Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, June 03, 1864, Image 2
ary r Vii. ole C.A RLTS LE, PA. Friday, Jane - 3, INC S. M. PETTENGILI. it. Co., NO. 37 Park Row, New York, Aral 0 State St. Boston, aro env Agents foe th, it,, A , In those cities. and are autherize.l to talze Advertise ments and Subscriptions for us at our lowe4 rates. The People's Choice for President, ABRAHAM LINCOLN Ile" . GONE TO THE FRONT —The Provost Guards hitherto stationed in the various cities .c.and towns over the country, have been ordered to the front. This shows that the Govern ment is determined to put the rebellion through now ONE VOTE. —ln Poster's Lives of (lie Brit, dill Statesmen, occurs the following passage: Cromwell hail oflitirod himself as a member for Cambridge ; his epronent was John C!cve land. Tie now t si iilatinately fierce, and ended icimin, at last, by the majority of a single l e. "That soft," ex claimed Ca reland, "tilat vote—that single vote—bath ruined boll church and :4111 o."— Everybody the lon-t knows to whal cx'ent tho In icej as ft i filled. The vine ca-t nlnries 1. hi s hut]. r,-‘ , Drx. Ilon. R. Uir r, of Ohio, 15. S. Con-a.l 10, d0..11 ,(I.ldonly ict l iNfelttrenl, on la •L ,y evening, at thp ap e l . 3dfG9 ye r.:••• `.[r. (;;1n.n.n..; wo, I o n ' i ll adford Cou:dy, I [:t al the early al:o nI is ar- Coon ty, Ohio, iii tl,e Wvsto:n fAttto..ts lor its devotion to (ho 1111111 H. Of teti at thtl hula❑ liberty. lit. 1.. w with t ht• ELISIIA coutinued uli ri I H' years. Ile was tii rc i Lr - •.r'i t w ~tl ponent e of !-!ft vcry blo JOHN Q;'INCV attached to his c I of petition, tidy, very and the rave Columbia, :led. cl, t: ',..3outhern Ci ar 11 t! ly male to crl,ture manners of the el,iv loyal ell men 11,- 1.. just as his r 2, eq ME a Le I u 1 the Fran', Jud;cl,kl,l ut7, t n 1 by "tho Zinged, a rem v• lure ; bat he 1C: l. I to t7./111 , 1 , 11 , , t Htand ill Euiport r;:bellbya !lb 1 i'f+ lected by t!u L ISCA, nnl rvls cot per.,:eLa =II whence ou I much trouble, is as i land Conventic,n, c 1' 1., a, r , ,litical \ 'ivo been thruwn to the in u li6hes the exclusion i p ; fro.:(c.i. (1:I I' ent-: arc extreme! , s,li,!tiet:t cociternpl:l:i.l gmlicrio;; cans, nal I, lrful till: it taig',lt I,L a fziINIFO the!,ta.l!) licit to it, time an I deed, so strangely solieiton-' 11:,ve the corper beads become on this sul.jrzt that it H darkly hinted that tl,e copperlitool ennven.i,n d for Chicago nl ui letwd, lind the prciceedil,gi of (he CRIIC:IVO nt l'icve:au 1 a dopte 1 The victor sad dilemma of the co i Tt.t!teti every blow struck by utll' V:cl o. uns tru line death to coppt‘rheAki - li.~ i!H%S.':r Iteligiou3 Intellig3nce The following elc lnrel p-r:.g•upli is taken from the addrei , s of Rev. Mr. m the Ai rican \I E. Chinch, one of flirfie I the General Conference or the M L: C,ttlt now in beees.ion in Ploi Church of Christ oitt•t take her place ns the vanguard oh the mighty Lost el ( of in the reformation of the world, and ad ether ap pliances will follow in Om ;rain. Our Con. ferenco is pleased, (Lore] re, to learn this tendency of ye ur Church, Om :\ killer of 1\ loth • odism iu (his country, to the recognition of this principle su long Irdinplt in tho We pray that wo may prove onraelves worthy of this recognition of manhood. It. is our in nate being to Le grateful for invocs bestowed. Favors we engrave upon the imp:id:di:l'ole to. blots of our hears, while injuriei nvitin too are like sentences written upon tile drifti.. i ; sand." This indicates that n coLre 1 man's wind is capable of mental culture ! The Lulepend,nt says the we:l huowu :11 eth - odist clergyman, Rev. John McCiintock, D. D. who has spent the last two ycais as ins tor of the American C , .apel has re turned to New York ; and we should be' glal to hoar of him as ovel-whelmed with the thanks of his fellow citizens, for many ;Nod services to the American cause while abroad. It further says we desire to make a conspicu ous record of the following reslution adopted