Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, February 03, 1865, Image 4

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    How to Cure a Smoky Chimney.
For hard lying, the following can't be
beat. A correspondent;who lives in Now
.Hampshire, state/flat in those parts there
resides man med Joe,a...fk4low noted
_ fer...the tough/lies he" die tell; and as a
sample, relate's theillowing:
Joe called at olton's one day, and
found him almo t choked with smoke,
when he sugge ted :
"You don' knoW as much about man
aging smoky chimneys as I do, squire, or
you'd cure cm."
"Ah ' said Harm with interest, "did
er see a smoky chimney cured ?"
" Seen a smoky chimney cured !" said
old Joe. "I think I hav 9 e k ! I..haSklie
worst one in Seaboard county once, and'll
cured it a little too much."
" How was that ?" asked Holton.
" Why, you see," said Joe, '• you see 1
built 'a little house out yonder at Wolf
Hollow, ten or twelve years ago. Jim
Bunch, the fellow that built the chimneys,
kept blind drunk three quarters of the
time, and crazy drunk the other. I told
him that he would have something wrong,
but he stuck to it and finished the house.
Well, we moved in, and built a fire the
next morning to boil the tea-kettle. All
the smoke came through the room and
went out of the windows; not a bit went
up the flues. We tried it for two cr three
days, and it got worse and worse. By-and
by it came on to rain, and the rain begun
to come down the chimney. It put the fire
out in a minute, and directly it came
down by the pailful. We had to get the
baby off the floor as, soon as we could, or
it would have been drowned. In fifteen
minutes the water was knee-deep on the
floor. Then I went out and took a look.
• It didn't rain half so hard outside, and I
pretty soon saw what was the matter. The
drunken cuss had put the chimney wrong
end up, and it drawed downwards; it gath
ered all the rain within a hundred yards,
and poured it down by the bucketsful]."
" Well that was unfortunate," remark
ed Holton. " But what in the world did
you do with the house? Surely, you
never cured that chimney ?"
" Didn't I, though?" answered old Joe.
"Yes I did."
" How ?" asked Holton.
" Turned it the other end up," said the
inoorrigable, "and then you ought to have
seen it draw. That was the way I cure
it too much."
" Drew too much ?" asked Holton.
" Well, squire, you may judge for your
self," said old Joe. "Pretty soon after
we got the chimney down and the other
end up, I missed one of the chairs out of
the room, and directly afterwards I see
another of 'em shooting towards the fire
place. Next the table went, and I seen
the baok•log going up. Then I grabbed
the old woman under one arm and the
baby under t'oth er, and started ; but just
as I got to the door, I seen the cat going
across the floor backwards, holding on
with her claws to the carpet, yelling aw
fully. It wasn't no use. I just seen her
going over the top of the chimney, and
that was the last of her."
" Well, what did you do then ?" asked
Holton. "Of course you couldn't live in
each a house
"Couldn't I though ?" said Joe ; " but
I did. I put a poultice on the jamb of the
fire-place, and that drawed t'other way,
and we had no more trouble."
The First Turnpike
Exactly live hundred years have elaps
ed since a hermit, weary of the labor of
having nothing to do, and tired of sitting
the dull day through by the side of the
stone which supported the sun dial in front
of St. Anthony's Chapel, on Highgate
Hill— that stone which subsequently be
came known at Whittington's—resolved
to mend the ways between the summit of
the hill and the low part of the vale end
ing in Islington. This hermit was a man
of some means, and be devoted them to
bringing gravel from the top of the hill
and laying it along the unclean track,
which then, as now, bore the name of
" Hollow Way." By digging out gravel,
be gave a pond to the folks on the hill,
where it was greatly needed; and he con
tributed cleanliness and security to the
vale, where neither bad hitherto been
Travellers blessed the hermit- who had
turned construotor of highways; the pil
grims to St. Anthony's found their acoess
to the shrine of the saint made easy and
pleasant by him; and as for the benefi
cent hermit himself, his only regret was
that, in accomplishing his meritorious act
for - the good of his fellow-men, he had
entirely exhausted all his fortune. The
king, however, came to the rescue. He
set up a toll-bar, and published a aeoreo
addressed to " our well-beloved William
Phelippe, the hermit," that ho and the
public might know wherefore. The king
declared that he highly appreciated the
motive which had induced the hermit to
benefit "our people passing through the
highway between Highgate and Smeth
fade, in many places notoriously miry
and deep." And in order that the new
way might be maintained and kept in re
pair, the king licensed the hermit to take
toll, and keep the road in order, and him
self in comfort and dignity. This was
the first road-bar erected in England; and
William Phelippe, the hermit, was the
father of that race of turnpike-keepers
whose sovereignty of the roads, within
fifteen miles of London, came to an end,
on Abe first day of the month of July, of
this present year 1864.—. Cornl6ill Maga
• or A man knocked down ninety times
in n :tt.,priie fight, near New_York, hist Sun
diy, finally concladed to, own himself
• `
*. 100 Pack your cares in as small a
ITEM no you can ao that you can .oarry
theM yourself, and not let them annoy
others. , '
, - There is no soeihl disease so wide spread,
so virulent, and so -fatal in its attack, as
the piano mania. Before a girl is born,
now-a-days, she is predestined to sit and
extract dreadful screech ings and wailings
from sonic unhappy instrument for at
least ten years of her natural life.: No
-question 114 tm_whother she pok,sses an
ear, and no consliteratiOn for_thekars of
other people, is permittert interfere
with the decree, which is as irrevocable
RS the,hlws of the Modes and Persians,
that " Katy "or " Lucind as the case
may be, "pug', play the ji o." The
poor thing may be a natura born house
keeper, with a ge'nitts for . weeping and
dusting,,„wagliii and ba - ng, but with
no more perception of chor s and cadences
than of the music of th spheres. Still
she will not ho permitted to follow her
natural bent, because it is so horribly
vulgar. She will be wept over, scolded
and frepied at, and lazy, fine lady, sister
or coyin, held up as an example of gen
/fo be able to play the piano in com
pany, is the sine qua non of many foolish,
fond mothers' hopes, who look back with
regret on their own chances of education,
and are apt, therefore, to sadly overrate
the value of what are callod accomplish
ments. Playing the piano is doubtless a
very good thing when it is well done, and
by a person who possesses musical taste;
but otherwise it is only a torture for a
sensitive ear to listen to it. Jingle, jin
gle, jingle! thump thump, thump! Who
has not shivered and winced, an`d tried to
appear amiable, through the interminable
hours of a small evening party, while
some youthful tormentor, harrassed into
the display by stupid friends, was vigor
orously pounding out a miscellaneous as
sortment of battles acid marches, songs
and quadrilles, waltzes and opera, with-
out the slightest notion concerning them
except that certain keys in the piano cur
respond to certain notes in the book?
Excepting lor evening parlor-dances
the piano should never be played without
the accompaniment of a voice, unless by
a Thalherg; and, even then, only a few
will be found to care enthusiastically for
no mere science or grace of executio
And if this is true of a professor in the
art how much pleasure is it supposed
can be obtained from hearing the Mono
tonous and spasmodic thrumming of a
girl whose entire capacity for music has
been scolded or cudgeled into her, and
who would much rather be employed in
doing something else, even though it were
sweeping and washing dishes ?—Londrni
ASatiercbt,y ice:.
A Rich Story
SUMO time since, when Jackson coun
ty was in its infancy, and the natives
were governed by laws by them enacted
and enforced at will, there was a charac
ter among them known as fiddling Joe.
