Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, March 25, 1865, Image 3
age of maturity, yet felt it his duty to vol unteer for the defence of his country. Resolved, That while among us his conduct was suoh us to win the esteem and respect of all associates; and that we feel thankful for the privilege of ministering to his wants duf ring his lust hours of affliction. Resole d , That a copy of the. above pre arubfe and - resolutions be sent to the family of the , decensed, and to the Carlisle Herald aod,lllechanicabprg Journal, for publication. '• WASHINGTON S. STOEY, Ist Lieut., BENJAMIN E. BAILEY ! Sergeant, • PETER FITZPATRICK, Sergeant, LEANDER E. CORNMAN, Corporal, THOMAS 'WILKINS, ecini Xthtices,. The Bridal Chamber, an Essay of Warning and Ins*ruction fur Yonne Men—publisbed' by thu Howard Association, and sent, free of charge In Bonded envelopes. Address, Dr. J. MULLIN HOUGHTON, nowd Aesnefation, Feb. 10—ly Builds. CARLISLE PRODUCE MARKET. Carlisle, M 11,1123,1806 FLOCS. (Superfine).... ...... . Fl 00 do. (Extra.) ...... 050 do RYF 0 (1) ly HITE 'WHEAT.. RED RYE CORN ...... OATS . BARLEY FAI.b.. BARLEY SPRING CLOVERSRED.... TISIOTBYfiEEn.. NOTICE. Great ,Attrartion ! Great Attraction! ! DRY GOODS. t A. W. I3entz's Ewporiutu which has al wa3 a been abutted as being the cheapest tore In the County. We have recently received from the Eastern Cities selections of the choicest goods, at such vory low figures as will surprise the purchaser.— We will as usual replenish our stock with the most seasonable goods, such as cannot foil to gratify the meet fastidious Our Domestic goods are greatly re duced in price, lower than can bo purthatted In town. A. W. BENTZ. March 20, 1865 TO THE PUBLIC. Carlialr, March 20, 1805: WE the undersigned Ladies, do here by cone . , to the superior .1 Imlay of the ad rrr Spring Flour. manufactured by Singh:, Mao viol,, 01 big Spring Mil a, Cumberland Co., nod sold by Sam LI !I M. Hoover of Carlisle 'Ph' price of Flour having come down some we wi'm hi ad. Ise all persons to give Ibis is trial as It unnot be ourpassmd 'l,lO/15, lire. Si . Si. liecteln. Mrs. S. Elizabeth A Loudon, Mrs 11. 1111..orer, Mrs. A. floor,. M rm. J. Rhoads, Al Raul IT. Mi. S. lion tiny. Mrs. M. Trego. Mrs. Sites, Mrs..l. . Eby. Mr, II Miller, Mrs. 8. A. Senor. Sirs. K. Rhoads. Mrs Armstrong. Sirs Si urra v. Mrs. C. It ingunit, Mrs. C. Turner, Sirs. P. 11. Combo I. Mrs. Geo. L. Murray, Mrs. Jacob !lon or, Sire Ewing Mrs. R. Ogilby, Miss S. S. Miller, Mrs. S. A. Hutton. 3m. MILLINERY GOODS. BROOKS & ROSENIIEIM, WHOLESALE DEALERS, No. 481 MARBLY Street, north side PHILA DELPHI A, ONLY ON E DOLLAR trill hr charged litr any artiele on our lint., All I this solo tht• itutt•litt.tlt littod UAW lot knot,: what ht. i• to get This plan .ovoid,n Ith the met old re- FLOWERS, RUC lIES, LACES, it tt 1011.. for Alop ,cittd• of !Ar n o btu •kit i ill Jewelry A d pi•ocitiettans. and all other ortielea requitt d y lila E PLAN IS SI )11'1, E Millinery Trade Hy long experience and 011 ict attention to lid- branehe.l^h tint I'll" offered fortole—as hold lA.lne,s exclusively, wit flatter ourseli es that we lit“ttmsl G•afl tlr Pant inticeict," ••I'earl ran offer inducements. in rat 010. slyteN, quality a Ih mil " 111 ' 11 L O,lll O l l , I ;Wig, - moderato prizes—not CO o,) wher;• to e found. The ot.• ,•• nntt. a or, it emit tontion of Ml LLIVLe ltl and AIt.:RUH ANIL , is respect-,..; d 0!,01”.1 ate fully solicited. turn id load inn drat, er and 01l taxed: then as an March 24. 1565-3 mn. I older Is rvrell . .• t. „I:h t‘iltlityti ce nls toe rotorn p ..tale and oth •r char es. • 11 , the ''trio ore rtiC cat,. is 1.160,1 at r itelomld 0,11 by 11rst mail to the inn:tomer, who n 111 'VI, it "11, what he can get for (hot 111,0,1 nit h los fortune he can Ito- ITArtl lltll at . o.;itlll to dirt•e n tions o 11.. ...ruff gale /11.•1 se. tire the pit'', if the arldele a a artleti thotiill hr ....tided to L ..• ituratamer—as for example. set ai l Peal t Ltar- [hams and Itrea'il pill to a young 111511 who c 'tot ts oar them. 011 I had nu one to give them v.—we wit] send any other at Licht oil the catalogue of pi mire it It ich may he pr iorrod Or if, tor any reAson, you chaos„ to Veittlire Ito 'wilier. then you ono lotdropwhere II is and spend ou more. Examine c nefully out 161 almdue• NV ATC 11 I); ,. .,p.utTM ENT. have now open their usual hAtolsomo variety of RIBBONS, BONN Er MATERIALS, STRAW Jr.. FANCY BIN N ETA LADIES' k MISSES' HATS, BEST WHITE LEAD' BEST ZINC! DUPLE LII3ERTI: LEAD, I usur passed for Whitel,,, FIDE, Uioo,, Durabi Vlrrnnam, Awl erennore of so rim PU itl Li urmry LKkil—‘‘arranted to covor mote surface for lnfl weight than any other Lest— Try it and you zei/I ha re rig other PURE It ZINC, talented Zinc, ground in Relined Linseed 1 111, unr guided in quality, always thy MIIIO. PURE LIBERTY ZINC, svarrantsd to d•o more and bettor no•slc at a given rmt than any other—tint t b o Best! Mantracturod nt Pennsylvania PAINT dr COLOR W01:118. Ortiors I:necutecl promptly by ZEIGLER & SMITH, Wholesale Drug, Paint anel Ulas.s 'Milers QS. Store h Offim No 137 North ritinD Street, I= ]lnr•h 24, 1/3155-1y PUBLIC PETROLEUM C (co m 3Ez. ...a. rtzr -5e- \Tenango and Clarion County-, Penn❑ DIVIDED INTO .1c , 0.000 511.4 RES Par Value of Each Share, One Dollar SuLn,ript ion Price, 25 Cont!‘ per Share WORKING CAPITAL, $25,000 zgl. All taxes clue the Commonwealth will be retained in the Treasurys rre•ldrut, GEORGV. Srcretary, , J. HARRY M'IIItACK. Inlaeury, G. F.ll . ol{li & Bankers, No. 4 South Third Strevt. Philadelphia Mining Supuridteodont• ELSON GUYER. DIREcTuRS, J Byrne, Thorn:is It, (toorgn Young, C. P Itamodoll, of Oil City, lion. Amos Myors, Georg° R. TI tun, C. It. Durham, 0111 re or the Company, No. 532 Walnut Street, Roam No. 11, Philadelphia. Subscription■ by letter dh , eted to GEOHGE YOUNG, rrtnident, N 0.48 South Third St., 1011 bo promptly attendnd to. THE PUBLIC PETROLEUM COMPANY Each - and every suharrikr to the stock of this com pany, becomes p,rt owner of the lands and wells, thertby recuiving an equal -hare of all the profits. TWO WELLS NOW GOING DOWN, both of which are nearly complete, and give every In dication of being 1110 ‘VELLS, as already beveral FINE VEINS OF OIL HAVE BEEN sTRUCK. I! is couti dently believed that a ;thin thirty days the company will be receiving Oil from both these wells. an. It is a matter of congratulation to be able to state that nearly onedmlf of tha stock hat already hen secured since the first a • noutteement on Saturday mornin , leaving but a little over 200,0.:0 shares yet to be taken. The lands and producing interests of the Public Pe troleum Company aro situated In the heart of the oil region of Venango and Clarion counties, including por tions of the well-known localities or Ilist Bandy Creo , Cherry Run, Cherry Tree Run, the Clarion river and Scholl's Run, now under process of successful develop ment. EAST SANDY CREEK No. 1 consists of a tract of 100 acros, In fee simple, known as the Sigworth Farm, situated on Past dandy Creek. There are two runs, both tributa-ies of East Sandy Creek, passing through it. A gre t portion of it Is flat boring territory, and there is room enough for over one h nuked wells This track to but a short distance from the East Sandy well, which Is cold to flow two hundred barrels per day. There are two large coal veins opened on this property, nod fifty acres In heavily timb rod with oak and chestnut. A well is to ho sunk immediately on thisproperty. I= No. 2 consists 0r124 acres, In fee simple, in Rockland townvhip, county, Pa. It to oue and a half miles from the Allegheny river. This farm has an shundenee of bituminous csal on it. The greater part °fit hi ilet boring territory. SchulPs Run paeans di reetlythrough it. Several oil companies aro organized neet - this Arm, and are now developing their lands.