Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, March 25, 1865, Image 4
CUMTEELAND -VALLEY Arm • • 4 . , Pigl, • r FRAN MAN. BAHL ROADS. CHANGE OP HOURS.' C)N and after MoN . DAy,, Apnit, 4th, 1804, Passenger Trains will ru:i daily, an rollowS, (Cuuday excepted): FOR CLIAMBRRSBURO AND lIARRI. DURO t^avo Itagarstown, 7.00 A. 'I., Oreenrahtle, 7:37 / Art: at 8,17 Chatubura'g, Loaco 5.30 " Lcavo Sbippenst;urg 3.1:0 0:31 •• Ca: halo 10:13 " '•• 310d1Anicsburg 10:42 " Arrive at Harrisburg 11:15 •' POit CII AMBERSDUI3C7 AND ITAHERSTowN Loaro Ha rriaburg 5:05 A. M., 1:3.3 P. 31 " Mechanicsburg 8:37 " 2.11 " 9:'27 " " Nowvilln 10 . 02 Shippilrisburg 10;33 Arr at 11:10 .• - - nhainbors'g, 11:10 Leave nretineastle 11:e5 Arr. at Ila{erstewn The Carlisle and Hall !she r;; A !l'o.l\l 111/A T lON TliAlls; will leave :la follow, Leave Carlislo rel.s A. " Alechanleabot ran '‘ Arrive at u it " ',pare Marrir•burt; 4:50 I' M. 3113,haniesbalg 4'51 " Arrlvo at Cal Halo 1,20 " mrking clues eentioctio IR at 11,,, with 'II,IIIIA fir Philadelphia. New Yolk and I'd itiburg ; end with Tralmi for all point.] West 81.4 - - The l'rriln 114V1IM II irileliol'o' :II 1 10. P 11. rung only ati N. LU 1,1., P up't I t ..1 Illy I, Carpets ! Carpets ! have just returned from the city y with a full supply of ona Clrpetv, fron the cheap,st 11,1 up tip to t h e 1w:4.0,111f v 'Pliren Plc. Alen, ,k 1 tlor ill I, cl,,,rik: Sluoloa, Ittuq, Lo All persons in wan;. of tho ‘3 , 1 , 4/1 for th•e tom- Ronson, will do w•vll to Ono ,an, w, talc° great pleasure in exlizbitil/g ~or Goodg, and der., ,umpotition in this inarl,t. r0m,111,, I'm 019,1. 4 , 11t1)-on,t oorlier 111 7 , tarket S t.trc, directly ~ppoFit.. Iry kw's lun,l MEI Februnry 10, 19k:5 =9 \LT the Cheap Store or \V, C. Sawyer, East Main Strvet.,,t,ll.,or Oti's Ildrl f f kayo I'oolllloli New York with a large atithti, OF \V INT E GOO 1)6, ag In o , t, styli.Dro.., and Wor..h.d Materials. newest styles Cloaks and Nlantl,s, all kinds of Shawls. FURS: FURS I A largo lot from A. n on vet r chop p. All himlq of Cloahing Clot N0;i.,11., of 1•N or 7 IS'orgled Good, 1 , 11 pets and Oil Chutes. 1 , 0V1. , T1C 1;111J)::, In !Attn.. Qupply. tangy At he, th e ii„:l,l ty , ail, OU Inn' hly pi ioes therhenior..t nf the h,op NY. C \ V nerentlen 21, 1-n..4. BARGAINS: BARGAINS:I Prices Reduced. At Ogilby's Cheap Cash Store. T am now clo , Ang out my entire stock .Lorlviutor vrt•a' Iv rt..111,, , i 1 , 1 15'oolo, s.mhk. I ils Ca:: lit t I s I , I, r 111.1 i s i I 1,111, rt,tuv. liEE=l T IT you want,:.inything 56 to Ilaver,:tel: 7 :- _A_Dru g and 1t0..1, St re. The House Cleaners Friend. CO., 11.1vo a lick saving art Me tiir u, 1! \\ that is ,‘ at th an iiilllllllsll,l liy Can and M•e 1) E R UM E RV, Cwimetics, &c., at k)ru, ; mol Book Store. MPOR,TANT. TO ALL SUFFERING FROM DEFECTIVE EYE SIGHT. 13.0:S EN I 1 .11,E, Ocu!i: , .t, Optician, ti tow parmanuntly V.ato , l at narrlahur4, P.t. .1. It ~rf,lisct.fully its , l!•wi and o,tloinen n.lln are is, the habit of we.ssins thll u6rv.v 5'..5 111 ooininnu use. (and. which aro L,,er...rit!ly right owing t.. }wit 1 - 71.1 .Lan inr NO eyeS,) Or who may haN u 111 , 1 I , y the spw of th.. e t to snake is ['lid of the 111 j , it t )1 ED N.,)ti,c,ipic These .porticleg veilt ellablit 2140,1 porsons Is, sit fit nay length of tiniest tlio einpl , iyinent, sillier by day or eatillo al,' will tort so [lli, 1110 change to greater xnagnifyiniz p-wsrs so fro ,- 01,,,t1e nv ti." filassee In common star. 'litre 310 111 31111fartUr , I by machinery on a now construction, peculiar to the In. venter. Always on hand a lance a.i.erttneill, of Mlerosropes, Telescopes, Opera and Hold I 'rhereionleteis, Ba rometers, Mitznotq. Nl.leie I. intern., rattle, Electrk , and line Views. Catalogues se.i. grille January 211, ly IV E W STORE In Eby's Old Stand, Illain St, L. BEIINEIARD & SON, INF().1 - 01 the citizens t.l Carlisle and vicinity that thy havo In-r ‘ in tiro popular stand, an in 11114.11.1 ti ,t it f First Class Clothing, and Cantlemon's kurnithing foods. Thoir stock con vista in part or Coats, Pants and Vests, for civilian or soldier, made alter the latent pall orbs, of Goods the quality of which cannot be gnostic nod. Overcoats of all varieties. Trunks. Carpet flags and Neck Tioc, Scarfs and Collars, ! , 11Irls, Drawers and i ogs l' If, Good,' o/ . dseiti . ,/i00.4. In !het a m1E1111440 and entire assortment it Clothing and Furnishing thsal... Don't forget the place, Ehy's Oil Stand. "Marlon Hall," Main Street, Curlinlq l'it. L. BERN HARD S SON December 23,1864 COAL Oil Lamps, Shades and Chini neys at Ilaverstick'a Drug arid /look !Store. THE WINSLOW PETROLEUM COMPANY. AVE 1,300 acres in fee;iiinple, all In Vonango county, Penn'a. In the centre of Liao con oil producing lands. They have also interests In twenty-fur wells on their property and adjcining, most of which are either nook or under contract, and nine of whiff aro without expense to this company.— The Capital Stock Is $l,OOO 0)0 divided into 200,000 shares ot the 'value of $3 oneh ; subscription price $2 per share, without further assessments. Thu working enpPal is $.10,0011. Omen In Philadelphia, 11l South Sixth street. PHI F,l P S. JUSTICE, President. EDwirf Mitten, Tteasurer. WILLIAM PEsnosE, DLit ECTORS Philip S..lmllre, Edwin Mitchell, Ueln iloblett, Jr. John tVeitt, Conrad 8. Sitiove, Win.'A. Deßarry, Dr. C. 1... [mailman, has been apt - minted by this ems pany as agent in Carlisle, Pa., and vicinity, who will resolve subscriptions of stock, and give all neressaiy information HA regards the lands, &c.. of this company. Tho character and standing of the men of this cor Iteration, their honesty of purpose, with their taro and numerous excellent oil Tort i tortes, and valuable leases, and fair prospects, make this ono of Ulu most desirable investments of the day. Hon. Wm. P. Scholl, Hon. A. B. Longalcer, (ieo. D Wolf, S. A. Flshor, W. d. Bold, Jan,27, 18c5 DRUMS RE DUCHD I At Ogllby's Cheap Cash Store. lam slow closing out my Motor stock of Goods at exceedingly low prices for CASH. Trench Herlooes Wool Plaids, Cu Laincs, Mohair Lustros, Yell Do Cherers, Balmer-els, Nubia floods, Bantus, Ladles and Cents Shawls, Wool Shirts and Brawore, Wool and Cash core Scarfs, Cloth 'Pablo Covers, Llndsoys,, Ladles Cloth Cloaks, Cloth for Cloaks. Flan tight' Blankets, Cassimerett, auk Sattluotts, all of which willbo sold at lower prices titan heretofore. Also a good stock of Calicoes, Muslim', Ginghams, &o. at the very lowest prices. "Small profits and Quick Sales." January 0,1805. CHAS. OGILBY, Trustee. A LL the leading Patent Medicines of ijiLttio day at INvorstiak's Drug and Book Store. CARPETS! CARPETS ! ! Shave received from New York, all kinds and qualities of Carpets, 011 Cloths, Mattings eking Classes, WIND° Ur SHADES, •Crirtain Illaterials, Table Covers, Counterpanes, Wide • Sheotinga, Pillow Aluolins, Towelllngs, crash and all Made of houso furnishing goods. Also, a large stock cf gouorm 111ERCHANDIA9E, Persons In want of any of the above goods, are re , 'Tactfully Invited to call. - Goods sold at the lowest market value. Additions will bo made as tho Beason advances. Highest cash prlce's paid the Carpet Rags. East Alain Street, ono door below afartited hotel. X 9.0. SAWYER. reb.3,1805. FSTATE NOTIOD.- &Lottora tootamontary on the estate of Mae Su '4l.l aloy, late of the Borough otearllsle, doo'd., hav- Mg boon leauollotho subscriber rooldlng In tho abovo horOugh...Notleo_jalmvoby_glvon to all personslndoht ed to said estate, to mako paymo*i:Trtid—tifoTlibr-TVllir 'Talmo to present them' to EONS'. Welt RTNEY, ar. Executor, _gab. 9, 180-110 Every -. Person's Interest. - w C. SAWYER, respectful! calls etho attention of every body to hls lm— moose Stock of Winter goods Just received, bought for cash and all atilio roducol prices from A. T. Stewart & Co., Arnold Constable, &Co., Murphy & Herds, Miner Sr. Forreraor, New York. 'Hegel West A: Irvin, M. L. Hallowell ir On, Thos. W. Evans & Co , and other'Placos Philadolpobla. Composing tho latest styles of Silks, all colors.