BM CI hlAd cloned out, dud, as James ot tbc dumb agony in the nought lace to read if there r;oy: &ta(oa there, he experienced • that Eirrulgt) thrill—that sense • azaitation wh4l; had roused him be. ;. ,- ro into the eY.ort.iecs of an unsuspected r,DV.4 - --rand - the girl's voice i'Doetur, doctor" „nuk :Altg L. , aFping whispor—"is it true it 7” Woodfield I;,,ck one cf the poor lit hs.nda ;la his own, Ile felt so aged t..nd gave in this stuld,ln crisis which had :s,wn forth all his strength; ho was so thitAing, perhaps fir a trio. Llilet, of h; own Margaret under such cirtintuslanees, that he did not dream a 6:rer,-,001011r4 tit;'ll• v., h 1.7 0 0 , 2411 cl !%fl Lain t,in vivo T.hoy lino bit' they acre rind it !lis,' save him." u w( ' • r d f;:; olin.4ing to his 10 - : , 1 Cat.. it it the intoler sudden blow. Shr stet d.rf. lands than mine,' 'Tut he con:lotted. d OM II j:PJCS ni • 1.1. t,;, have !lore." ;,ir. God bless y 1p 1:. s• him! I will- --- ME 't I , trorr, f.r h r 1C. , k1 , 13 I , Ur and she I. 'oini • MIN 4,. `„ 4.6 lice r OEM BEE ELI rm.giicss , of Lis 6 ,- caso to Dr. licatly ~•2; iHI then. He w; =MEE ' !I 11 exai•ation uncle + i . v.l pc Ter, on which h e 1.,„ ME a g,ioJt, 1n ISure r~:. i x..,11 < ,•:.., 1 ;, ,, a , , • by apnvcreshielP , • et 10 —Jallles MEM hd concentration cit p urpc „ i; : . if robs c from those sealed :70 the distant cornets 10, - ,r,)r lurked. ME _t, ilic Wag repen:ed t•lrr• - ...c.und distrust uY tbk w Mr. Woodlv.iti ctr 11,,,vr“ .. .„3 Waster. whole heart Nhole will se:. unaa ',lNight and day Le Egi ME ;,~,. ... ~tvu air and manner t. ,;ed that even in the there had arieett for the poor surgeDn witticiLans. It was that the long strain =ME ME 1 , . MEE , came home inbarr 111•11 ';:raving received tar'.- - :Hance, one of tiL)re .1);t* 1%, after him, art atteuuaied figure of -uj recognized him, with _ kl. il, iu them, lips and hopefully (I%C . red n•om the dead. Tos;.l , tl FN , A:torn, , v Itt F I,lw n. 1.1 , llrrovor P.I. thilee un ltnil nond Strout t r h tuu tIL , p,:wpc.y W. Jaiyl,l;:.4 opposite, from a w i n- Dr. I. C. LOO.IIS < • _ iatoo trrie:l across the street I'4; 1 7 0C ca Baw him coming ME ,uLd dice him ?f Dr. Heath's glad •Jt . hi...11,t. etiuctice. It was ru -aol-1::',. :1. - Aerw....zli; s.'afkt he bad offered to talcr• My. 'IV ootlfield: i s ilt. , 3 partnership, •whieh afriv, b:,; u-, ir, jLnea did not ac r,ept.. /I; i tlii:-. re..:. •n , :iel probably added re which began from ting surgeon. This about in all diroo tiG:.',..i ;it , 15 . .; 3 ,/ . ry b3dy 's lips. Pa rz;sit.-:,. !i;: , :'.:. 1 • 'id a marvellous tide :-. g brass plate, to the ~::... Cudger's heart and 1 1i,,, , bodily exercise. li .. - ,,Lcovered," said James At know, Dr. Heath, .a 'fearful thing to_do; - at of ten, it would be. ; constitution had not lils health perfect, I Cie to II,: T. 1 fV)A .. t;17.1-t-,.1:: L.; =LIM ;io ly;it ME , ~ I ) 3 04: , ,: : - .11.13:Lt1f ' 1, , 1.. J, , ~ i- : :4'), : .-e .t . .,:.: . my son," responded ; „, c ,, , ,',,,,,,1. Ilf wal make your f0r ...,.,, , , 1. 11 , i , r'., ''A-" I:-31 4 1: -,'• ;.. ;ight. Twelve months - q,;:il,-,‘,l;' , Um' t -ti - ,.(•:' ;,:.,t-,s plate was removed ; f",,••• , ‘,.: , . the .11!.tle. cc r. - ,er house. It shone .. • , , . '‘':'') ,-, ti x ile fairal.;%. - .li gate leading to Dr. 4'.:,wk'sold re..itic • at the opposite end ql:': , flv:. . ' '''' tjAsm --Ftg -',.`4; t :! ors() -curvetting in :1 ; ,m..';, ft the gat,r, , , d upon him eat Ur. Vt-:.../.:;val'ileatli, j' handsothe as t d"V`ta:tad 116 'ai talking and laughing -.',41.1 - f - lto •;:oung iflrgeon. • 'iConie,in, II ~t h," said James with a c.,,1''.;:,- ,. .;i : A . r.r, - :ty,rr.,)ling a bell and point ia-g ~I, . i.';' ,Dis. i'Vi i i t 'a horse to a groom - .-,' , 1t0 a'''':- . 7eri^cl fit ' "summons. "I haVe a avi:•,.e. to ::s 0,.., f u,"he added, when tbey,,.. ;se', reached he house. . 4 - :10. lf; Y."l'i'.l . You'axe so precious "•tqlordr.q: . ,t thaii . never have a chance ';,..0 'Provo ,1 - ay .Trik ship. Well, old fed. low ', ;what/ill itl",, iir. 'ltt4 gein.; 'tn.., ,-, 7-,' • BE Important / . { ' ' ~. ',. ' - '5: , •,',1...3t c •,'..4 ratiro ,in.'.! yot? . ' ..?7N , '..i liovbe .ii ti }'`. S. " 11 ;:s " 11i' ; ‘.i tp l icd. l7 pe r vtner?" ..",,;;,, '71,1i-ii..1:1 ...%k:/,' a.(ldea James...* .. - ,4i;?:fri,.1.4.0 ,n.partnor; and 1 ~, ', j , L t. mt. p dst man uppn the „,,`.':. 6: yi:, ,f u'understana.” ) "I understand. But suppose I were going to play principal in justsuch anoth er affair ?" "I know," said James, suddenly- , see ing before him a bright little figure, with a face of misery and two white hands clasped on his sleeve. "I wish you all happiness. Percy. But, knowing this, I have arranged that my affair, as yon call it, shall take place first. 