Q , COnitdiurfori:—The great combination of equestrian and zoological at tractions fOrrried by the union of Thayer & Noyes' popular Circus troupe with Van Am burgh .4k, Co.'s Menagerie, which is to bo litre on the sth of August, presents induce shients for a general patronage such .as are 'seldom offered in a single establishment.— 'This is the first season of the combination, and we learn that the favor extended to it •. is such as to well reward the energetic pro jectors of the enterprise for the enormous expenditure they have incurred in effecting the junction:of two such extensive comira nies. Van Amburgh's Menagerie has a - world-wide reputation, and the collection the Present-season is said to be one of the finest ever brought togbther on this side of the Atlant c, comprising• many extremely rare specimens of animated nature. The huge elephant "liannibal,'.' the largest quadruped • .on this continent, and much the largest an imal of his species ever exhibited in America, is• included in the Menagerie, and is an ex hibition of himself. The performances giv en at each entertainment will be of the most 'varied character, including every description •of equestrian, gymnastic and acrobatic feats, introducing one of the most talented and complete circus companies ever organized. Dr. Thayer, the inimitable humorist, will administer his sovereign remedy for low spirits in allopathic doses, and altogether, visitors may depend upon receiving a full equivalent for the price of a ticket. The feats of Mr. Noyes' beautiful trick horse ~."Grey Eagle," and the performances of Mons. Davis, a pupil of the great Van Am burgh, in the lions' den will be found worthy of particular attention. ' SEg - We dill the following complimen tary notice of the behavior of the officers connected with the Carlisle Garrison, during the recent rebel invasion, from the Hagers town herald and Torch: "Lieutenants Stanwood, Jones, Winches ter, and Draper were in command of squads, and 'discharged their duty faithfully, and With a coolness and bravery which did credit to themselves. The whole squad was under the immediate command of Lieut..D. S. McLean, who handled it well, and gave evi dence that he possesses, in a high degree, the qualities which mark the true soldier. Both officers and men, ever since the beginning / of our troubles, have conducted themselves like soldiers, and have won the confidence of our citizens." Lieutenants McLean, Stanwood and Jones have been on duty hereduring the past year, and enjoy an enviable reputation as soldiers and gentlemen. Their duties during the late invasion were of the most arduous character, and were performed in a manner that did cred it to themselves, and saved our border from the depredations of the guerillas who led the ad vance of the rebel column. The citizens of the Cumberland Valley owe a debt of grat itude to the officers and soldiers of the Carlisle Garrison. SECO;iI) PROVISION ARTI L1:11 Y.- Thisfme regiment is now in the 9th army corps, and has been through all the severe battles of the wilderness, making its mark, /LS equal to any of the old veteran regiments. Carlisle is represented in this regiment by Sergeant Chas. D. Hall, James Weaver, and John Zollinger, the latter of whom was severely wounded in the head during the terrible charge on the rebel works at Peters burg on, the 9th inst. As the gallant con duct, of this regiment does nut seem to have received the attention it deserves, we give the following account from one who was present, FROM THE NINTH ARMY roRPs Correspondence of the Inquirer. SECOND - PROVISIONAL ARTILLERY, P. V., • BEFORE PETERSBURG, July 3. 16134' f No account published has diine justice to the Provisional Second Pennsylvania Artil lery, in the terrific charges made on the 17th of June. The brave BUEN ODE gave the orders to storm portions of thi: enemy s works ih front of Petersburg. The regiment was attached to Colonel MAusilAti.'s Brigade, General LEDLIE'S Division. Major 3fA - LAND commanded the regiment, Colonel WILHELM having been previously wounded. Lieutenant-Colonel BA a:: EY comma tided the brigade. Colonel MARSHA LL waq woun ded, and several officers in the brigade killed. Captain JOHN EXTON commanded the first betel lion, and Capuin J ASPI. a 11. Hotswi the second. In carrying the first line of the enemy's works the gallant Major lilAnst,AND and Captain Evros were very seriously, wounded. The command of the regiment.then devolved upon Captain J. lf. HOLMIH. In the bayonet charge he cal rad the colors at the head of his regiment. Upon • entering the enemy's work a terrible scene was; -witnessed ;• the enemy's dead and dying were piled up four and five deep, shot principally through the head and breast, by our advancing troops. Our regiment captured some eighty pris oners of the Thirty-fifth North Carolina Regiment, among which were several field and line officers. Captain J. H. HotmAx, of Philadelphia, turned them over to the 'gallant General LEDLIE. The prisoners were very anxious to be taken to the rear.— They say Richmond will never be taken above ground. , We will see about that. The rebels never fought with more obsti- , nate desperation The Frst Brigade held only a portion of the litre; the enemy were still in position on both sides of them, and those that had been driven out were in ad vance, firing from another line of rifle-pits. A terrible cross fire from both flanks, and a direct fire from the front. This brigade held their ground splendidly. Our brigade and General PtilicE's charged the works, however, and drove the Rebels from the flanks, the Rebels maintaining their ground. The fight then became one of hand to hand and breast to breast, and crossing of bayo nets. The Rebel and brawl Union troops were bayoneted on both sides. Northern steel triumphed, and the Rebels fell back, leaving us in possession of, their works to gether with several hundred prisoners. The ditch inside was filled with their dead and wounded, which gave ample evidence-of the terrible struggle. Our loss was severe in killed and wounded, in officers and men. Our regiment has lost many brave officer, and a largo number of men, in this cam paign, in the Wilderness, Spottsylvania, Cold Harbor, and in front of Petersburg. Wanamaker a Brown, OAKIILI, FINE READY•MADE CLOTHING, Corner of 13th & Market Streets, Philedalphie SPECIAL DEPARTMENT FOR Custom Work, No, 1 South 6th Street. Good styles and rciugonable priest, DR. TOBIAS' -Venetian Horse Linimen t. I N PINT ,ROTTLES, PRICE FIFTY CENST MO Mum Sr., tfartrroan, Conn. Dr. Tobias: Dear Sir—l have_been In the livery hu. Blouse tar the last twenty years, rine during that time have used all the various liniments and lotions of the day, but troves have found an article equal to your Yenetiattaorse'Llniment. Fhave fairly tested it on my homes in 'distemper sprains, cuts, calks. swellings of the glands, de., as also for rheumatism on myself, and halve always found it in invaluable remedy. Nenpectfully yours.. 11. LITCIIFIRLD, Sold by all Druggists. Office, fdl Cortlaudt Street, New York. , . drily 8,186 i. • CARLISLE PRODUCE' DIARRET. Carlisle, - July 21, 1804. ........ 800 8 60 ' 7-50 .a. 2,116 6.1 .1 50 • ILDDR (Buportino) . do. (Extro.) . o BY EAT - e.• t•• • • . ' • m d ain . Vilf BED do.. , • RYE I • - CORM, • ....... ....... BARLEY FALL ' 1 60 BARLEY BPRING..i: DLOV4RBBED 9 00 00 TI4 .. B . . . . , inTa MageS: On the 26th nit ,by tho gay. Jacob 6 7 . Mr. THISER of Carllslo Barracks, to Mrs. CIIARLOTTE 8 WtRTZItU of Carlisle. SEVENTEEN' MALE AND FEMALE Teachers Wanted TILE School Board of South Middle ton township will meet at l'apertown school Louse, on Fri .ay the 12th of August at 9 o'clock a.m.. the day appointed by the County Superintendent to ex amine teachers, whore all persons intending to apply for schools will please be present. The most liberal wages will he paid for good leachers. Foch teacher appointed will be required to hold a public examina tion of their school near the close of their term. JACOB si YNIIS, Premideri E. July ?9,1864 NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that the un derslgnod Intends to tonl,o application at the next Court of Quarter POSHOON to be held at Carlisle, Cumberland County, Pen ei.ylron hr. 011 Iho 22, of Aug. A. D. 1864, for a license to keep a Restaurant and Ea ting and Deer 'louse, lu the Bart Ward of the Bor ough of 'arlbdo. JUIIN 110FF31.1NN, July 29, 1804-31. NOTICE. CT I C 11: is hereby given that the un df.rthrsed intends to make application at the next Court of Qum ter Sessions to be held at Carlon., Cumberland county. N., on the 224 of August. 18114, for a 'seen.