— Newest kinds of wool fabrics, In plain colors, barred, figurod reps Ac. Ali kinds of Mourning Goods, from Nlvers, N,,v York, N. tree. stylon of Mantilla., Cir:olllIF anti Coat, twee Oood aro spoclally In my trade -IC P. \I i., 4:20 1",,5 •• 1:28 " 1:28 , 1.1'2 " S A W LS, of very variety, Brecht+, Mourning, plain Barred for Lad ire and 31Isses. 13ALMOTLAL SKARTS, Woolen Nods?, Hosiery, ()loves, Ladles' Undervests, Trimmings, &e. Man's and Boy's Overcoats. Canlinars and Cloths. °nods are made up to order in the latest style and at short notive. Men', Shawls, Undarshhts, Drawers, Moves, SentG and Ties. '3 0 " 2 .55 ' 3 0 P " 4o 4 ' 1 1 ) f ) ' r 10 The largest stbek of Dowell,. (bonds In the county, Carpets, ((II Cl..ths, Blankets, end every other varie ty of bloods kept ins first class lire ((undo store. An N.A . Styles Cloaks nod Dress floods rums out I hove mode arrtnconu•nt.s b, ',vire them. New will he a.1.1,..1 is the Wirilotr stivAnces. Please call ,rod 1,11111 in ., L, fl rl l lllllOil,ll.lllZ 11 , 11,010 re, ne I am 13M .. .1111 , 1.i not If, lit' Remonilmr the old ,loot I',r.t , lidu struel. ohe doer telow \ let H e ', Ho e ]. , e,' Iv, I'u'•d 11'• SANN'Y Highly Important to Young Men ()lING 3i EN who arc out, or cuiploy 1_ 1110'11 t. YIPL'Nti MEN . ,ho n! in hosinesv, iU 101 hn, h ite,l ullvnl. of r.luentloi • \I EN who Irt,o to improve their Om ,"1”1/1,11 • 1 EN o 112.1 of her respeots but lack k11,31,i,;t: I,t t.11441100N nirtiirS. • N m ho monl,l know hurt to mon ,ive own allair, lOr NU MEN , V 11 hout lortiine tthU would pre:snss th, I toot 111,11, It sing in the world. VOUS(' I;',N 01 skill, entiolo Iso nt i capority, who h o •I I n th.oongh knowledge Id :my of the ell in n complete courFo of VOllllll, = :fro 0•.111..4t.•.1 1 • Otlii I I ',tit or semi for a Cirrulm fill/ tieulm.q. In,truction lii join:/. I a ;II 1.1). tho or hailies to plirpun either l'enninnship or ri-op,-nlodrquut nt lie twit .h•,111l 1 Vl. In en rrt.l t. , 01.1 VI this ilepat are tool .1,1,1 t o :reply lmmr llit i I i•r liti iher =I WINES AND litatloll. 1I \NovEtt rill undersigned, sueeesur qn-1). P. T:11 • ,•ii ill:tint:lin 1:-.o tot of e, mot ao,p cot,t vtitly un 113,1 a I, a,. :1-, o•laent of .]inh hn non F , llO, a; Inn "th, -In Car t.,•llnnp••l .t;4- County .titi 1-11: ftni this the place to hay thetr. I /.\•/,':; Irtr.zo n t ,.! n rill J. 11, , 11 •nr". ,II z 1 , i:111.11 I Carlisle. N.,. , 111!..1 4, 1,.1 —t r. T.. 1. KElt. cE1,j.:1;1; \'1'1:1) Preilllol from a ipt n ;it- Clar',, )1. I) 1 hr i rug Foc !Fa , :' , llll.tiv 10 tl,O flutwn. r VIII IS \veil lino06•1i medicine is 1)0 To., I ill qilfe fur 1 , , male I , Jlll , ltlti,• , 111111 :it0 . 1./111.1 %I hat. or 11'111 , Ily, it i i..taii N nothing tt, cbe ,rl.titllti•`ll T , ,)1.trri1..11.,1t., it It. Will. ill a abort time. bring nn tho monthly period kith reKu• I:krity. 1.1 Afro,tiOns, PHin in the. Ilan, and on 41Ic ht extol Poloit Moo ilio Tie n t.rspit•Jot, st. h tlytt.t.“.... 11 hitt,. nt: 1 all (hr pontul hy sy•toin. II cif., ta r u 1,1,11 otlioi 1111,1,11 , )131, Thv-o loivo nov , •l l•oil know 71 t , . fell whi, I he LI, 2.1 are ivi , ll ed. For furl her 11, ri.•teturs, get a patoplilor, free, of the :t,out I gu.l erc1. , ,0.1 to Any will insurtia ~err I.y r.• , utut E1.1,11)17. Per. 2, Is6l. A tent; 4,- .4 , tl 0 1 , :d ....--:-..,,,,,!•, 4 , d fl',4:7Af' ',,i6-4r...„.t,..:::,..--.OIZI Dr. Strietlaud's INlallDiuous Cough Balsam la war r,int.,l to cure lloalsoness, Asthma, oplng Cough. Soto Throat, Consumption, and all alt, rtMus of Ella 'I brunt and Luau,. For wale by all Drue,til.te. Geceral Depot, No. 6. Elk Front ,troel,Ciosionati. 0. WAVAig147 4 14, 4 - te • ' 7 All the )ledical ILO, and lila Press recommend n 4trlchla ~I I nti-Cholera Mixture as the only e o ,t,,j, - enn,ly for Ill; ti11...a mill 173 - sent:try. It is a romblna ion oi Astrin,zents, hsorlo•ntN, t:4iniulantil and Car mlnatiyl , 4, Auld iq warranted to oiled a cure after al ther 111,17.1111 i lain reined. no. sale by Dru,rgivts. Oonorrl Doput,-Yo. 6 EaS Fourth Ftreet, C'incinnati, 0. Dr. Srickblurs Pile Remedy has cured thousands of the worst rases of Mind and Bleeding Piles. It gives Immediate relief and effects a permanent cure. Try it directly. It is warranted Wenns. For sale by all Dru;:glsts. lieneral Depot, 6 East Fourth Street, Cincinnati, 0. DR. S'iltleic LA ND'S TONIC.—We can recommend thoso suffering with loss of A ppoti to, Indigestion, or Dyspepsia, Nervousness and Nervous Debility, to use Strielliand's Tonle. It Is a vegetable pi operation, free from alvoholie liquors; it strougthens the whole nor. 00110 system. it cre.ttes n good appetite, ant h 3 war- I anted to cure Dyspepsia and Nervous Debility. For sale by Druggist,' generally, at $1 par bottle.— Prepared by D. A. Strickland, II Last Fourth Street, Cincinnati. O. Doc. 2, 18,4. C. L. LOCIIMAN Two Hod Cases of Piles Cured. BY Dr. Strickland's Pile Remedy-. Mr. i,111:13 of Janesville, Wisconsin, writes f r the be nelit of all who stiller with the Piles, that be has been troubled for el/lit years with en aggravated ease of Piles. 11111 i his brother was dh.ehargi d from the army as Diem:dile, the being quite pars]} sod with the Piles.) Muth these distre,slor NIPOS wets cured with one bot tle of hr. Strickland's Pilo Remedy._ The recommen dation of these gentlemen, beside the daily testimo nials resolved by Dr. rtrickland, ought to convince those suffering, that the most atwravatird citron le eaves of Piles are cured by DrAtricklaud's PIM Untimely. It Is sold by Druggists everywhere. December 2, ' Information Free TO NERVOUS SUFFERERS, hGENTLEMAN, cured of Nervous Debility, Incompetency Premature Decay, and Youthful Error, actuated by a desire to benefit others, will bo happy to furnish to all who need it, (free of charge,) the recipe and directions for making the aim. pie remedy used in Ills case Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's bad experience, and possess a sure and valuable remedy, ran de co by addressing him at once at his place of business. The Recipe and full in formation—of vital itoporlance—w ill be cheerfully soot by return mail. JOHN D. OODEN, No. CO NIMILIISkreet, New York. P. 9. Nervous Sufferers of both sexes will find this Information invalvable. Dec. 2, ItiOl.-3mo • Ho 1 For the Holidays ! FANCY Goods of all kinds at Haver stick's Drug, Boolc and Fancy Btoro. UTS, Confectionary and Fruits, at llnvordidee. ESTATE NOTIOE..-- Lotion' ntne estoteUf Mrs. Su san Minitel, deed., testamelata,of of the th borough of Carlisle, having boon Issued to the subscriber, residing in said horough.. Notice is hereby given to-all persons in• dobted-to,salel-eataterto- malte-paymen sons having claims, to present thorn for sottlementlO D. F. ATICTNSON, Iteetitrr. rob, 8, iBGs—Ct* Furs, of all and cond qua!ii 10F, brought from . T. Sto wart k Co:, very chimp for th ose times ~,._,--- --- 1 ~ ~,/ ~ / ~f~lil.~fl.l.Y//~ /~ COIIIMER:CIAL COLLEGE plo,q, .1, ithnolif., EE\IA LE nEvAlvniviT. A. NI. 7111INI l'a 111I1 , 1:F.V , 4 O,I:DIALS, 12111,A15, Th 3 Great, Enghsh Ilernedy IR .7 v, SI. !