Wit and Sentiment Pereone.who pretend to be dying for the truth, eometirnes die when they get They who walk on the heads of the multitude walk 'insecurely. Men's heads aro a dangerous footing. The Slanderer, unfortunately is like the wasp and not the honey bee; he doesn't generally lose his sting with the first use of it. If you wish to keep your enemies from knowing any harm of you, don't let your friends know any. With the Egyptians, the enchanters were only learned men ; with us, the learned women are enchantresses. A riehly-dressed dandy is like the Colehian ram with the golden wool—the fleece is worth more than the mutton. If only souls were counted, instead of bodies, the census-returns might be rath er beggardly. If the love of money, as the apostle calls it, the root of all evil, the is posses sion ix often the trunk of branches. A witty editor of a penny paper took for his motto, "The price of liberty is e ternal vigilenoe—that of the Star only one cent." The husband who devoured- his wife with kisses found afterwards that she dis agreed with him. The most beautiful results are produc ed by the conjunction of opposites; it is the sunshine and the cloud that make the rainbow: It is not known at what season of the year your first parents were placed in the Garden of Eden, but they went out in the Fall. Sin and punishment are wedded and can't get a divorce; but they are a most unhappy pair. If the use of words is, as Talleyraud oaid, to conceal ideas, sonic men have no need of words, for they havo no ideas . ' to conceal. Hopeless old maidenhood or bachelor hood is matchless misery. If you marry a scolding woman, your children will be hot-house plants. Laziness will cover your garden with weeds; hard drinking will cover your wife with weeds. A QUEER CASE.L—The substance of the subjoined item came to our ears some weeks since, and has been noticed in a few of our exchanges, but being unable to obtain satisfaction as to the reality or the case we refrain - id from publishing anything in relation to it. Having re cently, however, received a history of the case, with the tames of the parties, from a reliable source, we give it a place. It appears that with ono of the companies organized in this place, (for the nine months service,) in the summer of 186 i, went a man who left a wife and small !study. On the bloody field of Antietam he fell, was buried, and his wife after wards had his body disinterred, brought home, and re-interred in the soldiers' lot in the Cemetery. A year afterwards she married again, and in due time a child was born, the fruit of the second mar riage. When the call for 500,000 was being filled up, last ,fall, the second hus band enlisted anti is now in the army. A short timesince, the first husband return ed, alive and well, having been taken pri soner at Antietam instead of being killed. He has been held by the Rebels until the late exchange at Savannah. Of course the parties are in a queer fix ; but all will agree that the soldier who was once kill ed, twice buried, starved two years in Re bel prisons, and yet came home alive, is certainly entitled to his wife. "Truth is stranger than fiction." The query is, "who was buried in the Cemetery."— Exchange. CHANCES OF MARRYING.- 4 SSOMO in dustrious mathematician has ealed ited the probabilities of matrimony at differ ent ages which exhibit results of rather a startling charactel. In the first two equinquennial periods, 20-25 and 25-30, the probability of a widower marrying in a year, is nearly three times as great as that of a bachelor. At 30 it is nearly four times as great, from 30 to 45 it is five times as great, and it increases, until at 60 the chance of a widower marrying in a year is eleven times as great as that of a bachelor. It is(a little curious to re mark from this tabl ow confirmed either class becomes in is condition of life— how littl , after a few years, is a bachelor to break though his habits and a solitary condition; and, on the other hand, how readily in proportion does a husband contract a second marriage who has been prematurely deprived of his wife. After the age of 30 the probabil ity of a bachelor marrying'in a year di minishes in a most rapid ratio. The prob ability at 35 is not much more than half that of 30, and nearly the same propor tion exists between each equinquennial period afterwards. Tim EXPENSE OF GOVERNMENT PAPER MONEY.—The Secretary of the Treasury, , in answer toa resolution of the house, has com municated a report of the conditiod of the Printing Division, from which, it appears tliht, there are thirty-ono sub-divlsions, em ploying 027 operatives. 222 of whom are males and 805 are females, engaged in en graving, printing and preparing for issue of United States securities, and such checks and drafts as are required in the Department, as well as circulars, envelopes and other letter press_ printing. The expenses of the divi •eion up to Juno 27th, 1804, were $OOO,OOO, :titid since that time have been $805,006. jgerTHE Philadelphia Press is publishing the Intome . Returns made to the - Asseasors of Internal'Revenue by taxable persons in. Philadelphia. Dr. D. Jayne, the groat iliedielne Man' appears to stand at the head of the list. Big taxable income is set down at the comfortable sum of $112,219. The Dootii'oliht'toratart ilethipaper JO MUMS hiiiaiiilfef Ilia 'Superabundant means, Lime—lts Effects on Soils Lime, in some of its combinations, con stitutes an important ingredient in the compoOtion of all the cereals, graimi as well 'as grasses. Its presence, therefore, in the soil, is to be recognized as a con dition of fertility. For instance when this mineral is combined with rough, viscid and tenacious clay, it renders it more friable, and more susceptible to the ameliorating action of atmospheric agen cies. Clay, in which there is a due inix-= ture of calcaneous matter, is much more easily verified, and consequently not so liable to be injured by an accumulation of water. On the other hand, it has .a powerful tendency to consolidate sand, and to increase both its tenacity and its power of retaining water. It also favors the decomposition and reciprocal action of the nutritive juices contained in the soil, but it is doubtful as yet whether it transmits its carbonic acid to the humus, or even to the vegetables contained on the soil, though this is the opinion en- tertained by many writers, both in this country and in Europe. There are many reasons, indeed, to induce such a belief', although the investigations of science have not yet established the fact as in controvertible. Another important of fice pertbrmed by lime, is the total pre- vention of acid fininatiuns, which, under certain circumstances, are so easily pro duced in the soil. When acids exists, it tends to neutralize them, and those nox ious effects to which they inevitably give rise. In other words, it 'converts them into manure. This is seen iu its effects upon those light silicious sands where the preience of acids produces the sorrel plant, and other productions of a sour nature, and of little worth f‘ r any pur pose to which the 'limner can apply them. The hull of grain grown on lands. in which there is a proper admixture of lime, is invariably found to be far thin ner and the farina, of the !_crain itself' far greater than when growing on land where there is a deficiency of this earth Such land is found to be Etr inure faVor able to all those plants—a numerous class —which bear pods, or in other words which belong" to the •' diadelpha consequently cI,,N er ;:tieeeed! , well on it and it has hence been ascertained by re iterated and accurate experiments that one of the most valuable applications that can. .he made to lauds bearing red or white clover is a compost of which lime an ingredient. But hero we would remark, that not: , ithstanding a certain proportion of lime, caloarous earth, is indespensible to the fertility of every description of land, too great a proportion of it is prejudidial.