Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, July 01, 1864, Image 1

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There went up a wall of sorrow
From all the loyal land—
There wont up a shout of triumph
From every rebel baod—
For tho banks of Chickamauga
Behold our smitten host,
And the banks of Chickamauga
Made good the rebel boast.
And trade through all our cities
Was staggered by the blow,
And down, with its torn banner, rail
The nation's credit low.
In the market and the warehouse,
The pulpit and the press,
In the parlor and the highways,
WAS seen the sore distress.
Good mon beyond the ocean,
The poor of every soil,
And the negro, like a culprit,
Chained to his daily toll,
Toit, oach, the dire disaster—
Tuard, each, a darker hour
4\t; Vettred, a.l, this cursed prestige
Of fell barbaric power.
iy Now many a brave heart trembled;
\'• Many a weak ono Filched:
Many a prayer was offered up
To turn the battle'e tide;
Will cur God forsalie ills children,
And turn away Ills face
Will the cause of troth en under,
And crime usurp Its place!
Will the fields of RO much glbry,
WIII all the martyrs skid,
Will our history and altars
And all our hopes be Vail] f
Ohl for a sign in heaven,
Such as the Kaiser saw—
Ohl for some gifted hero,
ZiLidconq:uoring stvo'd to draw I
Eo some doubted and debated,
And marveled and deplored—
'tVilb unas erring faith some waited
The justice of the Lord.
Soon, brighter than the morning fire
If stately stuns aro seen—
Chariots, b:azing with Ills ire,
Amongst the clouds careen I
NbIT i GRANT girds nn his armor,
And leads his legions ti.ortli—
For In tho fray that awn. today
Jehovah's with aro North I
And he bide his trusty captains,
That at the rigoai peal,
Their milks shall scale, through iron hall,
The mountain sides ttith
The eoltimns, swiftly :ormed in line,
Move geily o'er the Held,
As If they know the Itou.thty foe
le sure, to Illy or 3 kid.
And, Robots, now Leak to your works,
Seel that Your aim be true,
For Grant contro co to thoeu loyal bands,
Aud this Is no revluw.
-Yon fierce tho nalghty atrug4le swells;
Death roars from every gust,
Whilst through a flood of human blood
The riflo•plrs are won.
Our forces follow up the step,
Loud shontlug as they go,
Not hood the shot that, thick and hot,
Come crashing fast be:ow.
And when they gain the crested ridge
The clouds beneath them lie,
And down afar it seems a war
Of dumclhe in the cloy.
Round them rolls the sulphrous smoke
That follows ball and bomb,
While thunders boutn,'es lithe doom
Of all the earth bad come.
They reach the very last. redool3t,
Hell yawns at every fire;
Midst sword and lead. o'er piles of deed,
Tho rebel hordes retire ;
And routed, sealterel, and dismayed,
Par flee those lords of slaves,
While Bashing bright, from every height,
The flag of freedom w.kven I
All honor, then, to al; onr mon,
To loaders and to guard,
Ni'ho bared tbalr lire In mortal strife,
Or who_kopt wat hand ward;
And praised to ti, Lord of hosts,
Whom n dons must obey,
That Ile did bide, all by our side,
On Chattanooga's day
Let holy I
:ears bedew the graves
Of thoso who Poll in fight;
Let marble stones, above their boom
Balule the morning light;
Let history write In golden bloke;
Lot bards with song enshrine;
Let women chant the name of Grant
And the glory of the Line! ,
For tho Herald
BY E. E. H.
Livonia, the most beautiful and fertile
province of the north, had heretofore be
longed to the chevaliers of the Teutonic
order: The Russians, Poles and Swedes
bad disputed its possession. Sweden had
held possession of it, for nearly a hundred
years, and it was at last solemnly ceded to
her by the peace of Oliva. The late king
Charles XI, in his severities toward his
subjects, had not spared the Li vonians ; he
had deprived them of their privileges, and
of a pert of their patrimony. Patkul,un•
happily celebrated afterwards by his trag
ic death, was deputed by the Livonian
nobility to carry to the throne the com
plaints of the provinoe ; he made to hie
chief a respectful speech, but brave and
full of that manly eloquence which brings
calamity when it is joined to boldness.—
But kings too often regard these public
speeches only as vain ceremonies, which
it is the custom to endure without paying
them any attention.
Charles XI, dissimulated, when he
would not abandon himself to the trans
ef his rage, struck gently on the
boulder of Patkal : "Yini have spoken
'or your country brave man," saki he to
im : "I honor you for it, continue."—
Jut, a fei; days afterwards he was de
dared guilty of high treason, and as such,
.ondemned to !leath. , Putkul, who had
concealed himself, took . to fiight - ; ho car
ried into Poland hie resentments. lie was
\l s afterwarde drirtied into the presence of
•ki t , ustus when Charles XI- was
dead j'but the sontenele 'of Patkul and his
• •
indignation" still remained. Ho repro
-...seated_l6--the;PoliGh- -Monarch than urrili-`
ties for the conquest of Livonia; the , pee
plc desperate, ready to throw olf theiolce
of Sweden, and a young king unable to
defend himself. These ioitetnents we,re
well reseived by Prinoo already tempted
to this conquest. Augustus, 'at his cor 7
nation having, promised to use his efforts to
recover the' yrovinces that Poland 'had
lost, be thiluglit by his irruption in
vonia, to please the republie and to
_ strengthen his power; but he deceived him
self in these two conclusions which seemed
so probable. All7was soon ready or a
suddeneinvasion,-Without - deigning' a a.e
sort, at the
,beginning, to the vain for
__pa:Wes_ of_ a_declaration--91 7 War
manifestos.: The Olond thicltened at the
same time an < the,. aide of Alusoovy.--.
