--FINANCIAL .S'T'ATEMENT OF THE BOROUGH OF CARLISLE, Par the 66;tneil Year 1e64-5 JACOB RELEEM, Treasurer. MEM ME Balance received from former treas -13 ._ rey, • Alitoont received for rent of Stalls & Stands at Itfarket House, iteadived of Wan. R. Barn, Clerk of • Warkets: riedeliod of A. 1.. Sponsler, Esq., Eines; &wolves of Abrm. Dab WY, Esq. fines Eoceirod for Exhibitl. ft Licenses, Antburit=of-Taxes of-1861 outstand• big at last settlement, Amount of taxes of 1802, oustand- Ing at last sottlement, Amount of taxes luvlod for 1861, EXPENDITURES Paid George Lino and other,, inter est en - Dorouet - Dou l dd — ffeatatidir mont, Paid Borough Bend Coupon, Paid Carlisle Gas and Water Com- Pany, linderest on_investment on East Brarefrat'ateeet, Paid Carlisle Gas and Water-Com pany for Gas and Water for use of Borough, Paid W. D. Mathews Street Com missioner salary and work on Attracts and wages paid hands, 'Paid. Samuel Wetzel, Election ex pensas, Wont Ward, Paid James Postiewaite, Election expenses. West Ward, tepid/11 election) Paid Andrew Kerr. Election expen ses, Pest Ward, ('aid J. W. Eby, Brooms for Market House, for 1863, Paid Samuel Sipo, salary as High . Constable, Paid Jos. W. Ogilby, salary as Sec retary, Paid James Spangler, /salary as lamp lighter, Wrat Ward, Paid Charles Meek, salary na lamp lighter, East Ward, Paid Wm. 11. Liaru, salary as Clerk of Markets, Paid Jacob Rheims', salary no Treas urer, Paid George Taylor, salary as Jan itor, Paid David Smith, qualifying' Bor ough °Mears, Paid Jonathan Edgier, stepping stoner, curbs, Ise. Paid James Armstrong, preparing duplicate, Paid Wm. H. Barn, shovelling snow and repairs at Market (louse, Paid Wm. ti. Ilarn, fur diligence and Increasing receipts of Mar Pet, Paid Jacob Itheern, percentage al lowed Paid Jacob Bretz, serving election notices Paid Andrew Martin, serving elec• ' Hon notices, Paid Samuel Sipe, cutting gram) at grave yard and removing truism, Can t • Paid Jelin Egolf, removing nuisance Paid J. W. Ogilby, expenses at send ing documents to Philadelphia du ring rebel Invasion and station . ary, Paid J. IL Dratton, printing, " A. K. Itheetn, " " George Zion, " " E.Cornman, " Samuel Wetzel, work, " Estate Samuel Llaverstick, sun dries, Paid 13,BI:dramas', costs for entering liens, Paid George Wetzel, work and ma terials' Paid John Mell, for brick for Marga ret Sterm's and Jacob Wearer's pa mem en ta, Paid Joseph Schumpp, work at bridge and crossings, Paid Alfred Brannon, fl " Jacob Thudium, supper for pa trol, Paid Godfrey Bender and George Speneberger, cleaning Leturt. Suring, Paid C. U. Hoffer, painting at grave yard. Paid C. Inboff, Brooms for Market House, 1861, Paid John Harris, sharpening drills, &e. Paid John Deetem, coal and work, " John Campbell, Treasurer, op. proprieties to Empire: Hook A 5 Ladder Oa. Paid J. W. Ogilby, Treasurer, appro priation to good le 111 !lose Co. Paid 11, S. hitter, Treasurer, appro priation to Curnboriand Fire CO. Paid E. Common, President, appro priation to Union Fire Co. Paid John Fredericks, stone fur nished for poor house road, Paid Wm. I'. Lynch, plumbing, auk •' Delancey A Blair, plank hoards do. Paid James L. Steiger!, hauling, " A ndrew Kerr. work. '• Peter Spahr, hauling, " E. Steel, winding clock, Jame%London, stationery, ^ S. Wetaa J. !Catcher, U. Myers street - regulators: Paid Henry Saxton, powder, nails Ac " Lewis F. Lynn, glass, '• A. Rinehart, collector, percen tage on Borough tax collected, Paid Wm. P. Lynch, plumbing, or der of last Council, Paid M !Mulch, stone, " J. W. Ogilhy, for preparlmg an nual statement of receipts and ex penditures for auditors and fur publication and extra services, By exonerutlous allowed A. Eine. hart, collector of Bo..ough tuxes by Council, Uy nineout of taxes of 18 4, out ■tandlug, Balance in Treasurer's hands, JACOB BOEHM. Treasurer of Bounty Fund, To Balance on hands of last settle ment, To amount of Bounty tax received from A. Rinehart collector, 1114, To proceeds of note discounted at Carlisle Deposit Bank, To proceeds of Bounty hoods taken by J. W. Eby. To proceeds of - Bounty funds taken by J. W. Eby. To pmceeds of Bounty bonds taken by C. M. Chamberlin, To proceeds of Bounty bonds taken by C. Moore. To proceeds of bounty bonds taken James Sites, • To proceeds of Bounty bonds taken by Mrs. 8 C. Ulrich, To proceeds of check of Wm . M.Bece• tem To balance of proceeds of notes, By amount paid as bounties, $8,853 93 Dy amount paid Carlisle Deposit bank on note and Interest, By amount paid Carlisle Deposit bank on note, By amount paid Carlisle Dopo It bank on note, Paid John Lee for services In pro curing credit's Paid W. L. Corntnan, bounties, Jacob Abeem, Treasurer, eotn• mission per cont. and stamps for checks and notes raid A. L. Rinehart, percentar,o / for collecting Bounty tax, Paid Rheem 4 {Veatch'' , printing bounty bonds, 61 00 Paid Eby, interest on' bounty bonds, Paid John Campbell, telegraph mess& gee by bounty committee, Paid J. P. Dialer, expenses to Harris burg on bounty business, ' Paid ThothasPaxton, fi L. Taylor and G. L. Cloudier , posting bounty ordinances, $14,812 94 OF I 'THE DEBTB..AND ASSET 4 OF THE . .BOROUGH. - LIABILITIES.' Bondi Issued for Gas and Water stock, lit subicriptlon, $25,000 00 Bonds Issued for Gas and Water AtOek,.2od subserlpclon, 35,000 00 Diode Issued'to George Lino and °them, , JudgmankOldirgaret Warden use • I= 1100 sharps chug , aro Watur.atock, alibacrl ption, at 1 40 ,sharers 9:311 and :( , - .Water 'stock; 2d aubicilption at" ,pai• yaluo 12-f nharaiiii ' as'add P S A ° C I A O . : per , 'per MOO:" • Outatandlagi 94 , Toi• '1264,' • Paramaat.llona, .... F,.~ ~ , , . 'Exco4o,of, 4 0 0)4004811: $ 5 . )360 40 t. LIABILITIES . FOR' BOUNTY PURPOSES. ec.i 9 4 •.,gpak..; to pay b.:maths, . $20,507 40 Rotyda lasuedyei bonoty purpotiea to deeW. Eby, and'Othera, payable 'ln. years, • • Tha144315/0.10 7 tR ; U. 11.1. Cha r berlln and others, payable In ten years, 413 SETS. Outstanding bounty tax for 1864,—' . . . Excess of Indebtedness for, honnty purposes, . ' 020,356 00 ''WO the iiiiopridano • Auditors of the borongh'of c'ar lion . gflret duly sworn,' have this day examined the 'acocitint'and youchenfor .4zicob ,Treasurer of the; INiough of Callele; and of the Bounty .L'und of Aid Biiroitgh, for the termeommOrielog Mara' 22d, 1804, And ending March - 18th, 1805, and and Lim same $670 79 104 91 6,140 41 $8,625 6 Council Orders 01,936 62 3J 00 15 00 799 04 2,127 61 QM 11 0 . ) 250 00 100 00 120 00 IMISI 100 00 'CO 00 013 l 0 00 MID MO BIM 21 00 6 00 14 66 23 75 23 60 35 75 24 00 11 23 MEI IX] 141 14 8 00 Er] 150 00 I= EMI EOM 131 00 4 80 $5 15 46 87 39 _ 14 23 3 15 Uu 3 24 11 00 1 1.) 18J EIKE EEEI $7,612 23 EIS EBB $7 911) 59 106 07 8,125 6U $lO3 00 IZEZEI :;0:1 (lents' Patent Lever 00Id Ranting Case *fel to :200 3,)l(ie .t..• I oetneii'd Lever (i. , 1fl Ituarg tits° 4 1;5 901 lents' Swiss 4h.1(1 I biotin,' Cris°, 3 - 100 "01 La Lei' 1101,1 and Enatoel'd ra.e. 30 - ho 4ou l'Atorit Lover Silver Minting l'a•e, 30 400 Lever Silver Hunting ease, 31. 85 :too Gents Del— Lever MI r open face, 20 - Se 300 Patent Lever Silver upou. r .,co, 25 • 60 300 Gout:: Swiss Sl'ver, 1N- 40 MEM 133211 MEM IMES • J .EIW E Lit Y DE PAItT m ENT. 3 , 0 Iliam and Rings' $4O to $l2O 300 Dents' Diamond Pins, 20 - 10(1 3001 Gents' Califiirain Diamond liins, 3 - 15 3000 Dents' Callforniii Diamond It lugs, 3- 12 5000 Dents' ((old and Ennitmilid Fob Chains, 3- 40 4010 Dents' Gold 1 cot Chains, 6 - 40 400(1 Pair Dents' 'l id Sleeve Buttons,' 3 - 10 4000 Pair Gsios Gold ii 111. m. Sleeve Buttons 3 - 10 0000 Sets Gents' geld Studs. 