Mut 4erall CARUSLE, PA. ' iriday, April 0,, ,• a. M. riIiTTENOILL & CO., ..111.0. 37' Park Row, New York, and 6 State St.floaton, are oar Agents for the Kann& W hose elfin, and are authorised to take Advertise. • nts and 8 bseriptions for ne at our lowest rates. DEL.As announced in last week's issue of the Carlisle American, that journal has passed into the hands of the proprietors of the HERALD, and henceforth the two papers are consolidated. In presenting the HERALD to the patrons of the Amer ican, we can assure them of no change in the political character or sentiments of the newspaper they will receive. It is true that the American was established as the organ of the American party in this County, and for a considerable time specially advocated the doctrines and sup-' ported the principles of that party. Since the Presidential campaign of 1856, the issues which that organization brought before the country have been, at least for the time, discarded. The questions grow ing out of the existence of Slavery, and which were continually forced upon the people by its advocates have absorbed the entire attention of the Nation. When it became evident that the great political issue presented to the country was dif ferent from that upon which their party was founded, the good and true men who supported the principles of Americanism united with the friends of Freedom in their efforts to defeat the schemes of those who wished merely to use our Gov ernment as an instrument for the propa ' -gation and extension of human bondage. This is specially true of our, own Coun ty. For the last six years the American party here has acted constantly and har moniously with those who have opposed Slavery and Rebellion and its organ has rendered earnest, faithful and effective service to the cause of justice and right. There being no division in sentiment amongst our party friends in the County, and no differences in the political senti ments advocated by the respective jour nals, the proprietors of both have conclu ded that the interests of the party and of themselves would be advanced by their oonsolidation. The unusual number of newspapers published in the County has always been regarded as an obstacle in the way of proper enterprise on the part of their publishers, and the super-abun dance of party organs - has been frequent ly complained of is being a hindrance ingtena of a benefit to the cause they ad. vocated. We therefore believe that while the union of the American with the HERALD, will be advantageous to our selves, it will also advance the interests of our party. We shall leave no effort untried to make the HERALD an accepts blo journal to our friends, and one which shall be in) all respects worthy of their support end encouragement. With regard to our political creed it is scarcely necessary that we should say any thing. The position of the HERALD has never heretofore been equivooal, nor shall it be in the future. Should the old is- sues in politics ever be revived, we shall atoadily advocate the same principles our predecessors advocated. W hen new issues arise, our position will be suoh as, in our judgment, honor, truth and a due regard for the best interest of the public demand, for we fully know that the party which has heretofore supported us and to which we belong desires and expects from us such a course. As long as the present issues are upon us—until the rebellion is crushed and the institution which gave it birth is corn pletely and entirely eradicated, we will maintain and support those who are labor ing for their overthrow, and oppose all who In anywise countenance, encourage, or apologize for either. And now that our political friends are relieved of any actual or implied obliga tions to support two newspapers publish- ed at the County seat, may we not expect that they will give their hearty support to one 7 For the offices and honors in the gift of onr party we have no aspirations or desires. We shall give our best efforts to publishing such a Journal as will ad- venom the Interests of our party, and we confidently hope that our friends will give us the encouragement me hope to merit. IMPORTANT NOTICE. Wo send the HERALD this week to nearly all of the subscribers of the late American not duplicated by ourown lists. We do this that they may have sufficient notice that the 'merican is no longer published, and that they - may, if they desire, send us their names as subscribers to the HERALD, and that there may be no interruption in their receipt of the paper. By an arrangement with Mr. ZINN, we will send the RETIAVD to all subscribers who have paid in advance for the American, filling out the contract made with bim. If any such subscribers fail to receive their paper after this week, it will be because Mr. ZINN'S books are at fault, and the error will be corrected by application to this office. *er The Independent says : We are hap py to inform our readers, that Mr. Beecher ' has.accepted the invitation of Secretary Stanton, to accompany the General (Robert Anderson to Fort Surnteryto hoist the same old flag,)and to deliver an Oration to com memorate the thrilling event. We could wish for ourselies onCour readers, that we alight be there to see; but since this is im- Practicable,'we have done the next best thing; 'have arranged that our special re porter shall accompany Mr. Beecher, and return to us the words as they were'spoken, with the flag overhead,..nii. prostrate'Charles + ton in sight, amid the ,ruins not so much of a fortress, as of the'-aortitideraoy itself. ma. The Ilissouri State Convention on 29thinst., adopted an article providing ihitt after the let of January, 1876, no per-, On shall be alloW t ed to votOin the State who lain/able to 4 1 eadi - etteept ibroughPliysical disability: Another article adopted pfo vide's that foreigners may vote one year af ter deelaring their intentions to become RICHMOND IS OURS Never before was good news so Joyfully, thankfully heard. Tho Confederate Capital in possession of the soldiers of the Union and the proud hosts that have so long defended it broken and vanquished fleeing for safety from their last stronghold. Surely no out ward demonstration can express the Joy and thankfulness felt by every loyal heart for • this last and grandest of our victories. After four long years of gloom and blood shed we see now the dawn of Peace. The Confederacy had staked the existence of their Government on the defense of their Capital. To save it they gradually gave up all else. The opening of the Mississippi severed their territory in twain but Rich mond had still defiantly withstood our most stupendous onslaught and they boasted that it would never fall. Sherman's legions marched at will to Athsntaand thence to the sea, but still the rebels boastfully pointed to their Capital and scornfully laughed