The konaroh who governed it, merits et ,
tentmo of posterity:'.
VOL. 64.
EHEEM & WEASLEY, Editors & Proprietors
I Peter Aleziowitz, Czar of Russia -had
already rendered himself redoubtable by
the battle he had gained over the Tullis
in 1697, and by the capture of Azof,
which opened to him the Empire of the
Black Sea; but it was by more wonder
ful actions than victories, -that he sought
fur the name of Great.
Muscovy or Russia, embraces the north
ern part of Asia and of Europe, and from
the frontiers of China it extends over a
space of fifteen hundred leagues, to the
confines of Poland and Sweden. But
this immense country was hardly known
in Europe before the time of the Czar
Peter. The M uscovities, were less civilized
than the Mexicans when they were dis
covered by ?,'ortez ; born all of them slaves
of masters as barbarous as themselves,
they remained in ignorance of all the
arts, and in that insensibilitly which snioth
ers all industry. An ancient law, sacred
among them, forbade them leaving their
own country without the permission of
their patriarch. This law, made to de.
prive them of opportunities of knowing
their bondage, was pleasing to a nation
which, in the depth of its ignorance and
misery, disdained al commerce with for-
eign nations.
The era of the Muscovites began with
t i he creation of t & world ; they count 1207
years to the beginning of the last cen
tury, without assigning any reason for
this date. The first day of their year
comes on the thirteenth of ourinonth of
September. They alleg,e as a reason for
this, that it was probable God Created the
world in Autumn, in the season-when the
fruits'of the earth arc in their maturity
Thus the only appearances of knowledge
whieh they had, were gross errors. No
one among them doubted that the Au.
tumn of Muscovy could be the spring of
another country in an opposite climate
They wete even ignorant of use of figures;
they used small balls, threaded on an iron
wile; there was no other method of count
ing, in all their receiving offices, and hi
the treasury of the Czar. Their religion
was, and is still, that of the Christian
Greeks, but it is intermingled with su
perstitions, to which they were as much
more strongly attached as they were ex
.travagant, anti as their yoke constraining.
Few of the Muscovities dared to eat a
pigeon, because the tidy Spirit was pie
tured in the form of a dove. They
served regularly four Lents in the year,
and in the times of abstinence they cold
nut nourish themselves Witiei=r' - e r Vitor
hod and Saint ;INlSchlas were the
Objects of their worship, and immediate
ly alter them, the Czarand the patriarch
The authority of the latter was as bound-
less as their ignorance; ho pronounced
sentences of death, and inflicted the most
cruel punishments, without baying any
appeal from his tribunal. lie rode on
horseback twice a year, followed by all his
clergy in ceremony; and the people pros
trated themselves in the streets, as the
Turks do before their Grand Lania. Cou-
fession was practised, but onlyin the case
of the greatest
_crimes then absolution
seemed to them to be necessary, but not
repentance. They believed themselves
pure before God with the benediction of
their "papas." Thus they passed with-
out remorse from the confe:_4sietal to Old
and homicide; and that which lo ether
ohristians is a restraint, was to them an
encouragement to sin. They are ecru
pulous against drinking milk during the
fast; but the heads of families, the priests,
the women and the girls intoxicate them.
selves with brandy curing the whole fes
tival. They dispute however concerning
their religion, as in other countries ;'their
greatest dispute was whether or not, the
laymen should make the sign of the cross
with two, or with three fingers. A cer
tain Jacob Nursuff, under the preceding
reign had excited a sedition in Astracen.
on the subject of this same dispute.
The . Czar, in his vast empire had many
other subjects who were not , Christians.
The Tartars who inhabited the western
coast of the Caspitin sea, and of the
Sea of Azoff, were Mahometans ; the Sib—
erians, the Ostiagues, the Samoiedes, who
were in the direction of-tile — Frozen Soa,
were savages„of- -- Cln some were idolat
ed and others bad not even the knowl
ge of a God. and indeed the Swedes,
taken among them as prisoners,. were
more contented with . their manners than
with these of the ancient Muscovites.
Peter Aleziowitz had received an ed.
ncation which tended to increase the bar
barity of this part of the world His
natu reqn ado- hlrn-love.strangera before ho
knew how far they could be of any use
to him. Lo Fnit, as has already been
was the . vjneipal instrument he
used, in after days, to, ohange the face of
Muscovy. His powerful genius, which
a barbarous education had not been able
to contract, developed itself almost im•
mediately. Ile resolved to be a' . man, to
e - erurnaad men, and to establish a new na
.tiOn, Very many princes
,had before
bini, renounced oroWns, through distaste
:for the weight of business, but no ode bad
ceased d' iotli
ter how to raign ; it was this that Peter
the Grqt
lla - ItussiaTin - 11398;W v i ng reign:
od but two years,_ and:7vest; tO golland;
disguised under a common name, io.c. , h e
.hadimen.a servant' of that same Le Fort ) .
