PICTURE. OF A BATTLE-FIELD. . Ono 'Of our oirhango Mere gives the for rowing graphic battle-1161d: . "Stand initnagituitioti,-fin some position of (air Southern country, where earth and sky blend together in light and harmony, whore the ate is rich with fragrance, and soft with"the song of birds, when suddenly there arises the sound , of fiercer music and the measured tramp of thousands—eager squad rons shako the earth with thunder, and files of bristling steel kindle in the sun—and now, face to, face, rank to rank, shoulder to shoul der, are arrayed men whom , God has made in the same likeness, whose natures he has touched with the seine impress—the same heart that beets alike in all. In the momen tary hush, just previous to the charge, rises before them memories of home—voices of children, perhaps prattle in their ears, mem ories of secret affection stir amongst their silent prayersbut it is but a moment, when all these affinities are swept away, trampled under foot by the shock and the shouting. Confusion then rends the air, the simmering bomb ploughs up the earth, the steel bites to the bone, the iron hail cuts the quivering flesh, the cannon-shot crushes through serri ed ranks, and, in cloud of smoke that hides both earth and heaven, the desperate strug gle goes on. The'day wanes and the con flict ceases. On one side there is victory, on the other defeat; the halls of the triumphant city are lighted with jubilee—the tide of ac clamation rolls along her streets—the organ heaves from its groaning breast the peals of thanksgiving—but under all this tumultuous joy there aro bleeding bosoms and inconso lable tears, and whether in defeated or vic torious lands, there is a wail of orphanage and widowhood, a chill of woo and death, that is broadcast throughout the land. The meek moon comes out and breaks the dissi pating veil of the conflict, and rolls its calm splendor above the dead. Bee how the fierce ness of man's passion, the folly of his wick edness, displayed in those., pools of clotted "blood—that festering heap of slain. Nature never made such horrors! Amd when those fattening bones shall have long mouldered into dust, she will spread out lUxuriant har vests to hide them forever from the sight. Teutonic Cuteness Three ragged, wretched topers stood shiv ering upon a street corner. They had not a cent between them, and neither had drank a drop within an hour. They debated the deeply interesting question—how to obtain the ne4.t glass; after many impracticable suggestions, one of the party.said:— "I have an idea! We'll all go into the next shop and..drink." "Drink?" replied his companions, "that's easily said ; but who's to pay?" "Nobody. Do as I toll you. I'll take the responsibility." Following the speaker's directions, his two companions entered an adjoining saloon and called for whiskey skins. The place was kept by a Dutchman. After ho had waited on his customers, and while they were en joying their orthodox beverage at the coun ter in walked toper No. 1. "How are ye ?" said he to the Dutchman. "How ye do?" said the Dutchman. Toper No. 1 glanced suspiciously at topers Nos. 2 and 3, and beckoning the proprietor aside, asked mysteriously : "Do you know these men The Dutchman started. " I know no more its dat dev callyd fur de whiskey skins." "Don't take no money of them," whisper ed No. 1. "Sir? I not take any money for the Ivhk key skins r asked the astonished landlord. "No; they are informers." ""ley! informers?" "Yes, they buy liquor of you so as to in- form on you." "Ah! I understand," said the Dutchman. •'Dey not catch me. Tank you, sir. You take someting ?" "I don't object, - said toper No. I, and he took a swig with his companions.. "What's to pay?" said toper No. 2 put ting his hand into his empty pocket. "Noting," said the- Dutchman. -"Me no sell liquor, me keeps it for my felons." And having smiled the supposed inform ers out of the door, he manifested his grati tude by generously inviting the supposed anti-informer to take a second glass. Of course toper No. 1 did not decline the invi tation. The Crops The Philadelphia Ledger of Wednesday expresses the following opinion concerning the crops: With the devastation committed by war on the one hand, the large withdrawal of la bor from agriculture to supply the army, and the amount consumed by that army on the other, the prospects of the crops becomes One which deeply interests the whole people.— From the best means of information supplied to the Agricultural Bureau at Washington, the crops this year will not be equal to tho yield for several years past. In addition to the causes which have made so much labor not only unproductive but largely consumt ing, the hard winter and the summer drough have told against large crops. The deficien, cy in wheat, it is estimated, will be about thirty per cent. The corn crop will be bet ter. Oats will yield a full crop. The hay crop in the middle - and eastern States will be light, notwithstanding the fair promises in May last; what there is is excellent. The Chinese sugar cane in the West will be a very large yield. Potatoes have grown well. Taking the country generally the crops, frompresent appearances, will not be up to an average yield, which is, however; usually more sufficient for the wants of the country; there will, however, be but little for expor tation., In Europe the crops are said not to be SO favorable as in this country, which is bad prospear for 'that country with the threatenings of a general war. GOLD AND CONFEDERATE CURRENCY.- A correspondent with the army writes as # follows: "Some time ago the 45th Pennsyl vania Regiment fOund a pot of silver and gold, amounting to ton thousand dollars in all. Many of the Union soldiers bought a portion of it at a slight premium. During some of the forbidden interviews which of ten occur between the pickets of the two hos tile armies, the Federals would show a hand- Sul of silver and gold to the rebels, with-- 'Do you' fellows got paid off with these little fellows I' We do. We just got paid four months' pay.' The story spread like fire among the ponfederates ; they were, wild for buying golffand silver.; $lO, ..$l5, $2O, $25 -.and even $BO in Confoderate currency, was offorcd for . onn.dolt4or, , g4;d4 put* Union . soldiers worthless rags of On Conreffo,o4„4..",lccsfois , . Triinscrtpt. ger The use Of tealuis:coatributed more to the sobriety of ; thithinese that the sever est laivs, the fuo,st'ela r grient, - discources, or the hest treatises, on Moialfly. Tea is so little dranli in derrhany, that it acts, ihemedicine *hen 'taken by a natiio; and persons dceliiio a good cup of bohea with, (No I ihanli'youl . iplita well at prennt.) tvccrprouivii. • tlxoasanctil rod '!#t9utiaii4El , of homes, :tho ehombers of which are , made antic or .oheerless for lick of the “sritellk siidet • tamirtesies" of life, so cheap : even, 89 . .,iriagleilin their effect. • Josh Billings' Xartitil Dictionary. ‘"Ouluse the dogs ov ware—but muzzle the darned' critters; if you don't, Home body,will git "War ov Exterminashun"—this froze belongs holey to the Kommissary Depart ment. "Advance Gard"—this is a gard that we hay lu hay in our armee to keep fel lers from pitchin' in to the enema furnt wards. • "Rere Gard"—this is a gard that hay to keep our fellers, when they are sur rounded, frumpitchin' in the enernalaek wards. • "Awl quiet on the Potennuck"—this shows what perfect subjeckshun our fel lers air under. "A suckc'essful rade"—cutting oph a turnpike within the enema's lines, and bringin' in a blind mule and 2 niggers to board. "Reserved Korps"—this, i take it, means our ophicers who die at tavern stands, and are stuffed and cent home to berry. "Bate of supplize"—UnLie Samuel's pocket-book. "Picketts"—these are surplus chaps who ore cent out to borry tubacker, and to see if the kussed Rebels have got eny pass. "An Armistice—giving the enema two chances to git linked instead ov one. "Military Stratergee—trying to reduce a swamp by ketchin' the bilyous fever out ov it. "Rekrutin' Ophisars"—individuala who are cent into the rural destricks, on a furlong to rekrute—themselfs. "Armee Rashuns"—back pay'and pre served beef. "Quartering on the enema"—this phrazo is defunktei, because it is contraree 'to Hoyle. "War Hoops"—jist the thing for a hot da ; the injuns used to them. "Corte Marshall"—whore tha tri the misdemeners out ov an ophiser, BO that he'll do to promoat. "Parallel lines"—are them kind o'lines that never oum tugether. "Militara necessita"—ten ophisars and a gallon of wbiski to every three privates. AltEir The Nei* York 11 - oild publishes the following facts, furnished by its Washington correspondent. They are based on accounts from rebel sources.