Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, July 15, 1864, Image 4

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    - rises in '0 sent. The House is hushed
--for the man is loved of all, and greatly
respected. Ile says:
nEsENTATIvEs: The. hour of adjourn
ment has arrived, and I wish you one and
all a happy reunion with family and
friends in t':e charmed home circle,—
Thanking yeti for the kinitaxid generous
manner in which you have sustained me
in_the administration of the difficult and
responsible duties of the chair, and hop
ing and trusting, when we reassemble in
these Halls next DeuMnber, Providence
may have so croWneil the endeavors of
our heroic defenders in the field that we
may be permitted to rejoice over the foil
realization of the pra 3 or of so featly mil
lions of your con:tilletit:, "1.:0,1 save the
• American Republic," I d now, in aceenl.
alma with the conemrent Teat:don of
1)1.01 bones, declare the lust
the I f,..ise of Repiesentatives hf the
.XXXVIIIth Cm f , ic-a of tie,:
L'States adjourned sloe dic.
But the carnal, an 1 p sad s7ci d,
and economical \yolk of this 'louse of
Representatives di es net stand iellourne.i.
God has-accept-eil fm,m tho
the true men who go out of these doors,
and has oast it into the tide of Ills civil
zation. The first bapti-m of the newly i
enriched flood will be of our own land.
Bathed in it, while all red from fires of
this war, it will be pur:fied and hardened
fur all time, as hot iron g.ts (density.
strength, cal endurance from baptism in
water. S. v;
Let this boa graml Examination Pay
of the States, bofure the high Omit of
Public Opinion; antl let the
boar away the laurel. As the rail is a
long one, we content onrseivestvith
calling the representative ones.
Stated I You will au. , wer ed yo,lr
numbers are called out.
Number one
NEW Yoaii—llere. I IVI3 fifth hi
rank in 179), now lam first. Pupilla
:ion 3,831,000; wealth $1,813,338,.
..‘ly laborers aro freemen.
Number Two!
PEN.NsyLv.tsli—llere. I was Pecon.l.
in 1799, and hold my own, l'opulatiou
2,0./0,000; wealth $1,416,f:*11,090.
laborers arc freemen.
Yumber Throe
01110 -Lit: 1. I elLere.l in 18:0 Li
chi) eighteenth in rank. To-clay I Ir,re
2,339,./33 population. an 1 61,193,893,-
422 woaltla. My prapert.y is tli,2 ware
ai froo labor.
Number Four
ILLlNois—Jere.. I eu:eel in 1810
ars al:, ttoca',./-fot‘p,!7l, in rank. Now 1
L, ve a population of 1,711,951 and
.;371,83.3,3.}0. No I.l:.nthilaa tied mz
Number Five'.
ViaaINIA-llere. I en:ered the
i)a in 179 J ;Li the iu rJak. My 1.)-
et' whya 19),JJJ
are slam.. wo.ilth is 5792,,247,000.
My splendid cilinate and fortila soil hive
u.).1 saved Lao. Each ten years since,
1.32:: 1 Lai. u tallea,allt.c:e lower in the
:.\'uniber Six
ItiaLlNA—hero. I coAro.l in 1S
in rank. 3.1 y population
3ly wealth. $3:28,=3,000.
I hay,: Lac 33,8 A sciu.via urges of zorri
tory, while Vir,;:u:a has over 14!..)0r.
I en:el c.,1
is 17JJ as the/oil/at State in rank wh
7.3 square toile. of barren rocky suit.
ll a l o b u.atiuu is 1,231 000. My
F:1;13,237,00. 31y an are every where,
the pioneers of education, comuieree, na
vigation and colonization. My citizens
arc all freemen..
NtariLie,r Eight !
Missouni—here. I entered in 1810
as twen4y-third in.rank. My population
is 1,182,000 of whom 114,0J0 are slaves.
My wealth is $5)1,211,000. I have es
tablished au ordinance of universal free
Number Nine!
KUIVTI:OIIY—LIere. I entered in 1790
as the fou;•k,:nelt in rank. My area is
near 88,00 J square miles, soil and eli
mato superior. My wealth is 8000,000,-
000. Population 1,135,000, of whom
225,500 ure slaves. Had I improved my
opportunities and gifts, I would have
ranked to-day as tho fourth State, in
place of Illinois. I believe -in the divi
nity of human bondage, and the justice
of involuntary labor.
"iNumbor Ten ! '
TvzsiN.Essrx—llere. I entered in 1790
.as the ejevenitxuth, in rank,3vith a domain
'of 45,000 square miles of the finest land
the sun ever shone upon. My popula
tion is 1,10,000, of whom 295,719 aro,
or were slaves. My -wealth is, or was,
8493,953,000. Had wisdom guided me,
I would to-day hold . the third rank in
place of Ohio. My political guides have
worshipped negro slavery.
.W most here close the roll-call for
the time, for the purpose of adding a few
reflections and tuggeations. Is it not re
markable that Massachusetts, with a soil
proverbially poor, and a harsh climate,
should , be three,, ranks above Tennessee
iu point of power? It is remarkable to
superficial observer, but in this case,
".happy is, he who can find out the causes
of things." And the cause, is, readily,
-Tound. One State exalts, dignifies 'lira'
rewards labor, invention 'and enterprise
' of all kinds, and idlenea.s is' disreputable.
In tho other it is, eotecuaed a Sett of de
gFadation to labor, and a great honor to
be able to liye in luxurious ease, on the
unpaid toil of huni,dTed slaves, whose
solo ineolitiVii' to theft . daily. labor, is the
scourge of au overseer.
In ono State the lahoreris,eortnied A
marl,:auti, citizen,;,i.r. the other a piece .
o£ `property,, a more brute. 4._ the,
interest of, the
,Massachtmetts' labarer to
,', , ,):6;.7eJais State, but theTennossee - bonclmen
motive to hate' their State
- ; a , ,ith'iiii;)ding bitter hatred. • C9nso
quently, while the Free States prosper,
the—Slave States gradually decay. Now
let us reason with those who have been
friendly to a "Southern Confederacy,"
on the matter. Grant your government
established and acknowledged. How
long could it last, with a continuation of
the same relative progress between free
labor and slave labor in the future, which
we had heretofore? In tiny years the
61avu government would he so weak com
pared with itd Free neighbor, that it could
not protect itself. Much Ii is been spoken
and written in this country about Stale
so v e r e Hity an I independence. but surely
the m,ist superficial observer must, see
tint the labor system of the South tends
inevitably to weaken the States, and di
them of all sortreignty and hide
penile Ti MCS.
At the great meet int 4 held in
honor of Gen. Grant, at Squale,
011 tilt) of the - 4th
J 111.1109 'P. Ilr',dy , the eali•
rekt rof that city, who is a well
known L'inteerat presided. On (Ilk
tho chair he deliver, , d a short w..i.lcess, in
the course of which he spoke as follows of
the Peace I)einor,ey:
Within the sound of my voice, ft.eble
to it to, 11l hou,es where toe,e tones can
be ilosid t traitors 11:0.0
tillS has bn , kt:ll upon us. In
the luxurious ,- - - -t - lob4 of men wi:hin the
wy votes love Lnen the e!.u!k•
NelllllrlVli,ol.ltht.rtiCr:‘, whit S::1)ed
hots uwuplri us I.lll.lkirlgitioney, not having
the cot.wig,,e to sLaie the danger to which
they tov:ted titeir ' brothels at, home.,
so - -apd appl,a2.-c.] 1 :•ee 0111
to this crowd wive, "Ilallltl 111111;
v.: 1 ,1111111 neg p ; we will
not * nate the ex,onide.or the
1511:1:11 perwi and did
'WIC] 10 INF
I lit/t.•
.here, 111au1i611d,ee arc
;Ind I bitall 11, rzwr. ml, iulct I 1.11.11M1 III • II
In any tild, Idea' 1101 . ill u , c I
‘Ve IcCIC kl (IL
/ luen, all,i W...; tr xv,lll ~;11
ci Itu wclu 11 - Hl6lod gill! t Ie trilett
-111111,1., II Lt I Ile 01 15h.)
r,Atber that the c.,ti,,lry
I h ;re d than I 11,st One t Ile' II
snuald Lu di,' p wive d
isno had not the audauo . } to a, , ho. lu z-e
et,oduu, but rhj Nvull their
!.interns w appreto boo !Jae rt, holdinw,
thew to ,uun a ito•cion that they co% e:ed
tileir own lineieua and to cal
the light into ibe 11,:.rt in'u ttl.l h the
roeLiog dog c f s et• the de wa , to he
flung, L t‘, e all; , 101!12 ail
etc done 'NI It the ;•iiral.log
int,elal le dattids ‘ylko, n
C. 4() I.b. , ut the tr:o.! (.1 11.0 h ut
tlettpbar. r , ,, sk.hLed into eon, aod
Lli 1 . 111111 bt;iu 111
‘% lldt they ea :1 1 , 11,ti
ti ;riot ti-c tht)
thLit 11)11 v.ou,d e.rd ,I.;1( the
.liht tern 13,t, h,Ol Itt v cd. P.)het
I ;It Ft! Merl beIOIL4 to
119 W 111
oldy VIC,V ClIt'!1
Of a it, t> ELI tt'd Ituit
hurrying- of the I,llm :t
[d,r,a ; _hrid- arid criiirrtris] 'rya iiia dauc
Vi.t 11 t , lit,
the that 11.:••C kl
wy, rU ticw I (CH a Lunt,'
I havo•CLillde e k 5 It ten
d 11',11;u1 . 8 NV[I iJ,e . ai
'l'll, It t, au ,i t
b,-en licther lei lit 11 , 1' ,r., I , 11
this ( . I.M M) ,ilj,if.r.4
,uctiritln tic-uc.i
that iIIL t 11lr rll show I loc
isitcd upon .111 bi tr,.es
Olt: I till I
wint,trtttit,tt i ,r to go a;adist
the thitiotthl exit-ttcLco 'file) ate teeing
their woy clear rut st
:,ath mist winch they p, hetusel%tos
to be au.l as sore as you t.t 'tot
here, of , men at !he who h, ru
tofure have permitted themselves to be
arrayed, even fur an instant, against the
proseei.tidE of this war, the residue now
kit to ho small that un 0 rainy day it con
meet under an reds the Pork
[great laughrter.] L t use tell you tomtit
er thing—and you will hate it teriti,d to
your persoual expel it nee— that of those
wen who have undertoken to set up then
own peculiar opinions against the exis
tence of their country, it will one day of
other be required to more wit.