had sent as Minister Pisaips•
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tentiary fo the states general. Arriving
at Amsterdam, he wrote Its name in the
list of the carpenters of the admiralty of
the Indies, and worked in the dock-yard
just as the other carpenters did. During
the intervals of his labor, ho learned those
branches of mathematics which would be
useful for a prince -fortifications, naviga
tion and the art of forming plans. He
entered the shops of the workmen, exam
ined all their manufactures and allowed
nothing to escapehis observation. From
thence he went to England, where he
perfected himself in the science of con
structing vessels, be returned to Holland
and saw every thing which he could turn
to the advantage of his country. At last
after two years of travels and voyages, he
repaired to Russia, taking with him the
arts of Europe. Artisansof all kinds fol
lowed him there in a crowd. Then could
be seen for the first time, large Russian
vessels on the -Black Sea, in the Baltic,
and on the Ocean. Buildings of regular
and noble architecture were erected in
the midst of Muscovite huts. He estab
I ished colleges, acadarnics, printing hen-os
and libraries ; the cities were policed, the
garments and costumes were changed
:gradually, although wiz!) difficulty, and
the Musouvites learned by degrees what
society was Their superstitions even,
were abolished ; the dignity of the patri
ar.;lt was extinct; the Czar declared hito
self the head of their religion ; and this
last undertaking, which would have cost
a less absolute r%iler, his throne and head,
succeeded almost without oppos'!i‹, and
assured him the success of all his other
new measures.
Aftey2, having abased an ignorant and
barbarous clergy, he dared endeavor to
instruct it, and by this even, he risked
making it formidable,. But he believed
himself too- powerful to fear this. He had
made them teach philosophy and theoloz,y
in the few cloisters which remained, but
'it is true that'this theology had tinge of
the savage times in which Peter had left
his country. A man, worthy of belief,
assured me that he had assisted at a pub
lic. discussion, where the question' was
whether smoking tobacco' was a sin. The
respondent in the argument, held thaA_it
was permitted to get intoxicated on bran
dy.,but not to smoke, beeatis' the most
,N! Scripture says that which cometh
fror; '.the mouth of a man dedeth him,
but t . ; it which cntereth therein defiled)
hitt not."
91A,nmakt3 were nut, with, the
reform. Scarcely had the czarestahlish
ed printing houses, bolero they used them
to decry hint. They asserted that he was I
the Antichrist ; their proofs were thai lie
removed the beards from loving men, and
that dissections of the dead wire made it
,his academy. Buk - 0:17..f1a4; : 6 , 5' wished
to make his fortune, refuted this book,
and showed that Peter was not the Anti
christ, because the number 666 was not
in his- name. The author of the lib was
was broken on the wheel, and the author
of the refutation was made Bishop of
The Czar had not only subjected the
church to the state, for an example to the
Turkish Sultans, but, much more politic,
ho had destroyed R militia similar to, that
of the janissarics: and that which the
Ottomans attempted in vain to do, he ac
complished in a short time Ile dispers•
od tho Muscovite janissariesealled "strel
itz" who held the Czars in tutelage.
This militia, more formidable to its
masters than to its neighbors, was coin
posed of about thirty thousand infantry,
the half of whom remained at Moscow,
and the rest were scattered along the
frontiers. A strclitz had only four "rou•
bles" a year as pay, but the privileges, or
their abuses of thorn, amply compensated
for it. 'Peter, at first, formed a company
of strangers, in which he enrolled him
self, and did not disdain to begin as.-a
drummer boy and to perform_hiS duties
as such; so much was tll nation in need
of examplesl He was promoted by de
gre_es, ge raised little' by little, new
regiments; a'U at last; feeling himself
master of disciplined troops, he disband.
ed - the strelitz, who dared not disobey.
The cavalry was about the same as the
cavalry of Poland, and as the French was
when Franco was only an aseembly of
fifes. The Russian gentlemen mounted
themselves at their own expense, and
fought without discipline sometimes with
no other arms than a sabro or a quiver.
They were ineapable` \ of being corn•
mended, and therefore irionpable of con
-quering. - "`"
Peter the Great taught them to obey,
by his example and bi punishments; for
ho served as a soldier and a subaltern,
and as Czar, ho punished se - Ferely'the
"boyars" that is say, "the gentlereinf,
whit claimed that the Piivilege of nobility,'
'.was to servo the state they.
wished. - Fle established'ri2tegnlar body
to servo as artillerY , ,.and took: from the ,
ohurobes fiveibuudrett bellsttornalrocan
non R. Lie formed abort' body or. ragoon
a militia most suitable to the gusoovites.
Muscovy has to -day-(in 1738) thihiieo.-
iments of dragoons, . Groh •nnintioring a
thousand wen, well maintained. It was
Taised linssars in 11.assia. alt
last be bad' evert a. 81:shoal "engineers. in
a eori,atry Aem enc 4efore hina know
even•tbeieloMinta of geometry. He was
bin2selta eciod: engineer; brit above) all
he excelled in tho marine arts. 'An ex
cellent captain of a vessel, an able Pilot,
a gdod Sailor, an adroit carpenter, he was
much more estimable in these arts be.
cause ho was born with an extreme fear
of water. When young, he could not
pass over a bridge without trembling; he
had to have his carriage windows closed.
Courage and genius conquered, in him,
this mechanical defect.
He built a beautiful port near Azope,
at the mouth of the Tana's; he wished
to keep galleys there ; and in the course
of time, believing that these long flat and
light vessels would do well in the Baltic
Sea, he built more than three hundred of
them iti his favorite city of Petersburg.