at the threats of its capture. Wilmington and Charleston fell but they still had the invin cible hosts of Lee in their own chosen posi tion and to him they looked fcr deliverance and victory. But this last blow crushes all their hopes. The surrender of their Capital and the retreat of their only remaining or ganized army extinguishes the last of hope of even the most sanguine rebel and assures to the long suffering and oft desponding patriot the certainty of an early and perma nent return of order and of Peace. . It would be unjust perhaps, to attribute this victory to the genius of a single leader or to the valor and endurance of any partic ular army. The real cause of the defeat of Lee and the consequent capture of Richmond was doubtless owing to the weakness of the Confederacy, caused by the severe defeats and reverses inflicted on it by the brilliantaciiieve_ ments of each and all the armies operating against it during the last year. There is, however, a feeling of deep satisfaction throughout the entire country that this great achievement was wrought by the immediate operations of the Army of the Potomac. To the patient endurance and undaunted brav ery of that noble host the Nation owes its Iffe. Deprived of the victories its valor has often won, by the schemings of designing and selfish lenders, the Army of the Potomac has, in spite of repeated disasters, shown the it was invincible. The failure of the Penin sular campaign and the disaster in front of Washington wore nobly redeemed at Antie tam, whilst the failures at Fredericksburg and Chancellorsvillo were entirely obscured by the splendor of its victory at Gettysburg. And now, at last, it has driven the mightiest army of the rebellion from its chosen strong hold, and has triumphantly unfurled the starry standard of the Republic in the very capital of the Confederacy. In this, our hour of rejoicing, let us remember how much our victory cost us, and while we wreath our laurels for our conquering chieftains, lot us not forget the valor of those they led. To every soldier of that glorious army a nation's honor and gratitude are due. Whether or not this last reverse will con vince the rebels of the folly of further resist- anco we cannot pretend to foretell. Their struggle heretofore has been of the most desperate character. The most serious re- verses the most signal defeats they have heretofore experienced, never diminished the stubborn valor with which they defended a cause which must have appeared hopeless to all but them. But from the effects of this last crushing blow it is impossible they should recover• With their capital Li the bands of a conquering enemy, their only army routed demoralized and fleeing, witho a Government, without credit and withou hope, even the desperation of traitors ea nno prolong this unequal struggle. The days of the Confederacy are numbered. The deco lotion of its cities, the misery, wretchedness and suffering of its people, will soon be a that can remind the world of the desperate effort of wickedness to found a Governmen on principles of oppression and wrong. And now in this the hour of rejoicing let us remember the years of toil and bloodshed through which we have fought to rescue our Government from those who would destroy it, and give thanks to the Providence whic has guided us safely through all the gloom and darkness to victory and to peaco IS THE WAR OVER ? This question, doubtless, framed itself in millions of minds on Monday, when the news of the capture of Richmond was flashed over the wires and made everybody jubilant The more sanguine and hopeful would say, yes, while more gloomy temperaments would be less confident. If we we were contending with an ord nary enemy—if the rebels were actuated by the common sense of principles which gov ern the conduct of mankind generally, we might say with all confidence that the war is over; for any further efforts on their part to retrieve their fallen fortunes will be sheer madness. Indeed, had the leaders of the re bellion been anything else than madmen the late terrible battle would never have oc curred ; for, with the Federal armies ad vancing upon his beleaguered capital from all sides in irresistible force,' General Lee must have known—and he did know and confessed it—that he could neither hold Richmond nor make a safe retreat. We may calculate, therefore, that the rebel leaders will continue to light as long as they can keep a battalion in the field. -They have tried to rule ; but that being out of the question, they will now try to ruin. We shall probably have no More such battles as we have had ; the armiei of the Confederacy may cease to exist as great organizations ; ',the rebel government will probably bo ut terly extinguished ; but the diabolical spirit out of which this rebellion sprung, and which animated it through these four terrible years, will till exist, and require the strong re pressive hand of the Goveimmieht far some time to come. The whole South will have to be sifted—the true and the loyarproteeted and restored to power ; the disloyal and the lawless crushed out. Slavery being abolished; the Whole struc ture of Southern society will have to be re modeled. We beliete that glitz* majority the people will return, iviti - inore - or less good will, to their ancient allegian ce;but the disbanding of these vast armies,, together with the wretches who have been playing the part of guerrillas for, the past, two or three years, Will scatier.abroad such a t Icacc of dangerous and disturbing eletnents as will„ require a etroog. - foice to sup Press and exterminate. Fortunately the govoistment has, in, the colored' population: the South, an element upon' whlohi ; it May safely rely; and the sooner they aro made both soldiers and voters,_ the sooner.' may the North hope to be relieved from heavy military levies, and the 'government hope to be preserved from the machinations' of traitors. Slavery,• as an . estnblished institution, dead now ; but not so the . spirit of -slavery. Muskets and cannon cannot beat that down, but ballots in the hands of men animated by the opposite spirit, can prevent a recurrence of such mischief as we now know blo of perpetrating. We have, at a fearful .cost, put it out of its power to rule; our no=t work is to deprive it of tho power to ruin.-- This we can do by simply carrying: out. in good faith Unit which, as a nation; ode have: professed before Heaven and tarth—that, ALL MEN ARE EQUAL.