— On thle tract leases can be given to responsible parties, Ott several wells will he sunk immediately without expanse to the Company. CLARION' RIVER. No 8 conelets of four acres, In fee simple, in the great Oil Basin of the Clarion river, about ono mile below the Deer Creek well,nnd a short distance above the Alum Hock well. This is a very choice piece of land, and It' le all BM nre Vt o being operated u pon . iobenkmnrdlately this property CUERRY RUN No drconelsts of a one-sixteenth working Interest in a lease on the Lamb Form, Cherry Run, Venango CO. PO, on which there is one well going down It has already reached the depth of qoo mot, and has struck some fine shows of oil. There le no doubt but that this will be a good writ, end tho Company, in a short time, be receiving oil from this Interest The Lamb Form is bete een the Reed well and tho litunbolt Refinery, and Is tho beat territory on Cherry Run. , 5 consists of a onwaixteeksth working Interest In a belle 011 Cherry-Tree Run, Vemango county, Pa., on which there Is one well going down. It boa reached the depth of three hundred feet, and promise's to be a good wall. In a short time the Company will be re ceiling oil frourthla Interest oleo. Theis) ariygood pro -dining-wells-ball-above and below this Imo. Tho books for subscription open et the Milco Of the Company, No. bat Walnut Street, Room No. 11. Subscriptions, by letter through' Post Office, should be directed to tho.oMco of GEORGE YOUNG, No. 98. South Third Street, and will receive prompt attention. Thimittancen can bs3 made by draft. express,' or rogie t , wo& lattor:Lanyirwment.Boodoogd--Boouritie s td o g do payment for stock. GEO. YOUNG, President J, HARRY BtlifßAol4, Sgcrotary and Treasurer ? March 24, 1866—gt, Important to Millers and Mill Owners. 1 yler's Improved Iron Water Wheels. Patented July 1855-50-58. THEfollowing are some of the advan tages over all other wheels t % log the best percen tag° of power for the water used. Its durability, and it is not likely ro got out of ro pair. It runs in as well as out of hick water with the same head. It Is not ohntrueted by anchor Ice or other oubstancee With a suitable tack. It 1s adapted to high beads as well as low. It Is the shadiest mulling and endest regulated wheel, in ure. • • It Is suitable for. all kinds of machinery, cotton and woolen textures, G Grit, Saw end Paper M Ills, &o. The subscriber having tho Patent night for Cumber land and Perry Counties, parties In want of a valuable motive power are requested to inform tnerosolve neth er by applying to my agents, Mr. JOON Pt. ANDERSON, ?MRS', (lolling Springs. or Messrs. OARDNER & CO., Carlisle. Mr. Anderson has put In a largo number of these wheels, and understands bow to put them In so as to give them the most power. Messrs. Gardner & Co , aro at all times prepared to furnish (tearing suitable for the Tyler wheels. It. S. SLA YMAK ER, York, Pa. March 21, 1515. Contmittec Washington House No. 709 Chestnut St., above 7th PHILADELPHIA Fr FITS old and popular Hotel is located 1 In 11)81 Immediate centre of business and In per so to VMt ins the City on matters of trails or pl,tsure. It i, one of the most desirable Hotels in I'hil:ub•lphis It is convenient to all the llnil Itoad Depots, and easily acce,ible by city cars from all parts of the City. lln rooms are airy and spacious, and iho Lattler will ho unexceptionable in every respect. The Manager As- SUM, 010 public that no effort will be spared 011 his pot t to niche the Washlugtou House, 1n all re,pet•lA plengant and agreeable to his guests, and he will be pleased to sue his old friends stud former patrons Of the '• Rates Union;' Philadelphia, and to welcome sunny new rinses. Mr. L. B. Negley, the former office clerk at the States UlllOll, will be glad to one his old friends at thu Washington House. 1 110 1 as 14 00 4 00 CHAS. M. ALLMOND, =I Magnificent Sale. GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, arewear3r. gfc 40. UN THE ONE DOLLAR PLAN. The Entire Stock of One Gold and Silver Watch Manufacto ry, Two Itomense Jewelry Establish wents, One Silver Plating Warehouse, Ono (itild Pen tvrel Pencil Maker, To 'Ur disposed of ♦w•it 11 dispntolt wrmour REGARD TO COST! ildod, are of rrdr folfahle r.fyles aft,l most eared lee t en.6m tardriff. ff z 11".. , 1 , 111 . 1 ed iin mariner to !Ad evf• Ino 1.• tors toms einhdrlassineht occa sioned h e r distr.. rl, war It should be ffrolui auntly fuate.l, nlso, that they are mostly and AMERICAN I:kNIJI. , ',‘CTLTItE and- therefore greatly ,iiiierior to the Roods Imported from abroad and t llr html ah (la as Ilia rhe.i poor aver sold simple dilly alimid the high (all toriligii bllls i are payable in Roh l. a(uount to 111111, 111:1" and Ira most of Hr.) . of the, artii•los (4,1,1 liy us to the ',ain'tt. To taci(ilato the rßla :;od VAt.•ta L•ver d.llluoti 11411.1,0 $5ll to 1100 10. ols I.' I/01 , •o'.l , 1 r 1 , 1 11•1.1C4 1..1/,:o 4'- 175 401 1 ;etit.' 1 1 , 1 llontio•4 - 101 I , ,tatnel'..l C1)_41.! 1111 - 13 , 400, : 1 11ver Hooting Ca-o, 311. 111.1 41,1) (loot: 11l I. •V , •I i ilvnr /luotho4 (nsc, 3 - 85 300 o,l)s' Dot. 1, , ,, r 110 - 1.0 1101 . 1 , 10.1. , - CO. 300 Guilts' 1 , 1 ke ver, - .1 E I' E 1.1 l l DE l'A I' N)'. 3 0 Iliatn 4 , 1 1 t 510 10//1/100 I 20 101 1 I'm) 1 10,1.1 C.l/11/e 1,0011 l'lgß. 3- Id 30,0 1 /1 1 1 1. 1:1111,l.1 II i'C". 3 12 500 1 G .1.1 anvd 1,,...,11•10,1 1',•01 ha, //5, 5- :0 II 4.1 1, 5 - .1 4000 Il tr 1.1 45t.r.• - 10 40,1111 II el , O 14•01. t En 111 :11 1 1,1.1. ISllltrlrllB - 11 1,111 111 4,r1 1) 11 rr• li, 1 1 :411 :1 R ' 1 00 .1 nt. : 4 ,111/ 4, ,ttriet, 11,11. z, - is 1 at.' •me. -et .0 :13.1 . 111 1 . ,1 111 11.14 s 4 . 1./ ;r 61' 0 Lodie.' 14,1.1 Neee. , 113 i, , 5 - 50 4111.1 Gold Ogt.-Itatel Illtieelots, 3 - 10 tieoo liol.l ~,Cl Jet lll4eelets, 8 - 12 ;gal Geld and E 11111111.1,1 Ilraeelets, 111,111 111,14 Chat/dein Ch tins, 8 - 31 51110 Pair 13/0/1 SI. eve Iluttene, 3 4000 I'4'r 1.1/11,1 11,111 /In. Sleeve helve, 4 - ICI 800 1 s o lit,dre 1;0111 Br :1 - 14 60.10 Core], 1111.1, and 1.111,41 hes. 3 /2 0 , 11 , 0 Gold 1111,/, and Pearl Eat-i/r. ps. 3 - 7000 31 0 , 1 1, lel, la/0 3: Florentine Jar droie,3 - 1' u 1 11 1 11111 11,11111,1 e 5 10 100 111 ~- 14 , 41 and Enierald Eat-Dr , ps, -10 hit 0 5111,i ture I,orkeis, 4 - 11101 0 11i111,1),,,, I. n.;ic spring, Pah, oold Rings. 4 - 12 110 0 -et, ladles' .)en elry,(101.1 11 11 11 Jet. 5. 211 10,0, Jewelry, Cameo, Pearl, &c 5 - 21 1110 111 I.olllles' Gilt and Jet liraeolets, 4 - 15 10000 I/ 11/n1 Gilt and Jot Oat Supporters, 2- 12 SILVER PLATED WAItE. 10000 Cops. $2 to $2O //eve, 110 1 ,1111), 3- 12 .01011 l'air Napkin Iljega, 2- 10 244.01 Card Ita , kAs, 4 - Ui 4000 Cahtor t ramos—completo with bottles, 6 - 211 21100 lee pitcher", 10 - 20 0000 Pair Butter haloes, 3 - 8 5000 Soup Oyster and Gravy Ladles. 2 - 8 1000 Engraved Ile E./lived. 3 - 6. 8000 Dozen Tea Spoons, per dozen, 5- 15 8000 Duxes Table Spoons, per doze., 8 - 24 0000 Dozen Desert Forks, per dozen, 8 - 30 GOLD PENS AND PENCILS. 120 , 10 Gold Pens, Silver xtonsinn Holder, $3 to $lO 12000 110111 Pens. :direr :SD.unted Holders,- 8 8000 (lola Pans, 00111 Nlounte n ~, d- olde,, 3 . 111,110 Glllll ;'ens with cold Extension Holders 10- 26 0000 1 1 / 1 1,1 Pens, Gold Holders and Pencils, 10 - 20 6000 Gold Pencils, 0- 20 REMEMBER PLAN. In all cases wn elutrgo for forwarding t:,3 Certificate, posing°, and 1i01,11.4 the bu.liteas, the KIWI of Tweet - five l cuts, which moat Ire in the older. Floe Certni rates will ho sent fur Isl ; 01 114,11 11 for $2; thirty fur $0; sixty-live fn. $10; ono bon rod for $l6, AGENTS ARE WANTED, Throughout thu Country to operate for us A lingo componsailon will ho raid. Scud for terms, Ac., en closing stamp. 51nrch 24, 1865 'STATE NOTICE.