. litint 0 - of' thla"fociliwg- - 4na110:4 will coxii;liiih'e 7 iciilk of his property to, Staffor,the son of his sis 'tor's husband ,Your4ixtplibei that don't you? ME o,'!-1 Fiaid;lAnd I dia"renioniber it very Made dthisidorable talk titithe'tiinee, and Mote'sci;`'heoatie or,' whd lied `mar"rigid Tiniothy . sister 'had rfOt been Vensiifeiea icci4t of alnari, l and it was not gene . rally supposed that. the boy, whom he had left upon the sail, of his wike's relaiives, gave any promise of a valuable life. . " And," pursue/ Fred, "you proba bly recollect when my father was verysidk, tn : Ole timothy came to him and the quarrel was thrown away, and from that *fie, while my father lived, their broth erly lEve was warm and generous." "Yee; I know all that." " Well, at that time my uncle spoke of the will he had made, and said he would destroy it, and I believed he did. I know it as well as I know anything Which I did not see with mine own eyes Before my uncle died he told me that he should make no will, for there was no need of it. Ile said I was the only law ful heir, and that was enough. My un cle died and I came into possession of the property; and I have enjoyed it, and as the years have passed on I have ad ded something to the original fortune, for I have deen careful prudent. In a dark hour, however, a storm has burst 'upon me, It seemed only a cloud at first. bu.t it proved a fearful one. John Staffer has returned. He went away ten years ago,—Went away because my uncle would not give him a home any longer,—and has now come, and has laid claim to my property. Ile claims the whole of it !" "But how 7" I asked, as my friend stopped to take breath. "You remember Stephen Akers, the old lawyer?" said Fred. "Ay," I replied, "I know him very well. He has been out West, and done some business there; but ho can't do more where he is known, for he has prov ed himself a villain." "Ua! do you know it?" "Yes; but what has that to do with you now?" I'll tell you. In tlle first place, lie used to do business here, and my uncle employed him some." " I remember that." "And it was he who made that old wil for my uncle." , Yes, I recollect it now." " Well," continued Fred, "this old lain oft lawyer - came back here about six months ago, and ere long he and John Staffer had their heads together. In a little while Staffer came and laid claim to my uncle's property; and when asked what he meant, -he produced a pare.- *Mob appeared to be the last will and testament of Mr. Timothy Elliott. And Stephen Akers swears that this is the same will which my uncle made many years ago, and that it has been in his charge ever since. He says that when he went away to the 'Western country he overlooked it among his other papers, and took it along with him. He furthermore declares that he received several letters from Mr. Elliott, in which be requested him to be cureful of the will, and keep it so that it could be brought to light -in case of need." "Of course," said "tile will must be a fraudulent one." "Most certainly it is," returned Fred " And yet it has been admitted to pro. bate, and the Judge has accepted it. I have appealed, and it goes to the Supe rior Court, and, moreover, the trial conies off to-morrow. For myself, Enoch,—if I were alone in the world,—l would care little, for I could put forth my energies anew; but for my wife and children, oh I it is bard!" He buried his' face in his hands, and wept aloud; but in a little while he be came oalm again, and I questioned him as I saw fit. Another witness to the will besides Stephen Akers was living, and he had testified that he believed the instru• ment now produced was the one to which he put his name. In short, the ease look- ed nark enough, and I dared not give my friend much hope. Yet I promised to think of the matter, and be present with. him at the trial. On the following morning I got away as - soon as possible, for I could not bear to witness Hattie's grief; but I promised to come back again, and, as I held her hand at the door, told her to keep up a good heart. An uncle of mine, named A rise] Forbes, a brother of my mother, was in town on business, and I went to see him. He was a paper fnanufacturer, and worth a hand some property. I found him at the hotel, and passed a happy hour with him; for I had been his pet in boyhood, and it was by his generous bounty that I went through college. I told him about the trial which waa , coming . off, and he said he meant to be:present if he could. Ho bad been well acquainted with Timothy Elliott, and was firmly convinced that the only will which , ElliOtt had war made _had_leen_ destroyetE, , When the hour_of trial arrived it was announced that .I "should assist in thecase., —I took my seat with the counsel already engaged:, As the trial went on, it cer tainly, did lock dark enougb for my friend. --Stephen Akers—a dark browned, : fogy looking man, with hair of a grizzled 'red, which '.liedgelioes, gains upon'his head—fiwtiie that this will Was the will, whiCh he, as " rinNthy, liottielteortey ; had 'made eighteen years befolio; and that been:ln• hip possession trier einen, until,bn bad lodged It ,proliate o office. AFRI he..also f swoiti'• • to the . - iiieTt Of letters from , El= , link bidding hini; . ;tti keeii the , will. stife Slake vie no get* aroundbis testinto: was Plain and direct, and wa could "t.b.Tk0r9P131 1 ,4 , . 7 bad been, one:of the witnesseS l of the old testified that he believed the instrument now before him was the one to which he lie had - Put his'. hand. Ho should say that'ylaisfwaa hie own signature. Ho Was aA honedt old' fellow,, and admitted tliat ' t he had Always supposed the Old will had been destroyed. For our client we had nothing of clear, plain facts to help us. We bad any a mount of impressions and opinions in our favor.--It had been the impression of all Timothy Elliott's intimate friends that the will which he had made had been de .stroyed. He had talked to thorn in that way. And yet • none of them could swear that they had ever heard Lim say, directly, that suCh was the fact. In ehort, though the belief in the destruction of that will was so general and so firm, yet we could not present to the jury a single FAVI' to sustain us in the decision. Had the counsel for the apellant any more testimony to produce? Fred placed his hand, trembling like an aspen, up n my arm, and whispered— "o, my soul! lam lost l" Ile was as pale as death, and his suf fering intense As the case now stood, I could have no hope. Whatever may have been the opinion of the court and the jury upon the right and justice of the thing, there could have been but one o pinion upon the law and fact. My heart sank within me. Were the counsel for the appellant ready to rest their oaSe? • I held the will in my hand. I believed it to be a forgery. I believed the only will which Timothy Elliott ever made had been destroyed, and that Akers, i❑ consideration of a share in the spoils, had, from the old draft in his hands, forg ed this instrument, counterfeiting even Jackson's signature fi) nicely that the simple old man could not disown it. I was about to give the instrument up, and my last faint hope with it, when a dim mark in one corner of the sheet caught my eye. It was a stamp—an impression on the paper--not so large as the point of a fi;iger's end, but 1 bent my head for a moment, to call to mind somethi❑g of the past •‘ What is i ?" asked Fred, who had noticed my emotion. t him to wait, and then