of a disappointed man. However the ease Might be, the , words he uttered remaihed• in the bosom of his wife, rooted end ,faitering there; and many a bitter pang had2.she in after life, .4nd:the desolations and the sorrows which despersed her family, some to their graves others far aSunder—that all , could bii,is; oribed to these few bitter words. . ' A week had seareely_elapp t d_ li i nm tb e _ ooeuerenees of that unhappy evening, when an eve it took plain) which, wrought 'a fearful revolutiOn in that happyfamily. purely the "evil e'ye" had looked tipou CARLISLE, PA., FRIDAY, APRIL 14, 1865. I r that house. Mrs. Wilson and tier sister went to make a call upon a friend. As they ex peoted to return almost immediately, they left the babe slumbering in its cradle, and sent the servant on some trifling er rand. Circumstances retarded their re turn. The anxious mother hastened to the nursery to tend upon her babe. She looked into the room, but all was still.— Surely the - child was slumbering. She must not rouse it from its peaceful dreams. But all continued still. There was a death-like silence in the room. She could not even hear her in fant breathe. She sat awhile by the flickering light of the expiring fire, for the shades of evening had gathered over the darkening horizon. At length she rose; she went to look upon her child, she lifted up the coverlid. No child was there. An idescribable dread took pos session of her soul; she rushed like a maniac from room to room. At last she heard a noise; she flew to the spot. Yes, three of her children were there, but the other, her babe, her newest born, the flower of her heart, was gone. " My child ! my child I" she screamed, and fell upon the floor. Her sister heard the fall and flew up stairs. She knelt beside the stricken woman, bathed her temples with cold water, and, with a start, Mrs. Wilson awoke from her swoon. " My child, my child !" she sobbed. " What of the child ?"-her sister cried. "Gone—lost—stolen from its mother I" soreanld the wretched woman. " Oh, impossible 1 Bo calm; the child will soon be found," said her sis ter. "Some of the neighbors, perhaps PP " Perhaps, perhaps!" hurriedly re plied the mother, and she rushed from house to house. The people thought her mad. No child was there. Her sister led her home. She followed her calmly, unhesitatingly. Was her spirit broken ? She was placed upon a chair; she sat ZS' one bereft of reason ; her face was pale, and perspiration, the deep dews of agony, gathered upon her brow. Not even a feather would have stirred before her breath. It lookcd like death. At last she started from her seat. Her brow was knit, and her whole face con vulsed with the fearful workings of her soul. "John! John !" she cried, "where is my husband ? Bend him to me." And they went to seek him, but be was not to be found. They told her so, and she was silent. here were evidently some frightful thoughts laboring within her breast—some terrible suspicions, which her spirit scarcely dared to entertain. For about an hour she sat, but never opened her lips. It was a fearful silence: At last his knock WAS heard ; the stairs creak ed beneath his well known tread; he en terod. The mother sprang upon her feet. "John !" she screamed, "give me my child ! Where have you put her? Where is my child ?" The husband started. /i Woman, are you mad ?" he oried. " Give me my child!" " Wife, be calm" " I will not be calm I My child I You spoke coarsely to me the other night fur nothing, John. She was a burden on you, was she ? But why did you take her from me ? I would have worked for her— drudged—slaved to win her bread ! Oh, why did you kill my child ?" Tho man looked stupidly upon his wife, and sank into a ohair. The room was fill ed with neighbors; they looked at him, and then at one another, and whispered. " Give me my child !" the mother screamed. He sat buried in thought, and covered his face with his hands. " Take him away !" she cried, and the people laid their hands upon him. Ho started to his feet and dashed the foremost to the ground. There was a look upon the man that terrified them, and they quailed before him. He strode before his wife. " Woman," said he, "your lips accuse me. Bitterly, aye, bitterly, shall you rue this night's work Come, neighbors, I am ready." And they took him to a mag istrate. it My child !" the wretched woman shrieked, and swooned away. Before a few hours had passed she was writhing In.the agonies of a burning fever. And where was her husband then I Walking to and fro upon the cold flag stones of a felon's cell upon a charge of murdering his child, his own ohild, 'doomed thither by his own wife. A close investigation of every -matter connected with this mysterious affair as set on foot. No proof of Mr. Wilson's guilt could , be' obtained. Ile„vras arraigned before -his pountry'e lam, and 'after a patient trial, was discharged, es his Judge eniphatically pronounced, without a stain,upon his char acter. Disehargid, forsooth I To what? To meat t4e frown; and anepicions of . too