at the Into meeting of the American and For eign Christian Union, because every word of it is richly deserved: ''Received, That the thanks of - thisineeting i as representatives -of our fellow-citizens, be given to the Rev. Dr. McClintock, f6r his valuaLie services in yin dieating his traduced country before the peo ple of Europe." A mooting was hell some days since at the Cooper Institute, New Ycrk, to adopt a plan for sending ohristian ministers and lecturers into the Southern country., An-able commit tee of ministers and laymen, residents in New York,.Boston and Philadelphia, were appoin ted .to mature a gam Among the persons composing. the.commit tee we GbPervo the names of Rev. hafte Perris LB. D, ROY. John Mc clintook D. D, Rev. S. 11. Tyng, D. E. N. Kirk andßeorgo H. Stuart. Address• es wore delivered by Revs. ICii•k, Lock7ood, ,Duryea, and,llon. Eli Thayer. Next wet]: the National Convention will meet in Baltimore to nominate a candidate for the Presidency. To ono man, the public mind seems to be principally directed. With a singular unanimity, the present incumbent Nvitl most likely Le selected by that body, as the standard tearer of the Union party in the con:ming- campaign; and we feel assured, that his nomination will be hailed with great satisfaction by the people. Ile has had a term of unprecedented solicitude and trial.— and yet, with the most gigantic rebellion his tory has ever recorded, to contend against, he has steadily advanced in fin work of its sup pression, until we can - almost see the end.— Whatever may be the opinion of some with re gard to the earlier movements of the Govern ment in conducting this war, there can be no doubt at this time about the vigor and on. ciency of the means employed for bringing it to a speedy close. Our gallant soldiers aro rushing to the field with an ardent patriotism never excelled, and scarcely ever equalled.— Our bravo and skilful Generals, and other bflicers, are vieing with each other iri the peril; of battle to hang imperiAahla laurels upon the tinudatil of our country, The en cony is recliog under the strong and repeated blows of Union fmTes—atel sooner or I.ter, the IThimi must ',hi eetablislibil upon the stile basis of 11, , ,11 ers , i liberty. ith 11;(-,1 p pro;- p,bl; cif s:;cl t ltt,t, Mil the rtilivc'lca l ht t ut that Mr. i; lionmit in his to mai lain the Unio i oven Iv the ul ShlN't ry, th, ;:t.:llhtwrit I:, that Le shnnll be cc (,,l—tliat it 1,,r the st in;( -b; or tin' entry- that to) clnill'n• (1 ,c 1 1:11;:i,11 Li-tory C t.(1111,11:1!! I 11=11111 niifi ' •,\ =EMI ME ME \'‘ !ME =I Wit.-:., _-+;-f.~, _ _~.L~:L~ i .1 •~ EEM EMI ' ~ i LEM t, =EMI LII di i i'~ ~ I• ,r I'.r i I:llgently in,htle,l in no I very rationtly 10:11 de I, or t!ie w!icrewi[h to , h-e:l,tro the SIM i:l;er NViii have g,t, up an 0 his 001 kly :se if I er6l, t1;;:t An 1 t i ttf fra,:litttlt, into \v:ti,it cu ttro titviae ;, e.ttl t et 3 our :=clv,.- , au.l com, : yutt ict e wooled.: ;111 : , 01 . 1.-3 01 111',11; el' lu L.CU./1110 your prop', g t er in Filch f orce, arid Llt.ttivirri with co gtttiti reoCon your ~p pe,trLtice his ctinier, nulhio.r, sitt,t t uC a big Co:lect. yourselve.i, I, r valutblo as you me in ENE titoßiu,~iyyuu will ucvir tha! the printer way fol:,1 you in to an,l:iend you l',llll Ile fur him (11.1 viniicate his ere:l.!. The lot cif li . ivrrnnient cot-cis, thirty •nine in natalter, ha c been kept in Southern California ever• since the reign of James Bu chanan, were soli at auction at Ilenicia la.t we e k at t', 0 , 11 •"..t:',9 to tit", - ) enell in greenlet.dttt. These nnitaad.t, Can road to 1. from Ledl Ar,2'.01, t , :dall:t - lel ned: ly ev,'try I. Q.-a an I rett:o ia.y Inel, and uftor their non ai stm:il: in the piaci), run.iin7, tip a pretty Land s me bII f d.iniag•S. 