nessea in ts court or ju,lico to pore
that they were not all disloyal to the
Union, that. they ever cJuLd call to prasc
that a generous enio•ion ever stirred in
their bosuuss. [Cheers.] I have trans
cended the limits assigned to myself
Lth its of -Go on.") Excuse tie Apart
trout the vanity which is gratified by u.•
curing one's own language, allow we to
nay to you that speaking in public in the
open air is no easy task It you think
it is I would like one of you to cootie het e
and try it. [Laughter I Ater the ingan
izatiun of Inc meeting I chull give way
to the reading of tl e excellent resolutidi a
that have been prepared. after u hick enii•
nent g, ntlemen will address you. 1 Neil
only stay in conclusion, that to my
the gruudeat circumstance to come out of
the triumph of our arms—sure to can e
sooner or later—front this atrwrgle iu
which wo have spent so much of the
blood and treasure, North, East and %Vest
—the greatest triumph to conic t ut of
this battle, never to be given up alma
Eldon the bettling of our natiomil existent e
under the old flag, is, that the time may
(tone vt hen the united Amok:in people
in all the :tat es of the Union that we
ever Limbered, and Inure added to the
list their just vt ngeance upon the nation
which in our hour, f dbaster basely and
wearily turned against us. [Loud cheers.]
A BEAUTIFUL Mout:m.l%—A writer.
whose life has passed its meridian, thus
discourses upon the flight of time :
"Forty years once seemed a long and
weary pilgrimage to make. It now seems
but a step. And yet along the way are
broken shrines where a thousand hopes
have wasted it to ashes ; foot : prints sacred
under their drifting dust ;.green mounds
where grass. h.fresh with the watering of
tears ; shadows even tvliieh we would not
forget. We will garner•the sun shine of
theseyears, and with 'chastened step and
and hopes, push on toward. the evening
Whose signal lights will soon be-swinging
whore the writers aro still and the storms.
never:beat." •
klittle Loy on, corning borne from a
certain church where ho hid seen a per
son-perform on an organ, Bahl to his moth
er—"Oh mamma, I wish you 'had been
at church to•doy to Peo the fun I—a man
pumptug music-oat of an oltotipboard
No Iron Frame to Break, or Rust, and Spoil
the Clothes.
53,818 SOLD IN 1863
TT was pronounced superior to all others
Lot the Iteritre Fair at London. 1862. It took' the
Hrt.t Premium at the great Fair of the American In
mitute, In N. York city, 1803, and wherevoi exhibited.
Bolf•Adjusting and Adjustable!
The only WrlThrer whh the Pitent COI WHEEL HE.
GULA OM, which p,sitively prerents the rolls from
Without Cog whets thin whole strolo of forting the
,10,11 I him ugh thn Machine In put upon the lower roll
e.iu,ing throe time; ire inueh strain upon the loom roll
hen 0, a hits hill, our 'Wont Regulator are
UN. I, bOSIIIPS the extrl upon tho cloth.
hi reply to the question, •• Ilnw Long will it Loot. !"
we ran only say, •• Ac 1..11g 'IX a %lash tub, ,00t tog
wore, or nay other frouly utonsil." Ara testunony
nt Orana, o•tf ho A 1111,11,111 Arrkulturkt, No.
11 Park how, N• V., o ho IWS of the
"We think the tosehlne tooth inure titan PAYS FOR
I'l' 1,1? /IRY VII It In rho raving of
WO ODodder it Importan that thu Welro.rer be litttl•
I.lierulse a mass of aselnents In iv el, 0111
11./111, , , WO Abu rollers upon Lba crank-.halt blip nod
I ' , 11i,. or
tar ow. ix lin, 11/II firm mule. and it. Ir Gooli \.s
I.W atier overly I Y 31 USE."
T 1 11 1 ,:. 1,41 - 111 P, (1,1 , 111! - .ti AND lIONEY.
1 , va:•11:, no 1 fir Jolt x••••tuu.l I h.• tut , or 1,15).1 , 12
111 , • .1 1 it, 1 . 1. I otpn 1.1 n 1.5 01.•
It 'III,:v•• 11 ry 111.111,11 , 111 the with...
*i 4
Iva), 11111,1.1, A 1.:.; ...11
It \\eles, ptt ,,,
th.a nf'rrn ft-iv month.; 11111
ii. • 1 1. .1
HILL 'col' ON I HE
:tile, Itar rlolhi ii.
it1ii,41.1.1 tai kutilk , on fro. of ^,71,,p0, Iy
J , IEN 0 .1:11'1I1.1.1. Ago: I.
\‘,ll 13,1%11
A prlll
j (781 , ~,,enod at the Npir tultl (11c:1p
I . ,i. 44 004 L. i•iivll 1411 '. %Wig,. 911.4.1 i •1 Luce i. , lipp!)
~i ,p 1 i iz nil I: 4 1 , 101 , 1•/. I i(111.1A CI All IL„ N. 414.44414: 414141
.11. 141 it :4.' , .40 h. I. ll.', .4111 , 1 41`1,lit i 4 , :4'011,04144 I, I II.•
a 4,1, , /I N I•ro,, , .11' 01, y YI •I. if Hi 4i 01,, 11.1 i•'11 4 1
1..1 In. 1,144,, 11..1.1s :111,, Illid id o t l. 5U41,,,,0r ,1 1 ,41 4 ,
i 1111/r1 14iI•I ie., 11. , •p , - , 1 ~...1.14 ~j \,•,,,•>t 111‘ OW 1,1,
I '4..11 , 1ie Drd US 1i,i,,1.,c - 1,111.. r/ I'oinlll., 1itim. , 1 ,1 4
nn l'ilitr , 1,.. I' In/t-l'is 1'1,,.• I:. ‘0,1 ,, 11/4 ot et•vry ,I 0
,•111.11klaek lot!. :11,1 I aN•
t;.) tl i
1,1110 `I J-11111/
C. 't it ••/1,1 /14. 1.40: I
tl: ini fill to Ow ei:nnoiinitv :lir
In:, tin.; Lir to the
1 ill ti 0; •:0•11 . i, :soh. inn ince of Cho 4:i
-4 we reel 1:.110.u7 fnli% rr,.11 tte.l t.,
pw.ll, 11,1/St, I.• .1/.11 .loslcaldt•
t van Celt, ~, the
111 r the eel tee e
t% '2 , 1.. I.
2.1 - 37 CD
1 - 11'1: TIT 1.,} ~t• 1 ,,
r• r I ul
\II .! ns 11 II t•
I.lllth f
D ESS 000ns,
it 111,0 t t
i• I, I
~ y ti.r
v.l , • h ,111,1
13,01 !-1 1 ,.•
11.,7 n't
Gen6' and Bob Wcar,
UI.1) Ul I 117(i.
I•d1 ti . 1.1 .1
13L;OTS .1
f l)
l'•• L
I. ;
C. , ;.• 111.1
- i r,
1;1:... FINE ('ll.l 111101
L I C.
Fin.. vr,h • h /, II••••
; 1.
r e.• n ;II I
-II .' vit. tu, nud',r
II 1 \ I
R.‘ 1C II .\
!i. tn r 111 •
111 A .
Ile I. • Ifu,, I it
•:•.• •,! ‘!, •.: el,'Cr
tL, r of the Pul lk
NE T (.2001)S ! !
\-.• offerin g . an immense vu:f,..l) , of
nrl 1 , 1N7 n nos as
For Dien and Boys' Weir,
In n r it .11,1 I t I VI e
this pis a An liia r , ICI, 3, I` 11.
P. , Li .1 /IN Ip, 11 , •10 SlOl et Wit 1 1 151•13
I,; 11l Lit t 1... e ids r tit tilt, It art •I,
r ir tar I. mei.; tii Eli.. I
t ,lit cat con tie +w e. Ire ,
etilt I 11ShOl . ti 4 J11 of ,PU , L
Nor'llillnover Street, i i lething Emporium
July 1. Is.S,
Carptl.nzs and Oil Cloths
VOW ree..iving• at Ovilbv's cheap vaqh
Stnry, a lot of lograln, Yountlau, !loop, ling.
nod: or
AI5o. ntL Cr..) ril'S all wlLltha, v,blch wfl to
0111 for Cho c..,811 at the ioltreut cot s
CHAS. 0011.,117, Trustee.