<;..; DYSPEPSIA. Carlisle -- FARM IMPLEMENT DEPOT GARDNER - & CO., now manufao r . turo and keep constantly for sale, nt their ex tensive Steam Works on But Main street., Carlisle, a large assortment of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, of well known, approved usefulness to farmers, among which they would rail especial attentlou to Wile LOUGLIBY'S Celebrated Patent GUM SPRING GRAIN DRILL, ' which has taker: over fifty First Class Premiums at State and County Fairs. To the Farmers of Cumber land, York and Perry counties we need not speak in detail of the merits of this drill, an scores of them are now in use on the best forms in these counties. Its 'reputation is established as the most complete Gran Drill now manufactured in the United States. It sewn M heat, Rye, Oats, Barley and Grass, evtnly and regular, without bunching the seed. The gum springs pass the drill over stumps and stones, without break ing pins or the drill. for even and gbgular sowing, the Willoughby Gum Spring Drill is bnequalied by any other. We also manufacture and sell the follow ing articles, which we ran recommend to Farmers as reliable implements, of established character: MOIIIIISON'S PATENT CORN PLANTER, LA Strs PA" ENT STRAW k FODDI It CUTTER, Rlil DENDOLPII's PATENT CORN SHELLER, 'LATIN'S PATENT OLDER MILL. JOHNSON'S CAST IRON HOG'S TROUGH. Also„three and Four !torso Powers and Thrashiug Machines, Cast Iron Field 13ollers, Plough Castings of various patterns, Corn (4nshers, and other artistes for Farmers too numerous to mention. Also, Egg Con Stoves anti Ten Plate Wood Stoves, with an Immons. variety of uthar castings for honneke.pers and others We have also an attractive variety of patterns for IRON RAILINUS, .and CEVETERY ENCLOSURES to whlell WO would ,•all A1[01111(41. Stenm Engines and Mill Gearing. To ibis clepartmon t of our business we give partiou• bar attention. Our already extensive stock of patterns for Paper, Flour and Saw Mill Gearing, is constantly Increneing. Mill Owners and MIII W, Wits will be furnished with a printed catalogue of our various Mill Pat to ns. ounpulication. Our lilachino Shnp comprises all the vinilinis tools fiir turning, pinning and finishing Shafting laid Castings, by good slid cureful Machinists STATIONARY STI3AII ENGINES, of any desirable enpority. from ton to twenty-lire horse power, built in the lost sty la and on accommodating terms. En hies built at oar establiiihmatit may be seen in suna stul operation nt many of the largest Diet Ilorl es and Tanneries in Carlisle, and Cumberland Perry and Dauphin Counties, Intro owners of which we confidently refer tor Intim motion as to their efficien cy. Persons wanting FV!IIIII Engines aro, earnestly ro- quested to call :Lod examine before contracting else where. DOOR AND SASH FACTORY, Connertrd a if h nor ,tablisthnent la a St onm 9 nsh and Doerr Manohictory which is now in rompreto order for the mnnullteture of a wry dear iptirn of BUILDING MATERIALS, for the most costly ac well as the plainest house.— Window Sash furnished from 5 cents upward. accord log to sire of ...;ho-s; %\ inflow itnes from $1 31 up Shutters and Rolling Blinds from $175 up. ail; is from $2 12 upward. slnitld logs, Castings Architraves, Rash lloardx, Brackets, Fancy Drapery, Scrolls, and other On ides needed In .110t140 btliltlit,r, niAteit at the lowest prices and of the best quality of lumher. Arb — Wii are alse prepared as 111,141,1,1`. to ho Ild and reptile 111 , 111 1 EN CA11.9 for 171 4 TI . Orter'S 011 the raiiioad, with prompt newt and on terms, 'I h.. patron/ of the puldle 1 a reFpectfully tlvrx I)) 11.11 pr.( niptla utlrnduf to. F. .1 It DNER k CO. July I, 1 , 4 New Goods ! New Goods! PHI. WINTER WEAR. SAAC, LIVINGSTON announces to m t,ong that I, just returned from New and Philadelphia with an enormous stork ol Win ter i;ood, , utialde f, first class. • ('lathing for 'Men and Bays, C LOT H CASS I 31E IZES, it, Satinets from the very Lest Foreign anti 1,, nu .tie ni.o 111 . 111 . t1Iril, Inlle keep: his depirtment for customer's work an EYPEIIIENCED CuTT .1 - so it !s t • keep nonstantly posted oil I ch.ti:;,,,;tiol )1111 , 1,1,111.11t0 in Cut or style. Suits of Clothes 1111 nn 'it • t 11; 0 it•A• 311 i Irrarntt•d ns roprestnand 'lllO ,n 3 ,•Ined, with an ON- Vt` tl , ..nit[opilt of (1,” pl.:. 1; as rtaf 0 riye•o,,q. ell made of 0 „,.1 mat• rinl Gimns, iMain^..f Dr.twer..: , torklLErc,Srarrm, Hand :sr ,C,• 1,1. t ',ln :It th , ' st K t .1 t , 1.141,01. r s.rt, 1.2.1. W LIVINGSTON. 4,rislnher Dit Y GOODS. " To Whom it May Concern." Greenfield & Sheafer Vltb: happy to inrom the public that .. 1 they hat ii just rutin nod horn NEW Yult iC with a 111 , ,' and ilvsiralilii itiaik i Itioods--nought at urently rod maid 11.11,'N. Nillll . l/ St ill be sold on the orEtinal and popular toil Hole of t;l . ILK SA 1. Kit AN!, tit'St ALT. I'IIpVITS. n1rI: ,S S I; 0 01) ,S' isitch Plata ~{l ~ 00l Pail lisi, Zrphyr 1 1 l it aids, Engirt". Cloth; fluid Molotint;Tht nom, Cloth, Alllnurs, Rano theti, a lico•tis in all cub rs, Ent b. Allial,lS, Wool Du- Woes Cobutp,. ,Sii., &ti Balmoral Skirts, A full tz. stun e 1 to r Ladles siul Chi'dron CI,0:11CS and FURS! A Int :71 and de.iraldo stock or Cloaks and Vprs. twlit m Ne,, ,litch will he sold lower (hall DOMES TICS, Do Laines, Cheeks, I'lllll.s. Ginginunis, Canton Flannels ana iII S, a!I to be null at great bargains. :NOTIONS —Hosiery. 15 bite Goods, GEN TS' AN I) BOYS' WEAR. Cloths, cas,iinorrq, satlnetts, .loans, Sze. A full an s,rthwut. of I:o4”ile's colubritud Home-Made Goods, alwa)s Don't buy nev MIDI or ge,,do until you hove flat culled tor (110..1... EAFEII, le notetho great difference 1,10000 the I IN. 24 inked for goods there and (loock tocol red daily from Now York and PhHada' itERNFI ELI) & SILEAFER, East Main Street, S,uth fade, 2,1 dour, 2d door, 21 (1001 from curlier MENEM SEGARS & TOBACCO, AT RA LSTON's THE LONG LOOKED.FOR HIS COME "Health and Happiness to the sons am Daughters of Affection !" Dr. Collins' SYRUP OP ROOTS BARKS AN D HERBS, Fon 7IIE-t:ena OF Cough , , Colds, Sore Throat, Croup, Bron chitis, ..I.stluna, and all complaints. have spent years in selecting the herbs kfrom vegetable kingdom, to find out the kinds best adapted to suit diseases of human family and I now have It complete. Every Bottle Warranted. Try it Try it I The object rf this Medicine is to soothe and ease the Cough; to dissolve the congealed phlegm that adheres anti sticks to the throat, which excites harking, haw king,and coughing; t 3 relieve the Irritation in the throat, which is produced by catching c Id ou the slightest exposure. tt lt expectorates the deseased mat ter that has accumeated in the Lungs which retards end oppresses the pespiiittory or breathing organs, heals and nourishes the lungs and bronchial tubes. This medicine gives tone to the stomach, it purifies and circulates the blood, which causes oppression of the chest and difficulty In breathing, (1 nod News for Mothers lied Children—Here Is the sufferer's h o lm: keep it in your tinnily, .teltness comes as 0110 In the night, and your child is suffocated by the awful disease, Croup, or similar complaints. Hero is a porno otati ve—lt is nature's friend. DR. 001,LINS' SYRUP IS HARMLESS AND EASY TO TAKE. Keep it in your nullities. like 60 roots and 4 ,000 per Bottle. Also, Dr. COLLIS' Dandelion Pills and Liver Inviso rator,forthucrosofLive Complaint, Dyspepsia, Dis eases of the Kidneys, Fever and Ague, be. Dr. COLI.I:s.S has also fur sale his INDIAN PAIN KILLER, fur the cur e of Headache, Toothache, Rheu matism, Neuralgia, Pain in tics Back, Side er Stomach, Cramp, Cholla, Frosted /Feat or Ears, Fresh Cute, Sprains, Bruises, Diarrhea, and all similar complaints; alro..his INDIAN EYE .WASH, and POWIIATTEN SALVE. The Salve heals Sores or Breaking', Out on the Taco, draws fire front Burns, warranted to cure healed or Sore Breasts. The Eye Wash cures Sore or Inflamed Eyes. be. the medicines are prepared and sold by SAMUEL COLLINS, Indian Medicine Man Near the Corner of Third St. and Straw berry Alley Harrisburg. Also, for sale at tdo Drug Store of JOS. B. HAVERSTICK , Carlisle. All orders should be addressed to Dr S. Collies, liar rloburg. THESE MEDICINES ARE PURELY VFW E TABLE. Deo. 0, Int —3nao. Business li)epartment—Dickinson College. ICIINIATURII WORLD OF bIIgiCANTILE TRAFFIC THEORY AND PRACTICE. busTHE design of this Institution is to afford first class facilities for a thorough practical 'less education. Commodious apartmenta In Dickinson College, Car. Halo Pa., which are now being put in most excellent cordition, will bo opened for ancients the NIND TRIMTII of JANUARY, 1865. The various departments will bo under the supervi sion of most competent Instructors. For particulars Inquire of President Johnion or the undersigned. Head fur a Circular,. 1.1.%1. CURRAN, Principal. January 0,1805 VALUABLE Presents for all at Raver . Drueßook and Nancy Stora. NVRITING Papet - of - all - desoriptions i Envelop s, Visitlag Onrd, at Llatoratlek's Drug And nook Store. - Foundry, AND . ALS 0, Fa tebels and traveling, liashels Tapileq, mark and •chnnl e a , pot largest ;Issortnn.nt nl'Pinn iss kept at any 11 pu, i t , itn. Alarge variety of Uen I I,men's (lint tts. Ait largo a•aarl men t of woolen shirts, 1311 F PALO ROBES, Tabar,o and Sogars , Pleaso call and Ore stock of .7. BOAS', Agen November 4, 1364.