Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, November 11, 1864, Image 2

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. . . .
M. 4 00. p.: •
NO. 87 Park Row,.Now Itbrli, and
ittata Boston, iti'our Agents for the Iluitato
n dim (Utley, and are . authqrlsed to take 'Advertise ;
casio so.3utitillpttons for us at our lowed rates.'
cl'oction yesterday paah&l off 'quietly,
nothi~ of iitOrnent 9eliiiirigio'dlitirb the
fie`e' eiprea
shined' sentiniCiae. kotnrithstandhig 'did - day
wits sOmewliat - iria . nweAtile, u drizzlingrhin
falling aliriosit'inceisantly, t•ery heavy vote
was pollii41: The following is the result of
the poll in this county, as - accurately as we
havo:beon able to obtain it. The "Copper
head majority will probably reach 800, which
is, gain for them :
ast , Ward Carlisle,
Wett Ward Carlislo,
North Middleton • 115
Smith Middleton, 9U
Fiankford, 45
Lower Dickihson, 29
Shippensburg . , •
Plaingold t
Silver Spring,
I eis , Cumberland,
Lower Allen,
'Upper Dickinson,
East Ponnsborough,
Upper Allen,
Democratic rprjority, 783
'" Let tyrants tremble when the peoplc
speak," has been a favorite . inscription
on Democratic banners, during the cam
, paiga. Well, the people have spoken.
In New England, in the Middle States.
and in the great North West the people
have been speaking in tones loud enough
to be heard the wide world over. But
strange to say the so called tyrants are
not trembling very perceptibly. Indeed
they seem rather less shaky now than
before the people spoke. The aforesaid
people appear to be rather in''atuated
This seem to have a fondness for the
"tyrants" who have rescued their Gov
ernment from the bands of traitors; wl:o
have -striven faithfully to maintain its
hiiiner; who have put' forth their best of
to protect the lives and property of
loyal men and who are pledged to use all
the resources of the nation to overcome
a rebellion that threatens to destroy be
last refuge of civil liberty on the globe
This may seem rather a strange_ fancy tc
politicians cif Copperhead proclivitiet- but
nevertheless last Tuesday gave proof tha
it existed. Couldn't our Democratic
friends improve their motto by giving ii
thus: -"Let traitors tremble when the
people speak."
"Conic back McClellan, come back,
Como bliel:; 4 !- plaintively wailed out the
Chairman of the McClellan Clunn
first speech to that now defunct organi
zation. We thought at the time, tha
his earnest appeals were unnecessary.—
The redoubtable General never was in
the habit of getting too far to the front
and we didn't think th it he would ex
hibit any greater propensity to go forward
in his political campaign than he did
when he was on the Peninsula. At all
events he is " back" far enough now to
gratify the most backward of his friends.
• ..7 0 . !Air renuers want - sante,tning de
cidedly rich, we advise them to get Behnont's
last address to the Democracy and rend it by
the light of the returns of last Tuesday elec
tion. Mr. B. drew on his imagination to
such an extent that we aro inclined to think
it insolvent by this time. He modestly elahn
ed to carry'New Hampshire, Connecticut, all
the Middle States, nearly all the North West
and certainly all the border States. We
wonder how many more he intends claiming
when next he issues an address.
the rebel Secretary of the Treasury, repre
sents the funded and unfunded debt of the
Confederacy on first ofJuly last, $l, 250, 000,
000. The expenses from - the let of July to
the 31st bf December, are estimated at about
$325,000,000, making an aggregate of $l,-
675,003,000. The annual interest on this
debt is over $1 . 00,00 1 ,c00, but this, Mr. Tren
holm argues, the South is abundantly able
to hear. As the present population of the
States in rebellion over which the Conceder
acylias any po'ivcr does nnt probably amount
toevor eight millions of persons, the tax on
Man, woman and white and black,
to pay this4nterest will ii , --:$12,50. lie &-
tile's there IS any 'danger Whatever of invol
yen' e'y 'Lind i)4nlci.uptcy„but indirectly cpn
hiise4 that fifteen thons:and dollars in gold is
.in IticLrnond to` three hundred,
thoilkihd dollars 'of this currency.
THE REMAREABL4 Pitoizitnrs of Brown's
Bronchial Troches have. boom. thoroughly
tested siu.ce.orst•inti:oduced. 7he.,demand
for them has steadily iikreased, and. purely
upon their own merits, they have . found favor
with those, who from pulininuFy, Bronchial
or, Asthmatic complaints require them. FOr
- Cougluc - COlds,Bronehitis, Aatlnna, and
they are entirely efficacious, remov
obstruetlons, and IncienSing at once
the pxqt!er : ,4l4 flexibility, of the voice. • .
g 4.41;;A0.41, AvoIDENT. 7 on the
. Ist instant
terrible collision occurred on the Lafayette
and Indianapolis, Railroad between the
iessenger :?train which
, left hero at ono
o'cl6ek 'and a cattle train coming south.—
Twenty-eight dead bodies have been taken
'out of the wreck,' and more have died.—
l'w”eid.Y . Oi thirty other's aro wounded. Full
particular& havo,not been received, hut it is
known• that the accident occurred six miles
mouth. of La . fayetto. Most of the killed and
wounded were returned soldiers. Among
the killed was the ReV. B. P. Willia s; of
Sanitary Commission, • , J.,
WAshington, Nov .
. 8.---The official statement
shows that on the Ist' jilonday. of October,
1864 - the resources of,the national banking
• ; ailoOiationL ere oyer,; J 17,000,60 01;
'§68;280,000 of loans and discount,
-;10:0?1e,ar1i1 . 1 5 , 0 9 0 ,9 0 04rt eppcie and other
rnopey. The ;irate are stated
416,000;000. t '..: '. • '
McClellan. Lincoln
At the time of going to press but few
returns have reached us. These are
sufficient however to indicate that Mr.
Lincoln is re elected by a most over
whelming majority. In addition to the
-;tates above named we are quite confi
lent he has.efirried California and Ore
gon, although We of. course, have no re
turns from either. The only States
which are claimed by the Democracy arc
tientueky and New Jersey, but even in
these there are as many chances for us
as for them. A more brilliant and tri
umphant victory for the friends of thh
Union we could not have desired; a more
overwhelming defeat for the covert foes
of the Government we could not even
have wished fur. We give below the re
turns which have reached us from differ
ent States.
A. Union gain of GO in the borough of
*Union gain in Lyeoraing of about :150.
UMon urujotay 111 Lc wr,burg of 231;
nion gain 13.
Sunbury gives riO rniml majority.
Upper Agusta township. Northumberland
county, g,ive., majority; Un.on
gain 1 - 2..
Milton borough gives a b.i.nion gain of 29;
Union majority 112.
tr.; Li NT [Tool borough and township, :Perry
county, gives a Democratic n.lajority of 59;
Doni,eratie gain 19.
Union COUIlly will give about GOO Union
Northumberland borough —Democratic
majority 28; Democratic loss 8.
