STEINWAY PIANOS. First Prize Modal at the World's Fair, London, 1862. I= ._____F - : 7 . '-; 7 '. Ti, -• t, , . - ~.0.•. .V ,4%.,,i'14 : 4_, ,t 3 . , ,,,. ;\ ?..t1- .C'^=- - i • 4 ";', - :!-:?? 7 -_,47 1 .: 1? . " , :: he -.?—•'7,,,1-:',Fi:LL,-;..:=•:,:,,,„ r 7 ex,.._. t:i 1•4 ky - -a ) . t......., „„ TEES undersignedhas just received, and Intends to keep constantly on hand a full as. aortmout of the uuequallod Planos manufactured by Stelnwiy & Sons 01 Now York. Each Instrument wilt be ear:ofully selected In the Manufactory, and will be sold at the New York Cash Factory Prices, with the addition of Freight to Cellist°. A written guarantee of entire satisfaction will be given by the .übscriber to each purchaser. Persons desirous to porches° are invited to call and examine these unrivalled Planet', at S. E. Shapley's 'Jewelry Store, Main Street, 3d door oast of the 51813111011 House, near tt o Railroad Depot SECOND HAND PIANOS received in exchange and kept for Bale and to rent, Carlisle, Mai , 22, 180—ly Geo, W, Carpenter, Henszy Sc Co's Wholesale Drug & Chemical Warehouse, No. 737 Market St., Philadelphia 'THE Subscriber keeps constantly on hand a large stock of Davos, MEDICINES, Ca EMIOALS, 'THE PREP OtAtIsSIN, and every other article which appertains to the business, embracing the moot extensive variety ; also PAINTS, OILS and GLASS of every description. All articles purchased from us ran bo relied on as be lug of the most superior quality, and at as low prices as they can be had. We ea , offer such Inducements as will make it the intetest of purchasorn to lay in their supplies from us, and give us their future patronage and Invite all wh., visit the city, to call at our estats , Hahn:tent. All orders addressed to ue by mall or other wise, will meet with prompt attention. GAO. W. CARPENTER, lIENSEY A CO. 737 Market Street, Philadelphia Feb. 5,414-3 m. BARGAINS ! BARGAINS ! ! At Ogilby's Cheap Cash Store ! AM now opening a large assortment ofNEW AND DESIRABLE goods, bought befur t recent rise iu prices, which will be sold for the Cash Ta at ,ow figures. Have on hand a full line of BLEACHED and UN— ELEACIIED :il USLINS at tho very lowest prices. Tick inga; Gingholies. Checks and Calicoes also, In great ye riethis and cheap. LADIES DRESS GOODS. Elegant new style Silks, Challes, Colored Alpaehas, Tureen Cloth, Satin Stripe Luetres, and Do Lai!IPS, A:C. Gloves and liosiery. all kinds and prices. I. Linens, Linen Diapa Table Cloths, Nspk ins, Russia & Amenlan Cashes, Cambrieks, Swiss Mull, Nainsook, Bishop Lawn, be., An- MOURNING GOODS. A largo assortment of 131ae4 Veils, Crepe Collars, R 4 and 3-4 all wool Deloins, Tureon Cloth, Bleek Satin Cloth, Alpackas, Mohan Sorties, and all the different style Black and White Goads from Bissos's celebrated Mourning Store. Cloths, Cassimeres, Sattinets Jeans, Fancy Canfimeros. Sattinots, H. Joan., kc., at low pri es. 8-4, 8-4. 5-4 and 4-4 Floor 011 Cloths, also Table Oil Cloths, all width. . . All my winter stock geode, will be closed out at lees than City prices. Now is the time for purchasers to nave money by laying ilitheir stock All guide bought and sold for CASH. Reecollect the place—Went Main 9 ~ nearly opposite the Depot. C. 00 'LUX. Carlisle, Feb. 12, '64. I ILLINERY & STRAW" GOODS IN EVERY VARIETY, o t e latest Importations, and of the newest and most fashionable styles. OUR STRAW pEPARTNIENT will comprise every variety of Bonnets, Tints. and Trim• mings to be found in that line; of the latest and moat approved shaper and styles. Soliciting an early call, I remain yours, respectfully. II R'.4 It It, Nos. 103, IUS A 107 North Second St. , April 8,1864-7-4 t. Carpetings and Oil Cloths 'VOW receiving at Ogilby's cheap cash 11 Store, a lot of Ingrain, Venetian, Haul', Hag, and Stair CARPETS. Also, Floor OIL CLOTH'S all widths, which will to sold for the cash at the Jowest rates CHAS. OGILBY, Trustee. March 4, IVA Look out for the Draft. TN the new Store just opened by Zeig ler & Stock, North Hanover ftreet, (formerly D. Oornman'e Store, there inn daily draft made In their cheap Sugar, .11fulasses, Coffee and all aorta of GROCERKS, Fish, 1", lour and Feed.— Do not forget and give thorn a call. April 1, 18G4-41a. Town Property for Sale. bAM authorised to sell the Property of liss Sopla Sturm, situated on the North side of , . Pomfret street near West street. The lot . 41,1'.., is 60 feet front by 120 feet deep, and hoe •i•• r. upon it' a Two story plastered House and ill° cti'.. , frame Shop. It will be sold ae a whole or kb b !" ...'• - • .. in part so may be most eligible. JNO. H. PARKER. Fob. 6, 18134—tf. BA.RLOW'S NDIGO BLUE. DEALERS and consumers of the above Celebrated Wash Blue, u 11l take vette°, that the Labels are altered to read. INDIGO BLUE, put up at Alfred Wiltborgor's Drug Storo, No. 223 North Second Street, Philadelphia The quality of Ulla Blue will be the same in every respect I It le warranted to color . more water than twice the lame quantity 4.. f Indigo, and to go much further than any other Wash Blue in the market. It dissolves per fectly eloar and does not settle on the clothes as most of the other makes do. One Box dissolved in a half pint of water, will make as good a Liquid Blue as any that is made at one-third the coat. As It is retailed at the same price as the Imitations and Inferior articles, housekeepers will find it very south to their advantage to ask for that put up at Wiltberger's. 4 All Blue put up after this date with Barlow's smuts on It la imitation. The New Labol does not require a Stamp For a , le by Storekeepers generally. March 4, 1884,--emo. CLOAKS ! CLOAKS ; ! J UST received and very cheap at GREENFIELD & SHEAFER'S. Jwe purchase those 'goons of an extensive Cloak Manufactory in NEW YORK,WO areable to offer supuri or inducements to any House In the country. -, FURS FURS!! We defy competition,'havlng made arrangements with one of the largest New York Fur Co's., to supply us with choice Goods. We feel confident we can tell Furs at Olty prices. GREENFIELD & RHEAFER. S. E. Cor. of Market Sq - aare, 2d door N0v.19, 1863 BOOTS & SHOES. A FULL assortment of Mon and Boys' Boots and Shoes, suitable for the winter. Also, dies and Misses'e Balmoral Bootees. Children's Boots of all kinds. Ladies and Gentlemen's GUM Over Shoes. My old customores and all in want of good and .heap Boots and Shoes, will please call and examine the stock, before purchasing. Main street, nearly opposite the Depot. Carlisle, Nov. M, 1863. 011A13. OGILBY, Trustee Notice of Co• Partnership, HE public are hereby informed that the undersigned have this day entered into a Co Partnership, under the name of Delaney .t Blair, for the purpose of carrying on the Coal and Lumber busi ness, at the old stand of Oliver Delaney, near the Gas Works; whore all orders in their line of business are respectfully solicited, and will be promptly filled. OLIVER DELANCY, ANDREW H. BLA.IR. . . Oct. 16, 1863—t f. - Stif-Orders for coal will be received at Halbert & Bleming's Grocery Store; Robort Mooro's Shoo Store and A. H. Blair's Currying Shop. ylfa..Orders for Coal or Lumber solicited .through the Post Office, arrangements having been made with the Postmaster to charge.the postage on same to us. All orders punctually tilled. • Bryans julmonto Waferi, AT RALSTON'S De 11,1803 ITNIAES. 