This man Joe was'a character not at all
known among the "cane biters" as be
ing devoid of fear, particularly upon the
subject (.1 . future punishment, being the
offspring of rough, though Christian pa
The Methodist Church, with its usu
care fur those who are unable or unw
g to employ ministers to purchase
Isles for the dissemination of Christian
ruths among them, sent a missionary to
urnish the inhabitants with Bibles and
preach the Gospel for their benefit.
On a bright Sabbath morning, in the
pleasant month of May, the minister in
passing from one appointment to another,
came upon the aforesaid Joe, sitting a
stride a log, playing the favorite tune of
"Soap Suds over the Fence," to his en
tire satisfaction and that of "Old Ring,"
who wagged his- tail in appreciation of his
master's endeavors. The minister ap
proached, and quietly addressed the fid
dler :
"My friend, are you not aware that you
are doing wrong—that you are violating
the teachings of tile Bible by playing
your fiddle to-day ?"
"Well, 1 dun'no," said Joa.
Then let me inform you, my friend
that you will be called to account for this
violation of the ordinance of the Bible at
he day of Judgment."
Joe (exeitedly)—Hold on there, par
son, you have hit on the very thing I
want to ask you about. I want to know,
is there more than one day of Judg
ment ?"
"No, my friend, there is to be but one
day when all Well are to be judged ao
oording td the deeds done in the body."
Joe, (resuming his favorite pastime.)
"Well, old hoes, you can pass on. I am
safe enough if there 'aint but one day of
Judgment, for there's an old cook-eyed
Judge, for the County Court in those
parte, who has :the brown critters, and
will die just afore me, and I'm ready to
swear that his case will take up that day,
The parson, of coarse, passed on
zeii-it would appear, from the careful
ly conducted investigations of M. Hefei-
Beim, that the heart recoils after every
contraction, somewhat in the name man;
ner as a cannon which has just been fired.
The writer states that the moment the
ventricles contract and pour their volume
of blood into the aorta and pulmonary
artery, the double-liquid jet which is thus
produoed'nocessarily determines a move
ment of the heart in the opposite direc
tion; that is to say, an aotual recoil move
ment at every pulsation." The reason
why, during its ecntraotion, it aniline' s
its proper position, is that the elasticity
of the surrounding struoturea neutralizes
the effect of the recoil.
Its. To succeed, you must keep mov
rig ; to grow rich, you must keep saving.
Peath hath nothing terrible in it,
but what life hath made so. ,
NO. Some ladies use liaint as fiddlers
do rosin—to aid them in drawing a bona,
Curiosities of Currency__
The currency of the world includes
many kinds of money. Gold, silver,
capper, iron, in coins_ -byweight—
s tempeLlea.therrStampe paper;
1 - allieSL:shells of varier, kinds—pieces
of silk or strips of cottoj -cloth, of a fixed
size and quality—are, or have been, all
is use among mankind as forms of cur
rency, as convenient or negotiable forms
or representatives of property. Many
of these kinds of money are simultane
ously in use in the same country. Gold ;
silver, copper, and stamped paper co-ex
ist as different forms of money in the
currency of Europe and America; gold,
silver, copper r and shells in india; silver,
copper and pieces of silk in china; cop
per, cotton-strips, shells, and the silver
dollar in Irttrious parts of Africa, Spar
ta had a currency of iron.
Of all forms of money silver is the
most widely recognized, and therefore
holds the first place in the currency of
the world. It is the standard money of
China, with a population of 400,000,000,
.and of India, with a population of 160,
000,000. It is also recognized as mon
ey all over Europe and America. Gold
at present, holds the second place in the
currency of the world. But unless new
silver mines are found, the recent dis
covery of the gold deposits in California
and Australia will make gold more abun
dant and more cheap, and tend to wrest
all supremacy from silver and give it to
gold—by inducing the European and
American states to make all the necessary
additionsto the metallic portion of their
currency in the latter metal.
Gold coin is not money in China, it is
silver. in England silver is not a legal
tender, save to the extent of forty shil
lings in payment of debt. Above that
amount it is simply bullion: it is no
more money than brass or tin or plati-
num is. half a dozen' kinds of silver
coin are current at Shanghai—five kinds
of the dollar and the Indian rupee; but
a few years ago only one of these coins,
the old Spanish Carolus dollar, was a le-
gal tender. This state of matters was
remedied in the autumn of 1855..
Newspapers and Bacon
An old and worthy subscriber to the
Augusta Constitutionalist, (noted for his
good bacon,) stepped in recently, and
proposed paying his subscription for six
months. The Bookkeepermade out his
receipt for $3.
ugh as Plain Black, Phenred and Rupp Silks. Plain and
Figured colored Drms ;Mks. and f.,101 a rcuch
French Cashmeres. plain and figural, I 11, rg Im
all shades and colors, Lluck ran d culured A liaugla, 14..111
and figured all Wool pious I ieLaitica. 6uitahle
and Children'n Dresses, Mohair alenci.o.
A worlenu Dehalnes. Cal hales, 11i nnha ma, 4e.
" How is this, " said our country friend. Mourning Goods.
You have put up the price."
"Yes," answered the bookkeeper, "we
aro been compelled to do it in self•de-
"Well, sir, it is extortion. I won't
take it."
"Well, then if you don't like it that
way; we will-let you take the paper at $2
--our old price—for six months, if you
will pay us in that fine bacon of yours at
ten cents a pound the old prise. That is
certainly fair."
"glow much bacon would it take ?"
"Just twenty pounds, sir." .
"Why, that would be giving you $l2
for your paper for six months, at the low
est price at which such bacon as mine
sells now !"
"I know that," answered the bookkeep
"We can't help it, and for this very
reason we have been compelled to put up
the price of our paper. Each sheet of the
plain paper on which we print our daily
now, costs us two cents, and every other
thing in proportion."
"Well, well," said our friend, "that
bacon argument is a clincher. Give me
the receipt ; hero is the money. I must
act upon the prevailing opinion. I must
save my bacon."
An Editor in lowa has been tined two hun
dred dollars for hugging a girl in church
Cheap enough ! We once hugged a girl in
church some ten years ago and it has cost a
thousand a year over since.—Young Ameri-
That's nothing ! We kissed a girl in school
some twenty-five years ago, and have had to
support her and the family ever since
Tioya Democrat.
Whew! You don't none of you know how
to do it. We have been kissing and hug
ging the girls for the last thirty years, in
school and out of school, in church and out
of church, at home arid abroad, and it never
coats us 'nary red.—Hospital Register.
The old rat must be a regular hug
her-mug-her. We wonder who dues sup
port the family, at home.—Sunday (Boston
Nary rat was lie. What's the use of sup
porting a girl and her family when yOu can
hug them from ono year's end to another
without costingyou a red. We are decided
ly in favor of the I?egister's mode.—Colum
bia Spy.
Too dear at that, counting the loss of sleep,
wear and tear-of coat sleeves, smashing of
shirt bosoms, and the risk a follow runs from
cross doge and fidgety Grand mothers.
Shouldn't the girls be taxed a little for the
" luxury ?"—Baltimore Co. Advocate.
Infamous, say we—this embargo upon one
of the dearest rights of free Americans. Just
think of it, a tax upon hugging. Why it's
monstrous. We call upon every lady and
gentleman in flan land to join us in our asser
tion of the right to have -
Your arm round a tapering weld
Whore to closely and foodiy It elhoge.
Down with the impious wretch who would
intrude his ugly mug upon the inalienable
privilege of-
Diir In describing the difference be
tween aristocracy and democracy, it is
wittily said in Cincinnati; The, democra
cy are those wlio . kill hogs for a living;
the aristocracy theSo whose fathers have
killed hogs.
t is said some babies aro so small
hat they can , creep into quart measures:
but the way in which soma adults can' walk
into such measures is astonishing. .
