Shirts, drawers, socks and handkerlhiefs. Wines. Spirituous liquors. Domestic wines, such as Carrara Elder berry, &c. Canned fruits and vegetables. Jellies, Jams and preserves. ~^r`, Apple butter, peach and quince butter. Onions. Tobacco. • Arm-slings. •" Finger-stalls. ' Bed rings and such other articles as you have been in the habit of furnishing. Some money to purchase fresh, perishable fruits and other articles which cannot be fur nished:in kind. Money should be forwarded direct to Col. Francis Jordan, agent of Pennsylvania, No. 487, Eleventh St., Washington, D. C., or Col. James Chamberlin, agent of Pennsyl vania, Nashville, Tenu. Supplies in kind may 1)3 sent direct to Col. Jordan or Col. Chamberlin, or to this place, whence they will be immediately forwarded. To secure abundant supplies, it has never been necessary to do more than let you know that they were needed. It is not necessary to do more now. I call on you with the certainty that the ap peal will be promptly answered. When any considerable amount of stores shall be contributed from the same neigh borhood, I will (subject to the regulations of the U. S.) send persons from the neighbor hos'd with the stores, so that they may have the gratification of themselves distributing them among our wounded friends and broth ers. A. G. CURTIN. LIST OF JURORS FOR A UG UST TERM, 1864 GRAND JURORS (Carlisle—John Martin, George W. Hilton. 'Dickinson—Geo. Dellinger, Walter Stuart. East Pennsburough—Benjamin Spong. Frankford—. John Kunkle. Hampden—Abraham Hess. Lower Allen—Jacob Garver, John Sheely. Monroe—Frederick Goodyear, Henry Bin- gamin. Mifflin—John Allen, John M. Davidson`, .Southampton—William Hawk, Henry Buell man, Witliani D. Mean;. •Shippemburg— Emanuel Barnhart. Silver Spring—Samuel Seneeinan, sen., Eby. South Middleton—J. M. Goodyear, John Zug. Upper Allen—Jacob Bowman. We,it Pennshorough —NV Hulbert, G. G. Davidson. TRAVERSE JURORS Carlisle--D. S. Croft, Abraham Beetem, David Sterrett, C. S. Stayman, William AddanN, George Taylor, Thomas P. Hack ett. Dickinson—Eli .13o.hinan, Samuel Myers. East renliburough—John Fake. Frankford—George Oiler, Emanuel Throne, Jacob Fry. Foust. Hampden—Levi Balmer, Julio Sherban, J. yers. Lower Allen—Samuel A. Gehr. Daelhuosen, doses Conner, Aaron ILx•h. • Middlesex—J. 13. host, John hitch. Nlechanicsburg William Wunderlich, Levi Reigle, Jacob Horshenner. Monroe—Michael S. Hoover, Moses Mark ley. Newton—Anthony Byers, Christopher:l[cl linger, Robert hickey, John yi,esthelfer, Henry Pislee. New Cumberland—Samuel Trout. Newburg—Levi Diehl. Pen n— iam .Idhas, J ohn J.L Wire tri an, Simpson Ott. `Wver, , ;y7ring—J - onathan Focht. South .l\litltlleton—Abraham Spotts, Jacob' Lehman, sen., Joseph A. Stuart, Alfred ? Moore, James B. Weakley. Shippensburg—John A. Kenower, R. S. Snoddy, John C. Croft, Philip Koontz. IRVING FEMALE COLLEGE OF• ME CRANICSBURCI - EXAMINATV AD DRESSES-COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES. MESSRS. EDlToits The Commencement exercises of Irving _Female Conege being over, we desird to say something in reference to those exercises, for the benefit of those who had not the pleasure of witnessing and hearing for themselves. EXAMINATIONS It was our privilege to be present at near ly all the examinatio 113. They were well conducted and were thorough throughout— practical as well as theoretical. They were interesting and instructive. The examina tion of the senior class was a comple success. These young ladies read and translate Cicero and lliener with a facility that would do honor to the graduates of our first class male colleges. They demonstrate nutthcmatiet.l problems with a grace and talent that shows them " master of their position." Their an swers to questions in Moral Philosophy, and the Natural Sciences speak highly for the reputation of the College. Upon ail the branches of all the classes the examinations were Perfectly satisfactory. A whole hour was consumed upon a single branch—not only seimming the surface, but entering in to the detaiis. The examination; were alike creditable to teachers and pupils. On the part of the former they showed ability, at tention and exactness, on the part of the latter, habits of study, industry and applica tion, BACCALAUREATE SERMON This sermon to the Graduating class was delivered in the Methodist Church on Sab bath morning inst., by the Rev. J. C. Clark of Mechanicsburg. The sermon was based on Prov. 9:3--She bath sent forth her maidens." The main idea presented was—Female education as one of the princi pal elements of our nation's greatness and thus of divine instrumentality in the world's renovation. The sentiments presented in this-sermon were of a noble and elevatingor .der, and were exceedingly applicable to the times and the occasion. The sermon would read well in print and would undoubtedly do much good. Mr. Clarke has an excellent delivery and is always an eloquent and ac ceptable speaker. The house on this occa sion was uncomfortably crowded. ADDRESS BEFORE TUE IRVINGTON LITER- AILY SOCIETY This address was delivered on Tuesday evening to a large andappreciative audience. The exercises were opened .with prayer by the Rev. Mr. Gere of Baltimore. The ad dress was delivered by Rev. J. M. Titzel of Etnrnittsburg Md. Ho chose for his theme —Mc study of the classics. We were some what surprised when hearing the theme an nounced, that Mr. Titzel should be so unfor tunate in the choice of his subject. But our feelings soon underwent a change. Our sur prise was turned into adiniration. The ad dress bad a peculiar excellency. The argu ments put fortb as a plea for the study of the .classics were irresistible. The address written in an elegant style; and the only ob jection we heard urged against the address was its brevity. The exerciseticlosed with the benediction by Rev. J. Ault of Mechanicsburg. COMMENCEMENT DAY The commencement exercises took place on Wednesday 2ilth inst. The church, wa3 filled to overflowing. Thetrustees, Faculty and students arrived in the church at 10 o - clock. The graduating class consists of ton members. On this oecasion ' as also last evening, the Sivier Cornet Band of . Me. eh allies burg 1411 , 5 attemiunbc and, .as usua, discoursed admirsMo music. The exercises were openect . .wlth prayer by the Rev. Mr. - - The following young 4.d . idien t constituting the graduating; class then Amer, read their temp. ' • Salutatory-T-MarlanS. Martin, New Cum berland, Pa. . • True,Liberty, Obedience& Law-LPhobe A,. Ring walt, Cumberland Co., Pa., liThtzt is Truth—Mary E. Baker, Meths,- iesburg, Pa. • , Illy Native Land--Sallie Adkins, Milfer', Del. The,/ety Dcad---Laura E. Mateor, lktO ,cbanicaburg, Pa. Pagan Virtue—Annie E. Morris, Lebanon, 111. - - Queen Elizabeth—Sarah C. §hammo, Hali fax, Pa. The Beautiful—Qatharim).g., Hinklo,.Mo chanicsburg, Our Country as it was, is,-and, 84all be— Mary IL. Morris; Lebanon ' . , - . - Our Aim in Life=Valedidto4—.tydial". Wolford, Dillsburg, Pa. Immediately, before the valedictory the Rev. A. G. Marlatt President of Hui Oolingo conferred the degree of Baccalaurea Artuint upon Laura E. Mateer, Annie E. Morris, Mary R. Morris, and Phtebo A. Ringwalt. Also the- degree of Magistra Auglicanum Literarum on Sallie Adkins, Mary E. Bak er, Catharine L. Hinkle, Marian E. Martin, Sarah C. Shammo and Lydia F. Nolford.— All of them at the same time received their Diplomas. The honors of the class were as follows Laura E. Mateer the Classical, Mary R. Morris the Mnthetnatical, Annie Morris the Belles Letter, Sallie Adkins the Musical, and Phebe A. Ring,walt the honor fur deport ment. We cannot speak too highly of the essays read by these young Ladies. For elegance in diction, purity of style, and beauty of sentiment, they cannot easily be surpassed. They abounded not only in lOose ideas or beautiful expressions, but they' were full of of important truths, elegantly expressed, and indicative of sound scholarship. They showed that all of them know what to write and how to write it. After the benediction by the Rev. S. Moorhead the audience re tired, all highly pleased with the exercises of the seventh annual commencement of Ir ving Female College. This College enjoys a deservedly high reputation. While many other female in stitutions have become seriously embarrassed on account of the civil war,- or have been forced to suspend operation altogether, this one is enjoying a successful and prosperous career. Mr. Marlatt, its popular President may. well congratulate himself. We know of no Institution of the kind more worthy of general patronage. The Institution is easy of access, instruction is thorough in all the departments of an accomplished female education, the scenery around is beautiful, the terms are reasonable, and the govern ment is kind and parental. Parents from a distance sending their daughters to this in stitution are nut only making choice of a first class female College as regards a thorough mental and moral training, but they may rest fully satisfied also that under the roof of President Marlatt and his accomplished Lady their daterhters will find a comforta ble and attractive home. J. A. For the Herold. SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT. School Houses.