500 . pairs' llamas . on hand of all kinds. Elizabethtown pattern,' Loudon 0., rnman do., with and without fastenings cheaper then ever at IL BAXION'S, East Alain et. 6fateh 28 1862 . - , - • ', , 4 r THE subscriber, because of ill health, 1. and private matters also claiming his attention, feels It ble duty to retire from business at least for a season. probably until the present war is ended. I shall close my business early itu February next, and up to that period. will keep up my usual supply of Syrups, Coffees, Teas, Sugars, Spices. Mackerel and such other articles as belong to a stook of Groceries, together with an assortment of embracing the choicest qualities, and at the lowest possible prices and profits. The balance of my stock, composed of CEDAR WARE, such as Tubs, Churns, Buckets. a lot of Corn Brooms— the choicest in any market—also, China, Glass, Queensware, Crocks, Baskets, &c., will be sold at reduced prices. I would embrace this opportunity of tendering my sincerest thanks to the numerous friends and custom ers who have for a period of over twenty years, riven me so generous and liberal a share of their patronage, trusting that my labors to please have not altogether been in vain. To such as have accounts to softie with me, either for or against. I would state that, I will as here tofore, be found at my usual pleas of business, where I will be always be happy to see them. " Marion Hall." Carlisle, 1 January R. 1864. f 4riir Perry Advocate please copy JOLIN K. STAYMAN WHEELER 6: WILSON'S SE W• 1.. b G .1.1.1 C II ir or E S AT REDUCED PRICES, With Glass Cloih Presser, Improved Loop— ' Cheek, New B`yle Hammer, Binder, Cor or, Braider, eto. At the Railroad Office, earlinie. Pa. Silver :Venial at the Pennsylvania State Fair - September, 1883. American month tile. Nair York. Mochanier" AsFociation, Boston, Franklin I nstif ute. Metropolitan Mechanic,,' I ...titute, 1‘ ashim.ton, Marydunl Instil we Baltimore. Mechanic,' Association. Cincinnati, Ken tucky Institute, Louisville, Mechanical Association, St. Louis, Mochailks' Institute, San Francisco. 31 AINE, VERMONT, CON NECTIOUT, NEW JERSEY. PENNSYLVANIA, VIILUINIA. MISSISSIPPI MISSOURI, OHIO, INDIANA, lOWA, TENNI.SSEE, ILLINOIS, KENTUCKY MICHIGAN, W ISCONSIN, t. A LI FO It N I A. These celebrated Machines are adapted to every va. rloty of Sewing o: family wear. front the lightest mils line to the heavi,st i ' , alt.+. They work equally well upon silk, iiueu, woolen, and cotton good4.—seamlng ,atiter4n4. -hemming. Sailing. _cording. and braiding—making a lteatittful and perfect stitch. alike on bath sides—and pert 'ruling every species at sewing except Making button holes and stitching on buttons. Full In ta uctions for operating the Machine is given gratuitously at the sales rooms. When the Machine is sent 5, me distance, so, that personal instruction is inconvenient, a card of direction Is sent, as bleb is sufficient ,:tilde. The qualities which recommend the Wheeler At. Wilson Machine are 1. Beauty and excellence of stitch, alike on botlasides of ihe-fahric sewed '2. Strength. firninvq, nnit durability of seam, that will not rip nor ra,el and made with— ii. r tlnead 4 Ito attachments and wide range of application to purp •ses and tnat.rial, e. compactness and elegance of model and finish. 6. Simpli, iti and thoroughnesß of construction. 7. Speed, rase of ope t athm and management, and quietness of movement • L-CIIEDU LE OF I'll ICES. No. 3 Machine, with lain Table, $45 1,0 Ilalf Pannelled, 50 01) hull ame Polisaud, Black 'Walnut or Mahogany 55 00 Phan Table, 65 0 ) Half Case, Plinnollod, 60 00 ❑nlf Case, Pulkhod, hack Wninut or 31nhogany 65 00 No. 1 Machine, Silver platod, with Plain Table, 65 00 half Ca , o, Polished, Black Walnut, 70 00 halt Case, Puliabod, 01.1, , k*NValnut ur Mahogany 75 00 =I Full Case, Polished, illok Walnut or Mahogany 00 00 Null Cane, Po112;114,, Itotiowood, • luU UO No. 4 slachluo, Largo with;. Plain Table, Plahl Ta. 1.10, Every Machine io uold with a lleuner, Non. 1 and 2 Machines are hold rumph•te, with the Now Glnse Cloth Preeber, New .`, , Ayle II eunaer end Braider. Wheeler & Wikun'a Agency at Railroad and Telegraph Office, CARLISLE, PA. Nov. 27, 1803-Ip. WILLIAM. FRIDLEY respectfully annouucas to the citizens of Carlisle and the public generally, that he still continues the untnufac• tare of all kinds of tin and sheet iron scare in J. D. Halbert's building East Louther street Carlisle at the sign of the RED COFFEE POT, when, he will at all times be ready to do all kinds of work In his line with neatness and despatch. Also can at all hat"thoso celebrated, self sealing and self testing prenklutn airtight. Rootnz. Spouting., and all kinds of jobbing done at the shortest notice. Cash paid for old load, pewter and copper. Thank ful for the patronage heretofore extended, he hope,' by strict attention, and a desire to please all to merit a continuance of the same. Dent forgot the sign of the fled Coffee l'ot. April 3, 1863. MC. HERMAN, Attorney at Law, Carlisle, Pa. Nest door to the Herald Oaten. March 18, 1884-Iy. JAM ES A. DUNBAR, Attorney at Law, Carthlo, Pa. Office with Watts k. Parker. Jan. 22, 1861-Iy. T M. WEAKLEY.—Attorney at Law. . °m. o. south Hanover street. opposite Bentz Dry Goods store. All nrofessional business entrusted to him will be promptly attended to. {A AM UEL HEPBURN, Jr., Attorney ).nt Lnw. Wilco with Hon. Samuel Ilopburn, Nolo St.. Carlini() Pe. Juno 5, '63 R u PUS E. SEIAPLEY, Attorney at Law Carlisle Pa. Attends Eo securing and col lecting Soldiers' PAY, Bounties. and Pensions. °Bice on South !layover Street, opposite lluutz's store. Dec. 27. IStll y A w CARD.-CHARLES E. MA GLAI °HUN, Attorney at Law, Office In In hoirabuilding,Juseoppostie tho Market Howe. Carllslo, March 14,'80-Iy. A, J P. HUMRICH, Attornay at Law .—Office on North Hanover street, a few doors south of Glass' Hotel. All business ehtrusi ed to him will be promptly attended to. [April 15 P OSEPII lIITN.FR, Jct., Attorney at • Law and Surveyor. Mechanicsburg : Pa. Office en Rail" Road ytrnot, two do.ira north of the Bank. aar' 81151138118 promptly attended to. Du.I.C.LOOMIS South Ilanover street, ' 4 iIIVT - r ,,.. Ejc opposite Bonts',dry goods store. June 1,'62. iFIR. GEORGE S. SEA JUF, DEN TIST, Dal. from the "•• 01 m . 0 thee RIGIIT College of Dental Surgery. ta6office at the residence elhismother,Bast Leuthat ntreet, three doorKbelOw Bedford. March 19, 1859—tf.' J - ANDKEROHIEFS, Ties, Stooks Ribbons, Suspenders, Under Shirts, Brasiers, beautiful elsoytment cad be found at ' ISAAC LIVINGSTON'S . North Ilahover Street Emporluin. DUANOY .t. BLAIR FAMILY DYE COLORS,' AT RALIRTON'S., Closinz, up Business Tobacco, (chewing 4- smoking) 4- Cigars ; Highest Premiutos at tho INTIRNATIONAL EXHIBITION, LONDON, 1862 letatlatalet EXHIBITION, PAM ,; 1861. et Ulu Fairs of the UNITED STATES AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY I= 0. 