° to keep a Restaurant, Eating and Beer (louse, in the East Ward of the liar u;h of Carli+le. SAMUEL BROWN. .Tuly 2k. 1884-31 NOTI( E. TOTICE is hereby given in accord ance with the Art of Assembly In ouch 1111.1mado avd provided, that at the next Court of Quarter Nev. t.inna for Cumberland nountv, beginning Aligned 22d 1804,1 will apply for a Menge to keep a Restaurant aud Ealing iil , Mlo." In the West Ward, of the iloreugh of Carlisle, on the north west corner of Main and Pitt streutq, in the hone° now occupied by flen. W. Poland. JOAN A. WAGUONER. July 29, 1864-40 FSTATE NOTICE. Letters testamentary on the estate of Jane Con nelly, late of N estperinshoro' twp , deed , have been Issued to the subscilber by the Register o' Cumberland county, residing In the same township. All persons indebted to said estate will make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them props: ly authenticated for settlement to JOUN DUNBAR, txocutor .191 r 29, 1884-At NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given by the un clergians.l that be Intends malting application to tho neat term of the Court of Quarrer SesFiona to be held on tionday the 2'2d day of August, 1864, tor a Li cense to keep a Ite , taurant. Eating and Beer House, In the Borough of Nlechanicsburg. Cumberland coun ty. Pa., in the house I now oceuely a. such. July 29, 1864-6t* FOR SALE. A LOT r f Ground in the village of LA_Greason. forty feet by two hundred. with nn ex (e lent two story FItAME HOUSE. the pope! ty of the firm of Line. Gisler & 0., Is off red for 5310 at terms moderate nni easy. If not sol l by the lot of Octob , r, it sill ho otr•red et public ale upon hint day. For further intorrontion Inquire of John linea tion. licensor', Pa. July 29, 1R64-2ms ' HE VORW A RDING AN D GRA IN Ibusiness foilnerly conducted by Lino, ffirler Co., is now cArried on by July 29, 18N- ft I, I STATE NOTICE. J Letters testamental y on the estate of Abraham o)aret. late of Lewis county, State of Mlssotlrl, hate been Issued by the Ile:deter of Cumberland county, Pa., to !he sub,cribor residing itt Eat Ponqsboro' tmenship, Cumberland eonnty, Pa. Notice Is hereby given to all persons indebted to sold estate to matte immediate payment and those having claims against it will present them fir settlement to OYSTER, Ear. July 22. _Ayer 1)N• kRs.A..pA RIL $.710, WORLD'S Gutr AZATUDY FOR SCROFULA AND SCROFULOUS DISEASES. From Emery Edes, n well-known merchant of EIRE DEM " I have sold large quantities of your SARSAFAR ILLA, but never tet one bottle \Odell tidied of the desired effect and lull satisfaction to those who took it As fast an our people try it, they agree there has been no medicine like it before to our commuMty." Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches, Pustules, Ulcers, Sores, and all Diseases of the Skin. From Rev. Itold. Stratton. Bristol, England. only do my duty to )00 slid the public, when I odd my testimony to that you publish 01 the me dicinal airlines ort our SARSAPARILLA MY dough ter, aged ten, had an allinetihg !Junior iu tier curs, eyes, and hair for years, WIIICh We here unable to cure until we tried your SA ItBAPIRILLA. She bas been well for some mont,hs." From Afro. Jane E. Ride. a well ZYMICII and much esteemed lady of Dennihalle, ('ape Nay (b., N.. 1. Itly daughter has suffered fur a 3 ear past a it scrofulous eruption, which was very troublesome. /Vothiugaffoyded any relief until we tried your SA BA PA RILL..., which soon completely cured her." From Charles P. Gage, Esq., of the widely-known firm of Gage, Marra!! 4- co., manzuranlurers qf enum• tiled papers in .11a3hua, N. 11. " 1 bud for several years a very troublesome hu mor in my face, winch grew constantly worse moil It disfigured my females and became an intolerable affliction. I tried almost every thing a man could of both advice and medicine, but midhout any relief whateser, until I took your SA RSA PAttt L LA. It immediately made my face worse, no 3 on told me it might or fora time; but in a few necks the new skin began to form under the blotches, and continued until my lace is ns smooth as any body's. and 1 am without airy tr) mptoms of the disease that 1 know of. I enjoy perfect health, and as about a doubt owe it to your SARSAPARILLA.' Erysipolas —General Debility—Purify the Blood. Frnm Dr. Ital. Samin, Houston St., N. Y. Dtt. Avon: I seldom tail to rem°, e Eruptions and Scrofulous Sores by the persevering use of your SARSAPARILLA, nod I have just now cured an at tack of ,Ilaligiiant Erysipelas W ith it.. No altera tive weimesess equals the 6A RSAPA RI LLA you have supplied to the profession as well us to the people." From J. E. Johnston, Esq , Wakeman,,Ohio. " For twelve years 1 had the yellow Erysipelas on my right arm, during which time 1 tried all the cel ebrated phyßicium I could reach, and took hundreds of donuts' worth of medicines The ulcers were so bad that the cords became visible, and the doctor. decided that my arm must be amputated. I began taking your Ss itoArA Took two bottles, sod some of your FILLs Together they have cured me. lam now as well and sound as anybody Being in a public place, my case is known to everybody iu tlils community, and excites the wonder of all." From Hon. Henry Mourn ' P. P. of Nerocastle, C. IV., a leading member of The Canadian Parliament. "I have tired your SA RSA PA !ULLA in my family, for general debility, and for purifying the blood, with very beneficial reeultr. and Mel confidence in commending it to the afflicted." St. Anthony's Fire, Hose, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Sore Eyes. From Harvey Sickler, Esq., the able editor the Tunckhannock Democrat, Pennsylvania. "Our only child, about threeyears of age, was at tacked by pimples on his forehead. They rapidly spread until they formed a loathsome and virulent sore, which covered his face, and actually blinded his eyes for some days. A skilful physician applied nitrate of eilver and other remedies, without any ap parent e ff ect. For fifteen days we guarded Isis hands, lest with them he should tear open the festering and corrupt wound which covered his whole face. Hav ing tried every thing else we had any hope from, we began giving your 8 . /iItHAPARILLA, and applying the iodide ot potash lotion, as you direct. The sore began to heal when we had given the first bottle, and was well when we had finished the second. The child's eyelashes, which had come out, grew again, and lie is now as healthy and Mir as any other. The whole neighborhood predicted that the child must die." Syphilis and Merenrieil Disease From Dr. Hiram Stoat, of St Louis, Missouri. "I find your BARBA PA BALLA a 11101 e effectual remedy for the secondary symptoms of Syphilis, and for syphilitic disease than any other we possess. The profession are indebted to you for sums of the beet medicines we have." From A. J. French, H. D., an eminent physician of Lawrence, Mass.. who is a prominent member of the Legislature of Maseachlutel Is. "DR. AYER—My dear Sir: I have found your SARSAPARILLA nn excellent remedy for Syphilis, both of t he primary and secondary type, and effect ual in some cases that were too obstinate to yield to other remedies Ido not know what we can em ploy with mpro certainty of success, where a power ful alterative Is required." Mr. Chas. S. Van Liew, of New Brut; stock, IV. J., hnd dreadful ulcers on his legs, caused by the abuse of mercury, or mercurial disease, which grew more and more aggravated for years, in spite of every remedy or treatment that could be applied, until the persevering use of AYER'S SARSAPARILLA. relieved him. Few cases can be fount' more inveterate and distressing than this, and it took several dozen hot ties to cure him. Menoorrhcea. Whites, 'Female Weakness, are generally produced by internal Sem/Woos Ulcer ation, and are very often cured by the alterative effect of this SARBAOARILLA. Some cases require, however, in aid of the BAILSAPARILLA,.the nide/ application of local remedies. From the well-known and widely-celebrated Dr. Jacob Morrill, of Cincinnati. - "I have found your SARBAPARILLA an excellent alterative in diseases of females Many dimes of ir regularity,. Leucorrlicca, Internal Ulceration, and local debility, arising from the scrofulous diathesis, have yielded to it, and there are few that do not, when its e ff ect le properly aided by local treatment.it A lady, unwilling lo allow the publication .y" her name, writes: "My daughter and myself have been cured of • very debilitating Leucorrliam of long standing, by two bottles of your SAitHAPARILLA.” • Ithenniatism,iGout. Liver doxriplaint, Dye pepola. HearkDisease, Neuralgia, c w u h re e e b a y a tu se i d h by atT S . er s t a dcr. A i r n A t u h i e LL sy A id e , are rapidly AYER'S CATHARTIC PILLS possess so many advantages over the other pur gatives in the market, and their superior virtues are so universally known, that we heed not dp more than to assure the public their quality is maintained equal to the best it ever has been, and that they may be' depended on to do all that they have ever done. i'mpared by J. C. AYER, M. D., & Co., Lowell, Mass., and sold by sold by J. W. ELLIOTT, Carlidle, and deal era everywhere; ' WILL expose .at public sale, on the I Lpremlsea, in Penn .townehlp, Cumberland county. about 2 miles Fouth west of Centreville, and about 1% miles south of Ilocheravllle, Eghty-three Acres and some Perches, of FIRST RATE T.. 1 ND, part of which 1s gravel, and part limestone, under good fence. (one half of which is post and rail), having thereon erected a two story and a half PitAallsi HOUSE. sa•Wash House. LOG DA It N, Carriage • ' * House, and other Outbuildings, with is . _ Pump and never falling well of water at the door, a Cistern and other conveniences. Also, having thereon a first rate Limestone Quarry. an together wsth reaction, Plums and Grapes. Tills land Is undur good cultivation and adjoins Henry Ribble and tho heirs or Henry Rupert, nod is bounded on the north by the Pine road, and on the cast by the roa d loading to !locker's Saw mill Also, at the same time and place, I will roll a tract of MOUNTAIN LAND, containing Fifty Acres. which Is coveted with good Chestnut timber. For further particulars inquire on tho premises of WILLIAM A. HUTCIIISIN. July 29, 1864—ts* ROBINSON'S METROPOLITAN REFITTED AND ORGANIZED FOR 1884 M. J. ROBINSON. ALEXADitat ROBINSON, The most Complete Establish Mel? t 7101 C Travelling in America ! TWO crbwris AT EAt 1.1 PgRFORMANCE.