Paint township. Northumberland county
—Democratic majority 4 ; Democratic loss
10; Union gain; Mutiny borough 12.
Pittston, Luzerne county—Democratic
gain 29. •
West Pittston—Union majority 108; Un
gain 15.
Wilkesbarre—Union majority 53; Union
gain 43.
Bloomsbnrg, Columbia county—Union
majority ti 7; Union gain 24.
Dan v iile —Union Majority 62 ; Union gain
IVillicsbarre township, Luzerne county—
Democratic majority 306; Democratic gain
81. L.2,11. e .fetrto borough, Union majority 40;
Union gain 14. '
Alilesburg.; Union majority 19; Unicn loss
Centre . county, Union major
ity_l3; Union guin 5.
Five townships in Centre county, Boggs,
Huston, Spring, Union and North give a
Union majority of 180; I:iiion gain 74.
_Lick Haven borough, Ihnniieratie major
ity 21; Lock Haven, Ural. majority 2 2;
Union gain 87. Four townships iii Clinton
County Union gain 129.
Troy borough Union 68 majority.
Elmira city and township Union majority
3funcy borough Union 152; Democratic
61; Union gain 12.
Mon.troso—Union majority 188; gain 24.
Providence borough—Union majority 92;
Union gain 17.
Great Bend township—Union majority 84
Union gain 21.
Susquehanna borough—Union majority 8.
Nicholson borough—Democratic majority
88; Democratic gain 5.
Pennsylvania is generally conceded as hav
ing given her vote for the Administration.
Eiryen wards show Union gain 924; en
tire majority will bu ten thousand.
Reported returns un New York city, ex
cept ono district, give Democratic ninjoz ity
Tenth ward, Union, 1,461; Union gain
256. Twelfth ward, Union, 107; Uniongain
22. Fourteenth ward, Union, 1,155; Union
gain 229. Fi ft eenth ward, Union, 1,144;
Union gain 218.
Union majorities—Second ward, 172 ; gain
62. Ninth, 257; gain 17. Thirteenth, 826;
gain 146. Sixteenth, 25; gain 6. Demo•
eratic majorities—Third ward
,2p6 ; Union
gain 33. Fourth, 1341; Deinocratiegaiii 376.
Fifth, 135; Union gain 162. Sixth, 100;
Union gain 79. Eleventh, 215; Union gain
358. Seventeenth, 1114; Union gain 239..
Reported returns from all .1 ut two
give a majority '3)e...16,200.• Union
ward;'. 11'39;. gain 60:—
Eighteenth, 1,376; gain 260. Nineteenth,
144 4 .t..-2..r.wqray-Oacth, 767; gain,l23.
Union majority in the Twentieth ward
096; a gain of 203. TwEjtity-third Ward
Ppioa majority.49o,,; : , a gain
.of 11.. •
This c'timplete349pity, nlakiagithelThion
• ' • •
Harrisburg—First ward—M'Clellan's ma
jority 68; last election 81. • -
Second ward—Lincoln 11 majority; Dem
ocratic majority last election 1 4.
Third ward—M'Clellan's majority 8; last
electipn 46.
.Fourth, ward-,Welc_llan's majority. ;
last election 68.
Fifth ward--Lincoln's tinijbrity, 24; last
elect - 1011.2k' ' • -• ' •.- ,• -
Sixth ward—y:ololh ? mnj ority 52; Lin
coln gain ,8.
Susquehanna townshim—Lincoln'a major
ity 18U; last - iireetiori ' '
Ididdletown—Liricoln'a: majority 69; laat'
election 47:,
Derry---,X4incoin'a majority 585 - ; gain, 91.
East', Londbnderry gives u_gain of 16 for
the Union. . • •
,Conewago,givo,a„liniain of ,
killerabnrg ion majority; a
gain of - 82; --•
Paxton town - 421p' givea - 18 majority
for .151'Clellan ; a gain of 58.
.Lower Swatara givelf a Union majoriiy of
10.1 v . Union gain of 7:- . '-.•• • •
Salifax . givea a 3,l'Clellau majority of 717,;,
Union gam o.f 710,
.1 "E 1 ti
Union 1
• lOWA.
‘ The soldiers in Comp Curtin voted as fol' 7;
f'; ) A 93 /
'Cleliaa?""i' \\ /F 7 12 0 1;(
i (‘
• .
Eci..L,ineoln ; 731. ' '
- rbk
NEW tOlilt: Nov. 9
The press this city Agree that Abraham
Lincoln has, carried the - State by majority
ranging frotri'l9,ooo6 15;000. • '
Governor *Stlyxnbur ih defeated. ' •
The . Herald reports that the•indications are
that Now York Inisgune for Lincoln by from
117,000 to 15,000. •
New Yens, Nov. S. —lt is reported that
Humphrey, Republican, is elected to Congress
from Brooklyn, and also that It. J. Raymond.
is elected to Congress,. and that Fernando
Wood has been defeated for Congress by Darl
ing, R6publican. Roscoe COnkling is elected
to Congress over Korman. This • city gives
Seymour, fur G0vern0r.,.13,827,,,and Fenton
36,122. In eighty-three. towns and cities,
including Albany, Buffalo ; Troy and Utica,
and also three counties; ItClellan has 16,094
, In nineteen towns that have been heard,
from se far the aggregate majority fur Lin
1 1
is 2403.
The Tribune claims New England; Penn
sylvania, Dela Ware, New York, Maryland,
Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, Wiscon
sin, Minnesota, lowa and Kansas for Lin
coln. Grand total 190 electoral votes, inde
pendent of the Pacific States, which it says
have probably chosen 11 Lincoln electors.
It claims over 10,0110 majority in New
York State, and that members of Congress
enough have been gained in the Union to se
cure the requisite two-thirds vote in the
House for the prohibition of slavery by a,
constitutional amendment. •
It makes the New. York delegation stand
22 Union to 9 Democratic.
The New York if concedes Lincoln's
Ihmtorr. Nov. 8
The Republicans claim to have carried the
State by I5,0:,0 majority. The returns are
Detroit city gives about 1,0)0 Democratic
naj. Adrian G 5 Republican inaj.
Clue Arm, Nov. 0.
Nino. wards in Chicago give 2,565 Itiath
can majority; six wards to bear from.
CH ICAuo. Nov. 9.—Cook county gives a
bout .1,000 Union majority. The wires are
working badly, and the returns come in slow
ly. Those received so for show gains over
Lincoln's majority in 1860, leading the Re
publicans to claim a niajortty of 20,0.0.
ICAO°, Nov. B.—Eleven wards of this
city give Lincoln 2,577 majority. The oth
er wards reduce this majority to 1600.
Ctttc,Auo, Nov. 9, midnight,—Communi
cation with lowa interrupted by a storm •
but the lending Republicans and Democrats
admit that it has gone for Lincoln by 25,1100
Cult:At:o, Nov. R.—Complete returns fruit)
is city show 1.785 majority fur Lincoln.
Senah , r and Unlim mem
bers to the, AR.:emblv hit ye been elecbid.
