Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, May 20, 1864, Image 3

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    attention and capital, in is former letter I
gave the names and some account of the prin
cipal ones then discovered. Since as many
more have been struck. A few mills have
been brought into the mines and more are on
the way. They give an additional stimulus
to quartz prospectors. When any of the claims
clang®•Lauds it is invariably at au advance.
I give one instance among many. Last sum
mer fifty feet of No. 6 on the Dakota, was
purchased for $l5O. The next purchaser paid
$500; the next $1200; and the last (16.000)
fifteen thousand. These claims are not bought
and= sold in the heat of speculation but are
more than WOll tit the mttney The country It
not nearly prospected, and whoever finds a
good claim, expends nothing else in obtain
ing it than the labor rind time nece•sary to
look for it. Still there is not by any means
a claim for every one who chooses to look fur
Wages have been 'as high at $lO a day
(payable in dust) but stand at $5 now. A
Luau can live very comfortably on $1,..0 or
$2 00 per 'by.
Provisions are high, flour $3O a hundred,
potatoes 40 cents a pound, butter $1.50, mo
lasses $6 per gall. salt 70 cents, bacon 75 me.
and beef 25 ma. Everything will be 50 per
cent cheaper when the boats come up tho
Missuri. W C. R.
'Ototian ',tab (rt,otintg njattrrs
tif:r All the clothing and dry roods
merchants of this place have determined to
zicae the t•tores at 7i o'clock every evening
except Saturday on and e.fter Monday :2:oi
tga,„ We notice an improvement by ti e
County Commissioners in the way of level-
ing and draining the piaLdie squar, in which
the Court House stands. The improvement
as projected, is much better than none, but
it wocid be vastly preferable, and would corn
prebend lAA a ti isle more cost to imitate the
beautifully TAded squares of the Presbyte
rian and Episcopal ehurch , s. 0 A thing, of
beauty is a joy forever," and we are quite
certain the citizens of our town and county
would willingly forego the annual adorn
ment of that square with the numerous ag
ricultural implements and other -giro-eracks
which rendezvouz there at this season, in
considerath,n of tit real ideasure whip h
would be afforded by the verdant sod.
PiToToGRANHC.—MN. smith car
merly Mrs. Rosie)ids) has purchased tl.e
'large photographlery formerly owned by
Charles A. Sayler. Mrs. S. has secured the
services of Mr. G. W. Lochman, the well
known and popular operator of these rooms,
and she *ill leave tco nreans -- untried to
maintain the farmer elmraeter of the gallery,
and if pessilile improve it. RAader, if you
really vish a L mod photograph go to this es
tabli:dimeto. The advertisement is in anoth
er column.
Tuesday morning last, Mr. WILLIAM G.IA
HAm, one of our oldest and most respecta
ble citizens, died at his resi fence in this
bor, ug.h. lifter a prntritcted illness. He wain
in the 79th year of his age. Through life,
Mr. Graham was distinguish. d for the puri
ty of his life and the Christian consis carp
of his conduct. He was a good citizen, a
Snit fries tl, a tinnier parent, and was, em
phatically, that "noblest
,of God,' an
honest man." He. was for many years a sub
scriber to the lle•rahl.
Ursa We are pained to announce the
sudden '1 nd distrr,in g death of Dr. Div d
Smith, of Newberg, in this county. For a
brief time Dr S nith 11.0 been in ill health,
and ii was feared that his mind was becom
ing impaired. On SAturday morning last,
he went to the stable on the premises on
which he resided anil placing a pistol to his
tern ple discharged the contents into his brain,
causing instant death. Some of the neigh
hors, hearing the report cf the weapon, re
paired immediadely to the scene, but life was
already. extinct.
Dr. Smith was an exemplary man, and
enjoyed a large and lucrative practice. For
many years he has stood at the bead of his
profession in this section of county. Ills
death has caused the most profound sorrow
among bis many acquaintances.
Wanamaker I, Brown,
Corner of 6th & Markot Street.,i
Cu.ilom Work,
No. 1 South 6th Strent
iiond st ley. nod toognonh'e prirra
DR. T 03311 AS"
cciai FY that tor the last five years I have used
in my family Dr. Tobias' role rated Venetian Liniment,
and in every Instance have found It fully equal to hie
roooniondatlons. 1 have found it to give almost in
atantaneous relief in eases of toothache, croup. billow
col e. sore, throat, pain in the chest and back . , and
rheumatism, nod 1 cheerfully recommend its trial to
every cue afflicted with any of the above named dio
ceses. JANI ES 11. WARNER,
HARTFORD, CONN., Oct. 18th, 1861:
Sold by all druggists. OtSoo, 66 Cortland St , New
In this place. on the 6th inst., by tho Rol, Famne
Philips, Mr. LEIVIA UASOA ukampoo Miss ELIZA
WE'IZEL, both of Cat lisle.
On tho Morning of the 120 Ipft.. by Env ; Jacob Fry,
llar. JAM ESS.Sreitit Tt,toM o AGINESO:UANNON,
both of Carlisle.
in f arlisle, fit Heger's Hotel, on thul7th instant, by
the Ile, NIMIIUi Philips. Mr. itEN.JAMIN MIOVREI
to Miss MARY Al. PLOUGH, both of this county.
.0n Tuesday morning, the 17th Instant, Mr. WIL
LIAM °HAD AM. in tun 711th year of his age.
In Dickinson township, on February 25th of typhoid
end Wag lover, DANICL, am of Joseph and Lannon
tither aged t.O years, 4 months and 11 days.
1 n the mornidg of life, in the dew of youth, and at
the dawn of manhtiod, It is no easy thing to turn a
way from the attractions of the world and lie down
and die. Outfit was the will of Him who is too wine to
be mistaken, and lan- good to be unkind and as De
conk him -dustsrtlie time when parents are. begin.
lug to loan on him, and the younger children to look
up to him. he is cut down.
'to the bereaved—
" With patbmt mind thy course of duty run,
God nothing does nor suffers to be done
But thou would'st do thyself could thou but see.
The end of all manila us well as Ile."
Carl3olo, 510 y 16, 1801.
6 75
7 00
......... •••/ 10
............1 05
.1 33
.1 5)
FLOUR (SuPorfino)....
do. (Extra.)
do RYF'
BED do
RYA. •
TIZIOTHYBEZD .. • ... •• •.•-• •
5,000 YARDS
Good Dark Calico Just Received
A r
East Main Street. South Side.
241 Door, 2d Door, 2cl Door.
blood Dark Prints, • 18%
Better, 2tt
Extra, 22
blAper Extra, do., 25
Bleached 51 nt 26 30, 35, and 40 cents.
us bleached, from 20 to 40 rents.
summer Paulo stuffs, at last year's prices, basins
pu.chated our stock. of Summer Pants stuffs last Fall
we eau and silt sell them from 10 to 15 cents a yard
cheaper than any house lu town. Remember the place.
Opposite 11. 8. Bitter's.
T UST opened at the New and Cheap
Sto. - erof Lehilett and Miller. another large Supply
.ot. Spring . ..and...Summer .Gotaittof all IhnNett est.„ and.
most desirable kinds and qualities Suitable for Life
yb asons. consisting of every variety aril description of
Ladies Dress Clouds Silks, Mantillas, Summer :bawls,
Embroideriee, Ittiopt_d Skirts, of Newest invention,
(Double Dup.ex Iliiptic Spring) Summer Bahnornis.
Sun Umbrellas, Parasona Cornetts. Notions of every de
ecription Black Cloths and Cassiruers Fancy Canal
metes Vestings.Cotto Modus, Linnet, Drilllnla,
Calicoes hams. M uslitts Checks. Nankeens. Sc.. fic .
Carpet.R, nil cloths. Window Lit:irides. Huai honking
Masse& and an maltose variety . I (Jot de toe numerous
to mootion.
Feeling very thankful to the community for their
ki , d and liberal patronage no far extended to the (N w
we earnestly Colictt a COO tinunnce of the Same.