- HIRAM DAY, The Groat Wit and Modern Grimaldi. CHARLES r °VILLE, The Quaint, Quizzical, Eztemp we Vocalist An unequalled collection of HIGHLY TitAIN ED All ARIAN HORSES, JOUGATED MULES, DANCING HOUSES, and PIGMY TRICK PONIES. The following Ladles and Gentlemen compose the troupe of this Mammoth Company : MADAM MARIA ROBINSON, And her wonderful Dancing Horse ‘. TAMMANY" and DON JUAN." trained by Levi J. Nor th. MAD'LLE ANNIE. a he Youthful Prima Donna of the Arens. MAD'LLE AUGUSTUS, 'I he rharming Dansouse. LA FAIRIE ALACE, The Poetry of Motion. CHARLES 11.0tiEltd, In biz PETE GENK INS. SEGENANT, the meet accomplished Dramatic Scenic Rider In America. MASTER HERNANDEZ, Tho renowned Equestrian of daring somersaults on the here batik stood. JOHN STAR, The Champion Four and Sit Horse R der of Amer. lwrodueing hit. highly trained Cam tneho steed JOE REItSIDES, The hire of turning three semorsaults be foie alighting on the ground and known as the man of 2Uti smilers ulta. 'rho world renowned Wil FITTON Y BROTHERS, Leonard and James. who will appear In their unnp. proarhabie acts or the ti laot Jima or the Trapeze A.t I Twine or Momus and the Minty Men! 'I he Wand Prncest.lon xlll enter t we on the morn. log of the day of exhibitloo at IU "clock, led by the SW A N 4 'llAitioT, drawn by. elegantly marked horses, containing t% If A Lb . :: CtIONI,T Ii AND. Two ex 'Alain 1111 en cb day. Afternoon and Evening. Doors open at 2 and 7P. M. Performance to com mence half an hour later. Admi.,:on 25 rents. Will .q.s.hibit at CARLISLE. August 2.d, PETER:- LEG " 3d, 44 9th, SHIPPENSII , I " CM AR LES 51 !JITNEY. Gen. A g't. rEISIMIIMMEI GREASON, GronFon, Cum b. Co oc M A N'S rhoti graphs and Am _jhrOt yp CP. lire in onnuneed the Nero boot Pre - onus ~ o.ning good picture's should not iai: to go to 1....b -losn's liallery, Nish' Ft, ect oppooite Ihu N Bank. In slrs. Noll's Building. Don't MN., the pine., DAGLTEROTYPES & A3II3IIOTYPES copied with accuracy and dispatch. July 21, L OCIIMAN'S VIIOTOGRAPIIIC IJALI,KIt Y. Maio street, opp,site the Natiounl lu Mrs. Neff's Ltd Iding. July 22, 1,11-Iy. SCHOOL TAX FOR 1861, II E taxable citizens of the Borough Or Dirlial.a are hereby notified that the Treasurer of ~ . aid School District. sett] attend at the County Lk/WC House, (Commissioners' Office,) on Thursday, .6cptember 15th, hpt,,,en the Lours o 9 and 12 In the foreneon and '2 and Cr o'clock In the aflernooll of said day, for the purpone or rolled lug and receiving the School Tax usressed for the presen your. on all taxes paid uu ur before that &Ate a reduction will be wadi et • Fl VE PER CEN7'. Persons inching t pity their Taxes In the carol. thine ran do no b. calling tin the 1 censurer et his reit idence iu •• Marion Hall" building, 11 to - t tiigh street. J. 11. nisi, July 22, 1861-11 m. 'Messmer. ll .4 1 S'l' NOTICE iAltetters of atimlnistintion on the estate of Daniel hotly. duc'd late of the liotough of ( artiste, Moe mien irtattted Ity the Register of Ountltertand count., G. he subset iber living In /i.ii t llorolol. All pore,,. 11Ploblod to osid estate are hero y not ihau to Inn he tuunedixtu intyolon L. and those having claims against it present them properly anti...nested bit c,oth• went LO C. I'. 111.1.01t1e11, Jut) 22, ISti-I—rt ST A 'l' E N O'I'IOEI J . bettors of admotistratmn on the estate r f John O. tour. . late of New trumber bind l'n„ hoeing been issued In the egister Ol l'itiotml.tud I minty, to the oultsember residing In the same place, notice Is hereby given to all percons Indebted to said ebLnLo to make immediate I..iyuntut, anti those having claims to prebuilt them duly anti:tenth tiled to OWEN JAMES, Adm'r. July 22. 186-1 6ttit Public Sale of Two Valuable Lime- Executor of Joseph Culver, clec'd , I will exp.° to public tole, at tho 11anbo,o !louse Farm. in I ltddluaua biwukh , p, eumburlauLl Cu , On Thursday, August 25th, 1664, TWn FIRST It ITH LI3IE6DINE WARMS eltuate abut two miles out of l'arll.le lotWeo.l 010 Hail is bur; turopiko and the Triadic, Spring toad, anti about half a mile haul the lather load, nod each coutaiulas About 100 Acres, one of which is the Mausion Farm of Joseph Culter, docesscd. The improvenionts are a Two Story • ~ . 21-7 ''''' . * STONE HOUSE and Brick Bark Build -111 ~,. lug, and a good BANK BARN, and 4*,4.. i i .,. • .• triple or-bard. Thu land le well'cul -• ••_ - r... .. .• ~ Ilvoted and under go. d post fence. The ottior ram adjoins the Brat and contains about the saute number of acres. and thu improverneute aro A Comfortable Dwelling, a good BANK BARN, oru Crib. Wagon Shed, and other convenient buildings, with a Young Api In Orchard or Choice Fruit 1 hoso Farms lying so near to Carlisle, the public roads, mills, churches and schools, offer great induce Well [EI to purchasers, who arc Invited to visit and ex amine them before the day of sale. Thu farms will be sold clear of encumb.ances with perfect title Terms made known on the day of sale, and other Information on the snitleet may bo obtained from the socutur or his A ttornies, %%att• A Parker, car Isle, Pa. JOHN :illL,Ll o ,lt, Executor of Joseph Culver, dsc'd. July 22, 18G1— 4 t A CHOICE FARM AT PUIBLIC SALE. fAN TIIIIRSDAY, August 4, 1861, Vf the undersigned, trustee of S. L. Bowman, will sail at public sale, tho following real estate: A tract °Hand, situate in Eaat Peonsborough townthin. Cumberland county, bounded by land of Simon Ores beet,. Goo. Oyster and others, containing 102 arras, more or lure, having thereon eructed a largo two story STONE imusr, good tenant house, d e.! large Sauk llarn. apple orchard of T , , choice fruit, a pump at the door; al tea;; 4117,;; no, a runuing spring near the houso - Thla in a choice farm and in a nigh state of annotation. Locatod 3 miles west of Innis burg, and a half mile morth of Oplier'a Point. Silo to take place on the promises at 2 o'clock P. M., on dunday, when terms will ho made by ti.MO. WAHL'S WELL, Trustee. July 22, 1804-2 E VSTATE NOTICE.- L/Letters of Administration on the estate of William Graham, deed. late of the blrough of artiste having been issued by the Register of Cumberland County, to the subscriber, residing in the name place. Notice is hereby given to all persons Indebted to said estate to make payment, and those having claims to present them duly authenticated to FRANCES L. OR Admtnistratix. July 15, 111(14 —et* WIIEREAS an enaergonoy,exists in our National affairs which calls for the earn , else of a practicatpatriotium and a selfeacrißeing of to defend our country and our homes. Therefore, SECTION 1. 110 it ordained and enacted tly the Town Council of the Borough of Carlisle, and IC, is hereby enacted by the authority of the same. That the Prost. dent of the Council be and he Is hereby authorised and required to borrow a sum not exceeding $2400; to be appropriated to the paying of bounties to volunteers 100 days service, to Oil thviillota, of this Borough under the existing requisitions of the President of the United States on this Commonwealth for 24,000 men. • . fizonott 2 That out of this money shall be paid to eaoh of the iolunteers aforesaid when mustered into offline, a Bounty of FIFTY' dollars,. by the Borough Treasurer, upon the order of Thomas Paxton, Jesse D. Ithinebeart and J. B. Parlt erovlto are hereby appoitited a committee for that purposo and to aid in filling the said quota of the Borough. . Promo 3. That for -the money no borrocied - the President of the Council is authorized to issue a bond or bonds 11 the name of the Borough of Carlisle, tlie interest'whereof shall be payable semi•knanuallY, , and the principal in Five years from the data thtbeof. and which . said bonds ahal I be signed by the Prealdent and countersigned by the 0100- 0 the 0 9lint attested . by the corporate seal. - Enacted into an ordinance this 13kh dRy ge,1.7 , 4 , D.yea. , A.OATEICART, President. Attest—JOß. OGILBY; Beety. of Corporopqn. A. B. Clalorllnekreir. July 16.1861. • • Public Sitleior'Real Estate. / On Satt;rday, September 10th, 1864. Orchard of Choice Fruit, stone Farms ORDINANCE THE tillAlltV • • METROPOLITAN • CONEBINATION 1 THAYER & NOYES' UNITED STATES , CIRCUS, VAN AMBURGH &CO'S MAMMOTH MENAGERIE Egyptian Caravan, Cominnod for thn Season of (F I, with Ono Price of Ad- Proprlrtor Ilanagor The Wonders of Animated Nature Consolidated with the only LEGITIMATE CIRCUS Fyer OrgalliZ,l--MOR AI, AND REI/NED AMUSEbtrNT. Pre-eminent Equestrians, Acrobats, Gymnasts, Testers, Coli., Contortionists, nutlir,ristt and General Per formers--Splendid Stud of RAINFD llonsrs, I oars, and Toms Alm.is—Magi, front Collection of Li VINO Lions, T:GERS, LEOPARDS, 13EARS, Wo,Yrit, Alorcskys, APES, Bsrooics, Banns of all kinds and sizes, die., gath ered by the Great Van Am burgh Himself; Will exhibit at Carlisle, on FRIDAY, August sth„ 1854. Afternoon at 2 and even ing at 7 o'clock, p. m. Admission 50 cents. Children under 12 years . Iftge 25 cents. : it' l V4' e• -,-;.- ':''''' 2 '''' . 4, r. , •'• 9',..A. , •: , :; , q,„ ' •••'', . - ••• ./// ~.,,./ ~/ . 7 , ii . ! 1 ii - y,7 6' , '; ,id :•/ ,, ,•••'//- , •---- -, `- l' •.' ' r i i // ...,„,,.„.,. 11,''L,'`..,'IVA •fr. , ) „,,• 4 1. ~ , i‘,. (e, L" ' I'4 ' I\\\ .. :1 th v•iyvv- 7 -----, P 011 k :et -----1, ).' #.• f'',, , It ',, s .....-„,-.. The )1 AN :N:0711 WAR ELEPHANT HANNIBAL; The Lar,;l,l A•11.al u, Ulf: m e ighi l , noarlylr,,(o) 1,11 it, 'r 11 I l 1 2 ' it) _P 0 T.1.71U5, Of the Nen. Worll, Only One on FAlltbition. A WHITE POLAR BEAR, From the Arctic heetone, tl.e Only One in America An AFRICAN OSTRICH, ae loot lligh. A P.r of SNOW WHITE PEACOCKS, A l'atr of JAPANESE NIASKIN SWINE The Grit ever itopolied to A Ittortra. Ileiklett an immense variety of Hate a•nt Penottful Blimps ~ / . 