3 - 8 8,00 Gents' Stone Set and Signet Rings, 3 - 12 8000 Dents' Stone Sot S Signet Enam Rings 4 • 15 0000 Ladies' Gold Neck Chain , 5 • 60 4000 Gold Oval-Baud Bracelets, 3 - 10 0000 (laid and Jet Braeelets, 8 - 12 5000 Gold and Enameled Bracelets, f 8 - 15 3000 Gold (Mittel:4n Chains, ' H - 30 6000 Pair Ladles' Dahl Sh ova Buttons, 3 • 8 401(0 Pair Ladies' Gold Ennui. Sleeve Buttons 4 - 10 8000 Solitaire Gold Brooches, 11- 12 6000 Coral, Opal and Emerald Brooches, 3 - 12 50110 field Cameo and Pearl ISar-Dr , ips, 8 - 8 7000 Mosaic, Jet, lava & Florentine oar drops 3 - 10 5000 told Thlintili,, 5 • 10 100e0 Coral, Opal and Emerald Ear-Drops, 3 - 10 1i101:0 Mini tare Lockets, 4 - 10 1001,0 Miniature Lockets—magic spring, 8 - 25 101.0.1 Plain Gold Rings. 110, 1 0 Sets Ladles' Jewelry, Gold and Jet, 6 - 20 Da 01 Sets Ladies' Jewelry, Cameo Pearl, ,@o. 6 - 20 10000 Ladles' Gilt and Jet liracelAs, 10000 L dine' Gilt and Jet Hat Supporters, 2 - 12 SILVER,. PLATED WARE. 1113 ETD CM 515 50 1,711 47 $14,812 94 1,098 83 1,302 2,800 b 250 OJ 200 00 EMI Mg 11 00 3 00 2 10 10000 Dups. $2 to $2O 8000 Goblets, - 12 10400 Pair Napkin Binge, 2 - 10 2000 Card Baskets, 4 - 16 4000 Castor Frames—complete with bottles, 5 - 20 2000 lee Pitchers, 10 - 20 6000 Pair Butter Knives, 3 - 8 5000 Soup, Oyster and Gravy Ladles, , 2. 8 1000 Hoorayed Pie Holm,. . 3 - 0 8000 Dozen Tea Spoons, per dozen, 5 - 15 0000 Dozen Table Sowns, per dozen, 8 - 24 6000 Dozen Desert Forks, per dozen, 8 - 30 GOLD PENS AND PICNCILS. 12000 Gold Pens, Silver P xtemilotv Holder, $3 to $lO 12000 Gold Pens, Silver Mounted Holders, 2- 8 8000 Gold Pens, Gold Mounted Holders, 3 15 6000 Gold Pens with Gold Hatension Holders 10- 25 6000 Gold Pens, Gold Holders and Pencils, 10 • 20 0000 Gold Pencil's, 6- 20 8 083 50 600 00 REMEMBER THE. PLAN. In all cases wo charge for forwarding the Certificate, 'postage, and doing the hudness, the sum of Twontv fivo unto, which must he In the order, Five Cortiti rains will ho cent for ,SI.; nlovun for $2; thirty for $5; slxtpilvo for $1.0; one hundred for $l5. ' AGENTS ARE WArNTED. • Throughout the diiiiiitry to operate for no. A lame corneonfintlon Will be' paid. Send for. term, ' Re. , elos ng stamp., •, • • $68,883 00 25,000 00 0,100 00 Algtretk 23, 18Q5 232 85 HO 19 F. / STATE NOTICE.- Lgt.ters of Adm nistratinn on the estate of Mar garet I ;lsrnberger, Into of Now Gum harland deed., bay ing boon Issued to the nubscrlbor resldlrnr in U/011111310 place. Notice le herony given to all persona indebted to malt° payment, and those having OiIIICOP to Present them for eettlement to JOHN 'O, HIRIC,, March 17, 1865-6E*. . Administrator.' •63 423 04 8,000 00 y I.CENSE NOTICE.- 4 N " Notice la hernhy given that I. will make appli. call .n at the cost Court of Qusrtor Sessions of Com berlaild County, to bo,he id on the 10th' day of . April nest, for licerw.to keep a boor-house and Itest:urant the Bast Ward of tho borough of Carlisle. • • " ANDREW GOULD. ' 1,000 00 $20,607 46 241. 60 Nardi 47, 1865-8 t ICI NSL NQTION— N N0t.1661 fi 'tier' by I'lntend td ripply to tho nextiCourt.of Quarter &salons of Cumberland co., to bo hold on the 10th day of April next,' for 'license to keep a heer , flouao and Ilostau , ant in the borough, of Monhanlceburd •; JOHN amboit. 'ls.larob,l7, , Assp—ste . correct as sot forth above, and that there In due to the said Borough by sold Treasurer, ono hundred and aix dollars and seven cents. . . Witness our hands this 20th day' of March, 'A. D. OM Thousand Eight Efundrad and Sixty-Five. E. D. CAMERON, } Auditors.- Mardi 31, 1865. TO THE PUBLIC. Carlisle, March 20, 1805. W - E the undersigned Ladies, do here by certify to the superior a uality.of the Silver Spring Flour. men ufactured by Singiser A: Manning, of Big Spring Mil s, Cuniberiand Co., awl sold by Samna] M. hoover of Carlisle The price of Flour having come down soma we would advise all persons to give this a trial as it c.annot be snrpassed Mrs .1. Bona, Mrs, W. M. °stem, Mrs. S. E. 'theme. Elizabeth A. London, Mrs. 11. II Hoover, Mrs. A. Hoover, Mrs. J. II homes. Miss 13 Egoiff, Miss 13Bentley, Mrs. al Tregn. Mrs. Si Ire, M rs. J. W. Eby. Mrs. II Miller, Mrs. S. A. Sonar, Mrs. K. Rhoads, Mrs. Armstrong, Mrs. Murray, Mrs. C. Itingwelt, Mrs. C. Turner, Mrs. P. B. Comfort, Mrs. Giro. L. Murray, Mrs. Jacob Senor, Mrs. A. B. Swing Mrs. It. Ogllby, Miss S. E. Miller, Mrs. S. A. Hutton. 3m. ~ 017 25 EMI 10 00 2 On 43 00 204 4J Important to Millers and Mill Owners. 1 yler's Improved Iron Water Wheels. Patented July 1855-58-58 TILE following are some of the advan taqns over nil other wheok : lug the boat percontago of power for no wator usml ith. durability, and it Is not likely ro got out of ro pair. I t runs In as well as out of back water with the sum head. It is Trot nbetrurted by anchor Ica or other eubslances with a suitable lack. II Is adapted to high heads as well as low. It Is the steadiest running and easiest regulated wheel In UP, it Is suitable for all kinds of machinery, cot'un and woolen textures, Oriet, Saw and Piipor NI ills. &c., 'fho subscriber having the Patent Itlght for Cumber land and Perry Counties, parties In want nf a yalnehle motive potvernre requested to Inform thoinseivo urth er by applying to my agents, Mr. Joan it. ANDERSON, MiliWtight, Boiling Springs, or Messrs. GARDNER & CO., Carlisle. Mr. Anderson has put In a largo nurnhnr of , Ite.se wheels, and understands how to put thorn In so no to gin thorn the moat power. Messrs. Unrd uor & Co , are at all times prepared to furnish rl caring suitatle tor the Tyler wheels. R. S. HAYMAKER, York, Pa. March '2l, IS 5 Washington House No. 709 Chestnut St., above 7th P,IIILADELPFIIA THIS old and popular Hotel is located In the immediAto centre of business. and to per sons li , Ding the City on matters of trade or pleasure, It b. one of the tort desirable Hotels in Philadelphia. It is convenient tell the Rail Road Depots, and easily acces•ilde by city cars from all parts of the City. Its rooms are airy and spacious. and the Larder will bn unexceptionable in every respect. The %tanager no sores the politic that no. effort trillbe spar. d on his wilt to make the Washington House, In all respects, pleasant anti agreeable to his guests, and he will he pleased to see his old friends and former patrons of the `• States Union." Philadelphia, and to welcomn many new ones. Air. 1.. Il Negley, the former office clerk at !he Stales Union. will be glad to see his old friends at the It ashington iloune. CEIAS. M. ALLMOND, 3T rrh 25, 1465.