aroso and looked around the court-room. Was my unole there? Yes, I. saw him close by me. I asked that Stephen Akers might be called to the stand again. The wretch saw that I was excited, and he trembled a lit le when ho started to answer to the 'Nall, though he was thin enough when 11X , had gained tho stand. "Mr. Akers," said I, eoutrolling my elf as tuueh as I cuuld, "you wade this "Timothy Elliott made it," he replied " I merely- wrote it down for him as he dictated." " This will is dated," said I, looking at its sign and seal, "October third, eioi teen hundred and twenty-three. That et eighteen years ago this very month) . "Certainly," replied Akers, "that is just when it was made." "And you swear that this is the'iden tieal instrument?" " I do." " And you swear that Timothy Elliott set his hand and seal upon this paper at the time herein mentioned":" " I du." 1 loOked the witness in the eye. lie must have read in that look something of my thoughts, for his countenance changed, and his hnecs actually shock beneath him. I told him I had done with him. Then I asked that Ansel Forbes might be called to the stand. What did I want with him ?: : .And my uncle was also anxious to know why he was called upon, for he was well known, and stood as high as the judge himself. " Mr: Forbes," said I, "you are a man ufacturer of paper?" Ile said he was. "How long have you been engaged in the business'?" Ho thought a moment, and then re• plied, "I entered the business in eighteen hundred and thirty one; so I have been in it just ten ycars." "Now, sir," said I, handing him the instrument which I held, " will you tell me, will you tell the jury, when that pa per was made?" He took it, and the moment his eye rested upon it he started. He gazed up on the corner, and then, in a bursting, amazed tone, ho cried. "I made it myself!" " When ? when?" I demanded "It could not have been over nine years ago, for here is my mark—my name upon it, as I alone have stamped paper in this country !" Ile then showed to the court and to the jury the mark which ho had detect ed. It was plain enough now--,-a little oval impression, with the name "A. Foiuiaa" embossed within it. It was defaced and soiled, but not obliterated. Stephen Akers was trying to make his way from the court room; but the deputy brought him back. Two Wholesale dealers were summoned, and when they examined the paper they at once' recogaiied it - as of Ansel Forbes' manufacture, They know it—there could be no question. . 'And thus, almost miraeUlously"Was the whole current of the l effair changed., We gave the case in; and - in a'ye;y few, min utes we had the . verdict, That evening Hattie' hung about my 'nook, and blessetrand' thanked me until A' fairly oried, , And Fred, When, he tried 'to r speak of whathad passed, at once broke '4l6,wn under; the Weight of joy and grafi tudet that'was upon hinT.: was sn:fe, ;hiS"foitiMe:was age; and his Wife and; littickiono ivete . still biassed. • . L. SOte'aqke4 WO how •I i bappened to _ t, , • d keit Thai siteiit wiiriOSS raw— corner of, tbat paper. I answered that my.unble gave me half a dozen, reams of that same kind of paper • when rho corn; nienced making it, arid I had been using it, ever since, so titaethat stamp was fa• miliar.to•me. Tho forger had selected for his wicked purpose a sheaf of respectable age; but it had not proved quite old e nough to answer the date he had just put upon it. Master John Staffor got off to sea again; but Stephan Akers found his way to the State prison, where, for a. term of years, ho was forcibly restrained from cheating his fellow men. DIRECTORY OF PENN- SYLVANIA e subscriber intends publishing as soon as the noceosary information can be collect eti, a businefs Directory of the entire State of Penn sylvan's. A corps of reap stable men are now canon/M -ing the different countries This ilrectory will con tain the names of avers man or firm in business MI his, or their account. besides the names of all (or as many .14 coo be got) of the farmers inlbe State; also enrporste bridles, Banking Institutions, Post °Sires and other useful and public information. k.very man of business knows the value of a reliable Director, and to make ft such the subscriber w.fuld ask the aid of the public in giving such information as the canvass firs may seek. As an advertising medium, so rare an opportunitj , If seldom offered —terms tier w hleh w ill be made known by the can vessers, who will show their ant horlty ie act, and receive any motley offered them, for which they will grant a printed receipt with my name, with out which the subscriber will not hold linnet if respon ible. Parties are requeoted not to pay any without NMI a receipt. A reward of twenty five dollars will be paid for the apprehension and conviction of any one who offers to receive money In the subscriber's name without au thority and a further reward,rif twenty fire dollar fir the ',rest and conviction of any man who signs the name nt Adams, Sampson & Co., for such a work—as these part ios are not getting up such a„,bniilt, as stated by , 0111 C awl milers. .IJANIE., GOP:ILL, Nov.lB 10114. by his agent J. 0115 A. GERMANTOWN TELEGRAPH A Family and an Agricultural Journal, DEVOTED TO rihoice Literature, including Poetry, V/Niwelettes. Tales, and Mond and Entettalnin.,2 Pending geninally-1n the Literary Department shall prObbllt the cheisest varieties within the read] f our ex hinted mimes The Novelettna, Tale, Poetry , shill be supplied (ruin the best and blithest sour ces, and be equal to anything to be found in an) jour nal or magazine. Awatxuruitm AND lIORTICULTRE. emtraeing Farming. Gardening. tilt-Raking. leo. Our labors in this department for over thirty years. have met the ..ort ll3l .MPrwhiti.nn of the outfit, rise purpose hen been to fn, inIA, useful and rolialnle Int nrmatl.nrn ripen those vary Important branches of industry, and In pr tent them so fir as within our power against the false doctrines and self h pin risen's of tine manly enn pin ics and sensation advantages by whirls thin Farmer Is incessantly a , saileri Tilla portion of the German town Telegraph Is ahem worth the whole price of sub,- scripti.nn. NEWS DEPARTMENT.—The same innlustri , care, and diserlinination lib v.:kilned do and preparing the Stirring Events of the Day, expressly for this paper, whirl] hPnerto has been one nil its marked lean ores. and Oven an nod V,..1 - 11 Sat kraet 1011. Will Ile COlltirlUell o.lrh redouhled effert, to meet the Increasing demands of the public. TERMS.—Two dollars per annum one dollar for six anon Ins Se orders 11 . 1 . 1.1ved w itimut the rash and all suin.criptlnms stopped I.t. the sod i.! the time pant fine Ad tres., Pllll,ll. it. ERLAS, Editor and Pram ietor. Germantown, Plulanla.. Pa. Burt's Rat and Mouse, Roach and Bed Bug Destroyer. 'CMS popular and reliable article for 6 destroying vermine should be used by nn perrono troubled with ouch pests. It never falls, sold in Car lisle at Elliott's I/re-; Ilavaretiek's, lus k hook Stotr and by D. Ralston, lii uggi6t. 11, M. BERT. Proprietor. 13 North Eleven Street, Philmb I phia. Pi lee 25 et. per le, li.erge Size) 1 , 1 n 4. lmt y NEW GOODS !! NEW uoons !! Ogilby's Cheap Cash Store. LIST received a large puppy or plPgant .7? Fall and 11 inter at MAIN, which will ho a Id at tho very los eat ',Hrs. ELEOAXT DRESS GOODS, Shawls. 11l nikets, llrs•sry. tlI tee, lialinnrsl • tSr Ladies 1114,11,/. Cloths, tlassiiners, Cassinetts.: 1111 11 .11 1 3111. 9-1. 119-1. 11-4 NGS. rasa Itisarinal and CO, aphid I/I telc ant Coldrad it Is, than pity prices roll and iisanilni: tin, stork as we a tinter tniond to sell goods low for the rash, 0011,BY. Trustee. Eqpt. IL, 194 4 NEW FIRST CLASS GROCERY STORE. 9 1 1114; Public can find, at our new (l roeery Store. 'n the Itulldin4 lately oreopied hy l'lnlip Arnold, der d and next door to the rar It lo Ito p nit (tank. It ye) y larne and fresh :t.sto)rtutent of all the title rout kinds and glades of T ,,,,„ . Celieo Esseneen, Col Teen. Snaps ;))) ape, Candles, Mtna•sen. Salt, wives, Ptel.len, .l'Algarn, Prenerres, Pr.:pared Can ne I. Collie) in Fruits. Papers, del ies, Vegetal) en Cranhot Iles, no I Meats, Italsins, l't spared Dried Murtaidn, Currents, So urns, Itrned Creme:), Fruito, Cheese, ' Nuts, Fa `s' See Ire, Cake)), Friuli, TOBACCO, PIPES, &c. A I,SO-111ce. Barley. Starch, Fe ri no. Corn S Larch, Cere alione, azelua, Nlacaroni, Verinicells A zur nea, Prunes, Concentrated Lye lit,:wgim, Ca ussge, Tahlo and other Oils, Nutmegs, Black Mg, Does, ax, Chocolate. Cocoa, 1 ie Yll,l, .1,1111111 and Candle \Welt , Bath Del k, CI then Lines, Bed Cords, Spice Hoses Paper and Envelops, Matches, Pewter Sand, clove polish Fla vorin4 Extracts Spigots. Pens, Inks, Brimstone, Mat-karat. Shad, Sul 111011, li err. ' log and Codfish. A LiCo the celehrate,l Ex- onlsior Hams, Dried hoof and Tongues, Rugs, nod Matta, Slut and Lead, Brushes, Wooing' and Wisps. GLASS, QUEEN'S, WOOD, WILLOW & RATAN W A R E. Wn respketful , ) ask the public to.rall. examine and Price nor large sod .1C f olly eclectretl Flock of FINE VA\I LY UItOUEItIES. %%o buy ell kinds of Country Produce. -JAMES M. ALLEN St. Co. 0ct.14,1864=1y EYRE & LANDELL, I'OURTII & Sts., LADELPELA, Cater for the •Lust FHA OH. and offi•r no BAITS or de ception to Rid me Custom. but rely on FAIR DEALING ME 'GOOD GOODS! Breit MIIIIINOES, Fashionmele SILKS, Nobility PLAIDS, I'l V'S POPLINS, DarkPOULA RDS, Figured DIEIIINOES, Plaid SII AW LS, (Mod BLANKETS. P. S. WO follow GOLD down, as close as we following up. Now Is x good time for Merchants and Consumers W came. Oct, 7,1861.-2 m Important Notice. Reduction on Dry Goode, At Qgilby's Cheap Qeek__Store. /AWING to the reduced prieeo of goods in theCity,l am now running of may enthe stock of dry, goods at greatly reduced prices for.rash. Many articles having been purchased before the ad vance in price, I one enable to sell fur lees than • ity prices. All In cant of bargains will do well to call before purchasing elsewhere. CIIAS. 00ILBY, Trustee. CARPETING.—SeIIing of balance of my Carpets at reduced prices. 011 AS. 00ILBY, Oct, 14,18C4. Truetro. SPECIAL NOTICE. Persons intibbted to - the subscriber are earnestly requested to make payment, Otherwise Interest will bu charged on their account. Sept. 9, 1604 Resumed Business. Ihave received my stook of goods' and they aro now open for the Inspection of the Public. I have aloe made acme addition of eeasonable goods which matter' my assortment very complete. The ten denay ofgoodo Is upward In plce and - personswanting goods will do well to purchase. Additions of goods_ will be made aa the season advan ces.. Please call tine door below Martin's Hotel Hast Main Street.. W. 0.. SAWYER. • • GUM BELTING 1.- • . • Jaet recelvettn largo assortment of all ebbs-- GI um:Belting; (him llosei•Oum Paeldng,'de., and for sale sheep at the Hardware Store of SAXTON. ' June 25,1864 • J2l' MA pairs Home's on hand of. all hinds., itlLiabethtorrn pattern, Loudon 0., bortiniati' do., with and without patent !amiantus' . eheapetqbau 4vire At K PARTQTki,..Aut Dpon it, ' July i..ifir.f. - " .. . . . A' RBI always.ahend of , all ottlera.. • • • • - ' • A • cartes ,cle vlslia • are ..genia - of erg ll Photographircanniat bo excelled. nlil WmbrotSpee aro superlorptcturea—Pers.ne, vilethtttg goricl platires are lequcstsd.to - call lttlochtuti:,'s ,Liall ' ory lug dire: Ndlt'e I:ulpin oppimite the National Bank-441ttth etheet. eopt, 300.004. „ . No 520 'ARCH Stroot, Hite a large BLOCit of WATCHES, NINE' JEWELRY,' SOLID saivnn-WARE, Superior plated TEA Slar), SNOOKS, NORKB,,.te Slept 80,1814 —lwo. new 7 3-10 U. S. 3 yeitt Tren miry Notes These notes boat intellect at the rat of 7 3-10 per cunt. per annum, and ale convertible a the end of three yeara, at the option of the holdo into b. 20 els per cent bonda, intemst payable In eoiat Subscriptions received at the FIRST NATIONAL, DANK,OIe OIRLISLit, Financial Agent and Depository of the n, S. • Aug. 15.—tf -.4. . Tut: peculiar taint or , infection which we call V.tk, SCROFULA barks itt . 41) the conatitutions of 4' ~....:17!.. \ ..01.)- Multitudes of men. It - - ,.....t..- - • t aF ' either produces or is 1,74 7.11„:. produced by nn en .._--7---,--...., • .. feelded, vitiated state irk pr * .. v .,,•t_t, t: of the , blood, wherein P..• , ' .-,-... .4....• ,• 1 :4,- that fl uid becomes in, --, <---:. 4 .A, y thst competent to sirsinin ......,. , ~, ,i, 4-.l2)lptnyilthe vital forces in their Ilir .i•••. /11EwIlia vigorous action, nod .i.z„..... 4 °). Vlr , Fißts , - I . ~ - . , • : ...;',, ....- ..-•.. `..... 4, 4 '15".:,, , , Ca 1.,, the s 3 i,ttm to , •-' l '... fall into umorder and " - --,. - as "'L.—, , ..,,, `, ..._: - ....7. - , -'"-•—•.:•-••-•'-'.. decoy. The scl-ofulonsi contamination is variously caused ,fry mcrcurial disease, low living; disordered digestion from unhealthy food, impure air, filth unit filthy habits, the depressing- vices, end, shove ell, by the venereal infection. Whatever be its origin, it is hereditary in the constitution, descending "from parents to children unto the third d ad fourth generation;" indeed• it serum to be the mil of Him oho says, '' I mill visit the iniqui ties of the father; upon their chililren.'"lbe diseases which it originates take variiius names, according to the organs it attacks. In the lungs, Scrofula pi °doves tubercles, and fluidic Consumption ; in the glands, saellinp which suppurate soil heroine ulcerous sores ; in the stomach and bowels. det•engennuts width pro duce indigestion, dyspepsia, and liver i orn plaints , on the skin, eruptive and cutaneous afrecti,imi. The:e till having the same oriain, «squire the same remedy, viz. purification :tins invigoration or tli idoffil. Purify the blood, an d the., d.ingerotis distempers leave yin. 11'1(11 feeble, foul, or corrupted blood, yon can not Imre health ; m lib that ' hfe of the flesh " healthy, you cannot liaise scrofulous disease. is compounded from the most effectual nnti dote, that medical science has discoveted for this afflicting distemper, and for the cure of the disorders it entails. That it is far superior to any other teinedy vet devised is known by nil Olin have given it a trial. That it does com bine virtues truly extraordinary in their effect upon this tilts, of complaints, is indispittali;y prOVell l v the great multitude of publicly known mid remarkable (Aims it lins made of the following diseases : King's Evil or Glandular Swellings, Tumors, Erup tions, Pimples, Blotches and Sores, Ery sipelas. Rose or St. Anthony's Fire, Soft Rheum, Scald Head, Coughs from tu berculous deposits in the lungs, White Swellings, Debility, Dropsy, Neuralgia, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Syphilis and Syphilitic Infections, Mercurial Diseases, Female Weaknesses, and, indeed, the whole -cries of complaints that :like front impurity of the blood. Minute I,•pott, of individual ewes inav hs found ill MieltlelN ALM ANAC, ttl i dt 11111,1-heci lo the for gnomon', distribution wherein may he direc-tions for its , one of the rein.ll-1,a 1 ,10 cures whi h it has made alien all other remedies 11..1 l ii 1 to afford relief Those ea-4 . , are putpo -ply token from till sec tions of the (.01.111h y, in order ilint very reader may have twee:, to sane one who can speak to him of its twin-lit. from personal experience. Scrofula depre—es 11,1. I it..l energies. mid thus lea‘es it, victim. far more Sllhjeet to 114e:lhe and its f.ital re , iill , tbnit are lie:1101v comditu tions Bence it tend; t.. shorten, and does greatly shorten, the average duration of htiman T:m vast import:on e of ow, tnn•idera -1111.4 11:1, 1,1 11 , to Spend years in remedy wlih It qiinte tie its cure. This We now orr,r to the public under the name of AY SAINAPAIIII.II, although if 1. coin. pii-ed of itmred Hits, soon' of ahult exceed the hest of .` , /rs/prol/ht in alterative power. By its aid you may protect yourself from the suffer ing :oil danger of these disorders. Purge oat the foal corruption , that rot and fester in the blood; purge out the tallSei of disease, and health will follow. By its peculiar virtues this reinutly stimulates tile vital func tions, and thus e•pels the distempers which lurk within the syvtern ur burst out on any part of it. \Ve know the public have been deceived by many c oloponilds of .54,,irar/Ihz, that promised notch and did nothing ;hut they will neither be deceived nor di-appointed in this. Its virtues hove been proven by abundant trial, anti there remains no question of it , surpassing, excellence for the t tire of the afflicting diseases it is in tended to reach. Although under the clime moue, it iv a very ditVerent medit ine front any other which ha- Ir•en Before the people, end is far more effectual than any other which has ever been available to them. CHERRY PECTORAL, Tho World's Great Remedy for Coughs, Colds, Incipient Con sumption, and for the relief of Consumptive patients in advanced stages of the disease. This has been so long used and so univer sally known, that we need do no more than ibsure the pullie that its quality is kept up to the best it ever has been, and that it may be relied on to do all it has ever done. Prepared by J C. AVER & CO., Trucial;Pand Anri Lowell, ➢lass. Sold by all di u gg ists everywhere. Mold by .1. W. Ebbiorr, Carlisle, and deal (Ts everywhere. I ‘ X. ' t \ . I du 1 l ' : ‘ r t t t o o t r h ie iL a t t ia r o ja m w : July 1. 18114--ly. TAill ES A. DUNI3 A 11, Attorney at •Law, Carl it le, On. Ofliro on the south, side of the Court ileum, adjoining the "American PriutiugOilleu." July I, 1864-Iy. WE.k KLI4W, Attorney at Law on ;moth ll:mover street, mljolnlug tli °ince of Judge llreham. All professloual buslui.,,s iris truf.ted to him will be promptly attended to, July 1,1864. SAMMO/ fl E. BURN, jr., Attorney at Law. OMeu with nuu. Samuel Iluphurn, Main St. Carib& Pn, July 1, 1813.1. 11,1JFITS H. SFIAPLEY, Attorney at La iv, Carlisle Pa. A ttepds to securing and rol leeting So:diers' Pay, Bouuthet. and Pensions. (Mee on South annoyer Street, opposite I3uutz's Store. July 1, 1801. ASV (IA RD.-C El A 11.1.11$ M IJi)LAJIGitLIN, Attorney t Low, 011ieuin Inhoffir buildlog,,just opposite the Market House. July 1, 1804-Iy. ( - I P. HUM - ERICH, Attorney at Law Office on North Hanover street, a lbw doors mirth of OlN's Hotel All business entrusted 'to him will be promptly attended to. July 1, 1861. Dr. I. O. L( PanTret Struat fuwiloorxWir,2,,y. OZ ; bulow'Snuth thtnovir et in. -- Jnlyl; 1864: JOSEPH RITNEII, Jr„ Attorney at Lftwitud Surveyor, hiveliontoshurg, 'PA. Wilco on Rail Road Street. two doom north of the Banh.., 01.Bufifinnis prOmptly'attendod to. Ju17.101364., W. O. SAWYER f:tEO W.. .NEIDICAI, D. D. S': v 1 Lite Demonstrator of,Operatlve Dentlsiry oitlM ; mr -, lal n ttifog r i Callego or 4 141•11r..0" . ! 4.llle 4 eUt hls tir le . eldencer opposlto Marlon Dalt, - West Main street, Cal lisle, Pa. July t, 1864., „ 11 . 11, .G.EOIII4E S. -SEA JILIRTOI.IT,Debtist; from the Bain.. alma.' more coliagu of Burgery r strilj—Oftlee - at the ;residence • of hie mother, East Loather alrret, three'doOrs bolew Bedford. Jury 1, 1804: . " •' • • • ' ••• 7' I)llYSlClANSlvill'findit to theirad A. Ti!utisto audiurrliasi /*lf Ayor's Sarsaparilla .P. - VEIt'S I{A'reteivod ati unusual y . - argo and rptrscauctocktockar.::.- • SPRING AND SMILIIER GOODS, and asks that. his old-customers, and all. persons . In want al} firsi.rato ; 01..01'11.00, should ,givo,htm-a call. 441 assort moutconslst,s lu partut• , - CLOTHS, CAS§IMHRHS, SATTINETS, VEStINGS, and ; all oiliar hinds of goods for Gentle mon'S,Cinthlog. Ms assortment of pieett-goOds is the largest and most *ailed over brought to Carlisle, and ha ,Is determined to sell goods by the, yard on terms es favorable as any other store. ills stook of Really-made Cloithing, is extensive and beautiful, consisting of COATS, PANTS, VRSTS, OV.JatCOATB, &c., which ho will sell chvapar than any o ther, establishment. Ile bee a beautiful assoitmout of GENTLEMEN'S F,UANISII.IIIO 11 UODS, such as UNDERSHIRTS, OVERSHIRTS, DRAWERS, UMBRELLAS, CARPET BAGS, TRUNKS, &0., &o Como and nee his beautiful assortmont of Goods be fore nurchasing elanwliere. Ile takes pleasure In show log his Goods, and will satisfy all that he can and will Goods cheaper than any other house outside of the - CUSTOMIOVS ORDMIS —I invite an examination of my stock a Fine Cloths, Cassimeros, Vestlngn, &s., which I manufacture upon special orders. SPECIAL NUTICEL-1 would say to the public, that my goods are manufactured under my own supervision noel by the very host workmen. My stock Is the most extensive I have ever bed. and my friends and the public are invited to call and examine for themselves. Oir-Iternember the old stand, North Ilanovor St. ISAAC LIVINGSTON. rl Isl e , April 22, 1853. Cil ARM?. 1829. PERPETUAL PP,ANK lAN FIRE INSURANCE COMP'Y. OF PHILADELPHIA. ASS ITS ON JANUARY 1, 1864, 8 2,457,849 95. CAPITAL, ACCRUED SURPLUS, INVESTED PREMIUMS, Unsettled Claims, fts,4ln. LQSS PAID SINCB 1829, $5,000,000. PERPETUAL AND TEM POR ARY POLICIES ON = DIRECTORS. CHARLES N. RANCE:ER ISAAC LEA, EDWARD C. DALE, SkMUEL (IEO. PALES, .1:A('1111 R. smmi, A LER, I) I , ITLER, 11 Et). W. RICH ARDS, Flt AS. W. LEWIS, M. D CFI ARLIC.S N. DA NCICER. Pec.ol. EDWARD C DALE, Vice Prem't. JAS W. MCA Sec. Pro. T,m. A. L. SPONSLER, Agt., Carlislo Pa. Match 18, 11C4—Imo. CARLISLE FORGE. NEW FIRNI wlEAva.;r. & BPACIIiEIt. 1 1 111 , 1 subscribers would respect fully 1.11,1111 . 0 to the puhltr, that tinning puraluised li t , Carlisle liMrLimi. formerly owned hr me have COLO 111 e nerd the 1091111 in: Lure nod will keep runslitutly un lmud ell sizes of the hint quality of BAR IRON, 0 I 41 ve prompt ifit Lt. nil cirdei R. whethi, fro, a th•Lancv ( .- . ! 1 P. inns T. 1 ,1 tor 041 wronzht Iron . 4 Clt A doli,ered at the Furge. at the t"aro•h•. May 13, 18i1—ly Carpotings and Oil Cloths `V' \V reeoiving at 02,ilby's cheap cash ' 4 ;l lot of \ etwl.l.lll. Ilmup, IMES (.' A A' E T S 4il L (1.111111'. 1 all mi4ths, nhlcn will I e •411 !or 01...a5h at, the lowest rae ts. 01111.111% Trustee Nlarl t 4 1,4 Fourth Arrival o r Now cthoocis I just returued (tore the rilie-.+ nith a larre .rl.ll - lon r NEW S NDIEIt DRESS Gui)DS A'l 1)}. A 1o 1 nolt),1 lino or yo.co•iiry , tllll Li,. 17,1,A 1,:..11,,j detwa Led IA1.11; ore,, =J• • run I'vntollse, Pat, hibltons. hats r I,too• u•od 111,sos' II skirts, and n guttural assort. moot of seasonable ;;oods MEN AN I) IS () YS' WEAR. 11 5n11111,4 chl.rkir large lot of OLD UUUUa much less 11,11 neh. I,lli Ono dont. below 31artin'F lintel, East Main IMMEIEM _T:33L - 37 - •rc:ocz)cl... MPIUNG, 1136.1, REEN FL LD & 14 E 14' F. R VITE the attent on of buyers to their I now .lark 01 Dry Dion's. If will be b/unil uinur p;,,101 in ell those fe,towhirls n n 01:0-11 • ilenartilion Le of our blielnees have been touch eiiiiirged, eepevinll3 dint of I) E 00D ,S , ,Nbi,•l, We are confident. Is the most YX V.' 4FM/1j 'tweet ever eillorest thiq town. NVe have lone open rsariv thr inspertlon ail the novelties nI the season, viz Pophos, all new shades and style,. th,zand,i, l “,,. Plain and rial,l POlll 11S. CbIIIIII•K DO i iil.• a Is autlful stock of A LPACCAS, at astonishingly low pricer. DOMESTICS. l'i iota, Bleached Min:Bus, Broad Shoptings, Flrinne ll Ingham:, C. , ecks, Ticking., Cot. tonadeN, &c. Gents' and Boys' Wear, C um, Cassini°, ea. Jeans, Summer Cassimeres, &c. tVe would call the Wootton of our friends more part lc ularly to our ',unloose stock of Min:Hos, Callco,i. Cot ouadec, all boucht not winter, before the lam :Wynne which v.ill ho sold at prices that defy competition Psi sons may rely on getting great bargains at Om store of GREENFIELD & SHEAFER 9lnrch 23, 1864 NOTE :—l , lrsons desiro not examine our stock wit please be particular, and recollect our Store is In Zug' building, S. H. Corner llarkot Square, Second Door, op poslte Ritter's Clothing Score D. & S. New Stock of Hats and Caps AT KELLER'S OLD STAND, North Hanover Street. splendid assortment of all the new styles of Silk Moleskin, Slouch. Soft A: Straw 11 , 0,, .0 vopeu at city and home inane tutu re nvli eh will he sold at ,he lowest east) prices. Solt hats ci all goal. Ities Gum the finest Beaver and Nutria. to the cheap est wo ,I. and of all colors. n nsurp toned by auy this side Philadelphia. A large stock of SITIILIIER lIA TS, Palm. Leghorn, Braid, India Panama, and Straw. Childrens fancy Jfe. Also a full assortment of Mons, Boys mak childrens caps of every description and style, The subscriber Invites all to come and examine his stocic. Being a practical hatter, lie fools confident of giving astisfaction. Thankful for the liberal patron. age heretofore bestowed he solicits a continuance of the same. Dont f rget the stand, two doors above Shriner's Hotel and next to German's shoe store. JOIIN A. KELLER, Agt. N. B. Hats of all kinds made to order at short notdso. A. W. BENTZ. SPECIAL NOTICE. • Great Reduction in Dry Goods, fl WING to the recent 'hem," fall in j 7 the price of Gold I have determined to reduce every Article In toy Mimetic° stun of Dry Goode _to a corresponding price with the precious metal and intend o-mate still farther reductions from time to time its Gold recedes in price. My extensive stock hoe been ninthly porches. d at low prices end before the great advance in goods 1 take title opportunity of calling the attention of the public to the notice, as I can and will sell lower than any !louse outside the Eastern - Cities. Call and itixamine for yourselves, Remember the old stand Routh Hanover street below the Court Home. Oct. 7, 1864. A. W. MINTZ. 'B. N. JAMESON, S. 81.. COYLE, J. M.CANDLISII 'B. lt. JAMESON & Co. WWholesale 'and retail Dealers in Fan, ay Dry Goode, 'Manning& Notions &a., North . westmorner of Hanover and-Pomfret struets Carlisle Pa, would respectfully announce to the-Public that they_havu just returned from the liestern Cites-with a large and well solected-etoch of Gciods consisting lu part lloslery, Gloves, Mitts, Vella, Crapes, Cravats, Doom Nein" bbawls,. Ilandkorchlefs, Suspenders, Shirts, Drawers, Dolts, Lidles dr Cents Collars, Bind; logs, Cords, Buttons, Combs, Noodles, Sewing Silks, Dam Skirts, Paper, Pens, Perfumery, Cigars &0., 4e. We would particularly invite thoattention of ". Country Aldrohants, to our stock, as in the mates.' of prices, as well as in other important particulars, we enjoy this greet a& vantage, via., one trench of our House and member or our firm are locato`d Vkilladelphia, and always pre• pared.lo take advantage of every fluctuation in the 'market. • Liberal tortes made with wholesale purchasers end Unusual indueements offered tobpyera of every class. Cali and examine our stoch. • - JAMESON'k Co: - Oct. 14,1E104. • • - • • rHE FO WARDING AND GRAIN 1~ ppeinae itAbrmbrly maduCted by tine, Oivler do Co., la now carriqd on byS c P .701 IN :ORE A SON, •• • Oreapon. Comb. Co. July 20,1864-0 AMILY DYE 'COLORS,' '" • - • • 'AT ItAtSTONT BOOKS, FANCY a OODSe' COMM() rIONARIES; T S , • PERFUMERY, • PRESERVED FRUITS, MINCED MEAT, PICKELS &C AT HAVE RSTICK'S, . North "Tattooer Street, Carliele,,Penn'a. Just ojoned an ItspOrtment of Fresh Drugs, Fancy Goods, Gilt Books, Perfumery. Fruits, and Confection nry,.which has never been surpassed In this borough, for novelty and elegance. The articles hove boon se. boated with great care, and aro calculated, in quality and price, to command the attention of purchasers. FANCY GOODS, which comprise every variety of fancy articles of the most exquisite finish such as Papier Machu Goods, Nlegant alabaster and porcelain ink.stands and truyo Fancy ivory, pearl and shell card cases, Ladies' rancy Baskets, „tVaticy Work .12exes,,with sewing instruments, Lailles'eatnia, Writing Desks. and Port•folioa. Pon Monnales, of every-variety. Geld pens and pencils, Fancy paper weights, and a largo variety of ladles' Fancy stationery. Motto seals and wafers, Silk and bead purses. hiding whip's, elegantly finished. Fine cutlery, Poitoino baskets and bags. Brushes of every kind for the toilet, X. Basin and it. .S: O. Wright's Soaps and Perfumes of various blurts. Fancy Plus for hcad dresses and shawls. Musical Instruments, together with an Innumerable variety of articles ale. gently finished and suitable for I'RES ENTS, to which lin invites special attention. Also, an extensive and elegant collection of BOONS, comprising various Ruglith and American Works, richly embellished Pog f ICA %VCR (CS. Bibles and Hymn Books, elegantly bound in velvet with metal clasps and vortturtt. ills assortment of &hoot Books and School Station ery is also complete. and comprises everything used in the Schoeht. lie al.° desires to eall the particular at. tenllou of Families to hts elegant assor talent of I. A N I'S , from the extensive estialtisbments of Cornelius, Archer and others of Philadelphia. cming-Dig every RtNi, ,, of Parlor, Chamber and study L:1111P, 11 r boning either Lard. t -, porot ur Etherigti oil; 3160 DYGTI". , vel,•hra red iinosetio or Coal ()II Latup,,, together ;tilt) 11. nt•r V. 04, Fancy BCrertil. Se. Ills assortment in this lute is uninitmital in the borough. Aiso, SEG a ItS AND Toll %COO, embracing all the favorite brands, and a fine assort meet of M Ilhiltrit;tlA DII eOIOItERS AND PI l'Eq. the celebrated itillocnchink, Lynchburg Bmoliing Tobacco. FRUITS, $400,000 971 LOOO 1,086,280 Incomn for 1864 300,000. such as Oranges, Lemons, Vies. Raisins, Nectarines, Prunes, \ iN ECTI /N AR V— PRE:4ERV ED FRU fni. MINCED 'AI EAT, etc in et,' Virinty and at all prleeQ, all of v Lich are pure and fresh ' , nal no can he c• ofidently recommends t to his hionds. Ills stock everyt log In the line ni Fenry woods. with many other articles useful 1., housekeepers which the public are especially invi ted to rill and Heinen/11, the Old elan S, nearly opposite the Bank on ;,ortn Ilan over street July I, Ipo4. The op , raluff the 'are., t and must ,toik of goods ,ver offered to the pouple t•litnhellatl A et.o.plete gi•nt•ral auto. [moot of Ladies Dress Goods. A n assnrlnnknt nf I.ADI I'S . . , 1 , /I . IINING And SEC, I.\ U N 11:ItN I N,l I . rnun the Celel•rn Lod >lnut ning S,u,rn w nin•Nun s :nun, Ph.la. A I z ngn woinrl nn.nt and %1011, winir vstrin t ,•f 1'311 , y and p:,titJ i ai,llll,llOS, =ME 1.111 , • , 16, :ts , orllnont, r:ttoo. 14,1, r• rIl pH, varkd 4. ,,, r;.11. nt of DI:PLEX rKI It C.`, 3I tf,. Hit tho 1 • 1 • It • brai f.ti 10:11111N. Ili 1 , 1 • in the 1.1..5. of mill 'oho. = A la.,A q••••!: I. I'.\ \ I; I, A • 11 I.t.t 111,...1.11, rvia 111. •id .1 1,t1',114.1V I.oW rt Partici,. 11,1: 1.04., 1.‘1 , 1!0 . •1'11110r111r.rdor5,"/1,,V1•11 .1, 41.1, t.I 1111 1,11/.16 I,,Lliptly and run:Ltvtll .. . attend. Ail of ,ffialt ,01.1 thNo (ay prly, 113 v 111,4 [wen hasval a - t• tilt. late a Ivan., k nets tirttat•Q 'tort. ttt rttattta. t atlt,tlt. oftiststta if fs,,xtt•f f ', 11,4- :totr awl i- twt, twarr Ila -apftk. Itta It trod, I tlar rwitfle, ,Ith all kmds I C e tfattsla, al tUa atts est twit latt rat,. il is sf a di to yen ft, ices it TEIS, mind Crackers, l'hcr,, ~Irci. L.res, by %V hi. 11,110 rret,,,, 11/4 116, -ca ... 'I vkacoi, Matches, Blacking, ,lc 1 I'.,t SS AND STONE AVA othur arlt t 1,331 1, 1,14 iii 3 111,1 1,13,, In n e.rid lo pri os I urn ti,t,,otltir I to :‘,ll gootk Chu Itove , t II un•, =l3 li I; 'l' T Elt , EGGS, iid nil Linda of Cuutilry talkEn at tuniket 1 sutlers sod ldtleN own are part kill:irk - invited to .Cd loot FOP OW 1 . 1 . 11.0 , 1":01,1 l'1111:\ hit 11 It.. beet] prououneed by r•slpeteol, judges the most uperi, hurls ul the .t,e. MEMEM .1 AR(; h: It VAL OF FRESH —4 GRocrums—visii OF ALL KINDS. Among a largo lit of real gioiniiio Haiti more.lrl kit iii oak hariels, MAUKA If El. It ;owes I hat is really astoni,ldogly low. I'iolccl, of All Mods. TOBACCO AND SEGARS, LIQ UORS, 4 - C.. the lowest late, for CASH or Country Produce TIIE partnershii) lierettilere existing bawewi ch. les L. Ilitlburt itllll Craw fist plow tg. ILts liven .1 so hy Ci . 11,111. The. liisokt, Mit areounts it., in lII' hands oit lialltert. whit arriestty let tiests all putt OS it% oht accounts es ith the late firm its call and net Llt jr. 11:1ViI114 ellterVll lilt, partnership with his In - other, ha les 1.. Ilallielt, the business; stilt hett.utforth ho irotoincietl under Lilts style of Halbert At lioither The now Intu aoukt lespeellull; call attention to their stook of New and Fresh Groceries. men stock is 13 rze and elected with the gr. (test care and will ho sold at the lowest prices fur eneli. I t eon, slots In part f lino old Oneernuient, COFFEE, Prime•lt In do , Prime Rio boasted. SYRUPS.—Now York. Boalou,ltud Philadelphia Sy rups. of he vary hoHL qualitioa. BROWN ABU RB.—The heat tho markot affords. hovering's hest Crushed. Sand, and Pulverized Sugars 'asu. his A. B. and C. Sugai s, which cannot be bur passed. . ' It Corn St seen F reins. Damien no Oldies, Essence ColTeu, t' n, Lye, seap, Candles, Sr, CHINA,GLASS, AND ty QUEENS W ARE, A largo and well selected stock of the very latest pat— terns And sty on, lower than ever in price, and 'better In quality. than was ever offered before In Carlisle.— Cull and sea. Wooden and 'd lllow NVare, such as Tube Bucket's, and Churns, Baskets of every description; Children's CA MU MIES., Stoneware, Cream Pots, But— ter Jars, Preserve lore Jugs, all sizes. visii_N p I, 2 and 3 Mackerel. No. 'w.4.4 - 4 , 4frWttz 1 MESS SII A D No. 1 herring. A large quantity f the celebrated Excelsior LIAMS. SA la by the Sack, !Miry and hi. A. Salt. The subset born rospoatully ash the patrolling° o their friends and the public .' , orally, and Invite thou to call and oxamine their nip naw stack, lit tho old Atand corner of Ilanovl3r and Lonth-r Stlode. Carlislo. April 22, 1864 rr HE subscriber wishes to announce to the people of Carlisle and vicinity, that ho has opened IA FLOUR AND FEED STORE, on the South East Corner of Main and West Streets, in the Warehouse owned and formerly occupied by Jacob Rheum. The h st brands of FANIILY FLOUR, kept constantly on hoed cud delivered to any part of the town. Having perfected arrangements with some of the first Indic to the neighborhood, I onto assure my customers that they will IM furuished with.au article of Flour which 1 can vouch for. I will keep constantly on baud FKED OF ALI. KINDS, such as Corn, Oats, Bran, Shorts, Potatoes, &c. The highest cash prleca paid for (train of alLltlutla and Flour. Dou't forgot the old established stand. ___,..cenrllloo, May 20, 1864 Of the old firm Of John P.iLyne t i" Son, • JAS just completed opening his new Spring stock of Ilaran are. Paints, arnishes, &0,, to which he invites the early ottention of tho publla generally. Ito has greatly enlarged his stock in all Its various branches, and ran now acme. niodate thOpublip with ' Reliable Goods, in large or small quantities at the lowest prices. A look into his store will convince them that be has enough Goode to fully supply the demand in this mar. 'bet. , P 111141.118 Wanting Goode in Mir ilea will find it to their advantage to - givo I'M a call Wore making their purohasos. All orders porsomdly and punctually at. tended 'to; and, no misroproseutatlons Joade. to effect ' ' 14WIS F. L'irisill; ge t 11101. - Noah Irani:lvor Si. - - NEW GOODS -- Every description, and quality , of Grog - odes, Quaeuttaro, Ilardware, Plekele, , llaune, Fine Llquote, tobacco, &gate, Pines, Fro.h Fruits and vegetables in Cans, Oysters de'. Spices, Wood, and Willow ware; all kinds and of the boat qnallty and to be sold at the loweat'pvloes Tot natal, •••• • July 1, 1,964. NEW A MIVAL OF DRY GOOD 3 == EMBREEM The larize,t stuck of Stall);\ zi outside of tho Enstern =I ('folks for Ladies Cloaking 110.111;.710 GOODS. ci,.);11,z. MITTIN,:: , AND 1,.10KI:\ MERE SA UC ES. PRESERVES, and a good 8H00! talent of Jul) 1, 18.4 DISSOLUTION =l3 Flour and Feed Store. I~T6Tf ~ o'Ll ' f iRFf ~F9Iq'NbYA I 1 ,t 4. -1 1 WA 111:7 LEWIS F.-LVIITE, FIRE INSIEjaANCE. y g p'UE , Anon and: Ettstpennsboro' Mu tual I ire Ices radon Cum pally Of Cumberland County. Incorporated by en net of Asoottully, In the year 1641, and having recently had Ito charter extend ed to year 141.1, In nine in tirtiVe and vigorous op dratlon, under the superintendence of. the following hoard of ;I,,lattagertt, clz,,„ Wllliatp 11. Gorges. Citrittilnu St ' ayman, Jacob EheirlY Alex. Cathcart, J. IL Coovbi., John Elcitelber ger, Joseph Widiteroltant; Munl.,Eberly. Moses Bricker, Rudolph. Martlll, Jacob Coover, and 1. o.,Duniap. The rates of Insurance are no low- and favorable ne any Company of the hind In the Etnta. Portions wish ing to become members ate Invited to Make applica tion to the °gents of lhe Company, who era willing to wait upon them at any time. WM; It. OORGAS. President, Eberly's Mills, P. O. CHRISTIAN STAYMAN, Vico President, Mechanicsburg, P. 0. Jon N C.DLINLA Seet'y. Mechanicsburg. DANIEL DAILY, DEloburg, York Co. AGENTS. Cumberland county.—John Short-Irk, Allen: Henry Zearing, Shiromaniffown; Lafayette Paton, Dickinson; floor) Bowman, Churebtown ; Mode Griffith, South Middleton; Samuel Graham. Westpenmfforo'; Samuel COnver,lllechat.lcabing; .1. W. Cocklin, Shepherdatewn D. Coovrr, Gpper Allen ; .1. G. Saxton, Silver Spring; John Dyer, Carlisle; Valentine Feel:Dan, New Cumber land ; James AlcCandlish, York county—W. IS' !Irking. Dover; James Griffith, Warrington; .1. F. Deardorff, Washington: Richey Clark, Lilisburg; D. Gutter, Fairview ; John Williams Carroll. Dauphin en —Jacob bowler, frarrisbum. Ilaubora of the Company having policies about to expire, Inn have them renewed by making application to nay of the Agents). July 1,1)164. ~ T, ' 3'14:",2 , ' ~.,, v 0,,, , , .I,` '1,, - \1 :\ ~ e -y-.:8-14:„).1 , 2 1 , „ .t4,w pii, „•:: !dam...q-A , f i 1 ..,, 1 --.;:- it,-- Lpt 6 . , f 8 q '. . t it Z''.:* ".' ..* E. % V , -,y . - --, ,-).,... c s. „..r,. n ....,-....:. -,-,?*: f.---.. , -- , ,, , :F , ` - ', 0 Z-hr '''''': '' ''''-'`-: r : '' :'::, ' , ' d '''- ' l ‘' E: " *-' - WHEELIE!? & WILSON'S SE 111 *if G 01.1 AT REDUCED PRICES, With Glass Cloth Prosser, Improved toop— Check, New S'yle Hammer, Binder, Cor ar, Braider, oto. At the Railroad (Mice, Carlisle. Pa INTERNATIONAL ExmnrrinN, LnstloS, 1862 18a. UNITF.D ,TOTE, MiIiI,LTLIIIL bUCIKTT Silver Medal at the Penavl eoala Stale Fair .`e member, 18(J1 American In , ' it ut... Si' , York. \1444'hm4114,4' Asaoriat ion. Fran 1.1141 I 4,tir P 1411,11 4 ,11,111.1. Nlotropulititli )1..4 , 1)4,164•4, 1u tit tt , , ',\ t.. 41. Mar .aiol Ocil i•••' A sstwiii 1i4•;,- tuek} I ustltuto, 114.4.11.inic411 A 4,44 lation, St. Lout., 10c14.4itt., , ' I tisti Lute. ran loattciteu. MAINE, VERMONT. CON N riOUT, NEW JERSEY. PENNSYLV A NIA, VIRGINIA. MISSISSIPPI MISSOURI, DEE INDTA\ 10 \VA. V. I t'kit t 'hese eviel.rahsi telapteti L, i vet., va riety al Sev. log oe I tear, ft t he lightest in a-. lie.. Lit Lite Ite.ivics h t ciths. They ivt.ek ‘•e11 upon hue, ivuoien. awl 11 ~,,t112„ t tasiatitei ami pet fo, stitch. alike ten Ist h 1.••• f V spe.ii•s iti se‘vitig °\.'e; inakit, h s all I ,Ittelittig hut.toits. Utt,i 111 tell ti. s titt Nl.teltitte eta :,/ s ‘l.•. OtatlS h.• 11 LH. , 13.1i1111` k , IJ! th it le rsorial rtietion 1. • o•hio•hl all' "I do e, liou is scut, ‘,l/It.h is a still'. lett eai.lo. qnalil hlch °commend the IN heeler tt NVilson ilachiric arc— nn.l cx redone° clbtitell, alike on both si les 01 the l.ii i P. ..ce ed. tiralnor. and duradillly of seam, that will n..t rip tooid and :Dade n 11.11— 3 1., cnoni i lni ca I 4 1 t attachlacni awl a die ralote of application to pure- , n , and in it, nib alp.o Inc— t 1. 4 .. lo_;:Ince• of lug 41.1 and finish. G. Fdlop.icit All , l trV.1.011.h11.• , ': Ctlllttrurlion. 7 1. i.Y •• .11 and management, knd gulettna.r 1.11110V1.11101,t I= M ,10 11-411 P00r. , 14,1 Itlnck \Valrut or Nlithogurly b, 04 Half to 0 11.111123,”, \Valuta or :1 - I.lllogany o 3 0 I Machille, t•ili el plated, Ivith Plain 'rata•, 05 00 Hal(Ca , o, P.llnLnd , Mark Walnut. 70 00 Mack Walnut or Nlahogany 7i, 00 Ila!Wage, Ilosr+ro•oI, !..0 00 Full CA... Black WAlnut or Mahogany 00 00 Full Coon, Polishe•., Rosewood, 100 00 No 4 Machine, Largo with Plain Table. 75 00 Plain I'l,l In, Every \lardOur l old nail a Ilanunnr, Van. 1 and Nlachihrs .IN,..lcleolorleto, it Wit the Now Glass Clot i'rrs.,t. Nes , Ott 1, 11. 111, VI" Mlld Braider. \theelet at NV A_,•m'v at Railroad and Telegraph Office, CARLISLE, PA. July 1, Ic6l-Iy. STEINWAY PIANOS. First Prize Modal at the World's Fair, London, 1862. ' l, ? , ; l '' . '''- ,, ' -- t-A - L; -- - - -54 • -..,,,-- ~, . 1 •,••,-,„ ~ •:, - _, - ,4 , -.m- , :, , -Li. ,, -.....! - -7 , 4:;-:„. .I: , ,Pwi ri - At,, I,,f'si . ,( ':' qt •19 P 8 ii.i' k2ad 4 , rrliE undersigned has just received 1 and intends to tenon,stantl3 on hand a I'll!) as ttortment of the unegii.illed Piaui, manufactured 1,3 Steiniv.y Si Soot, of Non, York Earli instrumen. Will lit' f•art.fully selected in the Manulactcry and will be sold at the New York crash Factory Prices, with the ..daiti. or Freight to Cat MI, A written guara..teit of entire Nittistaetion will he given by the .übseril , er It. each purchauer. Persons desirous to paella.. tiro Incited to call and 4ica nine these u nriv..l led Piano, at R. E. Shapley's Jewelry Store, Main Street, 3d door east of the Mansion Holm, non t: e Railroad Depot SHCOND HAND PIANOS received In exchange and kep for 'ale and to rent. JOHN K. STAY3IAN. Carlisle, May 22.1863-1 y \VM. BENTZ A. B. EWING'S FURNITURE WARE-ROOM • . . , West iligh Street, Carlisle, Pa. (Premium awarder( al the Cumberland County Ayrioultura l Fair of 18.17,) The Fubperther ITS Just recely.d the most splendid assortment of articles in his line, ever brought to this place—which be is determined to sell at prices that duty competition. Parlor, Chamber, ' Dintag-room,, FURNITURE. Kitchen and Office _— Embracing every article used by ffuuse and Hotel keepers, of the most approved and fashionable design and finish. Including also Cottage-furniture in.satta,_l reception and Crimp Limits, Mattresses, Gilt franca, pictures, -Particular attention given as usual to funer VAal.; orders from town and country, - attended to promptly and on moderato terms. A. B. E. July 1,18C4. • . 13AINTS AND OILS - • lo Tons White Load. 1000_0allons of 011. ; Just received with a largo agsortment of Varnlehea' , " Fir° Proof Paint, Turpontllko, Florence White, Japan, ' -White Zino Putty, . Colored Zinc, Lithargo, Red Lead ' • , Whiting, Boiled Oil, . Glue, " — Lard Oil, . ' Shellac, `. 4 t Sperm 011, ~ . Paint Brushes, • Ash 011, 4a, 1 - Colors of every description dry, end. 011 In. cites and tubas at the liardwaro - Store - of . • BENIII7 ElAkro.l4. July 1, 1804.- , . . . , ~ , . Bryan 9 Pulmonio Wafers, AT RALhTON'S Dec. 11, 1803 . • AYSIOIANS .;Will find it to their rid _L'• vantage to WI mod purchase, their Medichtes M . ; •• • ~• • • I{ALSTONII. BEI Highest Premiums at the I=l lIIIJI TN:NNI CIIK1)1.;1,E OF PRICES No. 3 I.lrllluo, x lill I= No. 5 Machtzw, Cylintior, with T'lilalti (',l>lf rif.)AL, AND .1..1 . 18E1ti-VAR)I I - T eubscrlbers 'e j t'ithe• oink . 'oil teicia • Into partnership to tradep . ,; ; .; - ' . . COAL. AND 1„. U .61,13E)3, 0, Iva will con M antly-otr bkad, 21.1921A0,01.. der ell kinds ataqii.lity of sdasedod LUMBER, • . BOARDS SCANTLING, •, • 1171.01.14 sitopr . Paling, Plastering Lath, Shingling,. Lath,,w,orke4t Plobring end Weatherboarding, Posts AndliallS, akid every article that belongs tb 4.Lumbitr,Yard4.;rc,, All kinds of Shingles, to-wit: Whitepino„pbralost:, and Oak; 'of dlfibront Odities: Flaring cart Orour own we can furnish bills to order bf any' , lazigtlt:and eta at the shortest notice and en the most reasonable terms. Our worked boards will be kept tinder' . ciiireze on they c e bo furnished dry at all times, •• Wu have vonstantly nn hand all kinds' of' , IrtkinUi Coal under cover, which we, will deliver claim 1 4i11 13 / part of the borough. To wit: . . Lytton': Valley, Broken; Itgg; • - 1.. k Stove and Nut, Lube 0.14.1er, VOW.° L:49 Tievorten, Locust Monk:tin, tray lg Lohbery, which we pledge otir+ selybe to soil at the-. haltest prices. Rest quality of Limeburner's and Blacksmith's Opal, always on band which wo will mill a the lowiSeb Ogure Yard %vast side of Grammar School, Main street, ARMSTRONG & lIONEFIL July 1, 1136.1 Notice of Co•Partnership'. ruliE public are hereby informed that the undersigned have this day entered into is'Eo Partnership, under the name of Delaney dc Blab for the purpose of carrying ou the Coal and Lumber Limi ness. at tno old stand of Oltrer Delaney, near the Gas Werlie ; where all orders,ln thefr line of business are , respectfully solicited, and will be promptly' filled. OLIVER DELANCY, ANDREW H. BLAIR Oct. 10, 1803— t f. litZ — Orders fur coal will be rocidvoit st Halbert & Flouting's Ornsory BON); Itobort Alooro's Sboo Moro and A. if Blair's Currying Stodp' 1411.ANOY & uLthin. ir_q_Orders Mr Coal or Lumber solicited tbrot.th the Pnst °Mee. arrangements havlnst.been made with' the Pn , temecer to eitarge the postage en same to us. All order, puneteelly BOOTS AND SHOES. ' T the .tore of John Irvine, on the AN. E rn;nar of th« pul,ne squaro lo Iho Onto to purrhauf• lenaa Sh,e. Hats and Caps, at prlcui d.•r, . Ile J roteel from the Mast with the Iltrgekt and ennipl.d a ;14. rtment of Roots. Shoes, lists I (laps that ho has ever presented to thisr:entn=lnity, and e Wet he is determined to sell at the lowest pot ,mie prices. Ills steel, I.lllbl aces everything in -his liar of b nines?, such ns MEN'S & BOYS' FINE CALF BOOTS, Kip Bards, Calf and Patent Leather Oxford Ties, Cult and potent Li at her rialto s, Calf Nullifiers, Calf And Kip Brogans, Slipper, tire. LADIES' WEAR, Fine French and Engli,h hastlngflaiters. Morocco Calf and Kid B.sils Fine Kid !ippon, Fancy Slippers, Slur rose,, and Kid Buslchis, MIS Ft A D Cllll,l/100 'S VIT.AW f all desalt) ond,hteirn! fine Lasting (loiters, Mnrrorrn and Ito it,,,, Boots, 'lot rocen.l nee boos of all lauds lane, -I -, at untea,=..l,leo Oipper, agfC. I AT' l'". , 'nf..llloere. Per and Wool Wets of all qualities and Styles, also a large aseorlment of STRAW HATS Vont, sod SLrn s made to order at the shortest notice Ib•pyirinq promp,ly oone. Cuufident ufltis ability to ph.n,e ill r:no e,.it customers ho respectfully invites th:• puhlic t” dive him a coll. 111)_Itotnetuber the place, N E corner of the Public, Square. July 1, 1914 NEW GOODS!! NTOW offering an humans° variety of 11 CI, arts, C X ESTI `. GS. C,)l' rON GOODS ke For Nen and Boys' Wear, in a I Irger vanity, than ant be found in any eatab iishuto in this pla• e. ain.l at ns lOW prices BB can be sold any where. In suit taste and pocket. We mann tar, tire t h above goods to ,•rder. in the la; est styles, or sell per 3 ard euct Alters wishing to have the goods o Fth ht rot roll be a rc, areal...ed. free of charge. An early in•portion uiOr goods .nd prices, respect tally solict,d. ISAAC LIVINGSTON, North Hanover Strevt Clothing Emporium July I, 1.o: ELIA NG OFF ATTW ENT 1" I' Na CENT. II PLOW COST! I At the sign of the •• hold Eagle," 3 1101JTB above the Com betlaiel alley Hank, sod tan doors below thn (le ttr.(o , o Cho, eh Im \I :.t :Urdu street, the largest and kept selected stoel, of WATril ES AND JEWELRY 1 , 1 the 't•wn, eIII tw sold to per cent lower than at any ph", iu 111 , . St at, The ',lova ,• ,, tnprlses it large al,ort :nen!. and hunting vase Levern, I,e•pines, A ~,erleta watches, and all other kinds and ,ti GOLD AND SILT'ER CHAINS. t 1 00 0 00 i4ald Puna and l'enrils. Jewel, of all kinds, Spectacles oold and -Hy,. Mated and 6'llver 55 ate, MUSIC, BON ES ACCORDEONS, IMI= The entire stook of t% at chutakor tools, eAte•R s large iriors. nnJ !Ole! Will be told wholesale or retail on .•enicnt flaring mileeiril a first class workman all Muds or repairing will iie dour as usual, at reduced prices. July 1,1...61 TILL TRIUMPHANT. The cam pieta surees, of the Prairie Flower Cook_ rt”re. ‘val ratos the mint, iher in calling the al ten tam of all a h.. may want n ?.uporior atove to call and exatatne the Lally f• to v u that has given universal satin— Eir3 IS' lIAT IS CLAIMED OVER OTHERS IS Igt. A soving of front 3(1 to 60 per coot. In fuel. '2,1. A hotter and quicker oven from the same fire 3d A larger oven than any other stove of the same 4th. The preservation of the center piece from sinking saving len:the. Stir. The hest !hiker. Roaster. and nook now in ueo, htli A superior arrangement Sro cleaning the flues, 7th. A perfect Gas Consumer for either wood or coal. The Prairie Flower Is warranted to give satisfaction In every particular, and will he shown with pleasure to all who may call, whether desiring to purchase or not, tiny tiMilit t refllreheehl terse or country. A tars other good Cook Stoves on hand, which will be sold vely Ic to close sto, k. 'pJutlog. hoofing, Job work, Copparsmtlhing Rod Shrotintr Wcrk pr raptly att• toted to. to town or coun try. All eork oorraoted at the old stand, Hanover stJoet Korth 1 Louthor. MARY MORRIS. N. B.—Old Copper, Prasm and pi wter bought, &Dd. tho iiigheNt price paid Id rnuh or goods. June 25. 11,54 COFFEE POT. ViT I L 1,1 A )I.lt I D1,1 , ', respectfully 111.111011tICAH to the citizens of Carlisle end the public gun...roll), that he still continues the manufac turf of nil kinds of tlu 1111 d Outlet iron ware in J. D. Ihilbert's building East Inuther street Carlisle at the sign of the REV COFFEE POT, whore he will at all tidies he ready to do all kinds of work in his lino is ith n,atuvab and despatch. Also eon at all times he ha those e.lebrated. self !waling and self touting premium airtight. FRUIT CANS AND JARS : , poutitla,ll.,d.ill kinds of jobbing done at th.- rtost•notice. Cash paid tor old load, pewter and copper. Thank ful for the patronage heretofore extended, be hopes by strict attention, ttod a desire to please all to merit a eutalnuanre ,b I the forgot the sign of the Red Coffee Pot. July 1, 18133. William P. Lynch rrhe subscriber informs the public that he HUH reetinues the GAS FITTING AND PLUMBING bobbles at the Old Stand lu the basetnont of the First Mothodisi Church. lie will attend promptly to all, tool uses In his lino. Leadaud Iron Pipes, Hydrants, Hot,and cold SHOWER BATES,_ Water einfiels. Force a d Litt Puffins. Wro't Welded Tubes, Iron. Sinks, Bath Tubs, Bath Rollers, Waite lit= sins, nydrital c Rams, Sic and every description. of fmchS and fittings for gas. steam water, kc. Superior cooking Vance Resters and gas fixtureSput — up in (Interim:, 01•06 end dwellings. nt Ebert no_tjce,luithe mina nnittern style . . 411 materials and. wOrk, in our , line at low nail , nd ivarriii.ted. uS.Coun ry doe: and jobbinippromptly attended to. .; my 1. ft d 4. HAT AND CAP EMPORIUAT:' 1 1 11 :utidtp•signed respectfully announ ees'to the public th it, ho still continues the But. tiog Business at the old stand, in West nigh 'sheet,. and ivith arenewed and efficient ofrort, peoduce *017: c:es of head llrend of . Every Variety, Style and Quality, that shall be Ftlictly in keeping with the imprOye. meat of the Art, and fully up to the 'age which 7 w : live. • I have t hand a ,sPlendtd assorttaant ti.,l . . ' • HATS AND.CAPS -- ;:e---'• ofall description s $ from the ediamon , Woeli . to•the finest. Fur ,and Liik Hats ;:and at„prlcsathat„ must soft every, Ono who „has On - ei•e to, `.get"4 ter worth of his money. ,The stock includet, . , MOLESKIN,'CAS4IIERfi, 11 CA'VER, , FET4 of every Style and Color twit iinsuiietsaea for Ligbtnee . .. 'Durlibilliy and Ilnish those of any'other esteblh4t) •ment in the Gauntry. . Non's, Boy's and OhildroWa Ilat'a and Cape, of every description'ootintantly"on hand: • Be low Wilily invites. all th e old patrons , and,a4 many netyntios ao,„peftolble, tdm a. call. • •' 431; QALL,tOt. ' Ju1y1,1864. • •, . .. • , ; -•,, , 1300TEI diG 4110)214, " • A YULL,..asscirpnent cif, Men and rtn.irs ' Ifoots andSlioesitdtable, fel. the tetnter: cllestu'd litlesoe's Bellmore' Dootena,Ohlldroe'e:J l o94 , ; of all Idnda.• • Lailleeand Gentlemen's GUM °earl:Woes."' My old outtometoa and all - ti want of goad and chug; '° Boots SPd 4 1 .4000. and atom stook, befoio purehashig, , Matti tho Depot.' • ' - • • OXTAIL OGILBY S Trustee: July ],1804, CHO/g 843:1T°14 r 1° X . ' : AX PrN4 MEE =1 rni E It. E. SUAPLEY