—PittsbUriqaZeite. FROM GEN. GRANT The Very Latest WAR DEPARTMENT, Washington April 2-11 p. m. Major-Goneral John A. Dix, New York: The following telegrams from the President report the condition of afrairs at 4i o'clock this afternoon. EDWIN M. STANTON, Secretary of War. CITY POINT, Va., April 2-2 p. m. "Hon. Edwin M. Stanton, Secretary of War: At 10:45 a. m. Gen. Grant telegraphs as follows: "Everything has been carried from the left of the Ninth Corps. The Sixth Corps alone captured more than 3,000 prisoners. The Second and Twenty-fourth Corps cap tured forts, guns, and prisoners from the en emy, but I cannot tell the numbers. " We are now closing around the works of the line immediately enveloping Pptersburg. All looks remarkably well. I have not yet heard from Sheridan. His headquarters have been moved up to Banks' House, near the Boydton rogd, about three miles south-west of Petersbuig. SECOND DISPATCH CITY PONY, VA., April 2-8:80 p. m. Hon. Edwin M. Stanton, Secretary of War At 4: 80 p. m. to-day Gen Grant telegraph ed as follows: "Wo are now up and have a continuous line of troops, and in a few hours will he in trenched from the Appomattox below-Peters burg to the river above. This whole captures since the army started out will not amount to less than 12,000 men, and probably, fifty pieces of artillery. Ido not know the num ber of men and guns accurately, however. "A portion of Foster's Division, Twenty fourth Corps, made a most gallant charge. this afternoon and captured a very important fort from the enemy, with its entire garrison. "All scents well with us and everything is quiet just now. A. LINCOLN." Previous Official Dispatches WAgll INGTON, Saturday, April 1, 1805. Major-Gen. Dix: The following telegram in relation to the military operations now going on at the front was received this morn ing. Nothing Inter has reached this L'epart men t. EDWIN M. STANTON, CITY POINT, VA., March 31-8:36 p. Hon. Edwin 111. Stanton, Secretary of War: "At 12:80 p. m. to-day Gen. Grant tele graphed as follows: "'There has been much hard fighting this morning. The enemy drove our left from near Dabney's House back well toward the Boydton plank road. We are now about to take the offensive at that point, and I hope will more than recover the lost ground.' ")Cater he telegraphed again, as fidlows: "'Our troops, after being driven back to the Boynton plank road, turned and drove the enemy in turn and took the White Oak road, which we now have. This gives us the ground occupied by the enemy this morn ing. I will send you a Rebel flag captured by our troops in driving the enemy back. There have been four flags captured to-day.' "Judging by the two points from-which Gon. Grant telegraphs, I infer that he has moved his headquarters about one mile sinco he sent the first of the two dispatches. SECOND DISPATCH WAR DEPT., WASHINUTON, D. C., } April . IA-.11 o'clock p. m. To Major-Oen. DIX: The following dis patch from the President, received to-night, shows that the desperate struggle between our forces and the enemy continues undecided, "',ou , rh the advantage appears to be on our a t 1 side "CITY POINT, Sat., April 1, 1865. Hon. E. M. Stanton, Sec. of War : "Dispatches just received showing that Sheridan, aided by Warren, had at 2 p. m., pushed the enemy back so as to retake the Five Forks, and bring his own headquarters up to Fort Boisseau. " The Five Forks were barricaded by the enemy, and carried by Diven's Division of Cavalry. • "This part of the enemy seem to be now trying to work along the White Oak road s to join the main force in front of Grant, while Sheridan and Warren are pressing them as closely as possible. A. LINCOLN." EDWIN M. STANTON, Secretary of War. THISD DISPATCH WAR DEPARTMENT. April 2-6 R. in Major-Gen. Dix :" A dispatch just re ceived from Gen. Grant's Adjutant-Genera lt, City Point announces the triumphant suc ess of our arms after three days hard light ing, during which the forces on both sides exhibited unsurpassed valor. CITY POINT, Va., April 2-5:30 a.m. A dispatch from Gen. Grant states that Gon. Sheridan, commanding cavalry and infantry, has carried everything before him. Be captured three brigades of infantry, a wagon train, andseverat batteries of artillery. The prisoners captured will aount to seVeral thousand. "T. m S. Bowsms." EDTVIN M. STANTON, Secretary ,Of War. FOURTH DISFA.TCH WASHINGTON, April 2-12;30 p. m Major-Gen. Dix: The President, in the subjoin ed telegram, gives the latest news from the front: To E. M. Stanton, See. of Thar: CITY POINT, April 2-11 a. in Dispatches, pre frequently coming in. All is going on finely. Gens. Parke, Wright and Ord's lines are extending from the Ap pomattox to Hatcher's Run. They have all broken through the enemy's intrenched lines, 'taking some forte, guns and prisoners. Sheridan; withthis own cavalry, the Fifth Corps, and part of the Second, is coming in from. the west on the enemy's flank, and Wright is already tearing up the Southeide raiirocui. A.laricOLN. Flirrlt.DlBP4TOLf. , , , Waa DErairruitrrr, , WASlllnaTO* I April '2-11 a..ra; f The follewing telegram frchrithe rem ent, dated 8i this, morning; giyes the latest intel ligence from the front, whore a thrious battle was raging with continued succesi to ' the Union arms. ,• " • ' • - _ EDWIN 3S. errAwrorr, Sec. of War, , " 0117 POINT, Va., April 2---8:80 a. in: , . . "Hon. E. M. Manton, Sec. of 'War : "'List night Gen.:Grant telegraphed that Gap. Sheridan, with his cavalry and the Fifth Corps, had captured three brigades of infan try, a train Of wagons 'and several batteries, the pimeners amounting to several thousand., " This . niorning,' Gen. Grant, haying Or dered an attack 'along' the whole' lino; tele graphwas - . • ' Both 'Wright, 'and Vargo' are through the enemy's lines. The- battle now 'rages' Gen... Sher idan;, with his cavalry, the Fifth Corps; and l!diles's Division of the, Second- Corps, which Villa sent tO'hirn this' mornings ,sweeping , down .from the " All ilea ., looks highly iavorable. "General , Ord is .imgaged,N,hut d hive not yet, heard the result. in his front.. . _ FRIENDS Awp t FELLOW-CITIZENB: In this great hour of triumph my heart, as well as yours, is penetrated .with gratitude to Al mighty God-for his deliverenco of this nation. [Tremendous and prolonged applause.] Our thanks are due to the President, [cheers] to to the army and navy, [cheers] to ;lofficersel lant officers and men who have periled• eir lives upon the battle-field and drene th - e soil with their, blood. [Great cheers.] Henceforth our cormnisseration and our aid should be given to the 'wounded-the .maimed and the suffering who bear the marks of their great sacrifices in this mighty strug gle. Let us humbly offer up our thanics to Divine Providence for His care over us, and beseech Him that He will guide and govern us in our duties hereafter, as He has carried us, forward,to• victory in the past; - fitatlle will teach itehow to be humble in the midst - of triumph, how to be just in the hour of victory, and that He will enable us to secure the foundations of this Republic, soaked, as they have been, in blood; so that it shall live forever and ever. [Cheers.] Let us also not forget