A GooD APPEARANCE.—The best pos sible,style of dress and manner -is that which pleases without attracting,any par ticular attention. The highest compli ment you _can pay_ to the dress.of a :lady or gentlemen is not to remember what it was only that they were well and appro priately dressed. Even elegance, grace, and beauty become offensive the moment they are in excess. We sod' people over dressed, over-elegant, over-polite. ut is - it not worse to err in the other extr rue? The lady who was going up the a eof a church to be ,married, but turned an walked off without waiting for the ceremony, because her husband elect had dirty shoes, was probably right. A man, who could treat his wife with dis respect, rudeness, and indecency then, was not likely to make a good husband. People who wear long uncombed hair, terrific beards, broad shirt-collars, and clothing made up in eccentric fashion, haVe a screw loose somewhere. Wo show wisdom by a decent conformity to social customs. A pleasing external appear ance is not only a matter of self-interest, but benevolence. How can we better contribute to the happiness of our friends than by making them glad to see us? It is only excess of neatness or display that is dandyism in a man and coquetry in a woman. But it is safer to err on the side of attractiveness and take too much rather than too little care of our person al appearance. tte_A letter from Naples contains the account of the recent opening at Pompeii of another bakery shop, much more ex tensive than the one disinterred some time since "This second bakery," says the writer, "is much larger and the appoint mentsa on much more extensive. scale, and in greater variety. The d wellini-house of the owner, too, is much more luxurious. Although connected with the bake-house, it has a separate entrance, and a double atrium and peristyle, both of which are of more than ordinary extent, and in their size, as well as their decorations, bear witness to the wealth and luxurious tastes of the occupant. Among the rel ics of this house, preserved in the local museum, is one which throws a curious light on the domestic arranwinents of the Pompeian baker, being no other than one of the dishes which were actually in process of preparation for dinner on the very day of the catastrophe ! Upon the cooking-stove in the kitchen was found a stew-pan, half filled with ashes, and in the bottom appeared an indurated mass, which Signor Florelli rightly eonjectuted to have been produced by some of the vi ands which lay within the pau L and which, although long since, decomposed, had left their impress on the now consolidated ashes. Acting upon this happy thought, he applied in this instance the same in genious process which was so successful ly adopted in reproceeding that painfully life-like group of human figures, described with such terrible fidelity in one of your former numbers; and the result has, fully justified his anticipations, being au exact /ac sinti/c in bronze of a young pig, which was being stewed for the family dinwr at the very moment when they were sur prised with the stroke of doom." INALIENABLE RIO ZlTS.—Every woman has a right to bo of any ago she pleases, for if she would state her real age no one would believe her. Every one has a right to .wear a moustache who can. Every woman who makes puddings has a per fect right to believe that she can make better puddings than any other woman in the world. Every man who carves has a decided right to think of himself by put ting a few of the best bits aside. Every woman has a right to think her child the 'prettiest baby in the world, and it would be the greatest folly to deny her this right for she would be sure to take it. Every young lady has a right to faint when she pleases, if her lover is by het side to catch her: CRITICISM OF, SHAKSPEARE BY A SArthr.—President Felton in his "Famil iarLotters from Europe," recently publish ed by the Messrs. Ticknor & Fields, relates following incident that occurred on the good ship Daniel Webster in whioh he was a passenger in 1853: "Last night I read some,paslmges from the Midsum mer Night's Dream to the captain. When I came to the description of the mermaid riding upon the dolphin's back, he pro nounced -a • hurnbug: The dolphin's back is as sharp as IL razor, and no mer maid could possibly ride the beast unless she first saddled him." A gentlemen , long since, in one of his rides in Southern Illinois; sought to make himself interesting ton good looking mothor'of a sweet, baby, occupying the next 4loat: in the oar. After duly prais ing the, baby ho remarked to the mother "He is a real sucker, I suppose." " No, air," said the lady, blushing, "we bad to raise him on the bottle." The gentle.- man resumed his reading add has not bragged on any strange baby since. . . . THE OLD Comyrnins.—Crowded as En land is ivith a r .0 Ontion, five .0r- cent. of her soil is not under miltivation. Yet tho proportion of 'cultivated to the un cultivated Innd, is higher. in England than in any other country in Europe. In Russia, ' 1 less than one-fifth . of the .soll, is under culti vationi,in Sweden, only. , one seventh ; in Austria and' Tiolland, one-,ikfth ; in Switzer ' land, Ona.:fourth'; in Erance„ilftifon hun dredths., . There is really no liecd of emigra tion, ' In England, ae 'appears. by a parlia- Monor,y,: roport, there are sixteen . . millions of.aerns,',viholly unproductive, that might (001y' ho,..made productive: The roes o Why -these acres aro pernritted, ,tl7. lto, unimproved is, that as Sendai+ they' are 'enclosed, and be. fom thoy bans be roclithrieds to . pr'oduco,a Toying !crdp, they bocomo• subject p,titi19.a9 ; 4,4x 1 , leil?9, only men of largo imdortako the task, and 'they prefer to invest thoircapital whore the re turn IS morn, speody and !rnore 'certain,. INEvirs!! NEWB N I EWsr! T j EIDICII & MILLER are just re calving at their now and cheap etero, on the south east corner of Mainutreet, their first supply of Fall'and Winter Goods, • o which they *vita the special attention of every person in want of Goode desirable for the present and coming Season. The stools comprises all kinds and varieties of DRESS GOODS, such fig Plain Black, Nimrod and Rapp Silks, Plain and Fig tired colored Drees Sil tic, and cobra French Merinos, French Cashmeres, plain and figured, Coburg Clothe, all shades and colors, block and colored A Ipacmi, plain and fignrod all Wool Mous DeLainusoulta bk. Ow Ladies and Children's Dresses, Mohair Poplins, lancing American Debnines, Calicoes, (Anglian's, Ac. Mourning aoods. Black Francit Morino., French Caahmerns, double and single width all Wool Dorminen, Thlblwtt Merinos, Ilimienzloos, Crapo Poplins, black and whit.° Plaid Pop lins, blank and purplu Plaid Cashnimen, long 'quart, and Thibbot Shawls, long and square Wallkill, Shaivln, Crnpe Yells, Crape Collars, Gloves, Bal morals, Eim„ NEN AND BOYS' WEAR Black and colored Cloth, black and fancy Cassiameres, all grades and qualltlea, Vestßiga, Sattitlnks, Union Cass Snores Kentucky Jeans, Shirting Flannels, Merino C , ltlrts and Drawers, AL, Ar. A speriol arrangement static with a Scat class TAILOR to make up Clothing at very short notice. Domestic Goods; Bleached and Unbleached Mullins of every quality, Sheeting Mullins, follow-case INTin.lins, Linen and OA ton Table Diapers, Tickings, Checks, Striped Cotton skirting, Deno hns, Domestic Ginghams, Scotch (I log hams, Sack Flannel of every color, Shirting Flannels. Factory and Shaker Flannels for Skirtings. red. yellow and white Wool Flannels, Canton Flannels, Calicoes, colored, cambric, and paper Mullins, Drilling Nankeens and many other (lords In every day use. NOTIONS IN GREAT VARIETY Alen's Hanover Buck Gloves and Gauntlets, Berlin, Cloth, Ringwood, Casslinen, and Dini;A In Gloves, La dles Kid. Cloth, Merino, Silk. I.lslethroall and Cotton Gloves, a full as ortment of cotton and wool lioslery, for Men, Ladles and Children, Hal noral Woolen Hose for Ladies Misses Nod Children, Opera Hoods, all oleos and colors. Scalms.Simponders. Sot, tav,lllooped Skirts, Balmoral Skirts, Umberellas, &J.., Lc. • - - - Also. just opening a complete stock of the nearest styles Cloth Cloaks. and Blanket Shawls Carpets, Cil Cloths, 3lattings, Winders Shades, Looking Glasses, &c., &c. As the season advances we will constantly ho mak ing additions to our stockond nlll always end.vnr to make our stock the most deslral,le that ran be fund In the country. Feeling very thankful to the commu nity for their kind and liberal patronage so farextend ....l to the Now Firm, we earnestly solicit a continuance of the Harm. Please give us a call before making your purchases as we are always ready and willing to exhib it our goods, and can and will prove lb we study the interest of our customers. I. Please do not forget that olr Store Is on tho corner. directly opposite Irvine's Choc Store. DICII k MILLER. Sept.lG,lS64. Ladies Fancy Furs As ail my Furs wme 1,10, ilobl was /It a much lmuer[pre mlum than at present, I um 1./111.111,1i to dispose of them at very reasonable prices, and I would therefore solicit a call from my friends of Carlisle. Remember the Name, Number and Ftreet ? .101 IN REIRA. 718 Arch St. above TIE, ~00th chic, I hare no partner, nor connection with any other store in Philadelphia. September 8, 1804—inn NEW GOODS ! t Ogilby's Cheap Cash Store. TUST received a large slippy of elegant. p y 101 l and Winter goods, nt the very lowest pl 1 , 09 I,EO 001)S, Shawls, Flannels, Blankets, Iln s;F•ry, Ih r inn,al Skirts, kr., kr. ch.nling rlothe., all CI 101 S, Cloths, Cas,.itners, Ca 051,41., 9-4. 19-4. 11-I SIIEETINGS. Pillow rase ntslins. Ilkolnnl and l'ul , earhe.l Mus lin.. ~•.; i i'd..r.s.l. 4 ilks it Ohm- kos :1,1 examine ;os i• t•. lute . I'm- lit. =9 Sept. r, v., 4 E I , ' I It S C I, A S GROCERY STORE. 1 1 11 E Public can find, at our new Groot - fry Store. in the 1 1 ,114110 t lately if. 4,1.0,1 1,3 1 , 1 1 14 Arnold, dee'd.. nod next dine to the Cal li- le De posit Bank. a vet y far,. and f111.11“,o, tmen t 4,f ~,I i the different kind, and glades Of TV3H, Cite Estent•es, Coffees. I,off ps Pyrupn, Candle., Momffses, Salt, Spices, Piet. les, Sugar., Preserves, Prepared CA II Ileds Colley In Fruitti . , Papers, Jel les, Vegeta Is'os,, „Cranitinrues, and Meals, 1 Puisins, Prepared Pried Mnstalds, Cu Ire, ts, ,‘ fo.e.s, Dried Crfo.f.er., Fruits', Cheese, Nuts, Sweet Seca, s, Cakes, Snuff, TOBACCO, PIPES, &c, ALSO—Hire, Barley, Starch, Farina. Corn Starch. ( I 'ei Maztdria, mj,...11, A Pr./I'MS, ( oneentrated G\u Bologna, Sausage, Table and tither title, Nutmegs, Blacking, Ileonuax, Chocolate. 'I hi Yarn, "dual, mud C'andlu Wick, 11.,1 1i nil , It, CI thee (Ines, It, ai Cord.i, Spire Boxes Paper and Eta etopii, Id a t F. Pewter Sand, store polish Fla- Teri n,; Extinct s Spigots. Pens, Inks, Brimstone, Nlitekural. Shad, Salmon, Herr ing and Codfish. ALSO—the colabrated Ex- NAM or !lams, lh led Boer and Rugs, ar t a Matta, Shot and Land, It: ushos, Broom., and 11 asps, GLASS, QUEEN'S, WOOh , WILLOW & RATAN W A It E. We reaper tfully ask the public to call, examlue and Price our large and carefully selecteud stock of FINE FANILY O ROCERIES. We buy all kinds of Country Produce. JAMES M. ALLEN & Co. 0ct.11,1.64.1—1y EYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH & AMU. tits., PHILADELPHIA, Cater fur the tbust TRADE, and offor no BAITP or do t:option to Induce Custom, but rely uu FAIR DEALING GEE GOOD GOODS uogiMERINOES, Feehlonagle SILKS, Nobility PLAIDS, PUPS POPLINS, Dark FOULARDS, Figured MER I NOES, • PIMA SHAWLS, • (iond 'ILAN IcETS. P. S. We follow GOLD down, as clone no we following up. Now Is a good time for Merchants and Consumers to COMO. Oct, 7, ISG-1.-2m Important Notice. Reduction on Dry Goods, At Ogilby's Cheap Cash Store. /AWING to the reduced pricec of goods N..f in the City, I am now running of may entire stock of dry goods at greatly redhead prices for cash. Many articles having been purchased before the ad vance In price, I am enable to sell for less than .Ity prices. All in a ant of bargains will do well to call before purchasing elsewhere. CHAS. OOILIIY, Trustee. CARPETING.—SeIIing of balance of my Carpets nt reduced prices. CHAS. OQILIIY, Oct, 14, 18C4. Trustee. QPECIAL NOTICE. Persona indebted to the subscriber aro earnestly requested to make payment, otherwise interest will bo charged on their account. Sept. 0,1864. . W. O. SAWYER. _Resumed Business. Ihave received my stock of goods and they are now open fin the inspootion of the Public. I have also • mode acme addition of •scasonable goods which makes my assortment very complete. Tho ton • decoy of goods Is upward.in price and persons wanting goods will do well to purchase. Additions of goods will be made as the season advan ces. Please call ono door below Martin's Hotel East Main Street. • W. C. SAWYER. GUM BELTING Just received a largo assortment of all rhea— Gum Belting, Gum hose, Gum Packing, Am, and for .sale cheap at the hardware' Store of IIGNItY SAXTON. Juno 25, 1864 TO CONSUMPTIVES flapsurnptive sufferers will .reoeive prmiorlitlon for the .onto , of Consum p ton, Aethma.,Dronchitleoid all Throat and Lung of [cations, (froo of charg by sending their address to Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Dings Co., Now York. Sept. 30, 1804.-13 m. • 11 •AVIES.-51)0" finnies' on hand NI 'of all klnde, ldllzahothtoirit pattern, Til:Won do., tlornroan do., with and without .patent fanteninga cheaper than ever at IL SAXTON'S, •Eatt AlAn et. , 4.1813, Lochman Photographs kAmbrotypes.' ARE always ahead of all others. 'Ells cartes do visite 'are. gems of art, and his large Photographs cannot bo excelled. His Ambrotypos aro superior pictures—Persons wishing good pictures aro requested to call at Lochutan's Gallery in Mrs. Neff's Building opposite tho National Bank—Main street. Sept, 30, 180.1. HENRY HARPER, No 520 ARCH Street, PIIILANLPHIA, Ilns n Inrgo 8 tonic of ATCII FINE .lEWEI,It Y, SOLID SILVER-WARE, Suporlor plntod TEA SETS, SPOONS, FORKS, Sal Snpt 30, 1314.-3 mo. r HE new 7 3-10 TJ. S. 3 year Trea enry Not.. These notes boar interest at the rat of 7 3-10 per cont. per annum, and ale convertible no the end of three yearn, at the option of the holder into 5-20 six per cent. bonds, interest payable In eolut Subsciiptlons received at the FIRST NATIONAL, BANK OF CA RLISLE, Financial Agent and Depository of the U, S. Aug. 1 5 .—tf THE peculiar taint or infection which we call SCROFULA lurks in the constitutions 3f nuiltitudes of men. It . N 414,4 , either produces or is g 1 •0 1 .:' produced by nn en feelded, vitiated state 051 d of the blood, wherein '4 , 4.."‘F.. ,that fluid becomes in .o„,,,ikrAcompetent to sustain if'filiiefrvil the vital force. , in their . 1•6914 vigorous action, and -•• c leaves the system to fall into di-order nod decay. The set anions contamination is variously cats ed by mercurial disease, low living, disordered digestion from unhealthy food, impure tic, filth and filthy habits, the depressing vices, and, shove all, by the venereal infection. Whatever be its origin, it is hereditary in the constitution, descending, "front parents to children unto the third and fourth generation ; " indeed, it seems to be the rod of Ilim who says, " I will visit the iniqui ties of the fathers upon their children." 'the diseascis which it originates take various names, according to the 01'14'1111i it attacks. In the lungs, Scrofula produces tubercles, and finally Consumption ; in the glands, s‘Nellings which suppurate and become ulcerous sores ; in the stomach and bowels, derangements which pro duce indigestion, dyspepsia, and liver COM pIIIIIIOI j 011 the. skin, eruptive and cutaneous affections. These all having the same origin, require the same remedy ' viz. purifieation and invigoration of the blood. Purify the blood, and these dangerous distempers leave ion. With feeble, foul, or corrupted blood, von can not have health ; with that " life of the flesh " healthy, you cannot have scrofulous disease. JOH N F Altr.l It A's U 11 Man nfivtory No. 715 Arch Street, bore 7th, l'hiladelp'tla I have now In store of ty own Importation nd 71.‘nu feel ui C, 1/1113 if the I,nr!!est and most lenuthul selections of FANCY FllllB, e- 'doll.' A Children's 'oar in the city. Also. nue ashortnient .'nt • a Fur Moves and is compounded front the most effectual anti dotes that medical science has discovered for this afflicting distemper, and for the cure of the disorders it entails. That it is far superior to any other remedy vet devised, is known by all who have given it a trial. 'That it dues com bine virtues truly extraordinary in their effect upon this class of complaints, is indisputably proven by . the great multitude of publicly known and remarkahle cures it has meek of 'the following diseases : Ki ng ' s Evil or Glandular Swellings, Tumors, Erup tions, Pimples, Blotches and Sores, Ery sipelas, Roso or St. Anthony's Fire, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Coughs from tu berculous deposits in the lungs, White Swellings, Debility, Dropsy, Neuralgia, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Syphilis and Syphilitic Infections, Mercurial Diseases, Female Weaknesses, and, indeed, the whole series of complaints that arise from impurity of the blood. Minute reports of individual cases linty he found in Arrn's AMERICA sr Al.m.tx to, which is furnished to the druggists for gratuitous distribution, wherein may Inc learned the directions for its use, and some of the remarkable cures which it has made when nll other remedies hind failed to ntrord Those cases are purposely taken from all sec tions of the country, in order that every reader may have nece.ss to some one who eau speak to him of its benefits from personal experience. 5C141115 dcpre•ses the vital encreies. and thus leaves its Nictim , far more subject to disease and its rust results than tire healthy constitu tions. Hence it tends to shorten, and does greatly shorten, the average duration of human life. The vast importance of these considera tions has led us to spend years in perfecting a remedy which is adequate to its cure. This we now offer to the public under the name of AYER'S SAnsAI'ARILL.t, although it is com posed of ingredients, some of _which exceed the hest of Sarsaparilla in alterative power. By its aid vim may protect yourself from the suffer ing nail danger of these disorders. Purge out the foul corruptions that rot and fester in the blood; purge out. the causes of disease, and vigorous health will follow. Ily its peculiar virtues this remedy stimulates the vital func tions, and thus expels the distempers which lurk within the system or burst out on any part of it. We know the pulilie have been d ceeived by manN" compomals of Sarsaparilla, that promised much and did nothing; lint they will neither be deCein NI nor disappointed in this. Its virtues have been proven by abundant trial, and there remains no question of its surpassing excellence for the cure of the •afflicting; diseases it is in tended to reach. Although under the saute !mine, it is a very different medicine from any other which has been before the people, and is far more ell', mid than any other which has er been available to them. NEW GOODS !! CHERRY PECTORAL, Tho World's Groat Remedy for Coughs, Colds, Incipient Con sumption, and for the relief of Consumptive patients in advanced stages of the disease. This has been so long lased and so univer sally known, that we need do no more than assure the public that its quality is kept up to the best it ever has been, and that it may be relied on to do all it has ever done. Prepared by Pit. J. C. Avian & Practical and Analgtiral Chemists Lowell, Mass. Sold by all druggists everywhere. ' Sold by J. \V. Ei.i.to . r . r, Carlisle, and deal era everywhere. M 7 )IA N, Attorney at Law,Yll U. Noxt door iotho lit.ohioill J 1:—ly. TAM ES A. DUNBAIt, Attorney at fy Law, Carlisle, Pa. Office on the south side of the Court House, adjoining the "Ames Iran Iris Office." July 1, 1864-Iy. WEAKLI4W, Attorney at Law, ()ince on south Hanover street, adjoining the office of.ludge Ora ham. All professional business en trusted to lam will be promptly attended to. July 1,1861. QAMUEL EPBURN, Jr., Attorney jat. UM. COCO with lion. Ehunuol Hepburn, Main St. Carllslu Pa, July 1, 1864. j) UFUS E. SI-TAPLEY, Attorney at 1 CIA Tv, Carlisle Pa. Attends to securing and col lecting So'dlore' Pay, Bounties: and Pensions. Mee on South lianover Street, opposite Boutz's Store. July 1, T AW CARD.-CHARLES E. MA LJOLAUCIIILIN, Attorney et Law, Office In Inhoff's building, just opoeslte the Market 11ouse, July 1, 1/364-Iy. fl P. HUMERTOH, Attorney at Law A„..../ • Mee on Nofth Hanover street, a few doors north of Gill's Hotel. All business entrusted to him will be promptU attended to. July 1,1864 w • Dr. I. C. LOOMIS Pomfret Street few doors; below South Hanover et • 1218411184 r, Jnly 1, 1804. JOSEPH RITNER, Jr., Attorney at Law and Surveyor, Alechnitlesburg, 'a. Office ou hail flood Street, two doors north of the Bank. mßuslness promptly attended to. July 1, 1664. fIEO. W. NETDICIT, D. ro_s,_ Late Demonstrritor or Operative Dentistry of tho vi , {44 vi r tr o tlt t inr4o College of `I " 011 3 1e a o at u •ille r Ahlonee op o t,t r o r West Main stroot, Carlisle, Pa. 1171 R. GEORGE, S. SEA, 1111 . 64 , suerp g jUrlt onadl GHT°, ofDeetta Dentist,l. fSurger y rom the . Haiti- . 1113,-Ortleent the residence of his mother, Fast Louther etreet, thrao doors below , July 7., 18(4. 1311YSICIANS'w — ilrfind into tlibir ad j.; .yantage to call and purchase their Medicines at ly 1,1864, RALSTOSPSI. Ayer's Sarsaparilla A. - Y"..U,FL'S ISAAC..LIVINGSTON I _EAS received an unusually large and mil Selected stock of , SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, and asks that hie old custoMers, and all persona in want of first - rata CLOTHING should give him a call. His assortment consists In part of CLOTHS, - CASSIMERES, SATTINETS, VESTINOS, and all other kinds of geode for Gentle. men's Clothing. His assortment of piece goods is the largest and most varied ever brought to Carlisle, and ho is determined to sell goods by the yard on terms as favorable as any other store. His stock of Ready-made Clotthing, Is extensive avid beautiful, consisting of COATS, PANTS, VESTS, OVERCOATS, Ric., which he will sell cheaper than any other establishment. He has a beautiful assortment of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, such as UNDERSHIRTS, OVERSHIRTS, DRAWERS, UMBRELLAS, CARPET BAGS, TRUNKS, &0., &o. Come and see his beautiful assortment of Goods be fore nurehasing elsewhere. lie takes pleasure In show lug his Goods, and will satisfy all that he can and will sell Goods cheaper than any other howls outside of the cl lies. CUSTOMER'S ORDERS —7 Invite an examination of my stock of Fine Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, which I manufacture upon special orders. SPECIAL NOTICE.—I would say to the public, that my goods are manufactured under icy own supervision and by the very best workmen. My stock is the most extensive T have over had, and my friends and the public are Invited to call and examine for themselves. Atellemembei the old stand, North Hanover St. ISAAC LIVINGSTON. Carlisle, April 22, 1254. CiIAItTER 1826. PERPETUAL PR,ANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMP'Y. OF PHILADELPHIA ASS ETS ON JANUARY 1, 1864, 82,457,849 95 . CAPITAL, ACCRUED SURPLUS, IN VESTED PREMIUMS, Unsealed 482416. LOSS PAID SINCE 1829, $0,000,000. PERPETUAL AND TEMPORARY POLICIES ON =2 DIRECTORS. CHARLES N. BANCKEE ISAAC LEA, Tom AS WAGNER, EDWARD C. DALE, SAMUEL.ORANT, OEQ.YALES, JACOB It. SMITH, ALFRED CEO. W. RICHARDS, Flt AS. W. LEWIS, M. D CHARLES N. BANCRER, Prelet. EDWARD C. DALE, Vice Preget. JAS. W. McALLIST Eft, See. Pro. Tom. A. L. SPONSLER,aAgt., Carlisle Pa. Minch 18, 1881-Bmo. CARLISLE FORGE. NEW FIRM WEAVER Sz. BRICKER. tTILE subscribers would respectfully announce to the public, that having purchased Carlisle Forge, formerly owned by t 1 r.. 1. tiondyca r, we have coannenced the manufaoture and will keep constantly on hand all sizes of the best quality of BAR IRON. we will give pronipt attentiln to all orders, whether from a distance or at home, The highest Cash prices paid for old wrought Iron *.3elt A delivered at the Forge, at the Railroad bridge, . . it, Car 11 EA Vlilt fe BRICKER. Carlisle, May 11, 1864—1 y Carpetings and Oil Cloths. ‘TOW receiving at Ogilby's cheap cash LI Slam., n lut of Ingrain, \'enetinn, JLog, and Stair CARPETS. Alm. Floor 011. CI.I)TII'S all widths, which will he for the cash at the lowi4t rates. CIIAS. 00ILBY, Trustee. 111arrh 4,18114 Fourth Arrival of New Goods I have just rotur tied from the titles with a large addition 44 NEW SUMMER DRESS GOODS All fibres suited for the season. A beautiful 11110 of Silk Maul Ira. Coates and Basques, Lace Paints, Grona 1.11110: 4 11:1iSk, aura Mitts, Bojous' Celebrated Kid Cloves. I•nrasols, Sun Umbrellas, Fans, Illbbons, lints for Ladies and Mi.ses' Hoop Skirts, and a general assort meet of seasonable goods. MEN AND BOYS' WEAR. Al,„, selling eheap a large lot of 0I.) (IbODS much less prf•stlt:t prfces. rleaso call 0110 door below Mertlo'N Hotel, East Main Street. June O. 1861. IV. C. SAWYER. ]Drr (Gr4:::)c)c:le.. SPRING, 1864, GREENFIELD & SHEAFER N V ITE the attention of buyers to their Lttew stock of Dry Goode. It will be found unsur. passed In all those features which comprise a first class t 4 tock All departments of our business have been much enlarged, especially that of DRESS GOODS, "lAA we are confident, Is the most extensive am)! t moot ever offered in this town. We have now open ready fbr ini.pection all the novelties of the neason. Pop:inn. all new shades and styles. Mozambiques Plain and Plaids, Plaid Poplins. Challige. Do Lniuro also. 0 beautiful stack of A LiACCAS, at astonishingly low pi let.. I)OMESTICS. Prints, 111,wileci Must'lig, Broad Shootings, Flannels Tickitogs, Cuttoultden, de., So. Gents' and Boys' Wear, Clths. Casslnter es. Jeans. Summer Cassimeres, We would tall the attention of our friends more partic ularly to our immense stock of 3los/Ins, Calicoes. Cot. toomles, all bought last wi II ter, bellwe the late advance which will be sold at prices that defy competition.— Parsons may rely on getting groat bargains at the store of GREENFIELD & SIGRAYER March 23, 1864. Norr.:—Persons desirous of examing our stock will please be particular, and recollect our Store is in Zug's bulldlng,S. N. Corner Market Square, Second Door, op• posit. Ritter's Clothing Ssure. G. 6: S. New Stock of Hats and Caps AT KELLL'It'S OLD STAND, North Ilanover Street. Asplendid assortment or all the new styles of Silk Moleskin, Slouch. Soft k Straw liars now open of city and nom manatecture which will be sold at the lowest cash prices. Solt bats of allgual- Dies from the finest Beaver and Nutria, to the cheap est wool, 31111 of all colors, unsurpassed by any this sido Philadolpgt," A large stock of SUMMER HATS, r. \ r Palm, Leghorn, Braid, India Panama, and Straw. Childrens fancy &c. Also a full assortment of Moos, Boys and childrena caps of every description and style, The subscriber invites all to come and examine his stock. Being a practical hatter, ho fools confident of giving satisfaction. Thauktui ti,r the liberal patron age heretofore bestowed he solicits a continuance of the same. flout f. rget the stand, two doors above Shriner'm Hotel and next to Cortnan's shoe store. JOHN A. KELLER, Agt. N.ll. Hats of all kinds made to order at short notiao. A. W. BENTZ. SPECIAL NOTIOE. Great Reduction in Dry Goods, iiIWING to the recent heavy fall in A s ,/ the price of Gold I have determined to reduce every Article in my immence stock of Dry Goode to a corresponding price with the precious metal, and intend to make still further reductions from time to time as Gold recedes in price. My extensive stock has been mainly purchased et low prices and before the great advance in goods. I take this opportunity of calling the attention of the public to the notice con and wilLeell-lower-then-any - Hunsm - oUtlitelli t tlfirlas ern Cities. Cell and Examine - for you' selves. Remember the old stand South llanoxier street below tho Court Dense. Oct. 7, 1801. A. W. BENTZ. B. It. JAMESON, 8. M. COYLE, J. M'CANDLISII B. R. JA MESON & CO; Wholesale and-retail-Dealers-in-Fan oy Dry Goode, Trimmings. Notions 4c., North west corner of Hanover and Pomfret streets Carlisle Pa , would respectfully annownce to the Public that they hive just returned from the - I:astern Cites with a large and well selected stock of Goods consisting in part Hosiery, Gloves, Mitts, Voile, Crapes, Cravats, Hoops; N tibias; Shawls, Ilandkerchlefe, Suspenders, Shirts, Drawors, Belts, Ladies ,t Gents Collura, Bind ings, Cords, Buttons, Combs, Needles, Sewing Bilkei Hoop Skirts, „Paper, Pens, Perfumery, Cigars deo., &c. We would particularly Invite the attention of . - Country Merchants, to our stock, as In tho_ma t.t,er .of prices, saWell as in o her hoportanf,particulaili, we enjoy this groat ad• vantage, viz., one branch of our House and member of our firm are located in Phlindolphia, and always pro.: pared to take advantage of every fluottnitiou In the market. Liberal terms made with whOleoalOpurclutearo and unusual Inducements offered tobuyers of every elms. Call and oTandua our storhe' • 11.,11. JAMESON & Co. Oct. 14:1804. THE - FORWARDING AND GRAIN, business formerly conducted by Line, Glvler Ar t Co.ads now carried on by July 29,1864-tt. FAMILY DYE COLORS, . - AT itAfarows,.. Julylo.Bo4. *. • . DRUGS, BOOKS, FANCY GOODS, CONFECTIONARIES, FRUITS, PERFUMERY, PRESERVED FRUITS, MINCED M EAT PICKELS &C AT HAVE LIST! CK'S, North Hanover Street, Carlisle, Penn' a. Just opened an assortment of Fresh Drugs, Fancy Goods,Gilt Books, Perfumery, Fruits, and Confection ary, tich has never been surpassed in this borough, for novelty and elegance. The articles have been so. looted with great care, and are calculated, in quality and priau, to command the attention of purchasers. FANCY GOODS, which comprise every variety of fancy articles of the most exquisite finish such as Papier Macho Goods, Elegant alabaster and porcelain ink•stands and trays Fancy ivory, pearl and shell card eases, Ladies' Fancy Baskets, Fancy Work Boxes, with'sewing instruments, Ladies' Cabaa, Writing Desks, and Port-folios. Port Monnalea, of ovary variety. Gold pens and pencils, Fancy paper weights, and a large variety ot ladles' Nancy stationery. Motto seals and wafers, Silk and bead purees. Biding whips, elegantly finished. Fine cutlery, Pei fume baskets and bags. Brushes of every kind fop the toilet, N. Basin Fad it. & G. Wright's Soaps and Perfumes of various kinds. Fancy Pins for head dresses and shawls. Musical instruments; together with an innumerable variety of articles ale• gently finished rind suitable for PR E S-E NT S , to which he invites special attention. Also, an extensive and elegant collo:lotion of BOOKS, comprising various English and American Works, richly embellished POETICAL WORKS, Bibles and Hymn Books, elegantly bound In velvet with metal clasps and corners. Ills assortment of School Books and School Station ery Is also complete, and comprises everything used in the Schools. Ile also desires to call the particniar at tention of Families to his elegant assortment of LAMPS,kc. from the extensive establishments of Cornelius, Archer and others of Philadelphia, comprlqng every style of Parlor, Chamber and study Lamps, for burning either Lard, Sperm or Etherisl oil; also DYOTT'S eeletirated Kenosene or Coal Oil Lamps, together with Flower VIIFOR, Fancy Screens, kc. His assortment in this line is unequaled in the borough. Also, SEO AILS AND TOBACCO, embracing all the favorite brands, and a fine sssort. meet of MEERSCHAUM SMOKERS AND PIPES, the celebrated it Illocuch in It, Lynchburg Smoking Tobacco. F ItII IT 8, such as Oranges, Lemons, Figs, Raisins, Nectarines, Prunes, Ac., FA NCY CON PKCTIoN Alt UTB— FRUITS, MI Ne1 , .1) MEAT. PICKLES, kc in-every -variety mutat-ail-prices, all of n hich are pure and nosh such as can be confidently recommended to his friends. Ills stock embraces eVeryt .i ng in the lino of Fancy Hoods. with many other articles usot ul to housekeepers which the public ere especially invi ted to coil and OXlllllillO. Remember the Old Stand, nearly opposite the Bank on North Hanover street July 1, 18u4. $400,000 071,000 1,080,288 Income for 1861 • 300,000. NEW ARRIVAL OF DRY GOODS - The_ undersigned Is now opening the largest and most desirable stock agoutis Leer offered to the people of Cumberland County. A complete and general aIISOI tni nut of Ladies Dress Goods. An I moron no assort men tof LAD lES MI MI RNT ND n SEC ):\ U Mi/URNIIi(I DRESS GOODS tom the Celebra Led Mourning Store 01 Besson & Son, 1 - I,k. A lalgo assortment of LADIES PLAIN BONNET RIBBONS AND DRESS The largest stock of NOTIONS outside of the Eastern A full assortment of Cloths for Ladies Cloaking. lloys And \I ens Wtqlr In endless variety, consisting r.l Cloths, Fancy And plain Cassimeres,T weeds. Jeans, A nd Cottonades, DOMESTIC GOODS. an immense assortment, at reasonal.le rates A larve, complete and varied nssprtin,.nt of DUPLEX V.LIP I'D; IUII IN() :.3K llt 1%. 4 , mid from nll the celel.rnt ed manufacturers In the U. S. alsu halnn , ralN or co .) grini, and prise. CARPETS, OIL CLOTH'S, IILATTINGS AND LooKINn (I LASSES. • A inrgc stork of Lace and Silk CA I'IS, LAWNS, 11AI( I'S, Ac., lelt over from last hwason, will be sold At extremely low prices. Hsi iruhr attention paid to "Funeral orders,"ns well 3o orders of all Muds promptly and punctually attend ed to. All of which rvHl Lo sold lower than City prices bac ing been purchased before the late advane. A. W. BENTZ. ( It OC E HS ! Gli.ooE It' ES : H jr 11. P. lIVEItS, has opened a new I:revery Store it; loft Stieet, rijsle, opposite II Sax lon's Hard. W111.1,` Ole and is now pro pored to supply his friend:, and the public, with all kinds of Co lioods, at the lowest will l.ot rat's. Ills stock comprises CIIFFEES, ST2llAltti, SYltlll'S, TEAS, Salt, Spil`l,3, ground, unground Crackers, Chee,e, Coffee Es •••TICOS, Fish by wholesale or retail, Promos, Brushes. Tobacco, Sugars, Foul!, elatc,lles, Blacking, Bed Cords. GLASS AND . STON E IVA Id E, gutwilsware, Cledarnare, Nothing, and all other arti. , girt. US Wi i) . kept ht n first class Ilrorere. In regard to prices I ant thternlined to sell goods at the to treat 11.4 ures. BUTTER, EGGS, and all hlnda of Country Produce, taken at market priees. Farmer.: and Dairymen are particularly invited to (.all and ace the celebrated Mb:NIX CHURN, which has Imen pronounced by eatmetent judges Chin most superior t. limn of the ago. July 1. 18(.4. ARGE ARRIVAL OF FRESH 0110CEDIF,S—YNTI OF ALI, KINDS. among which le a !Argo lot of real genuine Haiti more try snhL IlEltlt IND, in oak barels, MACK Alt EL at prices that he really astonishingly low. Pickets of all kinds, TOBACCO AND SEGARS, LIQUORS, C.,. xt the lowest I3tes for CASH ur Country Produce. WM. BENT?. luls 1,114'4 ruin E partnership heretofore existing jt between Charles 1.. Halbert and Crawftwd nee, hug, has been dissolved by mutual consent. The be.dis and aceounts are In the hands of !tit.. Halbert. who earnestly requests all parties having eeeonnts with the Into firm to rail and settle them. Shilliam Halbert. Jr. basing entered Into partnership with his brother, Chaise L. Halbert, the blvdness will hous.etorth he condtuded under the style of Halbert .1,, Brother. Thu new tires would respectfully attention to theh• stock of New and Fresh Groceries. Their stork is large and selected with the greatest rem and will he sold at the lowest prices for cash. 1 t ron, sista in part of fine old llovernment .lava COFFEE, Primo Rio do , Prime Rio Roasted. SYRUPS.—New York, Boston, and Philadelphia Sy— rups, of the very hest qualities, BROWN SUOARS.—The best the market affords.— Loveriug's best Crushed, Sand, and Pulverized Sugars Also, his A. B. and C. Sugars, which cannot be sur— passed. Rice, Corn Starch, Purina, Daudeline Coffee, Essence of Coffee, Concentrated Lyo, Seep, Candles, Ac, iy CHINA, GLASS, AND cp QUEENSWAItE. A large and well selected stock of the very latest pat— terns and styles, lower than ever In price, and better In quality, than was ever offered before In Carlisle.— Call and see. Wooden and Willow Were, such asTuba -Buckets, and Churns, Baskets of every description; Children's CARRIAGES Stoneware, Cream Pots, But— ter Jars, Preserve Jars. Jugs, all sizes. FISII—No.I, 2 and 3 Maokoral. No 1 MESS 1311. A D No.l Herring. A largo quantity of the celebrated Excelsior HAMS SA LT by the Sack, Dairy and 0, A. Salt. The subscribers respectfully ask the patronage n their friends and the public generally, and Invite them to call and OXlllllillO their new stock, at the old aloud, corner of honorer and ['Wither Streets. Carlisle, April 22, 1864 rri HE subscriber wishes to announce to tho people of Carlisle and vicinity, that ho has opened a FLOUR AND FEED STORE, on the South East Corner of Main and Westttreets, in the Warehouse owned and formerly occupied by Jacob Itheent. The b•st brands of FAMILY FLOUR, kept constantly on hand and delivered to any part of the town. Having perfected arrangements with some of the first mills In the neighborhood, I can assure my cus omors tfitTt. — t erirWill - birthYfilsliel - vith an article 'of Flour which I can vouch for. I will keep constantly on hand FEED OF ALL KINDS, such as 4, Corn, Oats, Bran, ShortS, Potatoes; &e The highest,cash prices paid for Grain of all kinds and Flout, Don't forgot the old established stand. JEREMIAH GIVLER. _ —Carlisle,-Slar-20 F 1804.7 • LEWIS Of am old firm.of John P. Lyno 4.• Son, just.oompleted optping his new Spring stook of liardwaro, Paints, Oils,' Glass, Varnishes, &c.,.to.whlch ho invites the early attention of the nubile generally. 'Jo has greatly enlarged hie stook in all its various' likanches, and 'hall now amp'. modnto the public with - • 'Boilable Goods, in largo or'small quantities at the lowest prices. A. look into his store will convince them that. ho has enough Goods to fully supply the demand , in this mar ket. Persona wanting Goode in our line will find It to their advantage to give us a call before making their purchases. All ordara*.personally and punctually , at tended to, and no misrepresentations made to effect 'sales. LEWIN P. LYNE, Carlisle, 31aT20, 180-1. North Ifanover St. 'MEW GOODS.- L lifgry descrintlon an quallty. of Groceries, Queensivaro, rinedwaro, Pilate Banco, Nine „Liquors, Tobacco, Bogars, Pipes, Prost% Fruits and vegetables In Cans, Oysters do; Spices, Wood.‘and - Willow , ware, all kinds and of the boat quality and to be old..at the lowest prim for cash by _ WIC BENTZ. • • July 1, 113134,_. GREASON, Groason, Comb. Co I= SAUCES. PRESERVES, and n good 118801 tlllollt. of DISSOLUTION HALBERT lc BROTHER Flour and Feed Store. WAR FIRE INSURANCE. yIIE Allen and Eastpennsboro' Mu , tual Piro Insuradco Coinpa y of Cumberland onuty, incorporated by an act f Assembly, in the year 1843, and having recently h d Its charter extend. , ed to the ychr 1883, is now in acth and vigorous op eration, udder the superintendence of the following board of Managers, viz: William It. (Vargas, Obristihn Stayman, Jacob Eberly D. Daily, Alex. Cathcart, J. 11. Coover, Julie Eichelber ger, Joseph Wickersham, Semi. Eberly, Moses Bricker, Rudolph Martin, Jacob Coover, and J. C. Dunlap. The rates of insurance are as low and favorable as any Company of the kind in the State. PerSollB wish ing to become members ate invited to make applica tion to the egrets of lire Company, who are willing to wait upon them at airy time. WM. it. GORn AS, President, Eberly's Mills, P. 0. CHRISTIAN STAYMAN, Vice President, Mechanicsburg, P. 0. JOHN C.DIINLAP, Sect'y. Meehanicsburg. DANIEL DAILY, Dilistrurg, York Co. . AGENTS. Cumberland county.—John Sherrick, -Allen ; henry Zearing, Shiremanst own; Lafayette PotTer Dickinson; Hear) Bowman, Churchtown ; Made Griffith, South Middleton; Samuel Graham, Westpennshoro' ; Samuel Coover, Media o icshurg : J. W. Conklin, Shepherdstown 1). Coover, Upper Allen ; .1. G. Saxton, Silver Spring; John Dyer, Carlisle; Valentine Penman, Now Cumber land; James McCandllsh, Nowville. York county—W. S. Picking. Dover; James Griffith, Warrington; J. P. Deardorff, Washington; Richey Clark, Dilisburg ; D. nutter, Fairviow ; John Williams Carroll. Dauphfn co—Jacob Houser, Harrisburg. Nomberx of Mu Comptny having policies about to expire, ban have thorn renewed by maklug application to any of the Agouti'. July 1,1064. L S EWHEER Et WILSON'S W6'l vr• "t' ffifir S AT REDUCED PRICES, With Glass Cloth Pressor, Improved. Loop Cheek, Now S'.yle Hammer, Binder, Cor or, Braider, etc. At the Railroad °thee, Carlisle. Pa Highest Premiums at thu INTER:stATIONAL EXHIBITION, LONDON, 1862 INDUSTRIAL 1,1{13, 1801. at the Fairs of the =9 Silver Medal at the Pennsylvania State Fair Seplefahrr, 1863. American . lnstitute. New York, Mechanics' Association Boston, Franklin I ristit ute, Philadelphia. letropolita Mechanics I n..titute. V, !ling ton, Mary land In:Alto( . Baltimore, Mechanic,' Association, Ken Lucky Institute, Luuiscllla, Mechanical Association St. Louis, Mechanics' Institute, San Francisco. I= MAINE, VERMONT, CON N ECTIOUT, NEW .I ERS EV. PEN NSY L VA NTA, VIRGINIA, MISSISSIPPI MISSOURI, - - OHIO, INDIANA, lOWA, TENNESED, 11.1.1 Nevis, ii IvUII\NIN, The,. colebrated 'Machines are adapted to every va riety of I ,, ewing ot family wear, frcin the lightest mus litis to the heaviest cloths. They work equally well upon silk, linen, woolen. and cation goods,—seaming _athe,lml. hemming, I ' o ' lllll'4. cording, and braiding—Making A lAA% lltlllll :cud per feat stitch, :Mho on Lath vi Ics—and 101 c m -ming of s „ing except in.thine loitton holes and ...it.•hing oil buttons. Full in trim, Ilnu. I, A110,0 . 1:14 11, Machine is given gratuiton , :‘ at the sales I , ollls. 1\ lA, tEe :\ lACIIIIIA Is sent s. me aintance.:., that pep one it,truction in inconvenient, a card of dirt...thou is sent, which is a sufficient guide. The qualitiea which rerommend the Wheeler & IVIIF•on MT, exetitlonoe of stltrh, Alike on both sides of the tonic sowed. '2. Strength. firmness, and 011 , 0thility of scorn, that will not rip our male. and made u ith— il. Etionlinly ni thread 4. Its attachments and wide range of applioation to purp.tois au.l L. Conniiieitniiso and and finish. tl. Fin plicltv and th0r0u.3:1111 , 0. , of 0,1;D urtion. Speed, east. .4 rip. iititAl :11,1 I:1.11 , 14;12111e II t, and quietness of nuivement. ,‘„ , C.IIEDULD PRICE 6. No. 3 )lii.ihine, with Plain Table, ;41 ( Half 2a,v. Half ( 1180 1 . 011,0•1]. IV tl, 1;!III]l Philo l'alde, Half Ct., Paonelleil, rliarcase, Polished, Mack Wdlout or 11:the,,sity bJ N. 1 Plain Tal, 6.5 Half Ca , e, Polished, IV3lhut, , Mill Case, Polished. It NVelout or Nlahogany Llalf Case, Polished, Full Case, Polished. Black Walnut or Mahogany 90 Full Case, Polkhed, Rosewood, lOU No. 4 Machlue, Large a ith Plain Table, 75 No. 5 'Ja.•hitu•, Cylinder, v. ith l'lein Tab! ~ =1 Every \ ittritlne 5.t1.1 with a 11. tourer, NIP,. 1 and Machhies att. with Ili, Nf, ULU, CI" Pr,Ser • NOW 51,1 , 1 111 . 11/Iher :110.1 11Ilitteler k Wilt.ott's Attettry :It Railroad and Telegraph Office, CARLISLE, PA. July 1, IR6 -1-Iy. STEINWAY MMUS. First PriZO Nodal at the World's Fair, londosi, 1862. MEI • • •-• I . ‘ stv E undersigned has just received, to hoot , ron4tantly on band a full 119- &lament of tho unecimilhal Pianos manufactured by Stoinw A. SllllB 111 Nom, 'lurk. Each intitrumonl ho .awfully sulocted in the Manufactory, and will be bold at thu New York Cash Factory Prices, with the addition of freight to Cal lisle.• A written guarantee of en tire, satisfaction will be given by the subscriber to each purchaser. Persons deairous to purchase are invited to call and exam Inn thus., unrivalled Pianos, at R. E. Shapley's Jewelry Store, Main Street, 3d door east of the Mansion House, near tho Badlroact Depot. SECOND.IIAND PIANOS received In exchange and kept for sale and to rout. Carlisle, May 22, ISo3—ly A. B. EWING'S FURNITURE WARE-ROOll 4 7 -f -..,2 -; '•:- • .- : tr,-,- , L; . .' - - 7.- ': 4,05 . ; , - 2- - --' :-'-- West High Street, Carlisle, Pa (Premium awarded at 11w Cumberland County Agricultural Fair of 1857,) Tho subscriber has just received tics most splendid assortment of articles in his Rue, ever brought to this plam—which ho is dutornilued to sell at prices, that o 7 competition. Parlor. IDltamber, Dining-room, i PURNITURE. ICltekrn and Othoo . . . _. Embracing ovary article used by ffouso and Hotel keepers, of the most approved and fashionable design and finish.. Including also Cottage furniture In sells, reception and Camp Chairs, Mattresses, Wit frames pictures, &c., &e. 't ...Particular attention given as usual to funoral4; orders from town and country, attended to promptly and on moderato toms, July 1, 18C4 DAINTS AND. 0113. 10 Tons White Lead. 1000 Gallops (Iron. - Just received with alitmeAtssortment-of 'Varnishes, Piro Proof' Paint, Turpentine, Ilorence White, , Japan, White 'Zinc, . ' Putty, , ' k Colored '' dine,• ' Litharge, . lied Lead ,-. , •-, Whiting, lielhid'oll, Glue, ' Lard Oil, Bhellao,, . pporm Oil, -. ' ? , „ Paint Brushes, Fish Oil, &c., , Colors of every description dry, and' Ohm ' eatufand tubes at the hardware Store of , . ffENRY BAXTON: , „ ' July 1, 1804. ' .1 , • Bryarie Fulmonic Wafers, AT RALSTON'S nee. n, 1863 DHYSICIANS will find to their ad, 'imitago to call and purchase their Medicines at be ready to do all kinds work in his line with neatness and despatch. Also can at all times he hat, those celebrated, lad sealing-and sell testing premium airtight, Roofing, :.4pouting, :tad all kludn of jobbing done at the gliortest notice. Cash paid Mr old lend, pewter and copper. 'thank ful for the patronage heretofore extended, he hopes by strict attention, and a desire to please all to merit a continuance of the name. Dont forget the sign of the Ited Coffee Pot. July I, 180. JOHN K. STAYMAN The subscriber informs the public thu ho still continues the businos at the Old Stand in the basemout of this Firs Methodist Church. 110 will attend promptly to al /tuskless 111 his lino. Load and Iron Pipes, Iryclrants, Hot and cold SILO If BA I'IIS, Water Closets, Force and Litt Pumps, Wro't Welded Tubes, Iron Sinks, Bath Tubs, Bath Boilers, Wash Ba sins; Hydrant c Rams, Sic., and every description of cocks and fittings for gas, steno, water, Sig,- Superior cooking ranges, heaters and gas fixtureir put up in churches, stores and dwellings, at short notice, in the most modern style. All materials and work In our line at low rates end warranted. tax° uIIf ry orlc and jobbing promptly at lauded to July 1, 1861. HAT AND CAP EMPORIUM. rrHE undersigned respectfully announ ! cos to the public that ho still continues the Hat. Unit Business at the old stand, in West High street, end with n renowed and ellbient effort, produce arti cles of Head Dross of , , ..Every Variety, Style and Quality, . that shall ho strictly In keeping with the improve merit of the Art, and fully up to the age which we live. 04 44 assortment . have onohands splendid,. ; - I I _ . IT . '4, t ,, HATS AND CAPS, 0 ., ',_ •e- , -- . Orall descriptons, from theeommon Wool to the finest Ftteand isilk Hats; and at prices that must molt every one who ]ma an eye to getting the worth of his nioney. The stock includes, A. 11. 17 MOLESKIN, OASSIMERE, BEAVER A FELT HATS, of every style and color and unsurpassed for Lightness Durabllily.aud finish; by Most, of any other establish munt in the 601Intry. ._Mon', Boyar and hildron's Hat's and Caps, of every description constantly on hand. Ile'respectfully invites all tbo ..old patrons audaS many now onus as possible, to givo hips Et call. July 1, 1841 . A. FULLassortment Of Men own:toys' , Boots and Shoos; sultablo for tho winter. Also, all ea and Missos's Balmoral Bootees, Childron's Boots of all kinds. Ladiesand Gentlemen's GUM Over Shoes. lily old cuatomeroa and all in want of good and cheap Boots' and Shoos, will please 'call and °kaoline the stock, before purchasing. Brain street, noarly opposite the Boott. OTIA/3.,0G1L8Y,. Trustee. July I, 18C.1.- Criatou SEGABS & TOBACCO, AT RALBTOps BOARDS, SCANTLING, Notice of Co -Partnership, BOOTS AND SHOES. LADIES' WEAR., STRAW HATS RED COFFEE POT, FRUIT VANS AND JARS William P. Lynch GAS PITTING AND PLUMBING macaw de. sigmas, CUMBERLAND VALLEY AND t.- ' • FRANKLIN: - - RAIL ROADS. CHANGE OP HOURS. (IN and • after MONDAY, A PAIL, 4th, 1 1 / 4 . _l' 1804, Passenger Trains will run daily, as follciiis, (Sunday excepted): - FOIL CHADIBILIZSBURG AND HAPHLSDURG. Leave Hagerstown, 7:00 A. M., 2:45 P. DI, i• Greencastle, 7:37 " 3.35 " Arr at 8,17 ' 4:20 . Chembertfg, .1 - ------* Leave 8:30 " 12:55 Leave Sblgnensburg 1100 " 1:28 " '7. New ville 0:32 . 1:28 Carlisle 10:10 . 2.42 " " • blechanicsburg 10:42 " 3:12 . Arrive at Harrisburg 11:15 " 3:40 " FOll CHAM111:11811UR0 AND HAGERSTOWN : Leave Ilarrisl.urg 8;05 A. M. 1:35 P. M. ,• Aleclinnlesburg 8017 " 2:111 . ( artiste 0:27 " 2:55 " " Newville 10:02 " 3:29 . " Shipponsburg 10:33 . 4:00 " Chnmbersig J Arr nt 11:10 " 4:80 " ' I . Leave 11:10 0 4:40 Leave Greencastle 11:55 4' 5:30 " Arr. at Hagerstown 12:35 " 6:10 The Carlisle and 'Harrisburg ACCOMODATION TRAIN will leave as follows: Leave Carlisle 5:55 A. N. i• Nlechaniesburg 0:25 6 ' Arrive at Iliirrishurg 0:55 . Lear.. IlarrDburg 4:20 P. N. " Mechanicsburg 4'54 " Arrive at Carlisle 5:20 making close eon sectinas al Harrisburg with Trains' for Philadelphia, New York and' l'Attsburg ; and with' Trains for all points West. tr*-- The Train leaving liar: isburg nt 4:20, P.51.,- runs only as far as Carlisle. O. N. LULL, Stipit. Superintendent's (Mire, li Chambig. July 1, 1804.) READING RAILROAD WINTER ARRANGEMENT g ti REAT Trunk Line from the North kjand North West or Philadelphia. New York Readin g , Putlsville, Lebanon, Allentown, Easton Arc. iains leave Harrisbur g for New York, as follows: Al :I and 0.15 A M and 1.45 P.M., arrivin g at Now York at 10 A. M and 2.45 and 10 P. M. The :thave ranee t with si niliar t.raina on Pennsyl• van la I:all Bead, and :leapt naars accompany the first two trains w I th an age. Leave for Rending, Pottsville, Tamaqua, Allen tiown and Philadelphia at 8.15 A M. and 1.45 I'. 31., stopping at Lebanon and principal stations only. Way Trains, stopping at all points, at 7.26 a m. And 440 p. m. Rot urning Leave New York at oa. m.,12. noon. and 7 p 111. Philadelphia at Ba. m. and 3.30 p. m.; Pottsville It 8.50 a m 2 m.; Tamaqua at s.lO n m. and 2.15 p. in.. and Reading nt 12 midnight, 7,,n5 and 10 45 a. so., 1.30 and 0,06 p. tn. An Accommodation Passenger train leaves Reading at 0.30 A. M., and returns from Philadelphia at 4.03 I'. M. Columbia Railroad trains leave Reading at 6.40 and II a. ta. for Ephrata, Lititz, , . On Sundays . Leave Now York at 7 p. Philadel phia at 3.1 h .P 51 , Pottsville at 7 30 A. 51., TaJahNUMI nt 7 a.m., ilarrisburg R. 15 n. nti. and Readlini ai 12 Mid night for ilarrlshusg. 1 1 hence, Season, School and Excursion Tickets at 1 , 1..0.1 rates to Anil from all points. Ilattaag, ehl,ki'd through. 81.1 Pounds Baggage el• lowed each Passencer. Nov. 2, I Sh 4 IAIthISLE & PIILLADELPIHA, Ll= I= DAILYFREIGHT LINE FREED, WA! D C FREED, 811 MA KET S'flt EET ILA DELPIHA J. D. RHOADS, MAIN STREET, CARLISLE, PA. this Line leave the Depot 811 Market St. Daily, at I .:el,.ek. NI, Leave Ca at 7 o'clock, A. M. ligx•llS Ili! f••` , i..i 1.., I.IIIS I,illl. ,Itotild be marked C. & tinily I 1,1,1111 I.hle, i!I b 3 4 oc.v,k. Jul) I, Carlisle Foundry, AND FARM IMPLEMENT DEPOT ! Ft , GARDNER & Co., now manufac ture and Lre, iiiilistalltly Mr sale, at their ex tetisivo meant U urks on East Mehl street, Carl tale, a lat II t ul AG 111 Cl" LT UR-1 L IMPLEMENTS, approvsd Us fulness tin farmers, among which they wiinid rail especial Mit...tills/4 to LOUUII IC'S Celebrated Patnint GUM SPRING GRAIN DRILL, ~hirh has talk 1,1 over fifty First Cites Premiums al rule : a id t'onnty Fails. the Farmers of Cumber. l a nd 1 ork and Perl:, n. tired not speak let .1 . tall of Owl a t t hi. drill, s 1 , 1.1.nes of them aro now in nse the hurt Beni, these counties. Its eputat ion is established as OW most complete Ortiln Inill no vo ete d time United Stales. It p e w st, Rye. eat.. Mod y sad Ucass, or. nly and. regular. without. bun/dill,. the seed. The gum springs pads the drill oval sttlinps:till stones, without break ing phis or the di 111. lor even and rugular sowinz, the 11 illt,ughky 11051 Spring Drill is unequalled by any other. 'A e ulna manutacture and sell the follow ing si tides. which We call reColllllll.lld to Farmers ns implements, of established character MORRISON'S PATENT CORN PLANTER. I ASH'S P5l ENT STRAW ti FODD it CUTTER, plt 1 DEN DOLPH', PATEN r CohN SHELLER, 11A ILN'S PATENT Ci DE It 1111,1,. .101INS4 O,'S CAST IRON lIOH'S TROUOIL Also, yltref. arid Four Hor,o. rowers and Threshing )lachines, lion I field Boilers, t:uin+us 14l tt'l /1• C , i II Crush, Ic. nod other articles for Fa:tilers 100 'MEI, tIIIS In •i ntlon Alf., Egg Conl and I, Pk, 11.0.1 s. pith au. fmlDenne vaiiety 01 other I.ors and others. hat e nlsu .to al t rucliti t at a ty 01 patterns for IRON RAILINGS, and ("KM ET Ell Y I:NCI!l-_RE to wlllch Ivo would attoution. Steam Engines and 111111 Gearing Ti this departinera of our h....10e5s 00 give partien. ler attention. Our already extensive stock of pattern• for Paper, Floor and slaw Mill G. /trill,. is constantly lurrra,ing. I hit Iloono nod Mill W;ights will he tot niched nits a printed catalogue or our reruns Mill Patton vs. nn upplienlioll. Our Mtnvldine elm!, vompri+es all the in:Huns tooh , for turning', pinning and finishing sh a fti ng and by good and careful Machinists STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES Many desirable capacity. from ton is twenty-five borne power, built in the List b1..,110 and on accommodating terms. En hies built at our establb-liment may be Onto in sun ei.idul operation at many bf the largest Dist llerles and Tanneries in Carlisli., and Cumberland Perry and Dauphin Counties, to t owners of which we confidently refer for isfui station as to their ciliate, ey. Persons , anting Steam Engines arm earnestly re quested to call and examine before contracting else wb ere . DOOR AND SASH FACTORY, Connected with our ettultlisitutent is a Steam sash and Door 31noutaetory which is !tow in complete order for the manufaetore of erery dese 'talon of BUILDING MATERIALS, for the most costly as well as the plainest house.— Window Sash furnished from 5 cents upward. acco,d lop to of glass; Window Fr,mes how $1 31 up ward; Shutters and Rolling Blinds from $1 75 up. weld; Four Panel Doors from $2 12 upward. Mould hips, Castings Architraves, Nash Boards, Brackets, Fancy Drapery, Scrolls, and other articles needed in hump building, tu. fished at the lowest prices and of the best quality of lumber. g..&- We are also prepared as heretofore, to build and repair BURDEN CARS for transporters on the railroad, with promptness and on reasonable terms, The continued patronage of the public is respectfulry solicited. Orders by mail promptly attended to. _ July 1, M 4 4' M. A LECTURE TO YOUNG MEN Just published In a Scaled Envelope. Price Six Cents A LEdrURE ON THE NATURE, TREATMENT AND RADICAL Cure of Spormatorrhoca or Seminal Weak. area, involuntary Emissionx, Sexual Debility, and Im.. pendiments to Marriagugtherally. Nervousness, Con. numptlen, Epilepsy, and }lte ; Mental end Physical Incapacity, resulting, from' Self-Abuse, -- ny - 11013 V J. CULVERWELL, M. D., Author cf the "Omen Rook," &o. 'he world renowned author, in this nulmorable Lam turn' clearly proves from his own experience that the, awful consequences Cl Self Abuse may bo effectually removed without medicine, and without dangerous, surgical. operations, bungles, instrunnu nts, rings, or,. car I hula, pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter - What his condition my be, may cure himself cheaply, pri, vately, and radically. THIS LECTURE WILL PROVE, A BOONTO THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS. . _ Sont under seal, to any address, in a plafili sealed, envelope, on the receipt of six. cents, or two postago. stamps, by addro_ssing 011 AS. JJ. C. IiLINISA CO. 151 Lowery, Nov York, Post•Oftics Box, 4550.. Oct. 11,•1804. ATAT TILE PARIS MANTILLA EM, PORTUM, No. 920 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, OPEN—Paris.lslade ' ,4 - MANTILLAS-and CLOAKSi. • Also, SPRING and SUMMRR .13)AltldliNTS, - of ow, own Manufacture, of the Latest Styles and in gTiok vadoty. • _ J. w. PROCTOR & Co., • no Paris Mantilla Emporium, United States 5 percent 10-40 Loan. We, are prepared to furnish the 10,4,51 United States Loan authorised by thnaet of, March fidi 1801 'either Registered or Coupon Ronda as may prefurin denominations of pas, $100; sdoo, $l,OOO, ss,ooo,'and $lO,OOO. The lutereat on the $3O, and $lOO, Bonds Is' pliYabla, annually and.all other denominations somi.ananally in coin. The Bonds will boar datelTaroh lst, 180 antl, are redeemable at the 'pleasure of the,Cloverninanh:lo 4., ter 10 years and payatde 40 years firont date. coin, with interest at s'pereont per annum. ,• • W. 51. DEETD3I, Cashier.. Carlisle Deposit Bank; April 20th, 1861, ' " J G. CALL4O .. . pi -E. BELTZROOVER,,Attorney, . , • a Law Office In South Vanovar stroot , ()ppm**, outa'a drygood store Parllsle, Ss.; ' ' , • • , So.idetabor 9, 1i164.... .-.. ' • .' ' -' • • • . . r' 4 ift-• fea s A h 6 "' ; Wi.^%.. O. A. NTCOLLS, General Superintendent F. O.tltiniEliJ CO 020 CHESTNUT Street PHILADELPHIA.