--Zm. NEWS! NE IV S ! ! N E IV S ! Efracff MILLER. are just re :it their I:exe nod cheap sten., on Ihe soul). east curve, of street, their last supply of o whirls they invite the special attention 01 oven person in wont of ( Mork desirahle for the prevent and cont intr . S•liS1111. Tlll3 stot lc comprises all kinds and VII jail. of DRESS GOODS, ri,nrol ‘,1 , 11l,•11,114 s. Plain a Fre.T.,ll \I rrin 1'11,11 . 11 111:011 all ,114,11, 1,10re.11 pla and Ii k,ire , l all 11 t,nl ,ultable lar 141.1 n.I .‘lll ,, riona 1/I.l,aines. .C.r. It hulk Frptudi il`llllol.S, dn u j 31111 , i11,!10 aidth all hi: Lett''gri n , lt , ani•aziaa,,Cr.ira l'oplias, Idack and alit.. plaid I', lies. 11:ack awl purply ra,dkuierea • lining spun i:.l l'ltildaq Fh n.I I , olg and s.laar, ,haw crape Crapv('nllarv l llandkeudOe',.(llovee, B. mar a's, ‘4,.. Black and colored lot h, black and fancy Cassismor, all grades and qualities, Sattitlncts. ( - 11r.k1 t'asslincres Kruttrtky .1•:1119, Shirting Flanncls, V crln. Shirts and Draw Arc.. A syweiol nirangeohni made i 1 ILL a first class TAILOR to tusks up Clothlugs top' short notice. Domestic Goods; Bleached and Unbleached >I uslins of every quality 811,1ing Muslims, Fallon-case Musfins, Linen and Cot ton Table Diapers, 'Flo kings, Checks, Striped Cotter skirling, Dent.lrns, Dornestbr Gingbarns, Sewell (ling hams, Sall, Flannel r f hi] tin, Flannels Factor,. aro.! Shaker Flan nek for skit rings red. a nd n-lrlr e Wont Flannel.. Carl ' ', Flannels, Calicoes ordPared, cambric, and piper NI us Ti DI Wing Nankeen. and twiny other r;orals In every day use. 11im's Hanover Iturk Gloves and (lanntlets, Merlin Cloth, Ringwood, Cassimare and Doi:shin Gloves, dies Kid. Cloth. NI rrino, I.isl, thread and Cott. Mores, a full ortinstit of rottidi and a oid H os i ery for Ladies And Childron. Halmnrnl \Voolon for La Iles limes and Children, iipera 110011 N, all sizis and rotors. S,, sa s. suspenders, Sairitags,ilhaiped Skil Le Balmoral Shirts, l'iribmaillas, kc, Also, jut-t. Opening a romplet, 4tock of the nowe. stl..s Cloth Cl.laks. and Blanket nhnwl, Caipetß, Clotho, Jlatl logs , Window Shades, Looking (11a•Fie &c., &c. As the season advances we will constantly tre mak ing addit ions to our stork, and Will nlwr ys endeavor tr make our stock the most olesirahle flint ran he fou l . in the country. Feeling very thankful to tin, eommu nity f.d. their hind and liberal patronageen far., tend ed to the Now Firm, we earnestly solicit a COO illitlarter of the same. Please eh eus a call helot . ..making you purchases as WO are always ready and willing to ttshilt It our goods, and ran and Will 141,0 lint WO study tkt Int 'rest of our customers. Pleaqo Irget thAt nlr Store is on tho corner directly ~ p ponite Irvinu•s Oboe Stor, LEI DICII & MILLER. Sept. 10,1864 Burt's Rat aml Mouse, Boach and Bed popular and reliable article for I destroying vermin° should be used by all persons troubled with such pests. It n 4 ver fails, sold In Car lisle at Elliott's Drug rtole, Ilaverstiek's, I rug 44 Book Store and by D. Ralston, Druggist. E. M. nbucr, Prorietor. 13 North Eleven Street, Philade p lphia. Price 25 etc per boa (Large Size ) Nov. 4. 1864.—1 y U A L Grocery Store, In the Building lately occupied by Philip Arnold, dee'd., and noNt door to the Carli.le De. pasit Bank, a very largo and fresh assortment of all the different kinds and grades of Tea., Coffee Essences, Coffees. Soaps ryrups, Candles, Molasses, Stilt, Spices, Pichler], Sugars, Preserves, Prepared Canned, Collee In Fruits, a Papers, JeDles, Vegetables Cranberries, ani Moats, Raisins, • Prepared Dried Mustards, Currents, Sauces, Dried Fruits, Nuts, Fogars, Cry ck cr Ch et; o, MEM TOBACCO, PIPES, &c. A LSO—)firm, Barley. Starch, Farina, Corn Starch, Core anon°, Mat ins, Macaroni, Volatile°Ha, Anion:a, Pre net, Concentrated Lye Bologna, Sausage, 'fable and other Oils, Ku tinegs, Blacking, Beeswax, Chocolate, Cocoa, 'rio Yarn, Lamp and Candle Wick, Bath llri, k, Clothes Lines, Bed Cords, Spiro Boxes Paper \ and Envelops, Matches, Pewter Sand, Stove polish Fla voring Extracts Spigots, Pens, Inks, Brimstone, Maekaral. Shad, Salmon, Herr. lug and Codfish. ALSO—the celebrated Ex- colsior llama, Dried Boor and Tongues, Rugs, and Matta, Shot and Lead, nruahes, Broome and Wisps, GLASS, QUEEN'S, WOOD, WILLOW & RATAN Wo racpectfully ask tho public to cake:amino and Prlco our large and carefully eolortced stork of FINE PANILY GROCERIES. We buy all kinds of Country Produce. JAMES N. ALLEN & Co. 0ct.14,18134—1y CIUM BELTING "I Just received n largo assortment of all sizes— Gum Bolting, Gum Hose, Gum Packing, &c., and for Bale cheap at the Hardware Store of HENRY SAXTON. Juno 25, 1801. J'• AMES.-500 pairs Flames on hand of all hinds. Elizabethtown pattern, Loudon do., 43ornman do., with and without patent Meanings cheaper than ever at IL BAXTON'S, East Main at. • July 1,1864. T THE PARIS MANTILLA EM PORIUM, No. 920 Chestnut Philadelphia. U OPllN—Parls-Made MANTILLAS and CLOAKS. Mao, SPRING and SUMMER GARMENTS, of our own l.latiutiteture, of tho Latest Styles and In great variety. J. W. PROCTOR & The Paris Mantilla Emporium,_ . 92:0 CHESTNUT. Street NEW PHOTOGRAPH - AND AMBROTYPE GALLERY. E, the underslgnod, respectfully in ' form our friends and the public gm:wally, that sre have opened a New Sky-Light PICTURE GALLERY. In the now secona story over the frame buildinge located a few doors south of the Post Office, and nearly opposite A. W. Snots'!' etoro, South Hanover atreet.— We have constructed this Gallery according to our taste, and flatter ourselves In saying we have far the best arranged light in town. To aged, infirm and deli cate persons, we will my this Gallery Is much easier of access than any in this place, being located on the second story, and the story beneath being low, there le not such a tower of stops to ascend. Having procured the assistance of an experienced operator, and purahnned the best and latent improved apparatus, we are prepared to produce pictures equal to any other establishment, not excelled by Now Yoe It or Philadelphia. Such an Ertra Whole Size Photographs, Cartes De - Visite, Ambrotypes and Ferrotypes, Ni'o shall also Introd uro a new picture to this vlclo ty in such unbounded demand In the cities, called th GEM PHOTOGRAPH. One dozen taken at onr sitting at the low price of .t I 50 per dozen. Pictures Inserted In Lockets, Pings, and Pins. end-copied or enlarged from old Dagurrcee tvpes. Ambrotypes. kr: ,Am Also. for sale a tine lot of Mettler Frames and Albums. We hope, by a Strict at tention to business and a desire to please, to receive our share of the public patronage. Do not forgot the place, a few doors south of the Post Office. South Han...or Stu4et. 11. H. GROVE & SON. Der.2,lBC4—tf. NOTICE. J. BOAS'S Store, Opposite the Carlisle Deposit Ba Would you buy your hats right cheap Please call at Boas' store, In North ❑anornr street be keeps Ills nate° is on the door. There Ladies, Mon and Children tim Aro fitted all the while, Ilia hats are good, and have proved true ; No bettor in Carlisio. Caps tier Soldiers, Menem! /toys You all ran hero obtain, For Ladies and ter Childrens furs You need not ask in vain. Fur caps, Fur cellarsand Fur Glovos All neatly made and wane; Flue woolen Shirts and woolen Drawers • For comfort in the storm, Vests, Jackets, Hose, Neckties and Scarfs— All these ho keeps to soil, Whips, comforts, canes and notions too Too numerous to toll. Fall and Winter Goods, Mourning moods NEN AND BUY' WEA NoTIoNS IN (.HEAT VARIETY Bug Dest Foyer NEW FIRST CLASS GROCERY STORE, HE Public can find, at our new EMI W A R E. Ag. a V A LECTURE - . ~ TO YOUNG MEN I lust pdblished In a Sealed Envelope. PAC° Six Cents A LECTURE ON TIIBNATURE,TikihtENT AND RADICAL Coro of Spormatorrboea or Seminal•Weak nese, Involuntary Emissions, Sexual Debility, and Im pen diments to Marring° generally. Nervousness, Con sumption, Epilepsy, and Fits; Mental and Physical Incapacity, resulting from Solf-Abuso, Ac. By 110B'T J. CUINERWEIA, M. D., Author cf the "Green Rook," Ac. 