— He says : The fortitude with which the rebels have borne their severe losses in the . past two months seems to be giving a way. A wail reaches here from Rich mond. telling of agony and distress in that capital, taxing bunion endurance to its nt most. From an active sympathinr with the rebels--one who is in -their conli denceit is learned that the distress in and around Richmond cannot be expressed or imagined. The forced marches to de fend important points against our cavalry have used up a large number of wen.— Diseases of various sorts prevail to a fear ful extent. It is estimated that General Lee has between forty and fifty thousand sick and wounded on his hands, whom he finds it impossible to remove beyond the scene of actual conflict. Besides this there is a large population of non-com batants to be provided for. It is esti, mated that Lee has a population of two hundred thousand dependant on him for food, and the secesh fear that if Grant keeps the railroads cut, while the com mon roads were impaired by heavy rain, starvation would be added to the other calamities of the beleagured cities. THE BEST _Coop.-- Dr. Hall recently show ed that beans, dour, corn meal, butter and rice, contain more than twice the nutriment of any animal food, and are digested in onr half the time ; 2J cents worth of dour, at 8 cents per pound, contain., 11H ranch nourish ment as 52,25 worth of roast beef at 25 cents per pound ; .ffid that a pint of white beans costings 7 cents, has the same amount of nu triment as I pounds of beef at 25 cents per pound. Cabbages boiled have only seven per cent. of nutriment. Turnips but four per cent ; potatoes only thirteen per cent ; cucumbers but two per cent., and all are therefore very dear lit present prices. Viir According to the London Spectator, which devotes an elaborate article to the sub ject, the available fighting strength of Eng land is small. Nominally, there are 84,000 regular troops, 102,000 militia and 100,000 volunteers, but really not more than 60,000 are available fur foreign service, and of these but 20,000 would be troops of the line. AMES A. DUNBAR, Attorney at Law, Carlisle, Pa. Office on the south side of the ourt House, adjoining the "American Printing Office." July 1, 18111-Iy. WEAKLEY, Attorney at Law, Mace on south Hanover street, adjoining the Mike ofJ udge tiraham. ,All professional bush:nm en trusted to tdru will bo promptly attended to. July 1,,,1804. QAIVIVEL 11E t'BURN, Jr., Attorney Kjat Law. Office with lion. Samuel Hepburn, Main L. Carlisle Pa, July 1, 1864. ItUFUS E. SHAPLEY, Attorney at Law, Carlisle Pa. Attends to securing and col lecting So:diers' Pay. Bounties. and Pensions. Mice on South - Hanover Street, opposite Bentes Store. July 1, 1864. LAW CARD.-CEIARLES E. MA -I_4OLA UGRIAN, Attorney at Law, Office In Inholr's building, just opposite the Market house. July 1, 1804-Iy. P. HUMERICII, Attorney at Law J. Office on North Hanover street, a few doors north of 0111'e hotel. All busluces entruetud to hlm will be promptly attended to. July 1, 18114. Dr. I. C. LOOMIS Pomfret Street few doom W AVI below South Hanover et July 1, 1864. OS.EPII RITNER, Jr., Attorney at Law and Surveyor, Mechanicsburg, Pa. Office on I ail Road Street, two doors north of the Bank. T 13€9..Business promptly attended to. July 1, 1804.. GEO. W. NEIDIOLI, D. D. S.— Lato Demonstrator or Operative Dentistry of the L'aetntreurgcr°,"°ge of „o r Ofileo at bin residence opposite Marlon Ilan, West Main eared, Carlisle, PA.. July t, 1864. ';,TIT.t. GEORGE S. SEA zifftIGEIT, Dentist, from the Blatt -4441•46. more Collage of Dental Surgery. ig..oMee nt tho residence of his mother, Beet houther street, three doors below Bedford. • July 1,1884.' H. COOK, HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, • • Si.trgeon Accouchour • trk .I.OE at his -residence in Pitt strolit" tho MallocUst Oliurel) July 1, /NC, ;' • • . beIIMAN',B - - i'IIOtOGRA4IIIO T a den street, bppositti the Ns locial•Baak, lu Mu. Nefes UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRINGER Aro Iron Frame to `Break Rust, and fSpoi thO Clothes. ' 58,818 SOLD IN 1863: TT was pronounced superior to all others IT the World's Fair at London, lfitt. It took the Firat premium at the great Fiir of the American In— stitute, in N. York City, Iso3, and whereyer exhibited. eolf•Adjusting and Adjustable! Tho only Wringer with the Patent COO WHEEL RE puLATon, which positively prevents the rolls from BREAKING OR TWISTING ON TILE SHAFT Without, Cog wheels, the whole strain of forcing the clbth through the Machine Is put upon the tower roll causing throe times as much strain upon the lower roll no when Cog wheels with our Patent Regulator are used, besides the extra strain upon khe cloth. In reply to the question, "flow Long will it Lastl" wo can only say, "As long as a wash tub, cooking nlovo, or any othorefamily utensil." Sao testimedy of Orange Judd; of the American Agriculturist, lib. 41 Park Row, N• Y., who says of the UNIVETSAL CLOTHES WRINGER " Wu think the machine much more than PAYS FOR IT SELF EVERY YEAR In the saving of garment I Wo consider it Importan. that the Wringer be fitted with Cogs, othorwiso a mass of garments may clog the rollers, and the rollers upon the cranlc.shatt slip and tear tho clothes, qr the rudder tweet; loose the sltrtft.— Our own Is one of the first made, end It Is ati 000 D AS NEW after nearly FOUR YEARS' UONSTANMUSE.". FEE= TIME, LABOR, CLOTHES AND MONEY. It Is easily and firmly 'moored, to the tub or washing machine, nod will flit tube of any size or shape. •• • It will save Its cost every six months In the saving of clothes Those with COO WHEELS ARE WAR RANTED In every particular. This Insane, especially, that after a few [lentils' use the lower roll WILL NOT TWIST ON THE SHAFT, and tear the clothing. burnished to families, ou trial, free of expense, by JOHN CA MPBEI.I. Agent, hall Road Moe, Carlisle. April 11, 1664-Lf. EXCITING NEWS. JUST opened at the New and Cheap Store of Leidich and Miller, another large Supply of Spring and Summer Goode of all the Newest and most desirable kinds and qualities Suitable for the Seasons, consisting of every variety and description of Ladies Dress Goods Silks, Mantillas, Summer Shawls, Embroideries, Iltmped Skirts, of Newest invention, (Double Duplex lillptie Spring) Summer Balmorals. Sun Umbrellas, Parasols Corsetts. Notions of every de scription Black Clothe and Casaimers, Fancy Cant mores. Postings, Cottonades, Linor:;' Drillings, Ticking', Calicoes Gingham", Muslin. Checks, Nankeens, &c., &c Carpets, Oil cloths, Window Shades. Itugs, Looking Glasses, and an endless variety "(Geed' too numerous to mention. Feeling very thankful to the community for their kind and liberal patronage so far extended to the (New Firm.) wo earnestly Solicit a continuance of the Same. es we feel assured that we are fully prepared to offer to the publie,the most complete and desirable Stock of Goods that can be found In. the Country. Please re member the Store is on the corner, of the public Square (directly) opposite Irvine's BhoeS-tore. LIIIDICII & MILLER, Carlisle, May 20 1504, 1:1 0 3r3r 4Groc)ol.ls. SPRING, • 1804, GREENFIELD & SHEAFER iN VITE the attention of' buyers to their I . new stock of Dry Goods. It will be found unsur passed In all those features which comprise a first class Stock All departmetits of our busluurs have been much enlarged, especially that of DRESS GOODS, which we are confident, 18 the most extensive assort ment ever offered In this town. We have now open ready for inspection all the novelties of the season, vie Poplins, all new shades and styles. Mozainbigues Plain and Pinids, Plaid Poplins. ChsHies. De Leine also, a le autiful stock of ALPACCAS, at astonishingly low prices. I)OMESTICS. Prints, Bleached Ninslins. Broad Shootings, Flannel li Inglinms Coa,ks, Cottonadett, hc., Sce. Gents' and Boys' Wear, Clothe, earkdmeres, .leans. Summer eassimeres, Arr.