— On this subject one of the ablest writers whose pen has shed light on agriculture says: "Lime is prejudicial in districts where a chalky formation exists, because it does not retain moisture ; and has even a greater disposition than sand to suffer it to evaporate, consequently during warm dry weather it is totally parched and re• duced to dust. It also consumes manure and humus very rapidly, aceellerates the passage of those substances to the plants, and thus hastens the vegetation at first, and does not reserve any nutrition fur their support during the latter stages of their development; on which account they fall off and perish before their ma- turity." And here we may, perhaps, remark• that as we are not aware of much land in which ere is actually present too great a quan tity of lime, the most efficient method of testing the value of any soil, with refer. ence to its calcareous qualities, is by ex periment; first, then, by an analysis of both soil and crop. The composition of a rightly balanced so 1, is thus summed up by, Reissert add Setz : Calcareous.—Tbut pot tiou of lime in which is most advanta geous to it, is a quality equal to that of pure clay. Of all the fifty-three varie.ies of soils produced by artificial combination, experimented on by Tillet, that which ap peared to be the most favorable to the vegetation of grain, was composed of three-eights of potter's clay, four-eights of shell or fossil marl, and one-eighth of sand." These data are of importance to the practical farmer.— Germantown _Tele graph. The New Internal Revenue Bill. The amendatory internal Revenue bill, reported from the Committee of Ways and Means to-day by Representative Morrill, makes many chanffes in the details of the present law. Among other things it provides that in all sales of spirits hereafter made a gallon shall be taken to be a gallon of first proof, according to the standard sot forth and de clared for the inspection and gauging of spirits throughout the United States. Brandy distilled from grapes is to pay a duty of instead of 25 cent: per gallon, and distilled from apple or peaches, $1,50 por gallon. Tobacco, snuff, and segars, whether do mestic or imported, may be transhipped without payment of duty from bonded ware houses, to be taken out in payment of duty. All manufactured tobacco, snuff, or segars is required, before removal for consump tion, to be inspected and weighed, and a stamp is to be affixed upon the box or other package in the manner to be prescribed by the consumer. All segars aro to be packed in boxes, and all manufactured tobacco, snuff and segars, whether domestic or im ported, which shall be sold or pass out of the hands of the manufacturer or importer, ex cept in a bonded warehouse, without being inspected shall be forfeited. The bill proposes to amend section 09 of the present law under the head of " Brokers," by striking out the words "gold and silver bullion and coin," and the words "all con tracts for such sales," and inserting infieu thereof the words "upon any atiles or con tracts for the sale of gold and silver bullion and coin.l-10 of ono per cent= on the a mount of such sales of contracts. Incomes are to be taxed on persons at home or abroad at b per centum on the excess over $6O, and 10 per conturmen the excess over $3OOO. On any loan of - money, or any ad vance of money on security, whether repro.;: seated by note or otherwise, fdi - every $lOO, or fractional part, a stamp - duty of two dents is required. ° _ On all articles on which no duty has been levied and collected i - and- which - nt-met-ex • empted by law, a duty of 6 cents a pound until July lit, 1806; and on and after that - date 6 cents, payable in gold. " - • In addition to,the duties imposed in sec tion 04 of the .present law, there ,shall be collected and paid on goods; - urines and mer chandise, except aq 'hereinafter provided, an increguia clone fifth, or 20 per centoza; pro vided that this shall notapply to.coal,' Mu minatkng oil, refined, and naptha , benzine ~. and benzoic ; paper of all descriptions, print ed works, magazines, reviews and circular publications; cotton, manufactured tobacco, snuff, segars, cigarettes and cheroots. The 94th section, from which the articles above named are excepted in the proposed increase of duties, includes candies, mineral coals, lard oil, gas made of coal, spirits of' turpentine, ground coffee, ground popper, pimento, molasses from sugar cane, syrup ( f molasses, sugars, varnish, glue, wood screws, umbrellas, parasols, gold foil, soap, preserved pickets,. photographs, repairs of engines, hulls of vessels, store furniture, pig and oth er kinds of iron, rivets, steel, steam engines, copper, skins, leather: wino and liquors, furs, cloths, rcady made cicohlog, manufac tures of cotton, diamonds, and other prec ious stones, bullion in lumps, ingots, bars or otherwise, and other articles in the section. The bill proposes a duty on petroleum o cents a gallon. This is before it is re moved, and it is required to be inspected. No firm shall employ others to manufac ture tobacco, snuff, or segnrs without firs obtaining the requisite permit. The amen datory internal Revenue act is to go into of feet from and after the Ist of April, 1865. GENERAL BUTLER AT LO-WELL HE MAKES A SPEICCII DEFENDING HIS COURSE. LOWELL, January 29, 1865.—Major Gen oral Butler arrived here yesterday and in the evening addressed his fellow-citizens at Huntington Hall, where was a large and en thusiastic gathering, probably not less than 4,000 persons being present: Mayor Pea body highly welcomed the General and in troduced him to the audience, whose dem onstrations were most flattering. General Butler said he should speak to them f what had happened to the country and what occurred in the Department, to take command of which he left them a year ago last. November. After spettkin, r g of hi efforts among the colored people whom found in his Department when he °Were( upon it and the results obtained, and hiS ef forts in regard to exchange of prisoners, and other matters, he proceeded, tee speak of the affair of Wilmington and Fort Fisher. He said that as early as August last Ad miral Porter's fleet had assembled at Fort Moor, o in preparation for a movement, but through a great flourish of trumpets its de sign became known and the sailing was post poned. Ile referred to the preparations fi nally: made for the undertaking and the de lays which t'teeurred wlien the expedition reached its ile,tination, and then spoke of the powder-boat which was stated to have been prepared by him. He had lived among them, inan and boy far, Party years, and with their consent expected to live among them thirty years longer, and he knew he world not misrepresent facts„ Ile had never seen the powder boat, and only ordered his ordinance, officer to turn over the quantity of powder to the MIN :d of ficer in charge. The thing WaN planned by the, navy, awl they had it all their own w;ty. The del.:itch which stated that leo wa, the author of the sebum, was a lie, and the truth was net in it. Ile 1111(1 been lts -8111.011 that hi` :41,)1111.1 be iiill“rnied when the bunt Nytti tut be expl,ded, but, lie was :-..ixty ti•,,e mile; away, at 13ettill.a.t, when the ex ploAien tub place, and Atlniiral Porter 110 NV:I, lu rugard to Oic assault. on Fort, Fisher, :,oill.r:(11.1101cr said. he 11:1(1 born di,tilictl\ by Heil faithful engineer officers that if he ordt•red it, it, would he murder. It \va, chargt•d that Ii wa , not in rtnunand of the cal e litiou , but could he eVl•II OHM IlltVe follow the advice of General Weitzel. lie did his duty accord- in gto his hest judgement. As he lived, and le, God lived, the occasion was to re cur, ev n in view of all this I-torrn of oblo quy that Wit, pouring upon him, he would d.) so again, praying however, -load us not i IGi temptiition," tho AVIIS wring tr, tnice it. hot he did not care a nip pee. 11, Lad ~tr,erl many -hrrins, rind if hr liNed rintld -tlllll n th:.ll-81i , 1 \Va.; 11011. n n I.