- Notice is hereby given that letters of Adminis. tration on tho estate of David Martin, late of Monroe township, doe'd., have lawn granted by the Register of Cumberland County to the StlbscriberA, Peter Martin. residing In Hampden twp., and George Hoover, resi ding in Silver Spring twin. All persons knowing them selves indebted to said estate will make payment and those having claims a 11l present them to PETRI& MARTIN, GEORO N HOOVER, March 17, 1805-ot.* Administrators. LS TA TE N OTICE. - Letters of Adm ulstratlon on the estate of Mar garet hlsenberger, late of Nose Cumberland deed., hat, lug boon Issued to the auhserlber residing. In the same place. Notice is hereby given to all persons Indebted to make payment. and those having elahne to present them for settlement to March 17, 1865-6t4 ESTATE M./TICE. Totters of Administration with the will an nosed on the estate of Joseph Shrom, late of the bor ough of Carlisle, deo'd., have been issued to the sub. scriber residing In the same place. Notice is hereby given to all persona Indebted to make payment, and those having claims to present them tor settlement to REBECCA SIIROM, March 17, 1866-6t*. Adrolnlstratrix. LICENSE NOTICE,- Notice Is hereby given that I will malui appli• rt at the rest Court of quarter Sessions of Cum , . berland County, to ha hold on the 10th day of April next, for Ileenv to hoop a boor houso and Rostrurant In the East Ward of tho borough - of Carlisle. ANDREW GOULD. March 17, 1865=1RT- io MNSE- NOTICE - /Notice Notice is Nei. by given that I intend to apply to the next Court of Quarter Sessions of Cumberland co., tAbe held on the 10th day of April next, fur license to keep a Beer HOUR° and Reston. ant In the borough of Modianksburg JOHN &ILIA/Y. March 17, 1805-3t.s. - LIST ATE N 9T1.0 E. - .. II- , 4 Letters testamentary upon the Esttite of Mary hider. lota of South Middleton to - witship, hese been itikted tilithe stiMmlber reeking in the same town. ship. All persons indebted to said Estate, are request ed to make.payment, end those 'hating claims to' pro- - sent them for suttlentent to. . • . . • RIDER,- . Feb. 21,11314. --et*, WILLIAM 'Executor, Alaim or NEWBORN & CO., 75 Fulton Street, N. Y JOHN 0. HUM, Administrator List List of .Deal erss Or Goods, Wares and Merchandise, Also, Brewers, Distillors,•Lumbermen, &a., with in the County of Cumberland, returned and classified, according to the several Acts of Assembly, as follows, to wit:' CARLISLE Monasmith &Baker, groceries, 18 $lO 00 G. P. Myers, J. M. Allen & Co John flyer, do 11 16 00 Halbert & Bro., do 11 15 00 William Bentz, do 12 12 60 Wm. Blair & Son - do 11 16 00 William Stralley, do 14 7 John D. Meck, do 14 7 D. Keeney, do 14 7 M. Myers & Co., do 13 10 Mrs. E. Poland, do 14 7 John Faller. do 14 7 Zeigler & Stock, do 14 7 D Frodericks do 14 7 A. Monasmith, do 14 7 John Zeigler, do 14. 7 J. F. Steele, W. 11. Harm do 14 7 Susan Winchell, do 14 7 G. B. Hoffman, do 14 7 C. P. Echols, do 14 7 Leidich & Miller, dry goods 10 20 Greeefleld & Sheaffer, do 11 16 W. C. Sawyer, A. IV. Bentz, do 10 20 C. Ogilby, Trustee, do 11 15 F. C. Fleming, boots & shoes 13 10 Jonathan Gorman Agt., do 14 7 John Irvine, D. Sterrett, Jos. Sites, do 14 7 Henry Sexton, hardn•nre 9 25 Lewis F. Lyno, ' do 12 12 50 .1. A. Keller, hats & caps 14 7 00 .1. G. Callin, do 14 7 Mrs. S. M. Kieffer, fancy goods 14 7 C. Main. do 14 7 Rheem & Spahr, confectionary 14 7 F. C. Politer, do 14 7 D. Ralston, drugs 18 10 Mrs. H. liarerstick, do 12 12 50 Mrs. G. Elliott, do 14 7 00 Miss S. E. Stahl. millinery' 14 7 Mrs. Anna Schuchman, do 14 7 Mrs. E. Williams, do f 4 7 Mrs. S. A Button, do 14 7 Mrs. M. Neff, do 14 7 Miss M. Sturm, do 14 7 William Seller, baker 14 7 George Faber, do 14 7 if. Templer, do 14 7 i. Schmohl, do 14 7 ' Win. Clepper, robes 14 7 Samuel'Eosminger, do 14 7 .r. Boas, Agt., furn'g goods 13 10 Wm. A. Tthes, ,do„. 14 7 J. Nauwahl, clothing 14 7 E. B. Lenard, jr. do 13 10 S. C. llllyett, do 14 7 J. W. Smiley, do 12 12 50 N. Ilanieh, do 14 7 00 I. Livingston, do 12 12 60 11. S Ritter, A Lehman do 14 7 M feline! & Ensminger, leather 14 7 George Rinesmith, stoves 14 7 J. D. Gorges, do 14 7 F. G. Kreamer, jewelry 14 7 It. E. Shapley, do 14 T. Genlyn, do 14 .1. London, books 14 A M. Piper, do 14 W. 11. Common, news depot 14 11. Rhoa Is, furnittire 14 A. 13. Ewing. do 14 I). Sipe, for'lnre & wall paper 14 Beetem & Brre, produce & coal 13 .1. & D. Rhoads, produce 14 S. NI. Hoover., Minh' & coal 14 Delaney & Blair. do 11) Armstrong & Hoffer do 12 R. G. Woodward, produce 11 Snyder & Newcomer, do 12 W. J. Cameron - , flour & feed 14 Peter Faust, do 14 Jarniimn - & Co., notions 10 J. G. Lesher. photographer 11 A. J. McMillan, do 14 Mrs. R. A. Smith, do 1 . 11. Grove & Son, do 14 Win. Askew, marketing 14 11. Harkness, do 14 C. A. Smith, do 14 1). Fredericks do 14 J. Connelly, do 14 Wm. Wert. do 14 A Bison & Keeney, do 14 Wm. Brought, do 14 !fipple & Sponsler, do 14 Monitsmith & Baker, huckster 14 Mrs. A. Von Hellen, contlic'y 14 Henry Brown dealer in wood 14 Robert Thompson, do 14 I). (Gill. dealer In stock 14 .1. Thnrlinm, do 14 IV io Leeds. do 14 (3. W.& .1 IV. A hl, do 11 G,org, 1 lend,l, do 14 L. IZoliinson, do 14 A. A. Line, do 14 D. Wert. do 14 1). P. llazelton, do ' 14 I=l Jacob Ensminger, grocery 13 10 00 John Johnston, do 14 7 Yost & Hellman, do 10 20 David Devinney, do 14 7 Brindle & Keiswanger, dry g'ds 10 20 Comfort & Son. do 12 12 50 Chronister & Brugh, do II 15 00 John Belgic, do 14 7 Leilia & Mathews, stores 14 7 Wilson & Son, do 14 7 Dr. Ira Day, drugs 14 7 .1. J. Clark, du 14 7 11. F. Geyer, do 14 7 J. B. Herring. do 14 7 Boer & Eberly, hardware 11 15 George Bol), do 13 10 George Kiser, marketing 14 7 S. Chronimter, do 14 7 Elias notrotan do 14 7 J. D. Raffensberger, do 14 • 7 Marshall & Bro., do 14 7 George Stenour, do 14 7 J. Millisen lumber 14 7 Zacharias t.. Son, do & coal 18 10 Eberly, dealer 13 10 H. H. F,borly, do 14 7 S. Eberly, do 14 7 W Brunner,i do 14 7 D. Swirlsler, do 14 7 Joseph Tottan, do 14 7 Jacob Neisley, do 14 7 Win. King, do 14 7 Mrs. A. V. Gross, millinery 14 7 M rs. .1. liereltbead i do • 14 7 Mrs. A. 11. Mateer do 14 7 David M liter produce 13 10 Lovi Brandt do 14 7 Bryson & Son do 10 20 Singizer & Brandt -- do 13 10 Johnson & Sous do 9 25 J. J. Smith confectionery 14 7 S. Rupert do 14 7 J. D. Ratlinsberger music 14 7 Georgo Hummel coal 14 7 Jacob Shearer sogare 14 7 John Rupp furniture 14 7 S. S. Worst do 14 7 L. W. Abrams clothing 14 7 L. D. ICietibr merchant tailor 14 7 Levi Relglo shoes and hats 14 7 Andrew Myers photographer 14 7 T. B. Carden do 14 7 J. Bates do 14 7 J. Swartz jewelry 14. 7 C. Kelm boots and shoes 18 10 NEWVILLE. Stough & Elliott dry goods 15 20 oo McOandlish & James do 11 16 Klink & Bro. do I t 15 G. W. Mull stoves 14 7 S. Olaudey do • 14 7 J. J. Orawford confectionery 14 7 Lockman & Bretz photograph's 14 7 J. Li. Miller drugs , 14 7 Mra. M. B. Reed do • 14 7 S. G. Wild do 14 7 John S. Hays groceries 18 10 S. M. Glauser do 14 7 R. E. Sharp tobacco and sugars 14 7 John Bricker furniture 14 7 L. IL Randall merchant tailor 14 7 J. A. Kunkle hardware 18 10 J. Dougherty merchant tailor 14 7 L. V. B. Soper jewelry 14 7 J. Loughlin clothing 14 7 John Hard, • marketing, 14 7 J. R. Ktnsley dolor In stock 14 7 J. M. Woodburn, jr. do 14 7 P. A. Abl & Bro. do 14 7 stIIPPHNEIBuna, - P. Kerlin' drugs • 14 7 00 B. K. Keller do 14 7 J.T.-Altiet: do 14 7 A. L. Snoddy photograper 14 7 Rebncl & Alltnan, do /4 7 Grabill & Harper hardware 12 1, 12 60 -Forney & McPherson do 18 ` 10 00 James Kelso stationary 14) 7 G fiibi IV& Stew - err — gee ries -- 10-t -- 7 --- EJ. McCune do 14 7 S. 0. Holler do 14 7 P. S."Arta • do /4 • 7 Thrtnin & Bptiver do 14 7 .1. R. Pave do 14 7 Peter Miller do 14 7 Mrs. P. Deitrich . do 14 7 0. Fasnacht, agt. do 14 7 Mrs. M. Davis millinery 14 , 7 Shenrer 431 air merchant tailor 18 10 J. Bridges do 14 7 G. N. Grayson tobacco 6 aegars 14 7 Isaac Landis jewelry 14 7 H. Heysinger do 14 7 J. A. Welt stoves 14 7 Isaac N. Hykes do 14 7 G. B. Colas bats and shoes 14 7 G. W. Croft boots & shoes 14 7 B. J. Snoddy furniture 14 7 D. Criswell do 14 7 H. Duke du 14 7 Seirer & Angle produce 14 7 Class. License do 18 10 00 do 12 12 60 T. P.,Blair do 11 16 H• Ruby & Co. do 10 20 Samuel 111yers marketing 14 7 Benjamin Biggs do 14 7 D. Rupp dry goods 13 10 D. Rupp produce 14 7 J. H. Johnson dry goods 14 7 George K Duey marketing 14 7 do ]4 7 E W & G Wise dry goods 14 7 . 