'l'ho Original coot rf the animals, landed in America, was same $3 , 000 each, and the cost of bringing them front Lis Angels, ler sale, was only about three limes as much no th..y realize! under the hammer. Most of lhem aro to be lotion t t Nevada Territory, we believe. The sale of these animals was a grand mistake, in our opinion. No homes could be male to stand a charge from them, an l had they been put in the can of the Army of the Potomac, they would long since have stampeded Stuart's cavalry, ang_taken..Rielimpud. As of Ithod• crick thin, it might be said, with truth, of the' leader of the flock : "One blast uponhis : but grelorif Were worth a thousand men," any time, when the enemy's cavalry were' about. The late Judge Nill, who died childless, by a will executed some years ego, made a liberal bequest to a relative who is a native of this county and still resides in the State ; but by his will admitted:to rrobitfe on Mon day last, ho revokes the legacy expressly on the ground that the legatee sympathises with the traitors in nrinb against the government. Judge' Nill was a War Democrat, ftrid'he was as consistent in death as he was earno.sti in life, in his abhorrence of faithleSsness to our sacred NationaJity.—Clynnbu 2 yr :Re pository. ABRAHAM LINCOLN I (•(''.;\ MIMI= nl..y Lc I 1 MBE 111.1111111111 =MEI MIME ]. t. Ili;t•I :L :I,', ;•• I 1 ; t , llr (;:.)Vi r11;11,1 IME MEI _DT QM 1111. =MI t:, his !mil ill of i:01 Ui la hint in C.. 1131 •.1 I ,t .:1 I. • Mr Last of the Camel S)oculation NOMINATION OF GEN. EREMONT ron THE PRER IDENCY, AND GEN. JOIIN COCHRANE FOR THE VICE PRESIDENCY. ThO ' CODVCIIIiOR assembled on Tuesday last. The permanent organization was accomplish ed by the election of Gen. J,hu Cochrane, of New York chairman. - Gen. John C. Fremont was unanimously ileciaret i the nominee of the Convention for Pre , ident, and Con. John Cochrane as Vice President. , The following are (he resolutions adopted as the platform of the new party. : That the Federal Unian shall be pee served. ,Second: That the Constitution and laws of the United States inuilt, be observed cud obey ed' Third : That the Rebellion mupt be sop pres&e,l by force of firms, awl without, cum promis-. Fourth: That the rights of frco,peech, free press, and the habeas corpus be held invio late, sore iu districts wbero martial law has been proclaimed, ' Fit!, : That the Itebellion has destroyed Siavery ntid the Federal Constitution t-bo-.1,1 he amended to prohibit its retltatdi , hotent, and to Seel2l'e t 0 ull men at, , ohlte equality be l'ut.e liie law. : 'l'llsl. Ill: I PP;)11()711y are ;1:!- 01111;104 nt t;'.l I1[11;'-; ;II I ill; nil;u: II r.tunu of ; (jos Pr r11110!11, nnl that 1;1 ;11110 Of 15 Al' 111 U Nynnt. of them k : r: to , i., a V c11 , 1•J t.t it t• intiot, I II C , ll y 1,;:y 130 Th a the g ,Ihn , to t", t ri :Ind the. ISIEMIMMI it vi.; '^t!i MIME i , , in INEM ME MI EMI ( ,P I 1 ~ ,i lEEE ' .•• r : :1.111 or ( - to v f01:,)%v , II: MEM opt ial ME am n L. i \sii, it , ho I . lipciPP-; IP.t..:11:1-; pH.]: 1,!,p p , •l I pr ! io I o ; ca-t.; to,oli , Ns:CI t.orirniiv tho :;:irnbler 11. \ lit,AS, I'irl;il.4lt• I , lt I 111,11 IV 11l ;II l\li 1. th, or twr 11• we st,,-,e t h,.11 111'1 ti , do wnl ut the 1111 - 1:11JV 11/.! forg,uti I,lm•ltwatt,,it ht, (;):it,lct,t;i:;, 11 ` 11,11.1 11;0111 1111 - 1111 g !..1.'11,11 , 1y tt, 11:Lir 11014 C,)11,11- :1'1) :IS \Veil ai 111,1' to litl then- olvn veil ittrlLW..ll.l`l 4)1 611 , 11 11 11',L , 1 I :tr.. IJle. .1 701.1 y :to. ttotinced lu In; army the r it 11.0 . 1111/116:11:1/ tier. l't :e!). ;.:otsai thal hit I tlpt t Tl.i ti u;11 iii ti 1: ; \VC i ;11110. St/I/It3 Mil-J.lllllO CtM!111111 , 1 It ; lir I. war, :;fury 11131 lint aside C cal s C e ,l and cut to it. cei by 01,1i,11.,1rt•licy li,ruu It 1'r"1,•:;,,• j ,11111,11 , it 1,(1,1 ilot, II lt,u:ola; jun. ar,ry Lay or nearly so, or un the poiffi of ca pital:olll;s, rvrati•dly u months, 11 reporlS were 10 he creillieo. A traitorous Baltimore i-heet re: (mai ) , report e d that Grant's ~ilrinv Ita.i lust 70,000 llit2ll ill lhe combats I.myotpi the E,al,- idall, and charged the lie to the As,ociated Press, as Lich never tittered nor eountimaiired iL do