• cry was good on the whole, though we think his enunciation might be improved. , Fact and Fiction, by A. M. Rhonda, Car lisle, Pa. Mr. Rhoads' effort was creditable to himself and was well received by the au dience. Ho evidently had not the most implicit confidence in all the statements of historians but' regarded their productions as having a greater tendency to create Wrong impressions of the men and events about which they write than to give an impartial account of what they pretend to narrate. His appearance on the stage was easy and natural. Liberty the Offspring of Despotism, by S. Hoover, WashingtonD. C., Sofar as we could judge from, an imperfect hearing of this gentleman's speech, we think it a rather well written and logical production. His de livery might have been improved and his lininuer while on the stage detracted some what from the merits of his performance. Progress of Freedom, by J. F. Clymer. Phila. Mr. Clymer's delivery was t.Nl,2Ced ingly good, and his manner easy an ti grace- He has more of the art of the orator, we think, than any of his competi ters. lie gave a clear and connected statement of the progress of Freedom and Slat ery, and showed the necessary and inevitable conflict that exists between them. Ho gave utterance to somc great truths and noble sentiments, in beautiful and appropriate language. His speech was well received by the audience, and reflected great credit on the orator. National Stability, by S. P. Strickler, Herndon, Pa. This was a well written ad dress and disclosed considerable power of thought and argument in the orator. With a more energetic and forcible delivery this speech would have ranked quite high ainung6t those of ate contestants. It was well re ceived. Earth's Battle Fields, by James M. Wil liams, Salisbury', Md. This speech was about equal to the average performance of the contestants, but there WILS nothing spc ,Mally striking either in, its composition or delivery. The 11W ty.Ceietter, John Cornlntin. Car' ise, Pa. Thi, young gentleman handled hi, rather hackneyed theme with considera ble illustrations of the differ ent paths to honor and ftune, were excellent and hs views ot• the dutica of men and na- tions were very correct. His apps ttranee on the stage was quite good. America's Mighty Dead, by J. Lan. Mines, New Oxford, Pa. Thiq subject af forded the orator great scope for eulogy and lie availed himself of the opportunity to pay eloquent - tributes to our illustrious dead.— Ilis speech was creditable to himself and WILS. fully appreciated by the audience. The Contest excittEl—an interest quite equal to those of former years, and the 11,ill Was densely crowded. 'Bouquets were in their usual abundance, and the fair donors nistributel them with impartiality and dis crimination. The young orators we know, fully appreciated the floral honors they had evidently striven to obtain. The Addresses of Rev. J. Walker Jack son, and Rev. W. A. Snively, and the Poem by A. 11. Slape, Esq., were masterly pro ductions, and reflected great credit on their authors- The crowds. which -were present at their delivery, gave abundant testinomy of the pleasure with which they were re ceived. Want of space and time prevents us giving them the notice they deserve. Wednesday morning at lit o'clock, the first Commencement of Emory Female Col lege was held in Miceli - Cs Ball. The grad uating class was four in number and the programme as follows: Ea,lit Spirit loth a with SalutcA tory, Misc JANE ELIZABETH PARKINSON, Carlisle. The garp ni my Country, Miss 1i .w PXTTON Montt% Carlisle. Linger Among Mc Sunbeams, Miss Lucaz- Tu. MARIA PITCHER, Fairmount, West Va. Degrees Gmferrecd—The Hidden Path Life, with Valedietory, Miss ANNIE Row K REESS. Baltimore, Md. would congratulate the President,' Teachers, Students, amlienee and all in any way concerned in the institution, on the •r -feet and entire success of its first comlll''ll,o - The theses of the young ladies evi denced the great care with which they lutce been trained. In the delivery of their ad dresses the young Wits; exhibited an entire freedom from that hurry and. agitat ion which is so painfully exhibited on most occasion , of this kind. Where all did so well it would seem invidious to particularize ; but without the slightest intention to discriminate un favpriti4 against any of the : . ,•oung we cannot refrain from expressing the delight' with which we listened to the reading of the Valedictory Addresses, by Miss Annie Reese. Her clear, unfaltering enunciation, and graceful carriage on the stage, did infinite credit to herself and her Alma Mater as well. Our citizens feel themselves under renewed obligations to Prof. Chambers, for the ex cellent institution he has established in Car lisle, and offer hint their hearty congratula tions on the crowning success of his unwear ied etrp4s. The Commencement Exercises - were held on Thursday morning. The gradu ating class consisted of thirteen young gentlemen whose speeches we will brief ly notice. The Salutatory Address, was delivered in Latin by Mr. Sebastian Brown. Be yond the mere delivery of the address which was creditable, there is little need - of-e,oniment, as the address itself was mere ly the foiintitealutatory that is heard at ,eyery emmneneement. V.rcedem vs. Tyranny, t'hy Wip. A. Hanlilten, Baltimore, Md. This gentle man Attributed the rise and prosperity of the nations Of the earth tp the innate love of liberty - and hatred of tyranny .-which-actuated:theiefonMers...mid lead: ers, and trace their fall and disgrace to the triumplaof. tyranny over , freedom,- - - He' predicted - the ultimate and universal triumph of liberty. His spe ec h was we ll delivered and received the marked atten tion of thepoll,enCe. Thirst for Glory, by H. Q. Keyworth, Washington, B. Cl. IVlr.l.ceyworth tained that thirst for glory was - an ele. nient ip the nature of all men. The great achievements of men in every sphere of life he attributed tp this opntrolling mo tive. We ware pleased -to observe a very decided improvement in Mr. Keyworth's delivery,, since we last . say..bim on the stage, . . nterpria . c, W. ;S. Smith, Ennisville, This gentleman consid ered the proteetion of incinstry: the true policy of a nation, and mina that the importance or the events transpiring in the era of the world demanded increased exertions from tho,s'o engaged in Indus: trial pursuits. He tribilte to the nobility ; of labor and predicted its reward in the ultimate recognition of greatne'ss. His delivery was compara,t,ively good. Latent Power, by, James S. Elliott, Odessa; Dcl. Mr. Elliott's speech proved that all the grand achievements in the history of Mantind were the result of the latent power of truth and jtistice, devel oped by the superior energy and sagaci ty of great men. It was apparently well written and would have been much im proved by a tuore earnest and forcible delivery. Energy begets Destiny, A. T. Can field, Pittsburg Pa. This gentleman's speech elaborated the idea that a scrutiny of the e vents of history prJved that en ergy had produced and controlled the des tiny of both nations and in Lin. lie showed that the future prosperity or de cline of every nation depend on its pos session or w.int of energy and predicted the birth of a glorious destiny for our Cow-- try, from the patriotic energy of Jier sons. Mr. Cant eld's enunciation is hardly distinct enough for a public speaker but apart from this, his performance was very creditable. The Future of America, JOB. 13 Zeig ler, Oarlisl Looking beyond the con filets which threaten the destruction of the Nation the orator described the glo rious futureof our Country. lie enumer ated the !many excellencies a our political system and claimed that they must lead us to greatness. Mr. Zeigler bas a strung voice and good delivery but unfortunately has a constrained and aprarently studied manner while on the stage. Principle, the true Guido of Action; Wm. D. Lithenhaeh, Bethlehem, Pa.