•th•l' 1 ' 1..111 tlt , . 1,i , 111 , 111111t (iclicral to the 1111 t 11 , , word ~r Fort I'i-11er, n rd f 11 illititerLin IA as ass , igned vts Tt reasiln for hip prrarnee: NV hitt the true reasim NIIIS, 110 had not received per inii,sion to divulge. lie had been called by sonu• the hero of Bethel and Fort Fislt cr. lb.! ilecolitiul the honor. 111. then of the explo-i(n at I)iiteli Gat Canal. It (lid not make, perhaps, so large a hole as mine at l'iaer,burg. but he nail not tilled it inerican dead un- til it ran bhuni! lebired in have it. in serilted ~11 his toitilt,tetie in that, little en closure where his r , iltaite , , would one day he Hero lie. the Getter:it wh l 1-aveil the lit • (•; ut• his ;at Fart Fi>lu•r and Big B 1111.1." ilc hrul criticiv.d nu rilan-nu inan-hut had cr•itioiicd :411110A\ lint the Ilutlt which is always a :ciao it liutl o r• thuni to the prospict, t Da til/111d a 211ISV. GRATFITOI ADVERTNI:,W.--The ingrr luti m «n+ adopted by the Printer's Convention at 'Johnnie's: lecso.ve 1, 'I b t any (I , scription .)f: adver tising that i, not of snlliciont importfince to jmtiiy the ifayment of a fair price, is not worthy tlm TM,' it WIIIII.I 1 , Cl•lillY in n new.; paper: and that v,c pia,. the :..tamp of disap probation on the mudoin. itlready too com mon, of admitting into the column;L Of ItelVS riapOrS ad yerti•ements of Nvhatever. kind, without the , tipulation and payment of a just and retemnable price therefore. THE LONG LOOKED FOR HAS COME! lealth and Beppiness to the Sons end Daughters of A treed on !" Dr. SYRUP OF ROOTS BARKS AND 11 ERRS, FOR THE FT; It E Coughs, Colik, Sore Throat, Croup, -Bron chitis, Asti:toff, and till similar complaints. have spent years in selecting the herbs kfrom vegetable kingdom, to find out the kinds best adspted to suit diseases of human huffily and I now have it complete. Every Bottle Warranted. Try It I Try It! rbo object of this Medicine is to soothe and ease the Cough ; to dissolve the congealed phlegm that adheres and sticky to the throat, which excites ha:king, haw iting,and coughing; to relieve the irritation in the throat, which is produced by catching c id on the slightest exposure. It expectorates the deseased mat ter that has accumulated in the Lungs which retards and oppresses the pespii story or breathing organs, heals and nourishes the lungs and bronchial tubas. This medicine gives tone to the stomach, It purifies and circulates the blood, which causes oppression of the chest and difficulty in breathing, Good News for Mothers and Children—Hero is the sufferer's baler : keep it In your family, sickness comes as thief lu the night, and your child is suffocated by the awful disease, Group, or similar complaints. Here it a perientative—it is nature's friend. Dlt. COLLINS' SYRUP 18 HARMLESS AND EASY TO TAKE. Keep it in your Families. Price 60 cents anti $lOO per Bottle. Also, Dr. COLLIS' Dandelion Pille and Liver Invigo rator, for the cute pf Live Complaint, Dyspepsia, ills eases of the Kidneys, Fever and Ague, Ac. Dr. COLLINS has also for sale his INDIAN PAIN KILLEIt, for the cure of Headache, Toothache, Rheu matism, Neuralgia, Pain in the Back, Side or Stomach, Cramp, Cholle, Frosted (Feet or Ears, Fresh Cute, Sprains, Bruises, Diarrhea, and all similar complaints; also. Iris INDIAN EYE WASH, and POWHATFEN SALVE. The Salve heals Soros or 13reakinga Out on the Face, draws fire from Burns, warranted to cure Healed or Sore Breasts. The Eye Wash cures Sore or Inflamed Eyes. he. t tr • the medicines are prepared and solrljb.y SAMUEL COLLINS, Indian Medicine Man, Near the Corner of Third St. and Strawberry Alloy. Harrisburg. Also, for sale at tdo Drug' Store of JOS. II HAVERSTICK , Carlisle. All orders should bo addressed to Dr. S. Collins,ar risburg. THESE MEDICINES ALE PURELY EGIE. TABLE. Dee. 9,1864.—5m0. New Goods 1 New Goods ! FOR WINTFR WEAR. I • SAAO LIVINGSTON announces to _this old potions that he has just returned from Now York and Philadolphia with an enormous stock of Win tor Goods suitable for first class. Clothing for Men and Boye, LOTHS, CASSIMERES, Cassinetts, Satinets, from the very best Foreign and Domestic manufactories. De keeps In his department for customor's work an - - EXPERIENCED CUTTER, whose pride it le to keep himself constantly plated on all changes and improvainente in cut or style. - Suits of Clothes • • . . made up on short notice and warranted as represented Who_lteadifreado.Department,la stocked with an ex .tinslve assortment at . • Coats, Pants, Vests and Overcoats • well made of good material. . • FURNISHING GOODS, coneisting of Shirts, Drawers, Stockiogn, Scarlk, Hand kerchiefs, Collars, Neck TI9B, So., kept always on'haud. Call at the old stand t next door to Lyue'a Hardware Store; South Hanover St, Carlhilsim • Dezember 23,,P301; ' NEW PHOTOGRAPH AND AMBROTYPE GALLERY. Wtadele' 'geed; respectfully in form our friends and the public :generally, that we have opened a New Sky-Light PICTURE GALLERY In the now second story over the frame buildings located a tow doors south of the Post °Mee, and nearly opposlto A. W. lieuts's store, South itanovor stroot.— Wo have constructed this Gbilery according to our tooto, and flatter oursolvos I u saying we have far the boot arranged light In town. To aged, Infirm snd deli cate persona, we will any this Gallery le muth easier of accost; khan auYin this place, being located oni Lbw second story, and the story beneath being loyf, there Is not such a tower of stops to ascend. Having procured the assistance of an experienced operator, and purchaetd the best and latest improved apparatus, pro are prepared to produce pictures equal to any other establishment, not excelled by Now York or Philadelphia. Such as Extra Whole Size Photographs, ,Cartes De Visite, Ambrotypes and Ferrotypes, , Wu ehnll also introdtico a new picture to this vicini ty In such nnbolinded demand in the &Ills, called the GEM PHOTOGRAPH One dozen taken at one sitting at the low price of $1 50 per dozen. Pictures inserted In Lockets, Rings, and line. end copied or enlarged from old Daguerreo types, Atnbrotypos, etc., /Cc Also, for sale a One lot of Picture Frames and Albums. Wo hope, by si strict at tention to business and a desire to please, to receive our share of the public patronage. Do not forget the piece, a few doors south of the Post Office, Snuth Hanover Street. 11. 11. GROTIt 44 SON. Dec. 2, 18C4—tf. NOTICE. J. BOAS'S Store, • Opposite tile Carlisle Deposit Bank Would you buy your hats right cheap Please call at Boas' store, In North Hanover street h' keeps fits name is on the docir. There Ladies, Mon and Children tos Are fitted all the while, Ills hats are good, and have proved true ; Nn better in Carlisle. Caps Ibr Soldiers, Monism! hops You all ran hero ohtain, ry e For Ladles and hr Oldhhens furs You need not as', In vain. Fur caps, Fun collar:and Fur Gloves All neatly wade and warm; Fin. w, colon Shirts and woolon throwers Fur comfort In the storm, Vests,,lackets,,lhiee,Al9pktioa and Scarfs— All these he keeps to sell, Whips, comforts, rn Iles and notions too Too numerous to tell. ALS 0 , Satrhels and tramline, 'Baskets for Ladies, market and nolmel Baskets, Carpet Bags and VallLen. Thu largest ansortment of Trunks kept at any house in town. A large variety of flout lemon's Gloves. A very large uncurl moult nl ~ 1 ,11111 shirt, 131 f FFALO 11.01 ES, Tabaero and t , egars Sr., &c. Please call and Pq , hi Mork of gs,nda. J. BOAS', Agent. November ,I,ISCA.