The finances of the Czar were in fact
of little account in proportion to the im
mensity of his states. Ile never had
twenty-four millions of revenue, counting
rice ".\ fare" as about firiy bores, as we do
to-day, but way zifit, do to morrow. The
richest wan there is the one who does the.
greatest actions. Tis not the scarcity of
'Homy, but that of noon and tulmis, that
renders an Eu pire
TIT) Itlicsiao 'nation is not numerous
althiugh its women itre fruitful and its
men robust. Peter him.,elf in policing
his states had unfortunately contributed,
to their depopulation. Frequent re
cruiting: for wars, a long time unfortu
nate, na' ions transplanted from the shores
of the Caspian Sea to these of the Baltic
consumed in their labors, destroyed by
maladies, three fourths of the - children
dying in Muscovy, of the sundl-pox, more
dangerous in this climate than in any .
other, and the last the calamitous issues
of a nation so long a time savage and
barbarous even in its civilization, are the
causes why this large part of the conti
nent lids- yet such vast deserts. There
were in Russia, in theyt:ar 1727 five hun
dred thousand families of gentlemen, ten
hundred thousand lawyers, a little more
than five millions of citizens and peas
ants, paying aspecies of tax, six hundred
thousand in the provinces conquered un
der the Swedes the Cossacks of Ukraine,
the Tartars, vessels of Muscoiy did not
amounts to more than two•millions. In
tine there were not in this immense eoun,
try ti,,nre than fourieen millions of pen,
that is to :iay, a little less than two-thirds
the population of France.
The Czar Peter, in'changing the man
ners, laws, militia and face of tha.coun
try, wished to make it also famoce6 , for
wb,;Ph i.s a' the r,ime
hotii the wealth of a nation and the ad
vantage of the whole world. lie under
took to make Russia the center of nego
tiation between '_laid and Europo ; he
wished join by canals, of which he
drew a Van, the Divina, the Volga and
the Tanais, and to open new roads from
the Baltic to the Eumine and Caspian
Sees, and from these t.7N seas to the
Northern Ocean
The port of Archangel, closed up by
ice nine months out of the year, and the
access of which required a long and dan
gerous circuit, did not appear to him to
be sufficiently commodious, and he de
signed from the year 1700 to build on
the Baltic Sea, a port which would be
the magazine of the North and the Cap
ital of his Empire. ._lle has built in a
will place the imperial city of Peters
burg, which contains to day sixty thou
sand houses; where is formed a brilliant
court, and where delicate pleasures are
known. He has built the port of con
stradt on the Neva, St. Croix on the
frontiers of Persia admiralties at Astra
can and Azoph, arsenals and hospitals.
He made all his houses small and vi , :th
bad taste, but he lavished magnificence
and grandeur on his public edifices:—
He has compelled the young nobility
of his country to travel, to instruct them
selves, and-to — bring back to Russia, fbr-
eigrimanners. I hive seen young Rus-
signs full of spirit'and knowledge. 'Tis
thus that one man has changed th-,;.'great,
Nit Empire of the world. Itis shocking
that this reformer lacked humap.it7,' the
greatest virtue of mankind. Brutality
in his pleasures, ferocity in his manners,
barbarity in his rovenges, blending with
so many virtues
Se polished his states, and was himself
a savage. He had with his own hands
been the executor of his sentences on
criminals and in a debauch at a table he
showed his adroitness io cutting off heads.
There were riders in Africa who poured
out the blocid of their subjects with their
own hands, but these monarchs were con".
sidered as barbarians. The * death of a
son, whom it was necessary either to pun
ish or .to . diainherft, would have rendered
the memory of Peter odioue, 1210 tho
good ha apcomidished for hie subjects, al
most pardoned hisOruelty to his own blood.
Such Watitho Czar Peter,
ItAnA c tt.; m en of mi g ht that we' want,
bui44tili.n'use their mi g ht—men who
wit teat and' energy at whatever
they set thews'elves to do. It is n et the
strong "Sarasota)" and the big "Gcliahs''
that, do' the 'inost good ; . but lade, like
David, Earnest,--aotive,-- and strong of
purpose; doing ono thing at a tithe, but
doing that thing Well. '
"What aro wagon- here?," asked a la
beror of bag: 'don't kno*,
liWikai d'pea yam father getoa Saturdal
night V; e±aid tbta lioY; "why, b.a.
iate s tigt•as a briek .
(From Our Daily Far,'
r () ODD! our 'ray through darkness leads,
" But thine is living light ;
Teach nu to feel that Day succeeds
To each elow•wenring Night:
Slake us to know, though Pain and Woe
Beset our mortal liven,
'That I'll at last In death Haslet..
And only God survives.
Too long lh'eppressor's Iron heel'
The rapltly prow has pressed:
Too oft the tyrant's murd'rous stool
❑ee pierced the gulitloss breast;
Yet, in our souls thosood shall Ils,
Till Thou shalt bid it thrlvs,
Of steadful faith thai NVeong shall din,
And ouly survlvo.
We walk In sbndow; thickest walls
Do man from man divide:
Our brother. spurn our tenderest calls,
Our holleat aim• detido:
Yet though fell Craft, with flondlah thought
Its qubtle wel;contrivre,
.9011 Yeratthood'a teX I uron shrink to naught,
And only Truth survives.