credulous, world;' to see the people turn and stare behind him na he palsied along the streets; to 'see the I children shrink from him, and _flee as.from monster; and to dwell in a desolate home; own offspring.trembling if ho touched thern r ata—his-wife--that —wife-who had aeoused him—looking with , cold; inkepi. nious, unhappy eye - upon the beirig she had sworn to lino end cherish with' hor life. Such was his fate. Who had wrought it ? cilia wife recovered from her illness, and ttpr sister wont her way back to her home in France. Schloin did the poor man ever speak— there was a ,gloom about that desolate house. His trade fell off and his credit deolitied—and why ? Because his heart was broken. Day after day he sat in his lone counting house; there was no bustle there. His books were covered with a thick coat of dust ; and, as one by one his customers stepped off, 80 poverty step. ped in, until at last ho found himself almOst a beggar He shut his office doors—shut them for the last time, then wiped away a tear, the first ho had shed for many a day. He went home, but not to the home he used to have. His furniture had boon sold to supply the 'common necessaries of life; and poor indeed was their now humble abode. There was silence in that little house,' scarcely a whisper. In the secret foun tains of his wife's heart, there was still a depth of love forhim ; but always when she would have breathed it forth the strange, horrid suspicion would flit across her brain—her child was not. He often looked at her, a long, earnest gaze, but he seldom spoke. One evening, he was more than usually sad. He kissed his children fondly. He took his wife's cold hand, and, pressed it in his own. "Jessie," said he, "as ye have Own, so shall ye reap ; but I for give you. God bless you, wife !" He lay down upon his hard pallet, and when they would have roused him in the morning, he was dead. Time rolled on with rapid sweep, alas ! bringing death and its attendant evils in his train. Two of the widow's children died ; and Jane was now about eighteen years of age. Sorrow, rather than age, had already blanched the widow's hair. They were in great poverty; eked out a sifunty livelihood with their needle. In deed, their only certain dependence lay in the small assistance which Madame de Bourblanc sent from France. Perhaps, had that sister known the straits of their poor relatives, her paltry pittance alight have been increased. They were per- haps too proud to wake it known; as it Wee, she knew not, or if _she did, she heeded not. About this time, a letter reached the widow from her sister. Besides contain 'ng the usual rettittance, the letter was vimiiinaally long. She requested Jane to read it to her while she sat and sewed. What ailed the girl, her mother thought as Jane gazed upon the page with some indescribable emotions depicted oq her face. "Mother," she cried, "my sister lives I your child is found !" The widow tore the letter from her daughter's hand, and read it eagerly while her face grew paler every moment - . Shogasped for ut terance ; and the mystery was solved at last. Yet, render, at last was the mystery un raveled, and the criminal was her sister she who had stood calmly by, and seen the agony of the bereaved mother—she who had beheld the injured father drag ged as a felou to prison, when a word from her would have °leered it all—she was that wretch. Madame de Bourblanc was childless and her heart yearned for some one she could love. She saw the little cherub of her sister, and she envied it. She knew that if she bad asked for the child, the mother's heart would have spurned the offer, so she laid her plans to steal the infant. She employed a woman from France, who as she prowled about the house, had seized the favorable mo meat, and snatched the infant from its cradle, and the child was safely housed in France before the tardy law began its in- vestigation. Madame de Bourblano re mained beside her sister fbr a time; then hurried off to France, to lavish all her love upon the stolen child. It is true she loved the child; but was it not a selket love to see the bereaved mother mourn its 1,83, yet_never soothe her troubled heart ? and was it not a cruel love, too, a house hold broken up, affections desolated, and all a to gratify a selfish whim of hers ? It was worse than cruel—it was deeply crim inal. She brought up the infant as her own ; she named it Amelia, and pretty she was. Did a pang over strike into the heart of that cruel woman, as the child would lift is little eyes to hers, and lisp, "my moth- er 1" She must have thought of the true mother, broken hearted in another land. Yea, a pang did pierce her heart; but alas! it oawo too late; the misery was al ready wrought. She wrote to her iojur- :ed - sisteribegging• her forgiveness, and at the same tieseoffering a oonsiderablesum, if she would, permit the child to remain With her, still ignorant of her parentage. But she was mistaken in her hope ; for not only did thti t another indignantly de mand the restoration of her child, but she did more; published the sister's let ter, and;trinmphatitly removed the stains that lingered on her dead husband'e mons- o.rY_.