1' Willett do 14 7 • A Brower do 12 12 50 Jonathan Balsley segars 14 7 00 William Caller do 14 7 Eberly & Lee produce 14 7 C Eberly marketing 14 7 George Brubaker do 14 7 James Davis do 14 7 John Young do 14 7 do 10 20 do 13 10 Crall C Sherrick (10 14 UPPER ALLEN TOWNSHIP. J7l Goswiler dry goods 12 12 60 J Swartz merchant tailor 14 7 00 A Orris dry goods 13 10 00 Jacob W Simmons do 14 7 W 11 Eckels do 13 10 J•W Leidig do 14 7 .1 B Leidig produce 18 10 George Ducy marketing 14 7 F. Breckmacker do 14 7 Fisher & Houck dealer in stock 14 7 L Capp ' do 14 7 Brenneman John Fought S Ilt:rotuinger D Denling , r dry goods 14 700 IV U Bau M Fr, a Patterson & Myers do 12 12 60 I) Linglefield do 13 10 itO Jacob Renninger groceries 14 7 • Jacob Loegnecker do 14 :7 . John Gicenir do 14 7- George Graylin do 14 7 David Brown marketing 14 7 E Ebner furniture 14 7 Mossor iQ Coover lumber 12 12 50 Lee 2tc Eberly do 10 20 00 V eimmati do 14 7 J G Miller dry goods 14 7 'l' Willett do 12 12 50 ME do 14 Samuel Plank dealer 14 Devinney drugs 14 George Briodlo dry goods 12 ZI Spahr lu Landis dealer in stock 14 SOUTH M DDLFTON TOWNSUTP Kauffman Sc Webburt dry goods 12 A M Leidich Alvxmoter & Attillon do US S N hives do 13 C Help furniture 11 1' Chipper confeci ifinary 14 flartzler dealer in stock 14 li Siiiekler do 14 12 5(1 1) 00 12 50 7 00 Janus Stuart Saxton FT) hn `'tunrt Jacob Zug AIIDDLESEX TOWNSHIP. .1 11 Bwilnr dry goods 14 7 00 E L Shyrock grocery 14 7 Samuel Jacobs huckster 14 7 D Ringwalt dealer in stock 14 7 Jacob H ingwalt do 14 7 E Brenneman do 14 7 Barry Brenneman do 14 7 C Dentin do 14 7 Bowman & Diller dry goods 13 10 00 R Burkholder do 12 12 50 U C Cdrothers do 11 7 00 J W Ilanshew do 14 7 .1 iVatson dealer 14 7 ,Jacob Ensminger marketing 11 7 ,lames Bishop do 11 7 William Good Ilea rt do 14 7 William Bishop do .14 7 Peter Hess do 14 7 Thomas llcss do 14 7 John Gronson produce 14 7 llowsher /Cc Draxibangh do 13 10 D Givlor dealer in slack 14 7 D Ilciks do 14 7 YR iNKPORD TOWNSHIP. Alexander & Bro. dry goods 14 John :11 15 agner groceries 14 NEWBURG. Shoemaker & Elliott dry goods 13 10 00 Koontz & Stevick do 11 15 A Iligh marketing 14 7 David Hoover tient. 14 7 Stevie': furniture 14 7 D McCoy boots and shoes 14 7 SOVTIIAMPFON TOWNSHIP Jacob Bomberger dry goods 14 Georgu Cleaver do 14 J ;ihoch & Bro. do 14 Colley & Strohm do 12 Wham Clark do 14 Henry Myers marketing 14 7 William Hawk do 14 7 John Finley do 14 7 PENN TOWNSHIP. E Russell dry goods 14 7 00 George Russell do 14 7 P Garber do 44 7 Jacob Bectem marketing 14 7 11 Cqckley dealer in stock 14 7 1) Baiter S & B Cockley DICKINSON TOWNSRIP. B Plank _ dry goods 14 700 J LI Murray do 14 7 II Warner huckster 14 7 NEWTON TOWNSHIP. Myers & Son dr•y goods 14 7 00 John Minnich do 14 7 C Mellinger do 14 7 Newcomer & Co. do 14 7 Miller & Son do 18 10 Cleaver & Ernst do 13 10 Snyder & Newcomer produce 18 10 Lewis & Bro. do 14 7 Henry Snyder do 11 15 J&JBH ursh do 10 20 Smith & Co. do 11 15 Walker & Sanderson grocery 14 7 Green & McClure lurn'g goods 14 7 Jacob It Wagner marketing 14 7 Negereis huckster 14 7 Noaker & Peckard do 14 S Keepers Mrs. R Pilimy John Low Jacob Hippie Jacob Stratton do 8 5 John Moloy, Mechanicsburg 8 5 William Dunlop Newvillo 8 5 J l' Wagner do 8 5 Gobhart & Richtor Carlisle 25 CO David Black do 25 William Alexander do 26 Ahl, Snyder & Co. Newton 26 W Early Carlisle 40 00 All persons feeling themselves aggrieved by the above return, or classification, will have an opportunity of appealing, by calling on the subscriber, at tho Court House in Car lisle, on the Bth, 16th or 22d of April, after which limo no appeal will be heard. ' J. U. WUNDERLICH, March 16,1865. Aterchantile .Appraiser. 17 STATE NOTICE.- Latiiiitentamentary—on,..oo estate of David Maxwell dec'd., Into of Shiremanstown, having - boon issuod to the subscriber rosiding In the same' place.— Nottco Is hereby given to all persons - indebted to said Estato*to matte payment, and those having claims to present thorn for settlepent to JACOB O.*KISTER, Feb. 24, lEalb—afs. Executor. ICENSE NOTICE. -;11-4 gotlto-la.herohy.givon-that-1 intend-to- apply - at tho nett term of Qunrtor Sessions of Cumberland co., toho hold at"Carll4lo, on tho I.Uth of April next, for a Means° to keep a Boer House and Restaurant in the East Ward of the Borough of. Carlisle. • IIItZtRIETTA {POOR. fo r ci 4 10, HAMPDEN TOWNSHIP I=l do drugs =1 do 14 7 do 14 7 do 14 7 EAST PENNSBORO' TOWNSHIP H 7 produoe 14 1= MONROE TOWNSHIP LEE WEST PENESIJORO' TOWNSkIIP 14 7 14 7 EATING HOUSES Carlisle DICEIVERS AND DIBTILLFRB BILLIARD BALLOONS PUBLIC SALE• WILL be sold at public sale ,at the mils() of the subscriber, corner Ueticro Square, Carlisle; Pa., on TUESDAY, the 28th day of March, '65, a large lot of Household Furniture, : Chairs, Tables, Washstands, Book-eases, Looking Glasses, Pictures, Settees, Bureau, largo number of Bedsteads, Stoves, Lamps, Olockr, Vases, Glass-ware, all kinds of Kitchen ware, \Verb' ng utensils, dc. Also, Desks, Black boards, Maps and Benches, suitable for school rooms. • . .• • • • Alen, about two huu red pulls of Carpeting, 011 Cloth, Matting, &o. Also, one PIANO, 1 CABINET ORGAN, ono MelettoPri, and othor ortleles ton numerous to mon Don. .Balo to ecimmenco of 10 o'clock. A. M. • EDWIN U. NEVIN. Corner Centro Square, Carlisle, PA. March 17. 1865. VALUABLE FARM AT PUBLIC SALE. loffer for sale a valuable farm situate 'within two 111110. of Carlislo, containin g 175 Acres of Slate Lend, of which 40 acme are meadow,swell set witi Timothy. The Improvements are a now N - 1. 1 BANK BARN, 70 by 40 feet, a two +.f.ory Westered -Sc ' tionso and cut buildin g e. The lend is in a good state of cultivation, under good fonces end well watered. Toro; to suit the purchaser, and posersoloO given irrino.dintoy if dealrod For fw thor particulars In quiro of C. P. 111:31111C11, March 17, 1835-3 t,. Carl i•lo, l'a. Laneaster Examiner copy 3 ihno. and -end bill to this °Med. FXECUTOR's NOTICE.- .4 Letters Testamentary on the estate of Dr Wil liam Mentzer. Isle of the Mnongh of oorl isle, deed., having been Issued to the suhseriber, residing In the anion place Not', is Itore'•y given to all per-on- to mike payn.ent and the, hiving claims to present thorn fir settlement to 14 7 14 7 =I The s,oloi belonqli iz to dee'd.. have boon left In Hie heed. of David Smith, Esq., with whom settle ment will ho imide. T IC.ENSE NOTICE. ANoti,. Is hereby given that appllvotlon will bo u5.,10 at the !lest terra of Quart., 5 0 , 4 gE , ,,,, of ewnhor. land county, to-he held at Carlisle, on tire 10.. t. day of Are it nr•t, Sr a License to Isovi, a Bear II ru.a and ReJtanrant In the East Ward In the i trough el Car. STEPHEN KEEPERS. larell 10, 1000—at y IC ENS E NOTICE. ..jNot lee Is herell , given that application will be ma le at the next term of Quarter ,COOIOIIB of Cumber land moot v, to he held at Carlisle. on the 10th .lay of AVE next,. for a Liven." to keep a !toss lions. uric? Restaurant In the East Ward el the Borough of Car lisle. ELI NO DONN ELLY. arch Li , IS 1( `. NSE N( 1 (..; E. by applirallott mill ho at t lie tie% t t. rip or Q.ll int.,' law! ttokitity, I. I.n. lutlt (lay nd April it. , ter a 1.1 , ...nt.0 ti hoop a li,aa II. ) and It. t.tattratit iu thu 1l lt,t. 15*.tr.1 tit Ow JOS EL'Il , }lunch 10. ISe.5 THE PIRENIX PECTORAL WILL CI RE Inuit Coutm. - THE PUCENIX PECTORAL; I= Olt, C )Ni Pu US t) it rp w , HERDIC AND A SNAliti Rtaff, IS 111 sure the Disease, ..f tha 1 A I.liNiii+ 12 50 7 00 Sat'll a+ I lIIS, C nghs , Crain,. Asthma, lisatachltla Thr,.l . 