Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, November 18, 1864, Image 1

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•One Square one insertion, $1 00
Por esob subsequont Insertion,
Por.lifo• motile Ad'rerttsetnents,
Legal Notices
Professional Cards Without pnpor,
'Obituary Neti pea anu Communicu
tions psi Ling to matte! sof pri
vate Interests alone, 10 cents per
JOB PRINTING.—Our Job Printing °Mee in the
largest and most complete establishment In the
Bond 7. Feltz. good Preside, and a general Tar(ray of
material suited for plain and Fancy pork of 'every
tied, enables ns to do Job Printing at the shortest
vlotico, and on the most reasonable terms. Persons
in went of Bills, Blanks, or anything in the Jobbing
dine, Will find It to their Internet to give us a call.
gum. guformatiou.
`Prosident—Annattas LINCOLN,
Vico Preoident--Hanarnau
Secretary of State—War, U. SE WARD,
Seerokary of Interior—trio. P. MOMS.
Secretary of Treasury—Wm, P. FFESENDEN,
',Secretary or War—l Dsviii M. STANTON,
Secrotary of Navy—Groson WELLF.S,
I'oat Muter General-31orroomonT BLAIN
ttorney tloneral—hrDwanD BATES,
1.14.10 f Justice, of the United S. ntes—liou sn B TONE?'
to ovornor—Aunum G. CURTIN..
Score tory of State--Ett Stara,
Surveyor General—JAmrs
Auditor General—MAAo SLENICFM,
Attorney General—Wu. 31. Ms ohm ro.
djututt General--A h. ltoosett,
trttoto Treasurer—llENßY D. Moons.
, ChlofJuitic of the Sopron:to Court—Gho. W. WOOD
President Judge—llon. James H. Graham.
Associate Judges—lion. Michael Cocklin, llcn
Hugh Stuart.
District Attorney—J. W. D.(lllJoist'.
Prothonotary—Samuel Shfreman.
Clerk and Recorder—l:ph ratio Common,
Register—Goo W. North.
nigh Sheriff—J. Thompson Rippey.
County Treasurer—lionry S. Ritter.
Coroner -David Smith.
County Commissioners—Michael Root, John N.
boy, Mitchell 51cOloilan,
Superintends nt of Poor House—nano , Snyder.
Physician to Jail—Dr. W. W. Dale.
Thy/felon to Poor house—Dr. W. W. Dale.
Miler Ilurgess 7 - Andrew ➢. Ziegler.
Agststent Burgess—Robert AI I ifloll
Town “Council—bact Ward—J. D. Rhineheart,
'Foshan P. 8/xler,4. W. D. Glitelon, George Wetz el, Wert Ward—Geo. L Miirray, 'thee. Paxton, A. Cath
cart, Jae. D. Parlter, J no. D. tlerpa, President, of
Council, A. Cathcart, Clerk, Jos. W.
High Constable Samuel Sipe. Ward Countable,
Andrew Martin.
Assosaor—John Gut.shraL ASSlAtant Assessors, Jn 0.
Moll, Geo. S. %atom.
Auditor—Robert D. Cameron.
TAK Collector—Alfred - Ithinehenrt. Word Collec
tors—East Ward, Chas. A. Smith. West Ward, T,.
Gornmsn, Street Commissioner, Worley B. Matthews,
Justices of tho sponslor, David Smith.
Alum. Dehuff, aflohnelleornb.
Lsinp List tars--- Ghtaa • 11. Mock, James Speriglar.
Flrnt Presbyterian Church, Noithsvest angle of Cen
tre Square. Rev. Conway P. Wing faster.—Sort ices
every Sunday Morning at 11 o'clock, A. 31., and 7
o'clock P. M.
Second Presbyterian Church, curlier of South Han
over and Pomfret streets. Her. John C Blum, niqh.r.
Services Communes it 11 o'clock, A. M., and 7 o'calelt
S. John's Church. (Prot Episcopal) norlhcast. an,clc
of Centre Square. hcv../ C Bator . 4 c r,
at 11 o'clock. A. ,; P
Luthcrao .!hor• h. ' .. iii.
strl I.9inhor Rev . ttr
vices at 11 o'clock A. ti., ~± 111,4 i•clur6 I. \
lletrman iteform.l ituteittlll
ovor and Pitt xi rootx toy. ast
.ierviceß at 11 o'rlock A. Si., nnoi if 1004,1. f 11
3foth),llqt 1 , ..1.311.11 . 01 (111 . St ch.tr4,)
Mid litt, dtr•ets. Rev. thoituts II .--11,!
9ervicg6At 11 urulneh A Al. awl 7 .
51;iiNtitligt Obi%rub 0ue,.11‘.1 chary,/ ,ter. S. I.
Bowman. Pastor. :.ervicovln Nutory 31 r..Churub al 1
liti_4!,l 31.
Chitral of find Smith kVest corner of West street
and Chapel Alley. !toy. B. F. Buck, Payto . See, fees
at 11 a, in., and 7 p.m.
St. Patrick's Catholic Church, Pomfret near East st
Rev Pastor. Services every other I:itt,
bath. at 10 o'clock. VeSpers at 3P. 31.
German Lutheran Church, corner of Pomfret sod
Pedford streets. Rev. C. rritzo, Pastor. Son ices at
11 o'clock P. NI.
vEsywhen changes in the above are necessary the
propbr persona are requested to notify us.
DICACIN SON -- CO lit Dalt-
Rev. !Taman 3f. Johnson, D. D. , Prosici.-ni and Pro
Goon), of :11oral Science.
William C. Wilson, A. M., Professor of Natural
Science and Curator o' the Museum.
Bev. William L. Boswell, A. • Professor of the
Greek( and Gorman Languages.
Samuel D. 11111mon, A. 'M., Profa rwor of 31ntliemot
John K. Dtaym An, A. M., Professor of the Latin and
French Languages.
lion—James It. 43 rsham , LL. D , Professor of Law.
Rua , . ['miry C. Choston, A. El , Principal of the
Grammar tlehool.
John Ilona, Assistant in tho Grammar School
E. Cornman, Pres Meat, Jamas Clamiltnn, H. Banton,
R. 0. Woodward, Henry Newsham. Hunterlch,
faect'y , J. W. Eby, Treasurer, John Sphar, Messenger.
Meet on the lot Monday ()react Month at 8 o'clock A.
M., at Edt*Ation Hall.
Orating Deposit BANG—President, it. M. Minder.
eon, W. M. Bottom Cash. J. P. Ila.snler and C. IL Miller
Tellers, W. M. Pfahler. Clerk, Jno. Underwood Mee.
Ranger. Director», it. M. Henderson, President, It. C.
Woodward, Stiles Woodburn, Moses Bricker, John, W. W. Dale, John D. Gorges, Joseph J. Logan,
Jon. Stuart, Jr.