011 we feel assured that We ore fully prepared tootle to
the public the most eontpltte and desirable Stock of
()nods that Con be found in the onel/try. Please re
member the ,tire le on the c Trier. id t .o public Square
vino. tly) opposite Irvine's shoeS tore
Ilay 20 1.014,
111;S. R. A. smart, (formerly Mrs.
eey•noldn), would luft,rul Publle that she has
I 110 TOGRA lIC GA LL 1:7? Y
fitely owl ed loy M.'. Charles A Saylor. it) Inh..tre
fAitulli Went l'ortter 01 Market t...quarr, wbete
inny he had till the different 6t) les of
PH01 . 0(112 MILS wish
To the former patrons of the f ;riflery, the announce
meat that she fit- reLairwtt the en I vi - en of Mr. l.III'11•
MAN. (Mr :nylor's fuinuipal Artist during the last
year), v.lll he sufficient to secure a con , ' tl uauedot their
potrouaze; v. 1.1110 an shun lance of light,
very p'easantip a LUated. wl h her own firmer
and tiklcet,S in picture liking, and a desif u to
I re.-, she trust, ai lattrAct awn :11 , 1141 , ..n ell
sea Ilinuy on hens have nut hefefof•ro found rh o ,
-w-ay- thither,.- liy-oefirling...or-lea-ving -their-orders. per
sons .111 be furnished _ulnh c.,pies ut negatives taken
by tor n at Moot - Ltd pnc..s.
Ptoure, tal,-e.n to all kinarx of r
May 1 aG4
Flour and Feed Store.
rr J E suhsel iber w r
i6hes to atmouce, to
pkoplo v 1 Catlisle and vicinity, that he has
en the Seuth East corium of Main and West Streets, in
the Wa rel.; eune and formerly .0,1 pie i 6v da4.06
'rho I, nt lean is M . FAMILY t• L. WI( kept
cep-t:44la nu. Lai d laud. dull it erett LI teas wtt larjAta
'town v n,t per fPcte 1 areamseniersts with same of
the first 1111'0 111 the I
ran assure illy
eustemers that they wit be turnishe.l with en article
of Fleur which I cue vouch fur. I eill l,lOl, Clillo/11111y
tl.o hand FEED Of All. 6IND,, such as
Corn, Oats, Bran, Shorts, Potatoes, &,e
The hit:best enTh prices paid I^r Grlin of nll kinds
and Fluor Dun't forget the old entnbli•ll”d stand.
Cat'lietto. Mac 2.), 1814
F,rwarding and Commission House.
rl l 11 E subscriber having purcha,pd the
ti‘turee. Ac.. belonging to th firm of Ile.-
tio.soti & heed tespeettolly intortus the putt , te that he
Will ckliltitille Ltlo bil•iii,SS it 11, ..;11 St Krnililbe, 00
the corner of 1114 h and I oiloge hLteetn, oppootte
thn College Ile ro bid). peewit 0.1 to do
lire npirkel p iee writ bu paid for I. LOW?,
01tA1 N and , all kinds
N. k. 11.:ILAtitl FA ur kept conolautly on band.
('oat of all 1 , 11,(1-, s'tnl,ra,n, t ;
Egli Itlti.Elt,
I. .CUS'I' U' I',
LI 11 !MORN or 41 111. \ CIS , iii rtri
e ,, rp.,0,t1e kept for s.ile, under cover, and dolly
ere,' I. any initt at it,. toot,
A liberal shate of public patronage in re , peetcully
.1 0111 \
Succe,nor to lleuder son & Aloud.
Carlisle. Ally 211. 1,64.
It el ds , eeeketr's
Fit - tea:nth Destrlet I oust I vat4a,
York. 'llaj H . lanl ,
VOTlCi l ] given ; that the an
, nna,l /IF0P81:1111.1t Idet ni the A ceietant Assessors
of int... o lAl Itecrn uu or Cutnteet land car eity. will To
100j1I 05.1 I , r examinathen of All porson, interteeted,
for thee spare ot !lister, dos (s,m 'bee olgto, 11 2
the office.. of .1 le:eeh ltbeent. is lest,‘ eeen the
houre of 9 A and 3 P NI., nn t immediately alter
the ex nirahleu of sell tilleen tiros VIZ:
( 111 the let las el lull. I hill 1..1•Plvo eleitsrinhoo
all tposeels relative he eerrineenns or eXrel.ll . ll 0 105 11
1101,0 or see etnertations tirade and Laken Ly bald d,aelet
ant Iseeees ,ree
A fl A ppoh(N muFt he ton In fu ti lot. and must Fpe
rify pirtli•Uhir Matt.-r, or thlo,r recp,titur
turu h Is reque-led, and must et to the
kruttod or pm - Lot:4110 of iouquaiity. or ern, o ,mpini t ied
of nultAcr, BONHAM,
May 20.-3 t A4aea,..or
Veler:nary 'urgery.
JOHN .81IIFFERT, the celebra
ted eterinury Surgeon. of Chimborohurg Pa,
hero he has 1..11 mart king successfully for the lust
sixtee years. resiimit idly it Millis the citizens of Cur
li-le arid vicinit. . that lio has permanently located In
ibis pine, for the purpose rit operating upon I ED
if•dt-iiila, and wedge., hirroielt to cum most threamis
that this ruble ordinal 1. sal jeeL to. Ile. cures oats
and It flamed Pr es, if the nee.; in riot affected: hr con
demns cutting &edit, nut i if the gland of the Eye. It io
ly done by men who do not understand t 0
anatomy nr Mimeses. or medical tr ar motif or the horse
or they would never de It. II - understands t Mtn
ly the treatment and cure of Hone and Bog Spavin ;
Ring Bono elm hs earl be relieved from t belt lameness
without blemishing the horse: Callouses Volt Evil. Pi
WM", Spenders nail all internal as well no external dis
e noes. are also suecekstully treated old horses unalf e
to grind tholr find, cite hese th it teeth 0, crated upon
F 0 ,that they ran eat equal to co to. All flares that
canard foal can he greatly assisted by
NICKING arid pribli I Nfi, all Burnie or Ruptured
1 1.0 1 ties can he ca MOO by him; Surgical Operations
scientifically performed by him. Partner% who cannot
leave t tit& horses can get medicine and di ()Wenn tor
tiring it. He charge a nothing for examining a horse,
therefore, bring on your cripples. Also the most un
manageable, kicking, ha king or runaway horses lied
colts, broke to harness.
Br SIIII , VERT has, during the last year been min
cipal Veterinary Surktion in several corrals of thearrny
where he has had from 2000 to 30.10 diseased end crip.
pied heroes ander his charge. flu wishes it understood
that within the last sixteen yearn many horses have
mono under tan notice that have l pen injutod by mutt
temitment from the hands or mon that have no know
ledge ot either anatomy tar diseepeo, or medical triet
turret of the Horse • great many of these horses he
has cured ;Ater ,they have been drugged by such mon.
Ilay 211, 1804-1
Dl VII)EN D. The First National
Bank of Carlisle has ibis day declared a di • ideud
bl UV° per coat, clear of hafluual Taxes, payable on
Carlisle, May 1 11 . 1864. 3. 0. lIONTER, Cash.
Bella uscopneoct. 104,202 1;
U. S.
.11onds, 00,000 00
1(4,202 14
D" 6 (66 ":" D6"k 6 anal Bankers. 140,693 60
U. S. and other Bank Notes, 41,7;7 73
Real Iletato and Insurance,
Personal Property,
Profit and Loss,
Duo to Banks arid D t s?nkere,
Duo to Depositera,,,,
Carriage for Sale.
H AN DSO ME 'Validly Carriage,
meat, to order, but 110 le used. ',lnquire of
terlisle, April 22, 'el —bt* WAI. MAIL
... 1. , 10
... ; 1 00
0 25
b 0
-----182,671 42
7,1)80 01)
640 56
2,257 50
50,000 0)
0,459 9.5
20,250 00
27,1,30 7!
35',741 98
VOTICIF. is hereby given that the Car-
I. lists this & Water Company will, on and after
the lat. day 14' July next. chance Three o.lllars and
Severity live cents ($3,7d) per thousand feet for Gas,
and wain meter rent of twenty-Live cents per quarter
On ea"h motor in tr.q.
Also the present tariff of water rates, on and after Vox
the lel. doe of October next, will be Increased twenty
tivr par cont. O EO. W L WPs, Superintendent.
May IS, 1864-3 t
Adividend of 5 per cent for the lust
slx months has thin nay boon declared, by this
BaikK, free of State and National taxes, which will bo
...dd over 'o the Stockholders, or their legal representa
tives updu demand being made for the same:
W. 51. 1110ETE51, Cashor.
Carlisle May 3,1804.
New Stock of Hats and Caps
North Hanover Street.
Ppto did assortment - of all the new
i - Lst ) les of Silk MOl.l . In. Slouch. Soft ik Straw
lilts now open 01 ci'y and ho no nianittacturo wh eh will
he sold at the lowest ea ih priven. Sort hats UI all qual
ities Lein Ilia Sliest Beaver and Nutria, to the cheap.
tot wo ii, and of all oilers. UllKlli . plß3oli by any this
side Philadelphia. A large stock of
Pnlm Leghorn. Braid, India Panama, and
ChildrotiF fancy &r
Mal. a full assertinent of Sit ns it,,ya and ehlldrens
cups ot every deseriptlt.n and style.
I ha subset her invites all to collie and examine ilia
slack Bring a practical hitter. he funk confideir of
ravine antioriction Thankful far the liberal vitro I
nge herettiftali bestowed he solicits a continuance of
the same Dot.' f rgut thu stand. tan doors above
Shriner's and next to Corunales shoe store.
.11)11 \ A. .kgt.
N. B. flats of tll kinds mud,' to, orler at abort notiito.
U.:. 10-40 BONDS.
B mds ;Ire i,seed under the
Act ••f(l,nzre•ei .rare a II 8.4 which prgvill:•a
'bat I. u•IN ,nuett uhtier tl.l, ~ thall he i X1: 1 1
Fltoll T II Itl:s• by •o hod.: it, or UW10141.11
:MO ••rtte Sub el ti•ii••1••• I tens„ n ads nn' recel , ed
111 Utilteci Stale, • ••tes 01 Nitt.loll,l thinks
Then are to he il.Kht..l•:‘l I) I a COIN, at the plr•a.oilo
or the lii v. rlllneht al ally j 1,1,1 rift lens (hal/ tell or
m•`r • limo I. rI.
,)O.lrA from (heir and uutll their
rl•drrup'inn Five Cer Cent it rest „ill Ire p:1i•I In Uulti.
on hoods a t not o,er one huthiled lollnrd annually and
lin all 01.1101 . 1i..111.1 , 5e1111-.lllllSally. The lug ureet iii pay•
able on the 11,1. d .y 6 at March and September iu each
Sithseri t ters well rereivu either Registered ur Coupon
Bonds, its they slay proler. Itegisteted bonds are re
corded 01/ the Looks of 1t,,. U S. freastiter. and curt Ire
tratisf,red only nn the ow Tier a order. Ii upon Roods
are pa3tilde to soarer, mot Wu 111010 cut/v.:oleo', for
corom.rrial uses
s t oe,elihor... to this It.tin will hare the optden of lore-
ITe¢ th-tr howls draw istrest. fr an \larch ity pry
ittc the me tied interest lit coin—tor tit It hats! to ales
ocartes ol Ulu \m,111,1 11/111kh addidg fit p r
isuit fir prootiont, Or rye. I% Ll them drawing iittercsi
hunt The , date of •tito.oription and deposit. tht..,
shed c it , 'EN flNtli'l - t , lttiVl - MtlNlttfitt•lfttit-- - titPA-Itit'c
T X Vflt t's. their value Is in, o:lSln.i trots “1.0 I" •
per veld p•r Ml,lllllltu the latest tax le, lea
w vnri ors t .11 I lie count,
tio, infix p,tuititli On gild (hey pay
1,11.11 r pt, vent in eurruno. And alt; of
r•iti ti Vet to.toonc or to up9tary io
It j. believed that no siiiiinrities oil - Aliso gloat
to lender, As Ihr ti c h
Bonds Iu All ether f ins or intielitednie,F, 'li e hob
or ttnility of private-11,11os er stiich ruleldol, F. el wijia—
eoninitioitiiiii only is f
toe thin dolt, ni Clle t. Il lled Plot,. the WllOlO prOpI•ILV
Of lit • 1...00tii, sectito the pit) meat of both
prliniiii II Anil Interest lu 0.111.
'rh,,,,l.onds may he su ,, ,ribed fur in sums fr,u Y,'so
up I." a y 1 , 11 1111 -1 1.1151 tt•rin, and:etre thus
outdo-eu ua II b.- vAilairte-_Ct..attl. Au4aautt, s;ulyr_a u d tile_
Tll , , cart 1,0 0,,,000/. 0 ,1 into till , ooy
at any moment. and the bolder ill buns the beuctit
1.1 . 111 iu tere-I.
It to.ey useful to state In 11,1, connectioe Glint the
total Yon lt•d unit of the Unitoo which o—
rest_ la ltvah'e lit,. , lortl lb. 4,
o:w> 7 u. 'lb" Intel egl otl this I,•r the
let tiscol se.t will ha, 0:7.1213, ht!e tho vu - -
101110 11, Cow. in 4ols t o . the ;uproot. yoir.
.lone 30th, 1.'0.4. law Loco s, tor at the rate of user
i100,0,0. , U01.0 . a /1,1,11/1
It ~ 1 11 be Se , • eVtill pre 4 eot gold t . .•vepues
of the rioVerrit,, , ,l, are la,c,ds in lbe wlrtts
tit Olt: Treasurer b , r the PA% 0.1.• 1 0) g.,ld ‘,.tete,t. white
theoceot itoo , oc.o, ut the,at will dua,tlens 1-tine the
:11100a1 C.'ll,lsll'rt,-,..”1. 0,1 till) 101110 lisliurllll..lll
hop , e:.ll , ItsU , TI I l i o, t , ‘ , 0 p.. 1.
I witrireti.,l,4 to th.,
B,llln .t, 1,1112.1 Irt•Ll I l:. 3 T vx•UrN , until
I , llt w til.• 01 Iplll 1110
dune averaged I, ura 1111111 week. l.Jub—
xeripti., s will tit.
First National Bank of Carlisle,
nod by all N whe•tt are dip-sibtrtee of
Publ.- . all I• IS tbks mei l‘a , ikern
tbrk , l,,ll , 11. the t,ttliti . ), k..ut n...n.nE.-of thu,rN I{oll,o Ittrnl.ll further 1et . ..,
matem ppllcat jell and uIT eoary lavitily to sult
seri!, r, I. rnni.
& harin g just
j lrturtle,i 1,111 the rayBlloll withtirtt new and
ctttuttlt tl• Cock of Ferntoti and them Dia tit) lit,
%%telt Isla 111 the public t hat tilt.) . 310 prv•pared tot
on very Ittaptottattle eery dr , rr.rld•• strict;
el thbt , ,ltt. eit the , etitti toreer d the, plant , Nunn.,
intnittdottely ui'i""ito Ittlitt Shun Store. .1. he murk
cunt prows tit pelt
Ladies' Dress Goods,
Ria,•k -in, all .111:011ie..., 141 lek Vigdred and "top
oil Dreac Sllll n, ill
ode,. atld Plaint Plaal and ,trip `piing
1' Ilim I . l.tin Alps c 1 I.dt•t rt a all rjaj,l :,:,
do l'llevera- , t.rapod end Plain NieLaira.
Olin ,
and wad Ile Lni es ell eolera a n d
N1.,2•,:“1 : 41„e5, u.:1111 do bnidea, Ch 4 het:.
14tal .
A he..,if jfin su mfurrnt of Colo'd Sprinv Mrlntlllnx,
of di th.ri•ii I stvl , f I non lie of tho
t.r6ll•lun~•ntx in the city. SliA lic.twd
SLIM.. Ilelue•ret t., Hosier,' Pvi•i)
iiiiil Silk Hand-
I to, &.0., &C.
of nil kinds, surh as 111r0rto- , nod Iluldsurhrd )1 us
not. Hlt.Arll,l,l,il 11 Slivetingg, Pillow rases
'll,•hißps, l Livcks. Ned. %%hit. and Y.llflw
E 10111, 1 ,15, N 111.600000 hluo Duimitrs 111110
isrou l'e it, 'tuff Ks I lucky .101•18.
all ki d.ol I.lncn 11.1'1 T. 0.10 I/ Ap•rs,Toovollug.
I'ainbole and Pulp, r ai,d an bottler./ ver ot.y
otlwrll. , lnogiivoi A complote tkbsortalout ul goods suit
able lot purposos.
Mourning Goods.
sw . h as Itombas.ltios, oths, hiublo and
midi", all i5.,1.11 Muslin de Lain. lil.ivk nltk IS:lrp
l'haldes Usit , ittal LusLres. hr , wade. ‘*, Second
Chaffin., (n1)011111., Lawn.,
Black huglish Crape-. Crawl Lnw 11n1p. Crawl
',ill: and hid Ii Suu.iro amid Loug
Black Cl..thog. Black nod Vane) 011-Nlllll, S, Vestiags.
Iduru until 'la toll , Lllll. Of all gratlus, cats tin% o
do:111118 made at slim t t3utico.
C L 8,
all grades .I.ld quail lea. flout the common hemp up to
the 06..1 riti lIILv L , luti ply, Window aha lu.. I.ooRitig
eloiltins variety of other titiods, tua on
mer..Lih to Ills ll Lio n.
N. 11. The a stork has been selected with a gre it
deal it care and a ills a view nil disposing of the same
on them not re 1,01,1110 terms Wl} liege that every
pors,m In want of gee& Wi I give A call before mak
ing their ppring pluetwek, and lie feel assured tbat
we eau Mier intineemenic to ell that will gi , ous a
call. and will extend all aceomnindations and colleen
jounces that ran be offered by any other b.aduess house
In the county.
ti.c6- Do not forget the proper place on !he corner
Mo-rh 30,1884
W C. SAW YER, has just, received
Y • from the latest Spring Importations an lm.
embracing the nested styles arid fahiles offered to the
trade. Black, Figured arid Plain Silks in large supply,
Si It. Nloliair, Lisle and Cotten 'Text urea, Em
broidered and ilpid 'Fangedilas, Striped and Plaid tier
" flir ts' P b‘in and Figured Poll du nerd. Sonogassa
Plaidy, Andel .fil in Stripes, tilid all other addles.
ne.C2ccau-k"P'4l ll
A full Ilse of 'lesson's
lloadJazittes, Clothe, Tamlse Cloths, Wool de
lues, (Ala Ilre, llorottlaa, Tamanlnea, 3ltlrel I. Plaid
and Plain Molt:dr. Itereges, Lawns, , Crapes, Collars,
Handkerchiefs. Petasola, Mores . , 0 0 .
Funeral Geode of all Ittode.conetantly on hand.
Special care gi veu to all orders for Funeral linnds,,
Call and amindpe our latest Now York etyles of
SHUNU MANILEI3, all the taxletlen and atxles of
Spting Shawls,
French. English and American CLOT,IIS and CASSI-
Al EU ES, (a firet'a*s tall° makes up goods when At
sired) Cotton end Chien Pantings, Coatings,
From the Lowell, Hartford and Enterprise Mills, a
gradus. OH Clothes, Mattirgs, 'tugs. Shades, al t,d every
thilig in the House furnishing Hue. Au pOrnioun
stock of
all the standard realtes,of Ca' Woos, lfrOwn and Illeach l
ed Shootings. Shlreinga 'I loklince, Stripes, Cottenedes,
a full line of liptions, Hosiery and tilovec All the.
latest improvements in lloop Shirts. 1 hove received
'he agency of Bayou's celebrated Kid' Gloves for this
place. Ladles will find a. complete assortment.
The above Goads and many others not named, with
large situ*. of OLD 001115. f. offer to the trade at a
ent4ll advance on cost of production. , •
Feeling grateful for poet patronage. I 'ask a continu-
ance of the same: Remember the' old and well knoWn
stand, East Main St , ono door,helow Martin's Hotel.
Carliele April 8,1864
On Saturday, lay 281 1864.
El subFeribers will offer at Public
Sale on the above day. at the Court House In the
bu,ough of Carllelo , tho following deocribod valuable
town proverty, situated In W. st Pomfret street, ad.
joining Emory Methodist Chinch.
g r i ' • • '• BRICK HOUSES.
The dimensions are twenty five fee
front. by Leo hundred and forty foot In depth, each
a tun feet alley on the West aide.
These houses aro built In the most modern style,
each of them containing eleven itifige and - well ventila
ted rooms. Water and gas, and all the appurtenances
of first class town residences.
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A. Pt., on said day,
when attention will be gluon and terroa mode {co own
by. J. A. D. 'MOAN.
PORIUM, No. 920 Chestnut St., Philadelphia
Also. SPRINO nod SUMMER 0 taltliMTS, of our
own l‘latzufacture, of the Latent Styles and in great
variety. .
J. W. PROCTOR &, Co.,
The Paris alautilla Emporium,
920 CHESTNUT Street.
United states 5 percent 10-40 Loa i rl,
We are prepared to furnish the 10-40
Untted Staten Loan authorized by the act t t
March 3d, tottl either liectstered of Coupon Mond-, as
portion may vete in denominations of 4,50, $lOO,
$l,lOO, $5lll, and $ll.OOO.
The to toret4 on the itso, and $lOO. Itynds PaVahle
an vanity and .11 other tienernmatiotts sontimneuttlly
in coin Tll,l Ip,udn gill hear ate Nlmeh lot INoiaud
rialveloah;e at the plea P ore el the (luvernmput ot
ter 10 yew. And pat attic 4.1 yenta nom dates nein
with hitt:real at 5 percent per annum
tt' t Al it I.llTEtd, Cashier.
Carliole.Dep 'sit Bank, April I,sth, Petit,
11 OOP I
L _L_Just , ecuier f direct front lb., manufaeturcr. J.
. 'Wadley. New Vt rk, a complete assortment of the
celebrated Duplex Eliptic (or ktuuble) steel spin,
skirts one of tilt best illVl'Lltlols ever known in the
make and style of skirts us they ate made in all the
different s zet, the lull rite, the Quaker. the I tempi Qua
ker and the let Petit Quaker eutbreeing 30.4 I. 60. 110.
70, 80, 80, 100 springs .n each skirt. Please c.til and
see the newest and best skirts over 1tr0t., , ,,tt bwtore the
public at the new and cheap store en the south east
corner of the public, squats.
April '.19. 180.1. LEIDICII It MILLER.
r - •
t,..t tare'. 4duil , .b.tration on the eetate of Eliza•
eth l'ipher, I It 0111,0 t.Vll.lllp, Cumberland co.,
, tin Vt. 1 . 11,111 I by the Itegle , or of Feld County hi
_LL.e.'..eeleic_l,l,bxr. 10.5iiJu_the_eente tqwnship. All
persons lodel.tout to &VAL'. 111 Mal ia
11 1, d these Levlng claims will pre.ent them
for N44l'OEll. n iti,\ PI FILEN, Adm'r.
April 2e,
1 1 1 ST .‘„ 'l' E '1'1(
J Lit t• ot Adinlirstration no Louis non C. T. A.
1.11 ti11...50 . .' 4 f Ellen 100550. Into of the Ito.
Intr4l, ol . hove been isi , t4od by Ibo Re
ins , •r runib, laud ,nutoty. nubscilber Ilalnk
Co,in lisle. All 1,15005 indebted to sold ..ntale will
1110, ininonlil to p. 1.1115111, and those haVing — aditud
will imn.en I tor sell lvt..nt.
Aduer. dr bunim Don C. T. 4
April 22,
Emory Femgle College,
IVERY faciliv afforded Young La•
idles to obtain a thorough English nod Classical,
education. I lie Presideol han iccuu!iv opened a first
Class house, fir the /We...WM(OW i.r. , or Ito.rders. For
particulars address the unitershrood, I larlisle, l'a
I.t.' 0. CHAMBERS, l'reis't.
A pill 1:2, 1bl; —3t
r stittve , ,Ant- to Ueorge
t% ittter, 101‘0.4 1 his friendsot! pubh.• ho iutu , ulb to moioto.i4
hen,' tor of thv .vu nnIISC na 111.1rOtilOre. and will
kl'O'n .. , 11Stont VLI bona a larg - ohs 4 1. 221 ,0, of
I% I(
ho Lt, Anti RV ebony as ally "aler VAIJII3IIII , era
Coen y Caudle nla wlil (Ind thla the place le
buy U.,. ii.
r..t.t, iu I,,zard to ointillly and price
110 et eh ee and rel.-. ted. nod invitee
II call t ett.te pthehlteng sloes, /tee°. Ittenteni , or the
'tat, 11.ttio, or tie,, r dlr etiy oppteitte the
.titteht ihtt still,qt 1%1 old silted (.
itrtl 1,4-1,1. L . P. lIAZELII,:s..
R b
WA R •
Of thr o'd firm of✓Juhn .I'. Lyrae 4- Son.
IAS just. completed op( Ding lii new
A. Sl.rinv. t.tock of Ilurde aro Pahita, (111,, Oluaa,
Nt,l,lalien. a,.. tow Idol be Ilvitea the early at tentitla
at the pyl•li.• generally. Ile Ilea greatly cularged its
stock iu all it. crust brand/ea, mud an Lit,: necom.
imamate it, public all II
Reliable Goods,
la I.llgo or titinut ties at tho Inwetd. p.r.!cea.
11.01% Iu L,. hL -t .re will cnnv)ll,o them that he ha,.
enough liuodg Lo tally suppl) thx 11. , Uulud lu this Ills,
kilt. •US V. 4.1/ t ttg IU Our bud It ip
th, it adv.intaga 1 giv, us n roll bailor, making tt,ir
nuitbik-s. omit punctual y at
LouLled Lu and tau Utitoupri•se..t.nlluns affect
Sale+. LIOSJS to. Li'
Cantata,May North I.l,inurer St.
8 2, 45 7 , 8 4 - 9
A 01; 1,1, Sr
VES rEL , i.l,Lmum3j
Unsettled Claims
Loss PAID smer:
GEO. W. ItI)S. FR AS. %V. LEWIS, M. I)
C4II II I.E.S N. OA NCI,CER,Vren't. ,
Vti AILD p DALE, Vice Prts't.
JAS. W. NeALLIsTLit, :n.e. Pro. Ton.
A. I. SPONSLEII, Agt , Carlhlo PA.
ni ell IS, 15(4 9811,1
fIIE partnership heretpfure existing
between Charles h. Halbert and Crawford Flom
lug, has boon d soloed by mutual consent. Th.. books
and accounts are lu • the hands of Mr. Holbert. who
earnestly requests all parties i suing Recounts with the
late firm to call and settle them. William !Nihon, jr.
having entered into partnership with his - Mother,
Chit los b. Ilalbort, the business will hen .elerth he
couhuctiM under the style of Ilalbort a brother.
Tho 111}w 111111 could roapecttully call nituntion to
their stock of
New and ryesh Groceries.,
Their stock lb large and selected with the greatest care
and will ho suld at the lowest prices for cash. It coh,
Plata In part of line old Uoverunaeut Java COFFILII,
Prime Mu do , Prltuu Mu Roasted.
S V. , U PS.—No w York, Boston, and l'hiiedelphia Sy—
rups. of the very best qualities.
BROWN SW A ItS.—Tha best the market affords._
Lovoring's hest.Crushed;Sand, and PAirsatised Stigaris
also, his A. U. and O. Snare, which eattnot be aur—
Kim Corn Starch. F. nine, Dandeff Rs Coffee, Essence
of Coffee, Concentrated Lye, Soup, Candles, Se,
fa CHINA, GLASS, AND 4 ; 1
• ~
A largo and well selected stock of the very latest pat—
terns and sty os, lower than ever in price, altd better'
In quality, than was over, offered before ih Carlisle.—
Call and soy. Wooden and Willow Ware, such nerubs
Buckets. and Churni4; Baskets of' every description;
Children's CARRIAGES, Stoneware, Crease Pots, But- -
trr Jari. Priviervo'.larii. Inge, ail sleet,.
• . 1, l and 8 blaokeral. No.
1 MESS 8118 D No. 1 lisrring.
A largo quantity the celebrated Excelsior RAMS.
SA LT by the Sack, Dairy and O. A. Salt, ' •
Tho subscribers respe4thilly ask the patronage of
their friends and the public genorallyond Idt9tu them
to call and examine their new stock, at Ithe Old istaud,
corner of Ilanover and Louther Iltreetti,
ILILLItiltl , & 11R2iTIllat.
Carlisle, April 22,1863.
Buggy for Sale.
AFIRST RATE Buggy. newly done
up, for Pale Enquire of W. C. Sawyer, one door
Wow illartitee
I have just received a large addition of new and
seasonable Go• de. Also, a splendid line of Silk ion
ties, Coata and Basques, from New York. Bradley's
Duplex Eliptical Skive ; all kinds and colon. New
Spring Cloths and Caseirneres, Carpets, Oil Clothe, Nat•
tinge, Additions of DOW goods constantly received.
May 13. W. 0. SAWYER
1N the Court of Common lea's of Cum
berland County.. In the matter of the petition of
heorge W. CI lawell, A reignee of George Matehett, to be
discharged from hie trust. Now to Wit: 23d April,
1884, rule to show cause at the next argument Court,
August 18th, 1864, Why petitioner should not be die.
charged. By the Court. '
Test. BAWL. BIRREMAN, Proth'y.
May 13,1864--et
1 • May 10, 1864. s
T.llEitiblie are - naufinnesi against the
negotiation of the following seven per cent. bonds
of the Franklin Rall Road Company, which hare bump,
lust or mislaid. to wit: Forty eight boodn' of the de°
n•,mination of $690, with coupons attached, having
1 the :allowing nowhere:
a t 4,8, 9. 12, 13, 44,48, 59, 63. 64, 72, 73. 78, 80, 103
166, 106, 197, 103, 109, 111, 8113, /05. 1.611, 167, 174. 176,
970. 177, 178, 186,,'250.252, 256, 258, 24, 260, 272, 273,
278. 281, 288, 288, 89, 294. 297, 300
Alm poe hundred and thirty nine bonds of tho de
' nomination of $lOO, with coupons attached, and which
have the following numbers:
3 :3 310, 320.3 12. 325. 370. 327, 329, 839, 340. 341,342,
i 343 841, 173. 874, X 5. 876, 377, 378, 379, 426, 4.7, 446,
470, 478. 480, 401. 6ou. 601, 6u2 103. 604, 639. 54p, 645,
640, 617, 6hl, 52. 558. (74, 560;668, 569, 670. 671, 572.
673, 1,7e,17.1. 681, 682 686 689. 691, 692. 694, 602. 603,
000, 607, 0 08, 609. 610. 613, 916, 017, 818. 619, 622. 1114.
625, 629, , 3:, 631. 636. 636, 652. 653. 660. 665. 690, 667,
6 8. 609, 673, 6;4. 672, 670 677 1178. 679, 680,1181. 688,
089, 1,91. 652. 093, 092, 7.1. 7 0 2. 706, 703. 71 1 , 712 7 13,
714, 7(1, 710 721 723. 724 7,0 7.3 7:4 766 7.8.7",9,
7. 1 71 1 2. 717 771 7:0, 7 1 01, 781, 763, 73n, 7 7 7,2, 794,
7.4, 7J,,, 736, 7 7 7 , 8 799.
:sky 13. Ist —3t
Cloths, Ca , siroeres and Vestinga.
1 - II AYE just received lalti now offer
Cr. sale. at the North I.;,tett Corner of Hanover* nod
l'..totrot z!treets, a very Choie and d. , Mrablo lot of
Sub ae French awl llerman Broad rlatha, French and
American Carslmere... together with a lull arsmtlitent
of Veritlinre all of which will ho sold at a vary small
adr.laiee. Call and see them. '
Carlisle, May 13, IS( 4 - 4t
subscribers Would respectfully
i pg„,pqr.c.i!to.
I tie Cut Ohio Forgo. former y owned by Godly ear,
we h.,tu (1111111101Ved the min uta tore and 'will keno
constantly on hind nil sizes of I lie best quality of
We wll , glvo prompt agouti ,n to all orders, whuther
hum u dintalieo or at /1“1110.
The highest Cash pries paid ler old wrought Tron
!acit 4 deitvered at the Forge, at the !tail neot hrldge,
Cartiela, May 13, 1564-1• v
• By J. 0. Lesher,
now_upp_for the 13,cco . uitnocIat ion of I
o,e wok for the purpose cif - {Waking taking Pif lt 7 l 01'1 1
te it cod AMMO) which will be done in a
cry superior manner by his pecul arty arranged sky
ke.. by which means and the chemical influence
lie will take pictures in cloudy weather 'equal to clear.
is charges are moderate amt he seulets the public 1.-
1 ronago. Dup idat , a if D.:,a,,rt out) pea, A ilihroly rigs
mid Photographs, ul decease -liefittott, made of inerett
sod or deeeeeSed proportions
0-41..I.:10 ra ore clli ll.iuun,r bt. ILI ZUU . S Building, op
pußito the Markut
Carlisle. April :hi, —em
();jlby's Cheap Cash Store fur his
urn lent stuck of 1"hoop tiooda. .1 ust rut u , ued
uuw all) . 01) 417[1111 with it largo • tOCII
ill th.. von , +t) - lea. Silk and Cloth mANTLEs, Black
Silkit, less thaw city pike, 1:10,out plain Rod tigur.,l
IN'ool do Llinos 114,,re5. Crap. ITorott,
Monamblque, 11)m.tlart, Black and Vir hito llarege and
Grapo 31, q.t.( her ,hu,v Is, ureuti t;luth, Muuramg but.
Ladies Cloths tic very cheep 01,0T11S e ,,1
\I Elt E. NI nird in, Calico., Oleg ha el, he •
l'ilreliagers el I e req., vted lu cull :mil nanmille tblv
',Lock A deeds. mu( Lu is, — short. probte end quick
gales" for the cash
;\ ow , I.mds rovelving 41 rn,nt, doily At the cheap ntore
11 rot NI oiti a trnel, ueai 1p upl Obl 10 thu Dvp , .l
May 13. . C. OUll.lll', TUN.
A Joint Resolution proposing certain
Amendments to the Constitution
I )E it resolved by the Senate and Rouse
)of Representatives of t hu Commonwealth rtf-tllean.
nylyania lu ti uuerui Ashunibly met, that the lulluwing
amendment,. be to ma.•ed to the Countitutlon of the
llt•rummt won lilt. in at.eortlanou with the pro•laions of
the 11.1 tleltl tiler of:
'I hey II Ise an sdditional section to the third ar
nets of the l'oestituibto, to Ito dorigeated as seettua
f ur, as a:
trEcTioN 4 Whenev, any of th.• qualified &Priors
or this cown,wo.titli /than be in any artwtl or ilitarY
or ice, under a requl,ition fro Pr er.ident ui the
United .9trites or Iry the authority of this Contemn
wealth such electors [nay rite , cite the right of trutfragit
in lilt 'elections by the citizens, node, such rozniati er ,
as are. or thail be Drexel I ed by law. an hull, as if they
nen. present at their u. tor) 1,1c.t. nt rile, Liar "
t , c nos 2 'flier, shall he two ndditinr r,l se,tions to
the eleventt ar tide ot the I 01,11 It II I bl.ll. to be dehlg
nit , oil as Neel lo n e night. and 11 Ire. NN follows;
SECTION 8 No bill shall be passed by the Le zlsla
burs, eolitaih.ine MOTO than ens subject, which shall be
slearly oxpress4 lu the title, except appropriation
bills "
SECTION 9. No bill shall ho paived by the Legisloturo
gran tine any pen era, Cr prft &tree. In any cave.-where
the nu h..rity to ,:rent such Dowers, or privileges, bas
been. or may hereafler be, conferred up n the cow to
of this ()mum elwoilth " II RV it JuI,iNSON,
Speaker of the I.looFo "1 iinproaerrl rives.
Speaker of the Senate.
Office of The Secretory of the Commonwealth,
Harrisburg April 2i, 186.1.
I do hereby volt fy 01:1t, the foregoing lo o roll true,
mud ciartiet copy of tho Joint llo•olutl.n of
tho ti••eer , l 0 soW hi e, uuti Litql Joint Icepolu;lon
prop.lng curl obi A pleud oleots or chi, Cons..t. ut.lon,"
as the same remains on tile In this eftwo.
0 100.0 lo
UT I 0 U
ll'd 7'kAlll4ON5 4v horba I beta hereunto ,'t
51L AI. my bend and enuredenuredthe •eal of the Score
itary's out a te (143 anti year
above wrl LI en. •k.:/.161.1VE1t,
!neon, for 1 5 64
The above Rose ution having been agreed to Jpr a
majm ity Of the mei:photo of each donee, at two encase
toe cousins 01 the (funeral Aaaenthly of th.a Common
wealth, the proposed imiendinents will be submitted to
the people, for their adoption or n•je`tinn, on the PIOOT
Tomtit or AVOLINT, 111 the year of our Lord one thous
and eight hundred and slate four, to vcrordaneo with
the provisions ottbe tenth article of the Constitution
and the act, entitled i•A n Act prescribine the time and
manner of submitting to the pimp u. ti r I heir up 'royal
and ratifieation or rejection, i.ijc proposed amendments
to tho Constitution," approved the the twenty third
thy or Apttl, out, thousand eight hundred nod sixty•
four. ELI SLISEIt,
Secretary of the Cuminottnealth.
April 20, 1504.—ti
10-40 LOAN
First Noliolial Rant of Carlisle.
riIIIIS Bank designated as a depositary
1 and Financial agent of the United Stat. , s has been
appointed to receive eutwriptions on account of the
United States Loan itilthoi ized 'by pct of March 3, 1804.
These Bends are redeemable at gm pleasure Si the
Government after ten years, and pat able fOrty years
from date in -coin, -with.interset_at. 6.per cent. poi an.
num in coin, and are hoe from all ,tesation:
Subscribers s ill revolve either Itegistered or Coupon
Bonds, se they may prefer.
Registered Bands will be issued of the denomina
tio»s of 860, $lOO, Bto 1, $l,OOO, $5,0i0 and $lO,OOO and
C , upon Bonds of the denominations of $6O, $lOO, ssto
and $l,OOO.
The interest of the $6O and $lOO Bonds Is payable
annually, on all other denomination's semi anima dy
Subscribers are entitled to interest from the Atte of
their deposits with the bank end Bonds will he dully:
er'd free of charge. The amount of subscription may
he dep , sited in U. S notes or National Bank notes; it
is optional with subscribers to pay tho accrued interest
from date of Bonds (starch lot, 18040 or to receive
bonds drawing interest from the date of Um subscrip•
tlen and deposits. If the latter are preferred, the date
from which interest will accrue if coupon bonds, will
1w 'damped upon the first ..oupou falling due thereafter,
and if registered bonds, such date will bo written in
`the body of the bond.
• J: 0. lICIFFZII,
April la, 1604. , _
•. .
NOTICE... ' ' . • - -
Th El E op•partnership heretofore existing
between us, under the mule of lionchirieri & Reed.
I,e hie day , 4.eselited by mutual coueebri All'Occountir
- aud otber 'evidences of debt belwislug to dui drm are
In the bends of John Itnya,.E4q;, wbo.hi authorized to
colloct the same awl settle 41.0 elms egninet:rhe firm.
J.. W. 111.1bIbillISON,
• ' CIIAIWES •1111 ED. '
Oirllige, Aprll 18,1861—fit
it I lAA AM M. 31 A ItSII ALL, Caghter
Sperotary ,I the Commonwealth
Of Goods, Wares and Dierchandism Also, Brewers
Distillers, Lumbermen, B. er and Eating nimbus, ac.,,
within the Comity of eutubdristud, as appraised and
classified by Jetties A. Green, Mere...utile Appraiser and
by him returned to the undersigned Treasurer of held
county, to wit ;
David Keeney groceries, 14
J.N. Steel 14
G. e. ,layers '& Son " 14
Sam'l Mouse/Win " 14
Susan Wind/el .‘ 14
b.l, Myers . 14
11. bluntly 41 14
' John Nailer 14
llalbert a Ilro.. " lb
J. D Byer . v .111
Wm. hisets . 15
1. B. lieffman ~ 14
J. L. /lock 14
A. Jeremiah " 14
A. Monasmith . li
.1. Mies a bl l ll shoes, 14
J. 0, Vltmlug, Shoes, 14
- JolltrlrGlee /Malan/1d hate, - --- 14
F. O. Kratnerjewelry 14
Mrs. li. hallott drugs, 14
U. Lluneauni tobacco & eegAre, 14
J. D. tioigas sloyea, /4
3, Loudon books, 14
It. anapiey jewelry, 14
J. & 11. Ituoads produce, 14
U. Rhoads turuiture. 14
It. C. Weud ward produce, 11
Armstrong & hotter rum. 4 cowl 14
John Beetezn, produce. 13
.1. Seiler & Go.. MOilUee, 12
S. 11. /louver coal, 14
A IL nwlug furniture 14
I. Nauru sauna, 14
.. uorinattu papers, stationary 14
Leidich 4 '.tiler, tiry goods, ' - 11
Urea/I/end .14 sheitlat dry gouda 14
11. 1.... sawyer .. 11
U. ogilby truetee, 11
A.N. Buots . 10
h. S. Bitter merchant tailor, /4
'leery S.x..uu hardware, 10
it, ....1411111e04.1 lane) goo4e, 14
Jacob 11,211 1141,6, 14
J. 11. llavertalck drugs, 14
u. wipe i Urisli ere AI still paper, 14
lien.... a. I'lllll4u. miainery, '
I. Liviugetoo Lev, cbaut taller, 14
L. o . L) us IltleuVl-11, 12
.t. tAlpot‘ RI, eS, 14
A. U. I.W) sit , lothleg, 14
Mis ....Iluielei .01 , 08, . - /4
11. J. Cameron, Fluty, &c. 14
Jusepli Znigier hour sea Mid, 14
I/eV ILI I' I ouuliqiiii warketiug, /4
lalas. A amite 14
oeu. labor baker, 14
Mrs. S. A. Unttun millionery, 14
Ilicutiel & cosminger leather, 14
it.. B Leouard clotaiug. 14
Wm. Miaow marketiug, 14
Wm. `,l art 14
Wei. Braugh " 14
11 I.larkuuss -' 14
Allison a lieuuy a . 14
Jon. Ltalley " 11
Wouderlicn & Roberts " 14
J. W. stmley clothing & shoed 13
.1. 'lcitiOnir baker, 14
.1. A. hel/er bate, 14
P. Arnold cietbing, 13
11, 4A .10.11,n, Jr ess,._ .. _ . _ _ . .Is 4
/Alta Jtuld uti nneriT ----- -'-'
' 14 '
Loan) JGerOLL chose, 14
J.:elm/obl baker, 14
t'i in thviluis •• 14
OP. A Mon. furnishing. store, 14
N. 11autee routell..l tallur, • 14
litkeet. a :pour evuleetiuunry, 14
4.11 Piper bucks` & stationary, 14
Ills J L. ,Neliumllluery,• 14
T. Cooly n jewelry, 14
NI in Littru dealer, l4
Usu. (-ann., lisle, .. 14
.Uilluni Enatninger robes, le., 11
A. A. Lino, apt. stuck Soaker 14
Lewis 11/bit/SOU 14
Use. Handel, •• 14
Luella & :_•nuoursou •• 14
ii. 11.4 J. SO Abl " 14
'Peter=Vituet-nrectuet,- - -- - ------.11,---
Brindle A Nieswanger d. g'ds,
Boyd & Eberly Lardware,
Lenlig a Mathews stoves,
Mts. a. Uryau
Ira Day drugs,
Clark a stutter drugs,
John Joh utiou groceries,
C iou dry goods,
(Wye., & W.t.rek drugs,
Lintel Urabul meretiaut tailor,
lie, Bubb lisidware,
it !sou & :ion stoves,
Ebroulster a Itrugli dry doodz,
Jul; lteigle
L IV. Abrams clothing,
Jueub riwnrtz Jo" eley,
U, helot boots and shoes.
J. B. ilorriug drugs,
David Miller prod uce,
W. LL tiswetlit co .1,
Levi Reiglo shore and Iliac
Jazob Emtniugur grocortes,
hooter a U 11.14105 mu,. tallora,
J B. Keeney jewelry,
Brandt & Co.. produce,
.1. & eon produce,
ZlCltarja3 d ion
J. %Wiesen lumber,
.1..1. swish baker,
S. 11. Moist lorotture.
J. U. IttlaulArberi,ol meet,,
Ueogu 111.11111401 Cunt,
T. Is. Ll,yeuu p, od
Bowman alto grotesles,
John itupp turiatut
J /J. Itudouslierger tudrklg
Ueo. host r
not,. 510t,01.18
Sololllou Chronieter
F. A. Marsha I l•
David Devitthey
11m. King dealer,
Samuel Ebel 1) dealer,
11. 11. Lburly
Armstrong a Son groceries,
M. C. Ebel ly dealer,
..Nots/ey, ai.ock dueler,
A../ Wulf /itt
113 siugerlowelly,
Ilw per hardware. 12 12 ou
E. J. NeUuuu grucuries,
6 C. lluilur
P. S Ariz
Mrs, M. Davis tolllluory, 1,1 7 Uu
blair LuurclCusllur, 14 7 LK)
1 Huck N. C dry good.,
Unu Butth g+ucrrt••n
J. W. . riswoll Drugs, 14 7 LA)
J. &. J B. Iluddiug dry goods. 12 12 t)
J. C. &Dick drugs, 11 1 10
Duo. 15. (..p .ft hitt. & shoos, 14 7 uu
Stsvick & :11'l'horsoti dry g'da, 13 10 uu
John dtuutnaugh drugs. 14 i Uti
ur ny at M'l'horeott hardware, la lu uu
Peer 11111 to grocerlee,
IL J. :caddy lurituro,
Rinse 1 , ... stoves, 14 7 Utt
J. Bridges werebaut tailor, 14 7 nu
U. If Coles bats and not es, 14 7 Ou
li 11. •towurn dry goods. 13 10 nu
C. Fastinufht agent, groceries, 14 7 Uu
)11s. I' Delttlell 14 7 vtO
11. Ruby a Cu. produce, 10 2u kliJ
Ocher 4 Aogie •• II 7 Jr
I. I'. Iflair - 11 15 l`U
H. Duke furniture, II 7 00
David Criswell furniture, 14 7 UU
Juiliffn holes, RtaLlOti?.ry, 14 7 Uu
U. W th . o..sou toUerteo k aegarA, l 4 i UU
Bonjunin giggr, •kettuis, 14 1.1()
r,sulue/ Mjurs, 7 uu
J. A. Kunk's, harder: A rs, 13 lu 00
Blink Az tiro, dry pods, 16 It/ uu
John I,lard, marketing, 14 7 00
T. J. MuCluiddstr, dry goods, 13 10 tiu
flays & Irviue, groceries, 11 7 UU
Mrs. M. JR Rued, drugs, 14 7 uu
Joseph Laughlin, oluthing, 14 7 uu
J It Miller, drugs. 74 7 VU
:tough & Elliott, dry goodr, 12 12 fiti
tjuoreo W. 61u11, storus, 14 7 00
L. V. U oopur, jewelry, 14 7 00
4 AL.74lrtutier, grueurius, 14 7 10
L. 11. Randall, nierchant .441 Jr, 14 7 uu
John ilrieser, furniture, 14 7 00
:,. li. 11110, drugs, 14 7 Lk/
J. B. Cotniugh, agent, stovos, 14 7 uu
J. A. A ushitournavro, 14 7 OU
11. E. Sterp, tobacco & litigant, 11 7 02
P. A. Ahl & lJru , stuck dealer, A.l 7 00
11. Snyder, produce, 11 16 00
Lewis & tiro, produce, 14 7 00
J. &..,1. lt. llur4b, produce, 11 16 u 0
J. & J. 11. 11urbh, " 13 10 CO
Myers & you, dry goods;l4 7 00
Green & .31cclure, furnishing goods, 14 7 Ou
Jacob N. Wagner, marketing, 14 7 CO
kurgusen & Cu., dry geode, 14 7 nu
. .
Miller & Soo •• 14 .7 00
Newcomer a Bmlo, produce, 18 10 00
Newcomer 'it Co., dry goods, 14 7 00
-Lievid Harsh - ` ,40 14 . 7.1 m
Luvi cltrohm, " la 10 00
George Coffee, dry goods,
Lout diroLtm
George Clover "
J. blxoek .1c bro.,
Koontz & Steeick, dry goods,
litiotimaleer & Elliott,
David Hoover, flour. • 14 7 00
Oluistinn Stovick, furniture, , 14 7 00
George Russel, dry goal, 4.. 14 700
William M. Watts, dry goods, 14 7 (.0
Bliss J. Duman 14 7 00
Jurub 'Scutum, tqarkoting, 14 7 00
A. Goodtutrt & Cu,, marketing, 14 7 00
J. U. Swilor, sire goodp,
G. J. tibryoo,k •
James a Wooer, lumber, ' 18 10 t.O
Lee .e abut], .“ - , 12 12 80
Atmle(llyetez 4. . la - i- 10 ou
v.. i (Imam ti ' 14' 1,00
J G. Miller, dry goods, 14 7 00
I*. id Mottl4 7 s 0
. .
• 14 7 00
AVlltbior & (;o.,.produoo,' 13 7 00
Claim LlCense
U i 7 00
14 7 toi
14 7 Uu
H 7 uu
14 7 uu
13 10 uu
14 7 uu
14 7 uu
14 7 (Hi
14 7 to)
19 10 09
19 10 00
14 7 00
14 " 700
14 700
18 1 .0 00
14 7 00
J 7 4)1)
11 i o)
NEW 015.511,1ERLAND
R. D. Rummel, lumber '
D. Liticieflald, produce,
Adam Enlinger,
CV W. Feeler, dry goods
D. Donlinger
William Banker, grocer ,
Jacob Benninger
Michael M'Cormick "
Mclntire &lion produce,
Michael Free
D. Brown, marketina '
Jacob Lougnecker, grocer,
J. B. Lrldig, produce, •
David Strohm, dry goods,
W. W. Wan bough, furniture,
W. 11 Pekela, dry goods;
Jacob Simmons •
Jacob W Lehi*
Joseph Fink, merchant tailor,
Broom 4 ker, marketing,
George Duey,
J. llartaler, Stock dealer,
& Zook, dry goods,
John Swartz, merchant tailor,
WE:T iikNraborto..
Linn & Olvler. produce,
ilnmehnr & Pravrbawh, produce,
linnlerson & Reed
Edwin James, d-y goods,
Rbor :lames
Tobias :liter', stock dealer,
Jacqb Bnetnm, marketing,
William Bishop 0
Petnr TIoNa
0. W. Robinson, dry good',
.1. W, Banal:Love "
Johu Oregano •
Kauffman & Webbort, dry goodar,
A NI I,elfflß
Alexander &
3 1, L,lven
Samuel Shunt>. flout,
C. Hoeg, furniture,
Newman shop,
7 vu
J uu
7 uu
7 uu
n. Tavlnay. droza,
if , r,v Spahr. flour,
Samoa] Plank, doalrr,
lac,b Oto gor, grocor,
Rupp. p . ucerlee,
James II Juhnseu, dry goods,
oeur, I, 1191 e, sturee,
rN ruq Tempi!, furniture,
D. Itupp, produce,
sbrem Browrr, dry goods,
John cononan
Ell IS' Wloe
John Young
Oeor. ltruhmkPr "
Christlen Eberly "
Dank:an:a Plank, dry goods,
lV Ul
7 VV
7 00
lu uv
Pain nal Rupert, Mechanicsburg,
7 Lov
.1, ‘1.14,, thif n st.) `
°' Juin, A. Swartz
uu loy (depot)
7uU R. J. Leif, Car/ Isla,
7 fiv ii ra Schweitzer
uU John Limier. .•
7 ?. 0 11 re. Joh'. eaetor
7 7 -01 Von ileileu
JO T White
7 0 schmohl, tb•tanrg G Ate,
Us ) - Win. S Dunlap,
.I.J Crawford
' J tllessuer, Taut Pennaboro.'
7 uU .1. C,Oiff
7 UU B Shreinfo
u U Mr. Were, Upper Allen,
J. Wagner, dry good., )4
Alexander & Co , dry goods, 14
Snyder It 00., Newton,
11-thean Ltr"ltlavit ; Cur
2dUU NVin. Alexander
to tiu
7 Ut./
Simon Early, Carlisle, 2 tables, SO 00
tieu. Inland 110 .00
Nntlce lv blruby given to all y,ereona nanaad in the
shove II t. tby an art of Assembly approved April
II tb, 1401, ' , linty Treasurers are required to 'bring
soil end c Ilrct ail licenses remaining unpaid on or be•
(Oro the Met dAy of July next, and by other Ade of
A sseinhl y, dz•r, nt vinous, sell itous, malt our brewed
he”nse, are also liable to Indictment
In 'in. Court of Quarter Spssions, Those Intereetid arp , tted-to lilt their licensee witbo,O.delay
null cove the co: to, Sr.
7 uu
7 uu
7 uu
1. bu
10 UJ
1 .1
May 3, 18131
LEA s received an unusually kniii
nelvetd blo ck of
ay 1 FOIIS th.t hid old rahtomere, and all persona in
want iir.t rat. CU/TRIM/ should give him a call
11o: es•or part of
, ;zz, and nil other kinds of goode for Oentle•
~,„ ,•, j,.tulog Ihs amo.rtniont of piece goddela the
~.,I.o,tmost vui ned ever brought to earner", ^ 1 3(1
lit, 1, ovt4 - Itomed Lto twit goods by the yard on terrtur as
fa% wet. ir other .tune. His stock of
Ready 'wade Cioltkling,
Nutt hcau'iful. consisting of CQAT§.
I'AN V S, OVERCOATS, &c., which ho will soli
cL aper (Lau any whrl etltablik.hroeut.
a beautiful afisortmout of GENTLEMEN'S.
Ft II I N buch as
TRUNKS, &0., &o.
ems and SOO hie beautiful assortment of Goods bp
tore nu, chn,lng elsewhere. lie takes pleasure in show
Ins; ills And will satisfy all that he can' sod win
cell Go Ada cheap u than any other house outside of the
azT•)NI E S —I I V its an eitanonstion
r f nay slook of Fine C;aths, Cassimerss, Vestings,
hieh I ludo uhisture upon spacial olden,.
AI. N' .TICS:.— I would say to the public, that
my goods are denatured under my own supervision
and Ly the very host workmen. My stock is tote cuoit
ex tautly I have over had. and my friends and' tti'a
puLlia ars inviind to WI and examine for themselves.
siT Itemember the old stand, North Barmier St.
ISAAC A...11115198TC..N.
kprll 2'2,1861
On Suturday, May
. 281 h, 1864
Ipursuancet waer oldie Orpharks'
ot,urt, UP. ut.rrib, will offer at public sale,on the
p.1•111i%..A. F, I U 11,q1 Lain tVip 0,1711. b. tWO DIAN!
1101 Lb or New e.lie near the State read leading to Dal
lin thrp, the f.A owing - described - Real k:stattaivis:
TWO 178.57 ?ATE FAR.Va
No 1 containA 119 Arrea of Find quality of Alida
Lnnd .f wLich abotki. 5 :wren are in gooil t4ber. Tto
Improvements ate a two anti a hall dory
ig-4,..1„.0;12, Wilk Kitchen and Waah house
' iAll i _ , A LOU BARN.
with all the necessary Outbuildinge
The land te in "it high and° of aultivatien, havinic been
recently ;.hormxahly limed'. There de .flue ;waning'
whter ~ii thin, fern].
No ndjoing No. 1, and is a trot rate Slate farm,
containing MI Aurea,ol NV hlch about 10 arras are Wood
dof good q"ulity. The improvements aro a. tw o
This farm Is filen In a gond state of cultivation, hayb
had a enropletu coat of PlllO. Thero is running water
In abundance on this farm.
Also, at the Immo time and place, a Ten Acre ,Lot of
This Int lies near the Conodoluinet creek and &dicing'
tarty No. 2. It will be sold either separately or witir
the farm as purrhasrre may desire
Also. two tracts of MOUNTAIN LAND, or re g whirl'
Is in township, and Contains 80 acres of doe
Glum tuut timber, uud the other In Yra uk ford tewnsbiii,'
cou e acres. rot sone wishing to view any of the
shove property can do sn by calling on the subscriber,
at hie residence In Mifflin township,, adjoining Far*
Sale to commence at 12 o'clock N., on said day, w,he
attendance will be given and terms make known by
Administrator of Jacob Bowman, deo'd.
April 8, 186-1. .
Lotters of Administration on the estate of Mob
to. Crai g head, deed . late of South Middleton township,
having boon issuad•by tho - Ite g htter of Cutnberland
to the subscribers residin g , in theaatou tow nehtp, notice
la hereby g iven to all persons indebted , to mid estate
to make Immediate payment, ana Ovum having claims
to prosont them duly onthentltated to
AUfturS T A L. CRAIGHEAN Adrar's ‘
JOLIEPII. A. tTliAlt,e, Adra'r..
April 22, IFl34—fits
Notice hi hereby eliTo that lettere Of adtalishitner
t on' op. he estate of Susannah Musser, logof irroolt•
ford township, deceased, bare be 94 groato4 by taw
Register to the enbacriber residing la 00 sante .town•
ship. All .pereons kunwbut thomselvalt
84141 estate, will make immediate. pxymotkti,oti thOiniS
hetstri.: claim's will present theliplo •„
• N.l4T,TtitoB'4/04.1pid„ '
oil 22,18134-6 E
No. 520 ; Arch. bt., It, • ,
. Roger's, rupelOr ' late
.oiy- All Mills of SI IN KR WARE mode on the row
boa. WATCII Repatriug cangully dons.
Aprll^B, lBo4—fto. •
10 03
10 00
7 03
i ,
\ 7 00
7 0?
7 00
7 00
10 00
10 00
10 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
in l
7 00
7 00
T 00
10 7 2
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
T 00
7 10 00
lo 00
7 10 00
8 6 00
7 10 00
7 10 00
7 10 09
7 10 - 00
7 /0 00
8 6 Oo
7 10 00
6 00
8 5 00
6 00
6 00
7 10 00
8 6 OD
28 00
16 00
16 00
Treasurer of Cumberland Co
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00