- Afew weeks after this, she went to'pny a visit to the green-grave - of her broken- heartethnab - alid - ;7 - eh - eirnelt - :uppn:tho-ver; -, danCiriound; and yiaterddit.wjAh her tears. •Ail her unjust, suspicions crowded on her ,cobboienbe reproached her bitter- 17. Eh IQ knOt and ouprilioatod hie ,fora rn4l4 giveneas, seeming to commune with his spirit on the spot whore his poor frail body reposed in its narrow bed. Shefelt a gentle touch upon her shoulder , it was ,her daughter Jane., One moment after, and she was mlasped in the embrace of a stranger. Nature whispered to the moth er's heart her child was there, her long lost child. She too had come to look upon that lowly grave—the grave of her father. After the first transports of meeting were over, the widow found leisure to ob serve her child. But what a poor young delicate flower was she, to brave the rude blasts of poverty. She was a lovely girl; like a lily, fragile and pale, the storms of life would wither her. Her mother took her home, but the contrast was too great from affluence to poverty—Amelia wept. Poor Jane strove to comfort her; but she might only use the language of the eyes, for her foreign sister scarcely understood two words of English. Amelia struggled bard to love her new mother, and to re concile her young heart to this sudden change but the effort was tot) great, and sbe gradually sank. Early and late her mother and sister toiled to obtain for her some of those luxuries to which she had been accustomed ; but their efforts were vain —she was not long for earth. The widow had indignantly refused all offers of assistance from her cruel sister, though she felt that unless Providence should in terpose, her s'rength must soon fail un der its additional exactions. A letter arrived from 'France ; it was sealed with black. The opened hastily and fearfully; and they had cause. D]ad• ame de Bourblane was dead; she was sud denly cut off to render an account before her Creator. The shock was too severe for poor Amelia. Day by day'she lan guished, pining in her heart fur sunny France. Three months after she had reached England, Amelia died. Her last words were, "My mother !" Soon after, her own mother followed her. Oh, that the purified spirits of them all may meet in heaven. Jane is the sole survivtir of this domestic trage dy. Even she may have departedto the haven of eternal rest, for she left my tnothe . r shortly after we were settled in London. We have never seen her since. SPARE MOMENTS A lean, awkward boy came one worn ing to the door of the principal of a eel ebrated school and asks d to see him.— The servant eyed his mean clothes and thinking he looked worn like a beggar than anything else, told him to go around to the kitchen. The boy did as he was bidden, and soon appeared at the back door. " You want a breakfast, more like," said the servant girl, " and I can give you that without troubling him." " 7 hank you," said the boy, "I should have no objection to a bite, but I should like to see if he can see me." " Some old clothes, pay be, you want," remarked the servancoAgain eyeing the boy's patched clothes. " I guess he has none to spare ; he gives away a sight," and without minding the boy's request, she went away about her work. " Cap I see Mr ?" again asked the boy, after finishing the bread and but ter. " Well, be is in the library, if he must be disturbed he must, but ho does like to be alone sometimes," said the girl in a peevish tone. She seemed to think it very foolish to admit such an ill-looking fellow into her master's preseitce, how ever, she wiped,her hands and bade him follow. Opening the library door, she said: " Here's somebody, sir, who is dread ful anxious to see you, and so I let, him I don't know how the boy introduced himself, or how he opened business, but I know that after talking awhile, the principal put aside the volume which he was studying, and took up some Greek books and beganto examine the new com er. The examination lasted some time. Every question which the principal asked the boy was answered readily. " Upon my word," exclaimed the prin cipal, "you certainly do, well," looking at the boy from bead to foot, over his spectacles. " Why, my boy, whore did you pick up so much ?" "In my pro moments," answered the boy. Here he was, poor, bard working, with but :t4 few opportunitioti for schooling yet almost fitted for College, by simply irn_ proving lie " spare moments.' Truly, are not apare moments the "gold dust of time? How precious they should be? What account can ' you show for them ?'' Look and see. .Tbie boy can tell you how very much can be laid up' by_improving them, and there are many , other Will, I am afraid, in Jail,in'thnhoutid of come 'don, in the foteetistle of a whale ship; in , , the tippling shop, who, if y o u should ask In Choosing your grocer lee yourmotto them when they began their sinful cours- be " Measure's, not men." ' es, might answer, "in-my spare moments." It is said the prettiest ; gir ls in uto " 10-my spare moments I gambled for generally marry Young.: marble% lii my spare moments. I began The gospel of the day--The'Goepel 1 to smoke' and . 