— Mr. Lukenbach, treateu his subject in a masterly wanner, showing the inevita ble failure of those whose actions were governed by no fixed principles and the absolute certainty of success wherever action was fctunded on truth and honor His delivery was good arid the audience duly appreciated his effort. The Democratic Form of Government, M. A. Points, Bedford, Pa. This ipecch contained the usual enumeration of the excellencies of Our political system, and was spoken iu an earnest and forcible manner. It ted quite considerable ap- pl a use. Philahtliropy and 11 ar, Niles A. Shear Cr, I)illsLurg, Pa. Yir. Shearer paid a glowing tribute to the noble won and women whose efforts have done so much to alleviate the suffer ing roduced by Ow bloody conflict in which we are engaged. Devotim to philanthropic enterprise he justly eard. cd as in the scale of true nubility, o the patriotism wa.ich sawilices life fir . „the preservation of The Country. The Unseen' Goal, John Hoot, Mt. Airy, Md. This was a well written ad. re,s and was delivered in a calm antdig uificd h was well receivet hy the audience. .7. C. The darter's Oration, was deliverul lirAd a• by Levi 31. Ilaverstick, and was a very 1" excellent production. We regret that our space will not permit us to give it Cli:,:,: """u the extended notice it deerves. it was an address which did credit to its author and afforded great . - t.atisflietion to his many friend-3. The Valedictory Address, Austin therhower, York, I'a. Valedictory Ad_ dresses usually e.msist of stereotyped ex pressions of thrilks to the V.icully, and adieus to the class, andienee. town, and college. ,Mr. Bicrhower, however sue ceedml in making this parting perMrni r.nee, a speech repleXe with thought and abounding in original esprcssion. flr Bierhower is a gentleman or fine talents, and his speech was one that reflected credit on himself and his Alum Mater. ANNUAL EXIIII3ITION uN 'I'IIE HIGH Scipams.--'ile annual txhibition of the Male and Fontale nigh tielloQls of Carlisle, touk place in Itheein's Hall, on the evening of Friday, the :21th Through the cour tesy of the hoard of Directors we were pro vided with a comfortable seat on the stage, from which we had excellent opportunity of witnessing the interesting performances. The programme was as follows : Salutatory (original), HENRY W. SWIGERT. Passing Away, }LITE E. WILLIAms. The Union of Slates, J Esst: P. ZEIGLER. Our awntry, ELLEN 11. 11 A RMS. Washington, SAmtIEL A. DUNCX:;. Memories, KATE M. Bi:NTz. The Dead, ALFRED ADDAMS. Procrastination, EMILY M. FopT. Our ,Coantry, jirst, last, and always, 11. W. SWIGERT. 00 Stream of life, .L.ENNEY C. ZOLLING- Elt. Where bast thou gleaned to-day, K 4.Tn M. EBY. . . ./.)i , Vos,:t.c, PETER W. Monaca, JESSE P. ZEIGLER. ALFRED ADDAMS, SAMUEL A. DUNCAN, ED.MUND U. I,OOIIS, 11. W. SIFI GEItT. Our Couniry (original), JESSE P. ZEIG LER. • _ At this point in the exercises the diplomas to the graduating classes were conferred by James Hamilton, Esq., whose address to the recipients, while containing much wisesoun- Bel and advice bad running through it a vein of happy humor which delighted the audi- once. Then followed the valedictory addresses by Eveiine W. Brechbill of the Female School, and Samuel A. Duncan, of the Male High School. The compositions .of the-young _ladies were all Ot•iginal—those of the young gentlemen only so where so marked. • The performances of the evening were highly creditable, and reflected much cred it upon the teachers and directors. The exercises wore interspersed with good music by the Handel Association, assisted by the schools. iltg6.A.t the urgent request of the sub scribers we insert the following advertise ment. Just how many ,surly bachelors with great expeOltions, will grasp the pen hyme7 nial—their flickering 1101)95 revived and marital fervor enhanced, or course we dtginot reckon; but • that; there are many verdant greens, who will do the dun colored hiylet responsive we havii% the .slightest doubt, Our only stipulation isthat if ftgreat "catch" is secured through our • instrumentality, we come in for a generous share' of the . spoils'. Hero is tho"modest Two young Indica of propoSsessing woes:tool' to form Dm, acquaintance of two young. gentleman, with 'view to. matrimony,. millm.youog Indica aro quite well,off, money Is no ollioct, All communications strictly; nrltato, L'hotograpits ,osobangatl. Address: RATE MORELAND, ELLA TILORNTO.I7, . • 'Carlisle P.. 9. BOROUGH .EXIO'IIIOZT The popperheads Baciji Pefeatea. The contest in the West Ward on Friday last, for the election of a councilman to till the vacancy in the Town Council occasioned by the death of Samuel W. Haverstielt,, re sulted in on& of the most brilliant victories, achieved in our Borough for many years.— Everything that stratagem, party drill, and demagogueism could consummate, brought into repuisition, by the 'peace men." but it was no go—the hardy eons of freedom turned out in overwhelming force and bore down all opposition. The rout of the "Blue Lights" is thorough and, com plete—Col. Parker's majority is SEVEN TY-I'lV E, on a clean puli of 313 votes, over Senseman. This is glory enough for one fey. The following is the vote polled: Tours Cou n cil, John 13. Piu•ker, 191. Amam Senseman, 119. Col. Parker's majority, 75 CARLISLE WHITE SULPIIER SPINuS. —This delightful watering plac,„ situated four and a half miles north of this place, is now Open visitors, and ;ye are pleased to learn that a large number of strangers have already taken board for the season, and many more are daily expected. These springs are located in a beautiful spot near the foot of the mountain, and are celebrated for their medicinal qualities. The buildings having undergone a thorough renovation and large additions made thereto, now afford ample room for all whom may feel disposed to pat ronize Mr. Woods, the gentlemanly proprie tor. We are convinced that none who may visit “the Springs" will come away dissat isfied. PUBLICSPEAKERS, MILITARY OFFICERS, and SINO E rts can INC “73roten . a Bronchial Troches," or Cough and Voice Lozenges, as freely as requisite,—containing nothing that can injure the system. They are' invaluable for allaying hoarseness and irritation inci dent to vocal exertion, clearing and stringt 11- ening the voice. Sold at EN. I.IorCH Fyr t u Methodist Sanday School Conven-' tion for Carlisle District THIRD ANNUAL SI!:-4S10N. Sur.dav f(,” E;t,t K. cointii..lice.l it; Third Annual ti , . )3 burg, l'urry Co., l'tt., o u. ..,in Juno 7, 151;1. lies-:j. MoM URRA Y, til" Pre,ldt . la in the chair. Rev. N. 1/y,i/n read in the llidy :Aeript tiro; I Jiihn, .1, after Which the coiniaezeing, •".1111 wre 1 bond of perfectneB:, ebarlty--" was sung. Ilts then tultlressed a throne of Grace, forventlyinipluring Divine guidance in the deliberations of the Convention. and the Divine blessing upon the country, the church, and especially the t-:;abbath School,. Each of the live ses,iuns were opened with sintihur exaroises by various in: tubers and delegates, and appropriately closed. The following lumber , and delegates were present : , >t Km DIILEO.CI ES. F. 1). llilltn3l J. Mo ,reheal, /1. It Mo.+, r. .1. iialsley. •• ‘• 1). J. Cartfully, Me. ha n 1 1 .411 1 .4 , W. M. Ft ys . .ager, Mt. Ilelly B,aillgh. J: A. tw.t.e. 41 Di frp . s. Shlppen,bur4, ; 'r.11.0,11,,,t, J. M. ShiVits, elmn.berbberg, F. llys•m, E. F. riteber, , ph Leib. Ibinnoor. %% Itueldii.o47, r,,,,k ch Y z k Ilerr, t NYlktlits‘illo : sh, , ,,,mliry t t. 'pdtenrburg. Stet,4, 12: Elilm. 11221olanclirr t Pr unvll, . 142222., N. Wait, IX 11DD', D. X. I U. J. \I iS•.if J 55 .0. W. II .1 Aril, G v.. I oio, Wa, ro.elf , ..ted:iocretary J. IL (.1..)(A1i attcl Fry , irigor w •1. '111” reular issued last year to pastors. soperinielcnti and tetwhers, wars tlien read and tho , liow,ng Wvrf , appointed a commit tee on Terintenden:,' Report. to tioan a n.:weri Oven by sele•As to the ,pletins propetin I sl in said circ,ilar : NV. kgat , eit, V. E% \V. Llnciting.le. Preachers were re,pi --ted lo report ttn SChOul , il•rt .11! , •41 I , y their supintenderitt. The foilow,ng i, nil ab , ;taet ' the Committe e 's report sitl,e ly I sewed : I. lA' le thirty-nine sele, ,, ls reporting. that at (tiober,hurg is the old =t. dating , its ~ ril;ari.ti,m ,ixty-iktur I)istrict it is al-o nuntberin'.7, -, scholar -is) IVa of competent teachers and ink , - : rest, on tl - Ktrt of parents and inetraters are 1 , 1 ,, red fitindranees, and unpunctitality of u•achor4) particular, as invariably pre ; clueing a II sad result among seholars. It. Onlyven bold Teachers' Meetings. 1. Tembort part of their teachers un converted. 5. Froanc-twentieth of the. children in some cokunities to four-tifths of them in others. represented as not being in Sunday Sells. G. In Inc schools absentees are not vis ited. 7. Schot in tbirty-eight, schools com mit seri ptuityr catechism. 8. In eifen some are thought serious. 0 - Gno braries, promotions to Bible classes, and teaching, and other laudable inducements) used by most schools to re tain the oldeihoiars. The reporlms arcepted, amended and adopted, -Ala', committee discharged with the thanks 4,f,e convention. The follow.tWati adopted: WnEREAS6o3 superintendent; of many of the Sundnichools within the District have f Oiled to W .. ard the blanks as reques ted. therefore" Resolved, TI the pastors of the several charges be urgl y requested to give their personal atterrti to this matter and collect the circulars ki to their schools, and see that , tiey are sta;rded to the convention in time for its cll'n. T. larnitart,'C'• Conference Committee on Sunday Sehoh lr Carlisle District; and J. H. C. D° Bll eii•Cresented a list 'of ques tions for discussio y hi c h Were referred to a Business Coming, consisting o f F . Dy son, T, , Barnhaitd H. R. ltlosser, who reported a'seiect i6 P which the following weredagpussed at 4vels in-other - business, and sffili-tiatich-into and profit : 1. - 'What is tlie''l method of conduct ing, Sunday Schee*, '-'. Willit is B ii•e•aM teaching and what is the secret of titicel cure funds for Sun day School purposol,', .1. Have any 1 4 1 11nents or reforms Inn ma d e in e'lr'r e love schools since our last convention?' it -L'Wlaat are they l' 1 Pending the dis ' cilssk 'r the first ques tion,S. D.