31(INTPELI Eft, V r., N. , v. 8
increase in the .C•ote of 4,907 over that in
September. I n these towns the vote stood.
8,355 for the Union, and 2,910 for the -
ocrats. To-tray it stain's 10,9311 Union, and
3,240 Democratic, showing a net gain on . the
Union veto of 2,2110.
Fifty towns in Vermont give Lincoln a
majority or 11,775.
Montpelier, Nov. B.—Fifty towns give
Lincoln 113,641; McClellan 4,869. Union
gain 3,741. Vermont is good for lto,ooo.
Bosco::, Nov. 8
U nion majority noarly 75,00). Thi , , eiLy
gives Lincoln about ,5,i)110 Maj,Wity.
majority in Om Fourth liktriet, is ne iirly
5,0 )0 Tnaj4,rity.
Br/turns from the. Sinto indicate that Lin
coln's majority will b'/ noarly 75,00 /in Ow
Statc. In 186.) it was about 13 UM
Messrs. Itice and Boole• have •been re
effected to Congress in the Third anal Fourth
Districts. 'They will Inert their constituents
tat receive their congratulations in Pitman!
llall this evening.
The Itepublicans have carried all the con
gressional districts. .
WiIEELIN(7, VA., Nov. 8
Returns from nine counties show large
Union gains. It is believed Lincoln will
carry the State by large majorities in every
IteurimonE, Nov. 9.
The official vote of the city is as follows:
Lincoln 1-1,826
Lincoln's majority 11,936
Baltimore county gives a Union gain of
some 200.
Proclaims her adherance by a respectable
majority fur the Union.
MADISON, Wisconsin, Nov. 8
Scattering returns show a Union loss on
the vute of last fall, when the Union u ajor
ity v, , Lts 10,1100. It is estimated by the Re
publicans that the State has given 10,009
Union majority un the home vote, which
will be largely increased by the soldier's
From Washington.
The President Serenaded
At a late hour last night President Lin
coln was serenaded by a-club of Pennsylva-'
'lions, headed by Capt. Thomas,. of that State.
Being loudly culled for: the- President. ;
peered at a window and spoke as !Mows . ;
before I had been intbimed by you that this
compliment was paid me by the loyal citizens
of Pennsylvania friendly to, me, I had in
ferred, that. you v ivere o r that portion of, my
countrymen wlici th 1 .14 that :the best inter
esti of the nation are to be subserved by • the
support of the present Administration. --I do
not pretendrtir say that, you who think ; so
embrace all the patriotism and loyalty of the
country - , do believe, and,, - with
out personal interest, that the welfare °file
oeuntr7 does but require that "such` eupport
ard endorseinent' be giiien. • •
I earneitlyr'.helielie that the consequenceS
of Allis ; day's wo Or,. if it bb as you 4184 gre,..a n 4
now. agexpl . probable, will s to the, lasting
dvaritage, 'if Mit tOlie Very salVatierl of the
cOuntry.• '1 ' Ctiiinot 'tit this hooFsity what
has -been the result of the election,'but what;
ever it may be, I have no desire. fe.,modify
this opinion, that, all-who havoilahored _to
day in, behalf of, 'the 'TWA, 'Organization,
have iVirnight 'for the bestAnterest 'of their
coilittry„and . .thelwerlk not'onlp for the pre
sekt, but for future ages.
Lam thankful to God for this approval of
the' people ; but while deeply grateful for
this mark of their confidence in me, if I
kntiw my heart s my 'gratitude s , I , feel free
from any taint of, personal triumph,; I do
not impugn the motives of any , ono opposed
tonic; It is no pleasure to' me to truunph
over any one,ilbut tgive thanks lo:the Al
yoighty,for this evidence of, t 4epe o l 3 l9:o res
olution,to:Stand-byfree Government' it,qa the
'rights '" ' •'' '
Co,xurtterttru. 7 —W,hy" 19 1 _4 washer,no . mqp. , ,
like'Saterdayi Becausel3finga The.
'clothes (oloee) of-the week.
The Countri and the Contstitution.
:;;;.(hictfaliagreat, if not the greatetit . .nf the
politlonitkiniters of our day, John f,Stuart
Mill, in un urEiele publisbbd yeaysingo,
of "pri tit% nega
1.1 -.
N , 'l,e-ishiliAphy‘ of the eighietith 4intury,
Reeking of,the.eonditions ott,portnanOnt po
litical.pocietY, after nioutitiOng restraining
Aissciftliro, either -militapk,'Or religious, as
ono of-them; said :
_ .
"The second condition 'of permanent po
ftitichrsisei-etylMs- beniv-found , to - belhe - ens.
tepee iilsorue, form oq--pther,-oti thefeeling i pf
in its objects, andis.ruit confluedlo anyTar
tiCular foiin of Goveinin - efit,:liiitinietifer in
a democracy, or in it;inoriarchy, its essence
lionstitution of the'State pmetleitiowliich is
which; by
ment, has a right to be where it is, and to be
secure againsf - dbiftirliatice, vihtitefdi else may'
change. * * -*
In all political soeinties
durab'e eiiitence; therb:has beriljume , fized
point ; so me th ing Which peoPilditoe4i ti hold
ing sacred, whii 4 h, wherever freedom of dis-
cussion was a reorganized principle, it was of
course lawful to contest in theory, but which
no one could either fear or hope to see shaken
in practice ; which, in short, except perhaps
.during some temporary crisis . ,-'was in the
common estimation, placed beyond discus
sion. And the necessity Of' this May be en
sily made evident. A State never is,' and
until mankind are Vastly ilnproveilv can nev
er hope to be free front internal dissenMon ;
for there neither is, nor. has been any state of
society in which collisions.did,,not occur be
tween the immediate interests .114,,pasns
of powerful sections of people. hat, then
enables nations . to weatherthese stordisr and
pass through turbulent' tiineS Without 'any
permanent wakening of their - seeuritiek for
peaceable existence? Precisely 'this, that
however important the interests about which
men fall out, the eonflict•dtd not affect the
fundamental principle of the' social:. union
which happened to exist, nor threaten large
portions of the community with the subver
sion of that on which' they haVd built their
calculations, and . .Wlth which their hopes and
aims had become identified.
"Bret when the questioning y these funda
mental principles is (not the occasional dis
ease, or salutary medicine but) the habitual
condition of the body politic r and when all
the violent animosities are called forth,,which
spring habitually- from such a situation the
State is virtually in a position of civil war,
and can serer long remain free from it in act
and fact." . .
The applicatioo of all this to our only con
dition is very obvious; and - M -- fact there
could hardly be a more striking proof of its
nth and sagacity than the actual condition
of our affairs. We owe the break up of the
Union and the civil war which is now rag
ing, to the persistence and impunity with
which the validity Of the Constitution, 10 II
bond of union, has been questioned ; and for
the last thirty years we were. in feet, •' vir
tually- in a position of civil war," from the
moment that large numbers of persons a
dopted Calhoun's theory of State rig,hts—
from the moment it is admitted that ant•
fraction of people can dissolve; the Union
at pleasure, the Constitution ceases to have
my harm as a law.