'rho world renowned, author, ip this admorablo Lec ture' clearly proves from his own experionco that the awful consequenees LI Self Abuse may bo effectually rem( rod without medicine, and without dangerous Burglesl operations, boogies, instruments, rings, or cordials, pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and effectual, by which every Sufferer, no matter what his condition my bo, may cure himself cheaply, pri vately, and radically. VHS LE , TURK WILL PROVE A 11001 TO THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS. Sent tinder seal, to any address, In a plain, sealed envelope, on the receipt of six cents or two postage stamps, by addressing CHAS. J. C. K LINN & CO. . - - - 157 Bowery, New York, Post-Office Box, 4580 Oct. 14, 1854. THE peculiar taint or AA, infection which wo call AA, . 's Scitorur,A lurks in east the constitutions of ~.... . \ ti 7 , multitudes of seen. It , . . either produces or is ' ~----•.- i_ 5 .-- .V.-f produced by an en --.----7---- . -- , ‘ 4.; i 0, feelded, vitiated state ";; - z' ----; 0 : - --7 - --'of the blood, wherein , c ,..,tpqr",c7 t . '----'.= that fluid becomes in = .---_-,i2k. I. &Lii k oacompetent to sustain ) o.elt,MTliTitfle vital forces in their A c „, vigorous action, and 11 -1. 1 T::.11 .. ,__,. , - - .. ---- 4 , :6 : 45 - -1 leaves the system to - '<-•,-.---' fall into disorder and `',..---------"-- decay. The scrofulous contamination is variously caused by mercurial disease, low living., (Id-ordered digestion from unhealthy food, impure air, filth and filthy habits, the•yi , .es, and, above all, by the venereal infection. Whatever be its Origin, it is hereditary in the constitution, descending from parents to children unto the third and fourth generntion ; " indeed, it seems to he the rod of Him who snys, " I will visit the iniqui ties of the fathers upon their children." 'I he diseases which it originates take various names, Recording to the organs it attacks. In the lungs, Scrofula produces tubercles, and finally Consumption ; in the glands, swellings which suppurate and become ulcerous sores; in the stomach and bowels, derangements which pro duce indigestion, dyspepsia, and liver com plaints; on the ski, eruptive and cutaneous affections. These all having the some origin, require the same remedy, viz. purification and invigoration of the blood. Purify the blood, an d dang,croits distempers leave you. With feel foul, or corrupted blood, you can not have health ; with that •' life Of the flesh " healthy, you cannot have scrofulous disease. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is compounded from the most effectnal anti dotes that medical science has discovered for this alllieting distemper, and for the cure of the disorders it entails. That it is far superior to any other remedy vet devised. is 1:1111W11 by 1111 WllO 1111 VO given it 11 11'1111. That it does com bine virtues truly extraordinary in their efli'et upon this class of complaints, is inglisputahly proven by the great milltittitle of publicly known and remarkahle cures it has made o f s the following diseases : Ring's Evil or Glandular Swellings, Tumors, Erup tions, Pimples, Blotches and Sores, Ery sipelas. Rose or St. Anthony's Fire, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Coughs from tu berculous deposits in the lungs, White Swellings, Debility, Dropsy, Neuralgia, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Syphilis and Syphilitic infections, Mercurial Diseases, Female Weaknesses, and, indeed, the whole series of complaints that arise from impurity of the blood. :1 limite reports of individual cases may be found in ytit's Amnit ICA N A 1.,1 A N 10, to 1 lie (11'llggi,IS 1111' Lfl':1111i1011, distribution. wherein may he learned the directions for its use, and come of the remarkable cures uhich it 11:10 made when all other remedies had failed to afford relief. purposely taken from all sec tions of the country, in 111 Iler that every reader a(•,./., 111 ,11111' IWO WllO can ,1/011k to 11i111 14' it: hem lit, from personal experience. ti 01111.1 del/11. , ,, tho it al cnrrgics, 111111 thus 11',1 VC , it, I 1,• tints fill' 1111/1"0 snhicrt to di sease and its hoal remits than are healthy conhtitu ams. Ileluv it tends to shorten, anti does glently ,liorten, the average duration of human ble. The va,t.importnnee of these considera tion: has led us to .1101111 }cars in perfecting a remedy which is adequate to its cure. This tie now oder to the public under the name of tinnq :1111101101 it is eons po-ed of ingredients, some of which exceed the Lost of S,lrsaigrrilla in alterative power. By its aid you 10.1 y protect yourself front the suffer ing and .langer of these disorders. Purge out the foul` corruptions that rot and fester in the blood ; purge out the causes of disease, and 11C,111)1 Will follow. 13y its peculiar Nirtue: this remedy stiltlttlates the vital func tion., and thus expels the distempers which Lurk within thu system or burst out ott any •art of it. We knoW the public have been deceived by many c,,mi,,tind . s. ~r .c.irsq r a? ilia, that promised much and did nothing; hut they will neither be deceived nor dbappointed in this. Its virtues have been proven by abundant trial, and there remains no que.tion of it; surpassing excellence for the cure of the afflicting diseases it is in tended to reach. Although under the same name, it b. a- very different medicine from any other tshich ha , !wen before the people, find is far more effectual than any other which has ever been available to them. .P. - I'E.Ft'S CHERRY PECTORAL, The World's Great Remedy for Coughs, Colds, Incipient Con sumption, and for the relief of Consumptive patients in advanced stages of the disease. This has been so long used and 80 univer sally knoou, that we need do no more than assure the public that its quality is kept up to the hest it ever lets• been, and that it may be relied on to do all it has ever done. Prepared by /n. J. C. Avis & Pradit'ai and Ana I ytical Chemist*, Lowell, Mesa, Sold by all druggists everywhere S,)1(.1 by .T. W. EL LroTT, Carlisle, and deal ers everywhere. A ir t t t o o t r h n u e i y i at ‘rd Law - July 1, 16u4-Iy. TA )1 ES A. DUNBAR, Attorney at P Low, Carlirlo, Pa. °thou on the south sido of tho Court 'louse, adjoining tho "A morican Printing Wilco." July 1, 1,;(4-1y. M. WEARLEY, Attorney at Law, J. Opine on south Hanover street, adjoining iho office or.lud g o liFahani. All professional business un• trusted to him will ho promptly attended to. July 1, 1804. QAMUEL HEPBURN, Jr., Attorney Out Law. Moe with lion. Samuel Hepburn, Mahn St. Carlisle Pa, July 1, 1864. Acv CARD.—CIIARLES E. MA in LA Un r 1 LI N, Attorney at Law, Office In Inholre just opposite thu Market House. July 1, 11361-Iy, (1 P. HUMEItiCII, Attorney at Law k Offlre on North llsomoir street, a feet doors north of MAO. All loudness entrusted to him will ho promptly sttended to. July 1, 18131. Dr. I. C. LOOMIS Vlt Pomfret Street few doors • .below South fLworer st July 1, 1864. JOSEPH RIMER, Jr., - Attorney at Law. l id Surveyor, Mechanicsburg, Pa. Office on Rail Road Street, two doors north of the Bank, MBUSITIONIi promptly attended to. July 1,180. ..„ . W. NEIDICII, D. D. S.— 1 1 / 4. ji L 9 to Demonstrator of Opetutlvo Dentistry of the carp i- ta,intl aI C r o lie g e of - 7 4 ltplr,; Oillee at i Y isldones opposite Marion Mall, West Main street, Cal lisle, Pa. July t, 1k54. R. GEoRGE S. SEA _UPRIGHT, Dentist, from the Bala. 'Salm. more Collage of Dental Surgery. 4s.Office at the residence of his mother, East Lowther street, three doors below Redford. July 1, 1861. DIIYSIMANS will find it to their ad vantage to call and purchaso their Idediclnce at RALSTON'S. July 1, 1864 - F AMILY DYE COLORS, AT RALSTON'S - 17.41 E--13ELTZHOOVER,-Attorne,y_T • at Tqw Office inScintliliiiiinier itreecopposlto dente's dry good store Carlisle, aEoptombor 9, 1604., CARLISLE FORGE. N'EW FIRM WEAVER - & 7IURICKEII. HE subscribers would respectfully announce to the public, that having purchased t a Carlisle Forge, formerly owned by lir. J. Goodyear, we have commenced the manufacture and will coop constantly en hand all sizes of the best quality of BAR IRON. We will give prompt attention to all orders, whether from a distance or at hems. The highest Cash prices paid for old wrought iron SCRAPS, delivered at the Forge. at the Railroad bridge, In Carlisle. WEAVER It BRICKER. Carlisle, May 13,1804-1 y Carpetings and 011 Cloths. 