Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, November 04, 1864, Image 3

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    given for the Withdrawal of the 2d Corps be
fore the attack was made. We lost no pri
soners, exCept , the usual stragglers who are
always picked up.
Our captures for the day on the South side,
foot up nine hundred and ten.
The Rebel General DEARING is reported
111.EADE, in his report, says; "I am
induced to believe the success of the •opera
tion, which was most d'ecided, was partial
ly due to the personal exertions of Maj.-Gen.
nnscocrc, and the conspicuous gallantry of
Brig.-Gen. EAGAN." U. S. GRANT, Lieut.
Reports from Gen. SHERMAN'S depart
ment to six o'clock this evening, indicate
that the ItCbel army is again' threatening
demonstrations against Tennessee, but there
is no reason to doubt. that SHERMAN and
THOM AS will be prepared for whatever move
ment may take place.
The reports from Missouri and Arkansas
concur in stating the defeat of PRICE, wit h
heavy loss.
EDWIN M. STANTON, Sec. of War.
goinn aitb . 6fauntp, Matters
NEW BAND --Tile commanding oili.2er.
ut the drafted camp has organized a bra ,
band, the performers being all detailed from
:the drafted men at that camp. Though yet
in its infancy this band pronliFes to lie an
. untire success. It is under the leadership
•of Prof. linninind Sinith an accomplished
RICHARD risth Pa. Vol•.
w•as taken up on Tuesday.
• He is clutrg - ed with conduct unbecoming,
an officer and a gentleman. in defrauding t
re-enlisted veterans of his regiment, to the
number of about 350, out 01 a portion of their
local bounty ;- and with conduct prejudicial
to good order and military discipline in at
tempting to re-enlist these men o f his reg . i -
men t as veterans not eligable to such ro-on
BOROUGH PONDS.—Tit another col
x inn will be found the inicerti,enicni of Jo:.
OCUTAIY, giving notice thiti the Council
is now ready to deliver the new bond, which
will be issued by OW corporation under the
bounty law. Thou se/airitiek, are unques
tionable, and we would roeommend lhoo , of
our readers who hale capital to employ to
purchase these bonds a j v e-E_
went. We refer is ith pride to thetypo
graphical execution of the•-e they
having been printed at this office.
RESIGNED.—We learn that Prof .J.
W.3IARSIIAL has resigned the r. ti. Con
sulshiptit Leeds, England, oil will return
to this country in a tdiort time. 11110.11er
or not he resume the duties of Ills old
Post at Dickinson College we are not, in
formed. Ilia many friend: here would he
glad to welcome him to their midst.
.T. K ERR, having pur
chased from Mi. I AZEI.TaN• hi, large
~f lirandies, 11'ines, announces
to the public that )10 will continue thi ,
lii i
ness at the old trtand. We arc intimatidt
Acquainted with )Ir. and can iiiir
readers fund while lie i, a gentleman of the
first water, his liquor , will lie entirely free
from that enervating ILtI 1. ilea(' hi, a il_
vertisement in anyther column and then call
and see him.
tJ For cheap 11;04, Trunks . ,
Carpet Bags and Gentinnien . , Furnishing
"(loads, call at Julius Neuwbars, Samuel Ar
nold's rill stand next door to Dr Zitzer.--It.
the- following-from - the daily She - add and
Rotherham (England) 1,1,1,7-wit:tit. It af
fords much gratification to millee the ap
elation of the non ice. , of our old and tint.
tAtd friend, lily our Johnny Bull eotempora-
CONSULAR AGENT.—\\'e 21 :40 , r 1
time ago the probability that a ehangp \1 ,, 111 , 1
be made in the appointment of the comokr
agent for the United 00-dates iu Shutlield. A
few friends of n. Stec on-on, Esq., who
has hitherto tilled the office, ins itoll that gen
tleman to meet them at lk private dinner out
the Black Swim ilotel yesterdouy, and pre
sented him with a handsomesOlver cup in re
membrance of Lis sojourn amongst them.
the 21st instant, at the U. S. General hos
pital at Fredericksburg„ Va. Sergeant E
MANUEL A. Sm of the Nth Pa., (.Usu
ry in the 24th year of his age.
Sergeant SMITH is one ~ f the ninny patri
otic sons of "Old :Mother Cumberland - who
have laid their lives on the altar it liberty
in this portentous struggle. lie had served
almost three years, and had passed safely
through twenty-three engagements, On the
24th of September, while on a seout in com
pany with 32 comrades they wort attacked
by Moseby 's gucrri l I as, SM rrit alone escaping,
and ho so severely wounded as to cause his
JAcon SwEITZER, a well-known engineer
on the, Cumberland Valley Railroad, was
murdered at his residence in Charnbersbnrg.
It appears that bevcral F•oldier:4; who were
intoxicated, went to Mr. Sw tuTz Ea's house
and demanded admittance, which was refus
ed. They then left informing Mr. S. that
they would return in thirty minutes, and if
not admitted, the house would be burned.
During their absence Mr. S. went to a neigh
bor's houSe for assistance, and upon his re
turn was met by thy soldiers, one of whom
struck him on the bend with a musket, kill
ing him instantly. The soldiers are report
ed to have been arrested.
At a meeting of the Belles Lettres Society
of Dickinson College, held. October 26th,
• 11364, the death of ilocarat B. TANEY being
nouneed, the following preamble and res
'olutions were unanimously adopted:
, WITEREAS,. Elms pleased Almighty 'God,
Irl'His unerring wisdomto remove from his
14,1:: position, as Chief Justice of the Supremo
.Court of the 'UllitOdStAtoA, ROGER B. TANEY;
and Wntitrasi In his disease, we, the mem
icrs , or the' Belles. Lathes Society, whilst
.•bowing submissiVoly : to the will of Leaven,
realize en hinutlio loss . of , ono'of our highest ,
drhaMenti. ''.Theieforo, •
Retiolved,'..That in tho.deatli. of Bodutt
TANEY we havelost ono of our oldest and,
most honored members, the country one of
its ablest and most eminent jurists..,
Resolved, That his decisions are generally
believed to have boon impartial, and founded
in the principles of justice; and ns.such, have
commanded the respect of the highest courts
both of this country and of England; and to
have sustained the. reputation of the court,
after such a, juFigt as:Marshall, is thchighest
honor of an American citizen.
itcietvcd., That we tender to his lAreayecl
family our sincere eondolence and sympe th y
Resolrecli . That 'the. Hall be ',draped in
mourning, and that we wear the pstia I , badge
of mourning far thirty days; "
Resolved, That a copy,of the alioVo ineEo
- be transmitted to the . family , Of the,
&et:lased,'and Copies alto be tan t fofpub-'
licationlo - National Baltimore
knerican;Philitdelphda - Press, Carlisle.•HorS,
aid, and ,other pa ors throngliout the country.
, Molt/PLYY, . • '
cr . D. KURTZ 011001 C, -
J. Et .W.114.4.t.145, , .)pitltnittee,
Pt PTrß.Powz!tr.
of the election Bela on the 11th October,
1864, including the Ariny'4ote
home vote. Army vote. Total
Glossbrcnner, 3651 157 3808
Bailey, . . 3103 301 3404
Bowman, 3711 184 3895
Kelso, 3057 246 3303
Jacobs, 3712 187 3899
Zinn, ~. 3045 224 3260
Commissioner, '
Kiirns, . 8736 189 3925
Criswell, 3034 221 3255
Director of the poor,
Wherry, 3729 181 3910
Craighead, 3031 230 3261
lleherlig, ' 3735 191 3920'
Fogksongor, 3021 218 3242
.13g - We have seen a private letter from
James Fiff.y, an escaped prisoner from the
rebel prison in Georgia, to Mr .J. W. Eby.
'fhb.; letter after detailing the circumstances
of the death of sergeant Eby, announces the
death of l'atrick Brannen, a young man be
longing lt.F.Capt. Henderson's company, and
known to many of our citizens. These deaths
are both unquestionably attributable to in
sufficient Mod and exposure.
Foley relates a terrible account of the hor
rors and sufferings of our brave soldiers, now
confined in these rebel pens, saying;
"There were :35, 1 .00 of us all in one prison.
IVe gut only oar meal a day and that consist
ed of about one M 111,2,: of fat pork and a small
piece, of corn bread, so you see it is no won
der men die."
In regard t , tin decent interment of the
our hey-. 11‘: s:
Tvurthiag Old owld be done I did, I
llght and rind, them and
tlwir gravt-3, Thfg iccee the only
Cilit while I was their."
The , : nr.• iuuii..htbborn facts, brought to
,a l r 'nonlethal, cogniz:tno•, and no bathetic
nonalicitig 1 northern sympathizer , with
trea,on eati palliate or explain than away.
They are the eloqtamt evidences of what Ilrudn
incarnate ttea,on reta•llion will permit.
human,heilig , to become. flow unutterably
de4r:l,l otti , t the northern nexvspaper hucc
become that can find in n theme like this
a. , thiatt kit a t , at for the atm,: and detrta
of otir goverollient.
1)1.:.11'11 lii .1 11.11.1,.\\'1'
fling - wait, a •,.r . :.:;:•:int in ('o. ”C th,.
17th l',11:1 , ‘ I \Amin Cavalry, on lho 1:2111
in-tont. near Str:ohalr,::, irff,ini:t, 1 rum
-etre, Nt 01111 - recPi yeti jrolll guerillas on
the day pre% ion-. Ns hi!, gallantly gulirding
the tnedieol in -hector Sherid:ln's truly.
Dr. I )Ith•nh , the cliiet quarter:llns
'lolly,. A (~ : rre-pondent
Ile New burl: TriA , t),e, ~f thy 181.11 iml ,
i ii " 1 " 11 " wi "4 ,"'"unt of lho :alit', and
(It -,rvk•,l ri hnt 1,. the bra I,ergeont.
\V I -hi t : 2 : wider dot:. or Octoh.T 11th 6r :
A ourim r. arrived of hondquart,u, at nn
early hunt• t tipprruntz.. o report
4 Ow ~rums, Lieut
enant ('. , 1 , u1 , and 1)r, ( )10.•iiber , or,
itt-pect,w f , r the lit. had hevn shot
he t2:uvrilla , on the rood 114 , t11' Nc.vtoNvit. A
-1;out 0 n'clo,.l: I'. :11. inn :Lin
bringiw4l,,);ll iLr,ogHltl,l,l , l ninriallt
A I ti . nv o ,;1.1 ~rgcanis
IL L ! " ;t l.,tt itrollt4llt in. ('. , ion 01 I'LL tor Hitt )i
IllltiOt WOIIIIII iu Ittlo 1111,1
bode.lth jo 11,1( alt:tt badly son^
Jr 'l a . h a d ranou front Lis hoe-o or hail
Issm ovcr 10•1 , 1igh pi 1, 0 ,. The
Nt..rc returning from 31:trtinsburg,
an it\ cut:, di 112011, and almut litdf
(Nov 111.1Nyeen Newtown and I\l iddletotvn a
company of guerilla,. led by ‘, tt um_
itt•l'l WI; Iron limy to suddenly
charg,l out or a 1,11 of It, tillt tilt' 101 l
of the(' awl calling
out to the ,Fliker, Hirr,mkr. Seeing th-y
o yore Imititino,ol.od escort initleavoro.l Lr
c-rape. Lul bcing (veil mounted tlu. rebels
.1. \ /it'ttis otl. cut 011'10 oft, tilt'
It•rt 111 the rear. For dist:llH, it (VII- It
rtto , t;tl2 tight, in 1111.1,11 Olt' gnerillus 1111'1
(Ito tilt'
Tho 4.-ottl.l evidently did more run
ning than tigliting. mil( a portion or 1)11 , 111
u 1111 their tiny advanta4c.
wall e 1 inently fought with desperation, as lII'
Intl tillgor-lo,t off. a serious scalp Nvound•
anti it mortal wound through the I,mly.
T(11100 .
1110 , 011cm', ~ t irren I ('OI
orderly say- dm same. 1/r. ()hlenlierger al
o surrendered : but the rehels.rode close up
t them, and putting their pistols to their
lmads, tired, inflicting mortal Nvounils. thl e
of our 10011 (vas ldlled, named Saioily4 Itcar
drop, and s,ven were wounded. officer;
and tirm \vet, robbed If Inoticy and tvatches:
While the 101,01- ((ITV engage,l in stripping
i,•tin t .:. n party or infant . rN . . (01(11 Nycre
accompanying a train, (yen , seen coming up,
11101 the gio•1 illits made Ml.taking one . ...dour
amlitilitime: wounded. They carri
ed MI afsnit b.or or the carom prisoners.
col 'folios and Dr. ()Ithmly.rger, with the
he wounded sergeant. Itingwalt, were placed
1011 1 / 1 .111111('VII.111111 toGellt SIR'IIIIIII'S
headquarters, where their wounds weredress
al. 13oth officers were proimunce(l to be
niortally woundtkl.
The event has produeNl a sentiment of
pr'ofutind grief' at the licarlquarters of the ar
coy. ('1(1. Tulles was a
.most valuable officer,
/Intl It gentleman (01(11 11000100 greatly
ewlear e d to (I l e (iflicers during a long connec
tion with the service. It is the general re
marl: that he had no superior in the artily as
lin able and efficient quartermaster. He was
a captain in the 151 11 Infantry.
(Mleriberger was also an officer of
rate ability, and a gentleman ivlto vii.joyed
the esteem and atioction of a wide circle ill
the army. will be it great loss to the
As we have before stated, Lewis ltingwalt
died on the 12th inst. The ease of this brave
soldier is entitled to more than ordinary no
tice. 7 n good circumstances, surrounded by
a large and intluethial circle of relatives and
friends, residing near Carlisle, Pa , lie was
early impressed with the conviction that it
was his religious duty to go f.)rtli and battle
for his country, and while lie had frequent
opportunities for promotion, he declin ed them
all, and preferred remaining iau an.num hie
position. Tho writer of this article knew
him well, and has frequently heard, of the
valor be displayed on snore than one occa
sion. His death will be deeply deplored,
not only hybisimmedinte family and a large
numbermf -onr citizens in the locality where
lie lived, but by his fellow-soldiers, to whom
he endeared himself by his kited and genial
manner, and by the coolness and bravery
he manifested in many perilous engagements.
' We clip the above, from the P.hila, Press
of lot week and endorse every word of it.
The body was brought to Mr;
A, B. Hewing,' and the fUnpral occurred on
Saturday, a largo number of relatives and
friends ) forming the sad procession.
You. Mr. Julius No u wl, al haa just arrived
froin'tlie - Easterh Citios with the target and
most select stock of Clothing in Ciwlisle.
Ile has oroneJintheroom formerly occupied
by Sariinel Arnold, next - door to D. Zitzer.
'Why Sir, as I WAR . posing up Hanacer
street the other, day I was astonished :when
1 beheld before ine the greate'A' most
magnificent display ot . iclothing o£:,ell kinds
I ever saw . •Why i t!) tell the truth I thought ,
• Chestifut.street iThilathdpitia.htiil - ppened" tip
4m-fuy•vieiv. And not only that, sir 1 , 1 - tifinli
he can . sell it -.little.: cheaper than: ,any
Other, Establishment in ; Carlisle; Como'ohe•
and 001116, all, his Clothing is. nice. 'has
Coatii, Pants, and, Vests at most any ,prieit
Shirts, Drawers, and Huts, toSuit orenrOne,
13ags,the.chdapost iu
•toiv&-•-ft . .• '•
ller For gOod and fashionable, clothing
call at Julius .14euvilars, Samuel Arnold's
old stand next door. to• Dr. Zitzer. 4t.
On tho 13th inst., at the residence of the bride's fm
Ow, at Lancaster, Mr.CIEO.IIIIINDLIt, of Ohurels•
town, this county, to L 122111 daughter of the ofaclat,
lug clergyman.
In South Middleton tarp., on the 22 Inst.. THOMAS
CRAIOHEAD. aged 61 years, 6 months nod 21 days.
McA. Itlll%—i n the th Inst., at BP. 10., et the
Merchants' Doti.). North Fourth street, AI. ELIZA
138T1i. wire of JACKSON M CARNE, Esq.
I 0 t WI I lln mrort. Po
Carlislu, October 20, 1804
FLOUR (SuporOnr)
tin. (Extra.) ...
do It Y 1.. ...
W 111 TE %V II EAT
CORN ......
IS , '.111.1.:Y RPIONO
I'l IN)
Carlisle Deposit Bank
dividend of Five per cent, and also
Five per cent Extra, free of gore] nment and
state taxes, ills I his day ton declared, by the Board
of i rrotors, out of the Profits of the Bank. for the
loot xla menthe, which will be paid over to the Stock
holders or ill& legal reproseutativeg upon demand
brine twoln for the same. W. 31 BErmni,
Nov. 4 IS I 4. Cashier.
N Election, for Nine Directors of
1 - vthe Carlisle Dorsi, I 1 Ink. to serve f•r It,
) ear will ho heid, al tho than klog noose. In thu
B., roug h of c ric hlrlo, mt Mood 4 y thin Flay of Nov.
larch hot cornet, thy fo)urs of RI o'clock A. ?I ..00d
o'clock I'. M. 1.4 unti.l of the Boar tof Dirootor,
NOV. 4. 15if,t.-3L
rgi ii E CA Ei.f.T- , 1,E, 130110IJGH
IMF \ITV BIND.; aro now re:tely for (I,llvery in
nt Um • 11011l111,i, Five llondretl am! ono 'l'it,,,
and .I.dlons, with 11,110118 nllnrli.•'l the int•rooot pay
m,l,nallv, at th'• li-posit Bank. Any
..,r1 Lavin, money to 1,4 wdl tied It an mil antrrw.
to irtro.t. In silt! Bonfis'as tin , :tint(' Bounty law e,c
,rupts thorn from TAxation. Apphcxtion if, be ulna,.
to A l'ath,ar t. l'r,sident or low. or W.
rder To +ru Council,
W. if,lll,
Nov 4, 1064.
BurL's Rat and ,\louse, l{nacli zuld
PO I IIIS popular awl rclialple article for
de.trovin. r ermine shenbl he used by all rne,ons
troubled so ILb sorb pests. It never fails. enld m Cm-
I: lent El Drtnr -bee. TIAN° ru4 S Ilk
store and by 11. Holston, I,rrygist. I:. 01. Ely'',
jr Bpi trtir.
13 N.. Eirv.ql btroel,
p r i, .23 e t, per 110, (I,:toge
Nov 4. IS , i4 —I y
J. BOAS'S St or(.
opposite tho Carli,le Deposit l'r.tuk
Would you buy yaw hate nght cheap
at Rome ~taro,
Li Not th tiruir. ur t , t root
Ills nlrtlo in mi lbo 1111 r.
Toore batlion, Men ant t 1111.1ren
in: fitted all tbe while,
Ilie barn nn umul, nud have proved ti u
t4ol•lio,ts, )1,1 nn , l M.yel
Fur cape, lur ad Ltrs arid t,l.tves
All neatly taatie and waeul;
VIJSta, :ittl 4EII
All the,
\S hip,. r Plllttoi -iva, and notlns Lm
nll.l market, Tbe
I.ei mo unt /”..$4•01:1••••• ••I l'• notp•t at any Itoo.e 1,3
t A 1.0 ~• ,;, 1 -I,ty •,1 111.,•”s. A It IV
I) A( ) it( )13 E6 ' ,
:111t1 h Please rall nud sO , his
g J. Ageta.
Nuvoinher 4. 1,4-4.-3.1
r ILIIh undersigned, successor to D. P.
Iliszelton. notild i espt•etfolly inform Ins friends
and the nubilegenet - 101y, that no intend., t, mainlain
tin ellerseter iII ttza an 2ve te , E.e is Sete tot )re. and gill
keep constrint) , 00 11/11.1.1 larws at.sertntent of
Akio 110 0/111 hip as :lily other establiNhtnetit
.'arlisio. it n, t choart,
itzy- County Landlords will find thin the place to
Hotll in ri•,(lll.ti to finality and price
Tr, ,took n larv:e and troll sole,ted, and he invite
edl berm. pal chasina 0411.11111.1, iZe1111,111.1., till.
S•Wth tlanover stroot, Al root] ,Nee.ite the.'
unto., "I'sanriniz Office. 111 intor's old stand. (earl klo
.\ ove•nhor 4, Ih64—tf. 'l'. J. h Eli.
On Erich,,, November
111 E subscriber, Executor of Detrich
Steiner, dee'd,, 111 sell ~t his late res!loricti In
Upper Allen Twp I Co.. . 1 Mile eolith
of iMinphorilsiown, scar Cofver's Mill, the following
Heal Sitain:
The Mansion Farm,
of held der'd, containing 121, !CAI ES. in a high state of
rultivatd n. and under good to ,clog part of whirr, Ix
situated on xhura, Slid the rentainder„on the routh side
of the Yellow Bronchus creek, directly opposite, The
I mprevernents are a good
Two-Story 0 13 S E,
• r te`,
a large
me. , :ittrrii
Ws,4ein Shed, Corn Cribs, Carriage House, and all oth
er necessary Out-buildings. There is a largo String of
never-flilin,r water near the door, over which is erect
ed a fine Spring House. Ther6 Is besides, running
water he all the fields except two. There is nisei% doe
of choice Fruit, in gem bearing condition, on the.
Persons desiring to view the property previous to
the sele, will,pleasecall on the undersigned, at Center
:Square, near Shepard/down.
'Mt 519 : Ten per t,dift. or the purchase money-to he
paid on thy: confirmation of the sale, nor-half the hal
sure nn thin first day of April, INGL, when possession
will be given soda deed made: owl the balance on the
first day of April, 1866, with Interest front April 180.
The deferred payment to be secured by judgement on
the property, The taxes tsar 1865 to he pall by [helm' ,
Salit to liontatanoo at 10 o'ulock. A. lir.. wbon attend
onto will be given, by D. IC. STEIN
Hotel for Rent.
rirrlE Boiling Springs, offered
for rout from the /at day of April uoxt Enquire
of P. F, BGL
Oct. 28-9t..*
iE undersionod-eitizens of Middle
sox township, determined to protect the birds nn
t colt farms, give notice that they will not allow any
shooting or hooting on their grounds.
W. D. weederlich, A:4; B. Witmer, Jelin E. Coble,
Henry Pnul i.. ..). Albright, John -Miller,— -
David Miller, Jaf,ob Moonier, L. A. J'ague .
James Defeo, T. U. Chambera, 11.1lowman,
Amos Miller, T. Fleming, 11. Williams,
F. Williams, . 0. iloffet.,' .. D. bagman,
11. Brenneman, D..Brenneman, D. Hoffer. .
Ont. 24, 18.0.
T QTIOE —lle, the undersigned eiti
noun orliieltbinon Township, banal/int; thndestrur
lbw of Itlr.ln is InJurioun t.ithn Internet of thu farming
community. lake thin method to inform OUNI , iI O .BB
tub that we will not"pnruilt hunters AG
tre,l):.B upon - mir citlior to ullOOl.
other venni', but will nriforzu thin law against Mom in
Entaohol Llnn, jr., :San - lust Stuart, aro;
leo ry Bushman, .Welter uert,
cttutirt, Jr., Samuel tEvatts,":„
P t ~.r SlittriWiT. Pahorn,
Will Inn Hants, " Geer.° Kissinger, .
John Petrol.— : Is/me 3ittlitester,
ki e w cintbraftb,
Joseph tia'braltii, P. 'J, Macre,
itlathets , Galbraith, Peter Zinu, ,
tc Adam Plshburn.' .
Oct. 21, FA • • .
200 13b1e of,good Oidei Vanted , !:
1 4 1 0 R -which the Itia " bet3teaelt price will
be pobt. Enquire at D.'Ralliton ; s Drug Store
0ct.21,1804-2f ;
, SJA,C,LICRY: , , • •
a U 1 34rfiqt, 90t!sktg , t
,N,,aplorfa,ll3tknk, I,R !Ire, Notre
butioniq. . ;
July 22,1864,-1y
. . •
It arriages.
Bug I)e,tr.sor
I I -,(),
( . 01:DI A I,S,
1111I' EDS,
2, 1864
Executor of Petrlch Ntoi ner toed
The Rev. Samuel Philips' New
By Rev. 'Samuel Philips, A. M.,
Pastor of the Reformed Church, Carlisle,
Pa., Auditor of "Genthsemane and the
Cross," "The ,Christirm Home."
The object of this Work to to popularize the theory of
of Cuntan Redemption i through blood from k new
teandpoint ; to preseniAtw' historical and practical as
pects in an attractive form; nutted to the taste of the
general reader The subjeet Is novel, yot eminently
ly Scriptural, and adapted to dhat ago of strife and
bloodshed In which WO 110 W live. The Cootolits of
thle Volume will convey an idoa of its charactor and
design, The following are the Chapters of which the
book Is composed :
" 111. Math a rOiCtl.
IV,—Tho Voice of Arousing Blood room the
W.—The Voko of Typleal Blood from the
A lbw.
" VI —The Voice of Atollillg _Mond from the
VII -'I ho Voico of Mortyr Blood from the
,• VI I.—The Vuleo of Saeramentai lilood non,
Citriatian Altar.
•• IX.—The Voice of Pleading Blood from the
Merry Seat.
X,—The Voice of WI tnesalng Mood front the
Judgement Tl,' rile.
" Xl.—The Voice of Avenging Blood front Hell.
" of Worn) log Cloud :n Hem,
Po/Mllod hy.
I.INDg 1Y &
25 South , 4 1<th Chestnut,
Price, j. 2 0,. Payable on Delivery.
4p Spw•ial shunts wairted for MIN ing this 110 do ,to
whom a liberal discount, will he give, Apply either
to th., Publishor, or to the Author, at Cat ludo.
From Rev. Dr 8.11. Fisher, Editor of the Movq,nzor,
The styla is pleasing and attraetlva, and the (ono at
piety. which prevades It deep and eminently practical.
The tendency Hi,' %VIVI; I. deeldedly goad.
Th.. muse I re. 1.1 3 Olir W1.1 .. N, the tnore does the 1101❑
tv and wood, or the suhje , t untold. I atu
with the terrible tlenuuchitlens you hurl against the
-Inner, but murk more• 011/1 1,111.(1 101511 your ,loot pin t
it representation.. et human thisti fly throu
I lot 0 the book, I,oealts, it out only 11110,, lilt' LIT/
un :11T.,11 Ilt Of 1110 1)1110, 'OO u!sol r Ind 1,1, 0 a1,.1 iuspi n• ,
111, with the hope of a e , •mplete nut eternal 1 111 ill,
plll 1101 110111 0 111 through the l;luod of ittonetuu. t.—
Lot ter to the Author.
Fayetteville Seminary
1 1 111 N pi/11111;11' I11!- , i It116)11 Will be nlrl
Welne.tlty 1.11, tith rd November• topq her with
nit the tivorrorat 1,1 rights mid priviltigiis.•to the high
est Hurl best. bld•ter,
The property ron.h•tq of
.fit. -4. TNV ( 1 131;11'1 !LOT'S ES,
"It - • 0\ F FP M.l , ' 110UST
,!,..: • ~, : e_.,.,.. „le:, I.lloi E ;..T.181.1.: hit h ed the
f' ,-' '''l4C, . -, f rioro,nrs out h nikllmi , .
l'o-se,sh .1A to be L., i , en ou the Ist o :' April 1,:..
By old, of the ,to.•kh,,l.Jor,
.1. E 11Y.
rt to, ill°, Ftanlslitt
Valuable Real Estate fur -.ll(_‘
O• , Tit ri r P7:1;1
IAY virt Ito I,f ;1 l,u'ti
i..n in the et t /.: 'eellee”
I %%ill exp., to hale no the ..h-,:e .14. y
on the peen] i.e.. ill teal, t: way. :se
01 first mac rtf Lim0 . ..1 toot ittnil 11,7111 v intrtl t to •• I
nod t • oitivtidtd. con 11111,.: Ir , o, :thou It.l ,
of I t t Ittelt it. .111 / Ihr I,Sl.llleUh'il Sit .111 I 11:11t,
g , t,tl r til 1.01, •0 TI . itoprovo -
I 4 vials !VI 0,,, , ,1tt0t
tilt• larm I,llr It, tile 1,111,111, , ,
11. , I,—,
N.,. 2 A Tttt• t .1 1,t4.1 in 1'„"
"4nint , l 1.01,. Dall I 11, 01 , 11
i •
T ro , o t" ‘b
town•Illp. vontolning'o;
No Alan IkTif•tht . / . ira t ttr ',l'm 41 Itkri.l. II Ur"
43-33 , 3. 3t,3 3,3 1.,: a3l
3.13)11t , 13.r 131iN It , 3" h 1 1 1 1,113, 3.13,33 / ...
A 1 3 ,33 3 1,33/ 11/ 1'3,1:33 , 111, 1.3 , 1i13133ti 1, 11133 1.1t1h33,1731
more In' )1.1-_, IS r il i lilt 0.11
;•:, , r. l , l'rouunrnce at 10 f • 'II La
1 It ! 4,
id I.u•. 11 by
tt. deed
Valuable Real E.-;ktte For Szt'e
snlisorilwr tho following
naluaLle r, i I,,,LaLt•
\u. 1
allurtvd In Vol wiii , ,n clonntr
Arg 1,4 of I.:1111. :' , ,ivrnLy
under , , Lilt] volt , etion nli re sill I , l nl
timber Iho I.trill iv ILI, L.l..nLy storls 1, it tar. lho
11 11 1.1i1011 . 0 rhlyt tt r,
Ni). 2. IS
~ \N 1.11111()VEI) 11)1,
Ar'tr.: , in cif:11:1-o county 111. Ihc hunt i.••
s:.••!•11 nlcip ,c. o 1, A r o 1 it •r Icuco and
a Ali c:n ism yit kin 4 Ini:et• l i r Knott twit, r.
311 , 1,4,
with fivii Stairio. rr
NO. :t. IS A 70 ACRE F.111)1,
in I ninell:im e. , unty 111 r!)irl'l' A CI: ES rultl rated
The buildiugs art! erdi” “184,
No. 4. ARM.
of 22110 1500 All'OM Wider foneo, Sala nre in
gra.: 1.11 !Anil's,. A 1..01
b .
Dll E1.1,1G 1.101:SE. P I A% `'
vont:kining 5 nionlq.
No. 5. I , a Forirl f:;7.5
all and, Can^o vii , ll a suivart,
tJ,inh,,, tr. m u ms. !tarn 1nox:12. ft Stott :car!,
Work shop. !louse. :,11, - .Se !louse. YOUNri ()R
-CN 1111 An A rteNiln whiolt runs ens
st ant ht.1•4•4111"1 12 unions per minute of too porest,
bo.t cantor This Intrl lain never feeers , in the
, 'rides!, nor Lwow 4litnlniAtes In the drvvst weather.
This rop,rty I, mit,a,d in Iroquois county 111 . ut
the jonotion of ~veral Itallroa , t, T , e price sf thin
',toper - Cy is $ Thn, improvenionts alone cost this
stun. flood eAstern property wont I 110 tape,, lu plst
:No. G. For Sale or Rent, a Stearn \ler
uhant M ill.
built of brlec. Mill li )use 41x70 ft, 22 in , h wall, 4
stories high. holler House Itivi ft. C . onvenient coop
er shop. Thu m.ll has run loss thou 2 3 earn, and is in
lb- best wheat gro ivlng neighborhood In tilt) Stnta.—
Thin Is in Irtir no coon ly , 1,141 no.
for further description or psrtieu hors addruss the
subscribers of N 0.7. VIM /01,111 N) 111111. Indianapolis
Indiana. i.II.kitNITZ S SUN.
Hot' 2', 19C4.4-luto.
A. W, 131 , _:NTZ,
Great Reduction in Dry Goods,
OWING is the recent heavy Ind in
the price of o , ld 1 have determined to reduce
every A rtiele In my iIIIMOTIVO Stock of Dry hoods to
corresponding' mine wil h the precious metal and intend
to make still further reductions from time to flow as
Ovid recedes in price. My extensive stock has been
mainly purchased at low prices and before the great
advance in goods I take this opportunity of caSlmg
the attention of the publle to the notice, as I can and
will sell lower than any Comae outside the llostorri
Cities. Cali nod Vixamine fOr yowled yen. Remember the
old stand South Winover street below the Court Como.
Oat. 7, 186 1. A. IV. MINTZ.
r E subscriber begs, leave to inform
_IL the public that he bus opened u clothing store nt
the old Stand of l.bitnnel Arnold en No, Ili Hanover
btreet between Drs. litillTer and Zittor. llds titock con
sists of
Citizen's and Witary Clothing.
Gentleman's filrnisliing goods and all the artiolos
usually kept at n-(lyet Class clothing dtaro. nssart
moot is entirely now and fashionable. and the public
are assured that no bettor or cheapounods can be ob
tained any where in town.
Call and see Ids stock before purchasinz elsewhere
.101.1 CS NI:IMAM,
Successor to Samuel Arnold.
0ct.,14, 1864 „
11. It. JAMESON Si Co.'
Wholesale and retail Deal(irs , in Tan
-3' Dry Ooods,, Trimmings. Notions ke., North
west coiner of Idarnwor, quart Pomfret streets Carlisle
PA , would respeCtfully announce to the Public that
they have just returnodfroui the Borten' Cities wlib,
a large and well Selected stock of G00.),t consisting In
,part' Healery,Olbros," Mitts, Voile, Crapes. Cravata,
Hoops, Nubian, nhawla, .11andlterchiefs, Sospondors,
Shirts: Drasrora, auntie!Oolians, Mud
ingte.Corda,,Vettons, Combs, Needles, Sowing Silks,
Hoop Skirts, Paper, Pens, perfumery, Cigars, &c.,
We would particularly Invite the Attention of
, • 0 o'll 4kt r M li n't
tOrnur - stoels, - asin - tho-itl tter- of-priceson,- well as.-in_
, other important particulars.' ire enJ tido great ad ,
vantage, viz., one branch of our Cloak and member 'of
:our firm tiroloentud in and always pros
pared .to tale alvarititgo of ovpry fluctuation ill Also -
- market.. .
• , Llboral.torms uvula with wholowile,nurcha , r,ora and.
unusual lndnoanienta offored to htlyero r proyory Ousa,ft
! , Call and woualliv our at 001,,,. . . ~„ ,
,- '. - ~I' • 11. lt, JAMESON k.; c.o.
• Oct. 14,1804. '
. ,
. I c, STATE NOTICE. • • . -
Lauri, orAtliidnistration on the estate. of Wm.
t. (moody, doed—lato of Vrankford townehtp,haeing
been grouted to the saboerlber realdlng In tho tame
township nonce is heroby given to all persons indobted.
to sold• estate to make , paynient -aud those hiving ,
claim t9.present them to - •
8,0117.131, DiLL IDR..
Oct. 22,-lØB4.—et.
WIIERBAS,I6"and VIM net-of the - Gelieral
eembly of the Commonwealth of Penusylvania,ent.ltled
nn "Act' relating, N. the elections of this Coalmen.
%realiti,",ruO;ged the ail day ofJuly,.A. D. 439, it Is land°
the duty of the Sheriff of every couutY this'
onninonwealtiWto give public notice of the Uouoral
Elections, end in 'heat notice to onumerato:
1. The officers to be electOd. • -
2. Designate the p ocestwhich the election is to be had.
I, TIIONIPSON RIPPLY, High Sheriff of the county of
Cumberland, do hereby make known and give this pub.
lic notice to the electors of the county of Cumberland,
that on TUESDAY, the Bth day of November next, an
election will be held at the several election districts es
tablished by raw In said county, at which time they
wilt veto by ballot for
The said election will be held throughout the county
as follows:
election In the election district composed of the
hor.mgh or Carlisle and the townships of No,th Middle:
ton, South Ml , 'idlut , m, Lower Fronkfurd, tend Lower
inekloson, null buiwid at the Court liouso In the bo
ron..!ll of enriislo.
Thu rb:ct inn in tlw itloctlOn dictrict composed of Low.
er W 0 ,4 Pennshanich township, will be hold at the
'Cbt• clot be in tho nloction diltriet composed of 811.
ver Spring. township, will bo bell at tlit public house of
Jacob UlL4tnt. le I logoostowil 111 saki township.
'file cloctioa In the election district composed of
Hemp Jon to wriship.will be held at the public house Ob.
copied by said Lt.,
Th,• t•tacttonin the elect corupostil of the
township of Upper Allen, will he held at the public
'Vet Cilellllll. iu Sheplierdetutvu.
ito election in the election district composod of
311ddlehes township will hu hold at the Middlesex
School Muse.,
The election In the election district composed of the
township of lower Alt o, w ill ho hold at the wagon
tank, shop of Jonas I lunchturger, en Slate 11111.
6./Ilill/11 in t 1111 Ilketillll district 01.1111)0SOU of Bnat
t -xttsidp, v.lll bo held at the houxe
or.iwieph \Vest talrelow, 111.1 w occupied by
John ~Ircr
.11113 0111.1 . tiOn in the elm.Lbm dlatzl.l emuposed of Sow
L'umh..rlamb aIII he lurid ut I to bon , o now kola, by
lb. 1;, in ti m :II of Now Cumberland.
The cliki lop hi he disti in composed of the
Tip rotic o, IS ill or held of the public
hops, pole kept liv W.. S. to Slid
1 • 11!CL1 4, 11 in the el district eimipiiked of
i‘loproc s , ill 1,, it the piddle herr., of
.1,1,111 1 h I( 0111.11. in said tore Philip.
"11 , 11,1 in t 1 , 101•Li.111 'll'4l'l,l compobl'.l or
Tltii ti'iiiiti 3'l 111 , . t'll•l'i I,li it :111IeL 001111 , Sed 11 f
l'i,p ir It" In Id tit tln• li, oar 'tow tie
tittpleil Vl . t i,hi tt I. rt. -t '1 ''l
11 , 1•IitIll ill the 1'11 , 0 , 11 di-Iniot c pr,Mlrd of t tie
tot.' t i .iw tiptir
F ritit t,titi t i i mud uorlll Nun tun
will hi. nil tit Line Hai borough
111 e o',•tf..Tl 11, 11,. .11,1; rilmr..sed of
1:1.0i3,2,i1 . bii
public thu b o rough of
The tfleeflen in ttle ci Lin .!ial riftt reelfufsint of t
rh •nt , Inpron,lntrtf Iffhipp.nfsintr,/ tnwnshiff :11111
th.if f , f , f f'df' ll in
tin f•ofTn, ele , f i .I.lfT ti t, 1,111 be held nt tie
(2,11,11110 n, in the lefeltught of Sifipinftislfurg.
elefn ten in lin eloctinn flifftt.ffnuffeFeT of
f l
Snf Oti ff poin L,n ,e f% ill Le lie if at (Ile
I.frnwrlf n•niffiffl Ify l% In. innneli. iu Leeshort..
erei•rion in t0, 0 f,1 inn flictrkt effinp f-efl
S-fitlf :Nowt. f 10,11 1 14, f will Lc held nt the tfehool
11,1, , , In .I.V. N 1110 illll
Ll:if e,l•r:, pot' •uev , .{4 .1”,t11•,, "Cll w
LII ~ flice 1tpi.,1111,,11 ot profit or Et tv,L
t t L-td,tv tLLoy eit 1.1 .
llit• .1 t . .lt , tt .11 , t tt•Atil I . :1 Liirtel . l . ltr
. .(1,1 Is [..t. .1 .o,lth/1111 a, .1., I I. 1,11111, •tI Shall
it It t p ` : . Wit,' ) I jt.•t!
tl I't. I elcuk I Ally
I.ol_ el. I. e 1.., I.e
t., 1,.•
11.1 l Thul art. ut .1•••••luhly. ,• Iltli rod au •L
•• to lim• f•h•••tr o lls •••aiLlL.Ltszqui Jul_
ill 1 • 1 WI, I
ChM l tiO • And JuJz., •••11:111 tue..c r.l t li.•
rrrLr'd r•••: II rr•rirUL tio• t• 11.. I I o• .1 rig
i I ••.-ruck
1110 de
6 11 C.l
t tl
11 111 1••11t1.11,,• .•:t• I • 11,.1
I , lectOd
1-0 Hll.,
I 11, .; 111 I I ‘, . •i 11.0,1 tlplll,lll
It.' ttt
11. / . I''t
tt clll . l,
, hall
..1 1.1••• t 1,0,s 1, [hoc ,illl 11.4
,I• 1 r•t :
' ~.11,Ct•1,1 i
I'lll 1 I r 1•1,11,, I , 1 -
~ 1•11:lvt,
• II :II h. 14, I - 111
Alottn,. I•n•ii 1111.
11,,1v, I. l'ell—
511,51 S
i• •Illll,r ti• • 1 . nr.i.1. , 1
..• isr.llnll
.1 1 , 111i11 , 1 1,1 11;0 VA roll llg I.t tls of the
Utoti M'.llN%
• t.. 1 ,11
Y. $..
1,1,1 111 /. Ht . I I r 4.
UsssA - $.-••1$1 t; $$ sssss
$•.•. $ $l,l ....I $
s.s .• II •
ill Ali ii,•7 1
I Ili ,I
.1 M
tro, I i t.•
yeettetj in llte• n.ete.el. pm:—
it h 1110 , i• .1.e.• le• I (.1
r,l-I , e, 14 I /1.• a
I 1. , 1',1 , 11 0: 0 t'II
lilt .1. t eel I e.e• e.e•ei led
• el. ell I II
I 'that Ow cc,. • I,pe shall Ito 114.1.1
,1 j” ii, , 4• , , 1 ode•lit.n dial rhis in Oar
'31.. 1111111, in 'III ,1•••,•1 , .. in Oh, innsor Itepre+ehta.
.1,.111l ha 11111:1111 rd. nn.11,5 thr.saPie.l hatt;rs.
1,. , 1 , rtrt rr , pfl Iho pr , ,hziolim tit th” Art
ipf 11,. l'slit led AII Art whits;: I t
thn rlertirmv thkt•lntin .11 x'olltit," thil
hi`,. I and ii , uppleturnt, :Ina all
.1 110, Ills , I i‘s 1:1r 115 OW hlll,
111.1,i ,. .1 . ll'. •1. 111 dreill,•,l ,In :l ti 100, to el,rtirp
, tr l'r Thal I.thr alore.ahl sl.ll
‘ flu J (50 I nil 'I ~ .1..11, t 0
p,p•,~„1 f, nI I Altar .I 11.1 ro pltnal to Ii
11,1 tied tr tit, L, u,.•t'ny,. Napqtrat, paper..
It t I[o Ho. Ur LOICLI
d1,1,11•L1 t owl at the iJho u oi 1a.1.i1 ,4 el ta. , eehivl.
L. , in hh•ti , ,, damn', the u lade time
sahl eieetieh I , li. it I Ihe pitria”.e ar e . lllll, In
f“rel , ll s
ri iiah...e. It hell relied an
LI k
teti a. the rilht Nuts 11-1 . .0 1y
LO cute nt -hi 11 ,h . ll Ti'“e a at ter= in I.•at
b , , thee , men Ts et,. ,. ers ab the anti•
ci thou of I hem Lidae to thve 3,1;1,e.
]u pe,... sh itl la• lea motet to vote at any elution
es arm std. of her tilt. ti w hit, heiellall of the aVefif
t of/lay-ono mere, who snail ha, e retied in the
st.ite iit letst one, and inn the oleo i o n di s t H e t,
inhere he o'fios his I at,: at least ten . immediately
preciotiog sock eleetioii. tool within two year:: paid
:' l l , lto.or vonntr tax, whion shall lone foam aShOSSeli at
, t
103 , tea tin , . r hereee tlarik dies. Ind n cif tten of the
Coiled Sl its s who. his Mg/Vb.,' v 1.0011 a qualified voter
of this State, and removed therefrom and ret welled, and
who shall have refitted in the election district and paid
faxes as aritesal.l shalt he ell titled to vote after resid
itift In this State si s timidly, Provided, That the
white freemen... Mums of the hilted Stiles. hot, ern
ti entymne and t wont) o years, who have resided in
an election district no etahh stout he eutillod to
VOte although they shall Oct have paid taxes.
"No pm son shall be peelllithl/1 11l Vote ah , se ,iocno in
not oontableil in the tel of taxnhk Inhabitants fur.
nixtted tip the COMIIIISt•h , 110Y, Unless First, he produce
receipt tor the pay ill,ll Withla (IVO yeti's Of a State
or coils ty tax assessed attelaathly t., the Constitution.
anti give satisfactory evidence. either on his oath or of
firtatition. or the oath or allirmatioll of another, that he
has paid such a tar, or on tailor.. to pr.Olll.a. a receipt
shall make oath to the payment thelool. Second, hr he
claim a rigid to vote by helms an ,•I rotor between too
two rd twenty -ms' and twenty two ye a rs, he shall do
pose on Oat h or affirmation that he has resided in thin
Static at least nee year pox( Leila. , Ids application, nod
IohISO finch 'woof of re,h1..m.0 in t he district nein requir
etl by this act. and that, lie does t erily believe. from tile
inasinnt elven him. that he is ~r ihu n b m iabrosaid. and
aucU ut ter 1..1 ic.llllrtat by this act, whore
upou the name of t h e person thus admitted to vote
shall lie Inserted in t he alphalietleal list by the Inspec
tor, ar,d Wafl mad,. opposite thereto by writing the
word ~- if Ito shall be ioltnittod 1.0 vOl.O by rwoll
ot has ink mild tax; or the word "age," if ho shall be
admitted to vote by rooms ,if tool] ago. shall be celled
ant to the clerks. who shail make the like notes on the
lists of voters held lay them.
" In all Cities where the name of tile person clidmiug
to vote is found oil the list,furuialted by the Commis.
stoners turd assessor, or tilt, right to vote, whether found
thereon or not, is objected to by say qualified citizen,
It shall be the duty of the inspeeiors to examine such
person on oath aslo Lilt quallfleatlOnfl, and if he eJahmt
to have resided within the State iiir one year or more
Ids oath limb he sufficient proof thereof, lint shell
make proof by at leant olio competent, witness. colic
shall lin a qualified elector, that he has resided in the
district for more than ten day's next immediately pro
coiling such election, find What) also himself swear that
his bona tide residence, In pursuance of his lawful cali•
'mg. Is In said district, and that I e did not remove into
said ilistt lot Mr the purpose of voting therein.
" beery person qualified en aforesaid, and tyho shall
make due proof. II required, of the resifienee''nud pay
ment of tuxes tin aforestilif, shall Ln odulitted to vote In
the township, *alit or district hi 'which he shahLreside'
." If ally person shall prevent or 'Attempt to piteveril
any officer of any election Under Oils net from holding
Rich election, or Oita or thicatenlanyt..yirdenre_te tiny
snob elllcer, or shell detcirruptrir'loproperly inteffete
with him In the execntftin of •hlsdlitY, cr shall hlcelt
up the Wlndow,tir, avfinue to' fins' Window 'midis the
Same may bo n holding,;'or 'SIMI) riotously' disturb the
peace at suclieloetion, or shall use any Intimidating
threats, tarot , or violence, with design I 0 ildlUel Ire
duly or overnwe any chador, or Co prevent film from vo
ting or to restrain the freedom Orcholeu, such persons.
on convietion sloth be fined ip atiy stun not exceeding
five hundreArdollars, r and imprisoned fbr any time not
less than three nor more than twelve months, and lilt
shall be Rheum to Cotirte where tire tand of such offence
filifdifill had , that the m'e'sa so rilionclinit *tan nut
residmnl fit the city, ward, distriet Or LO%llOllll whore
the offence was comniftted,' and not' entitled to vote
therein. then on eorilleflon' he shall soutoneed to
a thictif not lesn'than one hundred 1101.'1110re then
one thew sa duthirs anti be imprisoned net less'-than
six Months nor Mote thin two ante: l '
- To if any pot son.o.r.Ters.,ols shah oniho tinY,bot or wa
or 'upon Or result of.nny• (211:0 i()1 WI klall t110!:,UL
.111011woolth, or sliall'offor to onilto coy, r i nch,,b4, or, wn
,gor,elther by vOrbtil.prorlaniiition ,there9,fdlif 'by 'any.
written ox printed naverthmaent, oballogge.orl,lkvita'
"'any person to inakomireli bot or wager. tipOl? coPYletthw
therootho.or they.shittl.fiifelOina pay,tlim ulnasi the ,
amount so bet Or to ,be bet, • ,
" Omen 1 )ot io# ^ li)-ISPOflet t .40 1 :1f" 6 . 1 4 ,1,
loony vote alto' election of„ hie ,clontineowealth,,or
tieing otherwise on 4194 ,1 ehal tot,o out; oS propel
itirodtich person to veto;
district. or if any . nor,sno knowing, the ,vra of ;Ouch:
the poin,c' altlor'firoc
nlopding, shall, en,popyletion Lo. lined;.ln
Vireo •.Inoiithe.
e g..
any aunt 'aut. e'xleetling inidred• dellarsOh&.bo
l i ierr e ootioy Ivey , tom mot 'exoqedin
Orlon' Wall vote at filer° ,thaii One 'election
dislrlotlob otheewhie fteudulOntly.voteinero than oneo
on the /4111 . 17 day, or shell frourtuldntly.fold ant,dellror,
to:thio tnepeotorlnn tickets together, with the . Intent .
, tilviniAto late, or shell prdeurt 'lnitialer , to, do'4o, ha
.1 1 1 . .1 ‘II , I , 11• 1. ~ • 1 11 , 1 , 1 11...”
r • t • n,y
.1,411, I 1, law
4 1. 1.1, II II 511/1 1 1 .111 . 11 1 the
111'4. `1•, "Id :I ...I) /1,1
• "111. I ke /11 .
`1.., I 0,4 , 1 X"I"I •ft-il
I 11" ••di Il',ll/1/I II:IN" I,•i•i` .•r1 the
.k 1 Lit ru. i`r : : I I I a It ‘.1,.t010y
r y. 1,3
'2 That :1,1, fillrf r•.crnl;ltrd Lc nny p,•rf,,rr
Comhp , lnud
(11,1 4(h se t,ti
td the s ,1“11
for the Elevti,. oi
.1 this C.,0,
(.1111 .1 utioisl Dist:lets "
or they effending, shall .on conviction bo any
sum notiods than' fifty ndr More than Ave hundred
dollars. and bo Inintliniod' for any terra not lees than
-three nor more than twelve months:, ;
' , lf any person not qualified to vote in this Common.
'wealth agreeably to law,. (except 'the sons' of qualified
. citizens,) shall appear at any place of hlectiou for the
purpose of influencing OM citizens qualified to vote,
ho ahall'on conviction forfeit and pay any sum not er
cowling one hundred dollars for every such offence, and
be imprisoned for any term not exceeding threamenths'..
Agreeably to the provisions of the alsty.tirst - motion .
of the said act, every . General and Special Moan= shall
bo opened between the hours of eight and ton In the
forenoon, and shall continuo without Interruption or
adjournment until sovorCo'clock In the evening, when
the polls shall be closed.
And tbo.ludgos of the respective districts aforesaid
aro by the said act required to moot at the Court Rouse
la the borough of Carlisle, on the third day after the
said day of election, being Nrlday, the 11th day or No•
vembor, then and there to perform the things required of
them by law.
The following la the bill allowing soldiers to rote:
AN ACT to regulate elections by soldiers In actual
military service.
Storms. 1. Ile it enacted by the Senate and Rouse
of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl
vania in General Assembly mot, and it is hereby en
acted by the authority of the same. 'That whenever
any of the qualitiod electors of Ibis Commonwealth
shall be iu any actual military service, under a requi
sition teem the President of the United States, or by
the authority of this Commonwealth. and en such, eb
sent from their place of resitionee,on the daya appoint
ed by law for bolding the general or 'Presidential elec
tions within in this State, or en the days for holding
eporial elections, to till vacaueies, such electors shall
he entitled, at snob times, to exercise the right of
suffrage, no sully as If they were present at their usu
al places of elections, in the manner herein after pro
, scribed, and whether at the time et voting, such elm
shall he within the limits of this State or not ;
end the right of voting shall not be affected, in nay
manner by the tact of the voter having been credited
to any other locality than the place of his actual resi
dence by reason of the payment to him of local bounty
by such other locality.
tl u. 2. A poll that shall bo opened In each compa.
ny, ream s d In whole or In part, of Pennsylvania
soldiers, at the quartets of the Captain, or other officer
thereof, and ail electors, belonging to seen company,
wile shall Ile within one mile of such quarters, on the
day of election, and not prevented by order of their
commanders, or proximity of the enemy, from return
ing to their company quartets, shah vote at such poll,
and at no other place . officers, other than those of a
company, and other voters detached and absent from
their companies, or In any military or naval.hospltal.
or lu any vessel or navy yard, may vote ounli polls
.its wiry be most convenient fur them, anWwhen there
shall be tun or more voters at any place, who shall he
unable to at tend any cunpany poll, or their proper
place of election, as atliresaid, the electors present may
up n n pool, at sack place as they may select, and cur
tify hr the p011.b001., 0 hich shall be a record fth
proceedings at said election, substantially, in mariner
and loriu as herein after directml.
no. a. The polls shall be memo lae early as proetl.
cable un raid day, and t swain open at least throe,
bouts, nail it necessary in the opinion of the judges of
the election, in railer to r , ceive the votes of ail the
electors, they may keep the polls open until seven
o'clock In the afternoon of said day ; proclamation
thereof shall he made at, or before, the opening the
polls, quad one hour before closing them.
'l. timbre any votes shalt be received, mid judges
and ,forks shall each take au oath, or affirmation, that
he sib,. per,orin the duties of judge, or clock, (ns the
the case may heo of said idection, according to late,
arid to the b•st or his abilities, and that ho will studi
ously endeavor tb prevent fraud, deceit or abuse in con
ducting the same, which oath to alllrtivitdon any of the
said judges tor clerks so elected or appointed ma, ad
to each other; and the same shall be
writing, or partly in raten and partly printed, and
segued by saidljuilgos and Merits, and certified to by
the party administering the same, or attimneil to or
entered upon the pull-boultont there signed and cer
Wiwi as aforesaid.
%rt . ii. All elections shall be by ballet, and the
judges 1.1 election may, and upon cuallenge ul arty egg,-
er. shall examine, uptloroath or a HI e VllO App
vont to vote. (iv loch oath or 0.1111,10.1111,11 any of LIIII 0.1111
judges may nundolster,, to respect to 1111, right 0/ N l /1.0
and his qualdieations 10 1010 111 the particula said
maenad., cit.,. h. lough, test nsbip m em/lity ul tilts
%tate. in wit' •It hr ,Minis resi.l,•l,e, . sod 10110,1 rt.-
en sing any sole', the judges, or it 100)1.1 lty al them,
steal be tati•diod that each applicant is et goblin./
eat. 01 -styli place.
_ Btc. Z. tiaparatopoll—bookashall beheld. end separate,
rot ur.n outdo for the voters ol cacti city, or 0011nty
the pall 4/001,1 -11011 dame the emnpall)
and the pldce, post or boaplte. is w its II t o , 11 electior
to hold ;the county and lownethip, city, buraug a, ward.
pt yamct or ithetitaa district au each ',eta, shell be in
dorsed 0141081 i 13 leis 110140 Oil tutu poll books; each
derk than keep one of bald so that then,
may he a double hots ofvoteret.
Try % Each lieltet 011011 1000 1 0 Written Pi printed, or
partly we ate. 41111 partly pi tilted thereon. tau unmet,
ul all the and:on it Moll Iday prow, ly' bo vete/ 101 . ut
ter oinch tilt bald elector desires to
c. U. That LI, judifes to “ h , rn set Lid.' 5.111 he
%t.,/.1 , L1, shall be ~11a11, upon Lite recu pt.
prOnOlinve ‘ , lOl u 1 nu Lbin i,deo the 111111.11! the el,-
h„r. Js Mode Lo hint, and the judg
Silt i.eul LIJAL hold en.otor ft, th...
UtAiLed OLILLn, nuid tegelly i utiUrd, accoruing In the
1:01:stitot 1,/ and 1/I,s i i the :tale, to 'olo lit said
clot ton, shall tidy put !MIA ticket 111 thi• h/il5,
other Cecil o• 1•• thocet II eilnn.ut 11 , sp,Ling the
nul ce, 01 persons voted Lit mid the c erks shall enter
L/1111/1111110 01 till:111,1, in 11,1.011 hi lik of hls conuty.
stied, prw . iect, city I,r , ti,'ll. i r t , ..lllp,ountl cuto,l3
ol hts rc,l , le,cc, subhtautiltll . y in pu,naoce td the
(omit hvccihattt r glvcl3.
.01 th done of the polls, the number of
Voters hball catiul,•d and rot atl.. II al the orthe
list ut reters,and rcl tit, d and . 5 11 all oy the Jltager,
anti attLede I by the tier ks,
hot 11. After t..« poll books are ,i4ned. the ballot
box oh ill be"Opetied, and the Closet- Ibmrlu .lore, LI,
shall Ira 101,11 ullt, one at It tillle, Ir!, one ot tlivj ri Igoe.
a I, 1.11.t11 read altslinetly. ivlule the Lickt . t reataltre iu
foie humid the Itarile,,r iruuro, t .eroltle,. Lamed. ter
the never a °Moors voted 1 or, /trill Olen deha er it t o the
neeund judge, oho shall eAlnu.ine th e puny i t
Lu tee third,ludge, ~Ito shrill s ring the Cite fo r scale
ray opt.., thrtaii 0011 carertally preaurve
(hi- 0011,. the some ,mtiva shalt he idiraued AC to
earn lakati Ont. until all the V 4000,0 counted.
tlte 12. it belle err lwu cr more tielteta mball be found
d oettfully folded or rolled tegether, neither or toiela
ts. thall he A-minted , and If tiek, t
ni,,no than the proper nutneer Of I•titava ti r the canoe
0111C1., It Shall he eoioddered fraudulent as to all ol the
11 nleH designed f•rr that &like. but no faith,.
e. 13 A" check In coati' log each elei It shall keep
.1 tally Lift front a titeli vatas shalt WV.,
1101•11 ree.•lce tally list shall constitute a pact
tol the poll-hock,
14 Atter the usainhiati..n t.f th e deka, Shull hi.
completed, the nuinhoi ot tutus for each per Foll, Ili tile
inanity ell-books 101 a toresahl shall he en unit ra
uticlei the inspection of the judges. and set du»u
hereinafter providid. in the tutu, of the pi.11.1.,A.
ee, It. Ihe I.liaa inst shall be eillistantially the
term of the pull-bucks, to be kat t by the judgini and
clerks 01 the . le, tyro, tilliug in the blanks carefully :
_ . .
Poll-hook ()I th ) hold on Chu etwond Tuosd
o•ftlotni.v, ono thonsvnd (+lit
ut hoc eleV day, 66 the Cont ., may be.) by the
(outlined electors id . ( oundy, city,) :tot, of
I'euua~lcuni t. In nompany . ot Eh,
eglinent er Penns I vanl,t, ro'untoors, (er fts the rare
mat be,) held at (naming the place, post, or honpital,,
A II EN', being duly elected na judger of nail
chat ion, and and L M, Loin„ duly apihiluted
vlrrkr of Miii.ll .•Irrtioe, Were nev.•taliy swan u, or affirm
vd, in per rertlarnter herewith lett r
N umher a nil 1141/11,4 of the electorn an d th e i r
county, city, bol °ugh, ,town: ardp or prueinet, of
slu rear ;
No.), A IS, county of . town
1-111pui No L, L 1), c,,unty ot
, township of
It Is hereby certin,l that the numl,er or ,•1 morn 1w
county, Pennsylvania, voting at this 'Ave
lion, amounts to
A t test It,
I. M. Clerks.
Form of certificate of path afjudges'and clerks;
We, All, C id and 1 F. judger: of this election, and
J It and 1. M, clerks thereat. do ran h severally swear,
(on aflirm,l that we will pe•rterut the duties at judges
and c uric of said election, severally acting MS above set
forth, according to law and to the best of our abilities,
and t bat we will of udiousl y endeavor to prevent fraud,
deceit, or abuse, In conducting the same.
A B,
C I),
F, Judgea.
1 hereby certify, that C D, F. F, judgos; and 1 ti and
1. M. clerks, were, before proceeding to take any votes
et said election, In - 4 duly sworn, or afttrtued, as afore
Wit Hess my hand this dny of
Anno Domini ono thousand night hundred and
A It, Judge of election
I certify that A B, ind o affirusald, also so MOM' (or
affirmed) by me.
tVitners my Lend, the dittoabnre written. 3 H, Clork
of elections.
SEO. 10. A return, to wr Meg, shall Ile made in each
poil-book, bet tin t , will' In words. nt length, the whole
number of hal it.tit cant Mr each ot➢ce, (except ballots re.
jortod:) time flame of each ivtrFon voted for, and t he . '
number of voter given to each portion, Inc each dlfferm I
office; which retutu shall be certified an correct,
,1 14 . 1 .,,,ti by the jungon, and attested by Om ; soch
return, shall be fubtanutinlly or follows :
. . .
At - on election held I y the ()lectors of company
, of tho reklment of Pounsyl.
vanla soldiers, nt (owning the place NI hero the election
IEI held) there were (owning the number lo .words, at
length) r. votes cast 'for the office of Uover
nor, of whlch A 11 had votes, 0 0
votes : for Elevator, votes were east,
of which E E had. votes, G II had.
for Represent atives votes VOt. were cost. of J 1 bad
votes, L M had ,votes, and in the same
manner as to any other officers voted for.
At the end of the return, the Judge, shall certify In
substance, as follows, giving, If officers, their rank cod
number of their regiment, if privates, the, number of
their regiment and company viz :
A true return of the election, held at aforesaid, on
the . day of , Anne Domini one
thonsand eight hundred and A Captain
company A, oue hundred and thirty-Bret regi
ment Pennsylvania volunteers.
D,company A, one hundred and thirty-first regiment,
Pen n Fyl van le vol unicorn.
EP,company:A,ol:lPhundrodand thirty first regiment,
Pennsylvania volunteers.
tted .
L At, OlorUs
Ste. 17 After canvassing the vote In manner afore
said, the judges shall put In an envelope ono of tbo
poll-books, vd. h its tally list, and return Meech city or
county; together with the tickets; and transtelt the I
sumo, properly sealed , up, and directed through the
nearest poet office or by express, as soon as posiiible
thereafter. to the prothonotary of the court of common
pleas of thb city or county in which saidolectore would ,
have voted, if not In the military serybm aforesaid,
(being the,eity or .county lorwhiclutho polbbook was
Itept„) and the other poll-hoolc..of mild city or county,
enclosed in no ouvelopo and sealed as aforesaid, and
properly threaten, shah° dellveredlo - onaof *acorn
missibners hereinafter provided for, commis-*
Moncr calls for, , the• same le ten , Gaye, antl'lf net 50
called for the same shall be mall or by
express, as soon as possible thoreafter,to the Secretary'
'of the. cootieeoewenitb> who shall carefully proserVe th 9
.same. and en demand of Om proper Mathoilotory,: . de -•I
.liver to`suld prethonotary, arid hialohntl male official
soa4 aCortiflod bony of the return of the votes so trues,
witted, to and received by him for nrild elty, or county - ,
'of!Whichithe &Intendant ie rrotininetarY. • I
,Sitelf2V,PlO morn Informality , Ito-the manlier - of 'cat , .
rYing out, or executing, buy of the.previsleue of this
net shall Invalidate any election -held under the same,
or,outltdristi the -return .theteof;to - fraieleotod or sot
,Neldo; per shall any fallure, on the pert of the co/aunts.'
Stoners: to tench or visit any regiment or company, or.
Abe tall tire Oany erlinnahy Or part ofrompany to vote,
'invalidate any election which may be hetd,under thie I
— Ste. 28. Tie several' inthiwlsod !eel needed
aria election, shall have like powers, and theyout well'
as other persons, who may attend, vote,ofeffer tovote,
lit raft' elretioni bestibleet to the ilke penalties .
.andsrestwitttionn gears declared or reoyided In theaaso
of oluctione, by the citlaene, at their wiled places
*of election; and all of the provisions of, the general
election lawn of this State, ao tar ai.appllcable and not
inconsistent with the provisions of thin got, tkor j up •
plied thereby, shall apply to all elections held under
this act. ; .
. .
Bth, 20. No compensation shall be allowed to any
judge orelerle, under this act.
Sao, 80. When the sheriff of any city or county shall
Issue hie proclamation fore election, fora presidential,
codereasional, district, city, county or Ste to election,
under the laws of thie State, to shall transmit Isom.
diately, copies thereof, to the field officers and Rimier
captains In the cornea, aforesaid, from mid city or
Sec. 81. The sum of fifteen thousand dollars, or so
much thereof as may be necessary, Is hereby appro-
priated from the general revenue, to bo paid upon the
older of the Secretary of the Cotninenw °alai, to carry
tials law into.effect.
Sze.' 82. When any of the electors, mentioned In the
first lies:lona this act, lees then ten in t umber, taunt
be momknt a of companies of another State or Territory,
or ter any sufficient or legal cause shall he septnitud
from their proper company, or shall be in any. hospital,
navy-yard, vessel, or uu recruiting, provost, or other
duty, whether within or without the State,
such cirumns, auras as shall render It probable that he
or they will be unable to rejoin their proper company.
or to be present at his proper place Mole:Alum uu or hie
lore the day, of the eleCtionli, therein mentioned, Held
cluster or electors shall h. ve a light to vote In the fol
lowing manner
Sao. 83. 'rho voter aforesaid is hereby authorised,
before the day of election, to deposit hie - ballot or ha/.
otri properly folded, as required by the goner al elec•
lion laws of this state, or otherwise, as the enter tuay
cheerio in a seal , d on, elope, together with a wrhtesi
or printed, or partly written and partly printed Mato
wont, containzug the Caine of the votes, the county,
township, bermes or ward of which he le a resident
and a written ur printed authority to seine qualified
voter in the (flintier, district, of %bleb sold voter Is a
resident, to cast the ballots, contained in said envelope
toe him Ull the day of said election. said statement
and authority to be signed by the said rotor, and at
tested by lOU commanding, or commissioned officer of
the eumpariy, of which ho Is a member in the case
of a private, and some commissioned racer of the ro
gluten t. in the cube of on ofilcor, lteny such officers ere
conveniently IteeetiFible, and If otherwise, than by bOll/0
other witness; and thorn also shall accompany said
ballots. an affidavit Of sold voter, taken before some
one of the officers aforesaid ; and Lr the absence of such
officers, before tome other person dilly authorized to
administer oaths, by soy law el the :date, that he Is
rpielifieu votes In the election tiktriet In which ho
proposes to vote that he Is le the uatual mil Lary ser
vice or the United Staten or of this State, describing
the organization to which he balongry.tbat hr has nut
out his ballots to any other person or persona, than
too one in (net] authority mentioned, that he will not
Mho. to vett, at any poll, n 'rich may be opened C, said
election day, at any place whatsoever, and that he Is
not a deserter, and has not been cllshonerably dis
missed. font the service, and that hr lo now stationed
at , In the State bald sealed
envelope containing the said ballots, statements
authority and utlidas it as aforesaid, to be sent to
the proper porton, by snail or otherwise having
written u, printed en the outside, across the scaled
port the reef, the rnKda, -. soldier's ballot for
township, (borough or ward,) In the county of
SEC. 34. The elector, to whom such ballot shell be
soot, shall, on the day of election and whilst the polls
of the in oper district ore open, deliver the envelope,
so received, unopened to tho proper election officer,
wise shall open It in the prorrenco of the election lsrard.,
and deposit the ballots therein contained. together
with the envelope, and accompanying papers, us other
ballots are deposited, and said board shall et lint and
Ctll/VARI the Sallie, ill the same manner as other soles
Ca , t. at said election ; and the person delivering the
tonne day, an the demand of any elector, be compollel
to testily. 011 “alb, that the ssivelope, so deli eared by
Trim, Is in rho 'same eta to as wyon received he him, and
t t the same has trot beer open, d or the contents,
thereof changed imp altered, iu 1111 y svny, by him or soy
other person.
dn. 'lb° right of any prison, thus offerfng 11.
v. te, ttt any such ideation, knii) by challenged. for the
tam- Callao, That it c , utl.t be it he mere
pers , wiall,s present and, for no olio,. r unroll or Callao.
:in Any lilac ii any general, or special elec
tion, in (Irk :tate, w refus to recut or any
ninth envelope. and depot it such ballots. or to 0,111.1
and rant as., and any elector who shall
e e11101..p0 011,1 ridnati (0 deliver tho battle, to
the til disirici, ',lnterval on the
fait! Nivel. pc stroll t.t• guilty of a ualrdernenuor, and
etteoli.ll tllort.of, :I/ALL° puuts,hoti lay imprison-
Mont in Ili, Sun 0 ponntenti:ny not exceeding five
pont a. 3 nil ht not. not ding ono thousand dollars.
r 1.,) ", I.oult 111 ill. , U 180.111,1 01 tine court.
SIX i. 7. a ins pers on mho shall to ilfully and cor
rat ptly make and slii.sortlie airy false affidavit. or mat,e
any lalse oath, loncLiug not Matter or thin, provid
ed in this ect. shall 1,1 Ity of wilful per
tuni.lipottieoneletion thete..f. Own be punished
Irt iloprianntuoill in the :tate penitentiary not exceed
lire five years and line Nol , Odil.g on
lair I.r by eager or I'ool. 11. On. disci eta,. „r liar, c ,-.. 1.
sEc. :18. That it bitaii be tile ditty , •1 I lie t.tra,relaty
n 1 : no, t I .I),p:tr . , tho llocoaloir3 Wash
111 , I i Carr" out nl . this act, /Old
flIrlii•11 :hit MI., 1, Oro ti•e t•I pc to ris /so engapd
ill tl.v !nit, It . , n:
hi' 39 In calif. alit. elect, in willtaly
se ri Iry of aid Was ia, ot an) loofotal, ninitary Or
mt. 01. ‘.l . nnt.y vto,cl.r navy .1, the state.nent
nod 1011 , 1 n, It. Its then act isietet Ruled may he gitileaSed
by, end 111.0, t, fore, an.y r el the, na t.) .
e l ntLrr pig 0 lit .Ilich n,iiJ vo:er Is. for Ilse time
Lying engaged.
Oal: I, the duhv 01 ..vane aSSessor,
111 kiln ruitlitottlaealth, as.css nod re tore,
lit the I OW 12.21 ml,l lip la ,t, a coon it till of
ten yew. upon too h and eilly .10.1,2,22122t00l
cur and pri.eett., and 114ttal taxi, Upon iloy
ofileer Ilw,x n I•y them to he lit the milt Lan
stlrritql of Ili, Uttil22,l ' , lat., t this Stem, ill the
r rot t ; all I tile, any .
1, the .•utittod
na11,1..1t .11 EH' added. by suet. 10 lit, 2,221.22-
heft Ix anti list, 1..' r -ter, oo tint aiti.itratiota of atry.
2,1,0, .2; Ifni VE I` taut di.l I to' prreiticr herein
bleer nii.:llt, or would hair a rialit to vote it
n..t ti ~ 2 ,2. a- n.2.22-.211.1; hod such 2l 1
12.112• 21111 efts 3 . 1:111 exempt
all Gill, pe,,tial dining 1.1.2•1 r couti latheo in
rtl-t1 to•VVI., and silt a1 , • , ,1S +.h.111 ti each and
eiery case tit .0111' h a.sesseel soldiers eilleurs, uithout
ton or re..ard thortleue give it certifies. , aseen regu
lar or 101131[10114 I 11 , NE,n1EIVas• • wwi citizen of the
oath it ilist lig rr lin slay at any flute 210-
111.11,1 ilo• fittltie .aild Upon Lila pru.entation the.,,ot to
the tas collegtor of said di=ll let. or the treasurer of
the said cou uty . it snail Is , Oho duly of said riltleer to
receive saiit Asst 11 [ln ot end from any pectin offer
ing It pity the same. tor tile soldier or on., therein
113111. , E, 1111.1 to eu „I• UlltEll fOrtifEClltP a receipt
here Sere i.atid it shall min, Ist the Out) I 5:41d colter
-1.0 .ottoitt.ty tteatini r to recelle sacred t an
110111 Etrly Per. VollEE °filo ill fifty Sher:11110 for any
,0 &a id Olive,. to e ilikets, with. tit requiring it certifi
cate of assessment, tt bon the names of ouch persons
shall have he , a dilly etiteir..d upon she , assessment
hook, and tax duplicate t„uld ifite tt reiaiipt there llnr
to at eh person stat ar, therein the name o f
the 011 ii '' r s leis,' tax is (Lis fail, the, year
xhich it 1... and the date of the pay
ment thereof: xt, lc!t said certificate andiecelpt,
or rrorlitt only shall he prlllits la,•10 evideti-n to arty
eiegLien hoard pt edged, ler by this -rist, - tielbre Which
file Fatal' 11122 y h. off. 1..1 of t e duo assessment of said
tux. ac - einst and Site payment thereof by the soldier or
°Meer . thin vin named. otlin 101 l the same . alot
hot said 11 eel ion hoard shall net he (..ilt•relly precluded
Lout 1,2011211 g Other proof of the right to-vote, as
this act or ll.e general eleetion of
CuillitlOnliealth, and if any of said as'sessur.. collectors
Or L rt.,ti I es, shall neglect Or refuse to coniply will. the
proviStellS I I IJiis suction, Or to potful fn any of the du,
ties therein to joined - Upon theta, or either of trom it,,.
or they su ode tog., shall he considered and adjudged
gii II y 21, 21 2112,12 , 1112.21022 r 1t101112,, still shall, on rOll vie-
Lion. be fined lu any sun 1088 thou I.Wriltly, nor
more that two bundled dollars; Provided, That the
additions , assi..stnouls required to he Marts by the
abort• tort too, le the city shill bit LIIEEEie
lift Uplllll . I LEI,O f any eit izen, ot the ele..tion distt lot
upon earth .d* affirmation of suet]
citizen to he tiltini 01.4,0E1 by' the rissessor that ouch,
abseut soldhic is it citiz lit Of Olio a action distriet, or
precinct ...herein such is iellulied by such
eillSen to to,, unit!,
A 13, l Judgos
E E. election
SEC. al. This :Let shall not apply to the electl,n of
of meiniews of cou n cil. or to ward and division etlicerri
in the city of Philadelphia.
- .
Al . l,lll . r.D—Tho twenty-fifth day of AUgust, Anno
Ihnotnt t Noun Ind eight hundred and sixtt•foilr.
A. 0
Olean under toy Laud. at Qu lisle. thlt. 12th day of
Oetebor, 15C4. J. I'IIO.III'SON ItIPP hi
Oct. 21, 18 A. hLeri R.
Lochman Photographs Et Ambrotypes,
A RE always ahead of all others. His
/ - 1 cartes do Ildte are gents or art, and his largo
Pladograpths cannot ho excelled. Ills Ambrotypes are
superior pictures—Pert us s, Isbing good pictures are
rota. sled to call at ',nebula t.'s 41allery In Mrs. NolT's
Building oppohlte the National Bank—Main street.
:in, IStl.l.
No 520 ARCH Street,
Ilse n largo ,lock of
SOW) Si LvE it.w A RE,
Suporlor plated FBA SET,. SPOONS, FORKS, Sc
Sept lat4.---Zolo.
A "r ?it ' desirable private residence will
b . on reasonable terms. It la u largo three
Brick House,
lardy built, with all the niode'rn Improvements and Is
located In one of the best portions or Carlisle. Apply
to JOHN HAYS, Atty at Law
Li Letters Testamentary on thr estate of John Le
fever, due'd, tots of Penn township haring berm iBFU6.I
to the subscribers. the first residin g In Penn township,
and the second in West Pl:ninth- re' township: notice
is hereby given tr. nil persons Indebted t maks Pay"
wont, and atom] having claims to present diem: to
. ,
Bert. 20, 18134.. '
Judge of elocJioo.
li - 4 1 STATE NOTICE. -
`)Letters testament:try- on tho estate of Robert
Irvine, Sr.; dooN., lath of thilorough of Cavil.* bravo
be issued by the Regis or of Cumberland eenuty, to
the subserlborq, reStaing In wild Borough. Nola
is hareby Oran to all pi Terns indubted to said eetato
to Milko payment:, and all baying claims to progont
them duly authenticated to
September 23, 1844--Aot* . r , ' Exes.
IL Le‘tterti of. Achnlohtration on the estate of John
Viewing, Into or Itammlen township tlee4l,lMViog been,
lonoti to S,itnnel Albright, resitting at Oyster's rolut,'
PennsborO' township, notice hereby given to,
nu porioni‘ indebted to told estate to analte paxintnt,
_ttnitttlPe having elnpna to present thentliir settlement
to,SANUEL, ALl'o6llll`,
Fent.l3o, ": ' Administisktor.'• ;
ETTERS-oBt,stne l otar,yorijhp
,; ( 01 win: O .
.. J3 4q ., of Weet V'en,n eborou g
Twp.. bava beam ll'aritedltnfr),te MainabfAkkte , "V 11,311
1111 olonne against, the,Estato w ill be presented and all
paymentamade. )11fNjt *'lCl ELIAI7, 18044-Bb, .. .
ttN r -StItAN.B 'to thei.r ad- .
ii.:..ventake,to 4141 and nurOttkaa tteln Btadleinea at
; ; ; , - , , asLeroti-s•-.
Exity a JOHNSON,
Speaker of the House of RepreFentalves
Speokor of the Senate
Onadam Presider t J udge nl the several Courts.
of Common Pleas of the countlei of Onmbertand,
ry, and Juniata, and Justice of the several Courts of.
Oyer and Tertntner and General Jail Delivery, In '
counties, and Michael Cocklin and lingh Stuart Judges
of the Ootirts of Oyer and Tertnincr'snd Jail Delivery
for the trial of all capital and 'other offenders, to • the.
mid county of Cumberland, by their precepts to me
directed. dated the 24th day of August, 1806, Woe oe. ,
dared the Court of Oyer and Terminer and Gannet ,
Delivery to be holden at Carlisle on the 2d Monday of
November, leC4. (suing the 14th day,l at 10 o'clock
the forenoon, to continue two weeks.
NOTICE is hereby given to the Coroner; Justices; SE
the Prace. and Constables of the saidoonnty'of CUM.
berland that they are by the said promopt oommanded
to bo then and there In theb.. proper periona, 'Stith
their rolls, records, and Inquisitions examlnationS, and •
all other rem. mbraneett, to do those th ings Iv !doh t
'their offices appertain to be don", and all thaw; that
are bound by rocognisances, to prosecute against the
prisoners that are or then shell be in the Jana mad,
county, Are to be there to prosecute them as shall to •
j 4et. J. T. HIPPEL
Oct. 7.1881. Sheriff.. •
PHIS Institution is again reopened and.
j reorganised, with a full corps of Teachers and
Im:roared facilities at Carlisle, Pa. Youngmanl per.
mit ne to make a direct appeal to you in behalf of that
which should claim your Bret consideration. In the
worth of that honored and talented !Intone= Haney
Cloy, Young man prepare yourself for business ^.—
This le emphatically a busluesa Institution. kiverr.
011.i1111 1 to here taught to Originate and conduct all the,
hooka and Forma pertaining to actual businats,—thina,
lalnelog theory Into prune°, and thereby having thous
pursue the regular routine of the Counting-liens°.
Donb'e 'Entry , Book-heoping In Its various forme and
unpile:alone, including general Wholesale and Mal.
For,‘ ardlng, Commission, Exchange, Jobbing
and imp.. bug, Railroading. eleamboating, Banking.
Commercial Calculations, Penmanship In every 140) of
the art. Phonography, &e. Clergymen's sons entertho:
reheat at half the regular ratan. Night school from 7.
t 4, 0 P. .I.
For further particalitre call at tho Coliegi Roomei
(Itheetn'e Building) or adarota
Send ter a Circular
Sept. to, 18t4—..3t
On Saturday, November 12th, 1884
rip E subscriber will sell at the Court
linage in the borough of Carnal,. at 10 o'cloek t
m , the following deverltant real eatato,
Two Frame Houses,
with Lack buildings. Tho front buildings of there.
boom, are 17 by `.2, foot, the lets 20 by 250 feet. Ad
°thing thero houses Ic a
with a two story back Liu lid lug, which
R 111 to sold at the same time arid place.
1 hese properties aro situated on Wost Fouth Arcot,
bound on the north by property of James Hoffer, on
ret 6c James Walker, on the west by 0.-o. Hoffer
and on tlm "oath by Routh street.
Also, at the S3lllO tiro, and place Four Frame
in the rear of the above described property on Ohap►t
alley. Thee, bops,. ere till provided with es.coldstat
eellsrs and trarrets
MI of theme pi oportlea are built In the most aubstan
tin' manner of rho best matorial and situated In one
of the most pleasant p r Jona f Carlisle. •
Alec, ut the earns time and placa a vacant Lot of
ter uwi Aitustod on• the north west corner of Pitt
atroet and Chapel alley enntalnlng $5 feet front by 00
deep. This 1.41 a fenced in, and Las a good mvemout
around It.
8. Jo cmnnoncc at 10 o'clock. a. m, nn Raid day
when attendance 11111 no given and iprmx made l< nown
Oct. 21, —tv
A Choice Farm for Sale ! -
stiffill farm of T RT 1." THREE
Or. Yi Mgt, of Plainteld la olf•
lerod for sole let old :. o ,end tauty. The hhprove•
'two is aro a Lirge
A ...a
31301.733LM HOUSE,
no and f la BRICK. and tho ,
f r Oler Fit AMP:, tint, FRAME BARN• •w;
vs h the n eCtrersttry attarhmenta to
both 'louse nosh Barn. The land la smooth and fertile.
:care, a rock ran ho found upon the whole tract. NO
More nttrn CIA v 0 lilt o property wan ever °tiered for sale
in this, (runty. For particulars apply to JAMES A..
DUN B 4 It, At tornoy at Lew, Carlisle Pa.
Sept 2, 1984
'Valuable Farm for Sale.
r 111 11E subscriber offers for sale hie farm'
hltu3to in N'iddle.e..x township, 4A tollee from
rontainlng tiNif. HUNDRED AND SEVENTY.
EMIT AN eft . . by an old survey, moot of which la un
der cultivation. Thu quality of tho laud la Slate and
&ravel, wbien rapidly vader the action of
The improvements are a Dolible Stone
%0• 4 n HOUSE,-
~1 Y with Kitchen attached , and Waab
FLA House, Wood House & Smoke Rouse,
4 ' l ';'- 4 ' - convenient.
Hog l'en, Carriage House, Corn Cribs, dm. There hi
pile variety of Fruit on the premises.
The propert v is divided by a private rood and would
make two convenient farms. It is admirably adapted
for a stock farm. has tug easy access to running water,
and the nicadows yielding a never failing and abuud
ned of !lay. It lo veil fenced and bee been
thoroughli limed. is convenient to Church and 8' hool,
and .joins the well known •i Carlisle Springs," Whi c h
afford n market tech g the summer. Altogether It is
a &Niro propm - ty.
' Ttfo. FTFTTIRICTIT aces rf raeoilent fflll if ' lli
LAND about miles from the above them, lying
along the base m the North Mountain, acceseiblo to
ovary point. Tide will be sold together or to lots to
Apply to George S, Clark, near the prends e, ,ledge
Watts, Carlisle, or the suliscilLer, at Harrisburg."
Augunt 20. I,4l—tf
Large Sale of Real Estate.
I will expose at Public Sale on A t , at Ore noon, Cumberland County Pa., thst
followizlg dese,ihed real estate.
On the Sixth & Seventh of November, 1884.
A moat excellent and highly cultivated him Mi.
105 Acres of cleared Land,
with • tract of ilve acres of WOOD LAND. The !ro
py rcrucuts aro a good BANK BARN,
a la go and commodious
.41fAL -
a largo Corn-crib and Wagnu-shed,4i _
with all other necessary out•bu'ld- • '—
Inge, a largo ()KORA RD of grafaal fruit fraos no farm
is well' supplied with water, the faucet aro manly
Post.and-rull and 13' and Purse,
Also a large two story and a half MITCH
HOUSE conudoin nineteen roorne, woll calm:data
(or a boarding house or tavern stand nlth a lot two
hundred foot d ep so d slaty front having erected on
It a large a mble capable of bpi' Ink; twelve or fifteen
Also a FI.tASIF lIOINS and lot of ground in the
same viliage,the property of iha Firm of Line tattler
and Company The lot is forty feet front and two
hundred deep.
Also a large and convenient SCIIOO.I. noom fifty by
thirty two, furnished with Illokoke patent desks and
ehAirs. One of the best points on the Cumberland Val
ley Rail-road Cot au Academy or'lligh-School, known
as the Groasen Academy.
Two separate tracts of land adjoining the town, of
fifteen anti thirty acres well cultivated find Armed,
wlhb tw else acres or more of woodland adjoining,
Also a row of HOUSES in the same villuge,gprialetlog
of six Tenneinent bounce ofghteou foot by twenty, with
a lot attached to each.
A Iso a FRAME IV AltE-1.101.1811•Arith Bvo hntifired
Pet of siding, with grounds Attached sufficient for gob
oral wharfage. • -
Also a DoOI3LE TICNEMENT I.lo l Mir Ith
whicb are erected convenient stables. .i• •
Also a frame TENEMENT HOUSE twenty-Mk t: bp .
twenty, two stories high, with S lot, on which la'okeet
ed a stable.
wt th lots attached. The above propei'ty le .1 naiad at.
(iroarpn Stalin, on the Comb. Valley tallroildl, , Vor
further particulars inqUiro pf .. .•
ZOIIN 311A)40ze,.
Otematn O. ,
Wo,hitacitakpr's Brownl
iputfl AD ?J4V'T
Cornor;of'Cm & Marknt Btreeo;
, . • Philadalphis
No. 1 Ootitli Otli tireatY''
Cloodiarlooan reasonable joliciAj
Will. H. Cdt/C,
rtO*Pg o fA r -TEII9 I ,'LIYqN/4 11 7_,
• 4'iliweon.'.a .
O V"
ttt ,roSltlett6o 'Pitt "
,atropt, attfoluitig thp ItitrtficollPeCtria;
Julyr • • r :,;
ne*. 7-2-10? Trea
&it .sury Notea. These notashehr,Shieppihit•thornt
of 3-10 per, colt. p 0 annum, end urn convo411)1e no
the sod of three yearo..'nt.' thic;nptlon of tbo 'holder
- Into '-t-20' eta' per cent. botnie, , I h eat,payaNn.lia eolnt
.Subnetiptionn reheivod nt the .11118 X, NATIONAL,
.11ANIC• or oAnt ! lBLB,llimnolatiigpielipdPhioniter3
'of 0)6 U, • ''• •1' • •/•- Auk. 16.."0 •
fudt of pedal basis on orsi4iiietrionanlist : t, -4:1"
HARNEEN 0 A BliEttli
it'AvEN,& 11/LCOITSautI - • • • •
lIALLET,•EkiIVit3;,k Coq pal4biai,24l,,tAtiClSl4 ,
at ti liaorai dud:1;0E1°11:i ,
' td‘ °T°r-Pl'9
`270181'0./11ttfatidell8biti.e vita*
• t1at.14,3.801-14ma: ;• , ,••;J: ,:phtliuttolpb.l4. Zs.
- .
Carlisle, Pa-
JA.311:8 CLARK