1 , ~ \ 7/ ,/ , / ~/ ~ ~,, i ~ \ ~,\ \ ",,i \N ---.. .. -4 1 77 ---- / i lli , The unequalled Array of talented AnTiVrES Includes ; DR. JAMES. L. THAYER, 7lle Eloquent end Scholarly Clown and Comedian MR. CHARLES •W. NOYES, The unrivnied Iloilo, Tomer, who wilt introduce his I.e•ut ifui Perforroiog GuArc EAGLE, Jr." CI arses Reed, the Champion Equestrian. George H. Datehellor, the Greatest Loap. Cr In lip world. A nume,,,s and A Honda n(s. he 1:S , M/ ..r ii, .Innemloun Consolidation will be proltlic In splondid efforts and marvels of mag ntficence h COLOSSAL GOLDEN CHARIOT 4,N 6z A , 4 I? kis gha N;„---.11 .-, ViVrt ---, • s ~ { ~ `~y~~~ Mythological Car of the Muses, Containin; Ed. Parmeles famed Brass Band Will be drawn by n beautiful Arabian Steeds, gorgeous. ly Caparisoned with cloth nt velvet, richly studded with LrilHaut emblematical ornaments of gold and silver. Thu Superb Dens, Carriages, llagg tgu It scons and otfier Equipages, [manufactured by the celebrated F111'1.01140 Pony,. New 1 ork are of the most elegant and cost. ly description, end of incomparable style and finish. ahe indiscribable grandeur of this wonderful Cavalcade. freprienting, as it does, a MU VI NG PANORAMA of over in I.E.NOTItf with its Par:teal . ° appointmeete and attributes, i• so superb beyond conception, exciting in the beholder the realization of the fervid amusements which gave birth to chivalry and Its attendant pagoantries The alaxnorst rsy desire to impress upon the Public. mind that each and every.feature of this Grand Combi nation is entirely unexcept onable and of a high toned and moral chase ter. Ihe undeniable excellence and au. perioritv of this establishment is t conceded fact. For the special amusement of Ladies and Children, Dlr C. W. NOYEIo' will exhibit his great Performing Monkey, "VICTOR," The best trainsil animal of the kind In the world. During the Entertainment mous. DAVIS, The only illacceasful rival of the Great Van Arnburgh will enter the den of Trained Lions, Tigers and Leopards At each Entertainment will ho introduced the Performing Ponies' Monkeys, Elephants and DR. THAYER'S Educated COMIC MULES, SAM & DICK. Tits (Macrons Pnoccssiorr will enter town at or about 10 o'clock in lho morning. wy . .. • • atullk.? "? '•"!ib % t; • Avt l %. 4; iv g OA* t.) '4/ le B.—The largest exhibition in the world is coming. Recollect the day and date. N. 8.--4-Once more. • Please observe the day and date, and do not confound this Mon ster Organization with any other companies whether they be good, bad or exceeding in different. This Mammoth Combination will be at York, Tuesday, Aug. 2d. Dillsburg, Wednesday, Aug. 3d. Carlisle, Thursday, Aug. 4th. Shippensburg, Friday, Aug. sth. Cbambersburg, Saturday, Aug. 6th.• HOuse and Lot • AT PUBtI . O SALE! ! lopY virtue of an order of the Orphan's 13Court of Cumberland County, I will OA SATURDAY, the 30th day'of at 1 o'clock on said day, expose to,. public 'sale on the premises, that desirable House and Lot of Ground sit• nate 1n the borough Of?..Wechanicsburg, bounded on the North by Christian Kichner, on the East by en alley, add on the West by north Market street, con• Mitring 38. feet In hunt by 124 In depth, the house lea two and a half story yirouther-bOnrthld with kitoben attached. There is also necessary buildings oh the. TERMS OF SALE, . , . twenty4ve per cent. of purchase ' money to be pall when the property Is etricken off, the. balance on the conflrinstion of the sale when a deed will be made and possession given. ' ' A. II MUG. Adder: of Elizabeth Nat:skier. dee'd.• ' 'July 1,1884. • YENS F:01I 1 41 7 NEI:ICINESO +©~! ME Oil , WHIT . .. :StILPHUIV WRENS, . ~'. - OARLIStEi:PA':' '." - T" Pyoprietor-titkefoleaiu . re in'. an . bouncin g that this favorite and fashionable Wet snug ?lase ' is now open for visitors. The Carlisle White Sulphur Springs, are.situated in 'OungPeriand County; Pa.. about four wilds north-east of 'Carlisle. The personal and undivided attention oftho Proprie tor will bo given to the wants and comforts' of hie Attests. N. W. WOODS, Proprietor. , •Juty.B, 904-Imo. A Limestone Farm For - Sate. A FARM oontaining Ono Hundred . .and .Five Acres, situate 6 miles east of Carlisle, untotuilf mile south of the Railroad, Is offered for sale at terms easy and moderate., Ton or twelve acres are covered with as line undhourishing timber as grows In the 'valley. 'Fro Improvements are a large two story STONE (LOUSE, a new BAKE. BARN, with all the ne cessary Outbuildings. A never failing stroatn of wa ter runs through the mid lie of the tarm. This Is, rosily, one of Vie very finest farms In Cutilbsrland county. For further particulars, enquire ofiANIES A DUNBA R, At orney at Law Carlisle, Pa. Oilko next loor to toe American Printing Office. July t. I FOR RENT. A commodious Three Story BRICK ;must:, on Moth l'ltt ntreat, Carnal°, and lstely occuplod by Mrs. Colwell. Possosslon given immediately. Apply Er=lll3l THE ATLANTIC MONTHLY A lIAGAZINE ON LITERATURE, ART, AND PoLITtOS, I= THE BEST AMERICAN MAGAZINE. THE FOURTEENTH VOLUME.- Ile, ins with the number for JULY, 4. The circulation of the ATLANTIC during the . past few tnen:hs has steel lily increased until It has reached a Mena of prosperity never bolero attained by any American magazine of Its class. Thin prospetity gives renewed encouragement to the cr.ndurtors of the I'll, ANTIC to continuo to employ In its helialt, an hither to the moat eminent talent in tho country. Tire staff of writers coral Muting cooe sweaty to its pages. comprises the most prominent names In American li tern: tire. The writers who have given so much Interest and value to the varlet, volumes of the ATLANTIC will continua to cootrib ute regularly. The conductors would direct atten tion to the July number, and the remarkable list of contributors as an inmost of their intention to do• sorra the favor of the public Among the features al the .Inly number are tiro, to which the conductors of the ATLANTIC feel warranted in dfr cting special st•" tention—"The Seine from the Delliver Romance," HAWTHORN'S unlinisbed enrol, and the important and timely paper by airs STONE. upon American Ninon factures 1 . , A roc/lean Women. BOUND VOLUMES OF THE' A TLAN- VD Th. 1 . / TlVitrt , Tll VOLUM,: of the ATLANTIC IS now ready. comprising lb. numbers from January to June (inclusive). IM-1 neatly bound in mu , lin, price f 2 00 This no unto has ,nntainod ovate of the most striking and Interesting aril les over fortlish‘d to, readers of AritNtro. Mias. Siowies admirable suriss of domestic sketches, HOUSE AND HOME PAPERS," Con of which Is contained In ouch numlo, of the ATLANTIC from .litounry to July, le alone richly - north tho cost of the voiurne. Sets of tho ATIAYTIC, from the beginning, may be had in uniform muOin tdodintt. at $2OO per volume. Thu het comprise s thirteen volumes, and coutaius -• Moro than 10,000 pages Of the heat knoolonn lite,aturo. Fo's or single vol. unit. will be sent true of oxpunve on receipt of thu price. . . TRH snle.cription price nt the ATLANTIC is ,;10 1 1 p•r y.nr in eAvance Bubvr iptions rutty begirt wi b alit number The postage on the ATIANTIII must in all cab. be p , id at the tdllod u here it is received TICI(Vi)It 14 kr LELDS. hlishe re, 135 W.hlngtou Street, 13..t0u July 1, 14.14 5,000 YARDS Good Dark Calico Just Received GREENFIELD 4; SLIE.IFER' S, F.lflt Main Street, South Side. 2dl Door, 2d Door, 2d Door. (loOd Dark Prints, 18% Better, 20 Extra, Super E - Itra, Bleached .NIUS11 . 1;0 25. 3U, 3i•, and US cents, Unblearhed, Iron! 20 to 40 Collis Summer Pants stuffs, at last year's prlnes, having pu chased our vl 0,0 ut Surngn.•r l'an to stud, last Fall we can and v. 11, sell them from 10 to In rents rt yard cheaper than any hotn.r. Romeo, hor the place U ltEE:\ Fl ELL/ a SEI 00 PER, opposite 11. S. oltter's, PIIOTOGRAPIIIC. n A. would S 3l i n a i l i t I. ..1( form b e t 1 1 . 1 1 .t y t nhu h r pun:it/v.4,f the 11107'0GR1!PIIIC GALLERY otirVed by nr. Char!, Taylor, i n n thon , buitding, South Wert (`preer of.Nihket Square, where nifty he had all the different st r )lex or PIIOTOORAPHI with AM B ROT IT ES, FER ItOTY pr,A and- DAU UELL OTVP-F.S. To the forntnr Wrong of the Gallery, moot that silo ha, rf.t.1,1, (A the se, of )I:. t.oull- M A r Stll..r . e 111111C11111i drtint the in:4 year), will be to Secure a eon? l a uh ace of their patronage; while all übutl lailee of lIgIG, I' I,E A SANT II 0 O.IIS, Tory p'encantly s Marl. Will her own former rope rienoo and 50••,,,s in ph•turo t•iklng, and a desire to please, t, est, will attrAct her own friends.. as well as 11.11111 V mhma who have not heretofore found their way thit leer. Ity .ondilig. or itilleing their orders, per. sons will be furnished $‘ VII copies or negatives taken by il ll . ..aylor, at reduced, prices. I'wtore.l tricen in all kinds of weather. >lay .O, 1864—am. LFCTI ONI I'ItOCLA)IATIOV.