—The number of schools in the county, excluding 18 in Carlisle, is 181'. Whole nu tnber 204. The nucnber of houses, excluding Uin Carlisle, is 172. Whole num ber 181. Exclusive of Carlisle, there are 17 log houses, 33 frame, 23 stone and 91 brick. The Borough of New Cumberland has an ele gant brick house, 42 feet by 3.) feet, two stories high and contains two rooms. New ville has G school rooms in one house, two of which rank among the best in the county. Shippensburg has 5 good rooms out of 8. Mechanicsburg has 8 g ood rooms, but 4 very good ones. All the houses in our county are lit for school purposes, except two in Lower Allen; I in Upper Allen; 3 in Monroe; 4 in South Middleton; 1 in Dickinson ; a shanty (called a school house) in Shippensburg town ship; 2 in Hopewell; I in Newton; 1 in Frankfortl ; I in North Middleton ; 2 in Mid dlesex; 3 ill Silver Spring, and 2 in West- Pen usb , zro.' The Directors may dispute my right to call all unfit for school purposes that 1 have mentioned, but, I think, when they consul or that disease, deformity and a disordered intellect, is the result of crowding from 50 to 83 children into a small, cold, dark, damp, ill-ventilated, and dreary look ing hovel, they will agree that I tun not so fur wrong after all. ' I hope, therefore, at no distant day te Pce all the old houses removed. - , --1 - elegant, brick -edifices occur,. ;ng their places, or on Iteaur adapted to the purpose; and, afro, that the Directors who contemplate building will go to" "Franklin Square" in South Middleton, or Mateer's in Lower Al len to see the plan of heating from the cel lar, and to Anderson's in Silver Spring to see a school house whose internal arrange ment is modern. New Houses.—Fiye elegant brick houses have been erected during the year; three to supply the place of the "Old Log," and two to establish new schools. The one erected in Southampton is good in every respect ex cept the windows; these are too small—the house also needs painting and provision for ventilating. West l'ennsboro . and Newton, each built a good house, MA made no pro vision for ventilation. The Directors and especially a few of the citizens of "Franklin Square" school district in South Middleton, deserve credit for the house erected. The room is warmed by hav ing the stove in the cellar—also the coal. This plan warms the room inure equally; it also warms the (lour—the flour the feet; hence children will feel comfortable; be sides, it necessarily avoids obstructing one of the aisles, and a great deal of dirt and noise in firemaking. I hope they will build a few more of the same " sort," soon. Silver Spring has, also, erected an elegant house. It is substantial, in the mechanical exeou lion, and in the taste displayed in painting, it is a little in advance. The stove is in the school room. School Lets.—These contain from one eighth to one-half of an acre, but generally one-fourth of an acre. Very few of these arc fenced, though several have been during the year. Some of the lots are not desirable for school purposes, but to have the houses as nearly central as possible and to accommo date the greatest number with the least tra velling, directors sometimes build where they otherwise would not. Nearly all the houses have water convenient, and all well supplied with wood or coal, generally coal, and also with the necessary out-buildings, but some of these are in a most shainetul condition. Furniture.—About three-fourths of the houses in the county have good desks (two pupils to a desk) in 4 rows with 5 aisles.— The long deslt is still in use in the other houses. Many of the houses are supplied with hooks on which to hang clothes; and shelves for baskets. A few houses are un provided with chairs, hence, teachers must stand or sit on a bench ; others have a chair for the teacher and a few for visitors. No change of furniture has taken place during the year. For tho IlzruLD Apparatus-81 complete sets of outline maps (Cornell's, Mitchell's & Petton's) are in use, also, a few of Lloyd's Co. Map of the U. S. Bidgewell's Hemispheres, and other maps of the U. S. 35 schools are supplied with charts of various kinds, such as Will son's, Osgood's, Sander's & Cutter's Physio logical. A few globes are in use. One school in East Pennsboro' has a fine little lot of apparatus, but it is the property of the teacher. Shippensburg and Newville have good Mechanical, Philosophical and Astro. nomical apparatus, the foriner of which cost about $2OO, the latter, which in part beloags to the Normal School, cost $5OO. Mathe matical blocks are used in many of the schools. All the houses in the county are supplied with Blackboards—three-fourths of them with good boards. Graded ,Schools.--,Tliere are 68 of those in the county, and generally of two grades in rural districts. Mechanicsburg, Carlisle, Newville, and Shipponsburg, have I believe, 6 grades. Branches more advanced than those enumerated in the law are taught in about 70 schools ; The following branches are taught in the High Schools of thetowns, viz: Algebra, Geometry, Surveying, Philo sophy and Astronomy, Ancient and Modern History, 'Rhetoric, Moral Science, Ancient and Physical Geography, Physiology, Chem istry, Botany, Composition and Declama tion, Book-keeping and Vocal music. Examination.—l examined by the oral method in all the branches except spelling and penmanship. I adopted this plan be cause it is more interesting to the audience, not because I think , it the best. I believe the -written method is better calculated lo make a' thorough test of qualifications, be cause it compels the applicant to rely entirely on his own resources. By the oral method those being examined will assist each other, or copy, particularly in Blackboard exercises. I vary the, questions asked each day, but mot necessarily ask the same kind of ques tions or have a different system of Orthogra phy and Geography each day. Whole num ber of teachers examined, 159, of these 2 were rejected, 155 received' provisional cer tificates, and 2 Prof: certificate& Of the teachers employed last winter, 81 hold Prof. Cer.,and 105 Prov. Cor. Provisional Certi ficate average 24. The figure 4 has been mod in some of the branches. - Teacherth—The number of teachers 'who have not given satisfaction is much larger, than it should be, but this no doubt is owing in part, to the fact, that about 40 of the ex perienced teachers .haye responde.d. to their OEM , . . • - country's call, hence more inexperianded teachers have been called to thaPedagbgical chair'thart fortherly in ono year. We have ,had two cases of failures; one ',net able - to govern, the other not qualified to teach the branches required. In the county there are 6j - female and 144 male teachers employed. Visi;atibns.—Wholo number of visit; to schools 217. I visited all the schools in the county once and 81 the second time. Ave rage time spent in each 21 hours. 192 days were spent in official business, and 1644 miles traveled. One or two members and frequently the whole board accompanied me while visiting schools, but Middlesex and South Middleton did the best. Ex-Gov. Ritner always has been and still is a friend of Common Schools. I had the pleasure of his company part of a day in visiting. bastruction.-Seripture is read in nearly all the schools of the county, and in. addition to this about 20 that 1 know are opened with prayer. District Secretaries.—None of these act as district superintendents. District Institutes.—lnstitutes have been held in all the districts in the county, and in some they have been doing a good work.— I could not attend them all, neither do I know whether they have all been held ac cordinr,' to law, but 1 am of the opinion that they have not been. I attended in seven different districts. In Silver Spring, Mon roe, Middlesex. South Middleton and Dick inson, the Institute is well attended by teachers, directors and citizens. This may also be the case in other districts that have not reported. Where the Institute is well attended and well conducted, the teachers, and even the "Masters" and those who "keep school" improve because they cannot help it, and not from any exertion they make. Classification—Alt our schools are classi fied, but in accordance with the teacher's ability. As we have different kinds of teach ers, so We have different kinds of classifica tion. A few old houses must be removed before the teachers call arrange the schools in theMproperly. Teachers in the 4riny.-51 leachers have entered the army since the war commenced, and in addition to this a large number were out a short time in the militiaservice. They rank as follows: 1 Colonel, 1 Major, 3 Cap tains, 5 let Lieutenants, 1 Reg. Q. M., 1 Surgeon, 8 Clerks to Q. M., 3 Orderly Ser geants, and 3:3 privates. 41 volunteered, It) were drafted, 2 were killed in battle, 3 died of diseases, and 8 were wounded. County Institute.—The teachers convened in the Methodist Episcopal Church of Me chanicsburg, on the 3d day of December. for the purpose of holding amlnstitute. About 150 teachers were present, many of whom rendered valuable assistance in conducting the exercises for which I shall ever feel grate ful. We, however, had a small class of a different kind, composed generally of those who do very little in the school room, and still less at a teachers' convention, on account of the amount of business which has accu mulated and which must b.c disposed of through their Gasometers' while the In stitute is in session to the annoyance of every person present. Among those who took an active part, I would mention Prof. Wilson of Dickirri,ai College, James P. Mathews, Esq., of heading, S.' P. Bates, Dep. Supt. and lion, C. it. Coburn, Supt. Common Selupols. There is no school in session at present for the training of teachers. We have a few Academies where they profess to give Nor mal instructions, but teachers prefer to go to Normal schools where they contemplate teaching. Public Sentiment.