— We would call the attention of Our friends Mon' pat t itV Wady to our Immense stovls. of Muslinn, Calletms. Cort• tonadrs, all bought last winter, before the late advance whirli will be Fold at prices that defy competition Porsons may rely on getting great bargains at the stole of GR ENFIELD& SHEAFEIt =8 Ncai s ~r 0,11111111; nur stool: will 1.1,140 17, irt:ti. wl , Store is 11, ZOIC , 1.11. t k b. BOOTS AND S.l WES. 'l' tl ii =tore of' John Irvine, on th - LA_N. li eormor pnblie olu.trn. I, the plan „ to parelmse flottiß ,lnotot Hatt. and lap;, at prleet, that defy tttopetltlon, Ile h., yust retorned from the East with the largest and Ino , t atottplete tntent of Itoote. flats ,tt Cep, that'll, has ever pret.anteol to this c ommunity, nd . ..Mal hetS determined to sell at the Ina est pos sible prices. Ills ,toolt. embtaces everything in hie. line 01 bi slneso. rm II Ito MEN'S & BOYS' FINE CALF BOOTS, Kip 'Boots, C 401,111,1 Patent lii•nther Calf ud pati•iit timitess, Calf ullitiors, Calf and Kip lirogitur, I, A DIE S' 1Y E It, Fine Frani+ eel hinali•-li Lasting Haltom and Kill Fins Kid slippers, Fancy Slippars,lllor meal, and Kid Buskins, &e., . . , . MIS IS A NI) WItAR of all deserin lions ombrz o fine Lasting liaiters, MIlfrOc•I•il nod Lasting Button R.mte. Morroceo Lace Loos of all Mudd fancy shoes of vat it,. ti Ins I S. Sill., rasghnere. Fur and Wool Hat, of all qualities and stylo6, a largo assortment of STRAW HATS Boots and Shoes made to order oh the shortn.t. riot lca Repairing ppounn,ly Who,. Confident °ibis ability to please ill emi es of customers, he respectfully Jul Res the public to give 1,1111 a call. C,:- . S..ltenember the place, N. E. corner of the l'ubllc Square. - JOIIN 1111'1N11. July 1, 181,4. NEW GOODS! ! NOW offering an immense variety of ChuTIIS, CASS! 31 ERRS, VESTING S, COTTON GOODS be. For Bien and Boys' Wear, In a larger variety, than can be fouud in any ostair lishment In this place, and at so low prices as can be sold ally where, to suit taste and pocket. We menu fact uro the above goods.to order, In the latest styles, or sell per yard. Customers wishing to have the goods bought of us, cut, can be accommodated, free of charge. An early inspection of our goods and prices, respect. fully Bonded. ISAAC LIVINOSTON, North limonite! . Street Clothing Emporium. July 1, 1803. Carpetings and 011 Cloths. NOW receiving at Ogilby'e cheap cash Store, a lot of Ingrain, Venetian, Hemp, Rag, and Stair CARPETS... Also, Floor OIL CLOTH'S all widths, which will be -old for the cash at the lowest rates. CHAS. COILS Y, Trusteo. March 4, IVA VEW GOODS Every doHcription and quality of Groceries, Qteenserare, hardware, Pickets, Sauce, Fine Liquors, Tobacco, Sollars, l'ipes, Frekh Fruits and vegetables in Cans, Oysters do. Spires, Wood and Willow ware, all kinds and of the best quality and to be sold at the lowest prlces.for cash by Wll. BENTZ. Tu'y 1, 1864. CARLISLE FORGE. NEW FIRM' WEAVER & BRICKER. ry HE subscribers would respectfully announce to the public, that having purchased t to Carlisle Forge, formerly owued by Mr. J. Goodyear, we have commenced the manufacture and will keep constantly on baud all sizes of the best quality of BAR IRON. Wo will give prompt attention to all orders, whether from a distance or at home. The highest Cash prices paid for old wrought Iron SCRAPS, delivered at the Forgo, at the Railroad bridge, In Carlisle. WEAVER .4 BRICKER. Carlisle, May 13, 1801--ly New Stock of Hats and Caps AT KELLER'S OLD STAND, - North 4 llanover Sired. iessplendid assortment of all the new - style!' of Silk idolositip, Slouch. Soft dr Straw le now open of city and home manalacturo which will be sold at the lowest ea ph prices. Bolt hats of all goal. 'ties from the finest Beaver and Nutria, to the cheap. est wool, and of all colors, unsurpassed by any this side Philadelphia. A large stock of SUMNER HATS, Palm, Leghorn, Braid, India Panama, and Straw. Ohildrens fancy &a. Also a full assortment of M4lllO. Boys and chlldrons cape Of every description and style, The subscriber invites all to comeand examine his stock. Being a practical hatter, he feels confident of giving satisfaction. Thankful for the liberal patron. age heretofore bestowed ho solicits a continuance of the same. Dont f rget the stand, two doors above Shriner's hotel and next to Oorman's shoe store. JOIIk,A. KELLER, Agt. ' N. B,.llats of all kinds made to order at short notito. !rpm Pulmonic Wafers, AT RALSTON'S Dec. 11,1863 'of pairs . Mimeo on hand I'M' all" Mao.,Ellzabotbtown pattern, Loudon oOrnman do., with and without patent fastenings cheaper than ever at H J3II2CTON'S, Bast Main et. July 1,1864. 101ElYSIOIANS will find it to. their ad vantago to call and puTclideolboir modteines at - . *0;101 • 1 , .Ip I AMILY DYE cotoßs, 0,17:14,1a64, ISAAC - LIVIN'Gr . STON .71 HAS received .unusually largo •and well seleCted stack of SPRING AND SUMMER - GOODS, and flake that his old customers, and all persona in want of first rate" CLOTHING should give hint,a call. Ills assortment consists in part of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, SATTINETS, VESTINOS, and all other hinds of goods for Gentle. men's Clothing. " His assortment of piece goods is the largest and most varied ever brought to Carnal°, and he Is determined to sell goods by thy yard on terms as favorable as any other store, ills stock of .. Ready-made ,Cloßhing, Is extensive end -beautiful, consisting of COATS, I'ANTS, VESTS, OVERCOATS, de., which he will eels cheaper than any other establishment. Ho has a beautiful assortment of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, such as UNDERSHIRTS, OVERSHIRTS, DRAWERS, UMBRELLAS, ). CARPET BAGS, TRUNKS, &0.,'&0. Comic and see his beautiful assortment of Goods be fore nurchaslng elsewhere. lie takes pleasure In show lug his th.de, 11111 i will satisfy all that he eau and will 801 l Goods cheaper than any other house outside of the rifles. CUSTOMER'S ORDERS —I invite an examination of my stook of Fine Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestiuga, dc., which I manuflfeture upon special orders. SPECIAL NOTICE.—I would say to the public, that my goods are manufactured under my own supervision and by the very best workmen. My stock lathe most extensive I have ever had, and my friends and the public are invited to call and exam' no for themselves. 41..4 - Remember the old stand, North Hanover St. ISAAC LIVINGSTON. Carlisle, April 22, MIL GOOD NEWS!' NEW GOODS 1 PHILIP ARNOLD WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 41E-AC:7O7EUE3CIMF:t., !Diving J u .t received from Now York and Philadelphia an extensive assortment of CLOTHS, CASSIMERS, SATTINETS, VESTINGS, TAILORS' TRIMMINGS, &C. Is now making daily additions to hie already large dock of Ready Made Clothing for Men and Boys, which for quality and price are not equaled in this part of the State. CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER at abort notice by experienced workmen, and satisfac tion given in all cases. - Goods by the Piece or Yard, at the lowest rates. Also on hand a large stock of FURNISHING GOODS, comprising in part Fine Linen and Travel' ng Shirts. Cullara,Neektlea, Gloves,ilo4lery, Suspenders, &c. TRUNKS AND VALISES. Carpet and Leather Travelling Rags of the beet make. All of which he will furnish at the Lowest Rates. ills old patrons and the public are invited tp call at the old stand, two doors North of tho Carlisle Deposit Dank. PHILIP ARNOLD. NEV ARRIVAL OF DRY GOODS The undersigned is now opening tho largert and most desirable stock of goods tver offered to the people of Cumberland County. A complete and general ascot tment of Ladies Dress Goods. An Immense assortment of LABII.:S MOURNINO and nth D /URN INO DRESS GOODS from the Celebra ted tournintr, Store of Iles on & Son, Phila. A large assortment of LADIES PLAIN BONNET .lOBBONS AND DRESS =I The largest stock of NOTIONS outside of the Eastern Cities. A full assortment of Cloths for Ladles Cloalang !tins and Menu wear in endless variety, tsalFl , dind Cloths, Fancy and plain Cassiniel es,lweeds, Jeans, nu•l Cut tt,ades. PONES% 11:' (Won& =I A 111 PL.' s lAA I' I It' I ••• I 31011,u an the 11 1 ).I.initl.t , Inl .