'drinit. - -- li - was - inemysfare - - Onriling'iii - SCLuore. - moments that I gathered wicked ass°. I What did Li die of ? lodide, of potas _ , • , , , , ciates." '-'-- slum. Oh, he careful. how you spend your spare moments Temptation always hunts TERMS:--$2,00 in Advance, or $2,50 within the year. you out in seasons like these, when you are not busy, he gets into your hearts, if he possibly 'can, in just suoh gaps. There be hides himself, planning all sorts of mischief. Take care of your "spare mo ments."—Mrs. C. Knight. Extraordinary Message. JEFF DAVIE' vALEeiorosr mooLABIA TION OF APRIL 1, 1865. WHEREAS, In the course of inhuman Yankee events the capital of the Confed erate States of America no longer affords an eligible and healthy residence for the members of the present Cabinet, not to speak of the Chief _Magistrate himself, the Vice President and the members of the two congressional bodies, I do, there fore, by virtue of the power vested in my two heels, proclaim my intention to travel instanter, in company with all the officers of the Coefederate States Government, and to take up such agreeable quarters as, may yet be Granted unto me. To such persons as are in arms against the Confederate States of America, I do hereby tender absolute amnesty on condi tion that they forthwith desist from an noying our patriotic population. Under the circumstances, slavery had better be abolished. The capital of the Confederacy will henceforward be found "up a stump" on the picturesque banks of the celebrated " Last Ditch." To the foreign subscribers of the Con federate loan I return sincere thanks. lajJr General Grant, United States army, will please see that they get their cotton. All persons having claims against this Government will please present them to A. Linoolo,.Riehmond, by whom all such accounts will be most cheerhlly.audited. It is not altogether improbable that the glorious experiment of a slaveholders' Con federacy may yet prove a deluvion and a snire. I I ave often thought so. So has General Lee, who has lately been fighting 1110dt ly for his last year's salary. The Cen • federate Treasury being light, I think I will take it in my valise. General Lee thinks that we have a good opening before us, and that we have seen the last of this fratricidal war. I hope so. Stephens thinks peace more imminent than ever. If the United States persists in ref us• ing to recognize the Confederacy, on my' return I shall again urge the arming of he neg rues. Office'-seekeis are respectfully solicited o °me their•importunatings. Genius is he i eau ideal, but hope is the reality. Fellow-oitizens, farewell. J. DAVIS, 'resident of the Confedtrate States of America. Done at Riihmond, April 1, 1865. BUSINESS RULES FOR YOUNG MEN.- The world est'mates men by theirsucoess in life, and, by general consent perma mont success is evidence of superiority. Never under any circumstances, assume a responsibility you can avoid consistent ly with your duty to yourself and others. In other words, 'mind your own business.' Base all your action upon a principle of justice, preserve your integrity of charac ter, and in doing this never reckon on the cost. Remember that self interest is more likely to warp your judgment than all other circumstances combined, therefore look well to your duty when your inter est is concerned. Never attempt to make money at the expense of your reputation. Be neither lavish nor .miserly; of the two avoid the latter. A mean man is uni versally despised, but public favor is a stepping stone to preferment; therefore generous feelings should be cultivated. Promise but little ; think much, and do more. Let your expenses be snob as to leave a balance in your pooket. Ready money is always, friend in need. Keep clear of lawsuits for oven if you gain your case, you are, generally, a loser. Avoid both borrowing and lending Liquor drinking, smoking segars, and chewing tobacco are bad habits ; they impair, the mind and pocket, and lead to a waste of time. They tend to lot one down but never to lift one up, in the re gard of the virtuous and the good. Never relate your misfortunes to °there, and never grieve over what you can not prevent. F.A.CET/A QUIDDITIES...