the sky chit-Limed by atrocious and dishearteni, g lies, in the eon. joirt, interest of Stool:jobbing and Treason. I.s it tut high Ilan:: an example were made ul sonie among their Fabricators ?. feel that the Opposition Press lends -itself too easily to the circulation of these" de pres,ing, injurious falsehoods. Wo allude not alone to the avowedly "Peace . ' oracles that proclaimed themselves hesiilo to the prosecution of the War for the Union ; for we find those that profess to support the War scarcely less eager to magnify the losses and exaggerate the mishaps which may at any time befall the Union .artnies. Surely, no ono whose reading was confined to these journals would infer, from the tenor of their editorials, that we have long been steadily gaining on the Rebels, and now held, bes,do every foot of the twenty . States that they doit't claim as adhering to their Confederacy, nearly if not quite halt of the thirteen States that fluty do claim. We do not expect of thede journals any manifestation of partiality to the cause of the Nation ; but ought they not to treat it with common fajrncss I—Tribune. The Cleveland Convention. : It:011.1111 11 . 8 i).,•11111,•' ! ahtl y IL lEEE •:Lti 1 , .) a L N.Jia ME OEM ME ES =IN =1 1 \ , IMMINIM •1' IMI ERIE IMMO , tho ;;; : ,!; I; l r,. of 1.1):),:-..old lIIME . . From the New Orleans Piray m1(1,1'4113 , •4. Wo have 'received a private letter, dated "U. S. steamer Argov, off Fort Deßussy April 30, Mil," which contains the following paragraphs of general news : One of the most barbarous .acts which has happened during the rebellion, transpired near here a few days sinco. There has come to us for pretection, since our arrival, some twenty•five Creole citizens, natives of the parish. They have organized themselves in to a "Horne Guard," for mutual protection, and have drawn rations from the Government to meet their immediate necessities. The or g taizat ion is in cliargo of Capt. P W Mas ters anti Lieut. Cease, both native of this (Avoyelles) pat ish. On Wedneday last Lieut. Cense started out with twenty-two men, with twelve United ltitates muiikets, with the intention of hunting tip seine mote of their members, wh o I nt d been frightened by the ba rbarit ice of the goer and had tomidd, conce Omen'. in the The s y 1111111 CA about during the thy, and at night arriste 1 in the vicinity of a broth er of Luttit. (lease, end went into trmitcr.4 in co-.lnt. hot He. \t tut. three o'clock on tho morning of Thur:olty they were ,mrprh,v.l by about. forty or fitly rebels, and without serene ly a struggle, twelve of then: were taken pi io entire. Toe h. 11:e °lily one Nvllo ti n• 1 alp! Lc ..-_ , lmeec I in roll:log CS CAN: till' . 111'4 (11 , 14.'1 u:1.1 111111,*0 in Coe :',i•etcon. ..Araw.lg the pri-ompi, EOM= !, nt,,l ttJtl%,t =ME long 1,) the trtil two heytt. two :are :11!,. , 5vi, I to leave, allot I• I I;.r iii n b itliL u , w 11,) cit stir I t 'l"de elk; tliun t,li , iml to lio; Rlll itt I i ' l\ ~ 11 oulr La:; 6J.12 al 011. I k :01 /,,t`., =1 t.! =I NMI lIMEI=II 1/r.,, i s i =ME , L i t•• (11 MEI= r; ,;,,. ~i INNIA =MI •:;:i I ;, utd, hls • , ifiptr,• tiy• oHit. I 1111, NO, 11.;v•o; T(rrii..ry 'fruit i-;i Hon' I n • : Li \ hnile=io N • i:''r 'fc•l Jur I 11,1,1,!1 Ns.'w T.. x 'fen i'-ry not. ()Hen Cdat )ve fitl.l anything, in 1110 clit,n:s.l column; of Ihe Now lock io e (!%.:1 but the 1,1- 1:6 tal:o Il•otn it It t. ieruc, ii :u:: !tt °, tt:l I oo•thy to 12c idlrro,t3c I ' tin. ennn.i, , ,,l (.1 tins rJk.p.,ry al Grant, it ‘voni,l crnnina 11 , liwantiott-, to inculcate upon 111 , p;.l.ito luln , l Ino L Ihal 0111 . C.lll4i` iI -1,1%,1;11,.11 'lie ru , nit et this elm. print. 11 it int i . ,ni lull r.kol- LL , I i o I 1., do• that, 1),3 req•llt of no battle can be n triumph for peae.o party." WHY DON C Mi no Ir.