•I it, 11, U J. al," Kalinoral,.t . It• .1 I .•. CA ItI'E ,I FS, OIL M A T'l INGA AND L.,t =EN A laree seek of Lave and o,lk CA I'ES, L.t N'S_ ItA , leg over from hod uaason, vlll 1.0 ,1 , 1 extrelnely I pikes. Partieul d . attention paid I n "Funeral orders," as urn!' as nutters of all I.indm pionlptly and puuettml.l,, attend ed to. All of whloh will he sold lower than City prices hne lug been purchased before the late advanee. Fourth Arrival of New Goods I have Just returned from the cities vrlt a large addition of NEW SUAIMI•,R DRESS Go(l,f-z All titres Dui Oa' fia. th.• saas,m. A beautiful Ii 11.! fit Silk Nino! les. Coates and 11/v.llles. Laoe Points. ne Shawls, lAN, Hltts. 810,11 ,. Kid I; .0% Parasols. Skin ,Eints Ladies and i I OCT iskirtis,•and a germ ttNsort meat of seasonable goods MEN AND BOYS' WEAR. Also selling cheap a large lot of OLD GOODS much lest. than present mires. Plumy von oily door below Mal-do's Hotel, East Male Street June In. Ist-I. W. C. SAWYER. GOOD NEWS. NEW STORE, NENV STORE. , f & MILLER having just I returned from the city with an entire now and complete took of and Domestic DRY tlOtiDS, wish to Inform the public that they are prepared to offer en wry reasonable tame, a very desirable stock of Goods, on the south cast corner of the public square, Immediately opposite Irvine's Shoe Store. The stock comprises in part Ladies' Dress Goods, Plain Black Silks ail qualities, Black Figured and Rep Silks, Fancy Colored Plain mud Figured Dress Silica) all colon; and qualities, Plain Plaid and Striped Spring Poplins, Plain Alpacca Lustros all colors Plaid and Striped Poll de Chevoras , Striped and Plain :Bobairs, Silk ehallies Plain and wool Do Laines. all colors and qualities Mozambiques, Muslin do Laines, Cballies, Oinghams, Lawns, &e., &c., &c. A beautiful assortment of Colo'd Spring Mantillas, of different styles from ono of the most fashionable es tablishments In the city. Spring Shawls, !looped Skirt., Balmoral Skirts, Hosiery and Gloreri of every description, Dress Trimmings, Linen and Bilk Hand. kerchiefs, Laces, Ribbons, Rail Road Coratits, &c., to. DOMESTIC GOODS of all kinds, such as Bleached and Unbleached Aloe• line, Bleached and Unbleached Shootings, Pillowcases !dueling, Tickinge, Checks, Bed, Whits and Yellow Flannels, Nankeens, Blue Dennims, Blue Drillings, Striped Shirting; Cotton Pants stuff, Kentucky Jeans. all kinds of Linen end Cotton Table Diapore, Toweling, Cambric and Paper Muslim', and an endless variety of other Domestics. A complete assortment of goods suit able for Funeral purposes. Mourning Goods, such as Ilornbasinos, Tomlin., Cloths Double and Dingle width, all wool Muslin do- L3itled, Mack Silk Warp Mollies Oriental Lustros, brocade, IllohairsA, Second Mourning do Laines, Challios, Gingllama, !Awns,' Black English Crapes, Crapo Veils bow Yollx, Crapd Collars, Silk and Kid Gloves, Square and Long Thibet Shawals, &c. MENS' AND BOYS' WEAR, Black Clothes, Black and Fancy Cassimers, Vestinii% - Linen and Cotton . Pants stuff, of all grades, can have clothing made at short notice. OARPETS, CARPETS/ - all grades sod quail les, from tho common hemp up to the bast quality tbrooply, Window Shading, Looking Glasses and an endless variety of other Goods, to np.- morons to motion. N. 11. The above stock has boon selected with a great deal of care and with a view of disposing of the same on the most reasonable terms. We hope that every person in want of goods will give us a call before malt. log their spring purchases, and we fool aseuved that we can offer inducements to all that will give us a call. and will extend all accommodations and conven 1011.0 that can bo offered by any other business house In the county. a t r. Do not forgot thus proper place on the corner. March 30,1804 IMPORTANT TO EVERYBODY. IV C. SAWYER, has just received y a from Wu latest Spring lutportattluoa an Im• imam stuck of DRESS GOODS, etnbracing the newest styles and fabrics offoroil to the trade. Black, Figured and Plain Silks In large supply, Mohair, Wool, Lisle and Cotton Textures,' l:m• brolderod and Plaid Tangerines, Striped and Plaid Her nano's. Plain and Figured Poll du nord, Sonogassa Plaids, Andoloiter, Stripes, and all other styles. • A full lino of Besson's 'MOURNING GOODS, Bornbazines, Tulin Cloths, Tarniso , Cloths, Wool de Gaines, Chadies; Borotblas, Tainartlues, Nlorets, Plaid and Plain Mohair, Garages, Lawns, Crapes, Collars, Handkerchiefs, Parasols. Gloves, ato. ...I.'uneral Goode of all kinds constantly on bind. ' Special caro given to all orders for Nuneml,Goods, .. • Call -and , gamin° our- latest -New York styles of sriuNa MANTLES;lll4tavarlattes and aly/on of Spring SEftrlsr i'rench. English and Atnorican OLOTIIS and CASSI NO:RES, (a first class tallo. makes up goods when do• sired) Cotton and Linen Pantings, Coatings,. o.' • • CaIRe.ETS, CaIRPETS. From the LOwell, lirirtford and Enterprise Mlle; an grades, Oil Clothes, Sinttings, Rugs, Shades, and every thing in, the House Furnishing line: An "vaprmous DODIESTIC GOODS, , . all the'standard ma k es of ()alleges, Brown and. illnlich! ed Shootings, Shillings, Tickings, Stripes, Cottonades, a full line of Notions, Hosiery and Gloves. AIP the latest Improvements in Noon Skirts.' I have received the agency of llayou'S celebrated Kid Gloves for this' phi& LRdloe wi l find a complete assortment. The above Goods and many others not Mimed, With_ a largo stock of OiX, GOODS, I offer to the Undo it a small advance on cost of production. • ,'• , , 'Feeling gratofaV for past 'patronage, I ask k conthavt. mace of the same.' itemember the ,old and well known floor below blerthee Hotel: ' -w, 9. SAVTEA. • , •Carilelte' April 8 1.664; . • . DRUGsn' . .0 0 FANCY GOODS, CONFECTIONARIES, FRUITS,. PERFUMERY, • PRESERVED FRUITS, MINCED MEAT, PICKELS &C AT HAVE RSTI C Worth Hanover Street, Carl tale, Pcnn'a. Just opened an assortment of Fresh Drugs, Fancy Goods, (lilt Blinks, Perfumery. Fruits, and Confection. ary, which has never boon surpassed in this borongh, for novelty and elegance. The artlclexhave been so. boated with great care, and are calculated, in quality and price, to command the attention of purchasers. FANCY GOODS, which cemprise every variety of fancy articles of the most exquisite finish such as Papier Macho Goods, Elegant alabaster and porcelain Inkstands and trays Fancy ivory, pearl anti shell card rases, Ladles' aney Baskets, Fancy Rork 11. zee, with sewing Instruments, Ladies' Cakes, Writing Desks, and Port-folios. Port Monnales, of every variety. Gold pens and pencils, Fancy paper weights, and a large variety et ladles' Fancy stationery. Motto seals and wafers, Silk and bead purses. lihiljg whips, elegantly finished. Fine cutlery, fothe baskets and bags. Brushes of every kind for the toilet, X. Basin and it. At G. Wright's Soaps and Perfumes of various kiuds. Fancy Pins for head dresses and shawls. Musical instruments, together with an innumerable variety of articles 010 gently finished end suitable for PILES ENTS, to which he invites special attention. Also, an extensive and elegant collection of BOOKS, comprising various English and American Works, richly embellished POETICAL WORKS, Bibles and Hymn Books, elegantly bound in velvet with metal clasps and corners. Ills assortment of &hoot Books and School Station ery la also complete, and comprises everything used in the Schools, lie also desires to call the particnlar at tention of Families to his elegant assortment of LAMPS, Au. from the extensive estedighments of Cornelius, Archer and others of Philadelphia, comprising every style of Parlor, Chamber and study Lamp, for burning either bard, Sperm or Etherial oil; also DYOTT'S celebrated Ecaosene or Coal 011 Lamps, together with Flower Yeses, Fancy