: , 14r Is 1, 18r4
EIV ( )() Ds
ile..riplon and piallty of firorvripa,
Qao•, /13.ttwArts. Pickels. NJUA U. Fs h. I.lph
ohecco, : , egarft !hp •A. FrO Is VrUlls
'p i ers, W(1.111 ,104,1 Will,u I
Inds n•ql 1 the 1,44 quahsty cud to be gill at the
prlJe, f r cabh by
Ju y 1, 18C4
'r 11 1..; r•ubf•cribers vniuld respectfully
nonlutlro tin 11.0 puhlle. thnt having purchased
Le Carllniu Forgo. furalor y now prod by Pir..l kioo.iyonr •
,o.notelicukt the Wo turn will keep
countautly uut....d all siz..B of um bunt quality ul
BAR inou.
We will rive prompt xitoriti •ti to all ordure, whether
Irmo a distance Or al hnuu
Ti , 1114 lint camil priots pald far n'd arrouAlit Iron
'ICU Lio.ivereil at in i t Ft,riv.i. at thi• l: ails t.ud tit
in I nrllal •.
Caraldlu, May 13, 1664-1 y
New Stock of flats aril Caps
NurtA ainorsr• Street
splendid assortment of all the new
/1.,,ty1. of 811 k rdoluaoln, Slouch. Soft k Straw
Ilan ola "p.m ot cry *3).1 hn 0.1111.1)1.11:10turo crfi eh ivI•l
he so old at he lowest on, hpt Ices. It.. t built all qual
dies i. oan ohe fineist Dew er and Nutria. to the cheap
coot wool, and of "all o aura nolsurp lased by en) , , thle
side Philadelphia. A Iwo stock of
Palm Leghorn. Braid, tndla Panama, and
L4trow. CUWinne fancy de.
Mat, n fu I atm rtment of M. no lloya and ohildrene
nape or every dean lotion and style.
ha barna tier Invitee all to moo and cottrnlno LIB
gook. 11..ilig a ptsetieal hitter. ha Nola noun 11011' nr
giving antist,ctlon. Thankful fir thu hberai ;intron
,go heretofore beetowou ton ts a contioutnice of
tho annto. Don't f rgot the Mind. tao &tire above
nioloerbt Howland twat to Corinau'a store.
.101 IN A. lit.l,l.rat. Agt,
N. B. trata or .:11 kin& mndu to ordpr nt. Rhort, nothro
Bryang Pulmortio Waters,
D0e.11.18P4, '
pairs ilu lnes ii "
of all Malta. Itliatbuthtown ottani,. Loudon
tiaanynati do.. with and without pnteut tymeniuga
chimpiir than our at U. d4X'CoN'S,, at.
' July 1. ,
Dulysi(llANs Rd
vititago to call and puichnso their 31edlcitiPs at ,
Jul, I.
FiAMILY DYI Q9l4oittsl,
HAS received an unusually large and
11_ well selected stock of
and asks th't hls old customers, and all persons In
'want, or first race 01,0'1111/W should glee bite u call.
Ills assortment consists lu part of , -
vicsriNGs., nod all - other blade of goods for Gentle.
men's (iuttd•ui Ills assortmout of 'deco goods is the
largest aud most varied ever brought to Guriiio, and
he is determined to sell go o ds by ihq yard oil terms as
Iniurablo its all, Miler Rture, 111-1 Stork of
If: OK tenvivu mid he.. 100111. * consisting of COATS.
PAS V ESI'S, ()VERO() ITS, &c., uLich be will vela
cll• o per Choi( all) other establish meat.
Flu h3¢ a boautlitil riimortment of OENTLEMEN'S
[Alit NI,IIINII UJUDS, such uA
TRUNKS, .s...0.„1::0
ere hia hiinotiful assortment nl floods he
ti•re hove. Ile takru pleasure In Hw•v
lor big : oil will cni Joy nil that he rim non will
oil U,. als cheigi it than :lily other hi,tise no. thu
t2I:ST 1111.”.'-; 010/1.7!1,1 --I inyltn nn rXlllllllat jor.
,„/ „t
-st lit, Ii I ,tthttlilitt•ott-t• .:pe.eiti I mderm,
pultll,, thnt
al r 141'0.1 tt,rh.innfe..tur,sl under urn
rhil there lit•st M •LVek is OW 111,4
Ve t.r ile•I .11 my ri
l iotitt•tttt. air! ••• mime tr.r the.... Is,.
iki-hertember the hlil sta.!, rrrit liner, -t.
Csi lisle, A [..;1 1111
t II .111 NIA Vutlt ;tilt! 1 • 1,1i,,1,1ph1a
r...tiotttnont 01
S.l'l' TIN T(t,
I,FI now Inaklng daily nddltiraln to bin already lar,;l
•rock t.I
Lend; \l.ide Clothing for leti and 13035,
wh•11 for goalty and ink, tIV 4 - god...a In tt,,
CLAW!! M A I)E G11111.:11.
rho: r , r .0 ." try n‘ry•rl:rreo,l and
0. to!
l:-;1 II Nci (i()01),
i 1.1 Itt I rin T1.1,•11 .
.I r Tlar. Itn c'4 - t.on
11.1 . •.ol• .i• ;I • • t I nr..n I,' o nt
k.ti; It. two dn. : ti f ILL,
;.%) 1%, 1:411.1
21 t• AT% );• •) 1 , 1 ..-11% 1-I,n t - .1)%1 t• r
ladies Dress Goods
••••• • %).... r t, • )•• 1 ‘I•)) ;
t' •\ I) %It ,s 1; INt% I) /I PO. fp fff
;Pit 11 . 111 . A t%) 11%,,), A ,f.ll, 1/4/A
NI ! ,
trt.,. I, 1.1;
e ir
st •••I; t I
I ar 'a '` Vt., 1' or wt.
• P t•. 1111. L. .1111 110:1.-L,1.11t
A t I.t. 11 lit, 11,11,6 113 V
II 1 , 111, ru al° lALo.II,
ti: L 1 It
f .:1
‘I r
0 0 I
Y, I) U (") VS' I: 1 I.
01.1) ,;•,_0.,•
1 li
111 ff=il
N E f•••TO It E.
Eir)i('i, 111,1,! hLoving j. 1 ,;(
ii jnom :ay
t.fets 4.• I , IIV le) It.,
•r , hc 11. r, int thr p.) , 114 . 111 it th., .ti.l.repare I t
r v ,:t. , 11/11
, ii ttL• • .utll t !II •-• s 11,0
I ly LH/ t.itu Itt I.IC, ;. - 14,,e lLu .k
Lidies' Dress Goofs,
ilo wit 114. riv.:11t.,..c, I`,lcl 4,11 , p
s .1.1,0 3ty, Ii; utu: all
;led , ltlfrct ntng
I . l'1,» Alp. el I 11/11 - g uII • eln/g. I'lol.l 410
lt 1 , , - LI ,po I
1,1111,. 1'101.11311i 0, 1,1 pq .
11111 31 t tutld.ol.•. `11,11“ do 1.261,1,
A o , titzlo t .pf olr'd Sprinft %PIM
111 sIVI, Ir. in .111 , of 'h.• ion li•tvrt, ts Its. t , prir.g • 110,14,1
11 , 11111..ra111,1 WO, of y
J pscriptintl. Dro. 1.1,1.1) am' Mlk
koldilef:, Ilil.n o i n I CorsrtS, Ac., &C.
nr nil lon , ip 14.'11 lilrat hal hno Ntus
I )4•l<itt,, beel.a. 111111. And Yi.ll/lii
Nanki.rns. 15:11. Dutivirr a lima io,
10 .4 •iilrCla Pvita atul gavay
all Li an tit t' 'll 1'0 , 119 D.ap, Towtaing
l'nunl.rie Pop r Mush.. at:d mi.114,,,0 ets
,itll, II olleat.l4Jl A 'nw piste arsnrttuoul ci Kwdn suit
Milo for k uurrul p r 516.
Mourning Goods.
11 , mbazill•18. TllllliSl. C CU. DOVlhks and Pinzio
ith. all w,.0l \Llano do Lail4./1. Mirk :ilk W..rp
Lum[reß. hrocado. Nfollairy, fvcauu
Niout,lng Ltiova. Ginglirkoo t Lowtoi.
1,g1 , 0% Crape-. Craps Veil+ Low Voila. Traps
file 21.,d Uluvem, L 41011 1 .04011 Laug Tialbot.
SLaa alt. a r...
if E, Vs A . 4 V D BOYS IF R,
111.tek and l'at,c, C/x.stmera. VeAtlngp,
i.hum ,ttalT of all graatlL,CaLll thiVll
CIO "Dade at Fitoit Itutlee.
- -
all grades Awl gnnll fee, (coin the common hemp up to
the 1a.,1 ,uttlitv t ,tee-ply, Window cha 1.. C. Looking
and an entileas cal nety author tioods, tua
us to meh Lion.
N. It. The al,.ve stort4 has horn selt.cted with a gro•t
t I ear, and w ith tt ylus th.pom Lig of th u
0,1 the m rim•mliable tt•rmA Itu hop, t
in want of gr•ocli wi I giro ut n call la•lbre malt
tbuir .pureliaatql. awl W 0 feel I,b rod that
P , 01111 tat, hilii.10•1111.111• troll hut will ply t, ut Li
5,311 001.1 :tor
that eau h., utrurokl by any uti.wr habeas brute
lu the I,IIIOIS.