—When a farmer knows that winter se ison is the time to pro pare liar.po•ts and repair all kinks of farm• ing 10014, Why don't lie d) it ? When a farmer knows that wagons and sleighs, and other earriage , , will lust a great deal longer when properly housed, Why don't he do it 7 When a farmer knows that cows will do bet ter on a lesi quantity of feed if properly 9th._ bled through the winter, Why don't ho do it ? When a farmer sees boards dropping from his barns and outbuildings, and knows that it would take only a few minutes to nail them on again, Why don't he do it ? When a farmer knows that a good part of his farm would be improved by plowing it in narrow lams—thus giving the water a chance to drain off, Why don't ho do it ? When a farmer knows that his plowing land would be greatly improved by sowing clover, Why don't.ho do it? When a farmer knows it would be to his advantage to tealst the Herald, Why don't ho do it? Barbarous Act it H CHI :L MIMEE=MI3 i• t, i L. 4 NE MIMI 1 I i ME BEM ME 1l , , NE -ti, ffilA of IC: OE INIMENI nut it, n 1 I= NV' C7l ); I'll I` - )u P.)1) 1 , I P-.),) TllO Tl'llo DOCtrillo , 111)lio viii RECORD OF THE WEEK We have Richmond papers to the Ist inst., inclusive. They contain little else than war news, anti do not venture much in the way of comment; upon that. But they manage to make every collision a decide I victory for the rebels. Tracy put the Union losses; up to the llth insL. , inclusive Ohm was before the great battle on Thursday,) at the moderaie figure of-20,0,10 their own at between 5,000 and 6,ooo—both of which statements are un questionably owl ire. They will not believe that "Butler the Beast" is in commend below Richmond, because they say he is too great a coward. They are evidently not we ll no quainted General Batter. The death of General Stuart, is acknowledged to be a se. vere blow. o.her deaths or wounds of lead ing &dicers ar c recto-Wad, shof,vi ng that it' the rebel loss It is been no morn than they say, the 1 r fpartion olliners lolled or hurt is ou a scale rover before known in wart:lre. It is just possible that the rebels have put their losses at one-filth the not 11.11 Minilier lining their good nova IS 1110 de oi-tit:lion of a large portion of the llfiltimore and (thin int:road wiother hoax. The raids of our c4v tiry both 'there and blue Riehnomfl give the rebels great deal of uneasiness , WhIC!I nil the pre tendf.d victories so ininurrly recor.le,l c moot c,,Eiccal. 'Dr! ,mptore l'unke..B by eiti cone of Fre,lohck,burA . id gloricil over. nes , 111,11 weer 1;11 Mil,' V e ,4, but cot , :, 111:1( 1 ' tri 111, !-S , ry. Or. L. A - flftallf.,lfd, I.if led on the 9. 1 1. liffmati PAH .leolnos'a Lo iy I rite 1! !,, I;OVOl'i.,r 1- I ; i it n•:11 I; of: 111 I !WI,: • Or II 1!II.II I jos,( 1 ) ,,n \s N I ~ l IL 11, ,'I t ' • ' II • OEIN=IIII=IN 1., it I" 1.0, 01 11 Ht . " , I I, :1N : 4 111 1 i111 , , ni Jaril I t'l I'li•cui UV:A, 1 :t , geuoi..ll a 3 11.1.3 t lIIT 1.1 I -\ 1 , I IMMIIIIIM MI 4 BEEN ME Elf (,1 i l IMMIIIM I i;.. =II T_ • tk_ NE =MI EMI=I El=lM 01 ,,, y. 'rho 1- 1, ( ,trel II i If) , 1 \.I 1:t . 1 k , lll It• HI II town, tl o'tot nt, p m., .lint Iry I. It ri Llos hut ,it iy .\ rhlll', 1:1i0VV I L,11%,11'.1 11, 1.: IC, GIMIII =MEI 1-;:o.1•1 1 ; VI! I Ill.! t. t w.l :2 L)IVI is kJI (: I )•,, 1.0 ur rct .y I ll.L.:ovci ,N.l. li,ole only It It 1. , •1 TIIJ 111 1);vt1It;11 ol Iltu 11111 I' ' IV,' 11., the 1 , 4te0 r,HI luroo t.f cavalry, in t:miry an , i;:r.ill,ry to re-ki ahy of tack 1 11;oly to 1.10 11111 do 11 111;11 him. Tho toniqin , lvr ~r the forwaid with tai i.llly. IVewlyr 1211.111 1111 1_ , (1111 0 10_ tot) 71 AO 1,b!,1,1;3 A later ei-patch, d .lel at, 7 u'c!ocic thls morning (l1l5.1)), front Headquarters, 1c) g 'hick ('hotel:, [l.Ol alto Legn received. It ro p.,rts that ever:, I hing gore un finely : weather cleat and cJul ; the troops canto up rapidly, and iii great, spit ils; tn,.l that; the uruly Nrtil bt) [ , [.•yon [ due l'nt.ut.:lt, ,by uuon. I;lue;.in at II . .,Lot er Pllt lletsu , ri,ltit loce vetialated nt 110111 lu,taa). ,e1.11:110 . 5 and I. , inax•s brigadei 111 cm: dry are stko there. 