the laboring millions in other lands who, in this struggle, have given us their sympathies and their prayers, and let us bid them rejoice with us in our gr. a, triumph. Then, having done this, let us trust the fu ture to God, who will guide us, as heretofore, according to His own good will. Mr. Stanton then read the dispatch from General Grant, announcing the capture, at 8:15 this morning, of Richmond, by General Weitzel's command, and that he (Grant) was moving the army up to capture the Danville road and Lee's retreating forces. It was received with long and Continued cheering "A. LINCOLN Vice President Johnsbn, Senator :Ohn Sherman, ex-Senator Preston King, and others addressed the assemblage. The oratory was interrupted by the reading of a second dispatch, and- although the substance of it was not distinctly heard by those on the outskirts, loud and repeated cheers were giv en on the assurance of continuous good news.. Hon. D. P. Holloway announced the vic tory to an assemblage at the Interior Depart ment, and delivered a neat, but brief address, appropriate to the occasion. A large crowd collected in front of the State Department, which was profusely deco rated with flags, and called out Secretary Seward, who, after the cheers had subsided, spoke as follows: • I thank my fellow-citizens for the honor they do me in calling to congratulate me-on the fall of Richmond. [Cheers.] lam now about writing my foreign dispatches. What shall I tell the -Emperor of China? I shall thank him, in your name, for never having permitted a piratical flag to enter the harbors of the empire. [Applause.] What shall I say to the Sultan of Turkey? 1 shall thank him for always having surrendered rebel in surgents who have taken refuge in his king dom. [Cries of " That's it I'' and cheering.] What shall I say to the Emperor of the French? [A voice—" To get out of Mexi co."] I shall say to the Emperor of the French that he can go to-morrow to Rich mond and get his tobacco, so long held under blockade there, provided the rebels have not used it up. [Laughter and cheers.] To Lord John Russel I will say that Bri tish merchants will find the cotton expaorAed from our ports under treaty with theUinted States cheaper than cotton -obtained by run ning the blockade. As for Earl Russel him self, I need not tell him that this is ft' war for freedom and national independence and the rights of human nature, and not a war for empire. And if Great Britain should only be Just to the United States, Canada will re main undisturbed by us so long as she prefers the authority of the noble Qucento voluntary incorporation with the United States. [Cheers and exclamations of "That's the talk I" " You're right !"] What shall I tell the King of Prussia ? I will tell the King of Prussia that the Ger mans have been faithful to thestandard of the Union, ns his excellent minister, Bhron Ger nit, has been constant in his friendship to the United States during his long residence in ' , is country. To the Emperor of Austria 1 Secretary of War LINCOLN.' shall say that he has proved himself a very wise man, for he told us in the beginning that he had no sympathy with rebellion any where. Ido not doubt, fellow-citizens, but that at last you accede to the theory by which I have governed myself during the war, namely : that the rebellion will end in ninety days. [Laughter and cheers,] ive thought this the true theory, because I . . never knew a physician able to restore his patient to health unless he thought ho could work a cure under the most improbable cir cumstances in ninety days. Finally, if the American people approve, I will say that our motto in peace shall be what our text has been while in war. Every nation is entitled to regulate its own domestic affairs in its own way, and all ere bound to conduct themselves so as to promote peace on earth and good will to mankind. Upon the conclusion of the Secretary's speech, the crowd dispersed, cheering vocifer ously for the President, the Secretary and the Union. At-a subsequent period of the day, itt as semblage was addressed from the steps of the ladies' entrance to Willard's Hotel, by Vice President Johnson, who was frequently in terrupted by cheers. The enthusiasm was particularly great when ho said that at the ,ime Southern Senators were talking treason, he told them to their faces in the Senate Chamber that were ho President Buchanan ho would arrest the whole of them; arid ob taining a verdict, he would do as ;General Jackson would have done, namely, hang them as high as Haman for treason. Major General Butler, Senator Nye, and others also gratified the auditory with speeches. ,Gen. Butler said: FEL LOW.CITIZENS : Nothing gives me greater pleasure than to meet you at' any time, much more to mingle my congTatula tions with yours upon tho glorious triumphs of the American arms. All hOner to the brave soldiers , who have liiirchased by.their blood. this success to our arms andAthurimee of peace. In the hour of triumph, let ys re member that the deluded masses of the South are and a portion of our coantrymexi and of ourselves, but let us also. pledge our selves that the leaders of the rebellton who have cost the country all this bl+od and treasure, shall never hereafter havellny,oo••• 'Weal privileges or, power, [tho General was hero interrupted by loud and lonsixontinied' cheering]] againlo•tear down the,gloritiaii flag which waves over us.. The Mod of jus tice• Works by means, and• perhaps there' an .be no More Suggestive instance of:hts visita.- - tion than a corps of colored troops.urider the, gallant Weitzel,' who were. the 11r8Vtrsplant , the flag of freedom over the. Taal ditpitel., Let us in this hour of high CoilgratitlatienSv 'with the eye of a good God upon us, joy on our „lips speaking gladness to :eaell other, hands joined in union, our, hearth ,filledytith, joy, our souls with gratitude to HimtiVho has . protested us as His did Ourfathers)bwear:to to eaoh ether ,that.our :country,,thAs regen— ' orated and disenthralleil,' shall be forever the : m home Of. libeityi freeaorM'equaitylifirlifitie .to-all, in tlitiUrucin, ono .and.ixisepitirable r --. that' we have obtained pedee,nor by negotia tiOn'or compromise with treason andTebellion• hut by the right arms of our, soldier,o ; ;Pa, the' terms Which'ive shallai give will - beetanio - - - 'mint with the dignity, clemency, abd justice of the nation. i4l.9nowed and long,,eontid nod,applausoi] 0 'N'Tni: DzoLTNic.