1 wish. you to do toe this favor very much. You hive been the agent of my better fortune. and it will be a good omen to have you at my wedding." ••So be it " tt.,trl now," said Jame. 9, "come and kio s k at my new carriage. It isn't ex actly the thing I once set my mind upon for my wife; but one be moderate et th'4, y_ut know. This will do to IJC t_tin with, eh? Oaly fur you I should never had one at all." :y," said Jame 3, "1 , -.Tovery awn euch c. The means I hat Pot,lstt Noßuss-1\ ycn to see l'oliOr gentleman Travelling and in his ;mansion, you won's.] nut believe that i; tile ILO person. At house he lives upcm sltod moat, balls; he ()sinks nothiniy - but wiet4.lUsllies r, !Intl Mill ns, re sietestable tormsly. : travels, it horm. s, eseot lacks hot: ii ,e. At FlICh . • • for the. • . a 11:.tilre. If hag ri.) urroxvq; tile are t.,kr. , v, God Liit,n,vs interest y fu,Hbh it. For tio col: , :d.2rati.,n in Ivuuid t 1. - nounLe his journey to Vi.:.rsriw at a c •rtain tiup. f the year, and ,;t1;1 lc a the ontertain nicht which he ntlnu- ly ii; thcre, he cau ,, c hi< ance , t,n;d: L,2 ulun cle , o; n,l Vi I' ho ho ' At the te'e .11 and bringiurl with the eile ug, but he had ut it He xvs ME t tl. ie nerve, his vain. trung rp t, bb.ll L:ul - 1 (0:0:1St ' , .ir r torrlvr t tb r 111:11.1 . d 1.)(t any w3:,- patient a wt,ke citor'e CV(' MUM. tLnat. A. lady Coat 1 - o2r hu•.-barrl was de: il to 1 ~I,ml:able. aumseme am, I,e ripped, 'Dm td,en, my thar, you make alke to tim thttt; to Lim otlit And yet," e 1 11( feruiceri, we 1:e cr p7l' C A Uorney La o t {-1.• A A. 1 L. a li.l I I, ev :.• U.,' /I 1,, IL., ...Inv, It SW I July 1. PA.-4—,To •LL of 't••'4:•• 1 1 7‘. ; •• 1 , •-1 tr. e.1.:1 , 'l' 1311,1. .1- ‘O. /, ! LI A M i.; i r, Ir,r.ri U.ll. u 'Ai:1111.11 , a jamei mbly hard he would gladly fJr the great t: i • S I:. .\t:• i' • ui. , ; 4 Dll 7301-tth jUi% I. jr . 7,•r , url.lAr. yOlco blld4l thy 3:11.te1. 11 u , o. Jul) 1. b-1••• • I P. „ ttnrnc , 3 - at Law „,,,, u tt),•.f I. A') rg 1,112 . 5 ezt.u.14.1 t:o Liu] at! el.ded .I . ta! 1, It -4 Pou.f et few Ll,lit July 1 GEO IN'. NEIIIWII, P. D. S.- 1,0 Dru.tret nt,, (1 tti ye Dent ,s'rrc f tho ore ColiC;;” cf --- . 7, rvIK" -. 4l,'Yz!-. 1. t- I u ry. t`J., at. Lie nu. 1.1.713 Y . 3 upp,..,3te Yuri •u eut 3falu t•tt ve!, Ca. !tele, July t, Imb4. ra-o:sr-i. D R. s. fr,to c.. ur c ;ery, E 4 the r.,ll:enre , t 11'4 na,ghar, Eon Lou 7 Lerr:: rtn t tin uv.j, a Ly,cr July 1, 131 4. Da. Md. H. LODI:, liIOIIOEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, Surilcon and Accouchour rI FFICE at Lis residence in Pit ki.trout, adj , ll.llus thu Melbotht,t CLurch, uul:, 1, Litt4-1. PHOTO G RA 211 IC. rt. A. SMITH, (formerly Mrs. u:d iJ furui tt.n eu folic that eh', has .he I HOTOGRAMIC GALLERY iltrly ow' Rd by a.ta. c 1. Feeler. In Inhcfre Lotaling, Sena' Wes' nerner M3lkot cquare, '.here may be Lad ..Ii the 'tit:Lorena. eta, lee of PllO rou R hPiIS with GM I; Oiyi , FERROTYPES n DAG U liCifypEs To the former patron(' of thb nallery, lho aneonnen most that she hae retained the e,rrl.:es of Mr. LOCII. MAN, (ter Fealties ininripal Aitiat 'luring the last yea r ), will be sufficient to mecum, at Clint lituanoe of their pnirouazei while an abun. , ance of li g ht, ' TT •EASANT ROOMS, very pleasantly etuatt.d. wilt her owe former expo- ritmee anti Bureau' in ploturn taring, and a deelre to .plenee, rhe truete I...Natty:in her own frlendn., as well an many Whets who have not heretofore found their way thither. By emitting. or leaving their orders, per sone furnished xlt h-copies of vaegativee 4e4aeu by air, oayier, at feduee3 price& l'ictures taken in all kimia of weather. May O, 18C4-Im. 5,000 YA DS Good Dark Calico Just Received AT GREENFIELD & SREAFER'S, East Maio Street, South Sid°. 2 4 boor, saa Door. Ad Door. hood Dark Priutp, 1894 Bettor, " " Y.stra 41 22 Super Extra, do., 26 Bleached Muslim] at 26, 30, 35, end 40 octal!. Unbleached, torn 20 to 40 roma. bummer Pants stuon, at last pries Meow. Imuiing on chased our Murk or tlutunicr Pants stuffs last .we ran and "Ili null theta trout 10 to 16 cants a 3 , uu.1 cluaspur than any house In town. Remember cum ploco. OILEBNYIULD a RIBAFICII, Upponito 11. S. Itlttor's. Li L EN EY_ HA It-P E 11. No. ,4521), A rch - Ht., . . •' . PIiILADELL'III A: . • ' ~ lilAj , lllllACTUlt Eli & in.:A.‘ttiN . • WATCI.IIO. FINE JEWELRY, , . . „,. ' 13.411 811. N EH. W Alte,lt ,• , _ 'Bo ' i i te.s superior.PlateWare; . , . irgri AU Hintla of Ell LIM II•WARE walla crn ibil prom see: MATilll Repairliqi cafefully clops. .. • . •. ', April 8, /1164-Bcap. YEa's FAMILY MEDICINES,' At Ri4zTows AL WHIM u Lis carnage, e 1.. r; rv7,:He 1 .S; 101111 !. liana, v,ito is ji iy of I.), , iak n , 4 of A grave flicnd of ours .ol:A us Lint Le 1,i6 u•l;c y I eigarn UNIVERSAL CLOTHES. WRINGER. .M.' Iron Frame to Break, or host, and Spoil the Clothes. 63,818 soto,lN 1863. TT was pronounced superior to all others I the World's Pair at ,London, 18.62. ii took the I , lrxt Premium at the great Fair of . the American In— stitute, in N. York City, 1863, and wherever exhibited. Self-Adjusting and Adjustable 1 The only Wringer with the Patent CO3 WIIP.E.L ax• UCLA full, which positively prevents tho rolls from ISIUTAKING Olt TWISTING ON TITE SHAFT. Without Cog wheels', the whole strain of (dyeing the cloth Ihrn,ugh the Maehlue Is put upon 010 lower roll C,oci n 2 t;lret• timer :w much strain upon the lower roll so NOL, WhOr•ILL with our Patent. Itegulator are le.shles the extri strain upon the cloth. lu r.Tiy to the qutp.tioo. '• 11 , 1 w Long will it tavtl" we ran only Coy, •• As long as n WZIOiI tub, C. eking A'ace, or toy other family utensil." See testimony of oraege J•tdd, American Apiculturikt, No. 41 Parl: How. N• V., who sayß ~f the tiNIVEISAL CLOTHES WRINGER 'W. think !lot maehlne much more than PAYS FOIL TT 68.1,1 , EVERY YEAR