-1 mo Magnificent Sale GOLD ..IND SILVER WATCHES, Teweli-37 - , <acct.,. UN THE ONE DoLLAL PLAN. The Entire Stock of Ono Gold and Silver Watch Manufacto ry, Two Immense Jewelry Establish ments, One Silver Plating Warehouse, Ono Gold Pen and Pencil Maker, To be disposed of with dispatch WITHOUT REGARD TO COST ! The (3..1, ore of r•hiu nAI i, styles And most ex col ler t rvo,kurnnghrp. andu e d In tlt is rumme r to rel eve the pr.p. (eters r from emleirraqstnent Linn stoned by n .lisi rout inc rich nor It sboubl ho promi nently evrte.l, Mei., tint tbey ore mJstly of AMERICAN' MANUFACTURE and therefore irreativ Sllperior to thf, coots Inn ported from aliread and hawked about am Ills rhospest ever sold '1 he simple duty on importedon s, nod the 131 , 2.11 11,4.111,1111 101 l bored:in hills airs pitiable In aeimint to inore than the mu ire ra,t, ,pt the articles olferisl by is la, the to the sale ONLY - ONE DOLLAR will lin char:oil for sny nrtirlo on our list, and this stun tlin ~or :teed lilt ply ht. I,l"ws uhat to gut! Tois plan anon ds wits. thu niet.iuti re cently b.•,.-inn s lor drop large stocks of,linvelry si.d similar productions. I'll I.; PLAN IS SI ("LE! The clot H i -tired for en le—an Gold Hunting I (oat Baud itraedet,” 4 •Puarl 13, rout p u mot •• lin d 1,1:m1 , 1101 (ling," , ie orittrll nun card and in : theaeicii, elopes are th - on pl wed in a dr.iss or and sell mixed, thou us an ~rd r i s n rd, I%l'll 1,1.11ty lice routs for return ',still:u and nf inncarts Or r rtth i• t 0,, at rtiid,in and sent bust until to toe cust.nner, w Bo n NI son at IPIII. Wlllt he run got ft. Ono Poplar I•ho is plea , ril with his ',tune lie e,u, for war,t th.• ase .rdlolr, to directeals ou ape crrtitt oat° ate: )11, ore the mite It' the article n,,,e0,,,1 should be u onuit.,l to to purehaNer—as for examp'e, a set l'earl Far-Drup, and Itroasipin to a young than who could mot, Weal Chum, and had no Lino to give them to—ea e ill woul any other article nn t catalogue of 090.11 price which may ho pr, Period. Or If, tar any reason, you elionStl to venture no further, then you I ran let the matter drip Wlnn . o it in and speed I , olllor, EXIIIIIIIIO r u .fully our 0.1 alogue! \VA 'VII 1) EPA icr m 1 , :,N T. NEWBORN & CO., 76 Fulton Street, N..11' E=E;=EUMI Lis ettlees Of Goods, Ware's and Meichandisci; Also, Brewers, Distillers ; — Lumhermon„ ikc.~ with in the Oninty 'of-dtimberland r retiirded and classiEled, according to tbe•several Acts 'of ,Assembly, as follows, to wit Monasmith & Baker, groceries, 13 $lO 00 ,G. I'. Myers, do 13 10 00 J. M. Allen & Co. • do 12 12 60 John Byer, do 11 15 00 Halbert & Bro., . do 'll 16 00 William Bentz, do 12 12 50 Wm. Blair_&.Son - . do 11- He 00 - Williain Strailey,. do ;14 7 John D. Wok, dO 14 7 D. Keeney, do 14 7 M. Myers & Co., do 18 10 ' Mrs. E. Poland, do 14 7 John Faller, do 14 7 Zeigler & Stock, do 14 7 ' D Fredericks do 14 7 A. Monasmith, do 14 7 John Zeigler, do 14 7 J. P. Steele, do 14 7 W. H. Darn'do 14 7 Susan Wincholl, do 14 7 G. B. Hoffman, do 14 7 C. P. Eckels, do 14 7 Leidich & Miller, dry goods 10 20 Greenfield & Sheaffer, do • 11 15 W. C. Sawyer, '. do 10 20 A. W. Bentz, do 10 20 C. Ogilby, Trustee, do 11 15 F. C. Fleming, boots & shoes 18 10 Jonathan Cornman Agt., do 14 7 John Irvine, do 13 10 D. Sterrett, do 14 7 Jos. Sites, do 14 7 Henry Saxton, hardware 9 25 Lewis F. Lytle, do 12 12 60 .1. A. Keller, hats & caps - 14 700 J. G. Callio, . do 14 7 Mrs. S. M. Kieffer, fancy goods 14 7 0. Main,- do 14 7 Rheem & Spahr, confectionary 14 7 F. C.Porter, do 14 7 D. Ralston, drugs 18 10 Mrs. H. Haverstick, do 12 12 50 Mrs. C. Elliott, ,do .14 700 Miss S. E. Stahl. millinery 14 7 Mrs. Anna Schuchman, do 14 7 Mrs. E. Williams, do 14 7 Mrs. S. A Hutton, . do 14 7 Mrs. M. Neff, do 14 7 Miss M. Sturm, do 14 7 William Sellers, baker 14 7 George Faber, do 14 7 .1. Templer, do 14 7 J. Schtuohl, do 14 7 Wm. Clepper, robes 14 7 Samuel Ensminger, do 14 7 ' J. Boas, Agt., furn'g goods 13 10 Woe. A. Miles, do 14 7 J. Neuwahl, • clothing 14 7 E. B. Lenard, jr. do 13 10 S. C. Iluyett, do 14 7 J. W. Smiley, do 12 12 50 N. !Israeli, do 14 700 I. Livingston, do 12 12 60 11. S. Ritter, do 14 700 A Lehman do 14 7 L Bernhard & Son do 14 7 Michael & Ensminger, leather 14 7 George Rinestnith, stoves 14 7 J. D. Gorgas, do 14 7 F. C. Kreamor, jewelry 14 7 R. E. Shapley, do 14 7 T. Conlyn, do 14 7 J. Loudon, books 14 7 A. M. Piper, do 14 7 W. 11. Cornman, news depot 14 7 11. Rhoads, furniture 14 A. B. Ewing, do 14 D. Sipe, foriture & wall paper 14 Beetom & Bro., produce & coal 13 .1. & D. Rhoads, produce 14 SM. Hoover, iamb' & coal 14 Delaney & Blair, do 10 Armstrong & Hoffer do 12 R. C. Woodward, produce 11 Snyder & Newcomer, do 12 W. J. Cameron, flour & feed 14 Peter Fatist, do 14 Jamison & Co., notions 10 J. C. Lesher, photographer 14 A. J. McMillan, do 14 Mrs. R. A. Smith, do 14 11. IL Grove & Son, do 14 Wm. Askew, marketing 14 11. Ilsrltness, do 14 C. A. Smith, do 14 D. Fredericks do 14 J. Connelly, do 14 Wm. Wert ; do ' 14 Allison & Keeney, do 14 Wm. Brought, do 14 Hippie & Sponsler, do 14 Monasmith & Baker, huckster 14 Mrs. A. Von Fleilen, confec'y 14 Henry Brown. dealer in wood 14 Robert Thompson, do 14 D. Gill, dealer in stock ]4 J. Thulium, do 14 IVm. Leeds. do 14 C. W. &.1 W. Ahl, do 14 George Bendel, do 14 L. Robinson, do 14 A. A. Line, do 14 D. Wert, . do 14 D. P. Ilazelton, do 14 Man go r El ECIIANICBI3URG Jacob Ensrninger, grocery 13 John Johnston, • do 14 Yost & Hoffman, do 10 David Devinney, t , do 14 Brindle & Neiswangor, dry g'da 10 Comfort & Son, ' do 12 Chronister & Brugh, do II John Reigle, do 14 Leblig & Mathews, stoves 14 Wilson & Son, do 14 Dr. Ira Day, drugs 14 J. J. Clark, do 14 If. F. Geyer, do 14 J. B. Herring, do 14 Boyer & Eberly, hardware 11 George Babb, do 73 George Loser, marketing 14 S. Cbronister, do 14 Elias Hoffman do 14 J. D. Raffensberger, do 14 Marshall & Bro., do 14 George Stenour, do 14 c• J. Millisen . lumber 14 Zacharils & eon, do & coal 18 M. C. Eberly, dealer 13 11. H. Eberly, ilo 14 S. Eberly, do 14 W. Brunner, do 14 D. Sponsler, do 14 Joseph Totten, do ' 14 Jacob Neisley, do 14 Wrn. King, do 14 Mrs. A. M. Gross, millinery 14 Mrs. J. Borckhoad do 14 Mrs. A. H. Meteor do 14 David Miller produce 18 Levi Brandt do 14 Bryson & Son do 10 Singizer & Brandt do 13 Johnson & Sons do 9 J. 'J. Smith confectionery 14 . S. Rupert do" 14 J. D. Raflinsberger music 14 George Hummel coal 14 Jacob Sheeler sugars 14 John Rnpp furnituro 14 S. S. Worst do 14 L. W. Abrams clothing 14 L. D. Kieffer merchant tailor 14 Levi Belgic shoes and hats 14 Andrew Myers photographer 14 . T. B. Carden ao 14 J. Bates do 14 J. Swartz jewelry 14 C. Keim boots and shoos 13 CO= Stough & Elliott dry goods 15 20 00 McCandlish & James do ,Il 16 Klink & Bro. do 11 15 G. W. Mull stoves 14 7 S. ,Claudey do 14 7 .1. J. Crawford, confectionery 14 7 Lochroan & Bretz photograph's 14 .. 7 J. 11. Miller drugs 14 7 Mrs. M. B. Reed' do 14 - 7 S. G. Wild •. do 14 7 John S. Flays groceries 18 10 S. M. Glauser, • do, „ .14 7 R. E. Sharp' tobScco aZdsegarel4" 7 John Bricker; ,turnituve ; ;,14' - 7 L. H. Randall, merchant ,tailor 14 7 J. A. Kunkle herdware 10 -- JlDotigherty ,merchant tailor 14 • - 7 L. V. 11.' Soper Jewelry" . ' 14 ' 7 J. Longhlin ;clothing' 7 14 , 7 John Hard marketing 14 ~• 7 J. R. Kinsley, deler in stock 7 J. Wondburn, Jr. 14. ', 7 P. A. Ahl, & Bro. r - 14 •• 7 8111 PiHNS/1711 - 0. . • P. Kerlin , drugs .14 - 7 00 8. K. Kelier 'do 14 7 J. T. Altielt do, . 14 . 7 .. A. L. Snoddy" pbotogrsPer 14 • r - Rebudit & Allman do . ' 14 .• " Grabill & Harper hardware,..l - 2'• i 2 60' Forney & McPherson do 18 10 00 James Kelso. stationary . ;94 7 Grabill & Stogsrt, groceries 'l4 ', 7 E. J. McOnne do , ' 114. 