Screens, Ac. His assortment in this line is unequaled In the borough. Also, SEGARS AND TOBACCO, - embracing all the favorite brands, and a fine assort. mont of MEERSCHAUM SMOKERS AND PIPER, the celebrated Killocochink, Lynchburg Smoking Tobacco. FRUITS, such as Oranges, Lemons, Pigs, Raisins, Nectarines Prunes, Ac., FANCY CONFECTIONARY—NUTS- 2 PRESERVED FRUITS. MINCED MEAT, PICKLES, Ac In every variety and at all prices, all of which are pure and fresh finch as can be mnfidently recommended to his friends. His stock embraces everyt lag in the line of Fancy Hoods, with many other articles useful to housekeepers which the public aro especially Inv' tad to call and fixiimitio. Remember the Old Stand, nearly opposite the Dank on North Hanover street July 1, ibl4. New Sky-Light Photographic and Am brotype Gallery. C. L. LOCEIMAN is happy to inform his numerous customers. and tho public Non orally, that ho has removed his establishment to his New Sky-Light Gallery, in the building occupied by Mrs. Neff. as a Millinery Store, opposite the Cumberland Valley Bank. Mr. Lochinan Is new able with his splendid light, and the addition of new and expensive apparatus, the very best Manufactured, to produce I'IIoTOGRANIS, CARTES DE VISTE, AMTIRO equal to the beg(' made in Philadelphia or Now York. Pirtnro ran he taken now equally well In cloudy as in clear whuthor. Pagrerrentspes sir A mbrotypoi of dereaßed persons ' , Pled. ealnrerd. I r made into cartes do vipte. lily I, 1.4. THE •• CARLISLE PALACE OF ART,' By J. C. Lesher, S now open (i)r the accommodation of g thy p0i.11.• for tio• pin pose of 111.1 1 ,111 U /- A 1 . 11 • sin! A \ Illitti Idyll will he thole inn ry supet ow isaliner by his p-cul arty arranged :ski Ar., by nhirl 111,11, and II.: Own& 3111.115 t,, .• will lake pc. turns is cloudy weathor oats,' to eh.o is oliarr s are twalerato and he solirts the publio ott troitto lisp feat. it of Ihuitieneot pes o Atuhrotypes mil Photographs, of deresso persons, made of increa sed or derreasod proportions. • to),Eittrativo on !la mix... St. In ZUG'S liulltling,op posite the \larket IL ove. Carlisle, April 29, Aat4—Aim 9 (1 ItA)E EE I. Ea! ROUE It I Eti ! ! G. P \IT Elq.4, has npnnod a now tinwery Store in Multi Street, Carlisle opp , Nite II Saxton's Hard ware Store and Is now prepared to supply his friends trot tho uuhlle, with all kinds or l'holoo Goods, at the lowest market rat ai ills SO cic ,r.miki hats COESPrES, SUGARS. sl - i:EPS TEAS, =MIME "flee 1..5 , , Fill by 11.01.s:tie I.r tetAil, I lirvislies. Tobacco, SevArs, :11ull, Mal flue, Illa og Bed Cords. ' GLASS, AND STONEWARE, Q.„,,swnre, re,L,v,,,", Notions, and all otiwr art"- (IE, usually kept In a first class Grocery. In rrcar•l to prices lam datermlned to soil goods at LI. lowest cos BUTTER, EGGS, and nll kinds of Country Produce, taken nt market pricer. Farmers and Dairymen are particularly invited to call and son the colobratod \I X 11111J1tN, which has burn iirialounced by competent judges thu most superior i burn of the a.ie. July 1, 1864. LARGE. ARRIVAL OF FRESH GROCERIES-FISK OF ALL KINDS. Among which Is a large Lit of real genuine Balti more dry salt IIEggING, In oak barrels, MACKA KM. at prices that Is really astonishingly low. Pick.,la of all kinds. TOBACCO AND SE'GARS, LIQUORS, t the lowest lutes for CASE! or Country Produce. WM. BENTZ July 1, 1861. THE partnership heretofore existing betweeq Charles L. Halbert and Crawford Flem ing, has bean dissolved by mutual consent. The books and accounts are in the hands of Mr. Halbert. who earnestly requests all parties having accounts with the late firm to call and settle Ahem. William Halbert, jr. having entered Into partnership with his brother, Charles L. Halbert; the business will heroeforth be conducted under the style of Halbert et Brother. The new firm would respectfully call attention to their stock of New and Fresh Groceries. Their stock la large and selected with the greatest care. and will be sold at the lowest prices for cash. It con, elate in part of line old tiovernment Java COFFEE, Prime Rio do.,Pritne Itle Roasted. SYttUPS.—New York, Boston, and Philadelphia Sy— rups, of the very best qualities, BROWN SUOAItS.—The best the market affords.— hovering's best Crushed, Sand, and Pulverized Sugars Also, his A. B. and 0. Sugars, which cannot be Sur— passed. Rico, Corn Starch, P.-rrina, Daudet Ine Coffee, Essence of Coffee, Concentrated Lye, Soap, Candles, an. CHINA, GLASS, AND QUEENS WARE. A large and well selected stock of the very latest pat— terns and oty•es. lower than ever In price, fluid bettor In quality, than Wile ever offered before In Carlisle.— Call and see. Wooden and Willow Ware, such es Tubs Buckets. and Churns, Baskets of every description; Children's CARRIAGES, Stoneware, Cream Pots, But— ter Jars. preserve Jars. Jugs, all sizes. FISH—No I, 2 and 3 Alaokeral. No. 1 31ESS SHAD No. 1 Herring. A large' quantity .1 the celebrated Excelsior HAMS. SALT by the Sack, Dairy and G. A. Salt. The eubserlhere alep:Holly ask the patronage 01 their friends and the public generally, and Invite them to call and esetulne their new stock, at the old stand, wrier of Hanover and Louthe•r Streets. LEIDICLI & AILLLER Carlisle, April 22,1804 ~rfE subscriber wishes to annour co to tho people of Carlisle. and vicinity, that ho has opened a FLOUR AND FEED STORE, on the South East Corner of Main and West Streets, in the Warehouao owned and formerly occupied by Jacob itheem. The b et brawn; of FAMILY FLOUR, kept constantly on hand and delivered tp any part of the town. Moving perfected arrangements with HOMO of the Seat mills In the neighborhood, I can mut.° my customers that they will bo furnished with an article of Flour which lean vouch for. I will keep constantly on hand FEED OF ALL KINDS, such as Corn, Oats, Bran, Shorts, Potatoes, &c. The highest cash Olken paid for Grain of all kinds and Flour. Don't forget the old established stand. Carlisle, May 20,1864 • —.oj theold firm of John P. Lyrae 4" Son, fl AS c AS juct completed opening his new Biking stock of Hardware. Paints , Olin, plash, yarn shoe, &c., to which he invites the early attention of the pubile generally. lie has greatly enlarged his stock in all its various branches, and ran now accent. modato the InibliC with •;• Reliable Goods, in largo ar. Aldan arlantition the lowest . prices. .A look Into s store will ainvirico. them that ho has enough Goods to fully, supply the demand lii this mar. het. . Persons wanting Goods in our lino will ilnd it to their advantage to, Ovens aeon before making - their purehaies. - All orders' personally and putirtually et tended, to, and nti .nrisroprosontations made , to effect galas. ' ' . -LEWIS F. LYN.II, , _. • 'Citirllale, ]Hay 20;1804 CHOICE &BOARS T213A221,0, LOC HMAN'S TYPES, ANI) EVERY STYLE OF PICTURES, = SAUCES, PRESERVES, and a good nem: tnwnt of DISSOLUTION. HALBERT & BROTHER Flour and Feed Store. JEREMIAII GIVLER HA RDyyARs, ItIENVIi ILYNE, Nardh Ilukoier St, FIRE INSURANCE-. THE Allen arid Eittpearislioro' • Mix-, tual Fire Insuradco Company of Cumberland Couhty, Incorporated by an act of Assembly, in the year 1843, and having recently had its charter extend ed to the year 1883, is now in active and vigorous op• oration, under the superintendence of the following board or ID anagors; vis : William R. (lorgas, Christhn Stayman, Jacob Eberly D.Dally, Alex. Catheart, J. it. Coover, John Eicheiber ger, Joseph Wickersham, Sand. Eberly, Mason Bricker, Rudolph Marthi, Jae, b Coover, and 1. C. Dunlap. Tho rat^s of insuran& are as low and favorable as any Company of tho kind in tho, State. Persons wish ing to harem° members are invited to make applica tion to the agents of yhe Company, who are willing to wait upon them at m.y time. 'WM. It. GOROAS, President, Eberly's Mills, P. 0. CHRISTIAN STAYMA N, Vice President, Mechanicsburg, P. 0. JOHN C. DUNLAP, Sect'y. Mechanicsburg. DANIEL DAILY, DlllKburg, York Co. AU EN I'S. Cumberland county.—John Sherriek, Allen: Tlonry 'tearing, Shlretnaustown ; Lafayette Defier, Dickinson; lien r) Bowman. Church town; Mode Griffith. South Middleton; Samuel Graham. Westpounstiorof ; Samuel Coeur r, Merinit.tenhurg ; J. W. Cockily!, Shepherd:down D. Coover, npper Alien ; .1. O. Saxton, &Ivor Spring; John flyer, Carlisle; Valentine Feerean, Sow Cumber land; James MeCandlish, Nowvillo. York county-IV. S. Picking. Dover; James Ciriflll h, Warrington; .1. F. Deardorff, Washington; Mal; Clark, Ifilishurg ; D. nutter, Fairview; John IVllliams Carroll Dauphin en —Jacob Houser, Harrisburg. Il embers of tile Company haring policies about to expire, ban hart. them rammed by making application to any of the Agents. July I, ltol4. WHEELER & WILSON'S SEW IA G .71.1.1 CII I .1r E 8 AT REDUCED PRICES, With Glass Cloth Presser, Improved Loop— Cheek, New Style Hammer, Binder, Corer, Braider, eto. At the Railroad Odle., Carlisle. Pa. Highest Premiums at the INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, LONDON, 1862 INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION, PARIS, 1881. at the Fairs of the UNITED STATES AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, Silver Medal al the Pennsylvania State Fair Septewber, 1863. American Institute. New York, Mechanics' Association, Boston, Franklin Institute, Philadelphia. Metropolitan Merhanies I notltute, Washington, Maryland Institute Baltimore, Mechanic," Association,- Cincinnati, Ken tucky Institute, Louisville, Mechanical Association, St. Louis, Mechanics' Institute, San Francisco. AL the State Fairs of MAINE, VERMONT, CON NECITIOUT, NEW JERSEY, PENNSYLVANIA, V IRO I NIA, MISSISSIPPI MISSOURI, 01110, INDIANA, lOWA, TENNESSEE, ILLINOIS, Jt it\TUcEv .111(21IIIIAN ISCONSIN, CA LI 50 RN) Thane celebrated Machines are adapted to every vit. risdy of Sewing or family wear. from the lightest mus llna to the heaviest cloths. They work equally well upon silk. linn, woolen, and cotton goods.—seaming y wilting. zathering. 110111111111 g, felling. cording, and braiding—making a beautiful and perieut stitch. alike on tooth sides—and pin forming envy species of Nev, lug except makliolititttin hdoes anal stitching on buttons. Full in trio•tions for operating the Machine is giver. gr ,,t u it o u s ty at the soles rooms. N% lien the Machine Is Neu: 5- 1110 Ilistline , !, so limit pots...al instruction I , 11,111 vvialeart, a card of direction is sent, Mhieh is n stilt'. brat guide The which 010 NI heeler 5 Wilson Nlarliiiio are—. 1. Scanty and oxcellon CO of stitch, alike on 1,00,1 les the flock sent,' i! stret,th. mid durability of scant, lila? Will n..t tan tior ol sod male .1 E , 011 , 1111y of thread 4 Its att,s Q unentc and wide range of application to purposes mid twat:H.lls S. Compart nes, elegance or "andel anti finish. Simplicity and thorou,thiless ut cmistrui•tion. 7. Speed, eat, ot operation and management, anti quietness of , movement SCIIEDULE OF PRICES. No. 1 .Machine, tollh $-I5 ni Halt 't•tt., Pau nel A) Pt aso Polk:tett, LlltArk IV:111110 or Mahogany oh Ot =I 1 . 11,111 Tn 1,11,, b 5 0 1116 1'36661164, 111 n I:l,tch Walnut or )15.1ingtiny 1,5 No. 1 Marhino, !Anted, with Main Table, 65 11, Ilnlfen•e, Poilabed, Black Walnut, 7U Ut Balt Case, Pollyettl, Malik Walnut or Mahogany 71, 11/Ore:lse, Polished, Postiwood, HO ta Full ease, litillshetl, Block 05 al nut or Mahogany UU II Full Case, Pollster,., 110e:0000d, 100 to No. litchi no, Largo with EINEM N 0.5 sLtehine. Cylinder, with Plain Tabln, =SO Every Machine is sold with a Hemmer, Nos. 1 and Yacht nns are sold ~niplete, with the New (I lass Clot Presser, New Style Iletnimer and Braider. Wheeler A, Wilson's Agency at Railroad and Telegraph Office, CARLISLE, PA. July 1, 1864-Iy. STEINWAY PIANOS. First Prize Medal at tho Worldls Fair, London, 1862. THE undersigned has just received, and Intends to kees constantly on band a full as. eortment of the unequalled Pianos manufactured by Steinway & Sons of New York. Each Instrument will be carefully solscted In the Manufactory. and will be sold at the New York Cash Factory Prices, with the addition of Freight to Cal lisle. A written guarantee of entire eutisfaction will be given by the subscriber to each purchaser. Persona desirous to purchase are invited to call nod examine these unrivalled Pianos, at R. E. Shapley's Jewelry Store, Main Street, 9,1 door east of the Mansion house, neat tie Railroad Depot SECOND HAND PIANOS received in exchange and kept for sale and to rent. . Carlisle, May 22. 1863—1 y A. B. EWING'S FURNITURE WARE-R 00.3 e ,--• 14 *-"-- :- ..) i i .'•—,""!(? ,-.. ... ~,t.--.....„ 11 1 s '''':".74. West High Street, Carlisle, Pa (1 rem ium awarded at the Cumberlan County Agricultural .b'air of 4857,) The subscriber has Just reedit, d the most splendid assortment of articles in his line, over brought to thin piece—which he Is determined to salt at prices, that drily competition. Parlor, Chamber, Dining-room, PURNITUItE. Kitchen and i Oilloe Embracingovaty article used by House and hotel keepers of the most approved and fashionable, design and finish. Including also Cottage furniture in setts, reception and Camp Utah; Mattresses, Gilt frames, pictures, na„Particulor attention gluon as usual to funeral.; orders from town and country, attonded to promptly and on-moderato Corms. A.B. B. July 1,18C4„ PAINTS AND 'OILS - 10 Tons White Lend. /000 Gallons of 011. Just received with a large assortment of Varnishes, . Fire Proof Paint, Turpentine, Florence White, Japan, y, White Zinc Colored Vi Puttne, Litbargo, • Jtod Land `l9hiting, Dolled Oil, Gino, lard Oil, Sholloci Sperm Oil, Paint //rushes, ..Fish 011, &c., Colors of every:description dry, and 011 in carts and tubes at tiro hardware Store of • • ' SAXTON. . Jut y i,' hBo4 ' • ' ; UM 'BELTINd I . • ••, . . ~.. Juat•recelrettu large, &led:pout of all elses— Gum Belting, Gum lloae L 4lom raekte6M. g o ~ cud, for 'sale cheap at the Ilardwed Store of ' , . ~ iIENItY tiArlQll.' s - Jim gli 18% ' - - . , Forwarding mid Canimission House, FLOUR AND FEED,. COAL,.PLASTER. AND SALT. THE subscriber having purchased the Cars, fixtures, Sc., belonging to-the firm of Hen derson & Reed, respectfully informs the public that he will continue the buniiiens at the - old Warehouse, on the corner of West High and College Streets, opposite the College. Ile Is fully prepared to do a general For warding and Commission business. 64:The highest market pica will be paid for FLOUR, (AIN and PRODUCE of all kinds. I I e ASTER and SALT kept constantly on hand. Coal of all kinds, embracing LYKEN'S VALLEY, LUKE FIDDLER, SUNBURY WHITE Agit, LOCUST .0 A P, LINIEBURNER'S and IthAcKBmrrws Coal, cocrntantly kept for sale, under coyer, and deliv ered to any part of (he town. A liberal share of public patronage Is respectfully solicited. JACOB SEN ER, Successor to Henderson A Rued. Carlisle, May 20, 1861. GOAL AND LUMBER,' YARD.- vi The subscribers have this day entered Into partnership to trade In COAL AND LUMBER, Wa will have constantly on hand and furnish to c.- der all {finds and quality of seasoned LUMBER, BOARDS. FRAME STUFF Pallne - PlinitUrrng Lath, Shingling, Lath, worked Flooring and Weatherboarding, Posts and Italia, and every article that belongs to a Lumber Yard. All kinds of Shingles, to wit: Whitepine, Hemlock and Oak, of different quallties. Having cars of our own we can furnish bills to order of any length and nine at the shortest optic," and on the most reasonable terms. Our worked boards will be kept under cover to they can be furnished dry at all times. We have constantly on hand all kinds of Family Coal under cover, which we will deliver clean to any part of the borough. To wit: Lykens Valley, Broken, Egg, Stove and Nut, Luke Fiddler, InwCia/ Tlevorton, Locust Mountain. 4 " 4 N Lobbery, which we pledge nor. vie wk." -selves to soil at the lowest prices. Best quality of Limeburner's and Blacksmith's Coal, always on hand which wa will sell at the lowest figure Yard west aide of Grammar School, Main street ARMSTRONG & ROBBER. July I,lBod. Notice of Co-Partnership. T" public are hereby informed that the undersigned have this day entered into a Co Partnership, under the name of Delaney & Blair, for the purpose of carrying on the Coal and Lumber bust ness,,at tne old stand of Oliver Delaney, near the Gas Works; where all orders in their line of business are respectfully solicited, and will be promptly filled. OLIVER DELANCY, ANDREW IL BLAIR. - • - • - Oct. 10, 18n3—t f. Efif-Orders for coal will be reeefved at Halbert & Fleming's Grocery Store Robert Mix,ru'il Shoe Store and A. IL Blalr's Currying Shop 111),. Orders for Coal or Lumber solicited through :he Post Office, arrangements having been made with the Postmaster to charge the postage on seine to us. All orders punctually filled. WATCHES, JEWELRY, AND Silver vrnru nt Conlyn's old established ntand. Wort Main St., nearly opposito the Cumberhindlluy Bonk. I hal, e Just received a new assortment of watches jewelry, 111,114111011 a. silver wore 3c., in addition to my former stork to which 1 Invite the attention ol the penile The .issortment embraces fine gold and vilver lever watches Hunting and open case do., gold Anchors for Lath, and tlentlemen and Sllveri,epines and Quartler watches of every variety lu style and price Also tine gold Medallions, fireasppins fur Ladles and Gentlemen of eve; v tmtit% , pattern and price. Gold f,,b, vent, curb and nerd chains Gold bracelets, finger rings. cuff phis, studs. slecv,huttous, crosses. charms, be , be. ()old and silver thimbles. silver and plated butter knives, forks, table, tea salt nod mustard spoons of every variety. A large assortment of gold, silver and common spectacles. to suit all ages to which we Invite special at- _ tentlon. A line lot of GOLD PENS faotn the best makers, spec tacle rases, fancy boxes, silver and pearl card cases. add nod common bracelets, watch chains, Nlantle qf Clocl , nod a variety of article usually . • , , Jewelry in welry estahlishmeut, whit; -. ' I will sell low for ca.h. All article. ' 1 wal rooted to be what they are repro - i'arti. t:lar att , Tht ion p.id as usual to Watch repair ;tag and all work warrautcf. TAOMAS CON LYN. July I. BSI 1, L N (-) ) FAT T T F v ) l'Elt CENT. llt•:WW co: , T - 7) At the sigli of the (1,,111 Eagle, - 3 doorsabove the 'amble land Valley lte uk, uu,l tar, doors belew "the Chereh. en West )laic street, the largest toil hest seleoliel of \VA'I'CIIES AND JEWEL:HY to the tr,Vll, Will he sold :to per vent lower than at any ;,Loo In the State. The stock comprises a large a-sort• client tiold and Silver hunting ,inteher. Lev,s. • .•pines, American watches, and all other kind", aml t) les, COLT) NI) SI 1, I" C A INS. l'enk and Pencils. Jewelry of all kinds,:rt.ectacles SON, ' 11 1 / 1 105 and •Si/vur Wate. MUSIC BOXES. ACCOHDEONS, tll Paintings. a peat rvh it of Ili ory articles, ke. The ontiee st o ck of Watchmaker tools, C 410,1, int., rors, and sate will be sold wholekalo or retail 011 he eat•iest terms. Haring selected a first class workman all hinds of repairing will ho done as usual, at reduced prices. lt. eStIAPLEY. July 1, 1;a. 'l' 1 L L 'l' It lUMI' HA N T 7 The complete success of the Prairie Flower Cook -tore, warrants the subset iher In railing the alter Om of all aho may want u superior stove to call and examine the only stove tint has given universal ratio !action. WHAT IS CLAIMED OVER OTHERS IS let. A saving of from 30 to CO per cent. in fuel. A hotter and quicker oven from the same Ore 3d. A larger oven than any other stove of the same size. 4th. The preservation of the center piece from sinking saving repairs. sth, The best Baker, Roaster, and (look now in use, Ott A superior arrangement for cleaning the goes Ith. A perfect Gas Consumer for either wood or coal. The Prairie Flower is warranted to give satisfaction is every pal titular, and will be shown with pleasure to all who may call, whether desiring to purchase or not, any quantity of reference in town or country. A few other good Cook Stoves on hand, which will be cold very low to close stock. Spouting, Roofing, Job work, Copperoimithing and Sheeting work promptly attended to, in town or coun try. All work warranted at the old stand, Hanover stzeet north of Louther. MARY MORRIS. N. B.—Old Copper, Brass Ind Pewter bought, and the highest price paid Id cash or goods. Juno 25, 18155.—tf. WILLIAM. FRIDLEY respectfully announces to the citizens of Carlisle and the public generally, that be still continues the manufac ture of all kinds of tin and sheet iron ware in D. Halbert's building East Louthor street Carlisle at the sign ol the where he ,vlll at all times be ready to do all kinds of work in his line with neatness and despatch. Also can at all times be hai, those celebrated, self• sealing and self testing premium airtight, FRUIT CANS AND JARS• Rooting, Spouting, nerd ell kinds of jobbing done at the shortest notice. Cash paid for old lead, pewter and copper. Thank. ful for the patronage heretofore extended, he hopes by strict attention, and a desire to please all to ! merit a continuance of the same. Dont forget the sigu of the Red Coffee Pot. July 1, 1803. JOHN K. STAYSIAN The subscriber informs the public that Liu still coutinues thu GAS FITTING AND PLUMBING booboos at the Old Stand In the basement of the First Methodist Church. Ho will attend proMiiitly to all ausinPas In hie lino. ~ Load and Iron l'lpoa, liidranta, Ilot and cold SIIOIVER BATHS, Water Closets, Bo: re n..d Litt Pumps. Wro't Welded Tubes, Iron Slake, Bath Tubs, Bath Boilers, Wash lin sins, Hydrant e Rams, &c, and every description of cocks :ind fittings 'or gas, steam water, Ac. Superior cooking rnnue• brats, a and gas fixtures put up in churches, Ivores end dwellings, nt short notice. in tine most modern style. All materials and work in our line at IoW rates end warranted. tut ,Coun try pork and jobbing promptly attundad to July 1, 1864. HAT AND CAP EMPORIUM. rll HE undersigned respectfully announ -1 cos to the public that ho still continues tho•llat tang Business at the old stand, In Went High street, and with n renewed and ollb•lent effort, produce arti cles of Used Dress of Everry,Variety, Style and Quality,. that shall be strictly in keeping with the improve ment of the Art, and fully up to the ago which we bro. I have onhands splendid .. • assortment of • -17‘1 HATS AND CAPS ' • • ofall descriptions, from the common - Wool to the finest Fur and Silk Hats; and at prince that must mutt every ono who has an eye to gutting the worth,of his money. The stook includes, • IdOLBBI{III, CABBI3.IERB, BRAVER & • FELT HATS, of every stYln and color and unsurpassed for Lightness Durability and finish; by those of any othot establish- . ment in the country. Mon's Boy's and Children's Hat's and Caps, ofovory description constantly on hand. ' • . He respectfully invites all the old patrons and as many now ones no possible, to giro hint a cull, , oialaco. July 1,1864. . . . .FULL assortment of Men.and'boys' ~. ~.. Boots and Shoes; Suitable:Tor the winter Also, dies and Blisses's Balmoral BoOtoes, Children's Boots of all kinds. Ladlegend (~ ~,ll ontlernou'aOllM Over Shoes. My old custemeres and all to Wa.bt Of good, and Lheap Boots" stack, before purchasing, Main street, nearly opposite ~ .. . ~ . .., . QUAB: 0911)Br, Tr,upteo. ' July 1,1804: ' . ' . . . SCANTLING, L COFFEE POT. .RED COFFEE POT, William P. Lynch MOOTS di. SHOES. CUMBERLAND VALLEY. AND . 4am - FRANKLIN RAIL ROADS. CHANGE OF HOURS. iiIN and after' 111 O " NDAY, APRIL, 4th,1 1..._,F1864, Passenger Trains Will run daily, as follows, (Sunday excepted): FOR CHANIBERSTHIRG AND HARRILDDRO. Leave Ilageratown, 7:00 A. M., 2:45 P. 111 • , " Greencastle, 7:37 " -11.35 /-. Arr at 8,17 '' ''' 4:20 " Chatubers'g, - Leave 8:30 " 12:55 Leave Sblppensburg 9:00 " 1:28 " Newvillo 9:32 . 1:28 " Carlisle 10:10 " 2.42 . " Mechanicsburg 10:423:12 Arrive at H " arrisburg 11:15 " 3140 " FOR CII A NIBERSDURG AND HAGERSTOWN: Leave Harrisburg 8:05 A. 51., 1:35 P. M. Mechanicsburg 8:37 " 2:16 " " I :undo 9:27 " 2:55 Niawvilio 10.02 " - 3:29 " Shipponshurg 10:13 " 4:00 Cinunbers'g, I etrr at 11:10 " 4:30 1 Leave 11:10 " 4:40 Leave Greencastle 11:55 " 5:30 Arr. at Hagerstown 12:35 " 6:10 Tho Carlisle and Harrisburg ACCOSIODATIOO TRAM will leave as follows: Leave Carlisle 6116 A. M. Mechanicsburg ' 0:25 Arrive et Harrisburg 6155 " Leave Harrisburg 4:20 P. M, Aleehanicsburg 4.54 Arrive at Carlisle 6:20 " making closo conoectlogs at ilarrhibtxrg with Teeing for Philadelphlk, Now York and Pittsburg; and wltti Tennis for all points West. The. Train leaving Harilabirg it 4:20, P. NI, rune only ax far as Carliale. 0. N. LULL, Sup'L uperinf. Offiro, Charnb'g.July 1,1804. S READING RAILROAD SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. CIREAT Trunk Line from the North N_ft and North. West for Philadelphia, New Yoik Reading, Pottsville. Lebanon, Allentown. &mien As. [rains leave Harrisburg for Harrisburg for Philadel phia, New York, Reading Pottsville, and all Intermik. dinte Btationg, at S A. M., and 2 P. M. New York Expresa leaves Harrisburg at GAO A. M., arriving at New York at L 96 the same day. A special Accommodation Passenger train I Reading at 7.16 A. M., and returns from Harrisburg at 5 P. M. Fares from Harrisburg: To glow York $5 lb; ,to Philadelphia $3 .35 and $3 80. Baggage checked through. Returning, leave New York at 6 A. Dl, 12 noon, and 7 P. M., (Pittsburg .1 x press arriving at Harrisburg at 2A. 81.) Leave Philadelphia at 815 A. M., and 3.30 P.M. Sleeping care in the New York Express Trains through to and from Pittsburg without change. Passengers by the Catawissa Railroad leave Taman• qua et 8.50 A. Si., and 2.10 I•. M., for Philadelphia, Neer York, and all Way Pointe. Trains leave Pottsville ut 0.15 A. M.. and 230 P.M., for Philadelphia, Ilarrlaburg and New York. An Accommodation Passenger train leavoe Reading at 0.510 A. M., and returns from Philadelphia at 5.00 I'. M. R _All tho above trains run daily, Sundays ox. depted. A Sunday train learns Pottsville at 7.30 A. M., and Philadelphia at 3.15 P. M. C,lnmutatlon, Nllleage. Season, and Excursion Tick ets at reduced CAWS to and troth all points. 80 founds Baggage allowed each Passenger. 0. A. NICOLLS, General Superintendent. July 1, 1884. ( IA.RIISLE & PIHLADELPHIA kJ .;; ;z : ;s ,. v44:5.,::;:p. DAILY FREIG HT LINE. FREED, WARD & FREED, 811 MARKET STREET PHILADELPHIA J. & D. RHOADS, MAIN STREET, CARLISLE, PA OCT - Cars of this Lino leave the Depot All Market St D.wy, at 4 o'ch.ck, I , M. I.travt• limily,nt i o'elnek. A. Al Guy do- Itttenued her Iltls Lim, should 1., marked C. k 11.1iiy Freight. Line, and seta iu by 4 o'clock. July t, 10114. Carlisle Foundry, AND FARM IMPU.MENT DEPOT! r G A IID NEIt & CO., now wanufac i. • tun, and keep co:intently for sale, at their ex [vow, rtertni R arks oh East Main street, Carlisle, is large assortment of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, of toull h. 110 u n, approved usefulloBo to (armors, among which they wou.d call espiiiiial attiintion to WIL LOCO Culobrated Patent 6? GUM SPRING GRAIN DRILL, whirl has taken iiser fifty First Class Premiums at nod County Fairs. To the Farmers of Cumber land, York 11111 i Perry conottes we need not speak in i del! of the merits oft thie drill, as scores of them are ow an use on the best lams in there coundes. Its reputation Is established as the most complete Grain I trill runs Ma uulartuted in the United States. It sins I% heat, 11)e. Oats, liar) y mad (Ai ass. or my and I egular, without bunching the seed. The gum springs pans the drill mar stumps and stones, without break• lug pins or the drill. lor even and teenier sowine, the Willoughby Oum Spring Drill Is unequalled by any other. We also manufacture and sell the follow ing articles, which we can recommend to Farmers as reliable Implements, of established character: MORRISON'S PATENT CORN PLANTER. LASII'S P I ENT STRAW & RAW It CM TER, BRIDENDOLPIPs PATENT CORN SHELLER, HAHN'S PATENT CIDER MILL. JOHNSON'S CAST IRON HOG'S TROUGH Also, Ihrco and Four Horse Powers and Threshing "Machluei+, Cast Iron Field Hollers, Plough Castings of various patterns, Corn Crushers, and other articles for Farmers too numorous to mention. Also, Egg Coal Stnvee and Ton Plate Wood Stoves, with an immense variety of other castings for housekeepers end others. We have also an attractive variety of patterns for lIION RAILINGS, and CEMETERY ENCLOSURES to which wo would will attention. Steam Engines and Mill Gearing. To this department of our business we give particu lar attention. Our already extensive stock of patterns for Paper, Flour find Saw Mill Gearing, Is constantly Increasing. Mill Owners and Mill Wright* will be furnished with a printed catalogue of our varlows Mill Praten no. on application. Our Machine Shop covuprises all the various tools for turning, planing and finishing Shafting and Castings, by good and careful Maeldnista STATIONARY STEAM .ENGINEs, or any desirable capacity, from ten to twenty-ffre horse power, built In the toot eityla and On accommodating terms. En Ines built at our establishment may be satin In successful operation at many of the largest Dist.lieries nod Tannories iu Carlisle, and Cumberland Perry and Dauphin Counties, to t,e owners of which we confidently refer for Information as to their efficien cy. Persons wanting Steam Engines are earnestly re quested to call and examiuo before contracting else w here. DOOR AND SASH FACTORY, Connected with our eetabitstanent is a Ream Bash and Door Manufactory which 18 uow Su contpiete order for the manufacture of °Tory dose iption of BUILDING MATERIALS, for the most costly no well as the pintoes! house.— Window Sash furnished from 5 cents upward. accord ing to size of glass; Itinuow Frinfes from $1 31 up ward; Shutters nud lolling Blinds from $1 75 up mud; Four Panel Doors from $,312 upward. Mould ings, Castings Architraves, Rash Beards, Brackets, Fancy Drapery. Scrolls, and other articles needed in house building, futnished at the lowest prices and of the boot quality of lumber. offorWe are also prepared ao heretofore, to build and repair BURDEN CARS for transporters on the railroad, with promptness nod on reasonable terms, The continued patronage of the public is respectfully soliclteil. Orders by mail pr,mptly attended to. • q F.OARDNEIt CO. July,], 1861. Manhood: how Loat, how Restored , Just published. a now edition of Dr, Culverwoll's Celebrated Essay on the ...6 radiml curt, (without medicine) o( Spernttorrhma, or souPnal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal Losses, Impotency. Mental and Physical Incapacity, Jlll pediments to !II , It tinge, ate nlst.t, Consumption. Epilepsy, and Fits, induced by self. Indulgence or sexual exttavaganee. Price. In a sealed envelope, only 6 cents. Thu celebrated author in this admirable essay dearly demonstrates, from a thirty years successful practice, that the alarming consequences of sell chum may be. mdlcally cured without the dangerous um of internal. medicine or the application of the knife—pointing out, a mode of cure, ryt secs simple, certain and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his, condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. , This Lecture should bo in the bands of every youth, and every man in the laud. ' font, under seal, lu a plain envelope, to any address, post paid, on receipt of six cants, or two post stamps, Address the publishers. - • CITA& J. O.,K,LINE & CO, 12T Bowery, New York, P. 0. box 4586. June 10, 1604-1 y BARLOW'S INDIGO BLUE. - .. oII)EALU,S and consunconsumersof the abovo Clolobiatod Wise% Blue, will take 'notice, Cilia. the I,a a aro altered to rid.. • . • ND . / Gr 0 .B.L U. E,',' put upat Alfred IVlithorger's Drug Btoro,. No, 208, North Second &root, .Philltitialphia, ; . .. „ Tho quality of this 11149 will be , the same in every • espoet I" It is Warrantod to color more water :than 'twice the same quantity of Intliger and to go 'Much further than any other Wash Blue in the market, - It dissolves per. featly cleyr and . does not settle on the clothes no 'most .of tho other Makes do, Ono Dux dissolved in, a half pint of water. will melte as good a Liquid , blue no any that lo mode at one-third the cost. . - . . An it ifiretalled at the name price nti the linitiitlain and Inferior articles, ..liouseiteepersrill find' it very much to,their advantage .to'nek for that :put tip at Wiltberger's: • . • ,411Z^ blue put up after, date with Barlow's .eme °ult. IS Ind teflon. ' TIM New Label does not require a Stamp. • ^ . • , Fern jo by Storekeepers generally. • March 4,15134-6 mo. } - IAI‘iTLY DYE COT ORB,