-3m. NEWS! N E W S!! NEW S!! [ EIDICH & MILLER are just rr• _1.6011 g at their now and cheap stare, on thec ell t ant corner of Main street. their first supply of Fall and Winter Goods, 0 which they invite the special at ten Lion Of every person in want of ilood, deg, able for the p fillet t and coming SettgOn. Thu stock comprises all kinds and Vol tittles of DRESS GOOD6', such as PI3III Fign red and Itepp:lsillts. Plain mot nKurnd enloi sit Dn.— , effi, . anti esdots French Merin., Frcnch Cash niere,, plain .11111 figured, Ctdang all shades and cob,. s, lalacl. an.l color Alpaca,. plait, and ligured all N, -al Sluun 1)11141i111, sultahle finn 1,141.. , and t 'hildren's Dresses. Mohat r Poplins. alencias Ann:Head Ded.alnes, Calicoll, Gingham?, .t.c. Mourning Goods. Mar.], French >lrl hint., French Cashmeres, 11,11,11, ILlth ali Thibliett in, , .. llontearines, Crape slid white , Plaid 1.'1,- tins. black and prirpitt l'inirl l'achrnereg, Thiliet.Sll.Wis. bung and square Blanket shit ei Crape Veils, Iluridl.ertiltieri,,Glovei, morals, ,le„ N EN .1 N I) BOYS' 1\ E.\ It Marl: and endured • lth, Wad: and faun eluipitunere,, all grades and V.estrimv+ F -Slitt,itinota, Union Cassimeres Kentucky Juana. Shirting Flannels, Merino Shia. and Drawers, &r. A tpeciol arrangement made wIII. a first class TAILOR to ina ice up Clothing at very ~hurt notiee. Domestic Goods; Blearhed and I,uldenebed )luslins of every quality. :Sheeting . )Itisllns, )luslina, Linen hint it. tun ',Fable Diapers. 'I I, k jinni, Cheeks. :Arline] Cott.° ski, 17'1,4. Doineetle liinghnlns, ,Sutch (ling ham., `ark Flannel f every color, Shirting Flannel,. Fiedury and Shaker Flannels for Skirting.. red. miaow and white %Void Flannels, Canton Flannels, Calk. ais rani4,rie, arid paper )luslins, Drilling Naiikeene anti inane tither (lands in every day non. - \O'l iI).NS IN GltfIAT V. 1.111 ET Y. Hanoi., Burk (Boma and t inuntlet.ii. Cloth, lug. mid. I Insidinora and 10,,, Ili,. 1c 111. Cloth. Mori 110, Libktlll . l.lll.l and Cotton Mores, h full nr Ortllll . llt of CO( LOU and WllOl Hosiery, for Moo, Ladles and Children, Balmoral Woolen for Ladles MISM, and Children, , prra 'loath:, all sir., and ~,,I,,rs, Snoru.s. s,ikrinolern, Sontags4llooped Skin tr, Balmoral Skirts, U &e., kr. Ah.n, jugt opening a eotnplote stock of the 1111WeSi stylr Cloth Cloak, and Blanket eta. Ya Carpets, ell Matt ings, Windom Shades, Looking tila,ses the season advances we will com.tantly be tnnl:- ig lo our stork, and will Itlwava uhdaavor to aim our stock the most desirable that ran ho found =1 MEM" nity 1, - 4 their kind and ilheial patronage an far sx tend- A to the New Firm, we earnestly solicit n rout I IlUallee Of the same. Please give Ile n aarll lade, malting your pundit...A an weary always ready Mid willing to exhih- It our goods, and tat n and will prove I h t too study the Interest of our eustomers. Please do not forget that o•tr Store Is on the corner. dirertly opposite It omen Shoo Store. LEIDICTI a MILLER Sept. 16,1861 urt's Rat and Mouse, Roach and Bed Bug Destroyer. popular and reliable article fir k destroying vermin° should be used by all pervom troubled with Furh pests. It never fails, sold , lu Car lisle at Elliott's Drug Amu, liaverstlelCH, • rug & Book Store and by D. Ralston, Druggist. E. M. 111 0 11', Proprietor. 13 North Eleven Strout, Philadelphia. • Price 25 etc par box (Large Size.) Nov. 4. 1864.—1 y NEW F.113,5T CLASS GROCERY STORE. HE PubliC can find, at our new Grocery Store, in the Building lately occupied by Ph lip Arnold, dee'd., and neat door to the Carlisle De. posit Bank, a very large and fresh assortment of ail the different kinds and grades of Teas, Coffee Essences, Coffees. .Soaps Syrups, ' Candles, Morasses, Salt, Spices, Plclclee, Sugars, Preserves, Prepared Canned, Coffee In Fruits, • Papers, ' Jel:les, Vegetables Cranberries, and Meals, Pulsing, Prepared Dried Mustards, Currents, Sauces, Dried Crecners, Fruits, Cheese, Nuts, Sweet &gars, Cakes, . Snuff, TOBACCO, PIPES, 'lke. ALSO—Rice, Barley, Starch, Farina, Corn Starch, Coro alone, Manilla, Macaroni, Tanakalia, Atiirnea, Prunes, Concentrated Lye Bologna Sausage, Table and other Oils, Nutmegs, 'hacking, Beeswax, Chocolate, Cocoa Tie Tarn, Lamp and Candle Wic k, Bath Brick, Clothes Linen, Bed Comte, Spire Mikes Papbr and Envelops, Mute li Punter Saud, atom polish Fla voring Extracts Spigots, fens, Inks, Brimstone, Mitchum!. Shad, Salmon, llorr lug and Codfish. ALSO—the celebrated Ex- colsior Hama, Dried Door and Touguus, Rugs, and, Matto, Shot and Load, • Brushes, Broom di and Wisps, GLASS, QUEEN'S, WOOD, WILLOW & RATAN W A.R E. We resportfully ask the public to cull, oxemlue and Paco our large and carefully solectcool stork of FINE YANILY itOOBRIES. We buy all kinds of Country Produco. JAMES It. ALLEN do Co. 0ct.14,1804—1y , . GUM BELTING I Just recolved a largo assortment of all sizes— Gum Bolting, Cam Bose, Gum racking; &0., and for sale choap at the Ifardwaro Storo of HENRY BAXTON. Juno 25, 1864. )IAMES.--590 pairs Humes on hand o _ a n_ianti o ,_animboiatownvaitaii h !tpuiltin o, inuusn do., with and isldiont patoperaitbnings cheaper than °Ter at 1.1. SAXTON'B, East Main at. July 1,1864. AT THE •PARISMANTILLA EM ponium, No. 020 Chestnut Bt., Philade trOPEN.=•Parls-Mado MANTILLAS and CLOAKS. Also, SPRING and BUMMER :GARMENTS, of our own Manufiteturo, of the Latest Sty and in' great variety. • J, W. PROCTOR & Co., The Parte Dlantilla Emporium, 920 CI-IEI3IIMT Stre.t; PHILIMPHIA. . 4 00, A LECTURE 111. TO YOUNG MEN! Just published In a Sealed Envelope. Price Six Cents A LECTURE ON THE NATURE, TREATMENT AND RADICAL Cure of Spermatorrhoca or Seminal Weak ness, Involuntary Emissions, Sexual Debility, and Im pondiments to Marriage generally. Nervousness, Con sumption, Epilepsy, and Fits; Mental and Physical Incapacity, resulting from Solf-Abuse, Ae. By ItOB'T J. CULVERWELL, M. D., Author cf the "Green Ac. The world renowned author, in this admorable Lec ture' clearly proves from his own experience that the awful consequences of SelPAbuse may be effectually removed without medicine, and without dangerous surgical operations, boogies, instrutinnts, rings, or corn labs, pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and effectual, by which ovary sufferer, no matter what his condition my be, may cure himself cheaply, pri vately, and radically. THIS LEI TURF WILL PROVE A ItOON TO THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS. Sent under seal, to any address, In a plain, sealed envelope, on the receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps, by addressing CHAS. J. C. KLINE& CO. 157 Bowery, Now York, Post-Offico Box, 4680. Oct. 14, 1864. icay. The so ofulotts contamination is variously caused by mercurial disease, low living, disordered digestion from unhealthy food, impure air, filth and Willy habits, the depressing vices, and, above all, hy the venereal infection. Whatever he its origin, it is hereditary in the constitution, descending "from parents to 'liiidren taut the third and fourth generntion ; " indeed, it seems to be the rod of Him who says, " I will visit the iniqui ties of the fathers upon their childivn." 