'file di•patell further' 111:0, titter Ilanover Ferry 3 ii:ter.lay, 11,11. Tot beet Capturni 75 cavalry, includi,:g . ers; 11191 the 1,1,w1 cavalry [-esetn2kl - [l,[norn,l[Zu[l, oath Ll,•[•6 bg[kil:n cure on t2Vciy oc.‘a,ion. A i-lotieh from Gen. Sherman, Msy 2FI, a.•m., near I)dia'3, rs , ports [hat rha ne my, discover log his move to torn Altoona, moved to nmet our tot cos at Dallas. Our columns soot the enemy about, one mile east of the Puini kinvine Creek, and wo pushed them back about three miluq, to the point where the ruals fork to Atlanta and Madetia. !lola John,ton has chosen. a strong line, and made hasty but strung parapets or tinnier :Ind earth. (len. ,Shertnqu's right is at Dallas, the center about thr.'n miles north. The country is Ale❑3cly u o dud and_troken..; o _roads. o-a uy consequence. We have had ['may sharp en• counters, but nothing decisive. No dispatches from any ocher Gold of opora tions hay° been received io•day. EDWIN M. 6.TANToN. Secretary of War. COUGHS, Bnosquiris.—The entire freedom from all . deleterious ingredients render Been's Bronchial Troches," or Cough and Voice Lozenges, it safo r.cmody for the most delicate female, or youngest child, and has caused them to be held in the highest esteem by Clergymen, Singers and Public Speakers generally. 'Sold et Ililiott's kW T-'s Al married monster lately said. ho dreamed he had an angel by his sick ; but upon waking ho found it waa only his MMEI 1 4 =1.111,0 r.uL li 14 ~i~~ MEI 4.! =II ,I , I I ~ l II 11,, THE DRAFT. The draft for the Fifteenth Congressional District to fill the quotas duo from the sev eral sub-districts on the several calls for troops, took place at the Court House, in Carlise, on Monday the Nth Ikfay. The draft was conducted by the Provost Mar shal Col. HendersonYassisted by B. Mcln tire, Esq., Commissioner of Draft, and Dr. Wm. S. Roland, Surgeon. The following is the result : PERRY COUNTY. NINETY-FIFTII SUB-DISTRICT Tuboyne Township. 118 enrolled. 33 quota. 22 drafted. Thomas Lacey, John Barnheizel, John Gable, John Swartz, TAnimas (lector, Andrew Shrilller, Simon It titshall, David Noidieli. Hart is Findley, Joseph I). Smith, Jacob Ito Trier, Wm Mnmper, Wni. It. Iturdge, Geo Moreland, 11 - 10. Skinner, Mtimper of Henry, John Sh dto, Geo R Ryno Henry O'Donnell, jr. Abraham Snyder, George flierilr, Jeremiah lintshall, NINETY-FM . I;TH SUB-DISTRICT. I I:I enrolled. 41 qnnla. 11 dr:lrted. e rohn ll.Heohatigh, .1 , 111111.11 , tt. , 501', 1)1111H S Diniol I, Vl'il!imns, Isaac 111 .I,lln 11.11111:111, .I.trnes Fred (Itilshall, Hunch, li"%ver NINETI-TI111;11!-:1•B•DISTRICT rotor A lialcor, (;,.() \V Huss Jacuhs, John II iihn lekor, David Swat tz, Stvuticr, Sam IV (;.•0 JI \ er, IZehditgvr, 1 )1 . 1; IVin T SUB-DP-',TRICT. =EMI =I !-; .1 n ,h I, 1:1,,1er, IMMO EIGIf I ,"11 , 1 , 1 ST'H ItN'FIZTCT I . 1 It -i:l,;llThf 1,K11:1C1 T,Priv;J•l 1 ' 1 I.' .;rii. MID , ;',' , "" - 1 DT, tyi I I.r. iv lit In, Olive! h ititoclz, Isaac I 11 I.tit It 1111 MEE t' ',•l t , i 1:.1(21 =1 IMM I. 011 MT L11...11 I ' i i,II =EI IV H I ill) Fl']l DISTIIICI I.ICUi L,.1 C S o N T 110.3 N. Itcti.lar .; t/' ls, 11.,2eny, Jab. C. I„ttett, tinmuel SEVEN ri•:'1:•170ND SUP, DI6TItICT. 1..; ',:' 11 . 0 .TU li.ll4lip 8l curul'c,l .I tool, II ty, Le'",tc,-: from England f.\NclisTEit, .1111 y IF.GI De to 11 , raid : — The inerdusc2 , l turtle, au 1 the re,o;ittion or tho New York Legislature I') pay the interest ou their bonds in greenbac:is given list+ to an howeaso amount of vi:Lipcl;lli. , ll agqiuz+t, our gover,lutent, au.l iu against 1.11 things Atuerie in. I.:t;lufau turerl arr, neruitt 141 exp, it their goods :ctrl hotder , ; of Nov Irk that e loud in a.Niouncing what Lae). c.,,1 uu —itt:a.t.utH b4lo die." Englishmen aro fond er brlggin7 of (heir w ier is, civil amt teligt ats. Oi the Jailer I'll give you a few spenitnens taken Irvin the papers of the day. The first id from the , •Lthenthu•" and is as tullows : Ilul , tou, a small farmer in the parish of, the seat of End Lyttelton (who is very ',imminent in the Church