2 Nlachlou with 76 00 No. 5 Machine, Cylinder, with T Enms CA9.11 COFFEE POT. FRUIT CANS AND JARS March 18,1808 TUE Allen and Eastpennsboro' Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Cumberland county, incorporated by'An act of Assembly, in the year 1843, and having recently had its charter extendelvo the year 1883, Is now in active and vigorous operation, un der the suporlutondunce of the following Board o Managers, viz: William R. Gorgas, Christian Stayman, Jacob Eberly, D. Bally, Alex. Cathcart, 3. 11. Coover, John Eichel her ger, Joseph Wickersham, Saud. Eberly, Aloses Bricker, Rudolph Martin, Jacob Conner, a - d J. 0. Dunlap. The rates of insurance are as low and favorablo as any Company of the kind in the State. Persons wishing to become members are Invited to make application to the agents of the Company, who are willing to wait upon them at any time. WM. R. 13 011.0 AS, President, Eborly'sMills, P. 0. CHRISTIAN STAYMAN, Vice President :Mechanicsburg, P. O. JOHN C. DUNLAP, Sect'y. Mechanicsburg. DANIEL DAILY, Dillsburg, York co. AGENTS. Cumberland county.—John Sherrlck, Allen; Henry Zearing, Shlremanetowu ; Lafayette Puffer. Dichineon; Henry Bowman, Churehtown; Mode 11riffilh, South Middleton; Samuel Graham, Wovipennaboro'; Samuel Coorer, Meehan.caburg; J. W. Cocklin,Shepherd4uwn; D. Coover, Upper Allen; .1. 0. Saxton, ,Sliver Spring; John flyer. Carlisle; valentine Feeman, New Cumber land; JlllllOB McCandlish. Newvllle. Yak county —W S. Picking. Dover; James Griffith, Wart ington ; .1. F. Deardorff, Washington; Ridley Rich ey Clark, Dilisburg; D. Rutter, Fairview; John Wil• HAM., Carroll. J. W. F.BY Dauphin cm—Jacob Houser. Harrisburg. Members of the Company hating policloa about to expire, can havo thorn renewod by waking application to any of the Agents. October 30, 1863. William P. Lynch Having returned from the army has re-opened iho GAS FITTING and PLUMBING business at the Old Stand in the basement of the FirSt Methodist Church. Ile will attend promptiy to a ?,busi ness in his lint . Load and Tron Pipes I lion Sinks, Hydrants. Bath Tubs. Het & Cold Shower Baths, Bath Hollers, Water Closets, Wash Basins, Force and hit Pu I Hydraulic Hams, &c. Wro't Iron Wed Tubes, - - And every itescription of cocks anki fittings for Fax. steam, water, &c. Superior cooking ranges, heaters and gas fixtures put up in churches, stores end dwell ings, at abort notice. In the most modern style. Al materials and work in our line at low rates and war lantod. lira_Country work andjobbinti promptly attended to. June 5, 1863. ARRIVAL OF NEW STOCK OF I - 27 c- 4Z) aCto ice! w A. W. BENTZ, FAS just returned from the Philadel i phia and New York markets with a large and well soloetud stock of ary Goods, cousistin, in part of Mohair low°, Plaid Victoria, Wool Plaids, Plaid Pop Hos Silk and IVorsted Chocks, Colored Alpncs, Colored Nlvrrimar. Moose de Lai no, Double wid 11 Wool Plaids, „. Black and While do., Wool Plaid Victoria, 0 inOaanis, Calicoes, Checks, Tick ,ngs, opera Ela I, els. Shirtin s, Tolle Dialler, Sheet lags, Canton Flannels, kc. MOURNING GOOIes, Merinoes, Cashmeres, Poinhazlnes, Figured arid phln Debrines, Brocadr Mohair, Double Wool Detainee, Clieurt Mohair, Striped Rope. Striped Mohair, Striped Poplin, tiro- de Berlin. Teri nn Cloth, i'arauu•tto Coburg, Black Coburg. Mourning Corded Silk, Pailt de Sole, Black Silk. a large asaortnient of Crapo Collars, Black Alpacas, Black Silk Bell uig, Ac. SHAWLS. Mark and Bordered Long and Square Shawls. Square and ',mug Wool Shawls. Black Th bet. Mons de Lain, Broche Long and ( , quare: Plaid W , of Shawls, Fancy IVool zilaan Is, in groat variety. 13 ` ALM - ORAL SKTRTZ, --- Ladies' Flats, Home Made Blankets, fine or Imported.— The blest style' !loop Skirts—sly quaker. HOSIERY: A large and well selected stock, Wool and Cotton, La dles and Children's Caps, /t lino na.,ortinent of Bonnet and Mantua Ribbons, ()Ingham. SIIK and Cotton Hand. her •biels, Umbrellas, a larg,assortilient or .AND BOYS' WEAR. EIMIM CASSINIEItrS KENTUCKY JEANS, The largest and best selected stock In the county Carpeti. Uil Clotn , , A c These Goods have all been selected ex,hrossly for this market.. eittl cars both to their quhthty and .1i les. as 1% t•II us reasonable pt it, at whkh they be disposed of. This uld hlen da and customers of this well kuuwn house are invited to tall and examine thin stock of splendid tioods Carll,le, Oa. GO, 1863 Carlisle Foundry, AND FARM IMPLEMENT DEPOT F. GardllOr Sc Co. now manufacture and keep con. stantly fol sale, at their extensive Steam Works on East Main street, Carlisle. a large assortment ei Au ItICULTUIIAI , IMPLEMENTS, 01 well known, approved usefulness to farmers. among which the) would call expechil attention to 111 LLOUI3II Bro CELEBRATED PATENT OEM GUJI SPRING GRAIN DRILL, which has taken over fifty First Clogs Premiums at Stat' and County Fairs. To the Farmers 0 , Cumberland. ork and Perry counties we need not speak in detail of the merits of this drill. as scores at thew are now in Use on the bout farms in these counties its reputa tion is established ss the most complete tf rant Drill now main elect u red in the United States it sows N heat, Rye, Oats, Barley and Dross, evenly and regular, without bunching the seed The gum Springs 'MSS the drill over stumps and stones, without breaking pincer the drill. For even and regular sewing. the Willough by Dim Spring Drill is unequalled by any other We also manufacture and sell the tellowing articles, which we can recommend to Farmers as reliable implements. of established character: CIE MORRISON'S PATENT CORN PLANTER, LASH'S PATENT STRAW & FODDER CUTTER, BRIDENDOLPII'S PATENT CORN SHELLER, BARN'S PATENT CIDER MILL, JOHNSON'S CAST IRON HOG'S TROUG 11. Also, Three and Four Horse Powers and Threshing Machines, Cast Iron Field Rollers, Plough Castings of various patterns. Corn Crushers. and other articles for Farmers tno numerous to mention. Also. Egg Coal Stoves and Ten Plato Wood Stoves, with an immense vartety (Anther castings for housekeepers and others. We leave also an attractive variety of patterns for IRON RAILINGS. and CEMETERY ENCLOSURES to which we would call attention. Steam Engines and ➢llll Gearing To this department of our business we give particu. lar attention. our already extensive stock °fp:atoms for Paper, Flou , and Saw MITI Gearing, is constantly increasing. MIII Owners and Mill Wrights will be fur• nlshed with a printed, catalogue of our various' Mill Patterns, on application. Our Machine Shop comprises all the various tools for turning, planing and finishing Shafting and Castings, by good and carctul Machinists STATIONARY STEAM ENGINEF.I of any desirable capacity, from ton to twenty-flvehorse power, built in the best style and on accommodating torme. Engines built at our establishment may be seen in successful operation at many of the largest Distilleries and Tonuerlee In Carlisle, and Cumberland Perry and Dauphin Counties, to the owners of which we confidently refer for information as to thelrefliclen cy. l'orsons wanting Steam Engines are emeakedly re quested to cull and examine before