'l,, o. Ito- , rlll p, ovtiit j'1•1,.11().\ - .1 All.l .1,1.• I his r•,, no cm," 11..1d it. 4111 gr, it 1.1101 311,,l 111,1 1. 12 50 12 50 1)) 00 =9 t, 1.1 =I ohett t f I i rie s ,entlt v, ens elle,' nI eell 14 lean, ttxtti;.: the Itat,tti, Ktlr rot Plattetlnvillo, eoritfies that, Ito ss a• ttt ttt, or I utt Shinl l / 1 1;- .. . INII . II. tty t li, Pttetttral ,r ICI It II lIIIrnIIF fl( N.( big lit I'o 10,1..11..1 I :111 it tt, psi• 11 curing .1, Inn '• I 1141”prn omit Phrrnic." haN I.U•Cti it. 111 , till i Itt.tlltolllll . ll, it. n C to e CJI h qiCrtt•littau and it ritutiuu In 111- thro,t. lie '• .li•fli.raotilan" say, '• Wi• have Stiown lir (l1;1,11,11,ra number of yimre, 111 A it gives n , the great, pie tri ruoanitienil his nn 010 pu6Nr rake!y lia• a the ben. fit .r pri•iiiii•d by is poi)als'lan 01 hi 21equiremont, and experii•nra. Dr tali, Is a 000nher of the Almonl of tho Mediertl Iteparioreot or the of l'entssyhn ala at sOlich loKtitutioo t,:o3uated irl ls'.l' landing •• IIaznl1,0" ,a‘s: Tills Esill:f11 retauttly . Is mode up by Dr. L. (lbo/1.1ta,,, (.1 ~,,ulted nn 111,111 . 1,,,.1 reptll4lll.ll In c 11..- itt , /1 , 111:Its. 11 It ear. Iu ID'Ana skIIIIIUV prs•lstrell Iron 111 . .1 'merry' Pork 1.1.11 , 011011 a ,Ils'no 111,1, " • D r . lie". It. lien I. h th.• l'rk,fre of 11,d'- clue in Pennsv V a l'hy.+l,l,lll to 11 , ` t “111•11.,,s of the Unite :I Se•ofica Stuthe t Its aci 100 S10 . 0111! . \ Iii1 . 01•11'11 thn 1110 I:" " T , ..t thr. tot kliortto 110, sn 111.11 i•, 111.,. IC.'lll the t , Pillllol.n of howl , / to I, Ito lion tp.t..l il, Jim t It, si :II I , e put leo', to ton pulrh,nL+l toll., is hot math/tied tvitli IL eth,ts It I, .1 , to take Ilait eLII It en or 3 R•r It. It ••iik Thief s conte-- larce 1•••ttl•••• f. I. • It IF IIIII•11i1.•L for only oto,cla., dl o,lSet.. Inanioly 111 ee oI the l'teoat and I..u.ngs l'eepared 111110 liy LEVI I/EERIIOI.TiETI, M. 'IL, Plat nisi. ina, Pa. 7 00 7 5f.1.1 by nihlStorekt•i, r. No. 21 No th Sixth rt. Phi :I , lolphhi holo•nlo 41[r trp. Whcoo-cilo.i,ohts ,11•1•", V. • N U oorrtket 414,14,4:v44 or fitort•l•orpor dom.; not 144•4477• (in not lot 61m poi y• u 4 R n ith Loos , lie 1113,1 r 111 rue .4,10.) 011 It 1 , 01 r 4,41.181 oIr.• r the tig••ors kr It. Vart4l 1,0?.",—1y r 1? thh 11an.3 AMES 11. «i li(i 112 So.V.`l,st Cl3lll to "(Comm..) 1 . 11,1- of 11, ( oinlen(ind. I(or ry.and Jou tour:( l Court.. of Oyer ttlut T,101: .I,Ftf troth", yln told i• h Pi Ctorklitt 1100( .I(l , lges of thn fortu of i(), a oil I.iriaii , or mid .lail Ji livery for tho trial 01 ail ..81.11a1 ao l onhar "11,•.1.1ei((, In (110 raid county of et land, Lr their prr....pts to me .iirerted. talon thu lllh clay of January, 186.5, boon or tho Court, of 0. or and TerMillerllll(ll(3,tieral Polivory to ho holtlon at Cnrliklu on lila 211 Mom - lay of April, 1565, ( (ping tho loth ilay:l at 10 o'clock .n the flu...noon, to continuo two tribe 7 00 7 EEO IL' 50 7 OU • NoTroE is hereby given to the Cloron er, Jostleen of the Constables of the said county of Corn berbiod that they are by the s a id precept. COMlllarlded to he then and thorn in thole proper pet runs, mith their rolls. records, and inquirdt ions exinninations.and nil other rein inhianres. to do those thine, %IMO) to their tiles etitain to he .one. and ill: thooo that are limed hu reeognlizainw, to propeente pine t the prisoners that re .1 . 11,1,01 .1 II he lu the .1 311 nt said anu n ty, are to bu there co prosecute them ns shall be Joni. JOAN J ACUBB. March 10, WS. Sheriff, I ARLISLE & PHILADELPHIA. 13 c ` tTs #1 3 117 4 1 DAILY FREIGHT LINE. FREED, WARD & FREED, 811 MARKET STREET PHILADELPHIA J. & D. RHOADS, MAIN BTIIIiET, CAISLISLE, PA. 4f-Cara of llla Line leave the Depot 811 Market St Daily, at 4 o'clock, P. M. Leave l'arliale ' Daily, at 7 o'clock, A. bl. Goode in te nand for this Line should be marked C. & P. Daily l cold) t hluo, nod tient, in by 4 o'clock. July 1, 1864. READING RAILROAD " If" rja 8 5 00 8 5 WI NTER ARRANG EVENT 8 6 8 6 REAT Trunk Line from the North ,J and North•Weat for Philadelphia. Now York Rending, Pollavilla Lebanon, Allentown. Easton fle. I Mine loavo Harrisburg for Now York, as follows: At 3 and 8.15 A 111 and 1.45 P. 31., arriving at Now York at 10 A. 51 and 2.45 and 10 P. M. The above connect with similar trains on Pennayl. van la Ball Road, and Eleopiug,Curaticcompau) the first two trains without chant.. Loave for Reading, Pottsvlllo, Tamagua.6linersville, Allontlown and Philadelphia at 8.15 A 61. and 1.45 P. 31., stopping at Lebauon and principal stations only. Way Trains, stopping at nil points, at 7.26 a. in. and 4.40 p. m. Returning: Leave Now 'York at 9n. m., 12 noon, and 7 p m. Philadolphia at Ba. m. and 3,30 p. tn.: Pottsville at 3.50 a. in and 2.35 0. in.; Tamaqua at 8.10 a. In. and 2.16 p. m.. and Reading at 12 midnight, 7,55 and 10:45 a. rn., 1.88 and 0,05 p. m. An Accommodation Passenger train loaves Reading at 0.80 A. DI., and returns from Philadelphia •at 4.3) P. M. Columbia Railroad trains leave Reading at 0.40 and 11 a. tn. for klphrat a, Lititz, CAumbia, Bm. On Sundays: Leave New York at 7 p. m., Philadq phi& at 3.15 P. N., Pottsville at 7.30 A. ?a., Tamaqua at 7 a. m., Harrisburg B. 15 14. m. and Reading at 12 mid night for Harrisburg. Commutation, Mileage,Eleason,School and Excuralon Tickets at reduced rates to and from all points. Baggage chocked through. 80 Pounds Baggage 'al lowed each Parsenger. O. A. NTOOLLS, - General-SUpurintendent— N0v.25, 1804 • STATE NOTICE. teatamantery on tha oatatO of Jacob N. Miller, late or Upper Allan torrnablp, deed.. have been Issued by the Iteglater of Clumberladd county; to the nubscrlbur roalalng In the name township. All persona Andebtecl-to-s*/).eatote.wlll-ntkottnnuallate pay.mona, and,theso baring cleltna will pronantVoun eattlo went to I , •.LiZ A NI - ILL Eli, March 10.180-5-61$ '- •:" " VALUABLE Presents for all at Hav_er atictea Drag, pooh and rangy StaTp. 1)/LVID HISOADS, Exiwutt, •111 S I NV , A 1. 11.11 . 11 K 11:• , 131 t 1,11 Proclamation POOR HOUSE STATEMEN FOR A. D. 1864. Robert Elliott, Christian Hartman and William Wher ry, Esor's, Directors of the Poor and of the Homo of Employment of Cumberland County, In account ulih said County, from the first day of January to tho thirty-first uay of Deuember, A. D. 1 04, inclu sive. DR To cash from Comity Treasurer, SIO,COO 00 Carlisle Deposit Bank, on loan, • '6OO 00 Robert Elliott, Esq.. money collected, 82 00 Jacob Squire. Esq., money refunded. 10 76 J. M. Moans, for support of C. Laughlin, 00 00 D. Wherry, '' Mrs. Holler, 20 00 J. P. Sterling . Mary Knattle, 71 00 P. Spahr, n Wm. Fields, dee'd. 20 .0 Unknown parson " Elisabeth Brisco, 60 00 William Ramp, boarding, 0 00 3. Faller, lard sold, 61 24 J. Miller and others, tallow, &c. 47 42 J. Raymond ■nd others, stock sold, 1,833 60 J. B. Leidlg and others, corn, wheat and ryo sold, 003 33 M. Shreiner and olbere, hay and straw sold, 310 UU C. Weaver 6 Co , old iron, lb 00 William Wert and °there, poultry, 16 f 0 [hovers 'mature, 49 3U N. Welch and others. doceased paupora, 68 38 Dowell Mink, corn, lost tirue, &c 40 70 3. Chouleeln, hides, 76 81 J. & J. Boston corniuddur and puthplclns, 14 00 Wlllhun Fridley, hay, old copper, &0., 3 9n M. My. ro, empty cotton can., 4 17 J:111105 Durni n, mall crfilu, 1 75 Total Dela., $14,238 95 By cash paid Greenfield & Sheaf for and others For uierthaudlse and groceries, $3,487 80 Jlls Snll.,butg and others, out door old. 1,478 26 State Lunatic As 3 lum, support of paupers, 504 59 Dauphin & Luzorno Con.. 27 41 J. Buis , line and others, tailor ing, hats and shoos, 87i 99 D. Sipe and others, out-door fu neral ox ponneq, 118 50 D. SmU h and others, lustices' and constables' fees, 128 07 3. Orncey and others, stock and beef, 1,207 25 li. Shreiner. Corby mower, 87 48 J. llonneman, gralo fan, 30 Di A. llnslm and others, bran and grinding,2B7 19 • Woodward, plater, clbver and timothy seed, 04 00 Dols grey and others, lumber . Hod cool for fuel. 486 ST Samuel think acid othors, wood for furl. 360 74 Wm. Miller, repairing pump. 2 00 Wm. Fridley and clt.l,era, wxre and 110411 ring, 71 76 A. A. Line. seven 'union, .1,360 00 Cin. W,.1.201 wngnn nmking, 22 40 lioderm and othor6, black amid., _ . Geo. Zinn and others. post.R. OXpet.oB, elmrgesitud atation- 17 01 11. Saxton and °Moro. hardwato lOd 33 J. CHtdenin and utlu•ls lather 106 GO A. 1N olf and (Allot., borne and modtchio, Kropers and othrqs. two .1. It. NI ottrrs;.rve !Straw, P. Sp.ll,r 9. I,am,lllngtr and others, end ,111,14, 7.1 05 Win Our n nun mill °thorn. seed potat , rus, 10 00 13 11.1111111•, 1:, SO I' pill u,e rvapnr, 10 M.11101..11,1'1,1 Ol uut, 6 99 I'. Itulk,•, .1.1,1104. 