Wrath rlrm.l, oar Ay; War lifts ott high
11114 tin: of Wahl
Ert,fl m I,llth o'..r•proads the
30 Cat:, ,ry tt , tio:
yot s 1;1 w, tru,t I t .4.11 the Ju't,
St..! .111 fit!' h .0 , re.
That, 'thine ..yr. 1,1 Thdte falai! die,
Aud ntly L .vo
1 3e his door there was'"ti fine polished°
pl„,tc, inscribed
• When h. , first came to this small coon
' try town—this is to say, when he first
3u-tiled there as a professional inan— he
hal been in the habit of passing in and
o•ut of the door often, :.nd of looking
with sonic pride at the brass; for he was
a _young man, only just beginning life,
aiJdit was very possible that the shining
pl.tte pointed to a futuro in the distance
with as bright a lustre as its own.
Somehow, unf4tunately, that furufe still
continued to shine in the distance, and
01'3 days iind weeks and months that be
todrag rather heavily over the young
scrgeon seemed to bring it no nearer to
him. lit'vvas very odd. Ile had been
Gil on alt sides what 0 i,romising opoing
ti c ere was in 1:1ollowle:gh fut a s1.1;-g, am ; lie
likreongtAtulated himself that t he al..slm ...e
o . .D. after his name was of no noose
.o,..tenee —a mere sound, often unsought
!.r the greatest men. And, tiesido, there
...i.: , : already physician of old stairdlltg in
-6t the most prownkin-r pant of Cle
; .4 :}4 • IR, d
11: 1 scarcely time to settle his 1)e-7r
Ise before this Dr. Heath, seeming sod
necly to disco-yer that his then residence
did not suit him, had actually axed upon
the large and handsome house examl;,
opposite to that shining new brass plate.
It was no use fur James to shake his fist
at the doctor's carriage from behind the
window „curtains ; of no use for him to
wish there had been a school opposite,
an asylum, anything, in fact, but that
commodious residesoe with its lawn
stretching down to the river on the op
posite side, which had proved so attrac
tive the physician.
"I ohoso this end of the town on pur
pose," muttered Jllllloi, grinning at the
obnoxious wagons which brought thr: :
doctor's furniture, 'because ho
the other, and now he s.tally follow
ed me here. "Well, leiVrpposet there's
room inough for bush; at any rate, it
cannot be worse with inn than it has been,
for, except a poverty stricken old w ;wan'
ur two, no patient has trou'tled-inii . ."
And then lie wen: to-sit at the table'ot
hi, little s:udyilhci bo miceible, which
wds .o-f—tio use either. Bet the fact w,le,
I- his eyes, glancing from time to time
throu g h the window, cau,;lit sight of the
corner of Some lUX.:•*hillt couch or chair
peeping from under its cover; of inn live
picture frames and costly mirrors. And
ho could nut help reverting tl certain
gulden visions of his own, whose bright
ness had faded by this titno, and leftihern
,ko.fero him the pale g host of 'what they
. • ~
mice were. Th2n, that carriage of the
doctor's was the very thing he. had in
dolged himself in picturing as fit for—
somebody. And as the thought recurred
him, he sighed bitterly, for the time when
that somebody might be the ruling geni-
us of his house—even this little den—
merned so far off as to be almost. wythi..
But ho did not tell hor so. Ile held a
certain philosophy, that cheerful letters
`wore bet tor than sad and grunablingones;
and even, with those obnoxious wagons
'before the'whadOw - ,Tho;liiiVing no pfe:
aoriptions to write, and nothing pariion.
• lar to do, had actually drawn pens and
paper toward him for tho purpose of'wri•
,ting to her.
Well, he couldn't help-it. Nothing
would come thi4 tirrnibut the beginning
"My own dear little Margaret"—stuih , a
long beginning , that it lost, it(fsat,''all
the shapeliness common to beginnings.—
But, for all that, wci *must tool severally
guilty concerning these two adjectives,
even thmigh Our Margaret may bavo eft
ceeded,the ivbrage height Of .woMen.
Having written so fdr, however, h.
Woodfleld's ink. dried •in his
Could riet keep hia . .oyeefrom the Findu s w;
And tbo ItixuriousourriaigClad ;lust driven
up with'n the'lloro
tor,'a wife;, and:: 'suppOsed,--.
Try hie utzepet be could not 'help
way to forboding too dismal for Marga
ret's eye to read; he could not think of
any possible good accruing to him from
the doctor's invasion—as ho called it—
but only harm.
If Dr. Heath had stayed where he was,
a few of the people at this end of the
town might have had recourse to the new
surgeon ; but now, of course, all the neigh
borhood, as well as his old patients, would
run after the great physician, who was
rich and famous, and did not care about
their "Patrooago.
"The way of the world," muttered
James, after the fashion of disappointed
young philosophers—"the way of the
world I"
And then he caw Mr. Pereival Heath
the doctor's only son, ride up to the door
on a horse, wl ieh drew him, in spite of
himself to the window, and made his eyes
sp!enclid animal!" soliloqu'zea the
surgoou, who kept Ito home—pretty wcil,
as he thought, bitterly, it' he coubl k el.
hiiu ell, "Thu's the sort of thin,; I
should like now; mike perfect. action
Grto.. ra:e, atpla
on him, I wwi ler ir Mr litHe.val
gieB i n fn r Perlinp4 lie u
lie ;toad cnou r Oi to take t !lest
114 , 1,111 P.
ti;1111 , 1S, returning to his wr;ting
material, pHt them away hn.!ily.