'I he diseases which it originates take various mimes, according to the organs it attacks. In the lungs, Serofulaiprodnces tuhercles, and li i I y Consumption ; in Ole glands, swellings which suppurate and become ulcerous sores; in the stomach .ankl s bowels. derangements which pro duce indig6tion, dyspepsia, and liver com plaint,: on the t:in., eruptive and entaneons affection,. These all having the same origin, require the same remedy, viz. purification and invigoration of the blood. , Purify the blood, and these dangerous distempers leave you. With foul, or corrupted Hood, you cut not have health ; with that " life of the flesh " Ithalthy,-you.cannotehave seroltdous.disease, Ayer's Sarsaparilla is compounded from the most offecnial anti dotes that medical science has discovered for afflicting distemper, and for the (2110101 the 111,101'1112N it entails. That it is far superior to any other, remedy yet devised. is known by all who have given it a trial. 'That it does com bine virtues truly extraordinary in their effect upon this class of complaints, is indisputably proven by the great multitude of publicly known and remarkable cures it has made of the following diseases : King's Evil or Glandular Swellings, Tumors, Erup tions, Pimples, Blotches and Sores, Ery sipelas, Rose or St. Anthony's Fire, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Coughs from tu berculous deposits in the lungs, White Swellings, Debility, Dropsy, Neuralgia, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Syphilis and Syphilitic Infections, `Mercurial Diseases, Female Weaknesses, and, indeed, the whole series of complaints that arise from impurity , of the blood. Minute reports of individual casks may he found in AviAt's Act c t uit'AN ALMANAC, which is famished to the druggists fur gratuitous distribution, Wllol'olll may lie learned the directions for its use, find some of the remarkable cures which it has made when all tither remedies hail failed to afford relief. Those cases are purposely taken from all sec tions of the country, in order that every reader may have access to some one who can speak to him of its benefits from personal expetielne. SemMin depresses the vital energies. and thus leaves its victims far 11101'0 Slll/..100 to disease and its fatal results than are healthy constitu tions. Hence it tends to shorten, and does greatly shorten, the average duration of human life. The vast importance of these considera tions has led us to spend years in perfecting a remedy whirl' is adequate to its . cure. This we now o ff er to the public under the name of Arkin'S SARSAPAitILLA, although it is com posed of ingredients, some of which exceed the best of Sarsaparilla in alterative power. By its aid you may protect yourself front the suffer ing 11101 danger of these disorders. Purge out the foul corruptions that rot and fester in the blood; purge out the causes of disease, and vigorous health will follow. By its peculiar virtues this remedy stimulates the vital func tion:, 11114 thus expels the distempers which lurk within t h e system or burst out on any part of it. We know the public have been deceived by many compounds of Sarsaparilla, that promised much and did nothing; but they will neither be ditched nor disappointed in this. Its virtues have been proven by abundant trial, and there remains no question of its surpassing excellence for the cure of the afflicting diseases it is in tended to reach. Although under the same !Janie, it is a very different medicine from any other which has been before the people; and is far more effectual than any other which has ever been available to them. .A.Y.ZR'S CHERRY PECTORAL, The World's Groat Remedy for Coughs, Colds, Incipient Con sumption, and for the relief of Consumptive patients in advanced stages of the disease. This has been so long used and so univer sally known, that we need do no more than assure the public that its quality is kept up to the best it ever has been, and that it may be relied on to do all it has ever done. Prepared by 1)n. J. C. AYER & CO., Practical and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mass. Sold by all druggists everywhere. Sold by .T. W. ELLIOTT, Carlisle, and deal ers everywhere. C HERMAN, Attorney at Law, L yl e Next door to the Herald 0111ce. July 1,1804-Iy. TAINIES A. DUNBAR, Attorney at fy Law, Carlisle, Pa. Office on the south side or the Court House, adjoining the "American Printing Office." July 1, 1864,=1y. TM. VVEAKLEY, Attorney at Law, • 011ie° on south Hanover street, adjoining the Mike of Judge Graham. All professional business en trusted to him will ha promptly attended to. July 1,18(14. Q AMUEL HEPBURN, Jr., Attorney at Law. Mee with lion. Samuel Hepburn, Main St. Carlisle i'a, July 1, 1804. -1 1 AW CARD.-CHARLES E. MA fJG LAUGHLIN, Attorney at Law, Office in Inhofe building, Just opposite the Market Rouse. July 1, 1864-Iy. (1 P. EIUMERICH, Attorney at Law fit// • Office on North Hanover streetr a — low — doors north of Gill's Hotel. All business entrusted to him will be promptly attended to. July 1, 18114. Dr. I. C. LOOMIS Pomfret Street few doom belew South Hanover et . 1414 Srir..A .- Jnly 1,1864. JOSEPH RITNER, Jr., Attorney nt Law and Survoyor, 14leebanlesburg, Pa. Office on Roll Road Street, two doors north of the hank. Mlluslness promptly attondod to. July 1, 1864. • ' GEO. W. NEIDICH, D. D. S.- Late Demonstrator of Operative Dentistry of the f, Amor - Patin:lore College of ,Dental Surgery. ' Office at his residence opposite Marlon Uttlii West Main street, Carlisle; Pa. July 0.854. GEORGE S. SEA jiLf MGM, Dentist, from tho Bahl ••** more Collago of Dental Burgery. IGfj.:olllce at the reeldenco of his mother, Bast Loather street, three doors bolo! Bedford: • July 1,1804. A DELYSICIANS will find it to thoir.od x - vantage to call and pureluuso their Medicines at RALSTON'S. July 41864.. - F A M ILY DYE COLORS, M RALSTON'S E BELTZHOOVER, Attorney iiig t ary l "gooT i s c t e or i e n gtau, th Hanover oppcialio liEeptember 9,1864. , riIHE subscribers would respectfully announco to the public, that having purchased t e Carlisle Forge, formerly owned by Mr. J. Goodyear, we have commenced the manufacture and will keep constantly pn hand all sizes of the best quality of We will give prompt attention to all orders whether from a distance or at home. The highest Cash prices paid for old wrought Iron SCRAPS, delivered at the Forgo, at the Railroad bridge, In Carlisle. WEAVER k BRICKER ; Carlisle, May 13, 1.861—1 y Carpetings and Oil Cloths. "VOW receiving at Ogilby's cheap cash Otero, a lot of Ingrain, Venetian, Romp, Itag, and Btalr CARPETS. Also, Finer OIL CLOTH'S all widths, which will bo bait' for the cash at the lowest rates. OLIAS. OGILBY, frustoo. March 4, 1804 'um peculiar taint or ifection which we call 'CROP ULA lurks in ie constitutions of latitudes of men. It ther produces or' is roamed by an en- Titled, vitiated state the blood, wherein iat fluid becomes in impetent to sustain is vital forces in their igorous action, and , sees the system to 11 into disorder and Fourth Arrival of New Goods T have just returned from the cities with a large addition of All fibres suited fir theaeason. A beautiful line of Silk Mantles, Coates and 88.1 . 11C13. Lace Points, 0 rena• dine Shawls, Lars Mitts, lioJoun' Celebrated Rid Gloves, Parasols, Sun Umbrellas, Bans, Ribbons, Hats for Ladies and Misses' Heap Skirts, and a general assort ment of seasonable goods. MEN AND BOYS' WEAR. Also selling cheap a large lot ()COLD GOODS much less than present prices. Please call one door below Martin's Hotel, East Main Street. June 10. 