—NOVOr many a clever woman. The reason why is self-evident —she is 'sure to turn out not abetter half werely,but in faot a master-piece. Unsooial old Snarl says that love is a ownbinatiorPof . diseases—an affection of the heart, and, an inilawation of the brain. It is dreadful easy to be a fool-i-a lnan can be one and not know it.' ' _:'The real carte do vieite—a doctor's gig 1 Heir-gone—designing mammas. - The following letter was the Cause of mnoh amusement; on being reeclAutityr the trial of a recent breach,o''piroipfsb_of marriage case: 11j, clacr sapeetest 4122 10 hap py to hoar from you ao• often- 7 1t affairda• _me doh grate pleeher. - Yon war :Nap so doer to me I hope yea will Anne be deeror. You know I never hinted - 110th . -- ing about marrage and never imeea teat— , take your own time for that. , I shall all ways remember the old cayin procrastina tion is the 'theef of time, but mam nos nothin shed be did in a hurry but ketch en fleet The fondeat wish of my - leaut is, that we may Cline become one: Did you ever read Franklin's Eittatia--lelit remarks oonoernin marrage is delltetaf. Our hearts, be sea, ought to assemble one another in every respect; they ought to be hetergenius so that our union maybe mixed as well as uniting—not like oil an& water but tee and sugar. Truly I can feel for the immortal Watts when he says; The rows le red, the violets blue, Sugars sweet and so are you. NO, 15 Mother sez matrimony is better to think of than the reality. I remain till death or marriage, your own sweet candy, Mary Ann. N. B.—l bad a kuaain married last month who sea there ain't no true enjoy ment but in the married state. • Your sweetie dove, - MART ANNE P. 8.-I hopo you will let. me know what you mean to do as there is four or five other fellers after me hot foot, and shall be quite oneasy till I hear. CONIINDRUMEL-Why should the ram be regarded the principal animal of the dairy Y. Because he is the butter of course he is. Why are suicides the most successful in the world ? Because they always ac complish their "own ends." Why does a person that is poorly lose much of his sense of touch ? Because he don't feel well. Why is it vulgar to send a telegram ? Because it is making use of flash language. What musical instrument has had an honorary degree conferred upon it P— " Fiddle, D. D." What time by the clock is the most ef fective ? When it strikes " ono." 1239—Sheridan was one day much an noyed by a fellow member of the House Commons, who kept crying out every few minutes, " Hear ! hear !" During the debate he took occasion to describe a po litical contemporary that wished to play rogue, but who only had sense enough to sot the fool. "W hero," exclaimed he, with great emphasis—" where shall we find a more foolish knave or a InJre knavish fop' than he ?'' "Hear I hear!" was shouted from the troublesome member Sheridan turned round, and thanking him for the prompt information, sat down amid a gen eral roar of laughter. ger' A Renowned knergyman-of. New York lately preached rather la long ser mon from the text—" Thou art weighed in the balance and found wanting."— After the congregation had listened about an hour, some began to get weary and went out; others soon followed, greatly to the annoyance of the minister. An other person started, whereupon the par son stopped in his sermon, and said, "That's right, gentlemen, as fastas you: r 3 weighed, pass out." He continued his sermon at some length after, but no one disturbed him by leaving. Lteir Mr. G., of a neighboring town, was an excessively polite man. HO Ivas driving some oxen one day, when he ad dressed them with " Haw, Buck; and also Bright." Falling overboard from a sailboat, in which was a large party, be was in imminent danger of being drowned, as he could not swim. Even then his po liteness did not forsake him. He said, in gentle tones—" Gentleman, will you be so kind as to help me into the boat ? My garments are perfectly saturated with water." CHARADE. Highest of Ole, and neared to divine, I visit earth, but reign in heaven supremo t With God I dwell; in all his works I shine; He the full Fountain ; I the flowing dream Faith shall retire, Hope at length shall muss, Learning shall fall, and prophecy decay; But of my empire shall be no decrease; No end I know, and suffer no decay. oar The following is reported as hap- pening at an examination in Harvard Col lege ; Examiner—" Why did Moses leave Egypt ?" Undergraduate (with hesita tion)—"Why, sir, hem—hem *" Ex aminer—" Come, come; answer if you know." Undergraduate—" Well, sir, I suppose that little affair with Potiphar's wife." rm. A Candidate at an elution, who wanted eloquence, when another had, in a long and brilliant .epeeoh y , promised" great things, got up and said, ig glegtora of G—, all that he has said.l tga„ Billings, in desoantingnpon fOwl,s, says of Shanghais; "it hosts muob to board one amt due a state - how and .yu mite az well undertake tew fat a fanning mill by running oats thru h 1 CoN. FON TA1L01213.-__OIP ‘) MOO 0 coth does it require to make a spirit, .rapper? um,,Tua daughter of John Brown is teaching a school of little contrabands in a room of, Governor Wise's houie, where Whei her father's death, Warrant was signed.- =VIEWINIA. AN.I);SOUTII Virginia was dragged into this 'rebellion to serve - the purpose's of South caroling ; the Palmetto chivalry:little imagining tkat before the end of thee:l2e they yonld be compelled to abandon their:own Eltatq,-/ "the Yankees'' to . serye - qbe p.urpswe Virrginia 'fitii''lO44.'S OriOah,tir" , heart of Solith.oarolina SO' „ bill, A. Tender Eget*. Your lover mete, MARY ANN Mil •2