Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, January 06, 1865, Image 3

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    1 - TianwAY notit tt - r.—On "Ttieday
evening last, a most daring and atrocious
highway robbery was committed in the:very
limits of our The victim was ah old
man named Jourt.KARNS, who was attacked
in the lane leading to the Agriculturo So
ciety's grounds, and most cruelly beaten and
robbed. Antos SWmcar, who lives near the
scene of this dastardly outrage, witnessed
the whole afrpir, and recognized the robber
as HENRY HIPPLE, a young rascal who seems
to hite taken to the road for this genteel
NIPPLE attacked the old man with some
sharp instrument, and with it inflicted two
'very severe wounds in the head. Ho then
proceeded in true Jack Sheppard style to
rifle his fallen victim's pockets, from which
ho took about one Hundred and Eighty dol
lars. - SIVIGICRT followed the freebooter to
his home, and rapped at the door, inquiring
for him. The response was that HENRY had
gone out. SWIGERT answering that that was
all he wished to know, tamed to go away
when HENRY made his appearance and of
ered Mr. S. half the money to say nothing
about the affair. This of course was refused,
and information at once lodged with one of
our Justices, when a warrant was issued and
NIPPLE , arrested by Ca pt. KrrrN while try
ing to escape through the back yard of his
Ile is at present luxuriating in his apart
ment at the Hotel des Jacobs, reflecting upon
the uncertainty of human affairs generally,
and of gentlemen of the fancy profession
—Contents of Box sent on the 21st Dec. 1864,
for diftribution among the sick and wound
ed soldiers in the Hospital located at York,
Pa., in answer to an appeal made by the
"Ladies Aid Society" of that place. The
contents valued at one hundred and ton dol
lars, inclusive of a "Thanksgiving offer
ing" of $11.50 contributed by the Methodist
Episcopal Church fur that purpose:
1 Jar Apple Butter. 1 Bushel Onions,
12 lbs. Cherries, 1 Duz. Handkerchiefs. 2
Bottles Wine, 5 Pairs Pillow eases, 1 Bottle
Extract Thyme, 3 lbs. Pearl Barley, Lot - of
Bandages, old muslin, 8 Pairs Flannel Draw
ers, 1 Jar Peach Jam, 111 lbs. Peaches, 44
lbs, Blackberries, 1 doz. Towels, 2 doz.
Needle Books, 4 Papers Rice Flour, 1 doz.
Pairs Stockings, 1 doz. Bottles Cough Syr
up, 1 doe.. Flannel Shirts, 15 Pairs Slippers.
Thr (allowing ackowledg,•ment
cci ed
Mrs. 4 .T. 'V. EBY
11 - Madaln:—WO r b•fully 'acknowl
edge :the receipt of a. bux of hospital sup (die.
from your a.:ociation, each I 1 tide of It hieh
will indeed hear comfort to a sick and wound
ed soldier. \%e are enl'ed upon daily liir
just such things as you have sent to us, and
while we thank you most heartily for meet
ing the wants of our soldiers, we al-u thank
you very truly for the efficient aid you have
given us. Begging your continued interest
in this hospital. I um, VCry rec.poci
Mary S. McKee, Of Spring.ll,l4l, who has for
some time been laboring under severe de
pression of spirits, ewmnitted suicide 1/11
Monday morning last., by hanging herself.
She had gene up stairs, as was supi)o,4!d, to
do some elan liar work. Staying so long Hs
to cause some uneasiness, one of h er daugh
ters went up, and was greeted with the awful
iipectacle of her mother's lifeless body, sus
pended by a strap from a rafter at the head
of the stairway.
Jas. Kennedy Esq. was summoned to hold
a coroner's inquest upon the body, and a ver
dict was returned in accordance with the a
bove facts—Neterille Star.
FRED LicE.—During the last tiid up the
Shanandoith: Valley; Capt. Allred Lee, with
a detachment of men was detailed from his
regiment to drive some rebjls out of a house
in the neighborhood of Hanover Court House.
While attending to his duly his command
was fired upon by some rebels in ambush,
and Captain Lee wounded through the body.
A rebel officer riding tip summoned him
to surrender but he refused and only gav - .
up I,is arms when he was overpowered.
Shortly after this a force of our troops Ap
pearing the rebels fled, but not until the
officer in' the most cowardly and brutal man
ner drew his pistifl and in cold -blood fired
upon his unarmed prisoner inflicting what
was feared to be a a/oriel wound. Too se
verely wounded to be moved he was left in a
house near the scene of the outrage.
Capt. Lee was recently promoted to the
command of his company (of the 7th Pa
Cavalry) and was universally esteemed us a
brave stud gallant officer.
CA111.181..E. BARILACKS. PA.
31r. Ediern': Slit—Saturday the 24th inst.,
was a joyful day at this Post, especially for
the sick and wounded Soldiers. The good
ladies of Middlesex Township belonging to
the Union Aid Society prepared a dinner and
if you had been present, to witness their
icindness and to have participated in the
grand dinner you Would have said what every
soldierdid, God bless the Ladies. The ladies
had every thing in abundance, and it was in
the very best style for the occasion and their
presence made it the more refreshimr ' to the
noble patriots, who have so gallantly defend
edthe old flag of Washington. The Dr. I.
B. tWright, who is one of our most skill
full physician, wile present to grace the par
ty. The Chaplain A. R oss attended to
his duty, in a brief prayer followed by soave
remarks—None however seemed more de
lighted then the efficient Steward, August
lle,rbst, who is ever at his post striving to
m a ke the Frei,: and wounded soldiers comfor
table. In the name of the sick and wound
ed Soldiers I wish the Ladies of the Society
a long life, and a home in the world to come.
Friend of the Sick and Wounded.
South Middleton Institute
The Institute convened in Pleasant Hall
on Saturday, Dec. 2-I, and after being called
to order by the president, was opened with
prayer. The minutes of the previous meet
ing were then read and adopted. Roll call
..Vd„MissSatriell„. Nallor, Mesfirs:j.,tl., Wolf
apd,Wa:t. ; B, Butler, were.abscnt. Seleet t ions
were read by Miss A. 011ie trask§l find
Mr. Elias' ILountz. Miss. Jennie
• read An essay ; , sabject, Progress. An ad
drgss'was,then delivered by Levi' Gleim on
4,lte stilijeot of Goveinalent." Miss
:Ann 11i. •Fierning :drilled a elass in Geogra
' phy, "after •IA ' the teachers , 'gave their
.triethod.9f: te49,l?Ang the branch by chanting
from the Oatlihe On , rootien, adjourn
ed•to meet at ono o'clock. P. :Kt
- A4.46..1400* FiEth3.loN,
Presideut•in; chair,, roll called, members
all 'present. ' The questions gi venat , previoul
'meetingWera, 'answered try the, proper - per-
Arms., 3fr. Butip thendriilerrit clasS In Read
tng,:gnd Smith .11:1(inVman ono in - 'Mental
Arithmetic;':" Ori LI o f it was ogrdell'that
Miss Clarita.' exeused. froin t dril-
Tin,,„va Class in - Gtarrimar. Tito Critic:report
.,e4,titmo errors
,fnadirdtfringitho' exercises:—
Progiaino tririiext,incOting;,-;flood ..selec
•tions,;J—Miss Ann• Fleming and Jno. W.
Mount 2; Essay, A. gill° trasirel;,Address,
clifental Arithmdtic,
;,Graminar, Jao. A. Miller;
Crider,. II:Ibis, - .A. traira tz. Rqv., Win. C.,Bengot
being.present called upon to ftivOr the
Diatituterwith afewrernarks, and responded:
r e ••a' .resolved: ihat'a vote of
Abiinks uo priAletod lEugh Stuart,
Jaxnes R. Means, Divid Reside,
.1 • - •
Stuart,o• r., tor their hospitality to the mem
bers. On motion, adjourned to meet at Rea.
an.i.Tun.7; 1846; ,;•
;I:NOZ.W.•MOU,NTZ, Sect'y.
Y(litx, Dec. 2.c., 18 .I
11l the 7.1 Nperyicaltou , n Guilty , except
the words, • Edward Wal ,l enninyer, Jos •ph
Moses Breen, John Walburn, Fred
erick G lioupp , and James Nelson.'"
Of the ;:d View Iron, '• Gwlty, except
the word , . • .1 Ines S. Heath.' "
lli the 2d Sreeitication, "Not Guilty."
Of the 3d ; - :/o•ryiration, "Guilty, except the
words, • 51111:ain 11. Laugdon, Wm. La
Count, .I.lant llolfm.tu, Dau'l Lynch, Adetu
Dunglitery, William F. Thorn
ton, liransoin Gilion, John :Shoup, Barnard
Loughrani, Michael Fray, Danicl 1). Best,
Chas. Crane, 31onson I', Acker, Finley Cam
eron, John NV. Green, John Cure, James
Rogers, George Fantany, and John 1).
()t the 4th Speevicatton, "S ot Guilty.''
Of the 5t.11 Sprri)n•n(tun, "Guilty, except
the wurd:i, •zipencet . Liiigley, William 11. Ham,
John Norino‘ le, Reuben Waters, William
'Wein 11. U. Goldsmith, Wm.
Zilebert, Benjamin F. .•:inttet e, Johli C. De
!flinger, George N. Charles U. 110 e,
William Joh!, Mince!), and Alonzo
Of the Sth Speri . f;catto.r. "(guilty, except
the words, 'Edward Sclotren'terg, Thotnits
'Tens, Nlartin F. Sayre, Oliver G. Sowers,
Samuel Hicks, (.rest, Isaac N. Dor
see, John 1). Burgh, John Murphy, John
Formula, John Hoy t, Edward Oscar
L. Cady° Philip Creak, I:lenient IVilliams,
IVilliam Alonzo Princ, Josiah McCoy, Itob
ert Moore, and Charles "
Of the 7th tiperttication, "Guilty, except
the words, .1/avid Litchfield, Henry Axton,
\Villiain ItcCluin, Pleasant Bally, Hugh Mc-
Connor. James .1. Graham, Harrison Fur
gusou,James T. Sorrell, James liughs, John
Itort , John P. Mine, Joseph Litton, Jesse
Higgle, Edward J. lelchor, and Alexander
B. Butts.'
Of the Sth Speci lion, "Guilty, except
the words, •Lewis E. Barton, Michael Hick
ey, Jounce It. McClellan, William H. Brown,
Ralph Weldninn, Patrick Dolan, 11'illiam
IL .llcCartne), Robert Wallace, John Ileany,
James W. Baton, Fronk I) rile, klbornas C.