1804 A. W. BENTZ. SPECIAL NOTICE. Great Reduction in Dry Goods, (AWING to the recent heavy fall in the price of Gold I have determined to reduce every Article in My iIIIIIIOIICO stick of Dry Goods to a correspunding prier h the precious metal and intend lo make still further reductions from time to lime as Gold recedes in prier. My exiensive stock hos been mainly purchased nt low prices and before the great advance in goods I take thiA opportunity of calling the attention of the public to the notice, as I can and will sell lower than any ironse outside the Eastern Cities. Call and Examine for y nuiselves. Remember the old btand goats flu - lover street below the Court Ileum. Oct. 7, 1884. A. W. BENTZ. 11. it. JAMESON, S. M. I'OYI.E, J. M'CANDLISII B. R. ,TAU ESUN & co. \ATholesale and retail Dealers in Fan v cy Dry Goods, Tri west cornier of Hanover and Pomfret streets Carlisle l'a , would respectfully announce to the Public that they have just returned from the Eestern Cit , es with a largo and well selected stork of Goode consisting in part litislery, (drives, Mitts, Veils, Crapoa, Cravats. !loops, N ulnas, nhawls, Handkerchiefs, suspenders. Shirts, Drawn,. hi lts. Ladies Gents Collars, Bind ings, Cords, Mittens. Combs, Npod lee, Sewing llo,p Skirts, Paper, Pens, Perfumery, Cleary be., to. Wu would particularly invite the attention of Country Merchants, to our stork, as in the matter Of prices, as well as in 1,01, important particular, WI. °nil, this great ad :111t11101, 01/0 hranch our 'louse and member Of ran. In in are karate(' In- and always pre pared to take advantage of every fluctuation in the 111/111,t. 1,11,1,11 tern. mole with wholesale pur,basers and unusual Inds, onionts nir.ed tobuy,rs of every elss. Cell and uxatninv our sloe}, It. It. JAMESON & Co. Oet, 14. 1.`,114. New Stock of Hats and Caps AT KELLER'S OLD STAND, North Ilanover Street. A splendid assortment of all the new rt_o No of Silk Moloskin. Blanch. Soft & Straw n s in,w u pon nt gny and }om inanatarturn which will sold at the law est 'o , h prices. Solt hats of allqual idea hunt tnitg-t. !ter, and Nutria. thn chnap• anti of all 4,lo a rs, tiotntrp‘4 , erl by any this shin l'hiladelphia. A largo stork of • Palm, Leghorn, Braid, India Panama, and ,traw. Children:: lltucy Ako n lull te,ortnient ui Moo s , Boys and childrens eAp. of every deqeription and style, The sulewliber ion ilex all to coin,. and examine his Stnck.. Doing a practical butter, he feels youthlc nt of 4iving ssti•lnetion. Thankful fer no, liberal ndron iviret•kl, o bestowed lc' hl , liCitti aVOIItiIIIIXII,II of the ammo. Imnl f rget. the ,tand. two Inure above ,hriLItICIN 110101 and nnyt to ll', shoe store. .II)IIN A. 10'.1,1,E1t,.% gt. N. IL flat, of all klntl,linde to order At thou. nett-e, LARGE ARRIVAL OF FRESH icommEs—Pisn OF ALL rcrsns. Among which iv a largo lat of real W2lllllllO Raid - moro dry salt in nal: harry's, M ACK.% It El. at prlres that Is really astonishingly low. Vickels of all id nkis. SAUCES. PR ES E RVES 11.1111 a good rlhhOl Wmnc of TOB ACC() AND SEGARS, L I c U 0 1? S , ,j• C. . at the lowest rates for CASH or'Country Produre July 1, Icti I partnership heretulhre existing between Charles 1,. Halbert and Crawford Flem ing, has been dissolved by mutual eminent. The books and accounts are in the hands of 11 r. Halbert. who earnestly requests all parties basilic arcount, so ills the late firm to call and settle them. 11 Wiens Halbert. jr. having entered into partnership with hie brother, Charles 1,. Halbert, the business will ben.,eliirth be conducted under the sts le er ihebert & Brother. The new firm would respectfully call attention to their stock of New and Fresh Groceries. Their •tock is 1:1r. U Mid selected With the greatest earn and will he sold at the lowest prices (or cash. I t von sists in port of lion old Government Java COFFRE. Prime Rio do , Prime Rio Roasted. SYRUPS.—Now York, Boston, and Philadelphia Sy cups, el the very best qualities. BROWN SU(4AllS.—The bast the market affords.— Levering's host Crushed, Sand, and Pulverized Sugars Also, his A. B. and C. Sugars, relish cannot be sur— passed. Rice, Corn Starch, F rrlna, Dandellne Celine, Essence of Coffee, Concentrated Lyn, Snap, Candles, &n. CHINA, GLASS, AND cf, , QUEENSWARE. A large and well selected stock of the very latest pat— terns and styles, lower than ever in price, and better In quality, than was ever offered before in Carlisle.— Call and see. 14'noden and Willow Ware, such as Tubs Bushels, and Churns, Baskets of every description; Children's CARRIAGES, Stoneware, Cream Pots, But— ter Jam, Preserve Jars, Jugs, all sizes, FISH—No. 1, 2 and 3 Maokoral. No 1 MESS SHAD No.l Herring. A largo quantity the celebrated Excelsior HAMS. SALT by the Sack, Dairy and G. A. Salt. The subscribers respeatfally ask the patronage of their friends and the public generally, and invite them to call and examine their new stock, At the old stand, corner of Hanover and Louther Streets. Carlislo, April 22,:186.4 r HE subscriber wishes to announce to the people of Carlisle and vicinity, that ho has opened a on the South East Corner of Math and West I;treets, In the Warehouse owned and formerly occupied by Jacob Menu. The brat brands of FAMILY FLOUR, kept constantly on hand and dolivorod to any part of the town. Having porfectod arrangements with some of thu first intils in the neighborhood, I ran [maul] my customers that they will be furnished with an article of Flour which I can vouch for. I will keep constantly on hand FEED OF ALL KINDS, such as Corn, Oats, Bran, Shorts, Potatoes, &c The highest cash prices paid for Grain of all kinds and Flour. Don't forget the old established stand. Car Halo, May 20, 1804 Of the old firm of John P. Lyne 4- Son, I~:TAB-just completed openin. hie new Sprin g stock of 'fordo aro, Paints, Oils, Glass, Varnishes, &c„ to which he invites the early attention of the public generally. Ho has greatly enlarged his stock In all Ito various branches, and can' now [mom. modato the public with Reliable Goods, In large or small quantities at the lowest prices. A look into his etoro will conwince them that be has enough Goode to fully supply the demand In this mar ket. Perseus wanting Goode In our line will find It to their advantage to give us a call before making their purchases. All orders personally and puuctuallyat• tended to, and no misrepresentation's mode to effect sales. LEWIS F. LYNN, Carlisle, May 20, 1804. Noith Hanover St. Important Notice. Reduction on Dry Goode, At Ogilby's Cheap Cash Stoie OWING} tothe redeemd prices of goods in the City, am now running of may entire stock of dry goods at greatly reduced prices for cash. Many articles having been purchased before Mead- VIIIICO !alnico, lam enable to sell for less than ity prices. Allin want of bargains will welltO call before purchasing elsewhere. 011A.S. OCIILIIY, Trustee. CARPETING.—SeIIing of balance; of my Oarpets at reduced prices. CHAS. OGILBY, Oat, 14, 1864, Truateo.- cRRINCE & CO's. well-known MELO DEONS and LlARAlONfOUS„iptroduclog the of of pedal base on everylnstrumeht. BARNEBT GAMER'S s .ItAV.EN & BACON'Eand , . • lIALLET , DAVIS, A CV, eelebratedPlANOS for each at a liberal deduction. . . • • Wt. Over 89,080 ebld. '.7 JAMES BELLAIf. Solo Agent. ' • . - 279 281 B. Fifth street, above Spruce, 04.14; 1813 —9n2q.. • PhiladolAts, Pts . CARLISLE FORGE. NEW FIRM WEAVER Si. BRICKER. BAR IRON. NEW SUMMER DRESS GOODS EILII E HA 'PS, DISSOLUTION HALBERT & BROTHER Flour and Feed Store, FLOUR AND FEED STORE, JEREMIALI GIVLER WAIL . . LEWIS F. ILYNE, FIRE INSURANCE. THE Allen and Eastpennsboro' Mu tole Piro Inaurade Company of Cumberland County. incorporated by an act of Assembly, in the year 1843, and having recently had its charter extend ed to the year 1883, In now In active and 'Sip/roust op. oration, under tha superintendence of the following board of Managers, vie: William R. Gorgas. Christisn 'Hayman, Jacob Eberly D. Bally, Alex. Cathcart, J. 11. Coovor, John noirethe... ger, Joseph Wickersham, Serial. Eberly, Moses Brickor, Rudolph Martin, Jacob Coover, and J. 0. Dunlap. The rates of Insurance are as low and favorable as any Company of the kind in the State. Persona wish• ing to become members aro invited to make applies. Lion to the °gents of oho Company, who aro willing to wait upon them. at any time. Wit. It. OORG AS. President, Eberly's Mille, P. 0. CHRISTIAN STAYHAN, Vito President, Mochnnicsburg, P. 0. JOEIN C. DUN LAP, Sect'y. Mechanicsburg. DANIEL GAILY, Gillaburg, York Co. AGENTS. Cumberland county.—John Shorrick, Allen; Henry Zearing, Shiremanstown ; Lafayotte PolTer, Dickinson; Henn Bowman, Churchtown ; Mode Griffith, South Middleton; Samuel Graham. Westpennsbort.'; Samuel Coover, Mechanicsburg; J. W. Cocklin, Sitepherdstown D. Coover, ripper Alien ; .1. 0. Saxton, Silver Spring; John Myer, Carlisle; Valentine Fooman, New Cumber land; James McCandlish, York county—W. S. Picking. Dover; James Griffith, Warrington; J. F. Doardorff, Washington; Richey Clark, Dlllsburg ; D. Butter, Fairview; John Williams Carroll. Dauphfn co —Jacob Trouser, Harrisburg. 11Iemberti of the Company having policies about to expire, ban have them renewed by making application to any of the Agents. July 1,1864. I= WHEELER & WILSON'S 813 lir G 0.1.1 C 11 IA" .1'; AT REDUCED PRICES, With GlaSs Cloth Presser, Improved Loop— Cheek, New S':yle Hammer, Binder, Cor or. Braider, etc. At the Railroad Other, Carlisle. Pa Highest Premiums at the INTERNATIONAL EXIIIIIITIoN, LONDON, 1562 INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION, PAULI, 1801. at the Fairs of tho =9 Silver Medal al the Pennsylvania Slate Farr September, 181;3. American Institute, New lurk, Mechaniev'Ass,,ciati,,u, Roston, Franklin Institute, Philadelphia. Metropo ht Mechanics' hi:titule, WasLinaton, Maryland Instil ate Baltimore, Mecham,' Assoslatimi, Cuicinnali, tacky Itistitme, Louisville, Mechanical A , y, union, St. Louis, Mochani,' Institute, San Francisco. MAINE, VERMONT, CONS ECTIOUT. NEV. JERSEY, I'ENN,ILVANIA, VIRG! \IA, 01110, INDIANA, lOWA. TENNI 11.1.1 N,IIS These ttelehratea Machines :ire adapted to va riety of itewlOß or family wear. fn•m the lightest inn-- link the heaviest cloths. They work equally well upon silk, linen, woolen, and eott.,n quilting gathering, hemming. foilitt4. cording. and braiding—making a beautiful and perfeet stitch. alike ou lt , th siles—:itid performing ever, i - itecitt , of tic" lug except m.tl.iuc 'Atoll boles and Stiti hag on buttons. Full in tru,tions for operating the Machine it.. given gratuilowdy at the sales moms. When the >laehl o • is sent star ihchtnro. , 0 that per,nal Instruction Is hieonveltient, a card of direction is sent, w hich is a sufheient truide. The quaillien which recommend the 11 heeler & lachine r 1. Beauty and axaellanco of stitch, alike tin both,ides 01 the falai,. i.ea ed. 2. St,- i th. fiinlnp,s:ana duraLillty Of seam, tfilit will not rip lllir ravel. and inale a lib— 3 I , ,nomV of thread 4 It,: att.o•llToent, :ma wide range of application to and material , . J. rnininirt nes.. And vie voles of model and G. Simplititt and th.a - onahness of ellastruvtdo”. 7. :iia•vd. 0.:15e of ojo and anumgenlent, and q uiet em• of move lava plain Table., $45 00 Ilalf Vannelled. A ou Halt ~,,, Itlaigt \Volaul or Mahogany nn ho fi3 00 I Llit It Walnut or Alain finny 03 00 No. 1 Machine, Filver platoul , with Plain Table. 65 00 Halt Caw, Mark Walnut, 7u (0) !kit Cnsr, Polished, Mark Walnut or Mahogany 75 00 Unit' Cam+, Polished, Itosewofl, 80 00 Full Case, Poli.hed, (flock Walnut or Mahogany 00 00 Full Chao, Pollshok., Rosewood, 100 00 No. 4 Madllue, Large with I= Plain Table, No. 5 Maebine, Cylinder, with Plain Tub} , Every Martilnv is sold with a Hemmer, Nos. I and 2 Maeltlnes uro s.dd ,oniplote, with the New Glass Cloth Presser, New S.t.y le IfumiMer and Braider. Wheeler Agency at Railroad, and Telegraph Office, CARLISLE, PA. July 1, 1864-Iy. STEINWAY PIANOS. First Prize Medal at the World's Fair, London, 1802. =-IS- - ) f\it 7' y • • Vi:3 l44 T - r. V 1 r. THE undopigned has just received, and intends to keep constantly ou hand a full as sortment of the unequalled Pianos manufactured by Stelnwey it Sons of New York. Each instrument wilt be carefully selected in the Manufactory, and will be sold at the New York Cash Factory Prices, with the addition of Freight to Cat lisle. ,A written guarantee of entire satlsfaation will be given by the übscriber to each purchaser. Persons desirous to purshase are invited to call and examine these unrivalled Pianos, at R. E. Shapley's Jewelry Store, Main Street, 3d door (mud, of the Mansion Ilouse, near tFe Railroad Depot SECOND lIAND PIANOS received in exchange and kepi for Bale and to rent. CarlinK May 22.1863--ly A. E. EWING'S FURNITURE WARE•ROOM _ , , West , lligh Street, Carlisle, Pa IMIME=BII County •Agricultural 'Fair of 1857,) The subscriber has just received the most splendid assortment of articles in his line, ever brought to this place—which ho is determined to sell at prices that dety competition. Parlor, Clamber, Dining-room, FURNITURE. Kitchen and Other Embracing every article used by House and Hotel keepers, of the moat approved and fashionable design and finish. Including also Cottage furniture In setts, reception and Camp Chairs, Mattresses, Gilt frames, pictures, Mr., 40. ua.,Particular attention given as usual to funeral..; orders from town and country, attended to promptly and on moderate terms. July 1,1864 PAINTS AND OILS - 10 Tons White Lead. 1000 Gallons of Oil. Just rocoived with a large assortment of Varnishes, Fire Proof Paint, Turpoutino, Florence White, Japan, , 'White, Zinc, Putty, Colored Zinc, Lltharge, - lied Load Whiting, Boiled 011, Glue, Lard 011, Shellac, Sperm 011, Paint Brushes, Fish 011,'&e., Colors of ovary description dry r aud 011 in cans and tubes at the Hardware Store of July 1, 143134, Bryane Pulmonte Wafers, AT RALSTON'S Dee.ll, 1863 PHYSICIANS will find it to their ad vantage to call :and purehaso their Medicines at 4 " 4.II.LidTON'B I= REATI: , 'I(V 3111'1110AN. ISCoNSIN. ALIFORNI hP PRICES. No. 3 XLichit., with =I TERMS CASII =EI ISE at t It Cumberland A. B. E HENRY SAXTON COAL AND LUMBER YARD.- The subscribers have this day entered Into' partnership to trade In COAL AND LIIMBER;-" We will have constantly on hand and fltinish ton" , dor all kinds and quality of seasoned LUMBER, BOARDS, SCANTLING, FRAME STUFF, Paling, Plastering Lath, Shingling, Lath, worked Flooring and Weatherboarding, Posts and Rana, and every article that belongs to a Lumber Yard. All kinds of Shingles, to wit: Whitepine, Hemlock and Oak, of different qualities. Having cars of out own we can furnish bills to order of any length and sign at the shortest notice and on the moat reasonable terms.. Our worked boards will be kePtunder cover so they can be furnished dry at all times. We have constantly on hand all kinds of Family Coal under cover, which we will deliver clean to any part of the borough. To wit: Lylcens Valley, Broken, egg, 0 .. n ,.. .. ---:::,..4 Stove and Nut, Luke Fiddler, ai 0, 4 4 %• , Trevorton, Locust Mountain, FiglSkllp Lobbery, which we pledge mas h— selves to cell at the talent prices. Best quality of Limeburner's and Blacksmith's Coal, always on band which we will sell at tholowest figure Yard west side of Grammar School, Main street. ARMSTRONG & HOFFER. July 1, 1864. Notice of Co-Partnership. THE public are hereby informed that the undersigned have this day entered Into a Co Partnership, under the name of Delaney & Blair, for the purpose of carrying on the Coal and Lumber boat.' nese. at tne old ktatid . pf Oliver Delaney, near the Dan Works; where all mica's In their line of business are^ respectfullysolicited, and will be promptly filled. OLIVER DELANOY, . . . . Oct. t6f. AM-Orders for coal will be received at Halbert t Fieralnn's Grocery Store; Robert Moore's Shoe Rtore and A. 11. Elair's Currying Shop. . . . in... Orders for Coal or Lumber solicited through the Post Office, arrangements having been made with the Postmaster to charge the postage on earn. to us. A❑ orders punctually BOOTS AND SHOES. A T the store of John Irvine, on th cornar of the public square, Is the place to purchase Boots Shoes Hats and Caps, at prices that deft cum pet Mon, Ile has just returned from the East with the largest and most coniplete assortment of Boots, Shoes, flats & caps that he has ever presented to this community, and which he is determined to sell at the lowest pos sible prices. ibis And: embraces everythfng In Ma line of business, such as MEN'S & BOYS' FINE CALF BOOTS, Kip Boots. Calf and Patent Leather Oxford Ties, Calf and patent Leather Gaiteia, Calf Nullifiera, Calf and Klp Brogans, Slippers, eta. LADIES' WEAR, Fine French and English Lasting Gaiters, Morocco Calf and Kid fl ets, Fine Kid :slippers, Fancy Slippers, !for mer,. and Kid Buskins, &a, MIS F.R A \D 01111,DREN'S WEAR. of all degcrip Gnu, embracing fine Lasting Gaiters, Morroreo and Lasting Button Roots, Morroceo I are boos of all kind. fancy shoes el various styles slippers, ke. ILATs %I'S, Silk, Cassimere. Fur and Wool Hate of all qualities and styles, also a large assortment of STRAW lIATS Boots and, Shoes made to order at the shortest notice Repairing ppfuninly (10110. Confident of his ability to please all else es of rostomers, he respectfully invites the public to give him a roll. cvLiteuiember the place, N.B. corner of the Public Square. duly 1 1564 LIELLING OFF AT TWENTY-FIVE 1,3 rER CENT. BE LOW COST 11 At the sign of the "Gold Eagle," a doors above th• Curnholand Valley Hank, and two doors below th• MetTiod?st Church. on West Main street, the largest and best selected stork of WATCIJES AND JEWELRY In the town, will be sold 30• per centiower than at any pines In the• Slate. The stock comprises a largo assort ment of Gold and Sliver hunting-case watches. Levers, ',opines, Arnericvn watches, and all other kinds acd Styles, GOLD AND SILVER CHAINS. (1 old Pet. and Penvilg, Jewelry of all kinds,Spoetaclea Liold and Silver, Mated and Silver Ware, MUSIC BOXES, ACCORDEONS, 011 INlntlngs, a :Treat variety of fancy article., Jte The en tit e stock of Watchmaker toola, cases, large !lirrors, and safe will be cold wholesale or retail on the easiest terms. Having selected a first class workman all kind■ of repairing will he done tie usual, at reduced prices. July 1, 1464 NEW ARRIVAL OF DRY GOODS The undersigned is now opening the hirgeist and most ilesnable stook of goods over ulbnred to the people of Cumberland County. A complete and gent sal assn. tment of Ladies Drees Goods. An immense assortment of LADIES MOURNING and Sti:C4NO MOURNING DIIESSOOODS from the Celebra tad Mourning Store of Itesson Se Son, Phila. A large assortment of LADIES PLAIN BONNET BIitBONS AND DRESEI TRI M I NGS. The largest stock of NOTIONS outside of the Eastern A full assortment of Cloths for Ladies Cloaking. Boys and M Vti S. Wear in endless variety, consisting of Cloth's, Fancy and plain Cassimeres, Tweeds, Jeans, and Collunadus. DOMESTIC GOODS. an Immense assortment, at reasonable rates A large, complete e nd varied aagortment of DUPLEX L+LII'fIC SPRING SKIRTS, and from nll the celebrat ed manufacturers In the U.S. also llalmorals of every grade and price. lilll Qll CARPETS, OIL CLOTIIS, MATITNOS AND LOOKLNG MEM A largo stock of Lace and Silk CAPES, LAWNS. liA REG ES, &c., jolt o'er from at season, will be /old at extremely low prices. Particutar attention paid to “Funorari ordera,”as as orders of all kinds promptly and pmsclually attend ed tn. All of which will be sold lower thnn prizes haw ing been purchased betide the lute advance. GROCERIES ! ! GROCERIES r..! (LP. MYERS, has opened a now Grocery Store in Main Street, Carlisle, opposite U Saxton's hard ware Store, and is now prepared to supply his Maude and the public, with all kinds of Choice Goods, at the lowest market rat is. Ms stock comprises COFFEES, SUGARS, SYRUPS, TEAS, Salt, Spices, ground, unground; Crackers, Cheese, Coffee Essences, Fish by wholesale or retail, Protns, Brushes, Tobacco, Segars, Snuff, Matches, Blacking, Bed Cords, GLASS AND STONEWARE, Queensware, Cedarwaro, NotlmM, and all other arti cles usually kept to a first class Grocery. In regard to prices I am determined to sell goods at the lowest !Mures. BUT TER, EGGS, and all kinds of Country Produce, taken at market prices. Farmers and Dairymen aro particularly Invited to call end aye the celebrated OM:MN, which has been pronounced by competent judge', the most superior Churn of the age. July I, 186.1. William P. Lynch rilhe subscriber informs the public that he still continues the GAS FITTING AND PLUMBING 'Moines at the Old Stand In tho basement of the Fire Methodist Church. lie will attend promptly to all 111.111.13 H in his lino. Load and iron Pipes, hydrants, Hot and cold SILO WER BATHS, Water Closets, Force and Litt Pumps, Wro't Welded Tubes, Iron Sinks, Bath Tubs, Bath Boilers, Wash Bo- sloe, Hydrant a Items, Ac., and every description o. cocks and fittings for gee, steam water, Ac. Superior cooking ranges. beaters dud gas fixtures put up in churches, stores and dwellings, at short notice, in the most modern style. All materials and work in our hue at low rates and warranted. . . . ll:ED—Country m uric and jobbing promptly attended to July 1, 1864. HAT AND CAP NIXIPORIUM. ry HE undersigned respectfully anuoun. CON to thapptille that ho still continnee the HO. t ug Business at the old stand, in West Bigll street,. and with a renewed and uffirient effort, produo AVM; chop of fiend Diestrof Every Variety, Style and Quality, that shall bo strictly in keeping with the, improve , - moat of the Art, and fully up to tho ago will* Tl§ live. I have on hand a splendid ' assortment of . • HATS AND CAPS, _ . ofall descriptions, from the common Wool to the Snot Fur and Silk Hats; and at prices that must suit every one who has an eye to getting the worth of his inoiley. The stock includes, MOLESKIN, CASSIMERE, DEAVER & BELT HATS, of every style and color and unsurpasied for Lightness Durability and finish; by those of any other establish went in the country. Men's, lloy's and Children's Hat's and Caps, clew, description constantly on baud. He respectfully invites all the old patrons and sa many new ones as possible, to give bim a call. • .J. G. GALLI°. July 1, 1864. BOOTS & SHOES. AA FULL assortment of Men and Boys' 'Boots and Shoes, suitable for the winter. Also. and Misses's Balmoral Bottom, Children's Iloota of all kinds. Ladles and Gentlemen's GUM Over Shoes, My old eustomeres and all in want of good and cheap Boots and Shoes, will please call and exainitni OM stock, before purchising. Main street, nearly opposite the Depot. July 1,1864 'FAMILY DYE COLQRS, • " l auly 1, 'ISM AT RALSTON'S • VEW GOODS.— Every description' and 'qUaliti - of G* 0'0,656 4 Cxeeneware, Hardware, Piekels, Sauce, Vine Liquors, Tobacco, Begars, Pipes, NroLh Fruits and vegetables In Cane, Oysters do. Bpices,'Wood and', Willow ware, all kinds and of the beet quality and. to be o:411 at the • lowest prices for oath by ' • WM . "l=7ll. .Tulty 'l, ' ;. ANDREW H. BLAIR DELANCY & BLAIR I= MIX= A. W. DMNT3 CHAS. OGILBY, trustee