Da• tent:Li—associations, and whose brother is the rector), has just had two beds and a table teekcu trout hishollBo for a °hutch rate ; What makes tho thing more cruel is, two children were lying on one of the beds. Mrs. Ilulstou entreated that the children might not be dis turbed, and that something else might be taken, either a cart or a cow but not the beds. tier entreaties however were useless, and the beds, with the table, were carried oil to a public house, where on the 2:itlx ult., the beds were sold to the landlady, not by auction nor was any public notice given of the sale, ex eept that on Sunday the policeman told Ilulston Oat tee sale would take place next day. These beds were worth five pounds, the landlady bought them for twit pounds tiltceu shillings. The rate was liftema - shillings, and the table and the remainder of the money were returned to the man. Mr. Ilukton, is a Primitive Methodist and a local preacher." Poe some time Edinburgh has been the scene of almost tlai,y "roupings," a manner of fie [ling peculhlr to that part of the United (*volt Towish ip :-sari:fr 7', Swab,. I,Ain II vino 51 rlwr 9 Irafic,l March .1;t0,1) ;*:ilci arc sub- I I I ao I beller it will be for I .1,1 ti.! rost 01 the world. ritors aro ivoally all silent on I I.:Like!. t ali lir, a flow of them that fa -0 0 ,u ,• 1. tI in their denunciations, I.•-. ••l can nee nothing :cly 01 the :tome of the chivalry.-- , • : • bow they ii,ed to east slave ...• a tow years ',go and now they trying to perpetuate K. I, It Itlr \\ 1 f icl A Y. •12.1 , . r, I I;e,, (.1 I 11 II Lir, ,1, 10 ‘,1 ; 11 Iti;;.;!1, V; ;II j; ••!, =NM 1= 11, ,1 lI,rI IS fl ,• , I I \ JuL 1, 1':. i : I::';ll i; diafied '6'itrritp , l li. :11c,5e,.., Henry \I rh V. it I.eicl' I . 1. i) 1 1 ' A .1 .llr.c i. . 1 1 I is<i II "P ,1 t, I \ltx 11, kctr, 7 ui IfiL I w mt. nip, mll:cr, J o. jv 7 4 ,.r IV F 11 t't, 1 dr ified Abrahvn GJod, .1.,e.10.) tiuydcr, Kingdom. A number of person's refuse to pay what is known us the "Clerieo-Police Tax." In Edinburgh, as in other parts of Scotland the ministers draw a portion of their salaries from the muncipal funds. In Edinburgh the money thus applied is levied in the police tax, and it is the part of the tax that is appropriat. ed to the support of the clergy that is refused. Distraints are daily made on the goods of those who refuse to pay, and the making of these distraints calls together crowds of peo ple, who have in some instances carried off the furniture io others destroyed it, and in not a few cases have interfered with the Of: licers to such an extent that a considerable body of police have been found necessary to prevent serious consequences. Are not these tine specimens of liberty is this great and glorious country, when a man is obliged to pay taxes to support the clergy of a church in which lie does not believe'! A young man arrived here a few days ago, who came !ruin America as the third mate of an English vessel. lie says that on their voy age over they were boarded by a rebel cruiser and that they told the rebel that they had, passed a Yankee vessel a few hours before and also told him which way the Yankee was steering ; sonic hours after they saw a bright light in the direction the cruiser had taken and they, supposed that, the American vessel hal, been ca,pl tired and burnt. That is a little bit of English fair play, sending a pirate after an. snot met merchant vessel. Men who not in such it manner are a disgrace to any country, particubity one whose people aro supposed to he advocates of fair play. However, we can not expect notch more from people who read du') tho croaking,s of the London Times, and believe in the insane lubrications of that 111,1111:. II itilst "Manhattan . ' whose letters a dorn 111, , piges t4l' tie '•.l'( , tmlir,land the Mor tlizzi Herat i," two Tory papers (christened by "Punch," (lamp ' nod -Mrs. Harris"). lar,l;ely patronized by the aristocracy. The "I' hi,. -. is in it fright about the rebel steam er "6 , ...i.gia" being