The great end and aim of this war, there
lire, is to assure the stabitity of this llopub
ie by placing the authority of the Ginstitu-
Lion forever hereafter beyond dsseuhsion.
What we want to insure our national life is
"something Kqtled—something permanent,
and not to be (=lint in quevion." W e want to
have the ComAitution of the United States
so cemented—so solidly bated—that nu !lean
the country shall ever think or talk of its
overthrow, or the eseape of any portion o
the Union from its jurisdiction, except as an
bile dream and we believe the Ameriean
people are firmly resolved that this shall be,
and that whatever is ,necessary to secure it
shall be forthcoming. For; utdess We can
achieve this, all intelligent me4erceive;that
the same fate awaits us which bas overtaken
all other States which have once lost and
faded to restore that "something settled,"
viz: to use 3lr. Mill's words, "to become
after a longer or briefer period of decline
either the slave of despotism or the prey of
a foreign invadm.:'
DAsTARD LI" ACT —.I I . nio,r Man's Barn
Barn? by (i,ppolicade,.—Th,
Joirrnut says that the barn of \I r. George
Lang. in Walker township, in that county,
was burned to the ground on Wednesday
night lust, together with his entire stock ,if
grain, which haul just been got in. There
can be no doubt that this has been the work
of-an incendiary-, - There was n large rnion
meeting held at MeConnellstown that even
ing, which :Mr. Lang had taken groat pains
to make a creditable affair, being a strong
Union man, and consequently the feeling
against luiuu, among the copperheads infest
ing that township, was very bitter. Short
ly after the uu•eting wit: organized the cry
of tire was heard, :aid the barn, about quar
ter of a mile distant,. was discovered to be
wrapped in flames. The loss is a severe one
to Mr. Lang, and it is loped that the -per
petrators of this diabolical outrage will be
brought to justice. We are glad to state
that some of the most influential McClellan
men of that township, have come out boldly
for Lincoln since this outrage, and deClare
they will support no party which resorts to
such acts.
LIR TELEGRAPH.—It is twenty-seven
years since the telegraph was first put to prac
tical test. Then it was considered a mere
toy. ,13y 1851, however, 7000 miles were in
operation. Since then full 21)11,000 Miles of
telegraph have been called iffto existence
throughout the world. The wire has pene
trated to almost every region of the world,
braving all climotes.
COOKING VEU ETA is the sim
plest branch of culinary art--one with which
much pains should be taken, that our people
might, be tempted to change the unhealthy
and expensive habit they have of subsisting
so miio). on meats. As.a rule,: vegetables
should be perfect of their'lcind. Iron, pots
or tin sauce-pans Should be used chiefly.
Copper, hrass; or bell-metal, dikoinr, and
render poisunowi, articlp having acid in
earthorn or stone crock with R lid stows,
fruit nicely. Delicate preparations that
would be easily burned, should po put i r ti a
china or tin kettle, and. placed. in a piit of
boiling. water.. Such preparations ?: however,
usually belong to wbut is:erronenusly termed
dessert—that word meaning,, according tq
English precedent,. fruit, nuts, c%c.
Vegetables should to picked and washed
clean, and laid in cold water. until jugready
for cooking. P,otatees, ,parSeilm TQ9tE'
generally, should be . threwn into:coldwater
as soon as pared, or,they turn hlapk. A
tle salt should be thrown ,igto.)vater, , 4dl
green vegetables should,.. be put. in boiling
water at the start. 9nlr use as Antehwater
ns }rill cover them•properly3 they are washy
if cooked in too much. There are Sento ox
captions to this, rule.. ;When turnip-greens
grow-old, to chauge,the water when cooking
renders them milder. Also dry beans _and
peas should have the water changed after
parboiling them..,,
~Drain_perfeetly; VegetablAs to be dressed
Withdrawn hukter,. should te saturated
itly with it as you would meat . mith grayy..
W11)t 10 . A FLYIIO 0 Of j , the insects?tas
lle t
Ileettutie 4e . staivis VOr, elx. Peat With Ont
• '
The New Nation in the North.
Some thnelast suitor the Canadian
istry was..catight fit a; tight place and was
libligV,to,refrign. fir i?.ore ..dittOlten a, great
0i,eay,,04 diffltiulty i forum n. row Gpvern4
-11nd froUble at last4ided oi,ccrWy s
' •
CoMpromfselythic bad for its
- „ •
utiscence\in the' , ; ; long cherished idett.Of
fOrminir a l'ederal Union of all. the British
North American Colonies. At the time, this
expedient was considered to be a mere flash
of enthnsiiistii "oh the part -- cif those who
inapt the e i tufeessi4, Whieliftvenht soon burn
out 'and expire with the occasion' hat gave it
a'fenifforari - leas of life. Bin it turns
out to be something more- than that. A
uumberof,conferences Aaverbeert f. -held
dgly authorizpid delegates of the several Col
dniesr aud4t..a7reeent-session in Quebec, the
project took:such form as to require only con-
Ourrence'of the Provincial Parliaments, and •
the . sanction of the imperial Government at
at is proposed that the "Upper House" of
the Federal. Log:slater() shall eonsist,of sev
enty-six members, of whom - twenty four
shall be from Canada East, twenty-four
from Canada:West, twenty-four from - Nova
Scotia ' '•Now Brunswick and Prince Ed-
Ward's Island, and four from Newfound
land, !Of the :twenty-four members froth
NOva , ScoCia,--New Brunswick and Prince
EdWard's the first named is to. have eleven, -
the second ten and the third three. The
members of .this body are to be nominated
by the Crown, and are to hold office.for life.
The representation- in -the "Lower House"
is to be in proportion to population. The
legislative power for all the colonies is thus
to be concentrated in-a central parliament,
the scat of which will probably be at Ottowa,
the-new capital of the Conadas. Each colo
ny is to have a local legislature, with limited
powers. The Governor-General of this
Confederation -is to be appointed by the
Crown, but is to- be advised by a Ministry
selected in accordance with the views of the
minority in the Federal Parliament. This
is merely the outline of the scheme, the de-
Xtils being thus far unsettled.
Heretofore we have been in the habit of
r .garding the British N,,rtli American Col
oni tie a number of isolated settlements
of no particular strength or importance, v
but now we have a new nation tu icing on
our Northern trimlier. This nation, too is
of a vast deal more con.equence. than Mex
ico, about which our politiv. aml politic an:
have always been so much exercised. It is
comporied of three millions live hundred
thousandtharily, iniluAtritiu4 and thrifty peo
ple. of thesainetirigin, t langatage and
the same habits with our:els-Os. They have
It groat system of raiiroit prolierotis
ca't's, it growing coniloorev, lands fur the
landiess, and it good ssttitii of popular eilit
eation,tuliiatitages possessed be no ether
plc on Lilo
,Antitrican continent, oxcelting
our own. They nn., therefore, bound to
prosper uud to grow rapidly.
tin-, population of lht• Jiro Colo
tiles embraced within the proposed Confect
crony'', fol iuW,3
Canada, Fast,
A 1 I Canada,
New Brut wick,
1.) V a ,Scuba,
Newtt , undland,
Prince Ed‘rartrd k]and,
All tho
This is. considerably more than the pop
ulation ot . the United S(ab's at: the period of
our independence; and the prosent popula
tion of tho chief cities of C'an:ula is greater
than that of ours in Mt).