contracting else where. • _ DOOR AND SASH FACTORY. Connected with our estabilshmenl is a Steam Enchant' Door Manufactory which is now in complete order for the manufacture of every description of BUILDING MATERIALS. for the most costly as well as the plainest, house. Win. dow Sash furnished from 6 cents upward, according to site of itinss ; Window Frames from $1 31 upward Shutters and Bolling Blinds from $1 76 upward; Four Panel Doors from $2 12 upward. Mouldings, Castings Architraves. Wash Boards, Bracket's, Fancy Drapery, Scrolls, and other articles needed In house building, furnished at the lowest prices and or the beet quality, oflumber. tgx.We are also prepared. at. heretofore to build and repair BURDEN OARS for transporterson the railroad; with promptness and on reasonable terms. The contin ue,d patronage of the public laresp - ootfully solicited. Orders by mall promptly attended to. May o.'oo V. OAR DNER & Co. REMOVAL. lILINNEI(U IIL, having on account si of the dampness and unhoolthfulness of bin for mar shop on Illtnover strrnt. aeon compelled to remove therefrom: bas.purchased and refitted the splondid shop. rit Hain street. nest door to A. L. Sponsier's of fico, formerly occupied by .1. Myers. lie will be glad to welcome all his old customers. and as 'many 'now ones as wish to be shaved by cloan and competent bar bore: Aug. 14. 1863-'-3m. NTEW GOODS. L Every description and .quality of Groceries, Queens Ware, Hardware, Miceli Sauce, Fino Liquors, Tobacco, fiegars, Plpos. Fresh rafts and vegltables in Cana, Oystersdo. 41(106,19(1ml ant n Glow ware, all kinds and of the best quality and to be sold at' 41.6' lowest prices . 'et cash by' June 6,'68 11010 E SEGARS & TOBACCO, C • - . • kI ItAL TON'S ?.4ysiciANs find it - to their ad , wit:Mtge to WI And pm. all a I; ty their Medicines a 3" ftALISTOWS. Fire Insuraiice. =SEIM =MEM WM. 'BENTZ 'BALIIKORE LOCK HOSPITAL, ESTABLISISEILAS A REFUGE FROM QUACKERY THE ONLY PLACE WHERE A CURE CAN RE OBTAINED: JOHNSTON has discovered the _most certain, speedy and only effectual remedy in the world for al, private diseases, weakness 01 the back or limbs, strictures, affections of the kidneys end bled der, involuntary discharges, impotency, general do' iii ty, nervousness, dyspepsy, languor, low spirits, confu sion of ideas, palpitation of the heart, timidity, trem bling's, dimness of sight or giddiness. disease of the head, throat, nose or sitin,affections of the liver, lungs, stomach or bowels—those torribledisordersarisin g from the solitary habits of youth—those secret and solitary practices more fetal to their victims than the song of Syrons to the Mariners of Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage, &c., impossible. YOUNG VIE.N Especially, who have become the victims of solitary vice. that droadful and destructive habit ohbh annu ally aweepa to an untimely grave thousands of Young Men of the most exalted talentsand brilliant intellect, who might otherwise have entranced listening Senates with the thunders of eloquence or waked to ecstasy the living lyre, may call with full confidence. IYYARRIAGE• Married persots, or young men contemplating mar riage. being aware of physical weak 1101:R. organic debil ity, deformities. &c.. speedily cured. lie who places himself under the care of Dr. J. may religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, and confidently rely upon his skill as a physician. ORGANIC W.E:AKNESS Immediately cured, and full vigor restored. This die tressing affection—which renders life miserable and marriage impossible—is the penalty'paid by the victims of improper indulgences. Young persons are too apt to commis OXCORSOS from not being aware of the dreadful consequences that may ensue Now, who that under stands the subject will pretend to deny that the power of procreation is lost sooner by those falling into im proper habits than by the pt udentt Resides being de• prived the pleasures of healthy offspring. the most serious and destructive symptoms to both body and mind arise. The system becomes deranged. the physi• cal and mental functions sena oleo, loss of num . ..nth.° power. nervous init,ll hi lily.dyspepsia, palpitation of the heart. indigestion, constitutional debility. n west ing of the frame, cough, consumption .decay and death 01'3E0E1140 7 SOUEET.H T FREDERICK STR Left hand side going from Baltimore street, a few doors from the corner. Fail not to observe name and number Letters must be paid and contain a stamp. The Doc tor's Diplomas hang in his office. CURE WARRANTED IN TWO DRYS. No Mercury or Nauseous Drugs.—Dr. Johnston. mem per of the Royal College of , urgeons. London. 0 raduate from one of I ho most eminent Collcges In the United States, and the greater part of whose life has been spent In the hospitals of London, Paris, Philadelphia and elsewhere. has effected seine of the most astonishing cure , that wore ever known; many troubled eith ring ing In the head and, eats When asleep. great nervous ness, being alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfulnese, with frequent blushing. attended sometimes e fib de rangement of mind, were cured immediately. TA.ICE P RTICIIIAAR NOTICE. Dr..). addresses all those who bevel njored themselves by improper indulgence and solitary habits, which ruin both body and mind. unfitting, thorn fur either bus tress. st arty. society or marriage These are HOMO of the ,ad and melancholy effects produced by early heb•ts of youth, v Wt‘altness ref the back and limbs pains In the head ditnnessof sight, loss of muscular power, palpitation ot the heart tlyspep sy, nervous irritability. derangement of the digestive functions, general debility. symptoms of -on stint pi ion MENTALLY —The fearful effects on the tninu are much to be dreaded—los , of memory, confusion nt ideas. de pression of spirits, evil forebodings. inversion to society; eel r distrust, lOVO of solitude, timidity, Pc., are some of the evils pi...filmed. Thousands of persons of all ages ran now judge what Is the Calico of their declining beelth losing their Vitr o, becoming weak. pale. nervous and emac i a ted h a yi ng a singular appearance about the eyes, cough and symp toms of consumption. YOUNG WEN Who have injured themselves by a certain practice indulged in when alone. a habit frequently learned from evil cent 'lenient:, Or at sr hoot, the effect, of nrbich are nightly felt, even when asleep and it not cured renders eau risge impossible- and destroys hot In mind and body. should apply Immediately. What a pity that 113 01.111 g man. the hope of his rout-- try the darling of his parents. should he snatched from all prospects and a nj.lymento. , l try the VirllSl•quence of.deviatin_l_f_fom the path of nature rind indulging in a certain secret habit.. Such pertmns tiid Leib - Ai con temp,ating - - IVIALTIREAGE reflect that a pound nand and holy uro the most ne cessary requkites to promoto co uoutom h aproo ,„ ndood. without the.. the journey through lilr hoe , ane• weary pilg,r(range; the prospert hourly dark. us ti the clew: mind becomes shadowod with despair apt filled with the inelanehol) refleelion !hot the happiness 0 1 another becomes blighted with our own. niso.ll.sE OF IDIFRIJDESIC E When th , inispaided :Ind imprudent 1, otory ”f sure shin ihrit ha htv 1111kiliwit I he pattirtd dj,..ase. It too oflAin happens that an ill t inn.d sense ot shame ,or dread discovery. dig, F mini from applyina I'o those who. hunt education 10SpeCt.11).110y.. on h o f, l e nd twin. iiela‘ ti I symptorm , of tit: Irorrid oiSPaNt. tyke 1110 i r app.