L.)o nu , forget the propor plare on itio coroer
LLIDIeII & .111..LeAt
Vp-rh IRC4
NITC. SAWYER, hos jul received
• f. om l6u lateat Epring Importritious au Im.
bt Of. ul
nmbricin g the iiewiat ntylea and fahlica effored to the
tract, Black, Flgtirol tad Letaln Silas in ' , ante supply,
MI It. Mohair. Wllll, 1/11110 &Wti Cotton TOXI 111 . 01, hut
broidered and Plaid 'rangarlltaa, dtr . iped and Plaid Ilex
nano!!! Plain and Figured' t'oll du nerd. Soliesgulaa
Alidel she eltripee, and ail ether
A full line of liosnon'o
tlontbasincet, Tuln Clothe. Tanner ' Clothe, Wool di ,
Leis,eB:l;ha lire, 'tonal Lie,.Towertinee, ',To's, Maki
mad i'lalu Mohair, hero,tre, L%w lie, Cr,,,,p. 4:Merv,
flanitfogrhlefa. Parnante. (Inure, A o. %
Cuuentl tired. of an hinde countantly on bend.
, Special care given to ..rdare fir Nueeral theta,.
Call and anneal o our 'Meet tip , * Yt.rk etyhte of
SPltiNol MANTLES, all the rarietiee and styles of
Br•onch. Eng'lsh and American el And CASS'
(It fimt clew OHO niukeil up goodx when de
snot') Cotton and Linen Pentinot, a oatln•e, Rt.
Ca PETS, T .t.
Fnnu tho Um('ll, itartrord and ittltOrPrire .lhla, all
Clothes, alatalugn, ltuga, tiltaell. and uvury•
thiug, In"ill') lacrusu r.nxnullug nue. du anurwout
atoyk or
all the standard makes of Ciiiirooll, Mario and ntquh
dPh atings. Skirtings. .1 takings. Stripes, llottanaden,
a full line of Notions. Illaiery and" (havoc All Lao
latral. Improvements In &loop Ntirtai '1 Nivo rucelred
the agency of Ilayoreff reldbrated Kid ,Oloven for thin
place. Ladles will find a complete, nanortment:
the above Oral& and Vany others poi natnod, trlttt
a 'large alock of
.01.1) GOUDS. I offer ttilho,rrada at a
small advance on coot of production: • .
Feeling araleful fur pant patronage:l ask . a 'cantina.
ante of the tome. Ihmesaber the, old and well knows
stand, /aast'3lala VliArt
' 70•Cl1•atvntbm.
Iloady-ni ado Ctol
( - WOD NE \V ! NEW 0')(11)S
P 1111, I 1 3 A It N D
t:.•\! \i
by t 1 Pieo2 , or
N 7,11: A; MITAL 0? DIY GI3D 3
.% I ..f
L I'l, :IN It izi It INS ASr, TINOS
t I to of th,
(lothi for Lni!lt's CialtlLPag
ti W nr Ir I, ..lh•-1 V't ,
I• •Is I •i•. I I II ••1 L 1,0
,wI V, :1 ak I .11.1.1,,J,0f 1.,/,
Fou:ta _Arrival of Now GDods.
••• I. pea t the 2 l'h
ft, k 41,r I W..•
1.1 I 1 I+ lirttlttt
1.11, • . 1
'ILI, It
;IL a .or below Mai tiu'e fh40.1, I:3xt 11.1 in
DO 01 S
-North ILmooer Street, Uarliale, Pcon'a.
Just rpened vn assnrtnient of Fresh Pruza, Fanny
Go nts, t.ilt 14,.0k5, ('ettunit , ry. Fruits, and Co nfOCLIOn
, ahlrli ham never Ivan t-tirpasped lu this IllatoUgh,
tar nuvelty and eluganeo. he nrNe irs have been vu
looted with great ...are, and are en Ira kited. In quality
and plies, In entutnand the attention of put chasers.
which cant price every variety of fancy articles of the
[anal rx ii.•islte finish noon ax
Pupil r
El..paut ala bunter and pot retain ink-stands and ti aye,
lune) , ivory, pearl and shell card (aeon,
uties' !ancy Basket n,
Fancy Work 11 xis, with sewing Instruments,
lode. n' Union, 1111[11,g Peak 0, unit Port-folios.
Punt ]l.lll , lleg, 01 every ,ariety.
lid imam and peed', Fanny piper weight., and a
large ..ruity I . Piney“rttrtartery.
Ma= tt seals sad wafers. Silk and oil purses.
LI ling whip+, el tgantly tinial.e..l. Fine cutlery,
1 u.f•tne h ink Ca and
ltrushes .4 every Mad nor the toilet,
N. 1;,.7,11 anti It. ' u. Wt Snaps and Perfumes
of —mow, I. Ind+.
t'i t.r dresruu and shawls.
.1, ',lra' 111 , r1,1111..i11.,,
L 04,00 ., „ Rh all in Ole all:Cy Of 11 , fl eln
ilf.Ml•• t atid I'
ttl which !••• spowial attnotitm. 4. JAI 4 5t1411:411 4 u pieganC 4•01111014411
.nul•1.111; V/111 , 113 1:1:114I and \ ,n Works.
richly ww)bo•likhod 1'.11,1'117.1 l% S.
II viii It 101,, 'lie:Anti) livid in velvet with amt.,'
I , sys Awl s.
S hoc' fine ICS and g,11. , 01
211A1.1 . 011_41.1.1.. rvor) thin!: ii , ed iii
Li, • crbu 1,. Iln 111,4) L1,i14, to th , p.ll t lertlar at
tuilllori of Fatullit". It/ 1.14 CI
fro. ,•st Archer
..vvry I" ul
.4.1 y I :Imp.. 1 r oh. I
, or .than.) oil: al , t , Wetri . r , c • ott • hr.V. , l
f.3"r hi I,, toupth, with h'loo of
\ S.o. (hit 1.13
In ut,.1.,11.a. 011.1 Ili.lOrgh Aimo,
embra. Ing all tl, fvrnrite lrenJe, MA a t:no
al.ll :01111:1..1:,5 A N tUe
.•• . Icl.ratul k, In neh , lirg 6L,1t./k/04
-twit an (I,,ittgtis. Lemons, I. ll.,Nert•trllettw.
nn.:, NUT:—
, IlNi I.D \I I.{
V• ,10 h and ,hi,•). vry pa•••
1 1•••• I, o:tn t • 1 tl , r•,,t:.1.• I t. ,
ot , end 1-1..•4 t 11,4 in 11,
..t intullmr artielf.q
hi. It 11, ptt: , ll. nru txpr,i3lly Inns t
I. ttr,
r t lu. /IA - ill , ll, nrsrly orr,ao the
1 , .
. 1 1I: I I. 4
New Sky.Li 2 .lit An'
I:.:1! y.
( - 1 1, I,f )0 11 1 1.1 V i happy to inform
h !Is ci,h.lth... nth' the •
et 11, lie 1,/, tett! tl rl,t,ittli-ttwettL
, , 1 1
New Giillery ,
m.ctipir.l '.II MIA ' ll `'l illinen
,t. 1 111•• ..t..‘11.1. 4 11e app.lazu, the
%.• Q I Ce t i Wed
11 , T (311%1'114 C
/ 1 •/, •he In sr n t le in I lel/ hitt rw New' York.
/tie l'l/1 11 , 111,1 a 110, ..101.1/1/ ‘ , Ol/ h" CloUd)
nv , it , • pe.: or .1..,,,2•1 iwrsoto.
4 1: ' 1
T L.; •• CA It !,1 , I.I.: 1 7 ' A L 11. E OF Alll','
~ By J. 0 Lesher,
now ,TI.II ii,r the 1(•(.,,,ii inninit inn oil
It t,. 1,111. IPr ,11,1,nposi. , rii 11.1ru A • l' II oiTil
, , ki II • iiii.l 1 Nllliiii;Vc,,-, , hii.ii ,i lii 1.0 .I..tiii 1,1 a
t.l v •upei rii ill iiiii••r 1 , , IIII• le , el/I url, iiteltigi..l o h.
i,liih. n,. Ipl V hi Ii iiii• iii, il,il I Ili. :wild 'tit I. 1111v114 . 1.
1,.. ,I I Ink.. pl. i tilt, 1 i c1.i11.1, lii,..ii (i. r i .in, i to ...,.,l
I , : ill ir_i 11, .ti• .ait i I. e...... i. I jiti i•ii.llo I I
• r'.ll , I mph lc ii. ~ chi I , il, r i..• t I1P•h AIIIIIIta 1., k
.1. I i'li it .i, 3,• 1 S . 1. • • • • k iA, 1.0, , 1J 4, 111,1, 01 lilt Et!,
t ,),.' 11 a• . •
ir , ,l, III:. 'I.II.
I lia Ell
- I I 111 I (i :
jr" I' p.m.' a 11.., 1:r. r.•ry o•-•
In \IA, 1 . 2011 , 1. , opp s 1..• II
r 4,1 I , ••• lo• , o so , p!y It hool,.
1 lie oo'. d or q'h. I at lb ,
0k..n0 t rtt, • Ittltp•
TV , T 1 1 . :1 TEA
, ! o I • to. _l4 1111.1; Crart. h•
1t,...h 1I I re ort., 51,11,1.t05, Ulm
1 . . 1 r A I.
