tarview with him explained tome whyrwith . • no money and commerce, with nearly every onb of their inipertenticitiet in•our hands, and with an army greatly inferior in num beis• and equipment4o ours, the' liebebkhave held out so long. It is because of the Sagac ity, energy and indomitable will of Jefferson Davis. Witheut him .the rebellion would crumble to pieces irra day; with him it may continue to be, - oven in disaster, a,power that Will 'tax the whole energy and resources of the nation: - The Southern wades want peace. Many of the Southern leaders want ii,—both my ocapanion and I, by correspondence and in tercourse with them, know this; but there can be no peace so long as Mi. - .Davis con trols the South.. ignoring slavery, he him self states the issue,-:-.the only issue with hir6,;—Union, or Disunion. Thais it. We must Conquer, or be. conquered. We can negotiate only with the bayonet. We can have peace and union only by putting forth all our strength, crushing the Southern ar mies, and overthrowing the Southern gov ernment„ THE GREAT TROUT STREAM "Bow beautiful the wateo lel • To m e 'tie wondrOus sir— :;s-spot can over lonely be II water sparkle there; It hath a thousand tongues of mirth, ' Of grandeur or delight, And ovary heart Is gladder toad* If water greets the sight." • There -is perhaps no . etreaM in the world , better adapted to atiggest the lines of this beautiful pastral than Big Spring, thestream that half environs, our town. Its clearness is unsurpassed and unsurpassable ; its strength equal to all the demands which the thrifty utilitarian makes upon it; and its constancy es unvarying as the stars. No stream in our knowledge holds out to the sportsman such tempting inducements, offering as a bait to the exorcise of his skill, an unequall -4 wealth of glittering, spreckled trout of largest size and most delicious flavor. The scenery in the neighborhood, too, is most ro mantic. Rugged cliffs overhung with dense shades of oak, and sycamore, and ancient, ev ergreen' cedar, line its banks almost through out its whole extent, and in the Summer months the sweet carol of countless birds almost sets one to dreaming of the pristine Eden will; its enchanting walks and shades, wigs its river that was "parted and be came into four heads," and its sweet birds of Paradise whose songs were all of inno cence and purity and peace. Breaking. away from the heat and worry of the office a few weeks since, we determin ed on a gallop somewhere,—where should it be? To the head of the Spring, of course. No other rout offers such inducements for an invigorating healtbgiving ride. Sending down to the Eagle Livery Stables, a sleek, shiny, good-natured looking black pony stood ready saddled and bridled at the door. Our Livery stables in past years have demanded our reverence, it is true, for the hoary heads and tottering limbs that peopled their stalls, but as real practical institutions, we never could admire them much. Joseph -A., we are happy to testify, has at last arrived at the impersonation of a genuine, live, liv ery stable, and we hope to see him encoura ed. Pardon this episodical notice, reader, of a clever, enterprising citizen, and come with us for a hasty jaunt to the head of the spring. The road is som2what.rough, but we prom ised to show you rocks. See them then, toW . - ering-above you, and now shelving off far beneath you: See those deep, cool shadows sleeping on the placid surface of the stream as peacefully as though no sound of strife• ever reached this quiet solitude: Hear the gushing song of the Oriole mingling with the glad voice of her gentle cousin, the Thrush, in happy joyous praise: See the golden tinned trout sporting gaily in the pellucid water. Inhale the healthful influ- enees that come careering to you en every breeze, and tell me, is not the scene magnith cent. But here we are at the head. We have passed the cool, inviting residence of Mr. Manning, of the tirin of Singizer and Man ning, the proprietors of the mill on the Spring, and now we dismount and make our way on foot to the Spring;-L - -the fountain whence this great stream issues. Towering hills are all around us. Northeast of us, on ly a few rods, but still almost hidden by the high intervening hills, is the little village of Springfield; Northward aro the Saw Mill and Flouring Mill, mingling the hum of in dustry with the soothing voices of nature; before us is the .stream,--the deep, clear, glassy stream, with its playful denizens sporting fearlessly under our unobstructed gaze: Behind us and on either hand, the bank rises into lofty and precipitous hills.— Ascending those hills, we obtain a most en chanting view of the surrounding country, country fraught with beauty, romance and entertainment. Often wo have stood on one of these eminences watching the sink ing stn as ho 'dipped his tireless pinions in the crimson and gold of the evening hori zon, and went down in matchless grandeur behind the western mountains, wishing that our sun might Bet as peacefUlly, when life's short, wintry day is over. We have thought it strange that this spot is allowed to lie neglected, so far as-its ro mantle beauty is concerned.- There is no iippt in. Penasylvania so well calculated to become a public watering place, and were Some enterprising individual to take the mat ies WO would confidently expect to see it rival. Saratoga befoie live years. We Ste , not atitheriied to say' that the present proprietor, r.Seller woul_sell, andwe do riet,knoiv.that he would,; but we should like acinse pushing man or compaitytempt hina a little... We'think it hard, that, `wlion only.a. few tOuchos'cif art guided by skillful andAscultivated taste are wanting to 4dieloPe 'so much, se very much romantic liauty in a spot ferAvhich' nature has already worked such marvels of silent, though el oquent grandeur, that those few touches be denied. The property contains, we be lie* only'about flfty - acres, - .and is said to be hind of an excellent _ifualtiY fOr'itgricultural propoiles.:Mitevii/e • Wini;-+A very little i.mattei wili:gatherastieetbrolid. _-One stops to lobk;linothei.,: stops to look at him. :TO thoie twain others' are 'added apace, until, •'frank "small beginitings,'• nz street has been 14eittided;:',.110(•think Of-Clark street, in -- Aibiango .-heirig'bl chided b•• ' -This is how it hapi)ened On Satuiday afternoon aiadusenande his way out . of - .the .telegraph • b'ullaing color One tifthe wires, and soon had crowd of two hundred &zing up At him,,as, 4 7 4 /31ondiri,: he crept" along hbs, kind& fciatirtiy. Ile 'did . brn7e style; steadilyvaisink post-after post,•earryirig - tt -full' consciousness Of danger, and• resting every few yitrds to recover lion/ fatigue„and resist a tendency to'toppleoyer.' • On such oeeasions it Was curious to notice he* instinct - taught it all the arta of the MaUwire•W'fillini,"'for its tale did 'duty as h balancing staff, and flew from side - to 'side withlightning rapidity,to maintain eq u ip oise. . , . The Whole distance travelled by the little Animal, and returned, was some . six hundred feet; vhich brought it back to its starting piiint. The feat was accomplished in spite of the tendency of small boys to interrupt the performance with stray missiles and amid a fusilado of puns that rained from every side out of the delighted crowd. Thus it was suggested that somebody must be mousing for contraband war news; that this mightbe the way in which newspaper despatches got "mussed;''that there was a "muss" being tel4raphed West. But even the puns failed to throw the small rodent off its balance, and it returned to the building, Whisked its tail saucily through the fingers of an attendant telegrapher, who thought to Barnumize the artist, and the crowd dispersed with a yell of delight that would have repaid Blondin him self, though, ike this item, it was all about a mouse. SUMMER PRUNING OF FRUIT TREES Quite a revolution in" Sentiment, says the Culturist, in regard to the pruning of fruit -trees has taken place. Formerly it was Con sidered decidedly out of place to apply the knife or saw except in winter or early spring. Now, however, the reverse rule obtains, and midsummer, from the middle of June to the first of September is claimed to be the pro per time in which to perform this important operation. It is urged in favor of summer pruning, that the trees are then in a growing state, that