In : , en ,rat Margaret got her letter a•
bout ()ace a week, as regulir as the coun
try p:lper came out, and he got Ills an
tiwrr as 'moonily, but bhe mmt wait a
!wilier post this time. To day he could
not write to her, and it was with a cer
tain grimnese of sere ism that he thou , Jit
she would put it down to hit being so
busily engaged with . his patients that he
had no time to write. No time Thai
was the greatest evil. VP had ton murdi
time, and did not know what to do with
He had establisl.ed a slight nerivain
tance with many of The town people, and,
among others, with Mr. Percival Heath,
whom he liked, hut with whom he could
perhaps, under the circumstance=,
have touch in common, sit.eo strwzgling
roan has little sympathy to spare for a
favorite of fortune. And he was wont to
think that on t' atyoungfellOw.everything
iriqoMllol that tt was a marvel to
find him so little spoiled and so full of
life and energy. Mr. Woodfield wonder
ed too, error: as he looked at the
liege house oppo,hte, is its inmates eves
thoug,ht of him in his struc-gles and un•
fulfilled hopes. Why should they ?
was nothtng to them. lir. Heath had a
perfectright to take the house if he chose.
Possibly, indeed, if he had rernaked at
the other end of the town, it would have
made but little difference to Jihnes.—
Everybody would hare gone to hint just
rho snore; for why should people consult
a young, untried surgeon in preference
to a well-known physician, who, morgov
or, on certain drys, gave 'consul.tal,,ion
gratis to those who could not afford his
fees ?
Dr. Heath had done this fur
the act of a young surgeon's rash appear
a in the town was no reason for the
ountinuanee of a charity. He began
it was n mistake to come jo-1.161-
lowleh , h ; nevertheless, that-Iring was done,
and he must mut:o the best of it.
It_irtrr - ntere than a year, it was nearly
ye;v:l, sinve the polish of that plate
npinrent an expression
on Jan/6 Woodlipid's face ; and be w•as
still, to nsea signifloant phi ase, struggli
to „Jeep his head above water. His
friends, too, if he had possessed any near
er4ugh to examine lerkpersond appear
ance, nti.:ht hive 'Weer wed that there was
,light tendency abnut the oorners of his
mouth t , ) curve downwards, and altogeth.
er a want of elasticity about ho manvely
different from his buoyant air of two
years ago. Such friends as he had, how.
over, waro either unobservant or not suf.
ficiently interested in him to tronbio . them.
selves about his looks, and ho went on his
way dreatilr, with such hope as he could
summon up to help him. Ho hadsone
so far as to confess that tho whole affair
was a decided failure. .He was at times
miserably 'depressed and' anxious, almost
ready-to give up altogether; but, if be
did that, what was to become of him? A
portion of •his small capital was gone al
ready ; was ho to throtv the other after it?
Ho might try and try, and yet have no
mere_ chance than thatnoluelty;flyinthe
- .windoW - had oreventurilli etcaping they
bloated spider on the watch for hi'.
And, of course, as he lookedtd.the fly
and the web, his' eyes tr4ielled,as 'they,
illU , sys did, with a persistency Which as.
tonished.hirnself,to that housOoppeitito;
and ho saw the carriage,' which was t the
`ideal of his visions in that departmerit,
*drive up and. &posit the ladies of Dr,
Heath,s f - threiladies'this One,'
and the third, who was as visiteri.. report
had decided to be Mr. Poreivars'ilancee.
• - • .41
TS q le saw NI.. Percival himself rt
up as usual, and noticed thathis onehatid
was tait'ad itp is :a `Lunidliefebief,-11e.
wondered_idly_what -that- was,fair
then, as ,he 'Watched the yoUng Man AS-,
slating the ladies_Srent the carriage, and
marked how' he lingered inside that tblia
ono ; who did not yob. t 4 the family;
-lie sins onagolens of s'; feeling rasrl,t
~an;~ ~la
TEAMS:--$2,00 in Advance, or $2,60 within the year
Behind him came two men with sonic
dogs, and he was afraid of them also; a
fraid of the mca,but more soot the dogs;
and more than , all he dreaded that gurg
ling wat:r. He was horribly afraid of it.
Be stood still and put his baud up a
gain to his forehead, and his eye, ca-tght
the little soar. A cold perspiration broke
over him, and a single ejaoulatiou passed
his lips..., •
"Good God 1" ..Th a
' It was no irreverent outburst lightly
spoken. It was'-Aw4me, however, could
possibly toll , all that those two horior
stricken words were meant to expreas,Tor
a ghastly suspioion had broken upon , Mr.
Percival's' Mind—a; sustdoicin that a fatti
morehorriblatlfao, Anything he could van-
coin Ming over him.
Thai' little soar' ad been left by tbe:
bite of a dog. Itr,ivas .a fortnight now
Si nee, in"pity to a 'Si:damning child Imh!id!
attempted to drlie'a • dox from Ida .path,
and hod snapped :it
:ea on. lb remembered: now that the
dog had" been 104 sod thays'ent': idlo
forfir,a.44or two. Snob birjOleTr
being . common , ofcourse ho hail netiet,
ouco thought, of it a &Mora - LIMN : - twee'
evett:' , ,exPitlintoett a sensation of-.ttionsi
ness Tltilitc* •
akin to envy that ho took himself to task
at once for it.
"You are developing intoa surly brute,
James Woodfield," he said ; a' selfish
cynic; who would snarl at another's hap
piness because your own is—ah, well, .1
where is it, and when will the good time
come ?"