-arnin•el such LIS ulcerated sore throat. dlikvased no's. noottllll.ll. pains in the hood and I hubs dillitiftSf 01 , nodes on the .1110 bone , and tun", hitches nn the bead. face and pro, , sing with frightful rapidity. till at last the paint , . of the month nr Ihe hones of the in. and the victim o! this 111,1111 disease liecr,mos a horri 1 object of commiseration. till death puts a period to his dreadful suffering,. I, send ing him to that Undiscovered Country trill whence no traveller returns " It is a melancholy fact that thousands fall victims to this terrible dia - ease, owing to the titisk 11l fulnesv of ig norant pretenders. who, by the use of that 1.1041.111 pOl son, Mercury, rolls the constitution And mater the re shine of life miserable. STRANGERS Trust not your lives, or health, to the care of th. many unlearned and worthless pretenders destitute of knowledge, name or character, who copy Dr. Johnston's a iVertk o lllOnt l+ , or Ft , ' to the newqpnpers. regularly educated physicians. Incapable of curing th ey keep you t ritiintt month after mouth taking th a;r filthy and poisonous compounds Or a. long as this sma Host fee can be obtained, and in despair. leave you with ruined health to sigh over your galling disappointment Dr Johnston is the only l'hysician advertising ilk credentials or diplomas always hang In his office. Ms remedies or triatment aro unknown teal! others, preps reel front a life spent in the great hospltak of E u . rope. the first in the country and a more extensive private praetiee than any tu her physician In the world INDORSE➢I N OF THE PRESS 'Cho many tbounandn cured at tit s Instil alien year aped year. and the numerous Important Surgical d ipo. rations performed by lir. Johnston, witnessed It.) the reporters of the •' Sun." Clipper." and many other peers. modees of which have appeared again and again before Ihe public. besides his standing :t° it gentleman of character and responsibility, inn sufficient guarantee to the afflicted. SKIN DISEASES SPEEDILY CURED Persons writing should be particular in directing their letters to this Institution, in the following man ner: JOHN lit JOHNSTON, NI. D.. Of the Baltimore Lock Iloapital, Baltimore, MS May 29, 1803—ly . CUMBERLAND VALLEY• ANA ir 4r. FRANKLIN. RAIL ROADS. CHARGE OF HO URS. ON and after MONDAY, APRIL, 4th, 1804, Passenger Trains will run daily, as follows, (ounday excepted): FOR CIIAMBERSBURG AND lIARRI.RURG 7:00 A. M., Leave Ilagorotown, ‘• Greencastle, 7:37 " • 3.35 " .< Arr at 8,17 , 4:20 " Chninhorst,- Leave 8:33 " 12:55 " Leave Shippensburg 0:00 " 1:28 " New villa 0:3: " 1:28 " " Carlisle 10:10 " 2.42 " :Mechanicsburg 18:45 44 3:12 " Arrive at Harrisburg 11:15 " 3:40 " FOR CIIAMBERSBURG AND HAGERSTOWN : Leave Harrisburg 8:05 A. 1., 1:35 P. 51 Mechanicsburg 8:37 " 2:15 " arlisle 9:27 " 2:55 " " r owl? illo 10,02 3:29 " "- Sh pponsburg 10::43 .4 4:00 " !Arr at 11:10 .4• 4:30 " ChPmb " B' g. I Leave 11:10 " 4:40 " Leave Orevneast le 11:55 ~ 5:30 44 Arr. at Ilagerntown 12:33 " 0:10 " The Carlisle and Harrisburg ACCOMODATION TRAIN will leave as follows: Leave Carlisle tgss . A. M. .• Mechanicsburg C:25 " • Arrive at Harrirburg 0:55 " LOWN Harrisburg 4:20 P Si `;" Igechanicaburg 4.54 " Arrivn at Owlish, 6:20 making class con ertiois at Harrisburg with Trains for Plillattalabia. Now York and P.ttsburg ; and with Trains for all points Wont. Afir- Th. Train leaving Hari isburg at 4:20, P. M., rum; only us far as Carnal°. O. N. LULL, Sup't :uporintoodont's lace. Chamb'g. April 4. 1804. J The Confessions and Ex;erience. OF AN Published for the benefit. and as a {yarning end A OAU PION TO YOUNG. MEN who suffer from...NeryMpLP.ubility Pretnature Decay of Manhood, ote,supplyinc at the name time. ' TUE MEANS Ol? SIMI.' CURE. By ono who has cured himself after bping put to great expenne and injury though modioal humbug and quackery' ily auclosing a pont paid addressed envelope; single copies may pa had of the author. NATQAVIIiL MAYFAIR, Esq., Bedford, Kluge County, N. Y. B. lay 22; 12112.—1 Y rIEO. W. NEIDICH, D. D. S. _ -- Lato Demonstrator of 6 per alive Deptistry to the 'timbre Colle g e of 131134 1rivr. ''Otti t a l u S :r . gs r iTi;daon. oprositu Harlan Hall, WestiAlatu4street, Carlisle, Penn -N0T.11.1867. • NEW STORE. GEO. P. MYERS & SON, GREEN GROCERS. We have taken the Store Items formerly occupied by Greenfield at Shunter in East Main street, next door to the Jail, whore we intend to keep all kinds of QUFF:NbWARE and GROCERIFIi. Our stock is new and hest, carefully selected In the Easter, Cities. We in vite the public and friends in general to give us a call no examine our stock of goods as we are determined to sta.t curse vett CASII. Our a.tock consists In part of UOA RS, COFFEE, TEAS, SYRUPS, , ;olnEses C./ nee nsware. Willow ware, Cedar ware. Brooms Bruskkes,Cardsand Spices of every kind, warranted pure. Afgc, Green and Dried Fruit, Foreio at anal Domestic, and a full assortment cl ICri lee genorally. eV., et ilv trio b arrel or pound, Country prnuuce re e.k ur exchange for goods. G. P. ‘IYEItS & SUN. sl ,k olk 21). 1803. I)ItUU8, • BOOKS, FANCY. GOODS, CON FECT lON A RIES, FRUITS, PERFUMERY, PRESERVED FRUITS, MINCED MEAT, PICKLES, &C. S. %V. HA V ERSTICK, North Hanover Street, Parliole, I'enn'a. ❑asjutt opened an assortment of Fresh Drugs, Fan ey Goods, tint Bonito, Verthmery, Fruits, and Coulee- Ilona ry, tv Weil hna [sever been surpassed in this bur ough. for odvelty and elegance. 1..10 tirtielos have been selected with great ra e, and are calculated, in quality and pt ice, to co omand the attention at purchasers. FANCY tiOODS. whieln.omprisoevery varietyof lancyarticles of the most exquisite finish such as. Papier Macho Goads. Elegant alabaster and porcelain ink-stands and trays, Fancy Ivory, pearl and shell card cusos, Ladies' Fancy Baskets, Fancy Work Boxes, with sewing instruments, Ladies' Cabas, Writing Desks. and Port feline. Port Monnaios. of every variety. Gold pens and pencils, Fancy paper weights, and a large vitriety of ladles' Fancy statics. cry. Motto seals and wafers. Silk And bead purses, Riding whips. elegantly finished. Fine cutlery, Perfume baskets and bags, Brushes of every kind for the toilet, X. !taxi(' and It. k 0. Wright's Soaps and Perfumes of various kinds, Fancy Pins for head dresses and shawls. usical instrumeets, together with no Innumerable variety of articles elegant ly finished and suitable for PR E,' , 'ENTS, to which he invites special attention. tlso, an extensive and elegant collection of comprising various English and America.. Works, rklcly embellished 1. 3 0 E PICA L Welt ItiLles and 'Lyn) 'looks. elegantly bound in velvet with metal clasps and umbra Ills Assortment it school Books and School Stationery is also complete and comprises everything used In the Schools. Ilea 1.... desires to call the particular attun• t ine of Families to his elegant assortment 01 A)1 S , &c., Prow the extensive ,stahlishtnents .d Cornelius, Arch' i and others .4 Philadelphia. comprisinl, - every style Parlor. Chamber an•t ~turfy Lamp.. burnin,2 eithei Lard ',perm ai Elherial oil , al. DYlrri": , celebrated Kerosene or (out')11 Lamps, together with Flower 5 uses Pa res `cre.ins. tce. Ills assortment in this line iv 'lu ng U 311 1 ,1 in the borough. Also, ziEtoAlt.t3 AND TOBACCO, - embracing all the L. vorite braids. and a flue sararl mini ul rI I4li rtsr it Ali M - SMOIC P:ItS AND l'fl'ES: - •thr , celebrated killocerhillk Lynchburg Smoking 'I nbacco. i . It U I '1•~. hw•h as Orange', Lemons, Figs, haisins. Neetarinm., Prune', ve . BANCY CON V.,:t! Ait ph h- SEhN f.ictirrs, IM-,11.:AT, l'iCK LES, Sc., In ever, variety and at all priers. all lit which are pure and !revii,lich 2tG can he confidently recommended to hi'irionds His nbraee• everything in the lint , 01 Fallon ultny. other article s uset ul to. hou- keepers which the public are especially invited to call and examine r IlLunembto the lid a (And nearly oppcsite the lianh nn North Hanover Rtre Dor. 20 I'6l AE(. ,•1 It IVAL liFI?RII:SII 1 .1 Mt - Orr:RIES-1 , 1,H lire ALT. KINDS.. A inoti'g is it large lot of the real genuine Wilt) inoi.• dry ‘ialt iI E I NIL harms. NI AC K 5111.1 that i• astonishingly lace. Pickets oi .111 kinds. SAUCES, PRES FIIZVES, . and a .rood a , sortlnt nt of TOBACCO AND SEGARS. L I QU(I I? S , C , ho lsn est rate,. for CAST! Sr Country Produce. W M BEN'II, carll , l-. no '2l, 1'63. LOCIIMAN'!"; New Sky-Light Photographic and AmbrotYPe Gallery. ('1 L. LOC II MAN is happy to in form his nualerms ,00.honets, and the public gene rally, that he hits noun •Vroi his c , tahlit•htnent to his New tS7 Light 1; , the 111111 lin2: i erlitded by Mrs NWT: as.a Lzt.,re, opposite the Cumberland Valley hank Locliman Is now able will his s•detiditi light. and the .if new and peitsiVe appaiatUN, Ihr very best titan uractured, to produce PIIiiTOORAPIIS. CARTES OF. VISITE, A r.t DUO TYPES, AND EVERY STYLE OF PICTURES equal to the lent mule in Phil:Ml.lolin Or > ens York Pictures can be taken now equally well hi elot.h its in rim, Wrath, DAguerreotypes or A tnliroty pen of deceased pores copi.•ii enlarged. "I' 111,411.• into cartes de visite. l'arlisle, Nov ..1i,i1h1,2. S ELLING OFF AT TW ENTIT-FIV '.;ENT. BELOW CI IST I I At tho sign 01 the —Gold Eagle."ll doors above lb Oumborta ad Volley bank, and too doers below the Methodist. Church on Went Main street, the largest and best selected stock 01 wATenEs AND JEWELRY In the,town, will be sold 31) per ret lower than at any placeln the State Thoodock comprises a large assort ment of bold and Silver hunting-case watches. Leverg, Lupines, American watches, and all other kinds and styles, GOLD AND SILVER CHAINS, Gold Pons and l'enclis—lowerry of all kinds, Spectacles Gold and Silvor, Plated and Silver Ware, MUSIC BOXES, ACCORDEONS, 011 a great variety of fancy articles, &c. The entire stock of %Watchmaker tools, cases, large Mirrors, and Safe will be sold wholesale or retail on the onslcst terms. flaring selected a first class workman all kinds of re• pairing will be done as usual, at reduced prices. Carlisle. Jane 1863 NEW GOOFS! NEW GOODS!! OMNI AT OG 'LEW'S CHEAP CASH STORE. lam now opening a second supply of elegant an now style Kill Ooods, which I will sell at the very lowest figure for cash. ELEGANT DRESS GOODS, such as Nlerluoes, Alpachas, Silks. De !alines, Tureen Cloth, Uepps, eshmeres. Poll De (Merlon+, &e. &c. LADIES CLOIII MANTLES AUL) SHAWLS, Balmoral Skirts, French Coreotte, Hoods, dockage, Nu bian, Ladles Veers. Ac. &o. A complete assortment of goods for Ehlldrens wear of all hinds. Ticking, Oinghams Checks, Musllns, Flannels, Blanket (at the lowest pole.. Gents Department. cuyr js, cAssimEitEs, V ISE mos. Ac, A 101 l as Fortn en t of Rents Shirts. Drawers. Gloves. Collars, Sue piled i/ Ts, Cravats, Nee Ties, Ac. Particular attention paid to this department. I now• buy exclusively for cash, and sellnt, very short profits for the each. I eau enabled from my long expe rience in the business, to offer uly old friends and cue tomere . great Inoue, minas In their purchases All persons Di want of handsome and cheap weals. will plea.° to call and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. Recollect the place M cat Main St , nearly opposite the Depot. t . . CHAS. °RUDY, Trustee. N. B All Clolh• Casslmores and Westlogs. will be rondo up to order, (If desired) by on experienced work man. 0. 0. Penn Mutual Life Insuranbe Co. ASSETTS $1,221,289 71. Li t e Insurance Policies, on favorable Terms. r 1 1 11 E. Board of Trustees have', declared a Scrip Dividend of FORTY PER CENT. w en the rash premiums received In DM, on all Policies in force on the list December, and have dor! ded to receive all the scrip issued up 'to, and including January 1852 in payment of Premiums. , The undersigned is ready to deliver certificates to parties entitled to receive them at the Carlisle agency, at his office on Maln . Street; al any tufts atter zhe'date of this notice. PaMplitets. tables of rates, appllcationsand overy.'in formation furnished without charge. A. L. SPONSLInt, • Maieli 95,1851-- at. • Agent. • CIME32 6. W. HAVER,TICH = READING RAILROAD. O-4,;POR. rzdi ; ;At* , 7117 WINTER ARRANGEMENT. GREAT Trunk Line from the North and North• Wast for Philadelphia, New York Read ing, Pottsville, Lebanon, Allentown, Easton, Ate ,&e. Trains leave Harrisburg for Philadelphia, New-York. Reading Pottsville, and all Intermediate Stations, at 8 A. M„ and 2 P. rd. New YOrk Express leaven Harrisburg at 6,30 A. M., arrlvlt.jr at New York at 1.45 the same day. A speck' A ecomothltion rassenaer train leaven READ 100 at 7.15 A 31., and returns from Ilarrinbuyk at 6 P M. Faren fro, liarrishurg: To New-York 85 15; to Phil. adelphin 1:3 31 and ¢Y 80. Baggage checked Rotunda', !PIM, Nelv-York at It A Al. 12 noon. and 7 P Al., (Pi d.shorg h;.oress arriving at Parri,burg at. 2 A NI ) Leave Phlladelphia at 815 A, M., and 3 3 ) P. M. ,leepittg, ears in the New York. Express Trains to and from Pittsburg without change. Passengers by the ttatawissa Railroad leave Tamaqua at 0.50 A. M and 2.15 P. 91 , for Philadelphia, New•, York, and all Way Points Trains leave Pottsville at 9 15 A. 51., and 2.30 P. 51., for Philadelphia. Ilarrisbur and New York. A. Accommodation Passenger train leaves Rending ate 30 A. 51 , and returns from Philadelphia at 4do P. 51. Ritiy-All the above trains run daily, Sundays except ed A Sunday train leaves Pottsville at 7 30 A. M., and Philadelphia a , 3 15 P. 51. Commutation, Ililealre, Season. and Exclusion Tick ets at reduced rates' to nod from all points. 80 Pounds Baggage allowed each Pas enger. G. A. NICOLLS, Dec. 11, 1883. General Superintendent. C ARLISLE AND PIIILADELPIILA •114 = • • 4464 1r ."1 - .arc"" 4 44. ar e FREIGHT LINE. FREED, WARD & FREED, 811 MARKET STREET, PIIILADELPIIIA. , & D. it IIOADS. MAIN STREET, CARLISLE, PA, Cars of this Line leave the Depot 811 Market s.' Daily, at 4 o'clock. I'. M. Leave Carlisle. Daily, at 7 ~ ' clock. A M. Goodsintended for this Line should be narked C. P. Daily Freight Line, and sent in by 4 o'clock. May 25, 1859. HAT AND CAP EMPORIUM ! /rile undersigned having purchased the stock. &c., of the Into Win 11. Trout deed. wo'ild respectfully announce to the public that be will con• tinuo th. IIArI'ING BUSINESS at the old stand, in Wo,t Iligh street. and with a renewed and efficient effort, produce nrticles of !lead Dress of. Every Variety, Style and Quality, that shAl be at rictly beeplpgivith the„.44grovgnteul of the Art, and fully up to the age In which we live. I have on hand a splendid . 41 ' 4 assortment of HATS AND CAPS, '6 Q; ., /dr-- of all descriptions, from the common Wool to the finest FUR AND SILK lIATS; and at pricer. that must suit every one who has an eye to getting the worth ot his money. The stoch includes, LFSK N, CASSI MERE. BEATER & FELT RATS, of every style and color and unsurpassed for LICHT NESS MIRA iIILITY AND FINISH: by those of any id her estaldishment in the country. M EN'S, BOYS' and CHILDREN'S HATS and CAPS, ol.eyery_irscriptiotvonstuntb An hand,. Ile respectfully invites all the old plitrons . iiitl . a nian,y . new ones as possible. to give bin: a rail C'ALLiff: Apr 25. ISro—ly A. B. EWING'S FURNITURE WARE-ROOM S 6 2 • _ , • -,241,4161. s 2 West High Street, arlisle, Pa. ( Premium awarded at the Cumber?f:nd County . . iyricultural l'azr of 1857.) The• Subscriber has just received the most splendid issortmont oi articles in his line, ever brought to this place—, hiel, he is determined to sell at prices that de ly competition. Yarlics, 1 Fltamber t Dining-room, }FURNITURE. Kliclien and omen Einlirnolng every article used by 11.1.1F0 and lintel keepets, of the most approved and lashionable design and finish. I ncluding M 151) Cottage furnit ate in setts. reception and Camp Chairs, Mattrisses, Gilt frames, ',lets. es. dc , Orr Particular attention given as usual to funerals; orders frau, town and country, attended to promptly 91.1 on moderate terms. A. B. £ 1.1,43 12 I SAP —l3. FIow:ARO .A.S[UCIATHo. .111, AI) E L II I A Ilene, leni Institution, established by special 135 'lour wind for the reliel oi the sick and distressed. afflicted x ith ii ulent and Epidemic diseases. and especially tor the Cure of Diseases of the Sexual Organs MEDICAL ADVICE given gratis. by the Acting Sur germ. all ult. apply I.). feller. o ith a description of Weil condition. (age. occupation. habits of life, he.,) and in cases al extreme poverty, Idedicines furnished free o,fellart e. V ALIJA It }WORTS on Spermatorrhcea. and other Diseases of the Sexual Oreans. end on the INN II DM EDI I A employed in the Dispensary sent to the afflicted in sealed lettm envelopes. lice of charge Two or three Stamps for postage will Le acceptable Address 1 1 11..1. SKILLS!): ItouonT9N. Acting Sur geon. How and Association. No 2 South Ninth Street Philadelphia. In. By order of the Directors EZRA I). II EARTWELL, Presiden 0 EO. FAIRCHILD. Secretary. March 8. 1861.-Is. Nen & Boy's Clothing Bazaar. Second arrival of the ,Season. lIE undersigned would most respect fully inform his old friends and customers and the public generally, that be has commenced - the CLOTHING AND FURNISHING business in all ler branch-es In the f tore Boom of J. A. Il umerich Esq .00 the West corn er of Hanover and West lerutber street, where he has opened one of the finest and most fashionable selection of ready made clothing Ire.. in the Borough of Carlisle. Ills stock consists-in groat varieties us follows, air: MENS AND II)Y'S COAT. do do. do PANTALOONS. do. do do. VESTS. Sults for Ilnys,trom 5 to 15 years of age. Shirts, Melton Flannel and Cassimere Bosoms. Drawers ' Sus ponderer, Crnva a. a variety of Fancy Neck Ties, Linen and Paper Collars, Men's Linen and Silk Handker chiefs, Umbrellas. FRENCH AND SOLE LEA CHER TRUNKS AND VALISE& Carpet and leather Travelling Bags, Ac All the abcve goods will be sold for Cash, at the very lowest pricestlm and the City Markets will }rear lfy Purchasers will please call and examine for them selves, before purchasing elsewhere, as my motto la quick vales and short profits. SAMUEL C. 'MVP:TT. • May 1,1863--3 m. Agent. I'. S. Particular attention given to Boys clothing. SPRINfI TRADE. 18631. NEW GOODS 1 !I MOW offering an immense variety of Lleurrns, CASS.MERES, VIiSIiNGS, • COTTON GOODS &0.. For Men and Boys' Wear, in a larger variety. than can be bound In any ()stab lisliment in Ibis place, and at as low prices as can be sold any where. to soh taste and' pocket. We mane• facture the above goods to order. in tho latest styles, or sell per yard. Customers wishing to have the goods boughtvuf us, cut can be accommodated, free of chat ge, An early Inspection of our goods and prices, respectful: ly solicited. . _ ISAAC LIVINGSTON, North Jlanover Street Clothing Emporium March 13, 1863 , PAINTS AND OILS.- IL 10 Tons White Lead. 1000 Gallons of oil. Just received with a large aesortment of Varnish Fel, Fire Proof Paint. Turpeotine, FlOrence White, Japan, White Zinc Putty, Colored Zinc, . ' , 'Lltharge. lied Lead, Whiting, ' Boliod 011, Glue, Lard 011, • Shellac; ' Sperm Oil, .. Paint Brushirs, Nish Oil, Sm., Colors of ovary description dry, aiad 0111 n cans and tubes at the Hardware Store of Carlisle, 00ti.25,1801 ITM BELTING.! Tr Just rocelvod a large astiortment of all stiee Gum Minium, Gum nose,' Gum Policing., sc., and for sato cheap at UM fliirdwaro Store of - Jutiofr.t, 1868. - It. SAXTON NEW COAL ANDLUDIBER YARD• 'The subscribers have this day entered into part uership to trade in JOA , II, AND LUMBER, We will have constantly ontand and furnish to order all kinds and quality of seasoned LUMBER, FIUME STUFF, Paling, Plastering Lath, Shingling Lath, worked Floor• lug and Weatherboarding, Posts and Rails, and every ar ticle that belongs to a LIIIIIIIEII 1 , A LT). All kinds of Shingles, to wit: 'A hitepine, lietnlock and Oak, of different qualities. Having Care of our own we can furnish bills to order of any length and size at the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. Our worked boards will be kept under corer be that they can be furnished dry at all times. have'coustantly on hand all kinds of Family Con) under cover. which we will deliver clean to any pert od the borough. To wit LYKEN,9 VALLEY, LUKE FIDDLER, TREVORTON, LOCUST MOUNTAIN, ',ORRERY. which we pledge ourselvee to sell at the lowest priced., Bost quality of Limeburner'a and Blackamith'3 Coal, always on hand which we will sell at the lowest Situps Yard west side of Grammar School, Main street. ARMSTRONG & 11OFFER. July 20,1862 WATCIIES, JEWELRY, AND SILVER-WARLAT CONLYN'S old established Stand, West ,Main St., nearly opposite the Cumberland Valley Bank. I have just received a new assortment of watches, ewelry. medallions. silver. ware, &c.. in addition to my ormer stock to which I invite the attention of the public, The assortment embraces fine gold and silver lever watsthes, Hunting and open casa do , gold An chors for Ladies and Gentlemen and Silver Lepines and Quartier watches ol every vallety in style and price. Also fine gold Medallions. ffreast-pins for Ladles and Gentlemen of every quality, pattern and price. Gold fob, vest.'curb and neck chains. Gold bracelets. finger rings, cuff-pins, studs, sleeve-buttons, crosses, charms, &c., &c. Gold and silver thimbles, 'Ailver and plated butter knives, forks, table, tea, salt and mustard spoons of every variety. A large assortment of gold, silver 4 0 e # 4 5-aand common spectacles, to suit all ages to which we invite special atten• Mon. A tine lot of GOLD PENS from the beet makers, spectacle cases, fancy boxes, silver and pearl card cases, gold and common bracel-As, watch chains, Mantle Clocks and a variety of article, ven ally kept in Jewelry establishments, which /..;j.j• I will sell low for. cash. All articles war. 1 : 1 111111:): ranted to be what they are represented. Particular attention paid as usual to :Z" , WATCH REPAIRING and all work war. • ranted. Dec. 23, 1857.1 QECOND SPRING ARRIVAL.