the drying out and bleeding are prevented, from the fact that the leaves have, attained their full size and power, and, as a consequence, the wounds heal readily. On the other hand, pruning in early spring, when the trees are in a dormant state, sub jects the cuts or wounded parts to the drying action of the atmosphere before the sap be gins to circulate anew., There is sound good sense in this, and the general adoption . of the system of summer pruning, within the periods named, could scarcely fail to have a beneficial effect upon °lli. fruit trees generally. But do we not prune too much? Is not the knife used more freely than it should, and have not our best orchards fallen vic tims to the injudicious use of the knife and saw in the hands of ignorant and inexpe rienced pruners? There can be little doubt of the fact. Our advice to the owners of orchards is. prune moderately— prune in SUM- am Speech of the President to Ohio Soldiers On last Thursday afternoon the 16.1 th Ohio regiment, Colonel J. C. Lee, whose term of service hue expired, paid, their respects to the President, in front of the Executive Man sion, who addressed them us follows "Soldier;—You are about to return to your homes and your friends, after having, as I learn, performiid in camp ii comparatively short term ,if duty in thi., great contest. I out groatly obliged to you, and to all who have come forward it the call ot• their coun try. 1 wish it might lie more generally and universally understood what the country is now engaged in. We have, as all will agree, a free guvermnent, where every man has a right to be equal 'With every tattier num. In this great struggle. this form of governa,,nt and every form of human rights is endang ered if our enemies succeed. There is more involved in this contest than is realized by every one. There is involved in this strug gle the question whether your children and my children shall enjoy the privileges we have enjoyed. I say this in order to impress upon you, if you are not already so impress ed, that ILO small tuut,'•r shall divert us from our great purpose. There may be some in equalities in the practical application of our system. It is fakr that each Man shall pay taxes in exact proportion to the value of Ills property, but if we should wait, b,tta•e col lecting a tax, to adjust the taxes upon each man in txact proportion wish every other man, we should m•ver collect any tax at till. There may be mistakes made sometimes ; things may be done wrong, while the officers of the govel•untent do all t..ey can to pre vent mistakes. But I beg of you, to LAI:11,1 - 1i of this great republic, not to let your minds be carried oil' front the great work we have before us. This struggle is too large for you to be diverted front it by any small matter. When you return to yuur homes rise up to the height of a generation of men worthy of a free government, and we will curry out the great work we have commenced. I return to you my sincere thanks fur the honor you have done me this afternoon." CheerS were given fur the President, and he was saluted by the regiment, after which the march was taken up fur- the railroad de pot. SLEEPING WITLI OPEN WIND° We.—A letter in the London Times says :—"There can be no doubt of the beneficial effects to health of a free communication at night of the air of the sleeping room with the exter nal air. This seems to be becoming more and more pressed upon the minds of the pub lic, in opposition to the old notion of the noxious quality of night air. We remember to have read an account a few years back of the testimony of a gentleman advanced in years, we believe a clergyman, who attributes his health and prolonged age entirely to sleep ing in the room with an opeffivindow. From my earliest life I have, whenever I could, slept with my bed route window partially open and have found that early exercise in thoppen air is the best of no.dieinos J AMES A. .1..)L, 25.1 BAIA, A nuilley ut Law, Carlisle, Pa. Office on the sou Lb side or the Court House, adjoining the —Muesli:au Prluthig Office." July 1, Pitt-1-Iy. Jl. kVEAKLEY, Attorney at Law, , 1111 re on south Hanover street, adjoining the dike of.ludge Giuliani. All professions! business en• trusted to him will be promptly attended to. July 1, 1864. QAMUEL 11E1 BURN, Jr., :\ttoruey List' Law. °Men with Hon. Samuel llupburn, Main bt. Carliblo Pa, July 1, 181.11. RUFUS E. SHAPLEY, Attorney at Lam, Carlisle Pa. Attends to securing and col lecting So:dierte Pay, liountles, and Pensions. Office on South Hanover Street, opposite Bouta's Store. July 1, lanl. TAW CARD.-CRARLES 11 MA -4 GLAUGHLIN, Attorney at Law, Officaln building, Just opposite the Market !louse. Jirly, 1, 1884-Iy, L , l • • P. HUM ERICH, Attorney at Law kj • °MO on North Hanover street, a fow doors north °IOM's klotel. All buslnens'entrusted to him will be pronfhtfy attended to. July 1, 1864. • Dr. I. C: LOODIIS Trim ; Pomfret Btieet few doore . 4141 4 irro below /both Hanover et Jnly 1;1864. J OSEPH 'RITNERgr., Attorney at „siit - laud Surveyor, Mechanicsburg, P. Office on I all Bead-Street, two, doors north of the Bank. , '4U13.1 Mll l, si l unesii promptly attended to, . 04. NEIDICH, D. D. B. . Leta - Demonstrator of Operative Dentistry of the . Palthnore College of ~ Dental Surgery. 11 - 111 - 40 ‘ Mee at his residence opposite Yost Main ettriteiiCallisle, Pl. - duly t, • • ' - TAR: GE RUE 11 RIGHT, Deutlei, from the Bala: " 11 , • wore Collage of Dental .Burgery. **:Office at , the reilderwe uf- bin mother, But itoutberatrret, three doors below Bedford.' July 1,1681. • ` • • DR. WZ. H. COOK, _ . EpidOEOPAtiIIC Surgfen *id ,Accou+rar. ' QFFICE it his' residence in Pitt u istreot attiointng ibe getbodipt,Church. PIIYSICIANS will find it to theirati vantage to 011 and purchase.tbeitAWA :UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRINGER. INTO Iron Ftanie to Ilitak, or Rust, and Spoil • the Clothes , :“ 53,818.50LD IN 1868. . IT was pronounced superior to all others at the World's Fair at London, 1862. .It.,tonk the Firm, Freedom at the great Fair of the American In stitute, In N. York City; 1863, and wherever exhibited. Self-Adjusting and Adjustable! .The only Wringer with the Patent COG WHEEL RE GULATOR, which positively prevents the rolls from BREAKING OR' TWISTING ON TES swam. Without Cog wheels, the whole strain of forcing the cloth through the Machine Is put upon the iewer:roll causing three times as much strain upon the lowerroll es when 'Cog wheels with our Patent RegUlator era used, besldep the extra strain upon the cloth.- - lit reply - to the question, " Row Long will it Lest I" we can only say, "As tong as a wash tub, cooking stove, or any other family utensil." Bee testimony of Orange Judd, of the American Agriculturist, 41 Park Row; N• Y., who says of the UNIVETSAL CLOTHES WRINGER " We think the machine much more than PAYS'FOR IT SELF EVERY YEAR in the saving of garment I We consider It Importan. that the Wringer be fitted with Cogs, otherwise a mass of garments may clog the rollers, and the rollers upon the crank-shaft slip and tear the clothes, or tho•rudder break loose the shaft.