Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, July 15, 1864, Image 1
TERMS OF.MBLICAT'ION. 1 Squash 1 insertion 76 ctn. 1. ~. " 3 '. " g 1.2:.. 1. . " 3 a $1.60 For over; a.lilltionsi iusdrtion. 25cts. Advertisomonts_cotftlining more than ouo square, 11 per Ptquare toeitireo insertions. Mau Ea Notices. $2,00. 2.00. .Auditors " Protwislorml co without ppm., 6.00 Id orcto tile advertisointint, „wren:alum 15.00 Local notices, 1.0 cts p, line. Ipß PRINTING.—Our Job Printing Wien Is the largost and inwt c.anglete e:t.tblishment In till Onun y. Four good Pressos, and a geuorol variety of material suitod Gar plain and Fancy work of every kind, ensblos up: to do Job Printing at tho shortest notice, and on the most reasonable Coma. Noticing In want of Dills, Blanks, or anything In the Jobbing line, Neill End it to their Into rant to give us a call. • •1111formriticia. TI S GOVERNMENT Prero.lont —Amy In klt LINCOLN. \ leo fi,retary of —Wu. 11. : 4 1,W kltt+, .....,,tot„tiry of Interior— [No. I'. Until. 0, ricerPt.try . 01 liriti.ury—\\]f. I'. FENSENDeN, deertltary 01 ‘Cor—l Owls M. STA NT,.N ‘ Secretory or N.ry•-(1111 , 1 ISt Lt cam. goat a4a~ter (leneriil—MONTOoME l,l, ' 14 , .1.(J 4E41'00 011.1,0 S 11 'VANE-7 STATE GOVERNAIENT rirvornor—Astm ENV 0. er I:7l`f, Sofro ury rpf rztair—FLl Surveyor iienrral—.l , orru.. -11111 H , A Ildit./V 0 "I 11 , I. I`, Attrunny ; 1 11,6,1 i:. )1 . 111.1.Y.DITEI. Adjurer, - 114•" 'oral—A I, RI State 1 ruasurvr— II T )10onn. winfJu tic ortho ziuprono Court—Oro, W.ltionn STAIID COUNTY OFFICERS Pre•Ciden't Judle—llon James 11. Ornharti. ARserinle udgos—Lion. Michael C4ml;lln, Hen /high t , tn.rt Dbarict. .t tornoy—J. W. D. °Melon. ProoJuotar.,—alauol Shiretnan. Cio,rl; no I Roc ,r,ler —Ephraim. Cortionn, Ruj(lstor—Moo W. North. Ruth shoriar—. l . Thomp.o., Cowl ty arm-- flnn ry S. hitt or. Cor mar —ll.teld `,,trAtti C , )1111cy Comm IMX101) era—Michael Kast, Joh° 3I Cny. •ait , holl Soporlo , endent of Poor Ti.llce—llecry Snyder. Phy{l'il, to Jail —Dr. W. W. pain. Physician to Poor II oiqo---1)r, W. W. Dale. r,o uu 1 U!'PIUERs ('higf nurpss— A iztrent R Zie4lor. Am.trl t 0,/ sr t Wart—.t I). 'Rhin .1 - J I/. Vlllnlun tecozso \% on zel We-t tot— Pax E. on. A. ea h f3rl. Jai. 11 l'trAer, .I.u. U. tl VreAltlept, or G.,o,lart into. Ht c ul.Jtourtulo zap) ut.l Olpu Pra Conztablo A u 1,4' %tart... autt11:111. A95:9L8 t ASSOSSOI 9, 3110 Mt,/ ./0 , ) 8. Au lit ramoron. t ',111,t,•, I:lllpobnart. Wont Culla , t 01 rd A 0,101. \\ eat Itl,l, ('htv A. S altlt. Wo.t, *1 eozunz zltreotlt:Jun , tpze. \V,I..y II , lutclin no ,lut tz /1 "1 . l//It I, op mnalor, Davl I Smilli, Abr, Othalf. hint 11 dc Jihb Luul) Listlcors—.2l.l li. Si n 14..1,, CIICIICifGN First Preshytorlan Church. Northtroat nutTle nf e'en. tru 6.1•11. - e. Ito• Uo „'ayP. Win: 1.a...t0r • - iery tr. eery Butttlay Morning at IL o'clock, A. M., ant/ 7 10°t..141C • P. IL htlC.oll I Presbyterlin Chun h. cnrurr of South lien over 3111 l't1:11Ifet. JOl/11 U U Its. I . llSii, C0.11,1401.,C0 At II o clues,, A. 31.. uud 7 rfc.och Y. M. M. John's Churt , h, (Prot Epl:coval) nortl;.gt angle or ,outto 'quart,. ,time'. ttector. Serslcun .. t t II .1.. o'clortt. I' V. 1..(11:11 I.uthttrsn Chun I:. l!..dt rd. noisy..,,, a „ :„ r"•+ rt.,v .11 •an t'ty, our 5 ,, et. t t. II ..'..lock A. 11 clock M. t1C1.111121 /{llfOrilled church 1.•ottlor. s ottv en lien nver ~,tPitt. •Irek.a net. ti Pasts,. ordc u at II to'clovk A. M. t oot s , ~•,.1,,, M. M nh slit (ttr,t 4 -harp') kkrnor 1.1 Main ant Pat 'tens IteV. thollletlf virr,3 it I 1 k'clorr k A. M. and 7 n dock l' sla tltt,ho 1 tit E Chur, it lerr,nrd char.:.) it ov. S, r..,111111. l'asinr. so Einar) M I.Churchtti II o'cl . rer, 1 Al nil 1 . „51. r!tt ir It or rt S i•st c ,rnor of ll'tott t. 11051 anti t'n.turl Arley. like. It te Itr , k. Pri-ter . t U.ttholi ki rch Pone fp et near F.artrt Bev Past tr. :+ertoc.... t •y other :rat; bath at 10 rikinck. Snort at 3P. 11. ttor:n Church, corner t Pomfret and tt n tttr a. Iles ; tta.e, horsicet al II o'clorl. It. .1. tl.l/..kt nett elllngex in ttrk n'rrren Ora nneessdry thu proper persona drat n1.1'104.041 to rn,ti DICKINSON COLLEGE • lf , u - tnan 11.Julinson, D. 11., Prosi,f,.n. and P r o mnral ,ciunco. ' ' 11,111-no 0. Wilson, A. M., Protestor of Nato, al 8.1..0 co anti Curator o the Mu•outu. Roy. Ll•lsn . nll, A 11., Profossor of the ro,it no.] inropto Iron gout,. Statunl. D Ltalltht, A. M., Prole sor of '1401o:oat- tea. Jahn K. St.trat , A.. li., Profehaol ci the Latin and nacti .1,11,1 It. It hrn, LL. I) . PrafeaF., of Law. }tor. Ilonly C. ell.ita,a, A. Lt Itclp it ,r the grata 'tor ,rllO , l. Johu (loud, .isstatant In the Grammar 8c11..01. BOARD t ) ! iluol, DI REcTuas Jame, .I,niltun, Pro!daunt. IT . Snxton. E. Gorntu in C. V flunwrictl. C. Wu...11,4rd, du,. W. h;by, l'osasurur,lotin r4Jh.r, :11e/umngur. Mei t on the I.t ‘1,11.y of udeid Muuth AL a o'n luck. I. 31, nt. Edurition 11,111. CORPORATIUNS C V. 1.141. DEPOVIT llork rt. M. dander n , n, W. M. I.l.,teuuClinh .1 I'. 114,10 r and C. 11. Plehlt.r W. M.. l'ltlalor. Clerk, J no. Uwierwoo.l .Nun von ogor Diruu into. It NI 11 Wout ward. Sklles Woo.nuru. Mon., Bricker. Zut, W. W. Dale, Jana U. litr,ta,s, Jo,opu J. Luz/0 , , Jur, Siu.trt, jr. Fla .r tit ills 1L O Otst..—Prosi dent. Samuel II oph urn Ca 41rr. J . U Holler, roller, Abner 0. le • ger, J.INNO Brown Will Her, J.phu Wuuds, John C. Dunlsp, .s lee lift,. 