Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, December 02, 1864, Image 3

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    threatened, can send forward her reserves;
Florida has troops to spare, and joining with
our twelve or fourteen thousand troops be
tween Macon and the ad'ancing enemy, will
make a foice able to meet hi in, in the neigh
borhood of the last named city, or some
where on the Oconee river. It is despera
tion on the part of Sherman ; and a desper
ate man is always readily overcome by calm
and determined action.
The Macon Conjedcrate of the same date,
stlys that a gentleman who left Forsythe
yesterday at 3 .o'clock, informs us that u
courier arrived• at that place about half an
hour before he left, and reported that there
were some Yankeesavalry eight miles north
of the town. All the bridges on the road
frontForsyth to Indian Springs were burned
by our forces.
If this lie true, the enemy have passed
through or around Griffin, and marched
Heine twenty-five miles, placing them within
about thirty miles of Macon.
[Ed. Richmond Enquirer.]
"We regret to learn that the recent flood.
have co seriously damaged the Montgomery
and Mobilo Railroad below Pollard as to
render the resumption of travel over it for
some time lin impossibility. The company
will put a heavy force at work at once
to repair the line as siniedily in; The
Arobiie Triimne of the lith states thiit very
heavy rain= had fallen all through the upper
, county, more particularly in the lower part.
along Iho Tombigbee River. The creeks
are said to have ri-en some ton to twelve feet
higher than ever beisoro, can<equoitly Chu
lower country is flooded. Three rand ,ide,
orcurrtitt at the gunboat landing, killing one
maim (a blacksmith), from New Orleans by
the Mune of Peter Espinarde, destr o yed a
small boat-house, and did other damage.—
The Salt Works in Clarke Comity, Ala.,
are said to have suffered severel:. Many ()I'
them will not be able to resume opta aliens
for some weeks.
At an early hour on 111widay morning a
collision occurred at the "Ittihad House, be
tween Messrs. Win. G. Swan and 11. 5.
Foote, colleagues in Congress Irons the :Slaw
of Tennes,,eo. The dilliculty originated it is
said, in some remarks made by the latter
in the House of ItopresentatiVl2S, Moll
day, supposed to et/110•111 .il , llll Miteltek,
Esq., of the E.rmitiner. It app,as that .tlr.
Swan wits cmk111,0 ,, 1 to the kiludy apart
ment of )Ir. rome by Air. 11.
who (lid so to , 10,w limn the apartment, not
knowing that ti,' betw..,n
the two gentt•own I F,a,te and Satin) were
of a helltoo ,, e it-cilium', and of coruse un
rreparod tLr sudden tin exidt,d,,n
the opening of the tl,lor and the intr,)-
41uction of Air. Swan. Ile. Foote
Mr. Pollard in, up,m H,.ning . the
when the latter him MIL hi, (111..
f'orte's) colleague, s r . s i va ll ,
wished to speak to I'M,. Mr. 1.', , 0te replied
that lie did not lo,d, 1111,111 Air.
geutkinan, out.
ri ul,l 11,.1t1 to eouunnni •a
tym With hint. Mr. 'loan s t epped tutu a:0
and struck Mr. Foote over the head with his
cant', inflicting a sec-re bl n. I",,rther and
rrnlre or, •,!,•c.l! 1., hi.
augurated. to to ii Gen. \Vi i.ham .11111 Ur.
Thom I whim' of ill hap-
rt• 11111,2: til lot! ;111.1
t , J1211[111'..;.
tho l'ilyp.)11120 cro hot'', iv r, I. r ,jos,r..
oote, hwnn and \I Nvarrtintr• 1111\ iitg
1)(4.11 is-twtl fw. their upon [II,
nit i~ni, it -31.1, 111;0 It (hod
botwv , ll li• I. in
Nlr. t 111 q';,
yrtlb:lly •111,,!":1:31'1:
[111(•11111 ,, 1111.:111.11.1i1 ,1 %
I'i,„ 5 ,./„, /).symtch tit(' 11;111, plain
tin. following
Gott. L'rico Vani..,—; at
City. .11. , will L, rciii.liirecd by
Niagru tad
The late 4 informatnin from the South
probably that from ex-(*em. Roger ,1 Pryor,
who was brought h i ther to day :I , 11 prkoller.
and 101141.(1 in the ( )Id pi hi I. lie Wit , cap,
Lured la-,1 Sunday 'war Petei s, btirg. Sever
al gentlemen, who -,hortly art,•l - that occur_
.weru present during q eon ver.ution
with him, say he admitted that Sherman had
captured Macon and I(illed . 4 - eville, and that
there was little, if any doubt, from the rap
id progress he \VW , II elk I Hutt he 11... d cap
tured Augusta; and that he would encounter
nothing serious to impede his tuurch to the
seaboard; that with Augusta in hi , possesslon
the south-west would be rut fri,llll Rich
mond, and that no troops could he stint from
Lee to reinforce SUN 1111111111. Gen. Pryor
talked freely and apparently with frank
ness, remarking that, the South now re urd_
ed Gen. Sherman with noire alarm then any
other officer in the service of the United
States; and that the press of the South would
not be so communicative a<heretofore re
garding Sh-rman ' s mobelllVlll , . Ile retitle!'
..5/tid it WUN retiortial that SliarilJall had liber
ated a nuntli , r pri.mme,:um armed
them, but thet thi, rumor tiNaled
---~- - -
That it is possible for n Union army 1'
abandon its base of supples, to give up its
communications, toil entirely ,elf-depen
dent, to move unopposed into the heart of
the enemy's country, is alone proof that the
rebellion is indeed the hollow shell which
General Grant deelared it. Sherman is now
beyond the help of the Government, and so
far from the loyal border that we hear of the
progress of his march only by the vague re
ports of rebel journals. \Ve
m guess from the
alarm of the foe thesueeess of his. movement,
and, for the first time in the war, get all our
news of the great Union anny• by the way
of Richmond, If' we may judge by the llm
taring of the doves, the eagle is far into the
No rumor of failure of Sherman .10:erce,
the slightest credit. The reb , •l report which
loft him within eighteen miles .Nl,,cu was
a virtual assurance of his .crl'oet ,afety. All 4
it may be added that the ad vatiop into C.sor
gin would never have been ordered if it had
involved any risk. llut,.Sherman will find
no army on his march to Augusta, and itll
the impediments to his. progress the rebels
may interpose will only serve to show the
weakness of their forces. Bold as the ad
vance may be, it is not so bold a, it seems.
It is the natural result of the capture of At
lanta find the siege of Richmond. Thu (m
-tral gates of the Confederacy hays been hurA
open, and the armies. that enter find no for
ces to Contest, their passage. For the pre
sent we 'must be co o lant to loose sight of
Sherman in the darkness of the rebellion :
it will not be many days before the spl MI did
rays of his victories will disperse the clouds
that now surround him.
WOULD Li/s% F:1 7 1 7. 17 - Tii , ;T. , SAND DOL.
LA.B.S.—A Maine odieur rocent iy applied for
a furlough, stating that, if it wai not grant
ed he should lose fifty thousand dollars.
This attracted attention at headqu trters, and
the officer was desired to forward a state
,Mont of how he would lose it. He did so to
the effect that he had been in the army with
out a leave , of absence for two years; that he
was engaged to a young lady worth fifty
thousand dollars; that there was another fel
low after her, and that sho had writtbn to
oiliimthat if bo did not como.homo and mar
ry her right away, she would have the oth
er'iriarf. ' HO got his furlough.
ttiM...C. L. Ward Esq, Chairmifn of - the
Democratic State Central Committee writes
the N.Y. - World 'that the — Democratic Ma
rot* on the honk vote at the October elec
tion is 514. - We suppose it is of little con
sequence to any but parties who have been bad'a majority on the
0 thorde•Vbte - ..- But before we place much ere
': dence ;‘"rt - T - 1 71 rfCrd ' 6 * despatches to'i the
: •'`'WOridxi:o would like to be certain thatltbat,
!,VltleMellthas received his senses tort pont'.
itifftirs ' remember, his despatches for
aseveral days after the election that renasyll
' 1 hati'gone Agiancrittic by 25.000 nutjitr';'
ity arid his predict4pßatlat, Npalollap vii6l/14
• ~carry thestate by n m , uph 45catei.!i‘riajOiitY.
h - a.vor - Ir'9o Pil4reri baiistf4:tl at
war 4 is Nano politically 'we; 'gi've' due
credit it:! his assertions about the home vote.
Sherman's Orders for tho March.
Hdqrs. Military Division of the Miss.,
10 the Field, Kingston, Cia., Nov. 9 0 1 64 f
Special Field Order No. 120.—1. For
the purpose of military operations this ar
my is divided into two wings, viz: The
right wing, Major General Iluwitd corn.
manding, the Fifteenth and Se.venteenth
Corps; the left wing,. Major General• 11.
W. Slocum, commanding, the Fourteenth
and Twentieth Corps.
11. The habitual order of march will be,
whenever practicable, by four roads, as
nearly parallel as possible, and converg
ing at points hereafter to be indicated in
orders. The cavalry, Brigadier General
Kilpatrick, commanding, will receive spe•
Mal orders from the Commander-in Chief.
111. There will be no general trains of
supplies, but each corps will have its am
munition and provision train, distributed
habitually as follows: Behind each regi
ment shall follow ono wagon and ono am
bulance; bohind each brigade should fol
low a duo proportion of ammunition wag
ons, provision wagons and ,ambulances.
In case of dangi_r, each army corps should
change this order of march by having his
advance and rear brigade unineutnbered
by wheels. 7he separate columns will
start habitually at seven o'clock a. m.,
and make about fifteen miles per day,
unless otherwise fixed in orders.
I V. The Emily w II f,or,ye 11 . 6" i -filly on
country during the march. To this end,
each brigade commander will erganize a
good and sufficient fliraging party, under
the command of one ur more discreet offi
cers, who will gather near the route trav
eled, turn-or forage of any kind, taunt of
any kind, vegetables, corn meal, or what
ever is needed by the command ; aiming
at all times to the wagon trains
at least three days' provisions Au. the com•
?mind, and (Ito, hblys: fiwaye ,s,oldiers
inu ,, iv ,/ llinys of the inhab
itants commit any trespass; during a
halt ur a camp they may be permitted , 0
ga ther turnip:, potatoes and oilier vege
tables, and,drive in stuck in front uf their
camps. To regular foraging parties must
he intrusted t, c gathering of provisions
and forage at airy distance from the r, ud
V. To army corps commanders is in
trusted the power• to (I. mills, lomm,
and for them this general
principle is laid down: 1.11 distr icts and
ieigliborhoods l/r , • ,Irmy is tormo
bst,J, no (I,:did , timi ui• such property
should be pernitted; but should gm•rillas
or bushwackers molest our march, or
huuld the inhabitants burn bridges, ub
s.ruet. roads or otherwise manifest local
hoi ility, then the army corps comiLan
ders should order z.nd e rt J, , (1..01;011
i I • 1 , 1 , Oh uce ol,lllty
Vi. As 1,0 horse,, inu!cs . , wAgons
I)c) , lngin:.: . to the inloo,itaio , i, the cavalry
and artillery way appr”priate freely and
without limit ; discrituinatin;z„ however,
het ween the in-h, whu are Iv-n:111y hostile,
and the phor usually uc u
tral or friendly For.mitt4
also take mule:, or horses C.) replace the
jaded aniulak of their trainv,, or to serve
as pack mules for regiments or brigades.
In all foraging, of whatever kind, the
parties en.-we I will refrain from abusive
or threatening language, and way, when
the otlicer iu entuatand thinks proper,
give•written certificates of the fact, but
no receipts; and they will endeavor to
leave with each family a reasonable por
tion f, t their natin,ettance.
VII. uml
runt /e I‘) the sere,-al
»t,ty Lr luleen uluag.; but each army com
mander will bear tit wind that the ques
tion or supplies is a very iinportant one,
and t h at lio lir-t duty •a to St;t3 to those
who bear anus.
The organization at once of a
good pioneer battalion for each corps,
composed, ifpossible, of negroes, should
be attended to. This• battalion should
follow the advance guard, should repair
roads and double them if possible, so that
the columns will not be delayed after
reaching bad places Also army com
manders should study the habit of giving
the artillery and manors the road, and
marclrinetheir troops on one side; and
also instruct their trellis to assist wagons
at steep hills or had ercssings of st,eanis.
I.X. C plain U. Poe, Chief Engi
neer, will assign to c. u •h wing of the ar
my a pontoon train, fully equipped and
organized, and the commanders thereof
will see that they are properly protected
at all times.
By order of
1 1LOUla not 6nunia Batters.
isig4,,Persuns who intend to wircha'so
proporty would do well to examine that most
cbtArl,l,l,• proporty in lVe•••t Louther Streot,
('Aribb • (.1)p-ito thr Colloge now ofTerod fur
,010 b Jwis H urroN.
Eanurt -- We aro ricrlested
to call at t,•loion to thy• atlyertismmint of
SA uti LE lta LLEit, Administrator of %V. T.
KENNEDY, sk eurr , .eteil in this week's
'Mir,. was a ,light error in the date us pub
hotted in hand bills and our paper of last,
week. The first sale is on the 10th and the
second on thin 1.7111.
DEV- The Shippensburg News comes
to us in a new ,uit of type, and presents an
improved and very attractive appearance.—
We are gratified with the indication of pros
perity on the part of our cotemporiu•y and
wish h continued success.
~,,, EIIIT ECGONIzED. — Last week Scr•
geant J.ton CA or received from the Secre
tary of War a beautiinl testimonial of the
gallantry displayed by him in the capture of
a rebel flag at the first Fredericksburg battle.
The medal is made of bronze, nearly the
shape of a star, and is suspended froM an
eagles mouth. On the reverse side is an in
scription giving the date of the exploit with
the statement of its recognition by Congress.
Two MoRE GONE.- = -Frout a private
letter \IN have the inexpressibly sad intelli
gence that Wm. IlAnuEss and-Joint FAL* .
LER, two members of company A, 7th P. V.
R., have died in the rebel pens, called pris
ons, in which they have been confined. Lan
guage fails to express our meaning when we
would employ it to say what we feel of sor
row and indignation 'at thoeoWardly murder
of our brave brothers. :• ••
. .
AccuSNT.—A serious fig
cident pcp'ui:Fed in the Shenarigo Iron .WorkS,
New Castie,.Lawrenco enunty,, on Saturday
East Now • - • _
, cmplpy,o4, about, the rolls,
was sittiog liewn oil pleeo , ef tituboi near'W l l . o 'pc° led' the one
of the long'liar's of red_ hot iron; iii corning
through, struck the guide, lc 1 sharpened
the point of it and,caus'ed it to turrailok, in
the;,tlirection of the boy. Before he' &laid
escape, the, red hot bar pierced his leg, going
through just above the knee, inflicting a so
licits and very painful wound.—Har. Tel.
C ^' '~ ~`
Jacobs, Esq., the Sheriff elect, has taken his
oath of office and entered upon his duties ns
Sheriff. 'Mr. Jacobs is familiar with the
duties of the office, having served as deputy
under Sheriff Bowman, rnd is therefore well
qualified to discharge the important duties
devolving on him. He is a courteous gen
tleman mid will doubtless make an efficient
and popular officer. •
Sheriff Hippey retires from office with the
well-deserved esteem and respect of the com
munity. He has our best wishes for his suc
cess in whatever business he may engage.
fng-train west, on the Cumberland Halley
Railroad, met with a serious accident, on
Thursday last, one mile and a-half this side
of Kingston. A rail broke, while the train
was passing over, and three of the passenger
cars were thrown off the track a considerable
distance, and greatly damaged. Fortunate
ly no one was seriously injured. Had the
train been going at full speed, the loss of
life might have been terrible to relate.
Another train was at once despatched from
Chamber-burg, which brought the passen
gers through by noon. The ears which
were thrown off were principally damaged
in thrir running gear, and will speedily be
repaired. The engine, baggage car, and
one passenger cur were not thrown la uaa the
trm k. This accident entirely sl
the running of the trains on Thursday until
half-past nine o'clock at night, when the first
train arrived from Harrisburg.— Voluhtcer.
On Thursday, the 17th inst., Col. T. 11.
Kaufman of our county was captured by the
rebels. The following is the Richmond
Whig's account of the capture.
The officer who brought over the one hun
dred and nineteen prisoners captured near
Chester on Thursday night, by a part of
11unton's and Stewart's brigades, informs us
that they all belonged to new regiments.
The captured in the iitrair above
alluded to is the. Twn
Iltindrial and Nina) l'enn i •yirania teiriment.
Minn thin tho
at ill ,. (:iiitlfi i derail i 11.'110 . 11:1111 Wit , . raped up
,urr,11,1,.i., lie pitelted into him in
regular Tim Ilyor i-tyle, and liniielied him
tli , Wll. A hard li,t d rebid private eiimit o
to the resette, tile lit uuci u. CUIMIC'I
,11111 C in a few minute,:
under the treatment, of Kory.
\\lieu 0•1. K. wit , 1;t:1 ,, t 2 . , f 1-t P.
it rottlark,d that he - ivit• the “tin
-1.1.111f.,rta1 lt• - man in in a 1 . L , ii:411
and tumble wr , ,tlo. :11,1 w h" j „, iv
him van wt , ll ittiag-iti , what a time the
Johnny havo luta before th , y
puw.•rcil him. IVe arc heartily;,urry t, hear
of hi , . capturf , —qttit ,, IS much ac,,,tt tit
th'e and r
i.... 11 I—.
11l of Capt. D. \v. F,,x, Co_ : - ,:411
\I. r , l:; If • ea
Ilarggli c, jilt 4.1u , •[ :11:
gl iilll,rr:ai•l:fft ' r 1 . ,1 \.*
t , t . n purtiwi of their 10 , a 1
bounty; and with conduct prejudicial to good
, u•der and military di,eildine, in re .m . 11,1111.4
vetel an;, ccrtuin men who hod not 'served
two your; And were therefore not entitled to
be re-onli,ted, and also re-enli , ting, as vete
rans three 11/‘..11 who Were not abh,
to du thli V :0 ,oldier.,
'Phis is the In;it case le,W in 4.. he hand, of
the Judge Advocate to be tried at C:krli,do,
inform Ow Larlic., of Carli-le and surround
ing Country that 311 S. S. A. Hutton, 1:114
ju , t. ‘on th , I.:,t4t , rn and
opening. at th.• ,1:211 of the Big 11..nti,t.
North Ilizt,ver tr t. Lall-1 , , a largo and
!•ploridid a-, , rtmnt of NVint,r Bonnet , ,
and :%fillin , ry of the very late-t
Ladies do not fail to give her a call, as we
I:tiow you will be plea,,,d with her beautiful
stuck of goo , ls. Jt
Comhination Company of El
liner & Foote, which confidently
say is the best travelling Troup. , in the e.,un
try, rim-with which our eitivms areTerVectly
, 010 , 11 , :it Ithe'ein 11 , •x ' t \Vet:l
in-day ,•vema Dv 7, for a peri.,l ef r,tur
titt% -. It i- ry I;4' it, mught
lat,ritt•conlp:lny, -
T1111101.111c , 1111)!It oC their emitinfl; will h,
,chlii,•hlt t crow,i the HA to it-
tuoit. Thu Company retain: nil it; ~ h 1
attractions—the gallant little
and his Ellin Sister, the beautiful Fairy Queen
—the two sinallest Human Beings the world
ever saw, and Colonel Small the female char
acter Dancer, accompanied by their Procep
trosg, the talented Vocalist and Pianist, 'Mrs.
C. G. nuF:sell Ifurmerly Nliss NI. C. Effinger)
together with our old friends, the " Contl
heralds " AV. 1). Franklin and J. AV. Smith
with time assi,tance of the Blind lmlusieion,
Prof. Brooks, forms an entertainment that
can not he surpassed.
km,,—. 4 r Co early if you would obtain a good
)1011..1t Y. —The store room of Messrs.
Miller S Son, at Green Spring - , three miles
west of this place, was entered on Saturday
night last, with a view to plunder, but the
villainy was p fortunately thwarted. The
shutters had been prized open and an en
trance effected through the font. window.
The open shutters and bros en window at•
tracted the attention of n gentleman who
was passing. The alarm was given, the pre
mises searched, turd two children, tt boy and
girl aged respectively about 9 and 12 years,
were found under a molasses hogshead in the
cellar. They said they were children of
Samuel Finkinbinder, and on ihis.statement,
Finkinbinder was at on.e arrested. They
were not, his, but he recognized them as the
children of Aaron Speck. This fact was
fully established and Finkinbinder was
promptly released and exonerated frotn any
complicity in the transaction, A woman
'named Bell Droneberger, with the children,
was then arrested, and the pyidence being
deemed MUiP,C , iOOY .P.'orlig"i)gaiTi.sA her to
warrant her detentioni•she arid-4161w° ohil
dren wore committed to prison to 'await their
trial at the 4anuary court— Valk 71. Sear.
styles at Charles Calcford & Sons, Continen
tal Hotel, Philadelphia. STA
• Mr. -Editor—The sit& and wounded sot.-
diers in the Hospiftil, at Oarlisle Barraphs
desire to eonvey•througy the ntedluttiofytnir
paper their :very profound acknowl?dgmenia.
to the ~L ittlOYHeliii;rs" colineetd with tha t
,Al - 4 8 - 6 the hiill4- •
ful wt),.;'Pt.,,;,k-1:40h,V94
ilesOrttolbeetruOiatrittoTtlifnet itirt4l4ll
'their; tiii -f tik'peitse of the lipspitpl.,
on Thanksglxbig day _ c- :
They wish' the ?Utile ifelpors," long and
hives. 'They-beg that Mrs.-Inhoiradd.
accept the, assurance
that'tbeir kindnes uppreeiated,
• - Hospital Carlisle HarTacks.
Nov. 25, 1803.
[For •the . C*lbile iterald.)
gtr'..A. union meeting of all religious
denominations in Carlisle,-Will be held in
the EngliAlt Lutheran Church, on Sabbath
evening next ut half-past 6 o'clock, in behalf
of the Christian Cominission; whose opera
tions and claims . upon our support will be
i by the Rev. 'll.r.."AtkinsOnfre...
cently connected with the Army of the Cum , -
berland, antßinow visiting the towns and'
cities of this State under the auspices of the
Commission. A cause so well known, and
so much a favorite in this community, and
advocated by so popular an a;, , ent, will need
no word of c urs to induce the attendance of
every friend of thesoldier of our country and
of benevolence.
LADIES' FURS.--The largest assortment
st Charles Oakford & Sons, Continental
Svarn DUTY.—The following letter,
addressed to the Commissioners of Mifflin
county, gives a decision on two important
points as to who are, liable to State service :
Headquarters P. M., Insp. Gears Dcp.,
Harrisburg, Nov. 17, 1804.
L Are those who hold exemption eertitl
en t,s fo)rn U. 'S. boards exempt under the
irtte law
The certificate of exemption for mental or
physical disability, given by the phy r sician
of the enrolling board of the should
not be received as evidence of disability or
disqualification for State service. Each
board must ihake, its own exemptions, determ
ining from all the el reti ffiStAi Ilees of each par
ticular case whether the party is a proper
subject for exemption.
2. Are those. who paid commutation to the
U. S. or furnished substitutes exempt?
The citizen owes allegiance and, as a con
sequence, service to both State and National
Governments, and exemption from service
uhtler the pro-visions of the Acts of Congress
for enrolling and calling out the 'National
forces, does not relieve a party from the ser
vice he awes the State under the militia laws
of the. Cominunwealth. It is a superadded
I lon e the honor to be, gentlern
Your Old. Servant,
Last U EL Taut , ,
111,pC:Clur Uen't Y. cl. .
Toachers' Institute
Tho “Solith :Aliddieton
r , liN 1.11,d hi t•Lut.rt
Smtird:,v 2(;;h. to
tho Pr. , -i,l , ll.L,,ltntll , pulled with pray-
IT. The minut, of fa,t meeting, m.ert.: cowl
cmiled, and Ali4s Culv. , r.
;tl,ent. Lyde (1. Flenum , DAM
11r. )IyeN, remlSelectim,.. Addre,,Cy iNlr.
Rupp. C•-ltmtdimr. 1 , :,..ruy by Annie
(IriM 1:t c n ur \Vritten Arithmetic,
meet ~l of te.n fling the brunch
nt ii, ;tn• nn , l
ton.l ~ 1, . .y
I.• II lit I oPII•
I, . I. .!'
I, i1,,k1111.„ 1 . ..!
11 I't 1111, ri ( . Jl\ ••r drilli•d
in Nl..mal Arithmetic, and IL Kmitrinan
otl4. in t:ratimuar. The Critic, rol.. , rtvil
err,,rs maie during t 1),• Pro
gramme for m•xt meeting.
jonnie .1. Coyle and J. Ilarvey NV.11 . ; Es
hllV, ; Address, .1. \Vu•sloy
Iteading, Carrie A. ;
.Arillutnetue, Elta, Nlottlutz ; C;ru,m
mar, Ly de C. ;
Out nt , Lon, it NVLIS re,.ilved, that the thank,
a duo lui,tilute Lc t , .uuder,d to Col. \Vm.
Wlwrry tutu! .‘lexander Litutl.:t ilr tik , ir
lio,pitality to the um .:111.1.- - .. ,I , l] , atrri..Ll to
nu•ct in ••)3!,iii ng spri n ws School out
Deeciab,er 10th_. _-
B. BU'l'Ll'.ll, Seen2tarv.
Dic;t.inson Institute
T 1, ,, ..n,•,1 at. Fartilr , r , Aral
1 2th. .111.• Iltintll('- .1 ' OH.
ill 1,, 1,14 Marti!, “11 , 1
for Nvcre 1. J. :! , ,ler,atigh•
lin newt a s- , ,11, ti,m i.f ti, ;MI ; 'Au, s 13,
r• ad an Mn.. F. Albert
A 1 1;4 ,1.,,r 1 ,; )I IF-; I\f,
, „„,1 ; ~f a M ,, ntal
drillQ.l a
in a An5t1,,...1,,,r11ri11 ,, !4 - raidly,
E. Elett,l ll 4 it a ;it .11.it1)-
1,1, , 110. It itimri that ill, min-
I p:11111-1)..d in ill,
1,07)14,erat and ill,.
that a ~ f paiinn 11J
1. 4 1...L.`,1'11t11111.` Ilk•*ii 1110 , 1 i 11,2;
of ~t rid ti n•. M .\l.try Ler! v :N1
E. (I1 , •1`1 ; Su IS. 111i114 :
ehra, Av. ; .:11.,•n!“1 A ritiw , tie
IS.,•kie C. I". •IniriL;; A!1;11 \
Mi., I. .1. .1,• ;
Sue E. Fleming; (.;rnoinur, 11i s
Lizzie Kenyon ; Miss 21. C. Smith;
Geogrnphy, :11r. .1. I:Lrtil).
Adjourned to toot at tilia(ly Grove on
Nov. :20th, o'clock.
SCE E. FLEmisn;
Teacher's Institute
The Institute of Dickinson township, con
vaned at Shady Grove, on Nov. 20th. -rho
11100, ing WLIS called to order by the President.
The minute of the prev ion, tnetting were
read and adopted. The roll being called
Miss Leidy and Messrs. Martin and She:di - lir
were found absent. Mks Leidy not being
present Miss 13111 M .- Laughlin was called on
to read a selection of Scripture and r spond
isl. Miss LizxieGrei , t read an Essay. Sub
ject--District Institutes, Sco E. Plenting
read 11 BeeklV C. FlOl/1111gdrilleil
a eins , in Menial Arithmetic. 111. Frank
Albert took charge of a class in Algebra.—.
I. S. McLaughlin took charge of it class in
Analysis of Orthography. Sue E. Fleming
drilled a elrss in Writtan Arithmetic. Liz
zie Kenyon took charge of a class in Gram
mar. Programme for nest meeting:—Se
lection of seripture, Miss Leidy; Essay Miss
Smith; Selection. T. B. Weller; Algebra,
Frank Albert ; Mental Arithinatic, 'Heckle
C. Fleming ; Analysis of Orthography,
Miss I, J. ArLaughlin - Written Arithu a
tic, Sue E. Fleming ; Grammar, Lizzie
E. Kenyon ; Reading, Miss Smith ; Geo-
Ltraphy, J.. Martin. Adjourned to meet at
Hedge School lollpe, on Dee. 10.
Sue E. FLEMING, ,Say.
On tiro 24th. 'net.. at, the bonen of the hrt,ty'Y father
by Rov, R. P Reek, Mr 1A,01112 to \lli, LIZ.
EMAN,.both :Martinsburg, Ptah. C 0., Pa
In this place, curdle 22d Inst., ELIZABETH
LOOSE, In'theltith'year of her ago.
"Happy soul thy days are en , fied,
All thy mourning days below ;
00, by angel bands attended,
To thy blessed Jeans, go."
,On Sitnd& the 27th of Nev. 'HAYS CHLTIERTSON,
eldest R O,l f • mind ',into Clark aged two years
and. Met months,
On Saturday the l2th after a lingering illniss SUB.,
BE[, W, I.IOI.‘IES Sr., in the 08th 3014 of his'ago.
"Peaceful be thy Went, slumber, •
Peacehil in the llravii so • •
Thou no tur will joi. Our number,
hudno inure cow,"
' .l
"6, k ' It 0,11.012/43(381 VIAR-li."
PLOV.p(Bllporitua) a 59,
. :•••••;•• ......
.;•( irx.o.,
lic . •.' , :i ir ll'' . • .........i.".. - :':','.......r..6 i 54,
RND .' 1 d0,i,;:........ . .... .. ' ... ..2 '4O
AYR ' ' - ' 160
CORN .% ' ' .
• ' .1 60
OATS-, 86
ItAltrAM FALL' - .. 1.'75
likilLNY SPICING ..1 7 0
%IRE-Anniversary Eiteroiees of• the
Union • Phllosopbleal and Belles lbettres &oldies
or ibis Institution will bo Mein Bhocon's 11101, on
Monday and Tuesday, the 19th and 2t/tbllnst.: at 7
clock, P. hl. _ _
Orators of U. P. Soclot.y. Orators of D. L. Seelegy
Mu* Abl . .taufolter, D. B. Dermsn, . -
E. P:, John M: Curtis,
John Cornman, Abraham Sharp,
John V. Clyinar, Alf. hi. Rhoads,
Edgar E. ['Anil:iv, J. M. Willfaubs,
6. P. StrloMer. J. Lan. lihnex.
I 1 olt RENT.
That largo stouo dwelling houso on Blain street,
next door to Dr Street:mom and formerly occupied y
De , . Cart. Maguire of TUOS. CON Ma.
Dec. 2,1804.—tf
LA Lettere of Admiebtration on the estate of Mary
bider, deed.. late of Penn township having been is
sued by the Itogletor of (lamb. co., to the subscriber,
residing In Dickinson twp. ;Wilco Is hereby Oren to
all persons indented to said estate to make payment.
and those haring claims to present them duly an
thontlcated to ' MARTIN
Dec, Administrator.
rilgE above company contemplate hold-
Ing a Pair In lI.IIEI3II'S HALL commencing on
the owing of DeceinlAr 24th 1864, and terminating
on the evening of Jan. '2ml 186 E, The proceeds of
which era to ho app ,printed to furnishing New Hose,
and lifohlating tire Debt of the company. The oppa
ratato is at present In each a condition as to rend r It
almost unservi,cahle. IVe thinef-re hare no hesitancy
in asting thoaid ,4 the oil izaus of Carlisle in our be
A ny Fancy artichoi flint your Ingenuity may sweat
to &mato. wilt bo thankfully received by the hu low
In committee uf Invitation and fully appropriat ad by
the company.
Very Respectfully Yours,
.1. 11001 S, J. N. Noble, J. Curt,
T. N off, J. A. Dunbar, W. Nl. Ogl lby,
S. W. Earley, W. Pfhaler, J. C flalbert,
E. la - Jesui t J. 0. Moises, J. Benucbman,
.1. Lee, W. L. Spottswood, D. Louden.
P•. Matta Jr. 0. M• 11, J. M. Weskley,
II C. blurehall, 0. Weise,
Chairman of Com. of Invitation
Dee. 2, 18'$ —..,f+,
NATI - 1E1111;AS the [lon. JAMES H.
Gtllolol Presider t Judge ot the several Courts
of Pleas of the counties of Cumberland. Per
ry, and Juniata. and Justice of the several Courts Of
1.13er and Terminer and General Jail Delivery in said
counties, and filch el Coeltlin and Ifugh St uart. J ages
of the Court , . of Oyer and Terminer and Jan Delivery
for the Irial of ail eapltal and other olfoodeis. in the
said county of Conti...Hand, by their preeepts to Me
tlirocnl I, dot'! the I Ith day of Nov tuber. I St;l. hare or
dered the Court of Ile yr and Terminerand General Jail
Delivery lv ho'holden at Carlisle on the Yd Monday ut
Jan wirv, Din). I mini! the 11 day.) at 1U o'clock .n
lor,looll. to cniltlllllo (NO 1,01:8.
NIIIICE is herehy to the Coroner, Justices 01
the PPM , . :tut" COIIOIO.IOB of the said county of Cure
borland I hat they are by the said precept commanded
id Le then and there in thulv proper persons, 111th
roan r~II re,!ords. and Inquisitions exam' na tlon,and
all otti . , 1111/rIIIICOS, to do those things in Idyl, to
t r sp. ertain to he • one, anti all th nso tint
aro hound IP , r,ognlzances. to iwosecute rgHost the
pri-oners tent are or then sh ill ho in the.liilw sill
01.1112 ty, are to be there to prosecute them as shall he
1,,,• 2.1461
li'ED LTC 710 V LV P iaCE
At Ogilay's Cheap Cash Store.
have just returned from the City and
now ouvoinz a full assortment of winter goods at
greatly re ue. d priers
k ma French ‘1,•111v..,5
1 '1
1 26
2 22
D't o
' I ,
• A Ipachis .0 no 100
A 14' of styli, DuL,nei, clio,,p Calico, t, CO, 00.
,v Ai
A \ try Inro an.:orttnent
Icrt 11% I,r 1.4 tin-' cloaks, croft hangaina all Ain.' .4
eoh , re. F lane! l'Odllo.lll litho L106..y/1 suit hard
F1,1411.1:411 w.upl. Azol Int/ VOS of all kinds /17
the lowest prtven 1..11.4, 404 11440,1 e, 4 4 ontags, 14 051••
c-pc, 4:1111.1,... woolen !tools and 4 Rini{ .D great
variety. .11.4.1 tum au4l Canton Flauilets at reduced
pin cc I , 4 Sheet.ngs.
I ,Lhe Si 4.!%siEn,r4 at all prtee,Sattlaetts, Katiluck
r) jt./14114 414441 Sweeda.
Ladies Dress Trimmings.
stock is ler, and complete, bought for ca.l],
mop. .111, at to ; s ate vales and will be run
tor the cash at very low prices. l'urch.a.sers 111,1 le
.peeltully to cail•
It•rolleet the storo,•t{ - unit Main Street, non rly uppro.Ve
the Depot. C331t1. c 13 I LB Y, Trust,e.
Dot IS•4
WE, the undersigned, respectfully iu
form our friend., and public gno oral ly, flint
1,1 11,*Vu oponuil
Now Sky-Light
In the new second story over the frame buildings
located a few d-ors south el the Post office, and nearly
opposite A. t itent2 II More, iItn.ILIL Ilatiortir strout.-
11 o hare constructed this (faller; according to our
Lnistrn, and flatter ourself, in man mg we hare tar the
hest arranged light lo town. To infirm mud deli
cate persna, .no will say tints (taller; Is inuoli easirl
all 11,0.1 Chan any In Mir place, be rig located on th e
second story, And rho story beneath ruing low, there
is not. ne 6.1 tower 01 stop+ to +mond.
Haring proton d the am:Ht.-lore of an experienced
operator. and patrols. d tiro ben Sind telex!
upper toe. ile air pn pared to produce pictures goal
to a oy other est., loUbaloo t. lit excel lid by New Yolk
or Phi adrlphia. Such us
E dot Whol,: l'Autographs,
Cartcl De 17.11te,
A Ilibrotyp, , s and Ferrotypes,
111 also Li t rod ore ft plc!. to thig V clot
ty to !Melt titst/ , 01101 1.1.11:1,114i in the titit a, called the
1 / no loten falcon at one ' , Ming at the low price of
$1 ell p•r dozen. Pictures Inserted in Lee hots, itt ego,
and Dins end copied or enlarged from old Daguerreo
types. Arobrotypoo, &e., ke Also, for FRif) a hoe lot of
rioturo Fronton and Albums We hope, by a strict at
tention to liunloons nod a desire to please, to receive
our share of the penile patronage. Do not forget
the place, a few doors south of the !'oat Office, South
Hanover Street. 11. 11. GROVE & SON.
A Very Desirable l'roperty in Church
town at Private Salo.
QITU ATE I) in the moat desirable bus
locallty and well calculated lor a private res.
ttleure or for buo•lnusH pdrpus. ti
Thu Lot contains 33 .cot lu (rout and 2to fo r t Jo
Thetroproi Llnenta fro a largo
11 0 U ,
hILUIE SI WV, and eta'lo at the foot of
tho 1 t -anon° home, and i.t her cons flout Buildings
Al extolltut well of water at too door and cistern In
thn yard .
The ollro prowleno are In good condition and will
110 dlapnaod of up f ruts ivable aortas Fur further par
tiLularts enquire of A L 81'0 snahlt,
Itodl I stato Agent, Carnal° Pis
Doc 2, 1864 —et
Valuab•e Town Property
ITUATED on South Hanover street
; Curbsle, Intel, seeupied by Win. liraltum, deed.
The lowtoeuneots e a large
lIU U 8 E,
g eith Brick Irolit, and Frame Back-build
tug, Frame house In the rear.—
.5, o'l'.k ISLE ondhs tont of the lot, lately
llrlek smoln-house, and an excellent well of we
nd at the door, the Building's niein good sepals,
and the vreinia, a will be 4214, bed of on the Wont fa
-Vora bledesune—Apply-tO ft - 11731'0WS • ,
Dec. '2, 1864.- ft Real f.atitte Agent.
Valtiable Real Estate for
.F virtue *of the directions in the 'will
I~orG.orge IV adder I" will woo° tb public
sale on the promises On Saturday tbq 24th day of De.
e' labor 1864; In Penn rwp.;'Cutub, Co., about one mite
from (foutfovillo, tato colloatos v4lUttbfar4f. patatn fp
lst a farm, Ware - tad on Yellow Bretraheti creek, bouc•
clod by lands of DrAfay's hake Soloman Brindle, James
Neweoiner, Ww. Means mud Henry Olbble , containing
. . 1'66 ACRES.
more or lees, bald nit thereon erected a Two Story Stone
; : II 0. USE , ' •
TN wlth.brlek ,frame Weather
- ' , i'4 . 9;11 iloardad honor), a Tenant house,'a good
BANK 'ti All Walton RUA, eta, aiid all
many 'noueoOttry out-buildings. Th. land to ptirtly
Liiii,tone, and partly Pine land wttb limestone. The
tat}ct has been llblu Orteei hallag994
of graftud fru i t nal 16, 1 7!,fivOry.r0P , Itnt:ft Tory daafrablS
property.. dud, A., tydat of_Mountatn land In eame torrneldp,
banfffk.l by lauds. ct 'Jahn Davie and °Mora, contain,
Ingr .. •
.9. 4,trlet op
(YU .WT4
adjoining t.140.009avai1d..40140.14140,r, pQntaining f 5,
k •
41180, t`iff , 14yo acre infp of poop mratI,:111:1kn;
Togoa fjp? of Sala. •Sa o co*.
14 .0:91 04 !‘bk. .
° t r bla
tiM4ptaißinillsiter 017 t1:1414,fm . 4 : 4 Ul to
Mo. 2, 1864,Lte
• '
. . ,
' Titoliailiratgniiestil) ply g r od - : - . 4 gpo. f o 4.. trot.
ra tOurbirrol cooper: Apply at JuiPtloa &Ulla, aboat
1 laticrsoutb of 'Clturolatoyvu
no2P 9t. . , • . . il, vv. unfits. - '
Information Free !
A GENTLEMAN, ourod of Norvous
L, Del,lllty, 'lncompetently Premature Decay, and
Vous ful Error, actuated by a dealre to benefitothers,
will be happy to furnieh to all who'need It, (free of
charge,) the recipe and directione for malting the aim.
plo remedy used in his case Salamis - Wishing to pront
by the adverttser'n bad experience, And pewee a flUte
and valuable remedy, an do se by addressing him at
once at his place of business. The Recipe and lull le.
formation—of vital importance—will ho cheerfully
sent by return mail. D. 001)
- - -
No. CO Yasuo Fitioot, Now York.
P. S. Nervous Sufferers or both sexes will Ur, this
Iforrustion !evolvable.
1/00. 2, 1 J13.4.-3ma
LUNGS.—Tho cold and change
able weather tolls terribly on those who have
V 111.11( and diseased lungs. Many aro nattering at this
time With affections of the throat and lunge. ikon
chitin is becoming a very common affliction. Those
who are predisposed to Colds, Coughs, bronchitis, to.,
ahoOrid avoid the night air. There are many propel
rationerecommended for these diseases, bet there is
not a doubt hut that Dr. Stricklaud'e liellifl don a Cough
Unlearn le the best remedy. We have known It to ef
fect cures in the worst cases of Coughs, Colds, Bron
chitie, Anthem, and primary cases of Consumption.
Dee. 2, 1164. ;
Arthur's Home Mage zine.
The 11 . 0318 31AGAZINE for 1866 will be enlarged
and improved, and made still more w , rthy of the em
inent favor with which it has been received, Ste
character asa 111011-TONED PERIODIO.tL, claiming
public Myer on the ground of real merit. will ho care.
lully attached ; while for variety, !merest, usefulness,
and all the attractione of ;literature and are essonti
to a tru• Ileum Magazine, the publishers will elm to
make it Sll P ER lalt To ALL OTtl EitS,
Aline Stool Engraving and two pagan of •Mtm lc, u ill
appear in every number, Insides choice pictures,
groups and characters. prevailing, lashiona; and a lar4o
rentals of patterns for garm.•nla, embroidery. etc-. etc.
In all te,pan 3CO %hall glee a Magazine,
at a price althin the reach of every intelligent family
iu the land.
A new story by T. S. ARTHUR will be commenced In
the January number.
Yearly Terms, la Advance.—One copy, $2 50; three
copies, 0.00 lire c , ples, and one to getter up of clubs,
$ 10 . 00 ; nine coplea, and one to getter-up of club, $l5 00;
A licauti ul Pit KNIIUtS PLATB entitled -TILE IN
FANCY of SIIAKSPEAItE." will be mailed to each
person who sends us a cltib of subscribers. It will oleo
be mailed to each single subscriber from whom we re
calve $2 50.
to- For $4.65 we will send ono copy each of game
Magstlne Audi:lndere Lady's Book for a year.
Bddreis T. S. A BTU 111 & CO.,
523 walnut Street Philadelphia.
Dec 2, IRr4
The Great Engltsh Remedy.
Prepared from a proscription of Slr J. Clark, M.D.,
Phpleian Extraordinary to the queen.
I -1 111S well known medicine is no ire
` p.,itioti.lint a Sure and sate remedy for Female
Difficulties and Obstrue lone, fren any cause whatever;
cud al 111.1101 a powerful remedy. it COO tab. 110thill4
hUlt. 01 to the comditution.
To Nlfrried Ladies it i. peculiarly suited. It will, in
a .host Ulna, W - 1 ag au the monthly period with regu
In ell roses of Nervous and Splni I All . ..miens, Pale
in the Rack and Limbs. Heaviness. Fictions on slight
eset thin, PalpitallUil of the Heart, Los,. 8 of t Spirits.
II) stories Sink Headache, Whites, and all the
di SeasCli occasioned by a disordered sy.d.em. these Pills
will rifest a rare when all other incase has,
The., Pills have never been known to f where the
directions on the 21 page of pamphlet are well ObSerr•
•d. for further particulars, get a pain phis , . free, of
the agent $1 and It postage stamps enclose - I to any
authorized agent. will insure a battle. containing over
50 pills, by return mail. W. ELLIOTT,
Dec. 2, 1861. A 'sot; .'ar'isle.
SoIJ for 50
7 5
''B 0 0
1)r. Shin • 'antra Melllthortui Couch Itaktun
rantncl to Cure Coughs. Itonr,110•4, A ROI
SS tworlog Cough. Sore Throat trot stnoption, and
affections atilt. Throat and Lung..
For nal° by all Druggiete Oen oral Depot, No. 6. R
Front Street. elneinmiti. 0
~ot,. y ...:; . . i , 1, 4..::r1A..7..y1
. i.4 .:..114
' ,!i&I- :.r _ %,:.
All the Medical men and the Press recommend Dr
Eltrlek land's A ntl-Oho!era tl ixturo as the only remit
reined , for Mei-thous and lis sentare. It IRA MU.'
lon of Astrin;ents, be , rb .nts. St.mulant. an I llir
mlnativiis. and ie wartauted to effect a curd utter all
other meanshare failed.
• . • . -
Per Bale by Druntiste. General Depot, No. 6 East
Fourth Street. Cincinnati. 0.
, ......,...:: . 1
0 0
Or. StricAland s pile Remedy hes cored theusso Is
of the sore) roses of Blind and Bleeding l'ilss. It , "os
immediate relief and effects a poruiatteot cure Try it
directly. It Is warranted to care.
For eels by all Druagists. Oenercl Drp .t. 0 East
Four b Street, Cincinnati, 0.
DR, STRICKLAND'S TONIC.—We can roc , mmend
ihoefi sugaring with loss it Appetite, Indigestion. nr
Dyspopsla, Nervousuu, and Nervous Debility. t • u,
St. ieldand's Toole It is a yoga) die fr e
from a'uotiolla liquors: lt strengtbotis the wholo ner
room system it cruitos ugo ,4 appetite, an 1 Is rem--
fantod to cure Dysprpßia and Nervoiim
For salt) by iiru4gl.te gmmrally. at $1 per bllttlo.--
Pr ptrrd by I). A, :. , trieltlaud, 6 East Fourth, Street,
Cincinnati, 0.
Due 2, 16t4.
rrIIE subscriber offers for rent, from
LLc is, 0. .1 pill next the hog, .:nit cOlllllll dwua
Dwelling !louse, hltuato:l on the soul
the 1 1 1111 lie Squat e. It huts all the mnelern linpro.o
meats, and well rale elated for a Lioardlng
No.. 18, 1644.—ti C INIIOI4.
1 , Letters testamentary on the estate of Thomas
Craighead deed., late of South Middleton Township,
having been leaned by the Regis er of CUPiberlarld
county, to the {subscriber, residing In said ! Twp.
Notice is hereby given to all persona indebted to mid
estate to make payment, and all having claims to
present them fur settlement to
' ""
NOV 18, 1861.-8 t
Letters tostamentnry on the estate or George
Vont.dou'd.. tutu all, borough of slochmulyxburg havo
been grunted by the Regkter of Cumberland t'aun ty
to Ell Yokt, retddling in 11111 0111110 borough All pennons
hay! , g claims ag.aln.t th.l canto pre•eo hum at
Amer, uud thaw indebted nail! to tsa ilp mudiste ray.
Illent in. J4LI YOST.
Nov. 20, lhot-tit. • I No'r.
The Rev. Samuel Philips' New
By Rev, Samuel Philips, A. M.,
Pastor of Me Reformed Church, CaiAde,
Pa., Auditor of "Gentbeen:tine and the
Cross," "The Christian Ilonze."
The object of thifi work le to popularize the theory of
of Union. II ed”niption through Ii Mud from a naty
endpoint;o to preoent Ito historical and practiced
'wets In an attractive form, sullied to the taste of tl
,enel el render The hu I j•ta Is novel, yet y
Iptorol, and teletord to that nee (4. hit ifs n'IW
1.10 ,, d010,1 In Whkil we now nee. 'I he Couto 0 01
tins volume will convey an idea of Ito ohoracier sod
design. The follon inure the ()hapts, s which. ; t ie
nook 111 compotes' :
Chepi or I.—Voices.
Ill.—Blood Bath n Vole.).
IV,—The Voico of Accusing Blood foom the
V.—The Voice of Typical Blood from the
Vl.—Tho Voice of Atoping. Blood from the
" Vit—w;ue Voice 9i Martyr Blood from the
VIII.—The Voice of Sacramental Blood from
Chrittian Altar.
" Vole* of Pleading Blood from the
Mercy Seat.
Xr-The Vole° of Witneriiing Blood from the
Judgement , Throne,'
" XL—The Voice of Avenging nliiod from fell.
Voice of Glorifying Blood In neav•
. . . 25 South HAth Se.; obove
I'll'ileADEbint lA.
• Pri°, $2,0.1. Paynble on Delivery.
VIA. Special' agent's wanted for Balling thin (look, to
whom a liberal 'clf6ediint will ho given. Apply. tidier
to rip) l'pblleher, or to the Author, et , Carlielo.
rev Dr, S• H• F. 4 1, e I I tikr: Oflbo'slesseniter
style:jp plramink RIM attrnatl4e; and the tenon!
pletSi,.,llb4e:tellreVldea It; drop and eminently practical.
flaw tinidono or ths work le decidedly:goo&
' , The'more I read jodE nrork;lb'e snore darn the.beau
ty end wonder of the subject unfolth-/ am stunned
. arltb ibe Aerrldlo- denunefatlons you hurl rgalust the:
elpster.PAt'pui.o*Wprweberrned youregeet.Doet,,,
r4maseptatpop, hOrnsit oy , ,thropgtihlood. , -, 4
44.0 , /,0'r.13,8 boo becii4Se lt OS y makes um tremble
'on accsaust.of my stou t buA Aso'eladness and Inspires
spa yrlt4tbe.bopo,Rf fit pcaniapte /tad . eternal ,ernand.
nation from sin .tbrougbAp of atonenzint.— ,
Letlor t.o gie Author.
F . AMILY: coLons,
FAMILY PEE C0L011. 2 _ „4„.8
For Rent
Adman lKtrator
Publlabed by
Valuable - Real Estate at Public
UNDER an order Of sale from the Or
phan-. Court, the undersigned will expose to
Public dale Ou the premises the Boat listate of William
T. Kennedy deo' d., to wit :
No. 1. A.lot of ground in Frankferd twp., adjoining
lands elf 'Samuel Diller, Henry Miller and otlionvemo.
tattling 10 acres 48 perches. On this
lot there Is a two story ' •• •
0 (4 El 0U S g 2 2
a small BANK BARN and good well'Olt•• 4, ,
of water, a One
of excellent fruit trues.. This land le in first rate con
dition having been recently well limed
No. 2. A lot of kround in 14=0 Township near the
above bound by Peter Myers, Tobias Dewalt and °Were
containing 8 acres 145 perches,
No, 3. A lot of ground is same Township adjoining
Tobias Duwalt J. H. Lact'ey and others containing - 10
mean 40 patches.
No. 4. A tract of Mountain Land In the same Twp.,
bounded by Samuel Diller, Jesse Kennedy and °there
containing about 270 acres. This tract has been divid
ed Into four Lots of _About b 2 acres each and will bo
sold. It has HOMO excellent eheannt and pine timber
upon it.
Tho above properties are situated In McClure 's Gap
and will be sold on Saturday the 17 December next at
to o'clock A. M.
G. A lAA In the Borough of Neaville being Lot No.
GO in Ahi'e apiciltiou bounded by Chesnut street and
Fairfield alloy containing 40 foot in front by 140 feet
in dopth. This Lot will ho 'sold on the prernieee on
Friday the Di December at 1 o'clock I'. al.
Any person wishing to viow the premises can do so
by calling on the subscrltier, or Licitly Miller adjoining
property No 1.
Terms will bo made known at time of Salo.
6.011:1:1, DILLER.
Adair, of %V. T. Kennedy, deed
Nov. 25, lbdt.—to
Valuable Town Residence
ituated in Pomrret Street Carlisle, and
orHspied by `.l rt. M, 'rho Lot
containa no feet in front and _4l 6.110 depth.
The Miprorereents are a cf
And Back Building, ;
together with other convenient out Buildinge. A
great variety of fruit, Slower. and Shrubbery on the
Lot. Water introduced, and the entire premiao,lo the
most thorough repair.
The above property is most elegantly located and
will be disposed of on the most favorable terms.
For further particulars inquire of
Nov. 18, 1864.—bt. A. L. SPONSLEit ,
Real Eatate Agent.
L 0 S T.—On Tuesday 6vening a
Hickory Care, with buck horn hlndle, torso
luernie on the end. This easels 4411111,10 only to the
owner who prizes it on 3,COU 11 t r f asAncistions eoneet—
ed with it n firmer ownersh.p. A reword will to paid
for its return to this ofike.
Nuv. 10. I 4,A.--;It.
A. Family and an Agricultural Journal,
Cllioiee Literature, including Poetry,
)Novel6tte, Tab—, and \ loral and Entertaining
Ifrn ling e,tiora 11)-1 n Ow Literary D.parttnent we
still present the .• v,ieties within the reach of
out extended name, 'I he Novelettes, 'Ni es. Poetry.
die , shalt be supplied (non the best and highent ton,-
s, unit to 'hunt to anything to bo found in Ally Jour.
Ind Or mein-tine.
AtiltlCULlCltr, AND fir emhrtteing
Perming. tint &..o. our labors in
this departmeitt for over thirty years, have met the
,•ordial approhition of the public. !Mr purpose has
lo.on to tut rich useful and reliable Int rtuation upon
111000 very Ittlilol !ant inaueltos of industry, Ftnd to
pr-teet them so Itr ns althin our power against the
!also doctrine,: and RPM h purr, of the many em.
pfriro and, ailveotti4es by which the Farolol
Is Incessantly a,..tiled Thus pro tout i t the German
town Te!e4rapli Is alone ii,rth iii, 0 lisle prfai of suf.
ill S DFP IC ENT —Tie same, care,
Ire I, 'll,l i'..H311 , !I ,rid prep,o-lo g . lire
Stirrio, I v 1.1,± bf t lo• hni. esnr,sly for 11114 paper,
wird, lu toot, It., i ~, • 11 otte• el its 111.1rIse11 uro,
of I.IIJ i SO IS t.l, i..n, trill I, coritinuei
with rednuldral effort to moot the ticre.ll.lll.4 dolllands
of 1.1,011,1 , ,,
dollar:: per nnmiln nne dollar for
..ix n Vet 404'1 wl I bout the ~,a sh
and .111 ,41../.criptimls stopped the 01,1 the time
paid tor. Adlresr. hlFll.ll'
Editor ant hap, iotor I ir•rtilM II LOWII, Flittida • l'a.
Every - Person's Interest
C. SA.WYI.:I3, respectfull
th 4 &tooth-. or (very 101 y t., his fin—
mont;e Stork or Wmter Coeds ,lust rod Imught
for emsh and nll of I, to.iu —3l price, from
A T ,towart. ACU ‘l . llOlll 011 ht AMP, & Mutpb)
tier. Now 1 ork
P11.. 0 ;0 %V Ire, I. I fut... A, I, , lhus
W. 41114 Go an,l 1 , 1 r,
Compoeing the latent. 1,, el ell culoru
kind, ul Ice, is plain eAurs, barred,
figured eps ac.
All ititAlb of
Eourning Goads,
(tom NtyerF, Sow Yurk. Aro F t stsiom f Mantilla.,
ireularn arid Cola, li,ol air ogpthlally in my
Fur, Of 'Ol I,lmh and go , d gnallrlrc. brnugbt from
A. T. 8:e . .% art Tiny rmt4i, t their tiulo
S II A Itil S
of °my varinty. Broeho, Nlouruing, photo Barred for
LadioN aad 0 1 kboa.
Woolen Oocelft, Ladles' tuderveNts
Trhnming, &C.
?fen's and 6nv'x
_ .
1..k.0 , 1n are inado apt ..rder iu the (t eat wyle end
at .hart notice. Undel Flljl td, Urn Ners,
(.41 , /vos Ae..arig in.111.•3.
Tho largest, f.tool: of Dom.:l ie Ll..ods In tho county.
01/ CI Ahs. Ifl.n Arty :11,1 every nth, vnrie-
GOOda 1,1, in a t fry morn.
.7••tlev • 1 n•,•I , io..•11•1 porno nut
I tio,o madt. I.• e••••• 1,0 e. 1%,,
In tl,•• rr lo Pr ti•i , PlenPe
rail eX:1 , 11i1i0 I•U• 111,11, • 1•••• o 11010, no I ant
mined 11.1 to the old
stn.], East R,du ctrnuL ono d•ool bolow lln do's lintel.
Nov IR, IV C. SA W
The subscriber interult: publishing as
I , Ow rp.t...•,,trY
dul•hrie, , et the roll!, Pen,-
, A o.•rps ru et ilde are , eiv cativo,-
tho dilTrdeni ~ , on Thir, I ilLetory will I,ill
-n., fir a of a••r 111/All 0 , MI m bualllt.s4 t
F, m their tur,diuot, td,ldos 1110 wanes 01 . 1111 for as
got) of I Ire farmers in the State; also
corporate bodies, flanking Institutions, Post Offices
and other useful and public inlormation . livery man
of business knows the %aloe of a reliable Director, and
to make it such the suhicrilior would ask tho aid of
the public in giving such Information as the canvass.
era may sock.
As an advertising medium, sn rare an opportunity
If seldom of —terms for whirl m 111 be made known
by the can VaiiSttlli, who will show their aulhoilty lo
act, and receive any motioy offered them, for witieh
they mill v - ritit a pu In buil receipt with my name. with
out m bleb the su Lai ri to, m ill not hold hlmselfroopon-
Pal tir . s are requebtcd not to pay any without
such a receipt.
A rowers CPI twenty fie° dollar , will bun paid f.,r the
approlionof in and cons ietion 01 all , 11110 who Oilers to
ieeeive en soy in the surhscrilior'o mune' win Inlet aq•
1101 ity arida further relined nil %verily five dollar I'•r
the n. root and conviction nit any man who signs the
!tame of Adana.. 6.tinpson & f• •r ru h a wore—se
those parties are not getting up .11 , h a h as stated
by swindlers. . 15 MU GOP:ILL,
Nov. IC 1644. l,r his agent J. Ct./S . l d.
Valuable Real Estate For Sale.
r LIE subscriber offers the following
_IL described valuable Real Fstete for wile.
NO. 1. A FARM,
pituntad in Vermilion county Illinois contalng 130
AOItES. of good dry Ib aide Landr'• Seventy Area are
under ultivatiun with a erop of corn. and 10 acres of
timber near the flint' with plenty of stock water. Tho
Imildlnga are of au orillatry chum , ter.
of 1140 AORHS in Vcrrnilion county 111. The land In
good prairie, and 300 Acres 01 it are uoilor fcnoo and
cultivation within 4 miles of tiood Um) tr. 'lb() iro
provocitints aiu a gout
I)welling House, -
rooms. Stalila large onlioL;11Vjli.
to hold 10 boric,
NO. 3. Is A 70 ACRE - FARM,
in Effingham county 111. FORTY' ACRES cultivated
Thu buildings are ordinary. Price Ei6so
NO. 4. A FAltbi,
of 2200 Acres. 1500 Acres under fence, balance in
grass and timber- A good
containing I rooms. •
No. O. Is br Farm of 875 . Aores- of .
Pyario Land,
all under folios Willis superb
co. taining 16 roams. Dorn 160632 ft Stock yard,
,Work nhop,,Tool. Unties., ,;irooko •Ilouse,—Y.OUNLI , 011.
,C 114.111).. An Artusinn I;inpitain, which runs a mo
st not stream uf 42 gallons per minute of too purest
and bust water. This Panitain oe'ver freezes in the
reddest, nor never diminishes in the dreeet weather.
This property is ultusted In Iroquois county. 111, at
the Sunetion of several Railroads.. a pile , ' of this .
property is, $10.,4) The Improyptanta alone,'erist trds
suet._ aped eastern p%oporty iyould be (aut/ in Part
' •
y ay
No. (1;• For:s'ittol or, 16nt.a.,.5t04ip4..,Ner-
chant Milk,
built of brick. 31111 ifourio 46.70 it, 22 . Inch* .wall. 4'
ntorloahluh. alollol polo° 115142 tr.. COnvonlont roap
or shop: Tho tu.ll has run loam than 2 jeara, and lain
the' heat f artUlat grovlagpolahhorlino4 r4}a 8 tate.—
This pron. , rky li' Way (Runty, Indl. nu.
furtliat"ddarilpticarrmparticualrs addrftia
hubdatibora at NU. Talnparauco II all.. udlarninolis
-` , 9110 : 13AlthITZ EON.
.. "
• Letters'of Ailmlnietfathin 'oat•tha estate of Wm.
T. annady. (toed. late of Frantsrord townahlp;lmelog
been gritoted to - the aubeerlbar melding - 1111Mo ,• - sama
township riotimilibereliy Oren to all persona trideatodi
ailit estate to make paytaopt , amt t,laoso , havlog
claims to preoent them to
kaatTll, BILLER, •
,Qet. 28,189¢.-0t
Carlisle Deposit Bunk:'
A dividend of Five-per dint. acid &b d..
,CAFlee per cent Extra, hee of prawn:mut sad
state taxes, has ibis day been declared, by tb* Boird
of Director. out of the Profits of the Bank. let Uwe
laid six mon ths,' which will bo paid over to the ateolt.,
holden or their legal .ropreisntatiers upon demand
being wade for th, , same. W. Id BEEM%
.Nov. 4, 1864. Cashier:.
A N Election, for Nine Difect,ors or
,Ci s the Carnal° Deposit Bank, to serve for the epee"'
lug year will be held, at the Banking Musa, In the.
Borough of Carlisle, ou Moadap the 21st dim of NO.;
lgul, between the Blurs of 10 o'clock A. pt., aIIO S
o'clock P. M. By order of the BoarcrOf Directory; •
W. hi. DEEM. QIN*
Nov. 4.184.—50
_IL BOUNTY BONDS are now ready. fbr dell . tis
sums of Ono hundred, Nivo Hundred and One Than*
'sod dollars, with coupons attached; the interest par
able semi annually , at the Carlisle Deposit Banis:' Arne
person baying money to lod will And it en iamb**
to invest to said Hoods as the State Bounty IaWAX
om ptu them from Taxation. Application to bk . :guide
to A. Cathcart, Prealuent of Town Outman, as Jos.
Ogliby, Secret*. y.
By order of Town COllll°ll,
JOS. w..ooTrattit.
Betsey of,Corporattet.
Nov 4, 1864
Burt's Rat' and Mouse , Roach and Ilea
Bug Destroyer.
gIITIS popular and reliable article for
destroying vermin° should be used by all persona
troubled with such poets. It never falls, sold 10
lisle at Elliott'e Drug Acne, Ilaverstlekle, I rug &BOQIL
Store and by D. Ralston, Drugglet., IL M. BMW,
13 North Eleven Street, PhlbSdellOW
Prloo 25 dr per bor. (Large Slse)
Nov. 4. 1804.-1 y
Waaonmaker Shop to Rent.
subscriber has erected - a largo
We ponmaher shop and ;Hoehn:Mil shop via South
trout Carlisle, thu smith Shop Is occupied by Pete.
Myers, who in doing a large business. The wagon—
maker shop in not yet oectupled,—o good workman wOO
wishes to carry on a large busiturot would nod this a
favourable oppn: to nity. The 'bop may be !easel, Ibr
number of years on favorable terms. Apo), to the
subscriber. W. ]!LAIR,
Nov. 18r4.--30 °trite*, PL.
First National Bank, Carlisle.
TIIIE Directors of this Bank have de
tiered a Dividend of Ten per cent. free from
National Tax, on the Capital Stock, nut of the prone
of the last six mouths. 0. lloFaliltt,
Nov. 11, 180 i. Cashier.
J. BOAS'S Store,
Opposite the Carlisle Deposit Bank
Would ynu buy your hats right cheap
Please call at Boas' store,
In North Hanover street he keeps
it Is name in on the door.
Thore Ladles, Men and Children toa
Are fitted all the while,
His hats are good, and hate proved Ire.;
No better in Carlisle.
Cape for Soldiers, Mon and Bola
You all can here obtain,
For Ladino and for Children§ ruin
You need not oak in vain.
Fur cape, Fnr oollarsand Fur Gloves
All neatly made and warm;
Ylne woolen Shirts and woolen Drawers
For comfort in the storm,
Tests, Jackets, Huse, Neckties and Scarf.--
All thew he keeps to sell,
Whips, ,mtuforts, canes and notions too
Too numerous to tell.
Satchels and trtvelim Sackett , fw Ladies, market
and Set , ltt-: , ,, rat pet tlAgs and Valiees. The
Inn.te , t ak.t.ortment unkn ' , opt et any house to
t A krg9 varicty of 4e.t.1, 0/o,tlll. A very
largo floor trot vi woolen 6ilirta,
Tabacco and Sear kc. Please call and a.. Me
stuck u: J. 11UA.5`,.3gaut. •
Novomber 1, 1504.-Bm.
j l ll E undersigned, successor to D. P.
Hazel ton. would leapo,tfully Inform hie Mends
cud the public ~, tlerally, that Ito Intends to maintain
the character of ' ths oboe house as heretofore, and will
keep vonstautly ou baud a largo sagortment of
he., se.,
11th he can sell as cheep an any other establishment
In Carlisle, If nt.t cheaper.
tllctr - County Landlords will find this the piece to
buy their.
Both in regard to quality and price
Ills stock is lingc And moll selected, mud he invite
n cell purchesing elsewhere. Remember Lbw
place. youth 11,mover street, directly opposite the "Vol
unteer "Printing lake. f Winter's old stand, (Carlisle-
November 4, 1864—tf. T. J. KER.
very desirable private residence will
sold on reasoo•iblo terms. It Is e large three
ately with ail the modern Improvements end 19
ocated in one of the best portions of - Carlisle. Apply
o JUIIN 11.111, Atty at LAW.
Oct 7, 18134,—tf
A Choice Farm for St& 1•
••• - • •
Jsmall farm of THIRTY THREE
.ICltES,adj.daing the village of Plainfield fs Of.
lured for Fa la lcilllB La-aerate and easy. The
tuvuti are a tarp. • .
DOUBLE HOUSE, , 2 , 4 •
ne end of which is IIItINC. and the ; -
oLher lit A5l Sue FRAME' BARN • •
Ith the nece,ary attachments to • •.
loth house and barn. The laud is smooth cud fortilw.
roarer n rock can be found upon the whole tract. No
more attractive little xoparty was aver offered for sale
in this County. For particulars apply to amkin A.
DUN BAIL, Attorney at Law, Carllalor,Po.
Sept. 2, 1084 • •
' To Whom it May Concern."
Greenfield & tilrolt - tar
ARE happy to inform the public that':
thov have just returned horn NEW yoes vita
a now and dokdrahlo , took of goods—helnitt at pow,.
reduced Nines, which will bceold OD tho +Maud Viiia
popular principle of
QUICK SALES AND ssaul, Pacants.
DRESS G00D5,...
sentah Plaids, Wool Pladls, Zephyr , r ileddii, Egpm
Cloths Plald slohalre. Ottimore Clothe Atnoslla. pfra•;,
theas, Alpacae In all colors, Ealb..4ll**6
lalnes Cabana, &a., ko.
Balmoral Skirts.
A fall assortment for Ladles and Clilldrett..,
-- CLOAKS and.FURSI - •
A largo and desirable stook of Cloaks
bought in Nbw York which will bo sold lower thew
biliOV , here.
D. 0 M .F 4 .S TA 0 .8
➢e Lain es, Cheeks, Prints. Muslin*, Oingbems,Cantoit•
Flannels and Tiokings, all to be sold at greatibargelUsl.
NOTlONS.—ltoblury, White Goods, tte: . ,
CaPihnores, Satin °Us. :hams, do . A 'flat .**
6.1 . 1 MOU t or magorin's cplobro tad 110ma.4.44a Goods *
way s on hand.
Dou't buy any Mud o' goods until you have 'fine
called on GithEN mut) &.:3111.:AFElyo notetbe wag
dlfforeu co between the prioes asked Ibr gouda theialind
oluowhoro.• „
.. . '
Goods rocolved daily from New Tort and„Phtlodelo
East 31113 u Strbot, South indo,
2d door, 2d door, 24 door Novo ter,
Nov.ll, 1805.
. , t- t
: : 1 .1C 7 .6 . • j. • •
tvi ',Or o - N t 1 -
I!Idles and Centlottido; tot .
jmarry, address the utidersig-ilad: 421,11• A l, lend
you without looney und_ulthout price, Valuable In
formetiou that avnl onsble , you to runny happy and
speedily, irrespeettpu or Nge, , ,l.ttlAttril'air beenty. This
,inforamtion will cost you, nct.hlpg, an d' ypu w)sh to
inirrY; Will'cheerfully esslet 3ou'. " The 11:-Idred lrifor•
tentiondLoutby return mall, and no' quetalo.u• salved,
address ;A rah D. Lambert, °reappoint glut Do.,
.Nr0t.'18411804, 4 2t00 ' • ROAN.
• • '•• "Wit • lt.•ooci
. tolaceopraiiip pgiqi.o.l4ts, •
Surgeon and ,
QicitlOE in
strtoti itaioltikos tit, 2Nleibool,tes , atini f o , _
. ply 1, 18C4. ^
Brick House,
Wanamakor &Brown,
Corner of Bth Market ; Stritedly
- ,
'Out tosn:
No. I. g9utP StL 134mt.J
Good oty.leoond ri4oonn bt