(i; "I 564S 6 4 A 7% . I) ST() N AVA 1? P„
s" 1,,, • t tLor aril
•••,. touall • 1 1.1 in a Ii•-, , 1ro•
111 i.• I tPI 1. , 1C • I. I :1111 t. , goids at
tbo L n 11
T It , 11 S ,
.01 ',lrv ! , Couulry
nod Thirvoo,l , •t• lioltlirly Int lied t.• Ap,1,44.11 tiff.t t .t;ttlt,t I . i , I X Ci
r•r.111. , t1 , 1,1.1 1.1 V• j , 1ti.:46 tiie I. '.l
, 1 . 1 r hnrll LA the ,t U.
y 1,
./1111..„‘Nitil..\ ()P FRESII
J Kt\ D.,.
A• 1 0,,t twlit.•ll I llof o zor.itioeTlllt I
6z,:i 111 11111.,,, in ,'ti Iruf M.%C.K 41'1 I,
;it.l;;Lally tieLoll6lllll , l, y low. l'icltrls to
• 11
and 4. t! flu, IA f
1. I I) \('( ' I) AND .‘1
L I Q I' 0 It S , C . .
tiff. f L'l6ll or l'A.v.ottn rro,1”.•0.
1% )1.
.holy 1,
1 11 E rtrtner,liip exi,ting
between Charlet: I..lbtirt C'ran 611 , 1 1 . 11.[11
1114. ban Leon at feeds 04 by ni2itical ei , llAl3lll.
csicci ac•eounto ere in the bands lii Mr Ilnibect. who
earscr‘Lcy tequeers all pact 1•12 . 111,111 g /iCCIOII.I% .e MI the
Lite 011/1 to r,ul :11.41 beli, theta. 11 11E111111
bnriuq eetereal int. p. 21122,14 with lib; ' , tether.
Ulla 11, L. Ilalheit. the 1 , 1.2•211... v.l l l hoe 3ehcrth Le
ecchclocleal ciceler the duo 11 11,J1111.1t A Ilreth, r
Thu lon Ise lir ut ou d t ot•pectiully c.l I itttontiou to
Now and Fresh Groceries
•lock In 4'. AVIOCtOd With t h e gn•atust en,
Viri 1'41111.0 ',Will at the 101,1,4 I/1 WWI tar rneh. It
(rite inn part I tiny old i , overt.iniout Java CIIFI•'LbI
two Rio 141. Prime d.
Sir . 111'S w York. Philadelphia Sy
rup, of 'he very heed. tlna , ltoos.
BROWN nthi 11.S.—rh., how Chu market ,ffoldv
Lovering n b.. PL Cr11.411 4 d. -and, and I'ul erlzed supsro
IS A. B. and 0. Sugars. which cauuot he bur
HI, Corn Starch. IT Term, Dandolinr coffee, Essone
of Collo:, Coucentrututi Coutgeg,
A large and wall select. I stook of tho very latest. pat•
I.Orra• and sty es. lovt.r than (war lu Pelee, Letts[
In quality than was aver oitareci ind'ore 1,, earll,lo
Call d sea Woceleo aid 11 illow hI vre. nueli na j• .1,
a' and Churns. Itasliet> of ovary description;
Chlielron's 11 hit stonoti aro. ['roam Puts,
r Jan., ',serve sinal.
I, 't and 3 Maokoral. No
.. 161- M 3 ft 1 1I) ..A0 I 11.4,1. K.
A lark, qu r thn velebrated Excalsl,r HAMS
S.l by the S.*. 1)4,1r) and 4). A Salt.
. .
- .
'rho •übaorli.cro rospelfully nolt the patrnnaro n
Choir frionth- and Lilo pulo , lp vp•nerally. and 111 , 110 111.1
1.1 . 1 4,11 and ...a.nino , IP•ir flow stnek. at the old stand
Corner , •I 'llai.or et and Lout h. r Strpote.
11.11,I? WILT & !MOTHER.
Carilido April?:. Ictill.
Flour and Feed Store.
'EI suhseriber wishes to annout cc to
the poplo of Carlislo and vicinity, that he hat
opened a
on thn South Fast Corns' of Main and Wont streak In
taut Warehousu ow nu 1 and "urntorly ourupled by Jacob
Rho= Too bof tnan in nr FL , 1111, kern
cun•tautl,v on btu d and duff vurod tatry pa, t of O.
town, !laving perfectol arranuumun s with Wine 01
the tire? 1114 s Li the uniabb,hond, 1 can assort. In
..n,tomors that shay oil by tornishod with an artlclu
at irdnar which 1 can Yuman far; 1 will kuup constantly
on baud Stnl) OP A LI. KINDS, much as
COrn, Oats, Bran, Shorjs, Potatoes,
--Tie highest coal] prleen paid P'r firtiln of ell Mode
and Floor Von% lurgot tlw old omolOlKlled stood.
Carlisle: Mar 20, %ea
NV/11 S . H..ErII.IE
Of the o'd firm V John Y. Lyne Son,
lIAS just completed opening his new
Spring ,tuck of tlardavre Palate. 0110, Glom.
larolothuo. ,tc., to which lie I•tvlten the early PtteUtial
et the pubtle generally. Ile hue greatly enlarged hie
litocit to all Ito vorteux brauchao, Mull nog/Atm/tn.
=ditto the ollh.
Reliable Goads ,
to largo or mall' quarit , tlen et tho lowest Woe's.' A
loaf. 'tab his slur° .will convince them that ha.has
enough blOcoeto fully supply tho,di.mait In thin mar.
kot. Peralna emoting Uouda in our line 'sill And It to
their adrtiptiigo µlvo n. 4 a call beftwe making their,
purchases. All °Mora personally and punctnalty,
toudekto, and no misreprosouteitlons mails' to olllict
LtIIV/S F. LYN/ili.
Carlisle. Mal 110,11104. . North lialloTtrlt..
„ 141 , RALSTON)
L I' ,Ac.
I.; Eli U(? A\ll TO CO),
t II tte...
111 1 4 -,,rn
IWATI ire A 51 -k'
TITE Allen and Eastpennsboro' Mu
tual Fire Insursdeo Company of Cumberland
County. Incorporated by an net of Antembly, in tbu
- year 1141, and having recently had Ito charter extend
ed to the year ISB3, in now in fictive and r igurouo op
mutton, under 1.113 RIIVCCIIIEOtIdetICO of [MI following
board of Ms 'monit, via:
William It. Comm, Cbristb.n Stnyman. Jacrb Fber'y
D. Bally, Alex. Catlictirt..l. 11. Cornier, John Eleitelber.
gee, Joseph II Ickerohom. Sa r inl. Eberly, )10oca Bricker,
Rudolph Ntartrin, .Inry. b Conner, and I. C. Dunlap.
The rates of Insolence aro vs low and favorable as
any Company of the hind in the State. ' , envois w
lag to become member; are d to make appUra•
Hon to the events of 411.1 Company, who aro willing to
wait upon than at n y tlrm•.
M 31. It 11OR•IAS. ProOdent,
Eberlt 'title, 0.
Mttlninietdterg, P. 0.
JOH N C DUN LIP. Seery. Mechanicsburg.
DANIEL DAILY, Idili.bUnr, York Cu.
manly.—•luhn Sheri Inc. Allen Henry
Zen, lug, Shir , ,n3llF , ..m n; Lafayette Ou•kionen;
Hours howl - ono, Chnrehtown ; Mode 4 161111 , 11. South
1101 . .. too; Samuel Urchum. M i entimons , nro.; Samuel
Coover,.Nlechat.lenliorg; .1. VV. Coelditi, Shepherristown
D Co ,ver, upper Allen : .T. 0. Sutton, Silver Swum:
John Hy,. enril-le; Valentine ',moan, New Cumber.
Jain. n 31eCandlinh,
eonirry.—W. is Pick log. Dover: Jatnen CHUM]:
\Vurrinedm: J. F. I).•gt am ff. Mianhingtoo ; it ielu•y
l'inrli. Dillsburg; D. Butter, Fairview ; John WilliAinn
Car ri .i
On uph In n0—J:1,4,11 [Fenger, Trnrtlxl urg.
V0,u1,01-s of the C , .tuullov [inc lug pulloblx about to
expire, inn Insve than renewed by making xpplicAti,)
t • any ~f the Aguntx
July 1.1,04.
SEIIVI.I G al at;El I .1'
With Class ClOOl Presser, Improved Loop—
Check, New S'ylo Hammer, Binder,
Car er, Braider, ate.
At thy Railroad 0111co,.Carlielle. Pa
lll4host Prernl.llF at the
I~llcn nu U. OWIIIIIIO4, Lqi.
nt thu thn
Saver Nolal at ehe prim,l,,ri:a &ate F zr
(pion brr, 1863
merlran Tn s , It nto. Vor , k. egnelation.
FE . 31,1, lin I 1,1 r tn. , I'llll tdoirlit.a.
0 oh it !RUE, 1%,t,411‘i. amid I io-ti
.:1,011..r0. A-s,tatt..ll Colcuoin.l, hot,
Ill.•hs I t.s!it.lll , , 1.1,1/0" 110401 al A -11.1 f latloll,
Loua,, ,ao 1 , 1 autisco.
PEN. , ,,VLV \ NT A,
11LU IL lA.
0111 1 1
TEN N LssEr:,
/LLI NnlFt
1. TU('TCY
\11, , C0 \
1011 or, me t ovi r.
ri•ity Wt•ar. b.,
to. t h.% 110.1,116 f 1. , t1)4. Tbiiy ,rork oqu.lli/ e• 11
silk. hot, ~,100. nog ro t, 1,,
_in( rind
6111 i; It •.I h
I h ..i I p ri
Iv rapt 01110,4 hlItt.•01 1 .• .. vil Itidal,..