-Hillman, -VV. Fryiiinger and J. H. C. Dush wore apl d, a committee I and the President was a , ttfroto, to re port at length at mud arm. e,iiiiou on r said I question. •t, • ''' The discussion ../ the thi tt action dlicit- I 'ed the following : Resolved, Tl:at thejudgm ' gi. • , ~ .1. o 8 ry tion of this Convention is, v, " ,, ,ineetions taken by the classes weekly an . 4po : rted at is the mostthe s lo u s e c e l e o s f sf t u h l e pl s a e n ho t o o l se e c a u ch ri, f\ .v.,.0 - • F. •Dxsot, :day Sehool and Missionaty purni„ . 1' Sun a a (DA .1. .1 emcnt'lu• ccordinG• to usual'arrang ,_, q w,a .. SolfoOl' vious' 'Lippe:nth:mat, the . -- Annum. ~_, •cvening, pyitev. J..H. V, Dash Sermon was preaehed, on ,T i ,a, • i , ercisca ' c o mmenced With singing, _,.,, 1007, ' , '• • -,,' . - ' " '' l t , , He announced Joel 1.1.08: " Gather noustittaf yelif youAg:,souls to wtn—" f'v children," as his text or motto. He said the objects of the Sunday School were to'pluck the children from evil associations ; af ford them religious instruction ; to secure to them the blessings' of religion, and to train' them in christianity. He showed the possi bility of bringing chililieri at an early age, to a saving knowledge of Christ,' adducing many proofs from the Bible and subsequent history, and giving the views of both Cal vinistic and Armenian atthers. He strong ly urged the duty of the church in the ac complishment of this desirable object, to furnish good apartments, competent officers and teachers, and wholesome literature ; to labor faithfully and pray fervently. • The discourse was neat, forcible and practical.— But as the Convention has prepared a copy for publication in tract Wrlll, I forbear further comment. Rev. J. Moorhead concluded with the use of Ilynpi 1013, and with prayer. Aller the transaction of some business the Convention adjourned inure impressed, I sun sure, With their duties to the Sunday Sedum]. The Convention resumed business at ti o'clock A. M., on Wednesday, at 10 were joyously reminded by a grand sortie mude by the Sunday 13cheel army of Petersburg and vicinity, that the order of the day must be taken up, which according to announce ment., was the children s meeting. 'lnc bat of the Convention iris courteously yielded, the schools illicit the central Mock, and the remainder of the choreti was taken by the members, delegates and other friends of the cause. 'll. ) tte exercises were opened with a Vo tau sung by teachers and children ; read ing the Duly Scriptures, John 1. 1-14, to concert, led ny U, McCoy, Superintendent ) in the Petersburg school; and prayer by Bee. G. W. Buuse. The schools, led by C. llokelander and J. Sites, then sang A Brighter Day, - with animation. 'the meet- , ing was addressed by S. IL C. Smith. Then I foiiowed alternately, singing on the part, Of the schools and SpV,V,CII,,, trotu S. D. 11111. ff - man, IV. M. Fry inger and J. W. Buck- I, ingnam. The audience was large and at tentive. The speaker; were particularly ) happy in their tglorts to interest and proit the -little ones - ; and, judging limn the r glistening eyes and bright countenanct, tney were not a little- delighted with Mar meeting. They will long remember thia teresting and joyou, occasion. Proceed:Lig to fix the seat of the next Col- ) vention, dl nil ii and Chambersburg wwo nominated and the former was chosen by a : vote of 11 to 1::. The ele c tion of Station, at Alittlintown, Juniata Co., Pa., was then made unanimous. The first Toes- d a y i n June, 15{:,.1, NVII6 fixed to, the time, d.. 11. C. DO,ll, S. 11. Hillman and U. d wire Ilirp,lnted it oiattnittue to issue b.dore, a eircultir to the pasture, superin tendents and teachers, containing the •• or der of pruceedlieg , , tix : The .faunal Sun day tielloul :Sermon en. the first night of the Convention, and dm Children,' Meetim,; at P. M., mi the i).econd day ; by request cuch preacher i' charged to inform the ihts-, tor oi Ilttiltu Station, two week> previously, ))1) tin; MOH h , T and I.lllll , _'S of delegates likely to attend the la•xi 12.,n volition ; again sub- 1 inkling the following resolutions: That we earnestly recom mend the Pastors or Superintendents of our Sunday School,, at the weekly teachers' meetings, to ask each teacher the questittn; " Did you speak to each child in your chins la,t Sabbath, on the subject of his soul's sal vation .2. R,,,!,-,,/, That WO recommend in all our school. , , the Orgilllt Zattt tit of closes for the study of the thble ; and epitomizing FtA,tir• LT VINOST,,N, other action " touching the nupruvenient 01 , N Drill Ilanover Street Clothing Emporium, Sunday Schools." 1 July 1,11 i i-t 'lhe Coniniittee ollered nineteen pestimis ( — . 'kt ENV GOO DS to stiperintend•uits for insertion therein, t• \•• ~ - 4 , ~Nery detteripti,tn rind goad': td ti,•,,,,t••i. whic , l were adopte:l. • ; Qa t , •mtivm• thiohr.irs, ,tlr pite,ts 5.., A ,, F.i •, ~ 1 i• 1 0,1 colketioli was taken, amounting to i'l ,, , : 1 •• siass. •.s. Pi toot.,,yro h Fr . tilts wl t nn 1 1 1., itt A. FS:.), lit 1, to defray the expenses of publishing. It'sns, oysts,d, :apices, Wool and W II ,%. 1,11, 11 , 1 The Secretary read a comparison of Sun- i in(l ' i ( '''' l , -I l,'"(''',t' b y day to "o '-'" " "' ~, ,o s. KATI...Jr C4.9..1 ...y day St:hool Sattt , ..l ic, of Carlisle District for , lbuJ with those of 1 h.', 1. 1 J u'y J, ISO:. TllO President read fyont the report of the ' • General o:inference S. S. Committee, an ex- 1 -:, PIIOTOGIAPIIIC. tract retain/men - ding the continuance of Sub bath }jam '' Schools during winter, and other kin- 1 -.1- t ( deed action, from the same was read. Also ? ' t:symetts), would Inform tito Public that she has '''.' .utt.t...l the raver ng the enrolimmit c. 4. o.4.lniron litt. f II ( ) Ni CR . : • p i rif t , : e r v . A . y -_ , 7", r ,,,,- I t. i ,L,,,,/i.. chid classes. °clueing the following : , Res:dyed, That each :preacher in charge l't , I S 4 Ow, ed by Mr (*bath, t. yahoo, ln inn .tf's be requested to report to our noxt Con vun- ' : ',, l ' i t ',,':i„ S : i . ';; l l ; l ' „',: ii r' ' ,'.,.'',.';,'' t r ,,‘ L ' l , - ; ‘ ,;;;:i " S' '''' ' ''' " b " .. ti.ill Its , Illtltlltor and, ,LlCcenti •A' the " Cllll- • i \ 110 D./GRAPHS with 'tit'uti', Ono:n.1 'in In, ultarg . o, as recommen d- , AMOI.II)TI'PER, ed by tile late U.:t:t al ettlifercnce. i Flt:l{ RUT Vl' 1 - 1 A gut! A. If_ C. Dmitr, 1 p ki;CEItrOTYPI•ig F. Dv , uN. Wednesday tii:4llt cattle. IVO fedi surd We Cello tit,. ; . • , 111••val ...ontilLollt tidien We con-' ',IAN, (tie ,• • ,,531,-.,-•0 prlnvlpal A:tott ;intim: . tll:•;.tvt l'ottS WO Wore mild at tho 111•ttlgilt that the )east •, s ill tis swims. tto it,, , a, i• s woo tailauct3 at their , ; ),d,,,,,,,,,,5: while. an ithun..ino, of light, closing hour Woo n.• SWII . IIV drawing nigh. I' I,E A S A NT R 0 0 .11S, Tits. ~;ht 6-fore, w , . had 1,• , •11 interested and ' trmihal. 111 the mormng we had littig, - 11,:d ggtl It . g , iggiitl' g tooted . 1 h 11 " r "" former "gr." tot stig ,.. c E ..ts ,, t i rl i pirtorg t,6 I og,1• a 1 t of a t..tre to /111 .I WO had wept Jett„ceilit•r. The aftelnioon s rl i .'''''' ' ,t t•:itit , • 2111.1 it is' •Ille'l a littl ,, Petite 003 t • 'Thin'Thin, n o :0 4 :::.y 1 :111 1 1. r o L1 t: t ' vho 1;:i t t 1 .• 1- 3 ' n t s/t h'. 1 1 1;:t "n ytnt 'fl' i . •r::.l ' ti " tt e :l i r t Wt tin-'„lay t eveLiii•_:—Mis hem set alert for , w.ti num, By .stoolow. or lea. no, their onto,, too. , , s „,„ 1 „„ .. , ,, , , ,h ,„ 1 ..) , x1,,.r . h. „ , „ , meeting._ by ices.: s-slO.. solit I, flO , i,i l Pd 11 /' /1 I,lllll l ts St !motive'. t.tt. on r, 1 ,1 lov. at I eam•e.l pt ices. Bro s , Dyson, McMurray, Llanhart, Stbith Pir'lo ry I.rken in all kinds of uteatio-r. Brads 111,11 Ilithile, spoke with touching ( ehapienc••, inspired Ity love for the cause.— Tu t ~., ~.,,,j,m4, ill lite t, Wore all profitable.— Our hearts certainly felt it good to be there —and w" could intro wi-bed our 1,050 offi cers awl teachers, and our 4,830 spholurs of Carlide District. wtth us, for God was with 1 ) 1 y Car 11,114.1 Ct.,. n . I , t N. ~_. .A.l =I MBE M ( t The Secretary wa4 requ , sted to have the proceeding , . published in several of the pa p-ri in thi District, and wee honored with the thank, of hi, brethren tendered viith ridn cute Thank, ware tendered in like manner to the citizens of Peter,hurg and vicinity for their hospitality, and 1 . 