—Dry Goods, Grocer ' oo and liroduco. :iejoioings at Washington The following account of the . forptinn of the news of the capture of . .Richmond Washikton, - and the speeches made on the Occasion is taken from the :Phila. , Between eleven and twelve o'clock an im =mense crowd gathered in ' the park on the - mirth:side of the War Departrnent and there received the first confirmatory intelligence of the victory, which was greeted with deaf ening cheers, There were loud Calls for the Meeretary of War, who appeared and delivered a brief address, as follows: SPEECH OF SECRETARY STANTON SPEECH OF SECItETART SEWARD E==E The Greet Victory I 2SLocornotives and 164 cars in hichmond- 7 - ' Large Ociptweee of Itieonera Goitri try full of Stragglers—Lee'e , Line Of Re treat Fail of Artillery, Ammtinition, Guns, WASHINGTON, April 4-11-1414. To Gen. Dix, New York : The following particular's, dated ht City Point, April 4th, 8 A. M., give the latest in formation received from Richmond . General Weitzel telegraphs from Rich mond that of the railroad stock he found there were 28 locomotives,' 44 passenger and baggage and 106 freight cars. At 8-80 last evening General Grant tele graphs from Sutherland station, ten miles from Petersburg, toward Burkerville, as fol lows: General Sheridan picked up twelve hun dred prisoners to-day, and from three hun dred to five hundred more have been gath eted by other troops. The majority of the arme that were left in the hands of the remnant of Leo's army are now scattered between Richmond and the place where his troops now are. The country is full of stragglers, and the line of retreat marked with artillery, ammu nition, burned or charred wagons, caissons, ambulances, &c. EDWIN M. STANTON, , Secretary of War. LATEST. Jeff Davis Left Richmond on Sunday—Hie Furniture sold at Auction—The City Fired by Ewell—Mrs, Lee at Petersburg—De— struCtion of Property at that Plate—Gen. Winthrop Killed—Gen. Grant Command ed his Forces in Person. WASHINGTON, April 5-8 P. M. Major General Dix,. New York: The following telegram gives all the de tails received by the Department in relation to military operations at Richmond not here tofore published: EDWIN . M. STANTON, Secretary of War. AIKEN'S LANDING, April 5-11 80 A. M. Hon. E. M. Stanton, Secretary of War : Little is known at City Point. A few of ficers only are left, and thesoare overwhelm ed with work. 'Gen. Lee telegraphed to Jeff. Davis at 3 P. M. on Sunday, that he -was driven back and must evacuate. This was announced in church. Levis bad sold his furniture pre viously at auction, and was ready to leave. All the leading men got away that evening. The rebel iron cltids were exploded. The Virginia lies sunk in the James River, above the obstructions. Ewell set the city o-i fire, and all the busi ness portion of Main street, tb the river, was destroyed. The bridges across the river were also de stroyed. Many families remain. Mrs. Lee remains at Petersburg. The public stores were burned and a few houses caught fire, but not much damage was done to the city. The bridges tlOrit were also destroyed. 1 will report fully from Richmond. Cannot get a clear idea of our loss; the only General killed is Gen. Winthrop. Gen. Potter is dangerously wounded in the groin. Gen. Grant has commanded the armies in person since the beginning of operations. C. A. DANA, Ass't. Sec'} War. FROM WASHINGTON 1 Reward for Felons Offered by the Government WAsurNoToN, April 4.—The following was pron ulgnted by the Secretary of State to-day : To all whom these presents may concern : Whereas, for some time past, evil disposed persons have crossed the larders of the United States, or entered their ports by sea. from countries where they were tolerated, and have committed capital felonies against the property and life of American citizens, as well in the cities as in the rural districts of the country: sow, therefore, in the ;tame and by tho authority of the United States, I do hereby make known that a reward of one thousand dollars will be paid at this Department, for the capture of each of such offenders, upon his conviction by a civil or military tribunal to whomsoever shall arrest and deliver such offenders into the custody of the civil or mil- itary authorities of the United States, and the like reward will be paid, upon the same terms, for the capture of any such persons, so entering the United Slates, whose offences shall be committed subsequently to the pub lication of this notice. A reward of live hundred dollars will be paid upon conviction for the arrest of any person who shall have aided and abetted of fences of the class before-named within the territory of the United States. Given under my hand and the seal of the Department of State at Washington this fourth day of April, A. D. 1865. (Signed) W.lll. 11. SEWARD, Secretary of State. PENNSYL V.I .VItI , SS. : IN THE NAME AND BY THE AU THORITY OF THE Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. ANDREW G. CURTIN, Governor of the Said Commonwealth. A. PROCLAMATION. bC,; The last ctntre of treason has fallen.— Richmond is ours. Our arn•ies entered it amid the cheers and general joy of its relit cued inhabitants so long ground under thiP heel of usurping oppressors. The beaten rebel host is fleeing, hotly pursued by our victorious cohorts and to be soon captured or dispersed. Let us give glory to the Lord who bath given us the victory. The Republic is saved. Again let us say glory to the Lord, who bath inspired our heroie people, that during four years, though often baffled, defeated and dish6artened, they have persisted stead ily in the great cause, and have poured out their blood and treasure like water for the salvation of the country. The names of our leaders and their com panions, on land and water, stand on imper ishable rolls of honor, and to the lasthour of time will be held in grateful remembrance. I call on the people of the Commonwealth to assemble in their places of worship on Sunday next, and render thanks to Almighty Goa for all his mercies, and especially for that he bath been graciously pleased to look favorably on us, and make Ati the instru establish the • to vindicate the principles of Free Government,—and to prove the certainty of Divine Justice. ,Given under my band and. the groat seal of the State ut Harrisburg . this fourth day of April, in the year-of our Lord one thou ' sand night hundred.and sixty-live, and of the Commonwealth the eiglity,:ninth. ' the Governor: • . • ...! ELI SLIFER, Secretary of the Commonwealth. , • Priooa of , Gold in_ljearsTork. _ : ', .' Nam Yonic, , April'B. 'Gold bas, been quoted to-day as follows: 0.80 A. 41;, , • 1471 ,12.80 P. lg., .. 100 i 1.00 A. M., , 198 1.00 P. M., 150 i 1.80 A. at., ' 1414 1.80 P. M., lfrii gml‘y„ • , 1400 ,• , • ,', • . • 110:,•Genural'Anderiott is to raise the na tional, flag on _Fort. Sumter :April 17th, the 4th anniversary of the day when it :was 'strizek 'doOn by traitors: •The flag is'Whe; saluted by'all , the forts in the harbor, one hundred guns. Gen. Anderson.cotarnanded the Fort when it was taken , by ' the rebels ;• and- -nuty,--64 . thie - oceasion — of rostoiingi the flag, appropriately use the- language' of 11fazeppa: '". They little thoulit, thai hone Of paht, When lguncli'd, as on a lightning's flash, They bid me to destruction dash, , That ever I should come again With twice ten thousand hem to clink The Count for big uncrurteous ' THE VERY LATES Through the courtesy of Mr. Campbell of the Western Union Telegraph line we are enabled to give the following late and glori- rious news. WASHINGTON April 6, 12, m MAJ.