Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, March 25, 1865, Image 2
T— • - The4Freshet in the Susquehanna. d kr) - g .or .he flood in thellZsßqi u s e p h ur a ß ti o n , a Il i f a ctr u e n h pr i e B c , e_ dentd. It exceeds by thirty inches in heigth the memorable and destructive freshet of 1864. Thousands of timber logs, with mil lions of feet of sawed lumber, have already passed this point. Intelligence from the north and west of us indicates the most frightful destruction of private pod public property on the many streamymptying into the Susquehanna.— Bridges 'have been swept away and torn do pieces, and,,,from the character of the ruins floating by Harrisburg it is fair to infer that many dwelling houses, barns, cikc.. have been swept from the shores. At 7 o,clock this morning it was ascertain ed that the bridges at Northumberland, Dun can's Island, and part of the Penn , ylvania Railroad bridge, above this city, had been carried away, while, as I write, a bridge said to be from the Juniata, is being borne with fearful violence down the stream. _ The Cumberland Valley Railroad Bridge, which is tlso s,al by the Northern Central is in Mimic, ut dunger, several spans at the en:torn end being submergod to Om del th of twit feet. It is scarcely p oss ibl e , as the wa ter is steadily rising, that the submerged por don can resist the force of the flood for many hours CARLISLE, PA. Friday, Itlarch 24, 1865. B. 81. PETTENGILI. At CO, XT('). 37 Park Row, New York, and 6 State Bt. Boston , are our Agents for the HERALD qu AO uiLiod, and are authorized to take Advertise ente and Subset-lotions for us at our lowout rates. I/ELUSION:I ABOUT CONQIInSTB.—AnothO'r delusion belongs strictly to the Northern prephets; it is that the South cannot be con quered. The Southern people don't believe that; but it is a theory got up by Northern men for their own benefit. A people can't be conquered? Where is there a country on earth which has not been conquered? What was the conquest of England by Wil liam the Norman? A whole people reduced to slavery by one disciplined army. What was the conquest of Scotland by England? Of Ireland ?. Of .Gaul conquered by the Romans? .Of Romans conquerod by Goths? Of Burgundieenquered by the Front]) ? Of France buiktip an consolidated by porpetu rd internal wars? Every tionntry has been conquered, and conquest has been one of the great instruments of civilization. Tito South can bo not only conquered, but it can be ground into powder, if that he necessary. But the rebels have no idea of dying in the last ditch. Look at Tennessee, Louisiana, Arkansas and Georgia.—Louiseille, .Journal. nica,,Gov. Cannon, of Delaware, died, last week, from an attack of typhoid fever. He WAS an ardent friend of the Union, and had done much in that little State for the cause. His death was to be deplored.. BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCH its, od err- Used in another column, are highly recom mended for public speakers and others, for the• relief of colds and to clear the voice. Their efficacy is strongly attested by con gressman, clergymen and singers, who use them. Among the certificates to their merits we observe letters from Henry Ward Beecher, N. P% Willis, E. H. Chapin, and others of eminence: TIIIC TAX BILL.—The fuiioWing will be found to contain some of the most impor tant features of the supplemental tax bill ea finally passed by both Houses: The income tax is as follows: On all in comes exceeding• six hundred per cent is levied and collected; on all in comes Over live thousand dollars, ten per cent is levied; incomes from the purchase and sale of real estate within the year is add ed, and deducted where there is a loss. The tax on cigars originally named at sixty cents per pound was finally fixed at. a specific tax of ten dollars per thousand, without re gard to quality or price. On all tobacco manufactured from the leaf 40c per pound is the rate agreed on. Smok ing tobacco is fixed at 35t 'per pound: and on tobacco manufactured from stems, &e, per pound. On and after July, 1803. there is to he levi ed and collected a tax of ten per cent. on all State bank circulation, and from the first of next May savings ranks lire tolie taxed one half or one per cent on their depo-its. On petroleum the (Mix named by the Ways and Means Comm itte was -ix cents per gallon but it became adaw at the rate or one dollar per barrel, with no drawback allowed when exported. On the ;11th s-ction of the old internal revenue law; an increased tax of twenty per cent, is levied on every article in the long schedule of manufactures therein At time conclusion of the amendatory bill a proviAion is made for the appointment of cornmim:sioners to sit during recess to s examino the subject of taxation: A PILL FORDISLOYAL ATTORNEYS.—Chief Justice Chase is after a class of men who maintain respectablepositions, and who have yet been among the bitterest of the nation's enemies. The Chief Justice lies ordered that hereafter all 'medicine,- attorneys at the bar of the United , ,it Supreme Court shall take an oath that tne‘ have never borne arms against, or rendered aid 111' ciimMrt to theenemies of the t" nited Slate , Gove rn to , e ,i This oath will strikehar lul unr..fthesecret Riders of treason in the leo der States, while others, who live in Statet remote from the , rebellion, will he compelled to str.iin their consciences severely thus to alYl.lll*. ttiS„,. The National la v, hosr conservatism is well known, hits the follow ing complimentary notice of our new Minis ter to Spain, Hon. John P. Hale: 44 We are glad to annum.° that the 'posi tion of Minister to Spain, which at an early day of Mr. Lincoln's first term was given to Carl Schurz, Esq, has been tendered to gentleman of character and ability. Mr. Halo, as Pater Senatas, as a pioneer of the ideas of the party now in power, and as candi date of that party for the Presidency at a period when its policy had no strong hold upon American statesmen or the American people, could scarcely fail at this titne to receive other than a highly honored position. But it is in Mr. Hale's social position rather than his political course—in his high profess ional abilities nod parliamentary experience and in his thorough knowledge of men and things—that we base the belief that this coun try will be carefully and reputably represent ed by him at Madrid." ADM, Slit FREDERICK BRUCE, who suc ceeds to the British mission at Washington, is known from his connection with the Special Mission of Lord Ashburton, twenty odd years ago. Ile is the brother of the late Lord Elgin, Governor General of the Call mins, and the late General Bruce, Governor of the Prince of Wales. In personal amiability, the new Minister, we believe, is not excelled even by Lord Lyons. And ho comes here with the assurance of Lord Russell—empha sized as thatassurance is in the London Times —that he will receive from the President of the United States and from the Secretary of State the same official courtesy extended to, and freely acknowledged by his predecessor. THE TAX' ON MANUFACTURES.