After all, though Dr. Heath's removal
'had done him no good,yet it had furnish
ed him considerable occupation, specula
tion, and some amusement. As it grew
darker that night ho took his usual posi
tion, with his elbowson the window sash,
to watch the arrival oft he Docto:'s guests,
for there was a dinner party at the oppo
site house, and he saw among the arri
vals magnates whose patronage would
have made the heart of th youngsurgeon
glad, while in a professional pointof view,
Dr. Heath cared very little, if at all, fair
But, the doctor's rceeptiou . roomy fircod
the lawn, so th it, after the arrivals were
over, and lie had colrred sorer dozen of
ladies in chat g..ssuurrattirewhichneeds
1;, be nia•le tire proof, and as many gen•
Ina.) lu wiltrtiful in funeral suits,
thcr• W:01 fl;; hie_ to do but to
wtitch the nickeling ;anip outside or turn
t the intff.or of little room. lie
eli.o.n the latter alternative, and as he
turned he liecalue awarent 31aster Cadger
ea-c , ,mg the d dor handle and seemingly
w:itin_ his pleasutd
'Who.. do you v;ant, you rascal? Why
don't y.,u—"
“Koor,k, sir."' interposed Master Cad
ger bri .kly. "Did, sir, if you please;
couldn't :mike you Ilene. It'Foul . ir a par
ty, a 4 hes been telling mu he's going
By a peculiar jerk of Lis thumb Map-
Codger appeared to intimate that "he"
was Dr. heath. At least so James un
derstood it.
"1)r. Heath Going away
'•l'es, Leastways he's going to for
eign parts, and can't come back not in a
day exactly, you knoz.."
. "Well," said Mr. Woc;d4 e 4l., c o lle c ti ng.
"whAt hag that to d 6 with me'?"
Thithing, It's._only as • •
Biwa s and woe a w .ease
she might be took sudden, at. ..•
to he had. I told her you win.
home, unless, to be sure, Borne AA
country patients sent for yn e ."
"That will do," said James. "You
can g ,.'t
It is not to be denied that Mr Wood
lieu' a heart Cid year it!, a
If the doctor was going abroad might
there not be a chance for hit,: ? 1 t seem- .
cd only reasonable tosuppose there would,
since, it ;the people were ill, a now doc
tor must be better than none.
The fates were surely in league against
James Wooddeld. No sooner was his
hope conceived than a rude hand dashed
it to the ground. Dr. Heath would leave
a deputy behind
Mr. Percival Heath was walking down
the llollowleigh road tow-Ird tee town.
Ho walked slowly, for he had an unu.ull
sense of d iscom flirt, which he could neith•
er shako off nut. analyze. It weighed
upon him with a very heavy oppression;
it was 111.0- nothing that he could think
of so much as terror—vane, unreasoning,
but strong orror, springing from no cause
that ho could discover, and pointing to
no result.. Ho could nut make it out.
Ile had thought to shako it off in the
open air, but it seemed to get worse in•
stead of better, so he turned back toward
howo. Was ho going to be ill? He had
been bleasea hitherto with suoh vigorous
health that ho knew nothing ahoutillneia.
lle rnised the hand which had been
lymnd up and on which there appeared a
slight soar, to his foicheed confusedly.
As he did so he leacl.e,l a point in the
road were the riser, running parallel
with it, became suddenly vi:ible by the
lowering of the roadside batik.
Mr. Percival started back with a ping
of desperate misery. Ho could not boar
the night or that water; be was afraid of
of it.
, . ~..
He was a strong-will N
To get home quietly,:if p,' :'!-_
down this boirible. , dreail,,a
heel were Ppmsdry . liod• wiilk '
men, and Unit vas whPtAteAee , '
do. Already the•air artititl4lli .:
Stinct with4nad, lurid eticti/pii4ll''
jaws, and h t scarcely knew
up the stre4,,whether - it.;iii4iinktf r.
that were bipiring.dornheaviliiok,.'''-- ,
or his own fanoies thetrniafili-gielti*l,:.
to do so. He got into the liouifil(ooVi.,i:
ed his servant. -. /Te'spekoOlici*W-,c .
calmly as ho cculd, and gaid•hii*leAllo,P4":
sage. It was traitless. DrHeil'iVqe:';'
uty had gone out; timoof i.Skiiiii"tin f aeti.
. - a w -' .•Y: ' ,',--';;,
e .
''' : ,;:.V;:l;%',.:;ii-•-1-';'-2-7-';
"William," said 3lr;'''Pot4i.-o , #
~ lilllfil
afraid the dog that bil pie' iiiis 4 .'o';'`:: , : -.. - . ,:j
across and fetch W6edileldt3A6• L :iiir.
what I say,. aPit Ant-O word :00.'; . 4144,
else. Bequitik."' ''•-- - 2 .;: : :•:V44_,._ , 1.'