Their commerce, too, is as great as Olin,
WRP in 1795—nearly tletity years after we
took our plare atuong the nations of the
The following are the figures on this sub
kat for 1S U, for all the Colonies except
Nova Scotia, which are those of 181;3 :
Imports. Eip r
NVW Brunswick, ii,155,02!)
V. E. Island, Ltl,G at i 7:i2, T 45
Nova Scotia., 10.2 )1.391 6,546,4.-05
These ere tdinost indentical ith the re
turn.:- of exports and inipirts of . the L'iited
States in the pia 1705, e, hen our position
and importance were recognized by all the
powers of the world. The effininerce which
is represented by these figures, it should al
so be remembered, is niainly with the Uni
ted States.
In view 4_'lol the facts it will be incum
bent on our legislators ni d Executive to
give careful attention to the new power, for
it is of immensely greater importance to the
United States than any of the Southern
countries ever embraced within the .11.unroe
Presbyterian Synod Against
The following resolution were adopted by
the Synod of Pennsylvania; ..New :school
Presbyterian at its.reeent Session in Phila
delphia. This 'Synod covers Eastern Penn
sylvania, Delawice, Maryland, and the
District of Columbia. Its hearty and.unan
litmus approval of the Government is there
fore the wore significant:
The tiynod, luiving,'in the providence of.
God been once again covened during the
progress of the great rebellion, promptly
recognize the dutyand accept the respons -
bility of utter)li anew the voice of its
churches plain a aflutter so vital to the best
interest of the
, Uhureh, the country and tiac
.1, Therefore, llesolred. That the year of
.sulfering and of sacrifice through which we
have been passing has but intensified our
conviction that the Southern Insurrection,
as.a revolt against established law, as a mad
attempt to uverrttle the:will of the people
and to d,srtipfitOluience and blood the Un
ion formed ray fathers, as an outbreak of
rmisunlels pussiotrund a contempt of sacred
covenants—is niter making all mustn't' hie ab
atements on the ground of Northern prd-
Vocatioh, the unmatched wickedness of mod
ern tithes, and a crime so enormous that the
simpllyord l treason does not adequately de
2. hesoirr.d, That since the safety of the
l•opublic, hes in the unquestioned supremacy
or Law Radio , the.reverenco of the . people
for the Constitution and the courts of the
. pountry., since the very possibility of Gov
ernment) the sepority tit Liberty and
ion and the life, 44 the 'Nation are involved
in giving 'qtrirtor any• . bedy 'of Men;
who violently resist the will:of the majority
lawfully:expresoed, we.orge upon all good
and, 13yal men to -be. prompt bold. in
silencing everywhisper of treason, every hi tit
that secession any proper curb for politidal
grievances.;, ; i • •• .;
-8, Peso/v44, That we believe that the
Government of this land is able and io.hound
to 'vindicate its integrity, and that God' will
the Nation guiltless it' after receiv
in.,,i, so high trusts. from If itn; it. liermits itself
tol_be subvorted - byterrned and wicked revolt,
And so believing,, we ealtupon the people, as
an apt of obedicabe to.Gocl and as a high
moral obligation to °urge - tired; our'. ehildren, !
our country and the race;; to' stand by the
Government ~unti I by_the ehortost - and surest
,path to "fin. abiding and rigliteons„peace- 7 -a
.Vigorous, use
,of. its warrpowors_- itptitterly:
breaks, dpwu the mutiny of - the ,Bontia.;'..
4, Roolvetk;.T.Wit . of the.: recent
expOsition)l44,tterney, General a•
wicked and :vide Spread . conspiracy`.
the Northern States to organize resistance to
the. Government and to sustafn the'armed
treusen:of lite,South, this Synod would sal-:
emnl tster i iiii•abhorrenee of all such treas: .
'sonar) e i .'-coridtiet; and N . voultri - eu4L4rpon, , puf
people e,..spe!cially i our church 'ant by
every, liktiftil ;neanT whithilf•their Pow4t,
Oppospille4 conspirators ughinst the coati. ' -try, araidio , bir c yheim thti
em• With such rdp
rolJation arid' d eat as shall leave 'no 'doubt
among.-lthernselves and the, nations -the
earth that is the settled senthient and pur
pose of the American peolik to restore and
to maintain at all hazards 'the integrity of
the Union.
5. Resolved, That the Synod returns
thanksgiving to God fur Inc gracious aid
He ahe given .to our loyal cause, for those
victories which so hopefully presage the corn
ing peace, for the sustailled:piftrlibtittifOf 00 7,
-.1n 0 P 10 ,-anci , ....ree.eutattAio.n.
State in clearingitself front further coinpli- ,
city with human' alavetty so tFiitt'ivith the
• painful -exception of it remnant of the'cor- .
rupt system in the State of 'Delaware, :this:
Synod covers no ground trod, by a slave; and
we exhol't all Christian peolile, that while
they manfully Meet the trials and issues of
the hour, they also watch and pray lest they
offended a jealinni God by-attributing to the
wisdom and valor of man, that which of
right belongs to Him only, and amid all
political exciternent end varyine- forte nes of
a war waged in desperate madness by the !
insurgents, they humbly mid prayerfully do
their whole duty to God. and,thetr country.
G. Resolved, That we commend to the
Christian and active sympathic: of our pm
ple the sick and wounded meii who are suf
fering in their behalf, and as an. efficient
agent is distributing their chat - hies, we coin
.mend to their confidence the United States
'Christian Corififfision.
Resolved, That Synod hereby expresses.
its deep sympathy with'thescbif its Ministers
and utehiburs.who have been called, in the
Providence of God, to suffer the loss of their
sons ,and relations, Its a sacrifice to oar coun
try in her great struggle to maintiiin the 21 . 11 -
thority of the government, and the integri
ty of the nation.
The abov(l resulutions were adopted by a
rising v9te, every 111 , 2111 tier standing up in
the /airmail v e.
Mr. Gladstone on the War
The British Chanel;nor of the Exchequer
nark: It speech at _llanuheAur on the to dn
t, iu NU, 1/1,•11 lie spoke of ,linuricau
"We hay° no "natural enemy. [Cheers.]
Every coun•ry of Europe is our natural
friend; and if to any eountry of Europe in
particular we are to look as the Ns - Wry- by
a with which `co pro
mote the general interti.t of the civilized
NVorld. it I'lliat Vt . IV CM./1111*V WhIHI Otlee in
tho LH
t1a..11 , •—• x 1 11 in
iPitural yet sv.•
as our natural I (liet•r- 1 I trii , that
you think that thet , olllll,:tnf Ili
in the regniation of it , ftwei..;:i ha,
nenrls 1111 t • wintrif. , td . 1111. t);Ii
Pi' rt . :11(1 , 11h.. [ll , `lll', 11 , 111'.1 1 11 . 11 , ,,
I lain enniid..iit, that ynii hint, Ili t. 11,1,
I is I , C-11 ill I,y,ltt•,llly
--:111.1 Ihi• aloe rnnn nt, 1. , 1
i n lift: ri•-peet they have 1 111:111
111.' 1/I lilt' 111
(1;,1111-11i..11 the ,vert
:f\ilt , l 111 11 ,
. 1 11,• , 111.- lii- 1.•• , 11 iii ii iI ii in r , 4111 , 1 ;.1 th , •
wni• huh still 1111`4,!1-
i twilt ni A inori,.l, HI etre, Elizlant.l
se en a -a t l by hit \var.. I till:1 I. h. , -
\'c that r•lnrd- tt ca-.. in \\hicll lli
tritt•rnal (~.iintr\
\vide -pread in t.t
nation, beyotol it , hoed, rc ; but \v, has 0 101 l
th a t it waN.,tirtl t ity iill.l,llOlA
‘, 1 , 1,001 tho the
to deal with tlivir nwn \vhat •
ever titiLt-ht Is one p.irtic,
the 11:1,111011 of 11111 1111%1' I.lll'-11-
~ 1' :1- , 1. , t.l . ztrty tphTh e t
111,•\ 'nil of \ F..r \ \\"ii iar Ia 11
1,110 blii
1 , 11, UJI
2,• 01,7•»
I_2 t,
fe ,, I alter. - had great Mai hl , tu the pea , -
j r...dtieimr lu any large
purtion uf a country that nianif,t, tictiir
iiiincti di l u.,ilion to separate I loud and ',-
hewed cheer=): but whatever Le ourul,iniurt,
we have no right ti place it inn form tt huh
should make us the judge of t, hat it is lit fur
another country to ill,ehi‘l'N.
Their. i, th, r,spuu , ii,Buy 1., been
But if
the Si/irel'ille; \% bleb hn. been oNifTieneeti
\vii look at the
frightful inagnittah , of the cAlatuitie, th.
Americans are undergoing. [ilear, hear.]
It i. fir them, they have the
ty• to judge of their mt 3 Al cuur,e. I
min, in the first, phiee, this eunvietion, that
Lt' an attempt. to ,mforce our awn jialgirh•nt
in , mad of theirs we have done
ing hut etiMitter a eunte-( nlrca , ly I;;i; 11111 , 11
eNit , 111.1:1111.(1 : in the secant place, I fe-1 dint
the•entirlient with which wmaiHit h , regard
this must unliappv \var in this—NV,' ililVt• 11;i
A-LIR;;;; "' ; wo 11";(' iii
rea,un In rear them, ur any other nation.
_Hear, liver.) We feel the:, - are our brethren
ht blush and Imiginoz.4'. knits'
1,1 VR14;11111{4,1 to e utih u ts, in TVintiiinsi
of the with us,
we might to pray Almighty God that it
may please Mint nt Ili. mercy to brill.; this
,anguinttry conte,t, if it he His Will, at any
periud, to such n torminati.,n a , :dial{ be beet
fur the Intiminos: , llerlnlinent Weifilre
and prolwrity of a l l the inhabitimts of what
were once the [(;Leers.]
i I`,l
617,68 Itlj,
Governor of the Said Commonwealth
WTIEREAS, It i 3 the honored custom o
Pennsylvania to set apart, on the recommen
dation of the Executive, n day for returning
thanks to the vor of all Good, the Shep
herd and Bishop of 01.11' Now thtwe
ANDR KIV 0. CV itTIN, Governor as afore
said, do recommend that the people through
out •the Commonwealth observe THURS
DAY, the twenty-fourth day of November
instant. as it day of Thanksgiving, to Al
mighty God.
For the gathered fruits of the earth;
For the continuance of health ;
For• the proSpnity of industry;
Foi• the preservation of good ot•der and
tranquility throughout our borders;
For the victories which he has vouchsafed
to us over armed traitors,
And fur thi: manifold blessings which he
heaped nbon us, unworthy.
And that they do, moreover, • Irrimbly be
seech llim to renowAnd_ increase his pereb :
fitl favor toward us during the year to come,
SO that rebellion being' overthrown, peace
may be restored to our 'distracted country,
and, in'evory State; with' grateful and.loving
aceord, ; the incense of praise anal, Thanks
giving may be offered by nil the people unto
Given miler my hand and the ?rent seal of
•i the State nt tiarrishurg; this second day of
[l,, i s.] November, ,in the year of our Lord
one thoußind,eight hundred and sixty thur;
, and of the
•‘ - •• • A. G. CURTIN.
'By the Governer. •
Secretary of the Commonwealth
, .•
A worthy couple in Detroit had a,,pair of
twins baptied r tlie , other 'day,. nfi,morder
thni they might tell one from tho'i4her, tied
a piece of ribbon around • the arm of ,ono,
which a stupid servant .64.1 rei,novea , ,attOr
tlic baptismal ceremony, , and'nOW:.they can.;
not tell ttwliieht " •
daily on t, haffshei3t rit iftk doilars 'per an,'
,num, or five do'llarriperillOnth,so!ni-wbokly .
qoqttirEt.: find ilow.s_dealikr,
it at twenty i]oltaripe - r 111.9rtire0:C..
The Accident on the Erie Railroad.
Wan lire enabled to furnish some addition
parileuhirsretative to the lamentable am
eiden Railroad, near Call i coon
idatiod,4vhipi occurred on Sunday, the 6th
T train *as the six o'clock P. M. train
from 13 , 431.6' And Dunkirk, and consisted,
besides locomotive and tender, of a baggage
car, two passenger curs and two Buffalo and
Dunkirk sleeping ears. There were perhaps
one himdred and fifty passengern the i trair.
At ten A. 31. on Sunday moriticig,,•liio n itig,' . ' at
the rate of twenty- miles an hour round a
curve ? ", tiTf a iit'lliti - dage; V" :eI I III4 I ICIIIP t
track. The engineer rever9d,-,the engine,
,and the locomotiVe, :lprealOtig . its coupling,
plunged down the precipice into Callicoon
creek, about fifty yards from where it went
elf. Thsutecident ,oectlrradztin. consequence
of the switch being misplaced and padlocked.
The fender remained attaelind to the train.
The impetus win so great that the entire train,
with the exception of the sleeping cars, wont
over the embankment, one upon the. other:
Th, i )., victims hail to bo dug or cut out
With axes. 'The third our stood upon end on
the debris. The sleeping cars were both
thrown off the track on the side of the em
bankment.. The hist. win hauled back on the
truck by a locomotive, the first remaining
on the side of the bank at an inclination of
thirty degrees. The stoves in the first and
second cars set fire to a portion of the wreck;
but the flames were fortunately soon extin
linntodiately after the disaster the passen
gers in those cars which were not tLirown off
got. nut as well as they could and proceeded
to the assistance of their unfortunate. com
panions. The people of the locality also lent
prompt and active assistance, 'the ladies he
ing partienhaly distinguished fur their ac
tivity, hrine;ing towel , , sheets, buckets of
water, stimulant-.&c.. f.r the wounded and
dying. TiII Can /04. be bi,ThiWed
)111 . "n 111 . 1/pi, fi)r their praiseworthy un
.l-avori to alleviate the suGrings of the
wounded, 11111 i ror their Car fir the bodies
of ih dead. •
111:13' be imaginal, tho SCUllu of Ulu
110(1.1 . Wll, One. Th e u m
rorturrito wre :porno in thi
Tue •aliorin,
tor I Nt. , ',111fl•••1 W.•I'••
it criu a.d eo•
in xviirki 71,
I'll , ; , •,• 1- • ,•;* th • 11.(•ei,1••ilt,:nny In
n,lit•tl 1)..\
C. t f.;i the train
t::, .;.• I I)II
etril • it
g, te , • !I
IIIIt1:411. It: W:l
belllll.l tiCle ”.1I cuu • np on
tli nll traric N..• MI • N1.1t..r,1 on Ili,
traok. and 1..1/.•n wont bnoi; t,) a sin:4l(.•
trzio',. a, rt/F. , (lII' 111'; , 1:4 :1/1.1
th- lit th, ,witch
P. 11 1 ,11 up t tho dlmt.
niting FM' liiik'qr, train,
uceurretl, tip lute, NVItIIOUL Changing'
tit miti h.
Tie ctlgino...r lie vs pro-, train not know
i;1;2; tho 1, iti. , n ‘.f tho ,witc:i in fart I
C , .lllti n"; I corn it 1;11 aoc , ,nuit .t a cur \
th curt e, upon a ,i11:2,1e track on the creek
10.1,1 , 4 i% 0101 over it plunged a..
V , Ty 011111ger”LI, portion of the
rood in con , :equenee f/I the there and
the :=teopite , ,, of the ent)miditnertt.
There is neither ,witch tender, house nor
but I\ ithin three or four hundred feet ,If lire
- the di.mwee to the depot. there
had t e en two trolls on the bridge, or if ill,•ro
1001 a nag man or .switch' tender pre,-
rut. the ucrido nt would not 'MVO occurred.
clod,: tly is; culpable, not
prop,r procaittioti, - . to prevont, Iwcidenti nt
this point.' The damage to cars by this iteei
dent Nvould have einploy.l a thigtintn for
t wenty live years, to say nothing of the
of life and the (Irettdtill sufibring of the
It is t'Parod that the 10,, of lire will be larg
er t han at tir , t required.
The engineer is not dead, although seri
ously injured. Ibis escape from instant death
is a miracle. The bodies of Mr. Clark and
a fireman were found in the creek. The cow
cateher lay on the head of the fireman, whose
body was consid'erably mutilated. The en
ginticr,s face and head are badly cut, and
hi: body considerably injured There were
many others injured—thirteen at least.
Most of them were brought on' in a succeed
mg train, some being left at Port Jervis,
Paterson, and others corning through.
Our informant was standing up in the last
sleeping ear at the time of the accident, and
was thrown with considerable force against
the arms of the seats, but fortunately with
out serious injury. Other passengers in the
same ear, to the number of tn•enty, were
sealed, and nwived no serious injury.
There is a feeling of indignation among
the passengers for the supprci s ion by the
company's operators of telegraphic despatch
es apprising their friends of the accident and
of their safety or injuries, as the ease might
htve been.
There wit's:at-one time a report that a wom
an wa, beneath the wreck, from the fact that
an infant about ten month; old was timed
on the track the scene of the disaster,
whose mother could not be found. It subse
/Le:fitly appeared that die child belonged to a
German woman, a passenger, who threw her
infant out of the ear window to save it when
the accident occurred. The woman was af
terwards foimd stunned, and 'placed . under
good care.
A niong the passengers were some nineteen
young men belonging to a cricket club in
Port Jervis. They hid been on - an excur
sion to Port Deposit, and were 'returning.
Ono of the number, Mr. Arthur J. Bach,
whose death was reported in yesterday's
Ilan u,n who was in the act of taking a
vote for President in the first passenger car,
was - fife only owe - of the party killed.
Some hours were occupied in digging out
the woui.ded. Ilhavy joists had lq Lo nscd .
as levers to reiieve the Weight of the Wreck
froM the bedics of the aoiia and Wounded !
kr. Robert Bit&d,',' of
, 441? - oi•y tOWnship,, r
Pa., whose thigh iiis,:br9,kon, Bei in a criti r
cal situation:: He had' just' from n
" i
visit to a 'br'other he had, not seen, for tweu
ty-fbee Years, ainiWas within but ahout ten
miles cf h catastrophelutp.
period which will probably .deprive him of
• '
One; physician arrived Within hbout two
iiiha.nftelj.theveCidant, another about nil
The erst• Was• - the entriPii
nyi physician. Some of the wounded were
noeniedieldlY attended to, fix' about
nfti;ktli.:aecident,: "
,• '
The diSaStek might have' hohriatili'More
dhitinctlye Of life and lira ";,and it is - the
"ty of the company tOlaith suCli . Sfopti - aa Will
'prevent a reeurrhinie thehitni. •
it should he Stated tli'atther!ir6tlV49 - Vie - i'
34 . ip10.4iRf
. 04 trains' on trio ioad
sufficient:_: haVe' ShOwn that the, freight
train'prepeding tine ine•nh which the i.icei
deriebtkenriA boUts behind:
,thatthe, exPcsA .4414
wa4 d tWo'll'OurA behind ante . on' l abbotlneafilie
W•ealiiess of the cnginp.. Which jiad,teN
pap.,l at smite statiMr-on thef'i•oute... Tito
aceident might have ,bgen. avoided. im'd it not.
lieen for these delays. An inquest upen:giii
bodies of the slain will - probably disclose
some facts in this particular which may be
interesting and. important for tho public, to
knew, •
'Adjutant ray, 'Of the Nineteenth
meat, Veteran 136er,y0 dyrPs, ." 3:01 §. 4 ' 3 ° 1 . 1 0
the passengers on the train at the. time, of
the last dreadful accident on the.. Erie Rail
road. He -was drngdiPliut. a ; . *indow" of
c 7 ri s eO . fitiii . aiii;;aniltt . iginfnCon
injuryjkt-tltiS,igft_tttitt,yaitlo uti hip.. He
iti doing
To 712 Forty-Ninth Penna., Vnlar
On the 26th day of October a new stand ,
of Colors was presented to the Fumy-ifinth'
Penna. Vols•., u t their Comp near Winches - -;
ter Virginia. The color first received from•
the State A uthorities is still- in• possession of
the Regiment, having been carribtirthroughl ,
all the Battles and marches of the Army of,
the Potomac since Sept. Llith 1861 Coland
Oliver E , lwards of the 87th Mass. Vols.,
commanding the 3rd Brigade, Ist Divieion r
6th Army Corps, and at peen the. POst
at Winchester, presented the color to thO'
Capt. James P. Seartft'WhOentdreti the ser -
vice 1111 a Private, and is• now acknoWledged
one of the bravest and best of the officers of
'this Veteran Regiment, the"eoioi
the part of the regiment. We re
port of their speeches as an example fur
those at hum who are weary of the war.
Uoi.u.NEL EnwAhos said:—Officers and
menus the gallant By request of your
brave commander .Lt.,Col. Atclauan, lity°
the honor to present, to you the emblem of
our _Nation's giory its strength and its pride..
cur than terse years you have been
lighting our Country's i.II.ILLIVS winning lea
p,:rebliable laurels. in the battle of Win
enester Sept. lAII ItSbl, by your bravery and
gat,un try you saved Cowan's Battery from
capture, driving time enemy tram before
you.. piuced your..iXont.oit the left of
tile enemy s advance, and hurled death and
11/ Ll/ Lao ratites oh dill root therbby
o.lauong tee rest of the comuland easily to
h niy iron' before us. Cap
am ; ui making over to you who are to re
c •• ye colors in behalf of the
°dicers and men of the 4Uth as the gift, the
If,l-L , •1 i,,or ~ L ,lle, Idu it knowing, that
1•,•14 u, 11;o La.,' u, 111,111 1)1 . your Regi
ii ii o‘‘ in,qo 1).• dishonored, that La
k.,111i yoar bodies so lung
55 la I "1,11.11) 1,1,01/11d the Eiag."
then took. the oolong and
1.01 luilliWs :
11.1.ot:0ml 01 11l Llle uilieer6 and men of our
r..,;,0i0nt, 1 accept tins nag'. Audio doing .
so NV, are rl:/lay 0) Vol Wilt tile words of a for-t .
110 0. , 11111.L101,T 01 u r uttered,.
at. 011• nand., ul liov. Ultrl.lll,
inory 11001 throe years ago that Old Flag of
men o,lw bat lictl - tlleft - ex - ceptshrods
11111 tette,. lie sail •• that suiting...ash° hadan
aro, to \VIO.Ii a sword, ur a Mall left to light
in its nelson oso long suould it be free from
the touch 01 . Litt: ita eta:Mies." iluw
Lids iile,ige has peon tkopt by tile regiment
C, e leave ottiers to suit, And now, as we are
itotiut to lay aside the Old Firty and take up
this one we promise th,u, so long us any ol us
art: lilt, st, hung shaft its honor bo protected.
At the [line tee (nit Flog was - received it
woe 1101 , uppoßi'd by any of us, That our BOr•
itl ue 1 Titre," to delend our coun
try long - enough Ct, %roar out one flag, but
um, in, shown us our mistake RS the end of
Lace, year, mitts ti , still lighting in behalf
on our Country, and still ready and willing
II Ilecossary 1., light three years lunge: in its
dclouct.. A!,(i N‘ non this cruel war shall
louse ceased, wizen this rebellion shall have
been crushed, *hen the glorious Stars and
Stapes :Anal wave ,lrtuinphant over every
city', town er hamlet in lite United State*
vim:titer North or :South then shall it be the
prole of the -ltith to curry back , with us to our
mate, not only this oat also the old Flag
lle cc to be deposited with the archives of
Luu to lei biotic(' upull and reverenced by
the generattotts that shall rise up to enjoy
tio• messing, taught beneath these Flags.
Alter the colors were escorted to Head
qiidrters ue. gegitnent was dismissed. Of
ficers and spec:tutors which there was a
goodly winnher aniung them many ladies)
iLijourned to Cul's quarter:, for Refresh
Lc the evenig there was a Bull yes a real
Bart at ; (we now use the
Baker Home) were was about adozen ladies
and any number of officers present from
town, (it was the 2nd tor the 49th this sea
son) dancing was kept up until midnlgt,
everything passel off pleasiditly.
Our boys staked home , on the 23rd "gay
and happy." How is Lincoln stock inPenn
sylvonm, ho is all right down here. Ain't
:Sheridan a brick. What do you think of the
18th of Oct 'her y cry glad he got it off with
out our Brigade.
Capt. I would be pleased to hear from you
at your earliest convenience.
1 am, Capt. yours Respectfully
Adj't..luth I'.
To Capt. A. Born HUTCIIISoN;
Official Announcement of the Capture of
The following dispatches were to-day re
ved by the Navy Department, announcing
the capture of the Florida:
BOSTON, Nov. 7.
Tv the 11021. Gideon Welles, Secretary of the
I have the honor to report the, arrival of
U. S. steamer Kearsarge off Scituate from
the Roads.
We left tho WitchusettA and Florida at
St. Thomas.
The Florida wits eaptnred at the harbor of
Bahia, by the Witehusetts, nn October.
We bring ill prisoners and-ono oll . lcer from
the Florida.
[Signet] GEO. A. WINSLOW,
ST. THOMAS, W. 1., Oct. 31, via BosTos, 7.
lion. ideon-
Si it hay Qtfiiilionot..o report the arri
vnl hero, of this ship, with, the rebel steamer
Florida irCcoMpany ,
The Florida , ' witip,sl3,•mem. and 12 officers
was captared'about 3 o'clock on tho morning
of October 7th.. in the Bay - of San Salvador,
by, the officers and crew of this vessel, with
out lossiof " • . • , •
yivo,of,the ()income including her .eotn,
minder arid the reliminder of her crow; were
.on shore. .
,The' Florida had' her :mizzen maSt and
stain mast carried away, and her bulwarlot
ant down. This vassal sustained no injury. ;
detailed report Will be handed t.oyott
rayinaSter w: W. Williams.
. ,
Very respectfully, your obedient scriant,
• .IsT W: COLLINS,- •
Commander U. .Sloop Wachusetts.,
IT ( iie Albemarle Affair,
[From the Goldsboro Journal,
Nov: •• ,• ; •• :;•
On.Thuraday night last, or rather about
two o!ploek on the morning of Friday, log a
daring attempt was made by a party of Cloy,
(id -OffiCers 'oft the Yankee envy to bloW
with torpeiloes,;tho iron clad ram Albemarle,
at Plymouth, and, to some extent the attempt
was successful. • • • ,
• We' are net:in possession of what wo cob
sider the authentic details;•but - the fadloWing
seem to,be the facts. , • •r•
Tho Albemarle was moored near the wharf,
6, -- ghtig•A;tcyconnectin g -hor with-tho ehoio:2—
Some distance down the river; in the stream,
lajr,the•hull of the Sotithileld,' sunk there by
Captain Cook :when Plymouth was captured'
froiri the Yankees, The gouthilold icraslisod.
piclieeatatiop by our infantry forces, ,to
Flag Presenfation
Carlible _Penn
the Florida