1 75 Esq . . fluiL •LO it Itnnll, Ivula, 800 00 C.lrlisl,• 0.10/Sit A 53 = (; ‘%,u, I,6hers, la "It I p -m. 120 11 IN IL If elovvo np,ulbs' 132 00 J. N ,I.y der, cleric Slid tvarn. . . st,r, Dr N. W. Dd... sildry, 11 ST , cl-r, , • 791 55 NVIn C.., 001:10, ti., PVI vice, 12 01 ILbll 30 00 C Ihrtoolll`, 9 00 .11.• .Ir hvarury. Fmletry, 711 (I 0 “, I :AO', •I I , :I I 110 Nrt ••xp-11,4. .111,. 'I nn.ur,r at last het t loin enr, C. 0., .11' 1 1t ''1"111', 1 1 ,1,1 roo.oor of the Po.o. lloose and 11. J of 1 . 1111 , 10,1110nt of Coolooll.mod only, lo g l t oil!, 111, 1/lioo•to, at ,41111 flow, tow Ow 1a iOty of .1:11)111ry In thu 111,t ,I.Q of 11,,00lber, A. 1.1 lbA. 111.. T. , raPh fem. (',.wity Treasurer, Pe',hit Bank, 0 1 h er ex Lill II ii Su Lee I. , reguitig ,L.ttE.uleot, CR. By rani 1,11.1 on Directors' or elms es 13Alanc, due Tre. drtriny the „,. s 6-1- I= /ninth N tho u.nso ~r,” 1. i , 4. C.:!, 07 w how e ore Adeiltte,l up to Der :Sts., Left. lt,rn ni th.•hint nn, II (.1 show were scut beta pi eguaute) hole outnber provld.ol for du ring the 3 eAr, 20 itou tad out. 8 cod nod efrpn(ll, 396-2::4 Number rentsininv in the houFo, .1,4,11.0 1804, (ot whom e 4 aro col, ) 141 Number ofnut-door paupers sup pot-, d at, public repot - 150, of hom 4 n r in the State Luna tic As) luat, 64 hula number chargeable on January b.t. There ore in the house no near as ran ho ascertained. 7 under 1 year of lye, S fr,r, I to 5, to from 5 to la, 14 Irmo 10 In .10, 15 from 20 to 30, 10 from SO to 41) 23 tiom 10 to od, lb 1,101 A to 00, 21 from ho to To, S from 70 to 50, 3 from all to 50, and from 0 1 to 100. 1n aldn lun to ttlo Abtrlti. 3,183 travelling paupers have iwe II rrryi V(I u ithollt resular orders, to xhom o ore ,ovut, meals, lind molly of them More fur nislied with articles of clothing. Prorecds of Farm 1,500 bushels of wheat; 5 bushels rye; 1,300 bush els oats; 1.1301 bushels shelled corn; 2.11 bushels po tal,,eh; 03 leads hay, 73 loads folder; 4 loads pump kins ; 31 bushels onions: 10 tundnds red beets; 10 bushels preen beans ;II bushels pens: 20 bushels ro mate, . 311 I,ushel• pal snips; h bushels turnips; 3,1100 beads cal.!. u.; feal cucumber pickets; 3 bu• huh, dried apples: 2 bu•hrls di led chore ies ; 2 bushels dried 1,1,01, s : 178 dozen woes, (given to pauper ,); 101 creek s arplebut ter ; 140 earn brooms were made; 20 te•rchos stone wall intro built; nod 2,821 pounds of butter made. Arneles Made in the House. 442 pair cloth mittens; 55 pole bolt socks; 52 pair stock loco tooted; 21 pair a clis footed; 6 1111111101 R; 25 caps; 43 sacks; 122 aprons; 12 comforts; 100 chemises; Mt shirts; 53 frocks; 25 pillow slips; 6 pillow cases: 4 hol,ters; 10 chaff beds: 65 shoe to ; 57 hoed]; erchiefs hummed; 19 cn i fro,. Ito; 9 child; en's skirts; 35 suspenders; 15 skirls; 4 table cloahs; 20 sh.toods; 30 yards rue c a rpet; 202 pounds hard soap; and 35 bar rels soft soap Articles Made in the Carpenter Shop 10 claim; 1 large doutdary ; and a lit of doubleand single trees, and 30 hammer handles. Stock Fnitened and Killed 20 iICOVeR. (11veritge,weight 410 11-18 11,011.44'; 'be; 11 calvol3, (average weight 871 , 11 Ihs ,) 738 lha; 30hogs (average weight 104 11 18 lbw,) 7,008 11 3 / 1 1 making In all 10,100 Stock on Farm, Jan. 1, 1865 6 mules and 1 horse ; 21 tonal rows; 16 hood stook cattle; 20 s Coors; 1 yoke oxen, 9 sows and 40 shoats. Utensils on Farm. Jan. 1, 1865 2 bread and 1 narrow wheeled wagons; 1 stone wag on; 1 pair ,voodlacideits; 3 pair hay ladders; 1 wagon hod; 3 jaek screws; 1 cart and cart gears; 1 spring wagon; 1 large sled; 6 plows; 2 single and 6 double shovel plows; 2 large and 4 small cultivators; 1 rol ler; 1 grain dr.II; 1 threshing machine; hors• power and belt; 1 m:ii.lnilll; 1 fodder cutter; 6 wheelb.r rows; 2 log chains; 8 Notts plow gears; 2 fifth and 1 cariying chain; spreads; single and double trees; 7 flynets; 1 wagon saddle; 10 halters and chains; 43 cow chains; 1 set carpenter tools; 1 set blacksmith tools; H grain cradles; 18 mowing scythes; 1 wire horse rake; 4 picks; 2 Inatleeka; 3 crowbars; 8 stone drills; 12 shovels; 1 grain reaper; 1 Curby mower; and a variety of stone hammers; quarrying tools; spades; forks; rakes; Males; corn hoes ; wood saws; axes, mauls, wedges and crout knife, Ste. b.c. HENRY SNYDER, Stuward. ELIZABETH SNYDEN., Matro4 We, the Directors of the Poor and House of Employ ment of Cumberland County, do certify the above and tbregoing to be a correct statemout of the receipts and expenditures of said Institution from the let day of January to the Slat day of.Deeember, 1864, end also of the operations of said Institution during the Ram, pe clod, and of its condition on January lat. 11106, accord. log to the best of our knowledge. Given under our hands this. 6.3 th duy of February, 1866. ROBERT ELMOTT, W M011RISILIAN( TIN HEHAR RY RTMAN, • Dlreetore. , We. tiro Auditors of Cumberland County, having ox. imined the account and vouchers of the Directors of thc Poor and Rouse of Smploymont of said County from Jaii - liit - to - DocAlat , 10,04,_ and also the account and vouchers of Jacob Squire, Esq., Treasurer of - said Instnution from the same period, 00 . . certify that we. flu d'ahalanco duo said Treasurer, of One hundred and' seventoon dollars and twenty.soven gents. Witness our hands at Carlisle, the 10th day of Jan uary, A.D. 1066. W. S.I.,GARDNEIR, - Audttorsr: .1. A. 11EBERLIG, "DORT Folios,., Writing, Desks; tank Gammon Boards, Gnmon of ell donerlptiol orstlck'll Drug; Fatto7 . and Book Bt6rOt I3Y authority of the Secretary of the Transury, the undorsigued has assumed the Gen• oraeSubsca iption Agency for the sale of United States . Treasury Notes, bearing moon and three teethe par emit. Intorest, per annum, known as tho SEVEN-THIRTY LOAN. Thoso Notes aro issued under date of August 16th, 7884, and are payable three years from that time, In currency or are convertible at the option of the hol. der luta U. S. 5-20 Six per cent. GOLD-BEARING BONDS. These bonds are now worth a premium of nI ..e per cont., Including gold Interest from Nov. which makes the actual profit on the 7-30 loan, nt current rates, In' eluding Internet, about ton per cent. par annum, bu ntline Its exemption from &tan and municipal taxation, which odds from ono to tluee per rent. more, according to the rate levied on other propurt y. The Is payable send-annually by coupons attached to each note, which may be cut oil and and I to any b ink or banker The Interest amounts to One cent pet day an a $3O note. Two cent• tt •t $ll.OO • " Ten " " sso,t tt ld ,t 81n0o " $1 " " " " $5OOO Notes of all the donominationa named will be prompt Is furnio'v.d upon receipt orsubsciiptiong. This k THE ONLY LOAN IN MARKET now offered by the Government. and It is confidently expeete'd that Its superior advantages will make It the Great Popular Loan of the People. Less than $120,n00,0, n remain unsold, w h lett will probably be liaposed rf within the next sixty days, when the notes will undoubtedly e.mtnand a prom i um as has uulformly boon the case uu closing the subscrip =I In order that eirizous of every town and section of thecountry Luny be afforded facilltlee for taking the loan, the National Banks, State Banks, and Private Bankers throughout the country hero general ly agreod to receive mobscript.lons at par. Subeeril,rq will selii,t 195 25 their own :ivents, in whom they hare enotWence, and who only are to be I earann,lble for the delivery of the notes furr wl Ich they reeei,e entire. For an In at tit. First Not. Bank an.l (2a11,13 Depot,it Bank, Car Heir, and First Nat Bunt., Newvillu • .lAl' Subscription Avut, Feb, 21, 1565. 13 50 8 10 16 00 4 50 Great Bargains in Jewelry. 11/41k7ltSYT11 & l'o, 42 & 44 y yw N si u mot., Nt•AV the fast ft,r sale Illt• 3l,lgnitlet,t. List t,I Hatches, Chains, Jewelry, the., noon. EACH A wrici.r. oN r Driu. An, a 'NI not to be p.lid lot 11111 you 61/1-11w ~/, you ntold Atelle , . from slt, .1:100 ,‘,“•)1 200 Larlios' 11.11,1 i;1". , a/ I`lll.ll ENE ITN to, 1, 0 11,,,' nn I tient's IVatellov, it:. (1.1,1,qt 3 010 4c, 011.1 \ cc, l'llelllo So n. 111 10 1)(1 each 001 1 0 Unl,l 11:1! d 11,41 , 11•1 a, 3 011 to 10 00 a co , ' 1 1 / 4 111.. , Jct. !troche:4 400 e t•• 1 1. 4 00 1 1 1.40 :11 .1 I H 1 ,01111011,4 lien 4 0,, 4 000113 m,, Hi, I!! ,, je!, .0)00 I.nvr, It. hie 11,c DI •[ ", to 1 . 0 0 earl! 4,0! pq, 4NI , 4,11: 1i,..00 :111•1 L'S.PinS, Zr'l 1.. nil vati . 3 000 \Vat h 2 11 1 1 to 1 511i.1 , 41. 0 n Fii.lrv, 2 00 to 1 10 , h v.'tiv nt St.tule, 3140 1,. 0 On ,tril 3 Bill n•I.8. '2 30 10 C, !•41,•11. fi 0 , 0 Plait! 010111114 , c11 1114, 1111 , 2 5.1 to 1•01 , Ant) iLi r.. , 1011. 0,0 ,0 i, ,14•. h..1ra. • ; ,P ) Ili) 0111 1 .1111'1 . 10 1 1 1•0•10•1 Pin,. • 1.0 1.11 e! I, elle,' 110 .1 1 1 ,41,:i1, 3 00 0,100 3.'e .1 Lathes' I,oree licit liackl, a, 2 k 1: Le 4 10.000 Fell , 1 telith• l l , 4!clo4 S “0 1,, 100.1 cacb 111,000 113,1 , 1 I', .114 . 01 in!',) 1, 1 111,4, 4 00 !.., y t peneh 10;200 !1-1,1 Pi•on vii yet 1•Nt:11 nu.) l'..ur;lo, 4 LI I to 5 11.1 4. 210 0) lro (0 EMI MEM MIS P 4 .91 -_ The t i l tor,Toir , ir , Nrrof rho io.ntoht and II ht h',lle. I tiros ors ot . 111 r -oh ,irlirlos till. 1. lit in ittol `lli Um. ,iving 111 n I:11r 11l hol.t, limit it rolijg .0 Jnu I holiiroirit of Ow col it ie al our option to hrtid It \b, 1,,PL1.A It and take thr at. to-ir n:nned in it, or n"I ive - corl ifiontes, ;;;;I ; dor., $2:; sixty-tiro,one hundred, 111.,,,1•,Crrtiliratr t C 011C . 0.0 I r ith tho order. cor. rvspombince 11T Itlllptly ausweitli.l $lO.OOO 00 500 IIU 7Y3 0a Nb wilt it distinctly unth,:fond that our business In no Lottory. The !vet ot thin luau., of selling is to give purrhas, the 'pp,tunitt ut Lining Jewelry at the whobwale the eba nee c.f getting a Watch or , 4110.1 . artirlx; and alt maal. neut. not satipf,tel,y, all be returned awl the in may will ha refunded. $ll., `, 75 AUENTS slanted in every town and regiment. Send for Circular. Addrees, 14,35 n 22 FOIISN"I'll .Se Co.. 42 and 44 Nassau Now York Fob IVi5-3mo. MEM GEO. DEMERIT & CO., 303 BROADWAY, NEW YORK Chaihs, Gold Pens and Pencils, WORTII $500,000 TO BE SOLD AT ONE DOLL AR EACH, WITHOUT REGARD TO VALUE. A ud not to be paid until you, know what you will recove : ,S'PLE D'LIS T OF R S All to be Sold for ONE DOLLAR Each. 100 Gold II o nlinG Cues Watchus each $lOOOO luo .1.1 \Vat rhea 00 00 200 I.adius' Watches 3..00 Ei=l tik)o Goid Neck and Vest Chaim; 1:1'0 t, 22 00 loot) l'hatelain and (ivard Chains b.OO to 15.1 0 3000 VesC and Neck Chains 400 to 12 00 4000 Solitaire .l ,I and G,11,1 Brooches 400 to B.OJ 4001/Coral, Lava, Garnet. ko, tiro. rhos 301 to 8.00 7000 (old, Jet. ()oil, E2lr loops 3.00 to 800 6000 (lull Is' Itrca.t and Scarf Pius 3,11 I) to 8.00 6.1101 Oval 0011 d Broceloth 0i to 800 = ;t:i00 California Diamond Plus and flings 260 to 800 20k.0 Gold Watch Keys 250 to 6.00 5000 Solitaire Sleeve Buttons and Studs 2.00 to 8.00 Ovid thimbles 1,000 Miniature Lockets . . . , . . . 6,00 Miniatu. 0 Lockets, 1661 e 400 to 000 2 .00 Gold Toothvklts, Urobboo, &C 000 to 000 6000 Flll. and Gibbon : 4 11dos 200 to 500 :ooill Chased Gold Ii lugs ^_.ol to 600 4mo Stone Sot Rings 200 to 000 11,00 5 , •t0 Ladlos' .le Jet and Gold 5.00 to 15.00 5000 Sets Ladies' .1 owelry vv, Icd styles S (10 to 15 00 8000 G.. 1.1 Pens, :,11'01. ease ;tot' Pencil 450 to !I 00 41100 tdold Pens, 1..1,011$ llolder and Case 00 to 10 00 6020 Gold Pens, Mounted Holder 210 to 6.00 All the w.ods In t 0 laslVli I.lst will be sold wllhoot reservation, for IN If U /1.1.,A It EACH. Peel Mentes of all the vtrious Nrikle, are placed in similar envelopes sealed and mixed. he- aon Vell/pON will be soot by mall. or delivered at our side,,, with. ut, regard to Oleic •• in reoetvlu,r. 11 (1•, tale:tie, you will sot. what sold° It ref resent s, and it,da optional with you L. send (Inc dollar, and receive the urticlo,named, or any other In the l'at, of same value. Ity this mode wo giro selections from a varied stork of fine geode, of the best make and latest styles, and of Intl 'este worth, at a nominal price, while all have a chance of securing articles of the very highest. value. In all trensaetions by mall we charge ler forwarding the Ccrtifvatu, Ina postage, and doing the business, 25 cents each. Five certlfteetes will sent f 0• $1; on ter two •s'4; Thirty fur. $5; sixty five fur $10; and One llundiod for $l5. ItEASONS WHY Wo should supply your wants; our facilities are unsur , passed; our work of uurlvalled excellence; ~or promises punctually observed. Our central location hrlugs us near the meet remote potato. Our goods are new tram the man Outworn, and of the latest and most duties ble styles. The goods must he sold. and the tortes art unequaled. All articles °retired are forwarded by return mail. We guarantee entire satisfaction In every luster en, and if there should be any 'moue dissatisfied with any article they may receive, they will inmictliately retui u it, and the price will be refunded. AO ESTS.—We allow th. se acting as Agents Ton Cents on each Certificate ordered, provided thelrremit• tune. amount to One Dollar. They will Iluct 20 rents for every Certificate, and retaining 10 cents, remit to us 15 cents ter each. Address, 01.0. DI:MERIT it , CO., Mar. 3.-3na 303 Broadway, New York. FANCY BOOKS, Photograph Albums Bibles, Hymn and Prayer Pockot Books, at Haver ethic's Drug and Book Btoro. •e2tnizn3claad swaa 07, •Sancisued d~qg atop 'ff . f) 0 1 9 11 413 D smoma pt.plog •BaBoS Jai osn ni tang sßq SpauloJ Mau oa st Al •p:,j) 'sploo (5116n03 aof p, 44 - 'liativo 11E11100 SAIDITIR For Rent. j_•rplAfo - Lan , - offices—in- Building, on the South-east Corner of tho Contra Square of Carlisle. Yf or particulars applyto 'L. J. IV. 1' ovwc; stmunr, 0,1806. Att'y, at Law. p - RESCRIPTIONS carefully oompoun clod nt Haverstloit's Drug and Book Storo. DIPES, Tobacco, (smoking and chew " Ing) and Segars, at Ilayeratick's Drug and Book MUM- U. S. 7-30 LOAN. are t ,et JEWELERS, (coRNEI: DIANE SIREET•) 100,000 WATCHES, =Elan WM. BLAIR & SON, Cornaeotlpiitover and SOnth Ste. NEW WHOLESALE AND RETAIL grocery and' Queensware Store, • TUST opened . *4l fresh - and good: Goods, a choice variety of every' thing (usually kept In a trot °lees store. Partilqilar attention given In the selection of nice soca of China and Granite Ward, CHOICE TEAS, COFFEES, SUGARS, SYRUPS, SPICES FLAVORING EXTRACTS, Canned and Plealed Fruite, Woraeaterafilre, Cumber Sand, and other Sauces, Choose. Crackers, and every thing also In our line that a discriminating public may regnlre. Full molt mon ts of Writing Papers, Coal 0111.. amps, QLl6OlllllMfe, Willow, Cedar, :tone and Earthen Wares, SALT, FISEC; t OILS;• IRON AND NAILS,. kept constantly on hand. Goods will he replenished frequently, kept clean and nire, sold at the lowest possible prices, and dollvdred at any part of the town. Please give us a call. Cash paid for Country Pro duce. WJI. BLAnt & SON. Carlisle, March 3, 18f,:,—Ivn Decline in Gold! Decline in Dry Good 9. at Ogilby's Cheap Cash