—The at tention of the public is called to a practice which prevails to some extent amongst the manufacturers and others, of charging their ,goods at a stated value and afterwards adding the Internal Revenue tax as a separate item to the account of the purchaser. • This practice is objectionable for many reasons. -It makes a direct tax of what was intended to be an indirect one. It puts upon theconsumer, by adistinct charge, that which the law imposes upon the manufacturer. The consumer is not the party charged by law with the payment of the tax. If a 'MUM facturcr wishes to make his purchasers pay it, he must add the duty to the price of the thing sold. A party purchasing can only be compelled to pay the price of the article pur chased, and any attempt recover a bill upon which the tax Web charged to the con sumer us a separate item-Would fail - to the extent of the tax charged. Such account might, perhaps, be avoided altogether, on the ground - of the method adopted having the effect of defrauding the Government of its.a4 valorem tax upon the whole amount of saki. The Government is entitled to its five per cent. on the one hundred cents, while 'a return of sales made upon the basis of nine ty-five cents to the seller and five cents tax charged to the consumer would realize upon sales to amount'of $5OO only 23.75 tax in stead of $25. Parties interested will Lind it much the safer course to comply strictly with the law. Wariufacturers should charge sufficient for their goods to them necessary profit with Government tax included,. A Tirtn3 ROTIBtRY.—A few nights since 3fr. Thomas Bursono farmer living in Rich land township, near Cambridge, Ohio, was Fisited by two men, who got admission to the house on pretence of bringing news from Mr. Burson's son, who is in the army, and then - tbreirtorted - to - hitn,g - him -- if - 110 - 4147,ribt give them $1,500 wfrich they said ho had. He gave them $l4O, all he had, and they coolly walked off. There have beon no trains passing through Harrisburg-e front Pittsburg or Philadelphia, fur the last Vel ve hollre. The lower part of the city is completely submerged, and much Rut - 10ring has been inflected np‘m the poor 'families living in that part of the suburbs. At Middletown, Dauphin county, and the villages along the slime clear to Columbia, in Laneaster county, the destruction of pri vate property and the suffering among indi viduals is immense. The fires in several furnaces have been quenched, and, of course, the furnaces will chill. Thousands of ,dollars, worth or lumber, usually stocked at Marietta, Columbia, and Middletown, was swept away: The bank in front of the city has beett lined all day with thousands of people, watching the progress of the flood. Families are being removed from the sweets inlhe lower section of the city, which was not aprroached by the Wa ters of the great flood of 181 1 1 , but which arc now considered in imminent danger of being rflowed. Our city water works arecom pletely submerged, and all the pumps stop ped. It is conceded on ali hands, Mil. , by oor oldest inhabitants and oxperlenved river men that this is the most immense flood that has taken place in the Smimichanna ttithin the memory o[ man. The New Postal Law The new act relating to the postal law pro vides that all dotnestio letk , rs, except. letler:: fratil:ed and duly c4•rtiliotl litter, , uidier and in 1110 sir ire 111 . tllll IThited Static, wlii4 11 tire Ilopositt , tl for wail ing in any postotlico of the Unite I ti , 'ttitr , s, o n which tit, 1,,1itg.0 in Illtliahl.,11:11l he nont by ()1 1 ,leo : 1111 , 1 all forinailing atal p,11,1 only in part, :shall he for warded to their destination, kith the , inpaid rate, to he coileeted on deli \ ery. The provi.,ions of the act for the rcliel of punting-ter , tih t lime hy farces nr Rebel approved in April. IM,{, are extended to cases of 1,,y. ,‘,111):t•tors. ti hero liv 111,, sence of urine(' forces a l'ae , .t 1416414 i,de,troy ed, and the po , tmaster 10-es the fixtures and furniture, ur p‘ , .:tage stamp., I.r st a mpod en vclop.'s: pn.l the e:LNI , S where such lo;ses art.! oeen,ionecl by arm,' forces other than thusc of the till-called Confetlerate Slates. l'oitnuonter General i 4, authorized to allow, fur tile publication in -newspapers of the list of mm-delivered letters at any post office, compensation at a rate not to exceed two cents for each letter s" advertiserl, and is also mit li"rmed to 1 . :111 , 1 the 1111111 , to bl• n . 4111,01'1,1 II1.1W.•1.11 tlnl 1:1111 , 1 14111 1111 . N' 1 , 11't'111:11 port or parts, or between the ports of the t:tlited States touching at a frei!..;lL wort by ste all e,;,i .;11111win , and ‘a\-- ing therol , r, it in Ann•rn•:in \ :i!!! not t.x(.t•F'dinL; 1 . '111,1 Stmh , -. thy -,•3 ,orivov,tl. ,v-t,•rli fr,..1,11v..ry j: to In 0,t;11) li,hoti 111 \ 1.1• y ..111:111.III 11..i.n1,- ti,,n of lifts thou-aid ‘vithin the delivery of th, ullir,. tiwreof, and at ,o,•hotlwr the Po,tina,ter General, in his judgnn•nt, shall direct, provided that the pr.: payment ou drop letters in all places where tree de livery is not e,tablislied rhall be one rent on 1 v. .fierpons depositing otweene books, pampb let,, fir. , in nulib-, to be punished by line and Unpri-uninont. Our Great Generals—The Views of tho "Edinburgh Review." An article in the last Edinburg/4 Review, apparently from a military authority, pays at length the 'proper tribute of respect front the candid critics of Europe to our military operations during the last two years. The usual picture presented by the correspondence and editorials of the London Timed of our great. struggle, has been of wide and aimless enterprises by the Federals," where thou sands were butchered without purpose, and no military genius or comprehensive plan ever threw any light on the ghastly so ne of slaughter. The Confederates alone showed strategical ability and heroic daring, and the only military leaders which the conte'st had brought forth, worthy of appearing nn the page of lostory, were Stonewall Jackson and Gen. Lee. The whole conntsed mass Of movements tuns pronounced "not war but bushwhacking. on it large scale." Says the reviewer, with a candor which must insure admiration flour every reader : "The surprise of the river-passage near Bragg's centre by Smith, and the matiocuver ihg by which the Confederate lines were forced by Grant, a month later, at the battle of Chattanooga, are, as tactical achievements, far fitter to be classed %shit the best teats of Napo'eon and Wellington, than any advan tage won by a European General since the days of those giants of war," The campaign of Grant against Richmcnd is defended, as a campaign conceived on grand and comprehensive plain, embracing three or four converging movements on Rich mond, and W Ilia was partially unsuceess ful in its original purpose, from the want of proper co-operation by Generals Butler and Nor is Sherman's genius forgotten by tire Scottish critic. It is his ingedious and not, impropable supposition that Sherman's first invasion of Northern Alabama, which result ed in a failure, suggested the striking idea of carrying a moveable column over the cot ton States,_ and even through the Atlantic States to Virginia. 1t is these tnarches which Will stamp Sherman as ono of the great cap tains —for as the reviewer well says, "a dis tant march from a base was supposed, during the INl,Glellan period, to bean impossibility." There arc two other names also which his tor,l will yet place high in military annals-- Thomasiind Sheridan —both of men that have manifested the highest quality of the Gene mil and soldier, the power of wresting vic tory from defeat amid the most adverse cir cumstances: As the reviewer sums ups "If a General's perfect adaptation of given means to a required, end if careful fore thought in design, with ajust mixture of audacity and caution in - execution, may fairly challenge our admiration, Sherman's campaign in 1864, and those of Grant and Lee - in the prece ding year, seem to be worthy to be classed_ with the nighest achievementi which the an nals of modern warfare record." Itet- A singular case has come to light Boston.• A staff officer in the United Statet service stole $14,000 in Gfeverntrient bonds and forwarded thorn to his mother at South Boston for safe keeping. A daughter-in-law of the mother clisermereltheinoney!and-stole it. Officers of the law stepped in, and tho money was found at last in the clothing of the daughter-in-law. ' Captured Flag Presentaton. Brief . Speech of Gov. Morton The President's Views Concerning the Attempt of the Rebels to Arm Slaves. WASTIINGTON, March 17.—A rebel flag, captured at Fort Anderson by the 140th In diana volui teers, was today presented to Governor Morton, of that State, in front of the National Hotel. A large crowd of people was in attendance. Governor Morton made a brief speech, in the course of which he congratulated his auditors on the speedy end of the rebellion, and concluded by introducing President Lin coln, whose purity and patriotism, he said, were confessed by all, even amongst the most violent agitators. [Applause.] His admin istration will be recognized as the most im portant epoch of history. It struck the death blow to slavery, [applause], and built up the republic with a power it. never Wore possess ed. If he had done nothing morn than to put his name to the emancipation proclama tion, that act alone would have made his name immortal. [Applause.] The President. addressed the a , semblage substantially as follows: IFELLOW CITIZENS: It will be but a few words that I shall undertake to say. I was born in Kentucky, raised in Indiana, and live in Illinois, [laughter], and I am now here, where it is my duty to be, to care equal ly for the good people of all the States, I sin glad to see an Indiana regiment, on this day, able to present this captured flag to the Governor of the Ste to of 1 rid lane. [Applause.] I sin not disposed, in saying this, to make a distinction between States, for all have done equally well. [Applause.] There are but few views or aspects of this great war upon which I have not written or said something whereby my oiVil views might be made known. There is one—Um recent attempt of our erring brethren," as they are sometimes crlled, [laughter] to employ the negro to fight for them. I have neither written nor made n speech upon that subject,. becausetl at was their business, and not mine, and if they had a wish upon the subject; I had not the power to introduce it or make it effective. The great question with them wits, whether the negro, being put into the army, will fight for diem? Ido not know, and therefore cannot decide. [Laughter.] They ought to know better than we, anti do know. I have in 'My lifefiffilreiirdMiany a „ rguments why the negro ought to be a slave, but if the, tight for these 1% lie would keep them in shi- VPry, it will be a better argunn•nt than any I have yet heard. [Laughter and apphm,ed Ile who will light lon Unit ought to be a slave. [Applause.] They have concluded to take one out, of four of the slaves and put him in the army, and diet one out of four who will light to keep tinoth e re inelevery ought to be a slave liiin,udr, Ili less be IA killed in a fight. [Ap plau,,e.] \\*him I have i , fmn said that all 'non ought to he free, yet I allow tho,o colored person: to bi,lave , who want to be, and next to them, thioe white n en wino argue in favor of inaking other people ~laves. [Applanso.] I 1(111 111 1 . 11), 01' or giving an ,;pportunity to snot whirr turn to try it in for theimelves. [Applam.e.] I will say ono thing with rognr.; to the 11:(1.::1,•11111; :'1111:11:y11(.110 tight for them OW I do know. I know that he cunn,ot light ;Lint stay ;it ilowv And utakcbread too; [laugh ter :111(1 11 11.111 , (.: 1111:111 , :OW is alumni as in:- n-; the, (011,r tei thew. I dmi't carp which they do. iller•eNved applause..] I Hut tallo.r in f.,vor.4,t' having tht•tri try tht.til a. of di as. [Applalr-e.] 111,y hick ~tio vote of (loing• timt, :111,11 wi,h I c ,, 111 , 1 send tny vote o‘t•r the N\ ...11 that I night t.nt.t it in fa -I,r of allowing the l'.(•gt,) to tight. [.lp plan,...] lint they citittua tight and w.,1.1; elwniv's re-.III'COS Th . Cy will stand out ns fI4 lIH can, and it' th,t t w g -r o will light for them, they noHt allow him to light. They have dra‘‘n upon their last branch of re,ourees— plause]—and we can now see the bottom. [Applause.] I am . ..;lad to see the end so near at . hand. [A pplau,..] 1 lin ve >uid 11”Ny more than I intended to, and will therefore, bid you good-bye. l're,i.lent then retired, while the crowd below saluted him with Jowl and hearty cheers, the hand at the same time playing a lively tune. \ error I . (.rton then •It pilpd forw:lrd 11:1' , . :111 , 1 ill fn a I h.' IWIT' ( , 1 .11 , 1i4 , 11h1 111, hal, ;1.1,1 21%., ni. , 11 11;04.. Th.• 14, 11 . :triy 1,i11% cdII, nrld (;. , vi.lttl , rulttlt the Imll , l ,trim: lip •' The Army - -Annual Report of the Secretary of War. The annual report of Secretary Stanton, dated March I , t, has just appeared. Mr. Stanton says that "the military events of the year have been officially published by the Department from time to time as they occurred, and tow fully known in every brand' of this govern Ment and throughout the civilized world. They constitute a series of successful marches, sieges and battles, at testing the enduramic and courage of the United States, and the gallantry and milita. ry skill of their commanders, unrivaled in the history of nations." The report presents a brief sketch of the military establishment, omitting the exact strength of the fore's now under arms. The following are the principal facts set forth: Twenty ono depots are established in the principal States for collecting and forward ing to regiments, volunteers, substitutes and drafted men. The Veteran Reserve corps have been of much service in guarding the depots, and escorting detachments to their regiments. There fire also six special depots for recruits enlisted in rebel States, hy agents from loyal States. Boards of examination have been kept up to inquire into causes of absence from duty end alleged offences by officers. The effect has been to diminish the number or cases published and referred to the boards to three hundred and sixty-four for eleven months; whereas, before their organization, from one hundred or two hundred were reported monthly for absence without leave, alone. The status of chaplains seems to be mis understood: il.orom the wording of the act of April 9, 1861, section 1, it is thought by some chaplains that a new rank between the grades of major and captain is intended for them. This is supposed to be an error grow ing out of the use of the term “surgeon" in the act, instead of "medical Alcor." The former assimilated rank of chaplains, in ref erence to allowance of quarters and pay pro per, was "captain," and such should now be their rank. Over two hundred flags captured from the rebels have been received, properly labelled, anti deposited for safe keeping. Medals of honor have been awarded in numerous instances to privates and non-com missioned officers for gallant services. The plan of awarding gold and silver medals to officers instead of brevets to a certain extent, is coinmerided to notice: - It--should -not supersede the conferring of brevet, especial ly where such rank might be exercised in high commands. The supplies produced during the past fis cal year include 1,650 pieces of ordnance, 2,- 861 artillery - carriages and caissons; 802,625 small arms, 794,055 sets of accoutrettMatti end harness, 1,674,244 projectiles Tor cannon, 12,740,146 pounds of bullets and lead, 8,409,- 400 pounds of gunpowder, 169,490,029 car tridges for small arms. These are complete articles, in addition to the large quantities of the same kind of supplies partially made up at the arsenals. The ordnance supplies. furnished to the military service during the fiscal year in clude 1,141 pieces of ordnance, 1,806 artil lery carriages end caissons, 459,010 small arms, 502,044 sets of accoutrements and har ness, 1,914,753 projectiles for, cannon, 7,624,- 685 pounds of bullets and lead, 164,549 rounds of artillery • ammunition, 152,067 Sets.! of horse equipments, 112,087,553 cartridges for finuo Larrns,_7,643,o4.l.4munds of-gtinpo wder, These supplies were in 'addition. to large quantities of parts provided for repairs in the field. The capacity ofethe arsenals for the .man- tifacture of munitions of war has been in creased during the year, and that increase is still going on, so fur as the means appropri ated will -admit. Supplies manufactured at the arsenals are of better quality andiess cost than similar articles obtained by contract or purchase.' The national urinary at Springfield, Massa causetts, can turn outl three hundred thou 'sand of the best quality of rifled muskets an nually. Possession has been taken of Rock Island, Illinois, in pursuance of an act of Congress, and the requisite buildings for un arsenal there aro in progress. There is on hand a stock of three-quarters of a million of first-class rifle small arms, exclusive of the arms in the hands of the troops, since increased to a million and a quarter. The introduction of breech-loading arms forsthe military service generally is recom mended. The selection of a site for a general depos itory of gunpowder, and the erection of suit able magazines thereon, is recommended. In that connection, the construction of a gov ernment powder mill of sufficient capacity to make standard and proof powder and gun cotton, is also reconn»ended. The procurement of a suit:Lido ground for the prow and oslx•rimrntal "firing of ordi nallCO and small arms is urgently advised as a most e,sonttal want of the military ser vice. During the year, twenty-seven cadets completed the course of studies and practice in the _Military Academyi t and were com missioned in the army. The smallness of this number grows out of the resignations which occurred in this class in the beginning of the rebellion. The classes at this time have the usual strength corresponding to to Congressional representation. Cot. D. C. McCallum has been placed as a military dil:echir in charge of the military railroads. lie has organized an efficient construction corps, provided rolling stock for which it was necessary to make ohorous demands upon t.hc manufacture of loyal States. Already a thousand miles of rhil road have j,er.n operated by this Department, in connection with the movements of the ar mles. The teletrrnph has continued to be a most efficient nl'l,l valuable aid to military opera tions. :Six thousand five hundred miles of military telegraph have been in operation, of which three thousand miles have been constructed during the year. About one thousand persons have been employed in this work. There are 100 military hospitals, with a capacity of 120,721 boils. The enrolment lists, NovemborlSt, Cdli tainod 2,781,2t1t nun,. Enrolltnent fuel draft expenses lid, year aimunited to :51,016,728. Over 13'i30) eteran soldiers reenlisted for three Ne:ll'sl. in the fall ol 1 113. Deser ters and stragglers Imd year numbered 39,- 392. Tu.! VeLt!nlll reserve corps numbers 76.1 offieerA and 28,738 men. The supply of animals has been at the rate of about five hundred per day, which is also the average rate of their destruction. The cavalry of the Army of the Potomac wits twice remounted during t he firsteight months or the present year. Thp production of t he country seems to he tilde to hear the i 11111)11) , P draw upon Its 1101',CS and 1111110 A. 111111 the stock, judging from the current prices, gives no sign of exhaustion or diminution. Senator Pooto's .Addross to tho Peo pie of Tennessee. from the New Y k Tribune.] Wl' have n.epi 4.1 a pHju=tpub . 51 . 11,10 , 1' 1 - 1 , 111 111. , ,, ill 1.11 , 1,1,..1 C1)11- g1'0,4 tit iiii.lllll,ill,l, ,iiritainirir2,- 4,f 1(, qui :4 11 L, nlt Imneo. List 1111(1 Slthsoylvlltf rom the hay, tow [lint is the sub . t: ME= Footetcgnas \kith retnittding his con_ stitnents that wlienthey Sea( hi h La the Cion grivs at Richmond they wore tarn liar with his former '•devotion to the Puderal Union and his "zealoni and unlamding oppo,ition to everything in the shape of Mali/JO i:11/1. They 1:now that lie reftt , ed -all connection with theperilouqschemeof seces,ion in 18.51,' and that, in IHOO, he hud as little in com mon with the heated sece:sfon leaders as anv other piddle man in the South ; that he had earnestly opp,ied all theincipient steps which had 1,1 to the fearful state of thing, the n exiting; that he, had oi,,,dy denoon,•- ed the conduct and motives 4,1' 1 ,.. i1r 1y :i ll the 111 , 1 d that!,it,nl r.kv,r Talk a4, 1 11,, , ,0.d rrojo.i. " , •or•ritp2; Iwo tno war till :',/1,1,1, :1111 R 1:111V , ' , ut 111.. ( 1 11 1 a wan; r,•;-dom and tro, , mor a l ,•4:or ago the tturhl Id.ton tio•ir !hal body, and acoord.itli, with a pre- Vl , ll-ly 11.4'1't•t•ii 011.111 11111011 g tlic111) ha-[cured to tilt. City of Moll1;4olliery, Irani,' a 11,'W Coll , titUtioll Of Go \ I . : I'lllllollf, and taken all the needful steps for the brlm4ing on of a Nvithout tilt , inimPdiate of AVlliell fll , • y Well know' their ,eliemo of (lis tltiltal would ttirli out, to be Ititogethcr In the ridad Congresi: )Ir. lormte claims to hate id ways olltdu •.a firm and Imyieltlim.; oppo,ition to thoshamfol idlorts of Mr. I)avi6 and his servitor; to undermine the public liberties and establish It despotism on their ruins.'' 'At length (three months ago) it be came, evident tr , rrerrl7rlßn of discernment" With whom \l r. Foote held intercourse, "that unless an early and an honorable peace could be speedily effected the South would bo inevitably ruined.,' Ntr Foote then, af ter freely consulting with the best and wisest men he 'net, resolved to introduce his well known peace resolutions in the rebel Con gress. His resolutions being rejected by that body, he deemed it necessary to make another "somewhat unusual experiment" to bring about peace. Seeing that - the Confederate GOVOrIIMPTIt, in all its department., was most rapidly losing the public confidence and becoming positively odious," and that U•the Confeder ate financial system was clearly in a state bordering upon collapse," Mr. Foote set out front Richmond about Deceniber 20, in com pany with his wife, who had apassport from the Richmond authorities empowering her to return to their residence in Nashville. On reaching the Potomac, in Westmoreland county, ho addressed a letter to Thomas S. Bocock, Speaker of the rebel House of Rep resentatives, dated December' 24, stating that he intended to visit the city of Wash ington "for the purpose of ascertaining whether or not it is practicable to obtain for the people of the Confederate States an ear ly and an honorable peace," and that this mission was "cordially sanctioned by some of the wisest and most-virtuous men now up holding the Confederate cause." In a post script to this letter Mr. Foote made known his resignation in Congress. Mr. Foote did not succeed in crossing the Potomac, but was arrested and carried to Fredericksburg, where he remained in military custody for 1P!toly a week, When he was liberated on a writ of habeas corpus. at once proceed ed to Richmond, and"e there made his last harangue "in that mobbish assemblage known as the Congress of the Confederate States," "before a large and evidently ap proving audience." After that be at once re sumed his original scheme of seeking access to the Washington authorities. This time he succeeded in reaching the headquarters of General Aevan, at Lovettsville. There one of the stall' of General-Sheridan—caned on him, and received from him a letter to Secretary Seward, dated January 80, 1865. In this letter Mr. Foote, after having again referred to his former opposition to secession movements, proceeds to say: "I have now the honor to say, for myself and for a large number of the most weighty and influential statesman that the South con lains,and as I htive good reason to believe, 'in'ttethdance with the wishes also of a vary large majority of the sovereign people of the Southern States whether in or out el The Confederate armies, that we, tho"Cellserva-, Lives of the South are ready and anxious to, outer once more into fraternal union with our fellow citizens of the North ; that we are resolved, if an opportunity of 'doing so , honorably shall be afforded us, to withdraw at once -from all political connection with the Government now located in the city of Richmond, and to place ourselves and all we hold dear once Moro under the protection of -The-flag pf our fathers. - "No one knows better than I do that no Boat pacification as that which I now' pro peso can ever' come frorn•Mr. Davis. His oiiicinl posAtion and his devotion tolds own selfish schemes of individual agaradisement alike forbid it. But let President Lincoln issue a formal' proclamation, addresed to the people of the Confederate States, offering to them .complete amnesty for the past, and a full restoration of the constitutional rights which they formerly enjoyed, and they will immediately hold Conventions in all' of - the said States and vote themselves back into the Federal Union calling home their troops at once, and leaving Mr. Davis to enjoy, as he pay be able to do, the despotism which he has established, together with such foreign protection for himself and his ignoble pro jects as it shall be in his power to secure." Mr. Foote thought that Kentucky, Mary land, Virginia, Tennessee, North Carolina, and Arkansas would be sure to follow the example of Maryland and Missouri and abol ish slavery, and, therefore, it would be safe to leave slavery where the Federal Constitu tion left it ; but if circumstances should ex ist which would render such a plan impossi ble, he was prepared to say in behalf of those whom he represented that they will agree to such a change of the Federal Constitution as will secure the entire extinction of slavery on the Ist day of January, DUO, and which will provide also for the freedom of all per sons of African blood who shall be born af ter the lst clay of January, 1890. Mr. Foote also declared that ho stood ready : , "To make such further revelations, both as t,,facts and persons as will leave no doubt upon the minds of President Lincoln and his constitutional advisers that ample facilities exist for the bringing about, in the short period of forty days such a counter-rev olution as is above referred to. All that I desire is, to receivo assurance that the infor mation which I deem it proper, for reasons alike of prudence and of honor, to hold for the present in reserve, if imparted will con duce to the restoration of peace and the re establishment of the Federal Union, in a manner and upon terms consistent with the pees, nt honor and future safety of the South, and I will at once proceed to make full dis closures." Mr. Seward acknowledged the receipt of this communication, and stated that any fur ' titer communication which M r. Foote might think it proper to impart to the Government might be communicated in the same man ner as the first. Major General - Sheridan was directed either to pass Mr. Foote buck within the insurgent lines, if he so chose, or to send him to Major General Dix, who would be instrlucted to allow hint to pass be yond the jurisdiction of the United Slates. Mr. Foote chose the latter course. Froni New Turk he addressed a second letter to Mr. Seward, dated February 6, 1865, reiter ating his former sentiments and statements, and especially emphasizing his readiness to establish the fact by testimony- of the most trustworthy “character, that a large major ity of the more enlightened citizens of the South have at last come to the conclusion, in which I confess that I do for one most fully concur, that should they be ever so success ful in the prosecution of the war now in pro gress, they would find themselves at the end of it an enslaved and wretched people, and that Southern independence, at one time so thoughtlesdy coveted and so zealously striven for, would he, it' attained, precisely the most deplorable calamity which could possibly lie- I fall them." \I r. Foote (lid not wait for a reply to this communication, but at once engaged a pas cage to Li veryatl. On board the stemmhip he was informed that his second communi cation had been placed in the hands of fres iMmt Line Flu for con-nleration, hut havirg nn spec in! reason lii suppmtiug that. it had been more favorably receivtal than the for na•r, lie ,et sail. On board the mail steamer he wrt , te an ,, ther letter to l'u.sid, , n t Lin urging a (:f the 1.0,011:tion L'ongres=. it 11"::::11ingtifil 1 . 4 ,ry he ttet.tHtitttliwntl antend meta, mid c_xpro.,,itigib:: 1,e11:•I that tb:: :ql - 4 the dm•trille woultl be a Ill.:311, ree.lnciletnent. 111 :‘I C. r111)t , entreats hie countrytttcn, ' ,, hatoVer rune be (ha action Lincoln upon the propt.bltions , Itbolittud to him," lu /o,' nn hill." in retUrn ing to the rf the Trade Permit's -Suspended W ASH I NGTON , March 16.—The following important order relative to trade permits has seen issued by Lieut. Gen. Grant: II zAtnettn A RMIKs Or TO/ thlirou STAT 14, C.ll' Vol>, , Va., Thirrik 11111. 1 tK, Spe,•ial Orders .\"o. •N.-1. The operations on all Treasury Trade Permits, and all other trade permits, and licenses to trade, by whom ! soever granted, within the State of Virginia, elcept portion known as the Eastern of North llarolitut and 1111 , 1 the Sllll.l', 5 ,, ,1t11 Carolina, and that portion tit . the State G••org.a mum diiw.lj bordering on the Atlanta., int haling th•• citj, of Si. are hereby =ur-pen.ted until further orders .kil contracts and ag roOliltql Iliad • limier or by \ 111.'11' of any tr.ide permit or been. within any of -aid States or part , of State., during the oxi:tence of this order, will hi'. deemed void, and the sO hivor or stICII COll - IS or ti.4roenionts will ne seized by Ih • military authorities for the benefit of the Government, whether the stuns is at the tine of such contracts or agreements within their reach or at any time thereafter comes with in their roach, either by the operations of war or the cots of the cont raet putties or their agend•. The delivery of all goods con tracted for and not delivered heron.: the pub lication this order is prohibited. Supplies of all kinds are prohibited from passing into any of said States or parts of States, except such as are absolutely neces sary for the wants of those living within the lines of actual military occupation, and un der no circumstances will military com manders allow them to pass beyond the lines they actually hold. By cow mund of Lieutenant General Grant: T. S. BOWERS, Assist't Adj't Genl. LATER FROM GEN. SHERMAN He Writes to Gen. Grant—A Brief Ills tory of his March—What he Armin plished at Colundda, Cheraw and Fay etteville— E . 01 y- Eight Cannon Cap• rural— real Destruction of Arsena liru'lroads, Gunpowder and other • Wa r ,lliderd— General Kilpat rick Whip s llamplon. W An. DEPARTMENT, - WASHINGTON, Thursday, March 16 —0:30 p. m. To Major-Gen. Dix, Nero York: The fol lowing dispatch has been received this even ing at this Department: CITY POINT, Thnrsday, March 16, '65. lien. C. A. Dana, Asst.-Secretary of War: I am just in receipt of a letter from General Sherman, 12th, from Fayetteville. He de scribes his army in fine health and spirits, having met with no serious opposition. Har dee keeps in his front at a respectful distance. At Columbia he destroyed immense arsenals and railroad establishments and 43 cannon. At Cheraw he found much machinery and war material, including 25 cannon and. 3,600 barrels of gunpowder. In Fayetteville he found 20 pieces of artillery and much other material. lie says nothing about Kilpatrick's defeat by Hampton; but the officer who brought this letter says that before daylight ' on the 10thlHampton got two brigades in the rear of Kilpatricks headquarters, and surprised and captured all the stall but two officers. I,iilpatrick escaped, formed his mon, , and drove the enemy with great loss, recapturing all that he had lost. Hampton lost eighty six—left deed on the field. (Signed) U. S. GRANT, Lieut.-Gen. LATER FROM RICHMOND. The Great Panic Conjirined— General Sheridan Still at Work—Only One Newspaper Published Yesterday-r-Ent ployees, Printers, Reporters; Clerks, Doing Military Duty. WASHINGTON, Thursday, March 16,'66. 7b Ma'.-Gen. Dix: A dispatch from Gen. Grant's headquarters reports that The Daily Dispatch is the only paper issued to-day in Richmond. It says: "The Dispatch is-pub lished this morning on half a sliest only, be catise of tho fact , that all the employees, printers, repOrteri, and clorksoire - members of military, organizations, and were milled out yesterday morning by the Governor, to perform special service-for a' short time. - "Put for the Icindricsi, of a. few_ friends,_ who the eiompt from Service, and - who vol unteered- their aid,, the, half-loaf presented would of necessity lowd boon withbield,- a few days at farthest, our forces will return to their posts, when we hope to resume and continue uninterruptedly, our full sized sheet." There is no other news of moment' from any quarter C. A. DANA, Asst.'See. of War. LATER FROM SHERIDAN His Operations to the 15th Inst.—The James River Canal Destroyed to Gooehland.— fteen Miles of the Virginia Central An nihilated.—Enormous amount of Proper ty "Confiscated."—A. Slight Brush with the Enemy. WAR DEPARTMENT, WASHINGTON, Friday, March 17-3 p. m Major-Gen. Sheridan reports on the 16th instant, from the bridge of the Richmond and Fredericksburg Railroad across the South Anna River, that, having destroyed the James River Canal as far to the east as Goochlnnd, he marched up to the Virginia Central Railroad at Tollsvillo and destroyed it clown to Beaver Dam station, totally de stroying 15 miles of the road„, Gen. Custer was then sent to Ashland, and Gen. Davin to the South Anna bridges, all of which have been destroyed. Gen. Sheridan says the a mount of property destroyed in his march is enormous . The enemy attempted to pre vent the burning of the Central Railroad bridge over the South Anna,... but the sth United States Cavalry charged up to the bridge, and about thirty meltdashedacross on foot, driving off the enemy and capturing three pieces of artillery—twenty-pounder Parrotts. C. A. DANA, Assistant Secretary of War The Naval Academy WASHINGTON, March 10.—The Naval Academy will not be restored from Newport to Annapolis without further action by the next Congress, the appropriation for that purpose having fail led by the loss of the Civil Appropriation bill, owing to the Winter Davis amendment on another subject. A LETTEIt from Jeff 1. avis has been found among Gen. Early's papers, replying to a jaltition from soldiers of Early's 'command, .e.questing-hitn to stop the war, ns they had fought four years and mane nothing by it. This is one of the most striking of the many evidences of the breaking up of the forces of the rebellion. FIFTEEN LADIES graduated from the Med ical College for Women in New York, lust week, the first class of graduates from the instituiion. The young ladies bore them selves handsomely—were dressed in the Flor ence Nightingale style—black silk dress with white gimp braiding, close fitting jackets, white cord round their waists, with long pendant tassels, and rosettes on their bosoms. The crowd was very great. The Lady Presi dent, :NI rs. Greenough, presided. Bishop Cox conducted the deem io na exercises. Rev. Mr. Boole, Henry Ward Beecherand Horace Greeley made addresses. The affair was a great success. gohm nth Conti Matters. BOILING SPRIGNS HOTEL.—For rent from the ht, April 1805. Apply to - PETER F. _Hoe, Carlisle Pa-3t. APPRENTICE WANTED.—A stout bey, with u gout/ eductitior and it good moral char :icier, will lie taken at fits office to learn the Printing business. None other need apply( Sunup', ExrumTtoN.—j. C. Stock will give Ilk 1 st entertainment in Indepen dence Hall, near the Carlisle reservoir, on Tuesday evening the2Bthim:t. Mr. J. A. .McKeehan will enliven the exercises With excellent Admission 13 cent; fur adults and 10 cts. fin' children.* iStir•The attention of Milliners and Merchants is invited to adv. of Brooks Rosen helm, No .131 Market St., Philadia. in this issue. Load, Zinc, &c., &c., Read adv. in this i ii of MessrA Ziegler & Smith, Wholesale Dealers in Drugs, Paints &c., 137 N. 3rd., St., Phihurn. SPLENDID JEWELRY AL:\ MST I F.N WAT.—In our advertking columns to-day will be r,,,ma th unnnunceutenl of Mt . :351'5. Ne‘vborn A: Co., of Ncw York, feu• the sale of an immenhe :dock of Jewelry. &c., on the novel plan of (hie Dollar for each article. This is a n , •w firm, and the fact that it is ambitious to build up a goal name, makes it probable that customers will be liberally dealt with. It will cost but twenty-five cents to try the experiment any way. NEW Goons.—A. IV. Bentz's new ad vertisement will be found in another col Mr. Bentz is as prompt to reduce his prices in an equal ratio with those of the great cities as he was to advance them. Our citizens know his establishment well, and we need do no more than tell them that his new invoices include everything seasonable and fashionable, at the very lowest rates. I= RESUMED PRACTICE.—We are pleas ed to learn that our friend A. BRADY SHARPE, Esq., has resumed the practice of IHW. Mr. S. relinquished a lucrative practice to enter the service of the Gov ernment at the commencement of the war, and served faithfully in the capacity of a private soldier, as well as that of au officer, until ill health forced him to return to civil life. Ile is a gentleman of fine ability aufl extensive legal attainments, and we are cosiL fident that ho will soon take a prominent position at our Bar. His office is in South Hanover Street, in the room lately occupied as the Post Office. PROCEEDINGS OF TOWN COUNCIL.— The council elect held its first meeting on Tuesday evening and organized by the elec tion of J. W. I.'. Gillelen, Esq., as President, acid James M. Masonheimer Secretary. The following budget of nominations—the result of a caucus of the democratic majority, held the evening previous—Were then voted in : Borough Treasurer—David Corn man. High ConStable—Emanuel Swartz. Clerk if Market—A. S. Lyne. Collector of Borough and Bounty Taxes Andrew Kerr. Lamplighter and night Policeman for was Ward—A. F. Meek. Lamplighter, &c., foi' West Ward—Levi Albert. Street Commissioner—Patrick Madden. Street licgulator.9—Geo. S. Beetem, Jesse D. Rhineheurt, John Heck. The salary of thb high constable is increas ed to $4OO per annum. The President an nounced the following corn mittees : Ordinances—S. D. Hillman, Geo. Wetzel, A. K. Eheem. Finance—John Hive, A. B. Zeigler, G. B Hoftinan Streets—Goo. Wetzel, C. U. Hoffer, Rob't Black." Lamps—C. U. Hoffer DESETIT ERS CAUCIIIT.—On Friday af ternoon last two members of the permanent company at Carlisle Barracks, named respect ively Dotson and Dana, - con'cluding that they would take French leave of the service, hired n horse and buggy from Mr. Hilton, repre senting to him:that they would:return in a short time, and at once decamped, for Perry County. On Saturday' morning Corporal CroWly with' ono men 'lves 'despatched in purstiit. The Corporal, learning of thb route they bad taken, pushed on vigorously after El 10==1 them, and came up with them at Petersburg, Perry County, where he found them bargain ing for the sale of the horse and buggy, the top of the latter having been torn off and thrown into a ravine, that they might move in light marching order. The recreants were returned to the post, whore they are now engaged in the sculptur ing business—the superintendent of the work having kindly provided against the danger of i t heir airy forms being blown away by the March winds, by providing their ankles with heavy metallic jewels. BOROUGH ELECTION.—BeIow we give the result of tho Borough Election hold last Friday. The copperheads, have of course, elected their ticket in the East Ward, which this year comprises a majority of the town council. This gives them the control of all the appointments. In the Weit Ward we elect four members ofcouncil, tax collector, election °dicers, &c. E. W. W. W. Total. Chief Burgess, John Campbell,* 198 Simon W. Early, 92 Assistant Burgess, W. J. Cameron,* 199 Francis Eckles, 91 Assessor, Wm. Noaker,* Jason W. Eby, Auditor, A. K. Sheafer,* S. D. Hampton, Town Council, J. W. Gillelon,* George Wetzel,* A. B. Zeigler,* C. U. Hoffer,* G. B. Hoffman,* John Martin, G. I'. Myers, 0. Delaney, J. Zug, jr., F. Gardner, G. S Beetem,* John P. Rhoads,* Jacob Thudium,* J. J. Zitzer,* R. Black, A. K. Rheem, John Hays, S. D. Hillman, Judge, Andrew Keri.,) ,- 1t. , 1). Cameron, I). S. Croft,* J. I'osthlewaite, Inspector, John Roberts,* 193 James (lallio, 88 Win. McMillen,* 142 A. lthinehart, 191 School Directors, E. Uornman, 3y.-1 297 Newshain, 2 . y.f. 283 R. 'Wood ward, 326 Justice of the Pearl, 203 A. Delluir,* S. Keepers, Tar Collectnr, .1. Godyear,* 208 J. Fagan, 91 J. Boutz,* IL 11. Constable, A. Martin,* 224 Meek, C. S. Doane,* 142 2. A. Waggoner, 171 Democrats marl:Qd thus MECHANICSBURG BOROUUII ELEC TION.--The result of the charter election hell in Meelninicsburg last week, was a complete - Union triumph ; onr friends Ora ing every Qllicer en the ticket, by an average majority of 74 in a poll of 168. Mechanicsburg stands firm and true to the faith, and the election furnishes a shining illustration of the fact, that wherever a com munity can he found in which like that of Mechanicsburg, a high moral tone pervades the people ; the places of business evidenc ing energy, enterprizo and thrift ; the po litical sentiment will he found to be unmis takably on the side of freedom and good government. Thegin-mill is made to stand aside for the school house, and the gambling house makes way for• the National Bank.— Oh that we had more such towns in Cum berland County? Below we give the ticket lected. MI BllrgeB3, William Eekels Town Council, F. A. Marshall, S. G. Bowman, D. Neiswanger, 11. Thonao., Alexander Huber, Judge, B. C. Painter haspector, John \Vebbert 1 ssessor, Andrew Shefert, Tax Collector, John Quinkel. School Directors, John C. Dunlap, Andrew Singiser. Auditor, D. J. Carmany Supervisors, John Eberly, John Coovor. Constable, David Lcng THE SOUTH MOUNTAIN IRON CO5l - -avinexed article we clip form the U. S. Railroad and Mining Journal, edited by Thos. S. Fernon, Esq., who is also the President of the South MoUntain Iron Company. The article contains much in formation of local interest and we give it, entire : A Prodigious Hematite Ore Dcposite in the South Mountain, in the Cumberland Val ley, about to be Developed on a Large Scale —lts Proximity to the Harrisburg Fur naces and to the Susquehanna Ore Market. Annexed is a copy of a bill passed at the present session of the Legislature, and ap proved by Gov. Curtin eleven days ago: A Supplement to An Act to incorporate the South Mountain Iron Company, appro ved April 23, 1864. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate, and House of Representatives of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania in General Assem bly met,.and it is hereby enacted by the au thority of the smite: That the provisions of an act to encourage the manufacture of iron with coke or mineral coal, and for other pur poses, passed 16th June, 1886, and the sup plement thereto for manufacturing iron with charcoal, as recited and applied in an act en titled "An Act to incorporate the South Mountain Iron Cowpony," approved the 28d. April, 1864, shall not hereafter be taken or construed to apply to the South Mountain ' Iron, Company ; .but in lieu thereof the said South Mountain Iron Company are hereby .authorized and empowered to grant, bargain and sell land belon*ing to, said company, in such quantity and tor such consideration as Uldy be , agteed upon between the. directors of said company.and the purchaser or pur-':- chasers thereof, and to divide the proceeds of or sales among thostookholders, or ro-invest the same -in other lends, or in the enlargement, of their. works. Section 2.4 That it shall' bo laiftful. for the directors of said company to transport .and vend the products of their lands, Itirnaces, and Works, and to r demise and to let to any poison or persons, upon such terms as may he agreed upon, the right to cut and take s way timber and to mine and carry away troa' oro from the lands of said company. Also to construct, upon such route as may be deemed most expedient and advantageous, a railroad with branches and sidings appro priate thereto, to intersect and connect with the Cumberland Valley Railroad, or with any other railroad now constructed or which may hereafter be constructed in Cumberland county, with authority to operate or lease said railroad, and to borrow money secured by mortgage therbon, * * Section 3. That it shall be lawful for the directors of said company, or a majority of them, to adopt a common seal for the use of the corporation ; and the certificatesof stock, and other official acts, shall be authenticated by affixing the same ; also to enact such by laws as may be necessary for conducting the affairs of the corporation, which by-laws shall not be inconsistent with the constitu tion and laws of this Commonwealth. Section 4. That the present directors of the- South Mountain Iron Company shall con tinue in office until the next annual election, or until their successors are chosen ; and any portion of the capital stack of the South Mountain Iron Company not already appro priated and absorbed in the purchase and ac quisition of lands, buildings, antrhaorks, may be taken and used to build the,Pailroad au thorized by this act, and to erect furnaces and otherwise improve their estate, and enlarge the capacity of their works; and tho stock holders of said company shall be individually liable for all debts due mechanics, workmen and laborers employed by said company. Section 6. That the Legislature reserves the right to amend or repeal this act, in such way, however, as to do no injustice to the stockholders of the South Mountain Iron Company. Approved February 28, 1865. 'Phis brief, compact and comprehensive. bill gives the South Mountain Iron Com pany a charter which covers everything within the probable scope of a corporation having for its object the sale of ore from the 'mine, and the manufacture and manipula tion of charcoal and anthracite iron. The estate of the South Mountain Iron. Company ccmprises about 20;000.acres, con sisting of ore lands, limestone and wood lands, and farms under 'cultivation. These lands aro about 14 miles southward from Carlisle, and about 20 miles west from Har risburg. There are, and long have been in operation on the property, a charcoal fur nace, and also a filrge whence blooms of rare excellence of quality have been sent to mar ket and sold for the highest pi ice. But the area or acres was too large and tho ore beds are too vast for development under individ ual ownership, ou a scale corresponding with the commercial advantages and metalic wealth of a locality so favored and endowed by nature. And hence the South Mountain Iron Company has been organized upon it, so that as ociatod capital may work it in a way to increase its capacity for production and for profit; a matter of easy practical ac complishment, inasmuch as Harrisburg is a hungry market for iron ore, and a place of fast-growing consequence in the Susquehanna iron trade; and it is-a fact of paramount consideration, that the South Mountain Iron Company's ore beds are the foreshadowed sources of future ore supply to the furnaces of * Harrisburg and its neighborhood, because the ore is of tile description of hematites de sired and preferred. The South Mountain Iron Company's ore will undoubtedly com mand a market in and around Harrisburg. With about fourteen miles of railroad con structed from their ore beds to the Cumber land Valley Railroad at Carlisle—a railroad whirls can be built at small cost, the South 165 363 145 237 142 341 170 261 144 854 190 280 143 348 172 257 204 196 2uo 194 195 Mountain Iron Company willenjoy, under facilities which willdcfy competition, direct, short and convenient access to a market al ready impatient for as many tons of their unrivaled hematite ores as there are tons of magnetic ore curried over the North Leb anon Railroad, which is the outlet for the magnetic ore, of the Cornwall hills. Li ltitid the North Lebanon Railroad car ried from the Cornwall hills 196,357 tons of magnetic ore. And on the same quantity of their lure and rich licinatitt , ore, the South Mountain Iron Company will realize a pro fit of at least SIUU,OOO in a year, Which is equal to ten per cent on four millions of dol lar:I: The South Mountain Iron Company, on their 20,000 acres of ore and limestone and wood and farm lands, have a furnace and bloomery in operation. They also hare a re served capital of one million of dollars, which they are authorized to use us described in section four, to develops their splendid es tate. The railroad needed to put their ors banks in communication with tho railroa4 system of theSusquebanna and intersecting valleys, will cost about two hundred thou sand dollars. And so convincing aro the proofs that it can be made a profitable road, that it will be built by or for the South Mountain Iron Company as negotiation may determine. An invitation for proposals to build and operate 14 miles of road from Car lisle to the South Mountain Iron Company's ore banks and ferruginous limestone quar ries, would soon elicit propositions from re sponsible contractors and operators, for the .North Lebanon Railroad, which is an ore road, in 1864 paid thirteen per cent, and did not exhaust its dividend fund. In the use of the reserve fund of one mil lion of dollars, the company will doubtless be governed by a policy founded on an ap preciation of their interest in the premiso and in the prospect. Their means are am ple ; their opportunity could not be impro ved ; and their market is bigger and broad er and deeper than their plans for mining ore, smelting pig, forging blooms, and manipulating their own iron into merchan table shapes. As their ore is in quantity to be measured by millions of tons, the 'company can limit itself mainly to ore supply, to a market al- ways et command ; or it can build new fur- paces, now forges and new mills, and thus become a manufacturing establishment of the rank of the groat iron works which dis tinguish Pennsylvania among the States. In either case financial success is assured, for resources so near market and so easily made available, will be turned to profitable account, by the South Mountain Iron Com- pang HEAD-QUARTERS CO. "D." 78th P. V. I NASUVILLE, TENN., March 9, 1865 At a meeting of Company "D," Capt. T. A. Swartz commanding, held March 9th, a committee was appointed to draft resolutions of respect upon the death of GEORGE GROVE; a member of this Company, when thefollow ing preamble and resolutions ware. unani mously adopted: WHEREAS, It has pleased an unwise Prov idence, in His Divine goodness, to repso o front our midst Quint° follow - member and companion in arms, GEORGE GROVE; there fore, Resolved, 'hat itis with feelings pf sincere sorrow and regret that we hear of the early decease of ono of our number, who but so lately was' among us full of life -and enjoy- - Resolved, That wo tender to the parents and relatives of the deceased our heartfelt sympathy and condolence in .this their-hour of affliction in the loss so far from: home of ono so dear. Resolved, That in the death; of PAPROA Gnoyn, this Company has lost ono of its best and most faithful members, and tho.cotintry one of its. oungest and most devoted defetid. ere, who though not Wing arriVeqAtog Tribute of Respect.