AgEr"' She isn't all•that fancy painted her',
bitterly. exclaimed , a rejected lover, ' 1 and
worse than that, she isn't all-that ihe'paints
WE, the undersigned, respectfully in
form our Monde and the public generally, that
we bare opened a
Tn the now second story over the fraiilk buildings
located a few doors south of the Post 011ice;and nearly
opposite A. W. Bents's store ' South lionovetstreet.—
We have constructed this Gallery accordind to our
tests, and flatter ourselves In saying we have far the
best arranged light is town. To aged, infirm and deli
cate persons, wo will say this Gallery is much easier
of access than any in this place, being located on the
second story, and the story beneath being low, there
Is notsuch a tower of steps to ascend.
laving procilr6d the assistance of on experienced
operator, and purchas...d the boat and latest improved
apparatus we are prepared to produce pictures tiqual
to any oth er ' establishment, not excelled by Now York
or Phi ladelbhia. Such ? as
Extra Whole Size Photographs,
Cartes De Visite,
Ambrotypei and Ferrotypes,
We shall also Introduco n now *tyre to thlo rich,'
ty In such unbaundod demand In the cillen, called th
One dozen taken at one sitting at the low price of
$1 60 per dozen. Pictures inserted In Lockets, (tinge,
and Pine. and copied or enlarged from old Daguerreo
tYPos. Amhrotypee, Ac., Ac Also, for sale a lino lot of
Picture Framoa and Albume. We hope, by a strict at
tention to business and A desire to please, to recoira
our share of the public patronage. Do not forget
the place, a few doors south of the Post Office. South
linnovor Strout. 11. H. GROVE & SON.
Doc. 2, 1804 -tr.
J. BOAS'S Store,
Opposite the Carlisle Deposit Bank
Would you buy your hats right cheap
Please call at Boas' store,
In North lianover street he keeps
Ills name is on the door.
Thorn Ladies, Mon and Children toe
Are fitted all the while,
His hats era good, and have proved true ;
No better in Carlisle.
Cape for Soldiers, Ben and Boys
You all can hero obtain,
For Ladies and for Childrons furs
You need not ask in vain.
Fur caps, Fur collarsand Fur Gloves
All neatly made and warm;
Fine woolen Shirts and woolen Drawees
For comfort In the storm,
Vests, Jackets, hose, Nocktics and Scarfs;—.
All these he keeps to sell,
Whips, comforts, canoe and notions too
Too numorous to tell,
AL 0,
Satchels and traveling Baskets for Ladles, market
and school Baskets, Carpet Bap and Valise:. Thu
Largest assortment: of Trunks kept at any house Is
tows. A large variety of (laudanum's Gloves. A very
large assortment of woolen shirts,
Tabacco and Sogara &c., &c. Pleaso roll and see his
shock of goods. J. BOAS', Azeut.
November 4,1864.-3 m.
N E 17 S !I
EIDICH & MILLER are just re.
j,elyin g at their new and cheap stero; on the south
east corner of ➢lain strut. , their firl.t nupply of
Fall and Winter Goods,
o which they invite the special attention of twert
person In want 01 tloods desirable for the present and
arming Season. The stock comprises all kinds and
varieties of
Black French Merinoes, French Carhmeros, doe tie
and mingle ir 11th all Wool UeLnlneu, Thihnett Mrtino,,
Crawl Poplins, Inch :led - Is hitt, Plaid Pop.
II ns. black Mod porplu Plaid Ca,lnneres, long sgsI:ll,•
nil Thilthet Fhawk, lent( andsquare 1.11111 phe,•
Crape Veils, Crape l'olltire ) liandkerchierb,l4lol Bal
rnosala, kc„
NEN A N I 1 130 I'S' WEAR.
Mack and colored! Nth. black and fancy Cassigrneres,
11 grades and qunlltiea, Ventiogv, Sat tithwts. r won
a< liners Kenturky Jeans, Shirting Flannels, lerino
bins annul -1)1111Sql,r11, -speriol-arrangoment
node witL a first class TAILOR to wake up Clothing at
•ery short notice.
Domestic Goods;
Bl,Tached and Unbleached lllußlins of °nut y quelit7.
Sheeting :Unsling. I'OllOW-robe M uslins. Limm tied C,,t
ton 'Fable Dhipers, Clo•ehi., :tripod t',ll ,al
skirting. Dent has, Donsest it , Gingham., :•catch Oleg
betns,%Sack Flannel t f every eplor, Shit frog Fla one's.
Fact..wy 1111 d Shaker Flannel.; Or 61,i/ 1 . 1,11. )6110,
and white Wool Flannels, C . anton Calicoes.
colored, cambric, and paper Meshes, uniting Nankeens
and ninny ether Goods in every clay use.
Men's Hanover Iluck Moves and Gauntlets,
Cloth, Ringwood. (:114,1131,11 and I)og,kj,, iiit epp.,
dies Kid, Cloth, Merino, Silk, Lislrthread owl Cotten
tilos es, a full as tat:tient it cotton and NA 0.,1 Ile nierv.
tier Men, Ladles and Children, Bahoontl llose
for Ladies Misses and Children, Opera Hoods, all slzes
and colors, Scams. Suspenders, Sontags,lllunped Skirts,
lint moral Skirts, Urnberelill., Se.
Also, just opening a complete stock of the newest
styles Cloth Cloaks. and Blanket ,haw is Carpets,
Cloths, illattlugs, Window Shades, Looking Ota,ses
Se., &v.
As the season advances we will constantly be mak
ing additions to our stock, and will al altos endeavor to
make our stock the most desirable that tam be found
In the country. Feeling very thankful to the commu
nity for their kind and liberal patronage no fur extend
ed to the Now First, we earnestly solicit a continuance
of the same. Please glee us a call before making your
purchases as we are always ready and willing to tr.:Wh
it our goods, and ran and will prove the t we study the
interest of our customers.
liens,, do not forget that our Store Is on the corner,
directly opposite lrvine's Shoe Store.
Sept. 16,1464.
Burt's Eat and .illouse, Roach and Bed
Bug Destroyer.
rI I HIS popular and reliable article for
destroying vermin° should be used by all per Fons
troubled with such pests. It never falls, ski iu Car
lisle at Elliott's Drug zitei 0, liaveretick's, I rug & Book
Store and by D. Ralston, Druggist. E. M. BERT,
13 North Eleven Street, Philadelphia.
Price 25 etc per boa (Large Situ.)
Nov. 4. 1864.—1 y
r HE Public can find, at our new
Grocery Store, In the Building lately occupied by
I hilip Arnold, deed., and next door to the Carlisle De
posit Bank, a very largo and fresh assortment of till the
different kinds nud grades of
Teas, Coffee Essences,
Coffees. Soaps.
Syrups, Candles,
Molasses, Salt,
Spices, . Pickles,
Sugars, Preserves,
Prepared Canned,
Coffee In Fruits, -
Papers, Jellies,
Vegetables Cranberries,
And Meats, Raisins,
Prepared Dried
Mustards, Currents,
Sauces, • Dried
Crackers, Fruits,
Cheese, Nuts,
Sweet &gars,
Cokes, Snuff,
ALSO—Rice, Barley, Starch, Farina, Corn Starch, Coro
alione, Mazeina, Macaroni, Yermicalln, Azurnea, -
Prunes, Concentrated Lye. Bologna, Sausage,
Table and other Oils, Nutmegs, Blecking,
Beeswax, Chocolate, Cocoa,lie Yarn,
Lamp and Candle M, Bath
Brick, Clothes Lines, Bed
Cords, Spica Boxes Paper
and Envelops, 31 at chum,
Pewter Sand, ctovo polish
voring Extracts Spigots, Pens, Inks,
Brimstone, Mackeral. Shad, Salmon,
tog and Codfish. ALSO—the celebrated Ex
calsior (lams, Dried Beef and Tongues, Rugs, 'and
Malts, Shot nod Load, Brushes, Brooms and Wisps,
W A R E.
Wo respectfully ask the publle to call, examluo and
Price our large and carefully soluctcod stock of VINE
PANILY OILOOEItIEB. We buy all kinds of Country
Produce. JAMES bI..ALLEN .4 Co.
Just received a largo asaortmont of all altos—
/dem Bolting, Gum Ileac, (rum Packing, &a., anci for
saki cheap at the Hardware Stara of
June 25, 1804
T_TAMES. , - - -500 pairs Hanes op hand
of all !chide. Elizabethtown pattern, Loudon
do., ()orman do., with and without patent faateniuga
* cheaper than over at IL BAXTOPPS, East Main et.
July 1,186.4.
PORIUM, No. 020 Ohoatnut St., Philadelphia.
0% OPEN-Paria•Made
'own Ih/anufaciuro, of the Latest Styles and in great
varietyi '
J. W. PROCTOR & CO., .
,The Paris Mantilla Emporium;
920"1311E8TNIIT' &rapt.
Just published in a Sealed Envelope. Price . Six Conte
I RADICAL Core of Spermatorrboea or Seminal Weak
','noes, involuntary Emissions, Sexual Debility, and Im
pendithents to amiutovontranw7NAritancies,Con
sumptloti, and MN; Mental and Physical
incapacity; remiltitik frinn Solf4Mmii,'&c.• ;11.0117
.1. CULVERWELL, M. D., Author cf the "Omen
.Rook," &c.
The world renowned author, In this admorable Lec
ture' clearly proves from his ovrmexperkonce that the
awful conse.lubuc'es' if Self Abus.b may be effectually
remc ved without medicine, and without dangerous
surgical operations, bougies, Instrum. nta, rings, or
curl Mb, pointing out a mode of curd at Once certain
and effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter what
his condition my be, may cure himself cheaply, pri
vately and radically. THIS LE. TURF. WI LL PROVE
Soot under foal, to tar) , iddress, Inn plain; Fealed
enrolOpn,.oli thb t . ocelrit of MX °HIGH or two poatago
stamps, by addressing CHAS. .C. h 1,1 NE & CO.
167 Bowery, New York, Pont-0111cm Box, 406.
Cot. 14, 1664.
, l
' ' Tfi'E peettlihr taint or
Nk ,c..., infection which we call
SCROFULA lurks in
• '- 1 i '.. ;th?' i'f , tlStittitions M
....2. . ~
e' , multitudes of men. It
' 1
either produces or is
~.--" ...,
.....J- - , . g it , ,
------ i produced by an en
--.------ ''-, -. .. fechleilp: "vithited state
FlF'N',' ...:,-, N l:7'7 or 'lll . O Wont!, wherein
yin.w_... : ~ , , . .,p,..,,„,.. 1 liiiir-that fluid heroines in
r . - ki,,ZO k ,
~,, c t••'Fii s 'i co in Ike t e nt. to sustain
'''''" . .j--V,,, ',,--.rsterat the vithl forces in their
; ;1 4 .Te . ‘4 gamma vigorous ((('I (llt and
:..4,....... - " . .1. '''.--,''-' leaves the system to
r - - - = fall into disorder and
—, '-'s :-...... f. :?,...- , -- - -.,
- ''' , --1-..- ..--...---'''---- decay.' ,The scrofulous
contamination is variously caused by MCITUI nil
disease, low living, disordered digestion from
unhealthy food, impure air, filth and filthy
habits, the depressing vices, and, above till, by
the venereal infection. W'hatever be its origin,
it is hereditary in the constitution, descending
"from parents to children unto the third and
fourth generation ; " indeed, it seems to he the
rod of Ilia who says, " I will visit the iniqui
ties of the fathers upon their children." The
diseases which it originates take various maters,
according to the organs it nttacks. In the
lungs, Scrofula produces tubercles, and limilly
Consumption ; in the glands, swellings Ivhicii
suppitrite and become ulcerous sores; i ll O w
MOM:tell and bowels, derangements which pro
duce indigestion, dyspepsia, and liver corn
plaints', on the skin, eruptive anal cutaneous
affeetion:. These all having the same origin,
require the same remedy, viz.. purification and
invigoration of the blood. Purify the bided,
and these dangerous distempers leave you.
With feeble, foul, or corrupted !dotal, yon can
not have health ; with that .' life of the flesh "
healthy, you cannot kayo scrofulous disease.
is compounded front the toot effectual anti
dotes that medical science has discovered for
this afllictin , lll,telllper,llllil for the cure of the
disorders it entails, -That it is far superior to
our other remedy yet drained. is known by ull
Nvho have given it a trial. That it does 00111-
1 ine virtues truly extraordinary their effect
upon this class ,if complaints, is indiynuahly
proven by the great nuiltitude of puldielv
known and remarkable cures it has rondo of
the following diseases : King's Evil or
Glandular Swellings, Tumors, Erup
tions, Pimples, Blotches and Sores, Ery
sipelas, Rose or St. Anthony's Fire, Salt
Rheum, Scald Head, Coughs from tu
berculous deposits in the lungs, White
Swellings, Debility, Dropsy, t euralgia,
Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Syphilis and
Syphilitic Infections, Mercmial Diseases,
F ema l e Weakne s ses, and, its lend, liWlvhole
!.cri , s - of Mond:tints that ttriQc from iminirity
of the e !. .Nlinitte report , of i iiit!dual
ea=r, l'1:11' lir found in Al rte's ASl.ldols
1.11 INA ,' ', whit II furnished to the druggb.ts
fur gr:1111111111 , diStriblltloll. MICI , III 111:n•
1,,,111.•11 the directions for its '11111I• of
the ii.nuirk:thl.. rurrs r,hi It ht ha, made At 11c11
till 0111C1' remedies Intl failed to
Tialse ra,e, 1111` 1,11111t),'! . ," 1111 sec
lions of the country, in older that c‘cri' render
natty }lnt 11 , ,•( -4, ;:i.. Ulld NC.I" t'llll sr I . llk 10
hin t of it.: 111•111 . 111, ( . 1 . 1/111 1 1 11'1/11111 l'Ni. , •1'11•11.1`.
`.'f..lnl:l 111 . 1)11 . -.-Vi We {ll.ll 1111fi 1111 IS
its t 1 , 11111. f:11* 11101'0 ,1:1111,1 111 1 1 ,1•11 , 0
1111 d it. , 1.11111 l'l . -111: , 111/111 110' 1.1,111 V C.. 1 1 ,1
111111 s. 11.1 . 111 . 1 1 11 11'11 , 1 , 111 1-I'l'l'llll, 111. , 1 11
1, 0•1111 . .." Sllol'llll, lII , ' 11 , 1 . 1'.1re 11111%111c:11 of .11!1;
N E W S!!
l'he %a-4 I:ul:ur,'m•r thc,e
j,,,,s lin< Il''l IN It, ,I 1•1111 \,:u,
remedy viin•. This
we now offer to the public under the. name of
AY ER'S — SA tillttotigh it - iS-cont
po,ol t,f iucrcdiruh , , r)1111 . idf Much cored the
6,J. ol* pwvcr.
tS:liti V,lll Iron' the ,ufler
nu and (1111ft:A r ,ti tht-, Ilistti der , . l'urge not
tlic foul corruption, that rot and foster in the
blood ; pur;_u• out di , s of tlt , ett,e, anti
licalth %vitt Ittl;to,. Ity it, tuculittr
Nlll4lO , thi4 rtunctl, 1410 111111
tins,, and tint. expels the distempers which
lurk ii !thin the system or Lunt tint on any
part of it.
V, know the puldic hale horn doe, ived lry
1111 Illy [licit premised
did notlung ; but they will neither he
dec•elll cut nor dbappointed in thin. Its v'irtuos
have been proven by abundant trial, and there
remains no que,tion of its surpassing excellence
for the cpre of the Annelle!' diseases it is in
tended to reach. Althoueri under tho same
name, it is a very different medicine from any
ocher which has been before the people, and is
far more effectual than any other which has
ever been available to them.
The World's Great Remedy for
Coughs, Colds, Incipient Con
sumption, and for tho relief
of Consumptive patients
in advanced stages
of the disease.
This 111151 been so long used and so univer
sally known, that we need do no more than
assure the public that its quality is kept up to
the best it ever has been, and that it may be
relied on to do all it has ever done.
Prepared by Dui J. C. Avint & Co.,
Practical and Analytical Chemists,
Lowell, Mass.
Sold by all druggists everywhere
Sold hy .1. W. ELLIOTT, Carlisle; and deli
ern ever V where.
C 11ER1IAN, Attorney at- Law,
• Ulu'llslo, Pa. Neat door to the Herald Wilco
July 1,1804-Iy.
TAMES A. DUNBAR, Attorney a
liLaw, Car Pa. Office on the min) side or Its
Court House. adjoining the "American Muting Ul
July 1, le6l-Iy. 3.4
M. WEA.KLEY, Attorney at Law,
• nil. 0u south llanovor street, adJotrrfurr tho
aloe of J udge iii alum. All professional bueinolia en
trusted to him will Lu promptly atteudoil to.
July 1, 1861.
at Law. Uffico with ]]on. Samuel Hepburn, Main
SI. Carlisle Pa,
July 1, 1801.
JUGLATIGIILIN, Attenhly ut Law, /Also in Inholr's
just opposite the Market House.
July 1, 1804-13% P
rl P. HUMERI - CH; Attorney at Law
on North Hanover strett, few doors
north of Gill's llotul. All buslnetis tintrustod to him
will be promptly attended to.
July 1, 1864.
Dr. I. C..L00.111S "
Porn frot Strout row door*
bolow South Ilanovor at 14 ' -
July 1, 18114.
OSEPLI RITNER, Jr., Attorn©y at
Law nud survpyor; ofecluedeourg, es.
1 all Road Street, tWo doors north of the Bank.
oll..ilusluees promptly attended to.
July 1, 1814.
Late Dpoiortstititot• of Operativo Dontistry of tho
ti morn College of
Don tul Surgery.
....."4.t? 11 1 Office at hie realdence
opposite Marlon 4111" West, Alum stroot, pat lisle, Pa.
July t, 1854. ' "
" B JRIGIIT, Dentist, from the
Alia ill, i mo rq Collage ofpautol Surgery.'
igy.Ofilco 'at the residence of his mother, East
Loather street, three doors below Bedford.
July 1,1804.
PHYSidr.kistg ad
vantago to call and purchaso their Idedlelnos at
July 1, 7864
.at Law Office In South Hanover street, ogposito
117teo dry good store Ottrthdt,
118eptomker Y, 204
, -
Aycr's Sarsaparilla
911-IE subscribers would respectfully
announce to the public, that having purchased
Carlisle Forge, formerly owned by Mr. J. Goodyear,
we liars commenced the manufacture uud will keep
constantly on hand all sizes of the best quality of
We will give prompt attention to all orders, whether
from a distance or at home.
. .
The highest Cash prices paid for old wrought iron
SCR APS, delivered at the Forge, at the Railroad bridge,
In Carlisle. WEAVER & BRICKER.,
. Carlisle, May 13, 1884—ly
Carpetings and Oil Cloths.
'VOW receiving at Ogilby's cheap cash
Store, a lot of Ingrain, Venetian, Hemp, Rag,
and Stair
Also. Phor OIL CLOTH'S all widths, which will be
told for the cash at the lowest rates.
CLUB. OGILBY, Trustee.
.March 4,1864
Fourth Arrival of New Goods
have Just returned from the cities with a large
addition of • ,
All tihr . es suited for the season. A beautiful line of
Man T les, Coates nod Basques, Lam: Points, (1 ream
dine Shawls, Last, Bojous' Celebrated Kid Gloves,
Parasols, Sun Umbrellas, Fans, Ribbons, lisle for
Ladies and Misses' Mop Skirts, and a general assort
ment of seasonable goods
Also selling cheap a large lot of OLD GOODS much leas
than present prices.
Please call one door below Martin's Hotel, Ruat Main
Jana 10, 1804
Great Reduction in Dry Goods,
(AWING to the recent heavy fall in
the price of (Mid I have deterniined to reduce
every Article 111 my Mimetic° stock of Pry lords to o
corresponding price with the precious metal and intend
to make still further reductions from time to time ,
Cold recedes in price. My ex tenblve stock has been
mainly Purchased at low prices and before the great
advance In goods. I take this opportunity ni railing
the attention of the public to the notice, as I can and
will sell lower th.ut any 'louse outside the Eastern
Cities. Call and Examine fort out selvee. Remember the
old stand South Hanover street below the Court
Oct. 7, Mit A. W. RENTZ.
H. IL 3AM ESON & Co.
and retail Dealers in Pun
y ry Dry Goods, Trimmings. Notions &e., North
weal cornar of Haul:Ver . had Pomfret streets Carlisle
I',r, would respectfully announce to the Public that
they Lace just returned the En 14,111 CR , OS
I.da, awl well selevted IJI eousistlng In
part Hosiery, GloVe.l, Veil, Crapes, CravlGS,
N :dm who, 1 landt,en hists. Suspenders,
thirty. Drawer., 11,;:o. I,ldies .0 Gents Collars, hind-
Cord,, rut tons. Ninh! , .
lion!) Shirt , , Paper, Pens, Perfumery, Clzars Av., to.
\Ye would pArtioularly Invite the attention of
Country 3lercliants,
to , Ur stark, as In the matter of prima, as \evil an In
nth, Important phut Irulars. 0112“ y this great ad
-11111. 1,,001 . 11 I 1 tall . 1100 , 0 :10.1 mrml o 4 , 5
001 Ilinn are :11,1 in I'hi:A.l,lphi and always pre
p tred t akr a,ll.tnta:re every i!urt.nati,n, in tin
I mins wade with rl holt—ale pnrehaFers and
r Berl d L , )111) q..‘ ,• ry elinn.•
(2.1.1 sod r :candle, our et.e h.
11. ,1 A M NZZON
o,t. 1.1, 1464.
New Stook of Hats and Caps
Nurt.'t 11.tnover Street.
A splendid al...sortment, of all the new
::It,trlt. Soft k Straw
III; 44 I. 44 , 44 4 ,44•11 city .1,1 Irollort.toalat urr v. 11,11 will
1 , at to To/0., ay .14 “11,11.31.
it., h... 11,,. alit! Not mt. to Ow
e•: :iti silll.ll., 41 by tally Hai,.
l'httl I,lphia A ot
Palm, L1~r11•n~u, Bra id.lndia Panama, and
•t , (.1 5 111,. and rhild rolls
cap , 1.11 11.1 r .11111 FIB
-111. Till I, • all S. , “111.• 1 . C3 1 111110 hi=
li••III,r 11 1111011. , x1 111110 r. iv•
li.• ti vtlrol.•
I I, r , 1.1:-
1:1.1 tti I. .1.1 •r , 1111.111
Sl'_ll.llEl2 ILITS,
.nt,11.1..l 1.,•\41
.1 ;I / I. 1,!
Alt(; I; Mil; VAI, 1:1;I; 4
11_1 —FI,II ill ,
.1”1,11g 1.gre . ,1,,t I.i rt.:II Ili. , 1611
tn , .3 1. dry ' , hit ..:11; kit
1 t ;
11 I
I. * ( ;Sl'.ltV
a••• 1 ,•o•• ~ .11”.•1:f f
I. I R .5 ,
nt tlo. loyi est, tor CASH or Couot , ,durr
July 1,1,9
Till , : partnership heretofore exist
11;111.ert inid Crallf;.l.4
lug. by mutual e...0t0
and aevottlits flu in tID , hand, rut ni dr Italbytt.
en! ne, r!.111•,t.n!I p.unr. ! 11, icentllit , with th
late firm II nod nettle them
haviug enternd into partnership with his brother
CLa•its 1.. Halbert, the bw , hinss will how n!torth b.
enndunted u!!!!!!r the style of !lathed. A: lir4,ther.
The new firm h cult! respectfully call attention
their stock of
New and Fresh Groceries.
Thelr , tovlc Is !Argo and selected with the'cuentent. care
and willtie sold tit the lowest prices for cash. It /on,
gists In p3rt of lino old o,overnmoot Java COFFEE,
Prone Itio do Prince Rio Roasted.
SYRUP:I.—New York, 11 ,tOO, and l'hlladelpllla Sy
rugs, 01 OrV hest qualities.
BROWN . ElS.—The boat the inarket :11Terds.
I.everiug n er.llod, Sand. and Pulvel it'd :"Ugar•
AlllO, Ins A. U. aid I.:. Sugars, e Welt cannot be our
Rion, Corn Starch, F.-rrina, Dandoli no coffee, EISSOUCO
of Corn,e, Cnncontrat,,,l Lyy, Candle', ke,
A large and well toll stook of the very latest pat—
terns and sty... lower than ever in price, and better
LI quality, than I)as ever offered !adore in Carlisle.—
C u d! A nd see. Wooden and Willow Ware, aue4 as Tubs
Bucket:, and Churns, Basket. of every description;
Children's CA Stoneware, Cream Pots, But—
ter Jars. Preserve Jars. Jogs, all sizes.
FIRII--No, 1, 2 and 3 M.sokeral. No
1 MESS SIIAD No.l Herring.
A largo tuantlty of the eelebnitod Excelsior HAMS.
SALT by the Sack, Dairy and (I. A. Salt.
. .
The subscribers respe , tfully at.k the patronage n
heir friends and the public generally. and Invite then
o call and examine ihoir new• stock, at the old stand
orner of Hanover and Louth, Streets.
etirlisle, April 2.2,
Flour and Feed Store,
911 HE subscriber wishes to announce to
the people of Carlisle and vicinity, that ho has
opened a
the South East Corner of Melo and West Streets, In
he Warehouse owned and formerly occupied by Jacob
theem. The b•et buands of FAMILY FLOUR, kept
•onstnntly on hand and delivered to any putt of the
own. Having perfected .krrengements with some of
ho first) nulls in the neighborhood, I con assure my
mstoniers that they will be furnished with an article
n' Flour which I can vouch for. I will keep constantly
m hand FEED OF ALL KINDS, such no
Corn, Oats, Bran, Shorts, Potatoes, &c
The highest cash prices paid lhr Grain of all kinds
and Flour. Don't forget the old established stand.
Carllelo, May 20, 1801
gl ) .; R
Of the old firm of John P. Lyne i t Son,
I~AS just completed
,opening his new
Eprin stock of flarduare, Paints, 0118, 0,11158,
Varnishes. Be g
e., to which ho invitus the early attention
of thu public generally. flu has greatly enlarged his
stock .in all Its various branches, and an pow
. . .
Reliable Goods,
In largo or small quantities at the lowest prices. A.
look into his storo will convince them that ho has
enough Goods to fully supply the demand in this mar
ket. Persons wanting Goods in our lino will find It to
their itdvitntage to give us a call before making their
purehasos, All orders personally and punctually at
tondod to, anti no misrepresontetions made to effect
sales. LEWIS P. LYNN,
Carlisle, May 20, 1804. North Hanover Sty
Important Notice.
Reduction on Dry Goods,
At. Ogilby's Cheap . Cash Store.
(AWING to the reduced price° of goods
the Olty, I am now running of may entice stock
of dry goods at greatly reduced prlcoalor cash. -
Many articles' having boon purchased before thend
vance in price, I am enable to , sell Mr less than lty
prices. All in want of bargains will do well to call
before purchasing elsewhere.
CIIAB. OG1LBY; Trustao
CARPETING.—SeIIing of Valance of
my,eatpota at reduced prima. 011A8. 00ILDY,
Oct, 14, 18,61. " - Trust Mo.
IIINCE 8c• 00's. well-known MELO
• 'MONS and IIAWOONIOIIB, introducing the id:.
life of nodal bass on ovary instrument. • '
EARNEST GA861111 , 8
- BALLET, DAVIS,. & Co., colebratedPlANOS for each
at a Illieral deduction. ' •
189. Over 30,080 sold. .
_ • ' ' 270 281
no.' street, above epruce,
°Pt:l4; ON --tornci. . Phneldelphley Pa
'e. .
TILE Allen and Etstpennaboro' Mu
tual Niro Insuradce Company of Cumberland
County incorporated by an act of Assembly, In the
year 1843, and having recently had its charter extend
ed to the year 1883, in now in active end vigorous op
eration, under tha superintendence of the following
board of Manager., viz
William IL Horgan, Christihn &opium, Jacob Eberly
D. Bally, Alex. Cathcart, J. H. Coover, John Eichelber
ger, Joseph ( Wickerkbam. l aml. Eberly, Moses Bricker,
Rudolph Coover, And 1. C. Dunlap.
'I he rates of Insurance are Pfl low and favorable as
any Company of the kind in the State. Persons wish
ing to become members aril invited to make applica
tion to the °gents of the Company, who are willing to
watt upon them at any time.
WM. It. GORCI AS, President,
Eberly's Mills, P. 0.
"Pechanicsburg, P. 0.
JOHN C. DUNLAP, Secey. Mechanicsburg.
DANIEL DAILY, Dillsburg, York Co.
Cumberland eounty.--11ohn Sherrltk, Allen : Ilenry
Zearing. Shiremanstown; Lafayette l'efler, Dickinson;
Ilenr) Bowman, Churebtown ; Mode Griffith. South
Middletonl Samuel Graham. Westpennsborof ; Samuel
Coover,MerlfaLicahurg J. W Cocklin,Fltepherdstown
D. Coover, Upper Allen : .1. O. Saxton, Silver Spring.;
John Ilyer, Carlisle; Valentine Seeman, New Cumber
land; .lams MeCandlish,
York county—W. S. Picking. Dover: James Griffith,
Warrington; .1. F. Deardorff, Washington; Richey
Clark, billsburg; D. Rutter, Fairview; John Williams
Dauphfn cO—Jamb Houser, ljar_r_Vrrg.
IlembeEN of the Company - barTnir about to
expire, ban have then, renossed by waking application
to any of the Agents.
July 1, 1864.
With Glass Cloth Presser, Improved Loop—
Check, "New Style Hammer, Binder,
• Cor or, Braider, etc.
At the Railroad Office, Carlisle. Pa.
INTERN ATION UL 1. ,, N150N, 1862
ishusruitit EX kill 4, 1841.
nt the Fair, of the
Silver Medal at the I'tna•y/runia State Fair
September, 1 863.
American institute, V•tr York, Mechanics , ' Arsonlation,
lliston, M rankli n Ins tU lite, Philadelphia, Aletmpolitau
Illtiehanter' 1 n .tittitf•lW.4:llb,,bpn.lVlrwyland Ins tit ut,
Italtituorm Mechanic' Aqmciation. Cincinnati, Ken
tueliy I Ilstittlie, Ale.•hanical Association,
vt. Louis, Alechaniei.' Institute, Sari Francisco.
11 , .1 PiNA,
Thepe 11-I.lratv - ,l l l,llllies aro arlapte4 r va
riety , kl, l -ewiliz: a- m ilystone. froth t lightest 11111 , -
1111{.1./ the 11,11i..t fa . hall.. They 105.01 equalo
111 , 011 5.111 i. III:111, Vri./vlttll. snd Clltt.rat
hemming., •eorilin, !Stilt
tir.1.111,, -111.11.1114 .111.1 iwrfect stitch. altke
on I , •th In- -- - to I p-rr-rmin, ever,
IV let and Alt. , 11111,:
1IJ:1 t' ~ perat huff, tio• Markin.- i._11••,;
rat.110. , 1,1) at the fiale, r•rime. IS hell Liloi` Sellr n, that per vv!
pard ilireetiou which is a
t ,ruld
.1 he.l h revornmetxt the %%heeler
ilmet are--
I . le et stitch, eh), r.O,hie,
vll I II rrn 1
4 lt , ,t!t ,••T t•
1 , 10 -•- .1••••1
; ! ~ f And
-11,1 ! In It' :• , 1,1:n.•-• .1 n-luoli , n
.nod Ln..nagt.nient, and
ii r ..,.... r... T , ; ,•.i
.i..• NVA!I•ti, or Nlnto gang
II t 1,
1. {V tlnut',gany
N I NI., pteLc I, ,th
Plain TAM°, tir,
Half Iti;tlnut, 7, U..
Ilsif Poll, ...I. ohwk Wnluut or 3lnhogany
F 11110,0... 111. wk Nt mlttut or MAll.,gany 101
Full Case, Folu•het.. ILosuwoo 1, lOU 00
N 0.4 M3chit, Large! with
PI. in Tahle, 75 00
N 0.5 Machine, Cylinder, with
Plain fable,
Every !ilachino is sold with a Hemmer, NOS.] and 2
Machines are sold r..lniklote. with the Now Glass Cloth
l'res,er, Now r , tv le llonnxer and Ilraider.
Wheeler le A2eney at
Railroad and Telegraph Office,
July 1, 1/IC4-ly
First Prize Modal at the World's Fair
London, 1862.
Li4 --, .. , 0 .---1r ' 11 :.: , „: , .. -4 1 - 47.3....:437...... / ",.. , ......,..i.:-?_,A 1 , L ,- , t •i r.: '
,t It vr ezi.
THE undersigned has just received,
and intends to keep constantly on hand a full as
sortment of the unequalled Pianos mactutsctured by
Steinway k Sons of New York.
Each hmtrumoul wilt he carefully selected in the
Manufactory, and n ill be sold at the
New York Cash Factory Prices,
with the addition of Freight to Catfish, +,
A written guarantee of entire satisfaction will be
given by the subscriber to each purchaser.
Persons desirous to purchase are invited to call and
examine these unrivalled Pianos, at
B. E. Shapley's Jewelry Store,
Main Street, 3d door east of the Mansion House, near
the Railroad Depot
SECOND HAND PIANOS received in exchange and
kept for sale and to rent.
Carlisle, Mat 23. 1663-1 v
-'_ -
• West High Street, Carlisle, Pa.
(Premium awarded at the Cumberland
County Agricultural Fair of 1857,)
hasjust receivt d the most splendid
assortment of articles in his line, ever brought to this
place—which he is determined to sell at prices that
tidy competition.
Dining-room, FURNITURE.
Kitchen and i
Embracing every artier° used by House and Hotel
keepers, of tho most approved and fashionable design
and finish. Including also Cottage furniture in setts,
reception and Camp Chairs, Mattresses, Gilt frames,
pictures, &c., dte.
o,..,nl'articular attention given as usual to funeral.;
orders from town and country, attonded to promptly
and on moderate terms.
July 1,1801
10 Tons White Lead. 1000 Oallonsof 011. Just
received with a large assortni4t of
larnishes, Fire Proof Paint,
Turpentine,' --- - Florence White,
Japan, White Zinc,
Putty, Colored Zinc,
Litharge, _ _ Iled
_Lead _
- Whiting, Boiled Oil,
Glue, Lard 011,
Spero, 011,,
Paint Brushes, Fish 011, ke . .,
Colors of every description dry, and 011 In cans and
übcs at the Hardware Store of
July 1, 1801,
Bryaps Pulmoigc Wafers,
Dec. 11, 1863
HYSICIANS will find it to their ad
radar to roll and purobaso their bledicines at
Highest Premium+ :it the
At the State Fairs of
11.1 w ).1 , • f t
Maehint., nigh
A. B. I,
The subscribers have this day entered Into
partnership to trade in
We will have constantly on hand and furnish to otw
der all kinds and quality of seasoned
LUMBER,. . •
Paling, Plastering. Lath, Shlogling, Lath, 'corked.
Flooring and Weatherboarding, Poste and Bails, and
every article that belongs to a Lumber Yard.
All kinds of Shingles. to wit: Whitepine, Hemlock
and Oak, 01 different qualities. Daring cars of ono
own we can furnish bills to order of any length and
blLa at the shortest notice and 011 the most reasonable
terms. Our worked beards will ho kept under cover
so they ran be furnished dry at all times.
We have constantly en hand all kinds of Family
Coal under cover, which we will deliver clean to any
part of the borough. To wit:
Lykens Valley, Broken. Egg,
Stove and Nut, Loke Fiddler,
UAW'S , • Trerorton, Locust Mountain,
,f 044, Lobbery, which wo pledge our.
g._ selves to sell at the lowest
Beat quality of
Linteburner's and, Btacksmilles Coal,
always on hand which we will sell at the lowest figure
Yard west ride of Grammar School, Main street.
A RMST RUNG & 110E-rell:
July 1,1864.
Notice of Co-Partnership,
public are hereby inforrat4 that . .
the undersitzued have this day entered Into a`Co
Partnership, under the name of Delaney & Blair, fott ,
the purpose of carrying on the Coal and Lumber busi
ness. at tne old stand of Oliver Delaney, near the Gas
Works; where all orders In their line of business are
respectfully solicited, and will be promptly filled.
Oct. 16, 1863—t f.
Arty-Orders for cool trill be received at Halbert ft
Plerning'm Grocery Store; Robert Moore's Shoe Slots
nod A. 11. Blair's Currying Shop . .
IMOrders for Coal or Lumber solicited through the,'
Post (Mice. arrangements having been made with lbw
Postuntster to charge the postage en Fame CO W. AM
orde A punctually Med.
T the store of John Irvine, on th
_N. E. corn:, of the pnbli, square , i s th e place to
pUrehase ito,,ts Shoes tints and Caps, at prices 'that
dery competition,
Ile has just ret tinned from the East with the largest
and flint complete assortment of Boots, Shoes, Bats &
Caps that be has ever presented to this community,
and a ti t h he is determined to sell at the lowest pos
sible prices. Ilia sled; embraces everything in its
line of IrUSillu SS. such as
Hip Bunts. Calf and Patent Leather Oxford Ties, Calf'
and patent Leather Halters, Calf Nullifiers, Calf and
Kip Brogans, Slippers, &c.
Fine French and English hilgtiliglialterst. Morotiro Cnlf
and Kid Bront4, Fine li id slipporn , Fancy Slippers, Mor•
roe . and Kid ltu..6i no. ?Fe.,
31L8 li~.l \llt ell I I,I)I:EN'S WEAR. of all defterip
lions embracing flue Lasting (falters, Morrocco and
11'4 . II 1.1 th.ll (toils, Morroci.o Lace bows of all kinds
fanny %Inn, of variiiini styles slippers, Sic.
1-I.ITS ce CAPS, Filh. Carshnere. Fur and Wool Hats
of all quaint, and steles, also a largo assortment of
Tinotg and Shoe, nifille to order at the ftbortext notice
Repairing ppoinfuly Ile.o. Confident of Ills ability to
plea, ~11 .•11 , totoer, be respectfully itrritos
to give lii n, x eft.
tryi_ltemumbel the piAer, N. E. corner of the Public
.1111 N 1, I'o4
AI 11, F iv o of •• Gold Engle." 3 doors above the.
rutobt.riend I alloy Bank, and two doorn below the,
mt•t t ittdto coon I t . %l eta 11aiu /Arnet t the /sup's*
and Leal solt.t.tod stock t•f
In the town, will lie sold :•t) per relit lower than at any
pin., in t lie ',At,. Ihe -t/)ea coinprises n large ai.aort
ini•nt ed liold huothig rasp watchra. Levers,
Lopinon, iron w titivs, and all other kiud• nr.d
(701,1) A NI) SILT - Ell oIIAINS.
11).1 of nll klmin.Spectarlea.
-liver, Iliat Pkt .‘llll ntivv Warr.
IS( / i;6. ACC4 )iiDEONS,
1 )111101,, /I irr”lic .arkty ni inner Art icle., &e.
•r t ,,, ,•„,,,,, , t ,"•t, ..I%%litehrrtilser to,Fls. i• 21.41. harp,
cate be cold vrholenalo or retail on
the .•.Iv.>t tt nun
Eel workrrao all kinds of
repro' lug w 111 c doiw 1 , •dut . ,(1 priren.
It. I. :IiAPLEY.
July I,
r/ he a t and
••; ••• 0 11
la. I .lTl • red to toe people
A t•• t rx! trltth t of
Ladies Dress Goods.
An rt nwn I t.ri 11 2 t1 6.c xmd
B,l' PA It , U RA I N., ittlt nn U- from the Celobns
tt d 'I 1111111', ,'t r.• 11. lit',oll A you, Phda .
Lo h .• .1-1. /rtnittnt
LAI,II , PLAIN P. APT I;l , qt AND nitzsa
,t 'OM! N.;:.
Th- out bide of the Eastern
Cloths for Ladles Cloaking
144.Ns w .nr rn Vtlli;eks rnriety, cnneisting of
I:lotion. And piaiu Ote,lalereb, I woedjj, .1 eausy and
.I)(l.lll,'.'N'7l(' GOODS
an Inunl•nde i.11111,t • pit , lt• rats
A large. complete .ind varied avvortlarnt of DUPT.PI7C
ELI l' 19C Sl'l< I\U llt co. and from all the celebrat
ed maentartairers iu the U. S. also Italmorals of every
grade and price.
A largo Stack of Lave and Silk CAPES, LAWNS,
BA RD; ES. , left ovor from last seam, will be Bold
PI ex tremely low prin.,
l'articuier nit -talon peid to "Funeral ordere,"en well
a. orde, of all kinds premptly and punctually attend
ed to.
An of which will be sold lower than City prices hat
lug been purchased before the Into advance.
P. MYERS, leas opened a . e w Grocery Store
10 Main Street. rerli,le. oppoette II Saxton's Hard
ware 'turn. and is non prepared to supply his friends
and the it with all Isla& of Choice (loads, et the
lowest market rat ot ills rem prises
Spine, ground, ungroiind; Crackers, Cbeete,
Coffee i.h by lybol eNal at or retail, EMOUIS,
Bruallah. Tobacco, begars, linuff, Matches, Blacking,
Bed Cords,
Queensware, Ced•rware. Notions, end all other arti—
cles usually kept in a first class 1 irocory.
In regard to prices I Mil determined to 0011 good. at
the lowest figures.
and all kinds of Country Produco, takon at market
F:trmers and Dairymen are particularly invited to
call and see the celebrated PIICHNIX CHURN, which.
bar been pronounced by competent judges the - most
superior Churn of the age.
July 1. Ih6l.
William P. Lynch
Frhc subscriber informs the public that
he rain ,ont inues the
buslnes at the Old Stand in the basement of the First
Methodist Church. He Will attend promptly to all
easiness in his line.
Luad and Iron Pi pea, ITydranta, Hot and cold
Writer Closets, Force and Litt Pumps, Wro't Welded
Tubes, Iron Sinks, Bath Tube, Bath Boilers, Wash Ba
sins, 11Ydratil c Hams, tic., and every description of
cocks and fittings for gas, steam water, &c. Superior
cooking range, heatios and gas fixtures put up in
churches, aerie and dwellings, at short notice, in the
most modern style. All materials and work in. our
line at low mitre end w m.l-fluted.
• .
grn.Couniry siert: and jobbing promptly attembill to
July 1, 1864.
THE undersigned respectfully announ
ces to the public that ho still coutinuee the. Hat
tint; liusine‘s at the eld stand, in West High street,
and with a renewed and efil , lent effort, produce arti
cles of head Dress of
Every Variety, Style and Quality,
that shall be strictly In keeping with the fairer:lTh
mint of the Art, anti fully up to the ego WIIIOII
I have on hands splendid
~, assortment of
s ,
.• • j , HATS AND CAPS,
. _
...... . .. _ ..
ofall dtions, from the common Week
to the finest Fur an es d crip Silk Hats; and at prides that
must suit every one who has an eye to getting tam,
worth or his money. The stock includes,
MOLESKIN, CASSIMERB, BEAVER & nu; 1. 1 / a g,,
of every style and color and' unsurpassed for Lightness,
Durability and finish; by those of any other establish,
tnent in the oountry.
Men's, lloy's and Ctalldron's Hat's and Caps, of every,
description constantly on hand.
lie respectfully Invites all the old patrons and at,
many now ones as possible, to give him a cell.
1, 1864.
- Boo'l l 3 di. SHOES.
A- A - FIIT2I, assortment of Men and Boys"'
Boots end Shoes, suitable for the winter. Also,
and Misses's Balmoral Bootees, Children's Book
of all kinds. Ladles and 0 entlenufsl3l.llll Over Shoes,
My old cuetomeros and all in want of good and ‘hean
Boots and Shoes, will please call and examine Um
stock, before purchasing. Maio street,--nearly opposato,
the Depot.
July 1, 18C4
July 1, 1.864.
„ LI , Evory description and quality qf, Orqcories,
Queensware, Hardware,' Pickels Sauce, Flue Liquora,:
Tobacco, Sews, Pipes, Fresh Friona and vegetables in,
Cana, Oysters do. Spices, Wood and, Willow ware, all
kinds and of the; best (malty bpd to, be sold at, thb, ,
lowest prices for cash . by - -,
Juiy ISM