Fleet NATIONAL BAXC.—PrORIdOIIt, Samuel Hepburn
Cashier. Jos. 0. Roper, Teller, Abner C. Brindle, Mes
senger, Jesse Brown. Wm. Her, John Dunlap, Bided
Woods, John C. Dunlap, ISAAC Brenneman, John S.
Sterrett, Sawn Hepburn, Directors.
Frederick Watts: Secretary and Treasurer, Bdward
U. Biddle: Superintendent, 0. N. Lull. Passenge.
trains three times a day. Carlisle Accommo•etion,
Eastward, leaves Carlisle 6.66 A. M., arriving at Car-
HMS 5.20 P. M. Through trains Bastwerd, 10.10 A. 51.
and 2.42, P. 55. Westward at 9.27, A. M., and 2.55 P.
pet Todd; Treasurer, A.. L. dpon,ier; titiperlutuiftleut
George Wise; Directors, F. Watts, Win. 71. Denture,
H. Biddle, Henry Sexton. U. C. 'Woodward, J. W.
Patton, F. Uairdner and I). 13, Croft.
Cumberland Star Lodge No. 107, A. T. M. meets at
Marlon Mall on the lad and 4th Tueadaye of erery
. .
St. John's Lodge No. 260 1. Y. M. Meets 3d Thurs.
day.of each month, at Marlon
Carlisle Lodge No. el I. 0. of 0. Y. Mesta Monday
evening, at 'Trout's building.
The Union Fire Company was organized in 1780.
HOUSO in Loather. between Pitt and Hanover.
The Cumberland Fire Company 'iTnifTnistituted Feb.
18.1800. House ha Bedford, between Alain and Porn
The Good Will Fire Company was instituted in
lareh, 1855, House in Pomfret, near Hanover.
The Empire Hook and Ladder Company was institu
ted in 1855. Rouse in Pitt, near Main.
Postage on all letters of ono half ounce weight, or
under, 3 cents pre paid.
Postage on the 1111RALD within the County, free.
Within the State 13 cents per annum. To any part
of the United States. 21 cents Postage on all Iran
gent papers, 2 cents per ounce. Advertleed lettere to
be charged with cost of advertising.
!'" 1 " .
11:11118 - Institutiorris again reopened and
reorganized, with a full corps of - Teachers and
increased facilities at Carlisle '
Pa. Young meu per
nitt'ue to make a Oa, v appeal to Pa.,
in behalf of that
which should claim your -first consideration.• In the
words of that hcinorod.and talented .t.tatesman Henry
Clay, 4 1 Yeang• man prepare yourself for business "
Thla i fs einphatically a Madness Montane'''. Every
otatimr le here taught to originate and conductah the
,nooks.and Formi pertaining to actual business,..-thas
bringing theory into prattice,and thereby Paving them
pursue the regular routine of the Counting-house.
Double pair . ) , Book-keeping In ittvarlotis forme And
applicatione, including general Wholeealo and Retail
bisinese, Forwarding,Commieshin,Rschango , Jobbing
nrid;lnipotting, Railroading, Stem:Awing, Banking,
, Commercial Calaulations,'Pen inn ship' In every kyle . at
'the ark; Phonogrophy, ;to. Clergymen's sormenter tbe
sohool at half the regular rates. Night school frOm 7
.109P.81.. '
For further parti e ulars - call at the College Rooms,
44hpein'a Building) ornddrees
';'Baud fora Direular. ' - ;
, Rept. 9,1804-8 - . • ' Carlisle, Pa.
• , ,
'I7,ORINCE•& CO'i. well-known ,
• - iDEONS'and WARMI.IOIO.OII9, introducing the el"
ftir. 'ot.pediti , bos on every Instruct:lent , - . i.
IiaLLET, PAVES, & Co., colobratedPlAN ' OP for . each
At a liberal deduction.
-.. Va. Over:80,080 sold, • ' • .
t ' , J.AlilliS EIPLIAAK. Polo Agent.
. '••••
' , 2ftl 281 ; 9. Fifth street, above rpruco,
; . Oat, 1.4 ,li3ol —9mo: ~ • . . Philadelphia, Pa.
• •, •• "• . •
• ... ..
_ ... .
04 00
4 00
7 00
VOL. 64.
RHEEM & WEAKLEY. Editors & Proprietors.
Sheridan's Ride
llp from the South at break of day,
Bringing to Winchester fresh dismay,
The affrighted air with a shudder bore,
Like a herald in baste to the chieftain's door
The terrible grumble and rumble and roar,
Telling the battle was on once more,
And Sheridan twenty miles away.
And wider still those billows of war
Thundered along the hormon's bar,
And louder yet into Winchester rolled,
The roar of that rod sea uncontrolled,
Making the blood of the listener cold
As he thought of the Sta lc o In that 'trey fraY,
And Sheridan twenty tulles away.
But there in a road from Winchentor town,
A good broad highway leading down,
And there, through the flash of the morning light,
A. stood, as black as the steeds of night,
Wan seen to pima as with eagle flight—
As I l be knew the terrible need
11111 rose and fell—hut his heart wan gay,
With Sheridan fifteen miles away.
Still sprung from those stria hoofs thundering south,
The duet, Mks the smoke from the cal:o:ce month.
Or the trail of a comet sweeping /tutor and faster,
Foreboding the traitors the drom of disaster;
The heart of thmsteed and the heart of the master
Were beating like prisoners assaulting their walla,
Impatient to h- e hero the battle-field cello;
Every nerve of the charger was strained to full play,
With Sheridan only ten Miio9 away.
Under his splinting feet, the road
Like an arrowy Alpine river flowed,
And the landscape aped away behind
Like an ocean flying before the wind;
And the steed, hke a bark fed with furnace ire,
Swept on, with his wild eye full of fire,
But In he in nearing his heart's deFtre—
lie I.lBllollog the meilte of the roaring fray,
With Sheri'lan five miles away.
The first that the General paw were the groups
Of stragglers, and then the retreating truops;—
IA hilt as dr .1.41 Itllt tel t hits both,
ThMs striking hie enure wit:. a terrible oath,
He dashed down the lino odd a storm of humus,
And the wares of retreat cher: 0.1 its course there
Beta use
The bight of the master compelled it to pa UFO.
With c.. 111 WILLI dust the 111. ck charger was
gray ;
Ily the 11,11,111 k o3e. nod his red nostrils' play,
sootlied to the whole groat Army to say ;
• I hive ,hernlan all the say
Frill NV er down to oars the day !"
11 urral, hn t, Sheridan
11 al rah. 11, Ise anti 'nun!
•II ntai u. = are placed on high
Under the &env 111 Ilhe,
'rho Allll, Ai :I II ..I.ll.liPrS . Temp e et Fame,
There with the g1,14,US lieneral's 1131110
Be it nail iu latbna he , 11 bold and bright I
“Hero is the steed that saved the day
By carrying Sheridan 1 n to the fight,
From Winchester—twenty miles away:"
P/1 , 1 ,
Two or Three-Glances at the
—THE Tluc As UR Y FO Re Es Fi LI NO N-
General Jackson, the Roman, walked out
one day with Mills, the architect, in quest of
a place whereon to set the temple of Plume,
and where the old man planted his cane, as
if he expected it would bud like the rod of
Aaron, there they laid the corner-stone of
the most magnificent building in Washing
ton ; and so, as you pass along Pennsylva
nia Avenue towards the President's Man
sion, the Treasury "stops the way." The
Avenue, like the White Nile, disappears,
buried beyond hope of resurrection beneath
the most ponderous pile of stone upon the
continent, and creeps humbly out dim the
other side ; the endless tide of life surges a
long its lofty walls ; presidents and states
men are caught in the eddy and 'whirled
helplessly aroundlts granite angles.
You look up, and thq colonnaded front,
three hundred feet of Virginia freestone, a
grand grove of forty-two shafts, is before
you. The slender grace of the Corinthian
order is not there, but you have in stead the
simple majesty of lonia., Bore too, are the
Grecian porticos that stand out so like state
ly hosts, to welcome you. But the front
looking towards the Potomac is royal, The
broad approach is as if the pyramid-builders
had been there, and the top-most step at
{lined, you feel ale if walking in A forest pri
Around you rise columns speckled like a
plover's egg ; columns of granite from the,
coast of Maine ; monoliths—made of a sin
stone. It never wearies you to think
how they were heaved into place, for it nev
er occurs to you that they are not coeval
with the heights of Abraham or of George
town; from that front," for a wonder all
traces of labor have vanished. But, like
everything else in the national capital, the
building is not finished, for all that. The
side facing the President's Mansion is rigged
with derricks ; you stumble among Druidi
cal atones yetclinking under chisel and ham
mer, and whiten yourself like a miller timid .
heaps of flout'.
Albeit the Washingtonians aro not troub
led with omens, as the romans vero, and
care very little on widekhand it' thunders,
yet they recently had an omen and that a
glorious one. The dome of the Capital has
been- married,, from the beginning, with
cranes that creaked' and groaned ; halyards,
spurs, out in'evory, direction, fairly caught
the unhappySabrib, like a soap bubble in
spider's web, and, men in aprons crept, up
the stately, curve,, . many files qn the
Ephesian ~dome. But, one day, about Abe
time that , Sherman rode into Atlanta; all
traces of panting' Sisyphus were swept away;
the dome was done, arrit,Ci•ayifOrd'il'Ciaddess
of-Liberty that surmounts itlonited,-
first time, as if - she had riot'-$y
tough tugging with a rope about her -sacred'
neck, like poor Mary Dyer, of Boston Meru !
- ofy, - hanged-for the crimikof-,Quaker-if you
know what that i6+--but as if also had . just
, alighted upon ita grapeftillieritisphero fresh
I)Pttgr world. Let us -reverently no
.cept Ilse omen.; let us beli:eye tbat.the
glee to place the grand original, of which
Crawford's woik is only the poor bronze.
`'image, firmly upon - Its feet,: are well nigh
'over'; lot us soo;.itt- domd.this hemi
4phere of earth,; let us discern inAhat statue
tholitierty of :mankind; recognize, in.
Blieridan; Shorpifoi and thesu,,PPY
,14ad ) ,0101 , 1,titcptta puinqfnen.of '; time
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let us believe wo have soon the blessed end
ing, in that vision' Of the capitol, all traces of
the terrible work swept away, the majestic
presence calm and firm, her foot on the
crown of the world, and the last words from
the last cross on the last Calvary of patriot
and martyr, sounded with a solemn joy from
the everglades of Florida to the woods of
The Treasury -B uilding is a walled city.
Any morning, between eight and nine, if
you watch one entrance or another, you will
see a line of men and women filing silently
in. Some come in carriages, some in cars,
and some on foot, dangling a dinner basket.
Ci derant governors, whom you have missed
out of daily life, and who have worn out
their "excellencies," are among them ; sen
ators that were, legislators that would , be;
smooth-faced youth and grizzly age; pale,
thin men in slippery black ; stout, ruddy
fellows in fancy patterns ; meek-eyed ma
trons and bright-eyed maidens. You won
der at the long pracession, and you number
it at five hundred, but it is a•host two
sand strong. As the clock tolls nine, the
last girl flutters in at a door and out of sight.
You have been seeing the working force,
the rank and file of the Department. The
Secretary of the Treasury has stolen in with
out your knowing it; you have missed the
most notable man of all. As the day wears
on to ten, another tide begins to flow Trca•
suryward, and pass in at the open doors.
Men that out-Atlas Atlas, with their couple
of worlds on each shoulder; rusty-looking
Colonels straight from War's horrid front ;
prominent citizens with immense phylacte
ries : rough riders in cavalry jackets ; hour
glasses of blades, the chameleons of fashion
ui whose coats you cry, "and what a length
of tail behind:" men with one coat sleeve
blue and empty; soldiers swinging them
selves slowly along between two crutches ;
women wailed in black crape, and now and
then a human butterfly.
By and by, you follow, and find yourself
in a spacious hall that converges like a V,
af;"vou look down it. but, aside from a mes-
senger hastening wi: h noiselesi step, you see
nobody. You wander f hall to hall, and
beyond a little group ..e.• • and there, talk
ing With bntrd I rcaa.. ...I nobody, Whitt:
haslieeorne of the thn i ads that just enter
••d before your ryt..., i ey the retinue,
f the eight king- t t l v in 111aeheth's
vision, and now al. tiodted into nothing
And so you fall 1. wondering, at the solid
heavens of stone vaulting, and the stone
stitireases. swung up within them like a spiral
trail or gray clud. Open doors at right and
left disclose spiu • inus and elegant parlors till
ed with silent workers. You are fairly in
the heart of the Palace of the Pen. Here
are men who have worn a quill over the
right car for forty years as naturally as a
g‘)oso would sport, it in a wing.
You enter apartment, after apartment,
and see ledgers mighty and many enough to
make doomsday hooks for all mankind, and
very naturally you remember whose hand
adroit it was that touched this noiseless me
chanism into life and motion—Alexander
Hamilton, the brilliant member of the old
tilitary family of the nutn of Mount Ver
non. Before you know i it, you are dealing
with the dead. The departed bearers of the
portfolio of the Treasury are passing by, and
row comes Oliver Wolcott, of those old
days when.
"they strove la such great rivalry
Of means as noblest suds Allow ;
And suss
Their hatred and their love are lost,
Their envy buried In the duet."
it was on the 4th of July, in the first year
of the century, that Oliver Wolcott, trona
is room ill a Treasury Building that, like
him, has vanished away, sent that letter to
his wife which has grown historical. "The
city of Washington, or at least some part of
it," wrote the Secretary, "is about forty
miles from Baltimore. There arc, in fact,
but few houses at any 'one pluee, and most
off them small miserable huts. The people
are poor, and, as far as I can judge, they
live like fishes, by eating each other."
Take that, ye ancient dignities of the Feder
al capital, who claim,
"A private Adam anti Eve
From whom to ho descended I"
Albert Gallatin, William H. Crawford,
Richard Rush, Louis McLane, Le'vi Wood
bury, Thomas Ewing, John C. Spencer,
Robert J. Walker, William M. Meredith,
Thomas Corwin. So, tiling down the cen
tury to these our days extends the brilliant
line, and it is wonderful that through all
these reigns, the wit and wisdom of one man
should stream unclouded like a ray Of sun :
the very forms of record Hamilton devised,
remain immutable like Median law.
1 had lingered in the, War Department ;
had waited at the door of State ; had wan
dered in the Patent 0111ce, that templestrewn
with the unforgotten cunning of a million
hands ; hdd listened in the Capitol when
they put words together that shall bind men,
"in the wild where rolls the Oregon,'? and
on the uttermost cape of Maine, as fast and
firm as if syllables of English breath were
links of steel ; but the Treasury stands most
wonderful of all. Within it is grouped the
most complicate and delicate mechanism of
the Government.
Influences pass the thresholds of its silent
chambers every day, that like night and
morning are sure to roach, all homes with
gleam or gloom. They sot the sails of ships
unit/fling with a song : they make the do-,
sort bud and blossom as the rose. Like 'the
angel.of the Vision, "they stand, ono foot
on sea and •one on solid land." The sinews
of War grow rigid and iron beneath their
touch.;, shed like gem - eon's dew upon the
brow of Peace, they brighten the smile upon
"her lip and the oltve.brancil i,p, heritand.
'• The sounds' of outer life struggle, but faint
ly through, the solid walls of
.this city of
, I glaniti'Y and free-stone ; the din of the street'you ;:stibdued as the drone of flies
in a, Summer ,afternoon, But your ear
.catehos something that, is not the rasping of
a regiment Of pons' the polished pages over
which_the stool Tirows , . glide, is no rolling
country of oldttime,:foolseap, • That 4'soine
'thing" is a little like the ticking of a th'eu—
sand 'blocks in a frolic, and 11 littio like OM,
whirr of a sky full of wings. It flashes Upon
:you 'that you are in the .very hiith-place of
Gamtiineerts, and those vulgar fractiOus-Of
felloWs called Postal Currency, and that Ws
timciank and flutter.of the presses you aro
'hearing. Bit - loci- Abraham, that igather of
and husband 'of Sarah bought
hfir a sepulchre aruldpatd- li-toner liiimifOr,
CARLISLE. PA., FRIDAY, NovgmßEß,lB, 1864.
intnkind has felt a curiods' interest in that
representatiVeuf almost all things, infernal,
supernal and mixed. The OldDutcli cut up
their leathqr for money, and *ore wooden
shoes, ikrid,thir fathers passed about printed
pasteboard: by the hat full, and called it
good. If there is any thing lam emphati
cally not, it is a political economist, and yet
I venture to assert 'that the gold barometer
so feverishly watched every day for the state
of the national weather, Is no more the true
basis of national currency than the quicksil
ver that climbs up and down the thermome
ter enrages the Dog-star or lends to Euroely- '
don its stings. I have an affection—never
much indulged—for a clean, crisp green
back of the modest denomination of' L., 50.
I like it as a ehief d'muvre from the engraver's
burin ; I value it for what it can do forme;
but I respect it because it is a little mort
gage on half a continent with all its wealth
of mines, meadows and men, of hearts and
of harvests ; but I reverence it because it re
presents hands that are true, a million strong',
and hopes that are loyal, even as the stars ot
heaven. Divested of all the fiction of the
men that would part Liberty's garments and
' cast lots for its vesture, that little parallelo
gram is a pledge at once of the faith and the ,
welfare of my country.
Surely then, I may be pardoned for think
ing that if I could discover the where-abouts
of tlio,o mysterious murmurs I was hearing,
and somehow manage, at first to be by at
the birth of the-greenbacks, and at last to
tell what it was all like, some reader might
reward me by following the story even over
the five-barred gate of a "to be continued."
Now, the region to which, by the grace
of the Secretary, you gain admission, is a
good deal like the kingdom of heaven to get
into, and not at all like the kingdom when
you get there. But one officer of the Gov
ernment can give you the freedom of it,
and he, just now, is the Honorable Wil
liam P. Fessenden. If fortunate, you get a
slip of paper in the hand-writing of the Sec
retary, admitting you, but the pass is as
short-lived as an ephemeron, for it dies in a
day. Thus armed with the "sesame," the
d oor w ill (Tien to you, but never fancy you
are to be turned loose like ri lamb in a pad
dock. You are not left to your own pcl'or
company a single instant, en intelligent gen
tleman is incessantly at your elbow, nut so
much because nobody can tell what you "may
be left to as becauso without a guide
ymi would never get. in, or being in, you
could never get out. Congratulate me that
the accomplish, d Chief of the Bureau of Cur
rency, S. M. Clark, Esq., lent me his clear
discerning eyes to see with, and let me add
that, if the reader shall find a tithe of the in
terest in the telling of the pilgrimage that
the writer found in making it, the sketches
to - follow will have abundantly subserved
their purpose.
So, down the stone stairways into the cool
halls of the basement and among the arches
you go ; by doors ajar you would like to set
wide open ; past rooms full of queer noises ;
insight of rows of girls playing upon strange
instruments beyond the art of the Tubule and
Jubals of old time. Sometimes a grating,
sometimes a solid door, is locked behind you;
you are getting into the rough regions of a
smithy ; the temple of money is not at all
what you fan led, if this be it ; two forges
are before you ; the iron of commerce is a
round you; in the story of that beautiful L,
50, this is the "in the beginning;" the very
Genesis of a green Laelc, Mire, many of the
delicate and beautiful pieces of .mechunism
are fashioned that have rendered the making
of a Treasury note the finest of the flne'arts.
Imagine Vulcan "blowing and striking" in
the palace of St. James ; think of the lonic
columns and marble hulls and stately porti
cos, and here in the heart of the temple a
blacksmith's shop It may be a queer asser
tion but if, is a true one, that the Govern
ment which in its economy takes Robinson
Crusoe for a model, makes the boldest ap
proach to perfection ; whose needs created
efforts, and you never encountered a want
but to supply it. Now, if ever a Govern
ment played the lonrly Islander anywhere,
it is in this making of money. Within these
walls, every process is carried on, every
manufacture produced, necessary to create
from a shred of linen and a has of steel, the
most beautiful evidences of national wealth
and good faith in the world—a truth strik
ingly illustrated in the fast that Nv . ben you
went to see money made, they began by
showing you a hammer, and a forgo, and a
mass of ugly iron. is. F. T.
Love is the epitome of our whole duty,
and all the endearments of society, so long as
they are lawful and honest, are not only con
sistent with but parts and expressions of it.
Marriage"enlarges the scene of our happi
ness or misery, the marriage of love is pleas
ant, the marriage of interest easy,• and a
marriage where both me(2t, happy.
Men go further in love than women, but
women outetrip them in friendship.
. Valor was assigned to men, and chastity
to women, as their, principal virtues, became
they aro most difficult topractice.
A woman that, has hurt one lovo thinks
herself no coquette; but-she-that-Iras - save - Tal",
concludes herself no more than a coquette.
The face of her we love is the• fairest of
sights, and her voice the sweetest
in the, world. • •.^, • • •
A man is more reserved on his friend's con
cerns than his own; a won;ran,Ain the contra
ry, keeps her own secrets better than anoth
Ar woman will think herself slighted if she
is not courted, Yet ; pretends to know herself
too well to believe your flattery.
Absence is to
. lovo, what, fasting is to the
body ; a littlo stimulates it, but a long absti:-
nonce; is fatal. . '
The, greatest, pleasure of life is love the
greatest treasure, contentinent; the greatest
possesaion,,lwalth ; the greatest ease, is sleep;_
and.,the greatest medicine,
,a true friemi.
Alcibiades • being astonished at Socrates'
, patience, asked him how he could endure the
I porpotttal scolding ,
_of his wife? "
I said bo„ c tfas they :who are'accustomed to the
ordinary mode of wheels to draw water.",
In marriage, prefer the poiqoic,beforo
'wealth,' virtue before beauty f ' and thumind
ibefore the body; thou you bnve,u ..wife,
4144 and ki.cimnpanien, . • •
[l7 Sunday bloat eh
BT oimasta.A.
When Lawrence r Steele and Mary Poster
married, all their friends and acquaintances
pronounced, it a good match. Pronounced
it, I said, but4t hy no means follows that it
really was ago,od match, nor that all thought
it was. liciwever, it was so pronounced,
and those who know neither of the - parties
took it for granted collacts. •
Mary Foster was the daughter ()fa wealthy,
merchant at Birmingham, and was the only
child, .hence ]Lair to, ,her lather's. wealth.—
This fact wikprobably the only inducement
that caused Lawrence Steele, to woo and win
Mary.; .for truth 'compels me to say that, the
girl was very .homely, but _intelligent
and virtuous.;
.The latter attributes weighed
little in the scales of Steele when he cpa
templated finking her his wife. The
"solid" attrietien was the load -stone, and
so she beetinikMi.s. Steele.
Lawrenceliad nothing to recommend him
save a hand4mo exterior and his pretensions
to piety. lib ! was clerk in an iron-monger's
shop at a moderate salary, and was reported
to be an exeinplary young fellow. But it
was his regular attendance, at chtirelewhich
Gained him the approbation of Mr. Foster;
and when the, young man finally sought
Mary's hand it was not denied him. .
They had been married but a year when
Mr. Foster died, and after his affairs were ar
ranged by his legal adviser, it was found that
the deceased was less wealthy than had been
supposed. Debts, of which Mary had no
idea, had been contracted, and when all
claims against the property had been settled,
the bulk of her inheritance amounted to less
than four thousand pounds. Still this was
a fair sum of money ; but she saw with pain
that her husband regarded this diminution
of Mr. Foster's wealth with anything but
pleased looks: In a word, she made the un
pleasant discovery that her husband was
exceedingly mercenary and selfish, that his
piety:was merely nominal, and thathisgeneral
character would nut bear a close examina
tion. She did. not reproach him, its ninny a
wife would have done. She had too good
sense to do so, being well aware that none of
us can bear to have our faults or shortcom
ings us, no matter how mild
ly it is done. We all : tope - that they are un
noticed by our fellow-creatures. Mary
knew this, and forbore letting him know
that his true character had been revealed to
her. •
Without consulting his wife, Lawrence
made preparations to remove -into a more
fashionable street as soon as he held possess
ion of the inheritance. Perhaps few of my
readers know that. the laws of England do
not recognio the, right of a woman to hold
property while Khis has a MIAMI& liVing:-= -
Ho owns all she has, or may get, and she ie
left at the mercy of her husband, who, if he
chooses to be a brute, may lead.her a terrible
life—squander all her property, and desert
her eventually; then should he return after
she has managed to accumulate a little pro
perty, or, Mr instance, established herself in
seine little business, he becomes at once mas
ter again, and legal owner of all she possess.
es. Why such a barbarous law is allowed
to exist passes my cemprehensien,'but that
it does exist cannot be denied.
Mary, when she learned how she had been
deceived by her husband, shed bitter
tears, but in secret only, She would not per
mit him to see that he had the power to
make her weep. She frequently thought of
another, who loved her, but, dreading a re
fusal, never made known his love she
had been irrevocably bound to Lawrence
Edward Torbet was a young lawyer, and
gave promise of becoming a rising loan in
his profession. He was poor, and rose to
his present position only by dint of severe
study and close application to business. His
love for Mary Foster was pure and unselfish ;
but he lacked boldness where females were
concerned. lie was habitually shy in the
presence of the opposite sex, hence his back
wardness in a case which was to him of the
most vital importance.
Lawrence Steele bore away the prize Tor
bet had longed fur, but dared not attempt to
grasp, and the young attorney took the dis
appointment greatly to heart. However,
his was not a spirit to remain long depressed;
he threw off the gloom that shrouded it,
and applied himself more diligently to his
Lawrence" Steele knew that young Tor
bert had at one time paid attention to Mary
Foster, but he did not suppose that itamount
ed to anything. He regarded the young
man as a "spuoney," and dismissed him
from his thoughts.
Latrencc Steele had a sister, a bold crea
ture, who ran away from home, when scarce
siXteen, with the proprietor of a psyching
circus. Three years passed since that event,
and he had not heard a word from her. He
presumed she was dead, or had, perhaps, left
the country.
The young people
,moved into the nc,:cy
house, which bad .been splendidly furnished
by the orders of Steele. Mary started with
surprise, as well as consternation, when . she
entered the new lionie,_Sho-had-no-idett---of
expens her husband incurred: 'in fur
nishing the house ; he had never consulted
her. She passed through the various apart
ments, and, tit every step her heartache :in.:
Creased. -A thousand pounds would scarce
ly cover the ruthless eirpenditures of her
husband; her_mental vision 'glanced into the'
future, and the -prospect appalled her.. She .
saw naught but ruin if her prodigal husbMSl
continued thus; and what, asked She, will
possibly open his eyes to the truestate
of af
fairs Ho was.too thoroughly selfieli to haVe
tiny regard to her .feelings,
~lie 'followed;
the, bent of - his - oitn inclinations, nor cared
whether it suited` or no. , , ,
One=fonflh of my inheritance.'N'vaided, I
may Bay," murmured she, after she Had . in,
speeted all the apartments ; "how long will'
tale him to spend the reintiinder - . ? • -
Alas! her trot hies were only just. begun.
,Steelo entered at, once • upon a .fashienahle
and dissipated career,and•by the time
second child was born he had scarcely a thou
sand pounds left.
Mary had no relatiVes, to her lc - 11'1;41940i
living is England.. Her father bad • only
two aisters„and', one „I:Prather.' 'Ono of the
sisters died . ,three Years : prior:.,te. Awn
retie, and the 0ther,394:441d.,,,ep,14.4pp:
lean sea captain, and followed him to
his: own home in Baltimore. The brother,
while a boy, had gone to India, and save a
letter or two Mr. Foster received from him
shortly Lifter he reached India, ho heard no
more of him, and naturally supposed he had
succumbed to the unhealthiness of the cli
mate and died unknown and unwept among
strangers. What was more, hopeless than
poor Mary's condition? a man
devoid of- principle and utterly - regardless of
her comfort, what could she hope for ?
At this time-her husband's, sister returned
from her roving, after an absence of seven
years, She one day presented, herself at the
house during the absence. of Lawrence, and
'boldly introduced herself as Mrs. Kate Nel
son, sister of Lawrence Steele, and widow of
the late Joseph Nelson, proprietor of the
Royal Hippodrome. Mrs. Steele received
her kindly but without any demonstration ;
in fact, she felt a strange dislike to the wo
man from the moment she beheld her. Her
large black eyes, so much like those of Law
rence, gazing so•boldly on her, disconcerted
her greatly; there was magnetism in those
orbs, and poor Mary involuntarily shud
dered on encountering them.
Lawrence came in while. the two women
were conversing, and the next moment Kate
lay in his arms; the act was her own, he had
not invited her to his embrace. In fact, it
was some time ere he could be persuaded
that ho really beheld his sister Kate. But
being finally convinced of the fact, he bade
her welcome to his house, (7) and hoped she
would be happy under his roof.
The presence of this bold creature added
'one more pang to the already overburned
heart of Mary, but she resigned herself to
her manifest destiny. 'For the sake of her
children she would not commit an act that
justice dictated ; namely, order the removal
of this obnoxious woman, who At onto made
herself quite at home, selected apartments
for her use, no matter
.whether the arrange
ment suited Mr. or Mrs. Steele ; in fact, she
acted in open defiance of both. .
It was soon apparent that Kate 'vas de
termined to make the most of what little
was left of the inheritance of Mary Steele.
She alternately coaxed and demanded pres
ents from her brother. Wafehes, rings and
chains adorned her vulgar person, to the
disgust of the refined Mary. But the braz
en creature heeded not the undisguised looks
of disapprobation of her sister-in-law. She
was resolved to grasp as much from the itn
.pending ruin (whieb. she knew would eome_
ere long) as she possibly could, and what
she thus saved she intended to reserve strict
ly for her own private use.
The crash comsat last. Mary awoke one
morning to find the house in possession of
bailiffs. Everything, save her exclusive
prtyate_property, _WAS,. at o_nce __seized_ up911,-
and sold under 'the hammer'befor•e her oyes.
What was left she hastily packed together,
and removed them to an humble abode in the
suburbs of the town, where, as soon as she
had comfortably settled herself and lived in
comparative quiet, she was joined by her
husband, who had hitherto kept aloof and
permitted her to bear all the trials and in
conveniences incidental to removing from
one place to another. Be had left the house
on the morning of the sale, and never ap
peared until be cgne to the cottage where
his much-abused wife had located herself.
Did he feel any compunctions of conscience
when he beheld his patient wife domiciled
in an abode of her poverty, and a situation
he had reduced her to by his riotous style of
living? Alas his was a callous heart.—
The only regret he felt was, that he no long
er felt himself able to indulge in those dis
sipations he was so fond of. What became
of his wife and children seemed to give him
no concern whatever. lie saw that there
was no chance for him to exist with his wife
unless he discovered some means to earn
money: Of course she could probably keep
soul and body together by applying herself
diligently to her needle, but her scanty earn
ings would not suffice for him also . ; so he
one day left the house with his wardrobe in
a bag, with the ostensible purpose of seeking
employment at his profession in London,
but in reality to desert her, only ho did not
possess the moral courage to acquaint her
with his intention.
As soon as it was an established fact that
Lawrence Steele hadtc leserted his wife her
friends flocked to her aid, and in a month or
two after she found herself in a prosperous
condition. She was established in a small
haberdasher business, and her earnings en
abled her to save a nice sum semi-annually,
which she placed in the hands of one of
those friends who had succored her, to be in
vested as he thought most profitable, in his
name, merely giving her a paper acknowl
edging the receipt of the money.
Two years passed by, and during that
time Mary beard nothing of either her hus
band or his sister. She eiheerely mourned
his absence, but that of her sister-in-147
gave her pleasure. She hoped she would
never darken her doors again. '
Six months later; as Mary stood behind
her counter' waiting upon a, customer, a
brougham stopped before the door and a man
alighted. Entering the shop she recognized
,her husband, bu£ how changed. Lie was
paleand thin, and his features bore traces of
The sudden appearance of him whom she
supposed to be in London, or in his grave,
naturally occasioned her extreme surprise and
agitation. As soon as this customer depart
ed she followed her husband into an inner
- room; where he had gone without a word of
salutation to her whom' he so long deserted'
,and so carefully neglected. •
She fell on his neck in i'violent fit of-weep
' bag, when he rudely 'repulsed her, and' bade
her nokmalten fool of herself, ", but gel him
:home supper.' Supper for, two, added lie.
"linvo your+ companion tuacedShe:.,
Instead of answering her verliitdly he Went
out to the vehicle, andlia:eded . '„OUt a . .fetnale
closely veiled; • them settling with the driver,
, whci drove, away, Steele entered the house,
companions with 'him. In the
rear apartnient the female threw up her veil
and dieelesed the featureir bf Kate,' his sister
MI.. Steele Sank into a sent•wititit groan;
this was so unexpected, siidden, she was
,searcely 'prepared for it; in. a •,word she was
overwhelmed, and for &moment So be , ivild
-ored as scarcely to,knOWlieWle'act:' ' •
~.She was - arousetyfrom her stupor by the
werds of hetheartless husband•; .'svho demand
ell why ,itie •sat there sniveling .like a delt
while be 148,KMe vent famishing. • ,
`Z":"7.' "...
A4yanoe, or 42,50. Within the - year.
4 .
In a moment She sprang from 'ller.lxmrod,
posture, and inn short time spread, tiefOro
them a suhstantial meal. They Pte as if
food had pasied their lips for forty-eight
hours, and when satisfied, Kate, in an iris
.pertinent tone, asked to be shown to her room.
Mary could only comply; she wished no
strife in the house , the,flrst hour of his arri
When comparative quiet reigned, Mary
ventured to - ask Steele wherehe had beescihe
past two years ; but he coarsely replied it was
no concern of hers •; ho was homa again, and
here he meant to stay, She burst into 'tears,
and ho left her, awl went up stairs to ; oin his
Poor Mary, her cup of sorrow was now
indeed full to oversewing. Thti . .ieturri- of
het truant husband' 'alio 'would have hailed;
with satisfaction, if not with pleasure, for he
was the father of her children, and although
he was rude to her, •and. cared little for her
comfort, she could have horde With his way
ward manner; but to be obliged to endure the
presence of his vulgar 'sister was tob much,
and her heart was bowed doWn - with its weight
of misery and wretchedness. Na doubtthey
had heard of her prosperity, and came to
profit by it. Was she ,compelled by law to
support Mrs. Nelson just because that Woman
happened to be her husband's sister? asked
Mary of herself. Truth replied ih the nega
tive. Kate had no legal claims on her sister
in-law, and the reader must be aware by this
time that she certainly - had none of humanity.'
She, soulless creature, had formerly existed
on Mary's bounty, and forsook her when
there was no more to be obtained. Who;
even with a large share of Christain forbear
ance, could look with any degree of magnan
imity on such a selfish creature as Kate Nel
son? She had, by her former conduct, for
feited all claims to generosity; how was it
possible for her to expect it from the woman
who still bore the effects of her and her broth
ers treatment? But the human heart is oft
times so encrusted with selfishness that noth
ing save our own sufferings make any impres
sions upon it. We aro keenly alive to our
own needs and wants, but blind to - those of
others. Thus felt - Lawrence Steele and his
sister. They eaine to live on the bounty of
an industrious woman, on whom (morally
speaking) one had no.more claim than the
other. Probably, in their selfishness, they
never propounded the mental question, Does
Mary Steele look upon us as guests or intru
ders ?
Two months passed Illus. Mary strove to
make her little home an agreeable abiding
place for her husband; for his sister she had
no care, that person made herself perfectly
at home. Steele spent his nights abroad, and`
wasted the earnings of his wife at a fearful
rate in idleness and carousing. She no longer
1114 1):„._a-monthly sum for future-use.---Ally
hil went to waste. Her frietids urged her to
secretly dispose of her stock, and pocket the
proceeds, then separate from her worthless
husband; but this she would not do. She
held herself religiously bound to him by her
marriage vow, and nothing but death could
separate them save by his own act.
In six months after the re-appearance of
Lawrence' Steele and his sister, Mary found
her business barely sufficient to keep the fam
ily, Some of her best customers failed her,
partly because the variety of her goods was
so small, and partly owing to the frequent
attendance of Kate Nelson, whose vulgar
manner and illiterate conversation disgusted
One day Mary noticed her husband and
Kate in close conversatien within the inner
room, but the moment she appeared it was
dropped. She thought nothing strange of
this, and after an hour spent thus they sallied
out together. This was directly after break
fast. In less than an hour Lawrence return
ed with a leg of mutton. Ho laid it on the
table and bade her make some soup for din
ner: She complied; and ho left the 1101180,
and did not return until an hour after the
regular dinner-hour. This time ho bad a
couple of fish in his hand, and, presenting
them to Mary, he observed:
" I was unavoidably detained this forenoon,
so I missed my soup. Herearetwo nice thsh,
fry them for'Kate and me."
Mary obeyed; and while engaged in her
duties she noticed that her husband frequent
ly fixed his eyes on her countenance. Pres
onity Kate came in, and Mary saw them ex
change glances, as though some mutual un
derstanding of some sort existed between
The flah walla done, and placed before the
two ee4lsh beings, who made a hearty meal
of them.
"Won't you have eomp?" asked he of hip
"No, thank you," replied Mary; "the
children and I dined heartily on the soup.
It was a very fat leg of mutton; in fact, too
much so even for soup,; ao I skimmed the fet
from the surface and saved it An? frying.—
Those fish wore fried in some of '•
Both started, and dropped' theiiknivea and
forks upon the table: ' Kate turned livid;
Steele sprang. to his Seet,.and confronting his
. tbrrified wife, be:e.telaitned: • •
7 04 tell-i*e that you fried the fish ire
hiti4 ate in the fat skintinied from the mutton
soup '2 "
• '•Certainly," replied 'she; what liar& is
here in that?"
"Woman, you have" murdered year htis
hand I " cried he, throwing himself , into a
seat. , c You knew there was poison iii it,'and
. Soli have destroyed us.:-me'andllCittOrn
echoed ebb iidtat'do.
you meant "
. .
In an incoherent manner he then gave het.
'tO'tinderstand, that he had impregnated
mutton With"ariert4, with the design of,pel•
sUning her. and the; children; andishe had tin
wittingly' turned the tables on tarn and hi*
contain/14c,, .
Mary new to the ,ncerest , apothecary Seri
medical aid, which soon arriv,ed, , but, too Ide
to save thOlives of the' two,Wretehes:,
paid with theirlives'the penalty they would
havo iniliC r ted, on their intended victims.
What a revelation Steele made ere he died!
What a list, f wrongs
. Ire'had beeped upon
his patient and untuspooting,*ifol •
Kate ,Nelson, his sister, As she styled her
self, WAS an' arrant impeder. Kato died four
year's ,prior to the imposter's appearance,
who secured all the valuabie's .belonging, to
'the, deceased; and,haying long. before
od out of Kate her previous history{ stip rel.
solved., to. portgoltitO,;ilor r ;jniAspitoli , ,Pl! (P) ) ?
tO BirMinghtun and sonesred to L
'gteele Lend hi* :Aidftil ehe l
" . 4realthY,ltal - bave re t ask
day, during a conversat ou their chil
hood, Lawrence ren4ethaiitiV444 - daiS„
ery that she vias:notlis gefbrought
her to acknowledge ,the, imposition, ! w#lph
she did in such a Manner. as. .to Piett,44.ol:t`. •
Orobation, and they, Fantnally,:agrsq4,44o4o
the secret from Mary, his ! rye /1 ,.
t une - 484k',
•ed insult to injury *tibia poor wifit4byeihig,..t
wasting his halieritaticis; • then
znistreseupen her, aitdcompellinwheriesup r
port th 2r -r 9i o o/ I '9„. :4 21 2,! "We rs g..,
been, the 4 f,ritribution that overtook them In
tianaidtit'ofi their diabolical Fifa"
obj ens', te; disposb: of ber , And , tbAlkilfiren virii •
to inherit the legacy left her
who lately died in India, bequeathing all his
'Wealth to Mary. nesis of Which he had loam- .
'ed, but which he rnariaged.tolieep from her
by Means of debarring ther•from receiving .
the letters written to - her, to,that effect.. The
letterd Were addreiSed . tO' her father i 'andcaizilk:,.,
into Steele'd po§keitiron; pre:l'4,ol4M:
was Mr.' Poster'innly refiresinitittitki
I . in Itngland.-
NO. 37.
Noli.coines the prairifentiq pada' ihti
"tale, which "Will eXPl4iri . ifa:o 26 , i' ol 4o. 141 +0
may have, seemed strange ..wit
why were Mary and the,e:filidiekniit itlfeetoid
by the poison When it erfginitt'idin'the Milt?
ton, and pit destroyed taWreriee and libilparo,
amour; "whd merely ete orthelB4n*Ult,if. ,
• were fried - in thealcimMed fat , tif ; tfieeorip2 ;;
Br an AnOrais oflhesibupoMurthelalkittai
: med 'fat , thbrefron!, it was di5e0174q8d44.401.4k.
destructive properties of, thoarsordolepnrat.,,
ed itself from the soup,. and concentka*
'entirely in the fat on' the sdrfaCel
the 'worthy woman and her i,O9'stiriiiifia44idi
from ahorrible deetb,-owirig enkiiely t 6 hot'
habits 'of, systematic °economy. ; 'and lior brute
tal husband and hio Mistresi Metc;:th'eir juSr . ,
d'eserts by a contrivance of their own. •
Mary sincerely mourned the unhappyfa*,
of her misguided. husband; but ft ,i 0,40
presumed, that her regrets for the Wiciced
woman who shared his Wretched Wire: .
few. the eventually Caine intoliosseasion
the legacy loft her by he'r .'deceised.relatite", .
and, after a suitable'period of mourning had! .
.elapsed, she frankly and joyously hestciiied
her hand on Edward 'Torbert, who reititiined :.
faithful to his early loin through all ,
of wretchedness. The hand - and fortUrfa'
could scarcely have' been - bestowed More'
worthily, and her after-- years - -Were
as happy as those of her early lifediad beers.
wretched.- 'Virtue had - ita-rewardist - lidt- -
I cannot well imagine !shortie more income
plate than that one where -there. is itolittle
girl to stand in tho Void of the domestic :cir*
cle which boys can neverfilli.and to draw all -
hearts within the magic ring by the; mune- ,
less charm of her presence:- 'There ;sontsrif'
thing about little girls which is espedialir
lovable; even their willful, naughty
seem utterly void of evil -when they aro'ao _
soon followed by the sweet penitence •lhar
overflows in such gracious shpwera. 'Tour; - .
boys are great noble fellows, generous, lov-;
ing, and full of good impulse, burthey are'
noisy and demonstrative, and:tient/7'as you
love them, you are glad' their:tame ii but of
doors: but Jennie with her liglieatep is al
ways beside you.; she bring‘thealiplieri for
papa, and with her pretty dimpled "o,oo'
unfolds the paper for him to'read; she puts
on a thimble no
_bigge_r_tharc a. fairr's and _
with Some very mysterious combination Of
"doll rags," fills up a small-rocker by mite- . •
ma, with a wonderful assumption of Woman
ly dignity. And who shall tell „how the lit,'
tle thread of speech that flows with ,such'
sweet, silvery lightness from those innocent
lips, twines itself around the mother's heart"'
never to rust, not even when the dear little
%CO is hid among the. daisies, as so• many
mothers know,
But Jennie grows to be a woman, and there
is a long and shining track from- the half
latched door of childhood, till the girl blooms
into the mature woman. There are- the
brothers who alivays lower their voices when
they talk to their sister, and tell ofthesperte'
in which she takes almost as much • ihterest
as they do, while in turn she instrdcts• than ,
in all the little minor details of home life,
which they would grow up ignorant if
for her. And what a shield she is upots the
dawning manhood wherein so many temp
tations lie. Always her sweet presence. to
guard and inspire them, a check upon pro
fanity, a living sermon on immortality.=
How fragrant the cup qf tea she hands them
at the evening meal, how cheery her voice
as she relates the little incidents of the day.
No silly talk of incipient beaux,. or love of
young men met on the promenade. A girl
like that has no empty space in her headlor
such thoughts to run riot in, and you don't
find her spending the evening in the; dim
parlor with a questionable young man for
her company. when her lover..comes,
must say what he has to say in the' fad:Lily
sitting-room with father and mother; or if
he is ashamed to; there is no room for him
there. Jentie'e young heart' has not. been
filled by the pernicious nonsense which re
sults in ect many unhappy matriagespr- hasy
ty divorces. Dear girl, six thinks all - the'
time of what a good borne* has; what.deax .
brothers; and on banded knees craves- the'
blessing of Heaven to rest on.thent,.,,hat
does not know how far, very far, '.for.tinfe
and eternity; her own pure'. ant:4)lo'4,pm
how it will radiate as a blessing into that:ethet
home-where a sister's memory will bo"tiiA
consearated ground ofthaplaSt. = "
Cherish then the little'girls,..dimpled
liege who tear thOrafirens,'aricrOf:the;tad
life-cloths, and eat„ the 4446 - 04
.4 . f ;' therm
selves the augar'and,ialt it/A . lof ZO:t"the*
dreasand Andre*** doll 'U h l,* tO" , tliiiir
h ear t's . contentc and' don't ,
Thumb Rod hiding" flood eti*
but 'alone their..;find:'
'Which they too soon:: Answer 'elP
thOtinnYqizstiritys they allr; and den!i intiko
Inritif their baby theology, and When "Yon
lime: Whip them, do it so thatlf yon
rn remember it; - ''it would not 'be' 'Wit `tears,---
:for'a'great many , 'Ada
. stkOimly, before , 'the dooo'ro?ri Wbi:ch 'they
havejult Crimped' is s ' hut,'and - 6rid '" their way'
back to the angels. - - Sci tid"gthitii) ''ailtbi"hh
darlings, andgo ...........
will lollop jri;o 4 'w#l4+ .o f Elie little bobl►ing
•liease that dittl i )ilind'ai - great many hard pip! ) .
: • -
,Toffs ;p4:l4Dort,rx. lath T 1134
, John Randolph, of Roanoke, was in a tav,-•
ern, lying on a sofa,' waiting ,for stage
to: cornalto the door. A dancliiica chap i step ,
ped into tbe room with a whip in his hand;
just come from:a di ye, and, standing 'before
a_mirrer, arranged his hair. and Collar, quite
urozonseious , presence nf Vatic
man ort the sofa. ;.After attittArrizingawhilc,
he turned to• go••out, whenlitr t ,
ed birn
. „
the'fitirg,e:coMP ?
ataggi, sir I, atago; P i p ; 54 . 1.p• e •
:riatOng'9,lls/ Wltit it, air,'
beg - 70 1 4'rtpaTtlf414" Aid/44849.1176
quietlr " fhovhi yakt;,l4,tirliv,ip,r.l