-GEN. DIE: The following dispatch announces a prdbable destruction of General Lee's army if our troops get up to support General Sheridan who has headed off the enemy. . E. M. ST'ANTO.N. JUNCTION OF S..S. AND DANVILLE R. R. ) • Burkesville, April 5, 10, P. M. f E. M. STANTON Secretary of War Geh. Giant receited the following despat2h at 6:80. r. while on his way to this point and at °nee proceded to General Sheridan's head-quarters.. General Grant desires me to transmit the you, and say, that the 6th Corps without doubt reached Gen. Sberidaq's position within one or' two hours after the despatch was written. The two Divisions of the 24th Corps will encamp here to-night, and one Division of the 25th Corps at Black & White station on the South Side Railroad. S. W. WILLIAMS, Brigadier Gen. HEADQUARTERS, GITTERSTILLE, April 5, 8 P. M. Lt. Gen. Grant I sent Gen. Devin's Brigadethis morning round on my left flank, he captured at Falls cross roads, 6 pieces of artillery, about 2.00 wagons, 8 or 9 battle flags and a number of prisoners. The 2nd Corps is now coming up. I wish you wore here yourself,. I feel confident of capturing the army of Northern Virginia, if we exert ourselves. I see no escape for Lee, I will put all my cavalry out on the left hank except McKensie's, who is now on the right. P. SHERIDAN, Mnj.-Gen Pam the British Standard we learn the following facts respecting Mr. Spurgeon's church. At the time of the removal from Park street to their present place of worship, the membership was 1,178. Tho number at present is 2,881. The whole number admit ted during the present pastorate bas been 3,569. Of these, forty-seven have become Christain ministers. The church has ten Deacons, chosen for life, to look after tem poral matters, and twenty-three Elders, cho sen annually, whose duty it is to 'attend to. spiritual affairs. par At no one time has the. Executive ever recognized Jell. Davis as the head of a government, and therefore it is easy to infer that no such idea as conferring with that traitor in chief has ever been contemplated. —Phila. Press. (LIM anti +fault) Matters APPRENTICE WANTED —A stout boy, with a good education and a good moral char acter, will be taken at this office to learn the Printing business. None other need apply. m.Vtre have received a very urgevt appeal from the hospital at York for Rags and bandages. They are already in great need and there is a strong probability that new-,patients may soon be sent therein largo numbers. Old shirts also which are much more comfortable to the wounded than new or flannel. Mrs. Eby will receive all bun dles sent in, stuffs sent intended for banda ges need not be prepared VIVA L'ANIERICA CONCERT TROUPE. —We are requested to announce that, the above troupe assisted by Prof. E. C. DUDOTS, the funny French recturer, will give one oc their interesting and amusing exhibition 4 in Itheern's Hall, this evening, (Friday.)-- - : We speak by the card when we say that this is really a good one, and we can conscien tiously advise our readers to attend. Tho lecture while being " immensely amusing," is entirely chaste, and the music excellen We bespeak our friends a good house. OPTICAL.—Mr. Julius Rosendale de sires us to inform his many patrons in vicin ity, and all others in need of his profession al services, that he will be in Carlisle, at Martin's Hotel from Monday, April 10th un til the 15th inst., where be prepared to attend to all profession ties. Mr. 11. attainments as an accomplished optician are so well known to our citizens as to require no enlogium from us. Go and see him. IN TOWN—Cart. JACQUES NOBLE ar rived last week from - Wilmington, where he was wounded severely in the storming of the enemy's works under General Terry. At the breaking out of the war, Capt. NOBLE join ed Capt. HENDERSON'S company of the 7th Reserves, and served with distinction receiv ing an honorable discharge on account of a severe wound received on the Peninsula. He afterwards joined the 2d Regiment of Penna. Heavy Artillery from which ho was promot ed to a captaincy in the 4th Md. colored regiment, and received his second severe wound while at the head of his company. We are glad to announce his rapid recovery. BABYLON RAS FALLEN.-00 the re ception of the grand and glorious tiding that our triumphant hosts had captured the capi tal of the Rebel Confederacy, our peoplegave vent to the wildest expression of, joy and gladness. The bell's rang outa jubilant chime of victory, assembling our citizens by their cheering peens of thanksgiving. An impromptu procession was formed con sisting of our several fire companies with their ,apparatus, accompanied by the bands from the regular post and camp Biddle.— Flags were thrown to the breeze from a hundred house-tops, and as the procession passed Along our streets, the bands playing patriotic hymns of jubilation, cheer after cheer from soldier and citizon rent, the air. Business was entirely suspended and our com munity gave itself up, entirely to the joyous ness of the hour. We are glad to say that political feeling Was entirely submerged in the general good feeling. On . Monday afternoon we saw men striking hands with a hearty " thank God," who but a few short months ago were arrayed in the bitterest political strife. Lot us one and all rejoice in this hour of gloriouS victory over the nation's foes, at the spontaneous ex hibition of patriotism and,fidelity ,to the 'genius - of our government which on Mon day last electrified , alike every'hamlet and city of the great loyal and free North. L--Aridlet- us , hot:forget day-of- our great triumph that victory has been given us onlytbroligh tile tmesualled heroism of our brave soldiers., The gloripus old army of the Potomac,. after four years of the most per sistent, heroic fighting anct toiling has at 'wit aehievod'ilie:heate of sticeettsand driven'the' 'enemy's' proudest' and Most dollant4trrnYliv ront'and dismay froth its chosen stronghold. ,Let the .rentembraned 'of our maimed and! ! ) rol.coi 1 Olroo 5 )r worthy of us and.fliool., -- The , widows,anderphaus-of,poseof our bravo countryicten . --'wholiave--fallen-in--,the7 Oro- fiorit of the Struggle, Mhst bc; geinietilyan d . bounteously provided:for ; and let it'bo the , proudest: boast of our community that no soldier attic grand army suffers one:unnec-, ,cuary, pang from the neglect of those at, 1 1 home. shortly after the fall of Sumter, knowh as the "Anderson