11e141311, John e. BLoriett, Licphurn, Direclura. CLlMaallti ND VALLEY 10011.1t0 no COSY Fratiorla:k 6uvrotar and haward M. 11,d .apelintuodont, O. N. Lull. Pass,ngs trains three thaw, a day. Girlish , Aceoultna atiun.. Etstward, leaves Carhiole 5 %5 A. arriving at Car lisle SDI P. 31. Th rou2;11 trolo E.Lward, lu.lo A. M. and 2.12, p. 51. Westward at 9.27, A. 31., and 255 I'. CARLISLE 414 AND WAI En COMPANY.— Prenldont, Lon , uel 't'reasurer, A. L. ; rS uperili tuudopt U.orp N lee: 11, reeL F. to, W In. M. Ilne tool, Pr, NI. 111,15110., henry Saxton. it C. OS ou.iwArd, Jtdiu Jr. dratwa, F. Lextrauur, nu,' Joins Clauyboll. soci ET IE6 Cumberland Stu Lodge No, HIT, A. Y. M. meets nt Marlon Null on thu Ithl ulna 4th toustltipt IA et ery mouth. ht J ato's Lodt:o No. 260 A. Y. M. Moots 3,1 Thurs tl.ty of onna nthith, at. Alarloo Itch . e.,11,1. 6.1,0 ul t. U of U. F. Moots Mouthly evoiltug, u 0'd FIRE COM l' ANI ES ThO VnlOn Piro Company wa organized In 179'1.- 110os. 111 lmuthor between 1.1 , t and liamovur. 'fan CuuloormuU Fire Comp Ley was 114l , utsed Feb itinr. I.l.Juso iu LimitUrU, netamau alaln feet ftnt. Good WM Fire Company was loatitutod In March, 1835. !louse In !'omu.•t, mar liana or Tun ampito IL ma and Ladder Cumpany was institn tud 111 18. d. Mouse in Put, tutu - 31.1111. RATES OF POSTAGE Peetage en nil totters or 0110 half ounce weight or undoy, 3 eooto pre old. , P , otalt , On he Lie:KALI) 'el thin the County, free 'Within thu *tato 13 tout% per aunuut. T. , any tout of ttio United St.ttee, 21 emits l'ostage on all trait Flo it ptpors. 2 cools per ounce. AdY ortioud lottery IA with e,lot, of ad vortiel ag• AirG 11E101A N, Attorney at Law, uArnme, ro. Aort dont to the Ileratld 0111 c o 1.1804-Iy. • ,T,AAIES A. DUNBA Attorney at 01 'Law, Carlisle, Pa. 011irn on the south side of the t Gunn thaws, adjulhhi% the - straw Loan Priulluv,olllc,o." 1, 1%1-Iy. M. NVEARLY; Attorney at -Law, j • myk u y ou y.outb, Uauover otruot, trlJololuit lb .1 udgo tluthoot. All prOteraional buoluoa on trustod to blm Nlll bo promptlrottuuttud July /, `AbIUEE:•L V 147.1 . N, Jr., Attorney a, Law. -Hike with Hon. &Mud Hepburn, Alain tit i.;arliale Pa, • July 1, .18e4.. IJFIJS. E. SHAPLEY, Attorney at he w„ Carilsio.Pa. Attends to 'securing and roI )eoto So:diurs' Pay, Bounties. and Windom. Mee on South Hanover Street, opposite nouta's Store. July l, 1813. 1 1 .A.W OAltl).—_CH A R LES J. MA.- ottuthit,lN, Attornoy at Law. Wilco la labotra buding,juet'oppealte the Market Ileum°. July •1;• llittie—ly, - 1 frtnirgaroti, Attorney at bay; Om on North Hanover stmt., a foti doors north of 011 Pa hotel. All bualneue outrubtod to blw .will ha Promptly attended to: July 1,1864- 4 -05.,„,,11 it ITN Ell, Jr. i - Attorney . il.t . Law and Surveyor. hb.ehanleabur,{, Pa: Oldeion Y 11 Itoad Street, two doors north of the Dank, .tim.llualoaa promptly attended to, ' • •,: . July 1,1814, ' .. • • . .-- • • , ' romlialitroot row doori, • b io ui ow Bth , ; VOL. 64. RHEE . k & WEATCLEY, Editors & Proprietors clusti.[:d WAR POETRY The scar poetry ban prod aced few, if any, n,r re tmli.tilug hea t h at M 141,111011 A, :111(114 . 1.1163 nna tr urlLl ly illus tla tled 111 .• 11101,1'a Weulay." A, Plt I L 20, ISCI. I=l Throe years ago to-day Wo raised our hands to Heaven. And 1111 tile relic of muster Our names wore thirtN•Ceven, There were just a thousand bayonets, And Ch., swords were thirty•seYeu, As we tools the oath of sei vice, With our right hands raised to Heaven Oh, 'Owns a gallant day, In memory still SAO/ oil, That day ol our son bright nuptials Ilb lb , tuu4ket and tbo sword! Shrill rang the tiles, the buEles blared, '— And beneath a cloudless Ilcayen Twinkled a thousand bayonets, And the sw ,- ;,41.e. earn thirty-seven. Of the thoczt,nd stelwtltt bayonets Tiro 111211W - 0d march to d.ty Ilund,vds Ile in Virginia swamps, A Lid hundieds lu Nary land clay t And other hUlldeedi, lose happy, ding Their ,hittored liml s around, And envy the deep, long bles,ed sleep 01 the battle-tiald's holy ground. For the svr.,r,la—,nne night, a "eel ago, like remnant jut.t GanL,•rud 1.1. q u.lnti board NI lilt ,eat, fur Chilly e.est, ; Thera wart) i 111 4/11 CrUt dud ta - tt had atoll but a baud To p.,ur tho of r FLI d ri co the cup As e‘• ~tur Flag tied Laud I" And the ro..rn seemed ll:ted RI h ohlFp,rs Ax we 1.4.4,1 at the V cant t.e.stn, rho tildn4 to.ll 1140 Lin t:lste 11.1,1 t• : Theo ill Nilo I,U wo 1.1,111,11 U our gl.o.sun Ae ne to ,e up ju,t Au bow d we dr4uh to the loved:ma dead Who hod wade us tbirty3t, Light and Shadow. You WO. jua 4t. by wha' pni rue, Oltuti latl tojod e te ar! 0 11t.; Eta, Ltre tt.;:ottily, lo II u itty ii; Ulu ottritt ; All tt Lla . ), thol Ito 0 ,,c041,1 Ity tho glory of the n un; Itut at 000 tlivy 01)11., ruTen.l.l In tt.c 32110, 01.0 by ode. tl+ .113 - Il,rht of a sm ile, May but the litinian face, lli I log 'Or a lat , care. toll toy 's trace; 8", Oh louls (If WW O'er a happy fare arii.o, 81111 b.•ni.ath bra 0.00 , S W St. , I joy fU getitla eycs. Life U arched changin,4, slslog I:2trell ate they ,Ilat 007. seem, Smil•s we have nr d al,O %0 1.114. w, I'll}, Looh henaath the out, ar•l show, To the ahado, or tIo llaht : And. hum w hat you surely Luau - , Learn to toe and jud.:o :tlll' , Mll3faß, "THE OTHER ONE." BY S. .‘ NNIE ruOFT It was a tlitittetive title, which was al most as much her name as the Antoinette i ns cribed upon her hapzistnal rogi,tter.