Mr. James Wood!lehl.wai.kittlili4,%.
room called by Courtesy bis:And , ir•4/*n
had beep there pretty nearli;slGltoi*:l::
having Spirits, perhaps; to get l eit.i.AiP:lTt
singular coinoidenco the.inbjetit* :. ''' ''''•
been studying, and which hitt ionsc,..,,
siderablo interest in his minkiiaiia7il
that had been perfortnea'gi - 10-
ease of hydrophobia; ''Llejia.'4,FniiNniri:l:''
self pretty well waste!' iif,044 , 40....,f ..2';*-, - ;.., , ,
it was-fi:aitertaiin psietholegisiat fejOi 1, o''''44 ''.,
occupied him when, .afteriheitii • ' y '
knock, Master Cadger 'tialiarOX ~A :
Heath's servaut.' • - i i ~ ..,., , - . .:M . ? '
"Beg pardon, sir. _Partit'onh4i . '*
must see you direotlY." ;•:" 7 : '''' l l, -I ..W'i::;',V,
The rest of Master"`Clzdieir"%" ' ''' . g
which was irreloviint t wa , : l iii, - ' ;viii , N 4 ";,!
sur g ery, while Mr. Pereiv - q.,.*: ,- ,! , # 1 , ',.`, , '„
lay befiwe the doctor in 1it,.., '''-i.'ilt • zt, - ,,
M• Woodfield was - seniii,iler,_il ' ' l '' ,
thrill through ail his nerv4...a:410
and a single piiraaiiiiirt; 9/7 - 7* - 4„ .
which he had been reeliVs.••':f.no4.g4',.,
4 .
big 'melt like. in cello la -1 4,44,4P:i'iiV;,.
Without a word he f o iok, , ,voi t 4 4,i . ,, , ,-- ;;
across the street into the i NillA*,,,,Wi
had seen so many goniianie l Aft****,
and black coated' gentleiti'W6'4(l:iii*W - :
semi-ciroular staircase,,Wbich3'iikyk,:riKi•;:
most have swallowed up hi521444 .. 14i , • , . ..:-
and into yoUng lleath'srootil4; - C,41 . 4 4 ..-
Mr. Percival sat on the.bed: •4.14tf..-1 . ,,'.:
sleeves, and ho was tre,nitimeot,4--R,
and shrank back rich in.•e24ostiffiteff_t : ' . ; l .: ;4
terror as the deotor hntered.i#Moiid4:-.:v.
field turned and looked fnit'itiO .l, illnOri•- : 4:::,•
..... ..;.. -.,. , T.-,',
cam's face.
NO, 27
"you'll do," he sal
sit. down thero, out of e i / 16 1 1;;'?Ort"1 ,
, Then ho turned ‘thnitty , ' , :* ~.
,„_,.., v r . , 7
0 '
( rlift.
doer and went forward.' life'' •._pc--,
have risen with the occal,3o : :,k.',
despondency into a trih: -, '''arlig . :lfilWl
an. indisputablq . 'i" - :..:" . : , -NF' -. 'v:-S
ing at him tiitll
91),t, "you see 1
_••.:q own 5a1i.T...1
,fr neroe
e ^e w
lase' naL,
his hand on tto k ,
still looking at hi
eyo. "There is
mad. You are at
have never bee
in tiny way with
tt a ll o. , .
1 4- Then there i _
run will have le:. vicar •
ment more. Are youtitipatirs'cO:lititr -l t:-
lag what I say 7"
"Then listen. I kuoW
energetioaed strong-rninele4.:
will. Exert it first to beliSvO. that
think you see or feel is, iniffteo;7oeosii)4.%:,:"
exert it, above all, to• keep ex
possible. The will may bo overz4ked:;:ootic't,
well as underrated; but it •
meet of immense poTtes
you aro giting way t
your eyes on mine.
already. lam going,.
"Doctor," eaid tb
know the dog was tzuq:
thing, and I will" tr,iirti
you. Swear to kill if
4i o nea responded:
, 45
about'to tate are
cure •"
"Did ihoy over outon'•'-'
"Sir?' sad the set?'°
en,'-Jon have bled .Itl AA',
"No," replied JauXsW t
about the lips, oettly* - , 6k 11.. c_ ,
In feet, the y0ung....44,10
as a corpse, and ''eoloilo4
faintoit dimness was .I:ft6'ibi
ii .
whith_ the matt lield-6-11:; , t, / i
i•Will'lM pw,crOtAzi'2 , ir r "/ "..'
4 : : , '.'n. t.: *-
1 "I hope so." ,- -fu'i%-ii,ltp;.,„,
i , Cottiitn4 he hC7,..-..i"' -` , `o"
, ft. ie '.... - Jr .
fqco,"saidlinl ,Arci, - ,r...,i
hero when he emit' 1 0*." .,4 - ' 4 ° l';
Mr, Woodfield : : l 1111 .
long.' 'Tie stayed t , : z . w . 4
moots as was 0)844 . ; ..._
go over once agith;`,#littlo ,
whioh, by whitt,'.4litottosl'.
strange a ehatiee;t:ila i
when, ths"bervant fq , '' cti
0 ,0
'Went habit. , L::=',.." , ;:._ . ,6' .
It watt night, g;s'9lM.v
he had wt:tehed . thKt s '
often ghoul-Tv'
itairs. InAilie .
the rnbtling Or ,
`aen" :appearance Writ ,
bOt' 64 lY::# . . I .it 4
svtlit \ lii* 4l !Brig.o . '
.. Ot .itsitit . „ :.3,,.... ,
'ring T— ...
Al" 3 4 ,114,
il t
l. irZZlitr4E"
‘: N' l. :W‘"•' : : .- -!::-, , '; .;',77,1)
`— l _l'.; •
...,-_..., ~_-„, s.
• ~ J
~ , .
.:,,,:i.% . ..;r:.: . ,!,,,.,':.:.:`,,,!, , , , . ,