'VOW reeeiving at Ogilby's cheap cal Store, a lot of Ingrain, Venetian, Hemp, Rag and Stair CARPETS. Also. Floor OIL CLOTII'S all widths, which will be sold for the cash at the lowest rates. CIIA.S. OOILBY, Trustee. hlarch 4, 1864 Fourth Arrival o f New,,Goods hsvo just returned from the cities with a large addition of NEW SUMMER DRESS GOODS All fibres suited for the season. A beautiful lino of Silk Mantles, Coates and Basques, Lore Points, Grena dine Shawls, Lace Mitts, Bojous' Celebrated Kid Gloves, Parasols, Sun Umbrellas, Sand, Ribbons, Tints for Ladies and Misses' Hoop Skirts, and a general assort ment of seasonable goods. MEN AND BOYS' WEAR. Also lolling cheap a largo lot of OLD GOODS much less than proxont prlens. Pleapo cull ono door below Marti 11 . 5 note', End Main Street. .lune.lo, 1864 A. W. BENTZ SPECIAL NOTICE. Groat Reduction in Dry Goode, (A, WING to the recent heavy fall in 1„." tan price of Gold I have determined to reduce every Article in my immense stock of Dry Goods to a correspond ins; price with the precious metal, and intend to melte cli II further reductions from time to lime as (fold recedes in price. lily extensive stork has been mainly purchased et low prices and before the great advance in goods 1 take this Opportunity of calling the attention of the public to the notice, UP I can and will sell lower than any House outside the Eastern Cities. Call and Examine for yemsolves. Resnrmber the oil stand South Hanover street below the Court House. Oct. 7,1864. A. W. MENTZ. JAM EsoN, S. M. e0Y1.1.1, .1. M'CANDLISII R. J<' ME & Co. Wholesale and retail Dealers in Fan, ey Dry Goods, Trimmings, Notions &c., North. west corner of Hanover and Pomfret, streets Carlisle Pa , would respectfully announce to the Public that they have just returned from the Eastern Cities with a large and well selected stork of Goods consisting in part Hosiery, Gloves, Mitts, Veils, Crapes, Cravats, Hoops, Nubbin, ;bawls, Ilandkerchiefs, Suspenders, Shirts, Drawers, Belts, Ladies .ti Gents Collars, Bind ings, Cords, fluitons, Combs, Needles, Sewing Silks, hoop Skirts, Paper, Pons. Perfumery, Mars We Would pal ticularly invite the attention of COll 11 try Mer han ts, to our. tork, An In the matter of p,ires , as hell as in otin, 11111)110M part %I •nj^V this great turf.. vle, 01111 br.nrh of our House nutl rumnbi our firm areAtm! in Philad.dphie, and tilwaye pr 'cited to take adv.illtace of every fluctuation In Ih ono het. Ltheral forms nirole with wholesale purehaaors unusual linimaulients offered foluiyera of every el Call 811(1 zamina 0111 sI rll. .1 AM ESON Co EMEEM New Stock of Hats and Caps AT KELLER'S OLD STAND, North Hanover Street. k splendid assortment. of all the new I . styl, of Silk Moleskin, Slonek. Sort A; Struw II ‘l, nruviTOorrity and home tuanalarture wh•eh will ,dd at Il lowel,t, ca , ll rive, S,!t bats or all qual ities luau the finest Heaver and Nutria, to the cheap. ezt wool, anal of all retort, unaurp ta,ed by any this ~flu Philadelphia. A large stock of & 81:11.11ER ILITS, Palm. I,oa'horn. Bruit, India Panama, and iiildriins limey &o. Also a full Ili:wain:len; of )1111, ll,ys and childrens ar• i•viily ipti , n and style, I 11 , itisifos and ,amino his It. in..; a hatter, he confident of is Inc It.ri Thanlsttil I',' the liberal patron• 40 lieretol 'rut lieshou, d hr scat. its a C011ti11113111•1, of ht. S3lllO. DOIII r the stand. t above hriner', Hotel and ile,t to shoe 'Garr. JIMS "Rt. N. It. Hats of ill kind 9 made to order at short nnti.m. U C, EAR ARRIVAL, OF FRESH J ALL KINDS. A inonii, whlrli Is a largo, Cl real genulon Haiti [pin. dry s It It I: I Sti, in nal, La,rrls, 31Acg A lig! t priers that Is really Astonishingly lox. o SAUC ES. PRESERVES, nod a good itFsm tment Of TOB.‘CCO AND SEGARS, I. U 0 a s, the lowest pates for CASII or Country Produce. IN M. BENTZ July 1, 10114 DISSOLUTION „ F ITE partner.ship lieretorure existin+ les t 31111 rrnwfora Flom 11,4. has horn 11,0.01 VI•4I by In Iltll3l cuusrn t The hook. 1111 ar1•01111iN are In the 11:1108 11/±lbert. wh reque.t , all imrtles I :‘,,,uuts with 031 lato thou to r+ll and ,ettle them. 11.dhert. j r li/iviog Into p.irtner,lap NVIIII his tooth., Ulm Iva Halbert, the lov.rille4s will lleu:eforth lt. ,•41n,Ittrti•il a mler the style of Holbert At /troth,. Tt,u new tirm would tuspeetluily call attention to toil - stork of New and Fresh Groceries. heir ktoglic is In r..t, and gelerted with the greatest care nd will be sold at the lowest prices for rash. It oon, its in part of line old Oovernment Java COFFEE, Hine Rio do . Prime Rio Roasted. s YIIUPS.—New York, Ihistnn, and Philadelphia Sy ip,, of Iho very begin ualiticA. BROWN .S VU A ItS.— ' lll , s I,OSi the market Ilffords. overing - s h,I l . L Criclicd.Sand,llll,l Pulverized Sugar. his A. 11. and C. Sugars, which cannot ho our oiscd. Rion, Corn Starch. F. rrina. nanaminecorroo, Easonce Coffee, Concentrated lye, Sea p, Candles, &e. cry CHINA, GLASS, AND fa QUEENSWARE. ,:v A large and well selected stock of the.very latest pat— terns and styles. lower than ever In price, and better In quality, than was over offered before in Carlisle.—. Call and see. Wooden and Willow Ware, such asTubs Buckets, and Churns, Baskets of every description; Children's CARRIAGES, Stoneware, Cream Puts, But— ter Jars, Preserve Jars. Jugs, all sizes. FISII—No. 1, 2 and 3 Maokoral. No. 1 MESS SIIA D No.l Herring. A largo quantity of the celebrated Excelsior HAMS. SALT by the Sack, Dairy and U. A. Salt. The subscribers respectfully ask the patronage or their friends and the public generally, and invite them to call and ONIIII/I[lo their new stock, at the old stand, —nor of Hanover and Louther Streets. HA LBERT & BROTHER. Carllslo, April 22, 1664 Flour and Feed Store. THE subscriber wishes to announce to thn people of Carlisle and vicinity, that he has opened a FLOUR AND FEED STORE, on the South East Corner of Main and West Streets, In the Warehouse owned and formerly occupied by Jacob ithoem. The b st brands of FAMILY FLOUR, kept constantly on band and delivered to any part of the town. Having perfected arrangements with some of tho first mills In tho neighborhood, I can assure my customers that they will be furnished with an article of Flour which I can vouch for. I will keep constantly on hand FEED OF ALL KINDS, such as Corn, Oats, Bran, Shorts, Pbtatoes, &c. The highest cash prices paid for Grain of all hinds and Flour. Don't forgot the old established stand. Carllslo, Map 20, 1864 !HARD WAR LEWIS ‘F.--1611(NE, Of the old firm of John P. Lyne d• Son, HAS just completed opening his new Spring stock of Hardware, Paints. Oils, Olaca, Varnishes, Arc., to which he ' , trib; the early attention of the publie generally. Ire has greatly enlarged hie ;dock in all its various branehee, and ran now aroma. modato the public with Reliable Goods, In large or small quantities at the lowest prices. A Mok into his store will convince them that ho has enough (Mods to fully supply the demand In this mar ket. Persons wanting Goode In our line will find it to their advantage to give us a call before making their purchases. 411 onion; personally:end punctually at• tended to, and no misremsontatlons made to effect, sales. LEWIS F. LYNE, Carlisle, May 20, 1864. ' North thmover St. Important Notice. Reduction on Dry Goods, At Ogilby's Cheap Cacti Store. OWING . to the reduced price() of' goody in the City,' am now running of may entire stock of dry goods at greatly reduced prices for cash. Many articles having been purchased before tilled vance in price, I am enable to sell for less that • ity prices, All in want of bargains will do well to call before purchasing elseWhene. . • 6114)3, 691L8Y, Trustoo CARPETING.—SeIIing of balance of my Varpots nt reduced prices. 011A8, Oct, 14, 1864, Truetee. , fII.IINCA & CO's. well-known MELO DEONS and lIARSIONIOLIS, Introducing ,tbo of. feat pi pedal bass on every Instrume4t. , ' ". • - EA fiNEST GABLER'S . . r.• RAVEN A: BACON'S/Intl 7-* . • HAULM', DAVIS,.& Co calobratoMA.NOS-for-eaoh , t.a liberal-dwindle - in: . • 1 __loo.;thior3o,oBo Rol 4. , - ----,...-'-- . 1 JAMII79 BELLAg. Sole Agent. - '.70 281 F.,Flftli street, above Vpruee, 0et;14 2 18Q.1-9nte.. . ' Phjla4olphia, pp , 1 IMEELTIM TENNESSEE, ILLINOIS, KENTUCKY MICHIGAN, 111SeuNSIN, LA LI FORMA. These celebrated Machines are adapted to every va riety of Sewing or family wear. from the lightest mus lins to the heaviest cloths. They work equally well upon silk, linen. woolen, and rattan good,—seaming quilting. gathering. hemming. hailing, ceding, and Inaiilint.!—Makin4 a 1,1,11(Iflil Anil (WI f••• 11 ttjtd., auk ° on troth sides—and pertrrmiag ever v species of sewing except making Milton holes and i ng on buttons. Frill in truetions I or operating I h e 51,,,hi n0 i s g i ven gratuitously at the sales reran, 15 hen tire Machine is sent numb lint one°, an that per.arnal instruction Is inconvenient, a cord of direction is sent, which is a Sallident guide. The qualities which recommend the 'S heeler A: Wilson Machine :1,- 1. Beauty anti excellence of stitch, alike on both sides of the fabric SO W”.l. 2. Strength. firmness, and ol nraldlity of seam, that will not rip nor ravel. and made with 3. Economy of thread 4. Its attachments and wide range of application to purposes and materials. 6. Compactness and elegance of model an d finish. 6. Simplicity and thoroughness or construction. 7. Speed, ease of operation and management, and quietness of movement SCHEDULE frF PRICES. Plain 'nada, Half '2ase, Pannelled, Halt ago Polkaed, Black Walnut or Mahogany 65 00 Pialn T. 11,10, 55 Halt Case, l'annelle,l, (4) hall l'as•, Polislietl, hark Walnut or Mahogany 65 N. 1 51nelline, Silver plated, with IST; •••• • .•••••' , , • ( - I r 14...1a50,H1" r lIE undersigned has just received, and intends to keep constantly on hand a full an ger merit of the unequalled Pianos manufactured by l Steinway A Sons of New York. Each instrument wilt be carefully selected In the Manufactory, and will be sold at tho New York Cash Factory Prices, with the addition of Freight to Catlisle. A written guarantee of entire satisfaction will be given by the subscriber to each purchaser. Persons desirous to purchase are invited to call and examine these unrivalled Pianos, at R. E. Shapley's Jewelry Store, Main Street, 3d door east of the Mansion House, near the Rol!road Depot. SECOND RAND PIANOS rtiCelvetl In exchange nod kept for sale and to rent. Carlisle, May 22, 1863—1 y A. B. EWING'S FURNITURE WARE-ROO JEREIII4II GIVLER West High Street, Carlisle, Pa Premium awarded at the Camberlan County Agricultural Fair of 1857,) The subscriber halt just received tho most splendid assortment of articles In his lino, ever brought to this place—which ho is determined to sell at prices that doly competition. Parlor ' Chamber, Dining-room, FURNITURE. 'Kitchen anti Office Embracing every article used by House and Hotel keepers, of the most appmved and fashionable design and finish, including also Cottage furniture in setts, reception and Camp Chairs, Mattresses, Gilt frames, pictures, &a., to. tioN_Particular attention given ac usual to funeraln; orders from town and country, attended to promptly and on moderate terms. July 1,1864 PAINTS AND OILS.- 10 Tons Whit. Lead. 1000 Gallons of 011. Just received with a largo assortment of Varnishes, Irire Proof Paint, Turpentine, Florence White, Japan, ' • Whit. Zinc , ' Putty, Colored' 21no, ' - Lithargo, Rod Lead Whiting, Boiled 011, • .. Glue, Lard Oil, hollao Sperm 011, . , Paint Brushes, Fish Oil, &c., Colors `cif ovi ' y desdrlption dry, and On In cans and tubes at the Hardware Store of -- July 1, 1864, Doe. 11, 1663, HYSICIANS will find it to their ad v4qtage to call and purchase .EttelLileAcal.'at FIRE INSURANCE. _ • . T" .. HE Alien and Eristrionnsboro' Mu tual Firo Ineurndco Company of Cumberland unty, incorporated by an act of Assembly, in the d i t ye ir 1643, andbaving recently had its charter °stand e to the year 1883, is now in activc and vigorous op er Lion, under tha superintendence of the following board of Managers, viz;. •'William It. GagasTChristlim Stnymnn, Jacob Eberly D. Bally, Alex. Cathcart, J. IL Coovor, John Eichelbor ger, Joseph Wickeri,liam, SainD'Eberly, Moses Bricker, Rudolph Martin, Jacob Coovor, and 1. C. Dunlap. The rates of insurance are as low and favorable as any Company of the kind In the State. Persons wish ing to become members are invited to maks applica tion to the egents of gbo Company, who are willing to wait upon them at any time. WM. IL. GORGAS, President, i• Eborly's Mills, P. 0. CHRISTIAN STAYMAN, Vico President, Mechanicsburg, P. 0. JOHN C.DIINLAP, Sect'y. Mechanicsburg. DANIEL DAILY, Dliioburg, York CO. ' AGENTS. • Cumberland county.—John Shorrlck, Allen; Henry Zearing, Shiremanstown; Lafayette Pellet., Dickinson; Hone) Bowman, Church town ; Mode Griffith. South Middleton; Samuel Graham, Westpennsboro'; Samuel Coover, Meehan icsburg ; J. W. Cocklfn, Shepherdstowd D. Coovar, Tipper Allen; J. 0. Saxton, Silver Spring; John Flyer, Carlisle; Valentine Fineman, New Cumberr. land; James McCandlish, York county—W. S. Picking. Dover; James Oriffith, Warrington; J. F. Deardorff, Washington; Richey Clerk, Dillsburg; D. flutter, Fairview ; John Williams Carroll. Datiphrn co-,Jacob Moser, Tlarrislourg. 'Members of the Company having polleien about to expire, ban have thorn renewed by making application to any of tho Agorae. July 1,186.1. WHEELER & WILSON'S SE G .11.4 C .7 E S AT REDUCED PRICES, With Glass Cloth Presser, Improved Loop— Check, New Style Hammer, Binder, Cor or, Braider, etc. At the Railroad 01lice, Carlisle. Pa Highest Premiums at tho INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, LONDON, 1862 INDUSTRIAL EXIIIIIITION, PARI I, 1861. at the Fairs of the UNITED STATES AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, Silver Medal at the PeaaNyt panics State Fair Sep( tuber, 1863. American institute, New Vork,Mechanice'Assorintion Boston, Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, Nletropolita leeltanics' I nAltute, Wasbi rNton, Maryland I iistitut Baltimore, Mechanic! , Association, Cincinnati, ken turky Institute, Louisville, 'Mechanical Association St. Louis, Mechanics' Institute, San Francisco. At the State Fairs of MAINE, VERMONT, CONNECITIOUT, NEW JERSEY, PENNSIA,V (NIA, VIRGINIA, M ISSISSIPPI MISSOURI, MEI INDTANA, 10 \% k No. 3 Machine, w v Lh No. 2 Maehito with 'lain Table, Inif Ca , o, Polished, Mark Walnut, 70 MI Intl Co,aq Polished, tit or Mahogany 71, 00 Inif ease, Polished, Rosewood, On no 'nil Case, 1 . 01i510,1. Week Walnut or Mahogany 90 00 'oil Case, Polishoe, lioslowood, 1110 OU N0..1 )laebinn, Large with 75 00 No. 5 Machinr, Cylinder, with ItilT Ilt, T V.l: NIS CA II Every Marble., is sal.l with a Iterninnr, Nom. 1 and 2 In hiuca aro n..1.1,11)0 , 4,, SA it h the New Glass Cloth NeW St ale and Braider. \s tattler k Wilsou's Agency nt Railroad and Telegraph Office, CARLISLE, P. July 1, 1861-ly STEINWAY PIANOS. First Prize Medal at the Worldls Fair London, 1862. JO [NN K. STAYMAN --- -7 "-- - 7,...... ~,.. , .I'---- ~4701tr.'". ...n : I ''''---- i"-... .....',. -.--. :4, ' v-- - " 2 . " 77: ' ::-L:Il v f° , . ;,. . . ''' "a f qft V ~,- . '''',V`A.. r. ‘- 4 -' 7 ' 7l. ''''- n ~,, 1 , p, ~ I I --.--->,.: r''' ' _ l.----._*. lIENRY SAXTON Bryane Pulmouie Wafers, AT ItALEIM,Pfk 00AL AND LTYMBER YARD, NL . , The subscribers hdvo this day entered partnership to trade in tht • COAL AND LUMBER, We •• will . hnve constantly on hand and furnish to s , der all kinds and quality of seasoned LUMBER, • BOARDS, • FRAME STUFF Paling, Plastering Lath, Shingling, Lath, worked Flooring and 11 'eatberboarding, forte - and Rails, and every article that belongs to a Lumber Yard. All kinds of Shingles, to wit: Whiteplue, hemlock and Onk, of different qualities. }laving can of our own we can furnish bills to order of any length and size at the shortest notice and on the most xi:von:able terms. Our worked hoards will be kept under dam so they can be furnished dry at all times. We have constantly on hand all kinds of Fetidly Coal under cover, which we will deliver clean td any part of the borough. To all: _ Lykenn Vetley, Broker!, lief, - ;,3 Store and Nut, Luke Fiddler. iii( .. 4 . 4 e 4, '' Ti evorton , Locust Mountalt r Lohbery, which we pledge onr. 0 --- l idt! nelven to Fell at the MIRO/1 prices Best quality of Limeburner's and Btackamith'a Coal, always on hand which we will collet the lowest figure Yard west side of Drummer school, Main street. AIthISTItONG & 110M.R., July 1, 186 4 Notice of Co-Partnership. ruITE public ore hereby informed that the undersigned have this day entered Into a Or Partnership, under the name of Delaney Jr Blair, tot the purpose of carrying on the Coal and Lumber boob Dees, at tne old stand of Oliver Delaney, near the Gap Works; where all orders in their line of business are respectfully solicited, and will be promptly filled. OLIVER DELANCY, ANDREW IL BLAIR: 0ct.16, 1813-1 I. ./TP•Orders for coal will he received at Halbert & Fleming'n 0 rncery Store; Robert. Moore's Sboa Store and A. U. Blair% Currying Shop. DELANCY k SLAM. trv)..nrders for Coal or Lumber nolfelted through t are Post ()Men, arrangements having been made with the Postmaster to charttertbe postage on Inane to tie. All orders punctually filled. BOOTS AND SHOES. A _ T the store of John Irvine, on Lb-) N. E. cornar of the public square, is the place to purchase Boots Shoes Hats and Caps, at prices that dery competition, Ito hasj nal returned from the East with the largest and most complete assortment of Boots, !Moen, Ilat• Caps that ho has ever presented to this communll.7, and which ho ix determined to sell at the lowest pot. slime prices. llis stock embraces ererything to 111 line of business, such as MEN'S 3 BOYS' FINE CALF BOOTS, Nig Boots, Calf and Patent Lentbor Oxford- Tier, Calf and patent beat her Oaltol s, Calf Nullifiers, Calf and Kip Brogans, Slipporu, kn. LADIES' WEAR, Fine French and Englieh Ending (laitern, Moroteo Calf an d Kid limits, Fine Kid iSlippern, Fancy Slippers, incr. rover. and Kid Busk inn, &c., MIS ES AND CHILDREN'S WEAR of all descrlp lions O'lnhracing lino Lasting Gaiters, Morrnceo and Lasting Button Boots, Morrocen Lace boots of all kisadn fancy ,boes of various styles slippers, &c. URI'S A: CAPS, Silk, Casslmere. Fur and WOW lfat■ of all qualities and styles, also a large assortment of STRAW II A T Roots and Shoes made to order at the shortest notice Repairing ppoolp . dope. Confident of hie ability to please nil etas c ~ feustraners. he respectfully in vibe the public to give hips a roll. to_ltontetobel the place, S. E. corner of the Public Square. July 1, ISC4 ELLING OFF AT TWENTY-FIVE PEN CENT. IH COSTII At tho sign of " Oold 3 doors ahoy. th• enzuhrrland Valley Honk, and two doors below the )Lout •dial Church, on West Main street, the largo.* and best selected stork of WATCHES AND JEWELRY in the town, will be sold 30 per cent lower than at any pia r.i in the unto. The Stork comprises a large assort. mont of Geld and Silver hunting roc., watches, Levers, Lepinss, Amer:vim watches, and all other kinds acd Styles, GOLD AND SIL171: 11 C11-211NS, 11111 i of all kinds,Soactkelles ;old and , ilver, Mated and Silver Ware, MUSIC 130XES, ACCORDEONS, 011 faint ings, a great satiety of fancy articles, tire. Tha• °utile stork of Watchmaker tools, cases: largo ill hr sold itholosals or retail on the easiest tura,. Ilan in;; selected a first Hats workman all kind, of will he done as usual, at reduced prices. It. li: SIIAPLEY, Jul) 1,1'4'1 NEW ARRIVAL OF DRY GOODS. The undersigned Is now opening the largest and most desirable stock Of goods ever offered to the people of Cumberland County. A erouplete and general 0050, tment of Ladies Dress Goods. An immense assort meat of LADI ES MOURNING end Eel );\ It I•\U E-zy GOODS from the Celebra terl 31Purrring glom 01 'lesson a soh, Ph da. A large :4,44110ne/et of LADIES PLAIN RI NN ET RIBBONS AND DRESS TRINI MINUS. The largest stock of NOTIONS outside of the Eastern Cities. A full assortment of Cloths for Ladies Cloaking. wear ill 0111110S4 variety, consisting of Cloths. Fancy and plain Casslineres, '1 weeds, Jeans, and Cottonades. DOJIESTIC GOODS. an immense assortment, at reason:tide rates. A large, complete and varied assorL.mLmt of DUPLEX ELI PI I(' SPRI Nti tqi 111 IS, and from all the calaratt ed manufacturers inn the U. S. also Balmornla of every grade and price. CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS. If ATTINCIS AND LOOKING " WASS ES. A large stock of Lace and Silk CAPES, LAWNS, 11.3 It Eli ES, .1.• , 101 l over from last season, will be sold at rs trowely low pr ices. Particular at tendon paid to "Funeral orders," ail well on order, of all kinds promptly and punctually attend ed to. All of whidl will be sold lower than City price, hal, ing been purchased before the late advanee. A. W. BENTZ. - 1 It( 11311.1. ES; I $4., 10 Era .00ERIES !! GROCERIES !I JI G. P. MYERS, has opened a now grocery Store. n Maln Street. Carlisle, npra , sito II . Sakton's third rare ,tore. sod Is now prepared to supply his friends mil the public, with all kinds of Choice floods, at tbs lowest market rat 'O. ills stock comprises COFFEES, SUGARS, SYRUPS, TEAS, Salt, Spices, ground, unground; Crackers, Chess*, Coffee Essences, Fish by wholesale or retail, Eroems, Brushes, Tobacco, Segars, Snuff, Matches, Blacking, Bed Cords, GLASS AND STONEWARE, Queensware, Cederware, Notions, and ■Il other arti— cles usually kept in a first class Grocery. In ~,ford to prices I am determined to eell goods at the lowest IL u res. BUT TER, EGGS, And all kinds of Country Produce, taken ■t market pi ices. Farmers and Dairymen are particularly Invited to call and sec the celebrated Plitt:NlX °HUHN, which has bOl.ll pronounced by campoteot judges the most superior Churn of the age. July 1,1004. William P. Lynch The subscriber informs the public that he mill continues tile GAS FITTING AND PLUMBING busines at the Old Stand in the basement of the Flret Methodist Church. lie will attend promptly to ell amino.. In his line. Load and Iron Hydrants, Rot and cold SHOWER BATHS, ~ Water Closets, Forco and Litt Pumps, Wro't Welded Tubes, Iron Sinks, Bath Tubs, Bath Bolters, Wash Be. sins, Hydrant c Items, dc., and every description o. cooks and fittings for gas, steam. water, &c. Superior cooking ranges, heaters and gas fixtures put up in churches, stores end dwellings, at short notice, In the most modern style. All materials and work in our line nt low rates and warranted. im_Coun try wont and Jobbing promptly attended to July 1, 1864. HAT AND CAP EMPORIUM. undersigned respectfully annourk cos to the public that he still continues the Hat tie, Business at the old stand, In NVest High street, and ith a renewed and 0111 , 40E1C effort, produce aril: cies of Head Dress of Every Variety, Style and Quality, thnt boll bo strictly in keeping with the improve, ment of the Art, nod fully up to the age which we, I bavo on handa splondld N. ll assortment of -'t••• 41 HATS AND OAPS, + ofall descriptions, from the Wm/Lon Wool to the finest Fur and 811 k Hats; and at prices that t' must suit every ono who has an - eye to getting the! -.' worth of his money. The stock includes, MOLESKIN, CASSIMERE, BEAVER .4 FELT HATS,. ofevery style and color and unsurpasood for Lightness, Durability and finish; by those of any other establish ment In the aountry. Men's, Boy's anti Childroa's Hat's and Caps, of every description constantly on hand. / Ile respectfully,ln viten all the old patrons and at many now. ones as posstblo, to give him a call. • J. O. OALLIO. 101310 July 1,18(3 MOTS di SHOES. AFULL assortment of Mon and,Boys' Boots and Shoos, suitable for the winter.. Also A and Misses , l Balmoral Bootees, Children's Boote of all kinds. Ladiesand Oentiornen'sGDM Overawes. My old customeres and all In want of good and cheap Boots and Shoos, will please call and examine the stook, before purchasing. Main street nearly opposite the Depot. July 1, Mil 4MILY DYE COLORS, July 1, 1864 r I i . EIV • GOODS.— Every description and quality .. . of_Siro.esrleSt gOOCUU.Yore,_llardware, Plebe Vino Liquors, Tobacco, &gars, Pipes, Freak Fruits end' vogotableo Cans ,- Oystersdark'ptree;WOOd — ririd — Williiir *ire, -01 binds and of the boot quality and tp be sold at tbo Tweet prices for cash by • Ism Briar:, July 1 , 1§64 SCANTLING, JOHN IRVINE MIAS: oalLir o . Trustee. AT RALBTON'a