Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, October 28, 1864, Image 3

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    hatls a small matter. YOU certainly
canna expect to stay hero; at least, not all
of you. „Enough may stay to serveus menials
to•thenegrees who occupy your estates ; the
rest muStoff to a Siberia, away off in the
direction of Morniondom, where Abe has
deserts'•to settle. • Alexander had a Siberia,
why Shbuld riot Abraham have ono?
These are the terms Abe oilers. They are
the terms 'which you will get by going into
Convention,. Why interpose the Conven
tion at all ? •
Thursday, Oct. 20-10.45 A. M. j
Maj.-Gcn. Dix:
Another great battle was Ought yesterday
at Cedar Creek, threatening at first a great
disaster v but filially resulting in dvictory for
the titan fore es under Gen. SHERTDAN,
more splendid than any heretofore achieved.
The Department was advised yesterday even
ing of the conitrumeemmit of the battle by
the following telegrams:
Wednesday, Oet. 19-11'. M.
Maj.-Gen.. H. TV. flatfeet:, chief of Stair:
Heavy cannonading has recommenced in
the valley, and is now going
(Signed,) C. C. AGO 15E, Maj.-Gen.
HARPER:6 FERRY, VA.-6.40 P. M.,1
Wednesday, Oct. 10.
lion. E. if. Stanton SCereiary o 11 - ar :
Firing At the front has been continuous
during the day. The direction seennal nt
intervals to be to the left of Wincheqer, as
if at Berry's . Ferry.
No news front the front.
HATTER'S F ERRY, VA.-8.1, P. M., 1
\\Wile:Jay, Oct. 19.
Hon. E. m. Stanton, Seeretarg nt War:
The enemy attacked our line with great
impetuosity this morning at daylight.
Tho attaOfc. wits wade on the huff thr
Eighth Corps, and Was at first ce 0., u ,
they capturing some guns, prisoners and
Our line was reformed and heavy lighting
continued through the day.
SHERIDAN wa4 rep,r(d at. WincheAar
this morning:, :old want old to the•
The particulars recoivvd tiro not
and are ant. fin nal 10 , thotn4di n..,erious
di -
aster could hit ve nrt•urrod vithout direct•
news from Sit t.:at OA N. ,
(Signed,) JUIIN D. STEVEN'SO7\:,
Matters rumain in II
resented by the 1;)re! 4 -,ditghte l ...rruin, unt;l i hi:
gram NVI/S.tecricrl, 1 tlicia 1
the greet victory won by Nu Eiti army
llARrEn's FERRY, V.‘.. Thur.biv. )
Uct...z()--'.1..i0 .1. M..
6t•:nl:livu•t:•N :tt
midnight is to thii idh , ct that thn• i•lit•Illy
prised uur I
:orci , yesten.lityunu uiuq, (11l 111
the euininanil ut ,iain• t II
ewtotvn, ralrturini artillery and pri:zoln•r-.
Sit Sall ).1S arrived in t reiiriziin •.1
our hirces, drovd the enemy
burg, caiatirill ‘ tr,, it, repelled, ri,rty-t lire
piece: of Artillery, one I
AlilbUlalleeS, 111111 ,Ittlo till
The rout of the enemy , aid 1. , 1 , 0 nn
This is not ,)111eini. I.ut 1 think
(Signed.) .1. 1). STE V ENS( )N,
A few minute , lit r the f,,11.)%k .Ilichtl
report of' Ii virt rC Nva, ree..ived
Gen. N
CEDAR Clir.El:, \Vvfino-lny. (1(1. 19, 1(, p
To Lida
I have the haw t t , rep.rt tha
at Cedar Creel: \‘a, th,
before dn\•light mid tub left \VA- turn 1111
driven in
In fact most of theii?Je : n ;11
fusion, with the loss of twenty I,;e<•.: :-
I hastened from Willchester, where I wa-.
on my return from ‘Vashi l , g l, m ,
the nrmies between Middletown nut New
town, having been drt yen loaek Shout f•Mr
I herr took Ow affair in Land, and gekkly
united the crams, termed a reminiet lin, el
battle just in 01E10 ti, ar l mlw nn :quirk of the
enemy, which Was handseinrly deur a t s h mt i
1 P. :\l..
At 3 I'. )1., nftor snine elmre2.-e4 el I ho 0:1W
RITY from the left to the right Ildlds, I ;it tack
ed with grout viger, Iris utg and re , tting - th.•
enemy. capturing ae,,rdittg tm the hed rep , rt.
forty-three Judeee ut nrtillery :pnl very unit
I do not know yet the number of etti-ual
ties or the losses of the on,in I.
Wagons, trains, anthill:knees tool
in large numbers are in our
They also burned some or their f
Gen. IA it pri , i , ll•l' Inmel4.
severely, and perlittit, mortally wounded.
I have to regret theof Gen. 111 I/ \V E I.L
killed, and Gew.. NVittutrr, (;I`,.‘' nit 2111(i
RICK E•rTs wounded. -
WRIGHT is slightly W1)1111111'd
Attairs, at times, 1;ioloal badly. lint by the
gallantry of our bray , allicer, and n o n di—
aster has been converted into it vic
I)arlinecs again intervumsl to Awl otTgrest
er results.
I now occupy Sirs,luirg.
As soon as obtained, I «•ill send you furtli
(Signed,) P. A. SHERIDAN,
The battle was fought on the sate day,
19th of the month, that witnessed SII
DAN'S victory in September.
What the numbers were ~ppe, e d to (;,• n .
SIIRRIDAN are not yet reported to the De
partment, but the boldness, vigor and success
of the attack strongly indicate that a heavy
reinforcement had been sent 11 , 111 Richmond,
with the expectation of fullilling Loxo-
STREET'S boast to smash up SHERI DAN.
LONOSTRICET was known to be in the Val
ley, and had assumed command of the rebel
army, and confident hopes of an overwhelm
ing disaster to the Union army were boast
fully, expressed for several days back by the
rebel adherents in Washington and Balti
No Organized Rebel Regithent to
be Found
300 Wagons and Ambulances Captured
Battle Flags Sent to the War
Major Generid Pia:, N. Y:
Tire following official dispatch has been
received from General Sheridan : -
CEDAn . CREER, Virginia,
4r. m., Oct. 23.. . . f
Lieutenant General Grant; City Point :
I pursued the routed force of the enemy
nearly to . Fort JiicksOui,...whieh point he
reached during the night .of the 29th and
20th, without an organized regiment in• his
From the accounts of our prisoners, who
have escaped. and .citizons, the rout was coin
, plete. • • -•
-..About 2,000 of the enemy :broke and made
their way crown through the mountains; on
`theleft, for ten miles: On Olitie of retreat
the,,r9ftil, and countrywere covered with,.
small arms, thrown- away
,by .the flying
• rebels,' and other deb ris.
I think that hot.less than 801/zrhgons and,
MnbulahceS ivore either captured or destroyed.
..Th0..h41.411. Of the morning:turned to: our
advatitilmir - na much as 'though the iihola
indiemenl liad been planned. The only re
gret' luii hirie,ls the capture, in the, early
inornitig, of frOm fIOJ to 1,000 of our ' men.
Lath nom, sending to, the War Department
ten' , battlo'iingA. Tha kiss of artiller.t in the ,
,morping:Was.sevan gunifroutiCrook,[eleoien
th, FiNT
.n nL.
tit • 1.11CW:1i party
whi,h 1 . 0`1:C.1:'1 t 11.• 1 . 111"11 MP/
Ili, ,•1.• , .ti0 , 1 ttro to hi- J)i-trict
to L,.• able to :zi,Notin , , it
'WT. The captor," of the 7th , Pa.
Corp- in the fir. , t INitt!.• in t Wit
in May in-!. \VIII he rernerilhereti ;n
our render-, man% the lo
her- of Compnily A, svere boy,. 'rh o
pri-,nor, tal,vn to I.,ylichlmrg nn l
afterward to the prisoner', (—imp al .krider
onville, (loorgln. tiinee their clpttire but
r.:0•11,1:1-.A . their fate.
how .ver, m t - Et. a Mein
lu,rof(lonii,a,us 11, of Afeelianiesburg, reach
ed home. hating sueeN ,, led in timliing
escape by jumping from the ear , in which it
a number of the prisoner,: were being remov
ed t o slAnne pl i wo in Florian. Yotmg II r.«
made his war to tho whirr 11, , ,nepoe,l
- in getting on a 1 - .'i. ve,,l, in uhirh he
onme North and reached )Ileolinnie , burg, lu-I
week. a free and happy man.
From Mr. II Ess we have some sad and
interesting particulars about the captives.
Of the 7th Regiment, lie state , that wrn/y
-scroll of the men have• died. Of this num
ber Sergeant VAN ra:s Ear, on of Mr.
Asos: W. Eny, of Carlisle. is the only one
from Company A. The intelligence was re
ceived with deep remorse by our entire com
munity. Serg. EBY was one of the noble
young men who left Carlisle on the pith of
June, 1861, as a member of the Carlisle Fen
cibles, commanded by Capt. IZ. M. H ENDER.-
SON. With that Company he participated
in the memorable Seven Days Battles in front
of Richmond, and afterward in the battles of
Bull Run, South Mountain, Antietam and
'Frederic,hurg, behaving in every enga7-
with a steady coolness and courage, whi h
won the warmest commendation of his court'
mending officers. In camp, and on the bat
tle field he was alike the true and faithful
soldier. Ile was promoted from the ranks
to a Sergeants position and richly (lid he de
serve it. His old comrades who arc yet liv
ing affxtionately unite with the cominunity
in deep sympathy for the patriotic father and
family who have lost fuch a son. God grant
the safe return of the remainder of the gal
lant boys of Company A.
Secretary of War
You. Jni his "kienwl- al has just arrived
from the Eastern Cities with the largestand
most sole: t stock-of Clothing in Carlisle.
Ile has opened in themohn f"rmerly occupied
by Simnel Arnold;- next:door to Dr. Zitzer.
. Why Sir, as I Ny,s'paising up Hanover
street the other day, I was 'fistonished when_
I L .beheld before me the greatest and most
magnificent display of Clothing of all kinds
' I ever saw. Why tootell the truth thought
-Chestnut street Philadelphia had oppi9il . up
to My view. Andnot only that, sir ;
ho ean sell a little cheaper than any
.other-ilstablishmentin Carlisle.':_torno Tig
and - Come all, his Clothing is pica. He ha?
CoatS, Pants and Vests at most.any i ,
,Shirts, Drawers,'lnid Hats, taritiitdvetTOne,.
Trunks, and Traveling Bats the cheapest in'
tewn-4t. -'„
from Emery, and six from Wright. From
all that I can learn think that Early's re
inforcements- could not be less than MOM
mon. . •
P. 11. SICERID.A.N,'.
Major General Commanding
Secretary of -War
oi own ait eguntn illatttrs,
Union Electoral Tickets
The Lincoln Elect Oral Tickets are now
ready for distribution. Those for the polls
will be given in charge of the fownship'sdis7
trict Committee man. Every active U)iion
man, however, should have a few in his poc
ket to distribute among his friends. All in,
want of tickets for this purpose can get them
by applying at the Herald printing office.
"THE VoicE op BLOOD."-Such is
the novel title of a very neat religious
work of 354 pages, which has just been
issued from the press of Lindsay & Black
ston, of Philadelphia. Our townsman,
the Rev. SAMUEL PHILLIPS, is the au
thor. From the cursory perusal we have
given it we cannot speak of its merits
with the judgment we could desire, but
yet alter glancing through all its pages,
we feel warranted in commending it as a
very interesting and valuable work, pleas
ing in style and lofty in religious senti
ment. See 'advertisement in another
Cif For good and fashionable cloCoing
call at Julius N' wind 4, Samuel Arnold's
old stand noxt door to Dr. Zitzer.—lt.
READ IT.—VVe mean Judge Hour's
expo.iti,%n the organization and designs
of the O. A. K . , which wo publi,h 00 ,mr
i L ago w:•ek. Let every honest
ratri ,, t in tho C. , onty read th, ,tartling de
volorment, of try:Lion. It is m) electioneer
ing docum-nt. ud.; , • .11 ,, LT has al MIN . .; been
Doni. , erat 101‘1 wa , niomber ,Ir
calth,,t. The statement-. he make, Concern
ing tho,•• traitor.: and their do,ignc are sup-'
1 ,,, rb1l by t h e , warn- ,tlitemonti rek a bl,
Bonnier that every Irwin
o!) , 4:14 - ,1 in thi , colt-piracy G, aF.-
0 - otillOO ci\iiwaran , l Hood-
tr:t;10,1•- atid
in tl4i iif
II a 1 - .111 li• , ti.•,t 1/I.llli
I . r:IN par:y cowardly
G ,, v,.rriment
o pt: •iii I
Frrr ,h,-,71
,it S:untiol
t+. 1)r Zitzer.--It.
ILLNI):;0111: C1C.11.1.1
C. , !. 11. )1. 11r. \Thriz.4):c \-,1 a
11.1 the je , -; , ..e , i) .I , l4lg. , lroente
(lenerttl the I' ,, t ,, nrke. Whil..
(;,•ti.•r211'1..11.:•• t:11.
ral Cre ,
,•rv.• 1
to tile in-
1:i•.• WilIC:1
tv:i- linr , 4t , l. -11 ,• !u,\. , n.,1 ,•t .
114.1:.: II::- .."olded
.rn'l•r , ('i-.•r
I NI '
LI. Sawyer. Esq
\Vt• I.y l.f.avvilw. , rl.ll paiwr tnnt
\l• , y '1.1,i a ;la-
• , ,1"
r. iu I..:;t:e , It • lirt,
!II all .;11.1!2:••:111f1 Vo` iltr!“.F.nwn
call attention to the : adver
tiseMent of the sale of the :Fayetteville
Seminary in : another celumn.. ibis: In-,
stitution has' "been for years one 13f the
most, popular School in' the State and
from what :'‘vo'know of it we are confi
deutThat it would be a first classinvest
inent. Sala on Wednesday Nova 9th.
The Directors and teachers of South . Mid
dleton School District, convened in "Centre
Schikol House" on SaturdaY October 15th,
1814, for the purpose of re-organizing the
‘• Teacher's Institute " for. the present school
term. Thoilrst business, was the election of
Permanent Offulers, which resulted
lows, viz; President; Eplirai Shell, Esq.,
Secretary; Win. 13. Butler, Treasurer; Smith
H.- Kauffman.
The President itiipoi oI ed Miss 31. Fleming
and Messrs. Elias Mountz and'S. 11. Kauff
man. a Committee to drive a Constitution for
the Institute.
The members entered into n spirited and
lively discussion upon the method of conduct
ing the exercises. Some contended that the
best plan, WIN to have the pupils of the dif
ferent schools present at the Institute,' and
the Teachers to give their method of impart-
Mg instruction, by forming them into class
es, but the majority contended, that, (as the
Institutes were held for the benefit of the
Teachers,) the Teachers should he formed
into classes and upon a vote being taken, it
was decided to conduct the exercises by haV
ing class drills, and also the assigning of les
sons. It "was resolve'df" that questions be
propounded liv the.-members to each other,
to he answered at the next meeting. Pro
graimno Gar next meeting, Read Selectiiim;
Rachel Clarke and John A. _Killer, Essay;
Clara K. Culver, Address; Elias „Nloutoz.
Lid , . C. Fleming to drill it crass in Written
Arithmetic, and J. Wesley -Mountz one in
Orthography. Critic; Annie M. Eleming.
On ;notion, it was resolved that the proceed
ings of each ousting he published in the
"Carlisle Iferald Ameriiian Demo
crat,- and that the Secretary be author leech
to subscribe for one copy of the papers mon
cd, for the benefit of tie Institute, tln mos
don, Resolved that the thanks tit' the mti
lute he tendered to Nies-N. Julia W. Craitz-
Iscad, G.,. D. Craighead. Br:alloy and
Jac.di Flank for their loopitality to the
mmber,. Adjourned to meet in • Paper
town School Dome - on Saturday, tits.2;ith.
W. B. RUTIA It, Stiere'mr..
(in tin. •.rtirt. by the P. v. I .1. el.irr. nt
1 i rn• \ r 1t.11.k, It PE
.0% 1 , 1 Phil 1•1-1111. iii. as:sl , n.R. 5 kl.l .11-i Li t: 11,1 r l'itr
CAIIL. IS P 0 DU(' 11) Alt K NT.
'I run!,
~ u porf:t
d •
11 I 11. II II C.\ .
In ...... .......
IS \1(1.1,1'
,"'h irn
r Spring; 11..101 is (.If o r e
f. r rent II• the thy 0: il next :' , nnn/
P. I . E
STAT E N (11' I (
Le , rera f AtlmlniFt rati r•FIV,
T. non,- I. •te I•kto Vtattltral p.heat,:
teen ktkk I k slt • Fn'''- ,Itker reSiklinz In f ff f•ftl,
f.f k f een tat :tit pe,otat th.teme,
at • t.k tell, pa :t yment nmi th eakk he, in.
to C , killo
under-i : .211,,,i citizen;
t,,.mo,i r d. t to pr.,:ort she l ss ],
se .1 ta — sa, s!.t see they nill het a I.onv ass
sssisse•thg et' lissasse,s; Vr•ltill4l,
It ry
i- a 111.,
Tho- Rev. N-Ifnuel Piultpi hew
B• ok.
in \ - Hi(E nr,HOD.
11%11 t
IN I'i , 'PH .11'1•11E k NI) ..F Trir
II x% ,H 11.1). I IS 'VI ICNI, AND I IC
I : \ HE Nlourim•l "1..
: rrz t nl r. II t:ri
.1 , 1 . k.:\ sr II IN AND
By Rev. Samuel Philips. A. M.,
/Le lot ,•,./1, 'r
.1.11/" , ' , I •• G /10 ,• )11(1/1•• "4 li,r
'rho objo•L of vv I 's
to popularize (10 th,ry
of 111111 h jo n i.v kv
• 3,11,..111t and proot 0 . ,1 :,q-
iittr.ii-Livai 1.. the tw i t, of h •
1-4 ~.t
IV S. 11” JI 3.l:tided try nlllt :C. tf
%,iii , •ll vit. 11.1 w IlVe. MO Contents of
r lu. r.. 1 u:11. %, ill 1 ., 111) no 141..1 it, 1111,1
1,11, , tire th., I 1)1 the
m r ,,,..•.1 •
( !pt., l --
•• VII —I hr otee of :SI:, rt.) r it lond from the
Chri.thin Alma
" IX.—The hire of I•bvul(ng Blood f. risn the
' \i.— , li \o•re of A v.n glim Blood Crool 11.11
' \ oice lip; Blood n 11,1 V
I'ithlisliNl by
LIND , %I' & uLtrii , TON.
'2, South ..rah ;4t httve Ci,.. nut,
Price, t 01. ray:, hl,. on Delivery.
Sperial 3Z011t.8 W w ied for selling [llk Bonk . to
dyluen a liberal (11 , rourit will he given. Apply either
to tho Publisher, or to the Author. at Carlisle.
From Bey. Dr' S Fisher. Editor of the Messenger •
The style Is pleaqng and attractive, and the mein of
piety, xehleh prevades it deep :111 , 1 .111nently puictleal.
'rho tc..J.try "I the Ivor!, is deeideilly prod.
Frew I'. 11. Balsbaugh. Esq
The more I rekd your work. lh • more dor, the beain
tv and wonder of the subject untold. lam stunned
with the terrifTic den uncletiens you hurl against the
sinner. but m urk more charmed with your sweet poet
ir representhtions of human destiny , hrough
I love the book bee tune it net only make, me tremble
nu nenOUU 1, 01 111 V Fine, but also lend neon nod Inspires
MO With t h e hope of n complete and eternal t• 11132111-
potion from oil through the Blued or atonement.—
Letter to the Author.
Fayetteville Seminary
rprITS popular Institution will ho sold
on Wednesday tho'llth - d7 November, together with
all the incorporated rights and privileges, to the high
est and beet bidder.
The property consists or
also n I.AIIOII STA IILL: with all thu
,:cti.47:4:",of!ii , li , necessary out buildings.
Possession to be given on the lot of April 1805.
By order of the etockholders,
Fayetteville, Franklin Co.. Pa.
Oct. 28,1884-21
Valuable Real Estate fbr Sale
On. Thursday, Deec»iber 1, 184.
jY virtue of a proeeedirtri n- parti
tion in the Court of Common Pleas of Cumber
land County, I will expose to sale, on the above day,
ou the pram ices lu Penn township, Said C uoty : No 1.
of drat, rate quality.of Limostnne land highly improved
an ,I ru,tivited. containing 19:I Acres, 'thou , 40' Acres
or whieli•is In wood and the 11 . 14111110 cleared and under
gond post and rail tenet. Tits improve-
rnents are an excellmu two-slot
y• • .
BRICK .lIOUSB, ages ,
. e
• •
Bank Barn. Wagon Hinds. Corn I.l•li,onti -•iks
other nu/smlly outhuildinesrivieli a:mild:Owe et ruii•
nlug wator on the Liu's, and none to lice louthiln gs . ; It
is Ono ot, tho host•fitrins in Cutilherland Otin,ity,
No. ti.' IA Tract of Wood land Ftllllo township
bounded by Bimini:l Long. Tanit liyantit and •filcdb
Bollinger, containing 41 Avres. inord Or lees,
3. Another t 4 met of Wood land In • ilie same
township, etintainingtil Aeons, !noire or less, - near tlie .
Pesch Orchar L. .. o
No. 4. Alen" another Trart, of, Woodland. In the
Same township, wenn:dim Itl'Acri.s, more or lesa, ad
joining David IL mu; IL,David Keller and others. •
•Alstin Lot In Centreville hounded - by tin3rttitheran
Church, John Belden' end otbera. containing 13tAerea,
more or lessi with a MUCK 110US•Kantralable moon
' Solo 10 cootmooco at 10 o'clock tiiben torms'Avlll ba
made known by,. , 'JE6OE
Adm'r of Abrabs.4 Kurt a,
00.28, 19f3i.,-51:: n.
Hotel for Rent
, A •.‘ it.Lbur, .r E.
.1. 34.1111 I irer,
.ter r. /I•••.'ner, L 4 l'a,rue.
I'hn,r"hrYP, 11. POWIIIIIII,
'S 11 tn
—ltlo IT/1111
ht. ~t Pio , t 1 th
—rhe loi.c i'yp , ..,11 1:1°0,1 lion 11
f frwn tL
lona from
X,—The Voice of Witnee,ing Blood from the
• 200:Bbls of• good Cider Wanted .1
~j~OR which the, highestcash prim) will
ri be paid . Enquire at D.. Ralston's Drug glom
Oct. 21, 1864—=-2t '
• VOTICEI-71Ve .tho iinderigned eiti.
non 14 Binh, to injurious to' tho In torczt of tho fuming
- comnitinity, take this mothmt to inform OUNtir:lhi
ANt) SPORTSIVIUN Hutt , adowill not.hormlt hunter 4 ic .
trespass' upon our . - promßes, either to nimbi birts or
other gamo,'but" will Ouihrto the law Igalust thorn in
all - eases. •.
Bolan ual Lino, jr., Samuol Stuart, or.,
Henry Bushman,, Waltor Stuart,
Samuel Stuart; jr, 50111091 Kranz.
Tiaer Shotron, , A. Kurtz Flahhuru,
William Bentz, ticorgo Kissinger, - •
- John :Peffor, loaac Zilleacter,
SPilliatn Itic6," NViltia-n tialbrolth,
• .10zoph Oa'braith, - P. ;11 gwo,
" Mather( Oath aith, Peter Zinn,
Adam Vishburn.
Oct. 21, 1554-4 t •
PRINCE & (JO's. well-known
DEOSti . nnd lIIHM(YkpU.9, Introducing the rG
l'eet of pedal bass on every instrument.
II A LLE P. DAVIS, a Co., relelv ted PIANOS f •r eneb
nt a liberal deduction.
• tts... Over 30,080 sold.
JAMES OELI,/oi. Solo Agent.
270 281 S. l•lfth street, al,oen -preen,
Oef , 1054 —Owl, l'hilatldrOlin Pg.
On Saturday, Icoveniber 12th, 1801
11 14: subscriber will sell ut the Court
Ilnncn In Iho °rough of earn. , lo, at 1 0 o'clock,
m., the following dencribud roal i.stoto, viz
Two Frame [louses,
with bark buildings. The front buildimts of the4e
houses aro 17 by 25 feet, the lots 20 by 257 feet. Ad
nluune these houses Is a
ITO US E, .ese4
wl th n ton my back bit hit nz, wit (oh
sold at the stunt, time and place.
These propert•en are situated on West South Ftre,t
hotted 011 the north hp property of tames Weler.
the, st .by James Wqliter, oil the west by 0 o.
and en the south be ' , truth street.
A W. at th • as mt. t 1171,, !Ind Ware Four Fral o
DAVE LANG 110L's:3;
In the rear of t h e ahoyo described properly on Chapel
alley. These houses are all provided with excellent
et-II:1,11nd garrets.
All nI thaae p-oport;os Oro hurl: in the most,p,hstan
-111411111, of the hest 111.1frriti In 'ono
of the iunst pleasant p r inns f t•r rl
ho Mina ti MO and pLv., n c mf Tint of
Or unil situ:and nn wHi wont rniiinti of fife
=term :110 CtPtil , .l onntiiltiltitt :CI foot fr int Jill
Thin I, t Innoel has it giisol pate:nowt
von nd It.
`'.a L.' vantmanaa at 10 (..f.l: c.%, a. m. n 1 , 11,1 zinc
whon ;tl.tpud..tzleo will : N giv., ••••• • • , 0)w II
by frOFFER,
O 1. 21, 1,414-1 a
Valuable Real lilstate Fur SIL?.
sul, , cribor ofhr thr , I,.ll,)wing
lieSl . lll/1,/ Valli OOP ,tICI. i 41i,
NO 1
F 1.1111
sitillti•.l rionity 11lin I'lO
tined in.. I.e i Sl•S'omy rllO
UltiV:liil.ll with n clop nr ~,kr , , 1,, I
ointi. (Ito (iron. u Ith plinity of .tw,eat. i. i lie
NO. :2. IS AN 111'110:\TED FARM,
of 610 ACRES In Vormiliowcounty iii. 7117.
g..od nreth and MO Agros of It-are nod, gnd
iv it hin - 4 — tniles . of Bond thnhor.
nve.on.o to aro a good
Dwelling House, kw.
with five rooms. ithi`,l,3 larso onlotighoP lll '
to hold 10 hors'',
NO. IS _\ l'.\
In r mt.ty II!. 1 7 (+!:TI . ACHES r•iltivato , !
Ilt; Ir,. Jr,,', C ,:o1 (1,11.
NO. 4. .\ F .\ It M
of '_trot Arr ,,,, 1 un.ior lrnro, halau, in
.tro , s el,l t 3,1!,,, Ag,
11) \VELLING /1()VE,
4,lltnitliwr room,. r-ttia:AP
N. c r. 1.-; l'ano or ;;T:, Acrc-4 o r
Israr;o. Law!,
ft rat d.
\l,T.inl II .11 , 0 ,1114,.. 11.1 c-. i;
11t0 wh,•!,
stream “I-4: 1,11 initiote i.nrinit
and lit or. TICH lain fro,”. 4h••
• nevi, t hi.
Tlnt. prninirty iti• , l to 1 , 111.. it
Ifni it,,, tit , •vvr.,l 'l' nri.•.• .it
I n•i
tiond irty - %lout] I, 1,1,..n in port.
.I (2r
built „ f hrit•%. Mill '22
t.trwto, high, !holt, 10,1 trt r• 11 1 .1 1 ,. • .. . ,..
or t.ttt.p. 'I Ito Iti.ll titt, I'llll let. ,
11 ••
1.,,t tytt•outt vt•twiti..t It ..t.l tit t
I 111. pr.qt rit is ill \%:r. no • ..tit.l% .
tl/t 11.• , , 10•, lip! tr.:lot:1 tr, ill
r•I•••ts 7 1 111{ , ...1,1, I" ILO!. Its t0.,1
Cif Ai.ltAlt:`,llZ
A. 11
Groat Redaction in Dry Goods,
to the re', )t he:is.7 it
1 1, pri, I I Ilvv. dvti.r,lll:l,l t o r,ot,•,
Artl.l , in 11. y r,u, n ,., 1
e t ,,41,..,, 4 1j,,, ,yl. It t h.. .•,ins lit .t I; awl I tilt.,
10 r
111..• 111r1i0.11 ,. .it1 , t10 0 , 1.. 3 111 10, to 111111 4
I;. 111 1 , ..,!0••• \ ,t.
i;115 . l•••••!•!1:15 nt 1,. f i . .t••• 1 /••t•• f 111. • , 10,1t
5,, 111 U. In., rtl
I lip .11 111.. . 1,11
f 111 •-1•11 '..1, • ••t• I l fnit n v II PII,• • Ul• 1 . ..1 5 1•• , 11
ni,•l itu:no• •r v •ui .••iv• Item, Ini , er
i•i•ishllll 4 ,ll.-1/ 115.1t , v mrs II
OM, 7, 19,4. .5 N. III:'‘
E\V H Nl, s
sull , critwr bcgi vo to inform
public thit ).'• 111.5 , h. 1111114 pt.+, of
the old rte od 01 ;•,01110•1 A eon' 00 .10 11 II t• o,w
street bet is eon s. i der mod lit•Ler. II Is stick run
siAta of
Citizen's end :Nil itary Clothing
(iontleman'a furnishing. goods and ail the artiebni
uquaily is.•lt stn limit clasp, dot blot liis assort
meld n, vothaly now and lat.:Wan:l,l, and the publiv
are 1 , 11114,1 •01:It no batter ulionper g.als ran be üb
fa hn•d only in town.
12.1, n,.1 her bin stool: ladbra pnrebaving olsew4cro.
SID•CitSSOr it. Samuel Arnold.
pot 1-1, 150'4—It
B. C. JAME:-.ON, R. V. con.F., J. M.CANDIASEI
B. R. •A]tESON & Co
llTholesale and retail Dealers in Fan•
ry Dry Goods. Trimming, Not lons &v., North
west corner of ii mover and Punicret stroote Cat lisle
to , wendd rosponfully aonsonee to the Public that
tinny have just returned bout the Eestern CltleH With
a terse and well seleeted 'dock of GoodM ennali.ting Itl
part hosiery, (Doves, Matti, Volk, Crapes, Gravels,
I loops, Nubian, Shawls, Ilandlterehlefe, Sat:p..lora,
Shirts. Drawers. Belts. !Adios Bind-
Inks, Cords, Cul tons. Comhn , Neetdos. Sowing Silks,
nlilrts, Pains-, Dons. Perfustory, to.
We wuul.t particularly invite the attontion of
Country Merchants,
to our stnek, an in fin, m t ttar of priras, ns wall as In
iitlinr Important partieularn, we vidoy this groat ad
ratituta, viz., one branch nt our ure nod member of
our firm /tro located In Nilladelphia. and alwayr pre
pared to take advantage of every fluctuation In the'
Liboral terms motto with wholcsaln purchasers and
unusual Inducelocuts otTored to buyers of ovary class.
Cad aneuxamluo our Much.
11. It, JAIIESON & Co.
Oct, 14, 1564.
Valuable Real Estate at Pri - vate
• Sale.
TIM undersigned will offer at private
sale the follow Ina descrlbud real (itrite situatedin
Irankford twp., 8 miloa west of Carllsio. nn tho road
leaning from tho Stone church to lllnnorrilln.
more or lofts, of }lna rota Gravel Lomb.
The improvements aro it Two Story
, Brick and Frame House,
OgiMe Wash Ilouno, 8010 hOuse, Wood house,
, andllethor out-buildings. Four wello of
good water near the house.
A LARGE BANK BARN good on now. '
Wagon shod, Corn crib, hog pen and othcrtneceooary
The land is a good quality of gravel land, about 180
acres cleared, end the balance In good timber. It Is
under excellent cultivation, having been limed all
over once and a part of it the second time. Thefencees
are good. A young orchard containing Apple's, peach
es poem an &cherries In abundance.
I , hie farm is admirably adapted tot stock raising. Is
convenient to church. school house and min.
For. terms and other particulars, apply to the un
derftlgned, resldlng nu the farm. JOHN IONER.
fiel;t. 23, 18111.-7 Pt
- and- 4ccoucliour
hiO )tesidenco in • Pitt
. et:u ; adjoiniim the, Methodist Church.
uly4, 1186.1. .
nett 7.•.3-10 U. S. a year Trea
t ur y Notop 'Anse notes hoar interest at the rat
,of 7 340 per.cent. per annum, and ale convertible no
the and of three years, et the option of the 'holder
Into t0.217a1a per cent: bonded lute , est payable .1n enht
Subseriptione • received at the VI HST NATIONAL,
'HANIL UN CA.11.7,181,11, Financial Agent and Peprultory,
- of iht7l4 th' • . ' Atnt,,75.-11
Arun rent, opposite. the ;Vl+ Wm aT Bit nit, in MT; Noff's
July 22i /901 , --171 ' •
thitrEu STATES, '
. • .. WHEREAS, in and by an act of the General Ac.
cembly of tlfg,ifetnniOnteeelth of Pennsylvania, en titled
'an "Act relating to the elections. of, this esuinion
wealth," passed tho lid day Offuly, A. D. 1139, it Is made
- the duty of the Sheriff of every county within this
- Commonwealth, to give public notice of the timer&
Elections; And iii such notice to Onatneruto:
PThe'ellicers to be elected.
2.Designa to tee placeat which the election is to be field.
' Therefore, -
I,?.i'lltiilP:3ol , l 1:1 PPF,Y, High Sheriff of the county of
Ctunliei•land, tie hereby make known and give this pule
lie nethie to the electors of the county of Ouinherlandi
that on TUESDAY. the Otis day of :November next,,ftn
election will lie heist at the several election districti es.
stablished by law ilt said county, at which tiute they
mill vote by ballet for
The said election will be held throughout the county
as lEllon
TI/ a election In the election district composed of the
horotmli of Carlisle and the townships of Not th Middle
ton, Month Middloton, Lower raokford, and hewer
I, ialitson, will heheld at the Cont house in the be
rolo:It of
TII.I iu Lis , •doction diqtrict emeposed of Lon - -
or Pentiska,itiso ; tow n,itip , w ill he hold at the
North School in I , lallibeid•
i in the ele , tion dlvt,ict. composod 'ill
ver ht. 10.1,1 I.hi 11111,1i4 . 11,01,0 of
. 1 . 4 ` 6,, 11, , L0t, 11, 110:;110,1100,1
The vie.thin in the clectiult di.triet compoeed of
llotOjolon toss 01,10p.0 ill Ito hold lit tho 1,015110 IWO!. 0a
eupled by tleorite lino'. In said township.
'Alm election iu tio• election ill.itrict composed of the
towe , :111:, I: 11 Mien. o ill to held at the ',Obi,
holist3 01 II Iliam h Cocklin, so Sliephorihdo, ti,
electi...l In the election dktrict compeqed of
Middle , ex Will held at the Middlesex
0,11001 I lown.
The el, In the &Wino district composed of the
lovoship of Lower Allen, w ill he 1,.101 at the wagoit
notiter .hop Jon, fl titichbar,er. on Siete II ill.
The ,Indies, in the election .1 ,trict compoi-eit of Lest
P010...1....11,11 tow 11,14. will he hold at the hosts,. I
.1”.. , p1i ti .tio in, in slot ell' iew, now ...copied hy
11irr lb 0 to tin , olootlen llst riot ornimirseit of \:t.‘v
1.0 1,10 no the lion.e rieriv liept by
hl Lo in tho N,' I inn holland. •
TIIO 1:1.• t1 , 11 , 1i0111•I ~1 1111S0, 1 tllO
fiyrilt;li win or held in the puLlio
!never now I, pl,t Lv ti. 11 In till
'1'l0• illrrtlnn 11l II," (.11•111 t.1141.1.14r..111110,..1 01
\lonroo by lion! at Oro i•riblie lion,. Of
rinel • II II incr.,. in l'liiirchhin u. in eOl.l tr,11...1)111.
i.lcoinjoi,•••d of
I r • .11 .• rix•irrp. e 1 1 l lor bold el noix in•ourril
r •..• 1. le ,rl , l tee in•ltry.
rE. • o r 1 lio iili.ll..orr 5 ft'. ,711r., ,, r4 of
lir •r• r•.•.rn. 11e1.1 er Ire 0 1 .11-0 flow oi•
rrin•irt 1., Ii ./h 111.. , t
!,...•1.• -liort is - 10, 11 .” i• of 111,
y.ty.:lr or Nee 111111 h, Ippor
1 . {.`1111.1•0111.:illit with Nix Lon
will le• Pub!, ••••11.rril lion, In tin:lye . ..ugh
of 7\ ye%
the irloctlori eilitYl.•t ..1
\ .•,I.llr, A Itypowell °skip xvill inn
1,1 , 1 in (Ito llon,e, iu rho lA:rough i.f
rho ori ollno In tin. obi. don ilortr r et rontp,iiil of tine
.•1 i - hipir • t..,1141111) and
1 lint if ~.011;n1, 1 j.I., t
x 6,11 by hold uL tl
0 , 1111 , 11 ll nom. i 11.4• 1.,..P1.11411
The rl.. in Ino 111 , 111,1 o.iii,iroyerl of
I,i. .o 1! ..111 r..iyi 1.1. h. , et. the
t rynter Ix • o•opiof lie NI it). N1.1, ,, .11,
11)Pt .•lodi .11 In rile elyetlen ill- riot sod lit
N0,.1.. I tire 11 , 111 p, will bYLi . i.l,l at Otto Point
' not ov • - v p lot pt. iro, 1.1 Elio l'onon vylp)
5,4•. 11 , 14 o ,• o
npp-inlno IA of prat or 11114
undo i t lio ^ lnto , .•I . 10 till , :`1 . 1,1., t.ll . no% ••ity , •r
Inoor,:•1 • 111. I 11• It o•i, ,611ot n •tnini••••i•000l olhoor
tirotir oi‘.• - NI. II
ht. I 1110 1,..1.1.1i1,`.
Lit:tt..ttts ttt I itt• ,•
tttt••• f‘ttti ttl lli. t:.01...t.t to . , V.
anY Inet.rl , l,,
111 .11,t ict
- inrntmhit'Ont hnttlintr rrt - tirtiffi , ittg .It t he
utlirrttttp I•llttt,tt ttlitttit4tt, ttit t rt. rd nny
ttr I. n:, Orb:11ml titttt tit•ltitt•ltte.
ttr ttht , lii , r 1 nl ten,h VICICtioU I,l•chglldlr
h.', q.1.•11
:.•I t ur,l .5.•5 r. 011.1 1 ,1 nn act rla.
fit, to I It, Ittita L1 , 4/1 , ttt t/11 , Utt1111111 , 11, , t . 11101. pahcrd Jul.
1`..39. C.lrth, N, flt,
II I isi• 111 , 11 , i•l•jittlztt , •Is ttl stit•ut at ill
1 •dot.“l L.r littltitttg t Ito I I , •1 tittun ttt I.r tlistrict
ttt"...ltt li Hit% rt•t•itttt 11, t.I. Itt•lttit.; Lahrt' 111 ,, 0 .,• 10rk
its tht• ttt ;Ito Tottt..lts 1. 1 (wt., l ttr,mit
It 111 app. 1 , .t i ~.;L, 1,1,
sil.lll I l' t , It • ttl ,1•1
• 11 t•ti , t l• •ttll t , iltt ^ll3ll sr S'l4l th,
arsit flints.tottttl , t•I t•tt tt , ittr sit-itt•t•tt : r nth
t, tot .to II r••t , .,. 5.1 tilt., I.•'t t/to '•r-
0.111 It, tt t t•-t, t , r;tt• hit_,ltt•t-t ',twills,
11 tot
nt 1..• ;WS , PI I "th.ti. 01 lit :It I isa in
Ir , pbl 11 1 ~, • 11.• Itn, rtt
t•tl ilo it'lttlltt s. •. IsJ hull
Ot it I. •11 .•, •1. ,1L h.l .51,110. int lilt
I‘.l. * MI j 11.1,..
11ai1 :1111 I,t itttttrtl
Ittitt.:l, .1 Ittr
the ..11 , 11,, le , ;1 111 the
hlll 1 411 , 0.11011 ,t 1 "t`i,•,•,- ,b,d
11:1,1 ~,,,,, I ..• t I,lleo el i,11:111
0/1.• • t • ~- 11. 1 :,1, 1 11,,
101, II! At ,
1.•. I
11'14 , 111i 111',•,111i0•,
NrG t • iv. I •
I I.
:•••••• I R•• it 01 •• 1•, :I , • :•-••11.1 , •• ..:1•1 It•••
ropt,••••”t , 1•,•• ••I nlth ~t l'••111%
1, I I , 11•• why •••,•‘• t• I to
I••• 1.1“ t 1,
•111.iilf1.••! • ••I 111
t t
lit 11 , , th , ,,e10.1,1_,..
pl. Arl
111 1 ,, 01 , 1n., In
o .1 , 11d:1C 111.'2 , 1
tl 1-I 1,111-
4411 •I
It 01 , I I , I',f• 1.:“11
•I I .•
I. .1111111, 1 1/, (lino
h.l..11.1.••1, —I I , ', 1.; rtirp/o.i•vr
/..1 . 111:11 1 .11 1.. In.. 1 1.1.1 1 1, :111.1 j,114 , 1 • 11 (11•11 1,1111.11 1111
111 rid L thi• Itt 1.41,01 !.)
t 1 .ts• .It 1.1.• •..t .11.. I . 1,111
I tien to tin. a.... VI, f in-neetla•
or th.... 1 -$. I' 1,1 • r,
1. 1 , .. 1 1111.0.
,Ii•I I i iir (I•ti t ol••te at any olerth n
as at ether th.s .1 w he-men of tin!
t .1r ill. 11111 i ha, 0 l'eSidi'll. ill I lio
at riii Ito, election .Ih.tri.
where he 0!1.1.... 11.. vote at t ten days immediately
e1e,.11..11. aml within two yearn paid a
Otto .l ‘, hick shall have teem
least ten des, hit 're the elefttion. litit a eiti/eo of the
United States whip has pt•••vi..ll,ll 1.1,11 a glutlllied vot er
o r thi s St a t e• an d remove.l therefrom and art mated, nod
who shall M. t. resided in the ele..Lion Ilte.trh't and paid
taxes at.o....aid. shell e..l ttled toyot.. after resit
11.4 in this Plate .ix event,: Provi•led, That the
111 , i rioted Stites. bet weer
tyottyente and t w . etn) ten ) ears, 111$11 have resided in
an elleelell Mist re'l n ❑Gn . esui,l. shallentitled to
vote I he, shell lot have paid taxi..
o So person $.1,11 to permit tell t.s yoga w Men lean, is
not vow:limit ut the Ind. 01 taxable inhaletants Nr . -
10,11,41.1 - the t`,sl.ltith.inneres. ir.4. hi mettle°
receipt for the peynient althin Iron years lei n stato
or eoutity t agreeably to the Constitution,
end give satisfactory eV idettee, oil her on his lath or a n
tlrtnatlon, or the oath or affirmation of another, that Ito
has paid )tteit a tax, or on till utr to prodttee n receipt
shall make oath to the pat moult thereoL SOOIMI. It 110
a hitii/V: an eked, between the
age of twontyettie and twen ty•te . ss ye:ll . g. he slwii lit,
11,1• or anlratat ion Chet lie lies resided In this
State at 1.'1,4 111111 year nett before his applientb)n, and
att.l.,•• sto•lt proof of rrshlenro in th, , list ria as Is rotinir
out by this met, all 11 that 1111 die•e t iirily believe. them 1110
areount given hint, that he Is of the age aforesaid. and
spirit ntitt•t• or 'donee as is relitiired by this net. ultoru
upon the nanoo ot the person thus admitted to vote
shall he inßorted in the alphabetical list by the
and a nolo 111111111 opposite thereto by writing the
word •• tax." it Ito shall be admitted to vote by r ,, ason
el havini paid tax; or the word "ago,' if he slutll ba
admit tell to vote by reason of such ago, shall be railed
out 1.) the elerks. who'shall make the like notes en the
lists of voters kept by thole.
" In all cases whey() tho name of the person clafrulng
to vote is found oil the list furnished by the Commis.
Inners and fISSURPOT:Or his right to vide, whether found
thereon or not, Is rdlineted to by any qualified citizen,
It shall he the duty of the Inspectors to examine such
p 0 race on oath as to his qualifications, and if he violins
to have roshlisi !thin the State for OM yonr Oh niece
lilt on ch shun ho sufficient proof thereof, but shall
miff, proof by nt least one competent witness, who
shall be a qualified elector, that he has resided In the
dist rlet for more than ten days neat immediately pre
cede ng such eloetion, and shall also hhosnlf swear that
his bona fide residence, in pursuance of his lawful call.
mg. is in said district, and that 1 o did not remove Into
said district for tho purpose of letting therein.
" Every person qualified at aforesaid, and mice shall
malts due proof, It required, of the residence and pay.
meat of taxea as aforesaid, Omit be admitted to rote In
the townahip, ward or district in which he shall reside
" It any person elicit prevent or attempt to prevent
any officer of any election under this act from holding
stodt election, or use or threaten tiny violence to any
Enid) °Meer, or shall interrupt or Improperly Wes tete
with him In the execution of Ids dut v, nr shall Meek
up the window, or avenue to any window mimic, the
MAO may be holding, ur shall riotously distmb the
peace at such election, or fun . not any intimidating
threati4 force or violence, with design to influence no.
duly or overawe any clectoi, or to prevent Min from vo
ting or to restrain the freedom of choice, such persons
on conviction shall be fined In any sum not exceeding
five hundred (11)111t111, and imprisoned for any time not
less than three nor more than twelve months, and If it
shall be shown to Court. whore the trial of such offence
sldi be had, that the persor xo MiTontling was not a
resident of the city. ward, ilisfrict, or township where
rho offence was .committed. and not entitled to vote
therein, then on conviction he shall Tio sentenced to
pay a line of hot less than one hundred nor more than
!_onetimusninfilellaM, cod be imprisoned not less than
six months nor mote tiurn two years. ,
if any person or persons shall make any but or wm
ger upon the result Of any elect km within the neon
monwealtii. or shall ogee tdinnice any omit hot Or wa
ger, either by verbal prochnnation thereof, or by, any
• writ tell or printed advert isomer. 1; Challenge or J nvihn
'any person to make ouch-hot or wager. upon ,ecinvictlon
thereof ho or they shall thrfult and-pay three times the,
anintitir so bet or t i o to bet. •
" If any person not .by law .qualiftod, shidl:freudn•
teeny vote ebony ,eleetionof this Coimnonwealth; or
being otherwise qualified shalt Vote I oat of. 'his proper
distrlet; or If nr.y renew.. knowing.. tho Want 'of such
~ nn;ifirnebns, Ri trl n i g n i s d h?tll rpr o o n c ' t Yo e n ß vTe l t i l r o P no nn ti t n o e v d °t l e r;
oho potnon n
any.sunw not' oxseeding two- hundred, dollars, and be,
linprisoned tow any'tsrre not exceeding three months. •
' If any pe'reen shell veto at more than one election
district. or otherwise fraudulently veto more thun_ence
On the same day, nr shall fraudulently fold aver doliv4
to tho,thopootor two tickets together, with 414" intent
iiNally to "fate, or shall promo ono bar tb,do no, he
N I al•n !NPI 1.11. 11k... to
! n• ..r tic IS" •
P 1...• r ‘• 111 11 N • .11. i I r. , 11,11
iilt.”4 1. 2 iit,•
.111 1i,J,l
i.-ts it]
• , ••
I Itt . •ri.l t•lort , •Ir
rr or Ili , •rrt rrii tr , •prtrAtti
rtr- to
r, r. I• r t't .rtrt, 1111, , trt t riti trrl to Ito
or they offending, shall on conviction ho'fined Ito any
sum not less than fifty nor. more than five hundred
nod he imprinozied • fornny term not loss thin
throe nor More than twelve, months.
"If any person not qualified tat_votO in this Conmen•
wealth agreeably to law,(except thtrsons of qualified
citizens,) shall nppuar at any place of election fur- the
purpose of influencing the citizens qualified. to vote,
ho 0011 on conviction forfeit and pay any sum not ex
ceeding one hundred dollars for every elicit offence, and
be imprisoned ler any term not acceding throe months'.
Agreeably to thu provisions'ef the nixty-first seation
of tho said act, every General and Spobial qlect lon shall
ho opened between the hours of eight and ten in the
forenoon, and shall continuo' without interruption or
ltdJourntnont paill seven o'clock in tho evening, when
the polls shell be closed.
And tiro judges of the resp_setive diStrlets nforesnid
are by the said act required to meet at the Court Rouse
in the borough of Cu, lisle, on the third day after the
said illy I t election, being Friday, the II th day of'lq 7
vembur, then and thereto perform the thfugs required, t
them by law
The following io the'bill allowing soldiers to vote I
AN Ac r to regulate elect:ens by soldiers In actual
military service.
fiscriox, 1. lie It enacted by the Senate and flours
of ItepresentativeS of the Corn inouwealth of Pennsyl
vania in General Assembly met. and It is b01.111./Y PII.
refit by tiro :tot hority of the some. That 'whenever
any of the quelilied- electors of tido quininonwealth
randi be In any actual military service, tuber a requi
sition from the President of the If till ed Ptvtee, or by
the withal by of this Commonwealth. and as such, eh
sent from their ohne, of resldrncn, OD the dot}
ed by law Slim the general or Presidential rice
fleas all hlt, in this State, or lII] the days lilt holding
ape, lel elections, to till vevamrlee , /Well Plod unit Shun
110 mail led, at mien times, to exercise the right of
oulirige, as fully in it Li,/ were peseta at their mol
e N ny Pleel.l"ii , l, 111 the inetiner herein after re
scribed. and whether et the time of voting. such aloe
tors shell be within the limits of this l 4 tate or not;
nod the right id voting shell not be affected, In any
10001tet In t It, fart of ilat voter having Loon. credited
to any bor lovality than tho place 01 Ws actual rrsi
douco by r...b..0n of thu payruont Co him of local bounty
i,e), other hcalny.
oy. ',MI; a It in whole or In part, Of Peonsylvania
/01111111111, nt the quartet s of the Captain, or other officer
thcro, r, 11110 ell ,•lectors, lishourihg tv surh
ho shall he within Ono mile of such goat lie n. on the
slay of elestiou,Olt 111/4 prevented by ordcr of their
1•411110121111l01.1., or lirotta,ity 01 the eneisty, from return.
inglo Ihvir 04111111011 y go:atm,, shall vote at such poll,
and at oft other piney. ulli. es s, „tier than those of a
company. and other voters detached and atisont front
tlo•ir compatfiesi, or it/ any tallith,' Or 11114 . 111 1110.pil111.
01 lu ally ves•cl or navy yard, only vote t rlOl.llllOllB
nn may be most 0/OVUM.", I far them, and when thine
shall he ten or more voters at :toy piney, who shall to;
111/0010 Lo 1141,101 any 1,1111_01.11y poti, Or their proper
plow or election. 101 sieorlcsas I, the electors present nosy
op if ait .11.. it tp.ll plat, th y may select, and eer
tify the poll.hook, filch 801111 11 n record tit •
profs:sailor, at bald elcction, substantial], tu manner
/111.1 form. ac by ono all., direelsil.
c.c.s. .1. Isle Isolis.-shall be "1 , 01,0 1 nt early' as practi•
raise on ,aid has, nod reamon open 01 loch. then..
111/010,11101 it no, toisary in the nal ii.sot of the judges ol
the in o.'lAttl r• 00100 400 V 414013 111 all he
eteef ors. they luny keep th polls open until coven
fs its the afternoon of sh.l day ; proclamation
to rent shall be made at, or before. Liss IA 111/-
polls, nod ono host. Indore elcsiiig then,
Br.C. 4. Before 1111 y votes shall he t eseived.salaindgeii
and Iloilo, shall each take all Oath, or alllrana tam, that
110 oi., pO,Ollll Clue 111.11kr, nl JUdgej'llr clerk, (as
the h, ihsty 1e..) of said f.lcstrin, 10 law.
and t otoil 10101 ol hie 1101ltilrti, and 4/ot4 hu will stu.n
OloW.10•.1. to sett vont fraud. tics, it or alms" to v
do/Atop.; the 5:1111 , 1. taut, Distil al 100,111141011 any of
.01.110 r 101,101 NO 0100001 Or ;111111101 4 / 1 14 ina•
totill,tsr L., ea , ll other: and the 14.1011 shall - 1W
ilt11;g. or 10. sly W11440/1 HlOl partly pi toted, lid
stgned by 0111 Cud - 4e and and versified to by
1 Ito pal t, 1111 tat clet, ring the tssou•, atta:ne.l
elit.lll et, tips, the poll-hook. and 111,110 sis,ooo and cc/
r,. All elk•ctionq I,e 1 y 1.11, t,
toa). uirl up,'vol
ii ~unll nrn wind., 0,tt.11,/i111,11,1 t-1,, el
.tilt totale, %%you.° ”alit"r attlria.t.i., any ut the
Jutl4iia aail,p,iaLet,. lil ie,p,ct to Nis 1 . 1,;n1 L , r 1 nntr•
I inns no illtwaLin•in, in In Ihe Inn !Actin.% an,l
Pr , . taatitty
:lain. In IN Inin•ti Inn n wit] Loon , rt
ia, %log %.ti,e, jnidgna, on it 115)14 ILy thuut.
a;:al tal Safisli•al that applo an. Is a qualilit,.l
I ninon ' , I ....hill:11,
SI,. 7. ,opalat4 , lo/11—ho..ka ultal I k 01- t. and tap/trate
re, ur s Jur LIIO 1.11•Ili ut 1,1•11 CH), 4a. e s aat 2
the till 1 ,, ..hu1-I.lltint' 1,11111:111 re,ninvin L.
auu Llia place. post or h aipit a. itt a Lich sarli
the aunty nun] lunvinklnnin, clny, Inn . nnnign, 110.11.
pnvoinct On' , listr•t 1m eavii 15t,•, shall lie
nnnnneil nninp,niten hie /111.010 Ini then p.. 11 two',; each
lel It liai•p one sill 110114/Olds, so e
OM, Is. a lists
S. I.ti It li,ltut stunt have written of printed, 0,
partly wr 'lt', and partly pt Led thetvon. Inn num. ,
nt nil the olnrers t. Inch inny prnpet ly hu oted tar nt
said edeci len t tar a wcii tae Nutt elt.lpr do,,rt-s La
9. VlA j u,l;to ,11 , 19 any t. ',hot shall Le
driurred, Hhan Du deu,,eted, 01.111, 1110,1 the 1 . 000 pt
pronounce wlth au au lilac 1“1, 1110 11,11110 01 the Oi,
tor and if no oUjecuon 1G nu,le t.l him, and the jilde
ke. thilthed elector 1.. P elltten of the
United nod aevoruint; In Ili”
I ousiutution and lee,. 111 veto at quid
eho t on, shall uumrdlat , dy put 0,11 ticket in the Lox,
other reel Lode I be..•1, - , wn 1,, lo e
, peeting th
111 or l e•leialflTo/...1 Ine nil the e rrl..e sloth enter
Int, 113.110 ul the elector. .di 11.01101 i to.ok of 1,1,,
hurl. peerlor7t, rite 1.1.11,11,,h. o r o,llnoop, ari d
of hie e. Hlthol3.l LIM!) . 11l pe 1, 1.14111.12 ul tho
Fmw iiv I ekikaft, given.
10. ttt- dose of the 1.,!i the r orole, of
1 1: eenntett nod set der.. oat Lb-I,ot )11.110
list m voLE•l,,aild cort.thetl and at, Ile ,1 b . , the j0.1 6 .-h,
nod ittn-LeJ 00 Ulu awl -Lt..
r t. ..e. I I. other too poll-tool, urn skied.
11, Audi 1., orelled,llllll the Ihritel...loo
sloth a - t 1 out, eme tit tinue,hr„ oe tpt tbejudge,,
rt ht... 10111 roar! .100 while 1./.e 'ticket Its in
lA , 11100, tar Irun , , or r•ottoned. for
the a voted I .r and Then dolluer it 1.0110.
Who Shatll 1h ,tlhit 21110 pins it
t• , illt • the vole 1.0 elicit
.000 ty 111100 it oupahtle Lieut Ana carefully joe , ervo
the carat.. it', :woo method 1,11a,1 he por.oed as to
01.01 inkral out, Mall 0..1 Luu V tor :We Ot.un tett.
tV.henover l ire or roar , tlegets shell be fr. 00.1.
eeltfully lidded or rolled t gethor,trail her 01.11
U Sets. rhall bo outltnoti 000 110 Lek o t - hall .00, tole
0.. r.. thall the proper non. , or 01 lie th m ,
1.1100., It nllOlllO . outthi.loto.l fratolulo..l all 01 the
..-“11.4,1i.+101i1.11,4111lt brit II" tort
13 t encelt in e...lll . ingenelk en, k snail keep
.1 1,1 .t,telleount, Ir .nu uene•ll vete.: sl ut !! seta
le en ree. knelt tulle It.t •li.,ll.en.tiLuto it pair
e; the
I 4 otter the r f Ili o,l t ot s o m it k,
emit plet e 4. 1110 liumbdr "1 V": pern , ll, In tile
.0111113' 1011-Looks 141.111 be rintwt rt
tell u n der the iTtpeeth et et the 1 , 11 3 0 „, d„,.„
a- In icutn her pr-videol, in the tut 111 of the pelt-1, u ,,
'I he ft,lloe in, ,11:111 ht set:Nl:anti:tile the
torte el the poll-t Kett, : to be 1101 t hr the jtelge , and
viet It, of the election, Ittithg ill the Itte eke eerelei.y :
of t oteettett, 11..1.1 the neee - ht
of I.llt and
other islt 1 1 11.111 • n Ant.l)..iy lie the
••10. Loft: c:1 ;pt. . 011 It, of
1 1 1.1111,11,111111, In o ,, inpany .I.f
r, pinion! of Pont, ivant.t, v., tint 1,110 0140
111, 1.0 ) held nt i nnin nog Iho nonce, post, or h0...0,„1,)
.1 In and E 1 , 01104 • ertot iu J 11 1 . 4 ,.. •si , l
Cio4 1.001, and .1 I, ,ind I, U. b.•ithz, duty nppoint.•,l
,•i, 0 0 , 1,11, NOlO 55 1 51,111 . 4 ”Birat
el, pur' •t, herewith 00E, row,.
IN umbel oil 111(11/er, ut ti/13 ..1,...•h.rt.t voting soil their
county, cit . ), hero ugh, town: hip. wend, id,. pre, Intl, on
resioelle ,
No. 1. A It,
chip of
e"1111 ty oC , town
No 2, uto of
township of
It Is hereby coot Med that the nrumber of of 'tors tor
•ouitty, l'eno,ll% unlit, ,ming.a tills ohm
lion, awounts to
1. \I, C!rr
Form of corlilioato of orl'ilAijo(l, - .4 - and rlorkm,
A li, C U and I. I polgl, or thi s
.J li and clerks ,„,,
for 'Winn,' that wo (II torriorto the dulion ot jtA(l%;es
and r rrknol mid via tion,so,t( nrtlua to. 216,0 set
1,3,. llri "11111, 1' Ittw 1(11.1 to (Ito 1,3 of our
:toll I 11111 to prevent tratol,
deceit. or ItnnzO, In conducting 1110 01110 r.
A It,
e 1/,
F, Ju.lges.
I, M. Cleric 5.
herehr certify. that C'D, E Judges; and .1 IC and
I, N. el, ha. o era, berco proceeding to take any YnCtiFi
at SOW eti ac, nrst duly sworn, or affirmed, as atom
IVltueFs my hand (him day of
Anno Domini out) thomtsnd eight hundred and
A 11, J whm of eluetion •
rertift that A R , jtul a atme.sal.l, also so sworn (or
affirmed) by me.
Wi LIMNS my band, thu dote above writton. .7 N, Clerk
of 000 ions.
SF,. ht. A return. In set Ulm!, thou he made I t , cac t i
pull-hook. setting tort It In words. at length. the stiletto
number of baht,ts cart for each utile, (excel t helots re
jovrOd ) the nave of unit person voted fit, end the
number of votert;ivnu to eaelt person, tar unrlt dllicn t I
Which return sloth he certllied,no correct,
Mount by the judges, to d attested by the (lurks ; such
ret urn shall hr substalltiall) as follows;
At umelection bold Iy the electors of company
, of the regiment of Pen nsyl.
ynnio soldiers, et (naming tho place where the election
Is held) there were (naming the number in words, sl
length) votes cast for the office of Gover
ner, of which A B had votes, 0 D
votes : for Senator, votes were cast,
of Nv bleb E F had votes, 0 11 had
votes: for Representatives,
votes were cast, of which J K had
votes, L M had votes, and In tho same
Intoner as to any other efflears voted for.
At the end et the return, tiro judges shall certify Jr
out:stance, no follows, giving, If officers, their rank end
number of their regiment, if privateo, the number of
their regiment and company viz:
A true return of the election, hold a; aforesaid, en
thoday of , Anne Dontlni one
thousand eight hundred and ' A It, Captain
company A, one hundred and thirty-trot reglz
meet Namoylvanla volunteers:.
0 %company A, ono hundred and thirty-first regiment,
Pennsylvania volunteers.
E F, company A, one hundred and thirty first regiment,
Pennsylvania volunteers.
Attest-3 . N,
I M, Cleric?,
Sec. 17 After canvassing the vote In manner affirm
said, the judges shall put In an envelope ono of the
pell-boOks, wl h its tally list, and return of each city or
county, together with the tickets; and transmit the
mune, properly Nulled up, and directed through the
nearest pool office or by expreso,: • as soon as possible
thereafter. to the prothonotary of the court of common,
pleas of the city or county In which said electors would
have voted, If nit In the military service aforesaid, '
(being the city or county - for which the - Wan
Iteptjtinil the other poll-book of said city or county,
enclosed in an envelope and analed,as aforesaid. and'
properly directed, shall be delivered. to onli'of the COM
iiilsPlOti era hereinafter provided Vy.s,lt,g,ttch , conlnlia-
SlOlfer calls for. tho revile, In. ten' Miffs, add 'lf not so
called for theism() shall -be tramenitted by mall or by
express, ail soon as possible thereafter,lte the Secretory
of time coinmenwealthi:Who shall clO. .fully preserve the
~,,,uO , and on demand of the proporirr'othoitolary, de
liver to said prothonotary, RIM his land and official
seal, a certified copy of the reteril of the votes - so trans
mitted to mad received by him for said city or county
of which the deniandant is prothonotary,
Sec. 27, No more informality in the manner Of her
rying out, or' xecuting, any of the previsions of this
act shall Invalidate any election held pnderthe came,,
or authorize tho return thereof, to be 'rejected or set,mde, nor shall any lellure,,nn the Part of the commis
sioners, to reach or vialt any;:reglinent,or 'con - many, or
the Miluronfany mimpanyor part of company to vote,.
any election which:why be betel - uoder LOS
.qsp, 213.t7`hesevernl'officertl authorised. fle.cotilatik
such' election, shall Intlip !the petters, and they, as well •
, as other perinea', *he may attend, vote, or offer to vote.
`,lt - Stich • ateetioti, shell tio eiNeet to the like penalties
acid . 044101 mm jiv Ars deolseed or prcretted- tip qie.eaf.o
2. A p, II thtil Fhall he opened In envh enmpa
AB, 1 dlitlos
.1 . . ol,' inn
Judge of election
of elections, 15y-tho citizens,' at their usual ,places
of election : and all of ' tho provisions of the general
election laws of thli Mato, so far as applicable and not
inconsistent with the provielons of thin stet, nor sup
plied thereby, shall apply to all elaitions held -tinder
this act.
btu, 29. No compensation shall bo allowed to any,
judge or cleric, under this act.
tnn, .3S. When the sheriff of any city or county shall
lendable proclamation,for an election, fora presidential,
congressional, district, city, county or Stato election,
un.: or tha laws of this State, ..o shall transmit
dlately, copies thereof, to the field officers tied senior
captains, lu the service, aforesaid, from sold city - or
Mx. 111. The sum of fifteen thousand dollars, or so
Much 'thereof nii•rnay he necessary, is hereby appro
priated froth the general revenue, to bu paid upon the
eider of the Secretary of the Commonwealth, to carry
this law' into
bro. 32. W hen any of the electors, mentioned In the
first scerlou of thin art, lugs rhea tea lit t umber, shall
be moraliors of companies offnother State or Territory,
or tor any sufficient or legal CHUMP, then ho ...ptrated
tram their proper company, or shall be In any hospital,
nagy•yard, venni!, or US recruiting, provost, or other
duty, whether within inr without toe State, - under
such circumstances no shall ronder it probable that he
or Choy will be unable to rejoin their proper company,
or to be 14.080111 at his prop, place ofoloccion, on or lie
fare he day of the electione, thin oh) 1111 1 4Inted, said
aloe or or chietoth shall It vo a right to tutu In the fez
rowing manner:
Stir. :33. The voter aforesaid Is hereby authorised,
hegira the tiny al election, to •lepu•dt hie ballot ur
otn - ; propur•y aided, as rt quiruu by coo geoid al cilia
tion lowa Milne tante, or otherwise, as !he voter may
choose In a sealed en retype, together with a wrlttno
ur printed, or pan t , ,y written and partly printed mute
meat, containing the alt/Ile 01 tha voter, the cone ty,
- township, nor nigh or ward of which ho it a resident
and it ,rittun ur printed out horny to souse tioritilled
voter ip the election distrid, el whiell void voter is n
eident, to cast the ballots, col. Wilmot lii said Oils slept.
10a hilts Oil the day at said election. :aid statement
and authiclty to bo signed by ago said voter, and at
tested by Elm coutmatallog or OUlDllltatialllati officer .1
the company, of w hien Iva memo, In ills case
ut s pr, trate, and smile commissioned officer of the re
gluten t. In the else atilt ordeer, it any a nen officers ore
conveniently iteceteoble, and If stllol, Ise, thou by sumo
ether wit area ; and there Aso shall accent patty sand
ballots, an afiblot it of said voter, taken before some
one of Um oilmen , aforesaid, and in the a bronco Mooch
Mike's, helots some other ie•rstin duty authorise.: to
administer oaths, by any lass of the :tate, that he Is a
tHallfied vote, tit the election district in which he
provers lo vote itie..t be Is its the actual toil tery tier ,
vice of ilia Untied Stales or or this State, describing
the organisation to which lee belongs, that he hat nut
ttlllt hen hallitta tit any other person or persons, than
tile IMP lu r Ut'll online Ity mentioned, that Ito will sot
oiler to 1,-ti. at any poll, which may he Upollt.tlUtl said
electron day, et any place whatsoever, 111111 that he iv.
n.O a and has nut been dltih,nni ably nth—
uds,ed 1 on, tin. .erelco and that. 1.1. In now Ftal.loped
, In the Slits :aid settled
env.lop.• rottalarrig the o.ild hullots, statements
authority and 011.1." It as aforesaid. t,. he sent to
the proper porton, I.y or otherwise buying
writ,. nprinted nu the on thide, Wll,llB the sealed
part there'd, the word's ; ••soldler . .lPllllol. for
Low ltrhip, iliororiali or ward.) in thecoultLy
SIX. :Sr. The eleetor, to 1, 00111 vu_h b.rlwt all , Il be
si•rit, .1,111, on the day at eleet ion and whilst the poi,
of the p spur distriet are Llf 1,11, deliver the envelope,
ns received, unoperied to too proper election 4/111oer,
who thou! open it in Om pressure of the election ir
and deposit the harlot, therein contained. together
w .1 ir the en re rope, and 111 1 ,1 11ipanyIng raptor., 113 union'
1,111,01 211,. 1 11 . 1 - 1 1 /hiled, and o,dd board snail er out and
ez.trll . lll, Ihr ;Ra, in the same re-inner us other votes
c.est id said eh,. inn ; and tiro prinion delivering the
Satllll day. Qii 0/1.! ‘1,,11/311•1 or any elector, he coed...tile I
1,4111, mill, trial the tolllf l lll/11,, St/ deli' reed by
th.. 1.11 turn mono 151,1/ Le HS 'shun received by brie, and
L. .11 [lle silLoo ape, d
thereof elianer-d .1 /tarred, in any way, by 11101 or any
Other person.
o•/. 1.111. light To r ,O ll. Ulna offering to
v. to, at any Filch , may be chillenged. for the
•ritne t hat it c ~11.1 tie chal,eneed, if he wc i
ifccaminll, present nut her eason or cause.
nn y I airy cc nein', or !Tema' pipe
t thic ;stale. who shall refits to receive !Shy
i.e., 1
ell Velopo, clot deli oil ouch hallo] er 0..01
21, o Vera I co.! any elector if hii
coke sub envelops to deliver the :line, to
;lie etiltairx ot the Igrctioh dia . triiit, endorsed no the
•if °heel ire shell be guilt,• fit is inisdernentifir, end
00 coliViclioti thereof. Milan I..lllll.iheil
010111 iu Ihb State peud.ouiinry not exceeding five
years, end; tine not excel ding ono thousand did Lira.
or by either or tooth In the LIISCrei ion at the court.
F.e.o ~7 dit person who chilli wilfully and nor.
ropily :toil Satin, ale any fah., affidavit. fir Millie
any false oath, touching any matter Or Chit, provid
ed in this net. shall /MI dye turd 411 Ity of wilful Iwo.-
thereof. shall be ',finished
by im pnnmlmeal iu She :tett. iiellitelliThl3' nut fiXee d
ing ve yearn find tine lint ex yowling nn - tlinusand do'_
lie or by i•ithe. or both. In the disecetiori of the cot t.
:432. 3S. ThAL It shall he the duty or the Z i eCrelary
of the wcal t h to prepare the ifecf,s,ny 1,1 mil
I,IIIS inirry out the pin, talons of this act, mid to
fortil , ll the 0.1 rue for the use et 1 Ile pe Bolls NU ougligi d
in fate military seri ice of cePtild.
SIX. 3.1 4.444,0 oketnr In military
sr rVII, in.iy he in any hospital, military ur
naval, or In any onsscl, or In Vy yard, Ite statuin, , nt
and athdas lit In this art way lie tt itilesseit
Hind IllitiO In 11110, any 4 , 1',14.4, 4 , 1 the cxn.e I. silty
V;I:41, 4,r nth, pin,•o Id whlcli said voter Is, for the tithe:
bring. engin:tr.'.
tic. It sh ttl bathe ditty.or °Very assaSflor, with -
la this Com woos, eat th. lin a itally to assess and retort - ,
in the 1111111 0 1, tow regal, e , l by law, a county tax of
t. yi cents upon it:wit:tail o,,ry non - oommissloned offi
cer :Intl prize to, and usual tours upon e vety
so,oed known them to he In tl.i military
F.-, vice 1.1 th.. , United :states ; or' flits State, 111 the
army ; and when any 0111 0 .1, 1 1 .11Shall_04•.!111) the omitted
111R11 1 , shall 1.41 added, by' such assessors, to the asses
meets and lists ot voters. on the application of any
eons of the eloolioti rtist riot hr prerinet wherein
such soldier might, or would, hare a right to vote. It.
not in such SPCI . O . II, 444 111411,101111 arid Such lion-COM
oils lentil officers suit privates shall be exempt from
rill other personal taxes iltirit.g their coot' mt nee 111
silen nod s rod 115•40.4.4., shall in sa4.d' and
every ;Ilse of as:err:44d soldiers ellipers, jthont,
tee or reward thereloie gise n certificate or tomb r
Lir or additional assessment to any elt • sen of the
elect ten di=u iel or precinct, who :nay 0; any time de
nia lot the same: /MA upue hi• pres c utntlon thercet to
the tie collector ordistrict, or the treasurer of
the stud comity. It shall Is. the duly of said othecr to
reci ice said assessed tax if a nil from any pc m.ll olret
log to pay tilt' S4llll, tor the soldier isr officer therem
"nalinsd, and 10 1.0 101 sr Upoll .011 . a
!lime Inte, nol shall also lei the dot, el sell collec
t C 101111:: 14 rasll. on to reeeits lax
hoot any 1,1,01 w:10 May oiler to pay the h:1111„ tar any
`4.11.1141'41.,, ..1 Air Ash 11t. /1'.1U1r114,1 a Cel
'ate °lasses - daunt. w Ilea the names ol such persons
shall 1111Cli ho. a.IIIIV 1.1111 4 11 1 /1 1111011111 i. 0, 44 ,11114.111
hooks nail ta so gleea receipt l heret ,re
to FL VII prll4 o ll 011.0•11111) . 14131 Ilg 1.1101011 the none of
1.1031. 1 011114,1 kt offices 0 hose tax is t hits paid, the your
for with 11 It was acs .ssed, end the date ot thepuy
nvut thelcist: tt MollSio.l . s ertit/eale and Iret . ll/1.,
or receipt ooly shad Ike pains facie If vldeo^n to /lay
t i lee lion bound l'.r by this act, he fore 0 Fi t ch
the same may b. t. c doe assessulect of stud
I.ltX, against the payment thereof ht the soldier ..r
dart's therein mimed. idler hi,: the saine as elnresnid,
ruedhot 0 I..sirkl 510111 not be thereby p,eclaucit
f 4.111 re.iiiiring . other moot ..I the right to vote, as
sp....ifieit by this 20,4 nr Ihe general election hits of
('ldol Meow lint th, nail it any of said Ilfillaaori, collectors
Ito tcraullclo, shall r relose to C O lllll/I , llll.tlia
prnrisfans et this 5,1 joi. ne 10 perform any of the du
ti's thent i l ft , jtlitiOti 1,11011 then., or of 111 4 11 i he,
or they so olle shall be eonslilered and .irtjitkim.d
go Its lit a ittiskl 1110.1111 W 10 011 - 1,1 1 , 111111 Shan, 011 Colllllo
lion, he flood In any sill, not 11,111 than LIVVIIILV,
more that two 11U11.111.0 11'1113,1 I . l4lslded, That Ii
assessin. 11 , s to lie mode by the
shore se.'l7loll. iI ills t•llv of Philadelphia shall he 11111.14.
11 t he) I ally eit ol Lite pie tKm district
preelih•t ttleruhr. hilt") 111111 nr udirtu,t te tt 11 l suc h
tutizou t., hu atttni.ti•tu rd by the :I , sot• tint such,
solliee is e eitr /en 01 the ” Kse eti m thitriot, or
precithd Whereitt such uelteSSttle,it is rtltltl,l hy such
vitizen to he 111.1 C
41. Thlo aot ' , hall not nppl♦ to thn elnelfon of
of t in erarrf eonnell. or to ward and divivion utlieerd
iu the cit . ) ut Philadelphia,
Spon ker. of t h u !louse of Representatives.
.101 IN I'ENN EY,
Speaker of the Senate.
A rr - nrEn—The tsvenfy-lifth day of A ogunt, Anno
LllOll/.114 hunt red and Fiat)-four.
A. 1.1 '21:11'11.N.
(111 ondor my 11,11, at CaHtdo. thin 12f,11 day of
Ort,,ho ISt .1. .1. ItIPPEV,
Lochman Photographs Et Ambrotypes.
.ARE always ahead of all others. His
cartes d,. vi-Ito are gems of art, and his large
l'lmtegraphs cannot he excelled. Ills Ambretypes are
RUIO•riOt Pia Pors ns wishing. g,od 'Arturo. aro
11,01 .tot to CO II at 1.01•11111 a , inilocy In Mrs. Nairn
oppnsite the Nailunal hank—Nluin street.
ag, 15114.
No 520 ARCH Street,
'Vas n Inrgn ;••toric of
FINK JEW Ml.'ll - %
Suporlor plgerl TEA SET 6, SPOONS, FORKS, J,
Sapt au, 1814 --;;Ino.
A very desirable private residence will
bo sold on reasonabiti terms. It is a taiga throe
13rick Ifouse,
lately built, with all the modern Improyemonts and in
located In ono of the hot.t portions of Carlisle. Apply
to JUAN HAYS, Atty at Law.
Oat. 7,1864 —tf
14 betters Testsmontery on thn ontote of John be
rover, dared, Into of Penn township baying been innuuJ
to the subscribers. the first residing In Penn township,
and tho noes nd lu {Post Penns ro' township. notion
is hereby given tc all portn: iudobted t make pay
alma, and those having olalnin to prosout them to
Sopt.3o, 1863.-6 e • -I:xooutortf.
STATE NOTICE: ' • , , i
Letters testamentary on the estate of Robert
Iry ue, Br., deed., labi of th Ideretnikel Carlisle, have
been issued by the Regis er of Cumberland county, to
the, subscribers, ;melding in said Borough. Notice
le hereby. given lo all 'mesons indebted to said estate
to make payment, and all 'hulling claims to present
them duly authenticated to ,-
..,. ,
.p ember 23, ISC4—CI. O . - rxr's
. 11, 1 Letters of Adinitildration,On the estate of Jain'
Flouting. lota of Hatunden township doe'lli having-bee%
!sued to SHMUOI Albright, residing at Oyster's Point,
Vast Punnehoro' township, ttottco io hereby 'liven to
nil person s' Indebted to said estate to ,Salta pits/neat
and those having &stunt° present them for settlement
SAMUEL Amt,igarr,
opt. 80:1804,—Gt. , • ' . Adult Wet rotnr. •
' - NOTICE..
T ETTniIS test'ameatartwpon:, the will
-13 f *ln. 0. Davidson , of .Weat. PennPborougit
Twp,. have been , grantCd llenj.-Welteeban i • tn . whom
pll elahnaigalnat•the Estate .tv 01 be presented and all
. payiiients Made. BENJ. MICRIMAN,,
Sept. 00, 1804.—at
. Exebuter:
vantago to call acid ptfittliacAti l elkilbdlcluca at '
July l~ 186 . LIALTON'6....!;
' Proolaination.
' W HEREAS • the . JAMES N.
611/111i31 Prraidect Judge : el tho several Conti!
of Common Pleas of the io,unties Cumberland, Pete ,
ry,Aud Juniata,. .t h e Ofid Comte of
Oyer and Terminer And tionerni,Jall DelivOry In odd
counties, Ind Mich olCOoklin and fittglithuart,JMNitri
of the Courts of Oyer - And Terini nor and .IMI •Deilvory
Mr the triakof nil onoital.And other offestleis, in "thite,
mid county of Cumberland, by their : precepts to am
directed, dated tho 24th day of Augiat, 1864, Imo or.
dared the Court of Oyer And Terminer ami Jan:
Delivery to be holden At Carlisle 00 the 241,310nday of,
November, 18C4, (Jelllic the 14th day,) at 10 o'clock .n
the forenoon, to continue two weeks: '
NuTICE to hereby given to the Coroner,luatioes of
the Pefice. and Constables of thteraideountrof ettnel
twined that they are.hy the said precept commando)
to be then and thoro in their proper persons, math
their mile, records, and inquisitions examinations, and
all other rem, mbrances, to do those things which to
their aliens appertain tube done, and all these that
are tainud by recognirances, to prosecute 'pirittnit the
prirenern that Ira or then shall be in the Jail of said
county, ere fo be there to prosecute Them es shall be
just. .1. 'P. ROPEY,
. _
„4 00 111111 . 11.1.
/ i
Allis Institution is again reopened and
reorganized, with a full turps of Tencbers and
ItteresrPli forilltles at Carlisle. Pa. Young rneni per or to make n direct appeal to you in behalf otthat
whlen should claim your l fleet ,
d consideration. the
OUlrds of that. honored hod talented statesman lienrr
Clay, t• Young man prcktre yourself for business "
This In emphatically a hornless InstltullOn. Erery
mitten, Is hero taught to originate and, conduct all the
Books and worms pertaining to actual butilnoss,—thuti
bringing theom Into praLtice.nod thereby having thout
pursue the regular routine of the Counting-house.
Donb'e Entry Ilook-hriephig In Its reelolleforins and
applieations, including generrd Wholesale and Retell
bush n est., Forklardinis,illliranisslon, Exchange, Jobbing
and Immo tings Railroading, literunbeating. Ranking,
Coniniereial Calculations, Penmanship fu every style of.
Ti,, art. l'lniniarraphy, :y men's Folls enter the
seined at, by,f thn regular rate.. Night school from 1
to q p . M.
Por fityther pertloulere cell 9t the Collage &wow,
(Blieem•a Building) Cr elat
Send for n Circular
:.ppt.. 9. thn4-3t
A Choice Farm for Sale I
A, mmall farm of THIRTY THREE
A CIE ES, adjoining the village of Plainfield le of
!urea for sale terms moderato and easy. The Itnprove-
InenlF era n largo
riouBLE nousz,
rod of which Is BRICK, and the • 1 . 1 .!;:f
other FRAME, n tine FRAME BARN a*4 •
Lb 01'0 o,(oo , nry nttnehrlients to
.1046.11:man and IlOrn, The'land In smooth and fertile.
,icarrii rorts eon be found upon_ t 1,19
Tont,. :all - if - MI - v(111UB, property won o,or offered for staler
it. hur 1,100011,s apply to JAMES A.
Nlt t R. A Wino.). at Lai,.
Sept 2. 11014
will se:i my farm, situated in Midle
knox Twp.. 6 mlh•v from Carll4lo, coutaluing nbou+
of Gravol Lind.
l'br inirrovenrents are 8 In T . V.
1.4 . " M, WLATIIBR-BOARDED ifousg,
.. : ' , and Earl:, a now frame Stable find Ertlr
; ' • Ilnume, Spring (louse, and other necesiatry
nut buildings.
The soli In naturally of a good quality, la (Thep, hag
been well limed and Ili:inured and is at the prelient time
under profitable, emir alien. There In run lung water In
ever' field ohivh with advantage of location maKen It
fin eNci•leot stock farm.
A 14.. 70 UO,l or ri 11E11 LAND nrljolnlog tho nboro
hie!) will ire sold with It or 111 1, - 013 101 , 1111. purchasers.
For Ira .roldtl,,n apply to .41dge Wntts or W. M.
Itoptorn Esq., Carlisle or the! nutoirriber living oo tho
ept. 10,185 I.—Ct
Valuable Farm for Sale.
r LIE subscriber offers for sale his farm
situate in MoldlebeN township, 4, 1 4 miles trod
Ellllll' /tette., by an old survey, must of which la un
der eultiratien, 9ho quality of the land Is Slate and
GI noel, w1 , i , 11 improt ei rapidly under the action of
The Improvements are a Double Sion° ,
- 4 1 t
.0411, , „,. f, c
.01 4 ' " " ''' with lc When aft:wiled, and Wash
' ',., ,....4 .,,,,,f,..1., House, W o f fd !louse & Smoke House,
f .....- atm t, en ion t.
,log Pen, Carrlag,e /100, tern Cribs, &c. There is a
fine variety of Fruit in the prentiaen.
The property In divided by a private road and would
make two conicilion I, farm, It in admirably adapted
for a stork her 11. harilla easy (I^OePSI to sunning water,
and the 111,14i.1%, )II•111in, a !It:l , r fitlitnt and abund
ant supply of It iv It is well tenet and Imo been
th.fronobly limed, Is convenient to Church and SI hunt,
and .joins the well k no. a t'ar• 1:49 Springs," which
afford a market rill ri: ,:: the summer. Altogether It is
a desirable prf , portv.
Also, Firrt-enTirrr . o---- .-e ..0,....«....1. CZ 24,12
LAND about le._ miles trent the above farm, lying.
along the base of the North Nleuntairi. accessible to
ertry paint. This will he. said loa.ether or In lota to
Stilt purchasers.
Apply t,• , lrtre S. Clark, ~o, t 11.4 prernig F. Judi,
Wm.ts, htde, Sr the bubxerlhei, at Harrisburg,.
Public Sale of a Valuable
On Soturday Octobcr, 29tH 1861.
rl, i l FIE undersigned executor of John'
I.,:tfi•ver. der d.. will off, nt Saki n desd•rhln
Farm. hitulte,l In 1'om),•11,1”d County, ti mile. of
!isle, I' roilf. Foul hof the pike lending from Chan,
ber-lou g to 1%10 kie, 1 1 4 zullur south of tam Railroad,
cold:11111dg i'2 Arti•,
of the hest gualit v undo, gored fences, and In a high
state of cul ivattou. with toe exoupti , m of 50123040 or
50 noon which is revered pith thriving Timber, such
as we think is ',lt ex....lied for the same number or
trot by any one ftrut tu Cumberland Vallm,. Locus
"limber plenty and to Fpare to supply the farm. Thorn
Is Iron Oro upon the tam 'rite improvements are
4 , • • NEW BRICK
;.% T Bank Bark, Wash Mese, Wagon Shod,
k,rtk fenput House and out-bulldinc%
And Won of Tlh-to is Who J. thriving
n' Choice Fruit Trees. This (Arm lying convenient to
the country sent. choice of roads nod In the hart of
the beautiful Cumberland Valley in in all respects a
Mind deeirable one. tom. For fori.hor prtrticulare 0111
on I Mae Nialeasier resid.rig on tiiii nirm, or either of
tho undersigned who live near the firm
Oct, 14, 15f41.-1
Large Sale of Real Estate
T will expose at Public Sale on the
prrmigns at fire anon, Cumberland Couuty Pa., the
following deiirribeil real notate.
On the Sixth & Seventh of Norember, 1864.
Almost oscollont sud highly ett:tivatett farm C , )11-
tal g
105 Acres of cleated Land,
with a tract of the erree of WOOD LAND. The im
pl reinents are a good BANE lIAItN,
a la ge and commodious
a largo Corn-crib and Wegotasbed,
with all other necessary out.buld.
logo, a large OROildltD of grafiod fruit trees The tarot'
is well supplied with water, the fences aro mostly
l'oet.itod-rail and ll and fences,
Also a lame two story and .a .half • DAWN
lIODSO contniniity nineteen rnomia,'well calculate l
tor a boarding hnuse or tavern Otani' with a lot two'
hundred feet d ep and slate front haring erected on'
It a largo stable capable of hol lug twelve Os tlttecif
Also a FRAME ROUSE and lot of ground in the'
same vlllage,the property of the Firm o$ Line Gisler
and Company The lot le forty feet front and two•
hundred deep.
Also a large and convenient SCHOOL ROOM fifty hy .
thirty two, furnished with illekolis patent drahe,aneit
eluting. One of the beet points on the Cumberland Vat=
ley Itatl•road for on Academy or Iligh-Sehuol, known
as the. Greaten Academy.
Two separate tracts of land adjoining the faire, of
fifteen and thirty acres well cultivated• end fenced,
with twelve acres or inore.of woodland alljelang.
Also a row or 11.0US1g In the Sannovilinge consisting
of biz Tonnemen houses eighteen !het t*enty, with
lot atteelted,tO each.
Also a FRASII.I WARE-lIOUSE bye hnndred.
Pot of Biding, with grounds attached Sufficient; fbr gen
oral wharfage.
Also a DOUBLE TENEMENT ilOtigp with lets ,
which are creoted convenient stables. •
Also a frame TENNEIII.ENT jloll,sE:twtinti,six-by
twat' ty, tviti - idiae4hrgh;With a lot,' on which l erect•
ed a stable. .
. • .
with lots attached. The aboire property la el anted at
Grettaon Stettin, on the Comb. Valley railroad. For
furiber'partieulars inguiro of
liVanamaker a, Brown,
F r INE REltttir•il.A.DE
Corner of oth & ;Warltet Sreotr,
Custom *trci ',.
No. 1 Smith. CM Street;
(on] Ftyles and reasonsblciirl.
..4ottf.ra testairiontAry trthO:dath,,,,pt Abraham
11nrthlerdio'd.. httolitAl.lddletteit!.i7Jb . itye hlen grunt
'o'd-by - by the - ltnilstititpf.'Cotmberlamir‘Voutily 'to ..tolq.
Witt oderrotddl4 Vlddletehlittrp.. and Dtd, 1,4
ilotthr,reeddliiilu.htld4leie* twp .Allperwo h n him! t;
ddhtmK aidtilnot the' eititte . -Pihnint them at onel,
nd thpw,l4duptea 8111 xu %KO titlMOdifltt) kalluent to.
• ,DANlk?L'ßi.
• •
_eff e t..ll;4sti,L4,t,'
Nth Rle re
190 ACRES,
161.1A12 LATIIVEIt,
Grenon P
O. Pa