F..mmick, Z. W. Flower, Robert M. Scott,
Lewellyn Vaughn, II Milli 11. Hunt, Russell
John 13. Penfield, I)aniel Knep
per, Peter Gotalferry, Timothy NlcCorty,
Rodney B..lor . gtin, and John lineebone.•
LH' the :ttll (lon, "Guilty, except
the words, 'Samuel .1. Crockett, Henry Esau,
Joseph Fielding, James 11. Welch, David
Watson, James Shipman, Jere. IV. Shnfelt,
John Quinn, .Irthur Hentles, Walter
Patrick Coyle, Michael Shea, Theodore P.
Barker, John Castello, Wells Speucy, Isaac
Highlield, awl Franklin Lovejoy.'"
Of the ''(; silty."
Senteoce.—Aud the Court does therefore
sentence hint , Major David II Ilant, nue, I'.
N. Army, t"fo he cashtered, and utterly tits
qualifi,ed to hole or hold any office or em
ployment in the service of the United States ;
to I etund ttiolltity into the Treasury of the
United States tho aninnut found to have.
been embezzled by hiw, to wit t ttvinity-six
thousand-six hundred and seventy-live dol
lars ; to pay a fine of live thon,tiol dollars,
and to be imprisoned in :null place as
the Secretary of War may ditect, for one
year, and until the amount eulhetticd and
the fine as herein fixed :Atoll be paid into the
reiliilley 01 the ; Prot idc,l
that the whole amount of morn.ontnent
shall riot exceed live yearn 'I he,uges
against the said Major 1). II , the
findings and sentenc . e, to he •I nt the
newspapers in the city 01 11'.t-htt.gtio.. 1).
C:, and in the city of Harrit-burg and
.1k rough of Catiti3le, which
!last, named pitice the said Major L. 17.
11,uslinto resides." •
11. On a careful review of the evidence in
the foregoing case, the Department does not
concur with the Court in all its findings.
That Major Hastings has been guilty of al
pubic negligence in his duties there can be
no doubt, even while making due allowance
for the suspicious character of the tektinto
y. It is therefore ordered that hMsentence
be commuted to suspension from rank, pay
and emoluments for the period of six caMn
dar months. ' •
B. D. TO,NyIsh,SEND, •
Assistant Adjutant 'Oen'er4.
J. itosendale, Oottlist Optician. 1 .0
North d , Stre l et, Ilarribiirg, will again Visit
Carlisle 'du-ring Court week, 'and . stay at
Martin's Hotel, • with o large . assortment of
his celebrated crystal glaiace, All persons:
with weak or inflamed Eyps • would do Well
to,call::on Mr: B. is inn educated Op
tician and can 8,0 Avery g.
nation alinnito loss of power,with itsyroper
-giu" Pg • • I •
'4ityler at sObarlori;OakfOrd•&Soiii,iciwt:tirien-
Ml frotel, Philadelphia: ,•' am
General Court-Martial.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 24, 1864.
I. Before a General Court Martial which
convened at Washington, D. C., July 21
,pursuatit, to Special Orders, No. 41,
dated Jnn n ary 27, 1864 ; NO. 74, ibt , ed Feb
ruary 15, 1864 ; No. 88, dated February 23,
1864 ; No. 127, dated March 28, 1864; No.
132, dated March 30, 1864; No. 145, dated
April, 13, 1884; No. 173, dated May 10,
1864 ; 178,, dated May 16, 1864; No. 222,
dated June 29, 1864; No, 223, dated June
30, 1864 ; No. 234, dated .in1Y . '"11,1864; No.
239, dated July 16, 1864 ; and No. 240', dated
July 18, 1864, War Department, Adjutant
General's Glllee, Washington, and of which
Brigadier-General Edward W. Milks, U. S.
Volunteers, is President, was arraigned and
Major David H. Hastings, H. S. Army.
Charge I. " Embezzlement of money o
110 United States."
Charge 11. " Knowingly using forged and
counterfeited signaturesoipon vouchers,.for
the purpose of obtaining from the Govern
ment of the United States the allowance
of false and fraudulent claims."
f.7,tryti HI. " Forging nod counterfeiting
signatures upon vouchers, for the purpose
of obtaining from the Government of the
United States the allowance Of false and
fraudulent claims."
To which charges and their specifications
the accused, Major David H. Hastings, U. S.
Army, pleaded "Not Guilty."
Purling.—The Court, having maturely
considered the evidence adduced, finds the
accused, Major David H. Haseings, U. S.
Army, as follows:
Charge I—Of the lot Spr,cification. "Guil
ty, except the words, three hundred and
twenty-five doPars,' but the Court find the
amount embezzled to be three hundred dol
Of the 2d Specific's/ion, "Guilty, except
the ‘vorda, ' four thousand dollar3,' hut the
(Nita find the 'amodint embezzled to be
three thousand nine hundred and seventy
five dollars."
Of the td i'zilecijicution, "Guilty, except
the trur,k, three hundred and seventy-live
dollars,' but the Court find the amount em
bezzled to Lc three hundred and fifty dol
lars "
or the 4th Spec/flea/ion, "Guilty, except
the words,' eleven hundred and fifty dol
lars,' but the Court find the amount embez
zled to be eleven hUndred and twenty-live
Of the 6th, 6th, and 7th SpecVications,
" Guilty."
Of the Nth Sper"fication, " Guilty, except
the ' 111 iy-SeVell iJutlre.l and fifty
dollars,' but the Court find th e nm eeu t
bei.tled to he thirty-seven hundred an , l
(If the !itli Bitetyicotan, " QUIIII , ereept
the wordst,' thirty-two hundred and twenty
five dollars,' but the Court find the amount
embezzled to he three thousand and twenty
five dollars."
(tithe 11)111 Si,Vication, "Guilty, except
the words, e hundred dollars,' but
the rnurt lied the /mount embezzled to he
lhousand four hundred and seventy-li;e
Of Hi,: (:.rrrye "Guilty."
Cho, ale /1.-01 the Ist Sprryirato,n
t-x.ccpt the words, ' Louis Masson
Ur the 4:11. sth, nh, 7th, Bth and 9th Spr
1/1 I lit• hu' : - ipecification, 4 ' Guilty, except
c Nvords, 11 nry Warren.'"
llf the Charge. Guilty."
Charge 1 I.—Of the Ise Specification, " Not
CoRREoTRu?—We have several times called
attention to the matter of correcting onr.en
rolment lists. They ai.o very imperfect,
and as the result we are charged with too
im ny men. In order that the pending
draft may. be properly 'conducted, all citi
zens who are exempt by reason of ago or
infirmity should have their names stricken
from them. If this is done our quota would
be, largely lessened. Let the matter he at
tended to in each township and borough be
fore it is too late.
In Washington City. on th 3 27th Instant. by the
!ornately of Carlisle, Pa., to ARDANA, third daughter
of henry N. Henning, of Washington city.
On the 29th of Dec. 1864, by the Rev. D. Stocke,
ER, I oth of Curubekland County, Pa.
On the 28th ult., by Rev. B. F. Beck, Mr. 0. V. GIL
LIS. of Kilt Co., to Misa ANNIE OVeIItIIOLTZER, of
White Hall, Comb. Co., Pa.
In this place, at the German Reformed Parsonage,
on the 90113..u1t., by the tier. Samuel Philips, Mr
both of this County.
In tole place, rt Shriner's hotel, on the 3d Inst., by
the same Mr..IMIN 8. phoueli to mi. C.iIioLINK
G A I'M AN. both of this oou ty.
Carlisle, January 8, 1.8(i8.
0 50
10 50
0 00
2 55
FLOUR (Superfine)
do. (14xtra.)
do It F
RED do
RYE • • • •
J Letters testamertary en the estate if Frances
Rudy, Dee'd.., fete of South Mitidlet. In Township, her•
log been 1 hued by the Register of Cumberland Coun
ty to the subseriller residing in said Thwnship. No.
flee is hereby given to all persons Indebted to said es
tate, to make payments and all haring chi ms to pre
vent them for settlement to. DANIEL Ict:Dy.
Jan. 0.1864. Administrator.
F STATE NOTICE.JIAttb.n., of admi u istra , lon on the rat ate of Matthew
11. Thompson, doe'd., late of Shiremanstown, have
hem, Isiontst 1,9 thus. Itrgis ae of i'istolwriand ci,unty.
to the subseriber residing in L , wer Allen township.
Notlee to hereby given Wall persons indebted to,said
estate to matte payment, snit all having claims to
present them F r settlement to
Janu Nry 13115-61.*
L Selling at greatly redured prices to close out the
balance of stork of the season. If you ate In want of
any Ladies, Misers, or ChIld,11 . !1 Vera, please gle, us
an early call as It will be to your Into - ext.
40 M LLIiIt.
Jammu A, WA.
I)11 ICES It E I.) ) I)
1_ At ))0111'g 1.11,p Cash Store. I otm now elo•ing
out my SVlnter Ntook of GuodS at exceed. ugly low prier,
for CASII.
F'resc'o ',Tor IVool 'Plaids. Do ',lnes, Mohair
Lustros, y.,1) Do l'ittirveri: I
Sontag,, Ladle, nn.l :11.Auk. tvo.i
Doas , ers. %%4,01 awl raw war Sr,ufs. Cloll3 ets,
I;lndssys, 1.4011 e, Cloth Cloaks Cloth fur Claks. hau
rots, Blankets, Cas•Dneres. ank LlueLts. all cr which
sill he told at loot r Inn leas Mau horet“lors a go al .Lock of Callrur., Muslins, Gingham , :
,tc , thy very leuest pities. Nmxll jor•tits mot
Quirk Salo,"
Business Deparlment—Biekinsiiii
)liN 'II; 11.1:\ 111,E Tii A 1.1.1(
ii 1: , )ItV AND 14It
r 11114: (1(;si-. , :n of this Institution is to
JILr hr vhise f..r a thorough pra , tical
I• 1111
in Dickinsonra r .