— People talked of the bcaut:ful Mit-s I tam, mend, the talented Mits Hammond, and the Ober one ; or varied this by the bru• nette, the blonde, and the other one; and [ am sure all the large circle or aoluain tancee who thus di:•tinguit,hed them 'e ill ridicule the idea 01 tnakin; a heroine out of "ille other one." Looking at her upon the dreary Ise cember night which opens my :duty. you will see there is but little outivardly to mark her as fitted fur the post. The plem der little figure so neatly draped in pretty blue tnerino; the glossy braid of brown hair, with no flower or jewel to decorate their prolesion ; the delicate complexion, soft brown eyes, and swept mouth, are each graceful and winning; but glancing from her to her sisters wbo stand near her, you admit their advantrt,ges.— Leonie, the tall, superb brunette, in her black ;ace dress, gleaming here and there with crimson knots of rib Lon, her hair drooping low arid crowned with CHUM. n fluwers, is Juno like and bewildering in her regal beauty, while Lccy, the blonde, tall too, but exquisitely ethereal in her floating; robes of white with starry jismine twisted in her short curls, is only second to Leonia in loveliness. Mamma, tall and dark, with worldliness written un ertr) feature of her handsome face, is In gala dress, too, fur to-night one of the crown ing festivities of the season is waiting the art ival of the Misses Ilatuntond, tool Ills. lathwond ahvaysueootnpunies her daugh core. Nuttio ut cuurso, was iuvited, but Nettie don't oaro much fur parties, and hue chosen to wait at Loom fur papa ; for papa being:a physician in full practice, has a fashion of pupping in all sorts of ecaeo• trio hours, and Nuttie has noticed that he seems to relish the coffee or dinner wore, when she hovers about him to pay per, Sonal attention to the sugar or salt ipies- tion, to ask questioneol the day's dutiesj to pepper his dinner with ruffling uneo dotes of bottle ; or sympathise with him over some newly discovered case of die• tress Leonia and buoy have declared it a horrid shaine that she won't go; her mother has added that Nettie bus queer notions,,aud she has her own way in the mutter As soon as the carriage rolls away with the party goers, Nettie tidies the pretryi sitting-room and'takes out her knitting, a pair - ,of yonderldl crimson and brown comforts for pa'pa's wrists. She has .not long to knit, tor,laj nine o'olook she hears iho gig drive up, and tosses, aside the needles and wool, to fly down ,titairs to 'greet her f l ather.' •,,, "Cootie in' tho sitting-1.61am, papa," she Cries drawing blrn l forward :"it is so nice, and I have told Martha to bring up. yotir _ _ ME - ill V . 1, a (r I . - Ili „,... . supper, you won't have to go down again." "Rost all out ?" nsks the doctor ''Yes ; gone to Mrs. Mosely's, the large party, yo'.l know, that wo had cards for last week " "Why didn't you go ?" "Oh, I didn't care for it. Three of us are enough, and when Leo and Lou are there they won't miss me. Oh, faller, Leo was superb to night; the had her hair dressed in the new fashionl with crim-)nn flowers all woven in aU'ong the braids, and dooping on the neck. She wore grandma's diamonds, too, and her dress is Very becoming " "You tihould have gone; Martha can wait upon we Yet while he slid it, Abe father knew that Martha's fingers could never arrange a tray, oqemptingly, never wait upon him so thou . , ..itrully and noitelessly, Martha's voice wake such music in 'the day's la: tigue and anxiety. ''Anil now', papa, while you eat, your supper, Want to read you a story Lou wrote to day. One of her gems, with the ettiest ~ i )1).! verses introduced. I — ou ate nut too tired ?" li . .c n twit!...,o o lain •to rceail to alwr It)ve, or a it of tt) oat. I unto [-ie.. liat. IUM al'ru l t.) tas p,ur d Ain't it lu, cty ?" Ste .saia, far. A stranger'' he i , roud lather Iv:1s never too tired to adwire Lucy's. graceful :dietches , nrr the stuffy' was read and udwirLd to Nett:e•r ~ull satir , ;Lic; ion ded Ihe iipt.;^4. I ttlii So t imud uf Jul ) It is su nice when 1 straugeis wun \vliu 1,. 11. ia, t.: that's -istcr, and to have such a &lc:lulls t""1. itorAtry U Ii -Ahd 110 W tell we w!iat . 3-ou Lace Lech doing ull day "Ail : , urts of' things. I helped Lou little by copying her artiele.l (.Jr her. and 1. made the ki.ots of diesF, 111a11111i:L ' S gloves, and concocted that chicken pie you arc eating, and di,, a uf odds and cu.'s, nuthiriz, mud/. ' Are 3ou tut (ir,d to•t(ad mu thir,lll - in the ? fly e}e. arc stiwv d.zz!vd, and I. shuuld I,ke tub, ar whai t.hiB fulluw hay to say—lti,, tic d • "1 am sure he reeuurucud=greeD sp(c reeled fur Jucturs who Brno about wi lit seuit. the w papa, lu you - up put.° any duetur ever praeticed Nvti pleaclws '4l don't know, dear, I'm s :urc ; T h h oU ld pruLably preach very loudly at any ol In) patients %%flu salt t.iroog e utioe a, this in the veninr:, ur who ate ) ht3 eggs' as 1 au [Line, to peel'; et lulkts. If um Su glad you urn gLitig Out ttlid -Nettie, as 11-1- lather donned Bret lull utvn „,„i s lp r and snuck an attitude, peuuliar to tired decturs, up- on the sulk--though,•she added, thought fully, "it must pay for being tired, to comfort so many poor sick folks as you du “.Ind to have such a nice little girl to make one lazy," said her father. "You are light, Nettie; the power to soothe a SUilrl or, to cow fort a mourner, to aid its- Lure to res:ore or smooth the Lath to the grave, is a gift Cod sent, fur which I give him humble and hearty thanks. 