allowed to remain at an chor in tile river at Liverpool. It thinks that if their government, (the English) is not ear ful it will e•tablish a very d-ingerous prece-„ airl that in case of a war with Prussia, growing nut of the, Solileswig-liolstein affair ; a thing z,,,t improbable, that many privateers would s•iil from our ports bearing the Prus o:an II ig sole lid uring t heir merchant vessels. FroM w,,a. I know of the enterprising spirit of :=.'11113 of ley countrymen, I think this railier pro'i.,l,lo, and sot not slow in inform lag- my b lends hero of it. They have laid tn,.;r c,c n tus's' l e, let 111 see if they will fall in to :t The .•11,ra1.1," man editorial, remarks MBE . C 4 'NIT Ad .. ',',',31 . ;, ;111.r e,olmi 1 tautrs. I;eard of :11zioagers of the INEIII i-ty. are roTiested to meet t ii tt I. tt t f I:ny, on Fri , lay 3.1 inst. c ric, , rindence with tho Central J. F. CLEIW, President L. E .I ,, TINSON Sec 1) remodel sce•iel• Church, ou West street, having been completed, it will 1,• Ir Lc lro the worship of God on Sun 7 ('lll. ME o Church of God at. Mechanicsburg, , pre3oh the dedicatory ser- MINNIE crop of this county has 1 every seed hai gerrni att.l, , I s,evpral days, the fartuer3 have with their cultivators awl hu• ihirrowi. As "help" is rather scarce, the 'teams aro kL , pt guinz Iron "rosy morn to !‘.. \\Vc UV •pEr,i:.\N PaAli1: , ;(1:-:.—An ad- Jur column Will inform lrof. .1. W. Taverner, of MIME N'.v ;.., gke some readings from (11riday) eve•:ing. ( . (0.1c:11 ~1 11', ,• !‘t NVIIII giving but one from o w I: ,11,a g t,, i , (', , mitt.—it says : \\ IL;.N. , hear 1 this gent Lectures, it.,Lt ~ 11; froui tilialiespoare, and ~t. with il , ii ht, lie excels in the tle• and the comic. Indeed, we 1,, , • r gm) , l a waster of the le !if r nt. itiel iir , ill —the truly comic. We w.llll k. 2 pro.ii Our ailrniratiou of his sncli pi , ces as "The L'jst Heir," • I in: it :Thhirt." His conception tr lin uvl ' tlt ti hitia is perfect, and his gestures, indeed hi , wileie expression and action, truly E()BBErty.—On Friday morning last, Janics nm,ly (butcher of this place,) ap pear k d before Esquire Smith, and made oath. that he had been robbed of his pocket-book the night previous, containing some $132„ and he named Win. 11. Smith, Isaac Wheel er and Jos, ph Welsh, as the men who had I perpetrated the outrage. Smith keeps an eating and drinking house in South Hanover street, and it appears that the four men were in his saloon, eating and drinking to a late hour. Mundy became very much "fuddled,' , and in attempting to leave the house fell on the pavement. lie was not insensible, how, ever, and in attempting to gain his beet was approached by the three men, two of whom held him while the third took his wallet from his pocket. The whole three were arrested , by ollicer Martin, assisted by Ex-Sheriff McCartney. On each man was found $2l or greenbacks, the kind of money Moudy said he lost. After his arrest Smith gave the officers the slip and took to his heels. Col. McCartney followed in close pursuit end alter a sharp footrace he was overtaken! They were all sent to prison to await their trial. Smith is from Philadelphia and has lived in our town about a year, dealing in oysters, fish, lager-beer, &c. Wheeler is stranger, " - Who - bus . - been here but a ahtirt time. Welsh is a soldier and belongs to the Invalid Corps. After their commitment bad boon made out, another information was made againSt Smith by Geo. Gardner, of South Middleton township. who swore that he too had been robbed of his pocket book, in Carlisle, on the Wednesday previous, containing ab4t , $56, and ho recognized Smith as the man who had robbed him. W e cannot too highly commend the efforts our police officers are making to ferret out and bring to justice the scores of scoundrels who infest our town. Beyond question Cat.- lisle is rapidly gaining a most unenviable name. Nearly every day and night we hear A. Swartz, very highest, stimonials. We µ•ill