4 r their attention to the exercises of the Con von Lion. The minutes of the evening were read up, 'after which Rev. J. G. Moore led in prayer. The Doxology was then sung, the Bene diction pronounced by the President, and the Third Annual Session of the Carlisle District Sunday School Convention was closed. VENETIAN LINIMENT. tyres Chelera, when first taken, in a few hours; Dysentery in boll an hour; Toothache ht live'minntes. It IN perfectly Innocent to take inter• nally, and Io resit:mint:Tided by iho most eminent phy sicians in the UM Ssates. Price 25 and fal Cents. Tonawanda, Ps., Aug 6, 1839. Dr. S. L Tobias, Yew York: Dear Sir—l ham) uwi your Venlilan Liniment with groat success, both as an internal no eiblenii an external medicine. In CM. of Bilious Colic and cholera Mochus I regard it as a cove• reign remedy. You'r"Venitiati Horse Liniment stands unrivalled as n'hOYfie Medicine amongst farriers and boatnieu on this canal. \' 51. J. H. C. Dosu, T. BAIINIJAItT. Sup't.Nortkilranch-Canal , -Sold-by all - druggltitat - 0111c0,150 Cortland St , Now York. CART.I . SI.E .V.1141) 1 0y.0 ID . Carlisle,' July 1, 1804. FLOll ,ll (Superfine.).... 0 76 do. (Extra.) 700 .do 1tYP...... ..... . ......... .0 75 WIIITO. ivxivivr• '.;.' . 1 86 ADD ' ,0.1... ....1 80 ..1 45 1411V . 001111 .. 'OATS, . ~ . . ~..2;;:rs! . , .y. , .. 80 DA.111.1 1 . : Y'1f . A1.1,(?;:',,b;... ...... 1,.,..;. 0,1111.11 T 5PR1151.R.:,.. ~ 1 00 CLOVERSEE I / 1 .,..'44', '. 7 00 Tr nu IT ri vs3}l4!).i'it'" PU.d3I, C SAI ; E ! ! JOIY virtue of an °Oar of,:thO Orphan's Court of Cumberland County,i will On. SATURDAY, the 80th day of 41y, at 1 o'clock on said day, expose to .public sale en the premises, that desirable House and Lot of Ground sit• unto in.the borough of Mechanicsburg, hounded oh the North by Obristian,ifichner, on_ the ,teet.V. an on.thoVest. b north Market Arcot, con taining feet in.Pront . by 124 in depth, GO house P I two,end. a half &torY weatherhoarded wii,h Wu alnt attached. There is also necessary, building,e un the ' T.EII,IIS '01? SALE, • • t'wohitrflyei pee - coot. orpoichheirrel'onoy to'bo' pohl ;whim tho property is ntrlehon off, tho hallo:too Oritt.o a,conflrrrto, ti,ol of tho oale whorl a duatt TM) bo.molo arid itiosOoefilon 0,0E6 A. DILL. , Ader.-of Eliza . boa puckler, doe'd. ' Ifiej. ' •• When .I...sue left pi h Fn tber'n throne Ile rhea an ettheolobJrill,•L ' • 11. S. Mr.NDENLIALL, tWanainakor A Brown, onmiuk La, irJNE It EADV• :41 A D E 010 THING, Corner of 6th & :%laeltot 9 treett, l'hUndolphitt SPECIAL DEPARTMENT FOR Custom Work, No, 1. South Gth Street stylrs and reason:lloe priree DR. TOBIAS!, .14 o u . o'and _ Lot A Limestone Pann . ror §ale. A FARM enntaining One Hundred _Wad Five' Acres, situate. 5 miles east of Oar'info. oils-belt 'mile south of the Railroad, le offered for sale at terms easy and moderate. Ten or twelve acres are covered with as fitfo s ittni flouriehing timber as grows In the valley. The iniproitintionts aro a largo too story SCORE 11010511, titflt BAND BARN, with all the ne cessary Outbuilding!. A. never falling stream of wa ter runs through the meddle of the lathe. This is. really, ono of the very 'finest farms to Cumberland gni nty. Nor further nirticulars enquire of .1 Alf Ed A DLINIIA It, At drnoy at boo, Carlisle, l'a. Mice next 'boor to t American Printing Olilco. . .1 Illy 1, 1804. CA RPENTE LAI3 Of tE RS 4 .„, e jr \Jand TEAMSTERS. Wanted at Naafis tile. teneessee. 1 . 10 ;an mm month, with mth,mi nod gomrtfl,. IA bore ro. at I, to per mouth. 0 " .o,rtt IU T4,lmstrrn. nt Vt.", per mo!lili with rstionn nod uArtet n. TrnnFp..rt I ion to Supll vl Ile be ft,rn10.3 , 1 on :wifficaLion to. J N. S FINOST, Qunrternointer'n Agent, .7 oly I, 1;164-2t.." THE ATLANTIC lIIONTHLY A MA:IA.7,IXF OF txrp:rutrunu, AILT, AND POIATICS, =I THE - REST .IMEIZICAN MAGAZINE. 9 1 11 E FOE RTEENT II V OLUME.- Het Ins with the number for JULY, Ward. The client:Nylon of the Al I..tii/T/0 during no past few - Mon hai ate:1;111Y Increased until it his reached 0 degree of prosperity fleet" before AI/ Ithed by any Anteriesii inaiwit.ine of its class. 'this prospeilly gives renewed n0 ,, /unigennint to the eond urtors of the ATLA NT to to continue to einpno in Its behall, as hitherto the most eminent talent in the cocci r3'. The Mall of writers cent ethe tlng eto, slimily to its pagev, eenuprises the mint prominent names In A inerlean literature. 'rile writers who hp, Oven s> much Interest and value to thkt p:nv inn. eolumei of the ATLANTIC will continue to coutrili ate soNr,ottiiily . Tho tionduetoes s o Jed direct tate/i -lk/3 to the .Tilly number. cud the ribuilark,Nlile list contributms os fin knee, st of their iliteittion to de sores the favor of the public. Among the f•aturss the :July ',umbel ere ties, to Nellie)) the comlibitors o' the ATLA NT ft', feel witrr.inted In die et/ rig. Slefel.l) letit/011--T he Gram the Den IV, Itomilioie," novel, and Ihe,iiiiportiini. and timely p i g', by upon American N/1/11U1.1,3 h/.r A In er j,3 Wolee,/. BQ CND VOLUM EC OE THE AT. .4 The MIS S — TII VOLT , 19 of the A s nfR readv. runt prlsirt, nurnlterh . from Jan ion y to June (inel , )7‘i , 11v.4. neAtly Luund it) n 31 1 ,1111, prlro •;2 Uu This VOill s fssfo,,ls ~ed B , llm, 111 the E:11,,t strtldur and into,Ktlrtg „rll Ire wrr, forri,llo/1 1.. re,kll,•rn ul A MANTIC. MSS. SIOWer: natuirablu 6011,1 of domestic 0:ntelloR, "HOUSE AND II E PAPERS," One of which Is contained in each numh.rnf th, ATIANTIC front Joon/try to J uly, , Is nlnuu richly sitirth the cost of the volume. Sets of the ATLANII , `, front tho be2lnninfz, may hr had In noll..rm /II bill li !lg. at $1 Oil per volume. the set comprises thirteen volumes, and contains 11-e Moro than 10,000 piges Of the lota, Ateeri 'an lito,turo.Fe . , o r r ot. onto,' will be sent 1100 01 1.,110111/0 011 receipt of the TERMS —'fh e roh=ct iption prlrc of the A TIANTi, 1+ 0,1 10, ar. iii n Ivan, t.totete.iptt u rlS 1111 V 1/ , •0 wish any number The p e:taKe /111 1.110 Aiupile 11111 , 11 in 011 eu,es he pod at the , here it iv tecetred I.lCh. ,f FIELDS. l'uhlisherv, I:15 Washil.gtun Street, 110, , tr,n July I, I ,C,l-3t.. NEW GOODS ! ! - VOW offering an immense variety of CL .THS U , i, arss, lON POILS For Dien and Boys' Weir, in a tires, variety, Ilion ran bo resod iii any adlab In this and at no 111 W Vll4. as rI r F , lld hy ,livre. 10 4111 t I.l`ll. rindroi.ekOt ‘V 0 1 , 1.111 U tile' WI! Ihe ah , ice goods to order, in the laie,t st,i, los or dell per 3 ard. rust ani•rx h of no. cot. Call 110 , 1 , 1,1 , 111/ ,, thlle-l. tree of -barge n early goads oud ,datioa, respect fully EIMEEEEII F r,v(yrioN M () N. p; t,ti A Joint pr , q, in .4 c. , •rrtio ati...,tolao.l.tm to tit, Cotott/tAtt it of tide fl II w t ii.ro , Inl 01 yla •• -11411 Iftt 411 a I iltll3l s tt . fetll to the thirl at•ti,:',. 01 th. , t be amy .ittcl a. hootri War, art t .11 0 w8t oo•tio , i 4. Whottorar any ofthn.qu{f,lilltti WO , tars , rs of this Crtninvivoalth Shall l fitly Lo in y act toil Slit Ilary ser vlev, u odor a re•iiiisityni of tho ProYl.l..tit of tjto ttolttol ftux, or by sothorily of tbia Guoirnon Crtoflth. such electnrx may ex.•roko the rirtrAtt otsur fr.t.z.• lu :di et‘ctio,ol by 1114. tailor such rolK at( lona as ore, Or shall ha res. r 'by niny as it they tars presuot at their usual plate or sit c tiont, • •"fhere shell be tan adtill Meal SM:•tions to the Eleventh art ran el GM Co:1st:toll no. to ho designated nil Sections eight and nine, as flloas: t• Section S. No bill shell Ito petaml by the Logisla ture containing more than ono soljoet, which shall be clearly expeetaml iu tile title, on coot applo t triailoll iilit SOW to 9. No hill shall be paved the Legislature, granting any rowels or pH, Heger, in lint: ease whore the authority to grant such Dowels. or privileges, has 1,01111, or in ty here:alter be 0,11101-11111 upon the Carts has been ttptedi to by a tila nrity n 1 the members eIm:WU to see, ilous.n of the t,ezialature, al two -ueressive oessions of the saint+ Ann WllGlltiti3. It Is provided in Gm Thrill' A rtlelo of the weld Constitution, that any amendments so agreed up to, shall be submitted to the people In noel) naanher, and at Melt dole, At least three months a itur being an agreed to by the two liouses, as line Legisla ture shall prescribe t such submission to be In such manner and form, that the people may vote for or against ouch amendment separate and distinctly: Ann OVii etas, Ity an act of the General Assembly of this Commonwealth, panned the twenty-third day of Ap-11, Ait no it anion nine thousand eight itemised and sigiy-four. It In provided, " that for the purpose of aseertaloing the sense of the purple of this ten• rrtottwealth, in retard 10 the adoption or rides:it:Kt