Troops," and served with credit in all the engagements in which this command participated. Soon after this or ganization was mustered out of service these young gentlemen joined the 7th, and served with that regiment during the brilliant cam paign from Murfreesboro' to Atlanta. Them; promotions have been well-earned by long service and gallant conduct, and we feel quite sure the future conduct of the recipients will reflect honor on themselves and their native place. SUCCESS OF THE 7-30 LOAN —Our readers will notice that subscriptions to the popular 7-30 Loan aro still continued in the most liberal manner. To the Old World the success of these Peoples' Loans is one of the wonders of. a Republic. The Govern ment does trot seeilo borrow in foreign mar kets; it offers no premiums to bankers, but appeals directly to the people, and with what success is sufficiently shown by the fact that during forty three days they subcribed and paid the cash down for one hundred am/ six ty-one million dollars of the 7-30 Loan. There can be no stronger evidence of public confidence in Government securities. While nearly all other stocks have gone down from twenty to fifty, end even a greater per cent. within a few weeks, all forms of U. S. bonds and stocks ,have remained firm except the slight fluctuations that are incident to all rapid changes in the money market. Our readers will remember that the subscribers to the 7-30 Loan receive semi-annual inter est at the rate of seven and three-tenths per cent. per annum in currency, and at the end of three years from Juno 15th, 1865, they will have the option of receiving payment in full, or converting their notes into a 5-20 six per cent. gold interest bond. The late great decline in the premium on gold makes these notes more desirable than over as an invest ment, and it should nos bo forgotten that their exemption from state or municipal tax ation adds largely to their value. There is no interruption in the receipt of subscrip tions or the delivery of the notes. All banks, bankers, and others acting as Loan Agents, will pay subscribers the interest in advance from .theday of subscription until June 15th, L. E. C. JoussoN TRIBUTE OF RESPECT.—At a meeting of the Belles Lettres Society of Dickinson College, March 22d DMZ, the following Pre amble and Resolutions were adopted: WHEREAS, Our esteemed fellow Belles Lettres, the late Prof. WILLIAH, CARLILE WILSON„ has been removed from our midst by the dispensation of an all-wise Providence; and, WHEREAS, In his decease we deeply de plore the bereavement of his relations as well as our own great loss; therefore, Resolved, That while we bow in humble submission to the will of the Omnipotent in his removal, we acknowledge the loss which we as a Society sustain. Resolved, That his unremitted zeal and energy have contributed preeminently to the welfare of the Belles Lettres Society. Resolved, That we feel deeply our loss both on account of his humane deportment as a brother and his high sense of integrity as e gentleman. Resolved, That we sincerely tender our condolence to the family of the deceased in this their great affliction. Resolved, That as a testimony of regard in memory of the departed, our Ball bo draped in morning for thirty days. D. B. HERMAN, J. E. MnICELvT, Trouts E. McComes, Corn. A. 11. MENCII, L. IL Ile.YrdErr, The following is published for the infor mation of all concerned: R. M. HENDERSON, CAPT. & PROVOST MARSHAL, 15, Dist. Pa. DE In your letter of the 22d inst., you ask whether the 14th section of the Act approv ed 8d March, 1866, entitled "An Act to a mend the several Acts heretofore passed to provide for the enrolling and calling out the national forces, and for other purposes," is applicable to the call for troops made by the President 19th December, 1864: The sec tion is wifollows : "That hereafter all persons mustered into the military or naval service, whotheras vol unteers, substitutes, representatives, or oth erwise, shall be credited to the State, and to the ward, township, precinct, or other enrol ment sub-district where such persons belong by actual residence, (if such persons hwie an actual residence within the United 'States,) and where such persons were or shall•he en rolled, "(if liable to enrolment);,.and,it is hereby made-the ditty of the Provost'Mar-.. , shal General to make such 'rules . and give such instructions to the soveralProvost Mar shals, Boards of Enrohnenf; and,Muitering Officers, as shall be neeessary•for the faithful enforcement of the provisions,ef this section, to the end • that Bar, andlpet - etedit shall. be' given to every section . of • the'countty Pro vided, That in any,eall• for,troops - .hereafter, no, county, town, township,: ward precinct, or eleetion'dlatrict; shall have credit except for men actually furnished, on, said call, or, the preceding call, ,by said county, ;town, toWnship, Ward, preCinct, or election -dis trict, and mustered into the thilitary•oe naval service on theAtiotA•thereef,', l ! The 27th section makes the Lot take effect from' and after its plisiage.—• ," .! • The 14th, section" furniihea,the.rule",•by which men, when mustered into the military; lorLiavaLservice,Lare-Ao-beLeieditecl-tci—the• various,•localities froin which they in:woo:De. • The I.6th section • ,furnishes• the rule, by which credits are to be given When coniput ling for the quotas - of •the :various draft dis tricts. , Bet the - 15th section his a proviso whiCh OXpi es sly b tt4 the apPliOatinn 'of the.rulo 'therein given: to the pending draft. From the fact that there is no such proviso akty,:.GOODEI AT PANIC PRIOEB.--In another Column will be found Greenfield & Sheittfer'impove, advertisement. Apprecia ting' the situation, this firm is prepared to sell goods in their line, at an immense reduction fromfornier,priCes. Their stock is new and of the latest and best styles. APproPOs Of this we are glad to notice that our merchants generally are "marking down'-' their goods In accordance with the demands of the , times and as there is every prospect that the causes of the imtheneo ad vance in prices from which wo ail have suf fered so much are in a fair way of being re moved ; we' may one and all rejoice in the hope that the old regime in a business way, will in a short time bo restored. "The good time coming is almost here." Ite-We had the pleaanye of taking by the hand yesterday our fellow citizen Major I. B. Parker, of Gen. Hancock's staff. The Major comes from the army in the valley, which he predicts will make an early move to the immediate scene of the last grand campaign against the slaveholders' rebellion. PROMOTIONS.