Store! IF A M now opening and selling Calicoes, ji_)r u,li Tlr!clugs, lugharne, Drillings, Shootings, Tablu Diapat 9, and ell kinds of Domaotic Ooods, at the pr,ent, reduced city prices and much lower than here tofore. All de,. Iptionu of Dry Goode at the very low eat price for conk. 0. OGSLBY, Februnry 17,196.5. Trustee. Browning's. Excelsior Coffee Whilst 'rylng Coffee nt 01l the various brands. Remember •• Browning's Excalelce—at the bend it stands. rue, ICS not like °therm that urn "Sold Everywhere." A lltile stretch, we all co know, good goods will easily Lear, (lint a stretch like apt to tear ) Now, I can safely say. w'thnnt any hesitation. There's none Browning's Excelsior" In this en lightened tuition. Skilled chemists have not founds Coffee from any store Possessing the same Ingredients as "Browning's Hz iteleior." Nor is there any one. in or out of the Coffee toads, Who knows the articles from which "Browning's Ex' CeoFill. '& 1 made, I'm told it's made from barley, r.; o, wheat, beans, and pens; Name a thousand other things—but the Right One if you please. But with the Coffee-men I will not hold contention For the many, many things they say—too numerous td" mention. they're engaged in runuinground from atom to Fliore‘, To 1..000 Ibo current wholesale prke of "13rownIng's Excelsior," nine who know my Coffee giros perfect satisfaction, II ne e ("mind a plan by whienthey hope to chosen quiciC =EI The rase—'tiv with a few; no doubt 'twill ho more— To 11.1111 th , •ir lbt6•c utter nil ne e I ittUWlllug's) Excelsior. some Fay thelr's the only brand that will'kttaiia Now, try n little of them all—sre which you like the Three years hare passed away since I first sold a Eton: ~•vet have I is rout paper advertised before; SrS would 1 now, or ever consent to publish more, If like bolos used by "everybody," `• sold everywhere," every ,tore." t reit, Ilse [llls 1 d not wish; the orders 1 could not nil; The I.,ctory nil Jeree3's land would lake—leave not hs.t t till. My tr';.h. is u. t su t ory large; still I lhlnit I have my =1 But, rindor, 3011 map rout assurud, 'tie net soiA =EMI Nair uric( tired and fur gabi by the writer, GEORGE L. BROWNING, I= Thus rolieo fa not 4.omposed of poisonous drugs, lb u. , :hit..; dole , . rioll.+; ninny pernOttel use this Il'at ;1,11 II ,151. 010 purr l!. lieu: it takes but one and a L.rlt .qt III:1K, quart of go, d strong sof fee, tl,dt d • e. the titinutoty It takes of .1,111 t ll'"Diali‘l . ll, less than It di the price. Ite:ad purt liaNa It in quantities them te'Jr" ,, at to) pit it , In 010 1;r0e0i, I by 111411 frour IV:holes:tie Dealers prOmfaiy at te,.l,l umy 17, 1 3tzt TIIE MARY INSTITUTE S fully organized under its charter, C.11 ,, v111,:.-I=Ottut Lt.a,linrs : 51L s 5 E. IF K Assiitant in Langungeo Y L. 55 1.1',7.1 P. A,i,tat.t. cud teacher oi )ocal Mr. I. K. P., Instrovtor In Musk )li, E. It.Ul luHt.lurt,r iu Drawln..r and Palut 1'o• holf-ye , rly ye lon ern begin on Monday tho flth of l'ehroary ••r:a r leuertho, ylOO for 20 weeks. pinblo In ativan ; tor day pupil, 4112.00 for 10 troche. o 000, ea.(ra iii rges for the languagas $.111,0 per fleet Ler. Dre wing .p. 02 per quarter. For :lelinia•lon apply to the ME=I \ 01'1c E Lotlerg TrotAmontory on the eelnto of Mrs, Jane Wine, dee'd late of :-Thopherdstown, Comb. has inc been Issued to the sulucriher residing in Dills. fail. Co. Is. Noti.l• le hereby given to all per F nolebted, to make payment, and those having cnt.lnis pruscnt thew for settlement to :\lar..ll 17. 1905-61. 1 1 \ 1 'TO R'S N OTI C E.- ' ter , : Testamentary on the esbato of 'Wm. C. \ lat.. of Carlisle, Pa., having been Issued by h, ke..,i,ter of CurW, , Co., to the Pubserlbera re ci in the same Ida,. Not fee is hereby givatt ftnlobt,4l to said estate to make pAyment, liTl to precent them for settle -11,1.1 to El= kI)3IINISTRATOR'S . NOTICE. T;ett,s of Ad n inistrut ion on the estate of Mrs EVO late of Westpeunsborough town, ship 11.0 ing been tread to the subsvriber, residing In Upper Allen t.,voslup, notice is hereby given to all persons Indebted to Fuld estate to make imtu.diato pa ) Mont, aad those having clallne to present them for settl.,,,t to GEO. A. BALSLEY, iel.riptry 10. ISr;j— Pt 1 71, ;TATE NOTICE.- J Letters of tdmlnistratlon have boon bowed to the Letate 01 Elizabeth Drioner, doe'd, late of East tow noblp to the subscriber residing In the same place. Notice Is hereby given to all persona in dobted to raid estate to make Immediate payment, and those Laving claims to present them for settlement to JOHN SHIMS, A dru'r. Fob. 24, 1865-11 t. NEW AND FRESH oGr.' az) C 3 4e. mu 1 ea IS . =I lIALBERT BRO., AVING just leturnod from the Eastern cities desire. to inform their patrons that tiles in, re laid In a large and varied stock of New and Fresh Goods at the lowest cash prices. '1 heir assortimmt le thorough and complete, contain ing everything nocessaay to constitute a First Masa Grocery. I=lll Earn'llil TEAS, COFFEES, SUGARS, in ernatest abundance, and at lowest cash figures.— Syrop4, Spices, Canned Fruits, QUBENSWARE and Crockery, Salt and Fish, !lams, Cheese, CrAeitera, Brushes, Baslcrts and Willow Ware. Segars and Tobacco, of tho choicest brands. liroonts, 'Junkets, and a corn pinto assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES. Don't largo the old etand, South Emit oorner of Hanover etn•ets. F. b. 18:1 STILL TRIUMPHANT ! 9111 E complete success of the ORNA ENTA t.l U IK STOVE. warrouts the subeerlber in nailing attention of at who may want a Impeller Stove, to call and examine thu ouly Stove that has given univereal entistnetion. WHAT IS el AIMED OVER OTHERS IS, Ist. A saving of from 30 to 60 per cent. In fuel. 2d. A hotter and quieter Oven from the same tire. 3d. A MN.) Oven than tiny other store of the came. cizo. 4th. The preservation of the contra piece rrom log, Faxing repairs. oth. The best Deicer. Roaster, and Cook new In Inc tth. A huporlororrangotnent for oleanlne the flues Tho Ornamental Is warranted to give satisfaction tu. in ON ery pertirular, and will he shown with pletihir,' all iv ho may call, whether resirlng to purchase or not. Any quantity of reforouco given in town or country. A few other good Cook Stoves on hand apd for sale. SPOUTING, ROOFING; • Job Work, Doppor Smlthlna and Iltheetink, promptly attended to in town or country. All work warranted, at sho old atand formerly occupied by Mrs. Mary !Sor er, North !Mover stroet. Old Copper, Swiss end PewtOr bought, and the bigh. est price - paid in Ctush cr Goads. G. W. ItiIINESMITIii, Successor to urn. Morris Tilarch.3, 1805.—1 m A SUPERIOR REMEDY. _LILWe can conscientiously recommend to those suit faring from a distressing Cough, Dr. Strickland's Melli fluous Cough Balsam. It gives relief almost beton, taneous, and is withal not disamseable to.the There is no doubt but the Mellifluous Cough liallaM tit one of the best preparations in use, and is all that ita pr prletor claims for it. We have tried It during the past week. and found relief from a most diebressing cough. It is prepared by Dr. Strickland. No. 6 Eau. Fourth street, Cincinnati, 0., and for sale by diuggiott JUST received from the , greet New York Auction Saks ~ __ 3000 yards Calicoes,------------- . -- 2600 •• White gusline. . . -:.,--:: -- 000 " Spring DOlatnes., . '- 3000 " Brown lituslina. . . . . 800 " Glogbanni. ,: .6000 ... " _Carpets. . . ..._ -_ _c_-_ Oil Cloths, Looking Gloms, Slint,o, do.. 0 tent Bargains in, Itoop Skirts, L !non Ihuw dkerOhlata. Spring Manliest, Bpsquines, Prima Goods, Dress Goods, Ac. I will sell the above Goode and many others at a email advanCo on coot until the lot or April.. Kassa call, one door bolos Martin's lintel, Maln street. Idarott 10,1860. ' .-W. C. SAWYER, "sold overywhoro"—ls very F. J. CI,P.RC. Ric for or to Mrs. A. B. (HEAD, Principal J..I.SE EA It ER, Executor MIEMOI JAMES MA RS lIA LL, Executors HALBERT & ARO BARGAINS I- MI