- J wit E AS, A Jolt, t liesolutinu propol.inq certain atuonfltniiu Is to the Constit n Lion of this Gout ulot.we.tl, h wide I are as foflows, vin : •• There •hall he ut n hfitional sectioit to the thirl articls or the Constitution, to he designated as section lour, no 1 , 41:0x0 Whenover any of the qualified clot• tors or this Comma Noah h shall he in any act mil VII dory nor'; Ice„ noder a retintsition of the l'resbirnt ol the United St itou or by authority of thin Common wealth, .uch electors may exorcise tha right of Suf. traits iu a.I elections by the citizens, under such rag• ulatlnns so are, or shall hr prescr bit • by law, as fully us it they were present .at their usual pl 00 of oleo lions •• More shall he two additional Sections to the Eleventh article of tho Caustitution. to ho designated its Sections eight aliol nine. as fotinn s: •• Section h. No bill shall be passed by the Logislo- tore containing more than ono subject. which shall in clearly expressed in the title, except appropriation bills. '• Section 11. No bill shot] he pissed the. Legislature, granting any powers or privileges, in any cars whore tho authority to grant such powers. or priviloges, has boon, or may borosfior bo oonforred upon 'the Courts of this Cninninn,voalch," has boon agreed to by a ma j wit,/ of the members elected to suet Gouge of the Loginiat taro, at two • uccessivii sessions of the same A NEO WHEREAS. It Is providoil In the Tenth A rtlele of tho said Constitution, that any amendments so ..asgreed upon, shall bo submitted to the people in such Manner. and at such limo. at loon three months after being en novena to by the two Gooses. as the trogisla• turn shall preseribo ; such subottsrion to he in such monitor and form, that the people may vote for or agalost each iimonilmont separate anti distinctly: AND WHERE., liv an act of the tionoral Ai•sirmbly of this Common wealth, passed the tooutvthied day of Ap• 11, Anna Domini one thousand 0141 G hundred and sixty-four. it is provided. "that for the purposo of ascertaining the sense of the people of this Com monwoulth,,in regard to the adoption or rejection of Mild ameudfuonts or either of thorn, the Governor of this Commonwealth shall issue a writ of Fauctiun, dl rooted to each and every r,burlf/ of this Commonwealth commending them toglvo malts) in the usual manner in not loss than two Nowartepors In each City and County Provided. That so Many me published therein, and by at least two printed bond bills In each Election Diu. Wet. of every City and County arnoroin no Nowspa per Is pllblislind that au election trill be hold in ea c h of Ihit Township,. Boroughs. Wards, Preeints and Dia Wets therein, on this FIRST TUESD tY OF AUGUST. in the yoor of our Lord nno thousand eight hominid and sloty four for the purpose of digeldi rig upon the svprOval. ratification. or repletion, of the said amond filents. whi h said eluctom shall he opened, hold and elosird on the day last aforesaid, at the places and within the hours, al and Wi• which, the General Elections of this Commonwealth ate directed to be opened. bolo and closing." AND Wiggsras, In ohndioneu to the inquieements of the Constitution, and in accordance with said Act of :Assembly the lion. Andrew O. Curtin. Governor of Pennsylvania has Wood a writ of eloction command ltighod requiring mo to Ora notice in the usual men nor and as by law required that an eloction will be hold according to thin tertna of the Constitution, and provisions of the act of the General As :toddy afore sahtin each of the Townships. Boroughs, Wards, Pro pints and Districts lu Oumborland county, on the first TUESDAY of August, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and,sixtyrfour. for the pun. .pose of duckling upon' the approval and ratitleation, or rejoction, of the quid annoidenonts. NOW. therefore, 1,,J. THOMPSON Rll l l l Y, High Shoritlfif the County of Cumberland, do-hereby make known and give Ole public notice to the electors of the County of Cumber land, that on Toes lay tip second day of August next an election will Le hold at the several eloction din .trlctiota said county established by law for the purr Puse of Oelding•tho approval and rati fi cation, ht rer ortion of the said amoddinents, which' said election vill he held throughout the county as fellows; The election lu tho election district composed of the borOugb of Carlisle and the townships of North Middle ton, South Middleton, Lower Frankford, and Lower Dickinson. will beheld at the Court Ilouso in the bo rough of Carlisle. The election in the electlen district composed of Low er West Ponnsborougb towneldp, will be hold at the North School flouse_luiPlainSehlf. The eleeticiiiin the electien district comtosed of Sit .er Spring township, will be held at thl pu he huuse of, Jacob ()dant, in Iloguestown in said townehlp. The election in the election district coMposed of Ilurnederitownsbip,willbo hold at the public house occ copied by George Duey, in said township. • Tho electieb in theolootion district composed of the township of Upper Allen, will bo hold at the publio hones of William S. Cooblin; in ShoPherdstown•' The election in the election distriot oomposod Or Middlekex , township will be hold at the Middlesex School Nome: • ' • • • The election In , Orr elodion district composed of the township of Lower Allen, will bo held at the, wagon,. maker shop of.lonos ilanchbaroor. on Tito olootion in tho election district composed of Rath Tenusborough township, will be herd at. the housk of Joseph Martin, in West Falrilaw, now occupied by George P.. Spopplpr. the election In the 'election district composed of Now ,Otiniborlitudi bo held at the , house 'now kept by - Dr. IL A. Botoler, in the of Now 'Cumberland. • The election.in thh election distritt composed of 'the Borough of Idechablesburg,'svill bo `hold at the ,public house now kept by W. S. Huston, in said borough. • The - election in the election district composed of Monroe townshir, will be held at the-public houie of Thomas Ligget, tii,Churchtown, In said township. • The election in' the election district composed of Penn toWnship, will be hold at the house now occupied by Jacob Redsocker in said township. The election .in the election district composed of Upper- Dickinson, will be held at the .honso now Oc• copied by Daniel Ritter, known as the Stone Tavern. The election In the election district composed of the borough of Newvillo, and townships of 'ADM's'. Upper Frankford, Upper West Permsboro, and north Newton will be held at the Public School House in the borough of Newville. The election in the election district composed of the borough of Newburg & ilepewoll township, will bo hold in the public School house, in the borough of Newburg. Tho election in the election district composed of. the borough of Shipponsiturg, Shipponsburg township and that part of Southampton tot nshlp not included In the Leesburg election district, will ho held et the Council House in the borough of Shippensburg. And In an act. of the General Assembly of this Com monwealth, passed the 2d July, 1039, it Is thus provid ed: ."rb.t the qualified cloaca it of ports of Newton and Southampton townships; In the county of Cum• berland, hounded by the following lines and distances: Beginning et the Antonio county lino thence along the line dividing the townships of Dickinson and Newton to the turnpike road,thence along the turnpike to Con tre School !lonia', on said turnpike, In Southampton township, thence ton point on the Walnut Bottom road at iteybuck'a, including iteybuc4's farm, thence in a straight line to the saw mill of the heirs of George Cle ver, thence along Erybher's run to the Adam, county lino, therm, along the lino of Adams county to the place of beginning. be, and the same is hereby declared a new c nd separato election district, the election to be field at the public homes formerly occupied by William Maxwell, In Leesburg, Southampt,on NOTICE is HEREBY GIVEN A. L.'SPONSIX.R. Real Estate Agent That every person except Justices of the Peace %the shall In rid any Oleo or appointment of profit or trust under the United States or of this State, or any city or Incorporated district, whether n commissioned officer or othurwino, a subordinate officer or agent, who Is or shall bo employed under the legislative, execul ire. or judi• Clary departments of LIM; State, or the United States, or of any city or of any inctoTorated district; and also that any Member of Congress or of the State Legisla ture, and of the Select ttr Common Council of any city, or commistfinner of any Incorporated district, is by law Incapable of !priding or exercising at the same time the omen or appointment ni judge. Inspector or clerk of any elections antis Commonwealth, and that no inspector. Judge, ttr other officer of such election shall be eligible to be there voted for. And the said act of Assembly, entitled an act rein. tiny to the elections of this Common wealth, passed Jut: 3, 1839, further provides as follows, to wit: "That the inspectors and judges shall went at the place appointed thr holding the elections of the district to which they respect ii ely belong, before nine o'clock In the morning of the Second Tuesday in October, and each of said inspectors shall appoint nue clink, who shall be a qualified voter of said district. • case the person who shall have received the sec. and highest number of votes for inspector shall not ut t, nd on the day of the election. then the person who shall have received the second highest number of votes at the next preceding election, shall eel as Inspect o r in his place. And in case the person who shall have re. calved the highest number of v. tes for inspector shall not attend, the person elected judge shall appoint sit inspector in Ills place; and in case the person elected Judge shall net attend, then the inspector iv ho receiv• oil the highest number of votes shall appoint a judge in his place, or if any vacancy shall continue in the board for the apace of one hour after the tinie tined by law for the opening of the election, the qualified ,atoms of the townghip, ward or district ror which such officer sh.ot have been eleoted, present at the place of eb•clior, elect one of their number to fill such %In:envy. " It shall be the duty of the several assessors of each district to attend at the place of holding every general. spodial. or tdwoship elc , tin. during the twiode time said election is held open. fir the purpdse 4 pi, nag 111- 1 -, rlll.ilioll I. the inspect, is and j1.144eS a la, rallell on in relation to the right of on) person