—It gives us much plea sure to chronicle the promotions of three of our gallant and patriotic young townsmen. Sergeant E. P. Inhoff has been commis sioned a Captain in the 7th Regiment Pa. Cavalry ; Sergeant A. M. Parker to first Lieutenant in the same regiment, and Ser geant Coleman Watts a first Lieutenant in the third Pa. Cavalry. Both these young gentlemen are residents of our town end have served with gallantry from the commencement of the war. They first joined the bsttallion of Cavalry formed OPINION ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE, Ma>•ph 24, 1865 11111 te,ithe seeta th at it waA intended credits shottldAsiglYetavAiti'M44! tering in under the pending-ca 11.,; ' But the 14th . section has a . prOvide i the Reduliar languae, of; Which ,Wettlif,' at 'Pit blush, seem to f avor the. idea that: Oongresi intended that the rule, in • that-section-re scribed, should be future to the pendingcall, and .not future to the iillBfi'age of the Act. That-proviso-declares-that credit shalt nether given, except for men actually thridshlid on said call or thepreceding call. The manifest purpose of the provisd is 'to limit' the' time within which a credit may be demanded: ' This section must be..regarded taking I effect from the passage of the Act, Unless such a construction is inconsistent with, or forbidden by, other parts of the Aet. As is stated in my Opinion' to you of the 13th March, it appears from the face of thin Act that, at the time it was passed, there was a pending draft under a call for troops in December, 1864, and it is carefully provided that nothing in the. Act Shall operate pail.- pone the pending draft, orititerfere with the quotas assigned therefor, Now, the rule for giving credits at the time of mustering in,- will not poStpone tho present draft or inter fere with the quotas assigned therefor. It seems to me that there is nothing in the Act that prevents the application of the 14th section to the present draft, unless it may b e the proviso thereto. It was intended by that provisosimply tolimit•the time within which, credits might be claimed, end not to post pone the application of the rule of credits, when mustering in, to future calls. I am of the opinion that the 14th section, of said Act is applicable to the call for troops made by the President on the 19th Decem ber, 1864. I have the honor to be. Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, JAMES SPEED, Attorney General. Hon. EDWIN M. STANTCIN, Secretary of row- sperial Floliats. The Bridal Chamber, gmKlinry. or Warning and Instruction for Young alierrpublhlied by the Howard Ansocintfon. and sung free of charge In sealed envelopes. Address,. Dr." .1- 8111LLIN HOUGHTON, froward Association, Ptah. Feb. 10—ly -gitatks. In Wheeling, Vfiginfs, en the Mx trTC., BMON WUNDelit LIM, son of the late Joseph Wntiderlleti, In the 45th year of hie age. glarlicts. CARLISLE PRODUCE MARKET. Carnal., Aprn O,IBOA ....... 7 00 . ..... . 900 *. • •• oitS ...•.2 20 MDR (Supertne) do. (Ex t rfi.) do RY Ir WII ITE WHEAT... RED do it YF CORN ...... OATS BARLEY 11 RLEY PRINO. CLOVERSEED TIMoTIf Y 8 E ED... ADmiN LsTRATOR'S NOTIOE.--- Letrers Testamentary on the estate of George 'less, deed., late of the borough of New Cumberland, have been bawd to the subscribers restdlng In the same place, to whom ■li debts due mild decedent will be paid and all claims present JNO. C. AMR, JACOB TIF.BB. Adminlstratorr April 7, IPfis-• Grant 1 Sherman!! Sheridan! !! Richmond_ ha s A ND with the fill of Richmond, we .. are most happy to announce to the people, the great decline In goods. BUSINESS DONE ON A GOLD BASIS GOODS AT PANIC PRICES Our entire stock reduced to correspond with prices in the cities. DRESS GOODS, PLAIDS, MOZAM PIQUES, ALPACAS, SCOTCH GINGHAIII, -&e CALICOS, GINGIIAMS, CHECKS, TICKINGS. MUSL INS, BLEACHED AND UN BLEACHED. nll yt greatly reduced rates. Every one in want of cheap goody. should give no a call. an we era deter mined to cell goods down at the very lowest nick. Bargains will be all the rage at 1.1 R RES FIELD /e SHEAVED'S. S. E. corner Market Square. 2D DOOR, 21) DOOIt, 2D DOOR. Apill 7,1865. STATE NOTICE.- Letter, testamentary upon the will of Martha unmn, deed . of the borough of Carlisle, have been C.E a Issued to the submit:l6ra residing In the borough of Carlisle, to whom ell accounts will be presented and ell debts paid. JNu. B. PARKER. MEDIC WATTS; Predators March 81, 1865 WHISKERS ! WHISKERS ! Do you want Whiskers or Moustaches 1 Our 131,- dan Compound will force hem to grow on the smooth est face cr chin, or hair on bald heeds, in Six Weeks. Price $l.OO. Sent by mail anywhere, closely sealed, on receipt of price. Address, WARNER ik CO., Box 138, Brooklyn. N. Y. Mach 31, 1865-Iy. BLINDS AND SHADES. B. J. WILLIAVS, No. 16 NORTH SIXTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, M A NUS ACTURER OF VENITIAN BLINDS AND WINDOW SHADES. The largest nod ithest assortmedt la the city at the lowest mph prices. STORE SHADES MADE AND LETTERED. March 31, 1585-2m0.•. r 4 I STATE NOTICE.— _l:_/ Letters of Adm nistration on the estate of Mar garet Einenberger ' late of New Cumberland dec'd., hav ing been bunted to the subscriber rankling In the earn. place. Notice is hereby given to all persons Indebted to make payment, and those baying claims to present them for settlement to March 17, 1865L.6t* LPR.T Folios, Writing De'sks, ..13itOk Gammon Boards. Gasses of all description s* Haw reticles Drug. Fancy and Book Store. NOTICt. Great Attr retion , Great :Artract,2:o,o? DRY .; A t A. W. Benti's niLhas always been admitted as being-the cheapest Store In the County. We have recently received heirs - a. the Eastern Cities selections ore& chOciel goods, at such very low figures as will surprise•thepurowocr— w,i will as usual replenish cm 'atetioiritti'lliseinest seasonable goods, such as 'cannot: Tor to,"gretyr.the ' most Gistidioun Our Domestic geode are gtratlYrce duced in price, loWer than can he piirchasadin46mn. A - ..W.:11ENT15. March 20, .VALUABLE l!resents for 'altar Hirer vvOank and Fancy Stniii. - I MILLINERY GOCIDS 13R09 . ,K5.& ROSEN.H::kII, WHOLESALE DEALERS) No. 431 MARKET Street, north MT* now open their wined, handiOnie.,joilei3hist RIBBONS, DONNEry - BTRAWk • ' 'FANCY BONNE:IE 6 ' LADIES' Af , 11A,Itki • *LOW 8388, trolistaik.Uollos;:-.!' and allotheriOpclpileillullaOyithe'!.':',./ . * 'IL . • . Afillinetr,Trade,, _ _ By long expeilenoti end ittlet attennoirto tide brefi'ab of business exclusively, we ditties fourselirke: emit we an ffrOf Inducements, in varied", BiYies, !panty and tooderate'prieest—nOt Allatimbeni , tobeHttund/ T he at tggqtionotMlLLlß4llift end Id l 4 l / 94 4NT4.4 !resYsit hilly solicited. bilincb'24;l Bl l 6 r-11. Mo. I_ 4 ANDY-}36ol{B,PhotograiltiMbums Dl6lo3otoittaClPtitrti,Vookkit Bootie, at atter , cleq Drug And pook 8t?ro. •0813.40ud acid spioof ',Axpqated •ania laSn tit tiaol/ p eq /nCipatuoi a►oa ou o! ' 0 1) ( BPIOO 'Adivirco HDAOO storma 0 ii 1m 1 80 10 00 4 00 DELAINES, TORN 0. Knot, Adtuin!strator Ed