.n. el. icti arc 11.• w kci pit iuoi.t t
it II hi. for r.z.ttiilei Li, i.lio NIN
liV, 1163
- of Dratlers strtcltl Scat
kor.. 111..1...C..i1ar , . Neck Ties. xe. ept, alscxx, 1111 hand.
old stnitd. n, xt tt , llxrdware
Store, Stiuth Ilan ucrr
11. A. CI.IIIRAN, Principal.
Tim vet lon, pvi to vete n ill undor the etipelvi
elrnl of nto , l competent lo.trur'ors For rerticul tin
Inquire of President .1l hnhon or the undertigned.
tend for a Ci:eulAr.
For Rent.
rilwo Law OfDoes in - Atr. Tohoff 's
Ilnif II og. on tin ,on aqt Corner of Iho Curare
Squeire of Cot I's] o. For psrtisulais aryl, t.o
(J the condition of the VIDA National
Bank of Carlisle, January 2cl, ISIS.
Ili 41 Int.(,
U iittl/liS owd of her U S. Sore
Dl3O front Ilarlks and 11,1111:erq,
Car! - -:10.0x• c u rd Le!..711 tender
Other I tank Notes, (becks S:O.,
Heal EA tutu and Insurance,
Furniture and Fiaturea,
Ourruut expenses and taxies,
Capital ,tack paid up,
Do" to banks,
Surplus tun!,
and Long,
• op Tim
Producing Oil Company.
100.000 Shares. Subscription Price
61.50 per Share.
Workiny 520,0d0,
rrII I] Charter of (him Company isPmed
I.y the Colittnoli‘smlth of Pe11118y11 , 1“11.1, under t.ho
t. of 2lst.
I. L. e.Pling PreNitlfint JOHN M. 111 LEV, Trens'r
ATOIIS —.I I. 5pr.v11 . ...11“, Nirey, N B .
Th•os Gillespie. E. II Neviu. ofCnriisle, Pa
h.. 31, Biddle, D. I'. Sotalluortli.
The Stork w iIIo rit the rite of one per rent
per un•nth on the St.iliperiptivo price Iron, tile very day
CI OP date of Um Charter
The ProiAer leA or the Company are In fee nlmple ab
solute] e', noel ten of all ho-unliu-01,1•••,
No. 1, Is a tract ot . .!i z ei arena of land. xituatud In ye
'tango County, Penns) haul,; flouting on the Allegitm
ny Myer, un the westerly ban k, wo miles below n
neerly oppoleite. and in range with the break of
lower 'I eo 'Mile or Vein Buren Run, which is. 1,-pie
grephimelly, e routinemtion of the blank of IiII cro,p,
now 3 killing. seven barrelk of till per .lay, without in•
tm ealsoMet
No Is Q t:lot , lrO arras. aRh good
o. er braise at.dflarn thero , n, k II tit: (111 I ts . slta6
Farm, 1110 “..1 0. a%. (lids arr underlls nul Mina, the re .
stivated iomtrdtately Lark
rroto lite Hier and In tho Haunt ll,O pro, troy a hove do
ea” Ibed 'l by g.roa tor p,tto.lou of this farm Is good Lor-
Coo I rails for boring wells nn Inlet Nn. 1. can la
math, upon terms that payment shall not be mnde• up.
lil Oil is struck In renumnratlog quantity, to em ,11
dent are grit nod experienerd borers at this ample re
turn which the territory will prod.,.
rim surtnunchngs aro of the most de•Iroblo des. r ip.
ti ms of Oil pro.lneing terrin.ry. Adjoining Trout Nu
I ote ttm eeli•bratell •• htio %Veils," lioniedhasis below,
Oil thu tatak c.f the river, nr , rrho wl , l ply 1.. nOll
or ells"-1,1)1• of Wllll . l, y h,h1041 tie. 0.111,1%
..f harri-IN the part three tehte: while an 1 5 / 1 1/1
11,111 I„ o 1 o n the opposi e, bums or the Allegheny. in
el the- , Dale And Lee,” " Roberts"
and the ('it v,' several hirgilly-iirodlueing
all of whi , ll lire in the Immediate neighborhood;
tubers of others are in proeu.s of boring, on
the river
it Is prlv.ini I tn hore two now AVMS on the river
fl-nt 11 , :d nthers on tlio litrm. witk as
A gcntlefoon fraetie experience In the busine•s
—braille Wain arfively employed fu the 011 region du
ring the paht fire yours—and who is rboanghly 11;11111-
tied fIT the dfwelopoturnt Orin' toPritory, will hare the
suporintemience of the operations of the Company on
eheoo lands.
Le etaliqg the present yleitt of Oil from this proper
ty, the react number of barrels is Oren In order that
thrrrenresenta ions now made may be fully realized,
In the earnings ant least ono per cent. per mouth on
the subscription price of the stack, without drawback.
Pereone desirous Of Malting safe Investments in Oil
Stocks may rely on the testing character of the PrO
ducing W • lie. and the consequent certainty of profit
which attends Oil operations 'ln this vicinity, along
the Allegheny River. '
Selmerlptlesta received at the Mince of
, _
A. L. SPONNLRit, Agent,
, Oarßale, Pa, •
Jan. 6, i664-2t
Lootkole bomb; tilven' that the undersigned in-
Wilda to make appllration'atthe next Court o Quarter
Sessions to bo held at Carlisle, on theoUth day of Jan
unry.,lsos, for a Mimeo to keep a Restaurant and peer
llouso in the Borough of Curlisl6. .
. • r . - • .
Deromber 29, 18(34.8t' • •
• NOUcn In hereby glyen that the undersigned In-'
tends to make appligatlon at the next,Court or Quarts,.
Sessions to beteldin :Carlisle, on um-Mil-day of Jan
uary 1806, , f0r a Menge to keep a Restaurant and - Beer
Muse, IA the Borough of Carlisle,
'• ' •
December 23 18111.-31; • . -•-
' liotleo . ia,hereby given that the undereigned ins
ends to ;nakoopplleatlon at the next Court or Quarter
iistildris to bo held. at Carlisle:on the - Dth 7 dity or Jan
uary 1865,10 i a license to !seep a Restaurant and Boor
litiaao, in Lower Alleulowilahly, • •" ; •
' ZEIAB Z. 0001 D. •
tieeel . vl4ar 1801.—Zt
1 70
I 70
3 b 0
CU 19 ('GI TruFtel
11..: 1111 . :NCEI)
Ili I,~lrti ,t t ..n
“11 • aRtl rea.el.V.- t ut or ,f
Suits of Clothes
mule up "n t nol ir , . AR t It, int Rted an represe,f,a
rite Rea t -nn le 1 / 1 ..0i11.11L.. ht.cho.l tech nn e,
(.' , ruts. Vcst.; tune"
Well made net Inrid lists riaL
Photographs, ilmbrotypeS,lvoryfypea
13e,iutitul AlLuiur! licattuful Frames:
Albums P•r Lidles :11111
Album. b r a.. 41 i s Children,
l'i.rhet A 'hums 101 t"oldicrs and Ciriltang!
Chc Irost. AlbuitiN! Cheapost. Albutni.
AtCy. ut I.eivr
Fre3ll MILL fr•Jtu Saw
IF y(111 lvant Pieturt , 3 and
\I. I; )(h . , 11,,4,-
I;a11.•,1', 111111 1 . ;.1 ,111'.•t
311.1 )111111.1 031,, 1.4.11.,111• 11,. Coll, t Pont
$l3l i' , 4 OS
------:!7l,o`iti GS
b-:.1.%0 21
:mit It Weil 4111,11, MIS. It .1. ftrymldh
and en a el! on Artlnt, I.Ilie• And 1...011'111011 Vlnii.iflg
Gallen, 0011 thii 4 ho. Lint t i Ari.lhls mill polite et
teo.l3lll, 1,11 ...del: {neenkt. Chet in 110,411 pr (hiller ,
out tie's., W1)0 favor her a ',irk pi, t tires
. for In hers, not vv., in NI,V York or
meet with kiml totti prompt Attention.
Ambrotypes iuce, ted In him:, I,oeltetg, Itreast
kr. l'crtet.t oopies of Itto,tnerrot3pes and Am6roly pee
of tle..ensed \Vb., ogles tite tionieed,
Ii (-like pieturet: mar •Lill be had. either ter Ti',,,,, •
pr.....rer 1 nue veer anti ertlern
by meil or othore t=rprinitinly to.
ie^.4no si
'Luso oo
$ 11 )AU 07
45. 0/ 1. 1
;nn lln
4,710 rl-
Du+ amber 23, IS6I—If
IVriting Desks, Back
linaulaal Boards, liata,s or all dotwripl,lon nt Hay-
E,..ticlt's Drug, I•'anry nud 16,.k ;.t.ora.
- 101,:07
J. C. 111)4TER,
I)II.'ES, Tobacco, (smoking and chow.
lug) and Segal a, at I laverstic , c's Drug and Book
uT BIT -NG Paper of all descriptions,
y y velopee. hi:jog Oards, at I lever:gins' Drug,
oLI 'took Store.
you w oit;uiythitig g to av erBtVek's
Drug autt tqurn.
ES. Au iotioito valiely of moo-
N,_,A :Jo g and iueG urtirc Uuwee ut liztrurntielCu Drug
aim& 1,..ey :Lure
OTICI is hurchy glven that I intend
to apply at Cho nest tout t ut Quto Ler Steeddos of
Clouted land .ouot , to I. held on the eth day of Inn
l' 6.1, 1.2 r a I Icetise LI, keep d Boer llou•e and flee
t:tomtit, io Lunt Peonsttorough toe :Ishii,
Der.,) 11 - 1, Iso 4
QuArleflusster s General's Mee,
First tan tt ushingtml. 11. e.,
ll i
Lerewhur iu, 11, 4.
117 ILL be sold at public Intel ion, fo
it'T the highet:t hidden, at the tin.% places
tamed 17.:
l'a., Thursday, Jallaary•fi, 1865. ,
'l'tlV It: •Ultva, , :AlAl.ol II tilde.s • at a.tch place.
These oo•res buns linen vussilsonsiett an mint (~ r Ow cay.
alr) nerloe us tb, arson F'or road and farmiog par
loa,..V good bargains, ma.) bu Sad. homes sold
nlmgly Sale to c0a0.....a, at lt/ o'clock A. M. • lbrafe:
Cash in 1l utlud Stoles Cal runty•.
•'llealth and Happiness to the Sons and
Daugh Lure •51'
.0 I' , C 0 / aa'
13 it 11 U O.F Et OCUFS
BAIU S AND 1 .1.E.111.38,
Coughs, Colds ) Sure 'Throat, Croup, B2'on
ellitiB, Asthma, and all edtnilar
have spent years in selecting the herbs
vegetable krogdora, to Mid Out the hinds Lost
ud .pted to suit diSediAA or 11111114 u lousily and I nos,
have It complete. Every Bottle Warranted. Try 161
Try It
The afoot r.f Ibis Medicine is to soothe and ease rho
Cough ; to dissolve the congealed phlegm that adhe/cs
and idielts to the thrum, v. Web ettcact, ltal.lug, hew-
Meg, and coughing l set relieve the Irritathal hi ;lie
threat, which is produced Ly ratchiug c fls•
slightest exposers. It espectontraa the duseastel mat
ter that hen accumulated in the Lungs which retards
end ;oppresses We- pespl , atory or breathing organs,
. heals and nourishes the lungs and r.Yuuehwl tabus.
This raedloiou gives tune [Onto stomach, it purifies
and circulates tut, blood, which causee opprealon Of
Use cheat find diiticuay.fn breathing,
end News for Mothers. and Children—lfere is the
sufferer's balm keep lu your madly, sickuesti conies
as thief in the-night, and your child is suffocated. by
• the awful disease, Croup. ,or slather complaints. • :Lim
is a ptirvontetivu—it is II Mud.
TO TAKE. Keep it in your.Namilles, Dries 60 emits
and OW per Bottle •
Ale?. V.r. (301,14,8' D•ustielion Liver
'rotor, fur the clue of Idve 'Dyspepsia, Ms
asses ut the is idea) tt. /ever emu Ague, Ac
D r . coLLINK, Is sine edro , 41, EIDIAN I.IN
ter the esttt , irtititid,e, tuittletcbe, ltlseu,
realism, Neurmot ‘ Pft!a • 111;theltuelt, Side or,Bluinech,
Cratup.,,t,lbtalc t ,kr9sVal:.•fitiet pt. Lop, IFreelt Cuts,
6p..ttlUs. Bruises, Inarrtiva, and an similar cumplaiii to ;
also „INDIAN: „I , :
SAW/ E..41.1e tittlye headi Soros Ilreasiu,, ,, s Out en
,the Pace, draws tire ham. . uurratittdi to
• cure Heeled or,Bere Breasts "TL's Wash cures chortt:
or Inflamed Eyes. die.
the reettleinea are urepared and sold by „
• !Ohne Medicine Mew
Near-tiro Coruorat" Third fit.'efid' Straw berry..!.•Allo9;
- Harrisburg . . • ..... r • • ; •
- Able, fur lialo at We Drug Store - - Er r
All orders should be tuldresSell te Dr B.Valliue, [fin ,
iliburg. THESE hitspu4x.r.i.l44c . vvii - LxA
, • No.:0; 18[4.-340.' • ".
I .` 4 .I. l Vhereas Iklteris tostareentary,on the last will of
,En se bath Wisler, late of Ilampden.township, deceased,
have boon granted,by the 'Register of Cumberland Co,
to the subscriber residing In the same township, near
Sporting . ill. .All Per'sonk indebted to said estate are
notified to make immediate payment, and those having ,
clahns against It will present them for settlement to
Dec.embor 23, 1864—fit
What every body says must bo true. We have
heard Dr. StriCkland's Tonle spoken ofeto frequently
by those who halm been benefitted by it, that at lost
we are compelled to make It known to the public that
we really believe It effects a cure in every case; there
fore, we say to those who ale suffering with Dyspepsia
or Nervous Debility, to go o their Druggist and got. a
bottle of Dr. Strickland's Tonic.
TTALUABIZ Presents for all at Haver
V stick's Drug, Book and Fanoy Store.
A LL the leading. Patent. Medicines bf
IlLtho day at Ilavoratleli's Drug and Book Storo.
1 4 1 ANCT BOOKS, Photograph Album
alblee, Hymn end Prayer Pocket Rooks, et Myer
et ett's Drug nod Book Store.
lOAL Oil Lamps, Shades and Chin
neys at4daverstick's Drug and Book Store.
T the Cheap Store of W. C. Sawyer,
Ewa. Main :groat, ono door below Martin's Hotel.
1 ho‘o I eturhed Iroin Now York with a largo addition
uch as latest sty les Drone Goods, Snits and NVorated
!Aerials. newest styles Cloaks and Mantles, all kinds
I Shawls.
A large lot from A. T. Stewart's, eery cheap.
All lind, of Nfourning Uuods , Cloths, Cassimeres and
Cloak lag Cloths.
Notions of ovary kind, Worsted Goode, Carpets and
Oil Cloths.
In !aro; supply. Fancy Articles to: the MTh] os.
chi I. you wi I find my prices the cheapest of
the, p W. C. SAWYER,
Carib:h., December 23, 1864.
In ~ Eby's Old Stand, Rain St,
j NFOIOI the citizens of Carlisle and
I vicinity that they have jtn.t opened in the above
popnlar stand, an illllllolll. mock nr
First Class Clothing,
1111.! Ounllemon's Furnishing floods. Thuir stock eon
vist, purl
Coats, Pants and Vests,
for the latest patterus, of
Goods the quehit} at width not be uestionele •
Overcoats of all varieties.
Trunks. Carpet Begs slid Falls s, 'Sleek Ties, Scarfs and
Clwa.F, Shirt:, Ore ere, and Stockings
lit my / Goods (11l (I,..wriptions.
In soots ermoidoto and en tiro assortment of Clothing
3111(1 Vtarnishi ild Quads.
Don't 6.• place. IThy's Old Stind.•“)farlon
New Goods ! New Goods!
5.1.:11 LIVINGS ON announces to
Anti onh that !if• ha , ja.t rvtlitaloal fr , .at New
1 1, ,111 i 1101,1.1phi:I with ATI ',loran... at,Jek hin
ter Clod, ,uitahle hor fin t 4
Clothingfirleri and Boys,
,•111.•tls, jut, s 1d..111 tno vory 1.04 F. o' , IO 11 and
o• I
1.1.• tti purl men t fur ru=l oinor'o work an
1"ui;n1. , ;111m; Gmms,
;It C,lonol In (.11pttge I ii At Ply Quar Dept
1, Highly ImpUrtant to Young Men I
OUNG MEN who are out of employ
Y.. NN MEN about engaging In business.
YOUNG MEN who have had limited means of education
YOUNG' MEN avhe have falleA to improve their time
at common schools.
YOUNG MEN well educated In other respects but lack
' frig a knowledge of business affairs.
YOUNG MEN of fortune who would know how to man
,. ' ago their own affairs.
YOUNU MEN without fortune who would possrsa the
beet means of rising in the world.
YOUNG MEN of skill, enterprise and capacity, who
lack a thorough knowledge of any of the
branches embraced In a complete course
• of.commerail Instruction.
Aro revonted to cull at this Inatitutiou or send for a
Circular giving full particulars. Instruction in •
Book-Keeping, Penmanship, Phonogra
phy, Arithmetic, &c., &c.
For tho accommodation of Ladles wishine to pursue
either Penmanship nr Book-keeping; a separa to dopart
niont will lei opened as soon as a sufficient number or
npriVolitta shall hare boon received. Persons wishing.
to outer this department are requested to apply Immo
dintelys, For further particulars address
December In, HUI. Carlisle, Pa.
Desirable Town Property at Pri
vate Sale.
QITTIATE on Pomfret street between
Ilan6ver and liellford,
The Lot contains 20foot in front and 240 feet In dep. h.
The improvumentA aro a two story BRICK
• ' House, containing double Parlors and Hall
Q , 0 X B on first floor, and four sleeping Chambers
n above, a Brick Kitchen attached and finished
" basement, together with convenient Out
buildings. The lot is well fonrod and studded with fruit
troea and adorned with Shrubbery. A hydrant in the
yard Apply to
Real Ettate Agent
December In Isr4—nt
Fir HER EA S the [fen. JAMES H.
V Presider t .lodge of the several Courts
ofTomtnon Pleas Of the counties of Cumberland, Per.
ry;and Jon iatn, and Just ice of the several Courts of
Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delk cry In t.ald
counties, and Mich of Corklin and Hugh Fluart. Judges
of the Courts of flyer and Terminer and Jail Delivery
fit' the Irbil or all capital and other offenders, In the
said county of Cumberland, by their precepts to me
directed, dated the 11 t h day of Nov mber, 1861. have or
dered the Court of 03 er and Terminer and Oen eral Jail
DeliTerytn he' holden - et Carlisle on the 2,1 Monday ot
January, 1805, ( ming the 9th day oat 10 o'clock it
the forenoon, to continue two-weeks.-
is hereby given to the Coroner,,! Ust lees of
the Pence. and Constables of the said county of Curl,
berland that they are by the said precept coin ma hded
to be then and there In the', proper persons, it ith
their rolls, records, and Inquisitions examinations, and
all other relit , inlnances, to the these thing, Whi c h t o
their Milt., spr ertaln to he lone. Slid all those that
are hound by re, ognizances, LO prosecutes gimlet the
sprt.oners that •re or f hen oh ill be in the •I til to said
county, are to be there to prosecute them Its shall be
Dec. 2,11361. bheritf,
- 0.9u1. - ,n(l J0(1 qua.) •A.lngguatl
,LIN 9 'atop •11 •fi Jisualvj s,ll.qua pl.)s
•eara,C aoj
psn LI! uaoq erg inq Spoirm mou
..511AIV0 HOllO3 S,LIOTTIa
Burning Spring and Ruble Farm
A. PITA L $ 5 0 0, 0 0 0 .
20 i 3 OoO Share, Working Capital :510,000.
Pur rabet •: : '2.:i!l Per Sliqr,
A. It. Id tNt/.IK EK, Prt•Rl,ltint.
.7. A. Trnl4. C. 11. PFA111,1:17, &ni•c
.1. N. ENT, TtarriFburg..
A B. I;4)NtI.IKEIt Norristown.
W. I'. S.C111;1,1, l' I 11.1delphis.
ALIA It ItI.I.:1), l'ittbhur.4.
J. HERVEY .10N 1.',,, Pittsburg,
.1. AL1.1,90N EVSTER, Philadell.llia.
0/ficc '2:18 &Hai/ F. oirth. Stroq, firs? rhc.r
A Halite,' number ,d 1.1.1 n, of our 1,1.1
at g2Ait per v int .1 - 111a11-11 In tezu.tril tit
the S/it Ilft eau had t,v r 11111,Z 111 , 011 IJ T. tire...field.
who la fully r.•cet ye subset iptitat
Dee. ;U. I `,U4.—llt.
The P,llitsvlo (;,n
(Hire 189 S.mth Fifth Stroc•t,
$l,O ,o,nni. 200):0 ) sh„.„, „„,
vr,,ed ('yilat 5..'250,0111
Prvhideut, ALEX AS1)1.1) ?I'CL UI:E.
1)1 111• A
1 , 1 %zi scoff, D. IC JACK.
:qt.& %V. DA l'ErElt 3. SHALL.
For ruin] y. Treasurer,
3.lyll<F M 1 , 11.1611.1 W. DAVID.
Company has 120 acres of
lin fee, a, the Ai I,herry rim r. initnedint el y rip
1.0,1t0 (ill r try, nod alindolos; 1.11) tolaa, Nti , II IU. r .Is
f r ont the rl% er and 75 tole front on hay's—
Hon. I'. rot Ihe till City NI, nitorand
nsrent for thls /amt. Anson, the Cotentin, that it w nll
sell to Ints for sluu.unu, reserving the ill I t ietit N,I1 , 1•Il
is.,ertli $.1 , 10.1100 additional. Immediate revenue I
he derived for the Company from the rale of these Into;
nod the Company have two good engines with com
plete fixtures to operate Mimed' itely for oil rho
tort ry Iu I his hunter fate locality has never failed to
produce profitably.
A Ise. one hundred no es, in fee simple. in the ref,
orated I' hut ry Iron Disti let, Insniedin'ely adjMnittg
Cherry Run Petroleum Cr tonally. , hose
worth over S:to per share. The CMIIIII/11. non hale
offers, nhir h will be accepted, for Milking wells On
been, without any CINt to the corporation and one-halt
the proceeds to g,' t o th,, Um: puny l'he Cu, tin nod
St. Nicholas t oinpanles tire In this itolln•din't. locality,
and their stock In 'low commanding n large p outline.
In addition. the C. uo.ny brie In Ilereß, in fee stinll , l.,
uu rherly Tree Hun which empties into till rie e k,,,,,,t
hi the best produce scution of the , 'lt 'Territory „„ d
110 acres, in fir simple, on 11'n Mot Herat, ti‘ Mil.,
above the mouth nt Ott Creek, nod fir t , 00r two moil er
from the eillehratud era well, one producing over
barrels per d uy.
Also, the lense of three tracts" , land, two, ffil
Creek, moll producing no r Leo beg rely or day. nod
one .13 Allegheny Myer, prodm fog ten barrels per day
of heavy oil, worth now f2l per barrel. 'i't, (I
now rectilVeir th. et-fourths of the proceeds of the Lest
nomad Well. nod role hall of she tw„ Lech of
the , ,, tracts. will lie develop,' by the Company by
sinking additional welts, and the eio. Ines and fixtures
are now on hand to do it.
The nilleers of this Compllll3' m ust to p•nwvuto the
devi•hipinettt of tiirwo Jena,. Diest eilergetlrelly, and
they hale entire coiltridenee thAt they mill 3 (old very
htrgl dicidunnn nil the eupittt I wineh.
NlhsrraptLme 1111.11 A lie made pro !aptly, its mar
than any-6l1(1A tln it , C 1( I a lready nn otaed.
Eclectic Iliag3zine.
B6lffitiful Embeilisliments
New and New Series Begin Jan
C'unintence,ription with Nno Volume
The RC tulle Heine tine was commenced In 1844 and
tan boon suceassfully conducted fu, the last twenty
years, from tlud, time no the present
-Anmiany-t-f- the tuniniters are out of prink anti it lit
Impossible for the Publisher to supply back volutnes
from the commencement, It Is proposed. with tine jam
nary number, o bottle a Now Series anti n New Volume,
and wit Ile 'alf - the essential features cf the work will
be retained, some ones will be adeptad which It is
believed will add to Om artistic and literary value of
thin work.'
Notwithstanding the greatly foci cased root of pub
lishing tho prise will still remain the 'vim, and we
trust our friends trona will aid no ih increasing
our dretilatlcitiby inducing their friends to cos* once
StlbSCriptiOZM with the New Stirlen.
The contents of The Eclectic are earefnlly 'elected
each month from tho entire range of Foreign Quarter
lies. Monthlies and Periodicals.
It alms to give the choiceit articles from the Pena of
the most eminent foreign writers on topics of general
I terest., . , ,
The rest Questions of the Dav,touchlog lAtorature,.
Morale, Science, ,Philosophy, and Art, are thoroughly
awl ably discoed by the most billilant. and ;distin
guished expositions. '
The Reviews of the most Notable l'ublicatlone which
foul time 0, time appear, and a lileh are se extended
am.l etimprehemilve tri give the reader the floost'ex•
traits and a general idea of the whole work, feria, a note
,lrrot thy feature'of t i n publication.
Many. of the hrtie es in the 'throlitn periodicals, t rent
ou r,situoctsentieely Incal*,...dint It is the allacqf.the Ed
,ilo,oe.e.arefullY,, select Only those of interest the
merlean reader. ' •
Thu .511seellany Department, containing 'biter criti
cisms etthe Yorolgri nod Allier' can p .br cationn.-mille
tionvdt mietry:delertilliennd ItYt Rettig'. ie mode with
great eareferntr mr to naive reioureb end warttilVeading,
rind addentueb. M the valtutot.tba work' , ••
Each number is embollielli.'d ono or more
stenl onitrat,iui t—portraite of eminent men or illustra
tive or important bleterical evonte..
'rho twelve Monthly Numbers milks' three iolumep
per yonr,with Indexes nnttVitlelagesfor binding.
i '—l 111E1111111g,: i ;
s,q per Ypar; -Single Xupilierp,i42
Tho Trick, Clergyman, Tench ors, and gnlnto,uppitotl
on kToratile Addroso, - •
. mr.• pI.LIW3.LL, ;
Dtld. le, taa4C).gOaturtzt . Mft r 7
4, . ,
b I. 0)1
THIS beautiful Steel Engrivizig; pain-.
ed by Schulman andengraved by Sartain, is hav
ing an Immense -sale, and Is considored by all who Lave
seen It as one of the finest specimens of engravings
ever gotten out lit this country.
Evcry' SoldicP' ,s Family should have a copy.
Every Loyal Household should have a copy.
In fact, ovary family who has a father, husband, or
son battling fur his country, will appreciate and should
possess [MALE ON IeURLOUGII. It will 9lwaya ha a
beautiful memorial of these anxious days and years of
rebellion and war.
This emu - raving Is sold exclusively by /Wants. DIS
AIMED SOLDIERS and others.will find this the meet
pleasant and profitable agency they can undertake.
We give exclusive territory, and will give particulars
of agency 9n application..
We print this plate on a 19 by 24 shoot. suitable Mr
framing, and will seed a specimen copy by Mad, free on
receipt of the price, $2.50, which la about one half the
price usually charged f r engravings of tits character.
For particulars; a Idreas.
119.131/LF.Y & CO.. Publishers,
No, 00 North Fourth Street, Philadelphia.
Dee. 0, 1904.
. _
k .,
J Lotterg of Admini• tratlen . on the estate of Mary
81 (ajar, dee'd., jet° of Penn township baring been Is
sued by the Register of Cumb. Co., to the subscriber,
residing in Dickinson twp. Nut lee is hereby given to
all persons indupted tasuld estate tg malts payment
and those having club:us to in esent thorn duly an
then tleated to MARVIN SLIENII,
Dec. 2.1861.—Gt Administrator.
I . BOUNTY BONDS are now ready Cr delivery in
slung of Ono Hundred, hive Hundred, and One Mona
and ti Mars, with coupons attached; the intorest pry
able semi annually, at the Carlisle Deposit Basic. Any
person having money to led will find it an advantage
to invest In said Bonds as the State Bounty law ca.
colds them from Taxation. Application to be male
to A. Cathcart, Prestuent of To Wit Counell, or Joe. W.
ugllby, Seel elaty.
By order of Town Council,
See'y of Corporation.
Nov 4, 1561
A_ That hirgn stone dwelling home on Ma .in Arent,
next door to Dr. Stavenson, and formerly canopied ty
Oar, Cart. Enquire of URAL CONLYN.
D c . 2,1864.—tf
At Ogilby's Cheap Cash Store,
I have just returned from the City and
.. know opening a full assortment of winter goods at
grolitly re,uclid prices
Flue French 31erinoes 1 75
•• Ditto " 1 25
v " Coliimm 55-.
A lintohn a :0 65 75 lot
A lat of new style Del, tnos, cheap Ualleoes 24,25, 35,
17, A. 41.
A vary largo assortuient
from r to „1.17'.
Cloths for Ladle,' Cloaks, grunt har4alus all kind &
colors. Fla.,' at reduced ill len, Li...IN and Bard
Flannel all wool, Hosiery and I loves of all kinds at
the lowest prices. Ladles wool Son tags, ni
r+lot c-ps, Child roes woolen and caps in great
variety. Mond ins and Canton Flannels at reduced
pikes:'-1 lot and 11-4 Shootings
Cssitner , at all pi No, : 4 3! tittetts, Kontuck
eyivallli and SWPI,IB.
I,ncliee Dresv
7sly Block is large and complete, bought for raki,,
111”,“ at the late Auction kale w ill be nw t at
It, the cash at very low prick's. Purchasers ttru re
speritully le
t- , dl..rt the storo, West NI lit] Street noarly t pp,lto
the Dep , ,t. CHAS., ij I LB Y, Tr uNh.o.
Ih•t. 1861
Trd erspeetfun th a t
II tve (1,,,,d
New Sky-Light
'l' 1I It Cr Al,l. E P 1
In the new ,lory ut er tLe franc, I,, ii!dine,
1 ,,, w Cho :nal 11,1-1 y
- 11.• tat So. tic Ilanosur street.—
NV,. hit ,o• eared the, r,/,,,e to our
taste, and Italia-Jr otiri.ll, in poiyin,.; we hare tar the
hest arran.ied light is, few, ,;el, infirm and ,litii
eitte , aty Chi, tiallary is much ,•aide,
tar t Inv it, the plaae, I elez he ate I,m the
stly lite 1 , 1,1, 1., tog 1 , 1,V, there
7-11 II I 1.., oi
the in-, of un experlenrod
r 11,1 th,- 1 , ,,t nll.l I it..,( e a
:Ipp:irate, s , t•pi , ie ".lure I,i, Lures ,
to all, 1 4:1. •, • , t.1 1, 1,1:1 , 1 t, ex,11,1 le, Is
en Stieh as
I t'4 , .(0 I'llotujr,ll,h, , ,
Cart, s /)•'
ri WI P.). rot , ,, T.s,
nit ,II alt., In t 111, .t irt• taro to 11114 ich,l
t) il/ /1 tto•ltt I .1-1,1 trot hooit,s, citilvd be
7..1111kt, at ort • .It. the I.lw prl
r •it ttros us..rt.• 1 I.: jug.,
and PI us ud rupterl or 011:.17g1..I Imot old
• • 0.• \ •fur •:‘' t• t....• 1. , t ..:
It.tilt" I r tut-. :tu 1 A 1., •trwt At.
t..tif • t 1.,w1 al , su 1.. y.t In re,
.•• rt LI, :mi.:, 111 , 11.1... e. II.: :J..: Itll,l
11:.• 1:1.• anus yOOlll ul 111. Pus: aril
11.1 u. • 11.11 ;U . /I1:. ~11N.
- -ti
•1 Very Det,irable Property in Church
town at Private "ale
L 4 IT .ATE I) in the most dosi ruble bus
-1 luese. lovslity Wlll csleul.ttrol privnto re,
idenve nr tin ht.ino,B purl'.,, s
Lot ;;;; It rvrtrk .r.. 1 •,
TI: • imprevernenls are n larze
404 ,0 4 -
7' II 0 .''Tole I . 11 le .1
I s t u •xrh lltit'S
t •
A NI E 511411., and 4:ta1.1 44 at the fool of
1110 I. LSllloku boast. :Ind ether move nient
An excellent, Well 01 , atcr :at tee al MI at/ eintot u iu
the ani.
The 4.11 tiro premises ore In goo.] rendition and frill
hr unpaid 441 ups n rent:en:Ode terms. For rut Cher par-
Uvula r, enquire of A I, :441.0.\
Real Estate Agent, Carlisle Pa.
2,1864.-6 t
Valuab:e Town Properly
4,.:ITUATED nu South Hanover street
11,10, latvly 0,110.1 by Ww. Urahuua, dm'ci.
The ha vrovaalonts ar, a largo
'l' 11 'U S 'l' ( ) It I" l ItIJIE
la•••r E,
z;. ? . h ICIC Front end Frame Beek -huild•
ail Frtanu h lab In the reur.
Ler, t riTABLE on the loot ot the lot. lately
Ifriek foe/Aft—bongo ui d exrellen I well of we.
tor at the it./ lid I /II ioolo.l repair,
end the prenikes I, 111 be sod of on th0 , 1110•L fn
soreffle Ito - no. Apply Lu 4 I , ,sl'iTht•Chlt,
Dee 9, Intl t heal Estate Agent.
Two Uud Crises of Piles Cured.
1)1 " Strickland's lieluedy. Mr.
of Janes. NYlneolislo, writes f r the be
nebt of all who wolf, with Cho that he bus liven
troubled lie elrht veal s with an agzrave ted sass of
Plies, nod his In ut her wan di.chaigid Irian the 10111'
as (he being quite p trial) zed with the files) '
Beth (licit distressing Ctlfieli were rut oil with 0110 hot- I L
thud Dr. 6triclilaitil s Pilo Remedy. Tbli
dation id these go.. Litman. beside the daily
nials waive t by Dr. :Wickland, ought to cony Dice
theso suffering., that the most agar/1,11,d chronic ease:
to i'lleS4ro by Dr. itrickland's Itenualg. 1
Is sold by Druggists everywhere
December 2,150.1—gm
Information Free-!
1 1. 1 G
• ENTI_,HAI AN, cured of Nervous
A. Dol,llity, t ncoroperezicy Promature Dourly, and
Youthful thyrot . actuated by a desire to benefit others,
will be happy to turtilti to all who need it, (tree of,
charge.) the recipe and direetnote or blotting tbu almi
mo , d in Isle (ace iitin - ortirs whetting to profit
by the adyertiaer's bad ekporieneo, and jmw,. sib a sure
LOU voiwiblu remedy, sn i de by itilli'ciqdriß him at
mom at Inc plats of 1 , 11:1111/11,5 f Thu Rellipo awl Cull In
bonito thot—of vital impAlanee— will be eliverfuily
cola by return mail. o JOON 1i 00111 , ,,N,
No. CO Nassau Street, New York.
I'. S. Nervous Sufferers both sexes will foci trite
Yinforma thou lu yol
Dec. 2,,1364.--Suro
.441.hur's o Magazine. t y .
The 11Q51E MAGAZINE for 1885 will be enlarged
and improved, and made still memo worthy of the - em
inent favor with whirl it has been received. lte
character as a HMG-TONED I'EItiODIOAL, claiming
publlo favor on the ground of real merit, will be cote•
fully attached; while for varietyvint crest, usefulnese,
and all the attractions of „literature and aro osecinti it
ton tru , ',tome 51agnelue, the publishers will ram to
wake it Slltlittlatt !EU ALL OTIIIMS.
A flue Steel Engrolng and twq pages of Music, will
appear in every number, besides' choice pictu ree,\
groups And eharectersProvalling fashions; and.a large
variety of patterns for` garments, embroidery. etc., etc.
In all.respostepe shaill give a Firit.b„ lass Magazine,
at a price within the reach of every Intelligent family
in thu land. • 1• • • f •
A new ptory 1.?,y 11.. S. ARTIIVR , wiII bomommoncoct In
the January number.
Yearly Ter;Or;,'Adiitte,o.L.. l .ono copy, $2.60; three
00 0 10 0 ; tj UU i tiro oopics. nod Ol e to gotteoup of eltlhai.
$I0.0U; nhie eoplesiolad Ott; to gettlirctih of club, $16.00;;
A beau 4 al PR ICM PhATE, ontitled
FANCY,' of 3 1 4131'5A5E... mttl 4 ho-malled to ouch
pin•sop 'with atm& utra'club of'aulikerlbors. It will also .
be walled to t oach shigloo4 l ,.tiorlhor lrolp whom wo ra
blaVif $2.60.. ,
irro__: For s4ls's' we will'aiind on; copy each of Itoroo'
Alagaatne itodrOodey's Lady's:Book lor:a year.
Bddrosn'T. N. All.TflUlt 4 CO.,
• ' 323 vi . nlnut Street • Phlladelphta. •
r if,i,liC On: 7 1. 3.10: .:' fl: 3 - yditr ..Ti;ea,
1 ..17r9•49t0 , !,.. Tilos° liPtQAll O 4r , Interob,ert ilaotat4
d . 3 • ll 4, , r,etnlt.peratzeuru,.ar4 tirt/'adevaiti,ll4e lit
thor.orld ,Ar ;laroo years, ad,,tlie ', optic4k get'Velv/Ider'
tutu ,b....4Q six. P.e,E,Sent.,l3onds,l4te,Oht jsayablein coin,
BrOssrlptlpp a sectisvetir/ ak: kilo. '..FiII.E4T: ' r 4 1p,... t ..,',. ,/ r.:;,,,...1 :i i • ,i,..., .-e, N
T t:7 IPNAL.
4NetO t P*Pßp,P,r-01011,4fsaA,fAi;ttery•
',..': '• 'A 0: - ~5, c ;••••....•. *— • •:.!, ', 1
Every *Person's Tote-rest
. _
t i•
,c. WY. - 11 4, rostlectfull calls
•thti , attotiticizi lovay body to. him bn
nlenno Stock ..of.lViotOr. PO' itlOt rocOlved, bought .
for cash nod. all at I bo roduco I prlaan froth
A. T.. Stowdrt te Co., Arnold Cdnatable, &Cd., Murphy
& !Tarr's, 4111n4 & Forroutar, NoOf York.
lerol West & Irvin. M. 1. DaHowell Co&, Thos.
W.lforans & Co ,and other places Philadelphia.
Composing the latest •ty Ino of Nike, all colors.—
Newest kinds of wool fabrics, In plulu colors, barred,
figured reps Ec.
All kinds of
Plourning Goods,
Rom ?dyers, Nom York, Newest styles of MIAMI'''.
Circulars And Coats. t hese doodc ale specially In my
Ehro. of all kinds And good quartile*, brought from
A. T. 3towart &Co., 'rely chest, fm thee," times
of (ivory variety, Brach°, Mourning, plain Dared fur
Lunation Masa.
Woolen thiolix, Iloolury. Olovnm, !Mien' t r udervosts,
Trimmingn. &c.
➢lon's and Boy's Overcoats, llasslinera and Cloths.
Goods are wads up to order In the latnst style and
at short notice. Men's Shawls, Undershirts, Drawers,
Gloves. Scarfs and Ties.
_ .
The largest stock of Domestic Goods In the county,
Carpets, Oil Cloths, Blankets, and every other varie
ty of Goods kept Ina first data Dry Goods storm
As New :styles rf Cloaks and Dress Goods come out
I have male arremremen ts to ,twelve them. New
Geode will be added n.e Ulu witt i er
call and examine before purchasing laces here,
determined lint to be undersold. Remember the old
stand, East Alain street one dear below Alai tin's Habil.
Nov 18, 18/4, lf. C, 9A %V YER.
J. BOAS'S Store,
Opposite the Carlisle Deposit Bank
Would you buy you hats eight cheap
Please-call at lions' store,
In North Hanover street h- keeps
Ills name Is on the door.
There Ladles, then and Children toll
Aru fitted all the while,
His hats are good, and have proved true;
No better In
Cape for Soldiers, Metaand flops
You all can hero obtain,
For Ladies and for Childtsros furs
You need net ask lu vale.
Fur caps, Fur collarsaud Fur
All neatly [Lade and warm;
Fine woolen Shirts and woolen Drawars
For comfort In the storm,
Vests, Jackets, Hose, Neckties and Scarfs—
All the ie he keeps to sell,
Whips, comforts, canes 000 notions toe
Too numerous to tell.
Sold tort 60
0 .- ALS 0 ,
Satchels and traveling Baalteta thr Ladles, market
and school Baskets, Carpet liaga and tel The
largest a,sortmeut of Trunks kept at any house In
to,wn. A large variety of lion , lemen's Gin Yes. A very
largp assort me t, at n onl en shlrta,
Tobacco and bogars fie. , &c. Please 'all and nee hie
stook of a c , ds. J. BOAS', Agent.
November 4,1864.-3 m
E undersigned, successor to 1). P.
Ilazolton, would It:sportfully inform hhi friends
alt ,t the pu6llc , tallti ally, that ha into:l,la to inaltitalxt
the ehara,ter allts al,ve boom) as beratolore, and a - ill
keep constantly on hand a large alixortna rut of
U 1 NS,
Falrh he eon qr.!! as Oh fl3ll as any nth, establishmont
In Carlisle. it m t cheaper.
4j - County I.aintlords will find this the pia, tc
buy their.
D IQ L;(117 ,C,
Both I.. rilttirl to quality anct, prim .
Ilis limit n It. lu vit.°
a nailI~,•rn.R1'1111011, the
South diri•ot I y orpoqity the
unteer — Printing (tin, n, 11 1 I t t,c,, L -1,1 5t 31 ,1,
Noteethor I, 1 ,1 ;1--t.f. 'l'. .1.
Valuable Town IZe: , idence
Qituated ill l',,ndrA S!reet,('firlisle, and
hr %I Thu Lit
~ n talnv f,or ft, I},.nt. int in depth.
ht• inontv an. a
I'llO Sit )it Y PIt.IME
And Back B4ilding,
tnGontlwr with niln-r ill . A
great variety of Fruit. 11l Illugu,n And. , I.rul•hnr) on the
Lit. %Vat, introdurod, and Lila on Ito i.rtotonvvn In tho
most thooal.:11
[won, t v iv moot /iv vrol v horn/ 0,1 out
will lir t the to ot ~11,10 horns.
For lort.hor poti I icultit, otquit. ,
Nov. 1 1 1, .
I nal Fxtate Ar,ont
The Great English Remedy
FIR .1 A \IL,
Prop trod from a .; It .1 Clark, Ni 1,
l'hy lan
. y Lim quvera
TIIIS well 1;:1,,Ivn Inetlicine is no 'ln
p but 1...11(;/ equedy or V. ',mi..
;1111,, and 4 /1•••ti u0.h.116, fr,n u nit 'note tc Li Lever:
, tlfhou,h rt•metly, It Vollttli ,
hurt nil to Si,.' ou,,tituti
To ‘lneri.ol lanho.. it Is p,ttliat .u.ted. It will. in
ellort time, hrlng on the tnoho,ly period ro,-
In ally acre of Ner, nee s n.l spioi .1 Afb•olion 5, Pain
iu tho ai d 1 '.lll, ilea roes. Fatigue on
xertion. Pninitation .1 the I leart. L0u,.0 s .Spirit...
Ih:dem, :irk Headache. Whites, and all the plink!'
disetoo, nee:1,10110d by a disordered system, these
null! effect a cur,. a hen all otilllf 111,1111 i have Killed.
Those Pills have fleet, been keno nto 1 11 where the
directions on the 2I puce pamphlet are wi 11 ob., er ,
rd. For furl her ',alike hers, get it paniphlel, free, of
the agent. $1 and H posta,re slainp, 01,1080 Ito any
ant horlzed agent. will Insure it battle. routaining over
hi pdls, by return mail. W. ELLD/1"1`,
Doe 2, Is6i. Agent; •'nrilalo.
ie o,..Chtyretzws '
<. , k-te4dt,d •
1 4 . , a
f' r fre:Tnri 4 Wirn a -4 / ANTOS
o‘;..r.k • c
Dr. Stile . 11..1'4 MeilititiouA C0u...711 Balsam iu iv
ranted to cube Coughs. Colds, lioaraenesa, Asthin
(I h. enine So, Throat. Consumption, and a
affections of ti, 'throat end Lungs. .
For wile hp all Itruggustu. Ger era! Depot, No. 6, n
Front :greet, Cincinnati. 0
, ornedv for Dlt r I lora and nybentary. It is II CORlbtila.
lion of Astrlngonts, A baorbon La, Stimulants and Car.
m Inn I i yes, and is warranted to effect a cure after all
after means hat n holed.
For solo by Druggists. Courtrai Dopot, No. 0 gas
Fourth Strout. Cincinnati. 0.
91 .-- ICKLAND,:,
; - ~..„...,,,.,,,,:„....,,..
~.,..„.,E D ,: :
.. ,p,..,::,,1mb z
, p, 1.:-.,--- - --n - -------
Dr. Slrick land'a Pllr Reno• y hoe Cured thoupands
of the worst roe, of Blind and Blooding It giver.
imonaliah• rellrf and effects a permanent guro. Try It
directly. It ivarrantoll to cure.
For Falo by all Druvolats. General "Depot, C East
Fourth Street, Chichi idol. D.
DR. STRICIMANIFS PONlO.—}Co eon recommend
those Nu Mill ing with lose of A ppetilo, Indigestion, or
Dyspepsia. Nervousness find Ner ve ,,,, D e bilit y, to use
Stria.bind's Tonic. It inn vegetable pt operation, fr. o'
from alcoholic liquors; It stronillollS thewitolo nor ;
vous syStont it mates a gati ;ipputlto, and in war
ranted to cure Dyspetetla and Nervous
For sale by Druggists generally, at $I per bottle.—
Prepired by D. A,. Strickland,- 0 Eitsh - Fotirth — Mtrout,
Cincinnati, 0.
Dec. '
. A Choide. ra' rm. for Sale 1 -.
,A small farm of THIRTY THREE
A CII2B, Adjoining the vlllal4of Phioileld is of.
lured for sale terms moderate and easy. The improve.
meets - aro a brae c„; ' - , ---. 2 .' i ; : . c7,„...._
X1 1 0X71)ISE , ROUSE, ; otti,k*C;
' filikanYof ' . v. , 'liich is IlitICM and the 'lle- 1 1 , el
other Fll,Alilic, a iltio: FRA Alt: BAItN 44,..t, •
with- the necespry attachments to ..s.rtC.
both Home and-Barn. 'rho land is smooth and fertile.
Scarce a rock can-be found upon the whole (met, ;No
inerp tots - active little property was ever offered ler vale'
inAhliellocitity. • For particulars app1y,th...14.111E.9 A.
DIINLIAIR,Atteruey at Law, CarliOl Fp.. ' '''!" '
FeS. 2, lam,
Ho ! For the. Holidays ! ••
TIANOY GOods , of all Ittnds - ut
atiak's Drug, Doak and Vancy Story.
ElTS,'„Vcipfaotionary-iniduits, at
LL.I.-,Jover'ffttothi." . - •
ItESO4I:I ) ,TIQN.S. oa±:efully ooriipthin
:ALifeccei.liayvretick44 pruk and BOok .7tore.
inIIiCSICIANS" will find ,it to thofrita.
-1, vantage to call and forenoon) their 041cluea 41,
. • idlttaroN.' B,-
; 4 ,
4 t v r I
R . S A LE...
A, very desirable private remiticitiek
be told on reatemblo tertni. It Ira largtf tlttwi
Brick House, •
lately built, with all do noddrn iceprowtmentaandie
located in and or the boat portions ofCadlele. Apply'
to JOHN HAYS, Atty at Law.
" To • Whom it Alay Pnneerti."
Greenfield & Sheafer•
RE happy to inforth tbO imblio that,
.they have JusO returned Loin NEW, XPBZ
a no* Clod destrablel.tocli of goods — bought at greaw
reduced pleas, will boaohl, on the oehlinail altal
paptilikr pI Incipla of:
sootei, Pialde, Wool . Pla4le. Zephyr Pkll4lr BMW.
Clothe Alohalre, Mt!more Moths, Amours. Aim.
thong, Alpecen In nil celere, Einb, Alpacas, Wog P."
/Janes Coburg!, its., .ItS,
• .
Balmoral Bgirtlf, •
A Mloosortment for Lmdlon ehd Cadroe. ;
A large and deelretblo stock of Clotkr and gorier
bought In Nee, York which will be mold lower then
Do Latinos, Ctireks, Prints. Muslin/I, Ci I nghams,Oacktort
PI:m(11,151.d Tiehittss, ail to be sold at great bare:lila&
White Doode, &e. ,
_ _
c10t),,,, Cane Impres. t .loans, &a A' fulj r p►
.nl-111..111 oC )i ettrA hem colubrAteir 110nie.314411 ali4lllj
sJ way. on hand.
Don't. buy nny kind o. r•oodc until you harp bit;
(Ailed on lilt la K\ F I fr: IA) At SUE.% PLR, to outetheirtleir
dltrurence between the prices ask LA. gooda therssott
Goode reMied daily frnm Now York eatd P 141640
East Maio Stroot, tlotitit mete,
2d (loos, 2d door, 2d door from 00174.
Nor. 11, 1665.
1 ~ ~ti~~ _ ! R e
elLus,v-F; OF 110UR$.
a n d after MONDAY, APR IL,
i i.s,e:l): Trulua
lundul as tblloß~,
tl4 °ny eacopt
Loa VO ll:igen:l,w 11, 7:00 A. 81„
‘• Uree”cal.tle, 7:37
{Arr at 8,17 .
Chambers'g, .---- _ .„'e Lon v e 5.20 " • 12:66
Leave Shlprobo,urg , uw •• 1:28 "
Nes,,llle 0.2: ~ 1:23
'• Carlisle 10:10 " 2.42 "
I..ellatlicsburg. 10.42 ~ 8:12
Ardve at Ilarti,burg 11: 1 3 " 814 Q., •"
)0R U11.1.3111ER8131:1t0 AND 11A0ERSTOWN':
- - .
Lowe Hai i it.' erg 8:05 A. M., 1185 P.M.
" Mechanicsburg 8:37 " 2:15 ".
" ( nrindo 5.47 "
" New‘ille 10:02 "
" Sh.ppcnshuig 10:53 " 4 3 2:c0 : : 29 56
. : .
1 I • 0 ~ 4230
i f..< l :.:::el if 'e i r r b o ' f S q: ea ilio .Al-11r".ft't 1 1 I 1 ; : 11 4 0 6 '''' 5180 ~
A rr. at 11 a l .,,tew u 12:30 " - 0:10 "
'I It:. illrlisie and Harrisburg AOCOMODATIO4O
TRAIN will leave as tvli.,.. I, :
Leave Carlisle 5155 A. M.
Merlutnirshurg 0:25 0 .
Arrive at Harrisburg - 0:46 "
Leave li.tlrkburg 4:20 P. M.
" Morhanielburg 4'54 0
Arrive at Carlisle 5:20 "
makine ries.. cow ertie.c at Harrisburg with Trail:4
for Philadelphia, Now York and P.ttsburg; rind with
Tratus fl.r all p. , 1, I, Wert
Tha Train !caviar; lia.rilaburg at it. 211,
r. 0. N. LULL, 113,1.1pq..,
..,111.el Unice. 1 .
(1,11111,..1: oly 1, 1 /561.)
ItEAT Trunk Line from the North'
kJ - mu' .s'm•th t...t Now 'York
Ituadlirg, We, Lehauou, A Ilerauu u. Easton
I rains 1,, s Ilalr;st.u.g. for \,•w York, as follows:
AI :uW SIS A M and I -k) I'. M., arriving at New
Yor k at In A. M and 7.1 S and In r.
t With ',lunar train et on reDlCllyie
Nnoin !kw! S;.• , ping,l:arliaccumpaily She grit
t‘iu jr.llll, 1 , 101,11. chat:no.
f .1. I;emlia.,, Potn Vtilo, Tammius,MlDernyine,
Ilehtioa ❑ nod I'lllllB'lMM at 8 lb A al . and 1.46
. at 1,1 inna and principal /stations cull.
NN B y , x•u l • i nt nll pnints. at 7.1:.i5 a m. an&
.14n p Ia.NNI. New Tork at 9 n. m., 12
noun. and 7 p m. 1 at Ba. m. and 3.30 p.
In 1., N'.l a 21 .5,123., ,. m :Tamaqua at
ti 10 a In. and 2la p all.. I:(arling at 12 1311dt:104S
7.... and 10 15 .1 111.. I .V 1 0,95 p. In. •
An ACC1.1111.11 4 ,i .11101 i pg. train kayos Bandit:it
a' 3./ A. al • rvt...l: as from ehlladelphia at 4.30
P. )1.
(',lumlla Ic.v l rosd LrelnB I,lre I :eading...a't 6.40 and
11-n m f. r Eptil porn, .Itirnl.ln.
S \ o; at 7 p m.. Phlled4/-
nida at ::, Isl' II . INdt, il.• al 7 A. A. Tamaqua
a. w . II 15 a ud and Rending al 12 add
C , 1/111111,211t0r. ‘ 1 0,3,:, - C.s.onsom School and Excursion
Tl••ket.+ nt r.Mmo. 1 rntvs to mid from all pnlutc
Ii rcn r ,r. chic od thlougli. 80 l'ounda liaggaga a)-
lowed emelt 1:2_,..1%..5ik,far.
Nor. 25. 1414
, J. & D. It 110 A DS,
AA - Parli Lino leave the Depot 811 Market fit.
4 o'Lilr,ek, P. 11.
Leave. C.:Lill:de. Dally. at 7 o'clork, A. M.
Intended h r iLI. Line elmuld ho marked C. A
P Uatly Pleb:lit Line, aid scut in by 4 o'clock.
July 1,
Carlisle Foundry;
G \ll NElt & CO., now manufno
-0 tutu uod keep constantly for sale, at their as—
tom.t, o r , t faun 1t orlts on, East Main street, Carlisle, •
larke a,norttunnt 01
A G R lt: L: LTUR A L 17.11 PI,EIIIENTS,
or w . el I Runty n, approved Lista ul nese to farmers, among
hi v h tbo ‘ call io•put . itli tat-titiOU to WUP
LUUti n BY'S Celebrated Patent
hich has tolicii over ,flity First Clitse Premiums at
State enti County Fairs. To the Farzbore of Cumber
lend, Volk and Perry counties wo used not speak In
deb.ll of the merits of ibis drill, as scores of them era
now in use On the best furies in these counties. Its
reputation is established se the most complete Oran
Drill now mettutnetuted in the United States. It
sows R heat, Dye, Outs, Dart y aad'Gtese, * es , nly
regular, without Lunching the seed. The gun) spripga
peon the drill ovar stump , and stones, without break- •
ing pins or the,drill. lor even and regular sowjna , ,,
the Willoughby Gum Spring Drill Is unequahed • by '
any other. We also manutacture and sell Mud .followv
Ing articles. `which we run recommend to
reliable implements, of established oigr4oter;
„ .
Altfo;:stico and Four florae Powers and Threehing
Machines, Cast Iron Field Pollen., Plough
,Castings of
various patterns, Corn Crushers, end othar articles far',
Partners too numerous to mention. , Also, Egg goal
Stereo And Ten Pluto Wood Stovoo, with an immense,
variety of other castings for housekeepers; and, others.
Wo bravo also nn attractive variety of patt . orsfs for
and CEMETERY ENCLO.SER.EI3. to - which. we wertld
call attention. . .
steam' Engines nistl .11111.1.• Gearing:
.To this ilopartroeul of our bualnesa,n2,o give Paititn
lar attention. Our already, extonal7o stook of patterrs
for Paper, Flour and saw ?dill 'putting, is constantly
luereaelug. Mill @fors and 2.1111 Wrights will be
furnished with &printed Catalogue of our rarlons3.llll _
_Pattouns_on.application.--Ourldachine-Shopilikes— -
-all the verfoua tools fbr,turnlng.plitiab . gand flubbing
Shafting and Coatings, by good and eereful 1140111114.
of any dosinible capacity, from ten to twenty:fieiliorie
power, built-in the boat abyla and on accopnnodaring
terms. , En •inea built at out ;establisignor.t , May be
seen in aucteasful operation at many Of, the, pkrgaill ,
Diattileilos and Tanneries fu Carlisle, and OtitirtAitlaind
Perry and Dauphin Counties, 'toe owners ,of mr.hich
we confidently refer for lotbrniation as tothelreitlinen.
ay, Persons wanting Stearn Ittnginos ere. earpestly re
quested to call and examine' beroto ointritetinV
D00ti.11..N1).4W81-1' FACTOttY;
coxiiindted with - our eriatl Himont la a fitoaniliaa'q.and
Door Ma.nntaotorY which Ja nowcoinplety Inlllr for
the tuannfactifro lirtinn,ot
• •i' ' ' 131Y11417INIti. "
foitbe,tuolt,cost,ly •well 'Ebb pillopsi;bo,Oss.--L-
Winclori Sub turnliduid'from 6 ceuts upward. - accord.
into size of piasa;- ‘YindoW Sr 1121 . 0. !bOtri:$1. , ',gt up.
ward; Sini,,itors 'laid IllEnda,from' gl 76 up.
.ward;,Fopt Ponll Doors Troy!
lugs, Oastinga ribltravos,, Wash Dom ds,` . .kiabhats,„
T it4PLoaney Draperyo Ecrolla, thorp att.ic)Ss , .naeded
house buildlnii, fun ILlsbed at ,tbe lowest prices spd of
tile best 'quality ocititbor: , 4Th`,7lV4 aroAlso pA.pSrad
as berotolore, 'to b,ulld and repair,l ll l/tDM'Outt4 for
trauspor era:bn'thelbilrbad,,Ayttb - PrOtitilideSlVPll 011,
reasonable terms, . • ''' '
The soutlndalpatronl4o ofilfapiOlialeAs
solicited. Orderqurcropay , attended .
.• • '*:•• . 7 GARDNER t flo. ,
' Ju1y1,1664. , - • • •
F EitY, Oosmetcs,
1: - 'iroctfatfbvirrh-4'etui Twit pt,,,e, 4 • : 4 . ) „.
2:4k P. M
4:20 "
Cutler:Ll euporintraduat