tss csocil I y the to rote at Nth h election. or sm h other teat tors in rein tion to the assessments of yours its the sai d i ns ,„ l. l„, or either of thorn shalt from time to time require. ` N,, person shall be permitted to vote et any election na aforesaid, other than a white freeman of the ace 01 twenty-ona years or noire, who.snall have resided In the State at least one year, nod In the election district where he tillers his vote nt least ten days inimethatety preceding such election, and within two years pond a Stale or county tax, w itch shall have been assessed at least Lim days before the election. But a citizen of the United states who has previously boon a qualified voter of this Slate. and remioed therefrom and returned. and who Altai] have resided iii the election district and paid taxes as of iresaid. shall he entitled to vote after resid it g In this State six. months: Provided, That the while freemen, citiceins of the United Steles, beta eein Et entyinne anti twenty o years. win have resided iv an election district as aforesaid. shall be entitled to vote although they shall nut have paid tares. '• NO personshall he permitted tt, lute whose unilmel, no' contained In the list of taxable inhabitants fur inislied by the Commissioners. unless First, he produce a receipt for the payment within two tears of a State or couuty tot assessed agreeably to the I_o.ollllmo. and give satiii,finotory el either on his oath or of firmall,n, or tue oath or affirmation of another, that he has paid such n tr,, or sit iailure to produoe a r e c e ipt shall make oath to the pen uncut thereof. Second, If he claim a riiht to vote by being on elector between tin age of twenty•one and twenty two years. he shall dc poea on oath or affirmation thet he has resided in this State at least one year next laden,' his application, and inikv such proof - of reNidence in the distri,i, ns j-i,qul r ed by this :act, and that he does verily belime, noun the account given him, that he is of the ago alMiesaid. and such ether en 'deuce as in required by this net, w here upon the EMIIII• of the p^reou Oil, admitted to vote shall be inserto is the alphabetical list by the kosperii. tiirs and a note made oppleite thereto by writing the word tax, '' if he ',hall he admitted to vote by reason lit ha vine paid tax; or the v, rd age," If lie shell ht ,'milted veto h, ree.Jll clieh age. shall lie called nut to the 'leeks. wino shall nual, the 111, uncles on th e lists of voters kept by them. .• In all cases vile! e the name of th, pi elit i llllll7, vote is 1 - . mud on the Ihtt by the Commis. sinners and assessor. or In. right to vote. v. bother found thereon or not, is olueeted to Iry any qualified citizen, It shall he the duty of the lasiatstars to examine curb person on as t ,, his 11111lillicaltittIls. and it he elan., to Mutt resided ullitin the ttlato for one 3 ear or more his oath shall he salhelent moor thereof. I it shall nmhe proof by at least 'die isilripel cut witness. who shall he a qoalitio d elector. that he hes resided In the thAiliiit hit' Ilea, than le, ditto next Immediately me oediter out: h nlortion and hiltiseii sweat that his hoot. tideresidenee. nor:ninth, Itt his 111, till Vail ile_t is ill said distriet, ?rid that I e del nod rotator Into stud district for the purpose ol soling therein •• E ver y person , tottittied as atoretaid, and who shall malt, due proof, it tequired, of the residence and pay ment at twos as aforesaid. shall he admitted to vote in the township. ward or district 111 a huh shall reside b• hotly person shall Ones eta Or Mt LOOM,. to pros ent any officer of any ele, lion limier this nit !ennui ludding snob r r threat, n any cieh•nre to any inch officer. nr shall interrupt nr improperly inlet fore with him in the execution 01 his duty, r shall bin rk Ur the window, or aVellllO to any window whet e the same may be holding, or shall riotously dial tub the peace at such elation, or shall use any intimldal lug threats, force or r 101.1 re, w iti, deign to IlltilletOl• un duly or overawe sus elector, or to prevent him from vo ting or to restrain the freedom of choioo, such persons On , at, il . lP , lnshall behued in any sum net OXCet,ding !1..' hundred dollars, and bentisontal ior any time 0.. L lens than three nor more than twelve months and if It shall be shown to Court, where the tn Jai of such offence shall he had. that the p..rnor so offending was lint s resident of the city, ward. distriet or tow nship where the offence was committed. and not entitled to vote therein. then on cons lotion Inc shall I/0 sentenced to pay a ilneof not loss than one hundred nor more than one thousand dollars. and be imprisoned not less than six months nor mono than two yearn. If any parson or porsenh ohall make any bet or wa ger upon the result of any election Within tho , :ran won wealth. or ohaii Mier to make any such het or n a gor. either by verbal proclamation thereof. or by an) written or printed ativeftionmont, challenge or ins ite any person to make see!) hot Or wager, upon cm - 11.101mi thereof ho or they shall forfeit and pay three times the amount ho het or to ho bet. if any parson not by law qualified, shall fraudu lently vote at any election of this Commonwealth, or being otherwise qualified shall vote out of his proper district. Or if any person knowing the want such qua'ifica..ions. nball aid or procure such person to vote, the poison ogending. shell, on conviction bo fined in any sum not ex-wediug two hundred dollars. and be imprisoned tar any arm not excooding thief, months. •' If any person shall Vide at more than ono election district. or otherwise fraudulently rota more than once on the same day, or shall fraudulontly fold and dolly r to the Inspector two tickets together, with the intent Illegally to vote, or shall proem-, another to do no, he or they stranding. shall on conviction bo fined in any sum not loss than fifty nor more than five hundred dollars. and bo Imprisoned for any term not less than three nor more than twelve months. '• If any poreon not qualified to vote In this Common wealth agreeably to law. (except the eons of qualified citizens,) shall appear at any place of election fir the purpose of Influencing the citizens qualified to vote. he shall on conviction forfeit and pay any sum not ex. seeding one hundred dollars for every such °Mince, and be Imprisoned for any term not exceeding three mouths'. Agreeably to tho provisions of the sixty-first natter, of the said act, every General and Speolal Election shall be opened between the hours of eight and ten In the lorenonn, andkhall continue without interruption or adjournment until seven o'clock In the evening, when the polls shall be closed. And thejudges of the respective distrids aforesaid are by the said net required to moot at the Court house In the borough of Carllulo, on the third day after the said day of election, being Friday, thu sth day of Au rust,, than and I here to perfnrm the things required of them by law Given undrr my hand, at Carlisle, thin 28th day of June, 1864. . 3u'y 1,1804 Veterinary Surgery. TO NARMERS AND LIORSE DEALERS R. JOIIN SHIFFERT, the celebra-. ted Veterinary Surgeon, of Chamhoraburg Pa, where he ban been practising successfully for the last Sixteen years. respectiully Info' me the citizens of Car lisle and vicinity, that ho has permanently located in this place, for the purpose of operating upon DISEASED liOltziES, and pledgee himself to cure most diseases that this noble animal is subject to. lie cures Weak and Inflamed Eyes, lithe nerve is not affected; ho con. demos cutting Hooks out of the gland of the Eye; it is generally done by men who do not understand the anatomy or diseases, or medical tr atrium t ot the borne, or they would never do it. lie understands thorough. ly the treatment and cure of Bono and Dog Bparlh; Ring Done Curbs can be relieved from their lameness without blemishing the horse; Callouses, Poll Evil, Fis tulae, Sprains. and all internal an well as external din. easoa, era also luccesbfullytreated. Old hereon, unable' to grind their food, can have their tooth operated upon so that they can oat equal to cots. All Mama. that cannot foal can be greatly assisted by him. NICKING and DOCKING, all Hernia or Ruptured Horses can bo at traced by him; Surgical Operations scientifically performed by him. Farmers who cannot leave their horses can get inedielne and 41.entions for tieing it. lie charges nothing for. examining a horse, therefore, bring on your cripples. , Ales the most tin. manageable, kicking, tuning or runaway horses and colts, broke to harness. Dr. EMMERT has, during the last year been prin• drat Veterinary Surgeon In several corrals of tbo army whete he bee had from, XOOO to 3000 diseased and crip• pled horses ander his charge. He wishes It understood that within the last sixteen years many horses hate, come under pin notice that have been injured by mal treatment from the bandit of moo that have no know. ledge of either anatomy or disease!, or medical treat. moat of the Mores.. - et. great iniiny of these home ho has cured after they have been drugged by such men. Cerltido, tray 20,1864=8m -rIAN)KEROIIIEFS, : Ilea, Stooks, 711bboos; SuAptudors, .11ndor ebLitei Drawers btinttfurattortizent can bA found at • . .. ,:. .I$ AO LivitiGaToNos ~ , IsorthrtaTrnerOtroot EKtirOutil, • 7071,1,944. ; ~, • .., , , . . , J. TIIOXIPSON RIPPEY, Sherif/. F 0 Ac- A:11. MOST VALtailiE REAL ESTATE JN .CUMRERLAND.COUNTY. 11 - eying detefinined to rotten from bualuess, I odor for-sale all, or, any part of my Real Estate, viii No: t. The' Mansion Farm, in Upper Allen Twp., containing about 200 Acres of land, of ffiniVrete gaol ity,,which bas been cultivated for many.yeara in the very bent manner, by.deop ploWlbg and heavy liming and all,under excellent post fence. The improve. manta are the very,bent , the dwelling a"large two story Stone House, with cold spring and warm water carried dnitiroly through the same, and finished in the most modern etylo. A Double floored &ode Baru and all other necessary out buildings, with running wet. r all the year round. In the barn yard. This property, as a farm and In its conveniences, is not equalled by any other lee the county. If It is denim' le it will he divi. ded Into Twin. At the Lisburn road the dwellings, Smith shops and the Lime Kilns, and tho dwellings belonging to them, would be sold separate. ' No. 2. A Trart adjoining the above, containing about Of, amen, with a large and well-construdtod '4, with fleadwator and Steam Engine, and a Two Story ntono Dwelling, well finished, with head water all over the house, and every lesirablu convenience; with a complete Barn, Carriage House, Chicken Rouse. and other improvements. The capacity at the Tannery is rqual to 1010 !tides a year, nod all its machinery is of the hest and most modern kinds, and has heretofore and Is how carried on most profitably. No 3. Tim hotel in Carlisle, on Main st. , now occupied by David Martin, 64 feet in f oat. nod 240 feet In depth—bnllt In the most substantial manner, within few years, aith all modern improvements and good stabling. The Ilmiso Is of Brick. Four Stories MTh and calculated to accommodate a largo amount of busl- No. 4. Sprlna.llill,3l.,ntuthan Twp , York eounfy, with 14 acres of Land. The 31111 has lately been ro• fitted and ron•wed with two palls of Frebeh The power Is an Overshot Wheel 23 feet high, and the building is large and eninniodions, and the ebarnetnr 01 the land In the uolghboi hood secures a good bt+ neon. N 0.5. A Tract,of Land In Carroll Twp., Perry Co., containing 140 acres, with excellent HOUSE AND BARN, and the land it. gird order there having been 10,000 budiels of lime put on in the last five seen. The crops now upso it are first rate. lc la situated about 1 mil., from Shormandale. and 4 rolle• from Sterrett's trap, on the road leading to Oak Grove Furnace. No.o Five Hundred Acres of L u nd. situated on thu North Mountain. et La rola. Gap, about nix miles from Mocha Mahon!. the publi.• road from that place run ning through the Land, which la covered with heavy Unit and Chestnut Traitor. 'I his will be divided so as to suit any purehas,r. The title to all ibis provrty Is unexceptionable. and will be sold clear o ail locurnbritirces. or bubject Loony part of the purchase mosey, which at the option of the Purth.ser he may (I,i, to secure on the Laud for bye years Any fun l her inrorrontion will he given by up. plicat lon to the subscriber, uhu resides ou the secoutl descrih,tl property. July 7, 3rn ESTATE NOTICE. Letters tettaitientery on' the estate of F.noeh u , •,,lsed, Lite of the itolough et Carlude, have hues Issued I.v the Rogist, f k!witherisnd Coss. ty, to the sul,ctloer Hy, eg is said Itoroup L . Al! pereon% indebted to said estate will slake immediate pt)1111•nt and these hat ing classs mo,out theta, properly au tilt attested Icr Sett if•IIIVIlL 1,0 July IG, 1564-6 d. I= CIRCULAR HISTORY ON Till: IEN Yl.l ANIA R ESERNES FLI A S BARR & CO., rebpeetfully an -1).n... that they hovel' propels [ion a I I istery GI the Ponns.ylvania Reseroes from their organization to lire ex pile tion of their lei In ht service. •. Tho History will contain th.• noun s of a I the Officers and Priv/a, of the Collis—their carmalties and tbschat;Tes—also graphic descriptions of their camp tile and their gallant achievements In the orally but. ties in whh It they have la ben part—all derived Crum official and authentic sources. The [lister of the Pennsylvania Reieirves Will be In One Volume of (1W pages, octavo size. neatly printed on gout paper, and subst notlally bound in black c nth. containing a steel ettgra‘log of the lamented Rep, Ida. and one of Doren], Curtin. (uho first recommended tho tot oration or the Pen nsyhaola livsery Corps,) and will be sold only by so loicrlplionr It will be ready in A u,ust next. Price—Thiee Dollars per copy. The Publishers tcel confident that the just pride every l'etine)leaninn must entertain for the bt avo re., wiles • gallant achievements and patriotic selt-devution it records, will secure tor "The History" a generous and appreilative reception. ELIAS BARR a CV., Pulillshrril. No. ft, ice t King St , Lancaster., A. C. lIEFFLLITNUEIL, Dun. Agout i June 3, .C.l—tit FAIR OF THE CUMBERLAND r COUNTY AORICULTURA L SoCIE'I'Y. At a mooting of the Cumberland county A crlcultur al Society. held on the 4th of March, D 3,4, the fdlow ing resolution was adopted: Resolved, That it n. expedient that thn Agricultural Society of Cumberland enmity have n Fall Inen'inr, be held on Wedne•d:ay Th y and Friday, the 12th, 131 h laud 11th of I !cwt.,. I bird. tie e Web all our citizens and citizens td - adj.dnittg coo a tie, are,lnvited to attend and make s. me eoniiibution to the exllibition. land that Uttorge Shenll,r, Dr. W, W. Dale and h'. Wntts, Req , ba a Coinmittee to mike all necessary arrange me•ats pr. paratory to the plaiting. Resolved, Th.t thin iesolution be publlslied In the different pnpei s of the county. D. S. CROFT, May 1564-8 t '1"I' E PARTS NI ANTI LLA EM / pt)itiu‘i, N. p...t0 Chostnul St , Philadelphia Nuts OPEN—Paris-Matte MANTILLAS and CLOAKS Also, sl'ltlNti and GARNIICNTS, of our owp Vsnolacturu,,t the Lnteet Styles :Audio gloat vnriety. J. W. PROCTOR & Co , The Paris Illantilla Emporium, 020 CHESTNUT Street PHILADELPHIA. United States 6 percent 10-40 Loan. \AT e aro prepared to furnish the 10-40 Ftaten Loan authorized by the net (1 \larch 3.1, Poil either Itegistered ot Coupon Bond-, PIN parties may pleb, in denominations of $5O, $lOO, $5OO sl.outi, $0 um), std $lO,OOO . he lute , rot on the $:/l), and $lOO, 11/outs partible /Annually and denotuillatin,a semi-annually in coin. The Bonds mill bear date %birch Ist, 1/,4 and are redeemable at the pleasure of the Government nt•- ter 16 years Ind parable 40 years horn date I, COI/ with interest at 5 percent per anniinn W ItEETP,II, Casbler. Carlisle Deposit flank, April 55th,, 1004, GREAT RUSH A Ogilby's Cheap Store for hi , . LA unrivalled stock of Cheap Goods. Just rev neuril from tht. cli 4r31L1 n ith a large itucit of lal.glyineoUt DRESS GOODS, all the new et} los. Silk and Cloth MANTLES, Black Silks, less than city pikes. Elegant plain and ligui:d raouRNING GOODS, ❑omhazines, IVool do Lalnes. Baroges, Crape Morolt. Nlnnambiquo, li)malaya, Black 1111(i %%10'1: llarn•ge end Crape .111orott for ,hawle, Tu•ron Cloth, Mourning koL teen, Crape COINS'S, ate. Ladien Cloths for Clunks. vory cheap. CIATIIS and CASSINI MILS. M ysllnn, CRlleom G ',whams. La. l'urchanera aro requested to call nod exaraltio this stock of Goods. Our motto Is, “short profits and quick solos" for the cash. New Gen& rereiving aironst daily at the cheap sto:e %Vest Main straut, nearly Orlf nfilLu the Depot. May 13. C. 0011.11 Y, rue. WINES AND LIQUORS. SOUTU HANOVER STREET, CA 11111 E undersigned. successor to George vritaors, a ould losportfu fly inform his friends and the pubila generally, that ho Intends to maintain the character et the above house so heretofore, and will keep constantly on band a largo assortment of 1311 A NDI GINS, WILISRETS, RUMS, CORDIALS, • BITTERS, &r., &e., which he can soli as cheap as any other establishment in Carlisle, It not cheaper. tirsr County Landlords will find this the piaoo to buy their. WINES AND LIQUORS, Both In regard to quality and price. Ills dock In large and well selected, and he invites a call before purchasing elsewhere. Remember the place. South Hanover atreet, directly opposite the "Vol unteer "Print lug Office, 1 Winter',, old ataind, (Carllale. April 21, 1864—tf. D. P. 11AZI1LTON. CiIARTER 1829. PERPETUAL FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COIVIPY. PHILADELPHIA. • - ASSETS ON JANUARY 1, 1884, $2,457,849 95. CAPITAL, 8400,000 ACCRUED SURPLUS, RI NO INVESTED PREMIUMS, • I 066 "88 Uneottled 0181016, r Inrome for 1664. , $8,416. ' • • 000,000: LOSS PAID. SINCE 1820, ,- • .3,0E4;000. • o PERPETUAL AND TEDIPORARY,POLVIEB ON =DERMA, ,FER*B. • CHARLES N.' BANOKER ISAAC LEA., • TOM A& WAGNER, ' • EDWARD' O. DALE; BOWEL GRANT, QEO. PALER,' 'JACOB R. SMITH, ALFRED FFTLEit,. OEO. w:ltionmitsff, - - - VRAtI; W. LEWIS, . , OKA DAN og.ER, Prea4., EDWARD C. DALE, Vice Pres't. MoALLISTIT, Sec. Pro. Tetri.• , • , Agt.; CgrlisieTa: BLOrb It 3 , , ' • R . QIOE SE6 ARO. TOBACCG,.. - . 4 14 ItALSIONI. . EF:ii the premiBo.l 'tbt 'ettlis.oribbr I melding lb DIP Nino ionnrlblp. or( the eleventh of Juno, Agnes Maki übindurytin luth.uturo4 apprerp tlftpro r•nrii. All Timlinnu tire hereby noti• fled nut to harbor or trout ou aui'luecount. July 8,1864-3 t DM INISTR &TOR'S . NOTI OH. Is y given tht letters adthinist lion on the estatehereb C of athaylneti of Eberly, late of Mon k * roe township, deceased, have been granted by the Itegisear to the subscriber residing in the came town• ship. All persons knowing themeelves indbbted to raid estate will maker Immediate paYntent, and those having clahns will present then:lle . JArol3' EBERLY: Adhahhitrator. • July 8, 1864 JONES HOUSE ; Corner of tilarlret & OarkeiSOLlotee,' HARRIkSURCI, P.A. eHAa. N. MANN,' frciOtle.' June 17, 1864_3m* ~ . GEO. V. NEIDICH, D. V. *B.."'" L 3 to Demonstrator of Operative Dentistryorthe . Baltimore College or Vit.Wartitmr... Da i l t c a e l a S l ulerL. oo opposite Marlon nail, West Main street, Carlisle, Pa. July t, 1854. rid ZCS: 111 r) • - TIR. GEORGE S. SEA taii*.sP-_.• I_7 RIGHT, Dentist, from the Met& ••••• more Collage of Dental Burgerri - 031.0ffice at the residence of hie -- tictothiAVßerli Loather el ,or, throe doors below Bedford. July 1, lgi;4. DR. Wllt H. COOK, HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, Surgeon and Aceouchour CIFFICE at his residence in Pitt jAre, , t. adjoining the Methodist Church. July 1, 1864. FOR RENT. A desirable resluence in ITanoter Street, Carnal*, near the Second eruebyteriau Church. Apply to Wm. LI. Miller May 27, 1764—tf - E; STATE NOTICE. J Letters of Administration on the estate of Bars. eel %V [dor erstick doc'd. latent the Borough of Carlisle hove boon losued by the Register to the - undersigned ref:fling in Raid Borough. AR persons having claims against the sold estate will present them for settle. meet and those Indebted will mate immediatjeay,rneuti to HENRIETTA LIAVERSTII3S, Adwr'x of Samuel W. IlaverstlOr- Juno 10. 18f4 • ILCUsEIa COILL AN • Buggy for Salo. A FIRST RATE Buggy, newly do up, for solo Enquiro of W. C. Sawyer, one=door bolow Niartin's Hotel. I have just received a largo addition of need and seasonable On de. Also, a splendid line of Silk- fdan. Oen, Onts sod Rosquos, hum New York. Bradley's Duplex hliptleallris ; all kinds and colors. New Spring Cloths and cassinierea, Carpets, O❑ Cloths. Slat• I lees. Sr. Additions of new good. , constantly received. May 13. W. U. SAWYER. A Joint Resolution proposing certain Amendments to the Constitution. 13E it resolved by the Senate and-House of It eprown to Uven alba Commonwealth of Penn sylvania in Clenera I assembly met, That the following amendments no I,' opnsed to the Constittition of thee Commonwealth, in accordance with the provisions of the tent h at tick ther•of : They shtll Lo an additional section to the third ar ticle of the Constitution, to be designated as section four, as folios: • bECTION 4. Whenever any of the qualified electOril of this Commonwealth shall be In any actual military ben ice under a requisition from The President of the United Plates. or by the authority of this Common• wealth,such electors may exercise the right of suarage In all nivel loos by the citizens, under such regulation. as are, or shall be, prescribed by law, no (olives If they WO7O present at their n•ual place of election." SECTION 2. There shell ho two additional sections to the eleventh article, of the Constitution, to bo deal& noted as Seel lone eight, And nine, as follows: SECT/UN 8 No bill shall be passed by the Ugh,la, tare, COL/ tainine, more than one subject, which shall's). clearly expressed in the title, except approprhstlon SECTLON 9. No bill shall be passed by the Legislature grantinir any powers, ur privileges, in any case, where the au' htlyity to grant such powers, or privilege:l, has been, or may hereafter be, conferred up n the vaults of this Commonwealth." HENRY G. JOHNSON, Speaker of the Rouse of Representatives. .JOHN P. PENNJWY, Speaker of tho Shhato Office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth, 1 Harrisburg April 26, 1864. PENNSYLVANIA • SS: I do hereby cert.fy that the foregoing Is a full, fru, and correct copy of the original Joint Resolution of the blerier.l ASSounb, , entitled “A Joint Resolution proposing certain Amendments of the Coustztutlou," as the same remains on file in this ofliem• IN TestllSlONli whereof, t have hereunto eat . my hand and Maize.' the real of. the Sects. tary's ofli, a to 1:4 affixed, the day areLyear above written. ELI BUSER, Secretary of the Commonwealth. The above Reaolution Mixing been agreed to by • majority ot the members of each flinuse, at two success• sesfdens ut the lieueral Assembly of this Comtyon• wealth, the,proposed amenduiente will be submitted to the pope, ler 'bele adoption or rejection, on the EMT Efirm or Arsons, In the year of our Lord one thous. and eight hundred and sixty four, In accordance with the pros isions et the ienth article of the Constitution. and the act entitled "An Act prescribing the tithe and manner of sUhnhILI log to the poop e, for their approval and ratificatioll or rejeetloth, the propOsed wends:hunts I' the Coostitution," approved the the twenty third day of April, out thousand eight hundred and sixty four. ELI SLIFER, Secretary of the Commonwealth. April 29, 1963.—t1 10-40 LOAN OF THE UNITED STATES First !Va.!tonal Bank of Carlisle. r 1 1 1 - 1 IS Bank designated as a depositary and Matteis' agent 41 the United States baa been eppointed to receive nuh•criptlons on account of the Slates I.nau autbm iced by act of March 3,1561. There Bends are redeemable at the pleasure of the Government after ten years, and pa3able forty years nom data in coin, with interest at 6 per cent. pee an num in can, and are hoe from all taxation. ..t.ibscribers a 111 reg else eithet Registered or Coulon Brenh., an they ma) prefer. Beo,tered Bonds will be Issued of the denemloa• t tone of $ OO . $ lOO , $. 0 $l,OOO. $5.000 and slo,ooo,and Capon 11 , mde of the denominations of $6O, $lOO, 000 and The interest of the $5O and $lOO Bonds is payable annually. on all other denominations semi annually -. Suhscribers are entitled to interest from the date of their deposits with the lianic and Bonds will be deliv ered free of charve. The amount of subscription may he dep sited In U. 9 'notes or National Bank notes.; it Is optional with suliscribers to pay the accrued inteiest from :late of hoods (' arch let, 1804,) or to receive bonds drawing Interest fr m the date of the subscrip tion and deposits. If the latter are preferred, the date from which Interest will accrue if coupon bonds, will be stamp• d upon the first snupon falling due thereafter. and P registered bonds, such dictg - will be written In the body of the bond, April 13. 1834 nitTHESE, Bonds are issued. under the Act of Congress of March Rth, whickprovldes t all hoods issued under thls act shall be hXERIPT FROM TAXATION by or under any state or municipal authority. Snhocrlptions to those nide arc received in United States hutas or notes o f National Banks.— They aro to be ADDEND, D IN COIN, at the pletuure• of the Government. at any period notless than tensor mere than tort, years from their date, and until their redemption Five Per Cent Interest will be paid In Coin, on hen& of not over one hundred dollars annually and on all other bonds eom. anuuailp. 'nits Interestele DAY. able on the first days of March and September. in ari' year. Subscribers will receive either Registered or Coupon Donde, as they may prefer. liegistercd bonds are re— corded en the boobs of the U B. Treasurer, and can he transferred only on the owner's.order. 0...up0n Bonds are payable to bearer, and are more. convenient Sur commersial uses: • . Subscribers to this loan will have the option other lug their,bonds draw interest from March let, by pay ing the ttcfrutul interest iu colu—(or in United Slates notes, or the• notes of National Banks. adding filly per cent for premier%) or rem lye them drawing interest from lhe date of subscription and •depoell. As then bonds are EXEMPT BIUNIOTPAI4.ORiSTATH TAXATION, their value is increased from ono to three per cent. per annum, according to the rate of tax lidos in various parts of the country. At the present rate of premium on gold they pay OVER MOM' per-emit interest lu currency, and are Of equal convenience as a permanent or tempprary, In vestment. It is believed that no securities offer so great induoe, moats to lenders as the various descrlptlona of U. 8. _b on d, In all -other farms Of indobtodness,, the faith, or ability of private Tartlas or Stock coo:twit : ll4ot sopa rate oommunitlee only is pledged for paymmit, shits for the debts of the United-State' the whole raperty of the country is holden to secure thapaymetf of both, principal and interestin coin. These bonds may be subscribed for in sides firom. up-to any magnitude,' on the same terms, end-ttre thus made equally available to the smallest lender and, the largest, capitalist. - Thercan..he,cOnverAeChate_Meney at any moment, and the holderwlll have the benefit of the interest.' , . It may be useful to state bithleemoneotion that the ._total Funded Debt of the United States on which late-. rest` if , payable In gold, on the 84 day of 81erch,,1084i. was $70a,008.00. The interest on this debt ter the • °outing fiscal, year will, be $45,937,120,, while the one, toms revenue In geld Of the morel:4118ml year, ending . June - 80th, 1804, has bead so far at tlie IstooteVer • $100,000,000 per annum. 5' • , It will be seen that oven the hieseet gala sestina°, of •tbe Government are largely in °ice's of the went' • of the TreasUrer for the payment of gold Interent, while , the recent increase of the tariff will donbtleatt Wei the annual rtaelptp fromonatomei tlia, same tuxtraint, of iipportations, to iii.o,ooXoof , er annntn• . Inatruotions to the National Banks actin/ Ai itird agents web not Waned fromthe G. S. TresSuty until March 20, but in the fret.three of. Aprll tito enbsorip....•• lions averaged more, than Ton Billltons a •weela t , Bub. - sotiptio , s will bit received by Tthe - • • • ' Firot.National Bank -end by elf National Bent, 'which- are -481446tia°1 of, Publio money, and art-respeatable, Banke end BMA* . 'throughout • tbe country, (acting as astelts'ef tlooal Sepaaltar/.llonlte,) ,fernish Inether..hefor:, 'nation en.applleatton and'erford seribers . • . •-• •• , Nax,eAsisi IipIIYSICLEA Ng - will'anct it to "tarter!, ofilu ind, rnzehads thsir 3164101tw0 4A4511)r.1. Six Cents Reward; J.T.WOODS J. 0.-lIOB,EZR. Cad Oar. V. S. 10-40 BONDS.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers