Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, March 03, 1865, Image 4

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It was a bleat wintry day. Heavy
snow drifts by piled up in the streets of
New York, and the whole appearance of
the city was cold and dismal.
Seated upon ) the stops of oue of the
large dWellings on Fifth Avenue, was a
boy apparently thirteen years of ago. He
was, literally clothed in rags, and his
hands were blue, and his teeth chattered
With oold. Lying upon his knee was a
newspaper he had picked up in the street,
and he was trying to read the words upon
it—He had been occupied thus for some
time, when two girls clad in silks and
furs, came towards him. The eldest one
was about twelve years old, and so beau
tiful that the poor boy raised his eyes and
fixed them upon her in undisguised ad
- The child of wealth stopped before him
and turning to her companion exclaimed:
"Marian, just see this feller on my
sterna Boy, what are you doing here ?"
"I am trying to learn to read upon this
little bit of paper," answered the boy.
The girl laughed derisively and said:
" Well, truly I I have heard of intellect
in rags, Marian, and here it is personified."
Marian's Soft hazel eyes filled with
tears as she replied:
"Oh, Louise do not talk so, you know
that Miss Fannie teaches us at school.
"Tho rich and poor meet together, and
the Lord is the Maker of them all."
Louise laughed again, and said to the
boy: "Get up from here you shall not
mit on my steps, you are too ragged and
The boy arose and •a blush crimsoned
his hied. He was walking away, when
Marian said
Don't go little bo . y, you are so cold;
come to my house and get warm. "Oh,
do come," she continued, as ho hesitated;
and he followed her into, a large hitch_
en, where a bright warm fire was shedding
its genial warmth around.
" Well, Miss Marian, who are you bring
ing here now?" asked the servant woman.
"A poor boy, who is almost perished;
you will let him get warm," will you not
Rachel ?
"Oh, he shall warm; sit here little boy,
and Rachel pushed a o: air in front of
the stove; she then gave him a piece of
bread and meat.
Marian watched these arrangements,
and then glided from the room; when she
returned, she had a primer, and the first
rudiments of reading and spelling• Go
ing to the boy she said:
4‘. Little boy, here is a book that you
can learn to read from better than a piece
of paper--
Do you know your letters ?"
"Some of them, but not all. I never
bad anybody to teaoh me. I just learned
myself; but oh, I want to read so badly."
Marian sat down beside him, and began
teaching him his letters. She was so
busily engaged in this work that she did
not see her mother enter the room, nor
hear Rachel explain about the boy ; nor
she did not know that her mother stood
some time behind them, listening to her
noble child teaching the beggar boy his
There were but a few that he had not
already learned himself, and it was not
long before Marian bad the satisfaction
of hearing him repeat the alphabet.
When he arose to go, ho thanked Ra
chel for her kindness, and offered Marian
her book.
"No, I don't want it. I have given it
to you to learn to read from. Won't you
tell me your name?"
"Jimmie," be replied.
"I will not forget you, Jimmie, you
must always remember Marian Hayes,"
was the little girl's farewell.
Louise Gardner and Marian Hayes were
playmates and friends. Their dwellings
joined, and almost every hour of the day
they were together, for they attended the
same school. These two children were
very different diapositioned, and very die-
ferently brought up. Louise was proud
and haughty. Poverty in her eyes was a
disgrace and a crime, and she thought
nothing too severe for the poor to suffer.
These views she learned from her mother.
Mrs. Gardner moved in one exclusive cir
ole—.the bon ton of New York. With-
out its precincts she never ventured, for
all others were beneath her. Louise was
taught to mingle with no children, except
those of her mother's friends, and was
growing up believing herself even better
than they.
The teaching that Marian Hayes reoeiv.
ed was totally different from this. Mrs.
Hayes was acknowledged as one of her
particular friends; yet though she moved
in thateirolo, she was far from being one
of them. •Her doatrine was the text her
little girl had used. "The rioh and poor
meet together, and the Lord is the Maker
of them all." This she taught Marian,
there was no distinction in wealth or po
sition; that the distinction was in worth
alone, She taught her to reverence age,
and to pity the poor and
that pleasant words were as sweet as hon.
oy comb, sweet to thevul, a little kind-
nese was better than money. Marian
learned the lesson well, and was ever
ready to dispense her gentle words to all,
whether they were wealthy and influen-
tial 4 pr ragged and indigeat iw the boy
A: gay and brilliant throng were mom
bled. in the oity of Washington. Congress
was in session, and the hotels were orowd
ed, with, strangers. It was an evening
party. The brilliantly lighted rooms were
filled With youth and beauty.
-, Standing near one of the doors were
two Young Wks, busily engaged convers
ing together. The elder of the two mud.
Only, exola
91), Marian; have 7- you,iietiliii3 - iiell
member from Wr,
fille t butt beard a great deal about
140 a.."
" Oh, want to see him so badly. Mrs.
N., is .going to introduce him to 11/3.
wish she would make baste, I have no
"Don't speak so, Louise, I wish you
would not be so trifling," said Marian.
A singular smile played around the
mouth of a tall, handsome gentleman who
was standing near the girls; and as he
passed them he scanned them both very
In a short time, Mre. N—came up
with Mr. Hamilton. the new member, and
presented him to Miss Gardner and Miss
Hayes. As they were conversing together,
Mr. Hamilton said:
"Ladies, we have met. before."
But Louise and Marian declared their
ignorance of the fact.
"It has been long years ago, yet I have
not forgotten it, nor a single sentence ut
tered during that meeting. I will quote
one that may recall it to your memory—
" The rich and the poor meet together,
but the Lord is the maker of them all."
The rich blood tinged the cheeks of
Marian, but Louise still declared herself
ignorant as before. Mr. Hamilton glanced
for a tnornent at Marian, then turning to
Louise be said :
"Long years ago, a little boy, ragged
and dirty, seated himself upon the steps
of a stately dwelling on Fifth Avenue,
New York, and was busily engaged try
ing to read from a bit of paper, when his
attention was attracted by two girls rich
ly dressed. The eldest of the two par
ticularly attracted him, for she was ae
beautiful as an angel; but as they came
near to him, she lifted up her hand and
"Boy, what are you doing here?"
"The boy answered that he was trying
to read; The child of affluence derided
him, and said she had heard of intoned
in rags, and that he was the very person
ideation of it. Her companion's answer
was, " The rich and poor meet together,
and the Lord is the Maker of them all."
The older girl drove the boy away from
her steps, but the younger one took him
into her house, and warmed and fed hini
there. When they parted, the girl said,
"you must not forget Marian Hayes."—
And, Miss Hayes, be never has forgotten
her. That ragged, dirty boy is now be
fore you, ladies, as Mr. Hamilton, the
member of Congress; and allow me, Miss
Hayes, to tender my thanks . to you for
the kind treatment of that boy."
Overwhelmed with confusion, Louise
knew not what to say or do.
In pity of her, Mr. Hamilton arose and
turning to Marian, said:
"I will see you again, Miss Hayes,"
and ho left them.
Louise would not stay in the city, where
she daily met Mr. Hamilton, and in a few
days returned to New York, leaving Ma
rian, with the consciousness of having
dune nothing to be ashamed of, and enjoy
ing the society of distinguished*Congress
Marian and Mr. Hamilton were walk
ing together one evening, when the latter
drew from his bosom an old and well worn
primer, and handed it to Marian.
"From this," he said, "the man who
is so distinguished here first learned to
read. Do you recognize the book?"
Marian trembled, and did not raise her
eyes, when she saw the well remembered
book. Mr. Hamilton took her hand and
"Marian, Jimmie has never forgotten
you. Since the day you were so kind to
him and gave him this book his life has
been one great aim, and tlat was to attain
to greatness, and in after years that min
istering angel who was the sweetner of my
days of poverty. When I left your house
with this book I returned to m:,, home ten
times happier, and went assiduously to
work to learn to read. My mother was
an invalid and ere long I learned well e
nough to read to her.
"When my mother died, I found good
friends, and was addpted by a gentleman
in W—. As his son I have been ed- .
ucated. A year ago he died and left his
property to me. Of all the pleasant mem
ories of my boyhood, the one connected
with you is the dearest. I have kept this
primer next to my heart, and dwelt upon
the hope of again meeting the giver. I
have met her. I seo all that my imagi
nation pictured, and I ask if the dear
hand that gave me this book cannot be
mine forever 7"
Louise felt deeper grief than ever when
Marian told her she was to become the
wife of Mr. Hamilton, the poor boy whom
she onoo spurned from her door and de.
naively called "intellect in rags." But she
learned a severe lesson, and ono that soon
changed the *hole current of her life.,
For a while she shunned Mr. Hamilton:
but by persevering kindness be made her
feel easy in his presence, and nhe became
the aekno , a lodged friend of the Congress
man and his noble wife.
Years have passed since then, and
Louise is training up a family of little
ones; but she is teaching them to despise
not intellect in rags, but to be guided by
Marian's text—" The rich and the poor
meet together, and the Lord is the Makei
of them all."
170.. Twenty-six substitutes tuntielle4_
their escape from the New Haven conscript
M. The Superintendent of the Pacifto
Railroad receives a salary of 610,000 per
MARY, 4 Pl4n A llavea his life by'not
fearing to lose it, many . man lone
life by being over anxious to save
xiir A little explained, a little endutd
a little passed over as a foible, and so,
the jagged atoms will fit like sniobth
mosaic. ' - -
to the siok souls grow •whit° as wall as
oliooks; ono
..ilYl..goep in as a- nurie , niet
COO out an angel. ,- • ,
&London parish, of most exemplary con
duet, was accustomed to remonstrate very
freely with any of his people whose life
was not what skauldlaire . beeis.: :They
wished email to get rid Of hic,.bit could
find no pretext for complaint, either to
the rector , . -oV . 7,bishex).-,: They 0 therefore
bit upon this cunning plan: they drew up
and signed a memorial to the bishop,
setting forth the admirable character of
the curate lamenting that his eminent
worth should not be rewarded, and earn
estly recommending hiM for preferment.
Soon after, this very living ; quite unex
pectedly became vacant, whereupon the
bishop, considering how acceptable as
well as deserving he appeared to be, pres
ented him with it informing him of the
memorial. The good man thanked his
people with tearful eyes, rejoicing that
they had taken in good part his freedom
of speech, and assuring them that lie
wbuld continue all his life the course
that had won their approbation.
A WITTY fellow at an alehouse called
for a glass of the refreshing beverage.—
After drinking it, he said to the landlady,
with the air of one who has a great eecret
to communicate, " Missue, I'll tell you
how you can sell a gr:eat deal more than
you do." How is that ?" she asked—
Don't sell so much froth."
"TALKIN' of law," says Pompey "makes
me think of what the 'mortal Cato, who
lib' most of n thousand years ago, once
said—the law is like a groun' glass win
der, that gives light enuff to light up poor
mortals ih de-dark'passage-of-lifel—butit
would puzzle do old gentleman hinisOlf to
see troo it."
is said that the rose of Florida, the most
beautiful of flowers, emits no fragrance;
the bird of Paradise, the most beautiful
of birds, gives no song; the cypress of
Greece, the finest of trees, yields no fruit;
dandies, the shiniest of men, have no
sense; and ball-room belles, the loveliest
creatures in the world, are very often ditto
—only more so!
A PERSON visiting Luton copied the
followingsingular inscription from a grave
atono there
"Reader, I have left a world in which
1 had a world to do;
Sweating and fretting to be rich,
Just such a fool as you."
A GARRULOUS FOP, who had annoyed
by his invidious remarks his partner in
the ball-room, among other empty things
asked whether " she had ever bad her
ears pierced!" "No was the reply; " but
I have often had them Lord."
Pou•rtc JUSTICE- A lady who had
refused to give after hearing a charity
sermon, had her pock( t picked as she
was leaving the church. On making
the discovery, she sail—" God couid not
find the way to Lny pocket, but the devil
CALLING NA Al H.-A placard in a win
dow of a patent medicine vender in the
Rue St. Honore, Paris, reads as follows:
"The public are requested not to mistake
this shop for that of another quack just
IT is SAID that "Othello" was lately
performed in Hayti by a company of negro
actors, and that the part of Othello" was
taken by a black man Who painted his
face white.
Prtont,ENt —Find the amount
of a judge's " charge" to a jury, and the
"summing up" of the evidence. The
auswer is to be given " figures of
IT Is charitably supposed that many
of our young woo in New York are partial
to getting their clothes on trust because
it is more to their credit.
us_ Some ladies use :paint as fillers
do rosin—to aid them in drawing a beau
Death bath nothing terrible in
it but what life bath made •so.
Critics complain of a want of orig
ivality iu poetry. Poets way well coin
plain of a want of originality in criticism
"Health - and Happiness "to the Sons and
Daughters of Affection !"
Dr. Collins'
Coughs, Colds, Sore Threat, Croup, Bron
chitis, Asthma, and all similar complaints.
Inghave spent years in selecti
the herbs
from vegetable kingdom, to find out the kiOds best
adopted to suit diseases of human family and I now
have it complete. Every Bottle •Warranted. , Try it!
Try It I
The object of this Medicine is to soothe and ease the
Cough; to dissolve the congealed phlegm that adheres
and sticks to the throat, which extites halting, haw
king,and coughing ; to relieve the irritation In the
throat, which IS produced by catching a id on the
slightest exposure. It eipectorates the deseaeed mat
ter that has accumulated in the Lunge which retards
and oppresses the pespitatury or breathing organs,
hash: and nourishes the lungs and bronchial tubes.
This medicine gives tone to the stomach, it purifies
and circulates the blood, which causes oppression of
the chest andldiffiCulty in breathing,
Good Newe for Mothertraisti Children—Here Is the
sufferer's balm : keep it in your family, sickness comes
as thief In the night, and,ypur child Is suffocated by
the awful disease, Croup, or similar complaints. More
Is a perventativo—it is nature's friend.
TO TAKE. Keep it In your Families. Price fiff Cents
and $lOO per Bottle.
Also, Dr. COLLIS' Dandelion Pills and Liver Invigo
rator, for the curo of Live Complaint,Dyspepida, Dis
eases of the Kidneys, Fever and Ague, Ac.
Dr. COLLINS has also for sale 14s INDIAN PAIN
KILLER, for the cute tit ifeadachm Toothache,Rheu
matism, Neuralgia, Pain in the Beek, Side or Stomach,
Cramp, Cholla, Frosteciir_oot or Ears,Fresh Cuts,
Sprains, Bruises, Diarrhationd Oes complaints;
SALVE. The Salve heals Bores or Droakings Out on
the Face, drawSfirht Atop T• urns: warranted to
cure sealed or-TM - B
Oreast& The'Bye Wash cures Sore
or Inflamed Eyes, An.
the medicines are prepared and told by
COLlHNS;ltt i llati - Medians Nan,
Near the Corner of Third St. and Strawberry Alley.
ataiiCtilePritg_ tore.Of_L_2.L.:____.- ;
JOS. 13. HAVERSTICK , Carlisle.
All orders should be addressed to Dr S. Collins, Har
Dec. : • ..
tinsiness Dep Co artment—Dickinson
nitfaciANTrfi canal).
HE design of this Institution is to
afford ibtskulasalolittl9l44 a tlmuustßpractioal
bus nese ciihichtloit " 4
Commodious apartmonts in Dickinson College, Car.
- lisle, l'a., which are now being put in most excellent
condition, *ill be opened for Students the NINE
TEENTH of JaHUAItY, 1805.
Th q-- 1 7PVP , PArintinits ItAli4.llo.lPtdertr,:stlPorri
-kind orm coMpotony lottruffere; ' For articulars
'inquire of - President - Johnion or the unders gm/.
Bend for a Circular.
H. A. OIIIIIKAN, Principal.
January 0,1005.
AMIABLE Pres e n is for all qt, Haver,_
atick's Drug, Book and Pam Moro
AVE, the undersigned, respectfully in
form outftlends and the publlegeeetally, the
we have opened a •
N-ew Sky-Light
In tho now second story over the frame, buildings
located a few doors south of the Post Office, and nearly
opp os it e A. VV. Dents's store, South Hanover street.—
e have constructed this Gallery according to our
taste, and flatter ourselves In saying we have far the
best arranged light iu town. To aged, infirm and dell
cote persons, we will say this Gallery Is much easier
of accestrthan any in this place, being located on the
second story, and the story beneath being low, there
Is not such n toworof stops to ascend.
Haring procured the assistance of an experienced
operator, and purchas,d the beet and latest improved
apparatus, we are prepared to produce pictures equal
to any other establishment, not excelled by Now York
or Philadelphia. Such as
Extra Whole Size Photographs,
Cartes De Visite,
Ambrotypcs and Ferrotypes,
We shall also Introduce a now picture to this vlclnl
ty In such unbounded demand In the atlas, called the
One dozen taken at one sitting at the low price of
$1 50 per dozen. Pictures Inserted In Lockets, Rings,
and Pins. and copicdor enlarged from old Daguerreo
types. Ambrotypos, Clec...te Mao, for sale a Pilo lot of
Pletur* Frames and Alburtis We hope by a strict at
tention to business and a desh o
.to please, to receive
our share of the public patronage. Do not forget
the place. a few doors south of the Post Office. South
Hanover Street. H. H. GROVE, At SOS.
Der. 2, 1004—tf.
J. BOAS'S . Store,
Opposite the Carlisle Deposit Bank
Would you buy your hats right cheap
Please call at Boas' store,
In North llanoyer street he keeps
Ills name is on (ho door.
There Ladies, Men and Children too
Are fitted nil the while,
Ills hats aro good, and have proved true;
No better in Carlisle.
Caps Par Soldiers, Men and B o ys
You all can hero obtain,
For Ladies nod for Childruns furs
You need not not in vain.
. o , 4 .W.MaßiaOlißlaiglArW.9 l .l.9.XMasxrraazono. - aairea.,
All neatly made and warm;
Fine woolen Shirts and woolen Drawer
For comfort in the storm,
Vests, Jackets, Hose, Neckties and Scarfs—
All these be keeps to sell,
Whips, comforts, canes and notions too
Too numerous to tell.
Satchels and traveling 13askets for Ladles, market
and school Baskets, Carpet Bags and Valises. The
largest assortment of Trunks kept at any house In
town. A large vat lay of tloullemen's Gloves. A very
large assortment of woolen shirts,
Tabacco and Segue &c., &c. Please call and see his
stock or g ,ode. J. BOAS', Agent.
November 4, 1861.—.3m.
NEWS! . •
y & MILLER are just re
LA , eivin g at their new and cheap stare, on the south
east, corner of Male atm.!, their first supply of
Fall and Winter Goods,
o which they invite the special attention of every
person in want of (Mock desirable for the pre.ent and
coming Season. The stock comprises all kinds and
varieties of
such as Plain Mack, Figured and Repp Filims, Plain ar.d
Figured colored Drys Silk,, and colors French 31,1n05.
French Cashmeres, plain, and figured, Coburg Cloths,
all shades -and colw, bled: and colored Alpacna, plain
and figured all Wool Mous Del.:tines. suitable for ladle,
and l hildren's Dr,ses, Mohair Vale solos
American DeLaines. Caliroes, Gimzhants, &o.
Mourning Goods.
Black French Marione, French Cashmeres, double
and eingle width all Wool Def./does, hlbhelt Ilerinec
Boman:Anse, Crape Poplins, black and xhlle Plaid Pop
lins. black or d purple Plaid Cashmeres, long square
and thibhet Shawls. long and square Blanket Shawls.
Crape Veils, Crape Collars, Ilandkerchlers,oloves, Bat
mom's, No„
Black and colored loth. Llackand fancy easslsmeres.
all grades and qualities, l'et.tings, Sat*Mots, Llano.
Ca,simeres Kentucky Jeans, `Shirting Flannels, Merino
Shirts and Drawers, k., km. A speciol arrangement
made witl. a first class TAILOR to mate up Clothing at
very short notice.
Domestic Goods;
Bleached and Unbleached Muslins of every quality,
Sheeting Musl lan. Follow-case Mashies. Linen and
ton Table Diapers; kings, Cheeks, Striped Cotton
skirting, Dem ims, Domestic Olugharns, Scotch fling
hams, Sack Flannel f every color, Shirting Flannels.
Feetory and Shaker Flannel, for Skirtings. red. } el lore
Vnd %yhl to W, s d Flannels. ('anion Flannels, Or s jiteeest,
01-red. en mbrie, and paper M usll no. Drilling Nankeens
and Twiny (Aber rinds in .very day use.
)(OWN Ilunn ver Bock Gloves and Gauntlets, Berlin
Cloth, I: int:wend, Castdmere and llogskln ()loves. La
dies KIS. Cloth. :Merino, Silk. Lialethread and P,otlo
Gloves, a full as ortment I.f rotten and snarl Hosiery
for Men, Ladles ind Chit Iron, Balmoral NVoolen Gus
for Ladles Misses and Children. I , pern Hoods. all site.
and colors. Soros Suspenders. :?on tagsOloeped Skirts,
Balmoral Skirts. thohernilas, etc., S r .
Also. jUKt. orsinlut; 8 etanplete stork of Ihr newest
styles Cloth Cl,alts. and Ihnoket :shawls C'arpets, (II
Cloths, )littlingE, Window Shades, Looking classes
As the se ,son advances we *lll constantly be mak
ing additions to our stork, and will al we, s endeavor to
make 011 r cinch the most desirable, that can be fi.und
In the country. Feeling very thankful to :he commu
nity far their kind and literal patronage so far extend
ed to tho Now Firm, we eat neatly soli dts continuance
of tile same. Please, give tin a .11 before matting your
purchases as wo are al ants ready and willing to exhlt..
It our goods. and rate and will prove tin t we study the
lilt eruct of our enstomers.
Plena,. do not forzrt that o•irStore loon the corner,
dl rectly oppoA to Irvin 1.1 . hoe Store..
. .
Sept.l6 1864
Burt's Rat and Mouse, 'Roach and Bed
Bug Destroyer
HIS popular and reliable article for
1. destroying vernilne-elirrold be used by all wrong
troubled aitS such pests. It never tails, sold In Car
lisle at Elliott's Dreg, Ilaverstick's, rug h Book
Store and by D. Ralston, Druggist. k. V. BERT,
13 North Eleven Street, Philadelphia.
Pile., 25 ctr per boa (Large Size.)
Nov.C. ISC4.—ly
HE Public can find, at our new
Grocery Store, [n the Building lately occupied by
Ph lip Arnold, deed., and neat door to the Carlyle De.
prat Bank, a very largo and fresh assortment of all the
different kinds and gruden of
TOGS, Coffee Essences,
Coffees. Soaps
Syrups, Candles,
Molasses, Salt,
Spices, Pickles,
-Sugars, Preserves,
Prepared Canned,
Col Tue in Fruits,
Papers, Joiles,
Vegetables Cranberries,
and Meals, !Canine,
Pe epared - Dried '
llt usterds,fr l ,,, Currents,
Sauces. ', Dried
Cryckers, Fruits,
Cheese, Nute, .
sweet Fegarsi'
Cakes, Snuff, 1
ALSO—Rice, Barley, Starch, Farina, Corn Starch, Cere
alione, Maseina, Macaroni, Vermicelle, Asurnea,
Prunes, Concentrated Lye Bologna Sausage,
Table and other Oils, Nutmegs, Arcking,
Beeswax, Chocolate, Cocoa, Tie Yarn,
Lamp and Candle Wick, Bath
Brit k, Clotbee Lines, Bed
Cords, Spice Boxes Paper
and Envelops, Mato 1.1 es ,
Pewter Sand, otovo polish Fin
voting Extracts Spigots'', Pens, Inks,
Brimstone, Mackerel. Shad, Salmon, Herr
ing and Codfleh. ALSO—the celebrated Ex
celsior llama, Mrled Beef and Tongues, Rugs, and
Matte, Shot and Lead, l<rushes, Brooms and Whips,
W A R E. •
We respertrally ask the public to call, examine and
Price our 4arge and carefully-selootced stock of NNE
YANII,I( Qtwordq.C.S. We buy, DO kinds of Country
Produce. • JAMB M. ALLEN A, 00.
• 0ct..1.4,1813d—1y
Jost received a large assortment of ell sizes—
Guoi Belting, Gum Hose, Gum d'acking i &e., and for
sale cheap at the Hardware Store of
Juno 25,1964
1147Abl r E.S.,&QO 'rim: Ha mils on hail!"
of all hindp. Elizabethtown pattern, J.op.don
do., Cornwall dO., with and'without patent.faathoing
ohospor than over at 11..84.XT0N'8, East Main at.
July 1.1884. , . •' •
,„ ,
A . ' ' ' A. -
• PORIUSI, tko. 920' . Oheistruit 'St.', Philadelphia.
' 0 % OPEN—ParLAllado . `• •
, . • MANTILLAS . and : CLOAKS.
Also• SPRING 'and SlnfliElt GASMIOSTS, of oar'
oral Manufacture, of tholAtest _Stiles -add-in—great
yatiety.' . : - - - • • : • • •-•
, • - , .:4: W. PROCTOR & Co.,-
• .111antIlla.Empoilum; ?
.... 02% OUri§'EN UT . StrCO. I • '
--- '' . . ---- PitlLAliltlialii.k. , :'•;• . ----•: .-:-•
1470, 4 . 7- --
"i TO YOUNG nitS
Just publis e in tkSealed-Envolopo. PfiCo Sic Cents
RADICAL Cure of SpormatOrrhoea or Seminal Weak
ness, luvoluntary Emimlone, Sexual Debility, and Im
pendimenti to :Oarriage generally. Nervousness, Con
sumption,. Epilepsy, and Pits; Mental and Physical
Incapacity, resulting from Self-Abuse, lte. By itOIrT
J. OIILYERWELL, M. D., Author cf the "Green
Rook," &c.
The world renowned author, in this admorable Lec
ture' clearly proves from his own experience that the
awful consequences .1 Self Abuse may be effectually
removed without medicine, and. without dangerous
surgical operations, boogies, instrum. nte, rings, or
nor ,ials, pointing out a mode of cure at once certain
and effootual, by which every sufferer, no matter what
his condition my be, may cure himself cheaply, pri
vately, add radically. TIIIS LE Tutu: WILL PROVE
Sent under seal, to any address, In a plain, sealed
onvelope, on the receipt of six cents or two pnatage
stamps, by addressing CHAS. J. 0. KLINE & CO.
167 Bowery, New York, Post-Office Box, 4586
Oct. 14, 1864.
Trig peculiar taint or
infection which we call
CROFULA lurks in
le constitutions of
mnltitudes of men. It
N tit iVir ' either produces or is
produced by nn en
feelded, vitiated state
fr r , ~::.7.?Ragt. •° • o f the
blood, wheiTin
tilP,kA , ' h4itlint fluid becomes in
baconif:etent to sustain
5165115 the tel forces in their
yi g ormis action, and
: wrk 4 -., ,,- ,7• 7 „,, , ,. , 1ett‘e, the system to
bill into disorder and
deray. Tlic scrofulous
contamination is varionsly (limed by mercurial
disease, low living, disordered digestion from
unhealthy food, impure air, filth and filthy
habits, the depressing, vices, and, above all, by
the venereal infection. Whatever be its origin,
it is hereditary in the constitution, descending
"from parent , to children unto the third unit
fourth' generation ; " indeed, it seems to be the
rod of Ilim who says, " I is ill visit the iniqui
ties of the fathers upon their children." The
diseases which it originates take various names,
according to the organs it attaiks. In the
lungs, Scrofula produces tubercles, end finally
Consumption in the gland., swellings which
suppurate and become ulcerous sores; in the
stomach and bowels. derangemlits which pro
dtieb ,
dyspepcda, told liver com
plaints, on the skin, eruptive and cutaneous
affections. .These all having the same origin,
invigoration of the hlood. Purify the blood,
and these dangerous distempers leave you.
With feeble, foul, or corrupted blood, yon can
not have health ; with tlmt •• life of the flesh "
healthy,-you cannot have , scrofulous di ease.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
is comphunded from the most cfflectual anti
' dotes that medical science-has discovered for
this afflicting- distemper, and for the cure the
disorders it entails. That it is far supei sir to
any other remedy yet devised. is Isnom it by all
who have given it a trial. That it dues com
bine virtues truly extraordimtry in their effect
upon this class of complaints, is indisputably
proven by the great' multitude of publicly
known and remarkable cures it has made of
the following diseases : King's Evil or
Glandular Swellings, Tumors, Erup
tions, Pimples, Blotches and Sores, Ery
sipelas, Rose or St. Anthony's Fire, Salt
Rheum, Scald Head, Coughs from tu
berculous deposits in the lungs, White
Swellings, Debility, Dropsy, Neuralgia,
Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Syphilis and
Syphilitic Infections, Mercurial Diseases,
Female Weaknesses, and, indeed, the whole
series of complaints that arise from imputity
of the blood. Minute report:: of individual
case may be found in AvEß's Am RICAN
ALMANAC, Whi , li is furnished to the druggists
fur gratuitous distribution, _wherein. entry he
learned the directions for its use, and ,07ne of
the remarkable cures whii It it has made mlien
all other remedies had lei:, d to affliril relief'
'l'ho,o are purposely taken trim all sec.
don; of the country, in tird.•r Ih,,t c% cry reader
may have ak•eess to some one eau speak to
hint of its benefits from personal experience.
Set ofula depresses the vital energies. tind thus
leaves its victims far more subject disease
and its fatal results than are healthy
Ilenre it tends to shorten, and does
greatly shorten, the average duration of human
life. The vast importance of those cousidera_
tiOtui has led its to spend years in perfecting a
reenedy which adequate to its (-tire. This
we now offer to the public under the name Of
AYmes SARSAPARILLA, although] it is com
powil of ingredients, some of which exceed the
best of Sirsdparilla in alterative power. By
its aid you may protect yourself from the suffer
ing and danger of these disorders. Purge out
the foul effiruptions that rut and fester in the
blood; purge out the causes of disease, and
vigorous health will hdlow. By its pecitlinr
virtues this remedy stimulates the vital func
tions, and duet expels the distempers which
lurk within the system or burst out on any
part of it.
We know the public have been deceived by
many eompounds of Sarspat dirt, that promised
much and did nothing; but they will neither be
(leeched nor dis.tppointed in this. Its virtues
have been proven by nbundant trial, and there
remains no question of its sin prcfsing excellence
for the fure of the afflicting diseases it is in
tended to reach. Although tinder the same
name, it is a very different medicine from any
other which has Leen before the people, and is
far more effectual than any other which hag
over been available to them.
A. -, z,p, , s
The World's Groat Remedy for
Coughs, Colds, Incipient Con
sumption, and for the relief
of Consumptive patients
in advanced stages
of the disease.
This has been so long used and so univer
sally known, that we need do no more than
ai , sure the public that its quality is kept up to
the best it over has been, and that it may be
relied on to do all it has ever done.
Prepared by Da. J. C. AYER & CO.,
Practical and Analytical Chemists
Lowell, Mass.
Sold by all druggists everywhere.
Sold by J. W. ELLIOTT, Oarlisle, and deal
ers everywhere.
HEILMAN, Attorney at Law,
ra. Noxt door to thu llornld 0111 co
July 1, 1861—ly.
TAMES A. DUNBAR, Attorney at
!mar:Carl file, Pa. Office on the SP uth eldo or the
Court House, adjoining the "American Printing Office."
July 1, 11364-Iy.
M. WEAKLEY, Attorney at Law,
t r. (Miro on south Efanover street, adjoining the
Mike ofJutlgn Graham. All professional business en
trusted to him will be promptly attended to.
July 1, 1864.
►..7at Law. 081 co with' Ilon., §alnuel,Llapburn, Main
St. earllalo Pa,
July 1, 1864.
n LAUGHLIN, AttoruoY at Law, Mao In
JUstupposltt the Market !louse.
July 1, 1864-Iy.
rl P. HUMERICH, Attorney at Law
kJ. Office on North ilanover street, a fow doors
north °Mills Hotel. All business entrusted to him
will be promptly attended to.
July 1, 1804. .
vieZt t r i
Pomiretkreet few doors' ear • - .
belo.w..oopth liguoyer_et
ecTOSEPELEITNER,,Jr.,.. Attorney 'at .
. Law and Survivor ldectounlothurg, Pei. Office on
I all , ttoad Strout. two doors north of- the Bank.
cE9..Buslnoßs promptly attended to. =., -• '• -••
July 1.1864.- ..; . , , , ~.. • ~.
~ ,•
G".,„W-L-NEIDICH T . D. D. S.-
Tito Demonstrator of Operative Dotitistrinf
• - Baltimore College of
• 'Dental Surgery - .
• NOVA Willie at his resitlento
,opgosite Dation Dail, West Allittiatrot, Oat lialo, Pa.
S. .
i pen tlat, frord the BOP
-111011:901bige of Derltal Surgery. • •
, -ivy-001re nt • timi .resbleuee 01 ble motior,'
•Louther elrvel,•three doors below Bedford.. ,• ,
July 1.8(14...., • ; • • ••• •, 1
Pfindit to thoii'Od
x Vantage to call and purchase thalr ltled/clac'F; At:
July 1,1864
•131illitZHOOVBR i AttoOey
t--eattlavr-Ofitcoin ScruitrilanoTerstresti opposite
tips'n dry gopil eito?loptotoi, Y 4 o
.., •
.N 8 w Frnm
THE subscribers would respectfully
announce to the public? that having purchased
&aisle Forgo, formerly owned by :qr. J. Goodyear,
we have commenced the manufacture and wlll , keep
constantly ou hood all sizes of the best quality of
We will give prompt attention to all orders, whether
froth a distance or nt home.
Thu highest Cash prices paid for old wrought Iron
SCRAPS, delivered at the Forgo. at the Railroad bridge,
In Carlisle. WEAVER dt BRICKER.
Carlisle, May 13, 1.804—1 y
Carpetings and Oil Cloths.
TSOW receiving at Ogilby's cheap cash
store, a lot of Ingrain, Venetian, Hemp, Rag,
and Stair
Also, Floor OIL CLOTH'S all widths, which will ‘bo
sold for the cash at the lowest rates.
OWLS. 00 ILOY, Trustee.
March 4, ISM
Fourth Arrival of New Goods
have just returned front the cities with a large
addition of
All fibres suited for the season. A beautiful line of
laidles. Coates and Basques, Lace Points, arena
dine. hawls, Lars %I itta. Hojans' Celebrated Kid Gloves,
Parasols, Sun Umbrellas, Fans, Ribbons, flats fir
Ladles and' !loop Skirts, and a general assort
ment of seasonable goods.
Also Rolling cheap a huge lot of OLD GOODS much less
than pcesnnt prices.
Please call one door below Martin's Hotel, Bost Mein
Juno 10, labl
Great Reduction in Dry Goods,
(AWING- to the recent heave fall in
the price of Gold I have determined to redtice
every Article is my immenre stock of Dry Goods to a
corresponding price with the precibus metal, end intend
to make still further reducCens.from tine to Ilme as
Gild recedes in price. kly extensive stock has been
mainly purchased at low prices end befire the great
advance in goods I take this opportunity of calling
the attention of the public to the notice, as I can and
will soil lower than any House outside the Eastern
Call and Examine for yourselves. Remember the
old stand bout!, Hanover street below thaCourt House.
et, Q i i ) M67-I,lMb if).f.tetw,
ANT - finlessle and retail Dealers in Fan•
y ey Dry Goods, Trimmings, Notions &c., North
west corner el 111l110Vor and Pomfret streets Carlisle
l'a , would respeetfd Ily announce to the Public that
they ha ve just returned run the Ito stern Cites wiih
I,,rge : ‘ndor Goods consisting In
n3rt la, es, Jf itte, Ceiln, Crapes, Cravats,
I l.§ops, Nutlias, :11atvis. Handkerchiefs, Suspenders.
,hit Cc. Bra.. or:, !telt, 1,, d I ;ents Collars, Bind
ings, Cords, Muttons. Combs, Needles, Sowing Silks,
Is, Paper, Pens. Perfumery, Cigars &c., &c.
Vie Nvouhi pal ticularly invite the attention of
Cua ii try 111 creli an ta,
to our stork. ns In the matter of prices, as well as in
oth• r imp l taut parlieulars. we enjoy this great ad
van ta,:e. viz . 0,10 branch 01 our henna and member of
our firm I,ated In Philadelphia. and always pre
pared to take ad v.i utage of every fluctuation. lu the
tea nix lentie with wholesale purchaeors end
unuqua I I ildilvellit.itto 01irrod, L., buyers of every close.
Ca I and • siuuiuv our stuch.
Oct. 1 I. 1,1'4.
New Stock of Hats and Caps
A - o).th 11,,iocer
splProlid as , ort mon t of all the new
.it, I or :• 1 11 1 c. : - ‘louch. Soft it Straw
~ ..1111 fro, ma" 11., Cu re which will
iii• . 1.1 .1. •Inn la pti , e,,st huts ,'I all quni-
I/nai :Ina Nutria. In the cheap•
•it w,d. n o I „i (• d Ly toy this
shin Of
Pal in thorn. Asti 1, India rallaralt, and
ro, 1 .i.,.ortmen'. oi di tit. elliklreTlS
•111 , n' . ..•seriptlott.tiol,d,)
111 • z l'sc it, all t, can t s nod exalllno lilt
11. is; pinctdcal II ,1t55. by lonk •ultidrnt
N ILI .4 'ihnt.lo,ll l's 111 ,, liberni pltsou
1,0 In• Sol: it, a •a•Il tin uanon of
ti/b 1..11 I WO. LI, , tand. doors al,ve
Ii ri Gel 11, eI no.,t t , l orotArk', • hoe . 4dr..
.11111 N A. 10 . 1,1,1 . :1:. Agt.
N of 111 kinds itindo 1 , 1 nr•lns .hoct 1,11.t0.
sr_ .1/3/EL!
Alt(11+: OF FRESH
ES-1 , 1,11 oF ALL KINDS.
A which is a Lugo I It of rrat
v WOE. II FM: ING, , g 11: 1.‘,1 , 1%, MACK ARM,
riics•ii that, Is rually astouiiaii ogly low. Plekels of
kiu Is.
and a gond ass, Linen L of
t the tor, ht I a Los foi CASH or Country• Product..
July I I`4
r IrE ptrtnership heretuluro existinw,
f.. Ihlihmt 1111e.1 Cruwf or d Flew
hg. has her, d hs•dved by In utu3l reo, o ni. Th e
1111 :11 • C.,1111 , S are In the hand. 1,; )1,. Hulbert. who
uryoutly requests all part.... I acrounts with the
ate inn to van and settle them. li Illism Halbert. jr.
tuviug eiktered into partnership with his brother.
IA les L. : Hulbert. the will het,olorth ho
~ducted 1111 ler the style. ot Halbert S Brother.
n.t, firm would respeettully call attention to
heir sinelt of
New and Fresh Groceries.
Their stock is limo, end %elected with the createeit rare
and sit at the lowest lidour tor cash. It con
elate In part of fine o 7 ern meuL Java COFFEE
lrime 1110 do , Prime 'tin Roasted.
SYBUPS.—New York. Boston, and l'hlindelptda Sy
rups..o Ili., V.-I . y best qualiti.,,
BIWWN SUO A ItS.—Tlie hear tho niarkst afrnrds.
1... v e.l in;; s hest Grth.tiod. Sand, and Put v orized :sugar.
Ins A. B. and C. Sugars %thick cannot. La, Sur
Ct,rn Starch. F. rrina, Dan &dint , 'Mien, Essence
f Col6•e, Concentrated I,ye. :::mtp.
QUI.: EN S WA ltE.
A siege and well selected stork of the very latest pat
terns and styles. lON\ ur than es or in price, and bettor
in quality, than was ever offered before in Carlisle.—
Call and see. Wooden and Willow Ware, such asTubs
Buckets, and Churns. Baskets of every description;
Children's CARRIAGES Stoneware, Cream l'ots, But
ter Jars. Preserve. ars.Jugs, all sizes.
PIRA—No. I, 2 and 3 Maokerel. No.
• ,
: ,-, ....46:Nef;z0. 1 MESS SAAB No. I Herring.
A large quantity of the celebrated Excelsior HAMS.
SA LT by the Sack, Dairy sod 0. A. Salt.
. - .
The auboerile ,spe:tfolly ash the patronage
,elr friends a nd the nubile genet:oly. and Invite Ilion
call and examine their new canals, at the old stand
rn or of Ilauuver and Louth, StrOeill.
Onrlifile, April 22.1864
Flour and Feed Store.
In._l HE subscriber wishes to announce to
the people of Carlisle and vicinity, that he has
opened a
on the South East Corner of Main and West Streets, In
the Warehotieo owned and formerly occupied by Jacob
Shown. The b at brands of FAMILY FLOUR, kept
constantly on hand and delivered to any part of the
town. Having perfected arrangements with scion of
the first wills in the neighborhood, I can assure my
customers that they will be furnished with nu article
of Flour which I can vouch for. I will keep constantly
on hand FEED OF A LI, KINDS, such as
Corn, Oats, Bran, Shorts, Potatoes; &c
Tho highest cash prices paid for Grain of all kinds
and Flour. Don't forget the old established stand.
Carlisle, MIII 20, 1804
~,FI A p~WA F 2 E~
Of the old firm of John P. kyne Son,
HAS just completed opening his new
Spring stock of Ilarchsare. Paints, 011 i, Mass,
Varnishes, &c„ to which he InTitus the early attention
of the public generally, Ile has greatly enlarged bin
stock in all Its various branches, and ran now ACCOIII.
modate the pulls with •
Rella.blo Goods,
In large or Small (plant:loos at tho lowest prices. A
look idto hir tP3re will - convince them' that ho has
enough Goode to fully supply the demand in this mar
ket. Persona wanting, Goods In our lino will find it to
their advantage to give us a call bolero malting their
purchases. All orders personally and punctually at.
tended td, rind no misropyosentatione made' to effect
sales. .1 LEWIS N. LYNIt,
Carlisle;" May 20, Ml4.' North
Important --
'Xle4uotion on Dry goods,
At Ogilby's Cheap Cash • Store.
®WINO} to the reduced prices of goods
tn the City, I am now running of may entire stock
of dry goods at greatly reduced prices for cash.
, Idanynrtieles • haring boon purchased beforo the ad
whim in price; I' am linable to sell for lose than Ity
prices. Altin want of bargains will do wall to call
before purchasing elsowbore.
• " • r CHAS. OPIUM, Trustee..
CARPETTN(I:--Solling of )alaneo of
my Onrpets nt reailoadiOces:. C1iAS:0011,8Y,
Oct, 14, 14(14,
DRINCE , &10 - 0'14.. WC . 11-linONiW
D EON Wit (1 EVARMONIOTIB, ititroiluclOg , the of
feet of pedal bees on'over,f instrument. '‘
,-, • "
." - : ,';
11AVI,IN "''
cO.,'eelehretedklA.NOs for Each
et dedetotion.. "' •
.801 e Agent.
B(-P1fth etrebt:litov6'rprniici,.'
0 et. 14 11;161 —Omo. I'lillatiolol4 Pa:
Silver Medal at the' Pennsylvania State Fair
September, 1803.
American fnstltute. Now York, Mechanics' Association,
Boston, Vr.til it lin I ute. Phil:nit:lolin, Metropolitan
)h•oh,,nlrs' 1 n..titu to, IV asiii mt ton, Mary land Institute
Baltimore, Meehailler' Association, Cincinnati, Ken
tucky Institute, Louisville, Mechanical A ssoLiation,
St. Louis, Mechanic s ' Poslitato, Fran, Isco.
101 V A,
111.2111(1A N
1,1 16C.M. SIN
These celebrated :Machines are adapted to every va
riety of Seel i. ..r Munk' wear. Iron. the lighter[ 11111.5-
tins to the heaviest cloths. Titer work equAlly well
upon silk, linen, wnoleti. and cotton greal,—seaming
qUiltllle. ....Ming, and
braille,;— 11,111..: o, li v e ~tile; n n..l lee rent stitch. alike
on Pith —4ll, I pert,..r.ning evety sp. cies of hewing
except slaking button h01e..1111,1 Oil Illiftter.
Fell for opera!ing the )la.lii
,ratuitously :It 1. nines r...nos. 11 hen Meebin,
i s sent s the dboat..... dolt per- .nal ins( ruotim. Is
ineonvenient. n oi direction is sent. which is a
sit flisient
which recommend the , Aheeler
Wilson Machine :ire--
I . ileauty and ex celienee of stitch, alike on both sides
al the G.lnic sewod.
2. Strength. lit 1.111,.... and ilerelollity er seam, that
will ....t rip nor tay ..I. and h
-3 Economy .1111,3 , 1
4 Its wire largo Of application to
and inaturial,
6. t'ottip•lctlie, and . or model and
6. Simpliciti and thoroughne, attic,..
7. Speed, even of Op•liaLitel and
ulotoeto: et moxement
No. Machine, with
Plain 'cable. $-Ifo 00
Pan nnllwl. 50 00
tlattc ase Mack Walnut or Mahogany 55 00
Plain 'l'nl•ln, 65 00
Ilatri!msa. P.nn nil lnd, Hu
Halt Ca.}t•, 11lark Walnut nr!ttnliuttany 65 00
Philo l'ablo, • 05 FM
Half cah.o, Polished, Marl< Walnut, To 0.1
Casa. Polished. Ishirl. 1t almut or Mahogany 75 00
Half Case. Polished. Ilosen•ood, SO (0)
Full Case, Polished. Black It slnut. or Mahogany 90 00
Full Case, Pollsho,., 100 00
No. 4 Mashins, Large with
Plain 'Pablo, ' 75 00
PI in Table,
Every Machlno is FOhl with a ITommer, Nov. 1 and 2
Machines aro sold oomplote, with the Now Ulan.. Cloth
Brenner, Now St) lii I henna., and Braider.
Wheeler k. Wilnou'm Agonoy at
First Prize Medal at the World's Fair,
London, 1862.
" --, ~k tv4,
1?) (o .
)3 t
THE undersigned has just received,
and Intends to kueo constantly on lintut n full as.
sortmont of the unequalled Pianos manulactured by
Steinway 3 Sons et New York.
Bach instrumenl will be carefully selected In the
Manufactory, and will be sold at the
New York Cash Factory Prices,
with the addition of Freight to Cal lisle.
A written guarantee of entire satlsfliction will be
given by the .utitcribur to each purchaser.
Persons desirous to purchase are invited to call and
examine these unrivalled Pianos, at ,
IL E. Shapley's Jewelry Store,
Main Street, 3d door east of tho Mansion House, noa
tl o Railroad Depot
SECOND HAND PIANOS received In exchange and
kept for sale a❑d to rent.
Oarllslo, May 22. 1863-1 y
West High Street, Carlisle, Pa
Premium awarded at the Cumberland
County Agricultural Fair of 1857,)
The subscriber has just recolvid the most splendid
assortment of articles In his lino, ever brought to this
place—which ho is determined to sell at prices , that
duty competition.
Embracing avail , article used by Hesse ,and Ilotal
keepers, of the most approved and fashionable .design
and finish. Including also, Cottage furniture in setts,
reception and Camp Clutha, .idattrasses, Gilt frames,
vo.narticulor attention given at; usual to funeral.;
orders from town and country, attended to promptly
and on moderate terms.
July 1, 1804
10 Tonv"Whito Vona. Imaallons of 011, Jubt
recolVed. ,
wl th a largo atEorttnont of
' Varnlohoo, bire Proof t Paiut, ,
,Turpopitino, irlorooCo- IV hitO, , • . '
Japan,, • „ :White Zinc
Putty, ' Colorod Zino,
Lltbargo. Rod Load
,- • -
Sporn' Oil, ' .•
Paint nitaihos, ELsh 011, ctc.,
' Colora of ovary dogerlptlon dry, and 911 in cans and
.taboo at tho liantwitie;i4ooi of--
111 , iintY , BAStOli.t:
July 1 , 1801, - ' • • • •' •
Bryanq Fulmonto Irtrifers,
Al RALS'i'ON'6
pHYSICIANS will find it tn their ad
„ .
irlatage call and purchase their Medicines at
THE Allen and Eastp6nneboro' Mu
tual Fire Insoradco Company of Cumberland
incorporated by an ,act of Assembly, in the
year 1843, and havlnerecontly had its charter extend
ed to the year 1883, Is now In active and viAtirous op•
eratlon, under the superintendence' of the following
board of Managers, viz:
William It. bforgae, Christlsn Stayman, Jacob Eberly
D.l3aily, Alex. Cathcart. J. 11. poorer, John Elchelber.
ger, Joseph Wickersham, Sam'. Eberly, Moses Bricker,
Rudolph Martin, Jacob Coover, and 3.0. Dunlap.
The rates of insurance are as low and favorable as
any Company of the hind In the State. Persona wish
ing to become members ore invited to make applica
tion to the agents of the Company, who aro willing to
wait upon them at a, y time.
WM. it. 00R0 AS, President,
Eberly's Mills, P. 0.
Mechanicsburg, P. 0.
.3011 N C. DUNLAP, Sect . y. Mechanicsburg.
DANIEL BAILYS, Dilisburic, York Co.
Cumberland county.—John Sherrick, Allen; Henry
Zearing, Shiremanstown; Lafayette Potter, Dickinson;
Howl Bowman, Cburchtown ; Mode Grillllh, South
Middleton; Samuel Ora ham. We.stpennshoro'; Samuel
Coover, Mechali 'cab urg ; J. W. Cock II n Shephordetown
D. Coover, ripper Allen; J. D. Saxton, Silvor Spring;
John flyer, Carlislo• Valentino Yeoman, New Cumber-
Wei ; James McCanlish, Nowvillo.
York county—W. S. Picking. Dover; James Griffith,
Wnrrington ; J. F. Deardorff, 'Washington ; Richey
Clark, Dlllsburg; D. Rutter, Fairview; John Williams
Dauphin co—Jacob Houser. Harrisburg.
Members of tho Company having policies about to
expire, ban have them renewed by malting application
to any MO. AgentS.
July 1,1804.
SEW ti Gallaeffirif .7r E
With Glass Cloth Presser, Improved Loop—
Cheek, Now Style Hammer, Binder,
At the Railroad °dice, Carlisle. Pa.
highest Premiums at the
at the Fairs of the
At thu State Fairs of
0.2 Machina with
No. 1 Machine, Sliver pint.r..l, 411
No. 5 Machine, Cylinder, with
Railroad and Telegraph Office,
July 1, 1604-cy.
fil . ',-•••= v - 1., - - =...
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Dining-room, IPURNITVRE
Kitchen and
- -
COAL ANl:)l.ltrMtt
vv The subscribers have this day 'entered into
partnership to trade In -
COAL-AND L111.133..E1.,
Wo will have constantly on band and fuitilob to
der all hinds and quality of seasoned
Paling, Plastering Lath, Shingling, Lath, Worked
Flooring and Weatherboarding, Posts and Italia, and
every article that holongs to a Lumber Ynrd.
All kinds of Shingles, to wit: Whitepino, forelock
and Oak, of different qualities. Driving cars of oar
own wo can furnish bills to order of any length and
size at the shortest notice and on the most reasonable
terms. Our worked boards will be )eept under cover
so they can be furnished dry at all times.
Wu have constantly on hand all kinds of Family
Coal under cover, which we will deliver clean to any
part of the borough. To wit :
Lykens Valley, Broker), Bgg,
~,,, ~,.,
....,.-4. , :fe Stove end Nut, Luke Fiddler,
w All a ).• '. • Vrevorton, Locust Mountain,
% Legg/ Lobbery, which ne pledge one-
NtriPA,l.- selves to sell at the lowest
prices. '
Best quality of
Limoburner's and MackBmith'a Coal,
always on hand whieh we will sell at the lowest flgurr
Yard west side of Urzuntnar School, Main street
July 1, 18154
Notice of Co-Partnership.
THE public are hereby informed that
ji the undersigned have this day entered Into aCo
Partnership, under the name of Delaney . k Blair, for
the purpose of carrying on the Coal and Lumber bust
nt tne old St end of Oliver Delaney, near the Oaa
Works; where all orders In their line of business are
respectfully solicited, and will be promptly
Oct. 16, 1863—t f.
.@}t—Ordt , rs for coal will be received nt Halbert k
Fleming's Grocery Store; Robert Illoorn's Shoe Store
end A. 11. Blair's Currying Shop.
I:WA-Orders for Coal or Lumber solicited through the
Post (hre. arrangements hving been made with the
Postmaster to ehargo the postage on same to us. All
orders punctually tilled.
A T the store of John Irvine, on th
N. cornor of the public square, Is the place to
purchase boots Shoex flats and Cape, at prices that
defy competition,
Ile has Just returned from the Past with the largest
and most complete assortment of Boots, Shoes, Bats it.
Cops that he has over presented to this community,
and which ho Is determined to sell at the lowest pos
sible prices. Ills stock embraces everything in Ms
line of business, such as
wErs . & woys- FINE CALF BOOTS,
Kip Hoots, Calf and Patent Loather Oxford 'flea Calf
and patent Leather Oalteis, Calf Nullifiers, Calf and
Rip Brogans, Slippers, &e.
Fine French and English Lasting Gaiters. Morocco Calf
nod Kid Boob , . Fine Kid :dippers, Foncy Slippers, Mor
rocc,, and Kid Buskips,
MIS ES A ~ 1) LDREN'S WEAR of all &scrip
lions embraring fine Lasting Gaiters, Morrocco and
Lasting Button Boats, Mart tier° Live boo's of all kinds
fancy shoes at various rtrles slippers, &e.
11,1 TS A CAPS, Cassimere, Fur and Wool Hats
of all qualities and styles, also a largo assortment of
Boots and Shoes made to order at the shortest notice
Repairinif ppumpily dooe. Confident of his ability to
please all ..Lll, es of customers, Ile respectfully invites
the public to give him a call.
T B_lleuu•niber the place, N. E. corner of the Public.
.qua .
July 1, ISt I
A t t h.• Of the' Gold Eagle," 8 doors nboTe the
rtnnimziand Cully Dank, and two doors below the
IholpllliSt et/ a rch. nn West 31alu street, the /arg•st
end let solvelod ~tock of
in the t,,wn, he sold 80 per cent :ewer than at any
pia., in the ~ I nte. The stock comp ises a large aisort
thent ~f :11i, hunting case matches, Lever.,
All,ricun watches, and all other kinds and
St) in,,
God y ()fall kluds.Epoctacle3.
lilatA,l 31111 6ilver Wale,
r.,,,tt variety 01 r.,ncy artlrleß, to.
rt,.• toli t• Stlit.L ;I tOOI6, cxxex, lame
ntol 1, iII be rola eliolusalu or Ictail ou
tlo. eo-itst tern,.
fatierted a first I'a/is toorl.roan all klndo of
repairin4 trill ha done as unual, at red ucrd
.lul3 1, 1-6
The und1 , ,,;1‘ nr4q311,1 the rarge.t sod
moat 4 irgoods nor ollored to the people
l't , inity.
A et,,plete 115 , 01 t merit of
Ladies Dress Goods.
An ImmonFi•nF...rt net ~11. A DI ES MOD LINING and
SEC ).\ I) MOURNING DR GihrDS from the Celebra
ted M.,urnhig gore Of Ilo>eou 8 Son, Phila.
A let go em:ortment of
The lergeet :stock of NOTIUSS outeltle of the Eaetern
Cloths limy Ladles Cloaking.,
Boys r nd \ Ion!: we . llr in onollesv variety. conrtinti ng or
CULLS, P.n;c and plain 1:.4111.1,1.11V01,1A, Jean., *lid
D 0 il ESZ.I(,' GOODS.
an llntnenqn assort 111•• lit, nt rrvsrnnl,lr ratem
1 : tr4e, r , nnpl,•tr end v,irie:l asylet t n, et of pupLigx
It I \ f{ llt and from all the relobret•
igrl on no fart iiroro in the U. S. also Balmorals of every
glade• and price. .
A largo stock of and Silk CAPES, LAWNS,
A R Eti ES, A, , left ever from lant season, will be sold
at rn t en.ely low prices.
Part icut tr at t,Lion Ft:od to "funeral ordure,oae well
as order:, all kinds promptly and punctually attend•
ud to.
All of %Odell will 1,0 sold lower than City prices her
log berm porehaßel Letere the late adviture.
i f 1 itor Ela ES ! ROCE RI E 8 ! ! !
%; mVERS, has opened n new Grocery Store
lo Main Street. Carlisle. opp , •stte II Faxion's hard
ware :store. and Is now prepared to supply his friends
and the public, x Ith all kinds of Choke Goods, at th•
lowest market rata. It is stock comprises
Salt, Spleen, ground, unground ; Crackers, Cheese,
Coffee I.lw:soros, Fish by seholonalb or retail; - Prooms;
Brushes, Tobacco, &gars, Snuff, Matches, Sinking,
lied Cords,
Quccuswarc, Ccdarware, Notions, and all other artl
rles usually kept In a first class Grocery.
In rugard to prices lam determined to cell goods at
the lowest 11, urea.
and all Ittn,lB of Country Produce, taken at market
4aruu•rs and Dairymen are particularly invited to
call and see the celebrated PIICENIX CHURN, which
has been pronounced by ,esuputeut judges the most
superior ChM n of the ago.
July 1. 186'4.
William P. Lynch
The subscriber informs the public that
ho still continues the
busines at tho Old Stand in thnbasement of the First
Methodist Church. Ho will attend promptly to all
auslnces In hla lino.
Load and Iron Pinot+, Hydrants, Hot and cold
Sll - 011rE.R BATAS,
Water Closets, Force and Litt Pumps, Wre't WVhied
Tubes, lrou Sinks, Bath Tubs, Bath Boilers, Wash Ba
sins, Hydrant c Rams, 3c, and every description o.
cocks and fittings for gas, steam water, /ie. Superior
cooking ranges, heaters and gas fixtures put up le
churches, stores iind dwellings, at short notice, in the
most modern style. All materials and work in 'our
line at low rates end warranted.
11. 1
9-Coun I ry1864. work and Jobbing promptly attended to
J uly ,
E undersigned respectfully annodn
cds to tho public that ho still continues the Rea-
Whir Business at the old stand, in West High strett.
soul with a renewed and offhlout effort, produce irtl
cies of need Dress of
Every Variety, Style and Quality,
that shall be strictly In keeping Iv ith - lhe improve.
moot of thu Art, and fully up -to the ago which wp
I have on hands splendid •-••
assortmont of
„ .
0 fall descriptions, from the common WOOI
to the finest Fur and Sllk — Tfataraird - rat
mutt suit every ono who has en oyo to .getting• the
worth of his money. The stook includes, '
of every style and color and unsurpassed for Lightnosa
Vurabillly and finish; by those of any other establish.
morn in tho country.
Men's, Bora and Children's Ifit's and Cape, ofovery
doseription_constantly on hand. , . .
lle respectfully Invites all the ord7p - aliiiiiira ;WA
many now ones as possible, to give him wean.
July 1, 1864. ' • •
A. B. ]
A. FULL assortolontonktektind Boys'
ad ea and nibtooral BoOtees. Mete
Boots and ,§bnes suitable for•tho nrluti3r. Mae,
of 1111 kinds: 'LadlOiandOodtliiinen'sol:lldOver.Shocia.
My old suit:amerce and all In wont f;good ' and chodp
Boots! and Ahead,. %Till .please call and ()samba° the
stock, heforty purchasing. Idain street, ncarlreppealta
1/dpot. • •.
CIIAS. OGILDY, truatee.,'
• 1)1'E COLORS, - r' - '
, 2.
Every, xles,crlol.on , qdullity . ! of :91 , q1erityl,
QuOenr4aro, Ilardwaro, Pickale, Sauco, .11313 litoporet,
.robacco.,Eogars, Pipcis; Visit Fruits And' vogiltablysiai
Dori, OiAtors'do. Spices; Wood" nint:winow ware, nil
kinds aud the:be4t,! quality:Arid tO , ,b 6 9 1 d"At.:.41,
lowe!4,pricbcl for cash by L -1,
'''•• ' ; ;', "'!",