I'llll HI 'lO ft, .•,•1 I - .l'lo •PllO 1 1.1C11111.•
,rot ;mous, 01 1110 1 , 1.0111. I\ Ili, hi..., Ito, Milo
t hot too - omit] los ',oil o i t•
toe a raid diroctioii krot, in a
nutll loot roolii,
.11101 recoomtroil Clio 1\ horier
AN ilkoo
I Ptitih, allacm, li(ttilsl 'es
of kowril
2 .-troto,tli iiiiolll, that
i‘ ti--t rip 1.0. i•I noolo oit 11-
3 L...11..111, • I to m I
t 111 , 1 iCt lu rAngil of Applkititlon to
lily ie.... 1111.1 Lr, I.lls.
Ltooil !OM-1i of noirtol :Ind fi,lnh.
Ii o lmp I. its lo I til"rouzlitiiiiik
7 `live , 11, iII:It..I:,CLLICOI., and
quietoLibii 111.P.,111eltt•
CII EDULi: np pnICI.S.
No. 3 litsichloo,
Nil , T:0.1.. I tas (0
Ii .0 ok/
ILIA ant. l' (41, ilhok 411. u, or ITalingan)
5•, p,
I . ..llr.lieti, NVAlnut Mnhogtny lS 121 ,
No.l Mgchitio,'Silvt, pl.sted,
it .n st Ls. Is. , lishe.l,lsselr 0..
II Lo ts • Isssissi ,s,t, 7„ (1
I 1 . .1.11,41 Ast (kir
:Ls, Is OttOss,l. lll.rrl, \k alnut 3f.sheorly tstt I.t ,
LLII I use, l'ultshe Issenew.s. I, Its) lei
NO.I Nlachioss. I.,strszo with
l'laltt 75 00
No. 5 \lnchinu, Cylinder, ..ii
111.1 T.l It,
Even• Thiel:lee 11.: sot.: .1 ll..n.ner, NnF.I erg)
with tin• \ Clut.ll
srw rt vi, 11011 , •,•r ‘ll.l I:raldor.
11 I•rt h•r A 11 i , s'w' A.:011..3. at
Raitroal and Telezraph Office,
Ju!y 1, 1,r4-Iy. •
First PriT,o Medal at thu World's Fair,
,London, 1862.
• t 1
'pH E undersigned had just eceived.
and Inten's to in,. cooetantly on hand a 101 l as
Of lint noiequilliel Nano, manufactured b)
Stonier. y & AOllll 01 New York.
icli ninon' will bu carefully soleetud in the
tLuntlarb ry :11111 will lie sold at the
New York Jas'a Factory Prices,
with the of Freight to Oa nide
written L 111.1 1 .3 tee s , he piatbliotlon nil be
liven by tho -uhr,criber io each porch...,
Persni,a deem,. to p aro Invited to call and
or., wile them. uorlv Hanoi+, lit
R. E. Shapley's Jewelry Store,
Main Strout, 3d door east of the ‘liiiitdon House, sea
t o Math, ail Depot
SPCi)ND HAND PIANOS received in exchange and
kop for and to rout.
t'arl Isle. Mav 22 1863 —lv
~ . X - -: ,- - 2: ' --
ko:- ; ,,,„:„,:,.. 7 4.„,,,,,„.,., ;
—„.4,4,,,.,,. „.,,,,,,
West ugh Street, Carlisle, - Pa
(I,renlium awarded al the Cumberland
County Airicultu•al Fair af 18370
Tho übscrli•er has just rends. d the moat spiondld
a , sort Ment or ankles 10 lin, toes brought to this
place—a- titelrio. le determined to sell at prices that
deaf camp... Moo.
clan tuber.
11 Into 6. room, PI:MN 'TIME.
tulat at tid j
Embracom army artScle used by non.° and Tlnt..l
keepers. of the most‘ ed and fasttimutble dualgu
aim U I•n t net udtug 1 , 190 Cottatro ftu nit ure In ts.
rve , •. don pmt Camp t babe, Matthias., WIC ,frames,
pittprvi &c.. • c.
tvikj'articular attentien given as usual to funeral..;
orders from town slot °notary, attend°4 to promptly
awl 00 woluroto toruoc
hilt I. 18i 4
D ....
10 Tohy White Lead 1000 Gallons of 011. Just
received lel' h a largo aseortment ut - "
'Varnish oa. Piro Proof Paint, .
Turpentine, .PI, room %a lilt°,
Jap•rn, Whiter 2lne.
• kntl9, Colored Zinc,
_ .
Llt harem. lied- Load
Wl* ingo • •--, %11911ed`00.
Wise, . ..Lard Oil ,
shaihke. ' ' ' Sperm 011,
' . Paha: Brandies, ..k.hrla OIL &a.,
Colora ofteory dosertnilon.dry t rind pll In,- cane and
tubas at tp.i) llaWato dterdof
.... i roN.
/1g... , '%'). "
. ,
,10y 1, AM. - , ,
. ,
(111141 , BELTING ,1
k.A • -ALM 'received a large araortment of all rites—
HUM Belting, Oum Mani Gum Packing &c and for
sale clomp at tne Hardware Store Of
Jnne 26,19 c& • •
Forwardint and Commission House.
F.4.01.1a AND FEED,
THE subscriber htiving purehased the
Cara fixtures, Sc., belonging to ths firm of
dm non k heed. respectfully infOruas the public that he
will continue the hotlines!' at the old ‘Varehouns, On
the corner of West Iligh and College Strente, opposite
the College. lie is fully prepared to do a general For
warding and Commission business.
The highest market p•kco will be paid for FLOUR,
GRAIN and PROTIUM. of all hind,
PLASTER and SALT dept constantly on hand.
Coal of all kinds. embracing
LOCUST 0 a la,
LI3II:III:7ItNER'S and 8LAC1L31111 . 11 . 9
Cool. constantly kept for sale, under cover, and &alit
ered to any part of the town.
A libural share of public patronage la reapeelfully
solicited. Actift SRN Eh,
Susan...stir to Henderson etc heed.
May 20. 1304.
Thn sutiseribiirs hare this day entered into
partnership to truth. In
w.Will trivn constantly on hand and furnlidl to o - •
der all kinds and on .llty of soanoued
P l asterlufz Lath. Shingling, Luth. wnrked
h t ,ring and NI eat befison ding. 1 . 0.61 nod nails, and
every article that helongs to a Lander Yard.
All kinds of Shingles. to wit: Whitepine. ifemlffek
and Opk, ul different nnalltioa. lint lug curs- of our
own;e ran furnish to ardor of any length and
al, at tho ,tinrtnt.t with, and Oil Cho MOM. ressooahla
terms. Jur worked IsfArdif will hiff t kept under cover
so they ein Le furnished dry at all-times
Wu have ronptantly on hand all kin& of Family
tool undrr rover, whieh we will deliver clean to any
part of the borough. To wit:
Lvltenft Valley, Broken. P.g t r,
stove and Nut, I.ukn Fiddler,
"wd . /al Ttevorton, Wurtutin
Lotobery, 11 an pledg,. no r
Orrl: salves to null at Lb, lov.ottt
'M ~
Bart quality of
Limelminer'a and Blarksrnith'4 Coal,
slw,H on hand which we will ,11 at the lowomt flzurn
Yard west t.ide of Uratnniar : , rhool. Main Ft rent
ARMS I !WM/ 4.,,,110NFE1L.
Ju ) 1 1 . 9 14
Notice of Go-Partnership.
public are hereby informed that
I the, nnticersiened have- this day sectored Into 3 Co
Partnership, under the °Nene of Delaney & Blair. for
the pprp...,,,t carry lag on the eon] and Lumbar bete
nose. nt tnn mid of olive, Delaney. near the tine
%t arts ; where nil orderoc in their line of bee-levee ale
reap full) solicited, and well he pronip
tlZe• .rd i. na no .1 will borerrivr,l
Flom in , z• s ,to Hobert Slo rtr'n Shoo Store
and A 1/, Blair's Curry log chop
rr . rt.orrior , r, co r .l or thron.2ll
.7trrntll.9.ll.l.ts I avirw het, Itintlot v.ith the
l'••ttli r• p.tra'.o3 ru namu to US A:1
radon puurtunlly nll. d.
T .lEll' EI,ItY, AN D
ynld tt.t.ittlishetl t•ta ntl
t • t neat ty t pieetiht the • umbel su J V. i.)
I bier juvt re - eiv , tl n new nnenrlinent or wnt , •hes
, .On•lioonwill, r., initial,. c,
I, , Fllior 5t.k. , • 1 4 111 Wl.llll I Inoito 1110 utten'ion ul
the pull,: 'I
heeno. tonna em`nneen tine ',odd and
ell,. •ev, enlvin , e Om: niol ripen 1 . 1•1• do. gold
A for I.Lour"[Women end .1
ahti Qunriier tint LI,. of cfloy tO. ietj lln bt,3le nod
prig L
AI." tin , ' iron Nlteinlii.nn, Arran plum f r Ldlien nml
iientlemen rat , Vl . llY qualite. ritt ,, rn and price. (4,1
I I, and n, , d ehninn 4 Unlit hriirehion .flozer
I in, end croxhos.
r Gold n,,d ruin", th1111'.1.,. FilVer nl.l phi iii
r.rks tulir. 11111PLM1.11.11 F
011 . VOr) A In rn• 0,101 - Ullola.
nd rUln rat •11 Sitt..m . runt no
Ages to whi •11 V 1 0 iIIVICO at•
tent inn.
A tilt.. Ir,t r ,, ID - 11.11 1 . 1.:"i (torn the how m o cor p ,rer.
1• ,, ;.....• ro. , v 1..,•., sh , . r ;MO 1..111 c rdrose,
g. Id -. I . n INon O te,:e , l• 1., ah h elialli... Montle.
Mt,..... „ I .. t, An I a vari.•ly . e.rar II.•1,4 tow. Ily
43-...: ,„ I - , 1 1 , e s, p i r i
i f 1 ,, i ,, , , 1 i e 0 1 . .0 , 1 , ry
i t;: r t.t , 1 “ , 1 . : t 0 , ht11:;. 1 , 1 t, t;r 14 , 1 1 ,...n i .:: 5 1
~V . e :II n”.ted to ho what they al 0 rep,
~,,,I, C I, '' . .Q...1. . . sent t”t.
Psi n •p,s- ott •ut p H at usual to Watrh repair
lug aud ull w. 11( cult,. 1.
_ .
105 1. rif 1
Q1.11,1,IN(; 1)1 , T .aTwENTv Fly!.
A• tho of •• I:nv le." 3 11 , org ni , ove the
eltinh,ll3..l \ hhey : t‘,
, 1 r.t, N est ,treet, the largenl
111111.e,t Rel. oted Ffoili of
‘' A - r'•ll.l.:s AND JF, ' I.IIY
In then
v, 11l he Mold :le per rent :ewer than at an)
ph., le the sl , :fte The ,ford 1 . 0 teptli I, ' Argot , sort.
Inept it Ileld 111.1 ailv.l hunlee, ruse etehes Lev., s.
Leplms, Alhurieun et• and all other !sleds ai.d
(3 04, 1) .VT) Sll, l'Ell Cif A [A - R.
p e t, p wvir, nr ot I‘d,
411 d niVer. II :tried
BoXE:•;. Ac('( m)EONp„
areal v:111. tv t I lir, arti. .te.
et:( it stook ot \Sittritmakrr to ,•s. !sr,
I..ts, and err wtil to sold IN LoluFuln retell en
lit.' 1.1,t1.14 1.1,134
Ilai tug selected a l'lrsf rtsss workman all kinds of
rrp.wl.lg will t a dune 36 U. 311.1/, at rrductil t.rters
It. k .i11.11?1,ElL
July I,
'l' 1 L L 'l' It 1 U 1' 1'
lli t•totlitlito 1.1-etirt of ho• Prttlrto Flower (t,k
• 1..., 1 .. atruot, 11. stilk.otitter tit callinz the attt•tt
to, of all t% h., ortv wtot a Miritttior t.t,•tve to call and
aantine the oily that hue given uniVrrrial
ikt A F:t‘lng of (rpm to nil Jro cont. In fuel.
A hoth r qulciu•r oven final !he Same fire
3.1 A larger UN en than any other (4w. of the .me
4111 the preaervallon of the mmtor piece from filnkin
nth. The fr.t Baiter. rtreibter, and rook now in use,
h A sup.•rior for cleaning the titles,
111. A perfect (Lis Consumer for either wood or coal
The woriontiot to give sat isfiretiot
in po.iirillar, nod, I.e khown N, it 11 pleeourt
to all Ito tool' roll, w log lo poi ehoso
any .toitotity roleroher in town or
A teik ther g0....1 Cook Stotes on hand, vrhlett Nil
Le 5,0 vely low to eloko
Hrlnfing, Job work. rr*Pper nmlthl ”g rind
:'ll‘mt.ill.: work promptly attoll.l. d to, in tow. or coun
t ry. Al* work , iror:illl4-d at lho uld eland, 'lmmo to
/.t.aeol oonlh I 1 Luothor.
MARY Mil tip.
N. 11.-IMI Copp,r, Pra,l snd l'wtv te•r boubht, an
the 100.44 price, paid Id aeh or goods.
.lung ev, Isti4 —tf.
FRIDLEY respectful!
announeax to the eifillMF of Carlthle and Lb
put,lo• genural'y. that ho 0./.1 con tjnuea an. 1116I1Ufar
tun• or all rind• oh tin MA short fr n n war.. in .1. 1)
Ilaibor Vt. building Laut t.9uLhor strtet Carlinlo at lb
alga of the
whern he will at all time, be ready to do all k hods 0
wnrls in his Ittie with 111 atiless and despatch,
Also ran 31 all timees hu ha those e. lobs stud, soli
sealing and golf Goading pronifinn niri light.
tio)anc. Sponaln,r, n.Ad till kinds ui j4,buiu g done at
On. in .munt waive.
`Ciaslb paid , •Id load. pewter sod copper. Thank•
f for Clio licrutotbro extended: Ito h.. 1. by
at ict mid n dire to pleasu all to nitwit it
o ail Clilla lira .4 the Si,,.a
Dont forgot 4110 sign of the Red Callus I ot.
Jul 1. 1843.
William P. Lynch
/MC Hub6cribor informs the public tha
ho 1,11/ Li i/UVB lbu
b tsines at the I , ld Stand in the basement of the Fire ,
tiathodis. t buret, lie w ill• Aland promptly to el
111.111111.4114 ill hi.. line.
Load audlron etpea, Ilydranta, ILL and cold
Water Clpe . a. FCLiee a (I Litt Pumps WrWt Welded
Tunen. Iron Sinks, Tuhs, 'lath Boilers, Wash I:a
Nina, 111 Iri ii c llama de, aed every Jeseriptlon qi
com.n and fittings for gas, aLecun Water, ko. Superior
cooking ramie liestma and ens fixture, put up in
ureben, -•ores . lid dwellings et short Indie, lu LI.
wont modern 4 3 In. All materials mad work In our
lino at low nat. .nd warranted.
tyil_Cottn. ry ovrit aoujoblang promptly attended to
July 1, 1804.
rrllE umler6ivned ropeutrully unnoun
-61, to thy public th,t he atilt c. , ntinwo the Hot
tug, nut tito htitrnt, in Wvi.t. 01
Mid with a renewed nu./ cßUcut effort, "ti 1/cad 111,68 •• •
Every Variety, Style and Quality,
that ittinll be eta Vtly to keeping With the improve
m.ut of the Art, and to the% age which we
I have on halide splendid
aseortwunt of
octal, deeeri p tiona,pom the catalpa') Waal
to the finest i'lar:Mid 'runt lints; and at prlcen that
taunt 'lull every tne who' has an et e to 'getting the
worth of bale mousy. The stuck includes,
A. O. E
of very it)lo and color and unsurpassed for Llghtness
Durabllliy and finish; by those of any other establish.
roent, In the onuutry.
Alan's, iloy's and Ohildren's Rat's and Oaps,nf ovary
description "(Instantly on hand.
Ale I espectfully Invitee all the 'old patronsi, arid as
ninny new ones as possible, to gvo him a 611...
July 1, 18C4. J
2.30012 X A.S3ZOMS.
FULL aseoitment of Von iinci,Bo.o'
Beets and roves, suitable for tho winter-, Also,
I los and Misses's Balmoral Bootoes 4 Children's Boots
of ell kinds. Lad!viand (a entlaukan'eltlß3ll.)yorBlioes.
My old eustonioras and all in Want of good And .hoop
Boots and Shoes; Will tilSaso rail and examinO the
steak, bathes parehatilt4. 'Main Ursa; nearly opposite
Wo S,
Depo • '
clzse.oolunr,,rturt n o. "
/PC, 4 : • " •
DELA Ncir.
ANDI:EW 11 Itl,llll
"P'tlro^:'t• rmoruill
.%'T!*".re ukizghkz;
ON and after MONDAY, APHiL, 4th,
1801, Passenger Trains will run daily, as follows,
(zunday excepted):
Lmvo Infrerstown, 7:00 A. M., 2:46 P.
rouncustle, 7:37 " 3.33 "
/Air At 5,17 1 . - -
Claarnbers'g, . _......._
Leave 5:3) " 12:55
Leave Sb ITT ensburg 9 ~0 " 1:28 "
Neervilla ' 9 . 5. " 1:28 .
" Carlisle 10:10 " 2.42 "
" ?dacha n lesbli sg 1243 II 5:12 .
Arrive at Harrisburg 11:15 , " . 5:40 "
LOITO littrrighirg 8:05 A. al., 1:35 P. M.
" Mocbanichburg 5:07 " 2:15 ~
~ I nrlisle 9.27 ^7,5 ..
" Newvilln 7, ; 02 " 3:20
" Sh,ppuusburg 10.:1 6. 4:00 "
Clomber?g, i!‘ rr 31 11 1 f, " 4:.,0 4.
Leave 11:fe 4r40
Leave nrornca,tle 11::.11 5.:i0
Arr. nt IlaKerslown 010 "
Thu Carlisle and liarribturg ACCOMODATIOI4
TRAIN will leave ns follos,a;
Leave Carlisle
`• Illechaeirsl.ur4
Arrive at Harr'o,urg
Leave Ilarrisl.erg
Arrive Ist Carlisle
ranking. closo cone.ortiola at Ilarriaburg with Tr3N4
for Philadelphia, Now York and PAtahurg; and yalw,
Trains for all pol ta Wrat.
za- The Train haaviniz Itarilaburz at 4:20, P.M.,
!wig only an far an Carnal... O. N. LULL, Sup't.,
Chatnh'g..ltily 1, 1004.
• , r.. x ...4%raay.!..."iti . , , : . .tv0 . , -•
150 - 1 PLEAT Trunk Line from tile North
, k Jr and North Rest for Philadelphia. New York
Reading, Patios 111, Lehancn. A 11..utuwn, Eamon &c,
'ruins leave Harrisburg tor Harrisburg for l'biladol•
Oda, Ne. York. Reading Pottsville. and all interme
diate Stations, at li A. 51 , rind 2' P. 51.
New York Ex; leaves Harrisburg at 6,30 A. M.
arriving at Now York ut 1 46 the name day.
A special Al`courrnorlation PaFseng• r train leaver:
Reading at 1.1.13 A. 51., and returns from Harrisburg at
P. M.
Fares Pam Hoists burg: To New York $515: to
Philadelphia $3 33 and $2 60. I.laggago checked
Returning, leave New York at 6A. NI 12 noon. and
7 P. 51.. (Pittsburg I. spry, as riving a' Ila , ri,hurg at
tA.NI ) 1,111 . 0 1 hiladelphia ..5 815 A 51., and 330
P. M.
:Macpleq?„ ears in tin New York Extress Trailla
Ihronce b , and from Pitraborz air hoot change.
Po.,engt.ri hr the 0116re:1A,, Railroad le s ., rernran.
qua at a A . 51 . and 210 P. N.,
.NOO and a.I is as Pumas
'lrate- leave Pet 50v1.1c at 915 A 51 arri 230 P 1t ,
for 10'151110. 11.trri.drurr and New York.
An Actacem tla'loo Pa•no; go., tlnilt I , llst , heading
e , bon A. 51., and rttorna hew I biladelphla at 5.00
P. 5 1.
11.3_111 the above trAns run daily, Sundays eit•
fict.te I
A . 4 drolxv trli Ile tr, c PottS:iliti at 7 30 A. M., and
Philadelphia at •: 15 I' 51
rine:Wirt. 00, Mil etce Season. and Excursion Tick•
ets at reduced r..tes t a id Inn,, all poln , B
00 Pa Ands it ,g 3 Age a;luvr,d each Pa•aencer.
11. A. N.Crili S.
General ,uperlutontlent.
July 1, 1464.
k -
• • W:1 1.
te,Cmrq f t hi. I int., leave tht, Dopot ill Market St.
n 4. el ct P A
I.ttat t tt.l:etitt. tins, at M.
do d.:11.1,11 rd i r lily Lice st6tuld bu raarLed C. ttE
P. lito Fittorttl Ltue, nt d act.t t i b ) 4
J u.y 1. 1,61.
Carlisle Foundry,
G.l It DNEIt t 5, ('O.. now mann o
tur, and keep coontaa t , y for s.tle, nu :r r=• t.•oto% o ,10:1t11 Laat. 115111 FLrOUL, CarilAO,
let,, .0:011.1. ut of
of IvPII 1: now In, etpp00....1 too , folnet , t olors, among
which t),.•a w u ki t.p.,. 13, att 1,1 to 111 -
which has LIkl•II 1,, fifty First 'no PrOMIIIMA at
State and roue()F.lhr. Fai isier, of Collat.-
land 11114 ry counties no need not , peal: to
d. tail ,n 'be oto•ii,of drill as hooros of then, nro
Lw On tillf —CI 111 the-t; lls
ink 11,1-01,1 .1111111.10
1)1111 1/1/W tneilittla. 1 tici.,l [flit Cit. It
Itarl y :tad Ili ass OVlily anti
roovular, without I,llitt king Ow h.. if UM snetnirs
pals the drill orar etttitip- slot n lth, ot t esit
plus or the dl ill. for veil and ?ocular 11 , 11111
the It . 1 ifimffislly limn Fru luir Drill Is liilifinfolit•it for
:lily °tiff,. Si to film, iniiiittltieturi, and ben for Illik/W
lug n bleb ran fit an
it. habits shed enarnilor
I AsII sP‘ ENT ,T 1; A IS' Ft)DI) It (ILIITY:R,
Jolt \ ioN'S c.SBT iltoN Ifoli'S TROUGH.
„Lhree and rnur liars° Powers and Threshinx
art Lon Held !toilers. Ploticti Castities ,if
rious patterns Corn ernsiters. and I titer articles for
I. :linters too unmet ous to mention. Ain t. Egg I oat
1 4 ttncs and T•'11 Pieta Shod cttoves. with an immense
v.' ol"ther , tstilles for housektotpurs sod others
I‘ LI have also all attractive variety 01 patterns fur
and Cit‘lt.TEl:V ENCLO:URES to wit'ch we would
call attention.
Steam Engines anil AIM Gearing.
To this dorartineni of our business wo giro particu
lar attention,. blur already extensive stock of ',attains
tor Paper, I loi,r Pilil :MR , Mill Ii nriuz. t« co...tautly
lurn•utug. Mill owners and Mill t‘ tights will bo
itlflll.llll With u printed catalogue of our us Mill
P.,ttel no. on tipplicalion our Mai limo cuuivrnefi
all the t urion% tools for turnitig,plautog and tielsiilog
challine and Castings, by good and currlul laciduibt;
of any,desirable clrittelty. from ton to twenty-five horse
power, 01 , 1:1 In the Last sty la and on 21,Ccoll11m jgoh,g
term, tar I ee ho I at our extabliNburent may be
cell II SW. 0801111 Opel, Lit,o at litany cal the lac coat
Dist I,erre- and Tannerieg w Carlisle. and I unthertand
Porn . and Dauphin Counties. In t e ov, nen of wbi
we confidently refer I, Int rn as to their efficien
cy. Pr nom' .• MD ram Ii ngt Us nr earnt,lly re
quested to .11 and examine beforu contracting rixe•
w here.
Connect, doDh our eotablisbutvnt is n Stem - n.llBll and
Liar Mu t. ufactory which in ',in , lu Conlll eta ()Net tor
the umuulacture of every desc ipti, n of
for the most well no the plalorol house.—
furnioried [tent 5 matt, upward. accord•
I to nix.• td gi.o;•s how $1 3. up•
ward; .6uttt•rs nut' Moiling Blinds ts,•m $1 75 sup
wnt d ; Four Pallet ilO.lO Iruet $4. 14 upward. Mond•
toga. raotings Architraves. ht ash [maids, ittnekeis,
Fancy hutpt•ry. rcrulls. and ocher ar heirs needed in
housa in illsbed sit the lowest prior; and of
the hest qualD yof lumber. riir*We urCalso per/larva
;t. heirt.ntufe 4, bided and repair DUIII.WIs; l'Alin for
itanop. rent m the ref mud. with proulptuess sod on
reas..nable idrtus.
continuol patronage of the publie la respec trully
solicited. Orders by mail pr wptty otteinh
fi A 1:1).; htt & CO.
July I, lg 4
Manhood: how Lost, how-Restored!
Just pubilMed n new edition 01 Dr.
I I Cuivereell'e t .litested Erna) on the.
. -•
redicel cure' (without ' rued' , Ine) of
epermelorrhcea, or eem:nel HmieneFe.
Involurt4ry Smolooll lutpetency. :dental and
l'hysb al Incapacity, lin pedaneni e to hi •eriniot, etc;
also, c...eumeolon. erilepey. and Hue, Induced by self.
Indulgence or eexual extuiregance.
Priv°. In a sealed envelope. 0f..) (I cente.
Thu q,b,ted Ammo- In t ”Is ad miretle 0000 y clearly
domoontre Les. from a thirty yrare elleceASlUl practice.
[het the illarinine . COIIFITOIYUC.'N at Full abuse may tie
radically cored witimot the dm gen us u a 01 Internet
medicine Or thu al plication of thteknife—eimintlng out
a mode of cure, et Oflrd - IFittiple, - "cortniu and etTertual,
by enema of wish a ev..r) ralli.rvr, ti matter what WO
rondliion may be, iias cure hilmw. , ll Fhimpiy, pritately.
and ratlicall.. . :
lbh:Lveture should he In the hands of every youth
arid every new Id the lend.
dent. under goal. in a plain a to any address,
past paid. on rocoipt of six ousts, Or two post stamps.
address the publishers. '
eIIAS. J. C. 1 , 111N.1.7 & CO.
127 Bowery, New York, P . 0. boa OM
Juno 10, 1864-1 y . -
BA.RLOW'S 111170I0.1) BLUM,
fNIALERS and consumers of the above
eoluVratod Wash Moe, will tako notice, that the
Lahols aro altered to read.
put tip at Allred ii'lliberFor'o Drug itoro, No. 233,
- , North jovrot.
Tho qtialltyof this Bluo_will,bo - the same, in every
It is warranted, to color moo Water-than twice . the
same quantity Indlgo,'lnad to go much 'unhesitant
any other Wash Blue in the Market. it dbliolves per- .
Wetly dear and: does.not auttle on the clothes its •
most or tho other mattes do. One Box distoleod In
a hairpin! or water, Will make as good a Liquid Blue
as .any that is made at one third the cost.
As it is retailed at the mine pi . lee es the Imitations
mid .161141dr • articlea, intugekeepore will lind‘' it very r
much' to their advatitage 'to ask tor' that put up at
Wiltberger's. - • . .
• AAW,...A.1) Mule put up alltrthla date with llaticrela
name on lt 16 Imitation,
The Nett' Lobol clone not require a stamp.
Bore la by Storetteopera generally, .
F AMILY' DYE C9l4TAAurrows.
s!s'i A. 51
6..5 4 ,
4 411
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