— Our own is one oflhe first made, and It is as 0001) AS NEW after nearly FOUR YEAR' CONSTANM USE." IT sacas TIME, LABOR, CLOTIIICS AND MONEY. It is easily and firmly secured to the tub or washing machine, and will flit tubs of any else or shape. It will save Re coat every six months in the easing of clothes These with COIF WHEELS ARE WAR RANTED In every psrticular. This means, especially, that after a few mouths' use the lower roll WILL NOT TWIST ON THE SHAFT, and tear the clothing Burnished to families, on trial, free of expense, by JOHN CA - MPIMI.L. Agent, EMI Road (Mee, Carlisle. April 15,1864-tf. EXCITING NEWS. TUST opened at the New and Cheap Stovs of baldish and Miller, another largo Supply of SonEg and Summer Goode of all the Newest and most desirablo kinds and qualities Suitable for the &moue, constant* of ovory variety and deacriptivu of Ladies Dress Goods Silks, Mantillas, Summer Shemin, Ktubroiderien, , frooped Skirtn, of Newest in vOntion, (Double Duplex lillptic Spring) Summer Bahnorals. Sun Umbrellas, Paranoia Cornetts. Notions of every Ilk ncription Black Cloths and Consignors, Fancy Vaal meres. Vestin go, Cot ton ndes, Lines, Drillings, Tieklogn, Calicoes Ginalsams, Munllne Checks, Nankeens, ac.,11c., Carpetn, ull cloths, Window dbadee. Mtge, Looking Glasses, and an ondiese variety ..ftioc de too numerone to mention. Feeling very thankful to the community for their kind and liberal patronage so far extended to the (New Firm.) we earnestly Solicit a continuance of the Same, es we feel assured that we are fully prepared to after to the public the most complete and desirable Stock of Goods that can be found in the Country. Please re member the Store is on the corner, of toe public Square (directly) opposite Irvine's ShoeS tore. LEIDICII & MILLER, Carlisle, May 20 I,;04, Dr " Sr ( Gr 4 = o c Cl. so SPRING, 1804, GREENFIELD & SHEAFER IYin: the attention of buyers to their new stock of Dry Goods. It will be found unsur passed In all those features which comprise a first class rink All departments of our business have been much enlarged, especially that of DRESS GOODS, which we are confident, is the must extensive assort meat ever °guyed In (tile toe u. V have now open ready for in - ppoetion all the navel ties or the Season], viz Poplins, all new shades and styles. Mexambiques Plain and Plaids, Plaid Poplins. elmllles lie Lalnes also, a huwulilul stock of ALI'ACCAS, at aelonishiugly low prices. I)OMESTICS. Prints, Fileached Nlusllns, Broad Shoetings, Flaune ln kiingilatoK C necks, Tichings, Cotton/tile°, he., Gents' and Boys' Wear, Cloths, Tassinari's, Jeans, Summer Tassinari's, de.-- We would rnll the atlention or our frauds more put lie &ally to our inmenso stork of Hushes, Calicoes. Cot• modes, all bought last v inter, before the late advance whirl. will he sold at primes that dory competition.— Persons may rely on getting great bargalus at the .tore ut I= IMMIIIIIISB NOTE•:-I'^rsous desire Kof examing our obi, will please he part knit., a id reeelleot our Store la in Zug'a building, S. it. Comer Market SquankSecond Door. op• poeite ititter's Clolhing Store. • 0. & S. BOOTS AND SHOES. AT the store of John Irvine, on th N. N. cornar of the public N unn), Is the place to purchase louts ahooa Hats and Caps, at prices that eon petition, Ile has ,lust retu rile I from the Eant with the largest and most I :otlipiel” assortment of Bouts. Slows, [hits & Caps that he has Os el' presented to this community, and which he is determined to sell at the lowest pos elhie prices. Ills customos everything la his line of hosiness, snots as MEN'S & BOYS' FINE CALF BOOTS, Kip 114.t5, Calf aad Patent Leather Oxfbrd Ties, Calf and patent Lvath, finite, a, Calf Nalithars, Calf and Kip Brugrk., Siippera, LADIES' WEAR, Fine Fr,•urh and En Klnh I.a.ting Gaiters, Mnreren Cnif and Kid Iteetn, Fine kid ,llpporn, Fancy Slippers, Mur roe,. and Ki 1 Busking, hr.. MILL ‘1) WF.112. of all &scrip Lions embracing fine Lasting. Goiters, Nlorv o cci, and Litstlng Button !tots. Llorrocito Laco lion a of all Muds fancy shoos Of various .ti, lux slippers, 4.c. lIATS .tc CAPS. Silk, Casslmero. Fur and Wool Hats or all qualifies and styles, also a large assortment of T AIV II AT S Monte nod Shone turtle to order at the shortest notice Repal ring proomp..ly Confident of Ste ability to please all e;at es of customers. he respectfully invites the pul.he to give him a coll. tvLltemember the place, N. E. corner of the Public S•luare. July 1 1804 NEW GOODS!! VOW offering an immense variety of CL C VSSIMEIII{I ,I , VESTINGS, COTTON GOODS &c. For Men and Boys' Wear, In n larger variety, then can be found In any estab• lishment In this place. and at OR low prices se can be cold any s here, to suit taste and pocket. We menu facture the above goods to order, in the latest styles, or sell per yard. Cust.nnere wishing to have the goods bought of us, rut. can be accommodated. free of charge. An early Inspection of our goods and prices, respect. fully Foliated. ISAAC LIVINGSTON, North Hanover Street Clothing Emporium July 1, 11101 Carpetings and Oil Cloths VOW receiving at Ogilby'e cheap cash Storo, a lot of Ingrain, Venetian, Hemp, liag, and Stair CARPETS. Also, Floor OIL (MOTIFS all widths, which will Le -old for thu cash at the lowest rates. CRAB. OGILBY, Trustee. March 4, 18r4 VEW GOODS - , Every description and quality of Officering Q uoennware, Hardware, Plekols, Sauce, Fine Liquors 'Tobacco, Sugars, Pipes, Freda Fruits and vegetables in Cans, Oysters do. Spleen, Wood and Willow ware, all kinds and of the best quality and to be sold at the lowest prices for cash by Ju'y 1, 1861 CARLISLE . FORGE. NEW FIRM lIVEAVEit S.g . BRICKER. HE subscribers would respectfully announce to the public, that having purehatied t Carlisle Forge, formerly (tweed by Mr. J. Goodyear, we have commenced the manufacture and will keep constantly on hand all sites of the beet quality of BAR IRON. We will give prompt attention to all orders, whether from a distance or at home. The highest Cosl price» paid for old wrought Iron SCRAPS, delivered at. the Forgo, at the Railroad bridge, le Carnal, WEAVER & VItICKER Carlisle, May 13, 1804—ly New Stock of Hate and (laps AT KILLERS OLD STAND, North Hanover Street: A splendid, assortment of all the now . style,' of Silk Moleskin, Slouch. Soft & Straw ate now open of city and home manaraeture which will be sold at the lowest ea Ma prices.. Bolt hats of all qual ities from the finest Beaver aod Nutria, to the cheap. set wool; and of al) colors.....unSurpaneed by any this side Philadelphia. A large stock of sa - SUMILER HATS, , .. , .. - pabrii-Lo g horn i - Iliaiti i ilualos Panama, and Straw. Ohildrene fancy &e. ADO a full assortment of Mena, Boys and ablldiene cape of every description and style,, , '. •-•— • -- ... The subscriber invites all to come and examlu& his stook. Being, a practice{ batter, he Peale conildent.of giving satlsfuetion. - Thankful for • the liberal patron age heretofore: bestowed he solicits a continuance of .the same. Dont ' f rget the stand; .two doors abov e - 81iriner'a Hotel. and best to Cormante shoelstore.---r--, ' JOHN A. KELLER, Agt: , . . . . N. II: 'Wise all kinds made to order at short'notino. Bryaps Pulmouic Wafers, , , 4rRALBVSWiI l llPlES.s6,o,pairs'llainGto on tiand of ail Elloabotbtowii••patiaro, LoOdon do., otdo.lt,ti and wlthoot patent fastoolygif chearr than *war 4.11. 8/iXTON'43, - gaat../dato, at. PRYSIOIANS .0)1 find • it to tiboir od td pll and porch tie th(ilt ;ireaioitied at • . _ ,•••• • , •• ''' I' t) ' DYE COLON;, 3n17 I, 1861, • AT 11.4148r0WS • ,„ • '--ISAAC 'LIVINGSTON'. -AB:ieceiv' f.A.ati.untisizally large .and well selectelistook of • • SPRING AND - SVIIII4ER - GOODS, and asks that his old customers, and all ,persons In wept of first rate CLOTHING should give him a call. Ells assortment consists in part of „' : CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, SATTINETS, VESTINGS, and all other Made 'of goods for Gentle. 'men's Clothing. His assortment of piece goods In the largest and most varied ever brooght to Carlisle and ho is determined to sell goods by the yard on tonne as favorable as any other store. His stook of heady- wade Ctoithing le extensive and beautiful, consisting 'of 0 0 A TS, 'PANTS, - VESTS, oViatcoAxs &e., which he will soh cheaper than any other establishment. He has a boautlfurassortment of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING 000 US, such as UNDERSHIRTS, OVERSHIRTS, DRAWERS, UMBRELLAS, CARPET BAGS, TRUNKS, &0., &o. Como and ore his beautiful assortment of Goods bo fore nurchasing el NOW here. Ho takes pleasure In show log his Gouda, and will satisfy all that he can andtwill sell Goods cheaper than any other house outside of the cities. CUSTOMER'S ORDERS —I invite an examination of my stock of Fine Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestinge, o hick 1 man ufacture upon,special orders. FPECI AL NOTICE.-1 would say to the public, that my gobds are manufactured under my own supervision , and by the very Mmt workmen. My stock is the most extensive I havo ever had, and my friends and the public are Invited to call and examine for themselves. XCii - Iteniomber the old stand, North Hanover St. ISAAC LIVINGSTON. Carlisle, April 22, 1864. GOOD NEWST NEW GOODS 1 PHILIP ARNOLD WHOLESALE AND DETAIL I.a C:1030 1-3 C I 3n. Having ju t roroirod from Now York and Pnifidelphla an extensive astorttoont of cLoTurs, CASSIMERS, SATTINETS, VESTINGS, TAILORS' TRIMMING', &C. Is now malting daily additions to his already large stock of Ready Made Clothing for Men and Boys, which for quality and price are not equaled in this port of the State. • CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER at Awl notice by experienced workmen, and satisfac tion given In all cases. Goods by the Piece or Yard, at the lowest rates. Also on hand a large stock of FURNISHING- GrOODS, comprising in part Fine Linen and Travell fig Shirts, Collars, Neckties, Moves, liodery, Suspenders, Sc. TRUNKS AND VALISES. Carpet and Leather Travelling Bags of the best make. All of AV blob be ell] furnish at the Lowest Rates. Ilia old ram. and the public are invited to call at the old stand, two Soma North Of the Carlisle Deposit Bank. NEW ARRIVAL OF DRY GOOD 3 .1110 1111110t , i21.Vd is mow opening the largest and most d..eirable stock ,d'geods mover offered to the people of Cumberland CountyV A cokiplete and general nose, tment of • Ladies Dress Goods. An immensn assortment of I,A DI ES NIOURNINO and 51,1'../ND Ii)URN I Nii Uil F:gS GOODS fr,m the Colebrn Lod 31ourning SOW./ of Monson d Sou, Ply,la. A tai ge Itsrgutinent of LADIES PLAIN 101N\ ET RIIIIHNS AND DRESS The largest stuck of NOTIONS outskto of the Easteru Cities. A full tissortment of Cloths for Ladles Cloaking. Boys and Mom Wear In audios,: varietyNonslsting of Cloths, Fancy and plalleCashlinaros,l weeds, Jeans, and Cot to 11.10 S. an Jinn - H.l,m assnrtinent. at reasmint.le ra tea A large, complete and varied assorlinent of DUPhiii.X ELI!' tic svit t ail sic tit I'S, and from nil the relebrat ed manufacturer, In the U. 8. also ilaimorals of every grade and price. CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, MATTING S AND LOOKINO A large stock of Lace and Silk CAPES, LAWNS. BAHEUES, he., belt over from Met season, .111 be sold at extremely low prices. Particular att-mtlon paid to "Funeral orderg,"as well an orders of all kinds promptly and punctually attend ed to. All of which will be Rohl Inwer than City prices hay lug been purchased before the late advance: , • A. ,W. Fourth Arrival of New Goods I have Just returne4 from tho tfithalarge addition of NEW SUMMER DRESS CO All tibreq suited for the season. A beautiful line of Silk Aarn les, Coates nod Hese nee. bare Points. Orena dine Shawls. Lace NI Ws, liejous' Celebrated Kid Gloves, l'arasols, S/111 Cue brel bar, Fans, Ribbons, hats for Ladies a od3ll,9res' }loop ,klits, and a general-assert went of seasonable goods MEN AND BOYS' WEAR. Alan selling cheap a largo lot of OLD UOODS much loos than present pi ken. Please call ono door below Martin's note], East Main Street. June In, 1804. W. C. SAWYER. GOOD NEWS. T Einicm & MILLER having just ji_jreturned from the city with an entire now and complete OA of Foreign and Ihomemie DRY (MODS, wish to Inform the r public that they are preprood to offer on very reasonable terms, a very desirable stock of-floods, nu_tbosnutttaabt aornor.of the public rquare, Immediately oppubi to Irvine's Shoo Otoro. The stork comprises lu part MEZ=I Ladles' Dross Goods, Plain Black Silks all qualities, Black Figured and Rep Silks, Fancy Colored Plain and Figured Dress Silks, till colors and qualities, Plain Plaid and Striped Spring Poplins, Plain Alpricra Lustros all colors, Plaid and Striped Poll do Choveras, Striped and Plain Mohairs, Silk ("baffles Plain and wool De Lalt , es. all colors and qualities Mozambiques, Muslin de Laiann, Challies, Oinshams, Lawns, &c, &c., &c. A beautiful assortment of 0110'd Spring Mantillas, of different styles from one of the wont fashionable es. tabliahments in the city. Spring Shawls, 'looped Skirts, Balmoral Skirts, Hosiery and Gloves of every description, Drone Trimmings, Linen and Silk Nand kerchiefs, Laces, Ribbons, Bail Road Corsets, &a., he. of all kinds, such as Bleached and Unbleached Mus lims, Bleached and Unbleached Shootings, Pillow rases Tickings, Checks. Red, White and Yellow Flannels, Nankeens, Blue Dennims, Blue Striped Shirting, '..lotton Pants stud, Kentucky Jeans. all klads of l,inen and Cotton Table Diapers, Toweling. Cambric and Paper Munlins, end an endless variety of other Domestics. A COMplete assortment 01 goods suit able fur Funeral purposes. Mourning Goods. such as Hombatzluom, Tamise Cloths Double and Single width, all wool Muslin du Lollies, Black Silk Warp Chaillus Oriental 'Adres, tiroends. Mohair., Second Mourning do Lalnes, Challies, Oinghams, Lawns, Black English Crapes, Crape Voile Low Crape Collars, Silk and liid (Moves, Square and Long Thibet Shawala, kc., &c. MENS' AND BOPS WEAR, " Mack Clothes, Black and Fancy Cassimers, Vest,ings, Linen and Cotton Pants stuff, of ull grades, can have clothing made at short notice. EMCIIME CARPETS, CARPETS, all grade!' and quail lea. from the common hemp up to the het quality throe-ply. Window Btiades, ',nuking °hoses and an endless variety of other Qoodt, k'-ia un moroue to mention. N. D. The above stork has been selected with a groat deal of care and with tt view of disposing of the same on the most reasonable terms. We hope that - every person in want of goods will give no a call before malt ing their spring purchases, and we feel assured that we can offer inducements to all that will give pe a cull, and will extend all accommodations and aouwen• Mucus that can be offered by any other businetu house in the county. int- Do not forget the proper place on the corner. March 30, 1864 IMPORTANT TO tVERYBODY. WC. SAW YER; has just received 9 from the latest Spring Importations au lm• menae stock of DRESS GOODS, embracing the newest styles and fabrics offered to the trade. Black, Figured and Plato Silks In large aupply, Silk. Mohair, Wool, Little and Cotton Textures, £m• broidered and Plaid 'rangedilas, Striped and Plai iler• nannis. plain and Figured Poll du nerd, Sonogassa . Andel,oslau Stripes, and all alms styles. A full line of Besson's • MOURNING coops, Bombasinee, Twin Cloths, Taints, Clothe, Wool de 'Gaines, llorothias;Tamartince, Morals, Plaid add Plain 'Mohair, 'lleregos,"7,awns, Crapes, Collare, Handkerchiefs, Parasols, Gloves, !to. Funeral Goode of all kinds constantly on hand. , ',Special care given to ell'ellers for Funeral Goods. Call and examine our latest New, York styles of SPRING MANTLES, all the varieties and stylna of Spring Shawls, .„ French. English sold American- CLOYIIIB and CASST -MIMES, (a first claim folio, mikes up goods when - de• sired) Cotton and Linen Pentium Coatings, Am . Call Pet f ", VaIRPE _ . From the Lowell,Lllartford , and Enterprise Mills, all grades, Oil Clothes, Mattingx,ltuge. Shades, and every thing in the House iturnthlsing line. An onormoue stock of --• ,••• • , DOMESTIC GOODS; all the atandard'malresaf Calicoes, Drown and Bleach: od Shootings;Blrirtingi, glairlogs, Stripes, Ileottonadesi a. full lino of Notiohs, Hosiery and Moves. • the latest improvements in Hoop Skirts. have recolved the agonoyiqf trayoura , colebrated Hid Gloves for this place. • Ladies will And a complete assortmeht. The above Goode and many others not -named, with -;bLr g e stock of lAD GOODS, - I offer to the trade at a email advanee on cost of.prodnotton. Feeling kralefut for past patronage. I gait q coriNria. once of the ulna. Remember the old and wall known stank Hast fdait s Bt.vons door below Hitrtin , a Hotel... W. C. SAWTHH.• 1881. 1 , 1111.1 P ARNOLD MEE= DOMeS7IO GOODSe- MIMI NEW STORE, NEW STORE. DOBIESTIC GOODS LRIDICII & MILLER 1.1101111.111.11101, DRUGS,. • I , BOOKS , FANCY GOADS, • - CONFECTIONARIES, : - FR UIT S., • • PERFUMERY, • " PRESERVED FRUITS, MINCED MEAT, PICKELS &C AT Il AVE RSTI CIVS, North .I . ldnover &feet, Carlisle, Penn'a. Just opened an assortment of Fresh Drugs, Fancy Goods, Wit Books, Perfumery. Fruits, and Confection. ary, which has never been surpassed in this borough, -for novelty and elegance. - The articles have - been so. Bated with groat care, and are calculated, in 'quality and price, to command the attention of purchaseritfa, FANCY GOGDS, • which comprise every variety of fancy articles of the most exquisite finish such as Papier Macho Goods, Elegant alabaster and porcelain ink.stands and trayo Fancy ivory, pearl and shell card C. 10308, Ladies' uncy Baskets, Fancy Work Boxes, with sewing instruments, . Ladles' Cabas, Writing Desks, and Port-folios. • Port Monneles, of every variety. Gold pens and pencils, Fancy paper weights, and a large variety of ladies' Fancy stationery. Motto seals and wafers, Bilk and bead purses. Riding whips, elegantly finished. Floe cutlery, Perfume baskets and bags. Brushes of every kind for the toilet, X. Basin and it. & U. Wright's Soaps and Perfumes of various kinds. Fancy Pins for head dresses and shawls. instruments, together with an innumerable variety of article■ ole gently finished and suitable for PILLS ENTS, to which he Invites special attention. Alao, an extensive and elegant collection of BOOKS, comprising various English and American Works, richly embellished POETICAL WORKS. Bibles and Hymn Books, elegantly bound In velvet with metal clasps and corners. Ills assortment of &tool Books and School Station ery is also complete, and gumprlses everything used In the Schools. Ho also desires to call the particular at tention of Families to his elegant assortment of LAMPS, Sec. from the extensive setelishments of Cornelius, Archer and others of Philadelphia, comprising every style of Parlor, Chamber and study Lamps. for burning either Lard, Sperm or Etherial oil: also DYOTT'S celebrated Konosene or Coal OD Lamps, together with Flower Vases, Fancy Screens, Ac. Die assortment In this line is unequaled In the borough. Also, BEO ARS AND TOBACCO, embracing all the favorite brands, and a tine Assort. moot of MEERS(DIALIM SMOKERS AND PIPER, the celebrated 1< illocochink, Lynchburg Smoking Tobacco. F It UITS, such as Oranges. Lemons, Figs, Raisins, Nectarines, Prunes, FANCY CONFECTL (NARY—NUTS— PRESERVED FRUITS. MINCED MEAT, PICKLES, Ike In ever) variety and at all prices, all of which are pure and ft osb snch as can he e.•nlidcully recommended to his friends. Ills stock embraces overyt ing in the line of Fancy (Mods, with many other articles useful to housekeepers which the public are especially 'bel ted to call and examine. Remember the OM Stand, nearly opposite tho Bank on North Hanover street July 1, 1814. LOCHMAN'S New Sky-Light Photographic and Am brotype Gallery. ("I L. LOCII3I A.iN is happy to inform ,„ his numerous custnainrs, and tho public gnu orally, that he has removed bin establishment to bin New Sky-Light Gallery, In the build.ng occupied by Mrs. Neff, as a Millinery here. apposite the , :umberlaud Valley haul, Mr. Loctiman is now able with splemild light. and the addition of nets and expeuattu apparatus, the very beat manufactured, is produce PHOTOGRAPHS CAnTEs DE' VISTE, ANIRRO TYFEB, AND EVERY STYLE OF PICTURES, equal to the heal made in Philadelphia or Now York. Pictuio- can hr taken now equally- well in cloudy as In clear Whether. thlltro, rilotl poi. or A inbrotypos of deceased persons iopled, enlarged, or /and, tutu cartes do vizt.o. July r, THE •6 CARLISLE PALACE OF ART," By J. C. Lesher, Is now open for the accommodation of the public for the purpose of making I , II 0 TO tiltA PHs and AMIIItOTYVE.t., which will be done in a very superior manner by his peculiarly arranged sky lights, Ac., by which means and the chemical Influence he will lake pictures in cloudy weather equal to clear. Wcharges are moderate 51111 lie solicts the public pa tronage. Dup.icates of Dat,nerieot:, pee, Ambrotypes and Photographs, of decease persona, made of increa sed or decreased proportions. tp- - 9,_.l , :nlrance on Hanover St. In ZUG'S Building, op• pogite the Market House. Carlisle, April 2P, 156.1-6 m GROCERIES ! 1 GROCERIES !! I G. P. MYERS, has opened a now Grocery Store in Main Street, Carlisle. opposite II Saxton's Hard ware Store. and Is now prepared to supply btu friends and the public, with all kinds of Choice Goods, at tho lowest market rat - wt. His stock compritio. COFFEES, SUGARS. SYRUPS, TEAS, Salt, Spices, ground. ungrnund; Crackers, Cheese, Coffee Easnores, Fish by wholesale or stall, Frooins, Itrublies, Tobacco, Segars, Snuff, Mulches, Blacking, Bed C,,rds, GLASS AND STONEWARE, Queessware, Cederwere. Notions, and all other arti cles usually kept in a first class Grocery. In regard to prices lam dutermined to soil goods at the lowest ILA urea. BUTTER, EGGS, and all kinds of Country Produce, taken at market prices. Farmers and Dairymen are particularly invited to call and nee the celebrated NIG:NIX CHURN, which has been pronounced by competent judges the most superior Churn of the a4e. July I, 1804. r ARGE ARRIVAL OF FRESH 1.1 GROCER I ES—FISII IF ALL KINDS. Among which Is a Inrge Lit of real _genuino_Raltl -mere dry salt HERRING, In oak barrels, MACK Alt EL at prices that is really astonishingly low. Pickels of all Muds, SAUCES, PRESERVES, and a good scowl Uncut of TOBACCO AND SEGARS, LIQUORS, 4- C.. at the lowest late' for CABII or Country Produce. WM. BENTZ. July 1, 1864. DISSOLUTION. rrHE partnership heretofore existing between Charles L. Halbert and Crawford Flem ing, has boon dissolved by mutual consent. 'rho books and accounts aro in the hands of Mr. Halbert. who earituttly requests all part.es i eying accounts with the late firm to call and settle them. William Halbert, jr. having entered into partnership with his brother, Char lea L. Halbert, the bui.inehe will hen2eforth be conducted under the style of Halbert & Brother. The now firm would respectfully call attention to their stock of New and Fresh Groceries. Theirstock is large and selected with the greatest care and will be sold at the lowest prices for rash. It eon, sista In part ..f line old Oevernmont Java COFFEE, Prime ltio do , Prime itio lioaated. - . SYRUPS.—New York, Boston, and Philadelphia Sy ruffs, of the very best quzlltles, BROWN SUGARS.—The bum the market affords. Levering's best Crushed, Sand, and Pulverized Sugars Also, his A. B. and C. Sugars, which cannot be our passed. _ _ Rice, Corn Starch, F• rrlna, Darideline Coffin}, Essence of Coffee, Concentrated Lye, Snap, Candles, &e. t o? CHINA, GLASS, AND. QUEENSWARE : A large and well selected !dock of the very latest pat— terns and sty.es. lower than ever In price, and hotter in quality. than was ever offered before in Carlisle.— Call and see. Wooden and Willow Ware, such asTubs Huekora, end Churns, Baskets of every description; Children's CA !IMAGES, Stoneware, Cream Pots, But ter Jars. Preaerve Jars. Jugs, all sizes. 81311—No. 1, 2 and 3 Maokersl. No 1 MESS SHAD No. I Herring. A large quantity .4' the celebrated Esc°lalor HAMS SALT by the Sack, Dairy and O. A. Salt. The subscribers respectfully ask the patronage their Mende and the public generally, and Invite Motu to call and examine their now stock, at Mu old stand, corner of Hanover and Louther Streets. HALIMILT & BROTHER. Carlisle, April 22, 18134. Flour and Feed Store. rip HE subscriber wishes to announce to the people of Carlisle and vicinity, that ho has opuped a FLOUR AND FEED STORE, on the South East COrner of Main and West Streets, In the iVarehouse owned and formerly occupied by Jacob Itheem."The b et brands of FAMILY FLOUR, kept constantly on harld and delivered to any part of the town. Having • pbrfectod arrangements with some-of the first male in the neighborhood, I can assure - my customers that they will be furnished with an article of Flour which 1 carevouch.for. I will keep constantly on hand FEED OP such as Corn, Oats, Bran, Shorts, Potatoes, &c. • The highest cash prices paid far Grain of all. kinds' and Flour. Don't forget the old established atand. Carlisle, May 20,1864 ARD WAR ) LEWIS F. 'LIfNE, 'Of _the old fi rm of John' P. Lyne - i t Son, AS hist ootupietd openirig his now diarlng htook' of. hardware, Rainte, 011 e, Gloom, Varn shea v dc., to which. he Invites the early attention at the public generally. Ile has greatly enlarged his stook In all Ito various branches, and ran now wow. ma4tlte the public with • • . . . , -,-• -•• - ReUable- Cloqde l • .' • __. In leiga orlimaii quantities et the lowest prices, A look 'lnto his store will MUSIM them that be has enough quads to Nib, supply t he dimwitln thla-man C". IO Parsons wanting Ploodsin our HOP Vail pug tt to their advantage to .give us a call before inaklnQ their purchases. AU "orders, Personally Ind punelllllo7 fit. tended to, and no misrepresentations made tp effect tales. • LIMB F. LYNN, . " °undo, May 20, 1864., • " North Hanover QV . CHOICE S.EGAAkcip, TOBACCO, AT RALEITONT TunHE Allen and Eastpennatoro' Diu tttikt Fire Insuradce Company of Cumberland ty, Incorporated by an act of Assembly, in the year 1843, and recently had Its charter extend ed to the year 1883,te now In active and vigorous op• eration, under the superintendence of the following beard of Managers, viz: William R. Gorges, Christi.n Shipman, Jacob Eberly D. Belly, Alex. Cathcart, J. 11. Coover, John Eichelber ger, Joseph Wickersham, Saud. EberlyMoses Bricker, Rudolph Martin, Jacob Coover, and .1;0. Dunlap. The rates °fines:wane° are as low and favorable as any Company of the kind In the State. Persons wish ing to become members are invited to make applica tion to the agents of the Company, who are willing to wait upon them at cry time. - WM. It. GORCAS, o:resident, Eberly's Mills, P: 0. 011RISTIAN'STAYMAN, Vice President, alechnoicsburg, P. 0. JOHN O.DUNLAP, SeCt'y. Mechanicsburg. DANIEL BALLY, Dilisburg, York Co. AGENTS. Cumberland county.-4ohn :Merrick, Allen: Henry Bearing, Shiremanstown; Lafayette Pallor Dickinson; Henry Bowman, Churchtown ; Modo Griffith, South Middleton; Samuel Graham. Westponnsboro'; Samuel Coover, Mechanicsburg; J. W.Cocklin, Shephordstown D. Coover, ripper Allen; J. 0. Saxton, Silver Spring; John liyor, Carliele; Valentine Feeman, Now Cumber land ; James McCandlish, Nowville. York county—W. 8. Picking. Dover; Jamee Griffith, Warrington; J. F. Deardorff, Waehington ; Richey Clark, Dillsburg ; D. Rutter, Fairview ; Jahn Williams Carroll. Dauphfn co--Jacob Hower, ITarrinhtirg. Members of the Company having policies about to expire, hen have them ronowed by making application to any of the Agents. July 1,1864. WHEELER & -WILSON'S SEW' 17.1 G .111 C HIMJ S AT REDUCED PRICES, With Glass Cloth Presser, Improved Loop- Cheek, New Style Hammer, Binder, Corer, Braider, eto. Silver Medal at the l'ennzylvania State Fair September, 1863. American Institute, Now York. Mechanics' Associatldn, Boston, Franklin institute, Philadelphia, Metropolitan Mechanics' I nAltute, Washington, Mary land Institute Baltimore, Mechanics' Association, Cincinnati, Ken tucky l nstitute, Louisville, Mechanical Association, St. Louis, Mechanics' institute, Sen Francisco. MAINE, VERMONT, CON NECTIOUT, NEW .1 ERSEY, • PENNSYLVANIA, MISSISSIPPI OHIO, 311880[1BI, INDIANA, lOWA, TENNESSEE, ILLINms. KENTUCK Y .11 IC II IDA N. isOoNSIN, ALIFORNIA. Thetio celebrated Ma , hloes are ailaptcd to every en. Hely of Sewing or trinity wear. from the lightest was lint, to the heaviest cloths. They work equally well upon silk, linen, woolen, and cotton geed..—seaming quilting. gathering, horn sing, felling. c , rdlng, nod brabling—making a beautiful and perfest stitch, alike on both sides—and performing every species of new Mg except making button holes and stitching on buttons. Full in tructitins for operating the Machine is given gratuitously at the sales rooms. When the Machine is sent me dint antic, so that personal instruction is Inconvenient, a card of direction is sent, which is a sufficient guide. The qualities which recommend the W healer & Wilson Machine are 1. Beauty and excellence of stitch, alike on both sides of the fabric. Hewed. 2. Strength. firmness, and durability of seam, that will not rip nor ravel. and made ith 3. Economy of thread. 4. Its attachments and wide range of application to purposes and 'materials. 6. Compactness and elegance of model and finish. 6. Simplicity and thoroughness or construction. 7. Speed, ease of operation and umungement, and quietness of movement. SCIIEDULE OF PRICES. No. 3 Thiel:lino, with Plain Table, $45 00 Hal( ease, Panoplied, 50 00 Hal) ak,e Puliaapd, illack Walnut or Mahogany 55 00 Plain Table, 55 00 Half Cann, Pannelted, 00 00 Half Cane, l'oiiahed, Black Walnut or MahOgany 55 00 No. 1 Machine, Silver plated, with Plain Table, 85 00 Half Polished, Black Walnut, 70 00 Hall Cane, polished, Black Walnut or Mahogany 75 00 Half Case, Polished, llnstiwood, 80 00 Full Cane, Polished, Black Walnut or Mahogany 00 00 Full Cane, Pollsheu, Rosewood, 109 00 No. -I Machine, Large with Plain Table, 75 00 Plain Ta.bloo Every Machine is sold with a Hemmer. Nos. 1 and Machines are sold complete, n ith the New lila. Clot Presser, New Style licenser and Braider. Wheeler & Wi[sou's Agency at r - - I r r rl'P 7 171,0 7 )71-: i.:-... .tt•. 7f . ~.,.. - - • t. , - 7 .. . 14 tttr.so, ,;.,t,.1.. tt,---------,7—',1•-_-_--.L.,,---,'"==', , .: , :t4 - •,i , 1 ,71 -=- -& -- --'--` - 'l . - ... I • - , ,: .q t t t`„';'• \ ' - .iv It. 1 • ,-, .. • - r undersigned has just leceived. I and Intends to keor constantly on hand a full as aorta:lent of Iho unequallud Pianos manufactured by Stointi,y & dons of Now Yurk. Each Instrumentwill he carefully selected Ir th Manufactory, and will be sold at the New York Cash Factory Prices, with the addition of Freight to Carlisle. A written guarantee of entire witisfection will be given by the .übscriber to earls purchaser. Persons desiroua to purchase are invited to call and examine these unrivalled Pianos, at R. E. Shapley's Jewelry Store, Main Street, ad door east of the Mel:mien Mouse, near tie Railroad Depot BECOND lIAND PIANOS received In exchange and kept for sale and to rent. Carlisle, May 22, 1A63-1y A. B. EWING'S FURNITURE WARE-ROOI (Premium. awarded at the °timberland The subscriber has just received the meet splendid assortment of articles In his line, ever brought to this place—which he is determined to sell at prices that defy competition. Parlor, Chamber, Dining-room, FURNITURE. IClieben and 011Ioe, . . Embracing every article used by ffouse and Hotel keepers, of tho most approved and fashionable design and finish, -Iriclading also Cottage furniture in setts, reception and Camp Chairs, Mattresses, Gilt frames, pictures, ac., ko. - JEIIEMIAII nl;..rarticular a ttention even as usual to funeral.; orders from town 'and country, attended to promptly and on Moderato terms. , July 1, IBe4 PAINTS AND OILS.- 10 Tons White Load. 1000 Gallons of 011. Just received with a largo assortment of • "Varnishes, Fire Proof Paint, Turpentine, • Florence White, • • Japan, • - White Zino Putty, • Colored Zinc, Lithargo; • lied Lead • " Whiting, 1• Dolled Oil, Glue, • • Lard 0i1,.. Shellac, • "".' Sperm 011, ' Nut Brushes, Fish 011, do., Colors of every description dry, and 011 in cans and tubeaat the Hardware .Store of , July 1, 111 RIZNRY SAXTON. 0.1. . . . . . Cll7 M . • BELTING .1 . . ~. . 1131. Just received a largo anaortment of all sloes—, Gum Belting. Qum Rome, Qum Packing, Ac., and 'for sale cheap at the Hardware 'Store of June , , .6,186.1 IiENKT f4/ETQlft. r ... , . FIRE INSURANCE. At the Railroad °Mae, Carlisle. Pa Highest Premiums at the INTERNATIONAL &selenium, LONDON, 1862 INDOsTRIAL EXHIBITION, PARII, 1861. at tho Fairs of the UNITED STATES AORICULTUEA SOCIETY, At the State Yaks of No. 2 Machine with No. 5 Machine, Cylinder, with IMEMEEB Railroad and .Telegraph Office, CARLISLE, l'A. JWyI,I,OA-ly, STEINWAY PIANOS. First Prizo Medal at the World's Fair, London, 1862. JOIIN K. STAYSI.A.N 0111 •! ',I.X.M II MI' 16: 1615. N 44' West High Street, Carlisle, Pa County Agricultural ,Fair of 1857,) Forwarding and Commission House. FLOUtt AND FEED, COAL, PLASTER AND SALT. THE subscriber having purchased. the Cars, fixtures, de., belonging to the firm °Filen derson b. Reed. respeetfully informs the public that he will continue the business at the old Warehouse, on the corner of West High and College Streets, opposite the College.. lie is fully prepared to - do a general For warding and Commission business. The highest market price will be paid for FLOUR, GRAIN and PRODUCE, of all kinds PLASTER and SALT kept constantly on hand. Coal of all kinds, embracing LYKEN'S VALLEY, LUKE FIDDLER, SUNBURY WHITE ASII, • LOCUST OAP, LIMF.BURNER'S and BLACKSMITH'S Coal, constantly kept for sale, , under cover, and deliv ered to any part of the town." . A liberal share of public patronage is respectfully solicited. JACOB SHEER, Successor to Henderson & Reed. Carlisle, May 20, 1804. CCOAT.AND LUMBER YARD.- The subscribers have this day optetod Into partnership to trade In COAL AND LUMBER, We will have constantly on hand and furnish to o der all kinds and quality of seasoned LUMBER, BOARDS, FRAME STUFF Paling, Fingering Lath, Shingling, Lath, worked gooring and Weatherboarding, Poeta and Sails, and every article' that belong,. to a Lumber Yard. All kinds of Shingles, to wit: Whitepine, Hemlock and Oak, of different qualities. Having cars of our own we can furnish - bills to order of any length and clue at the shortest notice and on the moat reasonable terms. Our worked boards will be kept under cover so they can be furnished dry at all times. We have constantly on hand all kinds of Family Coal under cover, which we will deliver clean to any part of the borough. To wit: I_,y o kene Valley, Broken, Egg viva , T . : o r T e or ti t w or, d , Nnt e , mi T :t rike Fiddler, Lekbory, which we pledge Fr selvea to sell at the lowan Best quality of Limeburner's ,and Blacksmith's Coal, always on hand which wa will sell at the lowest figur, Yard west side of Grammar School, Main street ARMSTRONG & 11OFFER. July 1,1804. Notice of Co-Partnership, rr" public are. hereby informed that the undersigned have this day entered Into a Co Partnership, under the want, of Delaney & Blair, for the purpose of carrying ou the Coal and Lumber busi ness. et tno old stand of Oliver Delaney, near the Gas Works ;,where all orders In their line of business are respectfully solicited, and will be promptly filled. Oct. 16, 1803— t f f.,r coal will be recoirod at !Talbert & Flamingo Grocery Store., Robert bloom's Sboo Store and A. 11. Blalr's Currying Slop. trtj..Orders for Coal or Lumber solicited through 'h Post Office, arrangements having been made with lb. Postmaster to charge the postageen same to us. Al orders punctually NV-ATCH ES„JEWELRY, AND Silror ware nt Conlyn's old established Ptaitd. West Maln St., nearly opposite the Cumberland Valley Bank. I havojust received a now assortment of watches jewelry, in. , dalllens, sliver ware &e., In addition to my former stork to which I invite the attention of the pooh,' The assortment embraces fine gold and silver lever watches Hunting and open rase do., gold Anchors for ladled and Getnleinen and Silver Lephies and Qum tier oatthes of every vaeiety in style and price A Is° fine gold Medallions, Breast-phis for Ladies and Gentletnen of every quality. pattern and price. Gold Lib, curb and need chains Gold bracelets, finger 1114,, cuff ploY, stud:, sleeve-buttons. crosses. charm, Gohl nod silver thimbles. ellver and plumed butter knives, forks, tal,le, tea salt and must aid sp .04 of every variety. A large assortment of gold, silty, COOltn..ti Nperinelea, to FUR al , to Whieh WO invite Hperial nt Lent lon. A tine lot of GOLD PENS room the bent makers, spec triele i n.o.n, forte) , boxes, Oise, and pearl cord cases gold /ILIwl common bracelets, watch chains, Mantl, Clocks and a variety of articles usual] , kept in Jewelry cototdislintrots, whim I will sell tow for cosh. All artmlio teal ranted to he what they arc rep, A:anted. o lar attention p.i.l as usual to Watch repal ing and till work warrantel. Part ...•, IZEMEM ELLING OFF AT TW ENT V-FIV PI•:R r ENT. SE LOW COST" At (ho sign of the (told Eagle," 3 doors shove th Cumberland %alloy null twa doors below th )le, uodist Churrh, on \% eat Maio street, tho largos and hoot selected stook of WATCHES AND JEWELRY In the town, will be sold 30 per rent lower than at Any pines in the Slate. The stock comprises a largo a-sort: ment eronid and Silver hunting ease watches, Li:vets. Lupines, American watches, and all other kinds act! styles. GOLD AND SILVER CHAINS. Gold liens nod Pencils, Jewelry of alt kinds, Spectacles Gold and Silver, Witted and Silver Weir, MU 1U BOXES, ACCORDEONF,, 011 Pnintittgs. a grent variety of fancy artielen, fir Thu thah, stock of Watchmaker tools, eIISYB. I erg Mirrors, and sole will he sold wholesale or retail In the easiest terms. Having selected a first els+s workman all kinds o repairing will be done as usual, at reduced prices. it. E..SHAPLEY. July 1, lit).l QM], TRIUMPIIAN L The complete success of the Prairie Flower Cook Stov warrisnlis the sula•criber in calling the alter e. Lion or all who may n ant a superior stove to call and examine the only stove that has given universal cat's !action. MI WHAT IS CLAIMED OVER OTHERS IS ist. A snving of from 30 to 60 per cent. In fuel. A hotter and quicker oven from the same fire 3d A larger Oren than ally other Stove or tile same size. Oh. The preservation of the center piece from sinking saving repairs. sth. 'rho best Ilaker. Boaster, and nook now In use, tith A sup.•rior arrangement for cleaning the lines, Ith, A perfect Gas Consumer for either wood or coal. The Prairie Plower is wan anted to give satisfaction in every pat titular, and will be shown with pleasure to oil who may call, whether desiring to purchase or not, any quantity of reference In town or country. A his other good Cook Stoves on hand, 'which will be sold very low to close stock. Spouting, Hoofing, Job work. Copper sm.thing and Sheeting werk pr.ooptly attemled to, in town or coun try. All work warranted at the old stand, Hanover sheet north , f Looting.. MARY MORRIS. N. 11.—OldCoppiii, Brass e nd Pewter bought, nod thn highest price 'gild id ensh or goods. =M=M! COFFEE POT. v‘TiLLIAM. FRIDLEY respectfully y announces to the citizens of Carlisle and the public generally., that he still continues the inanufi, turn of all kinds 01 tin and sheet iron ma, lu J. 1). Halbert's building East bouther street Carll:le at the sign of the RED COFFEE Po7', where he will at all times be ready to do all kinds t work ID his line with neatness and despatch. Also can at all times be liar. those celebrated, of Healing and melt tooting premium airtight, FRUIT CANS AND JARS• Roofing, Spouting, add all kinds of jobbing done at the aborteot Cash paid for old load, pewter and copper. Thank. ful for the patronage heretofore extended, he hopes by strict attention, and a desire to please all to merit a continuance of the same. Dont forgot the sign of the Red Coffee l'ot. July 1, 1803. William P. Lynch riche subscriber informs the public that ho still continues the GAS FITTING AND PLUMBING buslttea at the Old Stand In the basement or, the Fire Methodist Church. He will attend promptly to al curl new; In the line. Load and Iron Plpoa, Hydrants, Hot and cold SHOWER BATES, Water Chisels, Force sod Litt Pumps, Wro't Welded Tubes, iron Sinks, Bath Tubs, Ilath Boilers, Wash Ea slug, Hydrani c Rams, Au. and every description of cocks and fittings for gas, steam water, Au. Superior cooking ranges, heaters and gas fixtures put up in churches, stores and dwellings, at short notice, in the. most modern style. All materials and work In our . line at low rates and warranted. pm... Country work and jobbing promptly attoododtt) July 1,1864. HAT AND CAP EMPORIUM.' r i IHE undersigned respectfully announ _ cos to the public) that he still continuos the Hat t ng Business at the old stand, in West High street and with a renewed and efilelent effort, produce arts des of Head Dress of • Every Variety, Style and Quality; , that shall be strictly In, keeping with . tife Improve meet Or the Art, and fully up le:the-age which we bre. . . .. nss l o g a v e e i rt of :h!iida splondlii 11/1 . HATS AND CAPS, o'4lll descriptions, troni the clomnuon Wool to the finest Fur and bilk flats; and at prices that met suit (em une who boa an eye to getting the worth of his money. Thu stock includes, A. D. E MOLESKIN, CASSIMERE, BEAVER & FELT HATS, of every style and color and unsurpassed for Lightness Durabilliy and finish; by those of any other establish , pent in the country. Men's Vora and Children's hat's and. Caps, of every description constantly on band. IlernspectfUlly invites all the old patrons and as many now ones as possible, to give him a call. _ J O. CALLIO. . July 1,1864. • . , . "BOOTS &ZOOMS. A: FULL assartnient of-Men and Boys' Boots end Shoos, sultablelor the winter. Also, • as and Misses's B almoral BoOteea,Chlldren's Boots of all kinds. laidlesand Gentlemon'eGUM °Teri:36oes: My old euetameres and all In , want of. good andlbeap Boots and Shoes will please 'call and examine: the stook, before purc hasing. 'Main 'street, nearly opposite the Dopot. • ,--. _.. • • • • 'OR AP. OclllinT, TeatitleJ,: , July I,loB{. : - SCANTLING, OLIVER DELANCY, ANDREW 11. BLAIR. DRLANCY & BLAIR =I CUMBERLANp VALLEY AND FRANKLIN RAIL ROADS. CHANGE OF HOURS. ON and after MONDAY, APIiIL„4:th, 1864, Passenger Trains will run (laity, as follows, (aunday excepted): POD CIIAMBERSDUBO AND NARRIE4IIIRG. Leave Hagerstown, 7:00 A. 01., •• Greencastle, 7:37 " / Arr at 8,17 ' • Chambera'g, -- - Leave 8:30 " 12:54 .4 , Leave fib ippon sburg 0:o0 " 1:28 . 4 . Newville 0:3: " • 1:28 ' 4 " Carlisle 10:10 .. 2.42 " " Mechanicsburg 10:42 " 3:12 " Arrive at Ilarrieburg 11:15 " 3:40 " FOR OTIABIBEIN3BURG AND IiA6ERSTOWN: Leave Harrisburg 8:05 A. 51., 1:36 P. 11L. " Mechanicsburg 8:37 " 2:16 " '. . arllsle 9:27 " 2155 .. " Newrille 10:02 .. 3:29 " Bhippensburg 10:41 .. 4:00 .. J Arr at 11:10 " 4:20 .. Chmbereg, 1 Leave 11:10 " 4:40 .. Leave Greencastle 11:05 .. 5:30 " Arr. at Hagerstown 12:35 .. 6:10 " The Carlisle and Harrisburg ACCOMODATION TRAIN will leave as follows: Leave Carlisle 5 4 .66 A. M .4' 4 Mechanicsburg 6:26 4 , Arrive at Harrisburg 6:66 4, Leave Harrisburg 0:20 PM . 4 . Mechanicsburg 4 4 64' 4 , Arrive at Carlisle 5:20 .. making close 'connections at Ilarrieburg with Train" for Philadelphia, New. York and PAttsburg; and witb Trains for all point,' West, The Train leaving Harrisburg at 4:20, P. M.,. runs only es far as Carlisle. C.N. LULL, Sup't. Superintendent's Office. / Charnb'g..luly I, 1004:1 READING RAILROAD SUMMER ARRANGEMENT C!REAT Trnnk Line from the North k_fi and North• West for Philadelphia. Plow Took Reading, Potisvilie. Lebanon, Allentown. Easiesi c. *1 rains leave Harrisburg for Harrisburg for Philadel phia, New York, Reading Pottsville, and all interaar dinte Stations, at 8 A. NI., and 2 P. M. New York Express leaves ilarriaborg at 6,30 A. M., arriving at Now York at 1.46 tba same day. A special Accommodation Passenger train leaves Beading at 7.15 A. 51., and returns from Ilarrisbuig al 5 P. M. Fares from Ilarehborg To New York $5 15; to Philadelphia $3 35 and 's2 80. Baggage checked through. Returning, leave New York at 6 A. 51 , 12 noen.and 7 I'. 51., (Pittrburg I..xpreva nrrivjug at Ilarrlehurg et. 2A. 31.) Leave Philadelphia /.1 ro A 51.. and 330 P. M. Sleeping earl in the New Yorl. Ex prem. Traine through to and from Pitt Ow, an bout change. P.lnsengern by the l'atawksa ltaiin Id leave Taman qua at AA: , A. M.. and 2 10 )1., for Pldhidelpirfa, New York. and all (% ay Pol tam Trains leave Putt., Ill' at 9 lb A. M.. and 230 P. M., for Philadelphia. Ilarrirlaire an.t New York. An Aevontut..dation train I , .nveF Beading at 0.00 A. AI., and raturns from I 101.10031 a at 6.06 It. M. ur*„..All tbo'nbnre trains run daily. Sundays es depted. A Sunday train huvres Pottsville at 7 30 A. 01.. and Philadelphia al P 31 lil,mmutation, Mileage. Season. and F.xeuraion Tick ets at reduced rates to 1111.1 from all point!, 80 Pounds Baggage allowed each Passenger. A. NICOLLS. General Superintemden t.. July I, ISGI. A RLIS LE 4; Pil L ADELPiII A " _ DAILY FREIG LINE FREED, WARD & FREED S 1 1 INORKET STREET PHILADELPHIA J. & D. RHOADS, MAIN STREET, CARLISLE, PA .o's—Cars of this Line leave the Dopot 811 Market St. tiy, at 4 o'clt,ca. I'. M. Leave Carlisle, Dolly, at T o'clock, A. M. tica.ds intentled for this Line should be marked C. & I' Dolly Freight Lino, and sent in by 4 Wein, k. July 1, 18114. Carlisle Foundry, IBM FARM IMPLEMENT DEPOT! 1, 4 -1 GARDNER & CO., now manufac r. tura and keep constantly for sale. at their ex tolltliVO Steam Vorks or. East Vain street, Carlisle, a large assortment of_ . AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, of well known; approved usefulness to farmers, among which they would call especial att,ntlen to WIL LOUI3IIIII'S Celebrated Patna GUM SPRING GRAIN DRILL, which ban taken over fifty First Class Premium. at State and County Fairs. To the Farmers of Cumber land. York and Perry counties vi e used not speak in detail of the merits of this drill, as scores of them ere 1100 in use on thin best fermi; in these counties. Its reputation is established sq the most complete Grain Drill now manufactured in the United States. It sows N hest, Rye, Oats, liarl y sad Glass, ev , nly and regular, without bunching the seed. The gum springs pass the drill over stumps and stones, without break ing pins or the drill. lur even end regular cowls:, the Willoughby Gum Spring Drill is unequebed by any other. We also manufacture and sell the follow ing articles. which we can recommend to Farmers as reliable implements, of established character: MORRISON'S PATENT CORN PLANTER. I. ASH'S P I ENT STRAW k PODD R CUTTER, DRIDENDOLPIP, PATENT COHN SHELLER, HAHN'S PATENT CIDER MILL. JOHNSON'S CAST IRON HOD'S TROUGH Alen, Ihree and Four Ilorse Powers and Threshing 111sehinos, emit Iron Field Potters, Plough Castings 01 various patterns, Corn Crushers. and other articles for Farmers coo numerous to mention. Also, Egg Coal Stoves and Ton Plate Vood Stoves, with an immense variety of other coatings for houeekeopors and others. %Ye have also on attractive variety of pattern■ for IRON RAILINGS, and CEMETERY ENCLOSURES to which w• would call attentlou. Steam Engines and 111111 Gearing To this department of our business we give particu tar attention. Our already extensive stuck et patterns for Paper, Fluor and Saw Mill Outing, is constantly Increasing. Mill Owners and Mill Wlights will be furnished with it printed catalogue of our various Mill Mittel na, on application. Our Machine Shop comprises all the serious tools for turning, planing and finishing Shafting and Castings, by good and careful blaChlnists STATIONARY STEAM ENGINEs of any desirable capacity, from ten to twenty-five horse power, built In the bast sty la and tilt scrotumoJating terms. Ep lees built at our ta.tabli.balert may be seen to sue, osslu I operation al loamy el the 1ar,...m.t Dist I rriu. and 'fautteries ht Cartb.i. and I untherlaud Perry nod Dauphin Couotl e s, l i p t of wbl h tee cottlldeolly refer I, ti• their pakten ry. Persons noting .'lento Eng{-nro,tl) quested to call :tuti examitse bet., , trtrtatg ,I. e where. DOOR AND SASII rt Connectrd with our e..tabliahlu. nt Door Manufactory which hi low • IA u.• the manufacture of eery den hat. 0 • r BUILDING MATERIALS for the most costly as well us the plain cot lomst, - Window Sash furnished from 5 cents upward. accord log to size of glass; 11 Induw it mss flout $1 31 up 'ward; Shutters nod hulling Hands from V it, up wend; Four Panel Doors fron, $z 1.: upward. 31uulti lags, Castings Architraves. Nash brands. Markets. Fancy Drapery. :crone, and other articles needed in house building, (rattle:led at the lowest prices and or the best quality of lumbar. 41W - Wo are also prt pare as heretulore, to build and repair BURDEN I AILS for transporters on the railroad, with proutptnees and on reasonable terms, The continued patronage of the public le respectful!) solicited. Orders by mail pr. mptly attended to. F.OAItDN Bit Jt. CO. July 1, 1854. . Manhood: how Lost, how Restored - •Jugt published. a dew - edition of Dr. Cu d r i v a u r l w °elect Celebratedw it h t a le rc.lit'ne) theo '!"" Spormatorrhwa, rac or seminal Weakness, Involuntary Sentinel Losses, Impotency, mental an d -- Physical Incapacity, Impediments to 'Marriage, etc ; also, Consumption, Epilepsy. and Fits, induced by aolf• indulgence or sexual extravagance. Price, in a sealed envelope, only 13 cents. The celebrated author in thie admirable may clearly 'demonstrates, from a thirty years successful practice, that the alarming consequences of sell abuse may he radically cured without the dangerous me of internal medicine or the application of the knife—pointing out a mode of cure, at once simple, certain and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what hte condition may be; may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. This Lecture should be in the bands of every youth, and every man in the land, dent, under seal, in a plain envelope., to any ,address a poet paid, 'on receipt of six cents, or two post-staramk, Address the publishers. OIIAS. J. 0. KLINE & CO, 127 Bowery, New York, P.'o.ltow 4586. June 10,1504-1 y BARLOW'S INDIGO BLUE. 11)1 1 EALERS and consumers of the above Celebrated With Blue, will take notice, that tha La ale are alWred to read.' :' • INDIGO BL UE, put upnt Alfred Wiltberger'i Drug Store, No. 28,1 k ' North Second Street, Philadelphia. The quality of this Blue will be the same in every -leveed!' It is warranted to color more water than • twice Me same quantlty'ef Indigo, and to go much further that% any other Wash Blue In the market. It dissolves per fectly clear and dose not settle on the (doilies as meat of the other makes do. One Box dissolved in &Wl:pint °riveter, will make as good a Liquid Bins as, any that is made at ontethird the cost:- • it to retailed at the same price as the Imitations and Inferior articles, housekeepers will Bud it yam much to their advantage to ask for that- put Up it Wlltberger'a. . Air Blue put up after this data with Eatiott'a name on it is imitation. The. New libel does not require a Stamp. , Fors le b l y Storekeepers generally. , FA MI " " 4 C°WRZ'aititioico, 2:46 P. 411. 8.44 40 410 ••