7 S. Q. llo.Uar ..' d. 45— U. 7 class. License CARLISLE SOUTH MIDDLE:TON TOWNSHIP Kauffman Webbert dry goods 12 A M Loldich do 12 Alexander & Mullen do 13 S N Divert do 13 C Help furniture 14 Clepper confectionary 14 7 John Hartzler dealer is stock 14 7 U Strickler do 14 7 James Stuart do 14 7 W Saxton (10 14 7 John Stuart do 14 7 Jacob Zug do 14 7 12 50 15 00 12 50 7 00 MIDDLESEX TOWNSHIP. J 11 Swiler dry goods 11 7 00 E L Shyrock grocery 14 7 Samuel .Jacobs huckster 14 7 D Itingwalt dealer in stock 14. 7 Jacob lirngwalt , do 14 7 E Brenneman_ do 14 7 flurry Brenneman do 14 7 D Durnln do 14 7 Bowman & Diller dry goods 13 10 00 D R Burkholder do 12 12 50 G C Carothers do 14 700 .1 IV Ilanshew do 14 7 J Watson dealer 14 7 Jacob Ensminger marketing 14 7 James Bishop do 14 '7 William Goodheart do 14 , 7 William Bishop do 14 7 Peter Hess do 14 7 Thomas Dees do 14 7 John Grenson produce 14 7 Homsher & Drawhaugh do 13 10 D Gisler „ dealer In stock 14 7 D Hulks do 14 7 10 00 7 20 PRAIKFOUD TOWNSHIP. Alovinder & Bro. dry goods 14 John NI IS iigner groceries 14 20 12 50 16 00 Shoemaker & Elliott dry goods 13 Koontz & Stevick do 11 A High marketing 11 David Hoover flour 14 C Stuvick furniture 14 D McCoy hoots and shoes 14 SOUTHAMPTON Towmulti , . Jacob Bomberger dry goods 14 George Cleaver 010 14 .1 Shoch Ile Bro. do 14 Coney & Strohm William Clark Henry Myers William Hawk John Finley E Russell George Respell P Garber Jacob Becton' H Cockley I) Baker S & B Cockley B Plank dry goods J 11 Murray do II Warner huckster Myers & Son dry goods 14 John Minnich do 14 C Mellinger do 14 Newdomer & Co. do . - 14 Miller & Son • do 13 Cleaver & Ernst do 18 Snyder & Newcomer produce 13 Lewis & Bro.. do 14 henry Snyder do 11 J & J B Horeb do 10 Smith & Co. do 11 Walker & Sanderson grocery 14 Green & 111cOlureltirn'g goods 14 Jacob M Wagner marketing 14 P Kogereis huckster l4 Noaker & Pockard do 14 S Keepers Carlisle 8 500 Mrs. It Pilimy do 8 5 John Low do 8 6 Jacob filpplo, do 8 5 Jacob Stratton . ,do 8 6 John' Moloy, - Mechanicsburg 8 William Dunlap Newville 8 1 1 5 ' J P Wagner ,do .B'"' •5 , lIIIEIVED4I AND DiElTlrotrath Gebbart & Richter Carlisle 25 CO David Black • • ' do' 26 William Alexander do 25 Akl, Snyder : & . Newton - 25 S W E!iily Qyrliele 416 00 All persohe feeling themselves aggrieVed by•the abo've return, or classification, will have an opportunity of appealing, by calling op the subscriber. at the Court House in Oar !Pie., on the 15tb "orY4tl of April, after, which time no appdal, will he heiird. , U. WILTIP4114.11:1/1, March' 15, 18 fi5:„Afarchantile appraiser.. . .FSTATE NOTICE.--,- _ Notice le hereby ;Ivan tluiplottersOf Adminle• nation on the estate of David Martin, loto. of Monroe toWnship, deed.; have been granted by thelieglstor of Cumberland County to the subscribers, Peter H Martin, residing In Hampden tarp., and George Hoover, reel: ding in Silver Spring twp. All persona knowing them selves Indebted to: said eetate wilt make payment and those having present thorn ' PRTER MARTIN, Gainen HOOVER, ' Adtolnisin rthaoh; n, 18050t.* CHOICE SE(GATIVBEritornACCO,, RALSTON'O. .; P. R. Artiljj I'"': ! . t,do . 1,4,2':,,', 7 , Thrman & heaver do '1 •. 1 ' 7 'J. R. Pagiie . ' do 14' •7' Petor 'Millei• ' ,4 ' do • 14' '7 • Mrs: P:•Deltrich ' do'- 14'• - 7- C. Fasitacht.:ngt. da , ' 'l4 ' ' 7 !Mra.'ll,l, Davis , millinery ~, 14 7 Shenier•&.Eilain merchant tailor 18 10 J. Bridges • • do 14 7 G.'N: Grayson tobacco's segarn 14 ,` 7 Isaac. Landis jewelry. 14 7 R. Reysinger do 14 7 J. A. Wolf • ' stoves 14 7, Isaac 'N. Bykes do 14 ' 7 G. B. Coles bats and shoes 14 , 7 G. 117: Croft boots & shoes 14 _7 - 13: - J. Siirdi dye' — furniture 14 7 D. Cris Well • do 14 7 R. Duke • . do 14 7 Seim & Angle - produce 14 7 _ El. P. Blair do, 11 15 . Ruby & Co. do 10 20 Samuel Myers marketing 14 7 Benjamin Biggs do 14 7 HAMPDEN TOWNSHIP D. Rupp D. Rupp J. H. Johnson George K Duey dry goods 13 '•'10 produce 14 7 dry goods 14 7 marketing 14 • 7 LOWER ALLEN TOWNBRIP. EW & G Wise dry goods 14 7 T Willett do 14 7 A Brower do 12 12 50 Jonathan Baleley eegare 14 700 WilHutu Geller do 14 7 Eberly & Leo produce 14 7 C Eberly marketing 14 7 George Brubaker do 14 7 James Davis do 14 7 John Young do 14 7 W Crall do 14 7 C Shorriok drugs 14 7 , UPPER ALLEN TOWNSHIP. .1 - I 3 Goswiler dry goods 12 12 50 J Swartz merchant tailor 14 7 00 SILVER SPRING TOWNSHIP. A Orris dry goods 13 10 00 Jacob W Simmons do 14 7 W .11 Eckela do 13 10 J W Laidig do 14 7 J B Leidig produce 18 10 George Duoy marketing 14 7 F Breckmacker do 14 7 ' Fisher Sr. Houck dealer in stock 14 7 L Capp do 14 7 J Brenneman do 14 7 John Fought do 14 7 S Bemminger do 14 7 EAST PENNSBOHO' TOWNSHIP 15 Denlinger dry goods 14 W 0 Banki do 14 M Free produce 14 Patterson & Myers do 12 D Lingleflold do 13 Jacob Renninger groceries 14 Jacob Longncckcr do 14 John Glesnir do 14 George Graylin do 14 7 David Brown marketing 14 7 E Ebner furniture 14 7 NEW CUMBERLAND Dosser RE Coover lumber 12 12 50 Lee & Eberly do 10 20 00 V Feeman do 14 7 J G-Miller dry goods 14 7 1". 11'iHutt do 12 12 60 MONROE TOWNSHIP Samuel Plank dealer 14 7 00 D Devinney drugs 14 7 George Brindle dry goods 12 12 60 II Spuhr flour 14 7 00 .51. Landis dealer in stock 14 7 WEST PENNSIMRO' TOWNSHIP EIMEEZI do 12 do 14 marketing 14 do 14 do 14 =1 dry goods 14 7 00 do 14 7 do 14 7 marketing 14 7 dealer In stock 14 7 do 14 7 do 14 7 DICKINSON TOWNSIIIP NEWTON TOWNSIIIP EATING LIGINIIEB BILLIARD BALLOONS. 1:1•E=M:13 DUBE- LIBERTY -LEAP, •Vasur . VnAtenessiK • 4100: - Giosil; - . militancy, i <"n t e cl f 8 1 cn rORB LIBERTY to cover more anifeco:Rii;same weight then any other-,Lead— Vry it and you will have no other l ' PURL: LIBERTY ZINO,' ' selected ZinS, i round In Relined - Linsied Oil, IMO- In quality, always the eecn, • . . . 'PURE LIBERTYIE ZINO, Wirranted.to do moro and - bettor work at a given coat than any other—Vet the Deal .• Menu lectured at Pennsylvania PAINT & COLOR IVOIIIS.--Ordersaarcutad promptly by '• • ZEIGLER & SMITH, if-71alesale Drug, Paine and Glass Dealers Steno & Mee, No 137 North THIRD Street, Mar'h 24 , •1665-1 y • VALUABLE FARM AT PUBLIC SALE. offer fbr sale a valuable farm situate _k within two miles of Carlisla, containin g 170 Acres of Slato Land, of which 40 tiaras are meadow, well set with Timothy. Tho improvements are A new 12, BANK BARN j !". ;Lel 4 4 ~ 70 by 40 feet, a two story plastered Iltmso and out buildings. The land Is in tigtoud bILLIU of cultivation, uudor good fences and wall watored. Terms la suit tho purchaser, and possexalon given immediatoly if desired For further particulars in qulro of March 17,1885—M C. P.. Carlisle, Pa. 4Y'T,ancastor Examiner copy 3 times and send hi to this Offied. XEC UTO It'S NOTICE.- / Letters Testameulary nn the estate of Dr. Wil iam Mentzer. late of the bmnugh of Carlisle, deed., laving been towed to t lio suhserlirm. residing in the nom place. Nom lee is here y given to all person• to Imire pay!, Pllt And those haring claims to present hem for settlement to DAVID lUIOADS, Stnrrh'lo Executor. N. B. Tho Hooks belonging to deed., have been lef the hands of David Smith, Esq., with whom settle 001 will ho mode. I C E NS E NOTICE. : Notice la hereby given that application will b ,de at the neat term of Quarter i'.0.1101.5 of Comber ad enmity. to he held at Car!hie. en the 10th day a pelt no , t. f.r• n License lo keep a Beer House and .qanrant in the East Ward In the °rough of Car le STEMEN KEEPERS. Nlarrh in, 1A65--nt, ICENSE NOTICE. Sot h'.. Is horel.y given that appllvatlon will ho tumid nt tin ur•xt-e-tionxul• Cumber land roomy, to he• hohl nl Carlls , .. on the loth day of April next. for it Ideense to keep it Ile, !louse nod neLtaurant In the I:ast Ward of the Porouvh of ran 1i1.1.1.6 DONNELLY. 