of 33t1.1 amendments or either of them, the Governor of MOO eorranoneealth shill Issue a writ of Election, di rooted to each end evistry'aboriff of this Commonwealth crhunarttilaktliena tc giro poi !Fe In t..,e usual manner in not Imo hit two NewSuapei's In each Clfylind County Provided, Tina so ninny ate publittlied therein, and by at least'pve printed baud bills In each Election Pk tVici, of ovary City and County wherein no Newel), per is published that an elactiOn 'milt Ito held in each of the Townships, ilerouults, Wards, Prost nis Mel Ms tricts theleln, on the ElltST TUESDAY Ole' AIJUUST, In rho year of one Lord ono thousand eight hundred and sissy four fur the purpose-of clod:ling upon the approval, re : till:nation, or rejection, ni the 11311111111011 d. Wielltei WM' It RIOS election shell he opened, held and closed on ,11,e day last aforesaid, at Gip plar s es end within GO 'Polars, nt nod wi lan Which', the _Giner:al Elections of thlso*.Commonwenfth are directed td be I opened, hula and Closed." Aan nsttans, - In obedience to the requirements of the ennatitution tandin accordance vial" said • Act 'or - rtsli4tirbly the lion, Andrew 0. Curtin, Gitvertior of Pennsylvania has issued a writ of olectinn command tog and requiring the to give notice in the usual man nor and en by law required that an election will be hold according to the terms of the Couatitution, and provisions of the act ht thin (lateral Anshmidy afero• said In ouch of the Townehips, norougbe, Words, Pre date and Distrinta in Cumberland county, on the first TUESDAY of A{nlist,' in the • year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred' and sixty-four. for the pis , • pose of deciding upon the approval and rat:Mention, or rejection, of the said amendments. Now, therefore, 1, J . :THOMPSON RI PPE Y, Sigh Sherlirof the County of Cumberland, do )lereby mato known and give this public notice to Lira :electors of the County of fluruhar land, that on Tuesday-rho semi : n:lday 91 A uqufit next an election will be held gat the savoiel elocifou din- Waft In said ropnty established by late for the phr, pose of thudding the approval and ratification, on- re— jection of thmatid numndinontn, ,which said Mac (Inn wilt be held throughout the county as I (lows: " The:election In tiro oleetion district composed of the borouglrot Carlisle and the toWnsh.lps of North Middle ton, South Middleton, Lower yrankfm.:(l,' and Maw Dickinson:mill _behold at tin) Court lloupo in, the 'bo rough of Carlisle. The election in the election distr}ct composed of Low er Street Ponnsberough townshiP, Will be Iliad at tiro North School 'Nouse to Plainfield. • " The eduction in till) election district' oomtnisodaf Sit vor Sprung towaship, will be held at, tht public bousweif 'Jacob Ottatot, in IfogutuitOwn in said tbithelltp. - 'oThe - election in' the election district compound :of Hampden tow uldilp,wlll be held at the public,. house oc• cupled byoDerge Duey 'infield township. The election In the election 'district cOmptised of the township of Upper Allen, - Will bit held at Ae publie ,-Souse of Wllllam'S. Cciehlin, In Sboplierdatewd; The election in, the election district composed of lipdillosex , haw nobly) : will: be held at tha .Atiddhniox' School House. The election In. the election district comPbsegi of PM township et Lower Allen, will be hold at the wagon maker shop of Jonas klunchbargar, on Slate lluU." The q'pr4)ori ju the election distrlctcompesed of East reiwahcrungh township, will_be hold at' the. liaise 'ofJoseph Merlin, In IYest . 'tilrvierv, now occupied' by aectrgu .:dpurt tier. . , • EA DB MN= EZESSIB The election In the election district composed of New Cumberland, will he hold at the house now kept by Dr. If. A. Botoler, In the borough of New Cumberland. The olootlon In the election district 'composed of the Borough of Mechanicsburg, wllrbe held at the public house now kept by W. B.llusten, in said borough. • The election in the eicetion district composed of Monroe township, will be held at the public house of Themes hiaget, in Churebtown,,fri mid township. The election In "the 4ilection district composed of Penn township. will be held i f Lhe lickuso new occupied by Jacob itedsecker in said folvmpTi). The election lo the el'etlith district composed of Upper Dickinson, will be 4101 at the house now oc copied by Dai,iel F.l ter. tAtve cc the Rene Tavern. The oleLtien in the election diEtriet composed of the borough of Nowak, nod townships of Mifflin. Upper Frrinkfo 'd, Upper West Peonsboro, and north New toll will bo held at thin Public Bchovl 110uso inn the bero ugh of Now ,1110. The cloction in the election district "'maned of the borough of bieo 'non h llopowoll 4,.v unhip "ill hold in the public School ilonho, in the tioroult lit Newb.d . g. Tho lon In the election iktrlrt e..nir Felt , d the boron 41.1 of Shipponsburg. rililppotriburg t,.r whip ntot that part rd Southampton tol nsiiip net Irieltuled to Lire Leesburg, eieoLi•vt db.triet, tall be held ut tl Council House In the borough 0 1 1 .- 4 4 / 1 0 4' 0 'g. Anti in to, met,of the tiottergi Asseintity of thin Com. motored.] th. panned Lilo gd July, IS:III, it in I hurt prodd ed: '•'That the vl:flitted electors of parte of New fon Ind Southampton totronhips, In the rounty of Cum. berlotid, bounded be rho folio,thw linen unit dishes n: th,Oublo tt a t Li t e A loots lidue, thence along the line dividing the ton tuthipn of I , l , klnnon and °v. 1.011 ro 0111 tot uplke toad. t hone,' lilting the turnpikO to Con Ore School Hons.. on field turnpike, In Sonthaninton township. t 110111 .0 to a point on the Walnut lint tont road tt Itoyhticlern, Including Iteyintelt's farm, thence in 11 ntra Igh t line to the saw mill of tiro heirs of tieorge ('ls ver, thence along Prynher'n run to the Adultn county line, then.e along lire hue of daunt county to the place of beginning, be, and thk same in hereby declared a 11 i• W , lid separ.tte election district, the election 1.) be nehl at the nubile house formerly occupied by NVIIIIntu M.,xwell, in Leesburg, 600inaloplon NCYrieS IS II fill IOIIY 01 V EN That every person er.cept justices of the l'enee. nho shill hold any ollice or app dotinent 'of profit IY hunt under the United States or of this State. or any oily or in,ru•Frated dktrlN. whether is commissioned ofticer or otherwise, a sulaolinaiu ollieer or ageht„irrlio in or shall be employed under the 1041,10tiV0, exerul hoe. rir judi ciary departmentn of l'hie State, or the United Sletea. or o f e o y c ity or of any ine , oporated al.:tract; and 01, that any \low her or Ccogres• or of the State t.agisle' lure. and of the Select or Coulee/0 Council of any city, or c3rnmisnioner rf loom porated district, ha I. law 1, 0 ,1,1j:0 01 h o lding et eYezolaing at the same time the nfliee or appointrnell Inspector or clerk of any olectinri, 01' this Coinwor; wealth, and that no Inspector Or other 0 nicer of inch election rhall be eligible to he there voted for. And the said act at Asaen.bly, entitled an net role tin.t to tin elections oft his Commonwealth, panned Jul .1, lbtr, further provides as feline a. to wit: `• Tint the Inspeetors and jud.,:es shall Inert nt the appointed fir holding the elei thorn of the dist, let they re.iin,livikly belong. f•efore !One o'clocl in the morning of the Second anns.lay in Oct.•her, and ea,-ii of sold i •t.ars shill app :ins cite rte. k, rho shall Loa tin:di:le.' voter of said district. `• In ease the person who shell 11:1\e reoelved the sor ond highest number or v.)te,, for 109,,,,t0r stroll it. t at t. roi on the dav of the tileotion. then the person 1,1, .1,11 hat', 1 . 0 4. 131 . V.1 .tv,r niateher or sot., at the cost precede nit ele , ti ill. shell not Insp.. for in his pace. Nye! in case the person who 01.01 hate re• calved [lv, hitallcst 1111M1r, ~f V tot; for lospeeti r shall not attend. the person elected jll-1.4 - e shall app`iiiit ail Inspector in his f/1100 rani in ease the person elect-•d judge shell tel attend. the. the inspector who ~relt. Oil 110 his:hest ri nnher r.l votrs shall app•iint a judge iu his place, or If any vacancy shall ',wain ue in the boat.) fir ilvi sp ice of r ne hour alter the tines fixed he law for the opening of tho ole tit., the qualified .oters or the township. war..l or di.trl -t for which norli , iftlerr shall hart been eleotod. present at the place of elet Lin, stall Woct on e of their number to fill such e ncellCy. .• It shell be the duty of the several u,snosore of °orb district to attar, I at the plaoo of exery spec ill, .10 toiniship election, during the Nei, le Clow said eleetalu is kept ..pen fir the purpose of givin, to the inspeoto s end judges ellen railed all In relation to the r kilt of any th root /0 , 1° , 5,1 1) 'eta at , 1.1 , 11,•10,11,11, or RUEII 141 fer n alters in r,lll t.1.1(11 , 1 the -LionisSlllollts 01 VP) , era a. , the said itispeatla o r either of them shall free, tittle to tome ro•tture, t• N'tt ',era nt shall be pertnithol to Sot, at, at, elortiott as iir.resal.l. tither tit.tn it irlllte nl2Olll/111 id lite ta..ronl t W 1,111. 7 ,00 votes sir 111,0. It 11 leSalet Ili the State at least one year. and in the elortn.ti tin•tact o 11.1:1-11 use:tore to at lo ,t ton tlarS littiton.ll preceding . Fuel] eloction, an , t tt , o years paid a State or count, tax, Much shall hate been a•sest , ett at leaat tell days bi1i . .11 . 0 the election. But a citizen it the otteil States %rho has pre, ions)' bean a. 4011,1001,./tet of this State, and feilliitiititileeoll,lllllilit retill .0,1. lint ‘OlO Slosh] hate .sided in the election t ,thtl tsibt tines as afortetbl. shall be entitled to vote aft, resist In this State six, mnth, Prov 1,1,3.1, 'I 'hat tlir whit', freemen. citizens of the United beta cell tsar'y , ate amttooyears. oh'hare 111 on tiloction shall be althou4it tilo . l gnat, n , hate Laid taut,. ••Yo purs.nt shall I o perfulttel °to limn° la not c ,111a1.1011 in 1.11.1 1141 of taxable fur. ',idled by the Coannis•jorlerl, Unless First. he {:r lace a reee!pt for the !m.yttrent eithfi two )enf s of a SL or county tax loqni:.e.l agrxettbls to :11,2 sad .ry evititvhce, calaer 1,11 bit ileartflim. or the oath or allitlati.” o f nn„th~r that in 1,35 p•d., suet, n ta,t, Cr Oil ta'llure Cu vredhee a ft..,.01. shall alaail .1h Ili the p.ii.ll,llJt. th.irm,f. So. -.mi.!. 11 '., e 1.1.1111 a OL(Lf It 7010 uy ['Ong nu eleitort Leto cll oho fltj,Al Of twenty bhp unit twenty two oeols Le :41/.1 .•.• pn+enn oath ur OtTlelll/1,1011 fhlet he hho )0 , 1 , 1,1 tit I.llln titatn at 100 , 4 0110 yen,. next holere Iris In ho anal nr eir Fe:holt:nee in the ,11.4,1.• t as is grnr el ht title act an•l that 110 tl 4.0 e:IIy the ace itynt elven him, Chet he id the ago nltrs:nl ate) en ,h other ovI•lonen as to t•eqinitre..l ho tltik zu•t. Ot t , ne upon the home 0f the p•n•yon thu. adulated t.. • ;hall br itniertotl i t the alphYl etieal Itht its the It hp, - t ,r 4 end ,11 note niode .•ito theret.. Lr 0,1111., the toned • to c," If he mull Le ..1.4 "Off, l coOtt` htII Of !ItIVIIIO oOttl the, shill n.l•nit tea Gr votoh, tn.s :1 4 co.), tIZO • !101l It 0 c t ollt c t _f t , t ic thu rlortca n‘..t. a 1, them,' .tse4 e totno of the rerun n o t rotni• and fin thef,nishtel no Coin...lth et me, ,IF ere., e•r.:nr hit right to r to rt het), t h . tc. r I. It Tel ..10 ;11i t It oll.lit elull the Ic+.l,,ter, tl, I.l exethine p-ttloll O , nth a, to 11to till.l.llltt•alitoto end I: hr elrns to hove the `lute hr iie y r:11 .0 Itic le otcf It ;than I Stlfftelel.f. 1.1,0 thelt , .l Int in the prunl I, at least onto competent wit neh, it he ttt.‘ll he a (Walt lied elector. that he lotlt re,ntl.tl in the ,Inhn rirt for rivet: than too clap; neon I oe tat II 01.08 '0 !Ind shall sivq Illthectl/ Otcrot tint hi s ieino title rehnlenco, lu pnrsttence ut trio le, (W. tell. ,11.1 is In Raid difdliot, tchil that Jr did tint iwm 11 liar 3,1 .1).-It1,1. for the Intl pos. , of voting then eln •• 1.1 ery pork,. itualnied us at . ..1 - es:lid, snit v. ht. k h r li pr „d. it Taint] ed, of the residence nud ray mow lit taxes at uhdcratl, shall Le asiniitted ir vs tr in fin• l wirshlik s, , rdistrirt In a hi. li his, ail side •• 11 111) Inn soh vindl pies elit . 1 111A...111d ti f N., 1 onirin nl nny elr• ti , I, nrob r this art from bi lith'it .n 11 . iri , r nnt,n any hie in 11,ner n ni• ,1 int niiirt. or linprtperl) 11 n it, v lino 111 the I's , 'tit 1.11 nl tell tint v. tr chill l i i Hih eI tnv 11V( 1 1.110 to any 0 10,1 ,1 1 a4,n tlr , an. , - n.ll Le ho , :dlnt - , or shall notch t. I ei,•tt or shall use at) Intl: ti Lirci. I'l4 lettre. pithti. u , it; v Cr.n or trt int eLt hl iii 'tire vn tin; nr to 1 esti oic tar trend an id chin nt such pt•r sh.ol Le hoed in any snot n• t enneeditin r 1111 . 1 [l.O not 1! .. .,‘ tt.s, itnr tire than I. ire lte inntitlin and if it 1, 0 k hror i t to Coin t. a here the t 'O4 01 suite otlence Eh: , II lin I. i th it the p•ritii nllau , li lig wits not a resilent ntr, ward, diati•let or tilt 11104 1 1 110r0 th e intent, WILS a - mit tod. and not ont.tiod to vole thoroitt, then nit tatovtetlint he shall tin f•011t011, 0 d to pay a fair , ir not Inca than 0110 11111011 , d nor 11,10 than 0001.10,1,111 id dollars. and lie imprisoned Lot less than slc mini this nor 111 , 0 e then two years. •• If any pmx :11 p , •rvrns Shall maks any bet or wa g .7 nl,•m ths 1,5n1t of any olselton Withln the Corn Wlb,“‘ a,,lth, or moll otfee to make any such bet or wn f••r. elthel I.y ye, bat thereof. or by any rit , pr pi jutted adios ttsemo• t. rhallongo or fns Ile a n y tv,,ger, open cons there , l he or thov shall r..rfelt and pay three times the nln:.unt sn Let or to be bet. Ii any pervnu n o t 15 livx qualified, shall frauds vote at soy ,•lectt , 11 of this C.llllllloroiralih, or tieing otherwise shall rote rut of his proper ilisirlot. or If ion pct Yin knowing the want at such quit'lficasions, shall aid or procure such person to vote, the-peismi nil - ending, shall, on conviction he fined In any sum lost exeoeithig two hundred dollars. nod lie linprisoned tot any term not exceeding thou mouths. If any porson shell vote at more than ono election district, or otherwise fraudulently vote more than once on the sales day, or shall fraudulently fold and deliver to the inspector two I.l , kam together, with the Intent Illegally to vote, or shall procur, another to do so, ho or they offending, shall on conviction be tilled In any sum not less than fifty nor more than fire hundred dollars. and ho imprisoned for any term not less than throe nor morn than twolre months. " Irony person not qualified to vole In this Corn-ion anith wzroonhly to law, (oxerpt tho sone of qualified citlzrus,) shall appear nt airy place of election for the purpose of iniltioncing tho citizens qualified to vote, he shall on conviction forfeit and pay any suns not ex• rooting one hundred dollars for every such offence, and ha Imprisoned for any term not exceeding thrro months'. Agronsidy to tho provisions of the six tyilret scat inn of the wild art, every Gnnerel end Special Elect...nutshell bo oponed between the houre of eight and 101 In the forurizon. a:11,1141i cent:into wittout Interruption or Inifo l ctrninent fin til.ooven in Vie ei‘uning, when the polio shall bo closed. And the judges of the respective nistri,:ta aforesaid aro by the said not required to meet a't the Court Muse In the borough of Carlisle, nit the third day after the raid day f election, tieing Friday, the nth day of Au gnat, shoe end Ilion., to perform ; tho alloys roquired thorn by low Given under toy hencl, at Carlisle, title 28th day of Juno. 1804. • ' `• J. TIIOIIPSON lIIPPEY, Sheriff. ,?n'y 1, 19(4 yelerlua)ry Eurg,cry. TQ FARMERS AND HOEHILDE.tI43IO.- Lill. ,SIIIFFEUT, the eelebra ted Veterinary Surgeon, of Chamberaburg where ht, has boon practising sucCossfully for the list sixteen years, respectlully infer ma the, citizens of Mr.' Halo and vicinity, that be has permanently located. in this place. for the porpoho of operating upon DISEASE:O Milt:4ES, and pledges himselrto•cure meat dlseinles that this noble, animal is subject to.' De c Area Wet& 111.1 d INUluti byos, if the nerve to not ei octedi ho con. demos cutting !look s out of the gland of the Rye; it, le generally done by melt who' tin not understand the anatomy or diseased, ear inknflcalWatment or the horse, or they Would never do It. IL , nudersianclathbrough. ly the treatmil6r and cure of Bone and Bog' Sparta; Bing Bone Curbs can be relieved from their lameness without bleinishlnit the horse; Callousee, Poll Evil, Fri etas, Snraina..and'ill'internal on well as,external Mos% areillso siircessfully treated, Old horses ' unable to grind:their rood; dean have their tooth orerated upon so that they ran oat equal to rote. All Mares that 'cannot foal can be greatly assisted by him. 'NICKING and DOCKING, alt !Wahl or npotorod nc .) es eon be co tinted by blur Bagdad opayattooa e dio r ntlfically parformed by him, ' Farmers echo cannot leave their horses can get Medicine and di. cottons for using It. lie charges nothing for examining a horse, therefere, bring on your erloptss.. Mao the !poet manageable, kicking, halting or runawaY horses and colts, broke to harness'. SIIIFFERT has, during the last, year bennpidn• dint vatertoary sumo:arm sevcrartorrala of the army, where inshaahad frorty2ooo to 300 dlticalied aud.crfp• pled hor r aae atwier bis charge; Re Nvipngs it wlectitoad that within the,lastielateen.yeare_man v y heratorhaJe — demo - under:filaifothielliat have been Infitled by tititb treatnierd from the halidd r ef Men flint hare.-no know, ledge of either tillatouty on discasea, ormodicattreet , ' , went of the great peony or tbot.,borooa be ,411 a cuied.atter they havehSairtirttgi4b*lneh'!: oo o , . Carlisle; May 20, 1,504.30.\ : • AN DK EROl.ll4tl • •Tieili,! Stoke, tißoborik,, o;ispeudoi4; trAder 6 1 114 t!,. Drlrk.P o ,p v l o itucirul p.go!tniqiwc..4 bn fOund at IFA AC LIVIDiobT. 1400 . 4p.i.0yer Zfreot Oti.' To the Fhblie. T WILL guarantee to send on the rep icoint of ono,ifollar„ by roturn mall, a highly ail. orod I , botogiaph nrany ono tatlorito Genordl of tbo Tja"°l • Station It. Poet Office. zone 24, 18r4-3t. FU It It Ev T .—The Store Room, HMV., end Lot. well I , noire NY the 0 Whit" !louse Poet the \Veleta Bottom Meld, nbo.lt a UVull 11111 U% neFt Of Apply to. ,lonaln, .1 , 014 --.4tv GerliNle. Pri rate Sale Thtt crlher ,%fr,rB nt .dent. pain the follntainz to South :tildlcilet,n 'tt: titr r0.t ,1 lu.t.ilnt InNt '';:atni. A her,tra 'mill to P.t:t.tt-L. t nt•Jl, no tr l'r.tighttitdtt : 110U.11 .1.V1) 1.,07 TI, bnuse 11,4 storks Iltgh, t fins about. THREE AcitE,, Part of which ,rltn rd l'o'rPnrifi wishing fn rfolv tiell'proriert.),,, d o ten by calllilt; uu tao•subanrlbnr ros1(11og on.thn on JACOB a/ PE. 3t. THE OLD FLAG! A (3 A.1111 ) AION PAP.EIt FOR TIIR 1 - I . I'EOPLIf, i1f , v0t..4 to tho Election of. LINCOLN and 101lNjt1N, iff , ooff and riff ffuum, and the Right of utirlu , f• U, 00r brave : 4 01.1iors. will he isethei On tho t of ,I iy, and workl, tio-r.a:ter until the full ro tut,tn of the PI estlential i , •Aeetioi, ran he given, from the office of tho FaaNICLIN itIiPUbITORV, Cbstoboreburg, 01,n PL.o will enntahl Portralin of Lincoln. .lhnnon and other Eminent met: )tap. of Ilattlos add 11.,ttio•iwl,1,. and %ill Uri° retort tleAs or II roll Copper le until thrfr deri'Fo ve cicient In N. , vom her next. IL 11 111 of, A ill,ltiY printed pilfer of Invent) culuFand. TERMS-CASH IN AIIV.INCI One ('eps , 50 cts In 0%1 ies to 0110 ildt - CSO i.' 4 5e 20 " u .. .. S nu) 3. ) ~ r. r. )0 !,0 511 4 " !! 55 00 41,1 :.i.t. tho ssme rate ;,:.0 coma per cs py) ter any numis, ors r fit'; y. ti Let t.VPI y evilest Union man at once commence t 0, for oh Ito roadin to nel.Aninn hood, so thht all the nuolbers ca. , he secured. first rum bar will contain a Portrait or Pros !den t Llucul n , and the .econd -will contain a Portrait of A oil. Address bI ' CLUIU & MINER. Chainherbburg, Pa. JONES II 0 C:orytop of Mitt - Ito. St. & Mnrket Sceztt.”, Il '", '' H. C =I Notiro In horeLy given that nu n,,,,,,ament of ' , ix per rent han"b••• a 1. , 1 , •,1 l•remionl Lwionging to hi, Company, 1111151 in force on thy sixth 01 Malch, Iht4. 'rho members of this rotntrnnv ore hereby reaped fully rrq itr •,) ro pay Choir ro•p.'.tire pro rntne to the ',Usurer i.t roll Cuini , anv, or his authorized agent, within Floe') J.) s nom tlin o,tiee fly no - der of the Board, .hrilN T. UItEEN, Z. 4 er , y. CIRCULAR. 111F1'. .P..l' TII PENN.II . I.I A 'CIA IZESERNES• 11.‘ t U., rt'E:peel f ully an -lAtorunce that they have it' ;nervation a ilißto'ry Of the l'enro - y , ,nnil lien rrytor fr on Il.,err to the I :kph .CP•ti of their lerlu of Fell /CO win ..0111,1 . 111 11.1111 CS of R. I the Officers and I% .0 e..d the roe I,N—choir proof, •fl.Plis. CPcUaltled a..d do,. h..r ,o,oor. u uipy ms .4 inch-camp I rho and t heir KSllon , er .hiey mr...nrs in the many hot. Coo , 'lt oho h the, have 1.6 m, part---all derived from . ollo•ra I ff lot fltltlft•ffflo • ill-tor or riot l'eflrr..ylv Intel Rea , rven will he In One Voe onto of CC r prz.cs, Oct," size, neatly prrot - ed on goo p atal 114011 , t ioliy hound in block Goth, eoolaionnl , 0 ( 0 • 1 er , grn , hog of the'latnonted If ey and 0,‘,. ai tl o .. t “or . urtirl. (‘,ll, first I Ceofllllloll3flell the fortiffiti“o orthzf I ff oh, corps.) anti writ be sold out, t,y suhse'llptioll. It will he ready In A u,ust Pri.....—.',l,hit.e._l)ollara per ropy. he Pol,ii.hern feel ciihMloot Unit the Jost pride hrett et ery Iranian wont enter:mn for the brat o men ,11,..1•• galialft iff - hleVelfleilto and patriotic ds, :won, fur .• The Ilnitory" get,erout. at.o Roy t I, r.ception, ‘.= Publiqhers. t king St, Lancaster. ". lien. Agent, June 3, 1, 1 .1 I R 'l'l II; C )18 11 LA N D i,k 11 . A , , , R1C1 \I, )(2; ET V, (Ito toll, .1 ti, , . AgTicultur ,11 / t at, Ow +co lat 4, tho f,.110 , r • tub 1, II .A 4 111,1 ti 1 1 5 that thn .lgricultural A • 1 1 111, "t WA!, rlllli 01.1 .I.ty t.. 10,. 0 ol• nwttw. it hel , l ~11 ti wine I. ' l . lday, tho 12th, u...• 1 /111 of , /e , ohnr.ls ,, l. t , ../ %%Lich al/ our cltiTtills LLltci • It IA allj , allotiq, c...uriti,s are it,tt' 11.1 to tile Ullll•. • • thnt . . l . I. ‘%. hula , 1 1.•• 1 o.dte •In to . nll ;lei. 85.),: thee!, err pettr r t Ir., the we !deg I:.rerri ' rtterj. 1 / et ti. rt le) PtlbliSbOa D. S. CROFT, ct'y Al., I'ol-3'; • t TIIE I'.‘llH .NI.INTII.I.AEM "%, No. 92 4, Chestnut St , N ,%$ MANTILLAS and CLOAKS A 1,, Sl.ll\li 41114 all NI \INIc \RV ENTS, ,f ear o X 1.1.14 C tV, re LltoNt. and In great ..5 PIIOCTOII & Cn , Th Faris Mantilla Emporium, col 2 CI(L•STNUT Sireet PHILADELPHIA. United ,t3tes 5 percent 10-40 Loan. I, 11 , —r e rl! prepared to I'm nish the iu-4G I, - CA :-tat., Loeh authorized by the net ef :id, 1-.1 caller 0 , Cner o 3 Bon& ' a. )1, nniY Vin d4o3.ootinatons of VA), $lOO, $5OO, 3.00, !Id slo,ovo rl,•• mid $lOl, Conde be payable arinuilly son.. all 0•11, It , •6l.initiAtnn benn-normally In 001,1 .L . l In-or dot, Ito 01, Itt 1/034 and NI the 0,11,171'0 l f the Govern3loo3l 81 t. r to enuan..l yl I. 3 sore Nom ditto 1.. uln 'Anti 133t,rebt at 5 pO,-,3nt per annual lt' it \l, CaaLl or. Co. lisle Depnelt Bank, April 2;301.11034, GREAT RUSJ 1 1 , T Ogilby's Cheap Cosh Fiore foi his J eerivsliod .tflek of Chirp Goods. Just rorirned from the city Al.llll/ girth a hose • of DRESS GOODS, An the now xrt les. Silk and Cloth MANTLFS, Meek Silks, loss than city prices. f.:loaut plain and figurA aa:szfrAtillellitZ6lMlSlZZEMEM IYIOURN ING GOODS, Potnhnzlnoq, Wool do Lalnec Bareges, brow , I%forott, Mo,;:an bhp)°, llyma /apt, 111aelc nod IVhitol3arego and Crape Morott for la, Tureen Cloth, Mourning Sat: teen, Crape Coll,tru, sr. Liids, Cloths for Cloabs. vary clmp. CLOTHS and CAS:.INII.III , .S. Moslios, Calicoes, Gingham& &e. Porchasors are requested to call cud examine thin Stock of Goods. Otis motto Is, •'short profits cud quick Sales" for the cash. Now Goods rocolving almost dolly at the cheap store West Mutt streot, nearly opi ache thus Depot. Slay 13. C. 0011,LIV, rue. WINES op LICLUOIiS. SOUTH. HANOVE.R. STREET, CAULIRLE,, IUF undersigned, sueeer,.or to George 1 Winters, would ,oepartfully inform his friends and the nubile gene; ally, that ho In tenth, to maintain the eitarnetur or the above hot:mums heretofore. and will keep constantly ou baud a kript atliturltnk..lnt of 11.11,AND1RS, (.11\R, 1 4 r. c., wLIZA hn can soll An cheap as Any othor catahlislacnout lu I'arll3.lo, ti not cheaper.. Are- coUuty I.Anclinrds will find this the place tc buy their. HINES' AND LIQUORS, • lloth 3n regard to quality and price. Ills stock IA large e,lid well selected, and he Invitee a call befal.] purchallng elsewhere. lternemler the place. :South Ilanwier street, directly opposite the oll'ol -untear -"Printing MeV, old stand, (Carlisle. pril 21; 11544-..-tf. - D. P. II AZiWRON. 18420 . PERPETUAL. FRANKLIN . • FIRE tNsurtANCE 1601,10,11: OF })HILADELP I IL~• ASSETS ON JANUARY L 180, M 451,849 . CAPITAL Arcito D SURPLDS, INVESTED PSEAIIMIS, 15nerttlod'dlaims• LOSS PAID PINC'? 1C5,000,00,0. riIIPETOAL AND TI.IIIIPORADY POLIOLES ON LIDERAL. TY,lt3l.s. • • . . • • - .l.tixitrACTOO.s. .01hrt1.n9 N. nANclißir is'A:to TUBIARWAGNER., ED WARD PALE, ',SAMUEL UItANT, - • • , ONG. 'WA LEA( • JACOB R. BAtITIT,. •, • ' 'A LtoltEnlirrmat, GEO. ItIOIIARDS,,• FRAS. 1;;..,1,RWL3, %CHAIM/if Nfi Jon . . w .t ruitl) bitii.,3l•l; V lei, I.'rqdq.. • . ,• XcALLISTLR, Nue, . . • A. L. sroptazinn, I. Oatileilo PA. Yttas . o.lB - -1,881-9140. ' • ' • • (7111.01,0 r, - • :ttettkolVtlz' . ' FSTATE'NOTIPE:.' ' ''-: '-' - .k •.. ~... .. Aotters testatnent,try.-'on - tbi e • State eNtnrifs i; -" hapley, Sc., deceased; /ate 411" the IliiroFgli oft.bisrlieds. hay's b,e.sri /tithed by thelfogiaterot.ttquibcrlandortic.. CY, to the subscribers, the Ores hinicid'llrlnk hilaulon, toTte, 51d , and the had tanned In Anndpnlie. Id AD pardons Indebted' to WA estate 17111 Ptak° .lanre late . i payment: acid thosd hitving_pltdres will present t tri.‘i properly ahthentlated, for sittiament to Charles 9 p-' ; s ley, or Carlisle. ' . 1.1. FIrAP.GRY. .t ii. P: - Jc?dilbtN ; "( . '-- . • - .at:'o. s, June 3 t 18c4 T) , ISSOLIJTION'':OP.. PAItT.E YR Sill P. The copartnership turetofordpalstltik ((e.tween the undersigned under the name of UtioAfly Grea,em, Is this day dissolved. The ligniutor-prl lade firm are In the bands of,Jerepgahcily/er,,reEla . C ',P..‘ In reribde, for collection.. • / All persons ludehted to the firm, tin& bicili4oF. , p Ir. I ITIA eirtileat it, are reqnested to en, it andAiettld4Vith.4Z.- him at once, • - WILLIAM LINE JERllifittritlTGLS4Xl, JOAN 6BEAI3Oft. - 'Ntny 31, 1.804,—0t ST ATE: NOTICE. • jf.ettera testamentary on tb , ,..stlte,./ditllefl 11 . 0.0111, /ate of Nionrob township; 4eett ; ,' Itatec /Mood to the Pllbscr lbor by tbe Itegiater o*Curebiti,lens vette ty. residing in the sarn4;totenalitp. ,, Alt *TON, , ndotited to data estate Win fionkd lmptorytnto payment, • ' ihoue having elnirmilrill liroaent'tliporprOollr,' d u t.outlcAt. for settlement to - DAVID DAVID WESTFALL. jlltIff::<,18(14-et* 1 4 -I STATE NOTIOPi, ‘4 Lvt ter*. of Admintstrat4o,q op T. NS Illhoom, 4.,te of t4%;,Polnipror have hetot hitiod•bk ttoßds slot or.cistAerliuktl'co 12- ty. to the subsariber'l}vlng Jr; dobted. to said estetO ; wilt nittith Immedlatelihytritut r; ,i and those having elejithr tvlittPrpient thein-fOt;ll,O.t.tfo• rot. • 8: Juno 10,1804-6 t. . • • . . . F 4 FOR 11.11 NT:. ,• .. • % . ..,.i - 1 A desirable residence In littnpvetltrept.; Citillaftr-la nen r the Second ereskyleriau 0 /4lare* : .: lo.oY,f°:;-lt'Pil:l .- - l . U. Miller. MitY 21, WORD TO TIOIVIS.B All perBou6 who nro by lair - rig ulro to taire'dut,, I,i,ervYo. 6 rf . . rnquestful to tato out tb tqonto on Or NI:: for. tiro trsi - day. of July, nail H. S. tUTTER, dot!ett4 a'.,. Carli,lr, Juno IS, 1864-3 t • VOTIOE TO THE PTJILTAJ. Whoreos raaret bag aastunaii niyatattra - . 4 ; . and loamy to be logally !marled to my' and is: paaaltas,ir: wiro, now do hereby fritifrrn'tho,pablia - thrA„: Rho In not my win, and that I wan ,niavartnAirrierl her. ail o uttals:lstpouovag:: "• •',.; "' : , .qt:. 1710 ; r,t; 3,1^ ; ' • -q is, illlflititrifhthedtartitilill — Bilf • rj. to •, ' Admr'x of Bainuol A:.Thiteratleit.. • t Juno 13, 181.4. Crpil.le. Juno 10.:7564 l•;tb, Isl 4 Buggy 'fOr - Sale. , % FIRST RATE Baggy; :neary . c-ne u prior rain Enyolre W. 0. sawyer; „ I here just recelvdd lareto 'addition of now and seasonable 00...d5. Also, a splendid Pllk o,.sts and Basques, frost :40tv:Tbelt: I wpior I , :natiaal Skirts, all kinds and -colors, - Ice ClOl.l. and Casein:lords, CarrietsOfteldtbe, Mad: flues, Additions or new goods constantly reenlyed.-.• May • W. SI..WYEIt, A Joint Resolution proposing certaitt• , Amendments to the .Constitutiou.', J)1; it resolved by the Renate ,4nid'fionin of IteprottentaLtves tbd syivanto io cioueral Assembly met, That the followinit. ntnetottr.onth bo proposed to the Constitution tor,.theic , : , 00111,1 C U ealt h, to accordance With the provititoOf..pc - 7—:-,.--.. the tenth article thetrOf:' Thee shell leo an additional section to tho tide of the Constitution, to bo dosbgniitod as iectletti;:, ; fur, us fastest .• htcrtex 4. 'Whenever any the„druilified . silegtiens of this Com mon w th, OW) to Pa e. , PY' service, under a requisition from the President_eflbl*';'.,,.. Unit,•,l .?ta tea. or by the authority of tatis,CohnhOZ wealth. e.uch electors' may exerditethe'right of efilfrigO , in all nl:c I ions by the citizens, under stielf ‘ repititilinc• as are, or shall be. prescribed by lasi, Its fitllZ . Afthert we, prise -t et their usual place et • Lei Fax :I, There shall - be two additinnal the rieltelett er•Jele of the Constitutionrto noted ns sect lent eight, end tithe,. as • •••;• Si.ct'ori 8 No bill shall be,passed.by turn, containing more tliellitifloplltrileti WhieVerziPhwt , '. ,lesr.y expressed in the tikle, except appnzrle,toh bills" crenz 0. No bill sheltie - 4i prised by the tegialatilri'f.i):, grin Clog any powers, or privileges'; In any ease, izhertz the nu Lee ity to grant peach powers, or prlvicigeeilAsti brew, or in.ey hereafter be, conferred' up-te:the couttit_ of tills Ousuin4invealth." 1. I.lkl,NltY C; Speaker of the Douse of.Reprosentatires, °lnc.?. PIAININEY, Speaker of the senate, 01;1,:c of ;lie Secretary of - the C017237i0.1/Milifki ,f • ( ~ .crioty•t ft; t. , •, • • f Lan .1 AP), E.t LIMO t. t • • F. 4 1 7•faiy bond and caused the etd,.of . itery's'oa eto bb the • 6<= above written. Biir - Secretary. of tho-gortunhowtalth: The 'store Reso'ut lon having been 4 igt..iair_aby a .- nullo , iry of the member Et-of erieh Muse, at two suqcess• drr see.,t .ne of the (loners! 4esembly of this ()entreat' , wealth, the proposed amendments will Do subeettl6dlo • po, pie, for thrlr adopt/0u rejection;•on'the'Stok Tut er ,• OF A UOU ,iu the year. of our Lord ono thew'. nod el i ;ht t,umired and ehttyfoo4,lii acenfdancd with the pro, lf,h. as of tha tenth article, of the Constltot4.o,d," and the act entttlwl Act-proscribingfli4 tfarefalfd7 manner of sobnilellng to the poop's, for theft , opprovat and rot; ft Atlon or rejection, the proposed'ambikeents to the C matt t u fain , ' approved the the : - XwelitY third day ul il, ono thonsaud eight Iftindied and sixty' ; • foot. • • fai - sureat, Secretary pe tab ,Contmonwealtb.: A 7,1 2V. 1543..4.—t1. • • 10-40 LOAN` 771 - OF VI E UNITED STATEE, First National Bank of Carina.' . ~.. r1 .1 1)1S Bank designated as a depciiita 1 and Financial agent of tho United States - basbe appointed to receive sub6criptichte on aCcount.oPth ' United States Loan antbm lord by tetk of Starch 3,..1804; These Bonds are redeemable at' the. . Ploasure of tbu S government lifter ten years, and paYahloterOyfartr - - ) from date In coin, with intemstat 0 percentll7o;i p.):1 Man) in coin, and are hen from all tozatiopl • .-c. ' ,! , • . , 'Subscribers a 11l reMecceither ItrafOrro ,, m'c4sl,l ' Bond., re thny may prefer.=" ectstorCd lb nits off be Istnret`d of the dons it ltracil r .... lions of so, $lOO, scr»,sl.l:Yors6,ooo and sloStianft., - .' : Coupon Bonds of the den.dialnatiorla r bf sae, facia;"o-.! And SLOW. The interest of tb , dso' and PM 740 - eaeleain•shie , .. annually. on all nib t denominations eetiliar -,-• ppetly. ' '' : Sul,crthere are ontttled to litterest.•frign - thwdatcoef' their deposits with the Bank nod Banda :011: bit. salty : ,`,, ,' ' ered free of charge, The amount of subaertidlombiar - he dap' sited In U. a notes or National Aapk,kiotetWn . 1 . In optional with . Mibscribers to par the aordedinterest, ~ • - ',l, from Sato of Bonds (March 1sO;•18044 (MAP , . ittfulto , :' % ';'• bonito drawing Internet from the date of,:em , elobsiml-p!- flan end deposits, If the latter arerprafttriptlMOß? , • ', Crow which intorest will accruolf coupoo ol 4Cottlf, • :' .4 bp stamped upon the test oaupon felling dUctibre9l4fte4 , , , and it registered bonds, 'such 4atW, be bt e WW, 1 4 tbo body of the bond. .1. 0. /10 ;',fn basUier : - ' April 13, 1804 .'' ' 9ar - .• IL 8. 10-40 .1101VDS: fiESE Bonds are Issited Linda- the 'Act of Congress of Metretrlttlt.lBB4, whteb pileitititt . t at all bonds issited under this act abut' tteek.X.SitlPT. 19 . 0031 TAXATION by or urodor any etttesor tuttnle(Pal authority. Subscriptions to them Bo qA a aro ,reettived. in Belted States notes or doteit Of Nattottal Bonita.* They see to be REDEEM ED,IN COIN, at tho'Veta,r.' of thellovernment, at any ilerlod not hiss tlntft tr . more then 5. 1 1, : , years from their date, soil until redemption Piro Per Cent Interest will hu`pahl r on bonds of not near pop httudtoddollarsanntu on all other bonds earal:ntlittAllt. 1.3 b Interest able on the drat days of 111a.f. twigleptemhgt.i, . - ~... year. Subsoribors will receive elther.ilealAter4ittOr CoPPon ' n s Bonds, as they may profi t , .hell t;jrca howds - ttre rtt-- ~ corded On the books of 4bs 4- 8, 'tessu.son-stba can be . - , ~.... transferred - only oe tho owneett e. don -...,..4t open , flotida " 4f - -, are payable te,. bearer, and's. 4.,..era 034.110!11013V,Nr., ', r . . Coln In era/ I used.) t Huhaeriborta to this loan thn leave V 60441011 if-bpv7, , , - , log their bonds draw Intereat.flym 6181.4 Id, by parr .. log the aerrued interest in coln— ( or lu,ltititraztatate'i ;,,-,t. notes, or the notes of NationalliAlkfiiliddiail 01,11 V, cent for promihnt,) -- 'alrg b'eti!Atltr46llqo . ~,_ from the date of s' d bonds orb •BXB' , I TAXATION, tied pet.conft per awl% I n .c.,!xthtte P0rt . '.... 9) At'Alto present OVER BIGHT pat ctival mnvenlonco vestment. . . - -‘ It is believed tl meets to lenders bonds, "In all 01 or ability of Prilyt rate COMMI:11111,431 for the debts of tl of the country la prlorlpal end , tett . These bonds tut pp to any snagrill made equally eve begOStrarlltatllit at any moment,' the I ntSrese:.. It IrAy km useful Intel In tided both test is payable ir • was $708.965,000. .Vn,itio Steal yeah touts rodeo no In gt ,Itme SOO, 18per04, $100,000,000 a • It WII4 be aeon .of the 13 - everrune of the Transurerf the recent:tatter +lnoue!, rfetqta-1 briportationa; to, IlitatruetiOtte V agopta nets not Margit 26, hut It (done fiveraged t seripttot a wlll bi 010005 I,oBtypift lacom ihrIAB-1 ' , . oat NEki . km 1,1 4 .01 „ZsTitle Pia** mcin throimb4ut:Atio. Untiatioopilalfin mat 16 4 ,c 4% fiVll5 131IYSIC vantagg =