In the saving of gat meet:— e,,ushler It that the W.inger he fitted with Co ;R. Aler,Vl6o a mesa of Inirments nil, el the 1011,5. and the lullera upon the crank-L.ll:dt slip and t , or the :1,,th,5., r the rudder 'wen!: to Ise t l e ~11,41 t Otto fLa 11 1110[1,01 the first 1111111, :111.1 it 1111 IF 015 1 0 48 .0.15 alter 1/calls Filth YEARS' CONS LA:01 USE." It et TIME, LARGE, Curttilts' AND NON F.Y. It Is °wily an,l thinly OLLCUroI to the tub or washing, maelitne. And w ILI lOt tubs 11 tiny Or,br 01,020 It will , ht every six WOlllll4 fu the savhm* cluthe., 0.0 with WTI:G.A.:I ART: H',lll. 11A\ 1 :.,0) In es er ' hit me ties, espeeMlly. that offer a few months' use the lower roil WILL , T TR IST ON 1111 SHAFT, and tear the rh.thin:z. kurn,shed R. 1.011141 F. On t , Isl. for, tit eXpr,s”, by 4011 k I I'll LI. A ge..t., Rail Uffiee, Uut Bale, Aprlll;,7sl:4—tf. TUST opened at the New and Cheap n or \lin,r...,th••r lniee Soppl v (ir s'x ~1 Spelt att IScltutti, Gott,ls 0! till the ~ t tw, • -t. atiti tit I.lllkk ari.l loq fut . lit , ttl HI sat loty att.l Ottnt:ii tl tli t Dr , s, ti-u 1.111 ,1 1 , 1 - 1 , • 1- 14 ,1 1..11/ .1 .1i , 1 ,1 111411 ,1 . of I ,, .t•St. 1111,1:1,1. ;:prin,l) I'lll7lllll, liallinorr'.4 Suit h u t n, Ni,[l.,ll,ll, , vevy .11, ust-,1,01 rid chain 1 11111,4 1 , 11 1 ,1 11, Lu,e, L' ,11 1 , /111 ••• f 1 ,./ 11111,1,1 w ,, cu,s :y Itlo, ds two 11.11:.,,, Ito .11 , i, • ~1-4 =1 I'rvely t , 1111' , ,f,t1 rrinotttl,il, Perthoh i all I 11"4, i p.,11 - 0...1.10 wstol,l,l (111,, o 1 ., HI k a ^ , iti,t,tll(lll.ltl,, ,1,1 a ,, ttr•• I tt..0...w. 4 4/ 41 114'1 I. 44'rt, to e .11110. 11. :14441 414,4.14144114 ,tt,„ 4 1 . • .1111 i, ; .1111.1 1 th, Couutry 1.1-11;; 0. I lo; .1‘; ;;;; .• rr•;;;.. I t It:1.11'11e `.ltltsrl; ,;;P , MIMI 1 ) • ; 1 K iri•E the n[ nu .)1 the];. 'c 1 . I I I iri I All l'• • Whiell Illpri.• 11,•. .1, or, irtl-10,01 hal,: j: ;1 * ;00 7 ) , I= MEE i) 0 - - 1 11 EST ICS :F. MEE •7.11.1:1 k i.•' I tlr I.4:rrot, pt,7l - 1•11•11,,, 1. • I • •• t •• d At ti at dvf ,, col” , ell =I lIMEMEI ~1:11 4:1 on: IMEI ft i.:'i''~. ~~ ~' f .1 !•0! ! ..! tho cL,tr , t r! , !!!. ,, ^ !"! ~., Col font , •f tf C . " . 1 , ItIsIOMI I IS he respealu::y ,•• hiufn udl N corner of thn MEM C;rDetings and Oil clOtlas 4,T W roc , iving at cheap 0a.!..1) L Stare, iLt of lour.1:1, Venetian, auil Stair ,4 PETS.P AIF, ^ l- •r r , ".r., , 11 be for too c•tr•li It the C11. , ..6.0011,t1Y, Trustee. March I, NEW GOODS ! ! NT()N1" ofTering tin immense variev of TIT 3. C VL - oTINC. yro'; (1001 - ,3 For Diem and Boys' 17ear, SI rr, Snr;t47, thin tin any 'req.C.", Itrhm..t in I. an'', low pd,,, 1 1, r a n any tt terra. flt toll t.:1?.....11 and I"V's.kt 110 1n..1.11 far.ura (Ale shove vnodq' to r,lvc. I [tio stk 1,, rr F.0:1 p , -r•rarl. Coq I,r, On!, boo2la of no, cut c:r, 1.0 :11 . C,11111nlid , rd. nee ~t , A , . °ark' gu:dA lid tolictod, 1 0 1 1' myrx.lsro.):. Tlin , ver Strnu. Lt thing Eulpotlum. JOy 1, 1,:ol NT and ql , el!tv of r‘rell.ts. Qg o •nqw,r, Ile. tt.rere. Fit, I I l ow q, r4‘oro. r'ewe, rip.•.. Pre h b uilt .1.1 I togt teid, In , ertt, llyetore do hillgtl,lVood and Wlttow wet, All 1,11,1 e the boot qo and to be eJI 1 et the boot IA I,os r.A. c4sll by 1:11:N77.. Ju y 1, 13,1. WEA,TVAII 6[LIZICUEI. Til 1.1 subscribers would respectfully nnnoanco to tho public, that having purchased 1140 earlitllU Forgo. formerly owlipd i y >I r.. 1. cloudy ear, we hare coin noticed the morthlit, tura and will keep outistantly ou hood all sizes of the best quality of Wo will give prompt rittentlin to all orders, whether from a distance or at nowt,. The h. . . ighest Cash priers paid for old wrought Iron SCRAPS, delivered at the Forgo. at the Railroad bridge, In Carllsi.•. WEAVER & BRICK ER. Carlisle, May 13, 1864—1 y Now Stock of Hats and Caps AT.TELLER'S OLD STAND, • North Hanover Sum_ splendid assortment of all the new dstyles of. Silk hinleoldn, Slouch. Soft dr Straw ins now open of city and brunt, inonatacturreach eh will be sold at oho lowest co ph prices. Bolt hate of aliquot. hies fern the finest Segsi•r and Nutria, to the oat wool, and of all colors. unnurpasand by any this side Philadelphia. A large stock of • -BUMMER liil7B, • Palm., Leghorn, Draid,lndla Panama, and Straw. Chlidrone fancy Are. Also a fad assortment of Hens, Buys and children' cape of every desiription and stylo, fho Bohm iber invites all • to come and examino hie stock. Ecinen practical hettor, he fools .confidant of giving satisfaction. Thanktel the liberal patron• ego heretofore bestowed ho solicits a continuance Stf the same. Dont f rget the stand, two doors above Shrluor's Dotoland next to German ' s shoe stare. JOHN A. KtiLLElt, Agt, N. D. Hats of all hinds made to order'at short nettle. Bryann Aulmenio Wafers, AT RALSTON'S bee. 12,1803. TIMMI'IB.-500 pairs Harms on hand IL.R.or all kinks'. Elitabotlitorrn paltorn, Loudon o.,Vornman do.. with anu wi th out patent fiefonluga cboarr tban ever at LL . BAX:VoIi'd, Rant ).:aln at. 11DHYSI(11 - ANS will'6nd it to their ad tiotago to can and purclaasa their ° keinelnes at aly' 1;1884 . RALSTON'q.. • .. tiAmiLyJoirs COLORS, • 7. . AT ItAldrriN'lL , 1,.1881, EXCiTING NEIVS. =UM I= =ME =1 MEM DIE =I ..1 = C Gc.nW and Boys' Wear, i.e- 111 vaL I.4lrgmil3 at Lim iIErN riut.D R ex‘rnthr: nm•st ,111 • ;1: •:•• • !•ect F-to,t< 111 %tug •-.!•• ,nrmet :=••••art, :-,Vetrlv-i 11. 7 - '','.„ - ;3";. - 4 .'‘uN':!) illfsrEtz,!. .-!-.e irvine. on t... 1 • • a i,l.rct 1)10 idri,•• ,ita -I p Pp, PLI1b1.1( . 1, L . 1.1 1 MEIN C.k BEE HEE TM I= MEM =1 =EMS •I' I i Fur ',id I r. J v.olottmilt.t tI "?' A 1V 1.1 A JOIIN CARLISLE FORGE. NEV FIRM BAR IRON, ISAAC LIVINGSTON; HAS received 'an unusually large and well Selected stoek of 'SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, and asks that his old custorairs: and all persons In want of first rate CLOTHING should give him a call. Ills assortment consists in part of CLOTHS, CASSI M MIES SATTINETS, VESTINGS, and all other kinds of goods for Gentle 51011's Clothing• Ills assortment of pleeo goods Is the largoot nod most railed ever brought to Carlisle, and he is determined to sell goods by the yard on terms as favorable an any other store. Ills stook of • Ready-made Cloithing, is extensien and Hui. consisting of COATS. V ESTS, ovralcovrs,•tc., which he will gels ch. nper than any other establishment. beautiful assortment of GENTLEMEN'S FUiI lel IL INO UUUUS, such as UNtiERsiiIRTS, OVERsiIIRTS. • DRAWERS, UMBRELLAS. CARPET BAGS. TRUNKS, &a., Rze. tome and see 1114 Leautlful assortment of OnedK be fore hul chasing. elsewhere. 110 takes pleasure in ghtrui 114: ills uo , do, and w,1,11 satisfy all that he can and mill sell .do cheaper than Roy' other huuao outalde,of the I'UST . )MER'S ORDMIS —T Invite an nxiiiininativn of my of Finn v e ,ti,,p, mail ainut lire upnn aplicial Al, NttricE.-1 troutd say to tho public, that fly '-' 0 " .1 . 5 are manufactured-Wider my man t.upervisnan am! hy the rely brit tun, kmen. My iteek Iv the re•ltlt I, LI - I,lV° I have ever had. and inc friends and Ihe puhiie are in. itvtl to eel! and exarnhtn thentatlvea. ..rkirlternemher the old stand, !North Ilanover I: 4 A AG 1,11 INtkACN.• Ikle, Apt 11 77. ISr4. G ( >1) Nl+. ! NEW GOODS ! PIIII, IP ARNO 1,1) -1. -o 4C=2O II I IL vl: in t New Yolii and Philadelphia alt eNi..hgliai assort mint of GLO CASSI: , IER:I, 6% E;TINGS, TAIT.OII.;' & C. i.::nK In i;.1u,.; daily niiditioi,4 to his iilro. t .ly large =ICI= Itcady Made Clothing for Men and 13nys, V.. i r t 1-• pr i 3 O a t o not equaled in OAF nil MA DE TO ORI) nt st. , l r n‘p.rirnced woKtnen, and ntisfu• t: In 11l 4--t,4 (;,.(4.4 l‘y tho or Yard of the t rot.=. AI, on ItAn In 1 trgo t,tock of • 1 .," Iu I in... :1111 t'. ;L..= S 1 If ns, &c. Titi7NKS AND V.1.1.15E.5. =I I= I=lM=llMll • 1, t , i till Ow pul Iv a,e il, it e,l lo I o r hof 1105 la, 1,e1.0,t ... - :::c1 . .1,7 - tiIIVAI, OF DRY G)3D3 It 1-..izt1,•.1 .1 1 • ilin! t aid t .• is ,dg , 03 the Gdsa,ty. A c cont.ral rigs°. f IBM rs •rrn: • -. ''usollt of I ?Aar:: \bit:yr\ 1 , ;(3 1.,i, A 1.;•. , kW4 , IIS 11,E1 the Ceivllt 11. ' ll l l 01 A :011. 1.1 t,,, BE= IM==l =I Clollls for U.:n(lles Cloaking w-ar in oil ‘iirinli., Ci,,Ch, I lIIi Oy atlti CA6.'11.1104, Wet.d., 3.11 171 , 110,, stn I ••• I I. t.• f Dri'T t i the ,/nt. Ili lho I.almorals l• 11. E", CL'YI tATTINi..e.S AND L ., lira , 11 , 1 .t•c It t .11 pat.l t 0 • Funorat or wl! t.: , inn r itnollpt , v and puortuall; Otte L. OEM A I .-1" . .%; h ill Le ,d.;l I .n - er than City pricos Lltl i. pair La •.o! bel,re the late ndrahen. A. NV nEvT7.../ Fourth Arrival of New Gooda ju. , t tutu; 13,1 f the cities with I 'item; f r. , ~~-, r IMIII N i:W (10 . 11 , •, o I.,••I I, mt..lliisky ~• ‘ , l t , IS —1- 0.1 El =1 :• I 1 `, 111.1 =HEIM GOOD NEWS T Eirricti tt )111.1,1 , ,11 having kist tarne.l fr , ni the rite with nn entire 11,7 and e',.1.0.1 to ioek rFweelen unit l e I,t\ wi•h t.. Inform the pot th., 81$` prop:ire i to Tun tengonable O,IIIF, Tt ery work wf on the 6julll ettet ~ net 01 the publie AqutiVe, opp •to to 11, 01 el)013 tt,k tout prises in Lail Ladies' Dress Goods, Plain Plard; ' , ilk. all qualitins. Slink b'igured nn, /PIA ('•A , , ,, 1 roll. and I lat,,nd P.eas d , cai..l I'm Idald 1,1 Strip. d ,p. in I' dning. Alpt IA I.nAtnnn LII nkdora, Sri e n! /1114,1 I , 11 d , I Cin•veraa, and Hain Alpha;;.. .11n111;4 - 1'lain And nt.Al be Lai es all , r.a nnA gnArdlea \Nal:" Laluns, Cba Li n. .\r. .Se A heantifit a- , o•tnlnnt ni rnio'd "nring Itantilaa, t I, or Ito. mo,t tNi.'l , ilol,l:4 in the eity. Moored Ifopi,• l.o nl,l i11..,rs of eve`ey Li eel, 111.1 Silk !land ke,thiel, Laves, hail Itned t'er Ne t,, Se ., Sc. r r h R 4 I nII 1 1 . 1111,0hr.1 111 c Weztrl)'•.l 111,1 linblearhoit ',beet Clwel,s. 110.1. ts'!lio•n nd you,, 1,;1111n. o • 1 tt stuf ~tlic, t e 11" I lie , fq 11111 .111 , 11 , And r elulles9 rar.ety , titer ti eeenti..s. A .•. ulpl.2te as4ortuneut of gocols suit, altol'autual purpones. Dloo.rning Goods, e 13.11 ns flocnbsiinas, Tamiso Cloths Doul.lo and Fi nglo all wool Muslin do Lainwo, Warp rh,l Ire Urieti,lol Lustreq, Mulmird, ;:eorolot 0, 1,0,1* do I.llises, Illogilants, LaVus. Crapes, (`rap°\oils Low Veils. l'rapo 1%.1131 a. t - ii;( and liid GloynA, Squal and Tl.,Vont .}!I, \ - S' AND 13 0 .a-s) WE ? black and rnr,er Casshmr“, Ve,tivgg, 1.1.1,1 and,n Pante stuff,ill grades, eau laarc c1.A1411,,; at short notice. CARPE IS, CARPETS, rr,dep and quail ion. from thy common hemp tip to tho bon quqiity WIT) a‘lex, Looking hiWKezi , 111,1 au and lens nartety of other (hods, to4?),Au moi;:,us to meutlott. N. ho stove stock hot I , l`/,‘ 41•10etad vlthe #1 , 39t deal of care null with a viva of di,al,lllg of the 0.11113 un the 1 - oavollubla terms W 0 hope that every porton In sant of goods wi.l giro tiv n call before mats Ina their opt log purobasea, and wo feel assured that we can otter loducoment•• to all that will giro us a and will extend all accommodations and cousen tonres that call be offered by any other business house In the county. Cif' Do not forgot tin proper piece on Ihe corner. & .+1 mum Myr!' 30, 160-1 IMPORTANT TO EVERYBODY liy-• L, SAW YE It, has just received • frail:, the Intim( Sprlug Importations an Im• Mouse est ,, Ck of DRESS GOODS, embracing iho newest atylea and fahrles offered to tho trade. •Placic4igured-and.Phtin Silica In.largouuppiy, SI k. Mohair, Wool, Lisle sod Cotton 'texture'', Em broidered uod Plaid Taugarlllue Striped and Plaid lier nannis. Plain and Figured Poll du nerd, Bonn:mut Andel,slati,Stripea, and all other nylon. A fell lino dt lleseon'a • • MOURNING GOODS, Combaslnes, 'Cm in Cloths, Tamlsp Cloths, N64A do %shies, Cha Iles, Borothius, Tarnasdihee, dierolS4Vlald oud Plain Mohair, IlaTugos, I . 4 aAtns, Crapes, Collars, gandkerehlers, Parasols. Gloves, do. , I.uneral Goods of all kinds 'constantly on band. Special care given to all erdorator Funeral Coeds. Call and axarnbie our latest Now York stylos of MANTLES, all the varieties and styles of . _ French. English and American 01.03118 And 5P.1.1191. MLR KS, (a first class tailo 'makes up goods when de. tilred) r Cotton and Linen Pantings, Coatings, GaarAvanpErs. From the Lowell, Hartford and Enterprise „1511112, nll . grades. 011 Clothes, Mattings, ]tugs, Shadas, andevery , thing in the 'louse Furnishing lino, An eii9Erdous stock, of D OilrES TIC GOODS, all,the standard Makes of Calicoes, itreweand.lileach• ud Shootings, !Mirth:lgs, 'I iclAngs, Stripes,'Cottenades, a 'full lino of Notions, Iloolory t and Olovos. Ail the latest Improvements in Iloopskirm.'l - invvo 'received the agenoy of Bayou'. celebratedAild Olovoi for th!, place. Lsdios will a complete 'a wortanroot, The above - ,Oooda and many othere not.named,. with a large sleek of OLD GOODS. I offer to the trade at a small advance en cost of,productloo. Waling grateful for past. patronage. Task a eantintt• anon of the sainti.: Remember the old and well known stand, East Alain Bt:, ono door below Martin's Hotel. - 'O . 11A1VVOR. 'Carlisle, aprll 9,1984.. . . •: • • . . = of tiry Lost 111.1 I=IE Ladies Dress Goods =MIME 14).111 7 :::7 ' 0(11)S. lEEE I= ISM =ESPEIMM N ll 1; 01 S • C. EA 11 o' 111'0. mu I= NEW STOR,V, NEW STORE. DOMESTIC GOOD 3 Spring Shawls,. R U 8 , BOOKS, ,FANCY GOODS, CONFECTIONARIES, ' • FRUITS, PEIi.FUMERY, PRESERVED FRUITS, MINCED NEAT, PICKELS &C AT AVE RST I CK'S, North Hanover Street, Carlisle, Perin' a. Ju=t opened an assortment of Frehi r Drugs, Fancy oo.)ils ' (Jilt Rooks, Perfumery. Fruits, and Confection ary, which has never been surpassed in this borough, for novelty and elegance. The have been se• leated with great care. and nre calculated, In quality and pita°, to command the attention of purchasers. FANCY 00.)DS, which comprise every variety of fancy articles of the most exquisite finish such as Papier Marhe Uomls, Elegant alabaster and porcelain Inlc•staude and trayc Fancy Ivory, pearl and shell card cases, Ladies' rano. has:tots, Fancy Work It ace, with sewing Instruments, Lath.' t'ahos. Driving Desks, and Pert-folios. Port nnntes. of every variety. o,:d pens and pencils, Fancy paper weights, and a large sariety Indies Fancy stationery. Motto seats and wafers, Silk and bead purses. whips, el.”.Tenitly finished. blue cutlery, to f lino h ,skehi and begs lirnshes ut every kind for the toilet, X. Baran and tt..t. U. Might's Saps and Perfumes of carious Fancy Phis to lra4 dresses and shawls. ):u•nal ineirinnents, together with an Inn unicrilde variety of rat:chin ale gently thibliel and suitable fur PRES ENTS, to whkh 1, ir. s !to,: specie! attont Al•o, an extensive nd elegant vollection cf corupeishhr varlone I:Ili:Itch and Ainerice n Worl;s. nchip clulesl,l-tosl I', 11'1 I'lo.\l. \\t/ILIiS. Bibles and Hymn Book., °le.:ant:l bound ht velvet v. ith metal rl type and corners. nil , ass minuet lof S hoo‘ flocks and .9(.1,111 Ftalln ory is cemidele. and comprises every thin,: need in I He eke: &slit, t„ call Om p ticnlar Lenhen of to Ina eleetnt Ass, Lmee L vi L.\ NI PS, he. from oxtQnsirn I.RLO ln4l;in of , ;..krrber 01l I .q11.•r• e, cry st.% le ul 1 , ,f,r, I ,111.1 ,lUdy I mop=. t r iPtnnlng Z'1)..1.. 1,the.i...1 oil; DY , r Gr . ( - ,ti 1 , 11 La.ul n, I..ngelln, with tin, e: Fours Ser' , Di .4C lilta , “,ttnnnt in this line In nnequ.ii.,l in the i, rough. Also. 11111 El= etahraaingnil the lato-ilo hralola. awl a floc ns,ort, moot of NI hElta , A 1: till NICE.{' A N the celebrated ochoorg Stookill4 robaoeo. Mil= Lemma a,Fizg. Pet irine,, F ), Es EC'T I .% V EA) yi;)"EFA. N, El) )lEAT. 111 V trwf and al 31 al.` pure as can h,. c rociannionilo I la, Ititiki ~rr\t lag in tile 1.1,1,, %%WI ttl in other tAt tieleq 0,11 111.112,h111.••, (ht. t' Are espeet:tily tot C ,, ,I 1 >Ol.l PN3IIIIII, i:,11IP v.InT t ?To .1 , 1 SLvul , nearly nppo,italin) Danl. on or St rest MEE LOCIDIAN'S New Sky:Light l'hutoaraphic rind Am . brotypc (Japery. d" i L. i..()C 1I M .1N is happy to inf,,rni I,R otinn.,ns , 111,F and lot, pu141.• (hat LIG. 11 t, to lIIS New Sky-I.idit, GaNerl7 t 1 e Luii.J ,• J o,cripir.l by St„, Ultl! r. Innd VaMy tomb! I, n..a. a 'do with Its splendid light. and the addition .11and t05p..n.,0 apparatus, lII,' N....ry bent :Ilan al., tuled, to produco \ RYES DE \ASTI:. AMIIIIO TYPES, AND EVERY sryLE OF PICTURES, to tho hi t Inv ir in hi!phiti or New York. enai hi. 111;, vtill 1:1e . :IS iu r lear pi.- or Ain', iilptic of persons 11, 1140. .111 1 y 1, tel .1. THE ~*CARLISLE PALACE OF ART" Ey J. C. Lesher, S DO Cr 1 1 p1n fir 11111 econ) modn , ion of pmll, I,r :ht. purito, t• 1 mnking 1 1 11 t 1 1 1 11_ 11 1 11, mid Al 1111 1 111 1 1 . 1..:, whith xill he 41,110 in a FUperwr nu:mu, 1 hi, ptci•l arty or? tug... 4 rho .2111 s. sr., by , L1.•11111‘,1•0 0 1 / 1 1i1,111.11‘1”11r0 It, xlll 110.1, pitnitr, r•l•mtiv t.llOll ••.enr Is uh t. nutd•trrt.:,lll.l I: • 411.1..1. I I , trutget. 5 0 1 ltat . .Imortt, 2 p. Itn g otn,11•111 til il•••m ••tstt pt•rit.its, numb: ur incrtt.t• s••. 1 nr ttitt,lmsctl.pittp..rilmt, 11 , 1 . ..i•ntrat t• Int Ittinn:«t St. in ZUG'S p pu•ttu the II trl.ol UtitllUt-. 11 tit y 1. dz.l IoE Es c t I G ItOCE It 1 I.:8 I! ! • N._ /I o P. 11 CEPS, has opened a now Ornery' Store hi >lnin Street,. rtpjut, t jtu, If , 0: 0 111,1 prerarnd 10 supply hietnts ,t 1 , 14 the ulth all Moils of Choir° hoods, at the ' lowest tont het rot Ills stt rk futtuttriStilt l'ortt-1; uci 14: 4 . V t•stt, cnl-es. 44 l'unettot t 1, Itrotjo s Tot Natches, Mackin:4, littd t' (;L.1:4 - 4 AND STONEWARE, 1"1 , opt i o 1,. -I,• • ••1 , • In ~nid to pt wt., I d..terttl. , .ted to se:l ul );IJT T E , EGGS, nr. , l nll hinds of I', untry trod ur", tAken at market PI CPS. • I..Lrmer , and akieymenn eartirularly Inrltrd t" enII And ye the ct cod 1 . 11(.1.; \ (III:RN, ~111 r, I as hell twollollllre.l 1,1 e..upett it judics 1.1.0 mutt I.llperi., 1 Lul ti 01 (lin •13. .lu'y 1_ 1.11 1.: All It IVA 1, 0 I? :.S,ll (Il:C)riAciES—Fiz. , ll“l , Al.I. IL l Vl)4. A:oong which is it r;; o of rent 41..nu1t0 It dry salt. Ill•:It it !NO, to oak panels, ',LACK %Jai, at prices that Is really ae tonlnhtegly low. . Pickets of all kinds, SAUCE-, prcEsEIZVES, and a good 10,0! I of TOI3ACCo AN D SEGA RS, I. IQ C(1 h S, C.. 'at the lowext. antes Co; CASU or Couatzy WM. 13P.] CZ July 1, I,nl. DISsOi.IJTION •rpri.F, partnership heretolera existing Ii 1,,t‘v,1, Charlo,4 1,. Iltil(art antl Crawl rsi plan hos been d ssolved by 'maiml conaenY ho )1,2 Out :W1 , 1.11118 1110 la Iho IwuJs at )11. Ihilhrtt. who I..irtiv , t.:y.,ll,oSLS pert rs t:tying neeounth with (ha late firm to call tro) too, Whim jr. I,oolh< ehtort,l MAO plrthernhip eidh his brother. C..a.les 1.. Ilalbeit. the ht.oihess Milt hen-el - o ,lh be' t o: ltb led under the sty he of Ilalbert & Brother. 'lOO h.,. !tut: rl,l,,t:tthy call HU OUtioll to the.r stuck of New and Fresh Groceries. Their t..,,•1; 14 ht with the erentest care awl will he sold at tho lowest pi lees for rash. lir con, Into in part hoo c•i,l store, nnieut Java COFFEE, Prune Itie lu , 1(10 Imated. :V, UPB --New Verk, Itosr,on, and Philadelphia Sy— rups. of tbo very bust qualities. 11 ItI) , VN SIAIA ItS.—'l'ltu bent lho market a (fords Love/ Ing'S best Crushed. Sand, ynd rt:lVCriZed Also, hie, A. B. and C. E.' ugars, 0 Inch etdulot . _ re 7 n rrina, Dandolino Cofit , c, F 4. 3 .5614.: of Cotreo, Coneuntratod Lyo, CHINA, (;LASS, .AND E EN S W A RE. A lara r a and well aolorts4 auk of the very 13t. ;. t pat t,.”, and ~tv es lower than ever In o riel., anti better In n ullity. than was ever offered before In Carlh,le.— Ptl; opt See \Colh.len and 1% Illow 1% are, such a s Tu b s Pert era, and Churns. Ilaskets of ore, y defied ptlon ; Chlldren'seAftlll.tGES, Stoneware, Cream Pots, But - trrJarrs.-Preserve Jars. Ju g s, all sizes. Rll--No 1 2 and 3 Maokeral. No. 1 NIBS'S SHAD Ise. 1 Herring. A largo quantity cf 'the celebrated Excelsior HAMS. SA la by the saol., Dairy and O. A. Salt. The subscribe, resoo:tfully ask the patronage nt their friends And the public enerally, and invite there to call and 01(1111100 t holr illy stock, at the'old stand, corner of honorer and Lou thcr Streere. HALBERT di BROTHER. Carlisle, April 22, 1814. Flour and Feed Store. TrIE subscriber wishes to stusuuree - to _L the people of Carlisle and vicinity, that ho has (Tuned FLOUR AND FEED STARE, orilfte Beath Test - Coiner of 'Main - and Wind Strilitte,in thn IYarohouse owned and formerly occupied by Jacob itheent. The b st brands of FAMILY FLoUlt, kept coatantly on hand and dollvered to any part of the town. Haring perfected arrangemonte with some of the first India In the neighborhood, I can assort, my customers that they will be furnished with an articin or Flour which I can vouch for. I will !tap constantly on hand FEED OF ALI, KINDS, suchos • Corn, Oats, Bran, Shorts, Potatoes, &o. The highest cash prices paid P , r Drain of all kinds and Flour. -Don't forget the old estahllshed stand. JM4M9M4M uivi.vat Carlisle, Mar 20, 18x4. ,WAR AFt LEWIS F. XAVN•E Of theold fi rm of John P. Lyne A S- ,Son, RAS just completed opening his new Spring stook of Onrdliare. Paints, oils, Glass, arnishos, ,Sui.. to which ho hivites the early sttontion of the public gonerally. He has greatly enlarged his stock le MI Ito various breaches, and rad noWaooom. mode.* Clio public' with . . .• - • Reliable Goods, haler& or, small quantities at tho lostest A. look into, his store will convince them that ho lIRA enough Goode to fully supply tho demand in this mar , hot,. Persons wanting.Goeds In our lino will dad It to their adrantigo to pivo us a call before making their purchases; All orders personally and punctually 'at. tended to, aud-po misrepresentations made to effect, sales:- - LEWIS F. LYNB, Carlisle, hlay.:10,110,1,, North Ilanoypr St:l . ' CIIOICII SUGARS 4kTOBA 100 $ Jn , , .121'slidL8T0`.itr.f FIRE INSITRANCE. 'THE Allen hind Eastf)ennsboro' NA IL tual Fire Inauradclb Company orbuinbeeland County. incorporated by an act' of Aver - 111,1 y, in the year 1143, and baying recently had its charter extend: , ed to the year 1883, is now in active vigorous op eration, undertha suoorintendeneo of the following board of Managers, viz: William It. (forges. Cbristinn Stayman, Jacob Ebor'y D. Bally, Alex. Cathcart, J. 11. Coover, John Eicheiber. ger, Joseph 11 lokerElin m. Sand. Eberly, Moses Bricker, Rudolph Martin, Jacob Craver, C. Dunlap. The rates of Ineurance are *a low,, Ad" favorable as nny Company of the hind In t,heStti e. l , m i Persons wish ing to become members e nvited to make appllea. thin-to Ibo eon La of the Company, who are willing to wait upon them at soy time. WM. It 0010 AS. PFeeldent, Eberlt 'a II tile, I'. 0. CHRISTIAN STAYMAN, Vice Prethient, al,ehnolralmrg, P. 0. JOHN C DUNI, IP, Seery. Itlechafficalaiarg, DANIEL 11.111. Y, Lil Ishurg, York Co. All ENTS. Cumberland county.—John SherrlA, Allen: rienry Zearing,; La requite POTur, Dickina.n: Ilenr) Bowman, Charchtown; South Middlotat.; Samuel Graham. IVcutponna' Samtml Conver. Niceint3 icaburg, ; .1. NY. Cueklin, Shepholsistown D, Coov..r, ITN., Allen .T. U. Saxton, Sliver Sp ru ng; John Ilyer, l'uluninn Ferman, Nuw Cumber land; James NlcCantllfsh, Nowell le. enonty--Nl'. S Picking. Dover; JR cons Griffith, Wartitztt , n : J. F. Deardorff, WashiT)gfon ; Clark,!; D. Rutter, Fairview; John Carroll. Ilauphrn en —Jacob Houser, liarriaburg, Niumbord ul tha G mpnny having policies about to ox pi re, ban ha', then, renewed by making application 1, any rf thu Aganta. July 1, Ibo 4. WHEELER & WILSON'S SE 111°/.1 G a t L ir.VE 8 AT REDUCED pith:7Es With Glass Cloth Presser, Imp - roved Loop— Check, New S'yla Hammer, Binder, Cor es, Braider, etc. At the Railroad Office, Curlisle. Pn Highest Premiums at the isrrm TION I.OShoN. 1802 ruu,, I Mil. I=l =I S,lver Medal at the Petin.qulvaa, a S'tate Fair :rpttaib , r, 18133 A nlerien rt tii Unto. New l'nel.Nleelmniev'Associattnn. Franklin I nsti , ute. Net ropell tan Meli3nleN' In o Le. tlesl,i,Ll,n, :11..try,n1,1 11,011110 It .111.1 (.100' Th.chatlich: A , SutiAttoll. It] , tll.ute, San I- rancluso. Er=l MAINE. VERMoNT. CON ECTIOLT, 1..11' JERSEY, PILN .NSYI, ANIA, VIEU I \ lA. ?11"x1 9515 11 111SSUU RI, INDIANA lOWA. "rENNESSIII, ILL) Nr11?, KENTUCKY 1(111 , 1VI 1,11 , 1111Y1A ~ •IP, l r.tte.l NT:whines are £1 Opted tit ovt.r, vs . rich of : 4 4•Av taem . .:r. t ii,zhte.t ttu, Ituc It. the 1,24%1,1. clothe. 11,y lv. , rlt ,pa,,110 up al :On,lllloo, olen. and ,•1,11,,,, g Om; wo f eardnig, and - tot.ful stit• It ainse on 11. th i les nel pertgrei IPS ttl s N i eaeept lit inia, hatf ,a holes and ..tit line r ,. on Int 10ff. in t, tat. for opera 1111.; he a1..0 lime Is rot Ili 11.1191 y at the .9.109 rnorns. Ili, the \lerhtnt is otql: s tilt, distance. SO I hat parsonal rtietinn f iine.areail.o:. a card 0! direct..ol sent, whiat la a .nil. lent Th.' 1111.1:1 , in I N hich rec. - mien.' the W heeler & t 1 tiotn Al.l.lliime 1. Itenute and exc . :3e., of stiteli, :Who on both si les of the f.t ., 110 e•oww.l. tin..00,,a and durnl.ility of seam, that will .t rip nor raidand lu.,de Niih— :i flennoniv . I tar I•a•I I. Ito att,,hok.ots and NvLir of applkatlon to nrpnseq an I 111:11e,i,,I. a tt.) 10.,111, , r.r model and,h. 0 Sitar f • lt 0 and tooroit_.llllv, ./1 Ct.IIFI rut•t!on. 7. t7l openttiou and 111.10/I,:elliinit, and quietness of I.n..lYeuleo :.11 1:11L'1,1 ' . OF rltiol:g. No. 3 )lachlao, with Plain Tat a, $4 , (0 ;Lilt PAnnellnd. 11 00 Half aim Polis,ed, Black or 1111.13, , gany i uo W 1.2 Pi :in tr. e, rd. IVal nut or Nlnturat, Ga ou NO. I MACIIIIIO, plated, vepl Ihit a 0. 1'.,11,11e.1, 1111.. k I In't , 2:‘,". I ',iv rd. 10.1.1 c, \ Cain Lo. or \IALIAny 11,1: C. 1 1 ,1., Pl,llOl , i:t POW !MIA . ‘ l,llllllt, or oil No. 4 )1m01 1 1.... , , Largo with! GEESE \l. thine., Cylinder, Phi„ T..11n, EMBEEZEM Every V3,llllte iv soi I 11 , ,,n1 No, 1 .1,1'2 Nfach:ne,liti 1 , 11111,1.1 v, it 1e Ulnas Cloth st,,v St tlo 11,111ser 2111 ii 131.11.1 11 ht,.let. A:. i.suik's A v,..11,y Railroai and l'elegraijOilice, C.\ I:l,ltif,E, 111=9 STEINWAY PRP& First Prize Medal at tho Nifici's Fair, Loudon, 18;324 . . . . ' • :::ii : .:..::i! .. .! , ::;1: ....1 !::,:-,%,,, .., - .,;:•;'f:. 7 1 ' 4 ' 4 'l/ -.l.::<' • :',... F it ~,,,,. ~.,; , , . . i- ' , .---,„_..---4,...- , -- , s•-•:i. .. . .. „..,........ rpitE undersi g ned lia4ist i ee6ived, A and intetols to here ronstantna ha it it full as 4.•rtuntot Of I ho unequalln.l Vittatinnutarturt it by :blow y .'. S..u, of New York. ! Each in , truntent tin Ii bin Carat Selected In the Nl.toutlieb.ry. and will be sold at 111 Now York Cash Ira;fry Prices, with the .4d4lition of Freight tole. A - writton gnara , ten of ontqitlnfietion will be given by the •111...riber In °selltn , or• Perm. til,i11.1)11.. per-tease lilted to call and yxz iron these unrivalled Plantr ft. E. Shapley's JO:lry Store, Main Strout, 3d door east 01 tliirtosion House, new tr e Railroad pt SECOND HAND PIANOS rift in exchange and Itep for sale and to rent. ,).N K. STAYMAN. Carlisle. May. 22. 1863—1 V r A. B. EVOG'S FURNITURE V.RE-Ao.ol\ y Oft . ." • West High Sti Carlisle, Pa. (Premium awarcOat the Cumberland County Agricola Fair of 1257,) The s.ul:wcriber has Jiceive d the most splendid arsoot-mcnt.of articles '. ' 111 3 n tai e ' LI sell l ar prices gii. lD that iB . . place—which ho is detP del.) , competition. il Parlor. Binitag-ro4 FILIANITURE. MCOII4OIII a Ofiloci' . . Embracing s.rel 9' , 4, el so e (.1 4 . 4 t ra d tre i r u h r I n e lc iii ee it p ri er ,, s i , w o h r . I e 4 d bY II e u ! ne t u 44b r o °l e i d n di s el it i l f e e nl . th l e ne u l reception Mill Ca .c, airs, ' 3lattritssei r Gilt" frames. ..lon giv CEO—Particular en as usual to funeralA: pictures, See.. Ao. , countri, attended to promptly' orders from Wm . and on moiora? ''' 0 ' `A.B. E. ' July I,lBf 4; , p A r N ,i; ND _ IL IQ hltdlead. 10Ln Gallons 01'011. Just received w iert;94 l .leortn:!ent•q , fire,Pronf PainN. Turpez Varnishes' , Florence 'White; Jap Mate (hy,or , t4". • rgo, Catered Zdno, lied Load. • f Alin& Bulled 011, Lard Oil, - i. Shellac Sperm OH, ••• ?re Brushes, pax &e., , tho a y_ rscrlption dry, and Oil In VMSBrushes, and rolyi'ato Itityreof,...• t 18 , 14. : r : • ...'. 13 -P4`7,11" 843T02;7. • . : !" UAL' 1 3 4. 1 4 1 N.a - 1, .." Jou' , rtwefiroil Jergi aesothrientoraJlihea., , Bolting;flum Gum PAcklagy and for cheap at the JA,rdWate Eltoro of A . ' " ,!!!r!VAr'.oil 4 l:l; . • . aii '26, 1.8014 Forwarding and Commission House. FILOU4I AND FEED, COAL, PLASTER AND SALT THE . subscriger having purchased the Care fixturea, Ae., belonging to th• firm of lien. don son & Reed. - respectfully, informs the public that ha will continue the buslotesa - at the old Warehouse, on the corner of West High and College Streets, opposite, the College. lie In fully prepared to de a general Kir warding and Coromisaion bust urea. The highest market p ice wfil be paid for FLOUR, ORAIN and PRODUCE of all kinds PLAS'I'EIt and SALT kept constantly on hand. Coil of nil kind., embracing LYNIEN'S TALLNY, LUl{ii NIUULF,It, EUNLIURY WIETE ASH, LOCUST U op, LTMERURNER'S and BLACILSMI CH'S Coal. constantly kept for sale, under cover, and dells• ercd to any part of the town. A liberal share of public patronage is respectfully solicited. .1 ACOlt SEN ER, Successor to Henderson & Reed. Carlisle, May 20, 15134. (lons. AND LUMBER YARD.— .l'he subscribers bare this day entered Into partnership to trade In COAL AND LUMBER, we will have annstantl) on hand and furnish to o dor all kindc and quAlty of seasoned LUMBER, OEM FRAME STUFF, Paling, P l astering Lath, Shingling, Lath. Worked FL oring and weatileobnardlng, Pests and Nails, and every article that helon gs to a Lumber Yard. A it kinds of Shingles, to wit :Repine. Hemlock and Unk, of different qualities. flaring cars of our own we can furnish hills to order of any leng . lh and Mr, at the shot - tett entire and en the most reasonable terms. Our worked knords will i n kept under cover no thee ell, be furnished dry al all linen Wit hove constantly on hand nil kinds of Family Coal turd, cover, which ire will deliver clean to any part of the borough. To e•lt: S-- - p.,, Llt•st quality of Leniehurner's and Blacksmith's Cwoi, always en hand which we will sell at the lowest figure Yard a rid eide of Grammar Main Oret.t .11:MS11{0M/ S 11O1FEIL. July 1, Notice of Co-Partneyship, rpJJE public are hereby informed that the utolorsi,ned have this day entered into a Co under the name of Delaney .4 Blair. for the mirpmoi of On tile Coal and Lumber lit,i ness.iit the old wand i.f Oliver Delaney. near the ID, Karla; where all ordera in their line of bnYitiras one rosp,tiully soliated, and will be prmilp ly . Ort t )11,4 ond mill ho ree. , :re.l 11411tert Flotoiou'N [1 tr , ery I:ohezt, ‘l4Joru's Shoo Store and A 11. Itl.kll . 2•Ctirr3lng Hior rtr Coal or Lumber g l, llelted thruttutt h. ito , t , ntico. arrangements baying been made with lii. P...S.U.lStrir b. ellarZt• the postage en game to US All Orders punctually JEwELR).-, AND v Pilr , •r n t Conlyn'g aid o,tablishod stand, n St., nval ly opposite Ow CnnAbel land Valley h jout re..eir,d a new assortment of wat.rheq, jew , d , v, ulailluns, riler.r ware A.r., 1n addition to htork ro whlrlt I Invite Ibn attenihm of Line pahihr he . gam tolent enOnares brie grid and 'ever waieh., II Lfhtitn.; mud Open ease do., void dribfor Lldieh and ft, nthunen and Silver I.eplties nu,/f, Qthmier Nrat , hes of every vn.iety In_st3l43 and psi e Minla rirraaopina f„r G entle anal of , TOIr quail( pattern and price. Gold 101., vo.d. • ihrd and need chaioB Mo l d I.racoleis, linger sho i vedoitiona. crna.s. charms. kc. Gold and silver tlitrnidcs any., nod piaiad I•oitac colt 3tltilllll4talliN, an.n of eriTy variety. .1 larizo II•1011 . 1111e1111 of gold, silver rotnoi..n r.pooloo!og. to RIM all v , loch vro lorlto opocia/ ot toot lon. A fine 1,4, of (101.1) PEN:' from the 1.,! roakora. epee ti,le , a , eit, f l irt,' ho‘es, sili• r awl i.e l rl