TERMS'OF ADVERTISING. One Square ono insertion, el 00 For each subsequent insertion. ?or 31e canine Adver tisemcnts, Legal Notices Proles. ional Cards without paper, Obituary Nr ti.tia an Commurde— tionl rel ting Io matte sof pd. Tato interests alone, 10 cents per lino JOB PRINTING.—Our Job Printing Of to the largeat and most complete establishment in the Donn y. Four good Presses, and a general variety of material suited for pianism' Fancy work of every 'kind, enables us to do Job Printing at the shmtest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. Persons In want of Bills, Blanks, or anything in the Jobbing lino, will find It to their interest to give us a call. goal flformatioa. U. S. GOVERNMENT President—Animal 111 LINCOLN. Vico President—Ha:Q:l[m. Hairtue, Secretary of State-19x. tr. SEA' SOD, Secretary of Interior-7NQ. P. USHER. Secretary of Treasury—Wu. P. EENSENDCN, Secretary of War—Foo - ter M. Srvrrox, Secretary of Navy-010E0 WELL., Post Master Get.eral—MONTOO/IrliT BLOC, ttoruey t/enernt—ltow‘en Barre, "Latief Justice of the Unitel S sites--Itoozu B Taxrr STATE GOVERNMENT • r_tovernor—Amonav G. Ct arra, Seen:l.-erg of statts—Eta Surza. Survey°, General—Jura.. hint, __ t editor 00[1.211711—/Kl“: SLF,KI,II, Attorney tioneral—Wm. L. M rum T . Adjutant General—A L. Itrs•att, State Treasurer—lles:Br D Moon& ChielJnctie of the Supremo Court—GEO. W. WOON AWARD. COUNTY OFFICERS President Judge—lion. James 11. Graham. , Associate Judges—Hon. Michael Cocklin, Urn ug,ll Stuart District Attorney—J. 'W. D. Gillolen. Prothonotary—Samuel Shireman. Clerk and Recorder—Ephraim Common, Register—Geo W. North. High SherilT—J. Thompsog Itippey. County Treasurer—Henry S. latter. Coroner—David Str.ith County Cmntni,sionors—Michael East, John M. lby, Mitchell McClellan, Superintendent of Poor llourze—Henry Snyder. Physician to Jail—Dr. W. W. Physician to Poor House—Dr. W. W. Dale. BOROUGH OFFICERS Phlet Burgess— Andrew B. Zie;..-ler Town COUnc:l-6aat Ward —I 0. Rhin-hoar t 3onlina P W. I). G..orzr r•Lel West Ward—Geo. 1. Mom. Past. ,n. A. Cat!" cart, Jno. It. l'Arker, D. I: •1V.3 , , i're,,th•nt of Council, A. Cathcart t Irk. Jo.. W. %Rai tl,y. high ',to...La:lie :rani ttcl :quo 11 srd Conciable Andrew Martin. Assessor- -.I .ffi ; t.h ill. Assistant As,essors,J.o Moll,' (leo. S. Littet.c.. Audltor—llm , ert 1> C.memo. Tax Collector— Alfred littla , hen rt. Wlr.l C re. tors—East NV ,J, A dmith. nrst ‘‘n,.l. I Corr., n Street Com ..tier. AA , r l,y It . si,the,, JuiilerA of the k. David ',anti Abrtu. DultulT. %Li •kt art II tlc ttut.. Limp :4pan;lqr CHt.'l:c.f Es Tlrgt Progbyt - erlth Chun. Ire Sganro. lLev t• every Su, ?lornlittz at A. Al . arni o'clock P. 31. Second Presbyterian Chu., h. corner ..t tz.,uth Han over and Om:if - rel. street.. ttr.. JOllll Sorvi,es commence at 11 P. M. St. John's Church. t,Prf , t hpkropal!narthea,t angle of Centre :. 4 kLuaro. .1I or. :',/ - vlce, at It o'clock A. ,a Id "'cl,4 h. l• Engii.ll I,uth,ran Chur. h. h.J 1. I,l'a een Ind I,,ither •.r.•-t: t • 0. 1 1 1,10 r. - ==M German Rd - or-Lotl tie ?.p Ilan neer an.l Pitt m S du eel t up•. Services at 11 o'claek A. Si.. and p Moth Llist R. Chareh and Pitt zqr , ets. , IU, 11. :1/., L., I'a>; or Servicesal 11 o ; clueb. A. Nl.. a1;t1 •riorr , .., p Dl echodist E. Ch.-. h I,,COLtti L Bowman, Pdst.r. Etaory Church I o'clock A. M., and .. v. m. • Church of e,t1.11 e.krner of Wc-st stret and Chapel Alley. her. It. I. %, Pee . wea at 11 a, tn., nod p. Patrick's Cat h .lie rho Pomfret near Fast Ylei• Pist•,r.;Sere,ne el et y truer rat bath. at In I,'clo.it. Vesp.r- at •; 1. Gorman Lutheran Church. corner ef Potlfret and liodlorit streets. Rev C. Fri tae,east :ors Ices at 11 o'clock I'. NI. tti.a.Whert chances in [ht. 41" re a., lie vs', proper parsons are rogue-tea u“thi, DIOEINSUN COLLEA Rev llorman M.Johnsort, U. .I.d Pro rossor of \lora! r3rionLo. William C. Wilson, A. M., Profe, M Nal oral Science and Curator u the Museum. Rev. William L. A Greek and d eructn Languages. Samuel D. 11111tuau, A. M., Prof,. ear of 314theula John K.Staytn In, A. M., Prof, ~r of the Latin and French Language:, Win. James IlrthAm, LI. D . Proles:, of Law. Ite•. Iloury C. Cueat..,u, 1. II • Principal wf tho Ciraunuar John Hood, A osthlaut ILI the G ramular School BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS E. Comma n, President, James .1.11.1111t0n, 11. Saxton IL C. Woodward, Ilenry •eo stool. t' y II unol ieh Seet'y, , J. W. Eby, TreAsu rer. Johu Spilt,. 31 C 1,7,11 4e r Meet on the Ist Monday 01 e-ach Month at S o'..lock. A Si., at Education Hall. CORPORATION CVALISLE RINK —l . re , idrilL, it. 31 Homier W M. liectern Cash .1 Hassler and C. B. Pt:abler Tellers, W. M. Piratiler, Co Jerwoo meager. Directors, IL. M Pre.ident G C. Woodward, Sidles Woodburn. Vows Wicker, John Zug, W, W. Dale, John D. liereas , Jmepn J. Logan, Juo. Stuart, jr. Itsr NaTtmi *J. tOocz..—Prosidant, Samuel Hepburn Ca-bier. Jos, C. Hoffer, Teller, Abner C. Brindle, Mes senger, Jesse Brown. Wm. tier. John Dunlap, Woods, John C. Dunlap, .soar Brenneman, John S. Sterrett, Sam'l. Hepburn, liar,tor, CLIMLICRLAND r•LLCS /LULE , tt, C 172 P arr.—President. Predarlek Watts: Secretar and Treasurer. Eduard M. Riddle: Superintendent, O. N. Lull. Passertge 'trains three tittles a day. Carlisle Arvin:unto abet. Hastivard, leaves Carlisle 5 55 A. M., arriving at Car , Lisle 5.20 P. M. Thrtiu.th trains E i.stirsrd, 10.10 A. stud 2 42, I'. AI. 1 Vest . . ard at 9.27, A. M., and 2.55 P. M. CARLISLE Gas AND WAI ER COMPANY.- President. Lent ue! Todd; Treasurer, A. L. Spon.ler ; .thsorge Wise: Directors, F. Karts, Wu,. L. Reeteto, 13. N. Biddle, floury Saxton, IL C. Woodward, J. V.. Patton, 1. Uardoer and D. S, Cruft. SOCIETIES Cumberland Stm Lodge No. 197, A. V. M. meets at Slarion Hall on the 2,Ld aud 47h rode °I oval month. Bt. John's Lode No. 260 A. Y M. 3d Thom slay °reach mouth, at Marto:, Hall. Carlisle Lodge No. el L,) or,i F. Meets .`..'under _: averting, at Trout's Windier, FIRE CWIP.INIES The tfulon Fire Cumptuy nt- urzauiewl In 1769 House In Lowther luotuut•u l'itt and danorer The Cumlborland Fire I: Aneavy was ine.Lit LI ted Feb 18, 1808. 113 usu iu liadeurd, !.,atlreuu Mall, au • I 1.u.. fret. The Good Will Fire Cunt - Ivey vas insttiuto4 in March, 1855. House in Pomfret. oi_ar flaunter The Empire ii , ok and I.l,idarewrinany institu ted In 1959. Hnu