1 was sent for to day to the C lluttl, to prescribe fur a gentleman, a stranger here, who fell upon the ice, wed has gut an ugly cum pound fracture to keep tutu a prison er fur a limg time Ile is all alone, his family being in Calif,miitt o and I really think was more grateful for an hour's chat than for all my bandages and splints." "I should say the chat was decidedly the wort agreeable. Pour fellow %V ho Who is he? "You'll find his c trd in my coat pock. Not that-1)0r that—ilatt's it:" "Leol.sra Why pp, that's Leonard Williams. deur ?" "But., papa, you remember Ilarriet imp un ?" "I es, dear," said the bowildeted duo or, ;oohing at. Nettie's flushed cheeks. "11 ho went to. California three year, ago with her father, and married John Cults. Well, her father inurrica the wid ow of the great banker, and she wrote that Leonard, the only son, was cowing here on his tour through the States. You wust Lave heard Leo talk ut you know, dear, I don't hear Leo talk touch. As she never owes down to breakfast, and is out every ci•cu ing, and as I um away all day, there ,is not lunch chance of her telling we the news. that l renuetober Liattie very well. So this is u connection of hots." sue him. Ili.' faiherleft him un immense fortune, and he is ,ono of the moat suo cessful lawyers in San Francisco. Hattie describPS.hiin us about as near perfection as one of Lou's heroes." "Ho s rather uflne looking fellow, with large, 1 rank eyes, that look straight at one, ari'd he !las. 'a good, clear voice, too as if he was ashamed of nothing he had to say. Ho a hero! Well, ho won't captivate a heroine just yet. Nettie, for his arru is iu a bad way. Now, - the - liancei," The long, able 'artiele . wati road and criticized, and quite ti; perceptible iinpres sion wade upon the knitting toforo the doctor'and INTettio concluded tesoelLtlioir respective apartments,' and if there' had beenonelingering regreton"Nettio's wind gar ty 'she bad, lost, het. father's warm kiss and "God bless you, darling," quite' drove. it away. • "Why, pa,pl, all the gide are °rev to CARLISLE, PA., FRIDAY, JULY 15, 1864. The next morning, Leonard Williams was fully discussed attho brealrfa3t-table. I,conie and Lucy were still dreaming of the conquests of the previous evening, but Mrs. 'Jaen:mad decided that the mt:st, be their guest. The doctor was only too glad to offer his hospitality to the stranger, and :11rs. Hammond Pally appreciated the' "chance" • thrown in her'. way. Leonia and Lnoy were much toe.. fascinating for a refndent in the house to' leave whole, and visions of the sttani4- cr's immense wealth danced in fascinat ing profusion through intiallna's bran asshe dressed fur the ride to the C Hotel to offer her motherly care to Lem arl lie was up and dressed when the doc tor entered the rooin, but there was a eon traction of 1:p and brow, a deadly paller and weary expression that told of acall pain, bottle quietL. To say that he ac• cepted the doctor's invitation gratefully, gives but a feeble idea of the glow in 1)3,s cheek, the light in his eye:: that es.pres.l - his pleasure. A hove. "We can all feel independent enoty when wo are 11.211, duct, C," he said - -Not ar ull, the wfluen lo!ks have CP. , :red ;ffi old Iriuu 1. You C,y Ii Coles spea!: of the 11..T.t.- toU'i la." urtlion ! I.).)vcci!. !ii [Arun! 3.1 h-s lnnrcd cve:i to 1131lie ' S evutent the X. btOreti 31i-s. Lucy. :111(i .ire really Dr. " tin,l in the Niloi to ritld her invitation. (t) rune, mi . ,' to sue (ILO p.O hive the pr,,,per iJunlUer of' :!1 earriip4e " , 1i rct. , ,ptb‘n an I tit.,t Qui . E el . ° arc best his o.,vn in a pile of letter; t:0,1 with ribbon, -:nti itickei away in Co:o's w,,rk-tablc .Irawtr. 4 ,=tho::o is one wh;ch roali Dr..ul : l'eu were very anix• ions to Live ine write as 111:K1 seen ytiqr car friend Le•niie Hamill mil, an I to!1 you how , ho iml r s r..l me, here ror a 1 )11,2; le:ter. Fit and foremDst, 4,' , )1.1 11111.,.... :.',/ to mother for the de:ail,,,,f a lucky call 1. 1.1...,1. tall the subs.criurt. ~..invi•ALionto .1.11:11i.o i )r. I.lanononi'll 44-, lb ) boru,2 ; then, r.,n ~ y 111.3 ilti,.;y ciCii.. 3 ,11...- / tica h;e in a charniii.:l,. T.:on], wt'll tied uidger,Lleinan tJ 1 413 -Inc (Jail) vi l'i. hit ;.ta..ely wife to Ft.(' 1.11.1 t. I have every c)inrort,:tul the f1,.1.,]ng or out as the wlthil t.zkt;.i them.. I hdv never been too i,lek to come down stairs but appear daily in a ch,irming erlm , on wrapiivr th ,ttit:i nie l•tlpalli•rili tJ a nicety, and lipperi-; that would make anybody lazy. But all this time you arc malting to hear of your friend, Hattie. the is be ‘viltlerel,' even vohr cle.“,•riptions fall hunt, of the reality, end your uotte ,ortrait i-i a rusr-er.ado —now full rat' fire, now beaming with mirth, now melting with pathos—such a queenly tigure,such beautiful, rich tre , s- C 3, stle a sunny complexion—well, words do her no justice. the is the most won derfully beautifully woman I ever ra w. Of Lucy I see but little ; she is ab stracted and self-containecl,spends whole days shut up in the doctor's library, and seems to pa=s her whole time in dream ing out her new stories or poems, which are certainly worth the trouble. But, Hattie, why did you never tell me of the other one; Nettie, the houie hold fairy, the wee, witching, graceful Cinderella to these lovely sisters. No, not Cinderella for that heroine was new le3tel and abused, and Nettie just wraps round her warm heart the love of the whole fam3y. While Leonie is riding, driving, dancing, skating, or sleeping, and Lucy is shut up in the, library be wailing the sorrows of Aramenta fur cre ating a sensation ,for Clemcntina, Nettie the home litiry. She appears in the sitting-room daily with delicious com pounds which she informs me she has manufactured for my especial delight, though I notice there is always a dupli cat° dish for the doctor's dinner or.sup per. She comes in demurely to sit down tO groat piles of white stuff which she gravely states to be "week's mend ing," and shoots a long thread in and out, reducing a long thread to miserable inches in loss time than it takes to toll it, her tongue all the while keeping up a merry rattle, or tracing out deeper thought m the whim takes her. The others aro very gay, and daZzlo um night after night by coming in to twist round:l4Al) the pier glilss as they aro starling for alarty; eomaimeS dragging Nettie off too, spite of her reluctance, to bring Ili:x.110=1.1111 of pleasure at the tuliniration lavished upon her sistere. But the most charm ing time of all is the evening,. Dr..l.laan mond is generally at home, or whoa ho is out, one of the sisters remains. On the latter occasions: we have musio and small talk i but when the doctor presides then Nettie lets all her hidden inner self . , out, and:a:charming self it is, so wom anly, •so true, and pure, and good. , -No deep thought to startlo,.but • the quiet, roliablo intelligence of a child, frank and questioning, • yet full of - .beauty. sho roads '.boautifally; and wo have 41 4.4uOy's 'stories, as. she writes tfito,' varied' by tho' articles ir4llle . La4reet, the n6ws .of the day, poetry, fietion, history, anything that one of the Sria _witt,.............--4-,;41/0 ~k~ ,' seldom plays when her sisters are pros= ent ; but for the doctor and I she will accompany , herself to simple ballads, which she sings with taste, in a clear, sweet, but not very powerful voice, of ten giving me the use of her fingers to carry dot the tenor you are so fond of. It is very beautiful to sec how they all love her, and rely upolis her. She can always produce the doctor's lost specta cles or , instrument case, know.: exactly where her toothier laid her fan la , it eve ning, is always ready to trim Leouie's dresses, lend her finery, or braid her magnificent hair, Las time to copy Lucy's articles, hunt up her quotations, pet her headache, or find oat the complimeotary notices in the papers. and feel 3 amply rewarded for being kissed, petted, and imposed upon by members of the loving family. soh, Lennie is superb, Lucy has won derful talent, but, Hattie, fir a home bird, fir a companion, friend and wife, grve me the "other one:" t created saute flin t ; of an excitement in the fdmily when the milllondre, the gentlemanly invalid who had won the af fection of all, made hid sentidnents pub -I.c, but, when he announced 111-i inten• tion of takini;an; I.l.tmA and settin;s ullic'e in the city, the (Le to;*e a ir'a to take II m fir a wh'le Leo aid Lod do,:!dre 1 he would malt:o the aunt Lw ha Toth nk,":-;01.1 Lea, LioLthing, a 3 SLe stood c.mtempiatiag a pie of iik and lace, 110.11 o 1 up in the sitt*-ro•ond, that the Lit. weldirr o 7 !he flintily should carry oft-----" .Not. the heau•y," said Lu. 7. iSN'er :he au -11.'1e ~" Fitid he: mother Elf.," in ch.n.u,, -the '..;.11:n. one." TIIE SESSION OF TUE ca.:ACLU—J:3. t h„ 2.t I,'l I 11,1i,11 Ju'y 1, IGE July —Subb.itlt 1,,r the Ilepre6tAita dice , “ n d Of the XXX VII •1, Coo;_r t,s to I . L:qtfijiTy rfreir labor,-4 theL of A = j,ffirrinient? These weary - ter,t'cFC'ritut. t yes (tithe :ten tle throng ILL ir 11.11!, 11111 ;110ir lic.i thruurlt a fact of 11111 vehitii it, tcr,st aad o On; law,t It 11c, k:fiorao.ffil “t' %shi!e tumble, licru Vilna a t:: , (A'C 1.1 'a) n, is , w..i. 1-Cl . Ol an niche:Ara turcrol irtu flir.ted colunifis of the Corinthian or- lies thtJu•Ah a ‘vide d.fllliion of and ina,se, of ( 1 .1. , rri,,,1,t0ne, fetched and d e ar-bought, nine which every steci tuol Itnuw,i to anuii i. tstal,ll.s in the liAndi of skilled and Flew.] wut Innen, that ce1,2.-tial era; the woi - :hip of tho gods in the con uez:un of the Pat thunun and the build rig of the Tvniple to Minerva —lies thrue.l,ll ul the unint, r l!p•. I , v r k of the Ibri;rint tit of the The rt , has nut stopped this. o,l:er n tu would have paused I . l'olo Such a wo:k while rro•L cuting wars on the ordinar . y suale It Eurktpe.itt n.varfal e. cu:ny or .1 V7,11' east et' [lieu tIlL! hue ct Cr met 0 .` - it:ch rver. —wore woro ;old t svu do Hut Fiu , e LIIe• cuilipletioli which the legi,liition uP Aniiiicit is to bo dune.- 11'e do nut reduce it, piuporlidits, do not chenputi its plat), wt du out abate its expenditures, Wtl not ;.:iaduats any of cost to thu chail:red values which the Rebellion has eau:,ed. Th.• Ca pi, 01 rxtension gees beau tiful titian .1 the cuti tin (I an; devel,paront. of the nation. It goo.) On, to the world I hat our life' is vigor ous enough, resolute enough, inexorable enough, to construct while. WO deoloy:. - _ that the ritulity of the Ee l ) tblic over flows froJt a war that would exhaust o r destroy any other people, ihtu all the pa ha of peace, and into the pleasant. wAys or oiviiiz.o 1 he Representatives go to their Hall. Between these t wu culuions lying on their sides : walks quickly FcNTON of ChlililllC, 115 We cull Litt in New York. The ex pre:•sion of weariness in his handsome ,co is blended with a look of pationm:,—.. 110 that walls by his side nod talks ca gerly is consuming the last 111011112106 of the legi:datur's time, tool buidoning him with cl;actious of pt Estoril Smvieu and in fluence. Yet his answers are kind,. and not a chord of irritation is in the musical sweetness of his voice. And as he goes under theda`rritig;t3 arch of tho Sou: h Wing he is in, his lahorS, his talents; his tact his experience, as nearly an °who'll .ment of the legislators of the house as any man in it, save perhaps THADDCUS STF f VENB, the leadOr of the House by position, and - its, :Nestor in all respkts by a concession of , his follow !numbers, in whioh respect and affection vie with each or for tispression. And .I.LiwEs comes. the Qhairniun of-- the itnportank 00altnit . teeen Elections, anti to whom is bentinit• ted the keys of the g!tteti'of olio Lower Gllouso:ofingret3s. ~ThievesdoWt break through that way. - Ile walks wearily ',urt thip puth--- 7 and well he, may ba4. 4 (manheod and.(3laposel.). - of 'wfotrty nofitost.S 'iicf Pates , orthaioleid actita;, siyikr4;:to each' the conoeiontioue 5a ra•oe dthernegb searoh ,which diaftoiniah lii work— this tahf.ii, beside attending to regular Coo • \ tt A( • • gressional dutim+, and holding not bank his hand from the aid of every measure that hesitated on its way to a sneeessful vote. And Iot:T7.TELL, comes admirable in his aanguinc nervous temperan.ent so adapted to the wear and tear of parliament ary life. This is his first term in Con g7e9—..but his first spuch and his first da)'s service on Committte, put him at a bound in the front line of the men wlt—ni talent and experiance in Washington have mode fAmous. A practical, matter of fact man. A dark chinned man, dark-eyed, dark-haired, thin in dm fink, ei~i ant self cont. iined, ; gi‘ing you the pression that he would walk rip quick and in strength. A :-pcceli from him is premeditated logic of ia woven facts and wed in a It aguctie curret.t which flows lo th EICIVLS of ever; 111111 audience, haweve.r great it luny he an I which penetritte through and throu: ! .l). It i, imp ti-dblero est: pr fhpi, lhmU LL's debate. As au athureary he wuuld be fatal to a bad cause, I ' o go.AI unc—as au ally hu in a tower 9f sti erigi h. It) the Itei,res•ettlittirt.t3 11tt',1 tLe welt) her. oft to [lief) of un.i t!,e till t‘ at) .o.j, weal. A IL\ h v 1 vi r,cil irtiuti uC t!ii, e.l cl..‘rtAl IR•11). INt.lll !IL :Ju) in Cic r•Ln,i nekc! hi., tv., u•zi p p.110.'11...1. 1 .1111 i-ca..,11 10 hilt'. tuft, CAA! ;..IF Lill toe litk,lne,l $ -i, , fl t ..11:;61, Oh.; ic. ;col V Ill! IV r, nu.l 111311I;31II it ice,J) 1,1 A , ll yr I It) Atr t r a. i ,1 / 1 , 1;:.0 deret.,c , , Iv ..::wary th;:d Jr, a , s fie:ll vc,—;;! .. ./ yOU'.. 11 CX ti, ( k ai3O\ e t 1,2 y wuiks the (.! A a youiii: k bro•A I/ I'ulueaill trvoJ'hen; l. C Skein kJ' .lie••,llt,i V‘llllo :Ile lil. icL,ll—;lll./ 1 ‘.•1 tl cart. In.J t.l;,;s.[t;,;,.tti car, w.tliuut (luVe, ill ..y.t.rig quick :ylop,ith tiro I,,Le. of a Vil,e /iIJ I II:4;11'111:1i uto. It it. SCHUYLER IW :AX, it e :"•i•coker ‘Yity tultirci InteiriptLd out,troeht.d haw.; ant V , tit every ti.eittlyt.: - ef the llout-.0 SCiIUI Pu lit. F.1,17:..F., aud 11,,t Caltit,t 1,0 111 .. -13keli fur :h 3h1,(31 St ❑u 1 . 1.! A COLLtX t7ery o,.goniz .1;o:: I to u:,:11)1eLl riccuil,Vo:,ll j irtitan work with a parti-a:i . , dcterwil:vion ar! , l a pur 6uceb hoot thu n pathz.iii—tuhlve ra!k2,!C•:if . ul'y repreliented the a pol-itie lidtu v,ith ;hc hay „ i oni o f t h e n oii„ l ity wjlicli ;1 1 ,1. taus pviucip:u old /if- icy:card ,i,-tztittud a b:uwl) u'.,l 1 . 1 ffitiSlltcc ry, and ti tittt have the .etttno justice thu Lt novolcovo, told the Loam ly love of 11,,y butt or ovel of ;iii ,Ipp,,nent cf . the ou this fl ta• tl,Ht c, 11.4 ro spect Scuult.tit CuLt•wx,cui , fide ill lii n. Again, happy organ wino Wilt habit., I what a nxieties, what sharp dralis on the resei voir of ti.rvoits vitality has not this frell cud buoyant boy-lool,ip;.; lean un dergolie and endured since hu took ihi• :::'l . ,eaker's scat 1 Alia they not I , ft a trace beliir.d thew. lie is as glee t'ul sod us strOle r t us a collegian retullled frulti hi; And yet lie has nut fur six :nun: lis Itst -the thread of the vast and ecuiplicated business of OIL House of kepresentatires; the machinery of its eoniplieatc , l iideaneverforamontent hiteliC4 or st pped in his hands; ho nev er lust his head; never lust his temper; his memory was never übsourod ; ho nos er idit;:ged front weariness; ho nuvur, by ioatteution or inability, ell/baITUSSed his iriends or wruusild Ills advetsdries. In an outer circle of seat, is JzNcKts of Elude Island, who will after the next sesziim of Congress Le iho,t henural ly and must etivi,bly assueiamil with the A inerioun I:ankruptcy Sy•tow. This luau, is the great law)er of his State, and _lie gave five months of the best labor of a first class intellect to the perfection of the ' details of a wea.mre of outimial ou,notny and betieVolenee that should hero become a law this ses'sieu, and eertahily will nest. And near him walks a Minnesotian whom Minnesota..should send Leek here and keep sending back, Wii,ll4lu nom, the Chairman of therCetutiiittem ou. Indian Affairs, lle is ORc -of the must popular 111131:1 . in . the I.l.euie—an experi enced logililutor-7carries: ' triboi iu his head is well Lis in hia . heart-! a just,: l?rave,' yenevylinit consorvator of. interests too . apt' . to,'he negleetcd;, too liable • tes'i;ci ebnied: ' fa ita'ho..eoat near by, another, should again. batik, horejeztreuielyyptig, universally popular., • Lie never , neglect's' duty, yet h*nover'esoited ti TERMS:--$2,00 in Advance, or S!?,,GO within tho year. RE ) 1,/,1 r 0 1,, nith tho anti 1, }et Ilis near conneetios to Secretary Seward by marriage is generally known. It is not prierally known that he frequently differs with his great relative on matters of public policy, and independently acts in siittiti.e opposition to him, and I can to's tint in the reporters, gallery, where Oar() is a stria!uni of Jariobinisia, this squarenein of oppasiiion has entitled Liu? to ft aternity, and already won love. Mc:: of Massachusetts, is on the floor, careworn, tinter than in January last, whiter than when at g-eat saer . ficii he reluctantly lett a previously neglected biksineSs to come a second tints to a tlon4ress to which h e was the only imi:11) IIN COl/71(HltI1 TS (20:11,1 clect llc i, ilie Chaiiiiimicf the Iluuae Naval Catini.itteL, tlme business be Las doer Lea been a load for the stron;,zest inAn the ol'iun to ~ t aggcr under. T rt t,f itou war ship-i---the puriod ni",;itton fri,:.;atos to wool tor-4, fr uu e ikon seventy-fours to iron dads, or thep riod of return from no un- ma!ig:aut , iry expiTirl) 'tit it) iron t.) All dtz , pu 0., uli I= !zr ouo . \Lit Lmid,ried , ho,t , lit. 1)i pPc! , ..,n1 •nl-t•11;;:lli . ,:• 01 lIIC tut (It II V ; I/ IV Zi e 1, , t1,:11t t L 1.J . 5 ~ y %yin i;1 1;10 c r:I11111.e.;-' , J11) ; aL r.O S:1 - 11 , 1r , , VQII .1 11.: 1,12 1/.4d, TC..I thus 11,,e1,11 , ._: in t! e Lot. in rLc :.Fit c•O MEM IL:I 17 , 11 , 1 10 17 tr UII tho riveu; Ulit: 11 , 11::' (dated I Le. (,htilt,.. 1 di ' M i w u! I (_,ipe Ilcnry Asti C'111,;, w;t11:1 brown irl en;y, :ilrcady iu ut u s %,te.,:i•ru Crow hurki • :01 of tL,3 Cuwwit- Luo 0 , 1 T:r.i . ,foti 8 111/.1 It•! 11A8got flit S J _ Turrh0r.,,...1,, r.,,...1, , uw_tutry 'revireo - vc 1.1,1a.t bu'rn Situ sL,„. au, an,l nut Man- !,(2 =I Auci CI ir,2:11 CCrtC Cfi, (1)e. 1 4 ,cal , t u 2,ll:titty .tuittee, with ai.Ll z: awl t , ruihted debatcr, wi‘ii rim t,C a true Nchich tiler ME Itritvivo: of ;1.1 tv.. , und Ce cei% ul t!,3 uev -tuna!ly r•murtd into u:p:it rica ur -od tnan, who, with Li collcarluel ‘:rCO wa I of th,s , ~ r ,:try fur tlleir Uu ce:t-ing Lbur rt,tl p l,t4Li;)g to enlarge lie armies and increa-e. cflicieney And nchr VJC%I t seat of su•; of low a,a witcrh! born legislator,-and t,) anti dktinclion. Ile muper..3.3i the p ..c•ar and habit of labor talunt t rhiuk c l 2..trly and Li COUtitill MIN u-ly on blested nit) seit,pti,n fron: the vaulty to produce holcal (IT cts. Ile r , , -, :tiks right on what lie with se•tairted nervous Quincy, nn,l wi!ln a voice whose volatile and cut to und Ell all pirts of Lcw ion is a bw , inuss willt hint nil lie works ht at it for permanent re quits Few men on the ©,or arc listened wi h more pleasure than thha young lotran, and if his Pisiriet is wise it will reasuro I , n.:th of his t,.±rin of amvice ui C.mgre-s by his term of lina. And tin ro y WINTER DAVIS. yoon a ! man, :,et of national fame. cub on the reeonsti aletion of the Uftion, I. li , ;ered wi , hout notes, but with an un intellilP.ed flow of law and reason, was one of the most comp! , te exhibitions of parliamentary oratcry of the highest older hoard in !lie llott,e in the last twenty Sears. When the politics'of Maryland luso their Itorder.State iaolation and sal:- aze, y, and the Ettite's po;ition in the Cinian is without fermentation, this man's consequence rillitutuediately become and will retuain, nations]. KELLEY cf Philadelphia stands read• ing an open lotw—slightly noticeable for a di:-fl,, , ,oreinent of the lid of ono of his 0) ea, rceei red in a machine shop in which hi, youth was educated—a roan who lit rally his way up in life, and who is capable of hannne.ring his repro t•entativo way through 'life, on vitiate°• ever paths t.uoial tyranny or political in• khaki) seek to bar progress to pure deinottracy. lit:LbLY is an orator of rare and marked qualities. Ile is,•pecu• liar in a thoroughly distnatio intonation of his ariger, pathos, his defiance, his 'itchy--an intonation which is the pti , reat and most unounsoiousnature, while seem ingly a studied art. Ito enjoys, far oat bidu of Ponnaylvania, the reputation of being a usolul legislator, a loser of art and of l,terature, a fiery hutnanitarian, and an honest wan. It is said that his . District is going to honor iteelf,by cleating Su , hear that he. is' tube re•electeci: Qatf it be mini• hie tbilt, the North : is nt iast, learning. the wisdom that Was intnitWo with Ow:South —41 . 0 wisdom of continuing Cungresa Men in .otTico.? tdono•ressulan, an, effteient;:tisOfpletingreetinian,ift a n t:ll ; 4;4 like a, lac engineer,,,a 0'444' 'a iiti.docer DiceslAiattlq' Ts carefully traintid : tifeet) teen NO, T. 9. C:t1'1) ,t ( C.~iLiug ho:iur qUdi Writ;C: otlieta, de by keeping them, in their places torat .af tur Orin, until they acquired the power which results sheerly from familiarity with past legiSlatiomarp year-long use of the mica, and year-long habit in all the ways of legislation, and until they bad acquired, over and above 'the power of constantly embarrassing and checkmating the green representatives float the-Frec States, the mehopoly of that experience wore cesential than talent to 'the chain. manship of Committees and the leader ship of the House, to make no mention o f t he empire of the Speaker's office. Yes ! Send back the good members. All you constituencies that have, representa tives like l'ike, Blaine, Thayer, Smith one, Garfield, Anderson, Orth, Dumont, Julian, Arnold, Farnsworth, Norton, Reunion, Kellogg, Gooch, Upson, iligby, Littlejohn, Donnelly, Rollins, Elliott, re member that you, own the office of Repro sentative in Congress, and that politicians have no right or title whatever to that property. And when. these politicians hank( r Lifter this ycur hereditament, and 1.:me.1 the ''howl of locality" to make it drop iota their hungry mouths, I . pray you to etop the noisy holes with disap• pointtritiot and neglect, and to send back here, amid to keep sending back hero, the met, ho serve you well. But t!us Iluuse 6 in session, and how spcedly it is passing out of session by t.:Lo cgp:ra'ion of its appvinted time. 1,4 - AstsucttNE of Illinois, a strong, veho• went, dexterous, experienced, and sue ce.3jul parliamentarian, save In not unfielueut moods of passion, le Ad.; the ceding= with the effective reading of ME p , per at uned u iiiiiittirysuug of victory, u. 13 i:/vocation to culr.dgc Ltiv.l ljuttLimJui cuusents t toile!) I to 7i21, r bills fov p az .oze :tut bird for relic(—,ll ti,n el . twenty Der cent lu tit 9 ttitt;.,,ttry ustra of the cruploye,is ua the that rd• a bro:f moment stai e t-- t lie •:iitue of a few womb rs , but ,;.‘s tau stron,dy pushed by the iu9 1.11.i0 the relation between master and scr s ant, eiciely 'nixed for six mouths. to to loa. c ; i e i: tad—this lapse, and then a sniff lA.t.'y and compensated squelching lii a plup._-.ltion to increase the salary of rho C o madssioneruf Public liulldings:—and thee an unfavorable report about some thing, and thorn an unsuccessful effort by tie trU,it eouronitit t.Le House, Mutt itiLL of 1 7, ricont, to liwit the svasto of the puhli: .tiou .7in the printing of the Census 13 t ports—and 1.1:6b a gatituring.:lf Democrats a a knot of trityconsultation, of ()lid) in the center of it—fur be is the reconized leader of the Dcinucpcy in Con 4 dess. And I will bear testimony •• that I.c I, as vi g ilant, as sharp, as aggrea="s :rive, as teaacious, as acute, as.quick, adf:i dexiorciti t little adversary as any - 11 c - . publican g,entleinan need care to handle. W t a sing,li pet sonal vice, neversioir, never absent, there lie is, the permanent: and inevitable eul'Oeclitoatit of a partiSati Democratic loader, who can't help, if ho• w old. etabarrassinz. Government to which I a is in oppouitluii; Tho galleri - A are crowdod. The sum ,..o4tomes of every hue make tho vast q . , :a.lra9gle of raised scats a flower-gar den of colors. The sun shines in through 'the vailod glass coiling like a benediction from Heaven. The scene is peaeeful— , gets dreamy soon, under the boo-like hummity/ of the scarcely agitated (louse wsit:te4 1.01" the Flow-rn3visz: clock to end the session. A harsh "I ol•jLet'." breaks (he p ll of the sleepy scene. Lt. BLOND 0f Ohio, a Northern Democrat of the es trefeest typo of the Pro-Sl:leery s c hool, ,:toads ri.irrow trewed and black with hoard and ene-onehinf , hair, and shakes IA focal flout his d6.terwitied and angry herd to the requests of numerous friends from his ride of the House, inch:ding Cox and l'ENDLtroll, objeet!" In vain FENro:c endeavors to provide, for a c ommission to inquire into the best meth. o! of raising revefr.lo, and the r.-..nst co eeptablo to all ptirtic.; anti to all inturests. The Sonata had jit , t pu•;sed a bill fir this . purpose upon the anxious rertu , st of the new Secretary of the Treasury, Ft.sstrt. Dag. :Embodied Copperlicadism Staride and weaves its wedge-shaped front in all the luxury of the power of misehief, atid, hisses its Veto upon a measure calculated to promote the publip good. .ODF.L.L of Brooklyn, a Democrat withoiltrep:oaelt, as without fear, ,pjneulate.i,liikragont scandalous sPecitaaftvis.',L teoider' over bear him. The ratilittjeii-lifiAtred.-..... BtoND demandsiiiii-YO4S -7. 444:Zra,y5, and glances rnalignaat:Arlhei44.,),iit':tho • °look. It is two minutes te4i . '.. ,0;;..E4 breaks out anew, and invok'tS to burst their trammels 'of plrtNaashii and to legislate for the country: The still erect monument of Cepporhoopit4:" .- shakes ita head anew pia!: savage deter. ruination—and FErcro.t , r • arses;• With "J., sigh t bat is audildc in tbereporre * gallery; • nod withdraws the resoluilun• sAnd • there is protraction of the Session hy,ye tod additions to it',of ten minutes, ',end tea minutce nor,:, and ten minutes more,: and the arrival of and resolutions - from the Sonato by s'yfift•rnaninKeiese4:. gers—and..,.then lleprescntativois, sa some flltiO ,in fun, saute from aseneto o „, 'call fur' the relidirt,g' of the Dooluratiou n a Lidepondon'ite;eiid •roads Then some call ferlthis 'reading of Jefrot",_. son's Inangitral, and ;;some oall for the reading of. the ,Eineneip - afiehA.lrealart4. tion—and many laugh•and *SPY .5034 for all ere 'weary, imditheir'fieedern the bondage of a half year'sservicei, And froth the. I:lAMeaters hip 'Oeetißee Wasl ) ingteh . stiniimisr, is , het, ii-SoF utes rih4 ;: fliey, -greivieg - . to he . Bat: boysf',e,pia,clFtp,.eo, e• -4 or, rn, rils; aril the ; Nii'ribern brooks 'all, • IVltretif blow,' ,freta , ,iftet•Plioalter : ": o' bead":l4,l4e-';olO04•:is:at. the‘' tatiour 'efeer 12 *l4)3xx,l:sa, =I BEM