- LARGE SUPPLIES FOIt THE HEAD AND FEET At the store ofJohn Irvine, on the N. E. corner the public square. is the place to purchase Boots Shoes Hats-&-Capv - at - prlcea't Ile has just returned from the East with the largest and most complete assortment of Boots. Shoes, lints & Caps that he has ever presented to this community, and which he is determined to sell at the lowest possi ble prices. His stock embraces everything In ltibline of business, such as MEN'S & BOYS' FINE CALF BOOTS, Kip Boots, Calf and Patent Leather Ox ford Tire, Cn and Patent Leather Gaiters, Calf Nullifiers, Call and Kip Brogans, Slippers, &r. LADIES' WEAR. Fine French and Bug Gish Lasting Gaiters, Morocco Calf and Kid hoots, Fine Kid Slippers, Fancy Slippers Morocco. and Kid Buskinii, 1 1 MISSES AND CHILDREN'S WEAR otall descriptions embracing llne Lasting Gaiters, lilorocem'and Lasting Button 13Mits - .lro - fa Irrafiti - 61" , fancy shoes of various styles slippers. &c. teC.l'9TSlllC:Tanlirittre;Fur of all qualities and styles, also a large assortment of Roots and Shoes made to ordbr at the shortest netts Repairing promptly done. Conflth nt of his ability t please all classes of customers, he respectfully in Ito the public to give him a call. in_ Remember the place, N. E. corner of the Pub is S Lucre. May 30, '6O REMOVAL GREErNFIELD 8t SHEAFER —yy Air h 7 removed ore Room, t s o out t h heir t c new . rat,ni an d ket Square, opposite Irvine's Shoe Store. Ilavitmjust returned from New York and Philadelphia. with an immense variety of Dices Goods, we are prepared to cffer superior inducements, to any other House in the country. I'lain Alpacas all ' Knobby' Shades, single and double width. Brocade Oriental !metres, all shades, Plain and Plaid Poplins. more beautiful] than any silk, at one half the cost, of silks, Pormee, Mixtures, De Laines Challies, Lawns, Organdies, Chintses, Sze. Domestic Goods. A heavy stock of Prints, Checks, Muslins, Gingham', Cottonades, Drills, &c., will be sold et reasonable rates. MOURNING GOODS. Mourning Goods to be offered at astonishingly low prices. Bombazines, Cashmeres, Snippier Reps, Alpacas, Plain Bareges, all wool Be Latium; single and double width, very e sap. Cloths and Cassimeres. A good assortmont of Cloths. and the largest variety of Fancy Casskeen!, ever offered to this market. Also, our usual aesortineul of Notions, Gloves, Trimmings, GREENFIELD & SHEAFER, South East Corner iSla.ket Square, opposite Irvine's Shoe Store. 211ault 20, 1863 THE subscriber has removed his Hat and Cop Store to the opposite side of the Street, to the house Strinerly occupied by P. ltlonyer, and next door to Common's Shoe Store. having a mot h larger room, I have lucre sed my stock of goods, so that I am now prepared to furnish the public with all the new styles of HATS, , CAPS, AND STRAW HATS, t prices to suit the times. My stock consists of Silk, Cas•lmore and Russia lints, all kinds and prices of soft hats, city well as home manufacture, from the com mon wool up to the finest ItusAlt and Nutrn. A good assortment of men and ho) raps Also, mons, boys. and ehildrens fancy straw hats.— Having improved means fur man ufactur lag, any Lind or shape of hats mill be made to order. at short notice. Being a practical Hatter, telly understandinc the business, I hope by strict attention to receive a liberal patronage. - - - JOHN A. KELLER, Agt. P. S. Old bate colored and repaired at moderate prices. April 17, 1862. JA DIES R. WEAVER'S CA B I N E T A D -,10444:44:4 CHAIR 51 A NC I'ACTOR Yt NORTH lA►NOVER STREET, CARLISLE, PA. Having boon engaged in the business for over twenty years he would return thanks to hie customers and friends, fur the liberal encouragement extended to him In years gone by, and further assures them that no pains will bo spared, to give full satisfaction to all who may favor him with a call. of every description constantly on band, or made to order. Warranted to be of the best quality, of the la test style, well finished, and solu at the lowest possible prices for cash. Ile also continues business as an IINIjEIhABER. Ready made Collins, Metallic or otherwise. lrept con stantly on hand and funerals promptly attended to personally In town or country, on the most reasonable terms. Cherry and Walnut Collins, large site, AOll finished and lined inside, from 8 to 12 dollars. Walnut Coffins covered from 15 to 30 dollars. JAMES It. WEAVED. , May 25,1850-Iy. QTILL TRIUMPHANT. Ll The complete success of the Prairie Flower Cook Stove, warrants the subscriber in calling the attention of all who may want t superior stove to call and ex amine the only stove that has given universal satisfac tion. Ist. A saving of from 80 to 60 per cent. in fuel. 2nd. A hotter and quicker Oven from the same Ore, Bd. A larger Oven than any other stove of lhe sato 4th. The preservation of the centre piece from sinking saving repairs, • 6th. The boat Baku., Roaster, and Cook nowin use, 6th. A superior arrangement for cleaningthe toes, th. A,parfect Gas Consumer for either wo, d or coal. The Prairie Rowel' is warm ted to givisatisfaction In every particular, and will be shown with pleasure to all who may 411, whether desiring to purchase or not, any quantity Of reference in town cr country. A few other good Cook Stoves on hand, which will be sold very low to close stock. Spouting, Roofing, Job work,.Copper-smithlng and Shooting work promptly attended to. in town or coun try. All work warranted at the old stand, ilanover street north of Loather. MARY M. MOBRIB. N. B. Old Copper, Brass and router bought, and, the highest price paid in cash or goods. March 28. 1860.—tf, DR, Will. H. 'COOK; - HOMOEOPATHIC PRYAIitiAN. Surgeon and Accoucheqr. (AFFTOE rat his residenCe in South Hanover street a4w doors south of the Liiieond Presbyterian Church, Carlisle. , II KNRY SAXTON. BOARDS, BCANTLINO, Broken, Egg, Stove and Nu ft do. do. dd THOMAS CONLYN STRAW IIA T,S JOIIN IRVINE HO ! i OR HELLER'S lIAT AND CAP STORE. CHAIRS AND FURNITURE, WU AT IS CLAIMED OVER °TILERS IS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers