. .A. CRUEL SELL.—A_wag in the West Bays ihe.following•is true: :: Worthy,C----isnne of the best rep of Young America that can sloe foiindin,the fast city of Chicago.— Atanding on the steps of the Tremont a few evenings ago chattering with half-a their attention was ', , ,attracted toward two young and evident :JS.respectable ladies enjoying an evening ; ,;'promenade. "Bet drinks," says Worthy, "that's - I make those ladies follow and keep pace_withme, whether Lwalk fast or slow, for ther'nekt; Uri minutes." The • I:St tak4U.s.by Charley H—, and he was invited by Worthy to come along and, see . that all was fairly done. By this time the 'girls were passing. Worthy , linked 'arms with Charley, Ad apparent lyon seeing the ladies, stepped in the same direction and direetly.in front of them, and just near enough to let them . liear his harangue. "The wedding was to be at nine o'clock. The President, the Cabinet; and the Foreign Ministers, and the elite of the city, were expected to be present: and Bishop , with half-a dozen assisting clergymen, was to offici ate." By this time the girls had over heard sufficient to enlist their earnest at tention, and, almost unconsciously, were 'closely following the gentlemen. Worthy proceeded with a minute and eloquent description of the (imaginary) wedding. The bride, bridemaida, and the ladies present, with their dresses, jewelry, &c., &0., were elaborately portrayed ; and for nearly fifteen minutes did the girls follow; in close and 'attentive pursuit, without regarding either the distance or the direc tion of their promenade. Worthy, how ever, had gradually turned corners and crossed streets until the Tremn i n t was again attained, when the gentlemen, joined their confederates; and ladies passed on, in blissful ignorance of the cruel " sell" by which they had been so unmercifully vic timized. WANT OF DECTSION.—Sidney Smith, in his work on Moral Philosophy, speaks in this wise of what men lose tbr want of a little "brass," as. it, is termed : "A great deal of talent is lost to the world fur the want of a little coura: , e. Every day sends to their Braces a num ber of obscure men, who have only re mained in tiliseurity because their timid ity h a s prevented them from mak lug a firi-t effort. anti who, if they only hail been induced to begin, would, in 'all probability, have gone-great len:,;tlr, in the career of fame. The fact i , . that in doing anything in the world worth d in —we must not stand shivering on the bank. thinking of the cold and (danger, but jump in and scramble through as wed as we can. "It will not do to be perpetually cal culating risks and adjusting nice chan ces; it did all very well befin•e the flood, when a man could consult his friends up on an intended publication for a hun dred and fifty years, and live to see it s success for six or seven centuries after- wards; but at present a man waits and doubts, and consults his brothers, and his uncles, and his particular friends, till one day he finds that he is sixty five years of age, that he has lost so much time in consulting first cousins and par ticular friends that lie has no more time to follow their advice. There is so little time for oversqueamishness at present, that the opportunity slips away. The very period of life at which man chooses to venture, if ever, is so con fined, thatit is no bad rule to preach up the necessity, in such instances, of a little violence done to the feeling, and efforts made in defiance of strict and so ber calculation." THE LATEST AND NOT ME WORST STORY OF THE PRESIDENT. The Alex andria State Journal gives the following good story, as having been related to one of its editors : - Just before the Presidential election, when many of the,sOldiers about Wash ington were furloughed, in order that they might return to their homes and exercise theirZright of voting,• a private wearing a McClellan badge on his breast appeared at the transportation office with his fur d.ough and requisite transportation to the N0rt14... Yor..some reason .or other, pro . bably because the zeal of the officials out - rap thoir sense of justice, the soldier was ~, I fir-ri=day.or two unable to obtain the re quisite transportation. lie saw others passed•rapidly'by the board, but was not able :to obtain _a hearing himself. At .t length : disgusted with the y long delay, re sultmg from the unfairness of the official, he determined to appeal directly .President . himself. Upon _being admitted to tho President, ho told him in brief terms the story of his delay at the trttiasportation'offico, and the object of his , visit to the Whitt) ,lign§e, prefacing the whole by,a dandid declaration that ho was a McClellan man, and was going home to "vofo`for'=DlcOlellan: Mr: Lincoln asked for,iis-furlciugb, -and glancing over it to ititiSfy hirnself that it was 'all right, wrote on'thelq,olt pf it - r tli9sp :words : "Let this man hive tranapoithtion immediately. A Lincoln :and; kanded it,:back to the soldier. The latter_ looked at the order fora thoment, end:then eiolaimed, "When I canzio here-this ropriliig, Mr. Lincoln, I was - fully determined to vote for Mcblel, lan WI could get home; but have now changed' thy mind and shall vote for yon. Tonhavo satisfied the iliat You aro wortjq — of being PreSident, and I shall do all I , ,L:aq,P ) . l " o-0 , 0 0 yObt. , ;,i fAmexcithogratifying incidents of the elec 7 i iOn".:os.,Tups44 is the fact that nearly:al). ok ! ,, tritrolOost c4izonis voted for Mr ,I4nooln. The Aenera alsaac C. Jones, for a long L per• od 1 - bnebraiu,Titiost distinguishEdniefelianti, 'Win; voted Ai' Tuesday Ljneoltii . ha'vidg- reach ' ed the nitiftordinarir age of ninety-five years, . u tthis,vote.in dna of which our worthy,,Presi dentinal') well feel North • (..‘ ' ...I Bleached and Mnslins of every quality, usl his. Poi ) I ueliva. Linen :ind ton Table l)inperv. Tick Inv:, Cheeks, Stripml Cotton vi. irtiu g. lien, hIIF, Domestic CI ingluns, Scotch Ging ham,. Seek Flannel r f every color, Shirting Flannels, Factory nod Shaker Flannels ter Skirtings. red, yellow 211111 whito Wool PlllllllO, Cani on Flannels, Callenes, eol.wed, eanibrie,lll,l psper Muslin, Drilling Nankeens and ninny other Goods In ovary tiny uso. Men's Hanover Buck Gloves and flauntlets, Berlin, Cloth, Ringwood. CW.11110113 and Dogsh in Gloves, La dies It id. Cloth. Morino, Silk. Lislothread and Cotton Ii loves, a to II 11,01(.111.A of cot ton and wool Hosiery, for Men, Ladies and Children, Balmoral Woolen Hose tar Ladies Misr.es and Children. tlprra Hoods, all sizes and colors. Sra roc, Sflqpoll der', Son tags,lllooped Skirts, Balmoral Skirts. l'lnherellas, Re., ho. Also, just opaline a complete cleric of the newest styles Cloth Cloaks, and 111.inket lltwis Carpets, CH Cioths, Ma II in;;,, Window Shades, Looking ()lasses, As the se ison advances we will constantly he mak int; additions to our stork. and will always endeavor to mal:0 our stook the most desirable that can be found in thecountry. Feel il`2. very t'lankful to the commu nity fir their kind and liberal patrointen so far extend ed to the NOW Nino, We earnestly solicit /*continuance of the saline. Please Giro 3 call blare malting your purrhases aLwe are always ready and willinC toeshil it our glee:girl-111d Pill] and Will prove ill it We study the inn crest of our PleilSe do not f ,re.et th.,t. ell. Store icon the corner, directly opposite I 1 vine's r hoe Store. AT 1 Ji'UN 1 .. .a 11 - EV(2 A'S. '/' ii'i.. O ld Ectaltiitlied 1.. Ult sla ry nillsoto No 71', .Irelt : , treet, t _ . I. ~1, air. ve 7th, Philadelphia I hare now in store 01 ma. Oh, Importnli.m 4.c? A i kt ~ t . ; t i t t i,, l i a : l , l , tn . lit s i t it::: , t i ..o , : , t t t Tr! 1.- I ,l i l k ..,.: ' , 17. t, , " - ' llea et ilul St lee t ion , : of 4 , 1 k4i, , ,, - --:, ~, • • • p . , t i. 1 ~,,•. ~„ ,1 aN, I t it. I J RS, •'*. s il - eTa l, - , ' ..er_...o t „A_=O il r I.a.lit'S' :1 !it Hilt - pill,: .4.:4---tTi l l.- 7. . . 7 ..r.i. , -.4.747."7-t=..r.:___ll tatt iu the ell y. ..`t ha. i 1 tI----let" „ ...4-40,..1.11 a I: not •ISII I tlllollt. ,f - ara,i...,...:-_ - .-,, --.44PN.5 . E =4. i , •11','S VIII' (iI,,VMS :1!..1 ,_ - • . ...—, - p LOOM , . ,' • • ~ .. -. .. As all ma Fars wale al pur,h t o.al eh., iltild aaait at IL ,1111.11 111%,11 ;Wl'- 111111111 than at tvre , tnit. I ate Intaliled to di.pitati i 1 them at vt.ry retreat:lWe peke,. and I N, ,1111.1 therefore :touch( a rill teem Inc frig IltiS of (•,,rijsje, Relllollllier OW Name, Nutul.ol. and Street 7 .1. 111 X PAPP:II:I. ;1 ,. ',eh slt al, - ve 7111. Louth nude. Phila. I nisi. 710 p ,- Ines. nor 1,111111 Cll/11 With tally other ah re in Philadelphia. Seldom! yr 'I. lilll—liin NEW GOODS H Ogilby's Cheap Cash Store. VST roc-pivot] a lnn.r suppy of elegant \\ inter h''• .ld ntthy • er . , kei (10(ii)S, 1:.0)11 , 0,1 .t,i r t,, 41, 411, all tltd IC -I. 11-1 SHEETINGS. ra•o lin.. Wit... til I .11141 , ,ANIInt . , t..t•ii .Iti we 3,1 deter t.... 14 nv l”r t 111• ca , ll 0";11,11Y, Ti-uctee. r 1 1 11 E l'iiblie can find, at our new ore,u the Inzililinv haply sieenpled Philip A i dee'd.. mud nest door to the De p snit 11.. u..a iVll 111,0 :Ind fresh 4 , f•Ortmeta of all the different hinds slid grade: , of' Coffee Essenees, Coffens.' Nolo, yrup~, Candle., Mi,ass"s, Salt, Pickiest, Suirars, Preserver, Prepared Cs tined, Ciillee in k cults, I lepers, ,11.1 Vrizet Thsts, hi intsrds =II TOBACCO, PIPES, &e. A T.. , O—R ire. Parley. : , tarel), T 4 Hurt, Corn ;. , tarrlt. C,,, atione, a,/ nod. Vern/lee/Ha .Izurova, Pen In,. Com•enti at/ 1 Ito Itologna, Sauna,./e, 'fat/11'1,1 oth., idle, Nutmeg, ISlanot.r, le Yarn, Lamp and Caudle N 1 lea, 1t.c.11 Bel It, / I Ihrs , Bed Ftlint Ptte4 p, / p./ e and P.I.T pity, >l • t t Pewter Sand, ed./ ve polinh Ha w/rim; Ex It SphodK, Pna, Inks, Brio/slime. Naeltural. : 4 1/ad, fttihnon, Jug and Cudfi.vh. AVII- 010 eel/Mr/Ile/1 Ito- rohilor Hams. 1 1 1 . 11 . 1 t 111101 :1'1 , 1 1 1 1 ,1,111,, Rugs. and 'Alatts, 81.1 and Lead, (71,A618, QUEEN'S, WOOL), WILLOW & MAYAN We rasp, tful , ) ask the puldio to C:111, examlua and Prlee our large cold van luny heleideed store: Of FINE FA WILY bov all hinds of Country Produce. 7 AXI:LS 11. ALLEN 0et.11,1g6-I—ly EYRE & LANDELL, PO 1:11114 . & ARCH Sts., PHI LA DE L PHIA, Cater for tho ibast TRADE, out offer no BAITS or do coption to Induce Custom, but rely on FAIR DEALING AND GOOD GOODS! Best MERINOES, Fashion Ogle Nubility PLAIDS, NM'S POPLINS, Dark FOUL A RDS, Figured M RIIINO I9, Plaid SII AIF LS, Good BI.A ETS. P. S. We follow GOLD down. no clone as we following up. Now Is u good time fur Merchants and Consumers to ennui. Get, 7,15134.--2 m At Ogilby's Cheap Cash Store. /AWING to the reduced pricec of goods i L fin the City, I atn now runnin g of may entire stock of-dry- g oods at g reatly reduced prices for cash. Many articles havin g been purchased before the ad vance in price, I ant enabler to sell for ides than r Ity h riCes. All in vent of bar g ains will do well to coil Wore purchasin g elsewhere. CHAS. 00.11,8 Y, Trustee. CARPETING.—SoIIing of balance of my Carpets at reduced kleus. CHAS. OUT LBY, • Oct, 14, 1804. Trustee. QPECIAL NOTICE. , JPersons iminbtert to Um subneriber nro enrramtlY regitosted to make payment, otherwise interostWill be charged on their account &pt. 0,1864. , w, 0, SAiyon. Ihave received my . ..stook of goods and they ore now open for the Inspection of the Public. I have also made acme addition of seasonable goods which makes my assortment very complete. The toh. dency of goods Is upward in price and.pertions wanting goods will do well to purchase. .Additions of goods will ho made as the season-advan ces: Please call one door below Martin's Hotel East Main Street. 0 , . W. 0. SAWYER. GUM BELTING Jnet received a large aesortmont of all slzec— Gum Bolting, Gum Hose, Gum Packing, &c., and for sale theap at the Hardware Store of • . • • ' -11BP111.1r SAXTON. Juno 25,186.1. 533109 NEW_ NEWS!! ..N. E ,S I , MILLER are just ro , coiving at their new and cheap stare, on thesouth east corner oillain street, their first supply of • , Fall and Winter, Goods, o which Vivi) , %vit.° the special attention of evOry person in want of Goods desirable for theiirosont and corning deacon. The stock comprises all kinds and varieties of DRESS GOODS, such as Plain Blnrk, Figured and Ropp Silks, Plain and 'Figured colored lire , s Si lko, and colors French Morlobs, Franc!, flaslirneres„ plain qnd figured, Coburg Cloths, all shades and eoloi A, black and colored Alpacas, plain .1111,1 k t -tired all Wool Mous Dol./anus. suitable for Ladies and Children's Drones, Mohair Poplins, Valenclas American Dol.:does, Calicoes, tlingbanis, Ac. Mourning Goods. Blsek French Tilerinoes, Frorleh bashtnpres, double and single width all I'Veol DeLaines, Thlbbett !Verifies, Bomeazines, Crape Poplins, black and white Plaid Pop lins, black and purple Plaid Cashmeres, long square and 'Phibbet Shawls, long and square Blanket Shawls, Crape Veils, Crape Collars, Ilandlterehlers, Gloves, Bal .. morals, be„ be. NEN AND BOYS' WEAR Black and colored ( 'loth. black and alley Cassismeres, nil gntdes and qualities, Westings, Sattltinots, Union Cassiniere Kentucky Jeans, Shirting Flannels, Merino Shirts and Drawers, k., Are. .A special arrangement made wit': a find elm. TAILOR to make up Clothing at very short notice. Domestic Goods; NOTION N GnE.vrr VARIETY 4: MILLER ept. 1 6,1564 Ladies Fancy . Furs Sert.n. I' 4 llt 'i' (' .1, S ;4, GROCERY STORE. PairlllN Dried Cn rren ts, Dt Frut ty Fe,:trg, Snuff, Cr i N eet W A R E. Important Notice. Reduction on Dry Goods, Resumed Business. TO ~QONSUMPTIV.I3B... „ . . . lonatualtoyo _auffprep will rec.ailo :a: Njvatiablo ,prtseriptlon fOr isnio of bonqium tlon,Aalluan, Dronobitli, and all Thrimt and Lung af.'. fvotione, Woo of cbarge,) by so riding , tboir. nadroaa. to' Re*. EDWARD A:WILSQII, York. . llamcis-onqiittid or. all lt inks: " l Ilea Q., ornman *lthopt 'patant'.Thefeiiinge cheaper than over at.l-1; {3 A X11 0 , 10 ,k 4 .i . .!' 101 4. /44 . 1 i OIL I= Lachman PhotographslcAmbrotype9, - . ARE alWays ahead of all 'others. Idis 'cartes de visite "are gems of art, and.his large , botograpbe cannot be excelled. Ills Ambrotypes are superior pictures-r-Parsone ,wishing geed : pictures arb requested to mil at Loclimes,'S Gallery in D 1,04. Notre building opposite the National Ilank-.-Main street. . . Sept, JO, 1.864‘ HENRY HARPER, NO. 620 ARCH _Street, • • PHILADELPHIA, Has a large Stock of WATCHES, FINE JEWELRY, SOLID SILVER-WARE, Superior plated TEA SETS t SPOONS, PORES, Sec Sept HU rimlE new 7 3-10 U. S. 3 year Trea Bury Notes. These notes boar interest at the rat of 7 3-10 per cont. per annum, and ate convertible an the end of three years, ut the option of the. holder into 0-20 six per cont. bonds, intro cot payable In coint Subscriptions received at the FIRST NATIONAL, BANK OF CAIILISI,S, Financial Agent and Depository of the U, S. Aug. 15.—tf Tun peculiar taint or infection which we call SCROFULA lurks in ft the constittitions multitudes of men. It either produces.or is - - . produced by an en op.a/Pf feelled, vitiated state of the blood, wherein -frss that fluid 'weenies in .2l—•'Sl'itilr • f ~4, 1A44--- -v N i f j s l eompetent to in /. i f t_ e rn v r i c t i f: l l , lo n r , r t e i s o r ut t heir leaves the system to into disorder and decay. The scrofulous contaminntion iS variously caused by mercurial disense, low living, disordered digCslion from unhealthy fond, impure air, filth and filthy habits, the depressing vices, and, above all, by the venereal infection. • 'Whatever be its origin, it is hereditary in the constitution, descending "from parents to children unto the third and fourth generation ;" indeed, it SCUMS to he the rod of ilirn who says, "I will visit the iniqui ties of the fathers upon their children." The diseases which it originates take various names, according to the organs •it attacks. In the lungs, Scrofula 'WWI eps tubercles, and finally Consumption in the glands, swellings which suppurate and become ulcerous sores; in the stomach and bowels, derangement; which pro duce indigestion, dyspepsia, and liver com plaints; oft die skin, eruptive 'and cutaneous affections. The..e all having the same origin, require the, some remedy, viz. purification and invigoration of the blood. Purify the blood, and these dangerous` distempers leave you. Wulf feeble, foul, or corrupted blood; yon can not have health ; with that •' life of the flesh " healthy, you cannot have scrofulous disease. is compounded from the most effectual anti dotes that medical science has discOvered for this afflicting distemper, nal for the cure of the disorders it entails. That it is far superior to any other remedy yet devised; is known by all who have given it R trial. That it does COlll - virtues truly extraordinary in their effect upon this class of complaints, is indisputably proven by the great multitude of publicly known and _remarkable cures it has made of the following di -cases : King's Evil or Glandular Swellings, Tumors, Erup tions, Pimples, Blotches and Sores, Ery sipelas, RO3O or St. Anthony's Fire, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Coughs from tu berculous deposits in the lungs, White Swellings, Debility, Dropsy, Neuralgia, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Syphilis and Syphilitic Infections, Mercurial Diseases, Female Weaknesses, and, indeed, the whole series of complaints that, arise from impurity of the blood. 'Minute reports of individual cases may he found in A Y ER ' S AMERICAN A I,M .ax IC, M hick is furnished to the druggists for rratnitit; distribution. wherein may he learned directions for its use, and sonic of the remarkable cures whb h it has made when all other remedies Ifad failed to afford relief. Those eases are purposely taken from all-sec tion: of the country, in order that every mailer may have access to sonic one who can speak to hint of its benefits from personal experience. Scrofula depresses the vital energies. and thus leaves its victim: far more subject to disease and its fatal' remlts than arc healthy constitu tions. Mince it tends to shorten; and does greatly shorten, the average duration of him= life. The vast importance of these considera tions has led us to spend years in perfecting a remedy which is adequate to its cure. This we now offer to the public under the name of Avgles SARSAPARILLA, although it is conk. po , ed of ingredients, some of which exceed the best of Sarsaparilla in alterative power. By its aid von may protect yourself from the suffer ing and danger of these disorders. Purge out the foul corruptions that rot and fester in the. blood ; purge out the causes of disease, and virorous health will follow. Ily its peculiar virtues this remedy stimulates the vital func tions, and thus expels the distempers which lurk within the system or burst out on any part i,r it. We know the public haye been deceived by 111011 V (1)111potrol, of Stesaparilhi, that promised :ouch add did noshing; hut they will neither be devolved nor disappointed in this. Its virtues have been proven by abundant trial, and there remains no tine -lion of its surpassing excellence for die tote or the afflicting diseases it is in tended to reach. Although under the same 11:111)0, it i.s a very different medicine from any other is nib has been before the people, and is far more efflictual than any other which has C\ Cl' been avaiialde to them. NEW GOODS !! CHERRY PECTORAL, The World's Great Remedy for Coughs, Colds, Incipient Con- • sumption, and for the relief of Consumptive patients in advanced stages of the disease. This has been so long used and so univer sally known, that we need do no more than assure the public that its quality is kept up to the best it ever has been, and that it may be relied on to do all it has over done. Prepared by Dn. J. C. Arun & Practical and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mass. Sold by all druggists everywhere. Sold by .1. W. ELL torr, Carlisle, and deal ers ever v where. C HERMAN, Attorney at Law, „ ournsio, rn. Next door to the llortld Office. July 1,11164-Iy. TAMES A. DUNI3AR, Attorney at IPLaw, Carlisle., Pa. (Aire on the south side of the Court lion., adjoining the .'Amerienn Printing 0111 co." July 1, 1861—ly. M. WEAKLEY, Attorney at Law, fro rillire on sent)] Unnover street, adjoining the office of J edge Crab:ire. All professional tineinwis on t, usted to him will to promptly attended to. July 1, iSni. JAMUEL 11E1)131.1.11,N, Jr., Attorney xt Law. Office with Hon. Samuel Hepburn, Mnin St. Herlittle Pa, July 1, MU. -fIUFUS E. SHAPLEY, Attorney at .T.a iv, Carlisle Pit. A ttands to neauringi and rid loot Ina Pity, Bounties. and Pansions. Office on South Ilittiovor 6truat, oppoldta Buntz'a Stara. July 1, 11/kW CARD.-01IARL ES E. MA GTiAtIGIILIIVi Attorney at .T.;;va , . Office In Inttutt's bul ding, just npposlts the Market lloCiAu. July 1, 1864-Iy. • ' P. HUMP:PICO, Attorney at Law • 'wee on North ilnuover street,' it': few doors north of 0111's Hotel. ;Ail business entruetod to him mill be promptly rittonded to. ' . July 1,18(14. . . I. C. 00.A114,i PoinfrntStrin4 foVi doors -- " 14 4 - 11SVW• bolo* South Ihtuovor et' Jnly 1,1864. 10SEPII ItIVATI.i, Jr., Attorney at Law and SdivOyoi•;llTbeliiiiirosbitrg; . 011100 oii Rail Road Stroot, two doors xiorth of Oa Rank.. miluslness promptly atfoudedl to, • July 1,1854. • O.EO. VP. NEIDIOII, ~D. lotto PdiTioristretor:.st.Opeintivelistitistry of the 4K. ; reVa i lZ i f ° 31 162;° ; rt . opposite Westaßittln etre eti Pa. t 1 at, finfilz gollago ofiDeutl.urgory. • 'tit). :OM '667' ne• hp: - 'Mk; itcitt io i,;=Tapt TAiiitifor tifre6titlyco toors beloW ; I , , July 1,1804'. DEL YSTOPANS _hithE cid iti saignicalb call and purchase thclr Medielnupa.Sl ,ontzroco,9., - J 413,1,1804, Ayor's Sarsaparilla .PA_Y - .El 7 t. 7S • ' - '"ISAACjirirINGSTON HAS. received an unusually large and wan salpcted stack:of SPRING' A:11 7 .D Sit.lll - 111EP Go OD S, and asks that his old, customers, and all persons in want Of first mte CLOTHING should give him a call. His assortment consists in part of 'CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, SATTINETS, VESTINGS, and all other kinds' of goods for Gentle- Men's Clothing. His aesortment of piece goods to the largest and most varied ever brought to Carlisle, and he Is determined , to sell goods by the yard on terms as favorable ay any other store. His stock of Ready-wade Cloithing, is extensive and beautiful, consisting of COATS, PANTS, VESTS, OVERCOATS de., which ho will sell cheaper than any other establishment. Ito has it' beautiful assortment of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, such as UNDERSHIRTS, OVERSHIRTS, DRAWERS, - UMBRELLAS, CARPET BAG'S, TRUNKS, &0,, &o. • Come and see his beautiful assortment of Goods be fore nurchaslng elseivhere. lie takes pleasure In show log his Goods, and will satisfy all that ho can and will sell Goods cheaper than any other, house outside of the cities. - CUSTOMER'S ORDERS —I invite an examination of my Moab of Fine Cloths, Cassimeres, Vostinqs, Ac., which I Inanufaeture upon stiocial orders. Si' Eel At. NOTICE.-1 would say to the public, that my goods are manufactured under my own F npurvision nod by the very best worlonen. sly steel, is the most ootenslvo I knee ever had, and my frlends_And the public are Invited to call and examine for thems , .ives. .076.1temember the old stand, North Ilirdover St. ISAAC LIVINGSTON. Carlisle, Aprll 22, 1804. CiIARTER 1829• PERPETUAL FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMP'Y. OF PHILADELPHIA. ASSETS ON JANUARY 1, 1864, $2, 457,8 4 9 95. CAPITAL, ACCRUE!) SURPLUS, I N VESTED PREMIUMS, Unsettl,ql Maim n, $8,416. LOSS PAID SINCE 1829, $5,000,000. PERPETUAL AND TEMPOUARY POLICIES ON LIBIMAI, TERMS DIRECTORS. CHARLES N. 13ANUIZEIt. ISAAC LEA, TUItI AS IVAGN ER, EDWARD C. DALE, SAMUEL GRANT, G EO. L ALES, JACOB R. SMiTri, ALFRED FI'L'LER, GEC. IV. RICHARDS, FR AS. IV. LEWIS, M. D CII ARLES N. BA NICK.ER. Pres't. EDWARD C. DALE, Vice Pres't. JAS. W. McALLISTER, Sec. Pro. Tem. A. L. SPONSLEIt, Agt., Carlisle Pa. Match IS, 166.1-Ihm,. CARLISLE FORGE. NEW FIRM WE,aVn;nr & RRBCKEU. THE subscribers would respectfy ull ',anomie° to the public, that having pun - Inland the Carlisle Forge, tormerly owned by Mr. .1. llisolyear. we bay,: enionionred the mail ateture and will keep constantly on hand all sixes of the best quality of BAR IRON. wo will give prompt at telt ti m to all orders, whothe? from a distance or at hfflue. Thr• Cash priew+ .o:vid for old wrought Iron delivered at tl:e at the Itailn,atl h? i Car.i4l, Thar 11. I',Gl-1v Carpetings and Oil Cloths. \TOW receiving at Ogilby's cheap cash 6tore, a lot of Ingrain, l eneLiau, Hemp, hag. and C .1 R P E 7' S . Al.n, FIN, Oft, CLOTH' 4 all widths, ,which will Ire nohl fez the rush at the los est rates. 011.1 S. 01111,13 Y, Trustee. Nlareh 4, ISf4 Fourth Arrival of New Goods have jIW. returned from the citios with a large NEW SEMMER DRESS GOODS All fibre; , ult,•J for the ses“.o. A beautiful 11110 01 Silk- Mall Fits end fhoal nes. laom Points, (Irons S 11.11: I•see Ultts , 1140.,.• Celebrated SIM Fans, Ribbons, Hats r..r Ladia4 and )Ihses' hoop 'Sklrtei:ind a general assort ment of seasonable goods. MEN AND BOYS' WEAR. Alen Mtn{ ,ill!op n largo lot of OLD GOODS lanoll le than prosoot prices • Nonce call one door below )lartin's lintel, East 31alla Street. 2111532EM1 Dry 4,rocoecoclis. SPICING, 1964, GEtEENFAELI & S FIE N VITKt he attention of buyers to their n•cvstodt ef Dry (hods. It will be (.111.1 1111 , 111 . 1..1,4.1 ill :All thone features NV hit'il I . olllpri. a first class ;lock All departinentS of our business have been luau velargesl, especially that of D S 0 0 D S, we or confident. Is the most I,tensivr.t meii ever offered In this town. IV° ho VP now op', road y for inspection sill the novelties of the season. viz Poplins, all now shades and styling. Mozonit•igne, Plain and Plaids, Plaid Poplins. ebonies. De also, a la stock of ALPACC.I6, at astonishingly low pikes. I)OMESTICS. Prints, )1 Broad Sheeting's, Flannels Ginghamv, Clocks, Tick lugs, Cottonadee, &c., Zze. Gents' and Boys' Wear, Cloths. Cassimeres. Jeans, Summer Casslmeres, &c.— We would call the attention of our friends more pectin. ularly to oui immense stock of Huell us, Calicoes. Cot• tonades, all bought last iviolor, before the late advance which 1011 he sold ut prices that dory eumpetitiom— ralsons may rely on getting great bargains at the store of GREENFIELD 3, SILEAFER March 93, 1864. NOTE :—Persons tlestroos of exeming our stook will please be particular, and rorolioct our Store Is In Zug's building, S. N. Corner Market Square, Second Dnnr, op posite It itter's Clothing Spore. G. A.S. New Stock of Hats and Caps AT KELLER'S OLD STAND, North Honorer Street. Asplendid assortment of all the new styles of Silk Moleskin, Slouch. Soft k Straw Hats now open of city and home manalarture which will ho sold at the lowest cash prices. Solt hats of all qual- Mos front the finest Beaver and Nutria, to the cheap. eat wool, and of all colors, unsurpassed by auy this side Philadelphia. A largo stock of SUMMER HATS, Palm, Leghorn, Braid, India Panama, and straw. Clilldrons (busy Ste. • .• Also a full assortment of Mans, Boys and childrens nape of every description and style, The subscriber invitos all to coins and examine his Skink. - Being n praotieal hitter, he fools conddent of giving setlstkction. Thankful for the ilharal patron age heratofore bestowed he solicits a contlnuanco of tho Homo. Bait f rgot the stand, two doors ahoy° Shriner's Motel and next to Corloan's shoo store. 301 IN A. KELLbiIt, Agt. N. 11. fiats of all kinds mods to ardor at short notleo. A. W. BENTZ. SPECIAL NOTICE. Great Reduction in Dry Goods,_ (AWING to the recent heavjfall in ILY the price of Gold I have determined - to reduce every. Article in my Mu - nonce stock of Cry floods to a eprrespemling price with titu precious metal, and intend to make still further reductions from thou to lime as Geld mid& 'ln pricai - My extensive stock has been mainly purchased tit low prices and before the great advance in goods. I take this opportunity tit calling the Attontiont,ho m111)110,0 the notice, OA I cam and 'will sell lower'than any (louse outside the,,Enstern 'Cities. Call and Examine for y nut selves. 'Remember tho old stand South Illunovei street below the Court Oct. 7,18131. ' A. W. AMIWON, H. M. COYLE, J. M'CA.SiDLIBLI • JATLESO.II.& co. ' Wholesale end : retail Dealers in Fan• ay Dry'Clonds, Triennium Notions' AC., North west corner of Hanover and Pomfret etreote . Carlisle wtitild respectfully announce to the Pnlillo that they Pay(' net returned froth, the Eastern Citiea with a' large fnt, well selected stock of Geode Coneisting in part' Hosiery, Mitts,: Voile, Ciapen,' Cravats, Hoops,' btu ias, Shawls, liandkerehlefi, SUeneadere, Shirts, Traworai Bolts, - l; & Hoots Colima, Mull ings,'Cordai Ituttono,"Corubs, ,Noodles, Sowing, Silks," Hoop Skirte, Papor,.l'eus Perfumery, Cigars &c., &c. We would particularly invite the attoutiou of Mérrehants to our stook, twin the nintter ,of prioos'as well ao In other Important:partleulars; , wo onjoy this greet 'ad vantage, via., ono branch of our House and member of, our pin are located do -,.l.4llladoiphia, and always pro: pared to take'lidvautago' Of every , fluctuation In the market. • Moral toms mode Avlth •wholgsalo purchasers and unusual Didnecnlontitill'6ol tdbuyare of every chuni,.- 7:11!-4 , 4 , 1' Call itratillunlnv'our'stoch. r• - D. E. JAMEI3OI4.A 06. li:047A4,1800 • •". •• • I,TITTionwARbiNG...A.Nh-attAul. TWIN GAII4ON, _ . _Oroalion, Oumb. Co. FA:4ll,Y.Pl*;'.opLorti%-.- • D R U , • • BOOKS, FANCY GOODS, CONFECTIONARIES * FRUITS, -; PERFUMERY, PRESERVED 'FRUITS, MINCED MEAT, PICKELS &C AT H AVE RST I CK'S, North llanover Street, Carlisle, Pewees. Just opened an assortment of Fresh Drugs, Fancy Goods ' Gilt Books, Perfumery, Fruits, and Confection• ary, which has never been surpassed in this borough, for novelty and elegance. The articles have boon so looted with groat care, and are calculated, in quality and prise, to command the attention of purchasers. FANCY GOLDS, which comprise every variety of fancy articles of the most exquisite finish such as Papier Macho Goods, 'Elegant alabaster and porcelain ink-stands and trayf Fancy ivory, pearl and shell card cases, Ladies' hancy Baskets; Fancy Work Boxes, with sewing instruments, Ladies' Cabal!, Writing Desks, and Port-folios. Port Monnaioa, of every variety. Gold pens and pencils, Fancy paper weights, and a large variety o! ladies' Fancy stationery. Motto seals and wafer's, Silk and bead purses. Riding whips, elegantly finished. Fine cutlery, Perfume baskets and bags. Brushes Cl every kind for the toilet, X. Basin and It. & G. Wright's Soaps and Perfumes of various blade. Fancy Pine for head dresses and shawls. Musical instruments, together with an innumerable variety of articles ale. !tautly finished and suitable for PRES ENTS, to which be invites special attention. Also, au extensive and elegant collection of BOOKS, comprising various English and American Works, richly embellished POETICAL WORKS, Bibles and Ilymn linolis, elegantly bound in velvet with metal clasps and corners. His assortment of Sitool Books and School Station ery is also complete. and comprises everything used in the Schools. alss desires to call the partionlar at. tent ion of Families to his elegant assortment of LAMPS,Ac. from the extensive establishments of Cornelius, Archer and others of Philadelphia, comprising every style of l'arlor, Chamber and study Lamps, far burning either Lard, Sperm or Etherial oil: also DYOTT'S celebrated Keaoseoe or Coal Oil Lamps, together with Flower Vases. Fancy Screens, StC. Ws assortment in thin line is unequaled in - the borough. Also, SEGARS AND TOBACCO, embracing all the favorite brands, and a fine assort. meat : 4 MOKERS AND PIPES, the celebrated Killocoehink, Lynchburg Smoking - Tobacco. F It U I TS, such as Oranges, Lemons, Fins. Raisins, Nectarines, Prunes, Ar., FA NCV CONFECTIGNARY—NUTS— PRESERV ED FRUITS, MINCED MEAT, PICKLES, Ac in every variety and :it all prices, all of which are pure and fresh snch as can lie centidently recommendel to his friends. Ilk stock embraces every t .ing in the line of Fancy Goods, with many other articles useful to housekeepers which the public are especially' Led to call and eXsinine. Remember this Old Stand, nearly opposite the Bank on North Hanover street July 1, Pe 'I. *400,000 071,000 1,086,288 Incomo for 10,4. 300,000. NEW ARRIVAL OF DRY GOODS The undersigned is now opening the largest and most desirable stock of goods tvar offered to the people of Cureleeland Ceusty. A cu wtpleto and ganeral assoi tmont of Ladies Dress Goods. .An immllllo m:gorlment of LA DI ES Mi,MEN I NO nod SECoN \H EgS GOODS I ro n the Celebra ted )1,.m nill4: Stol . o It !lesson SW", A large a..olttnent of LADIES PLAIN BONNET TITIIISONS ANI) Dltl SS The lorgest stock of NOTIONS outside of tho Easton/1 Cities. A full assortment of Cloths for Ladies Cloaking Revs and Mans wear In endless variety, consisting of Cloths. Fancy and plain Cassimeres, Tweeds,Juans, and Cotton:idea. IIME!Illi A 1,4 n, nntn mul varind nsqnrtrovini nf DUPLEX ELI I , f Ir SPE! tilt It aml from all the relehrat cfl manufaeturers in the U.S. also ilalmorals of every rrud.:,e(l prim. 011, Y rIIS. ANI) A lallo i.tmlc of LAI, and Silk CAPES, LAWNS, 11.1 E i ES. dr. I , it OV, frlllll Lot SVIISOn, will ho sold vt eNtion,ly l nr priros. Parti•mi it at tontion paid In •iFunoral orilerc," as well oc older: id all kind.: promptly- and punctually attoud- Ail or which will Le F , lll Iflwor than City prices haw iug bcon put elmNoil before the late 3tiV3llell. A. \l. BENTZ. It I_ It ()CE It ! tt 1.. MY ERS, has opened a new Grocery Store 1,” Main Street, Carlisle. opposite 11 Saxton's Hard wai rboo amt Is prepared to supply 1.14 friend. ,1 tic. mil.llc, with all kinds of Choi, Hoods, at the lowac.,l marl.et rat 'S. Iliac steek comprises CIIFFEES, 5116. RS, SYRUPS, TEAS, 0 :111, Splcec. ground, unground Crackers, Cheese, `llfTr, F.s.,•rirec Fish by wholesale or retail, Prooms, Brushes, Tobacco, Segars, Matches, Blacking, nOd Cords, GLA SS AND STONEWARE, tthoonswath, Cedarwaro, Nothing, and all other arti— cles to.nal Iv !opt in a first class llrocery. roaarl to prices I am dbtorinthud, to soil goods at tin lost lie ores. BUT TEE, EGGS, and :ill hinds of Counlry Produeo, token at market =II F:11 . 1111 , 1 , and Dairymen are particularly Invited to rail :11141 n.10'1,1'1004 pita:Nix eiii•RN, w hi c h has brrn pronounced by r•inpettint judges the most r I 1111111 nt the ace. July I. 1,•I. LARGE ARRIVAL OF FPESII (/10 - 1(lEll11-11611111.' AI.I.IcINDS. Aloonfl which Is 11 largo lot of neitl $O,lllllO 11111ti— ,,,,..hy nit oAI, Lnttnln , )11CI.\ is itstoolshlogly low. l'irkels of ill kinds. PIZ ES PAZVES, P.l. n gllOll ASS", t or 10 134 k CC() AN 1) SEG ARS, I, I Q I,' 0 RS , I j C. . •it the lowest late:: for CASH ur Country Produce. W3I. BENTZ July 1, 1864. rplIE, partnership heretofore existing in..tweim Charier L. Halle:at and Crawford Flem ing. ha? been ilissoired by mutual consent. The bo , ,lts and :,,,unts are in the hands of Mr. Halbert. who earne , tly requests all patties Laving accounts With the Late bite to call and settle them. William Ilalbert.jr. having entered into partnership with Ills brother, Chador h. Halbert. the buniness trill hen,fbrth he conducted under the style of Halbert Brother. Tee new firm would respeettnily cat! attention to their stock of New and Fresh Groceries. Their tocic Is largo and. elected with the greatest care and will he sold at the lowest prices for cash. It con, Mats In part of line old Government Java COFFEE, Prime !tie do., Prime Itio Roasted. SYI:UPS.—New York. ihoitou, and Philadelphia Sy raps, of the very best qualities, BROWN SUGASS.—The best the market. affords. Loverlng's beet Crushed, Sand, mad Pulverized Sugars Also, his A. B. and C. Sugars, which cannot be sur passed. Rico, Corn Starch, Fi.rrlna, Dondeline Colfeo, Essence of Coffee, Concentrated Lye, Soap, Candles, Sr. CHINA, GLASS, AND 0) QUEENSWARE. A large and well selected stock of the very latest pat— terns and styles, lower than ever In price, ned bettor In quality, than was over offered bolero in Carlisle.— Call and see. IVooden and Willow Ware, such astrubs Quakes, and Ohnrns, Ilaslcets of every description; Children's CARRIAGES, Stoneware, Crean; Pots, But— ter Jars, Preserve Jars..lugs, all sixes. FIFO—No. 1, 2 and 3 Mankoral. No. I MESS SIIAD No.l Herring, A largo quantity id the celebrated Excelsior lIAMS. SAM' by the Sack, Dairy and 0, A. Salt. The subscribers respectfully ask the patronage nt their friends and tho public generally, and invite them to call and examine their new stock, nt the old stand, corner of Hanover and Loutber Strtiete. LIALInatT & BROTIIER. Carlisle, April 22, 111114. Flour and Feed Store. rrinE subscriber wishes to announce to tho people- of Carlisle and vicinity, that Lo has opened, a FLOUR AND FEED STORE, on the South klast,Corner of moo and Wont Stroots, In tho Warehouse owned and formerly occupied by Jacob Itheeni. The b at, brands of FAMILY FLOUR, kept corMantly on hand and delivered to any part of the town. Having Terfocted arrangements with tome of the first mills in the neighborhood, I con • assure my culitomers that they will be furuishial with an article of Flour which Ivan vouch for. I will keep constantly on hand FEED OF ALL KINDS, such an Corn, Oats; Bran, Shorts, Potatoes, &c. Tho highest cash grloos 'gold for Grain of all kinds and Flour. Don't forgot tho old eatablinhod stand. Carlißlo, May 20,1864 LEWIS F. Of the old Jim of John- P. Lyne 4.. Son, AarniAS just_ onniploted opening his' now : Spring stock of iferdn ere, Paints, 'oils, Glass, 'shes, ho., to which he Invites the early attention of the public generally. M.. hue greatly enlarged. his stock In all its varlOus branches, and ran, now accent. modato the public with . • Relitible Gdods, • In largo or small quantities at tho lowest prices. A look Into' hie Shiro 'ivlll' then that - he has' enough (loots to fully supply the demand in this mar, kot. Persons wanting Goods - In our llne will find it to their advantage to giVO us a call before making their. purchases. All orders personally and punctually at. tended to, and misroprosontations made to' effect sales. .. r • , LICWIB . ' Carllale.May,2o, 186;. North-Hanover St. , .9kTEIV , GOODR. , --v , • • '.; • ' - I.lrfeeriawarb,,l:lllFdware, P.lehole;,kinucei yin.? .mquor., Tnbxceu i ogarri, Freoh FruHa and vegetables fix Cana, Cystera do. Splaan;;Weed and 1 1 111 low ware,. all kinds and of the bent' quallty.amtjp, at-tho lowegt prlc'em for cavil, by • , IIENTZ. July 3.m4, =I I)OMES7IC'GOODB'. CHEM DISSOLUTION =MM frW't FIRE INSURA.NCE: ITHE Allen and Eastpennaboro' Mu tual Fire Insctradce 'Compaily of Cumberland County, incorporated - by an act of Amcmbly,, in the year 1843, and having recently had its charter extend ed to the year 1883, is now in active and vigorous op• eration, undertha superintendence of the following board of Managers, viz: William It. Uorgas, Christb.n Stayrnan, Jacob Eberly D. Belly, Alex. Cathcart, J. 11. Coover, John Eicbe'bur ger, Joseph VVickersbant, Srtni. Eberly, Moses Bricker, Rudolph Martin, Jacob Coover, and 1. C-; Dunlap. The rates of Insurance are Rs low and' favorable as any Company of the kind in the State. Persons wish ing to become members are invited to make applica tion to the agents of the Company, who aro willing to wait upon them at any Ulm WM. It. a 080 AS, President, Eberly's Mills, P. 0. CHRISTIAN STAYMAN, Vice President, Mechanicsburg, P. 0. JOHN C. DUNLAP, Seet'y. Mechanicsburg. DANIEL DAILY, Dillsburg, York Co. AGENTS. Cumberland county.—John Shorrlck, Allen ; Henry Zearing, Shiremanstown; Lafayette PetrPr Dickinson; Henn Bowman, Churchtown ; Mode Griffith, South Middleton; Samuel Graham. Westponnsboro'; Samuel Coovor, Mechanicsburg ; J. W. Cocklin, Shepherdstown D. Coover, Tipper Allen ; J. O. Saxton, Silver Spring; John Ilyer, Carlisle; Valentine Yeoman, New Cumber. land ; James McCrunillsh, Newvillo. York county—W. S. Picking. Dover; James Griffith, Warrington; J. F. Deardorff, Washington; Richey Clark, Dlilsburg ; D. Rutter, Fairview; John Williams Carroll. Dauphfn co—Jacob Trouser, Ilarrisburg. members of the Company having policies about .to expire, ban have thorn renewed by making application to any of the Agents. July 1,1864. WHEELER & WILSON'S SE Ir./. 1 G .11.11 C Eff I Al' E 8 AT REDUCED PRICES With Glass Cloth Prosser, Improved Loop— Chock, Now Syle Hammer, Binder, Cor or, Braider, etc. At the Railroad Office, Carlisle. Pa Lligh est Premiums at MO INTERNATIONAL. EX lIIIIITION. LONDON, 1862 INOUOI 4 III%L EX lIIIIITION, PAM i , 1861. at the Fairs of the UNITED STATES AGRICULTURAL HOVIETT SilVer'Nedal at the Pennsylvania Stale Fair STionber, 1 863. American Institute. Sew York. Mechanics' Association Boston, Franklin I 'lstituto, Philadelphia, Motropolitat Mechanics' I notitute, Wash i nvton, Maryland Institut Baltimore, Meehanir,' Assmiation, Cincinnati, Ken tacky Institute, Louisville, Nlechanical Association St. Louis, Mechanks Inetitu to, Sou Francisco. At the State Foirs of MAINE, VERMONT, CONN EC:MUT, NEW JERSEY, PENNSYLVANIA, CI NIIN!A, MISSISSIPPI MISSOURI, OHIO,. INDIANA, lOWA, 11.,1,1N0TS IiENTUCKY RICHMAN, WISCONSIN, LALIFORNIA These erdebrited Ifaollines are adapted to ever,. va riety of Sewing or Camille wear. Cr, in the lightest SlM lilts to cloths. They work equally moll upon silk, linen. woolen. and rattan quip tine, gathertfig. hemming, Ceiling, cording, end braiding—making in beautiful Ai nrl perfect sfi toll, alike on both sides—and performing every species of see i rig except making button hoITs end st It, hi ng on buttons. Full in tructione for operating the 1 111011111 e is Lii crn gretuitowly at tbe sales roans. When the ?Inching is sent sane distance, so flint pet sonal instruction is inconvenient, it card of direction in sent, ae high is n sufficient guide. The qualities which recommend the R heeler & Wilson Machine are— I. Beauty and excellence of stitch, alibi, on both sides of the Cantle sowed. 2. Strength. firmness• and durability Of will not rip nor ravel. rind made with 3. Economy of thread. 4. Its :It tarlimont. and wide range of application to purposes and materials. G. Comptudi., and el,rance of Mods! and finish. 0. Simplicity and thoren,hne , T or consf ruction. Speed, ease Of Open stash and management, and quietness of movement. SCHEDULE OF PRICES. N 0.2 :Redline, with Plain Table. $45 00 Half Thso, Pan nollod 50 00 Halt t use Polished. 111,1: Walnut or llahogauy 63 00 I= Plain Table, 115 Ot Ilalf Case, Pannelled. no 01 Ilalf Case, Polished. Mark Walnut or Mali..gany 1;:l Or No. 1 Mavhine, :diver plated, with Plain Table, f,5 00 Halt Case, Polished, Black Walnut, 70 00 Halt Case, Polished, ltlark Walnut or 'Mahogany 70 00 Half Case, Polished, Rosewood, 80 00 Full Cane, Polished, Illarlc Walnut or 'Mahogany 911 00 Full eau°, Itosuwood, No. 4 Machine, hart.te with Plain Table, N 0.5 laehino, Cyllmler, with Plain Table, E=l Every Nlanhine is sold with a Homer, Nos. 1 and ' Machines are sold r, qlll oOh lls Ns, Mos:4l:l,U Presser, Ne•w Style iiellll4l, and Braider. Londor Si Wilson's Agency at Railroad and Telegraph Office, CARLISLE, PA. July I, ISM-ly. STEINWAY PIANOS. First Prizo Modal at the World's Fair, London, 1862, IT - `" -• L_ f rifinE undersigned has just received, and intends to keep constantly an hand a full as• sortment of the unequalled Pianos manufactured by Steinw.ly & Sons ot New York. Earl. instrumenl be carefully selected in the ManuMetary, and will be sold at the New York Cash Factory Prices, with the addition of Freight to Cal lisle. A written gnaratitee of entire satisfaction will be given by the subscriber to each purchaser. Persons desirous to mirth:me are invited to call and examine these unrivalled Pianos, at R. E. Shapley's Jewelry Store, Main Strout, 3d doer east of the Mansion House, near tt'o Railroad Dopot. SECOND HAND PIANOS received In exchange and kept tor rale and to rent. JOAN R. STAYMAN. Carlisle, May 2'2,1863-1y A. B. EWING'S FURNITtiItE WARE-ROO) , r . 1-t -, West High Street, Carlisle, Pa. (14remittla awarded at /1u Cuniberlwisd county Agriclatural Fair of 18570. The subscriber hoe Just received the most splendid assort moot of urticles in his line, seer brought to this place—which he Is detorniiited,to , null, nt prices Vint, duly competition. . . Parlor. . Oliii,m,ber, ~. i Dlialak-rooin - , PI7O6NITUILE. ' :Kitchen and. 1 Office . , . Embracing every article used by flame and Lintel keel:tore, of the most approved and fitshinnable design and finish. Including also Cottage furniture In setts, reception and Camp Chairs t nitthissus, QAt frames, pictures, &0., Ste. te.„.Particular attention Oven as usual to funoroln; . orders from town and country; attended to promptly and on moderato tonne. July 1,1804 T)AINTS AND OILS.— 10 Tone IYltiko Load. 1001:1 Gallons of 011. Just received with a lave assortment of . Varnishes , Yiro Proof Paint, .. , Turnealue, ..1 1 1erence. - White, Japan, J o 'White Zine , . „Putty, ,' ':' : ColoreCthe, •.' .. '-• - ; , Lithargo, Red Lead • . , -. , . -- ,------ Whillugi ---- -' - '1.1olled.011; ' ----'----!-, Glue,. : , r 71 4 urd .014 ' , , - • ,' , ‘••' .. ' Shellac; ''' '-' '' 'Sperm Oil, 2 ' ' ' • •, . ' .Paintllruslips,•!Aish.ollioke,, , , ',...1 1 Colore r of °Teri , fdesOrlptroii . dry, and. Oil in cans arid. tubes at.thellardwaro Store of' , .. • ',: , kij •.' l'-'' , '” I . 111:1191.1' SA XTOPi. , '',"July I i '18011...`-'„'-',' i I ' . ' •- . • • - , AT RA L STON'S. , Dec.11;186311 ; •. PHYSIZIIA*S 'will find it to thair tick Vantage to call And' puichato their MO4llOl[lOEl , fit . • RAT STOWS I . • . . COAL AND LUMBER YABD.-- , The subscribers have . this day entered into partnership to trade in COAL AND LUMBER, We will have constantly on hand and furnish to o-- der all kinds and quality of seasoned LUMBER,. BOARDS. FRAME STUFF, Paling, Plastering Lath, Shingling, Lath, worked flood* nod NVentherboarding, Posts and Halls, and every article that belongs ton Lumber Yard. All kinds of Shingles, to wit': Whltepine, Ileinlock nml Oak, of different qualities. Having ears at our own WO can furnish bills to order of any length and size at the shortest notice and on the moat reasonable terms. Our worked boards will be kept under cover so they can be furnished dry at all times. NVe have constantly on hand all kinds of Family Coal under cover, which we will deliver clean to any part of the borough. To wit: Lyltens Volley, Broken, Egg, Stove and Nut, Luke Fiddler, aleir‘ Travo ,, r.(9p . , Locust Mountain, A Ohl ty., Which tee pledge on r solves to sell atthe lowest prices. Nest quality of: • Limeburncr's and Blacksmith's Coal, always on hand which we will sell at the lowest figure Yard west side of Grammar School, Main street ARMSTRONG & HOFFER. July 1. 1864 Notice of GO-Partnership, riIITE public arc hereby informed that the undersigned have this day entered into a Co Partnership, under tho name of Delaney & Blair, for the purpose of tarrying oq tho Coal and Lumber host miss, at too old stand of Oliver Baloney, near the Gm. Works; whore all orders in their line of business are respectfully solicited, and will be promptly filled. Oa. 16, 1863-t f. oz - -Orders for coal will be received 'it Halbert. & Fliuin•fli Grocery Stone; Robert Moore's Shoe Store and A. 11. Bialr's Currying Sbop. _ 1 rr . A,.Orders fir Coal nr Lumber solicited through the Pont Office, arralmeinents having been made with the Postmaster to charge the postage on S3lllO to us. All orders punctually tilled. BOOTS AND SHOES. AT the store of John Irvine, on th• N. E. rr,rnar of t.lln public square. fu ihe place to purchase Boots Shoes flats and Cape, at prices that defy competitiml, Ile has just rot tweed from the East with the lartest and most complete rf Hoots. Shoes. I lats C:1114 that Ito mum ever presented to thin cotmennlly. and whieh he is determined to sell at the lov. est pos sible priees. Ills stock emhtaces everything in his line of business, suet, a 9 MEN'S & BOYS' FINE CALF BOOTS, Klp Muds, Calf and Patent. Leath, Oxford 'Flog, Call and patont Leather Unite; s, Calf Nullifiers, o.lf and Kip Brogans, Slippers, ko. LADIES' WEAR, Fine French and English LnetinelL•dter=, Vorn,,,, and Kid Boots, Fine Kid tdippors, Fancy z.dirpers, and hid Buskins, &c., MIS 1 , .S A \ (21111.I)REN'S WEAIi of nii drw•iip (Inns 4,111,1,dt - it; fine misting Gaiters, Ml`rrlV.l.ll :ma Button Boots, Morrtwvo laud L,ai N of all kinds n.ey ,Iv.“; of vorionK ;trios slipper, kr. CA PB. SAIL CasFilnvre. Fur .111 i of all qualilios and styles, also a largo at...lmola 0 STRAW HATS Boots and Shoes made to order at the short-I , A notie. Itepairimr ppomptly done. Conti lent of his sbllity L please all elas es of eugtemers. he respectfully invite. the public to give him a call. 'V? _Remember the place, N. E. corner of the Public Square. _ July 1, Ict4 NEW GOODS! NTOW offering an immense variety of CA SSI \IER ItS, VESTINOS, GOODS &c. For Men and Boys' Wear, to n r!Zer rat into, than ran he (Lanni in any e;;talg lishinent in this plaegg. All 61 :It as 111 W prices as eau be sold airy NV hi• le, tg; suit taste and pocket. \Ve nano tart th n the algove COOll, to °rig,. in the la i est or NMI to, ya Clist Auer , wishing to have the good , Igon:lgt of 11 4 . t'3ll •‘.,..•0,1110,1 . 1ted. lint' ol glut; gg; An earl v iimpection 1. us :4 , 0118 •nd prices, r,pl,t. I illy solisted. Ar North Hanover Street Clothing Emporium. July 1, 1 , 0 ; ‘.; : s ! I t U n iri.g N OFF A '1":"i' E N 'l' -Ft V Era CENT. BELOW cot 1, 1" 1 A! the slgn of the • (lot.] Eagle." 11 deors above the C 111111,01131111 Valley lianig, nod two dont , below the Aleigtogigsg ('glitch, on 11 evt Alain street, the lar_test hest Frhs . t.sl stook of ES AND ,JE \V I',IALY i” the town, will hissolg) ; tie per rent lower than at any Om, it, the ,stat,.. Thu stork eoniprises large Snri- In t h tinting rase Sk [Ow,. I,vvers. American watehne, and all other kinds A I:11 St) ICS, 0 OLD NI) SIT,I - ER Gold kinglq,S!ogetarlegg Gold and Silver, I Ilatsd and Silver Wage. ; MUSIC LOSER , ACCOIII)EON3, Oil Paintings a ZVE,I ri••ty of fancy articles. Air. The enthe stock nit Watchmaker tools, eat.es, Tarp. Mirrors. aunt still he hl wholesale or raall uu the eaSign..t. terms. Having selected a first clays worl.nitin all kinds n repairing will Lou ;lone as usual, at reduced prires. It. E. SIIAPLEY. July I, ('1 TILL 'l' It I 111 P N . j The eomph.te .sire ess or the Prairie Ft-poor Cook Stove. warrant, the Fule..lll,er in ea lh n , till uitnn than nf all mho may Went 3 ollnel inr stneo to call n od won , In e the only stove that Ilan given Unit vrttl tartian. FEEI BED =I WHAT IS CLAIMED (WEI:OTHERS IS Ist A owing of from :;,1 M 111, prr f•ent, in find al. A hell., quirk. r 111,1 1 . 10111 11111,11110 fire A larzer oVVII !Ilan any other snive ul. the tamr Size. 4th. '1 he preserNation of the center piece trout sinking paring 14T:tint. sth. nio hest linker, ltoaFter. anti nook noir in use, 6th A superior nritingeinent lor cleaning the flues, 7th. A perfect Ilits COTISUIIIVI for either need or coal. The Prairie Flower anted to give satisfietion in every particular, 1111 , 1 Will 14 , FllOWli With pliso.ure to till WhO may call, whether desiring to pure lease or not, ally ,11131111ty riqt•rel., ill tfl , Vll 01 country. A 10w ether good Cook 1 4 t.0% 1.11 bend, be sold vvry to 0100 stock. Spoutit.t. hooting, Joh NMI k. Crpper thinOhnt Sheeting werk promptly attrndell to, in town M . MI. try. All wot k onrrnrte d at the old stand, Ilallove r+tJuet 110101 Lowther. M AR 1(1 S. N. 11.—illd G.rpor, Brass and !might, and the high,t prim paid id eash or goods. Juno :26, 18,14.—tr. COFFEE POT. AATILLIAIII. FRIDLEY respectfully announeas to the viti.orts of CarUsk., and tin public g,onerally, that he still vontinues the stanufao turn of all kinds oi tint and shoot Iron wars in .1. 1) Ilalbort's building East Louther street Carli,is at thn sign of tho RED COFFEE Po7', where he will at all times: he ready to do all hinds o work in his line with neatness and despatch. Also can at all times he ha, those relebiated, self sealing null self testing premium all-light, FRIJII: CANS AND JARS• Rootlud, Spoutunr, sett all kinds of jobbing done a the shortest native. Cash paid fir old lead, pewter and copper. Thank ful for the patronage here tofote extended, he hopes by strict attention, and a desire to please all to merit a continuance of the same. Pont forget the sign of the Red Coffee Pot. July 1, 18133. William P. Lynch subscriber informs the public tha he still vouthlues the L S FITTING AND PLUMBING buslnes at the Old Stand in the basement of the Ms Methodist Church. lie will attend promptly to al ausinces In his lino. Load and Icon Vim, ITydrants, Hot and cold 2110 TITER BA 7715, Water Closets, Force and Litt Pumps, ‘Vro't Welded Tubes, Iron Sinks, Bath Tubs, Bath Hollers, Wash Its sins, nydraul o Rams, dr. , and every description of cocks and fittings for gas. steam water, di. Superior cooking range., heaters and gas fixtures put up in churches, Mores and dwellings, st short notice. In the most modern style. All materials and work in our line at low rates and warranted. .:).Country work and jobbing promptly nttoodod to doily I, 1884. HAT AND CAP EMPORIUM. HE undersigned respectfully announ - cos to thu public that ho still continues the hot t no' Business at the old stand, in West High street, and'ivlth a reneived.and ettlelent Wort, produce toll. det of Head Dress of Every Variety, Style and Qaality, that shall be strictly In keeping with the Improve. went of the Art, and fully 'up to the ago which we „_•-• ' have on handa splendid • assortment of • qt•l 11 , • HATS AND 94.155, • °fall deserlptions, from th o Gomm on Word to the finest 'Fur and Silk hate; nod at Mims that must 81.11 E every ono who bas an eye to •getting the wOrth,ofhls money. 'the stock Includes, A. B. B "MIngSHITN;OA,9I§IMIME, BEAVER & FELT HATS, of everYst)lbiirdeolor and unsurpassed for Lightness Durablllsy and finish; by those of any other establish. wont In tho country, . . . _ Mon's, Boy's and Ohl!circa's Ilat'a and caps, of ovary description. constantly on hand: • •• • noyespectfully Invites 'all tho old patrons and as .inan4noo , enbO possible, to give him a call. , .!.. , .), , • , J OA,LLIO. . 1864. • ''3 OO l l l S - & - SECOES. A , FULli , atititirtm en t Mori fuicl"Boyp' . := • Ileqtsan4 Shoea, , sul table , for %sinter. ` Also; dies and Illissas'e 13aliooral lhitees, Oh Ildien'p ;Boots of All-ldridse' alul 0 ontleln en's 01151 Over Shoes. enstornores and all iniNantrirgeod and Cheap , 110ati- and - Shoes. please, call and exaudno, pho stoelcibeforo parehashigl. Alain street, nobrly opposite theot • ILA ' dyl7l, 18G4.. • ;r . ' 3 c- - • 5..0 ,r s , • -",!: CllOlOll SEG.A,RB & TOBACCO,. , xntAtinxmo SCANTLING, ()LIVER DELANCY, ANDREW 11.11 LAIR. = EiMENESEI CUMBERLAND VALLEY AND - ~ ,- FRA NKLIN RAIL ROADS. .CHANGE OF HOURS. (IN and after MONDAY, APRIL, 4tb, 1,,_,71R64, Passenger Trains Mill run daily, ne (t+unday excepted): FOR CHAAIDERSBURG AND HARRISBURG 'Leave Hagerstown, 7:00 A. 51., " . Greencastle, 7:37 " / Arr at 8.17 ' Cbambers'g, . - -. Leave 8:30 " 12:55 " Leave Shippensburg 0:00 " 1:28 " Newvilie 0:32 " . 1:28 " " Carlisle 10:10 " 2.42 " Nleelinniesburg 10:42 " 3:12 " Arrive at Harrisburg 11:15 " 3:40 " FOR CHAMBERSBURO AND HAGERSTOWN: - • - - " . . Levee Harrisburg 8:05 A. 111. 2 3:05 P. M. . Mechanicsburg 8:37 " 2:15 " " t arlislo 9:27 . 2!.55 " Newville 30:02 " 3:29 " " Shippoushurg 30:33 ~ 4:00 " Chambers' Arrat 11 :10 ~ 4:30 o• ''" I t Leave 11:10 . 4:40 Leave Greencastle 11:65 . 5:30 Arr. at Hagerstown 12:35 . 0:10 " Tho Carlisle and Ilarrisbbrg ACCOMODATION TRAIN will leave cc follows: Leave Carlisle 5..55 A. M. ‘• Mechanicsburg '6:25 " Arrive at Harrisburg 0:55 Leave Ilarrkborg 4:20 P. M. 31erinullesburg 4'64 " Arrive at Carlisle 5:20 " making close connections at Harrisburg with Train, tier Philadelphia, Now York and Pittsburg; and with Trains ftw all points West. tFrY The Train leaving Hartisburg nt P. M.,. tuna only as far ns Carlisle. O. N. LULL, Sala. Superintendent's Office, 1 Chtunb'g. July 1, 1804. f READING RAILROAD .I' 7 ' l_ o' 6 ; I S: 07; "' • WINTER ARRANGEMENT CIREAT Trunk Line from the North North IPe4t for Philadelphia, New York Reading. POUFS ill,. Lehanon„lllentown, Banton &c. 1:11111 , ,,,gfor NOW York, no fellows: At :: and 5.15 A 'l and 1,45 P. M., arriving; at New Volt, at 10 A. 11 sad 2.45 and I() P. M. The canoe t with similar trains on Pennsyl vania hall It oed, and z•lo‘eping,Carsaccompany the first ton trains without chango. Leave for Rending Pottsvlllo, Tamaqua, Mineraville, A Ilent.inwn and Ph iladelphla at 8.15 A 71. and 1.45 P. , stopping at Lebanon and principal Stations only. Way Trains, slopping at all points. at 7.25 a. m. and 10 p. m. Keturn tug • Leave New lark at 0 a. m., 12 neon, and 7 p w. Philadelphia at Sa. m. and 3,3 U p. In.: Pottsville at S ill a. 111 Mid 2 :15 0. Tamaqua nt. 5.10 a. In. and 2.15 p. In.. and Reading at 12 midnight, 7,50 and 10.43 a. m.. 1.35 and 0,05 p. An A cum] moan I ion Pae.senger train leaves Reading al 1130 A. 71., and returns front Philadelphia at 4.30 Colpmlda Railroad trans leave Rending at 0,40 and a in for 1.:1,111203, (in Sundays:l,a VI, NOW York at 7 p. m.. Philadel phia at ::,15 P. 51. PrittaTilitt at 7.30 A. M„ Tamaqua at .7 a. in., I larrisburg H. 15 a. in. and Heading at 12 mid night f..r C • untl tat ion, i I Soaron. School and Excursion Tickets at reduced 1,0,4 to and from all POIntR• 114, ,rage checked through. 80 Pounds !luggage al lowed each Pa,songer. G. A. NTCOLLS, Coneriti Superintendent Nov. 25, 18134 cARLLSLE & PHILADELPHIA 6 DAILY FRJEIG HT LINK FREED, WARD & FREED, Sll MARKET STREET PIIILADEurnte 7. & D. RHOADS, MAIN STREET, CABLISLE., PA. xre-Cars of this Line leave the Depot Si! Market St. liany. al 4 ,'clerk. P. LellVft Cal lisle. Daily, at 7 o'clock, A. M. deeds intended hir this Line should lie marked C. & P Frineht Line, and sent in by 4 oclo, k. July 1, 1,e4. Carlisle Foundry, AND FARM IMPLEMENT DEPOT r G \ItDNER Sz CO., now mannfac . tore and keep I linstantly for sale, at their ex tenki% 15 Strain 11 inks on Eant Maio street, Carlisle, a•kortmeot of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, of well I. rice Zr. approved usefulness to farmers, among which they would call especial attention to WIL LOULIII S Celebrated Patent GUM SPRING GRAIN DRILL, which has taken over fifty First Class Premiums •0 State and County Fairs. To the Farmers of Cumber- York tßiti Pei ry rn u n ties we seed not speak in drill, as scores or them are now in use on the best farms in these counties. Its established as the most complete Grain (hill now msnufactuted in the United States. It s o s NA heat. lire. Oats. Dart y and Grass. en my and gnular, without bunching the seed. The gum springs pans the drill ovalr stumps and stones, without break ing pins or the drill. lor even and regular sowing, the %% (Imo Spring Drill is unequalled by any other. We also Mall utavture and sell the follow ing nr rid e s, o high we ant recommend to Farmers as reliable implements, of established character: MORRISON's I PATENT CORN PLANTER. I ASH'S P k ,TIZ \ v FOI)1) It CUTER, HEIDEN DOLPH*, CATEVE CcEN t+IIELLEIt, lIAEN'S PATENT c11)1 , :lt 3111,1,. JCIINSi 'S CAST I SUN HOG'S TROUGH Also, three and Four Horse Powers and Threshing llaehine , , rout Iron Field Hollers, Plough Castings of various pattern, Corn Crushers, and other articles for raffnefs non nufill,olls to mention, Also, llgg Coal ~toves awl 'I ''ll I ' li: , It with an immense 1 , 1 , f e l,. nl other tor housekeepers and others. e have :Ilse :in attractive variety of patterns for IRON RAILIN4OS, and CEMETERY ENCLOSURES to whßh WO would ,all atteutiou, Steam Engines and Mill Gearing To Oil, department of our business we giro particu lar attention, Our already ex tenbire stock of patterns for l'itocr, Flour and Saw Mill (inuring, in constantly increasing. Mill ownens and Mill Wrights will be turni=lmd with a printed catalogue of Our various Mill fatter us, on application, Our Machine Shop comprises all the various tools hr turning, planing and finishing Shafting and Castings, by good and cureful Machinists ST AT lON AR STEAM ENGINEs, of any desirable capacity, front ton to twenty-five horse power, built in tine lost styla and on accommodating terms. En hi, built at our establishment may be seen in suet essful operation at ninny of the largest Dist Dories Mid Tanneries in Carlisle, and Cumberland Perry and Dauphin Counties, In ti.o owners of which WO confidently refer for Information as to their ofiicmn• cy. Persona Mantling Steam Engines are earnestly ro• q uosted to call and examine before contracting else where. DOOR AND SASH FACTORY, Connected with our establishment In a Steam Sash and Dom Manufactory which is now In complete order for the manufacture of every thee iptiun of BUILDING AIATERIALS, for the most costly as well as the plainest house.- 11 inflow Sash furnished from 5 cents upward, accord ing to sloe hea; Window Fr Imes from $1 31 up wald Ithuttius slid Bolling Blinds from $1 75 up d ; Four Panel Doors from $2 12 upward. Mould• logs, Coatings Architraves, Nash Boards, Brackets, Fancy Drapery. Scrolls, and oilier articles needed in house building, fin dished at the lowest prices and of the best quality of lumber. 41Z-11'e aro also prepared as heretofore, to build and repair BURI/JW CABS for transporters on the ralitoad, with promptness and on reasonable terms, The continued patronage of the public is respectfully solicited. Orders by mail promptly attended to. July 1, 1804 A LECTURE TO YOUNG MEN Just published in a Sealed Envelope. Price Six Cents. A LiEur URE ON THE NATURE, TREATMENT AND RADICAL Cure or Spormatorrhova or Seminal Weak ness, involuntary Emissions, Sexual Debility, end lm pendiments to Marring.) generally. Nervousness, Con sumption , Epilepsy, and Fits ; Mental and Physical I tucipoeßy. resulting from Self-Abuse, .te. By IiOWT CULVERWELL, U, D., Author cf the "Green Rook,"Sc.,. The world renowned author, in ibis mitnorable Lec ture' clearly proves from lkia owmexperience that the awful consul nem es r I Sell Abuse may be effectually rents veil without medicine, and without dangerous surgical operations, bangles, instrunn nts, ringa, or car tale, pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter what his condition my beo.unly cure himself cheaply, pri vately and radically. TillS LECTURE WILL prim A 11014`i TO THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS. Sent under seal, to any address, in a plain, sealed envelope, en the receipt of sik coats, or two postage atamps, by addressing 011 AS. .c. ACLINE d: CO. IST Bowery, New York, Pott-0111c010ix,4586, Oct. 14, 1364. , , T THE PARIS MANTILLA EM, 1 , 01111131, , No. WO Chestnut St., rhiladelPitilk. O\ or BN—Parls.ltatin MANTILLAS and CLOAKS. Also, SI'RINO and SU.VIMIER GARMIINTS, of our. own Manufacturo, of the Latest Styles and In great s variety. J. W.,'P.ROCTCvit & Co., The Paris Itiautiila Emporium, .020. CHESTNUT' Street. ' PHILADELPHIA. United States it percent 10-40 Loan. XT:e are prepared to furnish the 10-40 Unlted statos Loam anthorptod thnao, of h 4 'ltlare 31864 'either Itoglatored - or Donde, as liartlog inn.*.profur In' denominations of $5O, $100,,5500, $1.,00.y5,000, and $lO,OOO. 1!0:bo ntereat on thec.sso,;and sloo,llondshi' annually and all other denominations soul-aunnally In coin.-.. The Bondi will boar date Idareh let, 1884 awl are redeernalio at the pleasure of_theAtotkrrunont 'nf: l - terlo — yenfirif.iiVpayablc 4.0 years Oom dateAß. . 1r Artitklntorost at t fi percent per annum.' ', " 111. M OTE*, e l o3l,en „ Carliale , Dopialt Bank, tekpril 26th,1864, - . . . , .. . - F'''' 'BELTEIOOI,rgR, Attokney .nt La*, 0111co'.1 n 13tnth if:4l6l'or 8004 dpvipltp .11011tz's,dry fond storo,Ctrptilei„Ps, , • .: - ' 2 l3dtpt9mbor f, 1164. - 2:45 P. M 8.35 . 4 4:20 " F.GARDNER A CO