7 00 arch 10. 1565-31.0 _ 'CENSE NOTICE. ..„‘Nt.tice Is her. by given t hat appllratlon will bo Matte at the next term of Qu trier Sosslons of Cutobtir.. land 00011ty, to ho 1,•Id et CAHISIO, to the I oth day of A pit nov , for a I,IPVTIon to lon a Boer Ile coo and 1, ...”'n u rant in the West MI rd of the Borough of Car- JOSEPH SITES. 12 60 10 00 rch 10. 1865-3 E TEE PI ENIX PECTORAL WILL CURE YOUR COUOIL TII F 1 PH(ENIX PECTORAL; OR, ( 7 0 1 11'01'ND_ s\ DUP OF 55 ILD CIIIMICY AND Rill rurn 11le DiF'ens-es of the 'l'll pm ‘T .t LUNGS, St, Cr.1(14, C Hells , Crimp. Aslinnt, linmehitis Cal.trrh, Thrort who,ping Cough, Its timely use will prevent 12 50 12 50 10,00 I ' 111, R Y C 0 ..V,S"' UM? TIO2V, And wren where this foarfol ,license line taken hold it will ntl - nrd grantor relief than env other medicine Mn..s Kate 1 anderellee of l'otiSVilil4. says: "1 wAs benefitted more hy - hsing the Phoenix I ectoral than any_ ather ivadlelae l ever:U.:ltd." • Oherl.olizer, of Lionvillo,. Chesty: county, eras cured of 'crodh of man, years' standing ' by using the Joseph Lukens, al !Tall :Arent, vine. certifies that he wa.; cured of a 12(11.1,11 Ot tug, years' standing. whoa all other medicines had failed, by the Nonni,: Jaeob row . ers cort Mee that he has sold hundreds of betties nt the PI:m.111x l'e A 0,111,111111 that all ~h i, used It. liver testimony of lie 'sonde, fyl effects in curing convhs. John Royer, editor r d thn I ndnpennen t Phwol havb.g acrd it. has in. il,it3:1011 In protionsolog it a c. ',pieta re e,ly for cough, h-arseness and irritation I In the Lliroit. The West Chest, "Jefiersonlan" rays : "Wo ha vo 1:1150'1 DO. 01)1,11010,, 111 , 1 - Nolloly a number of yearn, _and it gives us the greater. pleas_uro.tuxecommouti his me,ll,does iria..itinch as the 11,11510 rarely lis-e Lli 4. ben , flt el !sillily medicines prepared by a physician or his eSperkuro. Ur. Olierholtz, is a member of the Alurnr.l of the Medical Domirtin4nt of the University of Pennsylva ohs. at which Institution he gradualist in lksl " The Reading •• I/241011o" save: •• This cough remedy Is omit,, up by Dr. L. überholt,sr, of Pboinlxville, Pa , and I' has aequirod an nnsurpassed reputation in en-- corwhs. It to carrfully and skillfully prepared from Wild Cherry Durk atot,gerieka Slink° Root." Dr. Den. 11. Wood. Prof.-se,ir of Lilo Prart leo of Medi cineniv'•rsityof Penns,' l'hysiolan to he Prrinsyl , oda Hospital, and 4010 01 I lin authors .1 the 1:11 I t0.,1 i.“rites 1 1 1 , m.rwitory. says of Seriekti Snake I Root: •• Its art ton is sprelally directed to the lungs'' T., proprietor of this O. dime 11:1F , fin much confl -41, nee In its pO,Vi 11, fro rl, rho testimony of huiolra Is aim have used ir, thkl the moll., alit to paid hack to any purchaser who Is not with its enacts. It Ism pl , asan , In LW:e tli3t children rry'for It. It rroto- rents—ln-or I,ttles $l. It in intVlld,i !Or 0111 v OUP el.ns or di•ensen, namely of the Lungs Prepa/ cd 011 i) by _ . LEVI OBEIIIIO7,TZETt. ii. D., l'b Sold by all Dri are b:Tints .and Storolcreo. r..ixi•llle, Johnston, 11011.1uut , A t'o.ril,o, No. 21 No , Lb Sl!th Strout, l'hi adolithlL Oeni-ral Wh01,4110 Agent 9. U. W U ro,s .t Cn, tt holo-alo Avows /11rrisburg. Ilaver,tlrt.'s Drug Storo, relll, to s B. — lt:your ooark,t, drultTl=t or storehooper does not keel: this illedlehro do not 1.0 1,111 put y..uoff u Ith sonny of nor notk f inoro money on It but stobl et uouo 1.. ono of 1110 rigout, cur it. march 10, ly 7 00 10 00 Jr 7 7 \ATHEIIEAS the II„n. JAMES 11. 111,.1t,1 P 11, 1 ,1”, t J ot,le nt the , VOllll COllll, of Common Pleas of the I , lllllil, of Cumberland. Per ry. and Jul lat., soil / us( we of the s. Veral Courts of Dyer and Terminer and General .fail Delivmy In said con,, ties, and Alieh el Coeklin and Hugh St uart. Judges of the Court, of Oyer and 'foram., and doll Delivery for the trial of all capital and littler oliendets, In the slid etiuuty Of Cumberland, by their precepts to me directed, dated Ihe Ot h .lattunrv, er tiered the Omit 0C tl, or tail lermitnmand I :e , . toil Delivery 1., ht. holdru nt Carlikle nu Um 2,1 31,many nl April, 198.1 , (wing the leth day.) at ill o'clock ,u fho toteneon, to eent lime Imo II eel,. 7 00 7 7 00 1 60 7 OU NOTICE Is hort•ly given to the romner..litstlees of the Could:Odes of the %aid county of ('ant hei laud lhat they are by the said to eept commanded to be then and thorn 1n their proper peoons, with 11101 r rollo:rueortlB;and itiquisitionenxtunhiations,and all other rem mb,IIIIM.S. to do these things which to their °fliers ap t ertain to bn • one• and all 111000 that are bolt utl bi re, ognizaileeo, to propecute glinst the prloonors that en or than oh ill ho In thn Jail al cold county, are to be thero to prosecute theta as shall be Jaw. JOHN .1 ACIOBS, March 10, 1866. Sheriff, 14 7 00 14 7 14 7 f lARLISLE & PHILADELPHIA. -14 - It EIG HP LINE. FREED, WA RD & FREED, 811 MARK ET STREET PHILADELPHIA. J. & D. RHOADS, MAIN STREET, CARLISLE, PA. AVr•L'o re of this Lino leave tho Depot 811 Market St. Daily, at 4 o'clock. P. M. Leave Curllslo, D lly, at 7 o'clock, A. M. Goods lotooded for this Lino should be markoi C. 4 P. Daily Ircicht Mi), and sent Is by 4 b'cloek. July 1, 1804. 7 00 READING RAILROAD ~~=oa r ~~ ~ " WINTER ARRANGEMENT. d IREAT Trunk Lino frdna the North k . A and Nortb•West for Philadelphia, New York Reading, Pottsville. Lebanon, Allentown, Easton rrains leave Harrisburg for Now e York, as follows: At 8 and 8.15 -A. 111. and 1.45 P. M., 'arriving at New York at 104. St and 2.45 and 10 P. 51. , • The above conne.4, with, similar tratna on PennsyL vania Rail Road, and PleepingiCarsaccompany the first two trains without change.: Leave for Reading, Pottsvillo, Tamaqua,MinersVillo, Allentiown and Philadelphia at 8.15 A. M. and - IAS P., M., stopping at Lebanon and principal stations only. Way 'frarns stopping at all points, at 7.25 a m. and 4.40 p. m. Returning: Leave Now York at 0 a. to., 12 noon, and 7p. m. Philadelphia at Ba. m. and 3.80 p, Pottsville at 8.60 a. ni and 2.95 p. 2n.; Tamaqua at 8.10 a. tn. and 2.15 p. m.. and Reading at 12 midnighti .7,85 and 10;451L m., 1.98 and'o,os p. m.' • ' An Accommodation Ptu.senger train letives 'Rending at 0.30 A. Mt, and returns from Philadelphia at 4.30 P.M. Columbia Railroad tralus loave Reading at 0.40 and u 4. on. for linbiata, , Litits, 041umbia, ' 'On'SundaysiLetivio New :York, at 7. Philadel pbla at 8.15 P. 514 PottaVille'at 7.30 A. 151., Tamarynaat Ilarrisbutg 8,16 tt: on.' mut Pealing 'l2 mid nightfor Harrisburg: =.. .,r •" Commutation, Mileage, Season, School and Eicurallon Tickets at roduced.rates-to and - from all points: - ''' - /Inggage obeekdthyopg4., ‘ BO, ~1.!0 n . diiißaggago al • ]Dived oacli Viipbopgar. • „• • Coastal Supeiliston'akuf.' • • N0y..25, :1804 L I 3TATEI .11_2/Lettere' testdmentary on tin estate of Jacob Miller, Into of_Upper.Allen,towneliip, - doed., have been issued by. the ) 12sedste0 Olimberiandoounty, to the subscriber residing in Unlearn° township.. All, persons indebted'. ta inhi: &tate: iifllAtinhe'immediate payment, and those bar lit, claims will prosunt .them for nettle, most to • , ' ZA,llll.lli Mitrxhlo,lB6s 7 -761. 