—Oppr - mition to the sch 00l system is constantly growing less, and I do most sincerely hope that the day is fast ap proaching when every parent in the land will feel that he is not fully discharging his duty to God until he lends his aid to educate physically, intelleetually and morally all the youths of our land. The salaries of teachers have been increased in a few districts and Will be in others at the commencement of the next School term. Directors will make an effort to secure the services of better qualified teachers. Some of those who were employ ed last winter will be stricken from the list. This demonstrates aloarly that the interest in the system is growing. _ U 11:(). S\VARTZ, Supt. of Cumberland Co nanstown, July 8, 1861. MIMI Wanamaker sr Brown, 413AIKEILALL, FINE It E AD Y•M AD E CLOTHING, Corner of oth & Nlarkst Stroet,, PhiludelOhm SPEPI A L DEPA RTM ENT FOR Custom W orb., = tuna F t les mid rom knnv hie prle,P. DR. TOBI AS' Venetian Horse Liniment rryT BOTTLES, PRICE FIFTY CENST 610 M pis ST DARTFOI , D, Conn Dr. Tobias; Door Sir—l haVe been in rho livery hu• sines for the lust twenty years, /1111 during thot time have used all the notions linitneot.3 anc lotions of the any, hut never have fiflind on article equal to Vuw,tiaa !forst, Liniment. I have fairly tested It on my horses in dintomper, sprains. cuts, calks. 91Vollingx of the glands, On., as also for rheumatism on myself, and have always f 0911,1 It an invaluable remedy. Iteopertfully you,. _ LITCIIFIELn, Saki by all Dry:glsts. OtLco , 6d L tlandt mrest New York. lnly 8 , 1891 ti arr i In this r/14.ce, 6t 0111'0. on the 30th ult., ty the H"'• .5.m"1 Philipp, VIP. 4( BPI{ it. DUFFIELD, to Than I'II.ISUILLA LAND 4, 1,c.4h of l'ioyyjilk, this couJty. On Thursday, the 3nh ult., at the residence of the bridle node. Thomas Costamagna. EN., id Pup. W. A. Davidson, \lr. 101 IN A. 0A1.1.0W AY, of Pittsburg, to Miss MARY C. KEEPERS, of Carlisle. Pa. We claim the privilege, 0 happy couple of bowing our catigratulat.ons. May no cloud of adversity over darkbn the sky matrimonial, and may you ever realize the poets dream that Here love his golden shafts employs, Here lights his constant lamp And waves his purple wine • Reigns hero and revel', CA[tLISLIL PRODUCE 1804 FLOUR (Suporfltia).... do. (Extra.) ...... , 8 do ItYr ...... ....7 t 0 %S'IIITE RED do RYE • NEW CORN ........ •• .• ........... 40 OATS 80 BARLEY FALL .. 1 10 BARLEY SPRING . ..... 100 CLOVERSEED 7 50 T 1 NI VSM:1;1) ....... ..... 2 :on FOR RENT, A. commodious Threo Story BRICK uousu, ou south Pitt street, Carbide, and lately occupied by Mrs. Colwell. Possemlou given Immediately. Apply to A. L. BPONSLICR, July 8, 1861. Iteal Estate Agent. Six Vents Reward. +I L lEFT the promises of the subscriber .„rreelding In Madame township, on the eleventh ofJ hoe, Agnes Flokinbind.r, an lad ntured appren. Mee, aged fifteen yearn. All persons aro hereby natl• fled not to harbor or trust on my account July 8, 1804-81 WHPIF, SULPHUR SPRINGS c.A.RLIsLg h rA. • MBE Proprietor tikes pleileure in an um:man that this favorite and fashionable Wat ering Place, is now open for visitors. The Carlisle White Sulphur Springs, aro situated in Cumberland County, Pa.. about four miles north-east of Carlisle. The personal and undivided attention of the Proprie tor will be givers tothe wants and comforts of his guests. i. W ..wodps, Proprietor. July 8, 1801,-Imo. QTRA.Y7O) OR 'STOLEN,' from the oprnnisea of the sulhseriber, le North Middleton. township, one and a half miles west of Carlisle, on the night of the lath of June last, e. two year old red Heifer, with sides Manned to brindle.. Any one giv. ing information leading to her recovery will be snit• ably rewarded. W.J. sgrattEß, Carlisle, Pa. July 8, 1881-10. • ADM INISTRATOR'S .NuTICI4I Notice Is hOreby given that lettere of adminintra tine on the estate of Catharine Eberly, tate of Mon roe lownship,. deceased. have • beon granted by. the Register, to the enbscriber residing In the same town ship. All persona knowing themselves indebted to said estate , wip make immediate payknent,and those havlwirtintutirill present them to ' •• , • .. JACOB EBERLY:=. IS,ABC4 , • , - 11101C111, GAB d; TOBACCO, AT lyt. L - E MOST VALUABLE REAL,. ESTATE I 1 CUMBERLAND.• COUNTY. Jfaving determined to rotirafrom business, X,offer for sale all, or any part of Real Betake, vii: No. 1. The 11Iannion Farm, In Upper Allen Twp., containing about 200 Acres of land, of first rate qual ity; Whirl' has been cultivated for many years In the very best manner, by deep plowing'and heavy liming and [thunder excellent post fence. The imikrove. meets are the very boat, the dwelling lea large two story Stone house, with cold spring ‘ , l and 'worth water carded edttrely Ire r . through the same, and finished Is rbe most modern style. A Donble 'r,•=7--"!—L."'...4--," 'Mimed Stone Barn and all ether necessary out buildings, with running seat, r all the year round. In the barn yard, This property. as a farm and In its convLinieners, Is not equalled by any other Its the county. If It Is desire. le It will be divi ded Into parts. At the Llsbarn rosd the dwellings, Smith shops and the Lime Kilns. and the dwellings belonging to them, would bo cold separate. No. 2. A Tract adjainlng the above, containing about 6.seves, with a large and well-constructed FrEII3.3CLE,X*37-9 wtlh Iloadwater and Sioam Engine, and a Two Story Stone Dwelling, wall finished, with howl water all ovul the house. and every desirable couvenlence ; with a complete Barn, Carriage Masa. Chicken House. 5551 other improvements. The capacity of the Tannery Is equal to 0 Hides a year, opd all ita machinery la of the bust and moat modern Mode, and his heretofore and Is how carried on moat profitably. No 3. The Hotel Building, in Carlisle, on Main tlt., now occupied „„5,,,,i1 - 2 . by David Martin, 04 feet In foul ir•o and 2-10 feet in depth—bulls Use ar( :f mold substantial manner. is ithls few years, with all modern impro•ellll.ltiLli a 11 good a tabilug. The House Is of Krick. Four Stories iii and calculated to accommodate a largo amount of bUS I. ess. spth,g M ,na.. , ;han Twp , York ronnty, with 14 a , reg of Lend. The )1111 has lately been rn- Ilttol and ran awed with two pelra of French 13nt e power Is an °vet bled. Wheel. 23 lout hlzh. Find the itnildtng Is large nu I counnochon4, end the thn rm eter of the laud In the neighborhood weeuree a good bust rat . . No 5: A Trn-t of lAnd 1n Clrroil Twp., Perry Co. coutalulug 141) nores, with excollont HOUSE AND BARN, and the land in good order, there having been 10,000 lin studs of inue put on in the last Live yens. crops now upon II are first rate It is situated /O,IIE. 1 mile from Shormatidalo, and 4 mite , from Sterrett's trap, on the road leading to Ouk Grove Furnace. No.O Five llundred Acres of Land. situated on the North Mountain at Limbo Gap, about six miles from Mochanicaburic, the publl•: road front that piece run -1100 ti,r,,u,,h the Laud, which In covered ,C rib heavy (ink and Chestnut Timber. bu dlvid d SU A U) suit only purchaser, The title to oil I his property Is unexceptiona' , lo. and will be sold clear or all incumbrances. or buijeet to any part of tile purchase murey, widen at the option of the purchaser he may doslre to secure on the Land fur bee yews Any fu, tiler information will be given by ap plien,ion to the subscriber, who resides oil the VICCII4I describ, d property July 7, lm T U T 11 E SCHOOL DIRECTORS OF CUMEMIRLAND COUNTY rip II E Annual Examination of Teach _i_ ore will be held as bilows, via : Meclixtlicsburg, Faturday. July 30, School Itoont. New vilip, Mondxy, Aug. let krankfn di, Tuu3day, •• it,° Main,, '•3 Centre 0. 11. ll'pe wel I, New lig 1 hursday, ' • 4 , Newbur s Shippenstig Ilor Mildity. " 5, Sallool Room. Newton, :Saturday, " U, Oaki tile. Shlimenvii'g Tp , Monday, " 8, Craig's ,x 11. Southampton, Tueaday, '. 9, Leesburg, Penn, Wednesday, " 10, Centrevilte. Dv•it inson, 'Thursday, " 11, S. orove 0.11. South MiddletonFil lay, '' 12, Papertown. Monroe, Saturday, " 18, Churchta,n, Upper Allen, Moeda ,r. " 15, Sheph, Lower Allen, Tuesday " 10, Shiremanst'n. New Canberra `.5 etitiesday " 17, &boo! Room, East Poonshoro' Thursday, " 18, Wormloyab'g. Hampden, Fri lay. " 19, Sporting 11111. Silver Spring, Saw rday, " 20, iloguestowt , Middlesex, Monday, "- 22, Mid'sex S. 11. North Middlo'n, Tuesday, 1 ' 23, Wean' Hotel. West Pen ashore VI eduesday •• 24. (treason S. H. The Examinations will commence at 9 o'clock A.M. A pplicant, MU it I) present at the eon, malcontent or the exlinitiation each day, Intl to r^,-,elted fur or prey Olt( (,5111.11ttlit.thi ill good moral • character, •'..' '.wise they will be rejected. Directors are liesetry Inform, that they can only locally employ those who hold va Id certificates. Teachers who hold the ronoty cer tificates will please present them for inspection.— Dlrretors and friends ui educatinn are cordially invi ted to he present. All who in lon I to each within Lae year most be examined. Private examinations are not le.tal, hence, all who Intend tO tench within the yea will please present (.heinselves on either of the days above mentioned. None but competent teachers need upp.y 0 SO. SWARTZ, Co. Supt Shlronmust.own; July 1, IB64—tit. NO'fICE. PELOVUST 31tRslInt../4 OrrICE, 15th District, Penn Cariislu, July 2J, 1564. List of Exemptions granted Druf,ed Men tto Ward of Enrollment of fifteenth District, Ponui•ylve. CUMBERLAND COUNTY. Southampton Tnwnship. Goor,se Eel!hawk, Physical ;disability. Graham, do. William it us-ell "do. . Um , t . g.l W :-. w I,t art , Comm utAtion. bleuriu tVeaver, do. Abraham titayiney, do. Reuben Stowers, du. Hold Halter, do. Pet. r'll Itt, do. Hoary Varner, do. beam, N. tiny s, do. do nn VV. Ilutcbinuon, do. dames Ellett, do. Robert Curtis (Cord.) Replaced by Subatltuto Hopewell Township. John A rmstrong, Physical Dlsabillty. Henry M ether, do. John Heti& ll uger, do. John L. Wiest, Comm kited ion. - C. O. Stkulfilr, do. George Mower, do. paeld U. Quigley, do. John liensel, du. 511gfiln Tt,woshiP• Qoorge W. Jacoby, Physical Disability. ' Ju.i.iii Allen, do. dos ph J touper, d.,. luhil ',Volt, d'. S.llll'l li eck unit], do. 13 'dna in Jumper, do. James Barnes, (Cord j do. tieorge Laioh.s. du. A tram \thisler, Commutation. Thomas Ile try, do. Ji•hii B. Shulenbergor, do. Jonathan Barrios, do. John lieburilg, do. David 'stoma, . do. Samuel Bowman, do. , 1 Wheel hioinn, Over 45 years of age. Frankfort] Township. John Waiter, Physical Disability. Pastel Burkholder, 40. William tholes, Smlneion 31yers, o. 'lorry itichab.l9,y,h, do. filipistiair Bo willttP r Cominutallen. ,SnEn liol Burkholder, • do. Briiii ,min 31,ckeY, do. J..n a 'r Mouutz, do John try, dil. William Wort, do. Elias Air murder, do. Lents Myers, do. Henry Raudeibaggb, do. Philip Snyder, Replayed by Stibstltut.o. Jacob Wetzel, do. Simon Bender, Dead. South Middhiton Towosbip. George Otto, Physic:ll Disability. James Shannon, dg• William liefill sae, Commutation. Joseph 31. Loir, do. William F. ilumelbaugh, do. James Miller, . do. Muses M. ‘ly ern, do. John Boom, do. Jacob Hem Inger, Napoleon B. Moore, Aeplacol by Substitalto• David Shealter, do. David Boner, In Service. Monroe Township. John Myers, Physical Disabilit7. iv illibpol Lah per, do. Elba 11. Rohn, do.. Rudolph llarfsier, • pl. William A. Morrell, 11 44. Jacob Stroide, /P. William Duck, Cunrontation. Levi ffiliteßr do. John Burge d, do. Jacob Bock, do. Henry Staub, do. William Moore, Over 45 years of age. Jacob Goodyear, do. Samuel Garver, do. John Puffer, do. R. M. IIE3IDERSO.N, Capt. & Provost Marshal, 15th District. Penna, July 8, 1884—It House and Lot AT P 'B L I C SALE ! BY virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of Cumberland County, I will Qn, SATURDAY, the 80th, day of July, at 1 o'osoak on said day, espose to Wit* sale on the premises, that desirable lionise end Lot of Droned unto In the borough of Meettonicsbursh_bounded on the Noah by Chrietlan Kichnerp on tlto Egon by au alley, and on the West by north Market street, con. taining as hot In front by 12,j In depth, the house is a two and e`-half wills kitchen attached. There Lc also necessary buildings on the lot. TERMS OF SALE, twentytive per cent. of •plirchase money to be paid, when the property Is stricken oil, the balance on the cosslinnatlm of tam sale when a deed will be made and possession given. A. U. DILL. MO's. Of Elisabeth Fackler. deo'd. - 'Julyl,lB64. J. T. WOODS Fo r „ A Limest ono Farm ror Sale.. • FAR NI. . oorgpipiog Ono - .11uiidred . and Five Acres, situate 6 miles . 04flt of Carnal°, i n ue.Aalt mile south of the itplinnati, Is offered fur auto at terms easy and moderate. Tan or twelve acres aro covered with as fine and llourlskiog timber as grows In the valley. Tta improvements amp large two , /dory STONE 11017810, a new BANK BARB, witholl the ne cessary Outbuildings. A never failing strewed of wa. ter 'runs through the middle of tlitt farm... This Is, really, One of the very Annit. terms in Cumberland. 'county.. For further particulars pnolreof,TAMEn. A. DUNBAR, ,At orney at Larr,Otirliele, Pa : • Mei - next dear te, the.Anterican Frintlng.ctAlca.- '-'.,- . - ', f," ” . • • .T.ulyt l 331 • . • • -. • , +''-- — • '. ROBERT COit .lAN AND TEACHERS, 450 CARPENTERS, LABORERS vartd TN/Oil/tit% Wanted at Nashville, lonUellSOP: GO'Carpenters, at I soo per month, with rations and 'qdartera. . 150 Laborers, at $3O per month, with rationa and quarters. E 9 Teamsters, at $35 por month with. rations and quartos a. Transportation to Nashville will be ftirnished on application to. J P. Y 111NnUT, Quarteramater'a Asren t, nip 1, 1804-2L* Va. THE ATLANTIC MONTHLY A MAGAZLNB OF LITER Amu% AM', AND lINIVZRSALLY ISEQOGIIIZED A.S THE BEST AMERICAN NIA.GAZ I N N.. • THE FOURTEENTH VOLUME.- Itevins with the number fur JULY, 11954. The ciliation of the ATLA,NTIC during the pont few awn .he 1140 atuadl ly Increased until It has reached it degree of prosperity IteVOr before attained by any American magazine of its class. Thin prpaperity gives renewed OTICOUVIVOTIYIntto the ccreluetors of the ATLANTIC to continue tomnpfoy In its behalf, as hitherto the most eminent talent Is the country. The atoll of writers coutrlbliting sot,' Manny to its pages, comprises the most prominent names In American literal ere. The writers who have given so much Interest and noise CC the previous volume.; of the ATLANTIO will continue La coutrlb Me regularly. The conductors would tin...ct atten tion to the July number, and the remarkable list of contributots as an terneat of their Intention to de serve the favor of the public. Among the futures of the July number ore two, to which the conductors of the ATI, ftNT IC, feel warranted in dir cling special Ol tontion—"Tbe Semo from the Doll Ivor Itotnance," IIAWTIUMIY'S unfinished novel. awl the Important find timely imp, by Ole,) STUN ft upon American Manufactures for American %%Mince. BOUND VOL TIIE ATLAN TIC. The Tf ( V. 11.1.54, or the , ikirtAsirrii Is now rend v., rempmining I hi. numbers from Inr,uslV t , Juno ointly hound in mui=lln, price 1.2.u0 This rri'unici ho C..nt d nod some et the mint stiiklng Stint Intel eating Aril Ins ever to renders of A rLiiNTIO. Man. STOWV..c admirable ourl3s of domestic. sketches, icHOUSE AND HOME PAPERS," fine of which lo contained In e•trb numb. rof the eitirtorlio from Janualy to J uly, le alone richly worth the cost of the volume. Sets of the A rt...' from the be;rln nl nz, may 1 , 0 had In uniform hiudin4, nt $2 t./ pur Thu set comprints thirteen volumes, nod contains 1" -- Moro than 10,000 pages Of the hot t AuierPan ilte.ature. Pe'e or slngla vol. utnes will 'be sent free of expente on toceipt of the TEIINIS —The subscription puke ,f the Atts:rtfc Is 53.0,1 7.•ar. or n lvanee L 4 ol,s,iptions inty begin with any number The p ,sta , _se 011010 ATL,NTIC !mast In all eases be p,id at the office where It Is teceitel Tlel(NOlt Publfshere. 135 Washington Street, Bootou. July 1.1•41-1—St. NEW GOODS!! VOW offering an initneti9e variety of CL kBSIMEILES, VESTINCE', COTTON O'PIDS For lien arid Boyi' Weir, In n lirger variety, Ihnu can fund In any e-tsl• 110i:omit fu this pin 0 Rtl.l at as low proem as can br sold ally eller, 10 stilt Lisle and porket. NI e 111111 U far' urn thu above goods vu order. ill the latest styles. or sell per yard. Gust oners wialilm.; w tin so the goods bought of us, cut. can be accommodated, free of ,hargo. All early of uur goods end prices, respect fully solicteu ISAAC LI VYNGSToN. nnih liminver Strut Clothing Enipoiiiion July 1, Inh Oarpetings and Oil Clotho NTOW receiving at Cot t rilhv's cheap cash Store, a lot of' Pograin, Venallau, 'Hemp, R 45, M= CARPETS. Also. Plc., OM rt.olll'S all widths, which nlll ho .old fur thu cash at tho lowest nitea. CIIAS. 001L0 V, Trustea. Starch 4, 18C4 T RSV GOO de.,,lpt ion and quality of arneerlos, Quopnßusre,' , .—iware. pickniß. San,. FlllO Llquo,, Tobacco. Somars. , Fruits and vegetables In Fanß, f wyster , do Spices. Wools n.. • . IVNrr, nll Inds and of the hoot quality and to be Roll at the lowest prices fur ,coop by ' • Ju'y ), IIM. A YZR'S FAMILY MEDICINES, AT RALSTON,s PHOTOGRAPHIC. - 1 ; 11IS. R. A. SIIITI-1, (formerly 3lrs. . 1. 1 . 1 Reynolds ) , would 'lnform tLe Public that she has purchased the I lIOTOGRAPILI(` GALLERY iately ed by Mr. Chat!. 4. Saylor, to InbolT'a buSd ht South tt'ef.t Corot, of Mar!.at t' q u hot, may Le had atll the (taut-cut st ) le of PIIOTOGRANIS with AM lIROIYPEA. IT B. [MTV E r.nd DACIU To the f .rmet pat rove of the i;al)ery, 1111 11111301)ncq nwrit thtt rho h., retained the mt rr 1,..e of Mr. LUrIII MAN, (Mr Sayh.r's p,ln,ilal Artlkt d s urhrue the last p•Ar), a 11l he Ruffichmt to R.'clire 6 enll l lllUllLlCOOltheir pAtrJoitge, whin., ass “bll:.!111100 11.410, E ASA NT ROOMS, very p'ens•nitly B t.ll.lted. net la h,r OWI/ fOrr.l"l . pe.- Rll , l .iICCUNSIn - picture in,;, and v ltr.Bil•11 rn silt, 11(1015 net nrt lnttn,;t jrl non ff fend., , we:l nv I 11•11 1 .1 V(11,115 barn Out lierotofurn found no their way thith., fly mendleg. nr Iye vi eit their nril err:. 1.,- enniA .111 be (m 11124,4 ul•ti C9 , 111. , 80f ne.,, , ,n1.1yr, by MI. Solos . , at rea;„..ul Pic urel 'lan weGtlo-: May :A lhe!-3m. I LECTION l'lt()(_!:..\.M.aff ).\". IS, Joint 1,...11taw orit/ uertait: rareetplelool: t C Alititet I 'Li 01 tole t'utn 111111s1:0‘1 , 11 ix/i own, X " Thare hall ha.ut n I I.L10“ t 1 nortu 1 ti the 1 Article of the ColldtitUtloll, to ho dani.;.lata.d ..aeocieti Blur, nx tllnws: I Who ,ver any of th, q e'ec• tors of this (3 unrno v,•al I h 0)4'1 ho In :1"v AC' 4 1 4 4! itar) 4 itir V iCI 4 , undo. a repii , iti in of lb. l'reuldlut of the Ifillte , l:ititeti I,r by an. h rtily of thls Cetu.non wealth, elect,rs may ex••r.oan limn rh4ht 4.1 fra4e in all eleotlons by the ems ins, un•lnr such reg. as are, or shall ho pre,“ by law, as fully an it they tine present. at their u,ual plain thin• dons " There shall be two additional Se.•tions to the Eleventh art.cle of the Constitution. to be deaiguated as Sections eight and nine, as follons: •• Section R. Ito bill shall bo pa•a,•d by the Legisla ture containing more than into subject, which shall be clearly exp:eseed its the title, except appioprialion bills. Section li. No bill shall be Trwed thuhogialature, granting any powers or privileges, In any case where the authority to grant such Power. of Privileges, has bum, ur to ly hereofter be conferred upon the Courts of this CommonwenlL4," hss been aglowd to by a ma jority el the members clouted to Oriel 110118,3 of the .Legitilaturp, at Lyon LACCeSsiViI sessions of the same AND WIMILIAS, It in provided in the Toni h Article of the Said Constitution, that any amendments so agreed upni, shall be subtnitted to the people in such manner, and at such th„ne, nt levat three mouths after being an agreed Lo by the two 110 Uses. as tho Legisla ture shall pr.Nteribe ; such sulunis don to he in such winner antfortn, that sitepelpi,o may vote for or .gnitibt eat amendment separate and distinctly: AND WilOitf.AO, liv an y.ct of 11 1 0 GOTWOL Alo.o.mbly Or this eninlAnnwpolth, panda the to enty•third day of Ap. it, Anon D.nnini one thousand eight hundred a nd cisly.faur. it is provided, for the purpose of ascertaining the sense of the people of this Com monwealth, in retard to the adoption or repo, Lm as said amendments. or either of help, th,o Goyernor of this Common% cola, shall issue m writ of Election, di rected to each and every ahertP of this Commonwealth commending Glom to glyre unLice in the uspai manner In not less than two Newsoapore in each City and County Prnsidett, That so many ace piablished therein, and by at least two printe4 band bills in each Election Die. trict, of every City and County y , o,oyeJo no Newspa par is published that an election sill be held )n each of Ihe Townships, Boroughs, Wards, Preclnts and Die Wets therein, on the FIRST TUESDAY OF AUGUST. In the year of our Lord one thoucand eight hynydrel and sigy (boy for tqu purpose 91 4041t1g upon the approval. ratification, or rejection, of the said amend ments. whi h said election ehall bo opened, held wad closed on the day latt aforesaid, at the places and within the hours, at. and wi tin which, the , Genial Elections of' this Commonwealth are directed tp I),e opened, held and doted." AND Wittnet,s, In obedience td - the renultementspf the Constitution, and in accordance with said Act of Assembly the lion. Andrew G. Curtin, Governor of Ptninsylvanla has (stied a writ of 'election commend log and requiring me to give notice In the mind man• nor and es by law - required that an eloctlon will flu hold according to tbn terms of the Constitution, and pi-miaow; of the act cf the General Assembly afora• Feld in_each of the Townships, Boroughs, Wards, Pro clots and Districts to Cumberland county, on the first TUEN.DAY of AnguG, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and slaty-16pr, tor the pr• pose of deciding upon the approval' awl ratification, or rejection; of the mild amendments. Now, therefore, I, J. Till/NINON HIPP KY, High Sheriff of the County of Cumberland, do herehy melte Anomra 'and glya this publio notice to the electors of the, ounty Of Cumber., land. that on Tuesday the second day of A unmet next an election will Wiwi() at tho sovpral election dip- Wets in said county eidahlished by law (Or the put , pnso of deciding the approval and ratification, mre. ketion of the Baia amendments, which' said election will be held throughout the county' as f. 'lows: The election in the election district oomposed of the borough of garlisio and,tho townehlpx of North Middle ton, South Middleton, Lower Frankford, and Lower •Dickinsnit, will beheld at the Court Ilouee in the bo rough of Carlisle. ' • f The election in the election' district composed of UM,* er Wept Pennsdanaugli township, will bo hold et the North School Hooke In . Plainfield. The election In the elootion district composed of •Sil , vorfipring, township, will'be hold at Mu publichouse of Jacob Ottetot, in Ifognostovin mid township. , • ' • Thu- elootion lit' the election district composed of Racal/den township,will ho held at the public ,houso oc cupied by George Duoy,'lnnsaid township. The electionin the election district composed of the townehip'of Upper. Allen, will •he hold at the public house of William S. Cg cklln, In Bhophordetown. • • The election in MA election district composed of Middlenex W tonsldp will 'be hold et the• Schoolhouse. • . The election in the election dletribt composed of. the township of Lower 'Alien, will bo held at, the .wegon maker shop of Jonas Ilunchbarger, op ; Blatnifill. The election in the election districtMimposod Zest Pentnibotengh township, .will be. hold at the house ofJoseph Martin, Pi Welk riarviliv, I =F oxPufled , by fleongo V , Eponsles. • ' - '2lfe s olection In the eloctlontlstrict - composed of New Cumberland, will be held at the house now -kept by Dr. If. A. Boteior, in the borough of Now Cumberland. The. election In the election district composed of 'the Borough of Mechanicsburg, will be bold at the public house now kept by W. S. If uston, In sold borough. The election in the el , ction district oomposed of Mourne township, will be held at the public house oi Thomas Ligget, in Chnrchtown, in sainl township. The election lu the election district composed of Penn township, will be held at the house now occupied by Jacob Redseckoriu wild township. The election in the election district composed of Upper Dickinson, Will be held at the house now oc copied by Etter, known as the Stone Tavern. The election in the election,dlstriet composed of the borough of Newville, nod townships of Mifflin. Upper Prankford, Upper Wont Peubsboro, and north Newton will be held at the Public School House In the borough of Newvllle. flee election in the election district composed of tho borough of Newburg it ilopowell township. will be hold in the public School House, La the borough of Newburg. The election In the election district composed of the borough of Shippensburg, Shippensburg township and that part of Southampton tm uship not included in the Leesburg election district, will be held at tic Council (louse in the borough of Shiptiensburg. And in an sit of the General Ansonthly of this Com• umnoroalth, passed the Od July, me, it in thus providi ed: •• That the quolified electors of ports of Newton and Southampton townships, Iu the county or Curet becloud, bounded by the foilowing lines and distances: Beginning at the Adams county nue, thence along the line dividing the townships of DI tkinaun and Newton to the turnpike road, thence along the turnpike to Cen tro School Muse. on t urnpike, lu Southampton township, thence to a point on the Walnut Bottom rood nt Bey !nick's, inciudieg Reybuck's farm, thence in a straight fine to the saw mill of the heirs of George Clet ver. thence along Drysher's run to the Adams county line, thence along the line or Adonis county to the place of beginning. be, and the Caine Is hereby declared is now •nd separnto elect len district, the niertlon to be held at the public house forrnorly occupied by OX Illtam Maxwell, In Lou:omm SOutharnpi on tow richip.“ NUTICb IS IiERELSY UIVEN That every person except justices of the Peace whn shall held any office or appointment of profit or trust tunic,- the United States or of this Ste te. or nay city or inc , oporated district. whether 0 coninilifiloned ofecer or otherwise, a eubtlrdionte officer or agent. who is or shall be employed under the legislative, executive, or judi ciary departments of thin State, or the United Staten, or or any city or of soy incorporated diAriet t and also that any Welsher of congress or of the State legisla ture. and of the Select or Common Cnurmil of any city, or commissioner of any Incorporated district, is by law Incapable of holding or exereising at the same time the office or appointment ofjudge. Inspector or clerk ninny elections of this Commonwealth, and that no limeetor. judge. or ether officer of Snell election shall be eligible to be there voted for. And the said act of Aettemblv, entitled an act refl. tiny to the elections of this Commonwealth, passed Jul; 3, 1839, further provides es follow - 5, to wit: "That the Inspectors and judges shall meet at the place appointed for holding the election. of the district to whrth they respectively belong, before nine o'clock in the morning of tho Second Tuesday ,Ili October, cad each of atld Inspectors shall appoint cue clerk, who shall be a qualified voter of sold district. " in case the person who shall have revel red the see . end highest number of votes for Inspector shell not at• t, nd no the day of the election then the person Wlll. Shall hove received the second [tidiest number of vet, et the nest precedieg election, shall Oct his place. 111 in ease the person whe shall litre , ceived the hi.;fic,rt number of v. tee for Inspect., shall not attend, tha pers-n elected judge Khan appeliit no inepe7t 3r In his place: and In case the perivai old, ti.l Judge shall not attend, then the inspector who recelv• ell the highest number of sates shall appoint a judge ;n his place, or lions veraney shall continue in the board for the space of one hour alter the time fixed by lose h r the °peeing of the election, the qualified were of the township. ward or district ter which such officer shall have been °bested, present at the place of election, shall elect one of their n umbel to fill such r ncancy. " It shall be the duty of the several acsessure of each district to attend at the place of holding every general, spedal. or to‘eriship election, define the chile ti said election is kept open. for the purpose of giving iu t,,nuatlen to the iespectf , s and judges alien rolled on Lt telatictit to the right flatly person ass ess. d L v the, to vote at such idectioe. t r such other u at ter , In rein Lion to the assessineuts of voters as the said 1119,000 - Or either of them shall f,um time to Cline require. " No peewit, shall be permitted to vote lit till election ne aforesaid, oth e r thtn a white ri outlier of the :tar or twenty-one yeas or :nom, win, snail ha, e insideil in the State at least One year, and 10 the eleetion where he ,clleis his 0 .to at toast ten days lietnedlately preeedin_ such election, and within two j role paid 0 State or coon ti tax, which shall hoe o been assesned at least ten days b,4orn the hut n elute,, t f the United States wlw 11110 presittusk boons qualified soter of this fitate, And seems ed therefrom and returned.. iithl Who shall hate resiticti In she election diva fit and paid taxes no aforesaid shall be entitled to vote after resit giu this State Ms months Provided, That the white freemen, citizens ut the United Arlen, led, eon to enty.fem and I went) -toe years, who has,* resided kis an election district as afhteSald, snail bin entitled to cote mitiniaLli they shall not hose pllibt p 121 , 111 shall be permitted to e•ite whose home is not the list fd faeeicle inhclatititta fur , Id:flied by the Coilimiscemers. Unless Flint. he product a receipt for the poyinent within Iw',, seers of a State -Or-es:stint v tax ac-errsa-ed-ae:rtirerhly tic - tire - ce - mrt - ftutirm, and give satisfactory evidence, either on his oath or of firmatlen, er the oath or attirinntinn Irf another, that he 111113 paid Such a taV, or oil Milli, to preduce a receipt Shall make oath to the payment thereof. Snot, d . if h e claim a es,cht ts, -Into by being an elector "between the age of twentynne m _ twenty two years, he shall do p oath or affirmation thrt he hoe resided this State at least one year next bonen his auplicut len, and Ottke such proof of residence in the district as Is vide el by thla act. and that lie dons verily bolter a item she account Gib nn him, that he is of the age aforesaid and such other evidence as is required by this not. where upon the name of the person thus admitted to rote shall he inserted in tlic alphabetical list icy the Insprr tere. soft a note made ttrisaislte thereto by writing the word " tax," if he Abell be admitted to vote by reason of ha Ville paid tax; or the word " age," if he ehall be admitted to vote by reason of sub age. shell lie celled out to the clerks. sells shall make the like pot,,E, ue th e lists or enters kept by them. o In all cases srlisra the name of t , lo r , .rSon ritCming to vote is I. 0114 "in the list furnished }.y the 1,11 , 11116. 1111.1 1.. . • ^ Lis right t, vote, e nether found •I'li•l•Luti to be any tioalilled rlllzottn, it shall be the d ills ''t the Inspectors to eXaniiiie Su,h pet Son On oath , 111si qualifications and is he elninfs , to Iheve resided within the state for one rear t's 11, le hie oath shall I e suffirient moor thmeof. but shell make proof by at Icest one competent witness, who shall be n 1111.0illet1 elector, that hr has resided in the d Jett let fur more than ten days next Immediately pre eeding AO 11 deal tilt and shall also himsell Smear that Lis 1-inn fide residence. in pursnarire of his lawful ,n:. le in Fold dist, let, is!.cl that I e did not remise into and list,lst for the purpose of yeti rag therein. feery person islallllo.l as aforesaid, and who shall mat, nue proof, 11 required, of the residence and pay nmot of Lisaa as aforesaid. elfell be admitted to sr le 111 irward or district ri n }itch lie Odin reside ' it ens pers sita'l la es eat rtr Intel! pt to prevent atiV ta!ittter ef 1111 y e]m 1111.1./ thin lilt 11(.111 1/IMillg sil 6rle, ti .11,0 l Seer threst, n s s tt lo rt.- It and ttlll.a.r • r itti, e l r 111 , ' , pt.', 11.'411e" 1.111: 10 the sse'. tit Si hic du!s. si til lit pr .10:1 .1 , .1, to .111 y .I,li, It tie 10 i• b, 11. i; , • r t hell tnut;, 01 , 1 I EMI= ”iv fl it, cr 01.4.1 11:, at y ictid 11 hog thro.ot... thrce or w let, 1 1 ‘..1•1;;•• 1, • duly nr hi - trawe v eiot tP,of h. Idol via :dm 00- tint; ;;r re0l• On the fiviutoln clod 11, (1 ;0,1,0,0 0••ol Virl rh ;11 3.111. y • phi let five hundro 1 1..1:ao and hew troll fins hi•t le., [isle n• r nee, than tv•;;l,e ; the nod If It shall be .h ,wri n here the !II ouch offence to, 1111 t'lat the porno, so odeniii , ig ens not a resident ~f the city, ward. die:riot ur I whore the °deur" was c.'....nuilttod. and n't entitled to vote therm,,. 111,111 Oil Cot - 01,7[101i lie shad he sentenced to pay a tlid, ai n, lot, than one 11.icidre..1 nor mare thin von th.nisall•l 41,1.tri. end bn imprisoned not lobe than nix 111,1ths nor Mhlo than two years. •• If any pere.n shall make any bet Cr tra g upon the r, null of any election within the Corn monwealth. or hill!! offer to make any such bet or wr ger. either by verbal proclamation thereof, or by any written or printed advertisome4t, challenge or Invite nny person to make arch het or wager. upon cone ici inn thereof ho or they shall forfeit and pay three times the 611.101111 t CO bet or to be bet. •• If any person not by law qualified, shall fraud❑ Inntly vote at any election of this Commonerala. Or hotng otherwise qualified shall vote out of his proper district, or If any person knowing the want of such qua'ilicasions. shall aid or procure such person to vote, the poson °Minding, shall, on conviction ho fined in any sum mit sxmeding two hundred dollars. nod he imprisoned to any term not exceeding ea months. " Una)? person "hell vote at more than one election district, or Ohorwiso fraudulently vote more than once on the same, day, or shall fraudulently fold and dally. r to the inspector two tickets togathor, with the intent illegally to vote, or shall proems another to do so, lie or thoy °flooding. shall on conviction ho flood In any sum not loss than fifty nor morn than five hundred dollars. and ho Imprisoned for any term not loss than three nor more than twelve months. 4, if any person not qualified to vote in this Com-ion. wealth agreeably to law. (except the sons of qualified citizens,) shall appear at any place of election for the purpose of influencing the citizens qualified to vote, he shall on conviction forfeit and pay any awn not ex ceeding ono hundred dollars for every such offence, and be imprisoned !ninny term not exceeding three menthsi. Agreeably to the provisions of the sixty-first scot lOU of the said net. every General and Special Election shall be opened between the hours of eight and ton in the forenoon, and shall continue without interruption or adjournment until seven o'clock in the evening, when the polls shall be closed. And the judges of the respective districts aforesaid aro by the said act required to meet at the Court House in the borough of Carlisle, on the third day after the Feld day et unctlon, being Friday. the 6th day of Au p ust, then and there to perform the things required of them by law Given under my hoed, at Carlisle, this 29th day of Juno, 1813. . . ju'q 1, 1104. TO FARMERS AND lIORBE DEALERS. TV.. JOHN SH I FFE 11,T, the celebra- L. 7 bed Veterinary Surgeon, of Cliambersburg Pa , where be has been practicing successfully for the Mat sixteen years, respectfully inlet ms the citizens of Car , ljtle end vlcinliv, that be bas permanently located in this place, for the purpose of - operating upon DISEASED 1101ISES„ and pledges himself to cure most diseases that this noble animal b subject to. Ho cores Weak and Inflamed Eyes, if the nerve is not affected: be con. demo. cutting Books out of the gland of the Epp. it is generally done by men wino do not understand the anatomy or diseases, or medical tr atmont of the horse, nr they would never do It. Ile understands thorough• ay the treatment and cure of Bone and Bog Spavin ; Ring Bone Curbs can be reliuvod from their lameness -wjtlaopt blemishing the horse: Callouses, Poll Evil, Fla tub's, Sprains. and all internal as well as external die. Mee, aro also successfully treated. Old horses, unable to grind their food, can have their teeth ozerated upon go-thiq Om can eat equal to' co ts. All Mama that cannot mal can be greatly assisted by him. NIOXINQ and DOCKING; all Bernie or Ruptured torsos can be ea trated by him; Surgical Operations e•nentiticsily performed hy'him. Farmers who cannot leave !bele horses can get medicine and dhections for using It. Ile charges nothing for examining a horse, therefore, bring on your cripples. Also the most un maniigeable, Making, balking or runaway knee's and colla r broke to harness. Dr. StftFBERT hes, , during the het year boon min. clppgl veterinary Surgeon in several corrals of tboarmy when° be hoe had from 2000 to Z.OOO diseased and cello plod hornewanderbirecbarge. lie wishes it understood last - eixteon Yeara Many horses have come under ale notice that have been injured by mal• treatment from the hehde of moo :bet have no know lodge or either anatomy or diseases, or Medical tryst, Mont of the gorse. A great nutty trf these' borsos be has cured alter they have been drugged ,by, Wish ben. Carlisle, May 20, 11364-3nr HANDKERCHIEFS, . ANDKEROHIEFS,. Tie's," StbSks, RlbbOna, Ruapondere Under 131d4ta, ;,I)fittrnris autlful aaaortment con be ' found at • . ' ISAAC LiVINCta,TCW - Voity Hammon. Street EtOrnuttt , . .3u4 3486.1 , .. . " • ~ . , , J. THOMPSON RIPPEY, Shutiff. Veterinary Furgery To the Public T WILL guarantee to send on the re ceiptji_ of one dollar, by return mail, a highly opt• orod.Phdtogreph of any ono favorite General of the Unitel States-Army or °Meer of tbe Navy. Meet to 011ARLE3 11. urtArros d 00. Station It. Phllad.lphla Post Ofllce. Juno 24, 18(4 FO R RENT .—The Store Room, !louse end 1.44, well known an tho "White Rouse Pont oßce," on the Walnut Bottom Road, about coven 113004 went of Carliale. Apply to Juno 10, 1804.-3t* JOHNSON MOORk, Private Sale Tho auteertber off,ra at prliato min the frdlowtng d rncrlbrd he .1 Omar, eltuated In South !tilddleton townehip, or the road leading from rialgkinad't will to Papartoern, near eraigheadht will : HOU,sh; .AND LOT. The house Is log house IX stories high. The lot con tains about TII EE ACRES. Part of which len young orchard Poisons wishing to clew the property can dO no by calling un Ito 'mbar' Stier residing on the premis es J St. THE OLD FLAG! i t CAMPAIGN PAPER FOR THE PEOPLE, &vetted to the Election of LINCOLN and JOIINdON, Moot( and Fartnum. and the Right of Suffrare to our• brave Soldiers, will be leaned on the 21 at t,lJuly, and weekly thereafter until Om full re turns of the Prealdentlal Electloh can be given, from the Mike of the FitANAux IiIf.POSZTORT, Chambernburg, Pa. lII'S OLD Ft:oft contain Portraits of Liner:ln. Johnson and other Eminent mon: Maps of Battles and Battle flel4l. and will urge relentless war upon Copper• beads until their decisive defeat In November nest, It oat ve n neatly printed paper of twenty columns. atiV ANCE One ("Op . ,' 60 eta to C'eptes to one add coil $4 Go .; le GO GO " IGOd And at the same rate 0:11) rent, per Cur any number a% or fifty. ArarlAt every earneat Union man at once commence t. rain., a -I nb fur hie lin tnedle te uele,libm hood, en ti.t all the numbers eau he nenured. that number will contain a Portrait of Pro, ldei.t Lincoln, and the aevoud will contain a PortrolL of Andrew Johlis,u. Addreaa SI.'CLCRE & E , TON ER. Chautherablirg, Pa. JUNES HOUSE, Coiner of ➢tai ket St. de Market Sonnet., HARRISBURCI, CHAS. H. MANN, Propt'r =1 NOTICE., 19'4 Not bo i• .;Iren that no n•F.SIII..nt of t‘tx per (out bettn le• 1,1 on ill entluni tt-t, belonging to this Colopany, and lu torro ou thn al ateday of ]larch, IbIA. The member.; 'f thll Company ere hereby respect fully required to pity their respective pro rates to the Treasure of said Con/piny. or his qutherized within thirty dye tram this notice lly order 91 . the Hoare. JOIIN 'f. GREEN, Fee.y. CIRCULAR HISTORY IIINN:11 . 1.1 ANT A RESIMNES LI A S 13A & CO., respectfully an , that they base Si, plepalation n history ot Ind onry Dania Res, ‘eq trots their organization to the expirattcli 01 their tetra ttl sort iee. 'I he II o.tory 1,111 contain the c a w. sofa 1 the Officers and Pulsates of the Cut ps —t heir inttrit atolls, casualties and discharzes—tihst graphic drsctipthms of then camp Ilie and their gallant acitit, einem:, in the many bat tles in whirl, [ney have en part—all derived from utlititil and authentic Sow cps. The Ili-ti•r sit the Pstinsylv silo Ites,rves will be In One Volume of tit t pages, net tr, size. neatly printed on gout sill .tatarap ti.eiir hound In blat, c nth, oust at mug. n steel entuat lug ol the lamented Reynolds, Cr•d one ut t/..vei our Curtin. (0 ho first recommended the format D,e. ot the Pennsylvania it,serre Corps,) and will 1)1: Sold auly by subscription. It will he ready in A 4tr,ust nest. Price —lhrre Dollars per rope. Thu Publishers feel confident that trio Just pride which evely Pettos)lvanialt 11,1 st entertain for the hrs.a 11,, litet • gallant achievements and patriotic sett-dro:A.lotl it Sec. rib., will secure for The iluttury" a and appreciative reception. RLIAS 11.11tIt & to., Publlshers. No. ti, Ea t King St., Lancaster A - C. HCFrI:Lk INtIER, Oen, Agent, Jr.ue 3. 'll4-13t 12011, OF TI! CUMBEULANU i COUNTY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. At kt wo..thu.; of the CLII/11,,Iftud 1 z' uci ot y • held ou the Thlrch,lS64, the f. lluw 1111: It:W11.115,1 eCe Mitlpl,ll: itesol vod. That II Is expedient that Lb', Agricultural Society oft oulberlat.,l county hate a F all theo•lng t odnr.ittay.Thuniday. and Fridey, the 12th, 14,h nut 11th of elm,. 1064, to h - 1.11,:h all our citizens and vitiaene or adjoining CollUti(l6 afro Incited to atlou4 and make a mr coo 111 hution to the exhibition, and that W ,huatfhr, Dr. W. N. Dahl and Y. Watts, k..sq , ha a Committee to make all imeessary atrangitiii roc nts pr• paratnry to the mu aing. It eeolvnd. That this resolution he publlghod In the d;il-reut capets of tht. cout.ty. D S. CROFT, Siict'y. rhay AT THE PARIS MANTILLA EM- No. 61'n Chehtnul St, Philadelphia Nuts OPE—Parls.llade MANTILLAS and CLOAKS. i:so, NO and SUN! NIElt 0 HMENTS, of our own Panufacture. t f the Sly lve and In grrat rariety, J. W. PROCTOR & Co , The Paris Mantilla Emporium, 920 CHESTNUT Sireet. PHILADELPHIA. United zitates 5 percent 10-40 Loan. Te arc prep4red to furnish the 10-40 Ve .d Stukp 1.,o0 . 1) authorised by the act t March Al., 10,1 m Coupon Month, as I t m.,r piqv o dcnr,.j.“tiong OW ,ssuo, , w), end j l 0 tuo. lb.. futcrrnt on Q.! end $lOO, Bonds lei payable anooal: end -sit M tam denorninattoes reml.annually cu/o. Ihe /trunk wOl bear dote olatel, let, lgti4 and 4,e ifid.‘enlnba, at the plear.ara of toe Uocernment at• In ),„, „ 5.551 yo,o, 151.111 date 10 °,h, loterebt at A pm eeut per annum. W. AI I,IF,ETIOI, Cashier. Carlisle Deposit Daub, April 1t1410,1014, GREAT RUSII A T Ogilby's Cheap Cash Store for his fl W11'1,111.1 Ntdck of Cheap Gunda. .lust returned Crum tbu city or tht with a largo 'foul; of wisopienut DRESS GOODS, the now styles. Silk and Cloth MAttints, It)Pot sO6, lobe, than city plata. Llo,nut plain and tigurztl Mika. MOURN ING GOODS, 1101111 , 13111 CF, Wool do LAnos, Ilarezys, Crap Morett, Mosale biLi on, !I ynntlaya, I.4lnck and t 1 hito Larne and Crapo Murat fur shawls, Tureen Cloth, 3.touruing Sat. teen, Crup Ladles Cloths fur Clunks, very cheap. CLOTHS end CAS.;] yI6R Ed. Mysllus, Calicoes, Oingbnoug. Purchasers aro srquested to cull sod examine this stock of Uoods. Q4IJ motto "short profits and quick sales" for the cull. yew floods rose ylng almost dully al the cheap store Went M la street, nearly opt orate the Depot. May la. C. otilLa3V, rue. WINES AND LIQUOIiS. SOUTH IlAtipyEß STREET, CARLISLE. T ' E undersigned, suoces6or to George winterß, wophl iequetfully inform his friends std the public generally, that he intend. to maintain the character of tl,o above house ay heretofore, uud will keep emostantly ou hand it large antuotumnt of BRANDIES, GINS tir /MERV% CORDIALS, • BITTERS, &o, which he can sill qs cheap as any other ustabliatituont In carliele, If fifik EP"i mr * 313- County 4:indium's will find this the pleoe tc buy their. WlN4t c j AND LIQUORS, Loth lu rogard to quality and prloo Clln ktock IS 11 111:0 and well selected, and ho invitee• a call before Nphoing elsewhere. Itennenl,er the place, Routh ihrpayor street, directly opposite the "Vol untoer "Psi annii trillco, (Winter's old stand, (Carlisle. A pill 21, lSdl—tr. D. P. HAZEITON. CLI ARM,. 1829. PERPETUAL, FRANKLIN FIRE INSTIRA OF NPE VIMAPRIP I T B * • ASSE'r$ ON JANUARY I, 1884, $(2,457,849 95. I LEA PREMIUMS, Unacttled 48,41 d. LOSS PAID SINCE Ifizt, 83 3 300;000; PEItPLTUA.I. AND tk,NIPOB:AIIY -POLICIES ON M=MM . . DIREICITOIRS, . - . , 01.14.11 LES V. DiNCEER ' • ISAAC) I.EA, T4031A13 WAGNER; - . EDWARD 0. DALE, •SAMIJEILORANT, • , - 010. PALES, • • . :'.IACOR R. I SMITH, • .. ' • ALFRAD 611%ER, ' :OEO. W. RICHARDS, • - ' ,•'XRAS. W. LEWIS, If. D. . . big AittiorosPros't, EDWARD O. DAIGE # , Irpo Prove. .3AB. W. bIoALLIBTER, Beo:Fr6. Teak; - ' . • A. le. SPONBLER, 41344.1e1e Ps Wale-13 1861--Ome • ' 0191.0,E:St4AAS' & TItIBAGTO, , Avick.torozvl. r i STATE NOTI • JLettera testamentary of H u ta bnapley, Sr., doomed, late of Carlisle have beearlesuod by the Register cd'Oumberland court. ly, to the subscribers. the first named lining in Union. . town, Oid, and the laid named In AnnaPolli. persons indebted to maid e's tato will 'make Immediate payment and those haling claims will present them, properly authenticated, for settlement to Charles iltisp• ley, of Carlisle. • il. F. RAMEY, C. JORDAN, .• Ezett. Juno 3. 18C4 FISSOLUTION OF PARTNER SHIP. The cimartnerahlp . huretofore existing Io • ttcoen the undersigned under the name of Line, °lcier St Oreason, Is this day dissolved. Tbo Boolte of tho' late arm are In the hands of Jeremiah Oilier, residing In Carlisle, for collection. All persons indebted to the firm,. and all basing elatms against It, are requebtcal to call and suttlo with him at once. WILLIAM LINN. JRRIN i ATI fi IVLNN, JOIIN 01iNAL.ON. Mity 31, 1881-tt LIST ATE NOTWE. I..n_ 4 Letters testamentary mi the estate of Conrad Wee.tfnll, late of Monroe towwililp. deed., have been Issued to the subtet lbw by the Iteglotor u , Cumberland county. resldirig to the same township. All percione Indebted to said estate will make linmedlate payment, and tboao laving claims will present ibem•propeily authenticated for settlement to DAVID WESTF ALL, fix's. Juno 3. 1864—nt* , STATE NOTICE. 4Lntters of Administration an the estate of Wm. T. lA illinms, Into of the, Borough of Carlisle. deceased, hove been hatted by tho Register of Cumberland coun ty. to the subscriber living In Carlisle. All persona Indehted to sold estate alll make immediate poyment, and those having claims will present them for settle ment. A. L. SPONBLER, Aam'r. Juno 10, 1804—et T { -OR 'RENT; • A dal:treble reeltienco In Hanover Street, near the Second eresbyterlan Church. Apply to , P • 11. Miller. Mny 27, I°64—tr WORD TO THIII WISE! An persons who aro by law required to take nut teens°. are requested to take out the same ou or ba. fore the first day of July, and save costs. 11. S. RITTER, Co. Tress's, Carlisle, Juno 10, 100.1— St • • NOTICE TV THE PUBLIC. LWhereas Marr-nret Miller has ensumnd my name end palms to be legally married to me. and Is passing es my wife, now I do hereby inform the public that ahe la not my wife, and that I was novor married to bor. cfrARLES 31.1)0N011013. Carlisle. .Tune 10 1814-3 t. • J 1 STATE NOTICE. m I Lettere of kcimistratlon tho °date of Ram on A. Lliverstir.k doe'd. late of tho Borough of Carlisle have been Issued by the Register to the undersigned resialug In sold Borough. All persons toying claims' against the cold estate will present them for fiettle• meat and those indebted will matte immedhtt payment to II 414 ETV AII A V ERSTICK, Admey of litttopol 19.11nYerstIck- Juno 12, 18r1 Buggy for Sale. A FIRST RATE Bue:gy, newly done 11 up, for sale Enquire of W. C. Sawyer, one door below'e Rotel. I have just received a large addition of new and seasonablo tioeda. Also, a splendid lino of Silk tilan• ties, Costs and Basques, from New York. Bradley's Duplex /Clintlcal Skirts, all kinds and colors. Now Spring Clotho and Caosimeres, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Mat • 110 s. lee. Addltioufi of now goods constantly received. May 13. W. 0. SAWYER. A Joint Resolution , proposing oortain Amendments to the Constitution. p E it resobied by the Senate and House _Dor Representatives of the Commonwealth of Penn.. sylvitota In General Assembly met, That the following amendments he proposed to the Constitution of the Commonwealth, In secordsneu with the ptovisions of the tenth at title thereof bey btu ii be an additional seation to the third ar, tide of the Coostito tioh , to be designated as section four, no fellows: tECTION 4. IChenossr any of the qualified electors of this Commonwealth stall be In sty actual military service, under a requisition from the President of the United fitates, or by the authority of thin OomMon ., wealth, such electors may exercise the right of suffrage in .11 elections by the ,it lams, under such regulations as are, or shall be, prescribed by law, as fully se if they weee present at their usual place of election." SECTIIN '2. There mini] he two additional sections to the eleventh article of the Constitution, to be demi!, nate& as sect ions eight, and nine, no follows: SLOTION 8 No bill shall be pattsad by gee La_Aitla• tura, containing more than one subject, which g4Bll 7jl clearly expressed in the title, except appropriation bills " Sccium D. No bill shall be passed by the Legislature grantlug any powers, sr privileges, In any case, where tho au , hority to grant such powers, or privileges, has bean, or may hereafter be, conferred up n the -courtil of this Commonwealth." HENRY C JOHNSON. ski Speaker of the House of Representatives. JOHN P. PRNNEY„ •-- • Speaker-of the-Seoul., Office of-the Secretary of the Commonwealth, Harrisburg April 26, 1864. f . PENNSYLVANIA, ee:, , I do hereby certify tisat the foregoing ten Ode• and correct copy of ihifni.irinal Joint Resolution the General Assembly, entitled Joint Resolution . proposing certain Amendsneb% as the same remains on file La this 0444 - • IN Tr:M.OIONY AtOreof, I bare hereunto:net , ' i; my band and mood the seal of the - deem tar:VA oft a tofie dyed, the day and year - above % riti4p. ELI SLIFER, Secretary of the Gionmon wealth. The above Resoliition having boon agreed to .by A majority of the memitei s of loch House, at 1 no success ive aortalons of the General Assembly of this Com mon• wealth; the proposed amenduients will bb submitted to the people, for their adoption or rejection, on the MST TM:anti OF AVOUNT, in the year of our Lord one thous. and eight hundred and alzty fotv, In accordpnce nieh the provisions of the tenth article of, the conetikiii.inst• anti the act entitled "Au Aot presCrlhinu thetirate end; 1:11.11ner of submitting to the poop e, for their approval and ratification or rejectin, the proposed amendments to the Constitution," approved the the twenty third day of Aptil, one thousand eight hundred and siEty tuur. ELI ELIFEIt,, Secretary or the CopAmonwpVtil... April 29, 15434.—t1. OF THE UNITED STATES. First National Bank a carlisie; THIS Bank designated as a depositary' and Financial agent of the United States baa beet appointed to receive subacrlptions on Account of jhd United States Loan authoz Ind by act of Mare These Bands are redeemable at the pleasure of the Oovernment, after ten years, and pa) able forty years from date In coin, with Interest at 5 per cent. per an num In cola, and are free from all taxation. Subscribers a ill receive either Registered or Coupon Bonds. as they may prefer. Registered Bonds will be issued of the denomina• tions of $5O, $lOO, $00.4 SL,OOO, $5,000 and $lO,OOO and Coupon Bonds of the denominations of $5O, $lOO, $5OO, and $l,OOO. The interest of the $OO and $lOO Bonds Is payable annually, on all oth.r denominations semlannually Subscribers are entitled to interest from the date of their deposits with the Bank and Bonds will be delis , erod free of charge. The amount of subscription may he &iv sited in U. H notes or National Bank notes; it le optional with subscribers to pay the accrued interest from date of Bonds [N , trch let, 15840 or to resolve bonds drawing inttrest "fr'rrn The Ante of the - Sub,SeriP,' lion mid deposits. f the hitter are preferred, the datil from which Interest will accrue If coupon bonds, will be stamped upon the first coupon falling duo thereaftor, and It registered hoods, such ditto will be written in' the body of the Lord April 13,, 1864 U. S. 10-40 BONDS. — riNIESE Bonds are issued , Ulider. 160 Act of Congress cf Match Bth , lilB4, Villa; . loviditer t at all bends issued undortlals act 0101 be llJin`, NitOM TAXATION by Or Ini4orany state or municipal authority. Subaoriptlons to these Bands are received' In United States notes or notes of National .13aults•—• They are to be 'REDEEM t.D IN COIN, at the plearnw of the Oovernment, at any perled.not less.than ton nor more than fork, years from their date, and until their redemption rive Per Cent interest trill be paid in Colni on bonds of not over ono hundred dollaraaurrnallylintp on all other bonds amni-inh unity. TIM interest leper. able on the that dayO of March and September ir•tmelt year. Subsea - Piers reeeive,eithectegotc,rott pypdird' Bonds, as they may prefer. Ilegistlmidt ootidicare.reei r , corded lb* boolet of the U. 8. TreakestP,:ritiegiii,he transferred only on the owner's ordd:Vt... nnott are payable to bearer. and are: more convenient for commercial tises.l • , Subscribers to this loan will have the option of havi ing their bonds draw Interest from March lst, by pay-. lug the aocruod interest fn coin—(or In United States notes, or the notes of NatlenaLßanks. adding Sty per cent for premium,) or restive them drawing interest from the date et subscription and dernalt. As those " bode aro ICXEMPT FROM MUNICIRAIr OR SX4TG TAXATION, their value is ocreaapdfrhua tb throe' or cent. 04e an nutn:tiocordi llan ratite:U.B lOW In varieua parts of. country.. _. „ At the prusert rate of premium oh 'gold' their pay OVER BIOiIT pep coot iutetest In ourroney, and WO.* equal OtuluSill,Uoo. $4 . 11 permanent or ygoporary is vestment. ' It is believed that,po tismiltles offor great inducer' mints to lenders as. the various desorlptiOmpof U. 8. bonds. In all other ihrmi of,„ . lndebtedriess, the faith 'or ability of private parties or atdclt 00111p41304.01' rate communities only in pledged for pasmonli, while for the debts of the United' State. e ths,mhb/re. of the pouhtry Is holder to Me. tiittki4o.lolit 0c 4 4 principal and interest •• ~ • • These boucle may be anheoribed tot' hi.itunif he& 860 . , up to any magnitude, on the same terms, and aro Wulf, mode equally available to the •amallest'lerctleir and Mac:, largest capitalist. They can be sonvertedfhate tnimoy, at any moment, and the holderttillkutyo the houettint , the interest. It may be to' elate In title oynneation that tbs., total Funded Debt of the United States onWhiett'irites. , .• rent Ic payable In gold, on the 3d day of Minch. ,16t4; !man $768,968,000. The lutenist on this .debt for the • ionjug fiscal year will 'lto $45,037428, while the cue-.... toms revenue in gold for the ourrentilistal yearoinding.. June 80th, 1884, has boon sa fax at the rate - of eyes-_ $100,000,000 per annum. • It will'be seen that oven the prettert• geld-rdyinees'-'. or the Government are lamely in excess of the wantni of the Treasurer fer, the paymont gold.tiftstolitsbilfl tbo recent Increase of the tariff will dentitliss.rasta the annual Tloelpts freak customs on•ttie'ettrint'altiOutitnt' importations, to sl6o,ooo,otOree.sandibi • • • the National. Scotia- tleting, OS • ledtt agents were not issued 'Mara 211, tipkjti the thst.teres efAprit-ptiAubeerip-_. !lens stsged pore than TOO, t6l((l9ilti receiVedllS7tht • • Aaiik 9r, 4061%1:: and by all Nettie:4' Batika•vttitat siadephifiditeS. Public money, and reepestsplethei And ihiukste thrtedyhont' the tat:hinny, faittinga, enta tat the. Depositary'amitlunrsanl' Wet lidtthht testion enAppliestion szfs.ttect2 , sdb:- satlliers. • • ' MAYA VIC , • , 9 100,000 1,088;280 O3O 1,008,200 Intorno fbr 1881. 800,003. PiYStdrADlB . find it itteir.4.A. , ••,.iilottio to ail! tad ptitOlfto itittr'.24.s4ll.tiritqt " • tige , 'AA , .. " • • 10-40 LOAN J. 0. lIOFFiIt, Cashior