4 .) - , , :• : • -raex. EEO BEST. youTK LXL'A.I3 '' " ' BEST ZINC I PIIILADZLIIIIA k r , MIZMI?M Proclamation BL'AIR , SE SON,' Corner of Hanover and South Ste. NAW.-MLEOLESALE-AND- - GrOcery and - Queensware Store, TIJ•S T - opened ' with' ' fresh and good ea Geode. a choice variety of every thing usually-kept In a flest"elans store. Particular attention given In tlhe selection of nice cote of China and - Granite Ware, CHOICE TEAS, COFFEES, SUGARS, HYRIIMEIPICEJ3 FLAVORING EXTRACTS, Canned and Pickled Fruits, Worcestershire, Cumber , land, and other t3ances Cheese, Crackers, and every thing oleo in our line that a_dieerltnlnating nubile'-may require. assort ments of Writing Papers, Coal Oil Lamps, Queeneware, Willow, Cedar, Stone and Earthen Wares, SALT, FISH, ,OILS, IRON AND NAILS, kept constantly an hand. • Goode will i bp ruplenishild frequently, kept clean and nice, sold ,atithe lowest possible prices, and delivered at any part of the town. Please give us a call. Cash paid for Country Pro duce. %'M. BLAIIt & SON. Carlisle, lilarch 3,1885.-1 m Decline in Gold ! Decline in Dry Goods at Ogilby's Cheap Cash Store I r AM now opening and selling Calicoes, XXluellne. Tlchbige, Olugharns, Drillings, 'shooting, Table Diapers. and all hinds of Domestic Goods, at the present reduced city priers and much lower than here- Worm All Mout 'pawls of Dry Goods at the very low .est price for cosh. 0. OUILBIf t February 17, 180.1. Trustee. Browning's Excelsior Coffee Whilst 'rylng Coffee at all the various brands. Remember . 4 Browning's Excelsiot"—at the bead It confide. True, it's not Wee others that are "Sold Everywhere." A little stretch, we all do know, good goods toil. easily bear, (But a stretch like this—"sold everywhere". apt to tear ) Now, I can safely Hay. tv'thont any hesitation. There's none Ilko '• Browning's Excelsior" In this en lightened nation. Skilled chemists have not frund a Coffee from any store Possessing the same ingredients as Browning's Ex. eelelor." `'or Is there any one, In or out of the Coffee ttede, Who heowe the articles front which "Browning's Ea ceishm 's" made. I'm told It's made from barley, r; e, wheat, beans, and pens; Name a f housand other things—but the Right one If you plena, • But e 111, the Coffee-me,, I will not hold contention For r he many, many things they say—too numerous to mention. Whilst they're engaged in running round from store to store To learn the current wholesale price of "Browning's Excelsior;" Dome who know my Coffee gives perfect satisfaction, Have formed a plan by which they hope to caution quick reaction. The case—'tie with n few; no doubt 'twill he mere— To name their Coffee atter mine, (Browning's) Excelsior. Si.nlll say their's the only brand that will stand a ready test. • Now, try a little of thorn all—see which you like the hest. Throe.years have passed away since I first sold a store; Never have I Is your paper advertised before; Nor would I now, or ever consent to publish more, If like some used by " everybody," "sold everywhere," In "every store." A trade Ike this 1 d not wish; the orders 1 could not fill; The factory all Jersey's land would lake—leave not a foot t till. My trade Is not so very large; still I think I have my churn, But, render, you may rest assured, 'tin not ' soll everywhere." Manufactured and for sale by the writer, GEORGE L. BROWNING, No. 20 Market St., Camden, N.J. Thin Coffee is not romp. sod of poisonous drugs, it contains nothing deleterious; many persons use this Odes tint chitiout use the pure coffee; it takes but ono and a half ouhcoslltr, make n quart of good strong crhf fee, that being Just one-half the quantity It takes of Java Coffee, andlilways lons than hhhlf the price. lietal I Dealers may purchase it ln less quantities thou ten gross at Inv ph hoes Iron the Wholegale hirovers. Oh dors by mall from Wholesale Dealers promptly at tended to. February 17, ]905-3m THE MARY INSTITUTE. Is fully organizi , d under its - charter, with cht, ast.islant C , ./whore, Nliqa A, r. D O ON Krrsr,i , V. A.iigtant In Language' Mb, 1, L. IVLItz , TI:II., Assistant and teacher of Vocal ii umie. :Urn. F. IC. 0(1 , 1, Tiparector in )Inch. .Miss 0. t/liAllA 31, 1 ppm urtor lu Drawing and Paint. ing. The half-ye , rly Fession will begin on Monday the 6th of February. Term,. tor board. ra $lOO for 10 wed s, payable in auvance; for day punt 1 , ..1 , 112,110 for 10 weeks, in 21 Nc , t • xtrt chltgen 11. r the languageß ty . ir p. r Lly.l.wi rig {SOJ per quarter For tolutinbiou aPPIv t ° the lies. Cl ~011f1, Ihrtor or to hire. A. 13 5510.A11, Principal. Frb n, 10019-111. A oTreE • I:ot'ors Teuttimontary on tho osloto of Mrs. Jano Itl no, deed.. Into of Shophenitstoien. Cumh. haying Itntin isbuett to tho su Inert bur osid ing in Dills burg. Ynri I.n. Pa Nt•th•ot Ir hoe, by given to all por nong Indebted, to matte payment, and tine° having claims to prusent them for settlement to Nlarell 17, IS65-6L.. I, I XE'CITTOR'S NOTICI .- Le tors Te , taineulary nn tho °stair, of Wm. C. IN ikon, decd bite of Carlisle, Pa , having been issued I, the liegistrr, f Cum!, , Co., to the subscribers re, Hiding in the same !dm,. !V it I) is hereby given to :CI h.,: In holoat.• t , ,11 , 1 es , ain to make ptyloomt, and rill 4 cl mirdh to prosont dawn for settle ment to Nlitrult 17. 18.15-13 t NEW AND FRESH itr• r (D. .43 r 1 e) HALBERT St 1311,0 ., LIAXING just zeturned from the Eastern elf it's destro to inform their pater no that ton, bale laid in a !Milli and varied stock of New and Fresh Gonda at the lowest ,ash prices. lh”ir t iI , OI , LIAI aml complete. con tmin• lot; every thin,.; necessaay to constitute a First Class r calory TEAS, COFFEES, SUGARS, In greatest alolinlo nee. and 1 , .w..5t rrndl figures 93 ropa, Fpices. Canned Fruits. (IttPENSIVAR I.; and entlieo. Salt and Fish, Hams, ChLese, Crackers, Brubhes, Baskets and Willow Ware. &gars and Tobacco, of tho chnice,t brinds. Brooms, Buckets, and a corn plot() astqultnent ut FAMILY G ROCE RIES. Don't lorgvl (no old stand, :tooth East corner of !Louver streets. Feb. 18:1 STILL TRIUMPHANT ! rgIIIE complete success of the ORNA MESTAAI.OOOK STMT. warrants the subserit.or in railing attention of ad who utay want a superior stove; to rail end examine the only Stove that has given universal satisfietion. WHAT IS Of AIMED OVER OTIIERS IS, lot. A saving of from 30 to 60 per cent. In fuel. 24. A hotter and quicker Oven from the same fire. 3d. A large Oven than uny other stove of the same size. 4th. The preservation of the centre pleco rrom Mak ing, saving repairs. sth. Thu best linker, 'toaster, anti Cook new in nate 6th. A supotior arrangement for Cleardn • thu flues The Ornamental la warranted to give satisfaction In in every particular, and will be shown with plealure to all who may call, whether Fociring to purchase or not. Any quantity of rofurenco given in town or country. A few other good Cook Stoves on hand and for sale. SPOUTING., ROOFING, • Job Work, Doppqr Stnithing and Sheeting, promptly attended to In town or country. AU work, warranted. at rho old nand formerly occupied by Mrs. Mary Moe rle Mirth Hanover street. Old Copper, Baess and, Pewter bought, and the high obt price paid in Cash or 'Goods. a. W. RIIINESSITTII, Successor to Mrs. Morris Narch 3, 1885--.lm THE CONFESSIONS AND EXPE RIENCE OF AN INVALID. .nbliebe,d for the benefit, and as a CAUTION TO YOUNG MEN,.fuid °there, who stif fer frore'Plervoua Debility , Prematiire Decay of Man hood, &c., supplying at the same limo THE MEANS OF BELF-OURE, Dy oue who has cared himself after un dergoing eensldorable quackery, Dy enclosing a post. paid addressed, envelope single .onples MAY be had of the author. " .NATElANlELlietifitlllEsq. Doc, 0; 18134.--3m0:.. Brooklyn , Icings C0.,0 N. BARGAINS TUST' received from' the - great . New. Jr York Anotion Salvo • 8000 yards Calicoes. • 2500' 7! • 'White Muslin& • . 800 ", 'Spring Brasher!. 8000 " Drown Muslim. 800 " Gingham& • 5000 ,! Carpets. Oil Clol be, Looking Glasses, Sbades, &d. • " ' Great Bargains in noepSkirte r Liaum gandkarablofs, Spring Mont I ntn osOtr n ea; 'Drabs hoods; Diem! Oo de, &c. I will sell ,the abints-06eds,'„and many others at a small advance on' cost ;Atli the Ist of, 4pril. „Please call; door below:Maitln's Hotel; Main street. March 10, 1800.- 0, , SAWYER. "EI I ,STATIg• ; .• , • 'Loftaratiadaiiiiintary;op, the .estate of David Maxwell dile'd.; lute Of Shiromantitora, having been, issued to the eubsarlber residing In tho same Notice IS bierisby . filvorkto an d persons fndebted to Rabb Eiesto to.mabelatyrnept, those having slatowto. proseat tbeinifbr ilettlomeitt to• • , ,• b'eti '24 1860.7-01:*. JACOB G. *Tann, • . •. T4:icEMD'NOT.IOE. ~ .•:, a • .. , ; :••• .. - 11. - Notice isltbreby glien that I Intend to apply . .at . ha next term f Q Besslons of Cumberland c., to be held at Caorlisle, onuarter tho 10th of April next, for o a License to keep,a Beer VCIUEig and Restaur an t in•the Ease Ward'of the Enrough'of Carlisle. HENRIETTA WOOD.' -- _, r' • - ' . ' • ' • ' March 10, 16084-lite . . ~ . . • —is very TO BE SOLD AT ONE DOLLAR 7101 10 be paid until you know what you ASTLEXDID LIST OF ARTICLES All.to_be Sold_ for GNE DOLLAR Each J. M. SHEARER, Executor. 100 Gold Hunting Cases 'Watches each $lOOOO ICO Gold Watches 60.00 200 Ladles' Watches 36.00 600 Silver Watches $l5 00 to $25 00 600 Gold Neck and Vest Chains 12.00 to 25.00 1000 Chatelain and Guard Chains 6.00 to 16.1.0 8000 Vest and Neck Chains 4.00 to 12.00 4000 Solitaire Jet and Gold Brooches 4.00 to 8.00 4000 Coral, Lava, Garnet, &c., Brooches 303 to 8.00 7000 Gold, Jet. Opal; &c.,1111. Drops 3.00 to 6.00 6000 Gents' Breast and Scarf Pins 8.00 to 8.00 6000 Oval Band Bracelets 6 11.1 to 800 2000 Chased Bracelets 6.00 to 10.00 3,500 California Diamond Pins and Rings 2.60 to 600 2000 Gold Watch Keys 2.60 to 6.00 5000 Solitaire Sleeve Buttons and Studs 2.00 to 8.00 3000 Gold thimbles 4.00 to 0.00 6000 allialature.Lockets 2. 0 0 to 700 3000 Miniature Lockets, Magic 4.00 to 0.. 0 2500 Gold Toothpicks, Cro•eea, &e 2.00 to 6 (.0 3000 Fob and Ribbon Slides 2 00 to 600 6100 Chased Gold Rings 2.00 to son 4000 Stone Set Ring, 2.00 to 0.00 60 0 0 Seta Ladies' Jewelry-Jet and Gold 600 to 15 00 6000 Sets Ladies' Jewelry-varied styles 300 to 16 00 8000 Gold Pens, Silver Cane and Pencil 400 to 800 4000 Gold Pens, lilbony Holder and Case 6.00 to 10.00 0000 Gold Pens, Mounted Holder 2.30 to 6.00 D. fITI,LIf JAMES NIA I( SII4 U, k:xcen L ors. HALBERT & 11.110 AD the goods In the above List will bo sold without reservation, for ONE DOLLAR EACH. Certificates of all the various articles aro placed In similar envelopes sealed and mixed. There envelopes will be sent by mall, or delivered at our office, without regard to choice. On receiving a Certificate, you will see what article It rep resents, and It is optional with you to send one dollar, and receive the article named, or any other in the list of Fame value. By this mode we give seleotiona from a varied stock of Line goods, of the best make and latest atyles, and of intrinsic worth, at a nominal price, while all hero a chanco of securing articles of the very highest value. In all transactions by mall we charge for forwarding the Certificate, paying postage, and doing the business 25 cents each. Five certificates will sent for $1; Elev en for two $2; Thirty for $6; Slxtyfive for $10; and One Mulched for $l6. We should supply your want our fealties are union. paased; our work of unrivalled eacelleo ea ; our promisee punctually 41:marred. Our central location brings us near, the meet remote points Our Miodeare new from the manufacturers, and of the latest and most desire. bla The goods must be sold, sod the terms are unequaled. All erkiclas creaked are Pirwarded by return .We guarantea.entire satiefsotion 1n ereiy instance, ,arid if there ebbuid be toy person Mit:dialed with any may.recelve, they. will inunediatidy return and-the price, will be refunded. "AGENTS.—We allow those acting as Agents Ten 'Cents on each Certificate ordered, provtdpd their romit• thnee amount to One Dollar. l They nill col (fat 25 cents for every earthiest°, and, I retaining 10 c ts, remit to ue 15 cents for each. Address, . GEO. DESPIGT .1; 90., , I S l nr• 6.;-8 1 4. \ ' ' ' q'priropitiiip.tio'li lrort. lIM GEO. DEMERIT & C JEWELERS, 303 BROADWAY, NEW YORK (CORNER DUANE STREET.) 100,000 WATCHES, Challis, Gold Pens and Pencils, IVORTEI $500,0001 EACH, WITHOUT REGARD TO VALUE will receive! REASONS_ WHY PURIM' PETROLEUM CD) WC i= ll raT -457' OF • Vonango and Clarion County, Penna, DIVIDED 11170' 400;000 SHARRS. Par Value of nava Share, Ono Dol/ale, Subscript lan Piles, 26 Cents pert. ffhars WOKING CAPITAL„S26,OOO vs_ All taxes due the Commonwealth will be retained in the Treasury -VC Rreettlent, GEORGE YOUNG, - Seeeett ry, J. 1.1 A REY SOURACK. 'Premium G. F. WORK Ar CO.. Backers, No. 41 South Third Street. Plilledolphlit Mining Superhltendent, NELSON GUYER. DIRECTORS, M. d. Byron. Thorooß B. Blgalan, Georg,. Young, C. , P Ramsdell, of Oil City, lion. Amon Myors, George R. TI tue, U. It. Durham, Esq. Office of the Company. No. 632 Walnut Street, nOOl3l No. 11, Phliadolphla. Sulmeriptions by letter cll reetod to GEORQII YOUNG. President, No. 46 South Third St., 'will ho ,promptly attended to. THE PUBLIC PETROLEUM COMPANY Each and every aubscriber to tho stook of this com pany, becomes pia owner of tho lands and wells„ thereby receiving an equal aharo of all the profits. TWO WELLS NOW GOING DOWN, both of which are nearly complete, and give every In dication of being Out W ELLS, as already several &MR VEINS OP OIL HAVE BEEN STBDCIC.' It Is confi dently believed that within thirty days the company will be receiving Oil from both those wells. y„. It is a matter of congratulation to bo able to state that neatly one•helf of the stock has already beers secured since the first a , nountement on Saturday morals , leaving but a little over 200,0 , -0 shares yet tube taken. The land, and prodwing interests of tho Public Pe troloilw-Cotriviny are situated In the heart of the oil nation of Veiing° and Chirlon counties, Including por. Eons of the , wall-known lorAlltios or East sandy Creo , , Cherry Run, Cherry Tree Run, the Clarion river and fithull's Run, now under process of successful develop ment. EAST SANDY CREEK No I consists of a tract of 100 acres. In foe simple, known as the Slgwip th Farm, situated on East Sandy Crook. There ore two runs, boils trlbuta.cies of East Sandy Creek. passing through It. A gro t portion of it lint boring territory, and there Is room enough for over one hundred wells, This track Is but a short distance from the East Sandy 1,11, which Is bald to flow two hundred barrels per day. Thorn are two large coal veins opened on this property, wad fifty arose IH heavily titnli. rod with oak and chnstnAll. A. well la to he souk lunueiliatoly on this property. SCIILILL'S ItUN. No 2 consists .e12..1 acres, in fee simple, In - Rocklend towtvhip, Vennneo . coutity, Pa. It is one nod a half miles from the Allegheny river. This farm has an abundance of bituminous epal on it. The greater part of it Is flat boring territory. Sehull's it un passes di rectly through it. Several oil companies aro organized near this farm, and aru now developing their lands.— On this tract leases eau be given to responsible parties, and several wells will be sunk immediately without expense to the 'Company. CLARION RIVER No 8 consists of four acres. In fee simple, In thereat Oil Basin of the Clarion river, about one mile below tho Deer Crest well, and a 'Mort distance above the Alum Bock well. This is a very choirs piece of land, and It is all ens erptible of being operated upon. Wells aro to Go soot 'mini di:ltaly on this property BEEIBEINII No 4 consists of a one-sixteenth working interest In a lease on the Lamb Form, Cherry Run, Venango Co. Pa., on which there Is one well going down It boa already reached the depth of 3mo feet, and has struck come One Chows of nil. There ix no doubt but that this will boa good will, and the Company, In a short time, be receiving oil from thin interest The Lamb Form in bete ern the Reed well and the Hundmit Refinery, and Is the best territory on Cherry Run. CIIERRY-TREE RUN No. 5 consists of a one-sixtresith working Interest In a lease on Cherry-Tree Pun, enaugo county, Pa., on whiith there Is Due wet, going down. It has reached the depth of three hundred fret, and promises to be a good well. Ina short time the Company will be re. relying oil from thin interest also. 'flied! are good pro ducing soothe both shave and below this lease. The hooka for subscription open at the oftico of tho Company, No. 02:Walnut Street, boom No. 11. Subscriptions. by letter through Post Oillee, ah,ould be directed to the office of Eill{.oll South Third 'Street, and will receive prompt attention. Remittances can I.e 111/Ifi, by draft. exprepa, or regia• toroo letter. fievernment Bongo and Securities taken in paymeut fur stock. GEO. YOUNG, President J, lIARRY SCIIRACK, r..ocretary and Treasurer. Mxrrh 24, 1805- flt U. S. 7-30 LOAN BY authority of the Secretary of the Treasury, the untler4lgned has assumed the Gen• .erai•Suhseiiptioo-Agea:.y for the sale of United States Trevsury Notes, bearing Boson and throe-tenths per eent. Interest, per annum, known as the SEVEN-THLRTY LOAN. These Notes are fesurd under date of August 15th, 188,t, and are payable throe years from that time, In currenny or aro convertible at the option of the hot- dor into U. S. 5.20 Six per cent. GOLD-BEARING BONDS. Three Loads are now ‘i,rth a premium of ul.e per cont., including, gold Interest from Novr.Avhlch makes the actual profit on the 7-3 J loan, at current rates, In cludie4 Interest, nhnut ton per cent. per annum, be- sides Its exemption from State and municipal titration, with h adds from one to thio,3 per coat. more., according to tho rite looted on other pr pert y. 'Tho to payable sum I -an n ually by coupons a ttached to each note, which may ha cut off and sold to auy bank or banker =I One Cent per (lay on a $5O note. Two cent■" 8100 " MO 01 w 11 $3OOO " Notes of all the denominations named will be prompt IS furnished upon receipt of Kulmollptions. This is THE ONLY LOAN IN MARKET now offered by tho Government, and it la confidently expected that Its superior advautages will make It the Great Popular Loan of the People. Less than sl2o,notl,oCo remain unsold, wh kb will probably be !disposed c f within the next sixPy days, when the notaa will undoubtedly command a premium as has uniformly been the case on closing the subserlp- ,one to other loans In order that citizens of every town and soethan of he country may bo afforded faellitdos for taking the ean, tbo Malarial Banks, State Banks, and Private Bankers throughout the country have generally agreed o recsive subscriptions at par. Subscribers will soloch their own agents, In whom they have confidence, and who only are to be responsible for the delivery of the notes for wbieh they receive orders. For sale at tho First Nat. Bank and Carlisle Deposit* Dank, Carlisle, and First Nat Hank, Neivville JAY COOKE, Subscription Agent, Philadelphia. Feb. 24, 1865 Great Bargains in Jewelry. FORSYTH & CO., 42 & 44 a Nassau St., Now York, (adjoir ing the Post Office,) offer for sale the io, lowing hittguiticentList of Watches, Chains, Jewelry, &c., Valued at $500,0000. EACH ARTICLE ONE DOLLAR; and not to be paid for until you know what you are to got. • , 150 Gold and Silver Watches, from $l5 tO $lOO each.. 200 Ladles' Gold Watches, $B5 00 math. 000 Ladles' and Gent's Sliver Watches, $l5 00 oath. 8,500 'Vest and Neck Chains $5 00 to 10 00 each. 0.000 Gold Band Bracelets, 8 00 to 10 00 each.., 8,000 Comer, Mosaic & Jet' /t roches 4 00 to 8 00 each. 4,000 Lava and Florentine /troches, 4OD to 00 each. 4.000 Cameo Ear Drops, 4 OD to 13 00 each.: 4,000 Lava & Florentine Ear Drops, 4 00,to 000 each, 4,000 Coral Ear Drops, 4 00 to 8 00 each. 8.000 Masonic and Gent's Pins, 2 ISO to 8 00 each. 3,000 Watch Hoye, 2 00 to 8 00 each. 8,5000 Fob and Ribbon Slides, 2 00 to 1300 each. 8.500 setts of Bosom Studs, 2 5D t 6 0 00 oath. 8.500 Sleeve Buttons, 2 80 to 13 00 eseh t 6,000 Fiain and Chased Rings. 250 to 6 OD each, 6,000 Mason 10 and Stone Setßinge, 2 BO to 10 00 each:, BWO Lockets.„ , 260 to 00 each. 5,000 Califbei Dimond - Pins &Dings 8 00 to 8 00 each,. 8.000 Ladles' Gold Pencils, ' aoo to 6 00 tech, 2,000 Ladles'-Large Belt Bucklett, - 200 to 4OD each,. 10,000 setts Ladles' Jewelry, 6 00 to 10 00 each., 10,000 Gold Pens, silver ID t'd holders, 400 to 800 each' 10,000 Gold Pons, si lver eat% Cases , and Pewits, 4 00 to 5 00 each. The articles in hl stool( of Jowelry reee of the neatest and most fashionab e styles. Certificates of all the In, pious articles are put In roaled onvelopes and ratted, thus giving all a fair chance, and coot by mail for 25 cents each; and on the receipt of the cortitlcate,it is at your option to sond ONE , DOLLAR and take the ar.. tic named in it, or not. live certificates, $1; dollen $2; thirty, $5 ; sixty.five, $lO ; ono 'hundred, $l5. Cortillcato money to tp enclosed WWI, the order. Vor• respondence promptly answered. We wish it distinctly understood that our businsioi ie nt Lottery. The objeot of this manner or selking.,l,o3 to give purchasers the opportunity of buying Jewelry— . at the wholesale prices, with the chance,of gettilofrit Watch or some other valuable article; and all goods sent, not satisfactory-, eau be retaltutd l ,u ' ,lo l- 1130 A 6 4 , .will bo refunded. 1 ; AP, • 7 • AGENTS trollied in everecmanllogiruent„„A‘C r, W. FORSYTH Js 00., • 4 , 4ind . ,44 Nassau St., New York., IDRESdRIPTIONS carefully coy:iv:4v, • clod kt, UttieretieViciorug and Book 8t0r4.. $5OO o ' " $lOOO ..
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers